Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 28.12.2004.–26.09.2008.
Amendments not included: 22.09.2008., 02.02.2010.

Disclaimer: The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for information only; it confers no rights and imposes no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published. Only the latter is authentic. The original Latvian text uses masculine pronouns in the singular. The Translation and Terminology Centre uses the principle of gender-neutral language in its English translations. In addition, gender-specific Latvian nouns have been translated as gender-neutral terms, e.g. chairperson.

Text consolidated by Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) with amending regulations of:

21 December 2004 (No. 1043).

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 164
Adopted 23 April 2002

Requirements for Main Pipelines and Procedures for Technical Supervision of Main Pipelines

Issued pursuant to
Section 3, Paragraph two of the Law
On Technical Supervision of Dangerous Equipment

I. General Provisions

1. These Regulations prescribe the requirements which are to be observed in organising and carrying out work with the transfer and transportation of petroleum, petroleum products or natural gas (hereinafter - substances) outside the territory of an undertaking in metal or glass fibre epoxy material pipelines and ancillary equipment, which are specially designed for such pipelines (hereinafter - main pipelines), as well as procedures for the technical supervision of main pipelines in order to prevent a threat to human life, health property and the environment.

[21 December 2004]

2. These Regulations shall not apply to pipelines through which natural gas is transported and in which the maximum allowable working pressure is less than 16 bars.

[21 December 2004]

3. The Ministry of Economics in co-operation with the relevant technical committee for standardisation shall recommend to the limited liability company Latvijas standarts [Latvian Standard] the standards to be developed, adapted and applied for the fulfilment of these Regulations.

[21 December 2004]

4. The limited liability company Latvijas standarts shall submit for publication in the newspaper Latvijas Vēstnesis [the official Gazette of the Government of the Republic of Latvia] a list of those Latvian national standards which shall be applied to fulfil the requirements of these Regulations (hereinafter - applicable standards).

[21 December 2004]

5. An accredited authority regarding which the Ministry of Economics has published a notice in the newspaper Latvijas Vēstnesis (hereinafter - inspection authority) is entitled to perform technical inspections of main pipelines, if:

5.1. it has been accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau in conformity with standard LVS EN 45004 "Main Criteria for Various Types of Authorities, which Perform Inspections" and the requirements of such standard; and

5.2. it has insured its civil legal liability in such an amount as to cover possible losses caused due to errors, which in co-operation with the insurer chosen by the authority a risk assessment has been calculated for the field of activity of the authority.

[21 December 2004]

6. The Latvian National Accreditation Bureau shall assess and supervise the conformity of the inspection authority to the requirements referred to in Paragraph 5 of these Regulations.

[21 December 2004]

II. General Requirements for Use of Main Pipelines

7. Possessors of main pipelines shall ensure appropriate and safe use, servicing and supervision of main pipelines in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations, other regulatory enactments and the documentation of use.

8. It is permitted to use only main pipelines that are registered in the State Labour Inspection.

9. Each main pipeline shall require technical documentation in the official language. The technical documentation of a main pipeline in accordance with the specimen of the technical documentation specified in the Annex of these Regulations shall be drawn up and the possessor of the main pipeline shall confirm the correctness of data.

10. The possessor of the main pipeline shall attach to the technical documentation the following documents in the official language (hereinafter - documentation of use):

10.1. an instruction for the commencement of use and cessation of use of the main pipeline;

10.2. an instruction for use and technical maintenance of the main pipeline;

10.3. plans regarding action in emergency situations for the elimination of damage to a main pipeline and prevention of other accidents; and

10.4. a list of works of increased danger for the performance of which a special assignment (permit) for the performance of work has to be received.

[21 December 2004]

11. The possessor of the main pipeline is prohibited from commencing the use of a pipeline if the pipeline does not have a conformity certificate issued according to the procedures specified in regulatory enactments for main pipeline design, construction and conformity assessment or technical documentation and documentation for the use thereof.

[21 December 2004]

12. Upon transferring or leasing a main pipeline to another possessor the technical documentation and the documentation of use shall also be transferred.

