Teksta versija

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 419
Adopted 31 May 2011

Regulations Regarding the Maximum Permissible Emission into the Air in the State

Issued pursuant to Section 11, Paragraph three of the Law On Pollution 
and Section 31, Paragraph one, Clause 3 of the Law On the Structure of the Cabinet

I. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes the maximum permissible emission into the air in the State for the air pollutants and groups of substances referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation.

2. The following terms are used in this Regulation:

2.1. AOT 40 - (expressed in (µg/m3) x hours) the sum of the difference between hourly concentrations greater than 80 µg/m3 (40 ppb) and 80 µg/m3 over the time period from 1 May to 31 July using only the one-hour values measured between 8.00 and 20.00 Central European Time (CET) each day;

2.2. AOT 60 - the sum of the difference between hourly concentrations of ground-level ozone greater than 120 μg/m3 (60 ppb) accumulated throughout the year;

2.3. activity data - data regarding activities, which cause emissions in a specific period of time (for example, from the use of energy resources, the quantity of the steel produced, the quantity of the bitumen used, manure management systems, utilisation of lime and mineral fertilisers, waste generation);

2.4. critical load - a quantitative estimate of an exposure to one or more pollutants above which significant adverse effects on sensitive elements of the environment occur, according to present knowledge;

2.5. critical level of air pollution - the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere above which direct adverse effects on receptors, such as human beings, plants, ecosystems or materials, may occur;

2.6. unit of geographical distribution - a field of 50 x 50 km2 which is approved in the mapping of critical loads on a European scale, as well as in monitoring of emissions and depositions of air pollutants under the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe;

2.7. ground-level ozone - ozone in the lowermost strata of the troposphere; and

2.8. maximum permissible emission into the air in the State - the maximum amount of a pollutant expressed in kilotonnes, which may be emitted into the atmosphere from all sources of emission in a calendar year.

II. Total Maximum Permissible Emission into the Air in the State

3. The total maximum permissible emission into the air in the State for the pollutants and groups of pollutants referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation shall be determined, taking into account all the emissions in the territory of Latvia and its exclusive economic zone, except for:

3.1. emissions from international maritime traffic; and

3.2. aircraft emissions beyond the landing and take-off cycle (landing and take-off cycle is four minutes when an aircraft is approaching an airport, 26 minutes - when an aircraft is moving on land, 0.7 minutes - at the take-off of an aircraft, and 2.2 minutes - when an aircraft reaches the height intended for flying).

4. The total maximum permissible emission into the air in the State shall not exceed:

4.1. for sulphur dioxide - 101 kilotonnes per year;

4.2. for nitrogen oxides (the sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide expressed as nitrogen dioxide) - 61 kilotonnes per year;

4.3. for ammonia - 44 kilotonnes per year; and

4.4. for volatile organic compounds (organic compounds from anthropogenic sources, other than methane, that are capable of producing photochemical oxidants by reactions with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight) - 136 kilotonnes per year.

5. The total maximum permissible emission into the air in the State shall be determined, in order to achieve the following long-term objectives of environmental protection:

5.1. in the areas where critical loads are exceeded, acidification in each geographical division unit shall be reduced by at least 50% compared with the 1990 situation;

5.2. the ground-level ozone load above the critical air pollution level for human health protection (AOT 60=0) shall not exceed 2.9 ppm per hour in a geographical division unit; and

5.3. the ground-level ozone load above the critical level of air pollution for crops and semi-natural vegetation (AOT 40=3 ppm per hour) shall not exceed 10 ppm per hour, expressed as an exceedance of the critical level of 3 ppm per hour in a geographical division unit.

6. In zones and agglomerations where a target value or long-term objective specified for ozone in the regulatory enactments regarding air quality is exceeded, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development shall formulate a State programme in order to reduce the total emission into the air. Measures for reduction of the exceedance of a target value or long-term objective specified for ozone, which do not entail disproportionate costs, shall be included in the programme.

