Teksta versija
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

29 August 1985;
31 October 1985;
26 December 1985;
20 June 1986;
2 December 1986;
26 February 1987;
23 April 1987;
12 June 1987;
30 July 1987;
9 December 1987;
26 May 1988;
30 May 1988;
23 June 1988;
29 July 1988;
19 May 1989;
30 November 1989;
1 March 1990;
15 May 1990;
3 December 1990;
21 December 1990;
2 January 1991;
19 February 1991;
12 March 1991;
6 August 1991;
10 September 1991;
25 September 1991;
7 January 1992;
5 February 1992;
11 March 1992;
7 April 1992;
28 April 1992;
18 June 1992;
1 July 1992;
11 July 1992;
25 August 1992;
3 November 1992;
5 January 1993;
19 January 1993;
6 April 1993;
20 April 1993;
11 May 1993;
1 June 1993;
4 November 1993;
17 February 1994;
28 July 1994;
19 July 1995;
11 April 1996;
28 May 1997;
19 June 1997;
2 October 1997;
12 February 1998;
14 May 1998;
17 June 1998;
14 October 1998;
23 March 2000;
14 June 2001;
20 December 2001;
Constitutional Court judgment 20 June 2002;
13 March 2003/1;
13 March 2003/2;
13 March 2003/3;
20 March 2003;
10 April 2003;
8 May 2003;
15 May 2003;
29 May 2003;
12 June 2003;
19 June 2003;
15 October 2003;
16 October 2003;
11 December 2003;
25 March 2004;
22 April 2004/1;
22 April 2004/2;
27 May 2004;
Constitutional Court judgment 7 July 2004;
9 September 2004/1;
9 September 2004/2;
25 November 2004;
22 December 2004;
20 January 2005;
17 March 2005;
15 September 2005;
22 December 2005;
22 June 2006;
14 December 2006/1;
14 December 2006/2;
8 February 2007;
17 May 2007/1;
17 May 2007/2;
7 June 2007;
21 June 2007;
27 September 2007;
20 December 2007;
17 April 2008;
3 July 2008;
9 October 2008;
20 May 2010;

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.


Latvian Administrative Violations Code


Chapter One
General Provisions

Section 1. Tasks of the Administrative Violations Legislation

The task of administrative violations legislation is to protect public order, property, socio-economic, political and personal rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the rights and legal interests of merchants, institutions and organisations, the specified management procedures, State and public order, to strengthen legality, to prevent right violations, to educate citizens in a spirit of precise and strict observance of laws, to inculcate a full of respect attitude in them towards the rights of other citizens, honour and self-esteem towards the provisions of social life, upright attitude towards the duties thereof and liability to the public.

For the implementation of this task the Administrative Violations Code shall determine, which action or inaction shall be acknowledged as an administrative violation, and what administrative sanction, by which institution (official) and in accordance with which procedures may be imposed upon a person who has committed an administrative violation.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 28 July 1994; 17 March 2005]

Section 2. Administrative Violations Legislation

[28 May 1997]

Section 3. Competence of the USSR in Administrative Violations Legislation

[21 December 1990]

Section 4. Competence of the Republic of Latvia in Administrative Violations Legislation

[21 December 1990]

Section 5. Right of Local Government City Councils (Parish Councils) to Provide for Administrative Liability

Local government city councils (parish councils) are entitled to issue binding regulations and provide for administrative liability regarding violation thereof in the cases specified in the Law On Local Governments.

[22 June 2006]

Section 6. Prevention of Administrative Violations

[28 May 1997]

Section 7. Ensuring Lawfulness when Applying Coercion Measures for Administrative Violations

A coercion measure may not be applied to anyone regarding administrative violations otherwise than on the basis of the Law or in accordance with the procedures specified by the Law.

Record-keeping regarding administrative violations shall be performed under strict observance of legality.

Administrative coercion measures shall be applied by authorised institutions and officials within the competence thereof and strictly in accordance with the Law.

Observance of the requirements of the law, in applying coercion measures regarding administrative violations, shall be ensured by systematic control effected by higher authorities and officials, supervision of the public prosecutor, the right of appeal and in other ways specified in the Law.

[11 July 1992; 28 July 1994]

Section 8. Force of the Law in Applying Liability Regarding Administrative Violations

A person who has committed an administrative violation shall be liable in accordance with the law, which was in force at the time and place of the committing of the violation.

Acts which mitigate liability regarding administrative violations or release from such shall have a retrospective effect, that is, it shall apply also to violations which were committed prior to the coming into force of the relevant act. Acts, which determine or aggravate liability regarding administrative violations, shall not have a retrospective effect.

Record-keeping regarding administrative violations shall be performed in accordance with the Law, which is in force at the time and place of the violation adjudication.



Chapter Two
Administrative Violation

Section 9. Concept of an Administrative Violation

An administrative violation shall be acknowledged as an unlawful, blameable (committed with intent or through negligence) action or inaction, which endangers State or public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens or management procedures specified and regarding which administrative liability is specified in the Law.

Administrative liability shall arise regarding violations indicated in this Code, if criminal liability has not been provided for regarding these violations by the nature thereof in accordance with the laws in force.

The special features of the administrative liability of the owner (possessor) of a source of increased danger may be specified in other laws.

[11 July1992; 28 May 1997; 23 March 2000]

Section 10. Commitment of an Administrative Violation with Intent

An administrative violation shall be acknowledged as committed with intent, if the person who has committed it knew the unlawful character of the action or inaction thereof, foresaw the harmful consequences thereof and desired or knowingly allowed such consequences to result.

Section 11. Commitment of an Administrative Violation Through Negligence

An administrative violation shall be considered to be committed through negligence if the person who has committed it foresaw the possibility that the harmful consequences of his or her action or inaction would result but carelessly relied on these being prevented, or did not foresee the possibility that such consequences would result, although he or she should and could have foreseen such.

Section 12. Age at Which Administrative Liability Applies

Persons, who have attained 14 years of age on the day of the committing an administrative violation, shall be subject to administrative liability.

[23 March 2000]

Section 12.1 Application of Compulsory Measures of a Correctional Nature to Minors

Compulsory measures of a correctional nature may be applied to minors at the age from 14 up to 18 years regarding commitment of an administrative violation.

Compulsory measures of a correctional nature may be applied also to minors at the age from 11 up to 14 years, if they have committed a violation regarding which administrative liability has been provided for in the law.

[13 March 2003]

Section 13. Liability of Minors [19 July 1995]

Section 14. Liability of Officials

Officials shall be subject to liability for administrative violations for failure to observe the provisions in effect in the fields of management procedures, State and public order, environment and health protection of inhabitants, as well as failure to observe other provisions the ensuring of performance of which is included in the duties of office thereof.

[12 March 1991; 28 April 1992; 17 March 2005]

Section 14.1 Corporate Liability

In special cases provided for in this Code and binding regulations issued by local government councils (parish councils) legal persons shall be subject to liability for administrative violations. Persons performing commercial activity, but which are not legal persons, shall be subject to liability for administrative violations as legal persons.

[22 June 2006]

Section 15. Liability of Soldiers and Other Persons Subject to Disciplinary Regulations (By-laws) regarding Administrative Violations

A soldier shall be held liable according to the general procedure for an administrative violation committed outside the fulfilment of duties of active service, but for an administrative violation committed by a soldier during performance of the duties of active service, he or she shall be subject to disciplinary liability.

The referred to persons, who have committed administrative violations, may be subject to administrative detention, but administrative arrest may not be applied to them.

Other persons to whom disciplinary regulations or special by-laws regarding discipline apply, except for the persons referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, shall be disciplinarily liable for administrative violations in the cases provided for in such regulations and by-laws, but in other cases - administratively liable according to general procedures.

[21 December 1990; 10 September 1991; 28 May 1997; 19 June 1997; 13 March 2003]

Section 16. Liability of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons

Foreign nationals and stateless persons, in the territory of Latvia, shall be subject to administrative liability on the basis of the same regulations as citizens of the Republic of Latvia, if it is not otherwise provided for in this Code. The matter regarding liability shall be settled in a diplomatic way regarding administrative violations which have been committed by foreign nationals in the Republic of Latvia which, in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Latvia in force and international agreements, are not subject to the administrative jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia.

[28 April 1992]

Section 17. Acts of Extreme Necessity

A person shall not be subject to administrative liability although he or she has committed an action provided for in this Code or in other regulatory enactments, which determine administrative liability regarding administrative violations, if he or she has acted in a state of extreme necessity, i.e., in order to prevent danger which threatens State or public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, management procedures specified, if it was not possible to prevent this danger by other means under certain circumstances and if the damage committed is less than the prevented damage.

[11 July 1992]

Section 18. Necessary Self-defence

A person shall not be subject to administrative liability although he or she has committed an action provided for in this Code or in other regulatory enactments, which determine administrative liability regarding administrative violations, if he or she has acted in the state of necessary self-defence, i.e., defending from illegal threat to State or public order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, management procedures specified, thus committing damage to the endangering person, but without violation of the limits of self-defence.

[11 July 1992]

Section 19. Mental Incapacity

A person who, at the time of the committing of the unlawful action or inaction, was in a state of incapacity, that is, was not able to understand the acts thereof due to a chronic mental illness, temporary interruption to mental function, mental deficiency or other morbid condition.

Section 20. Transfer of Material of an Administrative Violation for Examination to a Member Court, Public Organisation or Work Collective

[3 November 1992]

Section 21. Possibility to be Released from Administrative Liability in the Case of Pettiness of the Violation

If a committed administrative violation is petty, an institution (official), which has been authorised to apply a sanction, may release a violator from administrative liability and restrict itself to an oral admonishment.

An administrative violation committed in road traffic, if the fine intended for it does not exceed LVL 10 and if this violation has not caused threats to other participants in road traffic or property thereof, may be considered as petty.

[28 July 1994; 16 October 2003]

Chapter Three
Administrative Sanction

Section 22. Objective of Administrative Sanction

Administrative sanction is the means of liability and shall be applied in order to educate a person, who has committed an administrative violation, in the spirit of law abiding and respecting provisions of social life, as well as in order to prevent the violator of the rights, as well as other persons, from committing new violations.

[11 July 1992]

Section 23. Types of Administrative Sanction

The following administrative sanctions may be applied for the commitment of an administrative violation:

1) a warning;

2) a fine;

3) [28 May 1997];

4) the confiscation of the administrative violation object or the instrument of commitment;

5) a forfeiture of special rights assigned to a person;

51) a prohibition to obtain the right to drive a means of transport for a certain period of time;

52) a prohibition for a specified period to obtain a licence to drive a recreational craft;

6) a forfeiture of rights to hold particular offices, or the forfeiture of rights to specified or all forms of commercial activities;

7) [28 May 1997]; and

8) administrative arrest.

The administrative sanctions referred to in Paragraph one, Clauses 4-6 and 8 of this Section may be specified only by the law.

[21 December 1990; 12 March 1991; 28 May 1997; 12 June 2003; 16 October 2003; 17 March 2005; 3 July 2008]

Section 24. Basic Administrative Sanctions and Additional Sanctions

The confiscation of an object and instrument of commitment, the forfeiture of special rights, as well as the forfeiture of rights to hold particular offices or the forfeiture of rights to specified or all forms of commercial activities may be applied both as a basic sanction or an additional sanction. Prohibition for a certain period of time to obtain a driving licence to drive a means of transport or a recreational craft may be applied only as an additional sanction. Other administrative sanctions referred to in Section 23, Paragraph one of this Code may be applied only as basic sanctions.

For each administrative violation one basic sanction may be applied, or one basic sanction and one or several additional sanctions.

[15 September 2005; 3 July 2008]

Section 25. Warning

A warning as an administrative sanction shall be expressed in writing. In cases specified by law, a warning may be recorded in another specified form.

Section 26. Fine

The maximum fine, which shall be imposed for administrative violations on a natural person (except for the administrative violations specified in Sections 61, 62, 82, 82.1, 82.2, 87.1, 88.7, 114.2, 114.3, 150.2, 150.3 and 152 of this Code), shall be LVL 500, but for legal persons (except for the administrative violation provided for in Section 114.2 of this Code) - LVL 10 000. The minimum amount of a fine for administrative violations shall be LVL 1.

In the cases specially provided for in the Code a fine regarding violations in the field of finance shall be determined as a percentage of the value of the financial transaction (amount), not taking into account the condition specified in Paragraph one of this Section regarding the maximum amount of the fine, but up to 30% from the value of the financial transaction (amount).

Local government councils (parish councils) may approve binding regulations, in which a fine regarding violation thereof may be specified for natural persons up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

It is prohibited to pay a fine imposed on officials from the funds of merchants, institutions or organisations.

A fine imposed on a legal person shall be paid from the funds of the legal person.

[3 December 1990; 28 April 1992;4 November 1993;19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 17 June 1998; 14 October 1998; 23 March 2000; 14 June 2001; 17 March 2005; 15 September 2005;22 December 2005; 22 June 2006; 14 December 2006; 20 December 2007; 3 July 2008].

Section 27. Forfeiture of an Object - Tool or Direct Object of Commitment of an Administrative Violation - for a Consideration

[28 May 1997]

Section 28. Confiscation of an Administrative Violation Object or an Instrument of Commitment

The confiscation of an administrative violation object or an instrument used in its commitment shall mean the forcible transfer thereof without compensation to the ownership of the State. Only objects in the personal ownership of the violator may be confiscated, but in matters regarding violations in trade, commercial activity, in the field of customs or regarding the violations in connection with goods, which are subject to excise duty - also objects owned by other persons.

The procedures for application of confiscation and the list of objects not to be confiscated shall be determined by this Code and other regulatory enactments.

[4 November 1993; 28 May 1997; 19 June 1997; 23 March 2000; 17 March 2005]

Section 29. Forfeiture of Special Licences Assigned to a Person

Special licences (a licence to drive a means of transport, a licence to drive a recreational craft, hunting licence, fishing licence, a licence to acquire, possess and carry firearms or high energy pneumatic weapons) granted to a person may be taken away for a period of up to 5 years regarding gross or systematic violation of procedures for use of these licences.

The period of time of forfeiture of such licences may not be less than 15 days, if it is not otherwise specified in regulatory enactments.

For a person for driving a means of transport or a recreational craft under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of narcotics or other intoxicating substance for the time period of the sanction for the committed violation both the licence to drive a means of transport and the licence to drive a recreational craft shall be taken away.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995; 15 October 2003; 16 October 2003; 22 April 2004; 9 September 2004;15 September 2005;3 July 2008]

Section 29.1 Forfeiture of Rights to Hold Particular Offices, or the Forfeiture of Rights to Specified or All Forms of Commercial Activities

The right to hold particular offices or the right to specified or all forms of commercial activities, may be deprived of for a period of from 1 up to 3 years. This sanction shall be applied by a district (city) court (judge).

[12 March 1991; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 17 March 2005]

Section 29.2 Prohibition to Obtain a Licence to Drive a Means of Transport for a Certain Period of Time

A prohibition to obtain a licence to drive a means of transport for a certain period of time shall be applied to drivers of means of transport who do not have such a licence and who have committed a violation regarding which the forfeiture of the licence to drive a means of transport is provided for. The prohibition shall apply to all categories of means of transport, except for a bicycle, irrespective of the category of the means of transport with which the violation has been committed.

The time period of prohibition to obtain a licence to drive a means of transport shall be determined in accordance with the time period for forfeiture of the licence to drive a means of transport specified in the violation sanction.

[16 October 2003; 15 September 2005]

Section 29.3 Prohibition to Obtain a Licence to Drive a Recreational Craft for a Certain Period of Time

A prohibition to obtain a licence to drive a recreational craft for a certain period of time shall be applied to drivers of recreational craft who do not have such a licence and who have committed a violation regarding which the forfeiture of the licence to drive a recreational craft is provided for.

The prohibition shall apply to all types of recreational craft irrespective of the type of recreational craft with which the violation has been committed.

The time period of the prohibition to obtain a licence to drive a recreational craft shall be determined in conformity with the time period for the forfeiture of the licence to drive a recreational craft specified in the violation sanction.

[3 July 2008]

Section 30. Correctional Work

[28 May 1997]

Section 31. Administrative Arrest

An administrative arrest shall be determined and applied only in exceptional cases regarding certain types of administrative violations and for a period of from 24 hours up to 15 days and nights. An administrative arrest shall be applied by a district (city) court (judge).

An administrative arrest may not be applied to a person who has not reached 18 years of age, to a disabled person of the first and second group, a pregnant woman, as well as to a person who is the only guardian of a child, who has not reached 12 years of age.

[28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 22 June 2006]

Chapter Four
Imposition of Administrative Sanction

Section 32. General Provisions for Imposition of Sanctions for Administrative Violation

A sanction for an administrative violation shall be applied within the scope specified by the regulatory enactment which specifies liability for the committed violation, strictly according to this Code and other enactments regarding administrative violations.

In imposing a sanction the nature of the committed violation, the personality of a violator, the degree of his or her culpability, the liability mitigating and aggravating circumstances shall be taken into account.

Authorities and officials, which are authorised to impose administrative sanctions, are not entitled to request from a person, who has committed a violation, that he or she shall pay directly or indirectly via an intermediary for payable services not specified in laws in force, should make donations or other payments not provided for in the law.

[21 December 1990; 11 April 1996]

Section 33. Circumstances Mitigating Liability for an Administrative Violation

The following circumstances shall mitigate the liability for an administrative violation:

1) if the person at fault has frankly regretted what he or she has done;

2) if the person at fault has eliminated the harmful consequences of the violation, voluntarily compensated the loss or eliminated the damage committed;

3) if the violation was committed under the influence of strong mental agitation or due to serious personal or family circumstances;

4) if the violation was committed by a minor;

5) if the violation was committed by a woman who is pregnant or a woman who has a child aged up to 1 year; and

6) if a person at fault has voluntarily applied prior to disclosing of the committed violation.

Circumstances which reduce the possible threat to traffic safety of a certain violation - the time period of the day and night, road and weather conditions, traffic intensity at the place where the violation has been committed and other similar conditions, as well as personal or family conditions shall mitigate liability for an administrative violation in road traffic.

An institution (official) who decides regarding the case of an administrative violation may recognise as mitigating circumstances also those circumstances, which have not been referred to in the Law.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 28 July 1994; 14 October 1998; 14 June 2001; 16 October 2003]

Section 34. Circumstances Aggravating Liability for an Administrative Violation

The following circumstances shall aggravate the liability for an administrative violation:

1) if the unlawful action is continued, regardless of an authorised persons' request to cease it;

2) if a similar violation, regarding which a person had been already punished, has been committed repeatedly within a year; if the administrative violation has been committed by a person who has previously committed an offence;

3) if a minor has been involved in the committing of a violation;

4) if the violation has been committed by a group of persons;

5) if the violation has been committed during a natural disaster or other emergency circumstances;

6) if the violation has been committed under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or other intoxicating substances. Depending on the nature of the violation, the institution (official), which imposes administrative sanction, may decide not to consider circumstance as being liability aggravating.

Circumstances which increase the possible threat to traffic safety of a certain violation - the time period of the day and night, road and weather conditions, traffic intensity at the place where the violation has been committed and other similar conditions, shall aggravate liability for an administrative violation in road traffic.

[3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 16 October 2003]

Section 35. Imposing of Administrative Sanction, if Several Administrative Violations have been Committed

If one person has committed two or more administrative violations, an administrative sanction shall be imposed for each violation separately.

If a person has committed administrative violations, which have been determined simultaneously, and they are examined by one and the same institution (official), administrative sanction shall be imposed within the framework of that sanction which is provided for the more serious violation. In such a case a basic sanction may be supplemented by any of the additional sanctions, which are provided for in the Sections, which determine liability for any of the violations committed.

[28 July 1994; 16 October 2003]

Section 36. Calculation of Periods of Time for Administrative Sanction

The period of time for an administrative arrest shall be calculated in days and nights, but the period of time for which special rights are deprived of, the right to hold certain offices and perform specified or all forms of commercial activities - in years and months.

[28 May 1997; 17 March 2005]

Section 37. Periods of Time for Imposing of Administrative Sanction

Administrative sanction may be imposed not later than within 4 months after the day of commitment of a violation, but, if the violation is continuous - within 4 months from the day of disclosure thereof.

If a refusal to initiate criminal proceedings has been received or criminal proceedings have been terminated, but the behaviour of the violator has the features of an administrative violation, the administrative sanction may be imposed not later than within one month from the day when the decision regarding refusal to initiate the criminal proceedings or regarding the termination thereof has been taken.

The time periods referred to in this Section shall not apply to the cases when confiscation is applied in the matters regarding the violation of customs regulations.

Administrative sanction regarding the administrative violations specified in Sections 47, 48, 51 - 53, 53.2 - 68, 71 and 72 - 74.1; Section 75, Paragraph one; Sections 75.1 - 88.1, 88.4 - 88.7; Chapter Twelve "c" and Sections 159.7 - 159.9 and 204.7 - 204.11 of this Code may be imposed not later than within four months from the day of disclosure of the violation, but not later than within a year from the day of commitment of the violation.

[25 September 1991; 16 October 2003; 25 March 2004; 17 March 2005; 14 December 2006; 17 May 2007]

Section 38. Period of Time after the Termination of which a Person is Acknowledged as Not Administratively Punished

If a person, who has been administratively punished, has not, within a period of 1 year from the day of the imposition of the sanction, committed a new administrative violation, he or she shall be acknowledged as not administratively punished.

Section 39. Obligation to Compensate for Losses Caused

If, as a result of an administrative violation, financial losses have been caused to a natural or legal person, then when examining the question regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction, the administrative commission has the right to examine at the same time the question regarding the obligation of the person at fault to compensate the financial losses up to LVL 50, but the district (city) court judges - up to LVL 200.

In other cases the question regarding the compensation of financial losses or moral harm caused as a result of an administrative violation shall be examined according to the procedures of civil judicial proceedings.

[21 December 1990; 6 August 1991; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997]

Section 40. Necessity to Implement an Obligation regarding the Non-implementation of which an Administrative Sanction is Imposed

The imposition of an administrative sanction shall not release the person who has committed the administrative violation, from the implementation of such obligations, regarding the non-implementation of which the administrative sanction has been imposed on him or her.


Chapter Five
Administrative Violations in the Protection of Labour and Citizens Health

Section 41. Violation of the Regulatory Enactments regulating Employment Legal Relations to Labour

In the case of a violation of regulatory enactments regulating employment legal relations relating, except for the cases, which are specified in Paragraphs two and three of this Section -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - from LVL 50 up to LVL 750.

In the case of not entering into a written form of the contract of employment -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 350, and for a legal person - from LVL 750 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of not ensuring the State specified minimal monthly wage, if the person is employed for a normal working time, or not ensuring the minimal hourly tariff rates -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 400, and for a legal person - from LVL 600 up to LVL 5000.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 750 up to LVL 2000.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraphs two and three of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 5000 up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005; 17 April 2008]

Section 41.1 Conclusion of a Contract of Employment with an Employee, whose Knowledge of the Official Language is Inadequate to Fulfil Professional and Work Duties thereof and Who has not Produced the Document Provided for in Regulatory Enactments that Certifies Knowledge of the Official Language

In the case of a conclusion of a contract of employment with an employee, whose knowledge of the official language is inadequate to fulfil professional and work duties thereof and who has not produced a document provided for in regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia which certifies knowledge of the official language, if the regulatory enactment requires knowledge of the official language in order to fulfil the relevant duties -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer or the official from LVL 100 up to LVL 250.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the official or the employer - for a natural person from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, for an employer - for a legal person from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

[14 June 2001; 22 December 2005]

Section 41.2 Violation of the Right to Strike

In the case of an employee, who does not participate in a strike, who is compelled to perform the work of striking employees, as well as the recruitment of employees in place of the striking employees, in order to prevent or stop the strike or delay the implementation of the striking workers' claims -

a fine shall be imposed the employer - for a natural person or an official in the amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200, and for a legal person from LVL 250 up to LVL 500.

In the case of inviting others to participate in an illegal strike as a result of which a strike occurs -

a fine shall be imposed on the employees or trade union leaders from LVL 100 up to LVL 250.

In the case of continuing an illegal strike -

a fine shall be imposed on the trade union leaders in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250.

[17 June 1998; 17 April 2008]

Section 41.3 Violation of Information and Consultation Requirements in European Community Wide Commercial Companies, European Community Commercial Company Groups and the Violation of the Requirements regarding the Involvement of Workers in European Commercial Companies

In the case of the disclosure of confidential information to a third party, which has been obtained whilst working in the European Works Council, within special discussion groups or other groups for the information and consultation of employees, or the disclosure of information containing commercial secrets to a third party in the case of the establishment of a European company, which has been obtained whilst working within a special discussion group, representative committee or within any other procedures for employees' information, consultation and participation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of failure to provide information to employees or their representatives regarding the number of employees in a European Community wide commercial company group or failure to provide information to employees or their representatives regarding commercial companies established by the European commercial companies or dependent companies, and the number of employees employed in these companies, and in the field of the involvement of employees in the decision making process in the commercial companies' current activities -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on the employer.

In the case of failure to compensate the establishment or operational expenditure of the European Works Council or a special discussion group in a European Community wide commercial company or the European Community commercial company group or in the case of failure to compensate the establishment or operational expenditure of a special discussion group or representative committee in a European commercial company -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on the employer.

In the case of failure to provide a report at least once a year to the European Works Council regarding the commercial development and prospects of a European Community commercial company or the European Community commercial company group or in the case of failure to provide a report at least once a year to a representative committee regarding the commercial activity and further development of a European commercial company -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on the employer.

In the case of failure to inform a European Works Council committee or, in its absence, the European Works Council of special circumstances, which substantially affects workers' interests in a European Community wide commercial company or European Community commercial company group, or in the case of failure to inform a representative committee of special circumstances, which substantially affect workers' interests in a European commercial company -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on the employer.

[17 March 2005; 20 December 2007]

Section 41.4 Violation of the Regulatory Enactments regulating Labour Protection

In the case of violation of the regulatory enactments that regulate labour protection, except for the violations referred to in Paragraphs two, three, four, five and six of this Section -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 750.

In the case of non-performance of a work environment risk assessment and the non-development of a labour protection measures plan or the non-conformity thereof with the requirements of regulatory enactments regulating labour protection -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of not using safety signs and not placing them appropriately in the work environment -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - from LVL 250 up to LVL 750.

In the case of not sending employees for the performance of mandatory health examinations, if such are provided for in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - from LVL 500 up to LVL 750.

In the case of failure to investigate an accident at work in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments or its concealment -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 350, and for a legal person - from LVL 250 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to investigate an accident at work in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments or its concealment, as a result of which the employee has been caused serious health disorders or his or her death has occurred -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 350 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1500 up to LVL 3000.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraph one, two, three, four and five of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 350 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph six of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 4000 up to LVL 10 000.

[17 April 2008]

Section 41.5 Violation of the Regulatory Enactments regulating Labour Protection that Cause a Direct Threat to the Safety and Health of Employees

In the case of violation of regulatory enactments that regulate labour protection, which cause a direct threat to the safety and health of an employee, except the violations referred to in Paragraphs two, three and four of this Section -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 350 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of not ensuring employees with personal means of protection necessary for work -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of using work equipment not in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments regulating labour protection or non-observance of safety requirements -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of failing to instruct employees or the non-performance of training on issues regarding the safety and health of employees at work -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2000.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraph one, two, three and four of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the employer - for a natural person or an official in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 3000 up to LVL 10 000.

[17 April 2008]

Section 41.6 Provision of Labour Protection Services Violating the Requirements specified for Competent Specialists and Competent Institutions in the Regulatory Enactments regulating Labour Protection

In the case of the provision of labour protection services, including risk assessment, violating the requirements specified for competent specialists and competent institutions in regulatory enactments, or in the case of the provision of labour protection services without a competent specialist certificate or a competent institution quality system certificate -

a fine shall be imposed for a natural person in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of not performing internal supervision of the work environment in conformity with regulatory enactments regulating labour protection, including risk assessment, or the violation of the requirements specified for competent specialists and competent institutions in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed for a natural person in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of not performing internal supervision of the work environment in conformity with regulatory enactments regulating labour protection, including risk assessment, or the violation of the requirements specified for competent specialists and competent institutions in regulatory enactments, which cause a direct threat to the safety and health of an employee -

a fine shall be imposed for a natural person in an amount from LVL 350 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 3000.

In the cases of the violations provided for in this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed for a natural person in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - from LVL 3000 up to LVL 5000.

[17 April 2008]

Section 42. Violation of Hygienic and Counter-epidemic Provisions and Norms

In the case of violation of hygienic and counter-epidemic provisions and norms (except for environmental protection provisions and norms) -

a fine in an amount of up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 14 May 1998]

Section 42.1 Violation of Prohibition on Smoking

In the case of smoking in a prohibited area -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 10 shall be imposed

In the case of designation of a room (place) for smoking which does not comply with the requirements of the law -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 of up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a legal person.

In the case of failure to display the informative notice or symbol regarding the prohibition of smoking as specified in the law -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on the manager of the institution.

[17 March 2005; 22 June 2006]

Section 42.2 Violation of Hygiene Requirements whilst Importing Freight into Latvia

In the case of violation of the hygiene requirements whilst importing freight into Latvia -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a natural person, but a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 1000 shall be imposed on a legal person, with or without the confiscation of the freight.

Section 43. Violation of Hygiene and Counter-epidemic Requirements in Transport

In the case of violation of the hygienic and counter-epidemic provisions and norms in relation to transport by rail, sea and river -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of violation of the hygienic and counter-epidemic provisions and norms in relation to transport by air -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995]

Section 44. Failure to Adhere to the Requirements the Aim of which is to Reduce the Spread of Venereal Diseases

In the case of a person, regarding whom there is sufficient information to conclude that he or she is suffering from a venereal disease, and who refuses to undergo a medical examination after receipt of a health protection institution warning -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of persons, who have been in contact with a person suffering from a venereal disease and for whom prophylactic treatment is necessary, but who refuses treatment after a warning from a health protection institution -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of persons, who are suffering from a venereal disease and knowingly conceal the source of infection and persons with whom they have been in contact -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 120 shall be imposed

[11 April 1996]

Section 45. Unauthorised Medical Treatment

In the case of a person who is not educated in medicine, but who performs medical treatment -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of a person who engages in medical treatment in private practice, but who is not registered in accordance with the requirements specified by law -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the use in medical treatment of medical technology that has not been approved by the Ministry of Health -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on the manager of the medical treatment institution and the medical persons.

In the case of a person who engages in the practise of medicine, but who does not have the requisite specialist practical right in the relevant speciality, in the absence of the supervision by a person who has the requisite specialist practical right in the relevant speciality -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In regard to the authorisation for students of higher education medical institutions and the students within the confines of a medical initial education institutions study programme to engage in the treatment of patients or assist in midwifery, without the supervision of the relevant medical practitioner, who has the requisite specialist right in the relevant speciality -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed

[11 April 1996; 23 March 2000; 23 October 2003]

Section 45.1 Violations Related to Medical Care, Medical Opinions and Expertise

In the case of violations related to medicinal care, medical opinions and expertise -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year after the administrative sanction has been imposed -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed

[11 April 1996]

Section 45.2 Failure of Medical Treatment Institutions to Comply with the Procedures for Provision of Information related to the Employment and Release from Work of Medical Practitioners

In the case of a failure by a medical treatment institution to comply with the procedures for provision of information to the Ministry of Health regarding the employment or release from work of medical practitioners -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on the manager of the medical treatment institution.

[23 October 2003]

Section 45.3 Illegal Release of Confidential Information Obtained in a Medical Treatment Process

In the case of the illegal release of confidential information obtained in a medical treatment process -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on the medical practitioner.

[11 April 1996]

Section 46. Illegal Acquisition or Storage in a Small Amount of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances and Medicinal Products, as well as Substances, which May Be Used for the Illegal Production of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances (Precursors), or the Use of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances without Prescription by a Doctor

In the case of the illegal acquisition or storage in a small amount of narcotic or psychotropic substances or medicinal products, including substances, which may be used for the illegal production of narcotic or psychotropic substances (precursors), without the aim of selling them, as well as the use of narcotic or psychotropic substances without prescription by a doctor -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 75 or administrative arrest for a period of time up to 15 days shall be imposed.

A person, who has handed over a small amount of narcotic and psychotropic substances or medicinal products, as well as substances, at his or her disposal, which may be used for illegal production of narcotic or psychotropic substances (precursors), which were obtained or stored without the aim of selling them, or who has voluntarily attended a medical treatment institution for medical assistance in relation to the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, is exempt from the administrative liability regarding the actions intended by this section. The amount of illegally traded narcotic and psychotropic substances and medicinal products, including substances, which may be used to produce narcotic and psychotropic substances (precursors), which is to be recognised as small is specified in Annex 2 to the Law On the Procedures for the Coming into Force and Application of the Criminal Law.

[23 October 2003]

Section 46.1 Violation of Specified Procedures in Pharmaceutical Activity

In the case of violation of regulations related to the manufacture, production or distribution of narcotic and psychotropic medicinal products, as well as substances, which may be used for the illegal production of narcotic or psychotropic substances (precursors) -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, and a fine in an amount from LVL 1000 and up to LVL 10 000 shall be imposed on legal persons, with or without the confiscation of the relevant medicinal products or precursors.

In the case of the distribution of medicinal products that are not registered or prohibited in the Republic of Latvia -

a fine shall be imposed on the distributor - for a natural person from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500, but for a legal person from LVL 1000 to LVL 5000, with the confiscation of the relevant medicinal products.

In the case of the distribution of medicinal products the expiry date of which has ended or whose quality does not correspond with the requirements of the certified technical regulatory documentation -

a fine in shall be imposed on a natural person from LVL 50 and up to LVL 350, but for a legal person - from LVL 250 and up to LVL 5000, with or without the confiscation of the relevant medicinal products.

In the case of the distribution of medicinal products without documentation determined by the regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 25 and up to LVL 200, but for a legal person - from LVL 250 and up to LVL 1000, with or without the confiscation of the relevant medicinal products.

In the case of failure to comply with the procedures specified in documentation regarding the accounting, storage, use and trade of medicinal products in enterprises engaged in pharmaceutical activity -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 and up to LVL 150 shall be imposed on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 250 up to LVL 500.

In the case of violation of regulations related to the production, control and distribution of medicinal products -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but a fine in an amount from LVL 300 and up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on legal persons, with or without the confiscation of the medicinal products.

In the case of violation of regulations regarding the advertising of medicinal products -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but on legal persons- from LVL 1000 and up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of failure to comply with regulations regarding the production and storage of prescription forms or procedures for writing out of prescriptions -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[23 October 2003]

Section 46.2 Violations in Relation to the Receipt, Storage and Use of Medicinal Products in Medical Treatment Institutions and Social Care Institutions

In the case of violations in relation to the receipt, storage and use of medicinal products in medical treatment institutions and social care institutions -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on the manager of the medical treatment institution or social care institution.

[23 October 2003]

Chapter Six
Administrative Violations against Property

Section 47. Violation of Subsoil Property Rights

In the case of the arbitrary use of subsoil and conclusion of open or hidden transactions which violate subsoil property rights -

a fine from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a natural person - and from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on a legal person.

[19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 48. Violation of Water Property Rights

In the case of open or hidden arbitrary occupying of water bodies, arbitrary use of water, the retransfer of water use rights, as well as other transactions, which violate water property rights -

a fine up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995]

Section 49. Violation of Forest Property Rights

[12 June 2003]

Section 49.1 Violation of State Animal Property Rights

[19 July 1995]

Section 50. Minor Theft of State or Public Property

[25 August 1992]

Section 50.1 Avoidance of Compensation for Property Loss or Moral Injury, which was Criminally Incurred to Enterprises, Institutions and Organizations

[19 July 1998]

Chapter Seven
Administrative Violations related to the Defence of the Environment and Historical and Cultural Monuments

Section 51. Failure to Carry out Obligatory Land Protection Measures

In the case of failure to carry out obligatory land protection measures, which a land user must perform, in order to protect the soil from water or wind erosion, or from other processes, which prevent a fertile topsoil or degrade its quality -

a fine up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of failure to perform land management activities and mowing of grass to prevent remaining of old grass -

a fine from LVL 100 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but a fine from LVL 500 and up to LVL 2000 on a legal person.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 22 June 2006]

Section 51.1 Arbitrary Transformation of Land to Be Utilised in Agriculture

In the case of the transformation of land to be used in agriculture into other types of land use -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a natural person, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2006]

Section 51.2 Failure to Undertake Measures to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Plant Species

In the case of failure to undertake measures to prevent the spread of invasive plant species -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount from LVL 70 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a natural person, but from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000 for a legal person.

In the case of the same violations, which are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but from LVL 400 and up to LVL 2000 for a legal person.

[17 May 2007]

Section 51.3 Violation of the Prohibition on Importation of Invasive Plant Species

In the case of the importation of plant species included in the list of invasive plant species into the State -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a natural person, but from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500 for a legal person, with or without the confiscation of the imported plant species.

In the case of the same violations, which are committed again within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but from LVL 500 and up to LVL 1000 for a legal person, with or without the confiscation of the imported plant species

[17 May 2007]

Section 52. Failure to Return Borrowed Land on Time or Return of the Land without It Being Ready for Its Activity

In the case of the failure to return land on time, which was borrowed for a period of time, or failure to perform the duties, which are related to arrangement of the land for use according to its intended purpose -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[28 April 1992]

Section 53. Arbitrary Withdrawal from a State or Initiative Land Management Projects (Plans)

In the case of arbitrary withdrawal from a State or initiative land organization projects (plans), which have caused or could have caused negative ecological consequences, without the respective permission -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 53.1 Arbitrary Withdrawal from the Implementation of Land Reform

In the case of illegal activity or inactivity, which limits a person's rights to implement land use or land property rights -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on persons and up to LVL 200 for land commission officials.

In the case of the determination of land boundaries on site, without complying with or violating a land management project -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[28 April 1992: 19 July 1995]

Section 53.2 Violation of the Requirements for the Provision of Forest Management Information

In the case of failure to provide information regarding forest management required by the regulatory enactments or for provision of false information -

a fine an amount up to LVL 150 shall be imposed on natural or legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 54. Destruction of Boundary Marks of Land Use or Land Property

In the case of destruction of boundary marks of land use or land property (including in forests) -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

[17 May 2007]

Section 54.1 Destruction or Damage of Forest Designation Signs

In the case of the destruction or damage of forest designation signs -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995]

Section 55. Violation of Regulations regarding the Protection of Subsoils

In the case of arbitrary construction in a territory of deposits of mineral resources; in the case of violation of the requirements for the protection of subsoils in relation to harmful effect of works connected with subsoil use on surrounding environment, buildings or structures; in case of destruction of landmarks of groundwater observation boreholes, as well as landmarks of geodetic signs or the licence area -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 to LVL 1000.

In the case of the exploitation of districts rich in mineral resources by sampling, which has resulted in unjustified losses in the balance of the stock of mineral resources; in the case of abnormal mineral resource losses or abnormal mineral resource value reduction during the extraction thereof; in the case of damage to deposits of mineral resources or non-observance of requirements regarding rational use of its other stocks -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the loss of mine geodetic and geological documentation, the failure to comply with requirements regarding the restoration mines or boreholes to be liquidated or conserved to the state that ensures safety of inhabitants, as well as in the case of failure to fulfil requirements in relation to preservation of deposits, mines or boreholes during their conservation period -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but for a legal person - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 55.1 Violation of Regulations regarding the Utilisation of Subsoils

In the case of violation of the requirements specified in the regulatory enactments regarding the use of subsoils or the violation of the specified conditions specified in a permit (licence) for the use of subsoils -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 56. Violation of Regulations regarding Subterranean Depth Research Work

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding geological research work of subsoils, as a result of which it is impossible to establish correctly the stocks of researched mineral resources or building or operation conditions of the mineral resource extraction enterprise or underground structures not related to extraction of mineral resources or they have been established incorrectly; in the case of the loss of geological documentation, as well as the loss of the necessary mineral deposit example duplicate or borehole cores necessary for the further geological research of the subsoils -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on a natural person, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 800.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 57. Violation of Requirements and Restrictions Determined in relation to an Environmental and Natural Resource Protection Zone and Towpath

In the case of violation of requirements and restrictions determined in the environmental and natural resource protection zone and towpath -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 for a natural person, for officials from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500, but from LVL 50 and up to LVL 1000 for a legal person.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 57.1 Forest Destruction or Damage

In the case of forest destruction or damage -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 for a natural person, but from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000 for a legal person.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 57.2 Performance of Activity in Forest Land without a Certification

In the case of performance of activity in forest land without receipt of the appropriate certification -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 for a natural person or a legal person.

[12 June 2003]

Section 57.3 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Movement of Motor Vehicles in the Sand Dune Protective Coastal Zone, Beach or in the Special Areas of Conservation of the Baltic Sea and Bay of Riga

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the movement, as well as parking or stopping of motor vehicles in the sand dune protective coastal zone, beach or in the special areas of conservation of the Baltic Sea and Bay of Riga -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 100 on the driver of the vehicle.

In the case where a similar violation is recommitted within a year -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 and up to LVL 250 on the driver of the vehicle.

[15 September 2005; 3 July 2008]

Section 58. Environmental Pollution and Littering

In the case of pollution of air, soil, forest or internal waters (surface or underground) with sludge, chemical substances, including dangerous or other harmful substances, materials or waste, littering or otherwise harmful effect on them in any kind of way -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 250 on natural persons, with or without the confiscation of the vehicles used in committing of the violation, but for legal persons from LVL 250 and up to LVL 2000, with or without the confiscation of the vehicles used in committing of the violation.

[12 June 2003; 22 April 2004; 20 December 2007]

Section 59. Release of Polluting Substances into the Air, Water or Water Bodies that Exceeds the Emission Limits Specified in a Permit

In the case of the release of polluting substances into the air, water or water objects, that exceeds the emission limits specified in a permit -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case where a similar violation is recommitted within a year of the administrative fine being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 200 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 and up to LVL 5000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 60. Violation of the Water Resource Protection Regime in Water Catchment Areas

In the case of violation of the water resource protection regime in water catchment areas, causing pollution thereof, soil erosion, changes in the water body bed and banks, changes in the water body normal water level, or other harmful phenomena, which cause degradation of the fertility or quality of the top soil -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 61. Failure to Fulfil the Obligation in relation to the Requirement to Register in Ship's Documents Operations with Toxic Substances or Mixtures

If a master of a ship or other water craft or another person in command fails to perform the obligations specified in the regulatory enactments with respect to registration of a ship's or other watercraft's documents operations in force in relation to the requirement to register in ship's or another watercraft's documents operations with dangerous or other harmful substances or with such mixtures, which contain these substances above the prescribed norms, as well as if the referred to persons enter incorrect data into the ship's or watercraft's documents regarding these operations or refuse without any justification to present the requested documents to the officials specified by the law -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 150 and up to LVL 1500.

[9 September 2004; 20 December 2007]

Section 62. Violation of Surface Water and Groundwater Protection or Use Regulations or Requirements

In the case of the violation of surface water and groundwater protection or use regulations or requirements -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 40 and up to LVL 1000, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 2000.

In the case of surface water or groundwater resource usage without the necessary water resource use permit or violation of the conditions of the permit -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons or legal persons from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004; 17 March 2005]

Section 63. Violation of Water Supply Regulations

In the case of an arbitrary installation of an artesian borehole or violation of the water supply regulations -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 50 and up to LV 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 64. Violation of Water Body Use Regulations.

In the case of the performance of arbitrary hydrotechnical or other activities in water bodies or water course protection zones; violation of conditions of the regulations of small hydroelectric power stations, regulations regarding operation and water resource use permit; violation of the regulations related to the operation of water management structures, installations or water bodies or the safety programmes of hydrotechnical structures -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 250 and up to LV 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 250 and up to LVL 1000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 65. Violation of Regulations regarding the Recording of Substances Causing Natural Resource or Environmental Pollution

In the case of violation of regulations regarding the recording of natural resources or the utilisation thereof, the violation of the regulations regarding the recording of polluting substances or the provision of inadequate data, or in the case of unjustified refusal to provide data regarding the quality of the environment -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 350 on officials.

[12 June 2003]

Section 66. Damage or Destruction of Structures and Installations that Affect the Environment

In the case of damage or destruction of water management structures and installations, drainage system, forest drainage trenches, forest or countryside roads, as well as other structures or installations which may affect the environment -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 66.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Operation and Maintenance of Amelioration Systems and the Failure to Provide Information regarding Alteration of Amelioration Systems

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the operation and maintenance of amelioration systems -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 and up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of failure to submit information to the Rural Support Service, which is related to alterations to the amelioration systems situated in one's land property or within the boundaries of one's land use -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 and up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[11 December 2003]

Section 66.2 Damage or Destruction of Forest Engineering Structures

In the case of damage or destruction of forest engineering structures -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 200 shall be imposed

[19 July 1995]

Section 66.3 Arbitrary Utilisation of Forest Land for Construction

In the case of arbitrary utilisation of forest land for construction, with the construction of permanent or temporary structures for use thereon -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 150 and up to LVL 500

In the case of the same activity, conducted in a special area of conservation -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 66.4 Arbitrary Transformation of Forest Land

In the case of the arbitrary transformation of forest land into other land use types -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003]

Section 67. Arbitrarily Felling and Damaging of Trees

In the case of arbitrary felling or damaging of growing trees -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of arbitrary felling or damaging of protected trees -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 67.1 Violation of the Regulations for Nature Protection during Forest Management and Utilisation

In the case of violation of the regulations for nature protection during forest management and utilisation -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 68. Violation of Requirements regarding Regeneration, Cultivation of Forest and Acquisition, Utilisation or Trade of Reproductive Material

In the case of violation of the requirements for forest regeneration -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 for natural or legal persons.

In the case of violation of the requirements for a regenerated forest stand -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 10 and up to LVL 100 for natural or legal persons.

In the case of violation of the requirements regarding the acquisition, utilisation or trade of reproductive forest material -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 20 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LV 500.

[12 June 2003]

Section 69. Violation of the Regulative Norms regarding Access to a Forest

In the case of access to a forest, when it is restricted or prohibited in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on natural persons.

In the case of the organisation of an event or other activity in the forest, when access to the forest is restricted or prohibited in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons or legal persons.

In the case of the restriction of a natural person's right of access and free movement in the forest, violating the requirements of the regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on natural persons or legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 70. Violation of the Procedures regarding the Collection of Wild Flora, Nuts, Mushrooms and Berries

[19 July 1995]

Section 71. Violation of Requirements for Fire Safety in the Forest

In the case of violation of requirements for fire safety in the forest -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 for legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 71.1 Violation of Requirements for Protection of the Forest

In the case of violation of the requirements for protection of the forest specified in the regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural or legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 72. Violation of Regulations regarding the Operation of Treatment Plants

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the operation of treatment structures, plants or equipment -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000 on legal persons.