13. Before introducing the substance to be transported in the main pipeline the possessor of the main pipeline shall ensure:

13.1. mechanical assembly of the main pipeline and its readiness for operation;

13.2. performance and certification of functional and strength tests;

13.3. preparation of the necessary safety systems and their readiness for work;

13.4. readiness for work of the communication systems of the main pipeline;

13.5. putting into service of the main pipeline in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments;

13.6. development of the necessary documentation regarding the commencement of use and use of the main pipeline; and

13.7. development of the plans specified in Sub-paragraph 10.3 of these Regulations.

14. The possessor of a main pipeline has the following duties:

14.1. to appoint a specialist who shall be responsible for the technical state, safe use, technical maintenance and supervision of the main pipeline (hereinafter - the responsible specialist);

14.2. to appoint personnel who operate substance transportation (transfer) equipment (hereinafter - servicing personnel), as well as other personnel. The servicing personnel shall be trained and instructed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments regarding labour protection, using work equipment, as well as ensure the training of personnel in labour protection issues, taking into account the substance transportation (transfer) equipment construction and use conditions;

14.3. taking into account the documentation of use, the characteristics of the work environment, external risk factors and transported substances, as well as the conditions of use of the main pipeline, to ensure the development of appropriate instructions for the performance of duties of the servicing personnel (hereinafter -instruction for work), approval and, if necessary, adjustment and supplementation of instructions for work, as well as provide the servicing personnel with the instructions referred to;

14.4. to ensure the issue of assignments (permits) specified in regulatory enactments for work of increased danger;

14.5. to ensure inspections of the main pipeline and its technological equipment (for example, leak alarm system, cathode protection system, grounding equipment). The inspections referred to shall be carried out an inspection authority in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter V of these Regulations;

14.6. to ensure the storage of the technical documentation, documentation of use of the main pipeline and instructions for work and the presentation thereof to the officials of the State Labour Inspection and other supervisory institutions and representatives of the inspection authority in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments;

14.7. to store together with the technical documentation and documentation of use of the main pipeline the design of the main pipeline and the technical documentation related with the construction and putting into service of the pipeline and which specifies the layout and the technological scheme of the pipeline, the layout of the equipment, control devices and closing devices;

14.8. to ensure marking of the pipeline in conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments regarding protective zones around petroleum and petroleum product pipes, warehouses and storage sites; and

14.9. to notify the State Labour Inspection and other supervisory institutions specified in regulatory enactments of accidents that have taken place in relation with the use of the main pipeline, as well as to submit to the State Fire-fighting and Rescue Service plans for action in emergency situations.

[21 December 2004]

15. The responsible specialist shall develop and periodically update instructions for work. The instructions for work shall specify procedures for the commencement, cessation of use and normal use of the main pipeline. The instruction for work shall specify:

15.1. the distribution of duties and responsibility of the servicing personnel;

15.2. the necessary safety measures;

15.3. interaction with other pipeline systems and structures; and

15.4. references to the applied requirements of regulatory enactments and instructions.

16. The responsible specialist shall develop and periodically update plans for action in emergency situations. The plans referred to shall specify the procedures for elimination of failures and accidents of the main pipeline, as well as the requirements for the personnel and equipment used in the localisation and rectification of main pipeline failures.

17. The responsible specialist shall ensure:

17.1. at least once a year - examination of the plan for action in emergency situations by simulating failures of the main pipeline and emergency situations;

17.2. introduction of the servicing personnel with the appropriate instruction and plan for action in emergency situations; and

17.3. the issue of assignments (permits) to workers for work of increased danger.

18. During the use of the main pipeline the responsible specialist shall ensure exchange of the necessary information and co-operation with:

18.1. the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service, State Police and other relevant services;

18.2. the State Labour Inspection, State Environment Inspection and other control services of the main pipeline and its use as specified in regulatory enactments;

18.3. possessors of other pipelines whose pipelines are connected to the relevant main pipeline, intersect it or are located in the immediate proximity;

18.4. land owners and lessees whose land is intersected by the main pipeline;

18.5. inhabitants who live or are employed in the proximity of the main pipeline; and

18.6. any third person whose action may affect or affects the use of the main pipeline.