III. Procedure by Which State Emission Inventories and Projections Shall Be Prepared and Submitted

7. The State limited liability company Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (hereinafter - Centre), on the basis of the methodologies and guidelines agreed upon by the Member States of the 1979 Geneva Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (hereinafter - Geneva Convention), shall:

7.1. annually summarise information regarding the emission of sulphur dioxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides and volatile organic compounds into the air for the previous year but one, and provisional calculations regarding the previous year, as well as shall prepare an informative report regarding these substances, by using the calculated emission data submitted to the Centre in compliance with the regulatory enactments regulating the national system for the inventory of the greenhouse gas emission units;

7.2. annually calculate the emission of ammonia, particulate matter PM10, particulate matter PM2,5, lead, mercury, cadmium, dioxins/furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and hexachlorobenzene into the air for the previous year but one, and provisional calculations regarding the previous year, as well as shall prepare an informative report regarding these substances, by using the calculated emission data submitted to the Centre in compliance with the regulatory enactments regulating the national system for the inventory of the greenhouse gas emission units;

7.3. starting from 2012, once every five years develop projections of the emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, particulate matter PM10, particulate matter PM2,5, lead, mercury, cadmium, dioxins/furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and hexachlorobenzene for 2015, 2020, 2030 and 2050, on the basis of the projections of sector development submitted according to Paragraph 10 of this Regulation; and

7.4. starting from 2012, once every five years prepare maps, where the data regarding the emission of air pollutants shall be shown by geographical division units, and the data regarding big fixed sources - in compliance with the Geneva Convention guidelines for reporting.

8. The Centre shall:

8.1. annually by 31 December, place electronically the information specified in Sub-paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of this Regulation in the central data repository of the European Environment Agency;

8.2. annually by 15 February, send electronically the information specified in Sub-paragraphs 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of this Regulation to the Centre on Emission Inventories and Projections (CEIP) for the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe, or shall place it electronically in the central data repository of the European Environment Agency, as well as send the Geneva Convention Secretariat a report regarding the data submitted;

8.3. annually by 15 March, submit to the Geneva Convention Secretariat an informative report prepared according to Sub-paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of this Regulation; and

8.4. starting from 2012, once every five years by 1 March of the relevant year submit to the Geneva Convention Secretariat and the European Environment Agency the information specified in Sub-paragraph 7.4 of this Regulation.

9. Starting from 2012, once every five years according to the Annex to this Regulation:

9.1. the Ministry of Economics shall prepare projections for the indicators in the macroeconomics, energy industry, industrial production, construction (in the commercial and public sector, or tertiary sector) and agriculture sectors for 2015, 2020, 2030 and 2050;

9.2. the Ministry of Transport shall prepare projections for the indicators in the transport sector for 2015, 2020, 2030 and 2050;

9.3. the Ministry of Agriculture shall prepare projections for the indicators in the agriculture and forestry sector for 2015, 2020, 2030 and 2050; and

9.4. the Centre shall prepare projections for the indicators in the waste management and sewage management sector for 2015, 2020, 2030 and 2050.

10. The Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Agriculture shall, once every five years by 1 August of the relevant year, submit to the Centre information prepared according to Paragraph 9 of this Regulation.

11. The Centre shall co-ordinate information prepared according to Paragraph 7 of this Regulation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development prior to the electronic submission thereof to the European Commission, the European Environment Agency and the Geneva Convention Secretariat.

12. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development shall, annually by 31 December, notify the European Commission and the European Environment Agency regarding the electronic placement of the information and data specified in Sub-paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of this Regulation in the central data repository of the European Environment Agency.

13. The Centre shall publish the information specified in Paragraph 7 of this Regulation on its Internet home page, immediately after submission thereof to the relevant authorities.

IV. Closing Provision

14. Cabinet Regulation No. 507 of 9 September 2003, Regulations Regarding the Maximum Permissible Emission into the Air in the State, (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003, No. 125), is repealed.

Informative Reference to European Union Directives

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from:

1) Directive 2001/81/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants; and

2) Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe.

Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development R. Vējonis


Cabinet Regulation No. 419
31 May 2011

List of Projection Indicators



Responsible institution

I. Macroeconomics

1. Gross domestic product, in actual prices, bill. EUR Ministry of Economics
2. Growth of the gross domestic product in comparative prices, % Ministry of Economics
3. Number of residents, thous. Ministry of Economics
4. Price of imported coal, EUR/GJ Ministry of Economics
5. Price of imported petroleum products, EUR/GJ Ministry of Economics
6. Price of imported natural gas, EUR/GJ Ministry of Economics

