Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 14.07.2012.–09.08.2018. Amendments not included: 07.08.2018.
Regulations Regarding Plant Protection Product Application EquipmentIssued pursuant
to I. General Provisions1. This Regulation prescribes: 1.1. the procedure by which the inspections of plant protection product application equipment (hereinafter - equipment) shall be performed, and the time periods for these inspections; 1.2. the procedure by which a certificate shall be issued for: 1.2.1. the performers of the inspections of equipment; and 1.2.2. the inspected equipment; 1.3. the requirements for equipment; 1.4. exceptions in respect of the inspections of equipment; and 1.5. the procedure for the recognition of certificates issued in another European Union Member State. 2. This Regulation shall not apply to handheld application equipment and knapsack sprayers. 3. Supervision and control of this Regulation shall be performed by the State Plant Protection Service (hereinafter - Service). II. Procedure by Which a Certificate Shall be Issued to the Performer of the Inspection of Equipment4. A person who has received a certificate (Annex 1) issued by the Service shall perform the inspections of equipment. 5. The Service shall issue a certificate if the person wishing to perform inspections conforms to the following conditions: 5.1. is accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau of the limited liability company "Standardisation, Accreditation and Metrology Centre" or in another accreditation institution of a European Union Member State in compliance with the Standard LVS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2005 "General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection"; 5.2. has trained personnel at the disposal thereof for the inspection of equipment; 5.3. has no commercial interests in advertising or distributing the equipment and the repair parts thereof; and 5.4. the person has the technical means with which to engrave an identification number on to the inspected equipment. 6. In order to receive a certificate, a person shall file a submission with the Service in writing (Annex 2) and append confirmation thereto that: 6.1. he or she has trained personnel at the disposal thereof for the inspection of equipment; and 6.2. he or she has no commercial interests in advertising or distributing the equipment and the repair parts thereof. 7. Within one month following the receipt of the submission, the Service shall verify the compliance of the person with the conditions referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation, take a decision regarding the issuance of a certificate and issue a certificate for a time period not exceeding that indicated in the accreditation certificate, as well as issue the labels - equipment certificates (hereinafter - label) - required for performing the inspections. The Service shall take a decision regarding a refusal to issue a certificate, if the person does not comply with the requirements of this Regulation. 8. If the information indicated in the submission is incomplete or if the person does not comply with the requirements of this Regulation, but it is possible to rectify the non-conformities detected, the Service shall request in writing that the person updates the information or rectifies the deficiencies, indicating the deadline for the rectification thereof. 9. The Service shall continue to review the submission after the person has rectified the deficiencies or updated the information. 10. If the person does not perform the activities referred to in Paragraph 8 of this Regulation within the time period specified by the Service, the Service shall take a decision regarding the refusal to issue a certificate. 11. The Service shall re-register a certificate, by issuing it with the previous registration number, if the information indicated in the certificate changes. 12. In order to re-register a certificate, a person shall file a submission in writing and submit the previous certificate to the Service. 13. The Service shall cancel a certificate if the person performing the inspection: 13.1. has provided false information in order to receive the certificate; 13.2. has lost accreditation; 13.3. when performing the inspection, has violated the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 5.3 or Paragraphs 20 or 29 of this Regulation; or 13.4. has submitted a request to cancel the certificate. 14. Within five working days following the determination of the conditions referred to in Paragraph 13 of this Regulation, the Service shall take a decision regarding the cancellation of the certificate and notify the performer of the inspection thereof. 15. The Service shall publish the list of the performers of the inspections on the website thereof indicating the name of the performer of the inspection, their legal address, telephone number, e-mail address, accreditation certificate number, certificate number and period of validity. 16. A person shall cover the costs which are related to the issue of the certificate and labels in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the price list for the paid services provided by the Service. III. Procedure for the Inspection of Equipment17. The possessor of equipment shall request an inspection by a performer of inspections and agree on a date, place and time for the inspection. 18. The possessor of equipment shall prepare the equipment for inspection: 18.1. by washing and rinsing the equipment and water filtering components; 18.2. for equipment whose tank volume is less than 300 litres, filling it halfway with fresh water, and the other equipment, with a minimum of 300 litres of fresh water; and 18.3. attaching the equipment to a tractor (except for self-propelled sprayers). 19. Upon request by the possessor of the equipment, the performer of the inspection shall ensure that the possessor of the equipment does not have to move the equipment more than 15 kilometres to the place of the inspection. 20. The inspection shall be performed no closer than 50 metres from reservoirs. 