19. In the use and technical maintenance of the main pipeline the responsible specialist shall have the following duties:

19.1. to ensure that the technical state of the main pipeline and its equipment conforms with the documentation of use;

19.2. to ensure appropriate qualifications of the servicing personnel, as well as instruction in labour protection of the personnel at workplaces, as well as exceptional and repeated examinations of knowledge regarding safe operation of the main pipeline;

19.3. to ensure preparation of the main pipeline for the technical inspections specified in these Regulations and to participate in their performance;

19.4. if significant (dangerous) defects or violations of instructions in the work with the main pipeline have been detected, to ensure rectification of the deficiencies discovered;

19.5. to stop the operation of the main pipeline in the following cases:

19.5.1. a leak or other failure of the main pipeline has been detected which endangers or may endanger human life, health, property or the environment; or

19.5.2. the inspections of the main pipeline specified in Chapter V of these Regulations have not been carried out within the time periods provided for.

20. The possessor of the main pipeline or the responsible specialist shall immediately notify:

20.1. of any leakage of transported substance which pollutes the environment, endangers the drinking water supply and ground waters - the relevant regional environmental board;

20.2. of any damage or inappropriate operation of the main pipeline which endangers human life or health - the State Labour Inspection; and

20.3. if increased fire risk is determined - the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service.

21. The possessor of the main pipeline or the responsible specialist shall be responsible for the elimination of the failures detected during technical maintenance and supervision, as well as if the leakage referred to in Sub-paragraph 20.1 of these Regulations is detected, the performance of all possible measures to eliminate the consequences of the leakage and to prevent its reoccurrence (for example, immediate collection of the leaked substances and restriction of their further spread, performance of exceptional inspections of the main pipeline in conformity with Paragraph 49 of these Regulations).

22. The servicing personnel shall have the following duties:

22.1. to meet work safety, fire safety and environmental protection requirements in work with the main pipeline in conformity with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments and instructions for work, as well as orders and guidelines of the responsible specialist; and

22.2. to report to the responsible specialist if the technical state of the main pipeline is unsatisfactory and endangers or may endanger human life, health, property or the environment.

III. Safety Requirements for Use of Main Pipelines

23. When filling the main pipeline with the substance to be transported, the compliance with the filling level shall be controlled and the permissible levels of pressure shall not be exceeded.

24. In main pipelines through which substances containing liquid phase are transported, counter-pressure shall be ensured which prevents water hammers during filling of the pipeline.

25. During filling of the substance to be transported in accordance with the requirements of the applicable standards it shall be periodically checked whether a leak has not occurred in the main pipeline.

26. When filling and discharging (emptying) the main pipeline, as well as when transporting substances through it, the possessor shall ensure compliance with the environmental protection, fire safety and technical supervision requirements in conformity with regulatory enactments regulating operations with the relevant substances.

27. Supervision of the technical state of the pipeline and acquisition of the necessary information shall be ensured in conformity with the technical maintenance and supervision instructions of the main pipeline so as to enable assessment of the safety, mechanical integrity and stability of the main pipeline. In preparing the instruction the following circumstances shall be taken into account:

27.1. structure of the main pipeline;

27.2. conditions of construction of the main pipeline;

27.3. results of previous inspections;

27.4. possible deterioration of the state of the main pipeline;

27.5. adverse environmental impact; and

27.6. inspection intervals.

28. The instruction of use and instruction for work of the main pipeline shall apply to all technical servicing and maintenance, fire fighting machinery and other safety equipment of the main pipeline, to access roads, buildings, protective fencing and barriers, as well as to the pipeline, its components and determination of the transported substances therein and informative warnings. Special attention shall be paid to the protection and safety equipment of the main pipeline.

29. Within the term specified by the possessor of the main pipeline the entire main pipeline route shall be visually assessed in order to detect the possible failures, which may affect safe and harmless use of the pipeline. The results of the assessment shall be recorded and kept.

