Teksta versija

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 494
Adopted 29 August 2023

Regulations Regarding a Model Interest-Related Education Programme for the Minority Language and Cultural History and the Guidelines for the Implementation Thereof

Issued pursuant to
Section 14, Clause 47 of the Education Law

1. The Regulation prescribes a model interest-related education programme for the minority language and cultural history (hereinafter - the programme) and the guidelines for the implementation thereof.

2. The programme shall be implemented in accordance with the model programme set out in the Annex to this Regulation (hereinafter - the model programme).

3. The programme can be implemented on-site, remotely or semi-remotely, with up to three lessons (academic hours) per week.

4. The content components of the programme can be implemented as a whole, separately or in combination, giving priority to the acquisition and development of minority language skills of the educatee.

5. The teacher shall develop and implement his or her programme in accordance with the model programme, specifying the aim, objectives, target audience, time and place of programme implementation, the planned number of lessons per week and per year, the thematic breakdown of content, the expected results, forms of work organisation, teaching methods, provision of feedback, description of the learning environment, the necessary teaching aids and materials, a list of literature, and the sources of information used for the development of the programme.

6. The minimum number of educatees for the implementation of the programme in an educational institution shall be determined by the local government on the basis of the programme implementation request.

7. The programme is implemented by enrolling educatees regardless of previous education, based on an application from the educatee's parents or legal representatives.

8. The educational institution or another provider of interest-related education service shall implement a learning process conforming to the hygiene requirements laid down in the laws and regulations, an inclusive learning environment which promotes intellectual, socio-emotional development and health and is physically and emotionally safe and conforms to the physical and mental development needs of the age group of educatees and universal design requirements, such as easily comprehensible information, easy access, floor and indoor presentation with contrasting environmental objects.

9. The Regulation shall come into force on 1 September 2023.

Prime Minister,
acting for the Minister for Foreign Affairs A. K. Kariņš

Minister for Education and Science A. Čakša


Cabinet Regulation No. 494
29 August 2023

Model Interest-Related Education Programme for the Minority Language and Cultural History

I. Aim and Objectives of the Implementation of the Programme

1. The aim of the Interest-Related Education Programme for the Minority Language and Cultural History (hereinafter - the Programme) is to promote educatees' interest in preserving and developing minority identity, language, and cultural uniqueness.

2. Programme implementation objectives:

2.1. to promote the acquisition and development of minority language skills, interest in and knowledge of intangible cultural heritage and cultural uniqueness;

2.2. to gain experience by nurturing and introducing minority traditions and to participate creatively in the diversity of Latvia's cultural environment.

II. Learning Content of the Programme

3. The learning content of the Programme includes:

3.1. learning content components: minority language, intangible cultural heritage, cultural uniqueness;

3.2. the values and virtues specified in the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia and in the Cabinet regulations regarding the guidelines for the upbringing of educatees and the procedures for evaluating information, teaching aids, materials, and teaching and upbringing methods;

3.3. transversal skills: critical thinking and problem-solving, creative activity and entrepreneurship, self-directed learning, co-operation, civic participation, and digital skills.

4. In the programme, educatees acquire minority:

4.1. linguistic skills (preschool educatees - speaking and listening; primary educatees - speaking, listening, reading, writing) and develop the skills of text production and the use of language as a value of minority culture and identity;

4.2. oral traditions (types and genres of folklore) and expressions, games, play traditions, annual celebrations, ethnic symbols, special features of traditional singing, music, dancing and craft skills where possible;

4.3. the artefacts of cultural uniqueness (in literature, music, fine arts, dance, theatre, and cinema), the most prominent cultural personalities and their most significant achievements, the possibilities of preserving and transmitting cultural values.

III. Acquisition of the Learning Content

5. The pedagogical process is based on the principle of voluntarism, taking into account the needs, interests, and abilities of the educatee, his or her active involvement in the learning process, his or her experience and connection with the minority community, and ensuring co-operation between the educatee, teacher, and parents or legal representatives of the educatee.

6. The teacher shall plan and implement the sequence of acquisition of learning content from the easiest and simplest to the most difficult and complex in the unity of learning, teaching, and education, using an individualised and differentiated approach.

7. During the programme, the teacher systematically provides feedback to the educatees, emphasising the positive and significant in their activities and achievements, outlining opportunities for further growth in learning the language and ethnic heritage, practising traditions and customs, and exploring cultural values.

8. The following forms of work organisation shall be used in the implementation of the programme:

8.1. pre-school education - playtime lesson;

8.2. primary school - an interest-related education lesson;

8.3. participation in the activities related to the acquisition of the content of the programme which provide a wider learning experience for the educatee, such as concerts, exhibitions, competitions, excursions, theatre visits, camps.

9. For the implementation of the learning content, the teacher shall use various methods and shall choose teaching aids according to the planned educational process, and shall use the criteria specified in the Cabinet regulations regarding the guidelines for the upbringing of educatees and the procedures for the evaluation of information, teaching aids, materials, and teaching and upbringing methods.

Translation © 2024 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par mazākumtautību valodas un kultūrvēstures interešu izglītības programmas paraugu .. Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 494Adoption: 29.08.2023.Entry into force: 01.09.2023.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 168B, 31.08.2023. OP number: 2023/168B.2
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