In the case of acceptance and putting into service of new or reconstructed industrial, farming, community facility or other buildings without the structures or installations provided for in the project, which are intended for prevention of natural resource pollution, littering or harmful effect of such buildings on the environment -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 on officials.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 9 September 2004]

Section 73. Putting into Operation of Vehicles or Other Mobile Equipment, which Exceed the Norms for Polluting Substance Exhaust

In the case of putting into operation of motor vehicles, aircraft, ships or other mobile equipment or devices, if their polluting substance exhaust or the noise level originating during their operation exceeds the specified norms -

a fine shall be imposed on the person responsible for the vehicle or operation of the equipment in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 74. Operation of Vehicles or other Mobile Equipment, which Exceed the Norms for Polluting Substance Emission

In the case of operation of road transport or other mobile equipment, which exceed the emission norms for polluting substances or permitted physical factor operation norms -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the road transport or other mobile equipment in an amount up to LVL 100.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 9 September 2004]

Section 74.1 Violation of the Norms for the Quality of the Environment during the Operation of Mobile Tanks, Petrol Stations and Tank Farms

In the case of violation of the norms for the quality of the environment during the operation of mobile tanks -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of the norms for the quality of the environment during the operation of petrol stations -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500.

In the case of violation of the norms for the quality of the environment during the operation of tank farms -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 500 and up to LVL 5000 on legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 75. Violation of the Regulations regarding Waste Management

In the case of the violation of the regulations regarding waste management or the regulations regarding transfrontier (international) carriage of waste -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 20 up to LVL 500, with the confiscation of the vehicles or equipment used in committing of the violation or without confiscation, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000, with the confiscation of the vehicles or equipment used in committing of the violation or without confiscation.

In the case of failure by a waste producer or owner to participate in waste collection organized by the local government -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003; 22 April 2004; 9 September 2004]

Section 75.1 Violation of Regulations regarding Packaging Management and the Provision of Information

In the case of violation of requirements specified in the regulatory enactments for a packager to register -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 250 and up to LVL 500 on legal persons.

In the case of the failure to provide a report pursuant to the requirements prescribed by the law regarding the volume and manner of collection of used packaging or resource recovery, or report regarding the volume and manner of the manufactured, exported or imported packaging -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 200 and up to LVL 500 on legal persons.

In the case of the special packaging deposit system use in packaging, which is not registered as packaging, to which a deposit system is applied -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 500 and up to LVL 1000 on legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 75.2 Violation of the Regulations regarding Asbestos Waste Management

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding asbestos waste management -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 300 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500.

In the case storage of asbestos waste in authorised areas -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[9 September 2004]

Section 75.3 Violation of the Regulatory Provisions regarding the Management of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste

In the case of the failure to use special labelling in respect of electrical and electronic equipment, as specified in the regulatory enactments, with a request to collect electrical and electronic equipment waste separate from other waste -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 250 and up to LVL 1000 on legal persons.

In the case of the failure of an electrical and electronic equipment manufacturer to register in accordance with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 250 and up to LVL 1000 on legal persons.

In the case of the failure to provide the report specified in regulatory enactments in respect of electrical and electronic equipment and its waste management -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 250 and up to LVL 1000 on legal persons.

[15 September 2005; 3 July 2008]

Section 75.4 Violation of the Requirements regarding Working on Discarded Vehicles

In the case of performance of work on a discarded vehicle without receipt of the relevant permit -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of a refusal of a processing undertaking to accept a discarded vehicle, which is not missing the main components - motor, steering mechanism, chassis, transmission, does not have additional waste and that is not registered in the Commercial Pledge Register -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 150 and up to LVL 200.

In the case of the violation provided for in Paragraph two of this Section, if it has been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 400 and up to LVL 500.

[8 February 2007]

Section 76. Violation of Regulations regarding the Transport, Storage and Use of Pesticides, Growth Promoters and Mineral Fertilizers or Other Substances

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the transport, storage and use of pesticides, growth promoters and mineral fertilizers or other substances, which are harmful or could be harmful to the environment -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 300 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 77. Violation of Animal Protection Requirements

In the case of violation of the requirements for protection of animals specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 800.

[12 June 2003]

Section 78. Violation of the Requirements for the Conservation of Species and Biotopes

In the case of violation of requirements for the conservation of species and biotopes specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with confiscation of the illegally obtained specially protected species specimens and its parts, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000, with the confiscation of the illegally obtained specimens of specially protected species specimens and its parts.

In the case of activity without a permit, which is necessary in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the protection of species and biotopes or arrangement of a collection of wild animals, or in the case of violation of conditions specified in the relevant permit -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 and up to LVL 1 000.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 78.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Utilisation and Release of Genetically Modified Organisms

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the utilisation and release of genetically modified organisms -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 79. Violation of the Regulatory Enactments regarding the International Trade of Rare or Endangered Animals and Specimens of Threatened Plant Species and Their Parts

In the case of the violation of the regulatory enactments regarding the international trade of rare or endangered animals or specimens of threatened plant species and their parts -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, with confiscation of the illegally obtained specimens of rare or endangered animals or threatened plant species and their parts, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000, with confiscation of the illegally obtained specimens of rare or endangered animals or threatened plant species and their parts.

[12 June 2003]

Section 80. Violation of the Regulations regarding Hunting, Fishing and Angling

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding angling or the violation of licensed angling regulations -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 50, with or without confiscation of the tools used in committing the violation and violation gear, including fish acquired as a result of the violation, as well as floating vessels with equipment.

In the case of violation of fishing regulations -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, with or without confiscation of the tools used in committing the violation and violation gear, including fish acquired as a result of the violation, as well as floating vessels with equipment and with or without abrogation of fishing rights for a period of up to one year, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 3000, with or without confiscation of the tools used in committing the violation and violation gear, including fish acquired as a result of the violation, as well as floating vessels with equipment and with or without abrogation of fishing rights for a period of up to three years.

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding hunting or the violation of regulations regarding other ways of utilisation of animals -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 250, with or without confiscation of the violation gear and tools used in committing the violation, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, with or without confiscation of the violation gear and tools used in committing the violation.

In the case of illegal hunting -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 500, with confiscation of the tools used in committing the violation and the violation gear, or abrogation of hunting rights for a period of up to three years and confiscation of the equipment used in committing the violation and the violation articles.

[9 September 2004; 22 December 2005; 20 December 2007; 17 April 2008]

Section 80.1 Purchase, Sale, Processing, Carriage and Storage of Hunting Products without the Relevant Hunting Permit for Hunting Products (Permit Copy)

In the case of the purchase, sale, processing, carriage or storage of hunting products without the relevant hunting permit for hunting products (permit copy) -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 100 and up to LVL 300, with confiscation of the illegally obtained hunting products.

[15 October 2003]

Section 80.2 Purchase, Processing, Sale, Storage or Carriage of Illegally Obtained Fish or Other Aquatic Animals

In the case of the purchase, processing, sale, storage or carriage of illegally obtained fish or other aquatic animals -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 50 and up to LVL 300, with confiscation at the site of the illegally caught fish or other aquatic animals.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 81. Violation of the Requirements regarding the Protection and Utilisation of Special Areas of Conservation

In the case of the violation of the requirements specified in the regulatory enactments regarding the protection and utilisation of special areas of conservation -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 82. Pollution by Ships of the Baltic Sea and Interior Sea Waters

In the case of the pollution of the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Latvia, the territorial waters or internal sea waters (including the aquatic areas of ports or river estuaries) with dangerous or other harmful substances, materials or waste exceeding the specified standards or violating regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 100 and up to LVL 3000 on officials, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 and up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005; 20 December 2007]

Section 82.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Creation of Reclaimed Islands, Installation or Construction Erection

In the case of the creation of reclaimed islands, installation and construction erection without the relevant permit, in the case of failure to identify reclaimed islands, machinery or other constructions with permanent warning signs, which provide a warning regarding the existence of the reclaimed islands, installation or construction; in the case of the violation of regulations regarding the maintenance of the referred to warning signs in a proper state or regarding the liquidation of the machinery or construction, whose operation has completely ceased in the waters of Baltic Sea economic zone, territorial or interior sea waters of the Republic of Latvia, committed by the masters or other commanding officers of ships or other floating means of conveyance -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 200 and up to LVL 3000.

[9 September 2004]

Section 82.2 Failure to Notify regarding the Pollution of the Baltic Sea and Interior Sea Waters

In the case of failure to notify the closest port administration regarding the pollution of the exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Latvia, territorial or interior sea waters (including the aquatic areas of ports or river estuaries) with dangerous or other harmful substances, materials or waste -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000 on officials.

[22 December 2005; 20 December 2007]

Section 83. Failure to Conduct Operations to Minimise the Emission of Polluting Substances during Poor Meteorological Condition Periods

In the case of failure to conduct operations to regulate or minimise the emission of polluting substances, if information has been received regarding poor meteorological or hydrological conditions, which has resulted in harm to the environment, biological diversity, natural resources or people's health -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on officials.

[12 June 2003]

Section 84. Concealing or Modifying of Environmental Information

In the case of failure to notify the environmental protection or local government institutions of the release of dangerous or other harmful substances or polluting substances into the environment, as well as concealing the environmental information or its provision in a modified way; in the case of failure to submit statistical annual reports regarding the natural resource utilisation or environmental protection or the annual reports regarding greenhouse gas emissions or the modification of data; in the case of concealment of monitoring data or its modification -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 400 shall be imposed on natural persons or a legal persons.

In the case of failure to submit information or the submission of incorrect information, violating the requirements regarding impact on the environment specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from LVL 50 and up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 400.

[9 September 2004; 20 December 2007]

Section 84.1 Failure to Notify of Accidents in the Economic Sector or the Concealment of such Accidents

In the case of a failure to notify of accidents dangerous for persons or the environment in the sectors of manufacturing, transport, agriculture or other economic activity sectors or in the case of concealment of such accidents, done by an official or another person, whose responsibility it is to provide such information -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 and up to LVL 300.

In the case of the same activity, if an accident has occurred during the carriage of dangerous chemical substances or chemical products or explosive devices, as well as if the accident has caused damage to the environment or people -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 and up to LVL 1 000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 85. Violation of the Requirements with respect to Project Documentation Harmonisation

In the case of violation of the requirements with respect to the construction of new buildings, the reconstruction of existing buildings, renovation, restoration or extension projects or pre-project documentation harmonisation with the environmental protection institutions, as well as the performance of this work without harmonised project documentation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 85.1 Intentional Making of False Entries in Project Documentation regarding Compliance thereof with Protection Norms or Requirements

In the case of intentionally making false entries regarding compliance of project documentation of production buildings or the construction, reconstruction or extension of other buildings with the environmental protection norms or requirements -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 86. Performance of Work Violating the Regulations regarding Protection of Animals

[12 June 2003]

Section 87. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Operation of Hazardous Landfill Sites or Landfill Sites for Municipal Waste (Dumps)

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the management of hazardous landfill sites, landfill sites for municipal waste or other landfill sites (dumps), which has caused or could have caused pollution of the environment; in the case of the modification of the storage reports regarding the receipt or disposal of waste, by making false entries -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995; 12 June 2003]

Section 87.1 Violation of the Regulatory Enactments Regulating Radiation Safety and Nuclear Safety

In the case of violation of the regulatory enactments regulating radiation safety and nuclear safety, if they relate to the protection of workers from ionizing radiation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from 50 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 and up to LVL 800.

In the case of failure to notify the institutions specified by law regarding an accident in the manufacture, transport, agriculture or other economic activity sectors, if the accident is related to nuclear substances or other sources of ionizing radiation, or in case of concealment of the accident -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from 50 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of pollution of the land, forest, water, atmosphere or other natural objects with radioactive substances, exceeding the specified norms, or violating the approved regulations -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to notify the institutions specified by law regarding the release (disposal) of radioactive substances into the environment, as well as in the case of concealment of environmental information or reporting on it in a modified way -

a fine in the amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on officials.

In the case of the violation of the regulations regarding radioactive waste collection, grading, storage, transport and disposal -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the carriage, loading and unloading of radioactive substances involving river, sea, railway, road transport and electrical transport, in the case of leaving radioactive substance freight without supervision in vehicles, as well as the placement of radioactive substances in baggage or baggage storage facilities -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from 100 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 and up to LVL 2000.

In the case of the violation of the regulations regarding the volume, content or physical factor accounting of radioactive substances, nuclear material and radioactive waste, incorrect information provision or unjustified refusal to provide information regarding the quality of the environment -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, on officials - from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of pollution of the Baltic Sea economic zone waters of the Republic of Latvia, territorial and interior sea waters (including the aquatic areas of ports or river estuaries) with radioactive substances from ships or other floating means of conveyance, from reclaimed islands and other constructions, as well as from aircraft -

a fine in an amount from LVL 1000 and up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on officials.

In the case of failure to notify the closest port administration of the pollution of the Baltic Sea economic zone waters of the Republic of Latvia, territorial or interior sea waters (including the aquatic areas of ports or river estuaries) with radioactive substances from ships or other floating means of conveyance, from reclaimed islands and other constructions, as well as from aircraft -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 and up to LVL 3000 shall be imposed on officials.

In the case of commencing work with ionizing radiation sources without the special permit (licence) specified by law or the permit for the performance of work with ionizing radiation sources or for continuing this type of work after the cancellation or suspension of the special permit (licence) or after the date of expiry thereof -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 and up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 and up to LVL 1000.

[23 March 2000; 12 June 2003; 9 September 2004; 22 December 2005]

Section 88. Violation of Regulations regarding the Utilisation of Chemical Substances and Chemical Products (Preparations)

In the case of violation of regulatory enactments whilst performing activities with chemical substances or chemical products (preparations) -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 300 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 250 and up to LVL 1000.

In the case of sale of chemical products (preparations) specified in regulatory enactments - varnish, paint and material for the painting of vehicles without a licence for that type of activity -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 and up to LVL 300 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 88.1 Violation of the Specified Procedures whilst Performing Activities with Ozone Layer Degrading Substances

In the case of illegal import of ozone layer degrading substances -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 200 and up to LVL 1000 on legal persons.

In the case of the failure to submit reports regarding the use, manufacture, importation (import) and exportation (export) of ozone layer degrading substances -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 50 and up to LVL 250 on legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 88.2 Arbitrary Continuance of Activities or Its Recommencement, if it has been Suspended by Officials of a Company or Other Object, who Control the Protection of the Environment

[14 May 1998]

Section 88.3 Failure to Comply with the Instructions of Officials from a State Environmental Protection Inspection of State Sanitary Supervisory Institutions

[14 May 1998]

Section 88.4 Violation of Requirements whilst Performing Activities with Chemical Substances and Chemical Products

In the case of non-provision of the labelling of hazardous chemical substances or hazardous chemical products, and for the inappropriate (incorrect) or low-quality qualification or labelling of the chemical substances or chemical products -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000 shall be imposed on legal persons, with or without confiscation of such substances and products.

In the case of failure to fill in a safety data sheet about hazardous chemical substances or hazardous chemical products, and for the indication of incomplete information in the safety data sheet -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on legal persons.

In the case of the performance of activities with an undeclared new chemical substance -

a fine in the amount from LVL 50 to LVL 700 shall be imposed on legal persons.

In the case of the failure to submit an annual report regarding the activities with chemical substances and chemical products to the chemical substance and chemical product database -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300 shall be imposed on legal persons.

In the case of violation of requirements specified in regulatory enactments whilst operating with biocidal products -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 700 shall be imposed on legal persons.

[12 June 2003]

Section 88.5 Performance of Activities with Hazardous Substances, Violating the Regulations regarding Industrial Accident Risk Assessment Procedures and the Risk Reduction Measures

In the case of a failure to submit an application regarding hazardous substances, a safety report, industrial accident prevention programme to the Environmental State Office or the failure to submit a plan for an object's emergency readiness to the State Fire Safety and Rescue Service, and the failure to provide information regarding safety and protection measures and the activity of industry in an emergency situation to the public -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 on legal persons.

In the case of non-compliance of data or information indicated in a safety report, industrial accident prevention programme or an object's emergency readiness plan, in the case of non-compliance of a safety system operation (as well as if the object does not have the necessary personnel or material technical equipment to eliminate the results and effects of an industrial emergency and minimize its effect on persons and the environment in the territory of the object and outside of the territory of the object), in the case of arbitrary withdrawal from provisions of a safety report or industrial emergency prevention programme, if this withdrawal can lead to an industrial accident -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 1000 and up to LVL 5000 on legal persons.

In the case of failure to perform measures for prevention (not allowing) of an industrial accident, in the case of failure to perform measures, that would minimize or reduce the effects in the case of an industrial accident, in the case of failure to perform liquidation measures after the industrial accident -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000 on legal persons.

[12 June 2006; 17 March 2005]

Section 88.6 Performance of a Polluting Activity without the Required Permit and Non-compliance of Activities with the Requirements of Regulatory Enactments

In the case of conducting Category "A" polluting activities without the required permit -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of conducting Category "B" polluting activities without the required permit -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 700.

In the case of failure to comply with the requirements of the permit for conducting Category "A" polluting activities -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to comply with the requirements of the permit for conducting Category "B" polluting activities -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 200 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 500.

In the case of conducting Category "C" polluting activities, without informing the regional environmental board -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 on natural persons or legal persons.

In the case of conducting polluting activities which do not comply with the specific requirements of the regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of conducting polluting activities without the required greenhouse gas emission permit -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of failure to comply with the requirements of the permit for a polluting activity involving greenhouse gas emission -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to submit an application for the receipt of "A" Category permit for continuation of polluting activities pursuant to the period specified by the regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300 on the operator.

In the case of failure to submit an application for the receipt of "B" Category permit for continuation of polluting activities pursuant to the period specified by the regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 200 on the operator.

[12 June 2006; 9 September 2004]

Section 88.7 Failure to Comply with the Requirements regarding the Assessment of Impact on the Environment

In the case of the commencement of the intended projected activities without conducting an assessment regarding the impact on the environment and receiving acceptance from the relevant State institution or local government -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 1000 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of performance of intended activities without complying with obligatory conditions and measures to be performed in further projects, which are specified in the opinion of a competent institution regarding the final report about the assessment of the impact of the intended activities on the environment -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of performance of intended activities without technical regulations issued by the regional environmental board -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 5000 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of the failure to comply with the technical regulations issued by the regional environmental board -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but on legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 2000.

[9 September 2004; 3 July 2008]

Section 89. Damage to Cultural Monuments or Violation of the Requirements regarding Protection thereof

In the case of damage to cultural monuments or violation of the requirements regarding protection thereof -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 89.1 Violation of Regulations regarding the Restoration, Conservation and Repair of Cultural Monuments, as well as the Conducting of Research and Archaeological Excavations

In the case of performing restoration, conservation and repair of cultural monuments, as well as the performing research and archaeological excavations without a written permission of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 89.2 Damage to the Territories of Cultural Monuments, Protection Zones and Visual Perception Zones

In the case of damage to the territories of cultural monuments, the protection zones and or the visual perception zones or performance of unauthorized economic activity therein -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 89.3 Failure to Perform Repair Work to Cultural Monuments in Due Time

In the case of failure to perform repair work provided for in the liabilities in relation to cultural monument protection, if the result of it is damage to the cultural monument -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 89.4 Failure to Comply with the Procedures regarding Granting of such Parcel of Land, where Cultural Monuments Are Located

In the case of failure to harmonize granting of such land parcels where cultural monuments are located with the State Inspection for Heritage Protection -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 89.5 Damage to a Grave

In the case of damage to a grave -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Chapter Eight
Administrative Violations Committed in Manufacturing, Utilisation of Electrical and Heat Energy and Metrology

[2 October 1997]

Section 90. Violation of the Regulatory Enactments and Regulatory Technical Documents regarding the Technical Supervision of Dangerous Equipment and Power Supply Equipment

In the case of violation of the regulatory enactments regarding the technical supervision of dangerous equipment -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the dangerous equipment - for a natural person a fine in an amount up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - up to LVL 500.

In the case of violation of the regulatory enactments and regulatory technical documents regarding the technical supervision of electrical equipment, heating supply equipment and gas supply equipment in commercial power supply facilities, energy usage facilities and installations, which are under the control of the State Construction Inspection -

a fine shall be imposed on State officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 150 LVL, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of the use of an unregistered dangerous facility -

a fine shall be imposed on the possessor of the dangerous facility - for a natural person in an amount up to LVL 250, and for a legal person - up to LVL 750.

In the case of violation of the regulatory enactments regarding the technical supervision of dangerous facilities, which creates a hazard to the safety and health of the employees -

a fine shall be imposed on the possessor of the dangerous facility - for a natural person in an amount up to LVL 500, and for a legal person - up to LVL 1000.

In the cases of violations provided for in Paragraph two of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000.

[25 March 2004; 22 June 2006; 17 April 2008]

Section 90.1 Failure to Comply with the Instructions of the Officials of the State Labour Inspectorate, State Technical Supervision, State Fire Safety Supervision and State Energy Control Institutions

[17 February 1994]

Section 91. Violation of Regulations regarding the Storage, Usage and Accounting of Explosives

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the storage, usage and accounting of explosives -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 July 1994; 19 July 1995]

Section 92. Wasteful Use of Electrical and Heat Energy

[17 May 2007]

Section 93. Violation of Restrictions Determined for the Operation of Electricity Grids in Protective Zones

In the case of violation of the requirements and restrictions regarding the operation of electricity grids in protective zones specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed an natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - in an amount up to LVL 300.

In the cases of violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, but on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

[17 May 2007]

Section 94. Negligent Damage to the Electricity Transmission or Distribution System

In the case of negligent damage to the electricity transmission or distribution system -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, but on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 500, but on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000.

[17 May 2007]

Section 95. Violations of the Regulations and Norms for the Utilisation of Gas and Electricity

In the case of the utilisation of gas supply equipment without permission of the State gas regulatory body, exceeding the provided gas fund or failure to comply with the specified gas use regime, the use of gas in gas utilisation equipment without the gas usage specific norms or exceeding the specified norm -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the merchants, the managers of institutions and organisations, the deputy managers, the head energy engineers (head mechanics), and the heads of the production sites and services in an amount up to LVL 125.

In the case of failure to comply with a specified energy usage regime, switching on the user equipment without the energy monitoring equipment, installation of damaged, unverified, or modified energy usage monitoring equipment or the arbitrary modification of the energy monitoring equipment scheme -

a fine shall be imposed on the officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL150, but on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph two of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on the officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, but on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000.

[11 July 1992; 28 July 1994; 15 May 2003; 17 March 2005; 22 June 2006]

Section 96. Operation of Gas Utilisation Equipment without Monitoring Gas Usage

In the case of the operation of gas utilisation equipment without monitoring gas usage or without the monitoring of heat energy and production, which is produced, through utilising the gas, or in the case when there are no (or there are damaged) automatic regulation devices or heat technical control equipment or installations for heat utilization that ensure the rational and effective use of gas -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 July 1995]

Section 97. Reserve Fuel Industry Being Unprepared for Activity

In the case of a gas usage merchant's, institution's or organization's expected reserve fuel not being ready for activity or gas utilisation equipment not being ready for activity with the specified type of reserve fuel -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 July 1995; 17 March 2005]

Section 98. Damage to the Heating Network, Arbitrary Connection to Gas Supply Systems and Heating Networks

In the case of damage to the heating networks or installations thereof, arbitrary connection to gas supply systems and heating networks -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[20 June 1986; 26 February 1987; 19 July 1995].

Section 98.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding Electricity, Heat Energy and Gas Utilisation

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the supply, trade and use of electricity, heat energy and gas -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100 on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 300.

In the case of arbitrary consumption of electricity, heat energy and gas -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 400.

[17 May 2007]

Section 98.2 Gas Pipeline Damage during Performance of Work

In the case of damage to gas pipelines (excluding the main pipelines) and installations thereof during performance of work -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50 on persons, but for officials - up to LVL 100.

[26 February 1987, 19 July 1995]

Section 99. Failure to Comply with Metrological Requirements

In the case of use of a non-compliant physical unit of measurement and its labelling; in the case of the use of a measurement device, to which the required compliance test procedures have been carried out in accordance with the regulatory enactments, which specify the metrological requirements; in the case of the use of unverified or damaged measurement devices, which are included in the State Metrological Control permitted device list; in the case of failure to comply with the operation of State Metrological Control permitted measurement device requirements and a resultant associated measurement process incorrect use; in the case of non compliance of the volume of prepared packaged goods for distribution with the regulatory document requirements; in the case of incorrect installation of measurement devices -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000.

[17 May 2007]

Chapter Nine
Administrative Violations in Agriculture
Violation of Veterinary and Food Trade Requirements

[12 June 2003]

Section 100. Trampling of Crops or Damage to Plantations

In the case of the trampling of crops, damage or destruction to harvested crops located on a field, damage to plantations by cattle or birds -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 10 on persons, but for officials - up to LVL 50.

In the case of the trampling of crops, damage or destruction to harvested crops located on the field, damage to plantations which re-occurs within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed for the same violation -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50 on persons, but for officials - up to LVL 100.

In the case of driving over crops or plantations with a cart -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

In the case driving over crops or plantations with a motor vehicle, tractor, combine harvester or other car -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[9 December 1987; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 101. Violation of the Requirements for Plant Quarantine

In the case of failure to perform the phytosanitary measures specified by the regulatory enactments for the minimisation of plant quarantine organism release and control or the failure to comply with other plant quarantine regulations -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year after the imposition of the administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 101.1 Distribution of Plants, Plant Products and the Articles that have come into Contact with them with an Invalid Plant Passport or without Such Passport

In the case of distribution of plants, plant products and the articles that have come into contact with them specified in regulatory enactments regarding plant quarantine with an invalid plant passport or without such passport -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 250, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000, with or without confiscation of the plants, plant products and the articles that have come into contact with them.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year after the imposition of the administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, but for a legal person - from LVL 5000 up to LVL 10 000, with or without confiscation of the plants, plant products and the articles that have come into contact with them.

[20 December 2007]

Section 102. Import and Export of Plants and Plant Products Subject to Phytosanitary Control without Phytosanitary Control and Relevant Treatment

Import and export of plants or plant products subject to phytosanitary control without phytosanitary control and relevant treatment from border control points, freight consignee or consignor sites -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without confiscation of the plant and plant products.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year after the imposition of the administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000, with or without confiscation of the plants and plant products.

[12 June 2003]

Section 102.1 Violation of Breeder's Rights

In the case of violation of breeder's rights -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 July 1994; 23 March 2000]

Section 102.2 Violation of the Requirements for the Import, Distribution, Storage and Use of Plant Protection Products

In the case of importation, distribution or use of plant protection products that are not registered in Latvia -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without confiscation of the unregistered plant protection products.

In the case of violation of the requirements for plant protection product distribution, storage or use -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without confiscation of the plant protection products.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph one and two of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000, with or without confiscation of the plant protection products.

[12 June 2003]

Section 103. Responsibility of Land Owners (Users), if They Do not Perform Weed, Agricultural Plant Pest and Disease Control Measures

In the case of a failure to perform obligatory weed, agricultural plant pest and disease control measures in a timely manner -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25 on the owners (users) of the land.

In the case of the same violations that are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50 on the owners (users) of the land.

[12 June 2003]

Section 103.1 Failure to Secure Crop Protection for Plants that Contain Narcotic Substances

In the case of failure to perform measures for ensuring of the specified protection regime for the storage and processing sites of cultivated plants that contain narcotic substances and the harvest thereof, as well as in the case of failure to perform measures for the destruction of the residues containing narcotic substances after harvesting of the crop and destruction of the production waste -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100 on officials.

[28 May 1997]

Section 103.2 Unauthorised Sowing and Growing of Plants Containing Narcotic Substances

In the case of unauthorised sowing or growing of plants containing narcotic substances -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

[28 May 1997]

Section 103.3 Violation of the Requirements for the Handling of Food

In the case of violation of the hygiene and veterinary regulations in the handling food -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of violation of the specified requirements for food safety and quality -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the food.

In the case of violation of the requirements for food storage and labelling -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the food.

In the case of violation of the hygiene requirements specified in the regulatory enactments for food company personnel -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of the participation of a food company in the handling of food without the recognition or registration of the food company specified in regulatory enactments or the violation of the conditions referred to in the recognition certificate -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000 on legal persons, with or without the confiscation of the food.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one, two, three and four of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000, with or without the confiscation of the food.

[12 June 2003]

Section 103.4 Failure to Comply with the Instructions of Officials from State Agricultural Production Quality Supervisory Institutions

[17 February 1994]

Section 103.5 Violation of the Regulations for Seed Circulation

In the case of violation of the requirements for seed growth, seed circulation, preparation and storage -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of violation of the requirements for seed circulation, if they are committed by a seed importer or wholesaler -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one and two of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed.

[12 June 2003]

Section 103.6 Violation of Requirements regarding Cereal and Processed Product Circulation thereof

In the case of violation of the requirements regarding cereal and its processed product circulation and the violation of the cereal market intervention regulations -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003]

Section 103.7 Violation of Regulations regarding Fertilizer Circulation

In the case of violation of requirements regarding fertilizer circulation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000, with or without confiscation of the fertilizers.

In the case of failure to provide information provided for in the regulatory enactments regulating circulation of fertilizers or provision of false information -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph three of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of violation of the requirements specified in European Union or Latvian regulatory enactments regarding the testing of ammonium nitrate with a high oxygen content and the provision of the test results to a specific institution -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[17 March 2005]

Section 103.8 Violation of the Procedures for Co-operation Time whilst Working with Genetically Modified Crops

In the case of growing of genetically modified crops, without registration with the State Plant Protection Service -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 400 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of growing of genetically modified crops, without complying with the specific regulations regarding co-operation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 450 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of violation of requirements regarding the trade of genetically modified crop variety seeds -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 450 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one, two and three of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 1 000 up to LVL 3000.

[22 June 2006]

Section 103.9 Violation of the Requirements for the Storage, Preparation, Packaging and Transport of Genetically Modified Ready Products

In the case of violation of the requirements for the storage, preparation, packaging and transport of genetically modified ready products -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 450 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000.

[22 June 2006]

Section 103.10 Refusal of a Collector of Crops with a High Energy Value or First Processor to Accept Crops with a High Energy Value within the Scope of the European Union Support Scheme

In the case of refusal to accept grown crops with a high energy value within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor does not accept up to three per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount up to LVL 50, but for a legal person -up to LVL 100.

In the case of refusal to accept grown crops with a high energy value within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor does not accept up to three to ten per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100, but for a legal person - from LVL 250 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of refusal to accept grown crops with a high energy value within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor does not accept up to ten to twenty per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200, but for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of refusal to accept grown crops with a high energy value within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor does not accept more than twenty per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 300, but for a legal person - from LVL 2500 up to LVL 3500.

[3 July 2008]

Section 103.11 Refusal of a Collector of Crops with a High Energy Value or First Processor to Deliver or Process Crops with a High Energy Value within the Scope of the European Union Support Scheme

In the case of non-delivery or non-processing into energy products of crops with a high energy value intended for processing within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor refuses to deliver or process up to three per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount up to LVL 50, but for a legal person -up to LVL 100.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 500.

In the case of non-delivery or non-processing into energy products of crops with a high energy value intended for processing within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor refuses to deliver or process from three up to ten per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 350, but for a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph three of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 350 up to LVL 400 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 4000 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of non-delivery or non-processing into energy products of crops with a high energy value intended for processing within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor refuses to deliver or process from ten up to twenty per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 490, but for a legal person - from LVL 3000 up to LVL 6000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph five of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 450 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 7000 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of non-delivery or non-processing into energy products of crops with a high energy value intended for processing within the scope the European Union support scheme, if the collector or first processor refuses to deliver or process more than twenty per cent of the total amount, which it is mandatory to process -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 450 up to LVL 500, but for a legal person - from LVL 6500 up to LVL 10 000.

[3 July 2008]

Section 103.12 Refusal of a Collector of Crops with a High Energy Value or First Processor to Provide Information or Providing False Information to the Rural Support Service regarding the Value of Crops with a High Energy Value within the Scope of the European Union Support Scheme

In the case of failure to provide the information referred to in the regulatory enactments regulating European Union support for crops with a high energy value within the time periods specified to the Rural Support Service -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of providing false information to the Rural Support Service not taking into account that specified in regulatory enactments regarding European Union support for crops with a high energy value -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph two of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 2500 up to LVL 5000.

[3 July 2008]

Section 103.13 Refusal of a Collector of Crops with a High Energy Value or First Processor of Testing or Refusal to Perform the Necessary Tests for Specification of Conformity of Crops with a High Energy Value within the Scope of the European Union Support Scheme

In the case of a refusal to test or refusal to perform tests in order to specify the conformity of European Union support for crops with a high energy value regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 5000 up to LVL 10 000.

[3 July 2008]

Section 104. Violation of the Safety Regulations regarding the Operation of Tractors, Machines and Installations

[15 September 2005]

Section 105. Violation of the Quarantine and Veterinary Requirements in Animal Infectious Disease Affected Points, and Protection, Monitoring and Control Zones

In the case of violation of the quarantine and veterinary requirements in animal infectious disease affected points, and protection, monitoring and control zones -

a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003]

Section 105.1 Violation of Breeding Regulations

In the case of a failure to comply with specific technology regulations regarding embryo transplantation processes, the use of uncertified breeding materials, artificial insemination, monitoring or other breeding regulation violations -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 20 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 75.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 150.

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.2 Violation of the Regulations for Breeding Service Provision

In the case of provision of breeding services without a document certifying qualification, as well as the provision of poor quality and negligent services -

a fine shall imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.3 Violation of the Regulations for Breeding Material Purchase and Sale

In the case of the violation of regulations for breeding animal, sperm, egg and embryo purchase or sale -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.4 Import of Poor Quality Breeding Material into the State and Use thereof

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.5 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Registration of Animals, Cattle and Accommodation and Animal Marking

In the case of violation of the regulations for the registration of animals, cattle and accommodation and animal marking, as well as failure to provide information in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the birth of animals, transport, death or culling of animals -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 75 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 250.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 150 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.6 Violation of the Regulations for the Purchase and Sale of Milk

In the case of the purchase or sale of milk which violates the requirements specified in the regulatory enactments for activities with milk quotas -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 250.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.7 Failure to Produce Milk Accounting Documents and the Provision of False Information in Such Documents

In the case of failure to produce milk accounting documents or the provision of false information in such documents -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

[17 March 2005]

Section 105.8 Violation of the Regulations regarding Milk Quota Administration, Carriage of Milk and Milk Products, Processing, Storage, Realisation and Provision of Information

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding milk quota administration, carriage of milk and milk products, processing, storage, realisation or provision of information -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 250.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

[17 March 2005]

Section 106. Violation of the Requirements for the Keeping, Welfare, Utilisation and Carriage of Animals

In the case of violation of the requirements for the keeping, welfare, utilisation and carriage of animals -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the animals.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction or as a result of which a physical or monetary loss is incurred, -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000, with or without the confiscation of the animals.

[12 June 2003]

Section 106.1 Cruel Treatment of Animals and Violation of the Requirements for Killing Animals

In the case of cruel treatment of animals or violation of the requirements for killing animals -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal person - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the animals.

[12 June 2003]

Section 106.2 Use of Illegal Medicinal Products and Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products in Relation to Animals and the Failure to Comply with the Period for Medicinal Product Distribution After the Use of Medicinal Products or Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products in Relation to Animals

In the case of the use of illegal medicinal products and veterinary pharmaceutical products in relation to animals -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of a failure to comply with a medicine distribution period after the use of medicinal products veterinary pharmaceutical products in relation to animals -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the cases of violations provided for in Paragraph one and two of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

[12 June 2003]

Section 107. Concealment of Animals, Failure to Identify (no Marking) and Evasion of Accounting

In the case of concealment of animals from a Food and Veterinary Service inspector, failure to identify (no marking) and evasion of accounting in a local government -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 150 on natural persons, but for legal persons -from LVL 10 up to LVL 250.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003]

Section 108. Violation of the Requirements for Prophylaxis and Combating of Infectious Diseases (except Epizootic) of Animals under State Control

In the case of violation of the requirements for prophylaxis and combating of infectious diseases (except epizootic) of animals under State control specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000, with or without confiscation of the animals.

[12 June 2003; 20 December 2007]

Section 108.1 Violation of the Requirements for the Circulation of Foodstuffs of Animal Origin (Excluding Food)

In the case of the violation of the regulations for the circulation (purchase, processing, storage, transportation, distribution) of foodstuffs of animal origin (excluding food) -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the animal foodstuffs of animal origin.

In the case of the same violations recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000, with or without the confiscation of the animal foodstuffs of animal origin.

[12 June 2003]

Section 108.2 Violation of the Requirements for the Collection, Utilisation and Destruction of Animal Carcasses and Slaughter Waste, the Installation and Maintenance of Animal Cemeteries

In the case of violation of the requirements for the collection, utilisation and destruction of animal carcasses and slaughter waste, as well as the installation and maintenance of animal cemeteries -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003]

Section 108.3 Violation of the Requirements for the Circulation of Animal Feed, Veterinary Medicinal Products, Veterinary-pharmaceutical Products and Chemical Products for Animal Care

In the case of violation of the requirements for the circulation of animal feed -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the animal feed.

In the case of violation of requirements for the circulation of veterinary medicinal products, veterinary-pharmaceutical products and chemical products for animal care -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the veterinary medicinal products, veterinary-pharmaceutical products and chemical products for animal care.

In the cases of violations provided for in Paragraph one and two of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000, with or without the confiscation of the veterinary medicinal products, veterinary-pharmaceutical products and chemical products for animal care.

[12 June 2003]

Section 108.4 Violation of the Specified Veterinary and Hygienic Requirements for Export, Import and Transit

In the case of violation of the specified veterinary and hygienic requirements for export, import and transit -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

[12 June 2003]

Chapter Ten
Administrative Violations in Transport, Road and Communication Sectors

Section 109. Violations of the Regulations regarding Safe Movement in Rail Transport

In the case of damage to railway tracks, forest protective plantations, snow guards or other road object, as well as signalisation or other communication constructions or equipment -

a fine shall be imposed on persons in an amount up to LVL 25, but for officials - up to LVL 50.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which are specified for driving a cart or for the herding of cattle over railway lines, as well as the herding of cattle near a railway -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on persons in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 10, and for officials - from LVL 25 up to LVL 50.

In the case of failure to comply with the loading gauge whilst loading or unloading freight -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount up to LVL 50.

In the case of placing such objects on the railway tracks, which could affect the movement of a train -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50.

In the case of walking on the railway tracks out side of the designated areas -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 5.

In the case of a failure to provide information, which is related to railway traffic accidents or railway traffic safety, or for the provision of false information to the Railway Technical Inspection -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 500 on legal persons.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995; 14 June 2001]

Section 110. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of Railway Transport Equipment

In the case of damage to the window glass in the interior of the passenger car, locomotive or car -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of arbitrary closure of the train car main brake stop valves or arbitrary stopping of the train with the emergency brake, releasing the brake air canal or by another method without necessity -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 25 shall be imposed.

In the case of smoking in railway transport objects, where it is prohibited -

a warning shall be issued or fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 5.

In the case of throwing out of waste, containers, packaging material or other articles from a railway vehicles -

a warning shall be issued or fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 10.

In the case of arbitrary travel in a freight train, climbing in or climbing out of a train while it is moving, as well as travel on the wagon stairs or roof -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 110.1 Failure to Comply with the Prohibitions for Railway Rolling Stock and Track Use

In the case of failure to comply with the Railway Technical Inspection prescribed prohibitions for railway rolling stock and track use -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up LVL 3000.

[14 June 2001]

Section 110.2 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Technical Operation of a Railway

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the technical operation of a railway -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up LVL 1000.

[14 June 2001]

Section 110.3 Failure to Observe the Regulations regarding Assigning Safety Consultants (Advisers) in Capital Companies that Deal with Carriage of Dangerous Freight by Rail, as well as the Loading and Unloading of Dangerous Freight

In the case of failure to assign safety consultants (advisers) in capital companies that deal with carriage of dangerous freight by rail, as well as the loading and unloading of dangerous freight -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up LVL 3000.

[27 May 2004; 17 March 2005]

Section 111. Violation of the Flight Safety Regulations

In the case of construction of such buildings and other constructions or placement, without the Civil Aviation Administration's relevant permission, which may create a threat to the safety of aircraft flights -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the operation of an airport and air routes -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of the placement of identification marks and equipment similar to well-established identification marks and equipment of airports near an airport -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of burning pyrotechnic products near an airport without the permission of the airport administration -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of construction of such objects that create a large concentration of birds which can be dangerous to aircraft flights -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of failure to comply with the regulations, which prescribe the location of markings and safety lights on buildings and constructions -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of damage to airport equipment, aerodrome signage, aircraft and their equipment -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of unauthorised access to an airport controlled zone, walking or driving inside an airport controlled zone without the relevant permission -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150

[28 May 1997]

Section 112. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Carriage of Dangerous Products or Substances in Air Transport

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the carriage of dangerous products or substances in air transport -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250, with confiscation of the referred to products and substances.

The list of dangerous products or substances, for the violation of the regulations for carriage of which administrative responsibility is determined in this section, is regulated by air transport regulations in force.

[28 May 1997]

Section 113. Failure to Carry out Instructions of an Aviation Department and Civil Aviation Administration Officials

In the case of failure to carry out such instructions, which Aviation Department and Civil Aviation administration officials have given within their competence, in order to prevent violations of the regulatory enactments regarding operation of the civil aviation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[28 May 1997]

Section 114. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Utilisation of Air Space

In the case of aircraft flights, all types of activity, which is associated with the lifting, transport and lowering of material objects in air space, as well as the release of rockets without the relevant permission -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of the threat to aircraft and other material object flights by all types of shooting, explosive work and activities, which are associated with light, radio and all types of electro-magnetic radiation and done without the required permission -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 May 1997]

Section 114.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Operation of Aircraft

In the case of a flight taken with an unregistered aircraft, as well as with an aircraft, upon which the national ownership marking and registration marking conforming with the State aircraft registration regulations have not been affixed -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of a flight taken with an aircraft without a certificate as to its fitness for flying or after the expiry of the term of validity of such certificate -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of the regulations and instructions for aircraft flights -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of the regulations and instructions for aircraft technical maintenance -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of conditions of the aircraft operation certification and in the operation specifications -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of a failure to provide written information to the Civil Aviation Administration, which is associated with the amendment of the conditions, upon which the operation certification of the aircraft was issued -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of the provision of false information to the Civil Aviation Administration -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of civil aviation activities, with which the obligatory safety regulations are violated -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[28 May 1997]

Section 114.2 Carriage of Persons to the Republic of Latvia without Travel Documentation

In the case of the carriage of citizens of such state that is not a Member State of the European Union or European Economic Area, from such states to the Republic of Latvia, if the referred to persons do not have the necessary travel documentation to cross the border of the Republic of Latvia and if the carrier has performed it by sea, air or land transport -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural or legal person in an amount from LVL 1700 up to LVL 2800 for every person carried.

[17 March 2005]

Section 114.3 Failure to Provide Passenger Information and Provision of Incomplete or Incorrect Information

In the case of failure to provide the requested passenger information, provision of incomplete or incorrect information to the State Border Guard, if done by a carrier, who performs carriage by air transport from a country that is not a Member State of the European Union or European Economic Area to the Republic of Latvia -

a fine shall be imposed on the carrier -a natural or legal person - in an amount from LVL 2200 up to LVL 3600.

[7 June 2007]

Section 115. Violations of Ship Movement Regulations

In the case of violations of ship (except recreation craft in internal waters) movement regulations, which have been expressed as:

1) not ensuring appropriate visual and audio surveillance;

2) not observing ship safety speed;

3) not observing ship collision threat specification requirements;

4) untimely and unconvincing actions in avoiding a collision;

5) not observing the specified requirements for ship movements in narrow waterways;

6) not observing the specified requirements for the ship movement traffic separation system;

7) not observing the ship movement regulations when the ships are mutually visible;

8) not observing the ship movement in restricted visibility conditions regulations;

9) violation of the towing and shoving regulations;

10) not observing the ship movement regulations for a ship, which has lost movement capability or the steering capability of which is restricted;

11) violation of ship steering regulations;

12) violation of a ship's lights and signs, sound and light signals, as well as danger signals use regulations;

13) release of an anchor or parking on anchor in a restricted area, as well as not observing the regulations regarding actions when a ship in the shallows;

14) violation of a ship entering a port and leaving a port regulations;

15) not utilising mandatory pilotage services; and

16) violation of ship security service regulations -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on the master of a ship or recreational ship driver.

[2 December 1986; 19 July 1995; 3 July 2008]

Section 115.1 Not Fulfilling the Duty of Notification Specified in Shipping

In the case of not fulfilling the duty of notification specified in shipping (except recreation craft in internal waters), which have been expressed as:

1) not notifying according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments regarding accidents at sea;

2) not notifying the Latvian Maritime Administration regarding damage to a ship, which may impact upon the seaworthiness of the ship or cause pollution of the environment;

3) not notifying according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments regarding dangerous and polluting ship cargo;

4) not notifying according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments regarding the necessity to perform an extended inspection of the ship; and

5) not providing ship protection information according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments -a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2000.

[3 July 2008]

Section 116. Violation of the Regulations regarding Operations of Ships

In the case of operation of a ship if on board are not the documents the keeping of which on the ship is mandatory, or if such documents are not approved, registered, completed or are not stored in conformity with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments (except for ship certificates) -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of operation of a ship if its cargo signs or other ship markings does not conform to the requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of operation of a ship if it is staffed with a crew, which does not conform to the requirements specified in regulatory enactments regarding the minimal composition of ship's crew (except in force majeure circumstances specified in regulatory enactments, for example, unexpected illness or death) -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of operation of a ship without the ship certificates specified in regulatory enactments after the expiration of the term of validity thereof or without an intermediate conformity certification therein -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of operation of a ship if its hull, machinery or equipment does not conform to the requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of operation of a ship in violation of the requirements specified in regulatory enactments for ship cargo, passengers or logistics operations -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of violation of the regulations for the operation of a ship specified in this Section if it has caused the detention of a Latvian ship in a foreign port as a result of a state port control inspection -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 3000 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of other violations of the regulations for the operation of a ship specified in accordance with international or national regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 5000.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995; 3 July 2008]

Section 117. Violation of the Safety Regulations regarding Movement in River Transport

[17 May 2007]

Section 117.1 Violation of the Overall Regulations regarding Recreational Craft Traffic in Internal Waters

In the case of driving of recreational craft in internal waters, without the document that certifies the right to drive the relevant recreational craft (if such is necessary), or the document, which certifies the registration of the recreational craft (if the relevant craft must be registered) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 5 shall be imposed.

In the case of riding a jet-ski, sailing a wind sail, as well as water skiing or other similar sporting activities, without wearing a safety vest, which ensures a person's buoyancy -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 30 shall be imposed.