30. In performing visual assessment of the main pipeline route the marks of the route shall be checked in order to ensure clear determination of the route and evaluate whether:

30.1. there are no failures or leaks in the above-ground parts of the main pipeline;

30.2. there has not been unauthorised action by third persons;

30.3. the purpose of use of the land has not been changed;

30.4. the fire risk has not increased;

30.5. earth excavation or mineral resource extraction works are not performed;

30.6. landslides have not been detected; and

30.7. natural disaster, floods and fallen trees do not endanger the main pipeline.

31. During the use of the main pipeline the following factors of safe use shall be periodically controlled:

31.1. the state of anti-corrosion protection of the main pipeline, as well as other factors affecting the technical state (for example, environmental impact, vibration);

31.2. the system for the detection of transported substance leaks of the main pipeline the results of the inspection of which shall be kept by the responsible specialist;

31.3. above-ground sections of the main pipeline and their supports in order to determine their state of corrosion, mechanical integrity and stability, as well as cracks in concrete structures;

31.4. valves and locking devices of the main pipeline in order to determine their functioning ability; and

31.5. the state of protection devices, their conformity with the relevant parameters, the correctness of installation and the functioning ability.

32. If during inspection defects or failures are detected, they shall be registered and:

32.1. the pressure of the transported substance in the main pipeline shall be controlled and, if possible, the pressure of the transported substance shall be reduced;

32.2. failures shall be assessed in conformity with Paragraph 33 of these Regulations; and

32.3. supervision of the failures shall be performed.

33. Failures shall be assessed, their degree of danger shall be determined and, if necessary, appropriate preventive measures shall be taken (for example, reduction of pressure, repair). The assessment shall include:

33.1. assessment of test and measurement data, location of failures and closest elements (for example, welded joints);

33.2. assessment of the approved design and specifications of products;

33.3. assessment of physical and chemical properties of materials of the main pipeline;

33.4. assessment of the existing and forecast state of the failure;

33.5. analysis of the stresses caused by the operation of the main pipeline and environmental impact on the failure; and

33.6. assessment of the potential consequences caused by the failure.

IV. Technical Maintenance, Repair and Reconstruction of Main Pipelines

34. The possessor of the main pipeline is entitled to choose such technical maintenance, repair and reconstruction methods of the pipeline which ensure safe, economically profitable and continuous supply (transfer) of the transported substance.

35. When replacing the basic elements of the main pipeline, welding elements the limit values of which have been used in the pipeline strength calculations or gluing glass fibre epoxy pipes (hereinafter - repair), as well as changing pipeline construction or work parameters (hereinafter - reconstruction), the possessor of the main pipeline shall meet the requirements specified in this Chapter and, where possible, the requirements of the relevant applicable standards.

36. The permanent joints of the main pipeline shall be welded in accordance with the procedures prescribed by applicable standards by welders certified in accordance with the procedures prescribed by regulatory enactments.

37. Glass fibre epoxy pipes of the main pipeline shall be glued by specialists whose competence in the performance of the appropriate procedures has been certified in accordance with the requirements of regulatory enactments regarding design, construction and conformity assessment of main pipelines.

[21 December 2004]

38. Components and welded joints of the main pipeline in accordance with the applicable standards shall be examined with non-destructive control methods by laboratories certified in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments.

[21 December 2004]

39. Repair or reconstruction of the main pipeline is permitted to be commenced only after the possessor or the building contractor has issued the written assignment (permit) specified in Sub-paragraph 14.4 of these Regulations. If the building contractor performs the relevant work, the possessor shall issue to the building contractor a permit for the performance of work.

40. In performing repair or reconstruction of the main pipeline the following factors shall be taken into account:

40.1. danger of the transported substance;

40.2. duration of the work to be performed;

40.3. possible reaction of pipeline materials; and

40.4. the necessity to disconnect the equipment of the related ventilation, draining and pipeline systems.

