Teksta versija
Cabinet Order No. 397
31 May 2022


List of Abbreviations

UN - United Nations
MoD - Ministry of Defence
EU - European Union
ELA - European Latvian Association
MoE - Ministry of Economics
EUROSTAT - Statistical Office of the European Union
MoF - Ministry of Finance
LGSI - Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection
SEQS - State Education Quality Service
MoES - Ministry of Education and Science
MoI - Ministry of the Interior
LAB - Latvian Anti-doping Bureau
LUSF - Latvian University Sports Federation
ECoL - Employers' Confederation of Latvia
IDAL - Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
LTSA - Latvian Team Sports Association
MoW - Ministry of Welfare
LDSF - Latvian Deaf Sports Federation
LNSC - Latvian National Sports Council
LOC - Latvian Olympic Committee
LOU - sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Lavijas Olimpiskā vienība" [limited liability company Latvian Olympic Unit]
LPC - Latvian Paralympic Committee
SFL - Swimming Federation of Latvia
LALRG - Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments
LSFC - Latvian Sports Federations Council
BDSEIL - Board of Directors of the Sports Educational Institutions of Latvia
LSO - Latvian Special Olympics
LASE - Latvian Academy of Sport Education
LCCI - Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
LSAA - Latvian Sports for All Association
MSG - Murjāņi Sports Gymnasium
NAP2027 - National Development Plan of Latvia for 2021-2027
NGO - non-governmental organisations
WHO - World Health Organisation
RSU - Riga Stradiņš University
SIF - Society Integration Foundation
IOK - International Olympic Committee
IPC - International Paralympic Committee
CDPC - Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
MoEPRD - Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
NCE - National Centre for Education
MoH - Ministry of Health


The Sports Policy Guidelines 2022-2027 are a medium-term policy planning document which determines the sports policy of Latvia for the next six years. The Guidelines have been developed to, by carrying out the necessary reforms, continue the sports policy implemented in the previous years, to ensure continuity of the contributions made in the sports sector in the previous years, and also to highlight new challenges. The Guidelines determine the mission, vision, leading motive, objective, action directions and tasks of the sports policy in order to ensure the achievement of the objectives laid down in the NDP2027.

Successful sports policy promotes achievements in sport, promotes healthy lifestyle, provides economic contributions to national economy, and also strengthens patriotism of citizens, improves the image and recognisability of Latvia in the world and increases international competitiveness. In turn, diverse physical activities not only provide physical and mental well-being, but also improve general state of health and additionally promote social integration. In order to realise the potential of sports sector in Latvia, not only high achievement sports should be supported, but also inhabitants of various ages should be motivated to engage in physical activities on everyday basis, thus promoting the achievement of the objective of the European Sports Charter: to enable every individual to participate in sport and notably to ensure that opportunities are available for all children and young people to receive physical education instruction and acquire fundamental movement skills, and also to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to take part in sports and leisure activities in a safe and healthy environment.1

The physical abilities of Latvia's athletes with high-achievements - their strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and agility - already are at such a high level that unknown reserves should be found and support from innovative technologies, equipment, methods and techniques should be acquired for further improvement of athletic performance; therefore applied research in engineering and technologies that could support athletes by producing innovative materials should be noted as a challenge. Concurrently care should be taken for physical and psychological endurance and preparedness of athletes where the qualification of trainers and provided infrastructure has a significant role, but the need for generational change must also not be forgotten to ensure that sports traditions and international practice is taken over and promote Latvia on a global scale.2

Purposeful cooperation with diaspora in sports is the direction of high potential in the care and development of the sports traditions of Latvia and public health. It may strengthen the attraction of wider communities, new talents, investments, tourism and innovations to Latvia.

Sports sector must improve accessibility of sports in the digital environment and attraction of high technologies to physical activities. Innovation in sports can have a positive impact on grassroots sports, improve trainings of athletes with high achievements and their results, and also help to prevent significant sports threats, for example, manipulations with sports competitions and problems caused by doping.

The development of the Guidelines started on 5 July 2019 when the Work Group for Sports Sector Development was established to prepare proposals for making decision of strategical significance to the sports sector by including the representatives from sectoral ministries, non-governmental sports organisations, local governments and other organisations involved in sports. Within the framework of the work group, the mid-term (2014-2018) evaluation of the implementation of the Sports Policy Guidelines 2014-20203 which includes the description and evaluation of the present situation in sports sector and also mentions the accomplishment of the defined tasks was made and approved; the compiled conclusions and proposals for further actions have been taken into account in developing the draft Guidelines for the new planning period.