In the case of driving a recreational craft, without the necessary licence to drive the recreational craft -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of the use of a licence to drive a recreational craft, which has been notified as lost or stolen, if a new licence to drive a recreational craft has been received -

a fine in an amount of LVL 10 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of the use of recreational craft in areas, where it has been prohibited by the owner or possessor of the internal waters, as well as in the swimming areas and prohibited aquatic waters that have been determined and designated by the local government -

a fine in an amount from LVL 40 up to LVL 70 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of the carriage of a passenger in a recreational craft, who has not reached the age of 12 and is not wearing the relevant size safety vest -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 40 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft in frontier aquatic waters during daylight, if the State Border Guard has not been previously notified of it -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 30 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft in the frontier aquatic waters during the night -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up LVL 50 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft in frontier aquatic waters during daylight, if the master of the recreational craft or the passengers do not have personal identification documents with them -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up LVL 50 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case violation of other regulations regarding traffic of recreation craft in internal waters not mentioned in this Code -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 10 shall be imposed.

The recreational craft referred to in this Section and in Sections 117.3 - 117.9 shall be a vessel intended for sport and leisure, the length of which is from 2.5 metres up to 24 metres, which is not used for commercial purposes and which does not have a professional crew, as well as small vessels.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.2 Violation of the Regulations Regarding Instructing in Navigation in Internal Waters

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding instructing in navigation in internal waters -

a fine in an amount from LVL 40 up to LVL 60 shall be imposed on the person performing instructing in navigation.

[17 May 2007]

Section 117.3 Failure to Comply with the Requirements for Arrangement of Recreational Craft in Internal Waters

In the case of the use of a recreational craft, which is not equipped with the necessary equipment and safety devices -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up LVL 40 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

[17 May 2007]

Section 117.4 Failure to Comply with the Regulations regarding Carriage of Cargo and Passenger whilst Navigating a Recreational Craft in Internal Waters

In the case of exceeding the carrying capacity of a recreational craft or the permitted number of passengers to be carried thereon whilst navigating in internal waters -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.5 Failure to Observe Navigation Speed, when Navigating in Internal Waters with a Recreation Craft, for which the Manufacturer has Provided a Speed Reading Device

In the case of exceeding the speed limit by 10 kilometres per hour of the speed limit specified in signs showing the permitted navigation speed in internal waters -

a fine in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 40 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of exceeding the speed limit by 30 kilometres per hour of the speed limit specified in signs showing the permitted navigation speed in interior waters -

a fine in an amount from LVL 70 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft and the recreation craft navigation licence shall be taken away for a period of time from six months up to one year.

In the case of exceeding the speed limit by more than 30 kilometres per hour of the speed limit specified in signs showing the permitted navigation speed in internal waters -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft and the recreational craft navigation licence shall be taken away for a period of time from one year up to two years.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft, which exceeds a speed of 5 kilometres an hour, in internal waters closer than 30 metres to a swimmer -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with or without the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for a period of time up to one year.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.6 Violation of the Regulations regarding Manoeuvring, Stopping, Standing and Anchoring in Internal Waters

In the case of manoeuvring and stopping in internal waters near a sailing or standing ship, dredge, floating construction, as well as in between them -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of anchoring in the path of a ship, as well as mooring or standing near navigation signs and passenger or freight docks, that are not intended for recreational craft -

a fine in an amount from LVL 70 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for a period of time from six months up to one year.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.7 Navigation of Recreational Craft in Internal Waters under the Influence of Alcohol or Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances

In the case of navigating a launch, jet-ski, motor boat or yacht or instructing in navigation in internal waters, if a breath test or blood test establishes an alcohol concentration in the blood that exceeds 0.5 promils, but does not exceed 1.5 promils -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for a period of time from six months up to one year.

In the case of navigating a launch, jet-ski, motor boat or yacht or instructing in navigation in interior waters, if a breath test or blood test establishes an alcohol concentration in the blood that exceeds 1.5 promils -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up LVL 300 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for two years.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft or instructing in navigation in internal waters, under the influence of narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances -

a fine in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 400 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for two years.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft or instructing in navigation in internal waters, with reaction time and awareness influenced by medicinal products, as well as being sick or tired to such an extent, where it can influence the driver's ability and water traffic safety -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the cases of violations provided for in this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 400 up LVL 500 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for three years.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.8 Violations by Masters of Recreational Craft in Special Circumstances

In the case of failure to observe the specified procedures after a water traffic accident -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with or without the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for a period of time from one year up to three years.

In the case of failure to comply with a person's request to stop the recreational craft, who is authorised to inspect the master of the recreational craft documents -

a fine in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 400 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreation craft navigation licence for a period of time from two years up to three years.

In the case of the use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or other intoxicating substances after a water traffic accident, as well as after the recreational craft is stopped by the request of the police or officials of the National Armed Forces Naval Coast Guard, or officials of the State Border Guard (State border aquatic water or port aquatic water), until a test of the alcoholic beverage, narcotic or other intoxicating substance influence or release from such a test -

a fine in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreational craft navigation licence for three years. A master of the recreational craft who does not have a recreational craft navigation licence (the recreational craft navigation licence has not been obtained according to the specified procedures or it has be taken away), a fine in the amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed and a prohibition to obtain a recreational craft navigation licence for a period of three years shall be applied.

In the case of a refusal to perform a blood test for the specification of alcohol concentration, as well as tests for narcotic or other intoxicating substance influence -

a fine in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft with the taking away of the recreation craft navigation licence for three years. A master of the recreational craft who does not have a recreational craft navigation licence (the recreational craft navigation licence has not been obtained according to the specified procedures or it has be taken away), a fine in the amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed and a prohibition to obtain a recreational craft navigation licence for a period of three years shall be applied.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.9 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Registration of Recreational Craft

In the case of navigating a recreational craft that shall be subject to registration, which has not been registered according to the specified procedures -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

In the case of navigating a recreational craft, for which the State registration number or name has not been indicated at the place intended for this purpose -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the master of the recreational craft.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 117.10 Damage to Navigation Signs and Lights, Arbitrary Installation and Removal of Port Hydrotechnical Structures, Devices and Installations

In the case of damage, arbitrary installation, removal of navigation signs and lights, or damage of port hydrotechnical structures, devices and installations -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 75 shall be imposed.

[17 May 2007]

Section 117.11 Violation of the Regulations regarding Diving Work

In the case of performing diving work in port waters without the required permission, as well as failure to observe the signalling requirements during the work period -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[17 May 2007]

Section 118. Violation of the Regulations regarding Registration, Accounting and Use of Small Vessels

[17 May 2007]

Section 119. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of Means of River Transport

In the case of damage to the interior of river passenger transport vessels -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 25 shall be imposed.

In the case of smoking on river transport vessels in restricted areas -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 5 shall be imposed.

[2 December 1986; 19 July 1995]

Section 120. Violation of the Fire Safety Regulations on Railway, Sea, River and Air Transport

In the case of violation of the fire safety regulations on railway, sea, river transport -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of violation of the fire safety regulations on air transport -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

[11 April 1996]

Section 121. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Operation of Vehicles

[16 October 2003]

Section 122. Exceeding of the Speed Limit

[16 October 2003]

Section 122.1 Failure to Observe the Road Sign Regulations, the Regulations regarding the Carriage of Freight or Passengers and Violation of other Traffic Regulations

[16 October 2003]

Section 122.2 Violation of Traffic Regulations, which has Resulted in an Emergency Situation

[16 October 2003]

Section 122.3 Participation in Vehicle Group Trips

[16 October 2003]

Section 123. Violation of the Regulations regarding Crossing of Railway Crossings, Done by Drivers of Vehicles

[16 October 2003]

Section 124. Driving of a Vehicle under the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages

[16 October 2003]

Section 124.1 Driving of a Vehicle under the Influence of Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances

[16 October 2003]

Section 125. Violation of Traffic Regulations, as a Result of which Vehicles or other Property is Damaged, as well as the Violation of other Traffic Regulations

[16 October 2003]

Section 126. Driving of Vehicles without a Driving Licence

[16 October 2003]

Section 126.1 Driving of a Vehicle without a Driving Licence under the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages, Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances

[16 October 2003]

Section 126.2 Failure to Observe the Requirements to Stop a Vehicle, Leaving of the Site of a Road Accident or Evasion of a Test for Establishing the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages, Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances

[16 October 2003]

Section 126.3 Use of Alcoholic Beverages, Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances after a Road Accident before being Tested or Released from a Test for Establishing the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages, Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances

[16 October 2003]

Section 126.4 Driving of a Vehicle, without the Insured Civil Liability of the Vehicle Owner

[16 October 2003]

Section 126.5 Evasion from a Vehicle Driver's Preliminary Health Test

[16 October 2003]

Section 127. Driving a Vehicle Intoxicated without a Driving Licence

[19 May 1989]

Section 128. Evasion of a Test for Establishing the Extent of Intoxication

[19 May 1989]

Section 129. Failure to Observe the Traffic Regulations by Pedestrians and other Road Users

[16 October 2003]

Section 130. Issuing of Orders for Using Vehicles, without Observing the Regime for Work and Rest Time Periods, or for Using Vehicles, which are Damaged, and other Violations of the Regulations regarding the Operation of other Vehicles or Use of Control Devices

[16 October 2003]

Section 131. Allowing a Driver, who is under the Influence of Alcoholic Beverages, Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances, or a Person, who does not Possess a Driving Licence, to Drive a Vehicle

[16 October 2003]

Section 131.1 Failure to Observe the Work and Rest Time Period Regime for Employed Vehicle Drivers in Carriage by Road, Violation of the Regulations regarding the Driving Distance and the Use of Speed Registration Control Devices

[16 October 2003]

Section 131.2 Failure to Notify regarding a Person, who has Driven a Vehicle, with which a Violation of Road Traffic Regulations has been Performed

[16 October 2003]

Section 132. Utilisation of Vehicles, Cars or Mechanisms for the Intention of Gaining Personal Profit

[3 November 1992]

Section 133. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Storage of Vehicles

[3 November 1992]

Section 134. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Carriage of Dangerous Freight or Freight, Substances or Articles of Special Categories in Railway, Sea and River Transport, and Electrical Transport

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the carriage, loading or unloading of dangerous freight or freight of special categories, as well as explosives, flammable, poisonous, highly flammable or other dangerous substances or articles with railway, sea or river transport or electrical transport or in the case of leaving such freight, substances or articles in vehicles without supervision, as well as putting thereof in luggage or luggage storage facilities -

a fine in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

The list of the freight, substances and articles referred to in Paragraph one of this Section shall be specified by the regulations in force in respect of the relevant transport types.

[11 July 1992; 11 April 1996; 14 June 2001]

Section 134.1 Performance of Carriage by Road, without a Licence Card, Special Permission and a Patent or Registration Certificate Present or Violating the Regulations regarding the use of the referred to Documents

[16 October 2003]

Section 134.2 Performance of International Road Carriage without Permission or Violating International Agreements

[16 October 2003]

Section 134.3 Violation of Carriage of Dangerous Freight Regulations

[16 October 2003]

Section 135. Unpaid Carriage of Hand Luggage Exceeding the Norm, Luggage and Animals

In the case of unpaid carriage of hand luggage exceeding the norm, luggage and animals -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 3 shall be imposed.

The imposition of a fine does not release the passenger from paying for carriage of hand luggage exceeding the norm, luggage and animals.

[28 May 1997]

Section 136. Travel without a Ticket

In the case of passengers flying without tickets -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of passengers travelling without tickets, as well as the travel with 10 to 16 year old children without a ticket:

1) on suburban trains -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 3;

2) on local and long distance trains -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 5;

3) on sea transport suburban line ships and river transport for suburban and local traffic ships -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 3;

4) on sea transport and river transport local and long-distance line ships -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 5;

5) for river transport ships for ferrying -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 1.

In the case of travel with 7 to 10 year old children without a ticket:

1) on suburban trains -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 1;

2) on local and suburban trains -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 3;

3) on sea transport suburban line ships and river transport for suburban and local traffic ships -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 1;

4) on sea transport and river transport local and long-distance line ships -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 3;

5) for river transport ships for ferrying -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 1.

In the case of a passenger travelling without a ticket, as well as travel with 7 to 16 year old children without a ticket on a trolley bus, tram, city route bus, route taxi or taxi bus -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 2.

In the case of a passenger travelling without a ticket, as well as travel with 7 to 16 year old children without a ticket on a regional bus -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 3.

In the case of a passenger travelling without a ticket, as well as travel with 10 to 16 year old children without a ticket on a long-distance or international bus -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 10.

In the case of a passenger travelling with a 7 to 10 year old child without a ticket on a long-distance or international route bus -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 3.

Payment of the fine does not release the passenger from paying the cost of the travel.

In the case of carriage of a passenger without a ticket or not observing the prescribed tariff in suburban, local, long-distance or international route buses, in route taxis or taxi buses, which are done by the vehicle driver-conductor or which is allowed by the conductor -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 50.

[19 July 1995; 28 May 1997]

Section 137. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of Road Transport and Electrical Transport

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the use of road transport and electrical transport (tram, trolley bus), excluding violations, which are provided for in Sections 134-136 and 137.1 of this Code -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 5.

[6 August 1991; 19 July 1995]

Section 137.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of Taxis

In the case of the refusal to pay for the calling of the taxi by a person who has called a taxi, if the service conditions have been fulfilled -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of a taxi driver refusing to service a passenger, excluding the cases provided for by regulations, or the taking of passengers in parking areas, stating the direction of the route (excluding route taxis), as well as in the case of carriage of passengers with a taxi, special equipment of which does not comply with the specified requirements, -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 250.

In the case of failure by a taxi driver to fulfil the instructions provided by the State control institutions regarding the questions in the competence thereof, as well as in the case of delaying realisation of the legal rights of officials from the referred to institutions -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 250.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which is equipped with the prescribed passenger taxi special equipment elements, but is not registered as a taxi according to specified procedures -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[6 August 1991; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995; 14 June 2001]

Section 138. Violation of the Regulations regarding Ensuring of Freight Storage in Railway, Sea, River and Car Transport

In the case of damage to rolling stock, containers, floating or other vehicles intended for the carriage of freight, as well as damage to transport equipment -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of damage to the fencing of a freight yard, railway station, goods vehicle station, container point (yard), port (dock), warehouse, as well as any other territory or object associated with carriage of freight operations -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of damage to a freight wagon, car, car trailer, container, tank or floating means of conveyance, as well as any other freight building seal or locking device, tearing off of the seal, damage to separate freight areas or the packaging or packing thereof -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 25 shall be imposed.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 139. Violation of Regulations regarding Ensuring of Freight Storage in Air Transport

In the case of damage to container seals and locking devices, tearing off the seal from them, damage to the separate freight area and the packaging and packing thereof, as well as damage to the fencing of the warehouse in air transport, which is used for the performance of the operations associated with carriage of freight -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 25 shall be imposed.

In the case of damage to the container and transport medium intended for carriage of freight in air transport -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995]

Section 139.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding Carriage of Transit Freight

In the case of carriage of transit freight, if there is no insurance in respect to damage, which a carrier may do to a third party or to their property -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted within a year of the administrative sanction being applied -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 200 shall be imposed, with or without the suspension of a licence to perform carriage of freight.

[19 July 1995]

Section 140. Violation of Road Safety Regulations

In the case of arbitrary removal or arrangement of road signs, traffic lights or other road traffic organisation technical assets -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on a natural or legal person.

In the case of the damage, destruction, littering, pollution or blocking off a road or its associated components, as well as the damage or destruction of the road traffic organisation technical assets -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on a natural person, but for a legal person - from LVL 500 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of littering or pollution of the road right of way land, as well as the location of material or objects in the road right of way without the State Road Service's or road owner's (manager's) permission -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of placement of road traffic organisation technical assets, the arrangement of information and advertisement billboards and the location of commercial, public eating and other objects in the road right of way or protection zone without the State Road Service's or road owner's (manager's) permission -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of the violation of the regulations, which regulate the State road protection and procedures, by which the vehicle traffic prohibitions and restrictions are applied to local government, company, and home roads which connect to the State -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of construction and extraction of mineral resources, earth digging and movement (excluding work for agricultural purposes), tree felling, and planting of trees and bushes in protection zones along the road without the permission of the State Road Service or road owner (manager) -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 2000.

In the case of failure to maintain roads and their associated components according to the requirements specified by the regulatory enactments, if its threatens road safety -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the road - for a natural person - in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 - for a legal person - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of failure to perform measures, in order to prohibit or restrict vehicle traffic, if it threatens road safety -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the road - for a natural or legal person - in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which regulate the arrangement of work areas on roads -

a fine shall be imposed on the performer of the work - for a natural or legal person - in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200.

[16 October 2003]

Section 140.1 Driving of a Vehicle Exceeding the Dimensions of a Vehicle, Permitted Effective Vehicle Mass or Axle Weight Provided for in Road Traffic Regulations

[16 October 2003]

Section 141. Failure to Observe the Restrictions of the Protection Zones along the Roads (Streets)

[16 October 2003]

Section 142. Violation of the Road (Street) Maintenance Regulations

[16 October 2003]

Section 143. Violation of the Regulations for Road, Railway Crossing and other Road Construction Maintenance

[11 March 1992]

Section 144. Violation of the Regulations for the Protection of Trunk Pipelines

In the case of violation of the regulations for the protection of trunk pipelines -

a fine shall be imposed on persons up to LVL 50 and for officials - up to LVL 150.

[19 July 1995]

Section 145. Establishment and Operation of Radio Broadcast Equipment without the Relevant Registration or without Permission

In the case of the establishment and operation of radio broadcast network (notwithstanding its strength) without the relevant registration or without permission (in cases, where it is obligatory) -

a fine shall be imposed on officials up to LVL 250

In the case of the establishment of a radio broadcast point without the relevant registration or without permission (in cases, where it is obligatory), notwithstanding belonging of the radio broadcast network, to which the point is connected to -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 10

[28 May 1997]

Section 146. Manufacture, Importation, Realisation, Installation and Use of Equipment that Radiates an Electromagnetic Field without State Telecommunications Inspection Permission or Violating its Prescribed Procedures

In the case of the manufacture, importation, realisation, installation or use of equipment that radiates an electromagnetic field without State Telecommunications Inspection permission or violation of its prescribed procedures -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 10 up to LVL 150, with or without the confiscation of the equipment and other tools and articles emitting the electromagnetic field.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted within a year of the administrative sanction being applied -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 250, with confiscation of the equipment and other tools and articles emitting the electromagnetic field which were used for committing of the administrative violation.

[28 May 1997; 19 June 2003]

Section 146.1 Use of such Equipment Radiating Electromagnetic Radiation, whose Parameters do not Comply with those Specified in the State Telecommunications Inspection's Permission, as well as the Manufacture or Use of Uncertified Equipment or such Electrical Equipment, Electronic Equipment or Radio Equipment, whose Electromagnetic Radiation Exceeds the Norms

In the case of the use of equipment radiating electromagnetic radiation, whose parameters do not comply with those prescribed in the State Telecommunications Inspection's permit, as well as the manufacture or use of such electrical equipment, electronic equipment or radio equipment, whose electromagnetic radiation exceeds the relevant norms -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 150.

In the case of the manufacture or use of uncertified electrical equipment, electronic equipment or radio equipment -

a fine shall be imposed from LVL 50 up to LVL 150, with confiscation of this electrical, electronic or radio equipment.

In the case of the activities described in this Section, if recommitted within a year of the administrative sanction being applied -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250, with confiscation of used equipment.

[28 May 1997]

Section 146.2 Violation of the Regulations Regulating Radio Communications, the Procedures for the Installation and Use of Equipment Intended for Radio and Television Programme Broadcast and Distribution or other Equipment Radiating Radio Waves

In the case of violation of the regulations regulating radio communications -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of the violation of the procedures for the installation or use of equipment intended for broadcast or distribution of radio or television programmes specified by regulatory enactments or other equipment radiating radio waves -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed, with confiscation of the tools and articles used for committing of the administrative violation.

[19 June 2003]

Section 147. Violation of the Specified National Standards for the Distribution of Radio and Television (Including Cable Television) Programmes

In the case of violation of the specified national standards for the distribution of radio and television (including cable television) programmes -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[28 May 1997, 29 May 2003]

Section 147.1 Violation of the Procedures for Installation and Use of Television and Sound Broadcast Signal Distribution and Cable Television Systems

In the case of installation and use of television and sound broadcast signal distribution and cable television systems without the relevant permit -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 148. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of Electronic Communication Network and Telephone Communication

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the protection of the electronic communication network, as well as damage to the network or disrupting its normal operation -

a fine in the amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the use of telephone communications, the use of telephone communications against the interests of the State and public order, its sale, hire to other persons or its use to disrupt other subscribers -

a fine in the amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted within a year of the administrative sanction being applied -

a fine in the amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[28 May 1997; 22 December 2005]

Section 148.1 Failure to Conclude an Agreement for Electronic Communication Services and Failure to Include the Information Specified by the Regulatory Enactments in the Electronic Communication Service Agreement

In the case of failure to conclude an agreement for electronic communication services with a subscriber or failure to include the information specified by regulatory enactments in the electronic communication service agreement with the subscriber -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in the amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on State officials, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 300.

[22 December 2005]

Section 148.2 Acquisition, Manufacture, Alteration and Storage of Data, Software and Equipment for Illegal Operations with Electronic Communications Terminal Equipment

In the case of changing data necessary for the identification of electronic communications network terminal equipment in an electronic communications network without the consent of the manufacturer or the authorised person thereof or the acquisition or storage of data intended for such purposes, as well as the acquisition, manufacture or storage of software or equipment intended for such purposes -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, with confiscation of the tools and articles for the committing of the violation.

[20 December 2007]

Section 149. Damage or Arbitrary Installation of Public Telephones, Telephone Booths, Money Changing and Post Automatic Machines, Post Office Boxes, Customer Equipment and other Electronic Communication and Postal Equipment and Devices

In the case of damage or arbitrary installation of public telephones, telephone booths, money changing and post automatic machines, post office boxes, customer equipment and other electronic communication and postal equipment and devices -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[28 May 1997; 22 December 2005]

Section 149.1 Arbitrary Connection of Electronic Communication Devices to a Public Electronic Communication Network and Arbitrary Connection or Damage to a Television or Sound Broadcast Signal Distribution Cable Television System

In the case of arbitrary connection of electronic communication devices to a public electronic communication network -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of arbitrary connection or damage to a television or sound broadcast signal distribution cable television system -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the cases of violations provided for in Paragraph two of this Section, if they have been committed within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003, 22 December 2005]

Section 149.2 Realisation of Uncertified Telecommunication Assets

[11 December 2003]

Chapter Ten "a"
Administrative Violations in Road Traffic

[16 October 2003]

Section 149.3 Bicycle and Moped Drivers' Administrative Responsibility in Road Traffic

Administrative sanctions specified in this Chapter shall not be imposed on the driver of a bicycle or moped, except the cases when there is a relevant sanction responsibility of the bicycle and moped driver that is specially specified.

Section 149.4 Violations of General Road Traffic Regulations

In the case of driving a vehicle, if one of the following documents is not held by the driver of the vehicle:

1) a driving licence;

2) registration documents for the vehicle;

3) a document (sticker) regarding the vehicle driver compulsory civil liability insurance;

4) a document regarding the State technical inspection or technical control on the roads performed, if a vehicle does not have the relevant visual information (sticker), or a one day permit for participation in the road traffic issued by the Road Traffic Safety Directorate, in order to perform the State technical inspection;

5) other documents certifying the vehicle driver's qualifications;

6) documents, which are necessary, when carrying oversized or heavy load freight;

7) an authorisation to use a vehicle registered in another state, if the owner is not present (for Latvian residents); and

8) driving instructor's licence or learner's driving licence (in the case of a driving lesson) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 2.

In the case of failing to wear a seat belt or to use a fastened helmet, as well as carrying a passenger, who has not fastened or who is not wearing a fastened helmet -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of the utilisation of such type of a vehicle driving licence, that has been notified as missing or stolen, if a new vehicle driving licence has been received -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving of a vehicle, if a prohibition on the driving of vehicles is in force, excluding occasions, when the driving prohibition falls within the violation point system -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of the driving of a vehicle, without the licence for the relevant category of the vehicle -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 200.

In the case of driving a vehicle, if:

1) there is no driving licence (the vehicle driving licence has not been obtained according to the specified procedures or has been suspended);

2) there is a prohibition on the utilisation of the driving licence, which has been applied within the violation point system, -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300.

In the case of driving a vehicle repeatedly within a year, if:

1) there is no driving licence (the driving licence has not been obtained according to the specified procedures or has been suspended); and

2) there is a prohibition on the utilisation of the driving licence, which has been applied within the violation point system -

an administrative arrest from 5 days up to 15 days shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle and a fine in an amount of LVL 400 shall be imposed.

In the case of leaving the driver's or the passenger's seat of the vehicle without request, when the vehicle has been stopped by a police officer or a border control officer (in a border area) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver or the passenger of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of a failure to provide information regarding the legal user of the vehicle -

a fine shall be imposed on the owner of the vehicle (driver, possessor) - on a natural or legal person - in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 100.

In the case of using a telephone, whilst the vehicle is moving, except for the cases, when the vehicle driver, in order to use it, does not have to take the telephone handset into his hands -

a warning shall be issued or fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of a failure to observe the vehicle driver's work and rest period regime or violation of the regulations regulating the work and rest period regime of vehicle drivers and the driving distance, and violation of the regulations regarding the use of speed registration control devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100, but for a legal person - from LVL 400 up to LVL 500.

In the case of issuing an order to use a vehicle without observing the vehicle driver's work and rest period regime or the regulations regulating work and rest period regime and the driving distance, and violation of the regulations regarding the use of speed registration control devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the person who is responsible for the operation of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150, but for a legal person - from LVL 700 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of aggressive driving, which has manifested itself as:

1) numerous consecutive violations of road traffic regulations, which are associated with creation of a dangerous for road traffic or disruptive situation; and

2) the driving of the vehicle in such a way, that a violation of the road traffic regulations is committed and a disruption is caused to the even flow of vehicles or other vehicle driver's interests are ignored (multiple lane changes whilst overtaking, overtaking a number of jammed or vehicles driving in a column on the other side of the road or driving in the public transport lane, road verges, sidewalks, pedestrian roads, bicycle roads or other locations, which are not intended for the driving of vehicles, etc) -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200.

In the case of violation of road traffic regulations that are not mentioned in this Code -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

[15 September 2005; 8 February 2007]

Section 149.5 Violation of the Regulations for Road Traffic Regulation

In the case of driving, if the traffic light signal prohibits it, or failing to adhere to the signals of the traffic regulator or the driving direction, that is prohibited by a signal of the traffic controller -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 10, but in respect of drivers of other vehicles - from LVL 20 up to LVL 100.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which designate the place, where a vehicle shall be stopped, if the traffic controller or the traffic light signals prohibit driving -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of a failure to comply with a person's request to stop the vehicle, who is authorised to inspect the vehicle driver's documents -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of a failure to comply with a person's repeated request to stop the vehicle (for fleeing), who is authorised to inspect the vehicle driver's documents -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle or moped in an amount of LVL 20, for drivers of other vehicles an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period of time from 10 to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 and the driving licence shall be suspended for a period of three years.

[15 September 2005; 22 December 2005]

Section 149.6 Violation of the Regulations regarding Starting to Drive and Driving Direction Changes

In the case of violation of the regulations, which regulate the procedures for giving a warning signal -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle or moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of a failure to give way to pedestrians or other vehicle drivers, who have the right of way -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle or moped in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 20, but for drivers of other vehicles a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of failure to give way to trolley buses or buses, which start to drive from the designated stop -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of a trolley bus or bus driver starting to drive, without checking, whether they have been given way -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of failure to take a specific position on the carriageway or tram tracks before turning off the road or turning around in the opposite direction -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 30.

In the case of turning in such a way that when driving off the crossing point of the carriageway, the vehicle is located in the oncoming lane of the traffic flow -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of crossing the tram tracks in places that are not intended for this purpose, if the tram track ground is separated from the rest of the carriageway or is not in line with it -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of turning to drive in the opposite direction on a bridge, pier, road flyover and under them, as well as on pedestrian crossings -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of turning to drive in the opposite direction in tunnels, or places, where the road vision in one direction is less than 100 metres -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of turning to drive in the opposite direction on railway crossings -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

Section 149.7 Violation of the Regulations regarding Vehicle Arrangement on the Carriageway

In the case of driving in the oncoming lane on the road, where the road traffic travels in two directions and there are four or more lanes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving in the middle lane, which may be used for driving in both directions, if the driving is not associated with overtaking, driving around, turning left or turning in the opposite direction, on a road, where the traffic travels in both directions and there are three driving lanes with road signs -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving in a lane, which from both sides is designated with a 927 road marking in cases, when it is prohibited -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving on the left hand side of the lane or in the same direction of as the tram track ground in the cases, when it is not permitted -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving in opposite direction on the tram track ground -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving in a lane, which is specified for passenger public transport vehicles -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of failing to drive in a marked lane (driving between the lanes) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving on sidewalks, pedestrian roads, bicycle roads or other places (separated lanes, road edges, plantations etc) which are not intended for the driving of vehicles -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

[15 September 2005]

Section 149.8 Failure to Observe the Driving Speed, Distance and Interval

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 20 kilometres per hour on a motorcycle, tricycle, quad bike, light vehicle, freight vehicle, whose total mass does not exceed 7.5 tonnes -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the violations referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, if they are committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by not more than 20 kilometres per hour by cars, towing a trailer, freight cars, whose total mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, buses and tractors -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph three of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 21 up to 30 kilometres per hour on a motorcycle, tricycle, quad bike, light vehicle, freight vehicle, whose total mass does not exceed 7.5 tonnes -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph five of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 21 up to 30 kilometres per hour by cars, towing a trailer, freight cars, whose total mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, buses and tractors -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph seven of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 31 up to 40 kilometres per hour on a motorcycle, tricycle, quad bike, light vehicle, freight vehicle, whose total mass does not exceed 7.5 tonnes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph nine of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 60.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 31 up to 40 kilometres per hour by cars, towing a trailer, freight cars, whose total mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, buses and tractors -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 60.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph eleven of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 80 up to LVL 100.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 41 up to 50 kilometres per hour on a motorcycle, tricycle, quad bike, light vehicle, freight vehicle, whose total mass does not exceed 7.5 tonnes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 60.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph thirteen of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 80 up to LVL 100.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 41 up to 50 kilometres per hour by cars, towing a trailer, freight cars, whose total mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, buses and tractors -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 80 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph fifteen of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 51 up to 60 kilometres per hour on a motorcycle, tricycle, quad bike, light vehicle, freight vehicle, whose total mass does not exceed 7.5 tonnes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 80 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph seventeen of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of three months.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by 51 up to 60 kilometres per hour by cars, towing a trailer, freight cars, whose total mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, buses and tractors -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of six months, but in respect of a driver, who was driving a bus, a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200 and the D category driving licence shall be suspended for a period of a year with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of six months.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph nineteen of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of six months, but in respect of a driver, who was driving a bus, a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300 and the D category driving licence shall be suspended for a period of a year with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of six months.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by more than 60 kilometres per hour on a motorcycle, tricycle, quad bike, light vehicle, freight vehicle, whose total mass does not exceed 7.5 tonnes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 300 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period from three months up to six months.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph twenty one of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 400 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period from 3 months up to six months.

In the case of exceeding the permitted driving speed by more than 60 kilometres per hour with a car, which is towing a trailer, a freight car, whose total mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, buses and tractors -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 400 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period from six months to one year, but in respect of a driver, who was driving a bus, a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 400 and the D category driving licence shall be suspended for a period of two years year with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period from six months up to one year.

In the case of the violation referred to in Paragraph twenty three of this Section, if it is committed in a place, which is designated with a 518 road sign "Beginning of a Residential Area" or a 528 road sign "Residential Zone" -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period from six months to one year, but in respect of a driver, who was driving a bus, a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 400 up to LVL 500 and the D category driving licence shall be suspended for a period of two years year with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period from six months up to one year.

In the case of failing to observe the safe distance or interval -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

[15 September 2005; 8 February 2007]

Section 149.9 Violations of the Regulations regarding Overtaking and Changing with on Coming Vehicles

In the case of causing a disruption during overtaking to on coming or overtaken vehicle drivers -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 40 up to LVL 60.

In the case of commencing overtaking, if the driver of a vehicle in front in the same lane is indicating to turn left -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of causing a disruption to overtaking vehicle drivers, by increasing the driving speed or changing driving trajectory -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of overtaking at regulated crossings or overtaking at unregulated crossings, except for the cases, when overtaking is on a main road in relation to a crossing road -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of overtaking on a rail crossing -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of overtaking within 100 metres before a rail crossing -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of overtaking on pedestrian crossings and in tunnels, at the end of uphill roads, dangerous crossings and other sections of a road -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of overtaking a tram on the opposite side of the tram track ground -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of failing to give way to oncoming vehicle drivers in places, where it is difficult to change -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

Section 149.10 Violation of the Regulations for Stopping and Standing

In the case of stopping:

1) on the left hand side of the road, in the cases when it is not permitted;

2) on the carriageway, if the road has a shoulder;

3) not close enough to the edge of the carriageway (in a way that the distance from the carriageway to whichever vehicle carriageway edge closest element exceeds 0.5 metres), if the road does not have a shoulder;

4) in places, where the vehicle obstructs the traffic light signals or road signs for other drivers;

5) on footpaths, where it is prohibited; and

6) in places, where the carriageway edge is designated with a 920 road sign, as well as places, where the carriageway edge or curb is designated with a 943 road sign -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of stopping:

1) in the second lane, in the cases when it is not permitted;

2) on bridges, piers or road flyovers or under them;

3) in places, where the distance between the carriageway's solid line marking line, separating or opposite carriageway edge and the vehicle that has been stopped is less than 3 metres;

4) on pedestrian crossings or closer than 5 metres before them;

5) at a carriageway crossing point or closer than 5 metres from the crossing road edge;

6) closer than 25 metres before and 10 metres after a 534, 535, 536 or 538 road sign;

7) on entry or braking lanes;

8) in zones where a 326 sign operates;

9) on tram track grounds or in the close vicinity thereof, if it disrupts movement of the tram; and

10) in tunnels -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of stopping on railway crossings -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of parking:

1) on the left hand side of the road, when it is not permitted;

2) on the carriageway, if the road has a shoulder;

3) not close enough to the edge of the carriageway (in a way that the distance from the carriageway to whichever vehicle carriageway edge closest element exceeds 0.5 metres), if the road does not have a shoulder;

4) in places, where the vehicle obstructs the traffic light signals or road signs for other drivers;

5) on footpaths, where it is prohibited;

6) in places, where the carriageway edge is designated with a 920 road sign, as well as places, where the carriageway edge or curb is designated with a 943 road sign; and

7) outside of residential areas closer than 100 metres from a railway crossing, but in residential areas, - closer than 50 metres from them -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of parking:

1) in the second lane;

2) on tram track grounds or in the close vicinity thereof, if it disrupts movement of the tram;

3) partly or completely on the road outside a residential area in the vicinity of dangerous turns and a road long profile break, where the visibility at least in one direction is less than 100 metres;

4) in places, where the vehicle does not allow other vehicles to drive (to drive in or out) or disrupts a pedestrian movement;

5) on bridges, piers and road flyovers or under them;

6) in places, where the distance between the carriageway's solid line marking line, separating or opposite carriageway edge and the vehicle that has been stopped is less than 3 metres;

7) on pedestrian crossings or closer than 5 metres before them;

8) at a carriageway crossing point or closer than 5 metres from the crossing road edge;

9) closer than 25 metres before and 10 metres after a 534, 535, 536 or 538 road sign;

10) on entry or braking lanes;

11) in zones where a 326 road sign operates;

12) in an area where a 327 road sign operates and respectively on even or odd dates where a 328 or 329 road sign operates, as well as on all road in the territories, into which driving is designated by a 522 road sign;

13) ) in places, where the carriageway edge or edging is designated with a 944 road marking, and in places, which are designated with a 945 road marking; and

14) in tunnels -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of parking on railway crossings -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up LVL 200.

In the case of an incorrectly parked vehicle in a parking area, for which the vehicle parking type is designated with the 825 - 832 supplementary road signs and road markings, as well as the violation of the conditions specified by the 833 and 842 supplementary road signs or in an area where a 532 or 533 road sign operate -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of leaving a vehicle driver's place, if everything that is necessary has not been done, in order to prevent the movement of the vehicle out of the position -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of violation of stopping or parking regulations which are not mentioned in this Code -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

[15 September 2005, 8 February 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 149.11 Violation of Driving Procedures at Crossings

In the case of failure to give way to pedestrians or other vehicle drivers, who have the right of way -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 20, but for drivers of other vehicles - from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of driving into a crossing or a carriageway crossing place, if congestion has arisen, which causes the vehicle driver to stop on the crossing or carriageway crossing and this causes disruption to other vehicles -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

Section 149.12 Violation of Road Traffic Regulations in a Residential Area

In the case of performing a prohibited activity in a residential area -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of failure to give way to other drivers, when driving out of a residential area -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

Section 149.13 Violation of Road Traffic Regulations at Pedestrian Crossings and Passenger Public Transport Designated Stops

In the case of failure to give way to pedestrians that cross a carriageway along a pedestrian crossing, or in respect of a blind pedestrian, who is showing a signal with a white cane, or pedestrians, who are walking in the same driving direction as the designated stop (in the middle of the road) for a stopped tram or are coming from it -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 20, but for drivers of other vehicles - from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of driving onto a pedestrian crossing, if behind it a congestion arises, which forces the driver to stop the vehicle and which disrupts the movement of pedestrians -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

Section 149.14 Violation of the Regulations regarding Crossing of Railway Crossings

In the case of failure to give way to a train (locomotive, railcar), which is approaching -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

In the case of driving onto a railway crossing, if:

1) driving is prohibited by the rail crossing on call monitor; and

2) a prohibition signal is flashing in the traffic light, -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 50.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which designate the place, where the vehicle must be stopped, if it is prohibited from driving onto the railway crossing -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case driving onto a railway crossing, if beyond it a congestion has arisen, which forces the driver to stop the vehicle on the rail crossing, or there is a vehicle standing on there -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of violation of the regulation, which foresees the circumstance when a driver is forced to stop on the railway crossing -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 40 up to LVL 60.

In the case of driving around a vehicle, which has stopped before the railway crossing, if movement over the crossing is prohibited -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of arbitrary opening of the barriers driving around them or crossing the railway tracks at a place not intended for this purpose -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period from six months up to one year.

In the case of moving an agricultural machine, road building machine, construction machine and similar machine, which is not prepared for transport, over a railway crossing -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 200.

In the case of crossing a rail crossing without the permission of the railway distance officer in command with a vehicle, whose dimensions and actual mass exceeds the prescribed weights -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 200.

[15 September 2005]

Section 149.15 Driving of a Vehicle under the Influence of Alcohol or Narcotic or other Intoxicating Substances

In the case of driving of a vehicle, if a breath or blood test establishes an alcohol concentration which exceeds 0.2 promils, but does not exceed 0.5 promils -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle, whose driving experience is less than two years, in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of three months.

In the case of driving of a vehicle or instructing in vehicle driving, if a breath or blood test establishes an alcohol concentration which exceeds 0.5 promils, but does not exceed 1.0 promils -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 20, for the driver of a vehicle, who was driving a bus, a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300 with the suspension of the D category driving licence for a period of three years with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of six months, but for driver of other vehicles a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of six months.

In the case of driving of a vehicle or instructing in vehicle driving, if a breath or blood test establishes an alcohol concentration which exceeds 1.0 promils, but does not exceed 1.5 promils -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 40, for the driver of a vehicle, who was driving a bus, an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 5 up to 10 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 400 with the suspension of the D category driving licence for a period of five years with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of one year, but for the driver of other vehicles an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 5 up to 10 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 400 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of one year.

In the case of driving of a vehicle or instructing in vehicle driving, if a breath or blood test establishes an alcohol concentration which exceeds 1.5 promils -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 60, for the driver of a vehicle, who was driving a bus, an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 with the suspension of the D category driving licence for a period of 5 years with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of 2 years, but for the driver of other vehicles an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of 2 years.

In the case of driving of a vehicle or instructing to drive a vehicle, under the influence of a narcotic, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 60, for the driver of a vehicle, who was driving a bus, an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 with the suspension of the D category driving licence for a period of 5 years with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of 2 years, but for the driver of other vehicles an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of 2 years.

In the case of driving a vehicle or instructing to drive a vehicle, under the influence of a medicinal product that decreases the reaction time and awareness, being sick or being tired to the extent that it influences the driver's ability and road traffic safety -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 200.

In the case of the use of an alcoholic beverage, narcotic or other intoxicating substances after a traffic accident, as well as after the vehicle is stopped at the request of a police officer, until a test that establishes the concentration of alcohol or determines the influence of narcotic or other intoxicating substances or until release from such a test -

for a driver who does not possess a driving licence (where the driving licence has not been obtained pursuant to the prescribed procedures or has been suspended), an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 and a prohibition on obtaining a driving licence for a period of three years shall be imposed. In respect of a bicycle and moped driver a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 60, and in the case of a driver, who was driving a bus, an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 5 up to 10 days, a fine in an amount of LVL 400 shall be imposed with the suspension of the D category driving licence for a period of 5 years with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of 1 year, but for the driver of other vehicles an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 5 up to 10 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 400 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of 1 year.

In the case of a refusal to submit to a test for alcohol concentration, as well as a test for narcotic or other intoxicating substances -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of a bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 60, for a driver who does not possess a driving licence (where the driving licence has not been obtained pursuant to the prescribed procedures or has been suspended), an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 to 15 days, a fine in an amount of LVL 500 and a prohibition on obtaining a driving licence for a period of three years shall be imposed; for the driver, who was driving a bus, an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine in an amount of LVL 500 shall be imposed with the suspension of the D category driving licence for a period of 5 years with the suspension of the driving licence for other vehicles for a period of 2 years, but for the driver of other vehicles an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 10 up to 15 days, a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 500 with the suspension of the driving licence for a period of 2 years.

Within the meaning of this section, driving of a vehicle without a licence applies also to other category vehicle driving with M, A1, or TRAM (tram) category vehicle driving licences.

[15 September 2005; 22 December 2005; 8 February 2007]

Section 149.16 Violations by Vehicle Drivers in Certain Circumstances

In the case of driving an emergency vehicle, if it is not associated with the completion of emergency service commitments, as well as the violation of the regulations regarding the use of emergency lights and special sound signals, which are done by emergency vehicle drivers -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 100.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which foresee a circumstance, when, approaching an emergency vehicle, the vehicle shall be stopped -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of failing to give way according to the specific procedures for emergency vehicles -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 50.

In the case of the violation of the regulations regarding the use of the orange (yellow) emergency lights or failing to turn on the orange (yellow) emergency lights in those circumstances, when it is obligatory to do so -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of leaving a road traffic accident site after a road traffic accident violating the prescribed regulations -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 40, for drivers of other vehicles a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 with or without the suspension of the driving licence for a period from 3 months up to 2 years.

In the case of failure to free up the carriageway after an accident in the cases referred to in the Road traffic regulations, -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

[15 September 2005]

Section 149.17 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of External Lighting Equipment

In the case of driving without having the daylight driving devices turned on or the short distance lights turned on during day time -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of driving without having the external daylight driving devices turned on during dark periods or in circumstances of lack of visibility -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of failure to turn the high beam lights down to the low beam lights in residential areas, if the road is adequately and evenly illuminated or if other drivers (including those driving in the same direction) may be blinded -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of failure to turn the high beam lights down to the low beam lights at a specific distance or at a greater distance, if the oncoming vehicle driver signals for the need to turn down the headlights, periodically changing the headlight beam -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of partially or completely stopping on a carriageway outside a residential area during night time or in circumstances of poor visibility, without turning on the required external lighting devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of partially or completely parking on a carriageway outside a residential area during night time or in conditions of poor visibility, without turning on the required external lighting devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of partially or completely stopping on unlit road sections of a carriageway, where stopping is prohibited, during night time or during conditions of poor visibility, without turning on the required external lighting devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of partially or completely parking on unlit road sections of a carriageway, where stopping and parking is prohibited, during night time or during conditions of poor visibility, without turning on the required external lighting devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of the violation of the regulations, which are foreseen in circumstances, when it is permitted to turn on the rear fog lanterns or front fog lanterns together with the high beam headlights, driving during night time -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of switching on a spotlight or turning emergency light on a vehicle, to which the emergency vehicle status has not been given -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of failure to switch on emergency light signals, or if they do not exist or do not work, or the failure to adhere an emergency sign to the tow truck during day time -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of failure to switch on emergency light signals, or if they do not exist or do not work, or the failure to adhere an emergency sign to the tow truck during night time or in conditions of poor visibility -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

Section 149.18 Violation of the Regulations regarding a Sound Signal, Emergency Light Signal and Emergency Sign Use

In the case of violation of the regulations, which prescribe the circumstances, when it is permitted to use sound signals, as well as failure to comply with those conditions, which are prescribed with the 325 road sign -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of failure to turn on the emergency light signalisation and to place an emergency sign for a stopped or standing vehicle in specified cases during day time -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of failure to turn on the emergency light signalisation and placing an emergency sign for a stopped or standing vehicle in specified cases during night time and in conditions of poor visibility -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which specify the distance at which a emergency sign must be placed from a vehicle during day time -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which specify the distance at which an emergency sign must be placed from a vehicle during night time and in conditions of poor visibility -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of turning on emergency light signalisation, when stopping in places where it is prohibited, if the stoppage has not occurred under forced circumstances -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

Section 149.19 Violation of the Regulations regarding Towing of Vehicles

In the case of towing vehicles, when there is no driver at the wheel of the vehicle -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of failure to observe the distance between the towing vehicle and the vehicle being towed -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of failure to observe a prohibition on vehicle towing -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

Section 149.20 Violation of the Regulations regarding Driving Instruction

In the case of driving instruction, if in specified cases the instructor does not have an instructor's licence or the person who is learning, does not have a learner's permit -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of individual instructing in driving, if the respective category vehicle driver has less than 3 years of experience -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of individual instructing in driving with a vehicle of such category, with which it is not permitted to perform individual driving instruction, or in the case of driving instruction with a vehicle, which is not equipped in accordance with the specified requirements -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of the driving instruction to a person, who has not attained the prescribed age -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of the driving instruction on roads, if the person being taught has not attained good driving skills -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

Section 149.21 Violation of the Regulations regarding Supplementary Requirements for Bicycle and Moped Drivers

In the case of violation of the regulations, which specify the supplementary requirements for bicycle and moped drivers -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 20.

[8 February 2007]

Section 149.22 Violation of the Regulations regarding Supplementary Requirements Specified for Cart Drivers, Riders and Cattle Drovers

In the case of violation of the regulations which specify supplementary requirements for cart drivers, riders and cattle drovers -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the cart, rider or drover of the animal in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 20.