21. If the possessor of equipment has not ensured the implementation of the requirements referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation, the performer of the inspection is entitled to refuse to perform the inspection and shall agree with the possessor of the equipment regarding a different time for the inspection. 22. The performer of the inspection shall inspect the compliance of the equipment with the requirements referred to in Chapter IV of this Regulation in accordance with the criteria specified in Annex 3 to this Regulation. 23. The inspection results shall be indicated: 23.1. in the inspection report on plant protection product application equipment intended for spraying field crops (Annex 4); and 23.2. in the inspection report on plant protection product application equipment intended for spraying trees and bushes (Annex 5). 24. Two copies of the inspection report shall be prepared, of which one shall be kept by the performer of the inspection and the other by the possessor of the equipment. 25. Documents regarding the inspection of equipment shall be kept by: 25.1. the performer of the inspection - for at least five years; and 25.2. the possessor of the equipment - until the next inspection. 26. If the equipment complies with the requirements of this Regulation, the performer of the inspection shall stick a label on to the right hand side of the equipment tank. 27. The label shall be made of waterproof material, be non-detachable and the certificate number, date of the performance of the inspection and date of the next inspection shall be indicated thereon. 28. The performer of the inspection shall record the labels issued and keep the accounting document for at least five years. 29. A label shall not be issued if at least one significant defect or at least six insignificant defects are detected during the inspection in accordance with the criteria referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation. The performer of the inspection and the possessor of the equipment shall agree mutually regarding the time for the performance of a repeated inspection. 30. The equipment to be inspected shall be identified by the equipment identification number allocated to it by the manufacturer and indicated on the equipment. 31. If the equipment has no identification number, the performer of the inspection shall allocate one during the first inspection. The identification number shall be comprised of the certificate number of the specific performer of the inspection, a slash and the number of the order allocated to the performer of the inspection. The performer of the inspection shall engrave the allocated identification number onto the equipment. 32. Within two working days following the inspection, the performer of the inspection shall enter the information regarding the inspected equipment and the inspection results into the Plant Protection Product Application Equipment Register of the State Information System for Monitoring of Agricultural Plants (hereinafter - Register). 33. The Service shall establish and maintain the Register. The manufacturer of the equipment, the model, type (mountable, attachable, self-propelling), the working width in metres, the identification number, year of manufacture, the given name, surname or name of the possessor of the equipment, the name and registration number of the performer of the inspection, the given name and surname of the employee having performed the inspection, the date of the inspection, the date of the next inspection and the inspection results shall be indicated in the Register. 34. The costs related to the inspection of the equipment shall be covered by the possessor of the equipment in accordance with the price list approved by the certified performer of the inspection. IV. Requirements for the Plant Protection Product Equipment35. The performer of the inspection shall inspect the compliance of equipment with the requirements specified in this Chapter. 36. All the equipment units shall be in good technical condition, free of damage. 37. The drive shaft has an appropriate, undamaged guard which is secured so that it cannot be rotated and operates without interruption. 38. The pump shall ensure an even operating pressure and mixing. The body of the pump and air chamber are in good technical condition with no leakage of liquids (this shall be inspected at an operating pressure of 7 bars). 39. The working fluid tank, the filling hatch and drain valve have no leakage of fluids. The filling hatch sieve and rubber seal are undamaged. The level indicator of the working fluid tank and drain valve are in working order. During mixing, the even mixing of working fluid with no addition of air (foaming) shall be ensured. During spraying the equipment shall be equipped with a tank of fresh water for the washing of hands and face. The mixing container of the plant protection products shall operate as the manufacturer intended it. 40. The filter casings and filtering components are in good technical condition with no leakage of fluids. The sizes of the filtering components conform to the sizes specified by the manufacturer. 41. The measuring and control devices have no leakages. The manometer scale is clearly legible in the entire range (deviation of + 0,25 bars from the norm is permissible in the manometer pressure). During operation the control devices can be reached easily and ensure the simultaneous switching on or switching off of all nozzles as well as of each separate section. If the equipment is equipped with an analogous manometer, there is ventilation in the body of the manometer. 42. The pipes are of an appropriate material and diameter, with no cracks and no leakages of fluid (inspected at an operating pressure of 7 bars), and during spraying they do not hang down into the area of spraying. 43. The bar linkage frame has no mechanical defects, backlash or fluctuations in the horizontal and vertical plane. The protective and stability devices work as intended by the manufacturer. The bar height regulating devices are in working order. 