Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 07.03.2014.–08.09.2015.
Amendments not included: 01.09.2015., 31.01.2017., 28.05.2019., 21.01.2020.
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

16 April 2013 [shall come into force from 1 May 2013];
4 March 2014 [shall come into force from 7 March 2014].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 485
Adopted 21 June 2011

Procedures for the Management of Certain Types of Hazardous Waste

Issued pursuant to
Section 17, Paragraph eight and Section 36 of the Waste Management Law

I. General Provision

1. This Regulation prescribes:

1.1. the procedures, by which waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls, waste oil products, waste batteries and accumulators and waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall be managed;

1.2. the requirements to be set for the collection, treatment and recycling of battery and accumulator waste;

1.3. the volumes and time limits for collection and recycling of waste batteries and accumulators, and also the procedures for providing a report on the performance of such activities.

II. Management of Waste Containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Polychlorinated Terphenyls

2. Waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls is such waste that contains polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls, monomethyl-tetrachlorodiphenylmethane, monomethyl-dichlorodiphenylmethane, monomethyl-dibromodiphenylmethane or any mixture containing more than 0.005% of any of the abovementioned substances (by weight).

3. The manager or possessor shall store waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls separate from highly flammable articles, chemical substances and chemical products, in order to avert the threat of a fire hazard.

4. It is prohibited to incinerate waste containing polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated terphenyls on ships.

5. Untreated equipment (for example, transformers, capacitator batteries, containers) which contain or have contained polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls may only be disposed at hazardous waste landfills, which have obtained a permit for Category A polluting activity in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding pollution, if the disposal of the untreated equipment does not create greater environmental pollution than incineration.

III. Management of Waste Oil Products

6. Waste oil products are waste oils and other waste containing oil products.

7. Waste oils are any lubricants and industrial oils of mineral or synthetic origin (for example, used internal combustion engine and gearbox oil, mineral lubricants, turbine oils and hydraulic oils) that have become unfit for use for their original purpose of use.

8. The manager or possessor of waste oil products shall ensure collection of waste oil products separately from other types of waste, if it is technically possible and conforms to the conditions of the obtained permit for Category A or B polluting activity or of the waste management permit.

9. The manager or possessor of waste oil products shall ensure fulfilment of the following requirements, if the abovementioned activities are technically possible, economically feasible, and also conform to the conditions of the obtained permit for Category A or B polluting activity or of the waste management permit:

9.1. waste oil products, which have different properties, are not mixed;

9.2. waste oil products are not mixed with waste or substances of other type, if such mixing hinders their further recovery or disposal;

9.3. recycling of waste oil products is performed;

9.3. recovery of waste oil products is performed;

9.4. storage or disposal of waste oil products is performed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations governing the field of waste management.

9.1 Recovery of waste oils is a recycling activity, as a result of which, upon purifying or refinement of waste oils and performing separation of polluting substances, oxidation products and additives from waste oils, purified base oil is obtained.

[4 March 2014]

10. The manager or possessor of waste oil products, according to the obtained permit for Category A or B polluting activity, shall perform treatment of waste oil products in such a way as not to endanger the environment, human life and health, and shall conform to the priority requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding waste management.

11. The recovery process for waste oil products shall not negatively affect human health and the environment. The oil products produced as a result of the recovery process shall not contain hazardous waste. The polychlorinated biphenyl and polychlorinated terphenyl concentration in recovered oil products shall not exceed 50 parts per million.

12. It shall be permitted to recover oil products containing polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls, if after the recovery process it is possible to separate the polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls or the polychlorinated biphenyl and polychlorinated terphenyl content after recovery is less than 50 parts per million.

13. It is prohibited to:

13.1. introduce the waste oil products into inland waterways, water reservoirs, underground waters, sea and sewage systems;

13.2. bury the residue left after treatment of the waste oil products at sites not intended for this purpose;

13.3. treat the oil products in such a way that results in atmospheric pollution exceeding emission levels that are laid down in the permit for Category A or B polluting activity, or in the permit for the emission of air polluting substances from stationary air pollution sources;

13.4. mix oil products with polychlorinated biphenyls or other hazardous waste.