[8 February 2007]

Section 149.23 Violations Committed by Pedestrians and Passengers

In the case of violation of duties specified for passengers -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the passenger in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of violation of duties specified for pedestrians -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the pedestrian in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 20.

[8 February 2007]

Section 149.24 Violation of the Conditions for Vehicle Technical State and Equipment

In the case of the utilisation of such vehicle in road traffic, to which a State technical inspection has not been carried out in the required time period -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of the use of such vehicle in road traffic, in regards to which the compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner has not been completed -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 50.

In the case of issuing an order to use a vehicle, which does not have compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner thereof -

a fine shall be imposed on the person who is responsible for the operation of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up LVL 100.

In the case of driving during night time without the emergency light signalisation turned on in a vehicle, in which one of the low beam headlights does not work -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving during night time without the emergency light signalisation turned on in a vehicle, in which neither of the low beam headlights works -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving in poor visibility conditions without the emergency light signalisation being turned on in a vehicle in which one of the low beam headlights does not work and at the same time one of the front fog lights -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving in poor visibility conditions without the emergency light signalisation being turned on in a vehicle in which neither low beam headlights work and at the same time neither of the front fog lights -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving at night time or in poor visibility conditions without the emergency light signalisation being turned on in a vehicle in which neither the rear marker lights nor brake lights works -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving at night time or in poor visibility conditions in a vehicle in which neither number plate light works -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving at day time without the emergency light signalisation turned on with a vehicle, in which neither brake light works -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving whilst it is raining or snowing with a vehicle, in which the driver side window washer does not operate -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which has damage to the steering mechanism or brake system which does not allow the driver to perform a manoeuvre, or driving with a vehicle, in which the tractor/trailer alignment (semi-trailer) coupling device is damaged, that during the time of driving can result in a breach of the coupling -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 40 up to LVL 60.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which is not equipped with an emergency sign, first aid kit (first aid kits) or fire extinguisher (extinguishers) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of driving a vehicle without seat belts, if they are specified in the design -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving in the time period between 1 December and 1 March with a car or bus, whose total mass does not exceed 3.5 tonnes and which is not equipped with tyres, which are intended for driving in winter conditions -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving a car or bus during the period from 1 May until 1 October, which has tyres with spikes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which is equipped with a device (antiradar etc), which can detect speed detecting control device generated signals or cause disruption to the operation of these measurements devices -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40, with confiscation of the relevant equipment.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which is equipped with special devices (special blue and red emergency lights, sound signals) and which has a special colouring, if in accordance with the regulations and the Latvian obligatory standard and regulatory enactments these devices and colourings are intended for emergency vehicles -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300, with confiscation of the relevant equipment.

In the case of issuing an order to use a vehicle, which is damaged, for which reason it is prohibited from being driven, or which has not undergone a State technical inspection in the prescribed period of time -

a fine shall be imposed on the person responsible for the operation of the vehicle, in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of driving a car, whose windows are covered with a covering which does not comply with the regulatory enactment requirements -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 60.

[15 September 2005; 8 February 2007]

Section 149.25 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Registration of Vehicles and the Use of Number Plates

In the case of the use of a vehicle in road traffic, that is not registered according to the required procedures -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which does not have one of the required number plates or either of them is covered -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which does not have any of the required number plates or either of them is covered -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of driving a vehicle, whose number plates do not correspond with the relevant vehicle registration documentation -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 40 up to LVL 100.

In the case of driving a vehicle, on which at least one of the number plates is not affixed in the intended place -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of driving a vehicle, on which the number plates are illegible from a prescribed distance -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of driving a vehicle, on which the number plates are illegible from a distance, which is two times smaller than the required distance -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving a tram or trolleybus, upon which the registration numbers are not painted -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of issuing an order to use a vehicle, which has not been registered according to the prescribed procedures -

a fine shall be imposed on the person responsible for the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

Section 149.26 Violation of the Regulations regarding Vehicle Recognition Signs, Warning Devices and the Use of Markings

In the case of driving a vehicle which has dirty identification markings -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of driving a vehicle, to which other information or signage has been affixed, in which the State standard road sign forms have been utilised, colour combinations and symbols and which may confuse other road traffic participants -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving a vehicle, to which a prescribed identification sign has not been affixed or an illegal identification sign has been affixed -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which has an unauthorised parking area use card for disabled people -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

[8 February 2007]

Section 149.27 Violation of the Requirements of Right of Way Road Signs

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are specified with a 206, 207 or 208 road sign (not giving the road to vehicle drivers, who have a right of way) -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are specified with a 207 road sign (not stopping the vehicle) -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are specified with a 207 road sign (not stopping the vehicle in a particular place) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in the amount of LVL 5.

Section 149.28 Violation of the Requirements of the Restrictive Road Signs

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are prescribed with a 302., 303., 304, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 331, 332, 333 or 334 road sign -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are prescribed with a 301, 319 or 321 road sign -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are prescribed with a 305 or 309 road sign -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped or the pedestrian in an amount of LVL 5.

Section 149.29 Violation of the Requirements of the Regulatory Road Signs

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are prescribed with a 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 420, 421 or 422 road sign -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are prescribed with a 413, 414, 415, 416 or 417 road sign -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirements, which are prescribed by a 409 road sign (driving in the opposite direction to the round about) -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirement, which is prescribed by a 418 road sign -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

Section 149.30 Violation of the Requirements of the Special Regulation Road Signs

In the case of failure to fulfil the requirement, which is prescribed by a 501, 503 or 504 road sign (driving in the opposite direction to a one way road) -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the bicycle and moped in an amount of LVL 5, but for drivers of other vehicles - a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 40.

Section 149.31 Violation of the Road Marking Requirements

In the case of the crossing of the line markings on a road marked with a 920 and 947 road markings or crossing a road marked with a 928 road marking over taking from the solid line side -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of the crossing of the line markings on a road marked with a 920 and 947 road markings or crossing a road marked with a 928 road marking from the solid line side, turning left or turning the driving direction in the opposite direction -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of the crossing of the line markings on a road marked with a 920 and 947 road markings or crossing a road marked with a 928 road marking from the solid line side in other circumstances -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of crossing of the line of a 921 road marking whilst overtaking -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of crossing of the line of a 921 road marking whilst turning left or turning for driving in the opposite direction -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of driving onto a 934, 935 or 936 road marking -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of failing to stop a vehicle before a 929 or 930 road marking in specified cases -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 5.

In the case of parking in places, that are marked with a 837 supplementary sign or 924 road marking, with a vehicle, which does not have a card for using a parking area for disabled people -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

[8 February 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 149.32 Violation of the Regulations regarding Carriage of Passengers

In the case of carriage of a greater number of passengers, than is specified by the vehicle manufacturer -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of carriage of a group of children without an escort being present -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which specify the use of safety devices for the carriage of children -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which regulate the carriage of passengers in freight cars outside of the cabin -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of carriage of passengers outside of the tractor technical cabin, in a trailer (semi-trailer) and motorcycle freight side-car -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of carriage in a passenger car front seat of a person, who is younger than 14, if the seat belts are not provided in the design of the car, as well as on a motorcycle seat -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of driving a vehicle, which is equipped with one of the specified light taxi special equipment elements, but which is not registered according to the specified procedures as a taxi -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

In the case of carriage of passengers without a licence card, special permission and patent or the registration certification specified in the regulatory enactments or in the case of performance thereof violating the referred to documentation use requirements, as well as in the case of refusal to show the referred to documents -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 25.

In the case of international carriage of passengers violating the requirements, which are included in international agreements regarding the carriage of passengers -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

[22 December 2005; 8 February 2007]

Section 149.33 Violation of the Regulations regarding carriage of Freight

In the case of exceeding the manufacturer's specified mass or distribution of loadings on the axles by more than 5% -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of exceeding the manufacturer's specified mass or distribution of loadings on the axles by more than 20% -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 30.

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding freight storage and security -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case freight containers or timber product carriage with a vehicle, which is not specifically intended for this purpose and is not correspondingly registered -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 40.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which stipulate the marking of the freight outside of the vehicle dimensions, during daytime -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 10.

In the case of violation of the regulations, which stipulate the marking of the freight outside of the vehicle dimensions, during night time or during poor visibility conditions -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 20.

In the case of carriage of freight without a permit issued according to the specified procedures, exceeding the prescribed vehicle (vehicle component) permitted actual mass up to 2 tonnes or axle loading up to 0.5 tonnes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 50, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 50 up to LVL 75, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 75 up to LVL 150.

In the case of carriage of freight without a permit issued according to the specified procedures, exceeding the prescribed vehicle (vehicle component) permitted actual mass from 2 up to 4 tonnes or axle loading from 0.5 tonnes up to 1 tonne -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 150 up to LVL 300, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 1500 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of carriage of freight without a permit issued according to the specified procedures, exceeding the prescribed vehicle (vehicle component) permitted actual mass from 4 up to 6 tonnes or axle loading from 1 tonne up to 1.5 tonnes -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 200, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 300 up to LVL 400, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 3000 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of carriage of freight without a permit issued according to the specified procedures, exceeding the prescribed vehicle (vehicle component) permitted actual mass for 6 tonnes or axle loading for 1.5 tonnes or more -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 400, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 400 up to LVL 500, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 5000 up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of carriage of freight without a permission issued according to the specified procedures, exceeding the prescribed vehicle (vehicle component) permitted dimensions -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 75, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 75 up to LVL 150, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 150 up to LVL 300.

In a case of unauthorised carriage of dangerous freight -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of driving a vehicle, if it is determined that there is a leak of dangerous freight as a result of tank or packaging leak -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200.

In the case of carriage of dangerous freight, if the vehicle driver does not have the required documents for carriage of dangerous freight as specified by regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50.

In the case of failure to insure the driver with the necessary carriage of dangerous freight documentation -

a fine shall be imposed on a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 50 up to LVL 150, but for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of carriage of dangerous freight, if the requirements for equipping of the vehicle have not been complied with or the vehicle has not been installed with recognition or hazard signs -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the case of carriage of dangerous freight, if the tank has not been filled according to the norms specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200, in respect of a freight carrier or consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 150 up to LVL 250, bur for a freight carrier or consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of failure to observe the requirements for dangerous freight packaging and labelling -

a fine shall be imposed on the freight consignor - who is a natural person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, but for the freight consignor - who is a legal person - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of carriage by road without a licence card, special permission and patent or the registration certification specified in regulatory enactments or in the case of performance thereof violating the referred to documentation use requirements, as well as in the case of refusal to show the referred to documents -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 25.

In the case of performing international carriage by road, if the driver of the vehicle cannot present a permit for international carriage by road or violates the requirements, which are included in international agreements regarding carriage by road -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

[25 November 2004]

Section 149.34 Failure to Observe the Regulations regarding Assigning a Safety Consultant (Adviser) to Merchants, Institutions and Organisations, which Deal with Carriage of Dangerous Freight by Road, as well as the Loading and Unloading of Dangerous Freight

In the case of failure to assign a safety consultant (adviser) to merchants, institutions and organisations, which deal with the carriage of dangerous freight by road, as well as the loading and unloading of dangerous freight -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 3000.

[17 March 2005]

Section 149.35 Violation of the Regulations regarding Carriage of Perishable Food Products by Road Transport

In the case of failure to keep the transport equipment registered temperature measurement during the time period specified by the regulatory enactments in relation to perishable food products, for the carriage of which it is necessary to have a certain temperature regime -

a fine shall be imposed on the carrier in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 25.

In the case of the same violation recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of failure to ensure the specified temperature regime during the period of carriage of the perishable food products -

a fine shall be imposed on the carrier in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of failure to ensure the specified temperature regime during the period of loading of perishable food products intended to be carried -

a fine shall be imposed on the consignor of the freight in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the cases of violations provided for in Paragraph three and four of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

In the case of provision of perishable food products for carriage or loading into a vehicle, which does not have the special transport equipment (if this equipment is necessary for the relevant carriage) or whose special transport equipment does not comply with the technical or sanitary requirements -

a fine shall be imposed on the consignor in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

In the case of the violation provided for in Paragraph six of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 400.

[22 December 2005]

Section 149.36 Violation of the Regulations regarding Self-carriage

In the case of performance of self-carriage of freight or passengers, if there is no certificate of self-carriage present, or in the case of refusal to show the self-carriage certificate -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount of LVL 2.

In the case of performance of self-carriage of freight or passengers, violating the usage regulations for the self-carriage certificate -

a fine shall be imposed on the driver of the vehicle in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 25, but on the carrier - in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

In the case of performance of self-carriage of freight or passengers, without the self-carriage certificate issued according to the specified procedures -

a fine shall be imposed on the carrier in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraph three of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on the carrier.

[22 December 2005]

Chapter Eleven
Administrative Violations in Construction, Observance of Residents' Apartment Rights, in Apartment and Communal Housekeeping and Improvement

[17 June 1998; 22 July 1998]

Section 150. Violation of Registration and Accounting Regulations in Resolving Apartment Matters

In the case of violation of the registration and accounting regulations in respect of the question of apartment matters with the assistance of the State and local government -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 50.

.[19 July 1995].

Section 150.1 Failure to Notify of the Vacation of Residential Premises

In the case of failure to notify in writing within the specified period of time regarding the vacation of residential premises that can be used for renting in the State or local government building -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 100.

[19 July 1995]

Section 150.2 Evasion from Maintenance of a Residential House

In the case of evasion from the duty as specified by law to maintain and manage a residential house -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 1000, but for legal persons - up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005; 20 December 2007].

Section 150.3 Failure to Provide Basic Services to Tenants

In the case of failure to provide basic services to a tenant of a residential premise, if the law determines a duty to provide such services -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 1000, but for legal persons - up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005; 20 December 2007]

Section 151. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Use of Residential Premises [21 December 1990]

Section 152. Violation of Construction Regulations

In the case of performing building renovation, reconstruction or restoration without an accepted project or building permit (excluding circumstances which are specified in the General Building regulations), or violation of the regulations for minor renovations or minor reconstructions -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 3 000.

In the case of arbitrary construction of a structure -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 100 up to LVL 1 000, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5 000.

In the case of utilisation of a structure before it is put into service -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of violation of such regulations for building norms and use, non-compliance with which may negatively affect the safety of structure constructions, load-bearing capacity or strength -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to perform the building construction conservation or fencing, if it results in reduction of the safety, ability and strength of the structure constructions -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 400, on officials - from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to observe the period for completion of the remaining construction work specified in a document regarding acceptance into service of the structure -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of performance of construction, which requires a building permit and compulsory insurance of civil liability, without a building contractor's or constructor's compulsory insurance of civil liability in respect of harm that may occur to a third party's life and health and losses to a third party's property -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 400, on officials - from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000.

[22 December 2005; 22 June 2006]

Section 152.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding Construction of Summer Garden Houses and Collective Horticulture Organization

[19 July 1995]

Section 152.2

Violation of the Regulations regarding Work Safety and Building Norms on Building Sites and in Enterprises of the Construction Industry

[17 June 1998]

Section 152.3 Failure to Comply with Instructions of State Construction Inspection Officials

[17 February 1994]

Section 153. Violation of the Regulations regarding City and other Residential Area Development

[21 December 1990]

Section 154. Damage or Arbitrary Cutting of Plantations in Cities and other Residential Areas

[21 December 1990]

Chapter Twelve
Administrative Violations in the Commerce, Service Provision and Finance Sectors

[29 May 2003]

Section 155. Violation of the Regulations regarding Commerce, Public Catering and Provision of Services

In the case of violation of the regulations for commerce, public catering or services -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 150, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same activity, if it is recommitted within a year of the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 150 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products to minors -

a fine shall be imposed on the seller in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 250.

In case of the violations provided for in Paragraph three of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed.

In the case of failure to observe the procedures for indicating the specified price on goods and services -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 150, but for legal persons up to LVL 500.

In the case of stating an incorrect sale price for a purchase or service or weight or measurement -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

In the case of offering or selling goods, the manufacturer of which cannot be identified or whose information provided on a label or design of a label does not comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 100, but for legal persons up to LVL 300, with or without the confiscation of the goods.

[3 December 1990; 19 January 1993; 4 November 1993;17 June 1998; 14 October 1998; 23 March 2000; 12 June 2003; 11 December 2003; 25 March 2004]

Section 155.1 Failure to Observe the Procedures for Accounting of Goods, Circulation of Bills of Lading and Accompanying Documents of Goods

In the case of failure to draw up documents for the receipt (purchase) of certain goods or failure to observe goods (services) accounting procedures at the places of storage, sale or provision of services -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

In the case of failure to observe the procedures regarding the specified accounting, storage and drawing up or use of Bills of Lading or accompanying documents of goods, as well as a failure to comply with the requirements regulating the procedures for the circulation of bills of lading and accompanying documents specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraphs one and two of this Section, if they are connected with goods- to which excise duty shall be applied -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons up to LVL 3000, with or without the confiscation of the goods.

In the case of goods storage and transport without the bills of lading or accompanying documents of the goods, except for the cases specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount up to LVL 300, but for legal persons up to LVL 3000, with or without the confiscation of the goods.

[17 March 2004]

Section 155.2 Failure to Comply with the Procedures for Recording of Cash Operations

In the case of failure to comply with the specified procedures for registration (recording) of cash income and expenditure -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same activities, if they are performed in places, where goods are being traded to which excise duty is applied -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 250, with or without the confiscation of the goods to which the excise duty applies, which are located in trade (sale) venues and interior rooms associated with them.

[4 November 1993;19 July 1995; 23 March 2000; 17 March 2005].

Section 155.3 Trade of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Products in Prohibited Places [17 May 2007]

Section 155.4 Trade in Prohibited Places

In the case of trade in prohibited places -

the goods traded in the prohibited places shall be confiscated.

In the case of the same activity, if committed by a person, who has had a sanction imposed on him or her twice or more times in the same year for trading in a prohibited place -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 150 or an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period from 3 up to 15 days, with confiscation of the goods present at the prohibited sales points.

[28 July 1994; 28 May 1997]

Section 155.5 Failure to Observe the Expiry Date of Goods

In the case of the realisation or distribution of goods, whose expiry date has expired or for which an expiry date is not indicated according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 25, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 50, with or without confiscation of the goods.

[23 March 2000; 12 June 2003; 11 December 2003]

Section 155.6 Trade of Mineral Oils in Prohibited Places

In the case of trade of mineral oils in prohibited places -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500 or an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period up to 15 days, with confiscation of the mineral oils present at the sales points.

[17 March 2004]

Section 155.7 Violation of the Regulation regarding Wholesale of Cereals

[23 March 2000]

Section 155.8 Unlawful Acts with Objects of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights

In the case of the acquisition of copyright or neighbouring rights objects for the marketing, storage or concealment thereof, which are published, reproduced or used in another manner, violating the copyright or neighbouring rights -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, with confiscation of the objects and their carriers.

[19 June 2003]

Section 155.9 Failure to Observe the Regulations regarding Sale and Price Reduction

In the case of failure to observe the regulations regarding sale and price reduction determined in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted by a person, who has had a an administrative sanction imposed on him or her in the same year -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

[11 December 2003]

Section 155.10 Violation of the Regulations regarding Consumer Credit

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding consumer credit specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 150, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted by a person, who has had an administrative sanction imposed on him or her in the same year -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 3000.

[11 December 2003]

Section 155.11 Failure to Observe Regulation regarding Provision of Package Tourism Services

In the case of failure to observe regulations regarding provision of package tourism services -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 150, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted by a person, who has had an administrative sanction imposed on him or her in the same year, -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - up to LVL 3000.

[11 December 2003]

Section 155.12 Failure to Observe Distance Contract Regulations

In the case of failure to observe the regulations specified in the regulatory enactments regarding distance contracts -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 150, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted by a person, who has had an administrative sanction imposed on him or her in the same year -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

[11 December 2003]

Section 155.13 Procedures for the Inventory of Trees and Round Timber in Transactions

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the inventory of trees and round timber in transactions -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 150 up to LVL 300, with the confiscation of the round timber withdrawn according to the procedures specified by the regulatory enactments regarding inventory of trees and round timber.

In the case of the violation provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if it has been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 2000, with the confiscation of the round timber withdrawn according to the procedures specified by the regulatory enactments regarding inventory of trees and round timber.

[20 January 2005; 22 June 2006]

Section 155.14 Failure to Observe the Rights of Air Transport Passengers

In the case of failure to provide information to passengers regarding their rights in respect of refusal to accept passengers onboard an aircraft, or the cancellation of the flight, or a long delay in the flight -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of failure to observe the rights specified in the regulatory enactments for air transport passengers regarding their rights in respect of refusal to accept passengers onboard an aircraft or the cancellation of the flight, or a long delay in the flight -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 700.

[22 December 2005]

Section 155.15 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Examination of the Information on a Foreigner's Declaration Form, the Storage and Transfer of the Form

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the examination of the information on a foreigner's declaration form, the storage and transfer of the form -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - up to LVL 300.

In the case of the same activity, if it is recommitted within one year of the administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - up to LVL 550.

[20 December 2007]

Section 156. Failure to Issue a Document Certifying Transactions

In the case of failure to issue a document certifying transactions, or issuing of a document certifying transactions non-complying with regulatory enactments to customers when selling goods or providing services -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 50.

In the case of the same activity, if committed in places where goods to which excise duty is applied are traded -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, with or without the confiscation of the goods to which the excise duty applies, which are located in sales (marketing) points and interior rooms associated with them.

[23 March 2000; 14 June 2001; 17 March 2005; 14 December 2006]

Section 156.1 Failure to Comply with the Regulations regarding Electronic Equipment and Devices for Registration of Tax and other Payments, Failure to Fulfil the Duties of the Users and Maintenance Services of such Equipment and Devices

In the case of failure to comply with the procedures for the use of electronic equipment and devices for the registration of tax and other payments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to fulfil the duties of the users of electronic equipment and devices for the registration of tax and other payments specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

In the case of failure to fulfil the duties of maintenance services of electronic equipment and devices for the registration of tax and other payments specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraphs one, two and three of this Section, if they are committed in places, where goods are traded to which excise duty is applied -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons from LVL 300 up to 3000, with or without the confiscation of the goods to which an excise duty applies, which are located in sales (marketing) points and interior rooms associated with them.

[17 March 2005; 14 December 2006]

Section 156.2 Failure to Install and Utilise Electronic Equipment and Devices for the Registration of Tax and other Payments

In the case of failure to install and utilise electronic equipment and devices for the registration of tax and other payments complying with regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of failure to install and utilise electronic equipment and devices for the registration of tax and other payments complying with regulatory enactments for the performance of cash and accounting operations at currency exchange points -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they are committed in places, where goods are traded to which excise duty is applied -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons from LVL 300 up to 3000, with or without the confiscation of the goods to which excise duty applies, which are located in sales (marketing) points and interior rooms associated with them.

[17 March 2005; 14 December 2006]

Section 156.3 Failure to Comply with the Prescribed Accounting Procedures

In the case of failure to comply with the prescribed accounting procedures specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200, but for legal persons from LVL 200 up to 1 000.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they are associated with goods to which excise duty is applied -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons from LVL 300 up to 3000, with or without the confiscation of these goods.

[17 March 2005]

Section 156.4 Arbitrary Trade or Recommencement of Payable Services

In the case of arbitrary trade or recommencement of payable services in sales points or places of service provision, whose activity was suspended in the cases specified in regulatory enactments by the authorised institutions -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same activity, if it is recommitted within one year of the administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed, with or without the suspension of the right to hold certain offices or suspension of rights for a certain type of commercial activity.

[14 October 1998; 17 March 2005]

Section 156.5 Failure to Provide a Report regarding the Use of Documents Certifying Transactions and a Report regarding the Use of Strict Accountability Seals

In the case of failure to provide a report regarding the use of documents certifying transactions and a report regarding the use of strict accountability seals -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 10 shall be imposed.

[14 December 2006]

Section 156.6 Conclusion of a Consumer Credit Contract without Receiving a Statement

In the case of conclusion of a consumer credit contract, in which the credit sum is equivalent to 100 minimal monthly wages or greater, if a statement has not been received from the State Revenue Service or another State tax administration regarding the income of the consumer -

a fine shall be imposed on a legal person, which performs consumer credit, except for the banks and foreign bank branch, in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted within one year of the administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on a legal person, which performs consumer credit, except for the banks and foreign bank branch, in an amount from LVL 1 000 up to LVL 3000.

[17 May 2007]

Section 157. Violation of the Provisions for the Sale of Weapons and Ammunition

[19 July 1995]

Section 158. Violation of the Specified Provisions for Payable Service Provision

[22 December 2005]

Section 158.1 Arbitrary Exceeding of the Agreed Travel Fare (Tariff) in a Taxi

In the case of a taxi driver arbitrarily exceeding the agreed taxi travel fare (tariff), requesting and receiving of increased travel fare -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted by a person, within one year of the administrative sanction being imposed for one of the violations specified in Paragraph one of this Section -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 50, with suspension of the rights to carry passengers for three years.

[6 August 1991; 19 July 1995]

Section 158.2 Provision of State Regulated Social Services without a Licence or General Authorisation and the Violation of the Conditions of the Licence or General Authorisation

In the case of the provision of State regulated social services without a licence or general authorisation or in respect of the violation of the conditions of the social service licence or general authorisation -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, for officials - from LVL 100 up to LVL 400, but for legal persons - from LVL 100 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted within one year of the administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 158.3 Failure to Provide Information, Provision of False Information to the Public Utilities Commission and Failure to Comply with its Lawful Decisions

In the case of failure to provide information at the disposal of the State regulated public service provider or user to the Public Utilities Commission upon its request within a specified period of time, as well as in the case of provision of false information to the Public Utilities Commission or failure to comply with the lawful decisions of the Public Utilities Commission -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, for officials - from LVL 100 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 158.4 Installation of Electronic Telecommunications Networks and Electronic Telecommunication Service Provision, without Sending a Registration Notification

In the case of installation of electronic telecommunications networks and electronic telecommunication service provision, without sending a registration notification -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300, for officials - from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 159. Evasion of Taxes and Payments Imposed Together Therewith

In the case of evasion of taxes and payments imposed together therewith, as well as the concealment (reduction) of income, profit or other object to which taxes may be applied -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1500.

[20 April 1993; 19 July 1995; 17 March 2005]

Section 159.1 Violation of the Provisions regarding the Acquisition of Building Material

[3 November 1992]

Section 159.2 Failure to Register Budget Assets or Transactions Performed with these Assets

In the case of failure to provide in due time or provision of an incomplete report or notification regarding the implementation of a budget in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Budget and Financial Management -

a warning shall be issued to the institution officials or a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

In the case of failure to register the budget assets and transactions completed with these assets according to the procedures specified by law -

a fine in shall be imposed on the institution officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

[19 June 1997]

Section 159.3 Exceeding of the State Treasury Allocation of Funds

In regards to obligations, to which a budget institution official has undertaken which exceed the State Treasury allocation of funds -

a fine shall be imposed on the institution official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

[19 June 1997]

Section 159.4 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Earmarking (Marking) of Mineral Oils and Trade of Earmarked (Marked) Mineral Oils

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the earmarking (marking) of mineral oils or the trade of earmarked (marked) mineral oils -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 250 up to LVL 5 000, with or without the confiscation of the mineral oils and vehicles, in whose fuel tanks the relevant mineral oils are determined.

[17 March 2005]

Section 159.5 Concealment, Liquidation or other Neutralization (Destruction) of Earmarking (Marking) Substances of Earmarked (Marked) Mineral Oils [17 March 2005]

Section 159.6 Storage of Earmarked (Marked) Mineral Oils in Unauthorised Tanks

[17 March 2005]

Section 159.7 Failure to Observe Limitations in Cash Usage

In the case of failure to declare transactions carried out in cash, if the transaction sum in a month exceeds LVL 3000, but does not exceed LVL 10 000, except for the transactions involving ship and aircraft agency commercial companies and international transport by road and freight forwarding transactions -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in the amount of 5% of the undeclared amount.

In the case of failure to declare transactions involving ship and aircraft agency commercial companies conducted in cash and international carriage by road and freight forwarding, if the total sum of transactions exceeds LVL 10 000 in one month -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in the amount of 10% of the undeclared amount.

In the case of performing a transaction in cash, if the transaction sum exceeds LVL 10 000, except for the transactions involving ship and aircraft agency commercial companies conducted in cash and international carriage by road and freight forwarding -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in the amount of 10% of the transaction amount.

In the case of the declaration of a transaction conducted in cash, violating the deadline for submission of declarations specified in the regulatory enactments regarding tax -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

[14 December 2006]

Section 159.8 Failure to Comply with the Deadline for the Submission of Tax and Informative Declarations

In the case of submitting a tax declaration, violating the deadline specified in the regulatory enactments regarding tax by up to 15 calendar days -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount up to LVL 50.

In the case of submitting a tax declaration, violating the deadline specified in the regulatory enactments regarding tax from 16 up to 30 calendar days -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount from LVL 51 up to LVL 200.

In the case of submitting a tax declaration, violating the deadline specified in the regulatory enactments regarding tax by more than 30 calendar days -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount from LVL 201 up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to submit an informative declaration regarding stock profit tax within the time period specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250.

In the case of the activities provided for in Paragraph four of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative punishment -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount from LVL 251 up to LVL 500.

In the case of submission of an informative declaration, except a declaration regarding cash transactions, an informative declaration regarding stock profits and an informative declaration regarding employees being submitted regarding persons commencing work, violating the deadline specified in the regulatory enactments regarding tax -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount up to LVL 10.

In the case of submission of an informative declaration regarding employees being submitted regarding persons commencing work, violating the deadline specified in the regulatory enactments regarding tax -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 350, and on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of the violation provided for in Paragraph seven of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative punishment -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 350 up to LVL 500, and on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 5000 up to LVL 10 000.

[14 December 2006; 28 October 2010; 25 April 2013]

Section 159.9 Failure to Co-operate with Officials of the Tax Authority

In the case of failure to provide the necessary requested information regarding tax administration and control to the tax authority -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons or a member of the board in an amount up to LVL 500, with or without the suspension of the right for the member of the board to hold certain offices in commercial companies.

In the case of providing false information to the tax authority -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons or a member of the board in an amount up to LVL 500, with or without the suspension of the right for the member of the board to hold certain offices in commercial companies.

In the case of not allowing officials of the tax authority to enter the premises used by the taxpayer for the economic activity thereof, if the official of the tax authority has such a right -

a fine shall be imposed on natural and legal persons in an amount up to LVL 150.

[14 December 2006; 29 November 2012]

Section 160. Minor Speculation

[19 January 1993]

Section 160.1 Refusal to Accept Currency Notes which are in Official Circulation

In the case of refusal to accept currency notes which are in official circulation as legal means of payment for payments into the State budget or local government budgets, for payment for goods and services, except for the cases when laws and other regulatory enactments specify other means of payment -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 50.

In the case of the same activity, if recommitted within a year of the imposition of the administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed up to LVL 100, with or without the suspension of the right to hold certain offices or suspension of rights for a certain type of commercial activity.

[18 June 1992; 19 July 1995; 17 March 2005]

Section 161. Purchase of Bread and other Food Products in State or Co-operative Stores for Feeding Cattle and Fowl

[12 March 1991]

Section 162. Illegal Operations with Foreign Currency and Payment Documents

[19 January 1993]

Section 163. Illegal Sale of Payment Documents, which are Acquired for Foreign Currency without the Right to Convert them back into this Currency

[19 January 1993]

Section 163.1 Violation of the Requirements for the Hallmarking, Stamping, Labelling and Storage of Precious Metals, Precious Stones and their Products

In the case of violation of the requirements for the hallmarking of precious metals, precious stones and their products or the requirements for precious metal product stamping -

a warning shall be issued to natural or legal persons or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 400.

In the case of violation of the requirements for the storage of precious metal or precious stone products which are not hallmarked -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural or legal persons in an amount up to LVL 400.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph one and two of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural or legal persons in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500.

In the case of violation of requirements for the labelling of precious metal or precious stone products -

a warning shall be issued to natural or legal persons or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph four of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural or legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 400.

[11 December 2003]

Section 163.2 Violation of the Procedures for the Registration of Economic Activity Places Intended for Work with Precious Metals, Precious Stones and their Products and Individual Seals of Producers of Precious Metal Products

In the case of violation of the procedures for the registration of economic activity places intended for work with precious metals, precious stones and their products and individual seals of producers of precious metal products -

a warning shall be issued to natural or legal persons or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

If the same violations are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural or legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 400.

[11 December 2003]

Section 164. Illegal Provision or Acquisition of Petrol or other Fuel and Oiling Material [3 November 1992]

Section 164.1 Illegal Issuing of Goods or Service Coupons, Cards or other Signs

[19 July 1995]

Section 165. Violation of the Regulations regarding Cottage Industries

[3 November 1992]

Section 165.1 Evasion of Submission of a Declaration regarding Income

[12 March 1991]

Section 165.2 Failure to Comply with the Procedures for Registration of Taxpayers

In the case of failure to register in the taxpayers register within the time period specified in the regulatory enactments, failure to provide information, provision of false information, as well as for the failure to withdraw from the taxpayers register in the cases specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995; 23 March 2000; 17 March 2005]

Section 165.3 Failure to Comply with Regulations regarding Credit Institution Activities

[17 May 2007]

Section 165.4 Failure to Notify regarding Unusual or Suspicious Financial Transactions

In the case of failure to notify the Prevention of the Laundering of Proceeds from Crime Service regarding unusual or suspicious financial transactions -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on the employee, whose duty is to notify regarding it.

[14 May 1998]

Section 165.5 Violation of the Requirements for Customer Identification

[17 May 2007]

Section 165.6 Failure to Comply with the Regulatory Enactments Regulating the Stock Market

[14 June 2001]

Section 165.7 Violation of the Requirements for Customer Identification

In the case of violation of the requirements for customer identification or customer due diligence -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 400, but on legal persons - in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 500.

[20 May 2010]

Section 165.8 Failure to Comply with the Procedures Specified for the Prevention of Laundering of the Proceeds from Crime and Terrorism Financing

In the case of failure to introduce the internal control system for the prevention of laundering of the proceeds from crime and terrorism financing -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to appoint employees responsible for the prevention of laundering of the proceeds from crime and terrorism financing -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to ensure training of employees in the prevention of laundering of the proceeds from crime and terrorism financing -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to provide the State Revenue Service with information, prescribed in the regulatory enactments regulating the prevention of laundering of the proceeds from crime and terrorism financing, within the time period specified -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but on legal persons - up to LVL 500.

[20 May 2010]

Section 165.9 Failure to Comply with the Provisions Regarding Declaration of Property Status

In the case of failure to submit a declaration regarding property status, failure to comply with the procedures for filling-in and submission of the declaration or in case of intentional provision of false information in the declaration -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of failure to comply with the procedures and deadlines in relation to paying in of cash stocks in a credit institution -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 500.

[23 February 2012]

Section 166. Engaging in Individual Work without a Patent or Registration Certificate

In the case of engaging in individual work without a patent or registration certificate -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

[3 November 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 166.1 Failure to Comply with Instructions of the Commercial Supervision State Committee or State Revenue Service Officials

[17 February 1994]

Chapter Twelve "a"
Administrative Violations in Commercial Activities

[12 March 1991]

Section 166.2 Commercial Activities without Registration or without a Special Permit (Licence), Statement or Permit and Performing of Commercial Activities Violating the Conditions Specified in the Special Permit (Licence), Statement or Permit

In the case of commencing commercial activities without registration or without a special permit (licence), statement or permit, if the necessity thereof is specified by the law or Cabinet regulations, in the case of performing commercial activities, violating the conditions referred to in the special permit (licence), statement or permit, or for continuing commercial activities after the special permit (licence), statement or permit has been suspended, annulled or it has expired or after the exclusion of the merchant from the Enterprise Register, as well as for the continuation of the merchant's activities after an order for the suspension of the activities thereof -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons or a member of the board in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, with or without the confiscation of the objects and tools of committing the administrative violation or with or without the suspension of the right for the member of the board to hold certain offices in commercial companies.

[17 March 2005; 29 November 2012]

Section 166.3 Violation of the Provisions Regarding Submission of Information and Documents to be Submitted to the Enterprise Register

In the case of failure to submit to the Enterprise Register the information or documents specified by regulatory enactments within the time period specified -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300.

If the same violations are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative punishment -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 500.

[29 November 2012]

Section 166.4 Violation of Business Equality Guarantees

[17 March 2005]

Section 166.5 Violation of the Procedures for the Hiring and Employment of Paid Labour Force

[19 July 1995]

Section 166.6 Failure to Comply with the Provisions Regarding Accounting, Submission of Reports and Statistical Information

In the case of failure to comply with the provisions for accounting specified in regulatory enactments, failure to submit reports, statistical reports or statistical information within the time periods specified in the relevant regulatory enactments or provision of incomplete information to the relevant State institutions -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons or a member of the board in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 300, with or without the suspension of the right for the member of the board to hold certain offices in commercial companies.

In the case of evading the submission of the information or documents indicated in Paragraph one of this Section -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons or a member of the board in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, with or without the suspension of the right for the member of the board to hold certain offices in commercial companies.

In the case of the activities provided for in Paragraph one or two of this Section, if committed by a political organisation (party) or an association of political organisations (parties) -

a fine shall be imposed on the political organisation (party) or the association of political organisations (parties) in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 300.

[17 March 2005; 14 December 2006; 17 May 2007; 29 November 2012; 25 April 2013]

Section 166.7 Failure to Conclude a Collective Labour Contract and Failure to Fulfil the Conditions of the Collective Labour Agreement

In the case of refusal to conduct collective labour contract discussions or the failure to fulfil the conditions of the collective labour contract -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 250 up to LVL 750.

[17 May 2007]

Section 166.8 Violation of Insurance Terms

In the case of evasion from compulsory property insurance or in the case of providing fictitious information, when insuring property -

a warning shall be issued or fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

[19 July 1995]

Chapter Twelve "b"
Administrative Violations in Consumer Right Protection

Section 166.9 Marketing of Goods and Services Non-complying with the Specified Requirements

In the case of offering or selling goods or services non-complying with the quality requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

In the case of offering or selling mineral oils, their substitute products and components, alcoholic beverages or tobacco products non-complying with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - from LVL 300 up to LVL 3 000, with or without the confiscation of the mineral oils, their substitute products and components, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, the quality of which does not comply with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments.

In the case of offering or selling goods or services non-complying with the safety requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 3000, with or without the confiscation of the goods.

[23 March 2000; 12 June 2003; 11 December 2003; 17 March 2005]

Section 166.10 Exceeding of the Permitted Toxic Substance Level in Goods

In the case of the manufacture, offering or selling of such goods, in which the amount of chemical substances or element or the radiation level exceeds the norms specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500, with confiscation of the goods.

[23 March 2000]

Section 166.11 Failure to Observe the Procedures for the Receipt and Examination of a Consumer's Claim, and to Fulfil the Goods and Service Guarantee Obligations

In the case of failure to observe the procedures for the receipt or examination of a consumer's claim related to goods or services non-complying with the conditions of the contract -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 300.

If the same violations are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to fulfil the goods and service guarantee obligations, reducing the extent or length of the guarantee period, or using the word "guarantee" or a word of another similar meaning not complying with the requirements specified in the regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 300.

If the same violations are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

[11 December 2003]

Section 166.12 Failure to Provide Information regarding Goods, Services, the Manufacturer, Seller or Service Provider

In the case of a failure to provide information regarding goods, services, the manufacturer, seller or service provider as specified in the regulatory enactments or for the provision of incomplete or false information -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 5 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 10 up to LVL 500.

In the case of violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

in the case of the violations specified in Paragraph one of this Section, if they are committed in relation to fuel -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 2000.

[23 March 2000; 12 June 2003]

Section 166.13 Violation of the Advertising and Commercial Practices Regulations

In the case of violation of the specific procedures in the provision or distribution of an advertisement -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the provision or distribution of an advertisement not conforming to the requirements of regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - up to LVL 10 000.

In the case of unfair commercial practice -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - up to LVL 10 000.

[28 May 1997; 23 March 2000; 20 December 2007]

Section 166.14 Sale of Counterfeit Goods

In the case of the offering or sale of counterfeit goods -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000, with confiscation of the goods.

[11December 2003; 17 May 2007]

Section 166.15 Failure to Ensure the Goods Subject to Conformity Assessment with the Conformity Certificates or Declarations and their Offering and Sale without the Conformity Certificates or Declarations

In the case a failure to ensure the goods subject to conformity assessment with the conformity certificates or declarations and their offering and sale without the conformity certificates or affirmations, except for the sale of means of medical treatment -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 3000, with or without the confiscation of the goods.

In the case of a failure to ensure the tobacco products with a testing report or the offering of tobacco products or their sale without a testing report -

a fine shall be imposed on State officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000, with or without the confiscation of the tobacco products, for which no test report has been issued.

In the case of failure to ensure mineral oils, their substitute products or components with conformity certificates, conformity declarations, test reports or other documents specified in the regulatory enactments, which certify the compliance of these products with the requirements of regulatory enactments, or the offering or sale of mineral oils, their substitute products or components without them -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, but for legal person - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000, with or without the confiscation of the mineral oils, substitute products and components thereof, which do not have a conformity certificate, a conformity declaration, test report or other certifying document required by the regulatory enactments.

[17 March 2005; 17 May 2007]

Section 166.16 Failure to Fulfil a Supervisory Institution Decision regarding Rectification of Unfair Contract Conditions or Failure to Observe the Procedures for the Fulfilment of the Decision, Failure to Conclude a Contract in Writing with a Consumer and Failure to Ensure the Right of Withdrawal of the Consumer

In the case of failure to fulfil a supervisory institution decision regarding rectification of unfair contract conditions or failure to observe the procedures for the fulfilment of the decision -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons -up to LVL 1000.

If the same violations are recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons -up to LVL 3000.

In the case of failure to conclude a contract in writing in the cases specified in regulatory enactments, in the case of failure to comply with the specified procedures, when concluding a contract or fulfilling of a contract concluded with a consumer, in the case of failure to include the information specified in regulatory enactments in the contract -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons -up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to ensure the consumer's right of withdrawal in the cases specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons -up to LVL 500.

[11 December 2003]

Section 166.17 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Utilisation of Trademarks (Service Marks)

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding utilisation of a trademark or a service mark registered according to the specified procedures -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100, with confiscation of the infringing goods.

[19 July 1995; 19 June 2003]

Section 166.18 Failure to Provide Information or Provision of False Information to the Republic of Latvia Committee for the Supervision of Monopolies

[17 February 1994]

Section 166.19 Failure to fulfil an Order regarding Suspension of Monopoly Activities or Illegal Competition

[17 February 1994]

Section 166.20 Violation of the Regulations regarding Marketing of Tobacco Products

In the case of offering or marketing of tobacco products, which are not marked with excise duty stamps, except for the cases specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons from LVL 150 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons from LVL 500 up to LVL 2000, with or without the confiscation of the tobacco products.

In the case of marketing of tobacco products without complying with the regulations regarding their sales price -

a fine shall be imposed on officials from LVL 150 up to LVL 200, but for legal persons from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000, with or without the confiscation of the tobacco products.

In the case of the violations specified in Paragraphs one and two of this Section, if recommitted with a year of the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons and officials from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000, with or without the confiscation of the tobacco products.

In the case of marketing of such tobacco products, which are not sealed in packaging, except for the cases specified in regulatory enactments, as well as marketing of such tobacco products, the quantity of which in a pack of cigarettes is different from the quantity indicated on the excise duty stamp -

a fine shall be imposed on officials from LVL 150 up to LVL 200, but for legal persons from LVL 250 up to LVL 1000, with or without the confiscation of the tobacco products.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph four of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on officials from LVL 200 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons from LVL 500 up to LVL 2000, with the confiscation of the tobacco products.

[17 March 2005]

Section 166.21 Awarding of State and Local Government Procurement without a Tendering Procedure (Competition)

In the case of awarding of State or local government procurement without a tendering procedure (competition) in the cases, when the tendering procedure (competition) is required by the law, as well as in the case of unjustified use of other methods, not tendering procedure, for awarding of State or local government procurement -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[2 October 1997]

Section 166.22 Unjustified Narrowing of the Range of Tenderers in Awarding State and Local Government Procurement

In the case of unjustified narrowing of the range of tenderers in awarding State or local government procurement -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

[2 October 1997]

Section 166.23 Creation of Unequal Circumstances for Tenderers with Respect to State and Local Government Orders

In the case of creation of unequal circumstances for tenderers in respect of State or local government procurement (by creating more favourable conditions for one or several tenderers) in receipt of information, specification of terms for preparing and submitting tender documents, or the application of criteria for selecting tenderers and evaluating tenders -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

[2 October 1997]

Section 166.24 Failure to Observe Openness or Confidentiality in Awarding State and Local Government Procurement

In the case of failure to observe the regulations regarding openness, public access and confidentiality in the process of awarding State or local government procurement -

a warning shall be imposed or a fine in an amount up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[2 October 1997]

Section 166.25 Incomplete or Distorted Documentation of the Process of Awarding of the State and Local Government Procurement

In the case of incomplete or distorted documentation of the Process of the State or local government procurement, as well as failure to store this documentation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[2 October 1997]

Section 166.26 Unfair Competition

[17 March 2005]

Chapter Twelve "c"
Administrative Violations in the Field of Prevention of Corruption

[14 October 1998]

Section 166.27 Failure to Submit the Declaration of a State Official

In the case of failure to submit the declaration of the State official within a specified period of time, non-observance of the procedures for completing and submission of the declaration or specification of false statements in the declaration -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 166.28 Failure to Observe the Procedures for Implementation of Restrictions for Combination of Offices

In the case of the non-termination of an unauthorised office, work-performance contract or implementation of an authorisation in accordance with the period of time specified in the Law -

a fine shall be imposed to the State official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, with or without forfeiting the right to hold offices of the State official.

[19 June 2003]

Section 166.29 Failure to Give a Notice Regarding the Situation of the Conflict of Interests

In the case of a deliberate failure to give notice regarding the situation of the conflict of interests -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on the State official, forfeiting the right to hold offices of the State official or without it.

Section 166.30 Violation of Restrictions and Prohibitions Imposed on a State Official

In the case of the violation of restrictions of earning of income from commercial activities, combination of offices of the State official, representational activities specified in the Law or violation of such restrictions which have been specified in respect of action with the State or local government property, as well as for performance of the functions of the State official in the situation of the conflict of interests -

a fine shall be imposed on the State official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, forfeiting the right to hold offices of the State official or without it.

[19 June 2003; 17 March 2005]

Section 166.31 Violation of Restrictions for Acceptance of Gifts, Donations and Other Type of Financial Aid

In the case of violation of procedures for acceptance of gifts or donations or other type of financial aid -

a fine from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed on the State official, confiscating the objects of the administrative violation or without confiscation.

