Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 11.09.2020.–31.05.2024. Amendments not included: 28.05.2024.
Procedures by Which Polluting Activities of Category A, B and C Shall Be Declared and Permits for the Performance of Category A and B Polluting Activities Shall Be IssuedIssued pursuant to [8 September 2020] I. General Provisions1. This Regulation prescribes: 1.1. the conditions for the declaration of a Category A polluting activity, as well as the conditions on the basis of which a permit shall be issued for the performance of a Category A polluting activity (hereinafter - Category A permit), and the conditions for the use of the best available techniques, including: 1.1.1. a timetable in accordance with which Category A permits shall be issued for installations for which such permits are required; 1.1.2. the maximum transition period within which compliance with the conditions of a Category A permit in relation to the use of the best available techniques shall be ensured; 1.1.3. the information to be included in the submission for the receipt of a permit; 1.1.4. the procedures for requesting and issuing the permit; 1.1.5. the procedures by which the public may become acquainted with a submission and submit its proposals, become acquainted with the permit conditions, as well as with the monitoring and examination results; 1.1.6. the procedures by which other states shall be informed if transboundary impact of pollution is possible, and monitoring of such pollution; 1.2. the conditions for the declaration of a Category B polluting activity, as well as the conditions on the basis of which a permit shall be issued for the performance of a Category B polluting activity (hereinafter - Category B permit), including: 1.2.1. the information to be included in the submission for the receipt of a permit; 1.2.2. the procedures for requesting and issuing the permit; 1.2.3. the procedures by which the public may become acquainted with the permit conditions, as well as with the monitoring and examination results; 1.2.4. [8 September 2020]; 1.2.5. [8 September 2020]; 1.3. Category C polluting activities, as well as the content and the procedures for filing a submission of a Category C polluting activity; 1.3.1 the procedures by which the State Environmental Service (hereinafter - the Service) shall register Category C polluting activities; 1.4. [8 September 2020]; 1.5. [8 September 2020]; 1.6. [8 September 2020]; 1.7. the time period within which an operator shall announce a change of activity; 1.8. the procedures by which the Service shall reconsider the conditions that are specified in a Category A or Category B permit (hereinafter - the permit) and, if necessary, shall update or supplement such conditions. [8 September 2020] 2. Category B polluting activities are specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation. 3. Category C polluting activities are specified in Annex 2 to this Regulation. II. Procedures for Filing a Submission4. In order to receive a permit, an operator shall file a submission to the Service: 4.1. at least 150 days before the intended commencement of a Category A polluting activity or substantial changes in an existing polluting activity; 4.2. at least 60 days before the intended commencement of a Category B polluting activity or substantial changes in an existing polluting activity; 4.3. [8 September 2020]. 5. [8 September 2020] 6. An operator shall file a submission for a Category C polluting activity to the Service at least 30 days before the intended commencement of the Category C polluting activity or substantial changes in the Category C polluting activity. [8 September 2020] 7. If an operator is unable to determine whether a polluting activity corresponds to Category A, B or C, it shall clarify this at the Service by submitting information on the production capacity of an installation, the amount of manufactured products or other indicators specified in the law On Pollution or in Annex 1 or 2 to this Regulation. The Service shall provide an opinion on the category of the polluting activity (Category A, B or C) not later than 14 days after receipt of the information. [8 September 2020] 8. If several polluting activities are performed in an installation that correspond to different categories of polluting activities, an operator shall file only one submission to the Service for the performance of polluting activities of such category for which more stringent environmental protection requirements have been determined. Within the meaning of this Regulation the most stringent environmental protection requirements have been put forth for Category A polluting activities, followed by Category B and Category C polluting activities. All the polluting activities shall be described in the submission. [8 September 2020] 9. If a greenhouse gas emission permit has been issued for an installation and the information presented in the submission for the receipt of a permit for Category A or B polluting activities differs from the information included in the conditions of the greenhouse gas emission permit, an operator shall file a submission simultaneously with the submission for the receipt of a permit for Category A or B polluting activities in which such operator shall indicate which amendments are required to the conditions of the greenhouse gas emission permit. The referred to submission shall be accessible to the public in accordance with the same conditions as are specified for a submission for the receipt of a permit for Category A or B polluting activity. 10. If in accordance with the amendments to this Regulation an operator requires a Category B permit that was not required before the coming into force of the amendments, the operator shall file a submission to the Service for the receipt of a Category B permit within six months after coming into force of the amendments, unless a different time period has been laid down in this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 11. If, in accordance with the amendments to this Regulation, an operator requires a Category C registration that was not required before coming into force of the amendments, the operator shall file the relevant submission to the Service within three months after coming into force of the amendments. [8 September 2020] 12. When filing a submission in accordance with Paragraph 8 of this Regulation, an operator shall indicate in the submission which categories of polluting activities are included therein. 