II. Energy industry sector

7. Gross consumption of domestic energy resources, PJ: Ministry of Economics
7.1. petroleum products Ministry of Economics
7.2. natural gas Ministry of Economics
7.3. solid fuel (for example, coal, coke, peat) Ministry of Economics
7.4. renewable energy resources: Ministry of Economics
7.4.1. biomass (excluding liquid biofuel) Ministry of Economics
7.4.2. liquid biofuel (biodiesel, bioethanol) Ministry of Economics
7.4.3. solar power Ministry of Economics
7.4.4. other renewable energy resources (for example, hydroenergy, wind power, geothermal energy) Ministry of Economics
7.5. other energy resources Ministry of Economics
7.6. Net electricity import (-/+) Ministry of Economics
8. Gross electricity produced, by the type of the energy resource, GWhe:
8.1. from petroleum products Ministry of Economics
8.2. from natural gas Ministry of Economics
8.3. from solid fuel (for example, coal, coke, peat) Ministry of Economics
8.4. from renewable energy resources Ministry of Economics
8.5. from other energy resources Ministry of Economics
9. Energy demand by sectors: Ministry of Economics
9.1. energy production and transmission, PJ: Ministry of Economics
9.1.1. petroleum products Ministry of Economics
9.1.2. natural gas Ministry of Economics
9.1.3. solid fuel (for example, coal, coke, peat) Ministry of Economics
9.1.4. renewable energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.1.5. other energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.2. industry (including construction), PJ: Ministry of Economics
9.2.1. petroleum products Ministry of Economics
9.2.2. natural gas Ministry of Economics
9.2.3. solid fuel (for example, coal, coke, peat) Ministry of Economics
9.2.4. renewable energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.2.5. electricity Ministry of Economics
9.2.6. thermal energy Ministry of Economics
9.2.7. other energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.3. commercial and public sector, or tertiary sector, PJ: Ministry of Economics
9.3.1. petroleum products Ministry of Economics
9.3.2. natural gas Ministry of Economics
9.3.3. solid fuel (for example, coal, coke, peat) Ministry of Economics
9.3.4. renewable energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.3.5. electricity Ministry of Economics
9.3.6. thermal energy Ministry of Economics
9.3.7. other energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.4. households, PJ: Ministry of Economics
9.4.1. petroleum products Ministry of Economics
9.4.2. natural gas Ministry of Economics
9.4.3. solid fuel (for example, coal, coke, peat) Ministry of Economics
9.4.4. renewable energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.5. road vehicles, PJ: Ministry of Economics
9.5.1. petrol (from which bioethanol) Ministry of Economics
9.5.2. diesel fuel (from which biodiesel) Ministry of Economics
9.5.3. jet fuel Ministry of Economics
9.5.4. other petroleum products Ministry of Economics
9.5.5. natural gas Ministry of Economics
9.5.6. renewable energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.5.7. other energy resources Ministry of Economics
9.6. heating degree days, number Ministry of Economics

III. Industrial production

10. Changes in the added value of the manufacturing industry and proportion of the manufacturing industry, %: Ministry of Economics
10.1. food industry Ministry of Economics
10.2. light industry Ministry of Economics
10.3. woodworking Ministry of Economics
10.4. manufacture of paper and printing Ministry of Economics
10.5. chemical industry Ministry of Economics
10.6. manufacture of non-metallic mineral products Ministry of Economics
10.7. manufacture of metals and metal products Ministry of Economics
10.8. manufacture electronic and optical equipment Ministry of Economics
10.9. manufacture of machinery and equipment
10.10. manufacture of transport vehicles Ministry of Economics
10.11. other sectors Ministry of Economics
11. Production index, expressed in the added gross value or index units: Ministry of Economics
11.1. food industry Ministry of Economics
11.2. light industry Ministry of Economics
11.3. woodworking Ministry of Economics
11.4. manufacture of paper and printing Ministry of Economics
11.5. chemical industry Ministry of Economics
11.6. manufacture of non-metallic mineral products Ministry of Economics
11.7. manufacture of metals and metal products Ministry of Economics
11.8. manufacture electronic and optical equipment Ministry of Economics
11.9. manufacture of machinery and equipment Ministry of Economics
11.10. manufacture of transport vehicles Ministry of Economics
11.11. other sectors Ministry of Economics

IV. Transport

12. Passenger turnover in public transport (busses, trams, trolleybuses, railway) mln of passenger-kilometres Ministry of Transport
13. Passenger turnover in road vehicles, mln. of passenger-kilometres Ministry of Transport
14. Freight turnover in road vehicles, mln of tkm Ministry of Transport
15. Freight turnover in railway, mln of tkm Ministry of Transport
16. Proportion of new transport vehicles among the number of transport vehicles registered for the first time, % Ministry of Transport
17. Kilometres driven by passenger road transport vehicles per year, mln of km Ministry of Transport