[19 June 2003]

Section 166.32 Failure to submit the lists of State officials

In the cases of failure to submit the lists of State officials and amendments thereto specified in the Law in accordance with the specified procedures, as well as for submission of incomplete lists -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed on the heads of the State and local government authorities.

[19 June 2003]

Section 166.33 Failure to Perform the Duties Specified to the Heads of State and Local Government Authorities

In the cases of failure to perform the duties specified for a head of State and local government authorities in respect of prevention of the conflict of interests -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 166.34 Violation of Regulations for Financing of Political Organisations (Parties)

In the case of failure to observe the procedures for completing or submission of an annual declaration of financial activities, a declaration of expenses during the pre-election period or a declaration of income and expenses of election, in the case of provision of false data in a declaration, failure to observe the procedures for submission of a statement regarding the planned election expenses or failure to observe provisions for the publication of a statement regarding a received or unaccepted gift (donation) -

a fine in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on the political organisation (party).

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on the political organisation (party).

In the case of failure to observe limitation of the amount of financing; in the case of acceptance of an unauthorised gift (donation);in the case of acceptance of a gift (donation), which exceeds LVL 100, without a transfer into the account of the relevant political organisation (party); in the case of taking of a loan; granting a guarantee; issuance of a loan or failure to observe restrictions for the amount of pre-election expenses -

a fine in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed on the political organisation (party), confiscating the objects of the administrative violation or without confiscation.

In the case of the violations provided for in Paragraph three of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 1 000 up to LVL 10 000 shall be imposed on the political organisation (party), confiscating the objects of the administrative violation.

In the case of financing of a political organisation (party), using an intermediary, or in the case of such intermediation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed on the person, who has used an intermediary, or to the intermediary.

[22 April 2004]

Chapter Thirteen
Administrative Violations which Threaten Public Order

Section 167. Petty Hooliganism

In the case of petty hooliganism, that is, swearing in public places, embarrassing harassment and other similar activities, which disrupt the public peace and order -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed or an administrative arrest for a period up to 15 days shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995; 17 April 2008]

Section 167.1 Violation of the Acoustic Noise Norms and Environmental Noise Limit Values

In the case of any activity, which creates noise which exceeds the specified daytime hour acoustic noise norms or environmental noise limit values -

a warning shall be issued to natural persons or a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed.

In the cases of the same violation, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons from LVL 500 up to LVL 3000.

[22 December 2005]

Section 168. Shooting with a Firearm in Populated Areas and Areas, which are not designated for shooting, or Violating the Specified Procedures

[19 July 1995]

Section 169. Acquisition of Home Brewed Strong Alcoholic Beverages

[19 January 1993]

Section 169.1 Sale of Home Brewed Wine, which is not Considered as a Strong Alcoholic Beverage

[19 January 1993]

Section 169.2 Preparation of Strong Alcoholic Beverages at Home or the Storage of such Beverages

[19 January 1993]

Section 169.3 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Trade of Goods to which Excise Duty is Applied

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the acquisition, marketing, storage or transport (carriage) of goods to which excise duty is applied (including goods, to which exemption from excise duty or allowance is to be applied), as well as in the case of other violations of regulations regarding the trade of these goods -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons from LVL 50 up to LVL 5000, with confiscation of the goods and the vehicle used for transport (carriage) or without confiscation.

[17 March 2005]

Section 170. Use of Alcoholic Beverages in Production

[19 January 1993]

Section 170.1 Illegal Acquisition of Alcoholic Beverages and Alcohol

In the case of acquisition of liquid containing illegally created (produced) or counterfeit alcoholic beverages or alcohol which are not alcoholic beverages, but which are offered as alcoholic beverages (illegal alcoholic beverages), or the acquisition of alcohol -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100 or an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period up to 10 days, with confiscation of the alcoholic beverages and alcohol obtained.

[17 May 2007]

Section 170.2 Manufacture (Production), Storage and Transport of Illegal Alcoholic Beverages

In the case of the illegal manufacture (production), storage or transport of illegal alcoholic beverages -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 or an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period up to 15 days, with confiscation of the alcoholic beverages and the vehicles utilised to transport them or without the confiscation of the vehicles, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000, with confiscation of the alcoholic beverages and the vehicles used to transport them or without confiscation of the vehicles.

[17 May 2007]

Section 170.3 Provision of Premises for the Illegal Manufacture (Production), Storage and Marketing of Illegal Alcoholic Beverages

In the case of the provision of premises for the illegal manufacture (production), storage or marketing of illegal alcoholic beverages -

a fine in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500 shall be imposed on natural persons, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

[17 May 2007]

Section 171. Use of Alcoholic Beverages or other Intoxicating Substances in Public Places and Presence in Public Places in an Intoxicated State

In the case of use of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicating substances in public places, except for the places where the use of alcoholic beverages has been permitted by the local government, or in the case of being present in public places in an intoxicated state, which injures human dignity -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the cases of the same activities, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed or administrative arrest shall be applied for a period from 3 days up to 15 days.

[19 January 1993; 19 July 1995; 11 December 2003; 17 April 2008 ]

Section 172. Involvement of a Minor in the Use of Alcoholic Beverages or Causing Inebriation of a Minor

In the case of involvement of a minor in the use of alcoholic beverages -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of causing inebriation of a minor -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of handing over alcoholic beverages or tobacco products at minor's disposal, so that these substances have become freely available for the use of a minor -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[31 October 1985; 19 July 1995; 25 March 2004; 17 March 2005]

Section 172.1 Involving of a Minor in Begging

In the case of involving or utilising a minor (up to the age of 16 years) in begging, if done by a person of legal age -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if recommitted within a year after by a person on whom an administrative sanction regarding the violation specified in Paragraph one of this Section has been imposed -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[17 June 1998]

Section 172.2 Physical and Emotional Child Abuse

In the case of physical or emotional child abuse -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 20 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction or if they are performed by a State or local government institution official or employee -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[22 December 2004]

Section 172.3 Illegal Involving of Children in Events

In the case of involving of a child in an event, where the only thing that is valued is his or her outer appearance, if done by officials or other persons associated with organizing the event -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[22 December 2004]

Section 172.4 Leaving a Child without Supervision

In the case of leaving a child, who has not attained 7 years of age, without supervision, if this is done by the parents or persons substituting for them -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 25 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[22 December 2004]

Section 173. Failure to Fulfil the Duty of Care of a Child

In the case of a failure to fulfil the duty of care of a child -

a warning shall be issued to the parents or persons substituting for them, or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

In the case of the same violation, if in the result thereof a child up to the age of 16 years has conducted minor hooliganism or has used narcotic substances or psychotropic substances without the direction of a health care practitioner, or has been inebriated, or has begged -

a warning shall be issued to the parents or persons substituting for them, or a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of the violation specified in Paragraph one or two of this Section, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[22 December 2004]

Section 173.1 Gambling

[19 January 1993]

Section 173.2 Violation of the Requirements regarding the Importation, Manufacture, Distribution, Public Demonstration or Advertising of Erotic and Pornographic Type Material

In the case of violation of the requirements regarding the importation, manufacture, distribution, public demonstration or advertising of erotic type material (essays, magazines, images, computer programs, films, video recordings and audio recordings, television and radio broadcasts) -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000, with confiscation of these materials or without confiscation.

In the case of violation of the requirements regarding the importation, manufacture, distribution, public demonstration or advertising of pornographic type material (essays, magazines, images, computer programs, films, video recordings and audio recordings, television and radio broadcasts) -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 2500, with confiscation of these materials or without confiscation.

[28 May 1997; 23 March 2000]

Section 174. Illegal Distribution of Video Recorded Material

[19 January 1993]

Section 174.1 Prostitution

[11 April 1996]

Section 174.2 Harassment of Foreign Citizens in Order to Obtain their Possessions

[19 July 1995]

Section 174.3 Violation of the Procedures for the Organisation and Conducting of Meetings, Processions and Pickets, as well as Public Entertainment and Holiday Events

In the case of violation of the procedures specified for the organisation and conducting of meetings, processions and pickets, as well as public entertainment and holiday events -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be issued to natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, or an administrative arrest for a period up to 15 days shall be imposed, but for legal persons a fine in an amount up to LVL 2000 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, or an administrative arrest for a period up to 15 days, but for legal persons a fine in an amount up to LVL 5000 shall be imposed.

In the case of involvement of minors, who have not attained the age of 16 years, in conducting or organisation of unauthorised meetings, processions and pickets -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[14 October 1998; 23 March 2000; 17 March 2005]

Section 174.4 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Restriction of Prostitution

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the restriction of prostitution -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[23 March 2000]

Section 174.5 Public Incitement to Commit an Offence

In the case of public incitement during a meeting, procession or picket, as well as public entertainment and holiday event, to commit an offence -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of the same activities, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500 or an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period of up to 15 days.

[17 March 2005]

Chapter Fourteen
Administrative Violations that Threaten Specific Management Procedures

Section 175. Intentional Non-compliance with a Police Officer's, Border Guard's or National Guard's Lawful Order or Requirement

In the case of intentional non-compliance with a police officer's, local government police officer's, border guard's or national guard's, as well as a soldier's lawful order or requirement, when they are fulfilling social order protection or service duties -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200 or an administrative arrest shall be applied for a period of up to 15 days.

[29 July 1988; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 22 June 2006; 17 April 2008]

Section 175.1 Contempt towards Investigatory or Prosecutorial Institutions

In the case of contempt towards investigatory or prosecutorial institutions, which has been manifested as failure to attend without a substantiated reason after summons of an investigator or public prosecutor by a witness, victim, plaintiff in a civil claim or defendant, as well as the representatives of the victim, plaintiff in a civil claim or defendant, legal representative, expert, specialist, or interpreter -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[5 January 1993; 19 July 1995; 17 May 2007]

Section 175.2 Failure to Comply with the Lawful Requests of Officials of State or Local Government Institutions Exercising Control, Supervision or Investigatory Functions

In the case of failure to comply in good time with the lawful requests of officials of State or local government institutions exercising control, supervision or investigatory functions -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[17 February 1994; 17 April 2008]

Section 175.3 Illegal Order for the Manufacture of a Soldier's Uniform, Identifying Marks and Insignia

In the case of the illegal order for the manufacture of a soldier's uniform, identifying marks and insignia -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

In the case of the same activities, if recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[13 March 2003]

Section 175.4 Unauthorised Disclosure of Information Obtained during a Saeima Commission Closed Meeting

In the case of the unauthorised disclosure of information obtained during a closed meeting of a Saeima [the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia] parliamentary commission of enquiry or during another closed meeting of the Saeima commission -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[19 June 2003]

Section 175.5 Failure to Provide Information and the Provision of False Information to the Competition Council

In the case of failure to provide information in the possession of a person or a union of persons to the Competition Council within the time period and to the extent specified upon its request, as well as in the case of provision of false information -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[17 March 2005]

Section 175.6 Failure to Comply with Decisions of the Competition Council and Lawful Requirements of State Officials

In the case of failure to comply with decisions of the Competition Council or lawful requirements of State officials -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[17 March 2005]

Section 175.7 Failure to Provide Information, Provision of False Information to the State Energy Inspection and Failure to Comply with its Lawful Decisions

In the case of failure to provide information in the possession of an energy supply merchant to the State Energy Inspection upon its request within the specified period of time, as well as in the case of provision of false information to the State Energy Inspection or failure to comply with lawful decisions of the State Construction Inspection -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[22 June 2006; 17 April 2008]

Section 175.8 Impersonation when Sitting Aptitude Tests

In the case of impersonation when sitting the official language proficiency examination, in order to obtain an official language proficiency certificate for another person -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, or an administrative arrest for a period up to 10 days shall be applied.

In the case of impersonation when sitting the official language proficiency examination or other aptitude tests specified by law, in order to provide another person a possibility to obtain Latvian citizenship in the naturalization procedure -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, or an administrative arrest for a period up to 15 days shall be applied.

[22 June 2006]

Section 175.9 Non-provision of Information, Provision of False Information to Advertisement and Consumer Rights Protection Supervisory Institutions and the Non-fulfilment of the Lawful Requests and Decisions thereof

In the case of the non-provision of information at the disposal of a person to an advertisement or consumer rights protection supervisory institution after a request therefrom within a specified time period and in the specified amount or of the provision of false information, as well as of the non-fulfilment of the lawful requests or decisions of the supervisory institution -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[20 December 2007]

Section 175.10 Non-provision of Information, Provision of False Information to the Ombudsman

In the case of the non-provision of information to the Ombudsman within a specified time period and in the specified amount of a request therefrom, as well as the provision of false information -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons and legal persons in an amount up to LVL 250.

[3 July 2008]

Section 176. Arbitrary Conduct

In the case of arbitrary conduct, that is, conducting activities arbitrarily, circumventing the procedures specified by the law, if this arbitrary conduct is not associated with the causing of a recognisable loss -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250

[17 March 2005]

Section 176.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Commencement and Termination of Social Organisations' Activities

In the case of commencement of the public operation of a social organisation or a social organisation association before the social organisation or social organisation association has been registered, as well as in the case of continuation of the operation of the social organisation or social organisation association after the registration has been annulled -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, or an administrative arrest for a period up to 15 days shall be applied, with the confiscation of the articles and tools used to commit the administrative violation.

[19 July 1995; 17 March 2005]

Section 177. Violation of the Police Control Regulations

In the case of the intentional violation of the police control regulations, if it was committed by a person who is under control of the police -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 500, or an administrative arrest for a period up to 10 days shall be applied.

[12 February 1998]

Section 178. Illegal Provision of Substances, Products and Articles to Persons, who are Held in Places to Be Held in Pre-trial Detention, Places of Deprivation of Liberty or other Isolation from Society Places, or Illegal Receipt of Substances, Products and Articles from them

In the case of illegal or concealed from examination provision of money, correspondence, food products, alcoholic beverages, as well as other substances, products and articles or attempt to provide them in whatever manner to the persons, who are held in places to be held under arrest, places to be held in pre-trail detention, or places of deprivation of liberty -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50, with the confiscation of these substances, products and articles.

In the case of illegal receipt of substances, products or articles from persons, who are held in the institutions specified in Paragraph one of this Section and to whom the storage of these substances, products or articles is prohibited -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50, with the confiscation of these substances, products and articles.

[19 July 1995; 28 May 1997]

Section 179. Violation of Fire Safety Regulations

In the case of violation of the fire safety requirements -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of failure to ensure compliance with fire safety requirements within the time period specified by the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 3000.

In the case of failure to comply with an order issued by a State fire safety supervisory inspector to suspend or restrict the operation of a structure, the parts thereof or equipment, construction works or the marketing of products -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 150 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 2000 up to LVL 5000.

In the case of burning last year's grass -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500 or an administrative arrest shall be applied for a period up to 15 days.

[11 December 2003; 22 June 2006; 17 April 2008]

Section 179.1 Violation of Regulations for the Manufacture, Storage and Use of Goods of Strategic Significance

In the case of violation in commercial activities of the regulations for the manufacture, storage and use of goods of strategic significance (excluding sources of ionising radiation) -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 5000 with confiscation of the relevant goods or without confiscation.

[8 May 2003; 17 March 2005]

Section 179.2 Violation of the Civil Defence Requirements

In the case of violation of the civil defence requirements specified in regulatory enactments -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the failure to ensure the specified compliance with the civil defence requirements within the time period specified by the State Fire-fighting and Rescue Service -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up to LVL 2000.

[17 May 2007]

Section 180. Violation of the Regulations for the Establishment of Polygraphic and Seal and Engraving Companies, and for the Acquisition, Marketing, Utilisation, Accounting and Storage of Duplication Technology

[3 November 1992]

Section 181. Violation of the Procedures for the Circulation of Weapons, Munitions, Special Devices and Pyrotechnic Products

In the case of violation of the procedures for the acquisition, registration, storage, transport, delivery, carriage, and importation into the Republic of Latvia or export from the Republic of Latvia of a firearm, munitions or high-energy airguns, committed by a natural person, who has a relevant permit -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250 or suspension of the right to obtain, store and carry a firearm and high-energy airgun shall be applied for a time period from one year up to three years.

In the case of violation of the procedures for the acquisition, registration, storage, transport, delivery, carriage, and importation into the Republic of Latvia, export from the Republic of Latvia, or utilisation of a firearm, munitions or high-energy airgun, committed by a legal person, who has a relevant permit -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 350 or suspension of the right to obtain and store a firearm and high-energy airgun for a time period from one year up to three years.

In the case of violation of the procedures for the storage or carrying of a gas pistol (revolver) -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

In the case of violation of the procedures for carrying a non-firearm weapon or use of a low-energy airgun or non-firearm weapon (bow, arbalest, throwing knife, axe of other non-firearm weapon) -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

In the case of violation of the procedures for the utilisation or restrictions for the utilisation of pyrotechnic products -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150.

In the case of violation of the conditions or procedures for the application or utilisation of a firearm weapon or violation of the procedures for the utilisation of a high-energy airgun, which has been committed by a natural person, who has the appropriate permit, or violation of the procedures for the application of a gas pistol (revolver) -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250 or suspension of the right to obtain, store and carry a firearm or high-energy airgun for a time period from 1 up to 3 years shall be applied.

[22 April 2004; 17 March 2005]

Section 182. Violation of the Regulations regarding the Registration (Re-registration) of a Firearm Weapon, which is Committed by Citizens

[19 July 1995]

Section 183. Violation of the Regulations Regarding Commercial Handling of Weapons, Munitions, Special Devices, Explosives, Explosive Devices, and Pyrotechnic Products

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding commercial handling of weapons, munitions, special devices, explosives, explosive devices or pyrotechnic products, committed by a legal person to which a special permit (licence) or registration certificate for the relevant commercial activities has been issued -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 350 or suspension of the right to obtain and store a firearm or high-energy airgun for a time period from 1 up to 3 years.

[22 April 2004]

Section 183.1 Violation of the Regulations regarding Internal Security Service Registration and Operational Regulations

In the case of failure to register an internal security service -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of violation of the operational regulations of an internal security service -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

[14 June 2001; 17 March 2005]

Section 184. Evasion from the Realization of Smoothbore Hunting Weapons and Munitions

[19 July 1995]

Section 185. Violation of the Regulations regarding Karate Teaching

In the case of violation of the regulations, which must be complied with in establishing a karate sport section and accepting persons therein, or teaching of techniques prohibited by sport regulations in sections, as well as in the case of the arbitrary teaching of karate techniques without the appropriate institution authorisation -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

[19 July 1995]

Section 186. Living without a Passport or without a Declared Place of Residence

In the case of living without a valid passport or a substitute document -

a fine shall be imposed on persons, who must hold a passport, in an amount up to LVL 25.

In the case of living in the territory of Latvia without a declared place of residence -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[14 June 2001; 22 April 2004]

Section 187. Intentional Damage to a Passport, Negligent Storage or Use of such Passport, in Place of which a New Passport has been Issued

In the case of intentional damage to a passport -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

In the case of negligent storage of a passport, which results in the loss of the passport -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

In the case of negligent storage of a passport, which results in the loss of the passport, if recommitted within a year -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 50.

In the case of the use of a passport, in place of which a new passport has been issued -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 June 2003]

Section 187.1 Failure to Provide a Diplomatic Passport for Storage

In the case of failure to provide a diplomatic passport for storage in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia in the time period specified by the law -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[28 July 1994]

Section 188. Permitting Persons to Live without a Passport or without a Registered Place of Residence

[14 June 2001]

Section 189. Employment without a Passport or Work Permit

In the case of the employment of a person, if he or she does not possess a valid passport or birth certificate (if the person is younger that 16 years old) -

a fine in the amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of the employment of one or more persons (up to 5 people), if the person or persons do not possess work permits, the necessity of which is specified by regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 300, but for a legal person - from LVL 500 up to LVL 2500.

In the case of the employment of more than 5 people, if the persons do not possess work permits, the necessity of which is specified by regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 300 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 2500 up to LVL 10 000.

[19 June 2003]

Section 189.1 Working without a Work Permit

In the case of working without a work permit, the necessity of which is specified by regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

[19 June 2003]

Section 190. Illegal Confiscation or Pawning of a Passport

In the case of illegal confiscation as well as pawning of a passport -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995]

Section 190.1 Illegal Activities in Relation to State Awards

[7 April 1992]

Section 190.2 Evasion from Registration with the Territorial Offices of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

In the case of evasion from registration by a person who must register with a territorial office of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs according to the procedures specified by the law -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[7 April 1992; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995; 25 May 1997; 14 June 2001]

Section 190.3 Failure to Notify Territorial Offices of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in a Timely Manner regarding Information to be Included in the Population Register

In the case of failure to notify territorial offices of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in a timely manner regarding information to be included in the Population Register -

a fine in an amount from LVL 10 up to LVL 25 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 14 June 2001]

Section 190.4 Intentional Provision of False Information to the Territorial Offices of the Office of Migration and Citizenship Affairs

[17 February 1994]

Section 190.5 Intentional Inclusion of False Information, as well as Information not Provided for or Prohibited by the Law, in the Population Register

In the case of intentional inclusion of false information, as well as information not provided for or prohibited by the law, in the Population Register -

a fine shall be imposed on State officials in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

[7 April 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 190.6 Illegal Action involving Information, which is Received from the Population Register

In the case of utilisation of information from the Population Register which is contrary to the intended goal, if it is received from the Population Register after a written request or written agreement -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000.

[23 March 2000]

Section 190.7 Bringing of Legalised Document Copies outside of the Republic of Latvia, which Violates the Procedures Specified by the State Supervisory Institutions of the Latvian National Archive Fund

In the case of the brining of legalised document copies outside of the Republic of Latvia, which violates the procedures specified by the State supervisory institutions of the Latvian national archive fund -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 190.8 Failure to Ensure the Procedures for the Accounting, Preservation and Utilisation of the Archive Funds

In the case of failure to ensure the procedures for the accounting, preservation or utilisation of the archive funds of the State, public, cooperative or confessional organisations or other legal persons -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100

[11 July ; 19 July 1995]

Section 190.9 Destruction of Archive Fund Documents without Permission of the State Supervisory Institutions of the Latvian National Archive Fund. Violation of the Procedures for Destruction of Documents

In the case of destruction of documents of the State archive funds, public, cooperative or confessional organisations or other legal persons without permission of the State supervisory institutions of the Latvian National Archive Fund -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of violation of the procedures for the destruction of archive fund documents specified by the State supervisory institutions of the Latvian National Archive Fund -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 190.10 Intentional Provision of False Information to Institutions that Declare Places of Residence

In the case of intentionally providing false information to institutions that declare places of residences, when declaring a place of residence -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[14 June 2001; 11 December 2003]

Section 190.11 Failure to Notify the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs regarding Changes to the Information Provided for the Receipt of a Residence Permit

In the case of failure to notify the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs regarding changes to the information provided for the receipt of a residence permit according to the procedures and within the time period specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 190.12 Failure to Register a Residence Permit at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

In the case of failure to register a residence permit at the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs according to the procedures and within the time period specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 190.13 Residing in the Republic of Latvia without a Valid Visa, Residence Permit or Valid Travel Documents

In the case of residing in the Republic of Latvia without a valid visa, residence permit or valid travel documents -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003; 17 April 2008]

Section 190.14 Provision of an Opportunity to Reside Illegally in the Republic of Latvia

In the case of providing a person with an opportunity to reside illegally in the Republic of Latvia -

a fine in an amount from LVL 30 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 190.15 Evasion of the Declaration of Cash

In the case of failure to declare or false declaration of cash, which is specified in regulatory enactments, in bringing it in or out of the customs territory of the European Community when crossing the State border of the Republic of Latvia -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

[22 December 2005]

Section 191. Violations of the Regulations regarding Driving into the Border Area or Living therein

[19 January 1993]

Section 192. Violation of the Regulations regarding Residing and Transit Travel in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which has been Committed by a Foreign Citizen or a Stateless Person

[11 July 1992]

Section 193. Violation of the Regulations regarding Residing and Transit Travel in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which has been Committed by State Officials and other USSR Citizens

[11 July 1992]

Section 194. Violation of the Regulations regarding Berthing on the Coast

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding berthing on the coast, which are committed by a foreign ship crew members or allowed by the ship's master -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 January 1993; 19 July 1995]

Section 194.1 Violation of the State Border Regulatory Regime

In the case of violation of the regime for the State border, frontier, border zone, border control or border crossing points -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 150 or an administrative arrest shall be imposed for a period of up to 15 days.

In the case of intentional illegal crossing of the State border -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 July 1995; 11 December 2003]

Section 194.2 Damage, Destruction or Removal of a State Border Landmark or State Border Landmark Number Plate

In the case of damage, destruction or arbitrary removal of a State border landmark or State border landmark number plate -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[14 October 1998]

Section 194.3 Arbitrary Incursion into Military Installations and Damage to Military Installations Equipment

In the case of arbitrary incursion into military installations or military police protected territories -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

In the case of damaging military installations equipment -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

[14 June 2001]

Section 194.4 Violation of the Specified Restrictions of the Protection Zone around a State Defence Object

In the case of the violation of the specified location restrictions of the protection zone around a State defence object -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 500, but for a legal person - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000.

In the case of the performance of economic activities in the protection zone around a State defence object without co-ordination with the Ministry of Defence -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 500, but for a legal person - from LVL 50 up to LVL 1000

In the case of violation of the requirements specified in regulatory enactments in relation to restriction of the protection zone around a State defence object -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500.

[20 December 2007]

Section 195. Violation of Customs Regulations

[25 September 1991]

Section 196. Smuggling

[25 September 1991]

Section 197. Intentional Damage or Removal of Stamp Seals or Seals

In the case of intentional damage or removal of stamp seals or seals, which have been attached by an authorised State official, except for the cases specified in Paragraph three of Section 138, Paragraph one of Section 139 and Section 201.18 of this Code -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[3 November 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 198. Evasion from Handing over to the State Skins of Valuable Fur-bearing Animals Obtained whilst Hunting, as well as Illegal Sale, Purchase and Processing of these Skins

[28 April 1992]

Section 199. Illegal Accepting of Hunting Production

[28 April 1992]

Section 199.1 Failure to Attend once Requested by the Military Registration and Enlistment Office

[15 May 1990]

Section 199.2 Failure to Submit the Lists of Young People that May be Drafted to the Military Registration and Enlistment Office

[15 May 1990]

Section 199.3 Employment of Conscripts, who have not Submitted for Military Conscription

[15 May 1990]

Section 199.4

Failure to Notify Conscripts regarding their Conscription into the Military Registration and Enlistment Office

[15 May 1990]

Section 199.5 Failure to Provide in Due Time the Documentation Necessary for the Registration of Conscripts and Failure to Notify them regarding their conscription into the Military Registration and Enlistment Office

[15 May 1990]

Section 199.6 Failure to Provide Information regarding Conscripts

[15 May 1990]

Section 200. Failure to Observe the National Armed Forces Reserve Registration Regulations

In the case of failure to provide information to the reserve registration structural units of the National Armed Forces or failure to observe the procedures for registration, if this has been committed by the person subject to registration -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in an amount up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

[14 December 2006]

Section 200.1 Failure to Fulfil Reserve Soldier's Obligations

In the case of failure to attend the regular or test military training at the place and time indicated in the summons to appear issued by the reserve registration structural unit of the National Armed Forces -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violation, if recommitted within a year of the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[14 December 2006]

Section 200.2 Evasion from Completing Alternative Service

[14 December 2006]

Section 201. Intentional Damage or Negligent Loss of the Record of Service

[15 May 1990]

Section 201.1 Evasion from Mandatory Military Service

[14 December 2006]

Chapter Fourteen "a"
Administrative Violations in the Press and other Mass Media

[6 August 1991]

Section 201.2 Violation of the Mass Media Freedom Principle

In the case of refusal for political reasons to accept or complete edition duplication orders -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount up to LVL 100.

In the case of illegal refusal to allow the use of a frequency or channel in the distribution of television or radio mass media programmes -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[20 April 1993; 19 July 1995; 17 March 2005]

Section 201.3 Violations in the Provision of Information

In the case of State or social organisation official refusal to provide information to the press or other mass media, if this information is not regarded by the law as unpublishable -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

In the case of the intentional provision of false information to the press or other mass media -

a fine shall be imposed on officials in an amount up to LVL 250.

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.4 Use of the Mass Media in Order to Interfere in Private Life

In the case of the use of the mass media in order to interfere in private life -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.5 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Operation of the Mass Media

In the case of the preparation or distribution of mass media, as well as in the case of the preparation and distribution of radio organisation programmes, if this mass media or radio organisation are not registered according to the specific procedures specified by the law or have ceased to operate -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 150, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1500.

In the case of failure to comply with the radio organisation's general programming concept, in the case of failure to provide information specified in the Law on Radio and Television or the provision of false information to the National Radio and Television Council, regarding programme creation and accounting regulation violations -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up to LVL 1500.

In the case of the same violations, which are committed by a person, who has already had an administrative sanction imposed for the violation specified in Paragraph two of this Section -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount up to LVL 2500.

[28 May 1997; 23 March 2000]

Section 201.6 Failure to Publish Issue Data and Send the Obligatory Copies

In the case of failure to publish issue data specified by the law -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

In the case of failure to send the obligatory copies of typographically printed and other publishable editions in accordance with the regulatory enactments, as well as the violation of the procedures for specific sending -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 200.

[20 April 1993; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997]

Section 201.7 Failure to Comply with the Time Period for Retraction of False Information Specified by a Court

In the case of failure of a press or other mass media editor (chief editor) to comply with the time period for distribution (publishing) of false information retraction specified by a court -

a fine shall be imposed on the editor (chief editor) in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.8 Disclosure of the Information Source Secret

In the case of disclosure of the information source by a press or other mass media editor (chief editor) in the mass media, if he or she has undertaken in writing not to disclose it -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.9 Disruption of the Performance of a Journalist's Obligations

In the case of the creation of circumstances, which disrupt the performance of a journalist's obligations or totally remove the ability to complete the journalist's duties specified in the law -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 July 1995]

Chapter Fourteen "b"
Administrative Violations in the Field of Customs

[25 September 1991]

Section 201.10 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Performance of the Customs Regime

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the performance of the customs regime, except for the cases when the violation has occurred as a result of a technical error or a mistake and a customs debt cannot originate as a result of it -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

In the case of the same violation, if recommitted within a year of the imposition of an administrative sanction, -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

In the case of the application of the customs regime to infringing or pirated goods or the temporary storage of these goods -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000, with the confiscation of the goods.

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the import, export, movement and transit of goods of strategic significance -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 400, but for legal persons from LVL 250 up to LVL 5000, with or without the confiscation of the relevant goods.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraph four of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000, with the confiscation of the relevant goods.

[17 March 2005; 20 December 2007]

Section 201.11 Export of Goods and other Valuables from the Customs Control Zone without the Permission of the Customs Institution

In the case of the export of goods and other valuables from the customs control zone without the permission of the customs institution -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons up to LVL 2500, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.12 Smuggling

In the case of the import into the territory of the Republic of Latvia or export from it of goods or other valuables subject to customs clearance, circumventing the customs control or concealing these goods or other valuables from this control, or failing to declare, or utilising fake customs or other documents, or in another illegal way (smuggling) -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000, with the confiscation of the goods or other valuables and the vehicle used for the transfer (transport) thereof or without the confiscation of the vehicle.

[17 March 2005; 20 May 2010]

Section 201.13 Provision of Documents Containing False Information to the Customs Institution

In the case of the provision of any type of document containing false information to the customs institution -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons up to LVL 6000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.14 Declaration of Goods with a Fake Name or Non-complying Code

In the case of declaration of goods with a fake name or code that does not comply with the European Union combined nomenclature, except for the cases when the violation was committed as a result of a technical error or mistake and a customs debt cannot originate as a result of it -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 75, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

In the case of the same violations, which are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 150, but for legal persons up to LVL 2000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.15 Unauthorised Activities with Goods and other Valuables Subject to Customs Clearance

In the case of the storage, carriage, sending or marketing of goods and other valuables subject to customs clearance in the customs territory of the Republic of Latvia without the permission of the customs institution -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons up to LVL 1000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

In the case of removal, change or destruction of security devices without the permission of the customs institution -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons up to LVL 1000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.16 Utilization of such Goods for a Different Purpose without the Customs Institution's Permission, to which Customs Tax and other Customs Payment Relief has been Applied

In the case of utilization of goods without the customs institution's permission for purposes different from those to which customs tax and other customs payment relief has been applied -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 150, but for legal persons up to LVL 3000, with the confiscation of the goods or without confiscation.

[17 June 1998; 17 March 2005]

Section 201.17 Activities, as a Result of which the Full Amount of Customs Tax and other Customs Payments has not been Paid

In the case of failure to pay the customs tax or other customs payments within the prescribed time periods, as well as other actions as a result of which the full amount of customs tax and other customs payments has not been paid -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 100, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.18 Mooring near a Customs Control Ship

In the case of a ship or other vessel mooring near a customs control ship without the permission of the customs institution of the Republic of Latvia -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.19 Failure to Convey Goods and other Articles, as well as Documents, to the Customs Institution of the Republic of Latvia

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.20 Failure to Comply with the Obligations regarding Re-exportation or Re-importation

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.21

Utilisation of Goods and other Articles, to which Customs Duty Relief has been Applied, for other Purposes without permission of the Customs Institution of the Republic of Latvia

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.22 Transport of Goods and other Articles over the Customs Border of the Republic of Latvia Circumventing Customs Control

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.23 Issuance of Goods and other Articles without the Permission of the Customs Institution of the Republic of Latvia or their Loss

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.24 Storage or Carriage of Goods and other Articles Imported into the Republic of Latvia, Circumventing the Customs Control or Concealing them from the Customs Control

[17 June 1998]

Section 201.25 Transportation of Goods and other Articles over the Customs Border of the Republic of Latvia, Concealing them from the Customs Control

[17 June 1998]

Chapter Fourteen "c"
Administrative Violations regarding the Use of the Official Language

[14 June 2001]

Section 201.26 Failure to Use the Official Language in the Required Amount for Performance of Professional or Office Duties

In the case of failure to use the official language in the amount required for performance of Professional and Office duties, if the regulatory enactment specifies the use of the official language -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

In the cases of the violations provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if they have been recommitted within a year after the imposition of an administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

[22 December 1005]

Section 201.27 Failure to Ensure Translation during Meetings and other Work Gatherings

In the case of failure to translation during meetings and other work gatherings, if the regulatory enactment specifies the ensuring of translation -

a fine shall be imposed on the organisers of the meetings or other work gatherings in an amount up to LVL 50.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in the amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

Section 201.28 Failure to Ensure the Use of the Official Language in Accounting

In the case of failure to ensure the use of the official language in accounting and documents, if the regulatory enactment specifies the use of the official language -

a fine in the amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.29 Failure to Conclude Medical, Healthcare, Social Welfare and other Public Service Provision Agreements in the Official Language or Failure to Attach a Translation into the Official Language to the Agreement Concluded in a Foreign Language

In the case of failure to conclude medical, healthcare, social welfare, public safety and other public service provision agreements with natural or legal persons in the official language or failure to attach a translation into the official language to the agreement concluded in a foreign language -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150 shall be imposed.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.30 Failure to Accept or Review a Document Drawn up in the Official Language

In the case of failure to accept or review a document drawn up in the official language, if the document complies with the institution, organisation or merchant's competence -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.31 Failure to Ensure Translation at Events Held in the Territory of the Republic of Latvia

In the case of failure to ensure translation in events held in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, if the regulatory enactment specifies the ensuring of translation into the official language -

a fine shall be imposed on the organisers of the event in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

Section 201.32 Failure to Ensure Radio and Television Broadcast and Film with Translation into the Official Language

In the case of failure to ensure translation into the official language of radio and television broadcasts or ensure voice-over or dubbing of films screened in public, video films or their fragments in the official language, or in the case failure to ensure the original sound recording with subtitles in the official language, complying with the literary language norms in force, if the regulatory enactment specifies this translation -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the responsible persons in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the responsible persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

Section 201.33 Failure to Provide and Use Names in the Official Language

In the case of failure to provide or use names of institutions, public organisations, merchant names as well as event names in the official language, if the regulatory enactment specifies the provision and use of the name in the official language -

a fine shall be imposed on the responsible persons in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.34 Failure to Present Texts of Seals, Stamps and Forms in the Official Language

In the case of failure to present texts of seals, stamps and forms in the official language, if the regulatory enactment specifies the presentation of these texts in the official language -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.35 Failure to Observe Regulations regarding the provision of Information Intended for the Public

In the case of failure to provide printing, signboards, posters, placards, notifications or other notifications in the official language, if the regulatory enactment specifies the provision of this information in the official language -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on persons in an amount up to LVL 50, but for officials - a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the use of the official language in public information intended for public notification, not complying with the official language norms in force, if the regulatory enactment specifies observance of these norms -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on responsible persons in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the case of failure to use the official language for provision of information on labels, price labels, price tags, instructions for use, headings and packaging or container of the goods manufactured in Latvia, if these goods or products are not intended for export -

a fine shall be imposed on the responsible officials in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50.

In the case of marketing of imported goods without ensuring the translation into the official language of the information indicated on goods labelling, instructions for use, guarantee documents or technical documentation -

a fine shall be imposed on the responsible officials in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the cases of the violation provided for in Paragraph four of this Section, if it has been recommitted within a year after the imposition of administrative sanction -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of the provision of information in the official language that is more brief in its form or contents or is less detailed in the cases, when the information is presented in a foreign language and the official language concurrently -

a fine shall be imposed on persons in an amount up to LVL 50, but for State officials - from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

Section 201.36 Contempt towards the Official Language

In the case of open contempt towards the official language -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

Chapter Fourteen "d"
Administrative Violations, which Involve Contempt towards a Court

[5 January 1993]

Section 201.39 Contempt towards a Court

In the case of contempt towards a court , which has been expressed as failure of the witness, victim, plaintiff in a civil claim or defendant, as well as the representatives of the victim, plaintiff in a civil claim or defendant, lawful representative, expert, specialist, interpreter, person, who is taking part in the civil action or another person, to comply with an order of the Chairperson of the court sitting or to observe order during the court hearing, or as any other person's actions, which are manifested in outright ignorance of regulations present in the court hearing or the Court -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250 or an administrative arrest shall be applied for a period of up to 15 days.

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.40 Delay of a Lay Judge to Attend a Court

In the case of an official or another person, on whom the lay judge is dependent in relation to work relationships, if he or she for whatever pretext delays the attendance of the lay judge in a court, so that he or she can perform the duties thereof -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

[28 July 1994]

Section 201.41 Failure to Perform Measures due to an Ancillary Court Decision or a Judge's Submission

In the case of an official who fails to review an ancillary court decision or a judge's submission or does nor perform the measures, in order to prevent the violations of the law referred therein, as well as fails to provide an answer to the ancillary decision or submission in due time -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 100.

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.42 Violation of a Parole Given in relation to a Criminal Case

In the case of violation of a written parole given in relation to a criminal case as a safety asset -

a fine shall be imposed on the guarantor in an amount up to LVL 150.

In the case of the same violation, if the parole is given regarding a suspect, accused or defendant, who is being suspected or accused of committing a serious crime -

a fine shall be imposed on the guarantor in an amount up to LVL 250 or an administrative arrest shall be applied for a period of up to 15 days.

[19 July 1995]

Chapter Fourteen "e"
Administrative Violations in the Use of Symbols of the State

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.43 Violation of the Method and Procedures for Raising the Latvian National Flag, as well as Failure to Raise it and other National Flags

In the case of violation of the method and procedures for raising the Latvian national flag specified by the Cabinet -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 30.

In the case of failure to raise the Latvian national flag or other state flags on the days or occasions specified by the Saeima, Cabinet, regional councils, town councils or parish councils -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 50.

[14 October 1998]

Section 201.44 Contempt towards Symbols of the State

In the case of outright contempt towards the Latvian national flag, the State coat of arms or the national hymn -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 250.

[14 October 1998]

Section 201.45 Violation of the Procedures for the Manufacture and Marketing of the Latvian National Flag

In the case of violation of the procedures for the manufacture and marketing of the Latvian national flag -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 20.

Chapter Fourteen "f"
Administrative Violations in the Review of Submissions, Complaints and Proposals at the State and Local Government Institutions

[19 July 1995]

Section 201.46 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Review of Submissions, Complaints and Proposals

[17 May 2007]

Section 201.47 Violations of the Procedures for Seeing Visitors

[17 May 2007]

Section 201.48 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Publication of Information and Facts Mentioned in Submissions, Complaints or Proposals

[17 May 2007]

Chapter Fourteen "g"
Administrative Violations in Education and Sport

[14 June 2001, 20 March 2003]

Section 201.49 Illegal Request and Receipt of a Fee in an Educational Institution

In the case of an illegal request or receipt of a fee in an educational institution -

a fine shall be imposed on the educational institution's responsible person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 150.

[22 December 2005]

Section 201.50 Exceeding of the Educational Hour Load

In the case of illegal exceeding of the permitted educational hour load of a week or the permitted educational hour load of students -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 20 up to LVL 50.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

Section 201.51 Violation of the Regulations regarding Admission, Relocation and Expulsion in an Educational Institution

In the case of the violation of the regulations regarding admissions of children or students or the regulations regarding relocation in an educational institution or regarding the expulsion of a student from an educational institution -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

[22 June 2006]

Section 201.52 Violation of Registration, Licensing and Accreditation Regulations

In the case of the violation of registration, licensing and accreditation regulations or the implementation of educational programmes without a licence or accreditation -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

[9 September 2004]

Section 201.53 Violation of the Regulations regarding Accredited Educational Programme Specified State Examinations

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding accredited educational programme specified state examinations -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

Section 201.54 Violation of the Procedures for the Issue of State Recognised Education Documents

In the case of the violation of the procedures for the issue of State recognised education documents - licences, certificates or diplomas -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200.

Section 201.55 Teacher's Private Practice without a Certificate

In the case of commencement of a teacher's private practice without receipt of the certificate for the teacher's private practice -

a fine in an amount from LVL 25 up to LVL 50 shall be imposed.

Section 201.56 Violation of the Doping Control Procedures

In the case of violation of the specified procedures for the doping control -

a fine shall be imposed on a official in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250.

[20 March 2003]

Section 201.57 Evasion of Doping Control

In the case of evasion of doping control to be performed according to the specified procedures -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[20 March 2003]

Section 201.58 Failure to Provide Information regarding the Use of Doping Substances or the Utilisation of Doping Methods

In the case of failure to provide information related to the use of doping substances or the utilisation of doping methods, or in the case of provision of false information -

a fine shall be imposed on a natural person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, but for a State official - from LVL 100 up to LVL 250.

[20 March 2003]

Section 201.59 Violation of the Provisions of a Study Agreement

In the case of failure to include the provisions to be obligatorily included in a study agreement or violation of the provisions included in a study agreement -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution' in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

[17 March 2005]

Section 201.60 Failure to Conduct an Educational Programme in Accordance with the Licensed Programme

In the case of failure to conduct an educational programme in accordance with the licensed programme -

a fine shall be imposed on the educational institution's manager or responsible person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200 shall be imposed.

[22 December 2005]

Section 201.61 Employment of a Teacher, whose Education and Professional Qualifications Do not Comply with the Requirements and the Continuance of an Employment Legal Relationship with this Teacher

In the case of the employment of a teacher, whose education and professional qualifications do not comply with the requirements and the continuance of an employment legal relationship with this teacher -

a fine shall be imposed on the educational institution's manager in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[22 December 2005]

Section 201.62 Violation of the Operation Provisions of Foreign High School Representative Offices

In the case of violation of the operation provisions of foreign high school representative offices -

a fine shall be imposed on the responsible person in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500.

[22 December 2005]

Section 201.63 Violation of the Regulations regarding the Organisation and Operation of Children's Camps

In the case of violation of the regulations regarding the organisation and operation of children's camps -

a fine shall be imposed on the camp organiser - a natural person in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100, but for a legal person - from LVL 100 up to LVL 200.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the camp organiser - a natural person in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 200, but for a legal person - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500.

[22 December 2005]

Section 201.64 Failure to Fulfil the Obligations of an Educational Institution Manager

In the case of evasion to fulfil the obligations of an educational institution manager in accordance with those prescribed in the regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500.

[22 June 2006]

Section 201.65 Violation of Student Rights

In the case of violation of student rights -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 200.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed, -

a fine shall be imposed on the manager of the educational institution in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 300.

[22 June 2006]

Chapter Fifteen
Liability for other Administrative Violations

Section 202. Falsely calling out the emergency services

In the case of falsely calling out the fire safety, police, emergency medical services or other emergency service -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of LVL 25.

[6 August 1991; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995]

Section 202.1 Arbitrary Crossing, Movement, Damage and Destruction of Barriers Placed at a Scene

In the case of the arbitrary crossing or movement of barriers, tapes placed by the police or State Fire-fighting and Rescue Service or other barriers, as well as in the case of intentional damage or destruction of these barriers -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of up to LVL 200.

[14 June 2001]

Section 203. Violation of the Time Periods for Birth and Death Registration

In the case of failure to comply with the time periods for birth and death civil status documents registration, without a reasonable excuse -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount of up to LVL 250.

[19 July 1995]

Section 204. Failure to Comply with the Procedures for the Organisation or Conducting of Religious Rituals, Ceremonies, Meetings and Processions

In the case of failure by the managers of religious organisations to comply with the procedures prescribed by the law for the organisation or conducting of religious rituals, ceremonies, meetings, processions or other activities of the religious nature -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 25.

[6 August 1991; 19 July 1995]

Section 204.1 Failure to Provide Information and Material to Election Committees or Failure to Comply with their Decisions

In the case of failure to provide necessary information and material to election committees, as well as failure to comply with the decisions of these committees -

a fine shall be imposed on State officials in an amount up to LVL 50.

[19 July 1995]

Section 204.2 Violation of Promotion Procedures and Violation of Restrictions

In the case of violation of the procedures prescribed by the law for promotion during elections -

warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed in an amount of up to LVL 50.

In the case of violation of the promotion restrictions specified by the law -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 75.

[28 July 1994]

Section 204.3 Violation of the Regulations regarding Advertising

[28 May 1997]

Section 204.4 Violations of the Regulations regarding Film Distribution

In the case of the production of films and their production materials for distribution and export from the Republic of Latvia without the registration of the film producer -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the distribution of films without the distribution type and activity site being registered -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

In the case of the distribution of unregistered film copies (video recordings), in the case of failure to comply with the film use rights specified in the film registration certificate -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000, with confiscation of the copies of the films (video recordings).

In the case of failure to comply with the duties of a film registration certificate recipient -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

In the case of failure to comply with the regulations regarding film storage and accounting and for violation of a distributor's duties -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 200 up to LVL 2000, with confiscation of the copies of the films (videos) related to the violation committed.

[19 June 2003]

Section 204.5 Violation of the Procedures for the Organisation and Conducting of Lotteries and Gambling

In the case of violation of the procedures for the organisation and conducting of lotteries and gambling -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000, with confiscation of the articles and tools used to commit the administrative violation, or without confiscation.