13. An operator shall file a submission for the performance of a Category A or B polluting activity (Annex 3) electronically by registering in the information system of the Service and filling in a submission of the relevant sample form. In the submission information shall be provided in conformity with the requirements laid down in the law On Pollution and other laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection related to a particular polluting activity. [9 April 2013; 8 September 2020] 13.1 An operator shall file a submission for the performance of a Category C polluting activity or significant changes in a polluting activity in the information system of the Service. The information to be included in the submission is indicated in Annex 5 to this Regulation. If the operator obtains or plans to obtain also surface water or groundwater, the operator shall also obtain the permit for the use of water resources in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the permit for the use of water resources. [8 September 2020] 14. If one of the points of a submission does not apply to a Category A or Category B polluting activity, an operator shall not complete it. If the operator is unable to determine which points of the submission do not apply to the relevant polluting activity, it shall clarify it in writing at the Service. The Service shall, within 14 days, provide an opinion on which points of the submission do not apply to the relevant polluting activity. [8 September 2020] 15. An operator shall attach documents that substantiate the information referred to in a submission in the Annex to the submission, indicating references to such documents in the submission. 16. When filing a submission for the receipt of a permit for the commencement of a polluting activity, or substantial changes in an existing polluting activity, the operator shall indicate the date of issuance of the planning and architectural task or a building permit and the number thereof. 17. An operator shall attach to a submission a management balance of solvents used in an installation if it is provided for in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for restricting emission of organic compounds from the installations in which organic solvents are used. [12 December 2017] 18. An operator shall include in a submission a summary of the measures referred to therein, which provide information to the public regarding the effect of a polluting activity on human health and the environment. Technical descriptions and detailed information shall not be used in the summary and restricted access information shall not be included. 19. Before declaring a Category A polluting activity, an operator shall consult the Service and take into account the conclusions of the European Commission on the best available techniques. Upon request of the operator, the Service shall indicate information on the document which is developed for a certain polluting activity and contains information on suitable techniques, present emission and consumption levels, techniques which are intended to be used in order to determine the best available techniques, and also conclusions on the best available techniques and on new techniques (hereinafter - the document on the guidelines of the best available techniques). [9 April 2013; 8 September 2020] 20. If on the day of issue of a permit for Category A polluting activity or on the day of reconsideration thereof the applicable conclusions regarding the best available techniques are not prepared, the conclusions contained in the document on the guidelines of the best available techniques shall be used. If on the day of issue of a permit or on the day of reconsideration thereof neither conclusions regarding the best available techniques nor the document on the guidelines of the best available techniques developed by the European Commission for the relevant Category A polluting activity is prepared, the documents on the best available techniques or guidelines developed by international organisations that provide for higher environmental protection requirements shall be used; the level of detail, time of issuance and suitability of the document or guidelines for the relevant installation shall be taken into account, as well as the efficiency of costs in implementing the conditions contained in the document on the guidelines. [9 April 2013] 21. When filing a submission for existing Category A polluting activities, an operator shall attach a plan to the submission in order to ensure that the emission does not exceed the emission level which is laid down in the conclusions on the best available techniques, if any have been published, or emission level which is laid down in the guidelines document of the best available techniques. The plan shall provide for the objectives and the time periods for the implementation thereof, the necessary modifications, modernisation, and replacement of chemical substances or mixtures in order to reduce the risk to human health and the environment and the time periods for the implementation thereof, and shall also indicate the investments and contributions in fixed capital in order to implement the planned measures. [12 December 2017] 22. If non-conformity with the environmental protection requirements laid down in the laws and regulations governing the field of environmental protection is established in the operation of an existing installation of Category A or B, an operator shall submit to the Service a plan containing information on how the fulfilment of the abovementioned requirements will be ensured. The objectives and time periods for the achievement thereof, necessary modifications and modernisation and time periods for the implementation thereof shall be provided for in the Plan. [5 August 2014; 8 September 2020] 23. The best available techniques for a Category A installations shall be introduced within the time period specified in the regulatory enactments regulating the environmental protection. 