On 30 April 2020, all the ministries, and also the major organisations involved in sports were asked to provide initial proposals by defining challenges and offering solutions (tasks) in each action direction, and also to delegate representatives for thematic work groups. After compilation of initial proposals, expert work groups which developed the tasks to be included in the Guidelines were established in each action direction. These opinions, and also the evaluation of the implementation of the previous guidelines were taken into account as much as possible in developing these Guidelines.

The MoES has, by analysing the present financing and management model of the sports sector, identified several deficiencies, including: instability and lack of predictability in long-term, regular requests for additional financing and reallocation of resources, unpredictability of aid from private sector, fragmentation of public financing intended for sports sector aid between different sectoral ministries, ramification of budget administration system at the level of non-governmental sports organisations, sports types to be primarily supported from the State budget have not been determined (at least at the level of high achievement sports), overlapping of separate functions and tasks etc.

In the mid-term (2014-2018) evaluation of the implementation of the Sports Policy Guidelines 2014-2020, the following has been defined as future challenges:

1. to review the financing of sports sector by ensuring a stable long-term financing model and discussing the sports types to be primarily supported in high achievement sports, including paralympic movement;

2. to improve sports management and infrastructure system by evaluating the functions and responsibility delegated to the NGO in the development of the sports sector in order to promote the development of youth sports, grassroots sports, parasports and adapted sports, and also high achievements sports;

3. to promote healthy lifestyle and strengthen the development of grassroots sports, starting with sports classes at school.

On 3 December 2020, the draft Guidelines were presented in the meeting of the Latvian National Sports Council during which the Council decided to move the Guidelines forward for public discussion. The public discussion of the Guidelines took place from 7 December 2020 until 7 January 2021. On 30 December 2020, the Latvian Sports Federation Council together with the MoES organised panel discussions on the draft Guidelines by inviting both social partners and all stakeholders to participate. On 13 January 2021, the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments organised the discussion of the Guidelines by involving representatives of local governments. During the public discussion, hundreds of proposals were received from more than 60 social partners and organisations.

The expert groups developing the Guidelines identified the following as major challenges:

• physical inactivity and insufficient understanding of the importance of physical activities for maintaining and strengthening health of the inhabitants of Latvia;

• inadequate swimming skills of children and young people and the need to improve swimming skills to increase involvement of children and young people in health-enhancing activities, and also to increase safety on waters;

• fragmentation in planning the development of sports sector and definition of clear priorities;

• talents - search for them, their development and retaining;

• improvement of the athlete training system after acquisition of the vocational orientation sports education;

• insufficient financing of sports sector;

• fragmented sports management and budget administration system at the level of non-governmental sports organisations;

• improvement of the financing model for vocational orientation sports education programmes and programme implementation quality and efficiency issues;

• insufficient involvement of persons with disabilities in adapted physical activities;

• determination of a unified strategy for the development of sports infrastructure;

• uneven regional demand in the use of sports infrastructure;

• insufficient linkage of international sporting events with tourism and the promotion of entrepreneurship in a particular territory4;

• protection of integrity and values in sports;

• development of a COVID-19 exit strategy in the sports sector and strategy for the continuation of the sports sector during the pandemic in order to prevent further crises and prepare for them, thus ensuring sustainable development and stability of the sports sector.

Given the fact that the Guidelines defines the reform of the financing management and administrative management model of the sports sector as one of priority tasks, the responsible authorities and involved authorities indicated in the Section "Sports Policy Action Directions and Tasks" of the Guidelines will be clarified after the reform.

The draft Guidelines were also examined in the meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee of the Saeima on 12 May 2021 where it was conceptually supported.

The final wording of the Guidelines was examined in the meeting of the National Sports Council of Latvia on 9 December 2021 where it was decided to conceptually support it and an endorsement for the Cabinet to support it was given.

Summary of the Guidelines

The sports policy basic principles, mission, vision, leading motive, objectives, sub-objectives, policy results and their performance results, action directions and subordinated tasks for the achievement of the sports policy objectives and addressing the problems are included in the Guidelines. The development of children and young people sports is deemed as a priority.