[14 October 1998; 17 March 2005; 17 May 2007]

Section 204.6 Unlawful Use of Copyright and Neighbouring Right Objects

In the case of the utilisation of copyright or neighbouring right objects in a public performance, if the licence specified by the law has not been obtained, as well as utilisation of for commercial purposes a published phonogram, if a compensation payment has not been made -

a fine in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 100 shall be imposed.

In the case of the same activities, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 250 shall be imposed.

[19 June 2003; 20 December 2007]

Section 204.7 Illegal Operations with a Natural Person's Data

In the case of the illegal operations with a natural person's data, that is, in respect of any illegal operations with a natural person's data, including collection of data, registration entering, storing, ordering, transforming, utilisation, transfer, transmitting, blocking or deleting -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 400, on officials - from LVL 100 up to LVL 400, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 8000, with or without confiscation of the articles and tools used to commit the violation.

In the case of the illegal operations with a natural person's sensitive personal data, that is, in respect of any illegal operations with a natural person's sensitive personal data, including collection of data, registration entering, storing, ordering, transforming, utilisation, transfer, transmitting, blocking or deleting -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 300 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 3000 up to LVL 10 000, with or without confiscation of the articles and tools used to commit the violation.

In the case of the blocking of a natural person's data, failure to follow an order regarding deletion or destruction of incorrectly or illegally obtained data, as well as of continuing to process a natural person's data after a permanent or temporary prohibition on processing has been specified -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000.

[13 March 2003; 3 July 2008]

Section 204.8 Failure to Provide Information to a Data Subject

In the case of failure to provide information specified by the law to a data subject -

a warning shall be issued or a fine in shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 204.9 Processing of a Natural Person's Data without Registration

In the case of the processing of a natural person's data without registration specified by law or without the registration of the personal data protection specialist in the Data State Inspectorate -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 10 000, with or without confiscation of the articles and tools used to commit the violation.

In the case of failure to submit persons to be registered data processing amendments that are specified by law to the Data State Inspectorate -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 400, on officials - from LVL 100 up to LVL 400, but for legal persons - from LVL 800 up to LVL 8000.

[13 March 2003; 3 July 2008]

Section 204.10 Failure to Provide Information to the Data State Inspectorate

In the case of failure to provide the information provided for by the law or the provision of false information to the Data State Inspectorate -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

[13 March 2003; 3 July 2008]

Section 204.11 Failure to Accredit Persons at the Data State Inspectorate

In the case of failure to accredit the persons specified by the law at the Data State Inspectorate -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 500, on officials - from LVL 200 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 1000 up to LVL 5000.

[13 March 2003; 3 July 2008]

Section 204.12Violation of the Procedures for Organising Goods and Services Lotteries

In the case of violation of the procedures for organising goods and services lotteries -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - up to LVL 500.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - up to LVL 1000.

[16 October 2003]

Section 204.13 Violations of the Provision of Social Services Regulations

In the case of failure to ensure the social service quality specified in regulatory enactments or in the case of the non-conformity of a social service provider with the requirements of regulatory enactments -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the social service provider - a natural person or official in an amount up to LVL 200, but for legal persons - up to LVL 400.

In the case of the violation provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, if it is recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the social service provider - a natural person or official in an amount up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - up to LVL 600.

In the case of the provision of social care or social rehabilitation services without registration in the social services provider register -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on the social care or social rehabilitation service provider - a natural person or official in an amount up to LVL 300, but for legal persons - up to LVL 600.

In the case of the violation provided for in Paragraph three of this Section, if it is recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on the social care or social rehabilitation service provider - a natural person or official in an amount up to LVL 450, but for legal persons - up to LVL 900.

[9 September 2004; 20 December 2007]

Section 204.14 Breach of the Protected Rights of a Service Providers

In the case of the illegal manufacture, importation, distribution, hire, sale or other method of alienation for commercial purposes of conditional access systems, as well as for the illegal arrangement, set up, installation or use of conditional access systems for commercial purposes -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 50 up to LVL 250, but for legal persons - from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, with confiscation of the illegal systems or without confiscation.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 250 up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 1000, with confiscation of the illegal systems.

[22 December 2005]

Section 204.15 Illegal Use of the Coat of Arms and Attributes with the State Coat of Arms

In the case of the use of a coat of arms which has not been registered in the coat of arms register -

a fine shall be imposed on the State or local government institution manager in an amount up to LVL 20.

In the case of the use of the attributes with the State coat of arms, which have not been approved according to the procedures specified by the law -

a fine shall be imposed in an mount up to LVL 20.

In the case of the use of a coat of arms without the permission of the owner thereof -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount up to LVL 20.

[22 December 2005]

Section 204.16 Violation of the Prohibition on Sending Commercial Information

In the case of violation of the prohibition on sending commercial information as specified in the law -

a warning shall be issued or a fine shall be imposed on natural persons in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 350, but for legal persons - from LVL 500 up to LVL 5000.

[22 June 2006]

Section 204.17 Violation of the Prohibition on Discrimination

In the case of violation of the prohibition on discrimination specified in regulatory enactments -

a fine shall be imposed in an amount from LVL 100 up to LVL 500.

[17 May 2007]

Section 204.18 Violation of the Procedures for the Establishment and Storage of Mineral Oil Reserves

In the case of violation of the procedures for the establishment and storage of mineral oil reserves -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an mount from LVL 100 up to LVL 8000.

In the case of the same violations, if they are recommitted within a year of an administrative sanction being imposed -

a fine shall be imposed on legal persons in an amount from LVL 500 up to LVL 10 000.

[17 May 2007]


Chapter Sixteen
Basic Provisions

Section 205. Institutions (Officials), who are Authorised to Examine Administrative Violation Matters

Administrative violation matters shall be examined by:

1) a local government administrative commission;

2) Chairpersons of the local government city or county councils (parish councils), the Councillors and Executive Directors thereof;

3) local government officials, who are authorised by the binding regulations issued by local government city or county councils (parish councils) to impose fines for the violation of these regulations;

4) district (city) court judges;

5) the police and other state institutions, who are authorised by this Code; and

6) institutions (State officials), who are authorised by the local government city or county council (parish council) to examine administrative violation matters regarding vehicle standing and parking regulation violations.

[28 May 1997; 23 March 2000; 16 October 2003]

Section 206. Restriction of the Competence of Institutions (Officials) Authorised to Examine Administrative Violation Matters

The relevant institutions (officials), who are authorised to examine administrative violation matters, shall examine those in accordance with their competence, which is specified in this Code and the binding regulations issued by the local government city or county councils (parish councils).

[3 December 1990; 28 May 1997]

Section 207. Procedures for the Establishment of Administrative Commissions

The local government city or county council (parish council) shall approve the relevant local government administrative commission for its term of office.

[28 May 1997]

Section 208. Jurisdiction of Administrative Commissions

The administrative commission is entitled to examine administrative violation offences, if at least half of its members participate in the hearing.

[28 May 1997]

Section 209. Power of Officials

The list of the officials, who shall examine administrative violation matters on behalf of the institutions referred to in Section 205, Paragraph five of this Code, shall be specified by this Code.

The officials, who are authorised to examine administrative violation matters, can apply administrative sanctions provided for in the Special Division of this Code and in binding regulations of local governments within their prescribed power and only when fulfilling the official duties thereof.

[3 December 1990; 28 May 1997; 27 June 1997]

Chapter Seventeen
Adjudication of Administrative Violation Matters

Section 210. Local Government Administrative Commissions

Local government administrative commissions shall examine the administrative violation offences provided for in Sections 44, 51, 51.1, 51.2, 52 and 53; Section 53.1 (regarding violations committed by a person); Sections 54, 57 (regarding violations committed by a person), 58, 66, 69, 75, 76, 89, 93 and 94; Section 95, Paragraph one; Sections 96 - 98, 98.1, 98.2, 100, 102.1, 103, 103.2, 103.6 and 106.-107; Section 111, Paragraphs three, four, five, six, seven and eight (regarding violations committed in National Armed Forces airfields, which are not used by civil aviation, or in the vicinity of such airfields); Sections 134 -137, 137.1, 138 (regarding violations committed in road transport), 140, 144, 148, 149 and 149.1; Section 149.32, Paragraphs seven and eight; Section 149.33 (except for the violations specified in Paragraph twenty); Sections 150 -150.3, 152, 155 (except for the Paragraphs three and four) and 155.5; Section 156, Paragraph one; Section 156.4, Paragraph one (except for the violation matters in the cases, where control has been performed and the administrative violation report has been has been drawn up by those institutions, which are authorised to examine the relevant administrative violation matter); Sections 167.1, 172 -172.2, 172.4 and 173; Section 174.3, Paragraph three; Section 176; Section 179, Paragraph four; Sections 185 - 190, 190.2, 190.3, 190.10 - 190.12, 194.3 and 194.4; Section 197 (except for the matter regarding the cases, when the seals or sealing devices have been applied by an official of the State Construction Inspection); Sections 201.43 - 201.45, 201.63 and 202 - 204 of this Code.

Local government administrative commissions shall also examine administrative violation matters associated with violations of local government binding regulations.

Local government administrative commissions shall examine material or administrative violation matters and take decisions regarding questions related to the application of correctional nature compulsory measures to minors.

Local governments may establish a sub-commission for child matters of an administrative commission.

A sub-commission for children matters shall examine administrative violations committed by children and administrative violation matters intended by Sections 172.2, 172.4 and 173 of this Code.

[23 March 2000; 14 June 2001; 12 June 2003; 19 June 2003; 13 March 2003; 11 December 2003; 25 March 2004; 16 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 17 March 2005; 22 December 2005; 22 June 2006; 17 May 2007; 20 December 2007; 17 April 2008]

Section 211. Parish Councils. [28 May 1997]

Section 211.1 Chairpersons, Deputies thereof and Executive Directors of City Councils and Parish Councils

Chairpersons, Deputies thereof and Executive Directors of city councils and parish councils shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 51 - 54, 57, 58, 66, 69, 75, 76, 89, 94 (if the violation has been committed by a person); Sections 100, 152 (except for the matters regarding violations in construction standards) and Section 172, as well as matters regarding violation of binding regulations approved by the local government city or county council (parish council).

A monetary fine, which is imposed by Chairpersons, Deputies thereof and Executive Directors of district councils, city councils and parish councils shall not exceed LVL 100.

Chairpersons, Deputies thereof and Executive Directors of district councils, city councils and parish councils are entitled to collect a fine up to LVL 20 at the place of committing the violation without drawing up a report, if the violator does not contest the fine imposed thereon.

[19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 12 June 2003]

Section 211.2 Institutions (Officials), who Exercise Control over the Observance of the Binding Regulations Issued by Local Government City Councils (Parish Councils)

Control over the binding regulations issued by a local government city council (parish council) shall be exercised by an authorised institution (official) of the relevant city council (parish council).

In examining matters regarding violation of the binding regulations issued by a local government city council (parish council), a fine up to LVL 20 may be imposed at the place of committing of the violation without drawing up a report (issuing a standard type receipt), if the violator does not dispute the fine imposed thereon.

[19 July 1995; 11 April 1996; 17 May 200; 17 April 2008]

Section 211.3 Local Government Officials, who Control Vehicle Standing or Parking

The control over vehicle standing or parking regulations shall be exercised by the institutions (officials) authorised by a local government city council (parish council). The institutions (officials) authorised by a local government city council (parish council) shall also exercise control over the movement of motor vehicles, including observance of the standing and parking regulations in the Baltic Sea and Bay of Riga coastal dune protection zone, beach or special area of conservation.

[23 March 2000; 14 June 2001; 22 December 2005; 17 May 2007]

Section 212. Commissions for Offences by Minors

[19 July 1995]

Section 212.1 Commission to Combat Drunkenness

[19 January 1993]

Section 213. District (City) Court Judges

The district (city) court judges shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 46, 53.1 (if the violation has been committed by an official); Section 116, Paragraph two; Section 139.1, Paragraph two; Section 149.4, Paragraph seven; Section 149.5, Paragraph four; Section 149.15, Paragraphs three, four, five, seven and eight; Section 155.4, Paragraph two; Sections 155.6 and 155.8; Section 156.4, Paragraph two; Section 158.1; Section 160.1, Paragraph two; Sections 165.4, 166.2, 166.3 166.17, 166.21 - 166.25, 166.28 - 166.30, 167, 170.1 and 170.2; Section 171, Paragraph two; Section 173.2; Section 174.3, Paragraphs one and two; Sections 174.5, 175 - 175.4, 175.8, 175.10, 176.1, 177 and 178; Section 179, Paragraph four; Sections 187.1, 190.5, 190.6, 194.1, 200, 200.1, 201.2-201.9, 201.39-201.42, 204.1, 204.2, and 204.17 (except for the matters regarding employment legal relationship) of this Code.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 214. State Police Institutions

The State police institutions shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 42.1, 46 and 109 - 114; Section 117.1, Paragraphs one - six and ten; Sections 117.2 - 117.9 and 134 - 136; Section 137.1, Paragraph four; Sections 138 and 139; Section 139.1, Paragraph one; Section 148.2; Sections 149.4 - 149.11; Section 155.4, Paragraph one; Section 155.15; Sections 159.4 - 159.6 and 166.8; Section 166.20, Paragraph one; Sections 167, 169.3, 170.1, 170.2 and 170.3; Section 171, Paragraph one; Section 173, Paragraph two; Sections 174.4, 179.1, 181, 183, 183.1, 202.1, 204.4, 204.6, 204.14 and 204.15 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State police institutions:

1) The State police officer in command and his or her deputies, the relevant police authority (office, department) officer in command and his or her deputies, the Road police officer in command and his deputies, the police district officer in command and his or her deputies - in regards to all of the administrative violations, which are intended by Paragraph one of this Section. The operational division department (service chapter) senior, in the absence of these officials is entitled to examine offences regarding all the administrative violations, which are provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, and on behalf of the State police institutions is entitled to impose an administrative sanction on foreign citizens, if they are subject to the administrative jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia, and stateless persons, whose permanent place of residence is not the Republic of Latvia;

2) senior district police inspectors, inspectors and junior inspectors - in respect of administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 117.1, Paragraphs one - six and ten; Sections 117.2 - 117.9 and 149.4 - 149.33 of this Code (except for the cases, when a road traffic accident occurs as a result of these violations), if a warning may be issued for the administrative violation or if the maximum fine intended by the sanction does not exceed LVL 80, and for administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 117.1, Paragraph one - six and ten; Sections 117.2 - 117.8, 136, 170.1 and Section 171, Paragraph one of this Code;

3) State police subordinate unit commanders, their deputies, inspectors, junior inspectors, policemen, State police department senior inspectors and inspectors - in respect of administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 117.1, Paragraph one - six and ten; Sections 117.2 - 117.9 and 149.4 - 149.33 of this Code, if a warning may be issued for the administrative violation or if the maximum fine intended by the sanction does not exceed LVL 80, except for the cases when a road traffic accident occurs as a result of these violations; and.

4) State police authorised officials - in respect of administrative violations, which are provided for in Sections 149.4 - 149.33 of this Code and have been fixed with technical means (photo equipment and video equipment), without stopping the vehicle.

[16 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 17 March 2005; 22 December 2005; 17 May 2007; 20 December 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 214.1 Local Government Police

Local government police institutions shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 42.1; Section 117.1, Paragraphs one - six and ten; and Sections 117.2 - 117.8; Section 137.1, Paragraphs one and two; Section 149.5, Paragraph three; Section 149.10; 149.23, Paragraph two; Section 149.29, Paragraph two; Section 149.31, Paragraph eight; Section 155; Section 155.4, Paragraph one; Section 166.9; Section 166.20, Paragraph one; Section 170.1; Section 171, Paragraph one; Section 172; Section 181, Paragraph five; Section 186; Section 201.35, Paragraph three and four and Section 204.6 of this Code.

(2) The following are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the local government police institutions:

1) the local government police board and division officers in command and their deputies - regarding all the administrative violations, which are provided for in Paragraph one of this Section; and

2) local government police senior inspectors and inspectors - regarding administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 149.5, Paragraph three; Section 149.10; 149.23, Paragraph two; Section 149.29, Paragraph two; Section 149.31, Paragraph eight (except for cases where as a result of such violation a road traffic accident has been caused) of this Code, if for the administrative violation a warning may be issued or the maximum sanction provided for is a fine that does not exceed LVL 40.

[11 April 1996, 28 May 1997, 14 June 2001, 19 June 2003, 22 December 2004, 17 March 2005, 22 December 2005, 17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 214.2 Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 166.6 [if the violation has been committed by a political organisation (party)], 166.28 - 166.31, 166.33 and 166.34 of this Code.

The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau head and his or her deputies, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau authorised department heads and their deputies are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions regarding all the administrative violations, which are intended by Paragraph one of this Section, on behalf of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau.

[19 June 2003; 22 April 2004]

Section 215. State Fire-fighting and Rescue Service

The State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 179 and 179.2 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to draw up an administrative violation report, examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Fire-fighting and Rescue Service:

1) the head of the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service and his or her deputies - to impose a monetary fine on natural persons up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - up to LVL 5000;

2) the heads of the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service territorial offices - to impose a monetary fine on natural persons up to LVL 500, but for legal persons - up to LVL 3000; and

3) the rest of the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service inspectors - to impose a monetary fine on natural persons up to LVL 350.

[11 December 2003; 22 June 2006; 17 May 2007; 17 April 2008]

Section 215.1 State Revenue Service

The State Revenue Service shall examine the administrative violation offences provided for in Section 149.33, Paragraph twenty; Section 155, Paragraph three and four; Sections 155.1, 155.2, 155.5, 155.6, 155.13, 156, 156.1, 156.2 and 156.3; Section 156.4, Paragraph one; Sections 156.5, 156.6, 159, 159.4, 159.7, 159.8 and 159.9, Section 160.1, Paragraph one; Sections 165.2, 165.7, 165.8, 166, 166.2 and 166.6, Section 166.9, Paragraph two; Section 166.12, Paragraph three; Section 166.14; Section 166.15, Paragraphs three and four; Sections 166.20, 166.27, 166.32, 169.3, 170.2, 190.7, 190.15, 201.10 - 201.18 and 204.18 of this Code (except for the matters regarding violations in the cases, when control has been performed and the administrative violation report regarding the violations mentioned in these Sections has been drawn up by officials of other institutions, who are authorised to examine the relevant administrative violation matters).

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Revenue Service:

1) The State Revenue Service Director General and his or her deputies, the State Revenue Service territorial institution directors and their deputies, the State Revenue Service general director authorised department managers and their deputies - regarding all of the administrative violations, which are provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, -

a monetary sanction up to the maximum fine provided for in these Sections and to enforce confiscation;

2) the State Revenue Service Head Customs Board director and his or her deputies, the State Revenue Service territorial institution Customs heads and their deputies - regarding all the administrative violations, which are provided for in Sections 190.7 and 201.10 - 201.18, -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 6000 and application of a confiscation; and

3) the rest of the State Revenue Director General of State Revenue Service territorial institution director authorised officials -

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250.

[23 March 2000; 14 June 2001; 19 June 2003; 11 December 2003; 25 March 2004; 16 October 2003; 20 January 2005; 17 March 2005; 22 December 2005; 14 December 2006; 8 February 2007; 17 May 2007; 20 May 2010]

Section 215.2 Monopoly Supervisory Committee of the Cabinet of the Republic of Latvia

[17 February 1994]

Section 215.3 State Labour Inspectorate

The State Labour Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 41, 41.2, 41.3, 41.4, 41.5, 41.6 and 166.7; Section 166.15, Paragraph one and Section 204.17 of this Code (regarding violations within the area of employment legal relationship).

The following persons are entitled to draw up an administrative violation report, examine administrative violation matters and impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Labour Inspectorate:

1) the State Labour Inspectorate Director and Head State Labour Inspectors - to issue a warning or impose a fine up to LVL 10 000; and

2) all State Labour Inspectorate officials - to issue a warning or impose a fine up to LVL 5000.

[25 March 2004; 17 May 2007; 17 April 2008]

Section 215.4 Consumer Rights Protection Centre

The Consumer Rights Protection Centre shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Section 155, Paragraphs one, two, five, six and seven of this Code in the cases, when the control has been performed and the administrative violation report for the violations mentioned in this Section has been drawn up by the Centre's officials, as well as Sections 99, 155.5, 155.9, 155.10, 155.11, 155.12 and 155.14; Section 156, Paragraph one; Section 156.6; Section 166.9, Paragraph one and three; Sections 166.10 and 166.11; Section 166.12, Paragraphs one and two; Section 166.13; Section 166.14, Paragraph one; Section 166.15, Paragraph one; Sections 166.16, 175.9 and 204.14 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre:

1) the Consumer Rights Protection Centre Director and his or her Deputies - impose a monetary fine in an amount up to LVL 10 000 and enforce confiscation;

2) the Consumer Rights Protection Centre department Heads - impose a monetary fine in an amount up to LVL 3 000 and enforce confiscation; and

3) the Consumer Rights Protection Centre Director's authorised officials - impose a monetary fine in an amount up to LVL 300.

The Consumer Rights Protection Centre shall determine the administrative violation provided for in Section 166.13 of this Code and impose the administrative sanction with the same decision, with which a violation of the Law on Advertising or the Unfair Commercial Practice Prohibition Law is determined. The decision shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Section 274 of this Code.

[22 June 2003; 17 May 2007; 20 December 2007]

Section 215.5 Excise Goods Administration

[23 March 2000]

Section 215.6 Central Statistics Bureau

The Central Statistics Bureau shall examine administrative violation matters regarding statistical information issues provided for in Section 166.6 of this Code (except for the matters regarding violations in the cases, when the control has been performed and the administrative violation report for the offences referred to in this Section has been drawn up by another institution's officials, who are authorised to examine the relevant administrative violation matters).

The Head of the Central Statistics Bureau and his or her Deputies are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Central Statistics Bureau.

[17 May 2007]

Section 215.7 State Social Insurance Fund Tax Control Institutions

[23 March 2000]

Section 215.8 Competition Council

The Competition Council shall examine administrative violation matters and impose administrative sanctions regarding the violations provided for in Section 166.13, Paragraph two of this Code (except for the matters, where the control has been performed and the administrative violation report for the particular violation has been drawn up by another supervision institution's officials, who are authorised to examine the matters of the relevant administrative violation), as well as Sections 175.5 and 175.6 of this Code.

The Competition Council shall determine the administrative violation provided for in Section 166.13 of this Code and impose the administrative sanction with the same decision, with which a violation of the Law on Advertising is determined. The decision shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Section 274 of this Code.

[17 March 2005; 17 May 2007]

Section 215.9 National Radio and Television Council

The National Radio and Television Council shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Section 166.13, Paragraphs one and two; Sections 173.2, 175.9, 201.5 and 201.32 of this Code, if the administrative violations are committed in the area of electronic public communications equipment (except for the violation matters in the cases, when the control has been performed and the administrative violation report has been drawn up by another institution's officials, who are authorised to examine the relevant administrative violation matters) and issue a warning or impose a monetary fine in an amount up to LVL 5000.

The National Radio and Television Council shall determine the administrative violation provided for in Section 166.13, Paragraphs one and two of this Code and impose the administrative sanction with the same decision, with which a violation of the Law on Advertising is determined. The decision shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Section 274 of this Code.

[10 April 2003; 17 May 2007; 20 December 2007]

Section 215.10 Public Utilities Commission

The Public Utilities Commission shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 148.1, 158.2, 158.3 and 158.4 of this Code.

The Public Utilities Commission Board is entitled to examine administrative violation matters and impose administrative sanctions in an amount up to LVL 10 000 on behalf of the Public Utilities Commission.

[29 May 2003; 22 December 2005]

Section 216. Railway Transport Institutions

Railway transport institutions shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Section 43, Paragraph one (regarding violations in railway transport), Sections 109, 110, Section 120, Paragraph one, Sections 134, 135, 136 and 138 of this Code (regarding violations in railway transport).

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the railway transport institutions:

1) the station manager and his or her deputy, the passenger station officer in charge and his or her deputy, the locomotive (wagon) depot manager and his or her deputy, the travel distance manager, the district protection (division) manager and his or her deputy -

a warning or a fine in an amount up to LVL 200;

2) the Fire-Fighting Team unit (guard) officer in command, the division (unit, division, fire fighting train) officer in charge and his deputy, the fire fighting prevention service senior instructor, the senior road master -

a warning or a fine in an amount up to LVL 100; and

3) the passenger train officer in charge (the passenger train mechanical foreman), the passenger train control auditor, the passenger train auditor instructor, the road master -

a warning or a fine in an amount up to LVL 10.

The officials referred to in this Section are entitled to collect a fine up to LVL 10 at the place of committing of the violation, without drawing up a report, if the violator does not contest the administrative sanction imposed thereon.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995; 28 May 1997]

Section 216.1 Railway Technical Inspectorate

The Railway Technical Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 109, Paragraph six, Sections 110.1, 110.2 and 110.3 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Railway Technical Inspectorate:

1) the Railway Technical Inspectorate Director; and

2) the Railway Technical Inspectorate Deputy Director and the senior inspectors - in respect of administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 110.2 of this Code.

[14 June 2001; 27 May 2004]

Section 217. Sea and River Transport Institutions

Sea and river transport institutions shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 43, Paragraph one (regarding violations in sea and river transport), Section 115, Section 116, Paragraph one; Sections 117.9, 117.10, 117.11 and 119; Section 120, Paragraph one; Sections 134, 135, 136 and 138 (regarding violations in sea and river transport) of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the sea and river transport institutions:

1) the Latvian ports' head master and his deputy in questions of shipping safety - .

a fine in an amount up to LVL 250;

2) the port's master and his deputy - .

a fine in an amount up to LVL 200;

3) the port administration manager and his deputy - .

a fine in an amount up to LVL 150; and

4) a ship's master - .

a fine in an amount up to LVL 100.

The officials referred to in this Section are entitled to collect a fine up to LVL 20 at the place of committing the violation, without drawing up a report, if the violator does not contest the imposed sanction.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 17 May 2007]

Section 218. River Transport Authorities

[11 July 1992]

Section 219. Latvian Small Ship Inspectorate

[19 July 1995]

Section 220. Civil Aviation Institutions

The civil aviation institutions shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 111 (except for the violations referred to in Paragraphs three, four, five, six, seven and eight which are committed in National Armed Forces airfields, which are not used in civil aviation) and 112 - 114.1; Section 120, Paragraph two; Section 135; Section 136, Paragraph one and Section 139 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the civil aviation institutions:

1) the Aviation Department Director and his Deputies - regarding the administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 113 and Section 114, Paragraph one of this Code; and

2) the Aviation Administration Director General and the authorised officials thereof - regarding all the administrative violations, which are intended by Paragraph one of this Section.

[28 May 1997]

Section 221. Road Transport Control Institutions.

The Road Transport Control Institutions shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 135; Section 136, Paragraphs four, five, six, seven and nine; Sections 137 and 137.1; Section 149.4, Paragraph one, eleven and twelve; Section 149.32, Paragraphs seven, eight and nine; Sections 149.33, 149.34 and 149.36 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the institutions referred to in Paragraph one of this Section:

1) the head of the Road Transport Inspectorate and his deputies, the Road Transport Inspectorate Division Head and his deputies - in regards to the violations that are provided for in Section 149.4, Paragraphs one, eleven and twelve; Section 149.32, Paragraphs eight and nine; Sections 149.33, 149.34 and 149.36 of this Code.

2) the inspectors and controllers of the Road Transport Inspectorate - in regards to the violations that are provided for in Section 149.4, Paragraphs one, eleven and twelve; Section 149.32, Paragraphs eight and nine; Sections 149.33 and 149.36 of this Code.

3) the local government city or county council (parish council) established road transport control service heads and their deputies and the local government city or county council (parish council) authorised institutions representatives (officials) - in regards to the violations, which are provided for in Section 135; Section 136, Paragraphs four, five, six, seven and nine; Sections 137 and 137.1; Section 149.4, Paragraph one, eleven and twelve; Section 149.32, Paragraph seven, eight and nine; Sections 149.33 (except for the violations provided for in Paragraph twenty) and 149.36 of this Code; and

4) the local government city or county council (parish council) established road transport control service controllers - in regards to the violations, which are provided for in Section 135; Section 136, Paragraph four, five, six, seven and nine; Sections 137 and 137.1, Section 149.4, Paragraphs one, eleven and twelve; Section 149.32, Paragraphs seven, eight and nine; Sections 149.33 (except for the violations provided for in Paragraph twenty) and 149.36 of this Code - to issue a warning or impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 50.

The officials referred to in Paragraph two of this Section are entitled to draw up an administrative violation report on behalf of the institutions referred to in Paragraph one of this Section.

[22 December 2005]

Section 221.1 State Road Service Institutions

[14 June 2001]

Section 221.2 Road Traffic Safety Institutions

[14 June 2001]

Section 221.3 Traffic Bureau

[23 March 2000]

Section 222. Labour Rights and Technical Inspectors

[11 July 1992]

Section 223. State Technical Supervision Institutions

[28 July 1994]

Section 223.1 State Building Safety Construction Standards Supervision institutions

[19 July 1995]

Section 223.2 State Energy Inspection

[17 April 2008] [22 June 2006; 17 May 2007; 17 April 2008]

Section 224. State Atomic Energy Work Safety Supervisory Authorities [11 July 1992]

Section 225. USSR Mechanical Engineering Ministry and USSR Medium Mechanical Engineering Inspection Authorities

[11 July 1992]

Section 226. Customs Institutions

[23 March 2000]

Section 226.1 State Border Guard

The State Border Guard shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 114.2, 114.3, 115, 115.1, 116 (except for violations, which the Latvian ship or a person on it has committed outside the territory of the Republic of Latvia), 117.1 - 117.11; Section 149.4, Paragraphs one, three- five and eight; Section 149.5, Paragraphs one - three; Section 149.10; Section 149.16, Paragraphs two and three; Sections 149.17 and 149.18; Section 149.24, Paragraphs one - twelve and fifteen - seventeen; Section 149.25, Paragraphs one - five; Section 149.26, Paragraph two; Sections 149.27 - 149.31 and 186; Section 187, Paragraph four; Sections 189, 189.1, 190.13, 190.14, 194, 194.1 and 194.2 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Border Guard:

1) the State Border Guard head and the State Border Guard territorial board heads - in regards to all the administrative violations, which are intended by Paragraph one of this Section;

2) the State Border Guard territorial board control point heads and the deputies thereof, the State Border Guard territorial board protection division heads and the deputies thereof, as well as the border control crossing point changeover seniors - regarding the administrative violations, which are provided for in Sections 117.1 - 117.11; Section 149.4, Paragraphs one, three - five and eight; Section 149.5, Paragraphs one - three; Section 149.10; Section 149.16, Paragraphs two and three; Sections 149.17 and 149.18; Section 149.24, Paragraphs one - twelve and fifteen -seventeen; Section 149.25, Paragraphs one - five; Section 149.26, Paragraph two; Sections 149.27 - 149.31; Section 187, Paragraph four; Sections 190.13, 194, 194.1 and 194.2 of this Code;

3) the State Border Guard Riga Board officer in charge (in matters regarding immigration) and the State Border Guard territorial board immigration service (division) heads - regarding the administrative violations, which are provided for in Section 186, Section 187, Paragraph four, Sections 189, 190.13 and 190.14 of this Code; and

4) the State Border Guard floating vessel service officer in charge and the deputy thereof, the State Border Guard vessel (launch) captains and the Border Control seniors - regarding the administrative violations, which are provided for in Sections 115-116, 117.1 - 117.11 and 194.1 of this Code.

Officials of the State Border Guard are entitled to draw up an administrative violation report, if administrative violations have been committed the examination of which is within the competence of the State Border Guard, as well as other administrative violations, which, in performing the service duties thereof, have been determined by border guards.

[16 October 2003; 15 September 2005; 22 June 2006;17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 226.2 National Armed Forces Naval Coast Guard Service

The National Armed Forces Naval Coast Guard Service shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 115, 115.1 and 116 of this Code.

The head of the National Armed Forces Naval Coast Guard Service and his or her authorised structural unit heads and their deputies are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the National Armed Forces Naval Coast Guard Service.

[3 July 2008]

Section 227. USSR Ministry of Defence Authorities

[11 July 1992]

Section 228. Health Inspectorate

The Health Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 42, 43, 45, 45.1, 45.2, 45.3 , 46.1 and 46.2 of this Code, as well as the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 62, 63, 64, 72, 75, 76, 83 and 84.1 (if they are violations of hygiene provisions), the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 88.4; Section 155, Paragraphs one and two; Sections 155.5 un 166.9 (if they are violations in marketing and circulation of household chemical substances and chemical products), the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 166.10 and 166.11, Section 166.13, Paragraph three; Section 175.9; the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 166.12; Section 166.14, Paragraph one and Section 166.15, Paragraph one (if they are violations in the safety of the human environment and the epidemiology, marketing of household chemical substances and chemical products and circulation of cosmetics).

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Health Inspectorate:

1) the Health Inspectorate manager and the deputies thereof - a fine up to LVL 10 000 and the enforcement of confiscation; and

2) the Health Inspectorate inspectors - a fine up to LVL 1000.

The Health Inspectorate shall determine the administrative violation provided for in Section 46.1, Paragraph seven and Section 166.13, Paragraph three of this Code and impose an administrative sanction with the same decision with which a violation of the advertising of medicinal products regulations or a violation of the Unfair Commercial Practice Prohibition Law is determined. The decision shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Section 274 of this Code.

[27 September 2007; 20 December 2007]

Section 228.1Quality Control Inspection for Expert Examination in Health Care and Work Disability

[27 September 2007]

Section 228.2 State Pharmaceutical Inspection

[27 September 2007]

Section 229. USSR Ministry of Defence, USSR Ministry of the Interior and USSR State Defence Committee Sanitary Supervision Medical Services

[11 July 1992]

Section 230. Food and Veterinary Service

The Food and Veterinary Service shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 42.2, 46.1 (regarding violations in the circulation of veterinary medicinal products and veterinary-pharmaceutical products), 51.3, 78.1, 102, 102.2, 103.3, 103.6, 103.9, 105, 105.5, 106, 106.1, 106.2, 107, 108, 108.1 - 108.4 and 149.35; Section 155, Paragraphs one and two; Sections 155.5 and 166.2; Section 166.9, Paragraphs one and three; Section 166.10; Section 166.12, Paragraphs one and two; Section 166.14, Paragraph one; Section 166.15, Paragraph one and Section 175.9 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Food and Veterinary Service:

1) the Head State Food and Veterinary Service Inspector - a fine up to LVL 3000 with enforcement of confiscation;

2) senior State food and senior State veterinary inspectors - a fine up to 1000 and enforcement of confiscation;

3) senior State sanitary border inspectors - a fine up to LVL 1000 and enforcement of confiscation;

4) State food inspectors and State veterinary inspectors - a fine in an amount up to LVL 250; and

5) State sanitary border inspectors - a fine up to LVL 250.

Food and Veterinary Service Sanitary Border Inspection officials shall be competent to examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 42.2 and 102; Section 102.2, Paragraph two; Sections 106 and 106.1 and the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 108, 108.1, 108.3 and 108.4; Section 149.35, Paragraphs three, four, five, six and seven and Section 166.14, Paragraph one of this Code, if the violation is committed at the State (customs) border or in customs warehouses.

[20 December 2001; 12 June 2003; 11 December 2003; 22 December 2005; 22 June 2006;17 May 2007; 20 December 2007]

Section 230.1 Agricultural Product Quality State Supervisory Institutions

[23 March 2000]

Section 230.2 Seed Quality State Supervisory Institutions

[23 March 2000]

Section 230.3 State Breeding Inspectorate

The State Breeding Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for by Sections 105.1 - 105.8 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Breeding Inspectorate:

1) the State Breeding Inspectorate head and the division head- a monetary fine up to LVL 500; and

2) the State Breeding Inspectorate inspectors - a monetary fine up to LVL 50.

[17 March 2005]

Section 230.4 State Cereal Inspectorate

[23 March 2000]

Section 230.5 State Plant Protection Service

The State Plant Protection Service shall examine the administrative violation offences provided for in Sections 51.2, 78.1, 101, 101.1, 102, 102.1, 102.2, 103, 103.5. 103.7 and 103.8 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Plant Protection Service:

1) the State Plant Protection Service head inspectors - a fine in an amount up to LVL 3000; and

2) the State Plant Protection Service senior inspectors and inspectors - a fine in an amount up to LVL 500.

[17 March 2005; 22 June 2006; 17 May 2007; 20 December 2007]

Section 230.6 Rural Support Service

The Rural Support Service shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 66.1, 103.10, 103.11, 103.12 and 103.13 of this Code.

The Rural Support Service regional agricultural board heads, the deputies thereof and Aiviekste Amelioration System State Board head are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Rural Support Service.

[17 March 2005; 3 July 2008]

Section 230.7 State Plant Species Comparison Centre

[23 March 2000]

Section 230.8 State Cereal Office

[14 May 1998]

Section 230.9 Sanitary Border Inspection

[20 December 2001]

Section 230.10 State Control Service of Crop Product Quality

[20 December 2001]

Section 231. State Environment Protection Institutions

The State environment protection institutions shall examine administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 47, 48, 51 - 53, 53.2, 54.1 - 69, 71, 72 - 88.1, 88.4 - 88.6 and 88.7 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State environmental protection institutions:

1) the State Environmental Service general-director, deputy general-director, regional environment boards or the Marine and Inland Waters Administration and the directors and deputy directors of special areas of conservation administrations -

to impose a fine in an amount up to the maximum prescribed by these Sections, with taking away of fishing rights and applying confiscation;

2) the section or sector heads of the State Environmental Service -

to impose a fine up to LVL 5000 and to apply confiscation; and

3) the State Environmental Service and special areas of conservation board institution environmental State inspectors -

to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 200 and to apply confiscation.

In the case of violations, which are provided for in Sections 61, 82, 82.1 and 82.2 of this Code, if allowed by floating means of conveyance masters or commanding officers:

1) the officials referred to in Paragraph two, Clauses 1 and 2 of this Section shall impose a fine in an amount up to the maximum fine that is provided for in these Sections; and

2) the officials referred to in Paragraph two, Clause 3 of this Section shall impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 2000.

In the case of a fine imposed in an amount up to LVL 20, if the violator does not contest the fine imposed thereon, the officials referred to in this Section may collect the fine at the place of committing the violation.

[12 June 2003; 16 October 2003; 9 September 2004; 17 March 2005; 17 May 2007; 20 December 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 231.1 State Inspection for Heritage Protection

The State Inspection for Heritage Protection shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 89 - 89.5 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection:

the State Inspection for Heritage Protection head and the deputies thereof - a fine in an amount up to LVL 250; and

the district, republic city and city district inspectors of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection - a fine in an amount up to LVL 150.

The State Inspection for Heritage Protection officials shall draw up reports regarding the violations within the competence thereof. In the case of a fine imposed in an amount up to LVL 20, if the violator does not contest the fine imposed thereon, the referred to officials may collect the fine at the place of committing the violation.

[28 July 1994; 19 July 1995]

Section 231.2 State Construction Inspection and Local Government Building Authorities

The State Construction Inspection shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 90 and 91; Section 95, Paragraphs two and three; Sections 152 and 175.7; Section 166.15, Paragraph one and Section 197 (matters regarding the cases when a seal or sealing device has been applied by a State Construction Inspection official) of this Code.

The local government building authorities shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 152 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Construction Inspection:

1) the head of the State Construction Inspection and the deputies thereof - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 10 000;

2) the State Construction Inspection division heads and the deputies thereof - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 500; and

3) State Construction Inspection inspectors - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 200.

Building inspectors of local government building authorities are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 200 on behalf of the local government building authorities.

Officials within their competence in regards to administrative violations shall draw up reports. A fine imposed in an amount up to LVL 20, if the violator does not contest the fine imposed thereon, the officials referred to in this Section may collect the fine at the place of committing or detecting of the violation.

[12 June 2003; 9 September 2004; 22 December 2005; 17 April 2008]

Section 231.3 Radiation Safety Centre

The Radiation Safety Centre shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 87.1 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Radiation Safety Centre:

1) the Radiation Safety Centre Director, the deputy thereof and the head radiation safety inspector - a fine in an amount up to LVL 5000; and

2) the Radiation Safety Centre radiation safety State inspectors - a fine in an amount up to LVL 1000

[23 March 2000]

Section 232. Fish Protection Institutions

[19 July 1995]

Section 233. Officials of the State Forest Service

Officials of the State Forest Service shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 53.2, 54, 54.1, 57 - 57.2, 58, 66, 66.2 - 66.5, 67 - 69., 71, 71.1, 80, 80.1, 81 and 155.13 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Forest Service:

1) the State Forest Service Director General - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 2000 and suspend the right to hunt;

2) chief foresters - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 1000 and suspend the right to hunt;

3) foresters - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 250; and

4) forest guards - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 50.

The State Forest Service officials shall draw up reports regarding violations to be examined within their competence.

[12 June 2003; 15 October 2003; 20 January 2004]

Section 234. Institutions that Supervise the Compliance with Hunting Regulations.

Institutions that supervise the compliance with hunting regulations shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 80 (regarding hunting, as well as other animal use which violates the regulations) and 80.1 of this Code.

The republic and local institution heads that exercise resource protection regarding hunting regulation compliance are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions.

[28 April 1992]

Section 235. Communications Institutions

The Ministry of Transport Communications Department shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 145 - 148 and 149 - 149.1 of this Code.

The Director of the Communications Department and the deputies thereof are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Communications Department.

[19 June 2003; 11 December 2003]

Section 236. Technical Supervision Institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture

[15 September 2005]

Section 236.1 State Assay Supervision Inspectorate

The State Assay Supervision Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 163.1 and 163.2 of this Code, as well as the administrative violation matters related to the sale of precious metal and precious stone products provided for in Section 166.10 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate:

1) the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate head and the deputies thereof - to issue a warning or impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 500 and to apply confiscation; and

2) the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate department heads and senior inspectors - to issue a warning or impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 400

[22 December 2005]

Section 236.2 Latvian National Archive Fund State Supervisory Institutions

Latvian National Archive Fund State supervisory institutions shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 190.8 and 190.9 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Latvian National Archive Fund State supervisory institutions:

1) the Latvian National Archive General Direction Archive Inspection division head, the deputy thereof and the State Archive Directors - to issue a warning or impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 250; and

2) the Latvian National Archive General Direction Archive Inspection division inspectors and the State Archive inspectors - to issue a warning or impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 100.

[11 July 1992; 19 July 1995; 17 May 2007]

Section 236.3 State Language Centre

The State Language Centre shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 41.1 and 201.26 - 201.36 (except for the matters provided for in Section 201.32, if they are committed in the field of the electronic public communications means) of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Language Centre:

1) the State Language Centre Director and the Deputy thereof - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 500; and

2) the State Language Centre Control division head and inspectors - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 200.

The officials referred to in this Section shall draw up reports regarding violations to be examined within the competence thereof.

[14 June 2001; 10 April 2003; 22 December 2005; 21 June 2007]

Section 236.4 State Audit Office

The State Audit Office shall examine the administrative violation matters, which are related to the activities thereof, provided for in Sections 156.3 and 175.2 of this Code.

The Auditor General is entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Audit Office.

[28 May 1997]

Section 236.5 State Treasury

The State Treasury shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 159, 159.2, 159.3 and 166.6 of this Code.

The State Treasury manager is entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Treasury - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 250.

[19 June 1997]

Section 236.6 State Metrological Inspection [22 June 2006]

Section 236.7 Securities Market Commission

[14 June 2001]

Section 236.8 Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection of the Ministry of Finance

The Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection of the Ministry of Finance shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 204.5 and 204.12 of this Code.

The Ministry of Finance Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection head or the deputies thereof are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative fines on behalf of the Ministry of Finance Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection.

[14 October 1998; 16 October 2003; 17 May 2007]

Section 236.9 State Education Inspectorate

The State Education Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 201.49, 201.50, 201.51, 201.52, 201.53, 201.54, 201.55, 201.56, 201.57, 201.58, 201.59, 201.60, 201.61, 201.62, 201.64 and 201.65 of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Education Inspectorate:

1) the State Education Inspectorate head - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 500;

2) the State Education Inspectorate deputy head, department directors, division heads - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 200; and

3) the chief State inspectors - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 100.

[22 June 2006]

Section 236.10 State Data Inspectorate

The State Data Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 204.7, 204.8, 204.9, 204.10, 204.11 and 204.16 of this Code.

The State Data Inspectorate Director and his authorised employees are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose an administrative sanction on behalf of the State Data Inspectorate.

[13 March 2003; 22 June 2006]

Section 236.11 Social Service Administration

The Social Service Administration shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Section 204.13 of this Code.

The Social Services Administration Director and the authorised officials thereof are entitled to draw up administrative violation reports, examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the Social Service Administration.

[9 September 2004; 20 December 2007]

Section 236.12 State Children Rights Protection Inspectorate.

The State Children Rights Protection Inspectorate shall examine the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 172.2 and 172.3 (in regards to violations, which have been committed by institution officials or employees) of this Code.

The following persons are entitled to examine administrative violation matters and to impose administrative sanctions on behalf of the State Children Rights Protection Inspectorate:

1) the State Children Rights Protection Inspectorate head and the deputy thereof - to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 250; and

2) the State Children Rights Protection Inspectorate inspectors - to issue a warning or to impose a fine in an amount up to LVL 25.

[22 December 2004]


Chapter Eighteen
Basic Provisions

Section 237. Tasks of Record-keeping in Administrative Violation Matters

The tasks of record-keeping in administrative violation matters are as follows: in good time, exhaustively, fully and objectively ascertain the circumstances of each matter, decide it strictly in accordance with the law, ensure the implementation of the decision taken, as well as to ascertain the causes and circumstances which promote the commitment of the administrative violation, prevent violations, to bring up the citizens in the spirit of law abiding and strengthen lawfulness.

[11 July 1992]

Section 238. Procedures for Record-keeping in Administrative Violation Matters

The procedures for the record-keeping and adjudication of administrative violation matters shall be determined by this Code and other regulatory enactments.

[28 May 1997]

Section 238.1 Commencement of Record-keeping in an Administrative Violation Matter

Upon receipt of an application or other materials regarding an administrative violation, the persons referred to in Section 247 of this Code shall, within a period of 24 hours, draw up an administrative violation report or take one of the following decisions:

1) regarding commencement of record-keeping in the administrative violation matter;

2) regarding a refusal to commence record-keeping in the administrative violation matter;

3) regarding the transfer of the materials in accordance with jurisdiction; or

4) regarding the transfer of the materials to the administrative commission of the local government regarding the application of compulsory measures of corrective nature, if a violation has been committed by a minor at the age from 11 up to 14 years.

In exceptional case, such decision may be taken within 10 days. A decision may be drawn up as a separate document or resolution.