44. The forced air-flow system and the components thereof are functional, undamaged, there are no leakages of fluid therein and it ensures a stable and constant flow of air. The blower may be switched off separately from the other equipment devices. 45. On the flat spray of the bar the nozzles are properly installed and are of an equal size and type. The nozzle casings are undamaged and have no leakages. The nozzle spray is even and, when spraying stops, there is no dripping from the nozzles. The possessor of the equipment shall inspect each set of nozzles at least once a season, determining its flow. V. Procedure for the Recognition of Certificates Issued in another European Union Member State46. The Service shall recognise a certificate issued for equipment in another European Union Member State, recognising the inspection of the equipment performed in another European Union Member State (hereinafter - recognition of inspection), if the intervals between inspections referred to in this Regulation have been observed. 47. A person shall file a submission with the Service in writing with a request to recognise an inspection performed in another European Union Member State. A certificate issued by a competent authority of another European Union Member State which certifies that the equipment has been inspected in the respective Member State and complies with the requirements of this Regulation shall be appended to the submission. A translation of the certificate into Latvian shall be appended thereto. 48. Within 10 days the Service shall verify whether the requirement referred to in Paragraph 47 of this Regulation has been observed, and take a decision regarding the recognition of the inspection if the intervals between inspections referred to in this Regulation have been observed. 49. The Service shall issue a decision regarding the recognition of inspection in writing for a period not exceeding that indicated in the certificate issued by another European Union Member State. 50. A person shall cover the costs which are related to the recognition of inspection in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the price list for the paid services provided by the Service. VI. Closing Provisions51. The possessor of the equipment shall ensure that all pieces of equipment have been inspected at least once until 26 November 2016. 52. The following intervals between inspection shall be applied to the inspections of second-hand equipment: 52.1. for the first and second inspection of equipment to be inspected for the first time in 2013 - five years, and for subsequent inspections - three years; 52.2. for the first inspection of equipment to be inspected for the first time in 2014 - five years, for the second inspection - four years, and for subsequent inspections - three years; 52.3. for the first inspection of equipment to be inspected for the first time in 2015 - five years, and for subsequent inspections - three years; 52.4. for the first inspection of equipment to be inspected for the first time in 2016 - four years, and for subsequent inspections - three years; and 52.5. for equipment to be inspected for the first time after 2016 - three years. 53. For the first inspection of a new equipment (equipment which has been manufactured in the year of the request for the inspection and which is certified by a document issued by the manufacturer) a five year interval between inspections shall be applied irrespective of the year of the performance of the inspection. 54. Sub-paragraphs 5.2 and 6.1 of this Regulation shall come into force on 26 November 2013. 55. The requirements referred to in Chapters III, IV and V of this Regulation shall be applied from 1 January 2013. Informative Reference to the European Union DirectiveThis Regulation includes norms arising from Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma
Annex 1 Information to be Included in the Certificate of the Performer of Inspection1. The issuer of the certificate. 2. Name of the document. 3. Certificate number. 4. Name, registration number and address of the performer of the inspection. 5. Decision regarding the rights to perform inspections. 6. Date of granting of the certificate. 7. Given name, surname, position and signature of the person taking the decision. Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma
Annex 2 Contents of Submission1. Institution to which the submission is addressed - State Plant Protection Service. 2. Name, registration number and address of the applicant. 3. Contact information - given name, surname, telephone number and e-mail address. 4. Request to issue a certificate regarding the rights to perform the inspections of plant protection product application equipment. 5. List of documents appended to the submission certifying the implementation of the requirements determined in this Regulation. 6. Given name, surname and signature of person filing the submission, date. Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma
Annex 3 Criteria for Evaluating the Requirements for the Inspection of Plant Protection Product (PPP) Application Equipment
Note. *If the manufacturer has provided this for the respective equipment. Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma
Annex 4 Inspection Report on Plant Protection Product (PPP) Application Equipment Intended for Field CropsI. General Information
II. General Requirements
Note. *If the manufacturer has provided this for the respective equipment. III. Functional
No. |
Regulation Paragraph |
Requirement |
Required |
Actual |
Difference, bars |
52. |
Paragraph 41 |
Manometer inspection |
2 bars |
53. |
Nozzle flow l/min (to two decimal places) at an operating pressure of 2 bars |
Nozzle No. |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
Flow l/min |
Nozzle No. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
16. |
17. |
18. |
19. |
20. |
21. |
22. |
23. |
24. |
Flow l/min |
Nozzle No. |
25. |
26. |
27. |
28. |
29. |
30. |
31. |
32. |
33. |
34. |
35. |
36. |
Flow l/min |
Nozzle No. |
37. |
38. |
39. |
40. |
41. |
42. |
43. |
44. |
45. |
46. |
47. |
48. |
Flow l/min |
Note. Measurements of nozzle flow are measured from the left side of the bar to the right side.