The additional financing necessary for the implementation of the measures included in the Guidelines is not included in the set of indicative projects of the NDP2027 of Latvia and in the law On the Medium-term Budgetary Framework for 2022, 2023 and 2024. The measures which require additional financing may be implemented if the application for priority measures submitted by the responsible ministry determined for the implementation of the measure will be supported during the process of the State budget preparation. During the implementation process of the Guidelines, the need for financing must be balanced against the potentially available financing, and the possibility to attract private financing also must be assessed. When implementing the measures referred to in the Guidelines, they must be assessed within the context of the control of the aid to commercial activity in order to achieve the tasks defined in the sports field, and in the cases where the allocation of public financing qualifies as aid to commercial activity the norms for the control of the aid to commercial activity will be applied.

All the units of State, local government, including State capital companies and local government capital companies, and private bodies, and also non-governmental sports organisations are encouraged to closely cooperate in the implementation of the Guidelines to provide possibilities for the formation of a healthy, physically and mentally developed personality and to promote long-term development of the Latvian society and country.

The MoES will develop the Plan for the Implementation of the Guidelines 2023-2027 and submit it for examination to the Cabinet by 31 December 2022. The MoES will also develop the mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the Guidelines and submit it for examination to the Cabinet by 1 July 2025.

Objective of Sports Policy

The mission of the sports policy is to increase the number of people who are physically active and involved in sports for a more athletic Latvia.

The vision of the sports policy is a fair development of the sports system oriented to the development of the sports sector as the basis for the implementation of the sports policy.

The leading motive of the sports policy defined in the Guidelines is - sports for the quality of life and health.

The objective for the development of the Guidelines is to promote regular participation of inhabitants in physical activities, to develop talents and create preconditions for the achievement of excellent results in sports.

The following sub-objectives are specified for the achievement of the sports policy objective defined in the Guidelines:

1. to establish a financing management and administrative management model of the sports sector which is oriented to the systemic development;

2. to promote the availability and development of the sports infrastructure;5

3. to promote the physical activity and interest in sports of all inhabitants;

4. to create a competitive environment for the development of high achievement sports.6

The following action directions have been defined in order to achieve the sports policy objectives defined in the Guidelines:

1. the improvement of the financing management and administrative management model of the sports sector;

2. the development of sports infrastructure;

3. sports for active and healthy society;

4. sports for excellence - development of youth sports, talents and high achievement sports.

Sports Policy Directions:

1. Children and young people sports - to provide possibilities for every child and young person to participate in sports classes by applying such types of physical activities which correspond to his or her physical preparedness and interests7.

2. Grassroots sports - to provide the possibility for every inhabitant to engage in regular physical activities and health-enhancing sporting events, and also to raise awareness of inhabitants about the importance of physical activities for maintaining and strengthening health.

3. High achievement sports - to ensure that high level athletes and national teams (including in team sports games) could prepare for the Olympic Games, world cups, world and European championships, mental sports games of the world level and participate therein (qualification tournaments and final competitions of sports games).

In addition to the abovementioned three directions of the sports policy, there is also the transversal direction - parasports and adapted sports - which intends to ensure that persons with disabilities could practice sports based on their interests and capability to participate in adapted physical activities, and also to ensure aid for the training and participation of the best athletes with disabilities in Paralympic Games, Deaflympics, and also in the world and European championships.

From the abovementioned sports policy directions, priority is given to the development of children and young people sports.

Sports Policy Target Groups:

• Children and young people

• All inhabitants who engage in physical activities

• All inhabitants who are interested in sports and related activities

• Athletes with high achievements

• Sports specialists

• Excellent former athletes, trainers, sports employees

• Persons with disabilities who are directly participating in sports clubs, adapted sports federations and sports federations which cooperate with LPC in sports

• Persons who provide material support to the development of sports sector

• Volunteers

Sports Policy Action Directions and Tasks

1. Action direction: improvement of the financing management and administrative management model of the sports sector8
Task Deadline (year) Responsible authority Involved authorities
1.1. To develop new Sports Law (or amendments to the existing Sports Law) by determining improved general and legal basis for the organisation and development of sports, the authority and basic tasks of sports organisations, State and local government authorities in sports development, and also by establishing a new financing management and administrative management model of the sports sector. 2023 MoES LOC








1.2. [PRIORITY]9 To implement the reform of the financing management and administrative management model of the sports sector by significantly reducing the number of organisations involved in the administration of the State budget funds intended for the sports sector (by ensuring that a sports federation receives financing for its main activity from one organisation under one contract), and also by strengthening the role of a recognised sports federation in the management of the State budget funds intended for the relevant sports type. 2022-2023 MoES LOC




