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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

8 March 2001 [shall come into force on 4 April 2001];
31 January 2002 [shall come into force on 9 February 2002];
6 December 2007 [shall come into force on 5 January 2008];
6 December 2007 [shall come into force on 4 January 2008];
18 December 2008 [shall come into force on 21 January 2009];
19 May 2011 [shall come into force on 21 June 2011];
22 September 2011 [shall come into force on 1 October 2011];
5 June 2014 [shall come into force on 26 June 2014];
11 February 2021 [shall come into force on 9 March 2021].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

Participation of the Latvian National Armed Forces in International Operations

Section 1. International Operations and Participation Therein

(1) The following shall be deemed international operations:

1) international peacekeeping operations the objective of which is to restore and keep international peace and security, and also to deter from aggression and other breaches of peace and the staff involved in which does not have the right to participate in warfare, except when it is necessary for the purpose of self-defence;

2) international peace enforcement operations the objective of which is to restore and keep international peace and security, and also to deter from aggression and other breaches of peace and the staff involved in which has the right to participate in warfare;

3) international rescue operations the objective of which is to liquidate consequences of a natural disaster, to evacuate civilians from endangered places or to perform activities of similar nature;

4) international humanitarian operations the objective of which is to provide help to civilians who have suffered from warfare or as a result of other extreme circumstances;

5) international military operations the objective of which is to implement the inherent right of collective self-defence of a Member State of the United Nations laid down in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations.

(2) [11 February 2021]

[24 January 1996; 31 January 2002; 5 June 2014; 11 February 2021]

Section 2. Mandate of the Contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces

Units or soldiers of the Latvian National Armed Forces (hereinafter - the contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces) shall participate in international operations in compliance with the Charter of the United Nations, international agreements binding on the Republic of Latvia and laws of the Republic of Latvia, and also decision of the Saeima, the Cabinet or, in the case specially provided for in the law, the Minister for Defence on the participation of the contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces in international operations.

[11 February 2021]

Section 3. Formation of Joint Military Units

The Republic of Latvia may form joint military units with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Union, as well as with individual countries.

[19 May 2011]

Section 3.1 Rapid Reaction Forces and Participation Therein

(1) Joint military rapid reaction units which have been formed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union and which may be involved in international operations shall be deemed rapid reaction forces. Rapid reaction forces shall consist of units of the naval forces, air forces and land forces with high, medium and low level of readiness.

(2) The contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces shall participate in rapid reaction forces in accordance with the documents of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union, the international agreements binding on the Republic of Latvia and laws of the Republic of Latvia.

[18 December 2008; 5 June 2014]

Section 4. Number of the Military Personnel for Participation in International Operations

[8 March 2001]

Section 5. Taking Decisions on Participation of the Contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces in International Operations

(1) The contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces may, by a decision of the Saeima, be transferred under the supervision of the international organisation or country leading the international operation for the performance of international operations for a time period and according to the provisions determined by a decision of the Saeima.

(2) The Cabinet shall decide on the participation of the contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces in international rescue operations and international humanitarian operations. Upon request of foreign countries for the need of first aid, the Minister for Defence may take the decision on the participation of individual especially trained contingent of the National Armed Forces in international rescue operations and international humanitarian operations in Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union.

(3) The contingent of the National Armed Forces may be withdrawn at any time under the decision of the Saeima or Cabinet.

(4) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the National Armed Forces shall be involved in international rescue operations and international humanitarian operations upon the request of foreign countries for the need of first aid.

[24 January 1996; 31 January 2002; 6 December 2007; 5 June 2014; 11 February 2021]

Section 5.1 Taking Decisions on Participation of the Contingent of the National Armed Forces of Latvia in International Operations which has been Sent for Service to Headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Military Headquarters of the European Union and Multinational Headquarters of Member States of such Organisations

(1) The contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces which has been sent for service to headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, military headquarters of the European Union and multinational headquarters of Member States of such organisations may be sent for participation in international operations on the basis of a decision of such organisations and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Section 5 of this Law.

(2) Participation of such soldiers of the Latvian National Armed Forces who have been sent for service to headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, military headquarters of the European Union and multinational headquarters of Member States of such organisations shall be deemed carrying out of service duties while in the district of an international operation.

[6 December 2007; 5 June 2014]

Section 6. Formation of the Contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces for Participation in International Operations and Rapid Reaction Forces, Financing and Preparation of such Contingent

The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces participating in international operations and rapid reaction forces shall be formed, financed and prepared.