41. In evaluating the ventilation and substance combustion possibilities of the main pipeline, the following risks shall be taken into account:

41.1. toxic and other harmful effects of gases;

41.2. the possibility of ignition of the mixture of substance vapour and air or explosion in contact with stray current, static electricity or other potential sources of ignition;

41.3. level of noise restrictions;

41.4. occurrence of hydrates;

41.5. freezing of valves; and

41.6. fragility effect for metal pipelines.

42. In discharging (emptying) the main pipeline from the transported substance, inert gas or water shall be used and the following risks shall be taken into account:

42.1. choking effects of inert gases;

42.2. overpressure effect;

42.3. deposits remaining in valve spaces;

42.4. discharge of the transported substance and the polluted water;

42.5. buoyancy effects when using gas for the removal of liquid;

42.6. compression effects relating to the ignition of substance vapour; and

42.7. possibility of ignition of the substance under increased pressure.

43. In planning flushing of the main pipeline the following risks shall be taken into account:

43.1. choking effects of the gas caused by flushing;

43.2. escape of highly inflammable or toxic liquids in the environment; and

43.3. ignition, substance compatibility or promotion of corrosion conditions when the initial substance will be re-introduced in the pipeline.

44. In performing repair or reconstruction of the main pipeline with open fire or at increased temperatures, the following risks shall be taken into account:

44.1. possible physical and chemical reactions, including the ability of the transported substance and its deposits to catch fire;

44.2. material, type, parameters, thickness of walls of pipes in the place where work with open fire or at increased temperatures is carried out; and

44.3. potential corrosion of a pipeline and welds.

45. Repair and reconstruction of the main pipeline shall be carried out in accordance with a technology approved by the possessor of the pipeline, which shall meet the requirements of the applicable standards. The technology shall provide:

45.1. requirements for the quality and safety of the work to be performed;

45.2. requirements for the assessment of the work to be performed - hydraulic test, non-destructive control, additional measurements of cathode protection and other inspections;

45.3. requirements for the documentation of works; and

45.4. requirements for the protection of the environment and inhabitants.

46. All data regarding the repair and reconstruction of the main pipeline, as well as on inspections carried out in relation with the repair or reconstruction shall be documented and attached to the technical documentation of the main pipeline.

V. Inspections of Main Pipelines

47. Periodic inspections of main pipelines, as well as exceptional inspections in the cases specified in Paragraph 49 of these Regulations shall be carried out by an inspection authority chosen by the possessor of the main pipeline.

48. Periodic inspections of the main pipeline during the use of the pipeline shall be carried out at least once every four years, on the basis of the results of the technical analyses, diagnostics and tests organised by the possessor of the pipeline. The periodic inspection shall include:

48.1. examination of the documentation of use of the pipeline (conformity of the pipeline, its components, accessories and their layout to the documentation and the scheme);

48.2. visual inspection of the aboveground part of the pipeline;

48.3. inspection of the functional operation of the accessories and safety devices of the pipeline;

48.4. inspections of the casing and joints of the pipeline that shall be carried out by using non-destructive control methods;

48.5. inspection of the physical properties of pipes, fittings and joints if the material brand is not known or there is suspicion regarding decrease in the material strength parameters due to corrosion, overload and similar reasons;

48.6. grounding tests of the pipeline and its elements;

48.7. electrical insulation tests of pump engines;

48.8. leak-tightness inspection of the pipeline;

48.9. inspection of the insulation pipe cover; and

48.10. inspection of the cathodic protection assurance of the pipeline.

49. Exceptional inspections of the main pipeline shall be required in the following cases:

49.1. after repair or reconstruction of the main pipeline;

49.2. at a substantiated request of the State Labour Inspection or an environment inspector if there is information on leaks of the transported substances referred to in Sub-paragraph 20.1 of these Regulations; and

49.3. after accidents which may pose threats to safe operation of the main pipeline.

50. The scope of the exceptional inspection depending on the scope of the repair or reconstruction works, as well as in the cases specified in Sub-paragraph 49.2 of these Regulations shall be determined by the inspection authority in accordance with the requirements prescribed in the appropriate construction standards and applicable standards. Depending on the cause of the exceptional inspection the inspection authority shall use the inspection method, which has the least effect on the supply (transfer) of the transported substance.