IV. Management of Waste Batteries and Accumulators

14. The persons referred to in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall ensure the collection of waste batteries and accumulators separately from other household and hazardous waste in order to provide recycling of separately collected waste batteries and accumulators and to prevent disposal of waste batteries and accumulators together with household waste.

15. The persons referred to in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall ensure that:

15.1. accessible collection points, which are located in the vicinity of the direct users, taking into account the density of inhabitants, are used in collection of portable batteries and accumulators and vehicle batteries and accumulators;

15.2. all identifiable batteries and accumulators, which have been collected in accordance with Section 33 of the Waste Management Law or in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding electrical and electronic equipment waste management, are treated and recycled in conformity with the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations in the field of health protection, safety and waste management.

16. The electrical and electronic waste treatment facility operators shall remove or separate the batteries and accumulators collected together with equipment waste from the electrical and electronic waste and shall transfer to the battery or accumulator treatment facility operator referred to in Paragraph 19 of this Regulation. Within the meaning of this Regulation equipment is electrical and electronic equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding waste management, which is completely or partially operated by a battery or accumulator or which may be operated by a battery or accumulator.

17. The producers of all types of batteries and accumulators shall ensure the storage, treatment and recycling of all collected batteries and accumulators in accordance with Paragraphs 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 30, and 31 of this Regulation.

18. Treatment of waste batteries and accumulators is all activities, which are performed with waste batteries and accumulators after it has been transferred to the battery or accumulator treatment facility (hereinafter - the treatment facility) operator for sorting of waste batteries and accumulators, preparation for processing or preparation for disposal.

19. The operator shall arrange at the location of storage (also temporary storage) of waste batteries and accumulators or in treatment facility:

19.1. a water- and pollutant-proof anti-filtration covering or appropriate container;

19.2. a weatherproof covering;

19.3. surface water collection installations and oil traps if at the relevant storage place it is intended to store waste batteries and accumulators, from which the excretion of oils is possible.

20. In addition to the requirements abovementioned in Paragraph 19 of this Regulation, the treatment facility operator shall arrange:

20.1. scales for determining the weight of the waste batteries and accumulators;

20.2. a water- and pollutant-proof anti-filtration covering with surface water collection installations and, where appropriate, with oil traps, as well as weatherproof covering at the places where the waste batteries and accumulators are stored and treated;

20.3. an appropriate place for storage of the disassembled components;

20.4. treatment and disposal systems for wastewater.

21. The treatment facility operator shall ensure separation of all the fluids, including acids, from the waste batteries and accumulators.

22. The regional environmental board of the State Environmental Service shall, at least once a year, check the conformity of the treatment facilities with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing environmental protection and with the conditions of the permit.

23. The performance of the collection and treatment volume of waste batteries and accumulators within the time periods referred to in Paragraphs 26 and 27 of this Regulation shall be provided by:

23.1. battery and accumulator manufacturers;

23.2. the managers of waste batteries and accumulators referred to in Section 33, Paragraph two of the Waste Management Law.

24. The persons abovementioned in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall determine the collection rate of the waste batteries and accumulators waste as a percentage ratio that is obtained by dividing the weight of the waste portable batteries and accumulators collected in the relevant calendar year with the average weight of the batteries and accumulators placed on the market by the manufacturer in the relevant calendar year and the two previous calendar years (Annex 1), including the batteries and accumulators that have been built into equipment. The weight of the waste portable batteries and accumulators placed on the market in the relevant calendar year shall be calculated by deducting the weight of such portable batteries and accumulators, which have been brought out from the territory of Latvia prior to their sale to the end user, from the total weight of portable batteries and accumulators sold within a year to direct users in Latvia. Placing on the market of each battery or accumulator shall be recorded only once.