Average nozzle flow ____________l/min (to two decimal places)
Standard nozzle flow and permissible deviations according to ISO standard, l/min at a pressure of 2 bars
Nozzle size |
Standard flow |
with - 5% |
with + 5% |
with - 15 % |
with + 15 % |
015 (green) |
0,49 |
0,47 |
0,51 |
0,42 |
0,56 |
02 (yellow) |
0,65 |
0,62 |
0,68 |
0,55 |
0,75 |
025 (violet) |
0,82 |
0,78 |
0,86 |
0,70 |
0,94 |
03 (blue) |
0,98 |
0,93 |
1,03 |
0,83 |
1,13 |
04 (brown) |
1,31 |
1,24 |
1,38 |
1,11 |
1,51 |
Average nozzle flow |
within ± 5% limits |
not within ± 5% limits |
Flow of some nozzles |
within ± 15 % limits |
not within ± 15 % limits |
Nozzle No._______needs replacing
Representative of the performer of the inspection |
(signature) |
(given name, surname) |
I agree/disagree with the inspection report (delete as applicable)
Notes, where there is disagreement with the assessment
Possessor of the plant protection product application equipment |
(signature) |
(given name, surname) |
Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma
Annex 5
Regulation No. 491
10 July 2012
1. Performer of the inspection |
2. Possessor of the equipment |
3. Address of the owner |
4. Date of performance of the inspection |
5. Address of performance of the inspection |
6. Manufacturer_______________________ 7. Identification No. __________________ 8. Working width (m)_______________ |
9. Model______________________________ 10. Year of manufacture_______________ 11. Volume of working fluid tank (l)______ |
12. Notes |
mountable |
attachable |
self-propelling* |
13. Readiness of plant protection product application equipment for inspection |
Yes |
No |
13.1. |
washed |
13.2. |
working fluid tank rinsed out |
13.3. |
working fluid tank filled with fresh water (at least 300 l) |
13.4. |
attached to a tractor* |
13.5. |
prepared for inspection |
No. |
Regulation Paragraph |
Requirement |
Conforms |
Does not conform |
Not verifiable |
Visual Inspection of Non-activated Plant Protection Product Application Equipment |
Drive Shaft |
1. |
Paragraph 37 |
The drive shaft has an appropriate guard* |
2. |
The drive shaft guard is undamaged and has been secured to prevent rotating* |
Pump |
3. |
Paragraph 38 |
There are no cracks in the pump casing |
4. |
The casing and valve of the air chamber are undamaged* |
Working fluid Tank |
5. |
Paragraph 39 |
There is no leakage of fluid from the working fluid tank |
6. |
The level indicator of the working fluid tank is working* |
7. |
The filling hatch sieve is undamaged |
8. |
The rubber packing ring of the filling hatch is undamaged |
9. |
The mixing nozzles of the working fluid tank are not aimed towards the suction hose opening |
10. |
All the return pipe ends reach the bottom of the working fluid tank |
11. |
The drain valve of the working fluid tank is working* |
12. |
The equipment is equipped with a tank of fresh water for the washing of hands and face* |
13. |
The mixing tank of the plant protection product is undamaged* |
14. |
The mixing tank of the plant protection product has a grille* |
Filters |
15. |
The size of the filtering component of the pressure pipe filter is 80 M or at least 50 M |
16. |
The size of the filtering component of the section filter is 100 M* |
17. |
The filtering components of the filters are undamaged |
Measuring and Control Devices |
18. |
Paragraph 41 |
The casing of the manometer has ventilation* |
19. |
The manometer scale is clearly legible and has a range of at least 1-7 bars and/or 0,1-0,7 MPa* |
Pipes and Connections |
20. |
Paragraph 42 |
The lead pipes of all sections are of the same diameter |
21. |
There are no cracks in the pipes |
Nozzles and their Casings |
22. |
Paragraph 45 |
The nozzles are of the same size and type |
Visual Inspection of Activated Plant Protection Product Application Equipment |
23. |
Paragraph 37 |