51. The possessor of the main pipeline when organising the technical inspections and tests of the pipeline shall comply with the requirements specified in these Regulations and the applicable standards.

52. During inspection of the main pipeline the inspection authority shall assess any failures which affect the strength of the pipeline construction and leak-tightness of the pipeline (for example, corrosion, cracks, leaks, deformations of flange joint screws and supports) and:

52.1. recognise a pipeline as unfit for use if cracks and leaks have been detected which pose threats to human life, health, property or the environment; and

52.2. evaluate the effect of the relevant defects on the ability of the construction to withstand the loads foreseen if corrosion and other defects have been detected. If necessary, hydraulic or pneumatic test shall be carried out in accordance with these Regulations and applicable standards.

53. After repair of the main pipeline if it was directly related with the strength of the pipeline, as well as in the cases specified in Sub-paragraph 52.2 of these Regulations the possessor of the main pipeline shall organise a hydraulic test of the repaired pipeline section and invite the inspection authority. Taking into account the conditions of use, layout of the pipeline and properties of the transported substance the possessor has the right to replace the hydraulic test with a pneumatic test if the necessary safety measures are taken.

54. If illegal actions by a third person have caused failures of the main pipeline, the repair of the pipeline shall be carried out in accordance with the technology specified in Paragraph 45 of these Regulations and the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 49.1 and Paragraph 53 of these Regulations shall not be applied.

55. Before the hydraulic or pneumatic test of the main pipeline the possessor of the main pipeline shall disconnect the section of the pipeline to be inspected from the technological system of transported substances. The hydraulic or pneumatic test shall be carried out for the section, which is fully fitted with accessories intended for safe operation of this pipeline.

56. The hydraulic test of the main pipeline shall be carried out with water or other liquid, which does not harmfully affect the material of the pipeline and is not flammable, toxic or oxidising. During the pneumatic test the concentration of vapour of the dangerous substance in the pipeline may not exceed 50% of the lowest limit value of explosive concentration if inert gas is not used in the test.

57. If during inspection the ambient temperature is less than 5 oC, substances with the freezing point below the relevant ambient temperature shall be used.

58. The hydraulic and pneumatic test of the main pipeline shall be performed by using the methods specified in the pipeline documentation of use which methods shall be co-ordinated with the inspection authority. If the documentation of use of the pipeline does not specify test methods, it shall be carried out in accordance with the applicable standards.

59. The main pipeline shall be deemed to have passed the hydraulic test if during the test no leakage and pressure drop has been determined (the change of temperature during the test shall be taken into account). The main pipeline shall be deemed to have passed the pneumatic test if during the test when examining the pipeline in the entire length thereof with leak tracer solution no leakage has been detected and pressure drop does not exceed 0.2% per hour. Pressure drop shall be calculated by using the following formula:

P = 100 (1 - [PbTs/PsTb]) x k, where

P - pressure drop (%);

Pb - pressure at the end of the test (bar);

Ts - temperature at the beginning of the test (oC);

Ps - working pressure (bar);

Tb - temperature at the end of the test (oC);

k - correction coefficient (for pipelines with the nominal diameter of less than 250 mm k = 1, for pipelines with the nominal diameter of more than 250 mm k = 250/Dn (Dn - nominal diameter (mm)).

60. If the main pipeline is depressurised, it shall be recognised as unfit for use. Further use of technologically connected pipelines is permitted if the damaged main pipeline is delimited and it does not affect the operation of other pipelines which is certified by the inspection authority after performance of an exceptional inspection.

61. If during inspection of the main pipeline the inspection authority detects failures or signs showing that the durability or functional safety of the pipeline has decreased, the inspection authority shall evaluate the possibility to operate a pipeline with the relevant parameters (for example, pressure, temperature) below the norm.

62. After inspection the inspection authority shall enter findings in the technical documentation of the main pipeline and draw up a technical inspection report in two copies. One copy of the inspection report shall be issued by the inspection authority to the possessor of the main pipeline but the other shall be kept for at least 10 years from the day of inspection.