24. When completing the tables of a submission, an operator shall provide detailed information regarding the emission of the substances and groups of substances referred to in Annex 4 to this Regulation. In respect of discharge into water the operator shall provide information regarding the substances and groups of substances specified in Annexes 1 and 2 to Cabinet Regulation No. 34 of 22 January 2002, Regulations Regarding Discharge of Polluting Substances into Water, as well as regarding substances specified in Annex 2 to Cabinet Regulation No. 858 of 19 October 2004, Regulations Regarding Characterisation, Classification, Quality Criteria of the Types of Surface Water Bodies and the Procedures for Determination of Anthropogenic Loads. 25. The Service shall, within 20 working days following receipt of a submission, provide a written opinion on the acceptance of the submission if all the information laid down in the laws and regulations governing environmental protection is indicated in the submission or appended thereto. If all the information laid down in the laws and regulations governing environmental protection is not indicated in the submission or appended thereto, the Service shall require the necessary information from the operator through the information system. If an operator fails to provide the requested information within the specified time period which is not shorter than 20 days from the day of requesting the information and does not ask to extend the time period for the provision of information, the Service shall reject the submission. The day of acceptance of the submission shall be considered to be the day when the Service provides an opinion that the information for the evaluation of the submission is sufficient. [8 September 2020] 26. After accepting the submission, the Service has the right to request and receive from an operator additional information which clarifies the submitted information or which is necessary for taking the decision. In the referred to case, the time period for the issuance of a permit shall not be extended. [8 September 2020] 26.1 If, upon assessment of the submission for the permit of polluting activity, the Service establishes that the activities carried out in the installation are of high fire hazard risk, the Service may send a request to the State Fire and Rescue Service to provide an opinion on the compliance with the fire safety requirements at the object. [8 September 2020] 27. The Service shall, within two working days from the day of acceptance of the submission, electronically send a website address where the submission for a Category A and B polluting activity is available to: 27.1. the local government in the territory of which the relevant polluting activity is performed or planned, or the territory of which the relevant activity may substantially affect; 27.2. the Health Inspectorate; 27.3. other interested State and local government authorities as well as associations and foundations if the abovementioned authorities, associations, and foundations have applied to the Service and indicated an e-mail address to which the information is to be sent. [5 August 2014; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 28. The authorities referred to in Sub-paragraphs 27.1 and 27.2 of this Regulation shall submit their proposals to the Service for the issuance of a permit and the conditions thereof within 15 working days following receipt of the website address where the submission for a Category A and B polluting activity is available. The authorities referred to in Sub-paragraph 27.3 of this Regulation may also submit their proposals to the Service within the abovementioned time period. Paragraphs 47 and 48 of this Regulation shall apply to the proposals of the institutions referred to in Sub-paragraph 27.3 of this Regulation. [5 August 2014; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 29. The local government in whose territory the relevant Category B polluting activity is performed or planned shall inform the Service and operator not later than within seven working days following receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 27 of this Regulation if the local government has taken the decision regarding the public consultation on the submission. [8 September 2020] 30. If, on the basis of the information provided for in a submission for a Category A polluting activity, it may be concluded that the polluting activity may have a transboundary impact or the relevant state requests information on such activity, the Service shall inform the operator and the relevant local government thereof, and also shall electronically send a website address to the State Environmental Monitoring Bureau (hereinafter - the Bureau) where the submission for a Category A polluting activity is available. [5 August 2014; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 31. In the case referred to in Paragraph 30 of this Regulation, an operator shall ensure the translation of the text of a submission into the necessary language and the Bureau shall prepare and send information regarding the polluting activity not later than two months before issuing a Category A permit, and also proposals regarding joint monitoring measures to the competent authority of the relevant state upon prior co-ordination with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development and informing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The information which is provided to the relevant state shall be as much detailed as the information which is provided to the public, and it shall be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 40 of this Regulation. [5 August 2014; 12 December 2017] 32. If the state that may be affected by transboundary pollution organises the public consultation, the Bureau shall ensure the participation of the relevant experts in such consultation. The expenses related to the participation of experts shall be covered by an operator. 