25. For the calculations abovementioned in Paragraph 24 of this Regulation the persons abovementioned in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall use the data registered in the register of battery and accumulator manufacturers or, on the basis of the data collected in the register of battery and accumulator manufacturers and other data sources, a statistically justified evaluation. The collection amount shall be calculated every calendar year in accordance with Paragraph 24 of this Regulation.

26. The persons referred to in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall ensure that the following amount of waste portable batteries and accumulators is achieved:

26.1. by 26 September 2012 - 25 %;

26.2. by 26 September 2016 - 45 %.

27. The persons abovementioned in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall each year ensure the treatment of the following amount of battery and accumulator waste delivered to the treatment facility:

27.1. recycle at least 65 % of the average weight of the lead-acid batteries and accumulators, providing where possible the highest feasible technological level of lead treatment, if that does not result in disproportionate costs;

27.2. recycle at least 75 % of the average weight of the nickel-cadmium batteries and accumulators, providing where possible the highest feasible technological level of cadmium treatment, unless it results in disproportionate costs;

27.3. recycle at least 50 % of the average weight of other type waste batteries and accumulators.

28. The amount of recycling shall be indicated as a percentage of the average weight of the waste batteries and accumulators, which has been delivered to the waste treatment facilities in the previous year.

29. Treatment and recycling of waste batteries and accumulators may also be undertaken in other states, if the relevant transborder waste transportation is carried out in conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste.

30. The mass of the waste batteries and accumulators exported out of the European Union shall be included in the collection and recycling rates, if the exporter can prove that the recycling of the waste has been performed in the state of importer in accordance with requirements equivalent to the requirements laid down in this Regulation and other laws and regulations governing the management of waste batteries and accumulators.

31. The battery and accumulator manufacturers or the managers of waste batteries and accumulators (if a manufacturer has entered into the relevant agreement with them) shall, by 20 April of each year, submit the following to the register of battery and accumulator manufacturers for the previous calendar year:

31.1. report on the sales amount of portable batteries and accumulators placed on the Latvian market (also the amount of batteries and accumulators sold to direct users of batteries and the amount of batteries and accumulators sold to other persons for further sale to third party battery and accumulator users) and on the amount of portable batteries and accumulators collected in Latvia in accordance with Paragraph 22 of this Regulation (Annex 2);

31.2. report on the recycling of waste batteries and accumulators collected in Latvia (Annex 2).

32. The manufacturers of batteries and accumulators shall provide the following information to battery users regarding:

32.1. the possible harmful effect on the environment and human health of the substances used in the batteries and accumulators;

32.2. the collection of batteries and accumulators separately from household waste and the possibilities of participating in the separate collection of the waste batteries and accumulators, thereby encouraging further treatment and recycling of this waste;

32.3. the possibilities of waste battery and accumulator collection and recycling available for the users of batteries and accumulators;

32.4. the significance of the battery and accumulator user in promoting the recycling of waste batteries and accumulators.

33. The distributor of batteries and accumulators shall inform the battery and accumulator users regarding the possibilities to leave the waste batteries and accumulators at the relevant trading locations.

V. Management of the Titanium Dioxide Industry Waste

34. Titanium dioxide industry waste is any waste that has occurred as a result of titanium dioxide production process, which the possessor is disposing of, has decided to or is forced to dispose of.

35. It is prohibited to introduce in the surface waters, waters of the Baltic Sea or in groundwater, and also to dispose in the sea all kinds of the titanium dioxide industry waste, including:

35.1. solid waste;

35.2. the mother liquors arising from the filtration phase following hydrolysis of the titanyl sulphate solution in installations, in which sulphate process is used, including:

35.2.1. the acid waste related to the abovementioned mother liquors, which contain more than 0.5% free sulphuric acid and various heavy metals;

35.2.2. the mother liquors, which have been diluted until they contain 0.5% or less free sulphuric acid;

35.3. waste from industrial equipment using titanium dioxide chloride processes, which contain more than 0.5% free sulphuric acid and various heavy metals, as well as such waste, which have been diluted until they contain 0.5% or less free sulphuric acid;

35.4. filtration salts, sludges and liquid waste arising from the treatment (concentration or neutralization) of the waste referred to in Sub-paragraphs 35.2 and 35.3 of this Regulation and containing various heavy metals, but not including neutralized and filtered or decanted waste containing only traces of heavy metals and which, before any dilution, has a pH value above 5.5.