63. If during inspection the inspection authority determines that the main pipeline meets the requirements of these Regulations and applicable standards, the inspection authority shall affix to the technical documentation of the main pipeline a safety inspection mark of the dangerous equipment.

64. If during inspection of the main pipeline the inspection authority determines its non-conformity with the requirements of these Regulations and applicable standards, the possessor of the main pipeline shall have a duty to rectify the non-conformity within the time period co-ordinated with the inspection authority and to invite the inspection authority for the performance of a retest.

65. If after the retest the main pipeline does not conform with the requirements of these Regulations or endangers human life, health or property, the inspection authority shall without delay warn the possessor of the main pipeline thereof and notify the State Labour Inspection, the State Fire-Fighting and Rescue Service, as well as the State Environment Inspection if the environment is endangered, and within a period of one day send a copy of the inspection report to the institutions referred to.

VI. Minimum Criteria for Inspection Authorities [21 December 2004]

66. [21 December 2004]

67. [21 December 2004]

68. [21 December 2004]

69. [21 December 2004]

70. [21 December 2004]

71. [21 December 2004]

72. [21 December 2004]

73. [21 December 2004]

VII. Closing Provisions

74. In respect of main pipelines which on the day of coming into force of these Regulations have no technical documentation which meets the requirements specified in Paragraph 9 of these Regulations, it shall be drawn up not later than by 1 June 2003 or before re-registration of the pipeline at the State Labour Inspection.

75. If on the day of coming into force of these Regulations a main pipeline is registered at the State Labour Inspection, the possessor may utilise the pipeline without having obtained the conformity certification referred to in Paragraph 11 of these Regulations.

[21 December 2004]

76. These Regulations shall come into force on 1 June 2002.

Prime Minister A. Bērziņš

Minister for Welfare A. Požarnovs


Cabinet Regulation No. 164
23 April 2002

Specimen of Technical Documentation of a Main Pipeline

(documentation cover)

  main pipeline technical documentation
(name of the transported substance)  

(new page)

(trademark (logo) of the possessor of the main pipeline)

(name of the possessor of the main pipeline)
(name and address of the main building contractor of the main pipeline)

Identification number of the main pipeline __________________

(new page)

I. General Information

1. Name and address of the main building contractor of the main pipeline  
2. Name and address of the construction design author of the main pipeline  
3. Putting into service (date) of the main pipeline  
4. Length of the main pipeline (km)  
5. Conventional diameter of the main pipeline (mm)  
6. Maximum permissible working pressure of the main pipeline (bar)  
7. Type of the main pipeline (above-ground or underground)  
8. Purpose of use of the main pipeline (list of transported substances and their hazard symbol in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding classification of chemical substances)  
9. Principal characteristics of transported substances (transport temperature, pressure, specific weight, vapour flashpoint)  
10. Service life of the main pipeline in years  

(new page - at least 2 pages shall be provided for entry of the relevant data)

II. Characteristics of the Main Pipeline Route

11. Description of the location of the beginning and end part of the main pipeline  
12. District, city or parish in the territory of which the pipeline is located  
13. Natural and artificial obstacles in the pipeline route:  
13.1. rivers, lakes, bodies of water of State significance - name and location  
13.2. category 1 and 2 motor roads (designations in accordance with the data of the Latvian Road Administration)  
13.3. railway lines (designations in accordance with the data of the State stock Company Latvijas dzelzceļš [Latvian Railways])  
13.4. other artificial obstacles (description, location)  
14. Length of the pipeline section (km) intersecting:  
14.1. forests  
14.2. marshes  
15. Data regarding pipelines laid in parallel in one lane  

(new page - at least 4 pages shall be provided for entry of the relevant data)

III. Information regarding the Main Pipeline and its Material

No. Initial mark of the pipeline Section length of the pipeline (mm) Nominal diameter of the pipeline in the relevant section (mm) Calculated thickness of the pipeline wall in the relevant section (mm) Actual initial thickness of the pipeline wall in the relevant section (mm) Designation of the material brand (in accordance with the applicable standards)