1.3. [PRIORITY] To include in the sports financing model an approach based on the priorities in sports defined in the Guidelines and determine their support mechanism. 2022-2023 MoES LOC




1.4. To make an assessment of enhanced possibilities for the attraction of additional funding sources to sports sector from the planned State budget revenues of the current year, for example from the excise duty for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, revenue from lotteries tax and gambling tax, and also to promote attraction of private capital funding sources to sports sector and to assess the need for the establishment of a State sports fund. 2023 MoES MoF








1.5. To continue to develop national lotteries for the support of sports which provide that a part of the profit from the organisation of national lotteries is directed to sports sector programmes for public interest purposes. 2022-2027 MoF SJSC "Latvijas Loto"


1.6. To assess the possibilites to enhance mechanisms for the compensation of the costs of sports and physical activities, for example, by submitting the annual personal income tax return in order to make sports and physical activities more financially accessible. 2023 MoES MoF



1.7. To establish a unified State sports register by compiling and providing in an interactive manner information on the number of people involved in sports at different levels who are engaged in recognised sports federations and other sports organisations and institutions, sports education programmes, sports specialists, sports bases, the granted public (including from local governments) financing and the financing additionally attracted by sports organisations, other statistical information, and also by ensuring the acquisition of the data necessary for the calculation of the State sports budget financing. To ensure that the register can also be used for the mapping of sports services and infrastructure and the establishment of regional coordination system in order to develop and make efficient use of the sports infrastructure, and to invest in the creation of new infrastructure. 2023-2027 MoES MoEPRD






1.8. [PRIORITY] To review and improve the system of criteria for the financing of sports organisations from the State budget funds, including by providing an obligation for the recipient of financing to ensure in its everyday work principles of good governance and social responsibility within a certain framework. 2022 MoES LOC




2. Action direction: development of sports infrastructure
Task Deadline (year) Responsible authority Involved authorities
2.1. To assess the importance and influence of the sports infrastructure by identifying the sports bases of national significance, defining financial support mechanisms for the sports infrastructure objects to be supported as a priority in order to promote sustainability, workload and economically viable operation of objects. 2022 MoES MoF

MoEPRD, local governments



2.2. [PRIORITY] To develop and implement strategy for the development of the sports infrastructure (on support for construction and maintenance) in accordance with data analysis and available financial resources by promoting the sustainability and economically viable operation of sports infrastructure.10 2023 (development)

2024-2027 (implementation)

MoES Local governments



2.3. To financially support the maintenance of the sports bases of national significance, including gradually also regional Olympic centres (by granting grants from the State budget) in accordance with the reviewed database of sports infrastructure objects and assessment of their operation by promoting sustainability and economically viable operation of the objects through the development of a medium-term support plan. To strengthen the legal status of regional Olympic centres and determine long-term objectives for their operation.11 2022-2027 MoES MoF


Local governments


2.4. To improve the management of the sports bases under the control of the State12 by ensuring centralisation of management functions, and also establishing the consultative council with the participation of sports organisations. 2022 MoES Sports bases under the control of the State
2.5. To develop public and private partnership cooperation model with the objective to promote the investment of private and public capital in facilitating the sports infrastructure development. 2024 MoES MoF


Local governments

2.6. To support adaptation of the sports infrastructure in local governments, its renewal for free access, and also establishment of free access sports grounds in accordance with the strategy for the development of sports infrastructure. 2023-2027 MoEPRD MoES

Local governments

3. Action direction: sports and physical activities for active and healthy society
Task Deadline (year) Responsible authority Involved authorities
3.1. [PRIORITY] To ensure the availability of sports interest-related education programmes in all general education institutions so that educatees of grades1-12 could engage in physical activities after the end of lessons included in the basic education and general secondary education programmes. 2023-2027 MoES NCE

Local governments

General education institutions

3.2. [PRIORITY] To implement the programme "Safety on the Water": to develop and introduce learning content for training on swimming skills and water competence in general education institutions (programme "Water Competences") by concurrently ensuring the introduction and completion of two-year water competence programme for primary school educatees of general education institutions through the provision of State financing.13 2023-2027 MoES NCE



Local governments

General education institutions


3.3. To financially support the introduction of sports classes for the 1st and 2nd year full-time students of all higher education institutions with or without granting credit points, or assessment (passed or failed). 2024-2027 MoES Higher education institutions and colleges