The drive shaft operates continuously |
24. |
Paragraph 38 |
There is no leakage of liquid from the pump (dripping), when operating it at a pressure of 7 bars |
25. |
The pressure in the system is even |
26. |
There is no leakage of liquid from the air chamber* |
27. |
Ensures agitation at a working pressure of 3 bars |
28. |
Paragraph 41 |
There is no leakage of fluid from the measuring or control devices |
29. |
During spraying the control devices can be reached and operated* |
30. |
It is possible to switch on and switch off the working fluid feed simultaneously on all sections |
31. |
The valves regulating working pressure, liquid flow transfer and section pressure uniformity are working |
32. |
It is possible to feed the working fluid to each section separately* |
33. |
The actually measured error of the manometer is not greater than + 0,25 bars or 0,025 MPa |
34. |
Paragraph 40 |
The filter casings are undamaged and are hermetically sealed |
35. |
The filtering components of the filters are undamaged and clean |
36. |
Paragraph 39 |
The mixer of the PPP mixing tank is working* |
37. |
PPP package rinsing device is working* |
38. |
Paragraph 42 |
There is no leakage of liquid from pipes and connections at a pressure of 7 bars |
39. |
During operation the pipes and other parts of the PPP application equipment are not located in the spraying area, unless this is functionally required |
40. |
Paragraph 44 |
The forced air-flow system has no leakages and its components are undamaged* |
41. |
The blower is working and may be switched off separately from the other equipment devices*. |
42. |
Productivity of the blower ensures functioning of the system* |
43. |
The air-flow deviation system (forwards and backwards) (master cam) is working* |
44. |
Paragraph 45 |
The nozzle spray is visually even |
45. |
Paragraph 45 |
The nozzle filters are undamaged |
46. |
Paragraph 45 |
The nozzle casings are undamaged and have no leakages |
47. |
There are no leakages from the universal multi-nozzle holder casing |
48. |
The nozzles do not drip upon interruption of the working fluid feed |
Note. *If the manufacturer has provided this for the respective equipment.
No. |
Regulation Paragraph |
Requirement |
Required |
Actual |
Difference, bars |
49. |
Paragraph 41 |
Manometer inspection |
2 bars |
50. |
Nozzle flow l/min (to two decimal places) at an operating pressure of 2 bars |
Nozzle No. |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
Flow l/min |
Nozzle No. |
13. |
14. |
15. |
16. |
17. |
18. |
19. |
20. |
21. |
22. |
23. |
24. |
Flow l/min |
Nozzle No. |
25. |
26. |
27. |
28. |
29. |
30. |
31. |
32. |
33. |
34. |
35. |
36. |
Flow l/min |
Average nozzle flow ____________l/min (to two decimal places)
Standard nozzle flow and permissible deviations according to ISO standard, l/min at a pressure of 2 bars
Nozzle size |
Standard flow |
with - 5% |
with + 5% |
with - 15 % |
with + 15 % |
015 (green) |
0,49 |
0,47 |
0,51 |
0,42 |
0,56 |
02 (yellow) |
0,65 |
0,62 |
0,68 |
0,55 |
0,75 |
025 (violet) |
0,82 |
0,78 |
0,86 |
0,70 |
0,94 |
03 (blue) |
0,98 |
0,93 |
1,03 |
0,83 |
1,13 |
04 (brown) |
1,31 |
1,24 |
1,38 |
1,11 |
1,51 |
Average nozzle flow |
within ± 5% limits |
not within ± 5% limits |
Flow of some nozzles |
within ± 15 % limits |
not within ± 15 % limits |
Nozzle No._______needs replacing
Representative of the performer of the inspection |
(signature) |
(given name, surname) |
_______________________ ________________________
I agree/disagree with the inspection report (delete as applicable)
Notes, where there is disagreement with the report
Possessor of the plant protection product application equipment |
(signature) |
(given name, surname) |
Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma
Translation © 2013 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)