[18 December 2008; 5 June 2014]

Section 7. Joint Military Training of Units of the Latvian National Armed Forces and Units of the Foreign Armed Forces in the Territory of the Republic of Latvia

(1) In accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Law and on the basis of the documents regarding formation of joint military units or individual agreements approved at the Saeima, joint military training of units of the Latvian National Armed Forces and units of the foreign armed forces may be organised in the territory of the Republic of Latvia.

(2) [8 March 2001]

[8 March 2001; 19 May 2011]

Section 8. Participation of Units of the Latvian National Armed Forces in Joint Military Training Abroad

Units of the Latvian National Armed Forces may be sent to joint military training organised by the organisations and countries referred to in Section 3 of this Law abroad.

Section 9. Taking Decisions on Joint Military Training of Units of the Latvian National Armed Forces in the Territory of the Republic of Latvia and Abroad

(1) The Cabinet shall take the decision on the participation of units of the Latvian National Armed Forces in joint military training in the territory of the Republic of Latvia if foreign military personnel consisting of more than 500 persons is participating in training in conformity with the provisions of Section 7 of this Law.

(2) The Minister for Defence shall take the decision on the joint military training of units of the Latvian National Armed Forces and units of the foreign armed forces in the territory of the Republic of Latvia if foreign military personnel consisting of not more than 500 persons is participating in training after agreeing thereupon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior.

(3) The Cabinet shall take the decision on joint military training of units of the Latvian National Armed Forces and the foreign armed forces in foreign countries which are not Member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union.

(4) The Minister for Defence shall, by agreeing thereupon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, take the decision on joint military training of units of the Latvian National Armed Forces and the foreign armed forces in states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation or the European Union.

[19 May 2011]

Section 10. Social Guarantees for the Personnel of such Contingent which Participates in International Operations

Social guarantees for the personnel of such contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces which participates in international operations shall be ensured in compliance with the international agreements binding on the Republic of Latvia and laws of the Republic of Latvia.

[6 December 2007; 5 June 2014]

Section 10.1 Social Guarantees for Civilians due to Official Journeys to Areas of International Operations

[1 August 2011; 19 May 2011; See Paragraph 3 of the Transitional Provisions]

Section 11. Individual and Collective Self-defence

The Charter of the United Nations and the provisions of this Law do not restrict the right of the Republic of Latvia to use the units of the Latvian National Armed Forces referred to in this Law for the purposes of individual and collective self-defence.

Transitional Provisions

1. Until the time when amendments to the State Defence Law providing for the right of the Cabinet to decide on participation of units of the National Armed Forces in international rescue operations and international humanitarian operations come into force, decision thereon shall be taken by the Saeima.

2. The Cabinet shall, by 1 February 2009, issue the regulations provided for in the new wording of Section 6 of this Law in order to determine the procedures by which units of the Latvian National Armed Forces participating in international operations or rapid reaction forces shall be formed, financed and prepared. Until the day of coming into force of this Regulation, Cabinet Regulation No. 96 of 24 February 2004, Procedures for the Formation, Training and Financing of Units of the Latvian National Armed Forces Participating in International Operations, shall be applied, insofar as it is not in contradiction with this Law.

[18 December 2008]

3. Amendment to this Law regarding deletion of Section 10.1 shall come into force concurrently with the amendment to the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities in relation to the social guarantees to civilians in relation to official journeys to areas of international operations.

[19 May 2011]

4. Until the day when the 11th Saeima takes the decision on participation of soldiers of the Latvian National Armed Forces in an operation managed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in Afghanistan in the composition of the International Security Assistance Force, but not longer than until 1 January 2012, the Cabinet is entitled to take a decision on this issue within the scope of the mandate approved by the United Nations.

[22 September 2011]

5. Until 1 September 2014, the Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 6 of this Law regarding the procedures by which the contingent of the Latvian National Armed Forces participating in international operations and rapid reaction forces shall be formed, financed and prepared. Until the day of coming into force of such regulations Cabinet Regulation No. 166 of 17 February 2009, Procedures for the Forming, Financing and Preparing Units of the Latvian National Armed Forces Participating in International Operations and Rapid Reaction Forces, and Cabinet Regulation No. 1440 of 10 December 2013, Regulations Regarding Procedures for Determining Monthly Wage of a Soldier and Special Supplements Thereto and Their Amount, shall apply, insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law.

[5 June 2014]

This Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 16 February 1995.

President G. Ulmanis

Rīga, 25 February 1995

1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2014 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Latvijas Nacionālo bruņoto spēku piedalīšanās starptautiskajās operācijās Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Saeima Type: law Adoption: 16.02.1995.Entry into force: 11.03.1995.Theme: State security and protectionPublication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 30, 25.02.1995.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 7, 13.04.1995.
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