36. It is prohibited to manage waste from the titanium dioxide industry, if an immediate or cumulative effect on the water environment and fish resources is possible.

37. In order to obtain a permit for waste management or a permit for Category A or B polluting activities, the manager of waste from the titanium dioxide industry in addition to the laws and regulations regarding the procedures, by which Category A, B and C polluting activities shall be applied and permits for the performance of Category A and B polluting activity shall be issued, shall submit the following information to the regional environmental board of the State Environmental Service:

37.1. regarding the capacity of waste from the titanium dioxide industry to accumulate in and effect biological changes in biological materials and residues;

37.2. regarding the sensitivity of waste from the titanium dioxide industry to physical, chemical or biochemical changes and the possible interaction in the environment with other organic or inorganic materials;

37.3. regarding the possibility of causing harm to natural resources or having a negative effect on natural resources;

37.4. regarding safety measures, in order to prevent pollution of the environment with waste from the titanium dioxide (waste from the titanium dioxide industry directly or indirectly introduced into the environment due to human activity, that may create a threat to human health, negatively affect the environment (for example, ecosystems, landscapes, specially protected natural territories) or hinder the utilisation of resources for their appropriate purpose);

37.5. regarding the place where samples are taken (sampling point), objects where samples should be taken, the distance to such places from the nearest disposal site of polluting substances, as well as the depth or height, from which samples should be taken.

38. The manager of the disposal facility of waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall once a month perform monitoring of the waste and the environment affected by it (for example, water, soil, subterranean depths, air, where the titanium dioxide industry waste is emitted) and shall, not less than once every quarter, notify the results to the regional environmental board of the State Environmental Service and the local government, in the territory of which the relevant facility is located. The manager of the disposal facility of waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall ensure sampling at the same place and depth in identical circumstances.

39. The monitoring of waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall include the waste amount, content and toxicity testing, in order to establish conformity with the requirements laid down in the relevant permit.

40. The monitoring of the environment affected by the waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall include the following testing:

40.1. visual testing:

40.1.1. the topography and management of the disposal site;

40.1.2. effect on the subterranean depths;

40.1.3. the overall ecological situation of the disposal site;

40.1.4. general changes;

40.2. chemical testing:

40.2.1. acidity;

40.2.2. iron content (in solution and by the particle method);

40.2.3. calcium content;

40.2.4. toxic metal content, if any (in solution and by the particle method);

40.2.5. the sulphur dioxide and dust level in the air.

41. The requirements for taking samples from titanium dioxide waste placed or disposed of above ground, the measurement parameters, the minimal number of samples and analysis to be taken, and the methods of monitoring analysis are laid down in Annex 3 to this Regulation.

42. Upon request of the regional environmental board of the State Environmental Service, in addition to the parameters referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation, unfiltered underground water samples shall be taken for determining the amount (mg/l) of vanadium, manganese, nickel and zinc by using the atom absorption spectrophotometry method, or for determining the amount of chrome (mg/l) by using the molecular absorption spectrophotometry method.

43. The manager of the disposal facility of waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall ensure the mutual comparability of monitoring and analysis results of waste from the titanium dioxide industry, by selecting:

43.1. corresponding methods of titanium dioxide industry waste monitoring and analyses;

43.2. sampling vessels and containers;

43.3. methods for preservation of the samples taken;

43.4. transportation of the samples taken, storage conditions, and preparation for the performance of analysis.