33. [8 September 2020] III. Public Consultation on a Submission34. The information included in a submission, including additional submitted documents, shall be available to the public. If an operator considers that a part of the information is restricted access information, such information shall be submitted separately with the relevant reference. The operator shall indicate the reasons why the information is considered restricted access information. 35. If the Service does not agree that the relevant information is to be considered restricted access information, the Service shall take a reasoned decision and shall notify the operator thereof in writing. The decision of the Service may be appealed to the Bureau within one month. In such case, the day on which the final decision regarding whether the relevant information is to be considered restricted access information entered into effect shall be considered the day of acceptance of a submission. [8 September 2020] 36. Within two working days from the day when the submission for a Category A or B polluting activity is accepted, the Service shall post it on its website. If the Category A or B polluting activity is carried out at a military object, only the summary of the relevant submission shall be posted on the website of the Service. [8 September 2020] 37. Within five working days from the day when the submission for a Category A polluting activity is accepted, the Service shall post the following information on the website of the State Environmental Service: 37.1. the name of the operator; 37.2. the name of the polluting activity and the location (address) of the performance thereof; 37.3. the place and time when it is possible to become acquainted with the information contained in the submission, including the additional materials submitted (if public consultation has been specified, including with materials which have only become accessible following the informing of the public in accordance with Paragraph 38 of this Regulation or following the public consultation); 37.4. the essence of the possible decision (the decision regarding the issuance of a permit or the refusal to issue a permit, the decision regarding a change in the permit conditions or regarding the refusal to change the permit conditions) and the time the decision is taken. [9 April 2013; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 38. Not later than within 14 days following the receipt by the Service of a submission for the commencement of operations, the continuation of existing activities or substantial changes to the existing operations in respect of a Category A polluting activity or Category B polluting activity (waste incineration plant as well as the installation regarding which the Service or relevant local government has taken a decision to hear the public opinion), the operator shall inform the public of a polluting activity: 38.1. publicly - providing an opportunity to receive information at the office of the operator and at the local government; 38.2. individually - by sending notices to owners (possessors) whose immovable properties border the place of the declared polluting activity or are located in the direct area of impact thereof; 38.3. in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis as well as in at least one local newspaper; 38.4. on the Internet - on the website of the operator or the State Environmental Service; 38.5. regarding new polluting activities - also on the First Programme of the Latvian Radio or on local radio. [9 April 2013; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 39. In accordance with the procedures laid down in Paragraph 38 of this Regulation, the operator shall also inform the public if the Service has recommended the reconsideration and update of the conditions of the permit for polluting activities. [8 September 2020] 40. The operator shall provide the following information in a notice to the public: 40.1. the name and type of the polluting activity or information regarding the changes in operations; 40.2. waste that is intended to be incinerated (for waste incineration plants); 40.3. information regarding the owner and the operator of the installation; 40.4. the location (address) of the intended polluting activity; 40.5. the place where the public may receive a summary of a submission or acquaint themselves with the submission and documents appended thereto; 40.6. the place and time of the public consultation; 40.7. the date by which the public may submit written proposals to the Service; 40.8. the regional environmental board of the Service which is responsible for the issuance of a permit and the address thereof; 40.9. where appropriate, - an indication regarding the possible transboundary impact. [8 September 2020] 41. Within five days following the provision of information to the public, the operator shall send to the Service the documents which certify the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 38 and 40 of this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 42. An operator shall organise a public consultation at least five days after the publication of the notice referred to in Paragraph 38 of this Regulation in a local newspaper. The Service shall permit the operator not to organise a public consultation meeting if such meeting has already taken place during the environmental impact assessment of the intended activity and not more than two years have passed since such meeting, and also if no new negative impact on human health or the environment has been discovered while evaluating the submission. [9 April 2013; 8 September 2020] 43. Public consultations shall be managed by an authorised representative of the local government or the operator. The operator shall ensure the course of the meeting and the taking of minutes, as well as provide sufficient information to the public regarding the submission and the intended operation. The persons present during a public consultation shall be provided with an opportunity to ask questions and to express their opinion. 