3.4. To provide vocation in-service training courses to sports teachers of pre-school and general education institutions for the implementation of the content of the study field "Health and Physical Activities" and organising sports activities for children and young people, including integration of movement based environment in learning process and teaching values through sports activities. 2023-2027 NCE MoH


Local governments
Pre-school and general, special education institutions


3.5. [PRIORITY] Definition of the criteria for granting the financing, including based on the number of participants, and systematic financial aid for organising sports and active lifestyle events for children, young people, students, adults, seniors and persons with functional disorders, thus promoting the development of inclusive and socially responsible sports sector.14 2023-2027 MoES Local governments




Recognised sports federations



3.6. To undertake studies (including within the framework of the State Research Programme in Sports) in the field of children and young people sports, student, grassroots sports, senior sports, mental sports, parasports and adapted sports.15 2023-2027 MoES LASE







3.7. To implement measures for the involvement of inhabitants in volunteer work in the sports sector.16 2023-2027 MoES NGO



Local governments



3.8. To ensure availability of historical values of Latvian sports to the public, and also to promote the development of innovative technologies and solutions for sports and physical activities for the target groups of children, young people, students, adults, seniors and persons with functional disorders, and to provide financial aid for the implementation of the selected ideas.17 2022-2027 LSM MoES





3.9. To establish and financially support the supporting materials for methodological work in sports education. 2022-2027 NCE MoES



3.10. To strengthen cooperation with diaspora in order to attract new talents, to promote investments, international cooperation and innovations, and also to support caring for grassroots sports traditions in diaspora.18 2022-2027 MoES ELA

Diaspora organisations

Recognised sports federations



4. Action direction: sports for excellence - development of youth sports, talents and high achievement sports
Task Deadline (year) Responsible authority Involved authorities
4.1. [PRIORITY] To financially support the training of talented adolescent and adult athletes and national teams (including team sports games) for the Olympic Games, world and European championships (also selection tournaments), and also other comparable sporting events and their participation therein.19 2022-2027 MoES MoI




Recognised sports federations

Local governments

4.2. [PRIORITY] To financially support training of talented adolescent and adult athletes with disabilities and national teams (including team sports games) for the Paralympic Games, European and world championships (also selection tournaments), and also other comparable sports measures and their participation therein.20 2022-2027 MoES MoW


Adapted sports federations




Sports federations

Local governments

4.3. To promote operation of recognised sports federations in organising Latvian championships and other sports competitions of national level in all age groups.21 2022-2027 MoES LSFC

Recognised sports federations

4.4. To strengthen the leading role of recognised sports federations in the implementation of high category achievement sports programmes, and also participation in the development and implementation supervision of the vocational orientation sports education programmes corresponding thereto.22 2022-2027 MoES Local governments




Recognised sports federations

4.5. To raise awareness of the persons involved in the sports sector about principles of sports integrity and fair game, antidoping, and also tackling manipulations in sports. 2022-2027 MoES LAB



Recognised sports federations

Educational institutions


4.6. [PRIORITY] To ensure State co-financing for the remuneration of trainers for the implementation of vocational orientation sports eduction programmes by concurrently improving grant allocation procedures and criteria, and also by improving the quality and efficiency of the implementation of vocational orientation sports education programmes, including to assess the objectives, tasks, functions and influence of the system of vocational orientation sports education institutions, and to develop a medium-term development plan.23 2022-2027 MoES Local governments




Recognised sports federations

4.7. To improve the implementation of further education programmes and raising of the qualification of sports specialists (trainers), certification systems and procedures for the control of sports specialists (trainers), and also to provide administrative liability for non-compliance with the regulations for the certification of sports specialists (for both the employer and employee) in laws and regulations. 2023 MoES SEQS





4.8. To financially support organising of international sporting events (including international sporting events of national significance) and complex sporting events of national significance for young people and adults in Latvia by ensuring support mechanisms from the State budget,determining priority sporting events and amount of the support, planning international sporting events in long term for a period of 2-3 years according to unified criteria, and also to attract private capital for organising international events, thus enhancing tourism and entrepreneurship.24 2022-2027 MoES MoE




Recognised sports federations

4.9. To ensure sufficient number of doping control measures by cooperating with sports federations in requesting doping controls, and also to promote antidoping education in the field of sports. 2022-2027 LAB MoH