An institution's decision to refuse to commence processing the administrative violation matter may be appealed to a higher institution within 30 days of the decision being made. If there is not a higher institution or it is the Cabinet, the warning may be appealed to a court. A decision of a district (city) court is final.

An institution's, as well as district (city) court judiciary's decision regarding transfer of materials after consent may not be appealed

[28 May 1997; 13 March 2003; 17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 239. Circumstances which do not Allow Record-keeping in an Administrative Violation Matter

Record-keeping in an administrative violation matter may not be commenced, but a commenced record-keeping shall be terminated, if there are the following circumstances:

1) if there has not been an event or the elements of an administrative violations are not present in it;

2) if the person, at the moment of committing the administrative violation, has not attained 14 years of age;

3) if the person, who has committed the unlawful action or inaction, is mentally incapable;

4) if the person has been engaged in circumstances of urgency or necessary defence;

5) if the amnesty is granted, which prevents the imposition of administrative sanction;

6) if the enactment which determined administrative liability is revoked;

7) if up to the moment of adjudication of the administrative violation the periods of time specified in Section 37 of this Code have elapsed;

8) if for the same fact in relation to a person who is subject to administrative liability, there is already a competent institution (official) decision regarding the imposition of administrative sanction, or a decision regarding the termination of the administrative violation matter has not been revoked, as well as if for this fact a criminal matter has been initiated; and

9) if the person in relation to whom record-keeping was commenced has died.

[3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 23 March 2000; 17 May 2007]

Section 240.Adjudication of Administrative Violation Matters Observing the Principle that All Persons are Equal

Administrative violation matters shall be adjudicated observing the principle that all persons irrespective of their origin, social and financial circumstances, race and national identity, sex, education, language, attitude to religion, nature and form of employment, place of residence and other circumstances are equal before the law and the authorities which adjudicate the matter.

[28 May 1997]

Section 241.Openness of the Adjudication of an Administrative Violation Matter

[28 May 1997]

Section 242. Public Prosecutor's Supervision over the Implementation of Laws in Administrative Violations Matters

A public prosecutor, in performing supervision over the implementation of laws in administrative violations matters, is entitled: to propose a record-keeping regarding an administrative violation; get acquainted with materials of the matters; to inspect the legality of activities of authorities (officials) in record-keeping; to participate in adjudication of the matter; to submit applications, to provide opinions in the issues which arise during the adjudication of the matter; to check the correctness of the coercion measures applied by the relevant authorities (officials) regarding administrative violations; to submit a protest regarding a decision in a matter and a decision which has been taken regarding a complaint in the administrative violation matter; to suspend implementation of a decision, as well as to perform other activities provided for in the Law.

[21 December 1990]

Section 243. Evidence

Evidence in an administrative violation matter is any facts, on the basis of which authorities (officials), according to the procedures specified by law, determine the existence or non-existence of the administrative violation, the guilt of the person subject to administrative liability and other circumstances which are of importance in correct deciding of the matter.

These facts shall be determined with the following means: with an administrative violation report, with explanations of that person, who is subject to administrative liability, with testimony of a victim and witnesses, expert's opinion, real evidences, a report regarding removal of objects and documents, other documents, as well as technical means which register a violation (measuring devices for specification of driving speed

[28 July 1994; 16 October 2003; 17 May 2007]

Section 244. Assessment of Evidence

An institution (official) shall assess the evidence according to its inner convictions, which is based upon an exhaustive, full and objective investigation of all the circumstances of the matter as a whole, according to the law and judicial consciousness.

[11 July 1992; 28 July 1994]

Section 245. Delivery of Material to a Public Prosecutor or Pre-trial Investigation Institution

If an institution adjudicating the matter decides that the violation constitutes criminal conduct, those materials shall be delivered to a public prosecutor or pre-trial investigation institution.

[17 May 2007]

Chapter Nineteen
Administrative Violation Report

Section 246. Administrative Violation Report

An authorised person shall draw up an administrative violation report regarding an administrative violation committed. If the person has committed various administrative violations, committed at the same time, and the adjudication in accordance with Section 70 of this Code fall within the competence of one and the same institution, an authorised person shall draw up one report regarding all of the administrative violations committed. A report shall not be drawn up in the cases specified in Section 250 of this Code.

A report regarding an administrative violation shall be a numbered document.

[16 October 2003; 17 May 2007]

Section 247. Persons, who Authorised to Draw Up a Report regarding Administrative Violations

Persons, who authorised to draw up a report regarding administrative violations, is specified by this Code or other regulatory enactments.

Local government officials who are authorised to do it, are also entitled to draw up a report.

If this Code or other regulatory enactments do not specify the person who is authorised to draw up a report regarding an administrative violation, it shall be drawn up by the institution, who in accordance with this Code is authorised to adjudicate the administrative violation offences, or a state police officer at the scene of the administrative violation.

[17 May 2007]

Section 248. Contents of an Administrative Violation Report

The time and place of drawing up of a report, the given name, surname of the person drawing up the report, the authority, which he or she represents, the position; personal information regarding the violator; the place, time of committing of the administrative violation, the essentials of the violation, the regulatory enactment and norm, which specifies liability for this violation; and other information which is necessary for the deciding of the matter shall be specified in an administrative violation report.

The given name, surname, personal identity number (for foreigners - the date of birth), place of residence and other information regarding the violator which may be of importance in adjudication of the administrative violation matter shall be specified in a report.

A report shall be signed by the person who has drawn it up, and the person who has committed the administrative violation; if there are witnesses and victims, the report may also be signed by these persons.

If the person who has committed the violation refuses to sign the report, this shall be recorded in the report. A person who has committed a violation has the right to submit explanations and notes to be attached to the report regarding the content of the minutes, as well as mention the reasons why he or she refuses to sign it.

In drawing up a report, the violator shall have explained to him or her his or her rights and obligations which are specified in Section 260 of this Code, and a record regarding it shall be made in the report.

Procedures for preparation and use of forms of an administrative violation reports and fine receipts, as well as sample forms, shall be determined by the Cabinet.

[28 May 1997; 16 October 2003]

Section 248.1 Drawing Up of an Administrative Violation Report without the Presence of the Violator

If for objective reasons it is not possible to draw up the administrative violation report in the presence of the person who is held to administrative liability, or in the presence of a representative of the legal person, it shall be drawn up without the presence of the referred to persons and copy of the report shall be sent by registered mail to the declared (or indicated) place of residence address of the person or the legal address. In such case it shall be deemed that the person has become acquainted with the administrative violation report on the seventh day after it has been given into the post office.

[17 May 2007]

Section 249. Sending of the Report

The report shall be sent to the institution, which is authorised to examine the administrative violation matter.

A true copy of the report shall be sent to the person, who is subject to administrative liability, and to the victim.

A report shall be sent not later than within a period of 3 days from the moment of drawing up thereof.

[28 July 1994; 17 March 2005; 17 May 2007]

Section 250. Cases when a Report Regarding an Administrative Violation shall not Be Drawn up

A report regarding an administrative violation shall not be drawn up, if the administrative violations provided for in Section 42.1; Section 46.1, Paragraphs one and six (if a violation has been committed by a citizen), Section 101.1 and Section 108.1, Paragraph one (if a violation has been committed by a citizen), Sections 135-137, 149.22 and 149.23 of this Code, as well as in other cases, when in accordance with this Code and other laws a fine shall be imposed and collected at the place of committing the violation and the amount thereof shall not exceed LVL 20 or a warning shall be drawn up at the place of committing the violation.

If a violator contests the sanction imposed on him or her regarding commitment of such violations which are provided for in Paragraph one of this Section, or there are other circumstances which prevent the official from imposing a sanction at the place where the violation was committed, a report shall be drawn up in accordance with Section 246 of this Code.

A report regarding an administrative violation shall not be drawn up, if the administrative violations provided for in Section 46.1, Paragraph seven and Section 166.13, Paragraph three of this Code are determined by the Health Inspectorate, if the administrative violations provided for in Section 166.13 are determined by the Consumer Rights Protection Centre, if the administrative violations provided for in Section 166.13, Paragraphs one and two are determined by the National Radio and Television Council or the administrative violations provided for in Section 166.13, Paragraph two of this Code are determined by the Competition Council.

[21 December 1990;3 November 1992;11 May 1993; 19 July 1995;28 May 1997;16 October 2003;17 May 2007; 27 September 2007; 20 December 2007]

Section 251. Conveyance of a Violator

In order to draw up a report regarding an administrative violation, if it may not be drawn up on site and if the drawing up of the report is mandatory, a police officer, a national guard, border guard or soldier may convey the violator to the police, the service premises of the National Guard or Border Guard or parish board premises.

If violations of regulations for the use of means of transport have been committed or violations of traffic and safety regulations, violations of cargo storage regulations in transport, violations of fire safety, sanitary hygiene and sanitary anti-epidemic regulations in transport, the violator may be conveyed to the police by a person who is authorised thereto, if the violator has no personal identity documents and there are no witnesses who may provide the necessary information regarding him or her.

If forest fire safety regulations are violated, as well as other legal enactments regarding environmental protection and the utilisation of natural resources, for the drawing up of a report (if the identity of the violator cannot be ascertained at the place of the violation) State environmental protection institutions, State Forestry Service officials, as well as the relevant authorised persons from those institutions which perform the supervision over the observance of hunting regulations, control regarding protection and utilisation of animals implementing other institution officials, officials of conservation units and other special areas of conservation, as well as the national guards may convey the violator to the service premises of the police, National Guard or local government.

If administrative violations referred to in Paragraph two and three of this Section have been committed at a State border crossing location or border area, the violator may also be conveyed to the relevant premises of the service by a border guard.

The conveyance shall be performed in the shortest possible time.

[21 December 1990; 3 November 1992;19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 14 June 2001; 19 June 2003]

Chapter Twenty
Administrative Detention, Person, Property and On-Site Inspections, and the Removal of Property and Documents

[17 May 2007]

Section 252. Measures for Provision of Record-keeping in Administrative Violation Matters

In the cases directly provided for in regulatory enactments, in order to stop administrative violations, when other coercion measures have been used, in order to specify the identity of the violator, in order to draw up a report regarding an administrative violation, if it cannot be done on site and if the drawing up of the report is mandatory, in order to ensure the timely and correct adjudication of a matter and to implement the decisions taken in the administrative violation matter, the administrative detention of a person, the inspection of a person and property, as well as the removal of property and documents shall be permitted.

The procedures for conducting the administrative detention, the inspection of a person and property, as well as the removal of property and documents for the purposes specified in this Section, shall be determined by this Code and other laws.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992]

Section 253. Administrative Detention

A report regarding an administrative detention shall be drawn up, indicating the date and place of drawing up thereof, the position, given name, surname of the person who has drawn up the report, information regarding the detainee, time and motives of detention shall be indicated. The report shall be signed by the official who has drawn it up and the detainee. If the detainee refuses to sign the report, a record shall be made regarding it in the report.

Upon a request from a person who has been detained for an administrative violation, the whereabouts of the person shall be notified to their kin, the administration at the place of work or of education. In respect of the detention of a minor, it is mandatory that the parents thereof or the persons who are in their place are notified.

[28 May 1997]

Section 254. Institutions (Officials) who have the Right to Perform an Administrative Detention

Only the following institutions (officials) have the right to detain, in accordance with the administrative procedures, a person who has committed an administrative violation:

1) police employees (officials) - if alcoholic beverages and alcohol are traded in prohibited places, if trading is organised in prohibited places, if petty hooliganism has been committed, malicious non-compliance with the lawful orders or requests of a police employee or national guard, as well as a soldier, the procedures for meetings, processions, pickets, and the organisation or course have been violated, if the person, without a reasonable cause, has not attended following a summons from a performer of an inquiry, public prosecutor, judge or court, if alcoholic beverages have been used in public places or if a person has appeared in a public place in a drunken state, which infringes the dignity of persons and public morals, if traffic regulations, hunting, fishing regulations are violated, if other regulatory enactments regarding animal protection and utilisation are violated, as well as in cases directly specified in other regulatory enactments;

2) officials of the State Border Guard - if administrative violations have been committed the examination of which is within the competence of the State Border Guard, as well as other administrative violations, which, in performing the service duties thereof, have been determined by border guards;

3) officials authorised by the Director General of State Revenue Service or his or her deputy, Directors of the territorial offices of the State Revenue Services or their deputies - if violations of customs regulations or in the field of State revenues have been committed;

4) officials of the State Environmental Service and regional environment protection committees - if violations have been committed which are associated with the violation of hunting, fishing, angling regulations, violations of forest fire safety regulations or malicious non-compliance with the lawful orders or requests of the State environment protection institution officials mentioned;

5) aviation security service of an airport - if violations of regulations of airport safety are committed;

6) officials of the State Electrocommunications Inspection - if equipment for emitting radio waves is installed, constructed, sold or used without a permit of the State Electrocommunications Inspection, as well as other violations of regulations regarding radio communications have been committed; and

7) specialised State Civil Service servants of the Prison Administration - if regulations regarding bringing in and handing over substances, objects and articles at places of imprisonment are violated.

[28 May 1997; 19 June 2003; 9 September 2004; 17 March 2005; 22 December 2005]

Section 255. Time Periods for Administrative Detention

A person, who has committed an administrative violation, may be detained for not longer than 3 hours. In exceptional cases in relation to a special necessity, another length of time for the administrative detention may be specified by regulatory enactments.

Foreigners, who have violated the regulations regarding entry, residence, exit or transit in the Republic of Latvia, may be detained for a period of time up to 3 hours, in order to draw up a report regarding an administrative violation but, if it is necessary to ascertain the identity of the violator and the circumstance of the violation - for a period of time up to 72 hours, notifying in writing the public prosecutor of this within a period of 24 hours from the moment of detention.

The time of an administrative detention shall be counted from the moment when a violator is conveyed for the drawing up of a report, but a person who has been under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or other intoxication substance - from the moment of becoming sober.

For a person who has committed a violation of the customs regulations during the period of the performance of customs control, the time of the administrative detention shall be counted from the moment of completion of the customs control.

[29 July 1988; 21 December 1990; 25 September 1991; 11 July 1992; 19 January 1993; 4 November 1993; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 19 June 2003;17 May 2007]

Section 256. Inspection of a Person and Property

An inspection of a person may be conducted by officials of State police institutions, militarised guard, civil aviation, customs institutions and Border Guard who have been authorised to do so, but in the cases specified by regulatory enactments of the Republic of Latvia - also other officials of authorities authorised to do so.

An inspection of a person may be conducted by an authorised official of the same sex as the person to be inspected.

An inspection of property may be conducted by officials of police, civil aviation, the State Revenue Service, the State Border Guard, the State Environmental Service, forest guard, the State hunting supervision institutions, the authorised persons of the State Environmental Service, as well as appropriately authorised persons of local governments, but in the cases directly specified by regulatory enactments - also other officials of authorities authorised to do so.

The inspection of property, hand luggage, luggage, hunting and fishing instruments, acquired products and other objects shall occur in the presence of the person in whose ownership or possession this property is. In urgent cases such property and objects may be inspected without the presence of the owner (possessor).

A report shall be drawn up regarding an inspection of a person and a property inspection or a record shall be made in the administrative violation report or the administrative detention report.

Inspection of persons and property at the customs institutions shall take place in accordance with the procedures specified in the Customs Code of the Republic of Latvia.

[25 September 1991; 28 April 1992; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 9 September 2004; 17 March 2005; 22 June 2006;17 May 2007]

Section 256.1 Administrative Violation On-site Inspections

An administrative violation on-site inspection is the inspection of a particular site and the objects existing therein if they are associated with the administrative violation committed. In an administrative violation on-site inspection technical means shall be utilised as far as possible.

In the course of an administrative violation on-site inspection an authorised official may remove administrative violation articles and committing tools.

In respect of an administrative violation on-site inspection made, an authorised official shall draw up a report or make an entry in the administrative violation report.

If a territory, premises, means of transport or article that is not accessible to the public is associated with the committed administrative violation, in respect of which in accordance with this Code confiscation of the administrative violation article or committing tool may be applied, inspection may be performed of such territory, premises, means of transport or article.

Inspection of publicly non-accessible territory or premises and the existing articles therein, as well as means of transport may be made by authorised State police, State Border Guard institutions, State Revenue Service officials, but in the cases specified in regulatory enactments - also other authorised institution officials with the consent of the owner (possessor, holder) or a decision of a district (city) court judge, which has been taken on the basis of an application by an official and the materials appended thereto.

In urgent cases the inspection may be performed with a decision of an authorised official of the institutions referred to in Paragraph five of this Section having obtained the consent of a public prosecutor.

Inspection of publicly non-accessible territory, premises, means of transport or article shall be performed in the presence of the owner (possessor, holder) or a representative thereof, or a representative of the local government.

If the inspection of publicly non-accessible territory, premises, means of transport or article is performed with the consent of a public prosecutor, not later than by the next working day after the performance thereof a district (city) court judge shall be notified regarding it, presenting materials, which justify the necessity of the inspection and the urgency thereof, as well as the inspection report. The judge shall examine the lawfulness and justification of the inspection. If the inspection has been performed unlawfully, the judge shall recognise the acquired evidence as impermissible administrative violation procedure and shall decide in respect of action with the removed articles.

A decision of a district (city) court judge may be appealed to the chairperson of the district (city) court. A decision by the chairperson of the district (city) court cannot be appealed.

[17 May 2007]

Section 257. Removal of Property and Documents and Storage Thereof

Property and documents which are an object of violation or an instrument for the committing of a violation, and which are found during detention, during 256 and 256.1 inspection of a person, property or site, shall be removed by the officials of the authorities referred to in Sections 254, 256 and 256.1 of this Code, as well as by the Director General of the State Revenue Service, officials authorised by the Director of the territorial office of the State Revenue Service or the Director of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre or persons authorised by the general-director of the State Environmental Service or State Plant Protection Service authorised officials or the Director of the Food and Veterinary Service and the persons authorised by him or her. Institutions (officials), which have the right to remove property and documents, shall hand in the removed property and documents for storage, according to the procedures specified by the Cabinet, until the decision in the administrative violation matter comes into force [if such administrative violation has been committed, which is provided for in Section 149.4, Paragraph seven; Section 149.5, Paragraph four or Section 149.15 of this Code (except for the violation provided for in Paragraph six) up to the implementation of the fine applied]. If the property removed is fast perishable and it may not be transferred for storage or the prolonged storage thereof may cause losses to the State, the institution (official), which has the right to remove the relevant property, shall transfer it for realisation or destroying. The procedures by which the institution (official) shall take a decision regarding transfer of property for realisation or destroying and by which realisation or destroying of property is to be made, shall be determined by the Cabinet.

If a violator of customs regulations does not have a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Latvia or address, it shall be allowed to remove property, foreign currency and valuables in such an amount as would secure a fine or goods and other object collection.

A report shall be drawn up regarding the removal of property or documents or a record shall be made in the reports regarding an administrative violation, inspection of property or administrative detention.

If violations have been committed which are provided for in Section 181 of this Code, police employees have the right, until the adjudication of the matter, to remove a firearm and ammunition, regarding which a record shall be made in the report indicating the type of weapon or the model to be removed, the calibre, series and number, amount and type of ammunition. For a person who has committed a violation while performing official duties, removal, inspection of a person and property shall be applied only in urgent cases.

A person upon whom an administrative sanction is imposed, shall, according to the procedures and in the amount specified by the Cabinet, cover the expenditures, which have arisen in relation to the transfer for storage, storage and destruction of the removed property and documents in the administrative violation matter.

[30 May 1988;2 January 1991;25 September 1991; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 11 April 1996; 28 May 1997;9 June 1997;14 October 1998;23 March 2000;14 June 2001;16 October 2003; 25 March 2004; 9 September 2004; 17 March 2005; 15 September 2005; 22 December 2005;17 May 2007; 20 December 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 258. Suspension from Driving a Means of Transport or Recreational Craft and Examination for the Determination of the Influence of Alcoholic Beverage Intoxication, Narcotics or other Intoxicating Substances

Drivers of means of transport, as well as masters of recreational craft, regarding whom there is a sufficient basis to believe that they are under the influence of alcohol intoxication or narcotics or other intoxicating substances, shall be suspended from driving a means of transport or a recreational craft and according to a specified procedure shall be examined whether they are not under the influence of alcoholic beverage intoxication, narcotic or other intoxicating substances. From driving a means of transport or a recreational craft shall be suspended also persons who drive the means of transport or recreational craft without a drivers licence or a drivers licence for the relevant category.

A person upon whom an administrative sanction is imposed, shall, according to the procedures specified by the Cabinet, cover the expenditures, which have arisen in relation to the examinations performed for the determination of the influence of alcohol concentration, narcotic or other intoxicating substance.

[11 July 1992; 3 November 1992; 28 May 1997; 16 October 2003; 17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 259. Appeal of Administrative Detention, Person Inspection, Property and Document Inspection and Removal

[17 May 2007]

Chapter Twenty-one
Persons who Participate in the Record-keeping of Administrative Violation Matters

Section 260. Rights and Obligations of a Person Subject to Administrative Liability

A person who is subject to administrative liability has the right to personally, as well as with the assistance of a representative, to become acquainted with all the materials of the matter, provide explanations, submit demands and express requests.

A person who is subject to administrative liability has the right to participate in the adjudication of the matter, use the assistance of a sworn advocate, submit additions and to express requests, as well as to appeal the decision taken in the matter.

A matter may be adjudicated without the presence of the person only if it is known that he or she has been notified in due time regarding the place and time of the adjudication of the matter, and a request to suspend the adjudication of the matter has not been received from such person. If the referred to request has been received, the authority, the judge or another official who is adjudicating the matter, may recognise that the request is well grounded and may suspend the adjudication of the matter. A matter may be adjudicated without the presence of a person subject to administrative liability also in those cases when a person shall be held liable regarding the violation of stopping and standing provisions provided for in Sections 57.3 and 149.10, Section 149.31, Paragraph eight of this Code and in cases, if the violation in road traffic is registered with technical means (photo or video devices), without stopping a vehicle.

A person who is subject to administrative liability or regarding whose violation a matter is being adjudicated, if he or she does not know the language in which the record-keeping is conducted, shall have secured the right to use his or her mother tongue, as well as to utilise the services of an interpreter according to the procedures specified in the law.

[5 January 1993; 19 June 2003; 16 October 2003; 15 September 2005; 22 December 2005; 22 June 2006; 17 May 2007]

Section 261. Victim

A victim is a person to whom moral, physical or material harm has been caused by an administrative violation.

A victim has the right to become acquainted with all the materials in the matter, to submit requests and to appeal the decision in the administrative violation matter.

A victim has the right to participate in the adjudication of the matter, but if he or she is summoned with a summons, his or her obligation is to appear at the time and place indicated at the official who has summoned the person, and to give truthful testimony, i.e., to notify of all that he or she knows about the matter and to answer the questions.

A victim has the right to witness, as well as ask the persons being interrogated questions in the mother tongue.

[5 January 1993]

Section 262. Representative

A person who is held administratively liable and a victim may participate in the adjudication of the administrative violation matter with assistance of a representative in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law.

If a person who is subject to administrative liability, and a victim are minors, or also if they, due to their physical or mental shortcomings are themselves unable to utilise their rights in administrative violation matters, the interests of such person and victim may be represented by a legal representatives thereof (parents, adopters, guardians or trustees).

[22 December 2005]

Section 263. Advocate

[22 December 2005]

Section 264. Witness

As a witness in an administrative violation matter may be called any person, who may know any circumstances which need to be ascertained in this matter.

By an invitation from the institution (official) in whose record-keeping the matter is, a witness has an obligation to appear at the specified time and to give truthful evidence: to notify of all that he or she knows about the matter and to answer questions.

A witness has the right to not testify against himself or herself and his or her close kin.

[28 July 1994, 17 May 2007]

Section 265. Expert

Any person who has special knowledge in the relevant sector may be an expert.

An expert shall be invited by the institution (official) in whose record-keeping the administrative violation matter is, in cases when there appears a necessity for special knowledge.

An expert shall arrive following an invitation and shall give an objective opinion regarding the questions asked to him or her.

An expert has the right:

1) to become acquainted with the materials of the matter which apply to the expert-examination object;

2) to request that additional materials necessary for the giving of an opinion thereof are issued to him or her;

3) to ask the person, who is subject to liability, victim and witnesses questions which are associated with the expert-examination object with a permit of the institution (official) in whose record-keeping the administrative violation matter is; and

4) to participate in the adjudication of the matter.

An expert may refuse to give an opinion if the materials submitted to him or her are inadequate or he or she himself of herself is not sufficiently competent in this question.

[5 January 1993; 28 July 1994]

Section 266. Interpreter

An interpreter is invited by the institution (official) in whose record-keeping the administrative violation matter is.

An interpreter shall arrive following an invitation from an institution (official) and fully and precisely shall perform the translation entrusted to him or her.

[28 July 1994]

Section 267. Amounts that shall be Paid to Victims, Witnesses, Experts and Interpreters

Expenditures, which have arisen in relation to arrival following an invitation from the institution (official) in whose record-keeping the administrative violation matter is, shall be compensated for victims, witnesses, experts and interpreters.

A wage shall be retained at the place of work for victims, witnesses, experts and interpreters in accordance with the specified procedures in relation to arrival following an invitation from the institution (official) in whose record-keeping the administrative violation matter is.

[28 July 1994]

Chapter Twenty-two
Adjudication of Administrative Violation Matters

Section 268. Preparation of an Administrative Violation Matter for Adjudication

An institution (official) in preparing an administrative violation matter for adjudication shall decide the following questions:

1) whether the adjudication of this matter is within the competence thereof;

2) whether the report and other materials regarding the administrative violation have been drawn up correctly;

3) whether the persons who are participating in the adjudication of the matter have been notified of the time and place of the adjudication of the matter;

4) whether additional materials have been requested;

5) the requests of the person subject to administrative liability, victim and representative; and

6) whether there are reasonable grounds to send the administrative violation matter to the administrative commission of local government in order to decide a question regarding the application of compulsory measures of a correctional nature to a minor.

[28 July 1994; 13 March 2003; 22 December 2005]

Section 268.1 Notification regarding the Adjudication of an Administrative Violation Matter

A person who is held to administrative liability shall be notified in writing regarding the place and time for the adjudication of the matter.

The written notification or court summons shall be sent not later than seven days prior to the adjudication of the matter by registered mail by post to the address indicated by the person who is being held to administrative liability. If the person has not indicated an address by which he or she can be reached, the notification shall be sent to the declared place of residence address or legal address of such person.

If in drawing up an administrative violation report, the institution knows the place and time for the adjudication of the matter, a notification or court summons regarding the place and time for the adjudication of the matter shall not be sent and information regarding the place and time for the adjudication of the matter shall be indicated in the administrative violation report.

[17 May 2007]

Section 269. Place for the Adjudication of an Administrative Violation Matter

An administrative violation matter shall be adjudicated according to the place of the commitment of the violation.

Matters regarding administrative violations, which are specified in Sections 118, 140 and 149.4 - 149.33 of this Code, may be adjudicated also according to the place of residence of the violator, for legal persons - according to the legal address thereof, but matters in which an administrative sanction to be applied may be forfeiture of the rights to drive a means of transport, shall be adjudicated only according to the place of commitment of a violation.

The administrative commission may send administrative violation matters for adjudication according to the place of residence of the violator.

In order to decide a question regarding the application of compulsory measures of a correctional nature to minors, the materials and administrative violation matters shall be sent for adjudication to the administrative commission of the local government in accordance with the place of residence of a minor.

[6 August 1991; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995; 14 June 2001; 13 March 2003; 16 October 2003]

Section 270. Time Periods for the Adjudication of Administrative Violation Matters

Matters regarding administrative violations shall be adjudicated within a period of 30 days from the day when the institution, which is competent to adjudicate the matter, has received the report regarding the administrative violation and other materials of the matter.

If due to objective reasons it is not possible to observe the time period specified in Paragraph one of this Section, taking into account the time period for the imposition of an administrative sanction provided for in Section 37 of this Code, the time period may be extended, but not for longer than 30 days.

Administrative violation matters in the road traffic shall be adjudicated and a decision shall be taken immediately after the determination of a violation, if a warning may be expressed regarding this violation or a maximum fine provided for in a sanction does not exceed LVL 80.

Administrative violation matters in the road traffic, if administrative sanction to be applied regarding a violation committed is forfeiture of the right to drive a means of transport, shall be adjudicated not later than within three working days from the day of committing of the violation, except for cases, when the matters regarding the administrative violations provided for in Section 149.15 of this Code are adjudicated, which are related to the use of narcotic or other intoxicating substances and it is necessary to receive an opinion of an expert-examination. Such matters shall be adjudicated within 15 days after receipt of the materials.

Administrative violation matters in the road traffic, which are not referred to in Paragraphs three and four of this Section, shall be adjudicated when a person, who has committed a violation, arrives. If a person, who has committed a violation, notifies that he or she agrees, that a matter is adjudicated without his or her presence, or he or she fails to arrive within 30 days after the drawing up of the report, the matter shall be adjudicated without the presence of this person.

[17 May 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 270.1 Standing Down or Recusal of a Judge

A judge is not entitled to participate in the adjudicating of a matter, if he or she:

1) is a person involved in the relevant matter or has participated in a previous adjudicating of this matter;

2) is in kinship relations up to the third degree, affinity relations up to the second degree or has entered into marriage with any of the persons involved in the matter or with another judge participating in the adjudicating of the matter; or

3) has a direct or indirect personal interest in the outcome of the matter, or if there are other circumstances that cause well-founded doubt as to his or her impartiality.

If any of the circumstances set out in Paragraph one of this Section exists, the judge shall stand down.

If the judge has not stood down, a person participating in the adjudicating of the matter may, on the bases set out in this Section, apply for recusal of a judge or several judges concurrently, stating the reason for standing down of each judge.

[9 October 2008]

Section 270.2 Application for Recusal

A substantiated recusal shall be applied for before the adjudicating of a matter on the merits has been commenced. Recusal may be applied for later only in the case when the basis thereof has become known in the course of the adjudicating of the matter.

Recusal may be applied for in writing or orally.

[9 October 2008]

Section 270.3 Procedures for Adjudicating of an Applied for Recusal

If recusal has been applied for, a court shall hear an opinion of other persons participating in the adjudicating of the matter and the judge whose recusal has been applied for.

A decision regarding the recusal applied for shall be taken by the court in the form of a separate procedural document.

In a matter being adjudicated by a judge sitting alone, the decision regarding the recusal applied for shall be taken by the judge himself or herself.

In a matter being adjudicated collegially the decision regarding the recusal applied for shall be taken in accordance with the following procedure:

1) if the recusal of a single judge has been applied for, the decision shall be taken by the rest of the court panel. In the event of a tied vote the judge shall be recused; and

2) if the recusal of several judges or the entire court panel has been applied for, the decision shall be taken by the entire panel of the same court by a majority vote.

[9 October 2008]

Section 271. Procedures for the Adjudication of an Administrative Violation Matter

The adjudication of an administrative violation matter shall commence with the notification of the composition of the collegial institution or with the presentation of the official who shall adjudicate the matter.

The chairperson of the sitting of the collegial institution or the official who shall adjudicate the matter, announces which matter shall be adjudicated, who is subject to administrative liability, explains to the persons, who are participating in the adjudication of the matter, their rights and obligations, reads the report regarding the administrative violation. At the sitting the explanations of persons who participate in the adjudication of the matter shall be heard, evidence shall be examined and requests decided. If a public prosecutor participates in the matter, then his or her argument shall be heard.

[28 July 1994]

Section 271.1 Adjudication of Administrative Matters and Control of Evidence, when a Judge Sitting Alone Adjudicates a Matter

An adjudication of a matter commences when a judge informs regarding his or her surname and position held, ascertains the identity of the persons present, as well as the authorisations of representatives, explains to the persons who are participating in the adjudication of the matter their procedural rights and duties, ascertains whether any recusal exists, notifies of the content of the administrative violation report, adjudicates the requests and supplements of the person who is being held to administrative liability, or the requests and supplements of the representatives of the referred to persons and takes a decision regarding them, as well as hears explanations.

After this other existing evidence in the matter shall be checked, the victims and witnesses shall be interrogated and the expert's opinion heard. In the course of the adjudication of the matter, the judge shall warn the victim, witness, expert and interpreter regarding criminal liability in accordance with the Criminal Law.

If a representative and public prosecutor take part in the record-keeping, they have the right to speak up in debates. A representative shall speak up after the public prosecutor has provided an opinion.

In adjudicating an administrative violation matter in which for the committed violation the applicable administrative sanction is arrest, in the minutes of the sitting an entry shall be made, which indicates the information provided for in Section 273, Paragraph one of this Code.

[5 January 1993; 22 December 2005; 17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 271.2 Special Characteristics of Adjudication of Administrative Violations Provided for in Section 201.39 of this Code

A chairperson of the court sitting is entitled to impose administrative sanction by a decision thereof regarding the administrative violations provided for in Section 201.39 of this Code.

A record shall be made in the minutes of the court sitting of the matter to be adjudicated regarding an administrative violation committed in the courtroom.

A chairperson of the court sitting shall ascertain the identity of a violator after the reading of this record, qualify his or her commitment and then notify of the content of the decision taken.

The content of a decision shall be written in the minutes of the sitting; this part of the minutes of the sitting shall be signed by the chairperson of the court sitting.

An administratively punished person is entitled to receive an extract from that part of the minutes of the court sitting on the day of taking of a decision, in which the essence of the administrative violation and the decision taken regarding imposition of administrative sanction are registered.

If it is impossible to ascertain the identity of a violator during a court sitting or there are other circumstances which forbid a possibility to impose an administrative sanction directly during a court sitting, as well as in cases when contempt of Court is expressed outside the courtroom, a judge or a chairperson of the court sitting shall send the material of adjudication of a matter regarding administrative violation to the head of that State police department, in the territory of which the administrative violation has been committed.

A report shall be drawn up by a judge in the record-keeping of which the matter to be adjudicated is. An administrative violation matter shall be adjudicated by a chairperson of the court or by another judge.

[5 January 1993]

Section 272. Circumstances which shall be Ascertained in Adjudicating an Administrative Violation Matter

An institution (official) in adjudicating an administrative violation matter, shall ascertain, whether the administrative violation has been committed, whether the relevant person is guilty of committing it, whether this person may be subject to administrative liability, whether there are liability mitigating or aggravating circumstances, whether material losses have been caused, as well as shall ascertain other circumstances which are of importance in deciding the matter correctly.

[3 November 1992; 28 July 1994]

Section 273. Minutes of the Sitting of the Collegial Institution

In adjudicating an administrative violation matter in the collegial institution, minutes shall be taken, in which the following data shall be indicated:

1) the time and place of the sitting;

2) the name and composition of the authority which is adjudicating the matter;

3) the contents of the matter to be adjudicated;

4) information regarding the attendance of persons who shall participate in the adjudication of the matter;

5) explanations, requests from the persons who shall participate in the adjudication of the matter and the results of examination thereof;

6) documents and material evidence which has been examined during the course of the adjudication of the matter; and

7) information regarding the notifying of the decision taken and the explanation of the procedures and time periods for its appeal.

The minutes of the sitting of the collegial institution shall be signed by the chairperson of the sitting and the secretary.

[28 July 1994]

Section 274. Decision in an Administrative Violation Matter

Having adjudicated an administrative violation matter, the institution (official) shall take a decision in this matter.

The decision shall include the following information:

1) the name of the institution (official) which has taken the decision;

2) the decision number, the first three symbols of which shall be the three-digit code of the authority which is granted by the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior;

3) the date of adjudication of the matter;

4) information regarding the person to whom the matter to be adjudicated applies, and the representative of such person;

5) the description of the circumstances determined during the adjudication of the matter and those circumstances, which mitigate or aggravate liability regarding the administrative violation;

6) the number of the administrative violation report, except in cases where an administrative violation report has not been drawn up;

7) a regulatory enactment which provides for liability regarding the relevant administrative violation; and

8) the decision taken in the matter.

If in deciding the question of the application of a sanction for the administrative violation, the institutions (officials) indicated in Section 205, Clauses 1-5 of this Code, at the same time shall decide the question regarding compensation for the material losses caused by the guilty person; the decision taken in the matter shall specify the amount of loss to be collected, as well as its compensation time period and procedures.

The question regarding the removed property and documents shall be decided in the decision taken in the matter.

In a decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction, the institution (official), on the basis of documents certifying expenditures, shall determine the amount of expenditure associated with the examinations performed regarding the determination of the influence of alcohol concentration, narcotics or other intoxicating substances.

The decision of the collegial institution shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of the members of the collegial institution who participate in the sitting.

The decision in an administrative violation matter shall be signed by the official who has adjudicated the matter, but for a collegial institution decision - by the chairperson and the secretary.

In the cases provided for in the legislation regarding the imposition of a sanction, the relevant record shall be made in the administrative violation report, or the decision shall be drawn up in some other specified way.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 16 October 2003; 17 May 2007]

Section 274.1 Actions with Removed Objects and Documents

In a decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction or the termination of the record-keeping it shall be indicated what is to be done with the instruments of the committing of the violation or other removed objects and documents. In addition:

1) instruments for the committing of the violation, which belong to the violator, shall be confiscated;

2) valuables and property which were acquired as a result of the committing of the violation or which were intended for the use of or were used for the committing of the violation shall be confiscated or returned back to the owners thereof; and

3) objects which may be acquired only with special permits, shall be sold according to the procedures specified by law, but objects which do not have any material or other value and which cannot be utilised, shall be destroyed or following a request from an interested person or institution these objects may be sold to them.

If the removed property is not to be confiscated, however, it has been sold or destroyed in the case specified in Section 257 of this Code, the authority, which have sold or destroyed the property removed, shall compensate to the owner in accordance with the procedures specified by the Cabinet by the property of the same species and quality or shall pay the value, which would have had the property sold or destroyed at the moment of compensation. If the round timber removed is sold, the income obtained from the sale of the timber shall be reimbursed to the owner in accordance with the procedures specified by the Cabinet.

If the administrative sanction has been imposed on a person regarding a violation in the road traffic and the property removed has been sold in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 257 of this Code, then the amount necessary for the payment of the fine shall be deducted from the funds obtained in accordance with the procedures specified by the Cabinet and for covering of those expenses which are related to transfer for storage of property removed, storage and sale of property.

[5 January 1993; 25 March 2004; 20 January 2005; 15 September 2005; 22 June 2006]

Section 275. Types of Decisions

Having adjudicated a matter regarding an administrative violation, the institution (official) shall take one of the following decisions:

1) regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction;

2) regarding the termination of the record-keeping; or

3) regarding the sending of the administrative violation matter to the administrative commission of the local government in order to decide a question regarding the application of compulsory measures of a correctional nature to minors.

If a matter is adjudicated by an administrative commission of local government, it may take also a decision regarding the application of compulsory measures of a correctional nature to minors.

A decision regarding the termination of record-keeping shall be taken, if an oral reprimand is expressed, the materials are given for examination to the public prosecutor, pre-trial investigation institution, as well as in cases, if there are the circumstances specified in Section 239 of this Code.

[3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 13 March 2003; 17 May 2007]

Section 276. Notification of the Decision Taken in a Matter and the Issuing of an Extract of the Decision

A decision shall be notified immediately after the adjudication of the matter. An extract or copy of the decision shall, within a period of three working days, be issued or sent to the person regarding whom it has been taken.

In order to ensure the timely adjudication of a matter, a judge of the district (city) court in especially complicated matters may draw up a decision in a short form, which consists of the introductory part and the operative part. In such case, the full decision shall drawn up by the judge of the district (city) court within a period of 10 days, indicating the date of the signing thereof. In proclaiming a shortened decision, the judge of the district (city) court shall notify the date when the full decision shall be drawn up.

An extract or copy of the decision shall be issued to a victim upon the request thereof.

An extract or copy of the decision shall be issued against a signature. If the extract or copy of the decision is sent by post, it shall be prepared as a registered mail post and a relevant record shall be made in the matter regarding this. If a decision has been sent by post it shall be deemed that the addressee has been notified on the seventh day after the decision has been given in at the post office.

[17 May 2007]

Section 277. Notification to the Public of a Decision Regarding the Imposition of Administrative Sanction

The institution (official), which adjudicates administrative violation matters, has the right, but in the cases provided for in Sections 109-116; Section 120; Section 134, Paragraph one; Section 135, Paragraph one, (except for violations in river transport), Section 136, Paragraph one, two and three (except for violations in river transport); Section 167; Section 171, Paragraph one and two; Sections 200 and 201 of this Code - a duty to notify the place of work or administration of an educational institution or public organisation of the violator regarding the sanction imposed, as well as according to the place of residence of the violator.

If authorities (except for the State Environmental Service) or officials which control the observance of requirements of the environmental protection and use of nature resources, shall adjudicate such administrative violation matters provided for in this Code, the adjudication of which is within the competence of the State Environmental Service, they shall notify this Service regarding the sanctions imposed upon the persons at fault.

[31 October 1985; 2 December 1986; 28 April 1992; 25 August 1992; 3 November 1992;19 January 1993; 28 July 1994;12 June 2003; 16 October 2003; 17 March 2005]

Section 278. Proposals Regarding Elimination of Causes and Facilitating Circumstances for Commitment of Administrative Violations

The institution (official), which adjudicates the matter, having determined causes and facilitating circumstances for commitment of violation, shall submit the proposals to the relevant merchants, institutions, organisations and officials regarding the necessity to carry out measures for elimination of these causes and circumstances. The referred to organisations and persons have the duty to notify the institution (official), which has submitted a proposal, of the measures performed within a month from the day of the receipt of the proposal.

[28 July 1994; 17 March 2005]

Chapter Twenty-three
|Appeal of a Decision taken in an Administrative Violation Matter and the Submission of a Protest regarding a Decision

Section 279. Right to Appeal a Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter

A decision in an administrative violation matter may be appealed by the person regarding whom it has been taken, as well as the victim.

[11 July 1992; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 20 June 2002 (Constitutional Court judgment)]

Section 280. Procedures for the Appeal of a Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter

A decision taken in an administrative violation matter may be appealed (disputed):

1) a decision of an administrative commission of local government - to a district (city) court;

2) a decision of a chairperson of the city council, district or parish council, his or her deputy and executive director - to a district (city) court;

21) a decision of the National Armed Forces Naval Coast Guard Service - to a district (city) court;

3) a decision of a district (city) court judge - to a Regional Court; and

4) a decision of another institution (official) may be appealed to a higher authority in accordance with the procedures regarding subordination, but a decision thereof - may be appealed to a district (city) court. The law or Cabinet regulations may determine another institution where the relevant decision may be disputed. If another institution is not specified and there is no higher authority or it is the Cabinet, a decision may be immediately appealed to the court.

A decision regarding a concurrently imposed basic administrative sanction and any of additional sanctions upon the choice of the person appealing it, may be appealed according to the procedures specified for the appeal of the basic sanction or additional sanction.

5) [28 May 1997]

6) [28 May 1997]

A complaint shall be submitted to the institution (official) which has taken a decision regarding the administrative violation, if it is not otherwise specified in the legislation. A submitted complaint within seven days, but a complaint regarding the decision of a judge of a district (city) court with which an administrative arrest has been determined - within three working days, shall be sent together with the matter to the institution (official), which is authorised in accordance with this Section to examine the complaint, and to the addressee thereof.

The State fee shall not be collected from a person who has appealed a decision in an administrative violation matter.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 20 June 2002 (Constitutional Court judgment); 25 March 2004; 17 March 2005; 17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 281. Time Period up to which a Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter may be Disputed in an institution

A complaint in an administrative violation matter may be submitted within one month after the notification of the decision.

If due to a justifiable reason the time period referred to has been missed, upon a request from the person who has submitted the complaint, this time period may be renewed by the institution, which is entitled to adjudicate the complaint.

[17 May 2007]

Section 281.1 Time Period up to which a Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter may be Appealed to a Court

A decision of an institution in an administrative violation matter may be appealed to a district (city) court within 20 days after entering into effect thereof.

A decision of a judge of a district (city) court in an administrative violation matter, with which an issue regarding holding of a person to administrative liability has been decided on the merits, may be appealed within 20 days, but a decision with which an administrative arrest has been determined - within five days, after taking of the decision by submitting an appellate complaint. If the judge proclaims a shortened decision in the matter, the time period for appeal shall count from the day of the drawing up of the full decision.

An appellate complaint submitted after the deadline shall not be accepted and shall be returned to the submitter. An ancillary complaint submitted regarding a decision on refusal to accept an appellate complaint may be submitted within 10 days. The time period for submission of an ancillary complaint shall be counted from the day when the person has received an extract of the decision.

In matters where a judge of a district (city) court has taken a decision by which an administrative arrest has been determined, an issue regarding observance of the deadline for submitting an appellate complaint or regarding renewal of the appellate complaint deadline shall be decided by the judge of an appellate instance court by evaluating the basis for initiating appellate proceedings.

[17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 281.2 Setting of Procedural Time Periods in an Administrative Violation Matter

Procedural actions shall be completed within the time periods set out in this Code. If a procedural time period is not specified by this Code, it shall be determined by an institution, court or judge. The time period set by an institution, court or judge must be such that the performance of the procedural action is feasible.

A procedural time period, which is to be calculated in years, months or days, shall commence on the day following the date or event from which its commencement is stipulated.

A procedural time period, which is to be calculated in hours, shall commence with the hour following the event from which its commencement is stipulated.

The last day of a time period that is calculated in months shall be the relevant date of the last month of the time period. If there is no such relevant date in the last month of the time period, the last day of the time period shall be the last day of such a month.

If the last day of a time period is Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday prescribed by law, the last day of the time period shall be the next working day.

A time period stipulated to run until a specific date shall expire on that date.

Procedural actions, for which a time period expires, may be performed until midnight of the final day of the time period. If a document has been submitted to the communications authority (post office) on the last day of the time period by midnight, it shall be considered to have been submitted within the time period. If such action is to be performed in an institution or a court, the time period shall be considered to have expired at the hour when the relevant institution or court closes.

[17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 281.3 Consequences of Default of a Procedural Time Period, Renewal and Extention Thereof

The right to perform procedural actions shall lapse after expiration of the time period stipulated by law, an institution, court or judge. Documents submitted after expiration of the procedural time period shall not be examined.

A procedural time period regarding which there has been default may, pursuant to the petition of a participant in an administrative proceeding, be renewed by the institution, court or judge if they find the reason for default justified. Upon renewing a time period in regard to which there has been default, the institution, court or judge shall concurrently permit the carrying out of the procedural action regarding which there has been default.

A time period stipulated by an institution, court or judge may be extended pursuant to the petition of a participant in an administrative proceeding. A petition for extension of the time period shall be submitted to the institution or court which has stipulated the time period. The institution, court or judge shall examine the petition within three working days.

A petition for renewal of a time period, regarding which there has been default, shall be submitted to the institution, which is entitled to examine a claim according to the procedures for disputing, or to the court where the action, regarding which there has been default, was to be performed.