V. Construction (in the commercial and public sector, or tertiary sector)

18. Household consumption expenses (except private transport), EUR Ministry of Economics
19. Part of the gross domestic product produced by the commercial and public sector, or tertiary sector, and increase in the gross domestic product in comparative prices, % Ministry of Economics
20. Average living-space per one dwelling in households, m2/dwelling Ministry of Economics
21. Average space per one employed resident in the commercial and public sector, or tertiary sector, m2/employed residents Ministry of Economics
22. Number of household dwellings, 1000 dwellings Ministry of Economics
23. Employed residents in the commercial and public sector, or tertiary sector, 1000 employed residents Ministry of Economics

VI. Agriculture

24. Part of the gross domestic product produced in the agriculture sector and increase in the gross domestic product, % Ministry of Economics
25. Cattle, thous.: Ministry of Agriculture
25.1. cows, thous. Ministry of Agriculture
26. Sheep, thous. Ministry of Agriculture
27. Pigs, thous. Ministry of Agriculture
28. Poultry, thous. Ministry of Agriculture
29. Goats, horses, thous. Ministry of Agriculture
30. Livestock manure management systems (liquid, solid or another storage of livestock manure, pasture period (total 100%)) according to the species of the livestock, % Ministry of Agriculture
30.1. cow livestock manure management systems Ministry of Agriculture
30.2. livestock manure management systems for other cattle Ministry of Agriculture
30.3. sheep and goat livestock manure management systems Ministry of Agriculture
30.4. pig livestock manure management systems Ministry of Agriculture
30.5. poultry livestock manure management systems Ministry of Agriculture
31. Quantity of nitrogen in livestock manure according to the cattle species, kg/per year Ministry of Agriculture
32. Total area of land and its distribution according to the purposes of land use (including cultivated meadows and pastures, permanent crops, etc) Ministry of Agriculture
33. Area under cereals, ha: Ministry of Agriculture
33.1. area under wheat Ministry of Agriculture
33.2. area under barley Ministry of Agriculture
33.3. area under oats Ministry of Agriculture
33.4. area under rye Ministry of Agriculture
34. Total crop yield, thous. t.: Ministry of Agriculture
34.1. cereals (separately indicating wheat, rye, barley, oats, etc) Ministry of Agriculture
34.2. legumes Ministry of Agriculture
34.3. sugar-beet Ministry of Agriculture
34.4. fodder roots Ministry of Agriculture
34.5. potatoes Ministry of Agriculture
34.6. vegetables Ministry of Agriculture
34.7. rapes Ministry of Agriculture
34.8. maize for silage and green forage Ministry of Agriculture
35. Nitrogenous mineral fertiliser used (recalculating in 100% plant nutritional elements, thous. t): Ministry of Agriculture
35.1. for wheat sowing Ministry of Agriculture
35.2. for barley sowing Ministry of Agriculture
35.3. for oats sowing Ministry of Agriculture
35.4. for rye sowing Ministry of Agriculture
36. Emission reduction measures carried out (for example, livestock manure management systems with or without cover, land application of livestock manure and mineral fertilisers) Ministry of Agriculture

VII. Forestry

37. Managed forest area, ha Ministry of Agriculture
38. Managed forest area, if additional measures are carried out, ha Ministry of Agriculture
39. Unmanaged forest area, ha Ministry of Agriculture

VIII. Waste Management

40. Quantity of municipal solid waste produced, t Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
41. Proportion of biodegradable waste to the total quantity of municipal waste, % Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
42. Quantity of municipal solid waste disposed at waste dumps, t or % Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
43. Quantity of municipal waste incinerated, t or % Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
44. Quantity of municipal waste composted, t or % Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre

IX. Sewage management

45. Number of residents using sewage treatment plants, people Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
46. Quantity of sewage sludge produced and used/placed, t Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
47. Quantity of sewage drained, thous. m3 Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
48. Residual contamination from nitrogen discharged into the environment with industrial wastewater, t Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development R. Vējonis


Translation © 2012 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par kopējo valstī maksimāli pieļaujamo emisiju gaisā Status:
No longer in force
no longer in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 419Adoption: 31.05.2011.Entry into force: 03.06.2011.End of validity: 05.10.2018.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 86, 02.06.2011.
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