Recognised sports federations


Local governments

4.10. To introduce a new system for granting money awards for excellent achievements in sports, and also to improve and review support system for former excellent athletes, trainers and sports employees. 2022-2027 MoES LOC




4.11. To promote the use of sports technologies in high achievement sports and achieving excellent results, including by supporting athletes (especially educatees of vocational orientation sports education institutions) and sports employees, support staff of athletes and sports trainers in regular application of digital skills, by raising awareness about the importance of sports technologies in modern sports; to introduce system for the assessment of the growth of new athletes by using information technologies, to facilitate the establishment of the sports science and research platform and cross-disciplinary sports science studies (including within the framework of the State Research Programme in Sports) through innovations.25 2023-2027 MoES MoE









Professional orientation sports education institutions

Undertakings of IT sector and high technologies

Recognised sports federations

4.12. To improve the criteria for the admission of athletes to the State financed athlete aid programmes (including aid programmes for youth sports, paralympic sports and paraatheltes) by adapting them to the specifics of each sports type and the specific nature of the individual competition and training process of each athlete by focusing on the achievement of excellent results in the long-term. 2023 LOC LPC



4.13. To improve the operation of the MSG (by assessing the efficiency of the sports types to be developed and potential of educatees for the achievement of excellent results in sports), and also by offering the possibilities of dual career in cooperation with higher education institutions.26 2022-2027 MoES MSG



Recognised sports federations

4.14. To improve legal framework for the sports activities of professional athletes (including in the field of labour law) in conformity with the specifics of the activity of professional athlete. 2022-2023 MoES MoW




4.15. To improve and strengthen social protection of professional athletes and other high category athletes. 2023-2027 MoES LOC


4.16. To establish a system for the support of high category athletes in the interior and defence bodies, and also to promote dual career in sports. 2023-2027 MoES MoI




4.17. To support granting of sports scholarships in order to promote dual career in sports.27 2022-2027 MoES LSFC

Higher education institutions and colleges

4.18. To promote further development of the system for the centres preparing high category athletes by concurrently increasing the role of recognised sports federations in the implementation of the aid programme. 2022-2027 MoES Recognised sports federations


Local governments

1 NDP2027 [358]

2 NDP2027 [375]

3 Available at: http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/api/file/file9175156752398507002.docx

4 Linkage with NDP2027 [359]

5 Linkage with NDP2027 [380]

6 Linkage with NDP2027 [3750 and 372]

7 Local governments are entitled to take into account the sports infrastructure available in its administrative territory and existing sports traditions to provide the possibilities.

8 Linkage with NDP2027 [381]

9 Due to limited financial resources and influence of other circumstances, the tasks the performance of which is a priority in the relevant action direction have the note [PRIORITY] in square brackets

10 Linkage with NDP2027 [380] and measure No. 433

11 Linkage with NDP2027 [380] and measure No. 433

12 LLC Bobsleigh and Luge Track "Sigulda", LLC Tennis Centre "Lielupe", LLC Sports Centre "Mežaparks" and SLLC Culture and Sports Centre "Daugavas stadions".

13 Linkage with NDP2027 [442]

14 Linkage with NDP2027 [367]

15 Linkage with NDP2027 [140 and 375] and measure No. 382

16 Linkage with NDP2027 [368]

17 Linkage with NDP2027 [140, 370 and 375]

18 Linkage with NDP2027 [370]

19 Linkage with NDP2027 [381] and measure No. 434

20 Linkage with NDP2027 [385 and 369] and measure No. 434.

21 Linkage with NDP2027 [314] and measure No. 435.

22 Linkage with NDP2027 [385] and measure No. 436.

23 Linkage with the NDP2027 [369 and 371]

24 Linkage with NDP2027 [359, 378, 379 and 384] and measure No. 435.

25 Linkage with NDP2027 [140 and 375] and measure No. 382

26 Linkage with NDP2027 [375 and 385] and measure No. 436

27 Linkage with NDP2027 [375 and 385] and measure No. 436

Minister for Education and Science A. Muižniece

Translation © 2022 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Par Sporta politikas pamatnostādnēm 2022.–2027. gadam Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: order Document number: 397Adoption: 31.05.2022.Entry into force: 31.05.2022.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 107, 03.06.2022. OP number: 2022/107.7

Policy planning document Title: Sporta politikas pamatnostādnes 2022.-2027. gadam Type: guidelinesField of politics: Tourism, sports and leisure activities policy Responsible authority: Ministry of Education and Science
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