44. The manager of the disposal facility of waste from the titanium dioxide industry shall register sampling and the results of the sample analysis in the journal or other information carrier that is available to the State environment inspectors and the persons authorised by the local government, in the territory of which the disposal facility of waste from the titanium dioxide industry is located.

V.1 Requirements for Temporary Storage of Metallic Mercury for More than a Year

[16 April 2013]

44.1 Metallic mercury, which is accepted for temporary storage for more than a year, shall conform to the following requirements:

44.1 1. mercury content is greater than 99.9 % per weight;

44.1 2. no impurities capable of corroding carbon or stainless steel (e.g. nitric acid solution, chloride salts solutions).

44.2 Containers used for storage of metallic mercury (hereinafter - containers) shall conform to the following requirements:

44.2 1. containers are corrosion- and shock-resistant, and they do not have welds;

44.2 2. containers are made of carbon steel (ASTM A36 minimum) or stainless steel (AISI 304, 316L);

44.2 3. containers are gas and liquid tight;

44.2 4. the outer side of containers is resistant against the storage conditions (e.g., air humidity);

44.2 5. the design type of containers successfully passes the drop test and the leakproofness test;

44.2 6. the maximum filling ratio of the container is 80% by volume to ensure that sufficient ullage is available and neither leakage nor permanent distortion of the container can occur as a result of an expansion of the liquid due to high temperature.

44.3 The operator shall ensure that only such containers are accepted for storage, which conform to the requirements referred to in Paragraph 44.2 of this Regulation and to which the certificate referred to in Sub-paragraph 44.4 4 of this Regulation is attached.

44.4 The operator shall ensure that the metallic mercury acceptance procedures conform to the following requirements:

44.4 1. only metallic mercury conforming to the criteria referred to in Paragraph 44.1 of this Regulation is accepted;

44.4 2. containers are visually inspected before storage. Damaged, leaking or corroded containers shall not be accepted;

44.4 3. containers bear a durable stamp (made by punching) mentioning the identification number of the container, the construction material, its empty weight, the reference of the manufacturer and the date of construction;

44.4 4. containers bear a plate permanently fixed to the container mentioning the identification number of the certificate.

44.5 The certificate referred to in Sub-paragraph 44.4 4 of this Regulation prior to transfer of metallic mercury shall be issued to the operator by the undertaking, in which the waste has been produced, but, if none, by the person who is responsible for its management. The following information shall be included in the certificate referred to in Sub-paragraph 44.4 4 of this Regulation:

44.5 1. the name of the waste producer (for a natural person - given name, surname) and the address of the location where waste was produced;

44.5 2. the name and address of the person responsible for filling-up the container;

44.5 3. the place and date of filling-up the container;

44.5 4. the quantity of the mercury in the container;

44.5 5. the level of purity of the mercury in the container and, if relevant, a description of the impurities (including the analytical report);

44.5 6. confirmation that the containers have been used exclusively for the transport or storage of mercury;

44.5 7. the identification numbers of the containers, to which the certificate applies;

44.5 8. any specific comments.

44.6 In relation to temporary storage of metallic mercury for more than a year the operator shall conform to the following requirements:

44.6 1. metallic mercury is stored separately from other waste;

44.6 2. containers, in which metallic mercury is located, are stored in collecting basins:

44.6 2.1. which are suitably coated so as to be free of cracks and gaps and impervious to metallic mercury;

44.6 2.2. with a containment volume adequate for the quantity of mercury stored.

44.7 The operator shall ensure that the metallic mercury storage sites conform to the following requirements:

44.7 1. metallic mercury storage sites are provided with engineered or natural barriers that are adequate to protect the environment against mercury emissions and a containment volume adequate for the total quantity of mercury stored;

44.7 2. the floors of storage sites are covered with mercury-resistant sealants and are provided with a slope with a collection sump;

44.7 3. the storage sites are equipped with a fire protection system;

44.7 4. the storage sites are arranged in a way to ensure that all containers are easily retrievable.