(new page - at least 2 pages shall be provided for entry of the relevant data)

IV. Information regarding the Coating of the Main Pipeline

No. Initial mark of the pipeline Section length of the pipeline

External coating of the pipeline at the relevant section (mm) Internal coating of the pipeline at the relevant section (mm) Designation of the material brand of the external coating (in accordance with the applicable standards) Designation of the material brand of the internal coating (in accordance with the applicable standards)

(new page)

V. Information regarding the Accessories of the Main Pipeline (for Examples, Pumps, Compressors, Measuring Devices, Locking Devices)

No. Name Quantity Date of installation Brief technical characteristics

(new page)

VI. Information regarding Automatic Fire-extinguishing Installations of the Main Pipeline

No. Type of installation Construction design manager and design development date Main building contractor and putting into service (date) Brief technical characteristics

(new page)

VII. Information regarding the Documentation Attached to the Technical Documentation

No. Document title Number of pages Document number Date of issue of the document
1 2 3 4 5
1. Technological scheme of the main pipeline      
2. Construction (building) drawings of the main pipeline (assembly and detail drawings)      
3. Information regarding distribution stations of the main pipeline      
4. Information regarding cleaning chambers and other types of piston launching and catching chambers      
5. Information regarding the hotwells and methanol devices of the main pipeline      
6. Information regarding the cathode protection and drainage protection stations of the main pipeline      
7. Documents regarding modifications to the design which occurred during the construction (building) process and their co-ordination      
8. Hidden work acceptance documents      
9. Quality certificates of the materials used in construction      
10. Installation works journal      

Geodesic measurement schemes of the main pipeline

12. Inspection documents of the main pipeline      
13. Inspection results and performance schemes (test reports) of assembly joints of the main pipeline      
14. Certificates of the personnel which performed joining of permanent joints      
15. Acceptance reports of the installed equipment      
Possessor of the main pipeline  
  (signature and full name)

Place for a seal

Date: ___ ___________ 20___

(new page - at least 5 pages shall be provided for entry of the relevant data)

VIII. Specialist Responsible for the Technical State of the Main Pipeline

No. Number and date of issue of the order Position, surname Signature of the responsible specialist

(new page - at least 10 pages shall be provided for entry of the relevant data)

IX. Information regarding Repair, Reconstruction of the Main Pipeline and Replacement of Accessories

No. Date Information regarding repair, reconstruction and replacement of accessories Signature of the responsible specialist

(new page - at least 10 pages shall be provided for entry of the relevant data)

X. Information regarding Performed Inspections

No. Date of inspection Results of inspection Date of the next inspection

(new page)

XI. Registration of the Main Pipeline

The main pipeline has been registered with No. __________ at the State Labour Inspection

The documentation contains ______________ numbered pages,

including drawings on __________ pages,

in total _________ sewn together pages.

(position, signature and full name of the State Labour Inspection official)

Place for a seal

Date: ___ ___________ 20___

Instructions for Completion of the Technical Documentation

1. If necessary, the documentation shall be supplemented with new boxes and specific information regarding the main pipeline and the accessories thereof.

2. Recommended size of the technical documentation shall be 218 x 290 (210 x 297) millimetres.

Minister for Welfare A. Požarnovs


Translation © 2005 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)

Document information
Title: Prasības maģistrālajiem cauruļvadiem un maģistrālo cauruļvadu tehniskās uzraudzības kārtība Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 164Adoption: 23.04.2002.Entry into force: 01.06.2002.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 64, 26.04.2002.
Related documents
  • Amendments
  • Issued pursuant to
  • Latvian standards
  • Other related documents
{"selected":{"value":"06.02.2010","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.02.2010.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"06.02.2010","iso_value":"2010\/02\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.02.2010.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"27.09.2008","iso_value":"2008\/09\/27","content":"<font class='s-1'>27.09.2008.-05.02.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"28.12.2004","iso_value":"2004\/12\/28","content":"<font class='s-1'>28.12.2004.-26.09.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.06.2002","iso_value":"2002\/06\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2002.-27.12.2004.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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