An institution, court or judge shall decide the issue regarding renewal of a procedural time period within 10 days. A court or judge may determine, if necessary, that the issue regarding renewal of a procedural time period shall be adjudicated in a court sitting. An ancillary complaint may be submitted regarding a refusal of a court or judge to extend or renew a time period within 10 days. The time period for submitting an ancillary complaint shall be counted from the day when the person has received an extract of the decision.

[9 October 2008]

Section 282. Submitting of a Protest regarding the Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter

A public prosecutor may submit a protest regarding a decision taken in an administrative violation matter.

Section 283. Suspension of the Implementation of a Decision in Relation to the Submission of a Protest

The submission of a complaint within the specified period of time shall suspend the implementation of the decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction until the complaint is adjudicated, except for cases regarding the application of the types of sanction provided for in Sections 25 and 29 (if a decision is connected with forfeiture of the right to drive the means of transport) of this Code, as well as in cases, when a fine has been imposed which was collected at the site of the commitment of the administrative violation.

A protest submitted by a public prosecutor shall suspend the implementation of a decision up to the adjudication of the protest.

[13 March 2003; 16 October 2003; 9 October 2008]

Section 284. Time Period for Adjudication of a Complaint and Protest Submitted Regarding the Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter

A complaint or protest regarding a decision taken in an administrative violation matter shall be adjudicated by the authorised institution within one month following the receipt of the complaint or protest, but in matters regarding violations of traffic regulations - following the receipt of the materials of the matter.

A court shall adjudicate a complaint or protest regarding the decision taken by the judge of the district (town) court, by which an administrative arrest has been determined, within 15 days from the day on which the appellate proceedings have been initiated.

A complaint or protest regarding another adjudication in an administrative violation matter shall be adjudicated by the court within a reasonable time.

If the time period for performance of a definite procedural action is set out by law, but upon performing the relevant procedural action within such a time period the provisions of Paragraph two of this Section would not have been observed, a judge (court) himself or herself shall specify an appropriate time period for performance of the relevant procedural action. In this case, the decision that is being taken by performing procedural actions necessary for adjudicating the complaint submitted or matter initiated, may not be appealed.

[17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 285. Adjudication of a Complaint and Protest Submitted Regarding a Decision Taken in an Administrative Violation Matter

An institution, as well as a court, in adjudicating a complaint or a protest regarding a decision in an administrative violation matter, shall check the lawfulness and validity of the decision taken.

[17 May 2007]

Section 286. Adjudication of the Institution or Court, which Adjudicates a Complaint or Protest

An institution or a court in adjudicating a complaint or a protest regarding a decision in an administrative violation matter, shall take one of the following decisions:

1) leave the decision unvaried, but dismiss the complaint or protest;

2) revoke the decision and send the matter for adjudication anew;

3) revoke the decision and terminate the matter;

4) revoke the decision and render a new adjudication in which the guilt of the person in committing an administrative violation is determined and a sanction is imposed; or

5) modify the amount of sanction within the scope, which is provided for in the regulatory enactment regarding liability for an administrative violation.

In the cases referred to in Paragraph one, Clauses 4 and 5 of this Section, the institution or court may render an adjudication which is more disadvantageous to the person if the matter is adjudicated on the basis of a protest from a public prosecutor or a complaint from the victim.

If it is determined that the decision has been taken by an institution which is not entitled to decide the relevant matter, such a decision shall be revoked and the matter shall be transferred for adjudication to the competent institution.

An extract of a decision which has been taken regarding a complaint or protest regarding a decision in an administrative violation matter shall be sent, within a period of three working days, to the person regarding whom it has been taken, but to the victim - upon his or her request. A public prosecutor shall be notified of the results of adjudication of the protest.

[17 May 2007]

Section 286.1 Adjudication of an Appellate Instance Court in an Administrative Violation Matter

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.2 Procedures for the Appeal of an Adjudication of an Appellate Instance Court

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.3 Content of an Appellate Complaint

The following shall be set out in an appellate complaint:

1) the name of the court to which the complaint is addressed;

2) the given name, surname and place of residence or another address of the submitter of the complaint, as well as his or her authorised representative if the appellate complaint is submitted by a representative, where the person can be reached (for legal persons - name, registration number and legal address);

3) the judgment regarding which the complaint is submitted;

4) the extent to which the judgment is appealed and how the error in the judgment manifests itself;

5) the claim of the submitter of the complaint;

6) a list of the documents appended to the complaint; and

7) the date on which the complaint was prepared.

An appellate complaint shall be signed by the submitter or an authorised representative thereof.

An appellate complaint submitted by a person who has not been authorised to do this shall not be accepted and shall be returned to the submitter.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.4 Extracts of an Appellate Complaint

If, apart from the person subject to administrative liability, there are other participants in the matter taking part in the adjudication of the administrative violation matter, an appellate complaint shall be accompanied by the extracts thereof corresponding to the number of the participants in the administrative violation matter.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.5 Leaving an Appellate Complaint Without Adjudication

A judge of a court of first instance shall take a decision regarding the leaving of an appellate complaint without adjudication, if the submitter has not signed the appellate complaint or it does not comply with the requirements of Section 286.3 of this Code.

The decision shall include a stipulation of the time period up to 10 days, counting from the day when the decision regarding the rectification of deficiencies has been received, for the rectification of deficiencies by the submitter.

If the deficiencies are rectified within the stipulated time period, the appellate complaint shall be considered to have been submitted on the day when it was first submitted to the court. Otherwise, the complaint shall be deemed not submitted and shall be returned to the submitter.

An ancillary complaint may be submitted regarding the decision to deem the appellate complaint not submitted. The time period for submission of the ancillary complaint shall be calculated from the day when the person has received an extract of the decision.

In matters where a judge of a district (city) court has taken a decision by which an administrative arrest has been determined, an issue regarding leaving the appellate complaint without adjudication shall be decided by the judge of an appellate instance court, considering the possibility of initiating appellate proceedings.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.6 Actions after Acceptance of Appellate Complaints

After an appellate complaint is accepted, the matter together with the complaint and the appended documents shall be sent to the regional court within three working days.

If, apart from the person subject to administrative liability, there are other participants in the matter taking part in the adjudication of the administrative violation matter, extracts of the appellate complaint and of the documents appended thereto shall be sent to the other participants in the administrative violation matter within three working days following the receipt of the appellate complaint.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.7 Initiation of Appellate Proceedings

Having ascertained that the procedures regarding the submission of an appellate complaint have been observed, the judge acting as rapporteur shall take a decision regarding the initiating of appellate proceedings and shall set a day and time for a court sitting or a day on which the complaint will be adjudicated by way of written procedure.

Having determined that an appellate complaint has been forwarded to an appellate court in breach of the procedures regarding submission of an appellate complaint, the judge acting as rapporteur shall take one of the following decisions:

1) regarding refusal to initiate appellate procedures, if the appellate complaint has been submitted regarding a decision that may not be appealed pursuant to law, if the time period specified for submission of the appellate complaint has been breached or if the appellate complaint has been submitted by a person who is not authorised to do this; in such case the complaint together with the matter shall be sent to the court of first instance, which shall return the complaint to the submitter; or

2) regarding the forwarding of the matter to the court of first instance for performing the actions stipulated by law, if, upon submitting the appellate complaint, the provisions of Section 286.3, Paragraph one or two of this Code have not been observed.

If it is determined at a court sitting that the conditions set out in Paragraph two, Clause 1 of this Section exist, the court shall take one of the following decisions:

1) regarding termination of appellate proceedings, if the appellate proceedings have been initiated in respect of a decision that may not be appealed according to law; or

2) regarding leaving the appellate complaint without adjudication, if other circumstances set out in Paragraph two, Clause 1 of this Section have been determined.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.8 Initiation of Appellate Proceedings in Administrative Violation Matters where Administrative Arrest has been Determined

When evaluating the basis for initiating appellate proceedings, a judge of the appellate instance court shall concurrently decide whether the procedures and deadline for submitting an appellate complaint have been observed, and also decide the issue regarding renewal of the procedural time period, if a relevant petition has been submitted.

If an appellate complaint does not conform to the conditions of Sections 286.3 and 286.5 of this Code, the appellate complaint shall be left without adjudication and a time period for rectification of deficiencies up to three days from the date of taking of the decision shall be stipulated for the submitter.

If the deficiencies are rectified within the stipulated time period, the appellate complaint shall be considered to have been submitted on the day when it was first submitted to the court. If the deficiencies are not rectified within the stipulated time period, the appellate complaint shall be deemed not submitted and shall be returned to the submitter.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.9 Procedures for Hearing in an Appellate Instance Court

An appellate instance court shall adjudicate a matter collegially in a panel of three judges.

Adjudicating of a matter shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Section 271.1 of this Code, observing that explanations shall first be given by the submitter of the appellate complaint, but if the complaint has been submitted by both the person subject to administrative liability and the victim - by the person subject to administrative liability.

A submitter of an appellate complaint may withdraw it so long as the adjudicating of the matter on the merits is not completed.

If an appellate complaint is withdrawn, the judge acting as rapporteur shall, before the court sitting, or the court shall, at the court sitting, take a decision regarding the termination of the appellate proceedings.

If the person who has submitted an appellate complaint or protest fails to attend the court sitting without justified reason, the complaint or protest thereof shall be left without adjudication.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.10 Adjudicating of an Appellate Complaint or Protest by Way of Written Procedure

If an appellate complaint or protest has been submitted regarding the fine or qualification of the administrative violation determined by the decision of a judge of a district (city) court and if the appellate complaint or protest does not contain a petition the performance of which would result in aggravation of the violator's condition, and if new evidence and persons, who must be interrogated at court, have not been applied for, the matter may be adjudicated by way of written procedure without conducting a court sitting.

In a written procedure a court, upon its own initiative, may take a decision also regarding adjudication of the matter by way of oral procedure.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.11 Adjudication of an Appellate Instance Court in an Administrative Violation Matter

Regardless of the grounds for the appellate complaint, an appellate instance court shall by its decision set aside an adjudication of a court of first instance and send the matter to the court of first instance to be adjudicated anew in the following cases:

1) the court adjudicating the matter was unlawfully constituted;

2) the matter was adjudicated in breach of the legal norms which stipulate that participants in administrative violation matter shall be notified of the time and place of the court sitting;

3) in adjudicating the matter, the legal norms regarding the language of judicial proceedings were breached;

4) the adjudication determines rights and duties of such persons who are not participants in the administrative violation matter; or

5) there is no full adjudication in the matter, as well as in the cases set out in this Code - there are no minutes of the sitting.

An appellate instance court shall render one of the following judgments when adjudicating an appellate complaint or protest:

1) leave the decision unmodified, but dismiss the complaint or protest;

2) revoke the decision and send the matter for adjudication anew;

3) revoke the decision and terminate the matter;

4) revoke the decision and render a new adjudication in which the guilt of the person in committing an administrative violation is determined and a sanction is imposed; or

5) modify the amount of sanction within the scope, which is provided for in the regulatory enactment regarding liability for an administrative violation.

In the cases referred to in Paragraph two, Clauses 4 and 5 of this Section, the appellate instance court may render an adjudication which is more disadvantageous to the person if the matter is adjudicated on the basis of a complaint from the public prosecutor or victim.

A judgment shall consist of an introductory part, a descriptive part, a reasoned part and an operative part.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.12 Procedures for Preparation and Pronouncement of an Adjudication of an Appellate Instance Court

Following the court arguments and replies, if any, the court shall retire to render a judgment, announcing it to the persons present in the courtroom and specifying the time when the judgment will be prepared and available at the office of the clerk of court. The court shall prepare a judgment not later than within 10 days.

An appellate instance court may pronounce an adjudication right after the adjudicating of the matter by providing notification of a shortened adjudication, which consists of the introductory part and the operative part. In pronouncing a shortened adjudication, the appellate instance court shall notify regarding the date when the full adjudication shall be prepared. In such case, the full adjudication shall be drawn up by the appellate instance court within 10 days, indicating the date of preparation of the full adjudication.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.13 Procedures for Sending and Issue of an Adjudication of an Appellate Instance Court

Following preparation of an adjudication, the appellate instance court shall, within three working days, send an extract or copy of the adjudication to the participants in the administrative violation matter, as well as to the authorities referred to in this Code. If within the time period specified in this Section an extract or copy of the adjudication is issued to a participant in the administrative violation matter, this participant shall not be sent an extract or copy of the adjudication.

A person shall sign for the issue of an extract or copy of the adjudication.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.14 Effect of a Judgment of an Appellate Instance Court

The judgment of an appellate instance court may not be appealed and shall enter into effect on the day of preparation thereof.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.15 Procedures for Taking and Appeal of Court Decisions by which Issues of a Procedural Nature are Adjudicated within the Scope of an Administrative Violation Matter

A decision shall be drawn up in the form of an individual procedural document or resolution, or it shall be entered in the minutes of the court sitting. The decision may be drawn up in the form of a resolution or entered in the minutes of the court sitting, if it may not be appealed.

A judge or court shall indicate the following information in a decision drawn up in the form of an individual procedural document:

1) the place and date of taking the decision;

2) the name of the court, and the court panel;

3) the persons participating in adjudication of the matter and the subject-matter of the application;

4) the issues regarding which the decision has been taken;

5) the reasons for the decision;

6) the adjudication of the court or the judge; and

7) the procedures and time period for appeal of the decision.

The decision shall be proclaimed right after the adjudicating of the relevant procedural issue. In exceptional cases the judge or court may draw up the decision without stating the grounds thereof (shortened decision). A full decision shall be drawn up by the court or judge within three working days.

An ancillary complaint may be submitted regarding the decision of a court or judge in the cases provided for in this Code. Objections regarding other adjudications of a court or judge may be expressed in an appellate complaint.

An ancillary complaint may be submitted within 10 days following the day when a judge or court has taken the decision, except for the cases provided for in this Code. If a judge or court has taken a shortened decision, the time period for appeal shall be counted from the day of drawing up a full decision.

An ancillary complaint shall be adjudicated by the judge of an appellate instance court by way of written procedure. The judge, upon its own initiative, may take a decision to adjudicate an ancillary complaint by way of oral procedure.

An ancillary complaint submitted after the referred to deadline shall not be accepted by the judge of the first instance court and shall be returned to the submitter. An ancillary complaint may be submitted regarding the decision on refusal to accept an ancillary complaint. The time period for appeal of the decision shall be counted from the day of receipt of the decision.

If when adjudicating an ancillary complaint a judge founds that the basis included in the decision of the first instance court is correct and absolutely sufficient, the judge may state in the reasoned part of the decision taken regarding the ancillary complaint that he or she supports the reasons of the adjudication of the first instance court or judge. In such case a more detailed account of the arguments shall not be necessary.

If the time period of ancillary complaint submission is counted from the day when a person has received an extract of the decision, it shall be deemed that the person has received the decision:

1) on the date indicated in the notification regarding the receipt, if the decision has been sent as a registered postal item with a notification regarding the receipt thereof; and

2) on the seventh day following the day of sending the decision.

[9 October 2008]

Section 286.16 Ancillary Court Decision

A judge or court may take an ancillary decision, if, in adjudicating of a matter, such facts are determined which evidence possible violation of the norms of law, as well as in other cases.

In an ancillary decision a judge or court may set a specific time period for performance of assignments, as well as determine which authority shall provide a reply and the time period therefor. An ancillary decision shall be sent to the relevant authority.

[9 October 2008]

Section 287. Correction of Clerical and Mathematical Calculation Errors

An institution or court, which has taken a decision in an administrative violation matter, on its own initiative or an application from the participants in the administrative violation matter may correct obvious clerical or mathematical calculation errors in the decision if this does not change the substance of the decision.

Clerical or mathematical calculation errors in a court adjudication shall be corrected with a decision of the court. The issue of correction of errors in a court adjudication shall be decided in a court sitting, prior to which notifying the participants in the administrative violation matter regarding it. The non-appearance of the participants shall not be an obstacle to the adjudication of the issue of correction of errors.

A refusal to correct the errors referred to in Paragraph one of this Section may be disputed to a higher institution within a period of seven days by the person regarding whom the decision was taken in the administrative violation matter, or - if there is not a higher institution or it is the Cabinet - the decision may be appealed to a court. The decision of the court is final.

In respect of a decision to make an error correction in a court adjudication, the participant in the administrative violation matter may submit an ancillary complaint.

[17 May 2007]

Section 288. Appeal of the Decision Rendered in an Administrative Violation Case in a District (City) Court

A person who has been held administratively liable, as well as the victim may appeal a decision rendered by a higher authority to the district (city) court according to the declared place of residence, a legal person - according to the legal address thereof in Latvia. If the person does not have a declared place of residence or the address of the legal person is not located in Latvia, the decision may be appealed to the district (city) court according to the place where the administrative violation was committed. The public prosecutor shall submit a protest according to the place where the administrative violation was committed.

A complaint and a protest of the public prosecutor shall be submitted to the institution, the decision of which is being appealed. The institution shall, within seven days from the day of receipt of the complaint, send the complaint together with the case to the district (city) court according to jurisdiction.

If several complaints have been submitted and they are in jurisdiction of different courts, the institution shall send the case to one of the courts of jurisdiction, motivating their choice.

According to a motivated request of the participant of an administrative violation case the district (city) court or judge may, until the beginning of examination of the case, hand over an administrative violation case within the jurisdiction thereof to another court. The decision shall not be subject to appeal.

[25 April 2013]

Section 289. Consequences, if a Decision Is Revoked and a Matter regarding an Administrative Violation Is Terminated

If a decision is revoked and a matter regarding an administrative violation is terminated, then the collected amounts of money shall be repaid and the objects alienated and confiscated for a consideration shall be returned, as well as other restrictions, which are associated with the decision taken earlier, shall be revoked. If it is impossible to return an object, the value thereof shall be compensated.

Losses, which have been inflicted on a person in relation to unlawful administrative arrest, upon terminating the administrative record-keeping, shall be compensated according to the procedures prescribed by Law On Compensation of Losses Caused as a Result of Unlawful or Unjustified Action of Inquiry, Public Prosecutor or Judge.

[14 October 1998]

Section 289.17 Appeal of the Adjudication Rendered by a District (City) Court in an Appellate Instance Court

A court adjudication of a district (city) court may be appealed to a regional court in accordance with appellate procedures. A prosecutor may submit an appellate protest.

A court adjudication of a district (city) court or a judge may be appealed, if it has been directly specified in this Code.

An appellate complaint or protest shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Section 289.1 of this Code. Extracts according to the number of participants of an administrative violation case shall be appended to the appellate complaint. The appellate complaint or protest shall be submitted to the district (city) court, the adjudication of which is appealed.


Chapter Twenty-four
Basic Provisions

Section 290. Decision Obligation regarding the Imposition of Administrative Sanction

A decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction is to be implemented obligatorily for State and public institutions, merchants, institutions, organisations, State officials and persons.

[28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 17 March 2005]

Section 291. Transfer of a Decision for Implementation

A decision regarding the implementation of an administrative sanction is to be implemented starting from the time it is accepted, unless specified otherwise in this Code or other legislation.

If the decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction is appealed or a protest is submitted regarding it, it shall be implemented after the dismissal of the appeal or protest, except for the decisions regarding the following types of an administrative sanction:

1) a warning;

2) forfeiture of the right to drive a means of transport; or

3) a fine, which is collected at the place of committing of the administrative violation.

A decision regarding the imposition of an administrative fine shall be implemented by way of enforcement proceedings after the expiry of the time period for the voluntary execution provided for in Section 299, Paragraph one or Section 299.1, Paragraph three of this Code.

A decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction shall be transferred for implementation by the institution (official), which has taken the decision.

If an appellate instance court in an administrative violation matter makes the adjudication mentioned in Section 286.1, Paragraph one, Clause 4 of this Code, the adjudication shall be transferred for implementation by the appellate instance court.

If when adjudicating an appellate complaint or protest regarding a decision taken by a judge of a district (city) court an appellate instance court renders a judgment, it shall be transferred for implementation to the district (city) court and all the issues related to the implementation of the decision shall be adjudicated by the district (city) court.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 28 July 1994; 16 October 2003; 17 May 2007; 9 October 2008]

Section 292. Institutions, which Implement Decisions regarding the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions

Decisions regarding the imposition of administrative sanctions shall be implemented by the authorised institutions according to the procedures specified in this Code and other laws.

A decision regarding an administrative arrest shall be implemented by the police institutions.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 28 May 1997]

Section 293. Implementation of several Decisions Taken in relation to One and the Same Person

If several decisions regarding the imposition of administrative sanctions have been taken in relation to one and the same person, each decision shall be implemented separately.

Section 294. Suspension of Implementation of a Decision regarding the Imposition of an Administrative Sanction.

If there are circumstances, due to which the implementation of the decision regarding administrative arrest or imposition of a fine (except for the fine that is collected at the place of committing an administrative violation) cannot be implemented immediately, the institution (official), which has taken the decision, may suspend the implementation thereof for a time period up to one month. The decision of an institution, as well as a district (city) court judge is final.

The implementation of a decision taken regarding the imposition of a fine (except for a fine that is collected at the place of committing an administrative violation) may be suspended for a time period up to 6 months from the date of taking of the decision on condition that the imposed fine is collected in part payments.

[28 July 1994; 28 May 1997; 19 June 1997; 17 May 2007]

Section 295. Termination of the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Imposition of an Administrative Fine

An institution (official), which has taken a decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction, shall terminate the implementation of the decision in the following cases:

1) if an amnesty is granted, which prevents the imposition of the administrative sanction;

2) if the enactment which determined administrative liability is revoked; or

3) if the person in relation to whom the decision is taken has died.

[28 July 1994]

Section 296. Limitation Period for the Implementation of Decisions regarding the Imposition of Administrative Sanctions

A decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction shall not be implemented, if it is not transferred for implementation within three months following the day of taking of the decision. If the decision implementation is terminated according to Section 283 of this Code, the limitation period shall be suspended until the complaint or protest is adjudicated. If the decision implementation is terminated according to Section 294 of this Code, the limitation period shall be suspended until the end of the implementation suspension period.

The law may determine other, longer time periods for decision implementation in matters regarding separate types of administrative violations.

[21 December 1990; 11 July 1992; 28 May 1997]

Section 297. Deciding of Issues related to the Implementation of Decisions

Issues related to the implementation of a decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction shall be decided by the institution (official) that has taken the decision.

Correct and timely implementation of a decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction shall be controlled by the institution that has accepted the original decision.

[28 July 1994; 17 May 2007]

Chapter Twenty-five
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding a Warning

Section 298. Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding a Warning

A decision regarding the imposition of an administrative sanction in a way of a warning shall be implemented by the institution (official) that has taken the decision, notifying the decision after completion of the matter adjudication.

If a decision regarding the warning is taken in the absence of the violator, a copy of the decision shall be issued to him or her according to the procedures specified in Section 276 of this Code.

[3 November 1992; 28 July 1994]

Chapter Twenty-six
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Imposition of a Fine

Section 299. Time Period and Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Imposition of a Fine

A violator shall pay the fine not later than within 30 days from the date, when the decision regarding the imposition of the fine was issued to him or her, but, if this decision is appealed or a protest is submitted regarding such - not later than within 30 days from the day, when it was notified of the appeal or protest rejection

If a person that is 14 to 18 years old, who has committed minor hooliganism, does not have an independent income, the fine shall be collected from the parents or persons substituting for them.

A fine that is imposed regarding an administrative violation, shall be paid by the violator into a bank institution, if it is not intended otherwise in regulatory enactments, and the number of the decision regarding the imposition of the fine shall be indicated.

[19 May 1989; 11 July 1992; 3 November 1992; 28 May 1997;23 March 2000; 16 October 2003]

Section 299.1 Implementation of a Decision regarding the Imposition of a Fine in Matters related to Administrative Violations in Road Traffic

A fine imposed regarding an administrative violation in road traffic shall be paid not later than within 30 days from the day of imposition of the fine.

If the fine imposed is not paid within the prescribed time period, until the fine is paid it is prohibited to:

1) issue a driving licence to the violator;

2) perform a State technical inspection for the vehicles belonging to the violator and to register such vehicles and the vehicle driver in the State register or in the information system of tractors and the drivers thereof;

3) perform a State technical inspection for the vehicle, with which the violation was committed and to register that vehicle and the vehicle driver in the State register or the information system of tractors and the drivers thereof; and

4) to drive out of Latvia with the vehicle, with which the violation was committed and which is registered in a foreign country.

If a fine is not paid within a year following the day, when the decision regarding the fine imposition came into force, a prohibition on the use of the driving licence shall be enforced and the vehicle driver is prohibited from driving vehicles until the fine is paid.

If a fine is not paid within the time period specified in Paragraph three of this Section, the decision regarding the imposition of the administrative sanction shall be transferred for enforcement to the court bailiff. The enforcement of the decision shall be performed according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments.

The conditions of this Section are attributable also to mechanical vehicles movement regulation violations in the Baltic Sea and Bay of Riga coast dune protection zone, the beach and special area of conservation.

[15 September 2005; 22 December 2005]

Section 300. Enforcement of a Decision regarding a Fine

If a debtor has not voluntarily paid the fine within the time period specified in Section 299 and Section 299.1, Paragraph three of this Code, the institution or official, which has taken the decision in the administrative violation matter, shall send the decision to the employer of the debtor or the appropriate legal person to deduct the fine from the debtor's wage or other allowances, pension, grant or benefit, observing the amounts for deductions specified in the Civil Procedure Law.

If the person, on whom a fine is imposed, does not work or if the deduction from the debtor's wage or other income, pension or grant is impossible due to other reasons, the fine levy, based on the institution's (official's) decision regarding the imposition of the fine, shall be enforced by the court bailiff, by directing the levy to the debtor's personal property, as well as his or her share in joint property.

The fine levy shall not be directed towards property, on which, in accordance with the legislation, the levy cannot be directed according to the enforceable documents.

[25 September 1991; 11 July 1992; 28 July 1994; 19 June 2003; 16 October 2003]

Section 301. Implementation of a Decision regarding a Fine Levy on Site

If in accordance with Section 250 of this Code a fine is collected at the place of committing the administrative violation, a standard type receipt shall be issued to the violator.

If a fine is not paid at the place of committing the administrative violation, an administrative report shall be drawn up, but the record-keeping in the matter and the implementation of the decision shall be carried out according to the procedures provided for in this Code.

[28 May 1997]

Section 302. Completion of the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Imposition of a Fine

A decision regarding the imposition of a fine, for which the fine has been collected in a full amount, shall be sent back with a notice regarding the implementation to the institution (official) that has taken the decision.

[28 July 1994]

Chapter Twenty-seven
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Alienation of an Object or a Consideration

[28 May 1997]

Chapter Twenty-eight
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding Confiscation

Section 304. Authorities and Institutions that Implement Decisions regarding Confiscation

A decision regarding an administrative violation object or instrument for the committing of a violation shall be performed by:

1) court bailiffs - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 156, Paragraph two; Section 173.2 and Section 204.5 of this Code, as well as if the violations are committed that are provided for in Sections 201.10 - 201.15 of this Code, if the State Revenue Service officials are not able to implement a decision regarding confiscation;

2) Police institution authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 148.2; Section 149.24, Paragraphs seventeen and eighteen; Section 155, Paragraph seven; Section 155.1, Paragraph four; Section 155.2, Paragraph two; Sections 155.4 - 155.6; Section 155.8; Section 156, Paragraph two; Section 156.1, Paragraph two; Section 156.2, Paragraph three; Section 159.4; Section 166.9, Paragraph three; Sections 166.10, 166.14, 166.15, 166.17, 166.20, 169.3, 170.1, 170.2, 176.1, 178, 179.1, 204.4 and 204.14 of this Code;

3) officials of the State Environmental Service, authorised by the special areas of conservation administration - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Sections 58, 75, 78 - 80.2 and 88.4 of this Code;

3) Forest Service and State Environmental Service authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 69, Paragraphs two and three of this Code;

5) [20 December 2001]

6) Health Inspectorate officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 46.1 of this Code;

7) Civil Aviation institutions authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 112 of this Code;

8) State Revenue Service Director General authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Sections 42.2, 46.1, 102.2, 108.1 and 108.3; Section 155.1, Paragraphs three and four; Section 155.2, Paragraph two; Section 155.6; Section 156, Paragraph two; Section 156.1, Paragraph two; Section 156.2, Paragraph three; Section 156.3, Paragraph two; Sections 159.4, and 166.2; Section 166.9, Paragraphs two and three; Section 166.10; Section 166.14, Paragraph one; Sections 166.15, 166.20, 169.3, 170.2 and 201.10 - 201.15 of this Code;

9) the Ministry of Transport Communications Department officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 146; Section 146.1, Paragraphs two and three; and Section 146.2, Paragraph two of this Code;

10) State Plant Protection Service authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Sections 101.1, 102, 102.2 and 103.7 of this Code;

11) Food and Veterinary Service officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Sections 51.3, 103.3, 106 and 106.1; Section 108, Paragraph two and Section 155.5 of this Code;

12) State Data Inspectorate authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Sections 204.7 and 204.9 of this Code;

13) Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Sections 166.31 and 166.34 of this Code; and

14) State Border Guard authorised officials - if the violations are committed, which are provided for in Section 149.24, Paragraph seventeen of this Code.

[19 July 1995; 11 April 1996; 28 May 1997; 14 May 1998; 17 June 1998; 14 October 1998;23 March 2000; 14 June 2001; 20 December 2001;13 March 2003; 8 May 2003; 12 June 2003; 19 June 2003; 11 December 2003;22 April 2004; 16 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 17 March 2005; 22 December 2005; 17 May 2007; 27 September 2007; 20 December 2007; 3 July 2008]

Section 305. Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding Confiscation

A decision regarding the confiscation of the object or instrument for the committing of an administrative violation shall be implemented by removing the object by way of enforcement proceedings and it shall be transferred to the ownership of the State without a consideration.

[28 July 1994]

Section 306. Procedures for the Marketing of Confiscated Objects

The confiscated objects or instruments for the committing of an administrative violation shall be marketed according to the procedures specified by law.

[28 July 1994]

Section 307. Completion of the Record-keeping in relation to a Decision regarding the Implementation of Confiscation

A decision regarding the confiscation of an object shall be sent back with a notice regarding the implementation to the institution (official) that has taken the decision.

[28 July 1994]

Chapter Twenty-nine
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Forfeiture of Special Rights

Section 308. Institutions that Implement a Decision regarding the Forfeiture of Special Rights

A decision regarding the forfeiture of a means of transport and recreational craft driving licence shall be implemented by the authorised institutions (officials) according to the procedures specified in this Code and other regulatory enactments.

A decision regarding the forfeiture of hunting rights shall be implemented by the State Forest Service officials, who are indicated in Section 233, Paragraph two, Clause 1, or resource supervision officials, who follow hunting regulation observance and are indicated in Section 234, Paragraph two.

A decision regarding the forfeiture of a firearm or high-energy airgun acquisition, storage and carrying rights shall be implemented by the authorised State police institutions.

[28 April 1992; 3 November 1992; 19 July 1995; 28 May 1997; 15 October 2003; 22 April 2004]

Section 309. Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Forfeiture of the Right to Drive a Means of Transport

A decision regarding the forfeiture of the right to drive a means of transport shall be implemented by making the relevant notation in the transport vehicle and transport vehicle drivers' register and information system of tractors and the drivers thereof and by removing the driving licence.

If the driver has been forfeited the right to drive a means of transport, but the driving licence has not been removed, the vehicle driver has an obligation within 10 days following the decision notification to hand in the invalid driving licence to the institution specified in the decision.

When implementing the forfeiture of the right to drive a means of transport, all vehicle category driving licences shall be removed, except for a bicycle driving licence.

[16 October 2003, 15 September 2005; 3 July 2008]

Section 309.1 Procedures According to which a Decision regarding the Prohibition to Obtain a Licence to Drive a Means of Transport for a Specified Time Period is Implemented

A decision regarding the prohibition to obtain a licence to drive a means of transport for a specified time period shall be implemented by making the relevant entry in the State register of transport vehicles and transport vehicle drivers and the information system of tractors and the drivers thereof.

[16 October 2003]

Section 309.2 Procedures According to which a Decision regarding the Taking Away of a Licence to Drive a Recreational Craft is Implemented

A decision regarding the taking away of a licence to drive a recreational craft shall be implemented by making the relevant entry in the State register of transport vehicles and transport vehicle drivers and removing the licence to drive a recreational craft.

If the right to drive a recreational craft is taken away from the master of the recreational craft, but the licence to drive a recreational craft has not been removed, the master of the recreational craft has a duty to, within a period of 10 days from day of the notification of the decision to transfer the invalid licence to drive a recreational craft to the institution indicated in the decision.

In implementing the decision regarding the taking away of a licence to drive a recreational craft, licences to drive all types of recreational craft shall be removed.

[3 July 2008]

Section 309.3 Procedures According to which a Decision regarding the Prohibition to Obtain a Licence to Drive a Recreational Craft for a Specified Time Period is Implemented

A decision regarding the prohibition for a person to obtain a licence to drive a recreational craft for a specified time period shall be implemented by making the relevant entry in the State register of transport vehicles and transport vehicle drivers.

[3 July 2008]

Section 310. Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Forfeiture of Hunting Rights

A decision regarding the forfeiture of hunting rights shall be implemented by removing the hunter's licence.

If a person, who has had his or her hunter's rights forfeited, evades to hand in the hunter's licence thereof, the hunting regulation observance State supervisory institutions shall remove it in accordance with the specified procedures.

[15 October 2003])

Section 310.1 Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Forfeiture of the Right to Acquire, Store and Carry a Firearm or a High-energy Airgun

A decision regarding the forfeiture of the right to acquire, store and carry a firearm or a high-energy airgun shall be implemented by cancelling the permits for the acquisition, storage and carrying of the relevant gun.

[22 April 2004]

Section 310.2 Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding the Forfeiture of the Right to Fish

A decision regarding the forfeiture of the right to fish shall be implemented by removing the fishing licence.

[9 September 2004])

Section 311. Basis and procedures for Shortening the Time Period for the Forfeiture of the Special Rights

The time period for which the hunting right or fishing right has been forfeited to a person may be shortened by the institution (official) that has imposed the sanction, when at least a half of the time period specified has passed.

[3 November 1992; 28 July 1994; 19 June 1997; 15 October 2003; 16 October 2003; 9 September 2004]

Section 312. Calculation of the Special Rights Forfeiture Time Period

Transport vehicle and recreational craft drivers and persons, who have violated the hunting or fishing regulations, are considered to be punished with the forfeiture of the special rights from the day on which the decision is taken regarding the forfeiture of these rights.

If a means of transport or a recreational craft driver, whose means of transport or recreational craft driving licence has been removed, evades the transfer of his or her driver's licence and continues to drive a means of transport or recreational craft during the time period when his or her licence to drive a means of transport has been taken away, the State police of the State Border Guard shall extend the licence forfeiture time period by the relevant time period, in which the driving licence was used illegally.

After the expiry of the special rights forfeiture period, as well as, if this time period is reduced in accordance with Section 311 of this Code, the person shall reacquire his or her rights according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments and receive a document certifying his or her rights.

[2 January 1991; 3 November 1992; 9 September 2004; 15 September 2005; 3 July 2008]

Chapter Thirty
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding Correctional Work

[28 May 1997]

Chapter Thirty-one
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding Administrative Arrest

Section 317. Implementation of a Decision regarding Administrative Arrest

A decision regarding administrative arrest shall be implemented as soon as the time period for the appeal thereof pursuant to the procedures for appeal has terminated and the decision has not been appealed. If a complaint has been submitted, the decision shall be implemented after adjudicating of the matter by the appellate instance court, if it has not revoked the decision. If the appellate instance court notifies of the adjudication regarding the administrative arrest in a shortened form and draws up a full adjudication later, the arrest shall be implemented after notification of the shortened adjudication.

[9 October 2008]

Section 318. Procedures for the Serving of Administrative Arrest

Persons, to whom administrative arrest has been applied, shall be held in detention places, which are determined by the police institutions. When implementing a decision regarding administrative arrest, an examination of the arrested person shall be carried out.

The administrative detention period shall be included in the administrative arrest period.

Administrative arrest shall be served in accordance with the procedures specified in the legislation.

[21 December 1990; 3 November 1992]

Section 319. Use of Persons Detained in Administrative Arrest for Work

Persons, who are detained in administrative arrest, shall be used for physical work.

The use of the persons detained in administrative arrest in work shall be organised by the relevant local governments.

Persons who are detained for administrative arrest shall not to be paid their wage at the permanent workplace for the period of the arrest.

[3 November 1992; 28 May 1997]

Chapter Thirty-two
Procedures for the Implementation of a Decision regarding Property Loss Compensation

Section 320. Procedures and Time Periods for the Implementation of Decisions regarding Property Loss Compensation

A decision in an administrative violation matter regarding property loss compensation shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures specified in this Code and the Code of Civil Procedure and other regulatory enactments.

A decision in an administrative violation matter in the paragraph regarding material loss compensation shall be an enforceable document.

The material loss shall be compensated for by the violator not later than within 15 days from the date of the issue of the decision (Section 276 of this Code), but in the case, if an appeal or protest has been submitted regarding the decision - not later than within 15 days from that date, when it is notified, that the appeal or protest has been dismissed.

[21 December 1990; 28 May 1997]

Section 321. Consequences if a Decision regarding the Compensation for Property Loss is not Implemented

If the decision regarding material loss compensation is not implemented within the time period specified in Section 320, Paragraph three of this Code, it shall be sent for loss recovery in accordance with the accounting procedure provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure.

[28 May 1997]

Transitional Provisions

[11 December 2003]

1. Section 21.1; Section 210, Paragraph three; Section 238.1, Paragraph one, Clause 4; Section 268, Clause 6; and Section 269, Paragraph four of this Code, as well as the amendments related to the application of compulsory measures of a correctional nature to minors in Section 275 and Section 283, Paragraph one shall come into force concurrently with the Application of Compulsory Measures of a Correctional Nature to Minors Law

2. Section 88.6, Paragraphs seven and eight of this Code shall come into force on 1 January 2005.

[9 September 2004]

3.Until the establishment of the State Children Rights Protection Inspectorate the administrative violation matters provided for in Sections 172.2 and 172.3 of this Code (regarding violations that have been committed by institution officials or employees) shall be adjudicated by the local government administrative commissions or the sub-committees for child matters of these commissions.

[22 December 2004]

4. Section 190.15 and the amendment to Section 215.1 for addition to Section 190.15 of this Code shall come into force on 1 July 2006.

[22 December 2005]

5. Section 103.8 and 103.9 and the amendment to Section 230 for addition to Section 103.9 and the amendment to Section 230.5 for addition to Section 103.8 of this Code shall come into force on 1 January 2007.

[22 June 2006]

6. Section 204.16 and the amendment to Section 236.10 for addition to section 204.16 of this Code shall come into force on 1 June 2007.

[22 June 2006]

7. The administrative violation matters provided for in Section 117.1 - 117.11 of this Code shall be adjudicated by the State Border Guard starting from 1 October 2007.

[17 May 2005]

8. Section 257, Paragraph eight of this Code shall come into force on 1 August 2007.

[17 May 2007]

9. Section 258, Paragraph three of this Code shall come into force on 1 January 2008.

[17 May 2007]

10. Section 155.15 of this Code shall be applied after the coming into force of the European council decision regarding the revocation of border controls on the internal borders of the European Union.

[20 December 2007]

11. If appellate proceedings regarding an adjudication of a judge of a district (city) court, which has been taken pursuant to Section 213 of this Code, was initiated in the Administrative Regional Court until 1 January 2009, the Administrative Regional Court shall continue the adjudicating of the relevant matter, observing the provisions of this Code and the Administrative Procedure Law.

[9 October 2008]

12. If proceedings regarding an adjudication of the Administrative Regional Court for the adjudicating of a submitted cassation complaint or ancillary complaint were initiated by the Administrative Matters Department of the Senate of the Supreme Court until 1 January 2009, the Senate shall continue the adjudicating of the matter, observing the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Law.

[9 October 2008]

13. Amendments to Section 238.1, Paragraph three, Section 280, Paragraph one and Section 281.1, Paragraph one of this Code regarding change of jurisdiction of administrative violation matters from the Administrative Regional Court to district (city) courts shall come into force on 1 January 2012.

[9 October 2008]

Informative Reference to European Union Directives

This Code contains legal norms arising from:

1) Council Directive 2004/82/EC of 29 April 2004 on the obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data;

2) Council Directive 2000/43/EC of 29 June 2000 implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin;

3) Directive 2005/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties for infringements; and

4) Directive 2001/106/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 December 2001 amending Council Directive 95/21/EC concerning the enforcement, in respect of shipping using Community ports and sailing in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Member States, of international standards for ship safety, pollution prevention and shipboard living and working conditions (port State control).

[17 May 2007; 20 December 2007; 3 July 2008]

Transitional Provisions Regarding Amendments
to the Administrative Violations Code

Transitional Provision

(regarding amending law of 9 October 2008)

The Cabinet shall, until 1 October 2009, develop and submit to the Saeima draft laws regarding the necessary amendments to be made in laws in order to implement the change of jurisdiction of all administrative violation matters from the Administrative District Court and Administrative Regional Court to district (city) courts and regional courts.


Translation © 2013 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Latvijas Administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss Status:
No longer in force
no longer in force
Issuer: Supreme Council Type: law Adoption: 07.12.1984.Entry into force: 01.07.1985.End of validity: 01.07.2020.Theme: Judiciary; Administrative procedure; COVID-19Publication: Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 51, 20.12.1984.
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class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.03.2016","iso_value":"2016\/03\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.03.2016.-31.05.2016.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.07.2015","iso_value":"2015\/07\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.07.2015.-22.03.2016.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"02.07.2015","iso_value":"2015\/07\/02","content":"<font class='s-1'>02.07.2015.-05.07.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2015","iso_value":"2015\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2015.-01.07.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.03.2015","iso_value":"2015\/03\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.03.2015.-30.06.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2015","iso_value":"2015\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2015.-09.03.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.11.2014","iso_value":"2014\/11\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.11.2014.-31.12.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.07.2014","iso_value":"2014\/07\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.07.2014.-28.11.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"26.03.2014","iso_value":"2014\/03\/26","content":"<font class='s-1'>26.03.2014.-02.07.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2014","iso_value":"2014\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2014.-25.03.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"25.10.2013","iso_value":"2013\/10\/25","content":"<font class='s-1'>25.10.2013.-31.12.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.09.2013","iso_value":"2013\/09\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.09.2013.-24.10.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.05.2013","iso_value":"2013\/05\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.05.2013.-31.08.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.04.2013","iso_value":"2013\/04\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.04.2013.-28.05.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2013","iso_value":"2013\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2013.-31.03.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.08.2012","iso_value":"2012\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2012.-31.12.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2012","iso_value":"2012\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2012.-31.07.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.03.2012","iso_value":"2012\/03\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.03.2012.-30.06.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.03.2012","iso_value":"2012\/03\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.03.2012.-20.03.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2012","iso_value":"2012\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2012.-29.02.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.08.2011","iso_value":"2011\/08\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.08.2011.-31.12.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"20.07.2011","iso_value":"2011\/07\/20","content":"<font class='s-1'>20.07.2011.-02.08.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.04.2011","iso_value":"2011\/04\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.04.2011.-19.07.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.02.2011","iso_value":"2011\/02\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.02.2011.-31.03.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.01.2011","iso_value":"2011\/01\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.01.2011.-16.02.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2011","iso_value":"2011\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2011.-28.01.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.07.2010","iso_value":"2010\/07\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.07.2010.-31.12.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.06.2010","iso_value":"2010\/06\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.06.2010.-20.07.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.03.2010","iso_value":"2010\/03\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.03.2010.-22.06.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.02.2010","iso_value":"2010\/02\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.02.2010.-02.03.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2010","iso_value":"2010\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2010.-16.02.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.10.2009","iso_value":"2009\/10\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.10.2009.-31.12.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2009","iso_value":"2009\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2009.-06.10.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"18.06.2009","iso_value":"2009\/06\/18","content":"<font class='s-1'>18.06.2009.-30.06.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.06.2009","iso_value":"2009\/06\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.06.2009.-17.06.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.06.2009","iso_value":"2009\/06\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.06.2009.-16.06.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"13.05.2009","iso_value":"2009\/05\/13","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.05.2009.-02.06.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"25.02.2009","iso_value":"2009\/02\/25","content":"<font class='s-1'>25.02.2009.-12.05.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.01.2009","iso_value":"2009\/01\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.01.2009.-24.02.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2009","iso_value":"2009\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2009.-20.01.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.08.2008","iso_value":"2008\/08\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.08.2008.-31.12.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.06.2008","iso_value":"2008\/06\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2008.-06.08.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"14.05.2008","iso_value":"2008\/05\/14","content":"<font class='s-1'>14.05.2008.-31.05.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.01.2008","iso_value":"2008\/01\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.01.2008.-13.05.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2008","iso_value":"2008\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2008.-22.01.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"05.10.2007","iso_value":"2007\/10\/05","content":"<font class='s-1'>05.10.2007.-31.12.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.08.2007","iso_value":"2007\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2007.-04.10.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.06.2007","iso_value":"2007\/06\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.06.2007.-31.07.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"26.06.2007","iso_value":"2007\/06\/26","content":"<font class='s-1'>26.06.2007.-28.06.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.06.2007","iso_value":"2007\/06\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.06.2007.-25.06.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.06.2007","iso_value":"2007\/06\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.06.2007.-20.06.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.06.2007","iso_value":"2007\/06\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2007.-11.06.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.03.2007","iso_value":"2007\/03\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.03.2007.-31.05.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2007","iso_value":"2007\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2007.-08.03.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.08.2006","iso_value":"2006\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2006.-31.12.2006.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.07.2006","iso_value":"2006\/07\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.07.2006.-31.07.2006.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2006","iso_value":"2006\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2006.-20.07.2006.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"24.01.2006","iso_value":"2006\/01\/24","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.01.2006.-30.06.2006.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"14.10.2005","iso_value":"2005\/10\/14","content":"<font class='s-1'>14.10.2005.-23.01.2006.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.04.2005","iso_value":"2005\/04\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.04.2005.-13.10.2005.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"18.02.2005","iso_value":"2005\/02\/18","content":"<font class='s-1'>18.02.2005.-14.04.2005.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"25.01.2005","iso_value":"2005\/01\/25","content":"<font class='s-1'>25.01.2005.-17.02.2005.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2005","iso_value":"2005\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2005.-24.01.2005.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.12.2004","iso_value":"2004\/12\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.12.2004.-31.12.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.10.2004","iso_value":"2004\/10\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.10.2004.-28.12.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.10.2004","iso_value":"2004\/10\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.10.2004.-11.10.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.07.2004","iso_value":"2004\/07\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.07.2004.-06.10.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2004","iso_value":"2004\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2004.-08.07.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.05.2004","iso_value":"2004\/05\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.05.2004.-30.06.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"}]}
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