44.8 The operator shall ensure that:

44.8 1. a continuous mercury vapour monitoring system (hereinafter - the monitoring system) with a sensitivity of at least 0,02 mg mercury/m3 is installed in the storage site. Sensors of the monitoring system shall be positioned at ground level and head level. The monitoring system shall include a visual and acoustic alert system. The monitoring system shall be maintained annually;

44.8 2. the storage site and containers are visually inspected by an authorised person of the operator at least once a month;

44.8 3. where leaks are detected, all necessary measures are taken immediately according to the emergency plan drawn up to avoid any emission of mercury to the environment and restore the safety of the storage of the mercury;

44.8 4. emergency plans and adequate protective equipment suitable for handling metallic mercury are available on site in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding labour protection requirements for coming into contact with chemical substances at working places.

44.9 The operator shall inform the relevant regional environmental board of the State Environmental Service regarding leaks detected at the storage site within one working day from the moment of detecting the leak.

44.10 The operator shall ensure that the following shall be stored for at least three years after expiry of the term of storage of mercury:

44.10 1. any documentation containing the information referred to in Paragraphs 44.1, 44.2, 44.3, 44.4, 44.5, 44.8 and 44.9 of this Regulation;

44.10 2. the certificates attached to containers;

44.10 3. the accounting data regarding removal of metallic mercury from storage and sending after temporary storage;

44.10 4. data regarding the intended final destination and the intended action with metallic mercury.

VI. Closing Provision

45. Cabinet Regulation No. 789 of 22 September 2008, Procedures for the Management of Certain Types of Hazardous Waste (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2008, No. 152; 2010, No. 16), is repealed.

Informative Reference to Directives of the European Union

[16 April 2013]

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from:

1) Council Directive 96/59/EC of 16 September 1996 on the disposal of polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls (PCB/PCT);

2) Directive 2006/66/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC;

3) Council Directive 78/176/EEC of 20 February 1978 on waste from the titanium dioxide industry;

4) Council Directive 82/883/EEC of 3 December 1982 on procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments concerned by waste from the titanium dioxide industry;

5) Council Directive 83/29/EEC of 24 January 1983 amending Directive 78/176/EEC on waste from the titanium dioxide industry;

6) Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives;

7) Directive 2010/75/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control);

8) Council Directive 2011/97/EU of 5 December 2011 amending Directive 1999/31/EC as regards specific criteria for the storage of metallic mercury considered as waste.

Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis

Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development R.Vējonis


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 485
21 June 2011

Calculation of the Collection Amount for Portable Batteries and Accumulators



Data collection


Notification to the register of battery and accumulator manufacturers


X* + 1

Sales in the year 1 (S1)



X + 2

Sales in the year 2 (S2)





X + 3

Sales in the year 3 (S3)

Amount collected in the year 3 (C3)

Collection rate
(CR3) = 3 x C3/(S1 + S2 + S3)



X + 4

Sales in the year 4 (S4)

Amount collected in the year 4 (C4)

Collection rate
(CR4) = 3 x C4/(S2 + S3 + S4)
(guideline value 25%)



X + 5

Sales in the year 5 (S5)

Amount collected in the year 5 (C5)

Collection rate
(CR5) = 3 x C5/(S3 + S4 + S5)



X + 6

Sales in the year 6 (S6)

Amount collected in the year 6 (C6)

Collection rate
(CR6) = 3 x C6/(S4 + S5 + S6)



X + 7

Sales in the year 7 (S7)

Amount collected in the year 7 (C7)

Collection rate
(CR7) = 3 x C7/(S5 + S6 + S7)



X + 8

Sales in the year 8 (S8)

Amount collected in the year 8 (C8)

Collection rate
(CR8) = 3 x C8/(S6 + S7 + S8)
(guideline value 45 %)



X + 9

Sales in the year 9 (S9)

Amount collected in the year 9 (C9)

Collection rate
(CR9) = 3 x C9/(S7 + S8 + S9)



X + 10

Sales in the year 10 (S10)

Amount collected in year the 10 (C10)

Collection rate (CR10) = 3 x C10/(S8 + S9 + S10)



X + 11








Note. X - 2008.

Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development R.Vējonis


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 485
21 June 2011

Report on the Sales Volume of Batteries and Accumulators Placed on the Latvian Market, the Amount of Waste Batteries and Accumulators Collected in Latvia and the Recycling of all Types of Waste Batteries and Accumulators

Time period from____ __________ _______until____ ___________ ________. _______

1. Information regarding the battery and accumulator manufacturer:

1.1. firm name
1.2. registration number
1.3. legal address
1.4. registration number with the register of battery and accumulator manufacturers and registration date

2. Information regarding the amount of batteries and accumulators placed on the Latvian market:


Battery and accumulator type

Total weight of batteries and accumulators placed on the Latvian market (tonnes)

2.1. Portable batteries or accumulators  
2.2. Batteries or accumulators to be used in vehicles or other self-propelled machinery  
2.3. Batteries or accumulators to be used in industry  

3. Information regarding the treatment of all types of waste batteries and accumulators:


Battery and accumulator type

Amount of collected waste batteries and accumulators (tonnes)

The total weight of the waste batteries and accumulators recycled in Latvia (tonnes)

The total weight of the waste batteries and accumulators recycled in other European Union Member States (tonnes)

The total weight of the waste batteries and accumulators recycled outside the European Union (tonnes)

3.1. Portable batteries or accumulators        
3.2. Batteries or accumulators to be used in vehicles or other self-propelled machinery        
3.3. Batteries or accumulators to be used in industry        

I hereby declare that the information provided in the report is complete and true.

Manufacturer or representative thereof1:

given name, surname
personal identity number
position or number and date of issuance of power of attorney

Place for seal2



1 To be signed by the person whose right to represent the commercial company has been registered in the Commercial Register. If the right of representation has not been registered, then, upon submitting the report personally, the power of attorney document shall be appended attesting to the right to represent the relevant person.

2 Shall not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in conformity with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development R.Vējonis


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 485
21 June 2011

Requirements for Taking Samples from Titanium Dioxide Waste Placed or Disposed of Above the Ground

Facility to be tested and the requirements for taking samples


Minimum number of samples and analyses to be performed (per year)

Method of analysis

1. Unfiltered surface water around the waste disposal site that might be affected, and outside of it, especially in the location where water flows from the waste disposal site.

Samples shall be taken during the same time period, where possible at a depth of 50 cm




Measurements shall be made during the time when samples are taken

SO4 (mg/l)



Complexometric titration. Molecular absorption spectrophotometry

2. Unfiltered groundwater around the waste disposal site that might be affected, and outside of it, especially in the location where water flows from the waste disposal site.

Samples shall be taken during the same time period

Ti (mg/l)


Atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Fe (mg/l)


Atomic absorption spectrophotometry.

Molecular absorption spectrophotometry

Ca (mg/l)


Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Complexometric titration

Cu, Pb (mg/l)


Atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Complexometric titration

Cl (mg/l)


Titrimetry (Mohr method)

Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development R.Vējonis


Translation © 2016 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Atsevišķu veidu bīstamo atkritumu apsaimniekošanas kārtība un prasības titāna dioksīda ražošanas .. Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 485Adoption: 21.06.2011.Entry into force: 06.07.2011.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 102, 05.07.2011.
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{"selected":{"value":"24.01.2020","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.01.2020.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"24.01.2020","iso_value":"2020\/01\/24","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.01.2020.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"31.05.2019","iso_value":"2019\/05\/31","content":"<font class='s-1'>31.05.2019.-23.01.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.02.2017","iso_value":"2017\/02\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.02.2017.-30.05.2019.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.09.2015","iso_value":"2015\/09\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.09.2015.-08.02.2017.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.03.2014","iso_value":"2014\/03\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.03.2014.-08.09.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.05.2013","iso_value":"2013\/05\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.05.2013.-06.03.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.07.2011","iso_value":"2011\/07\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.07.2011.-30.04.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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