44. Within three working days following the public consultation meeting, the operator shall send the meeting minutes to the local government in the territory of which the relevant polluting activity is performed or planned, and to the regional environmental board of the Service responsible for the issuance of a permit. The minutes shall be available to the public at the local government and the Service. Each member of the meeting has the right to submit an individual opinion within seven days to the Service, to be appended to the minutes, on the issues examined at the public consultation meeting. [8 September 2020] 45. In addition to the provisions referred to in Paragraph 31 of this Regulation, information that may be used in the taking of a decision but which became available only after informing the public in accordance with Paragraph 38 of this Regulation or after the public consultation shall also be available to the public at the Service. [8 September 2020] 46. The public may submit their proposals or an opinion on the issuance of a permit or the conditions thereof to the Service in writing within 30 days after the day of publication of the notice referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.3 of this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 47. The Service shall inform the operator on the proposals received and shall indicate the deadline by which an explanation of the operator on such proposals is to be submitted. The deadline for the submission of an explanation to the operator shall not exceed 14 days. [8 September 2020] 48. If the informed authorities or the public propose not to issue a permit for the performance of a declared polluting activity, the Service shall issue the permit or take a reasoned decision to refuse to issue the permit only after the operator has been given not less than 14 days to express his or her explanation in writing. [8 September 2020] IV. Procedures for Issuance of the Permit for a Category A and B Polluting Activity and Registration of a Category C Polluting Activity[8 September 2020] 49. Not later than within 90 days from the day of acceptance of a submission for a Category A polluting activity and not later than within 60 days from the acceptance of a submission for a Category B polluting activity, the Service shall issue the appropriate permit for the performance of the polluting activity or for substantial changes to the polluting activity or shall take the decision to change the conditions of the permit or to refuse to change the conditions of the permit, or to refuse to issue a permit, or to reconsider or update the permit. Not later than within 30 days from the day of acceptance of a submission for a Category A or Category B polluting activity, the Service shall issue the appropriate permit for the performance of the polluting activity if no changes in operations are planned to a Category A or Category B polluting activity. [8 September 2020] 50. The Service may extend the time period referred to in Paragraph 49 of this Regulation for an existing Category B polluting activity and also for a new Category B polluting activity, in cases where a public consultation is determined, for a time period that does not exceed 90 days, and shall inform the operator thereof in writing. [8 September 2020] 51. When issuing a permit or taking a reasoned decision to refuse to issue a permit, the Service shall base its decision on the submitted information and the evaluation thereof by taking into account the proposals of the relevant local government, the relevant branch of the Health Inspectorate, other State and local government authorities, and also the public, and the explanation of the operator. When issuing a permit for a Category A polluting activity for which a transboundary impact of pollution is possible, the Service shall take into account the opinion of the competent authority of the relevant state and the proposals of the public of this state. [8 September 2020] 52. A permit shall be issued in accordance with the sample form indicated in Annex 6 to this Regulation. 53. On the basis of the submission referred to in Paragraph 9 of this Regulation or on the basis of Section 24.1, Paragraph six of the law On Pollution, if necessary, the conditions of a greenhouse gas emission permit shall be amended and the relevant permit shall be issued. 54. The same tables that are used in a submission for a Category A and Category B polluting activity in accordance with Annex 3 to this Regulation shall be used in a permit. [9 April 2013] 55. If it is not possible to specify in a permit the emission limits for a certain installation, such limits shall be replaced with other conditions that ensure equivalent protection of human health and the environment. When determining the conditions of a permit for the installations referred to in Paragraph six, Clause 6 of the Annex to the law On Pollution, the nature of such installations and the practical considerations for ensuring the quality of the environment shall be taken into account, including the requirements for manure pits. 55.1 If the Service, in accordance with Section 31, Paragraph six of the law On Pollution, has allowed derogations in the permit from the emission level which is laid down in the conclusions on the best available techniques, if any have been published, or the emission level which is laid down in the guidelines document for the best available techniques, the permit shall be supplemented with an appendix in which the assessment prepared by the operator and documented certification for the application of the derogation are included, if such derogation is requested. If the permit conditions are reconsidered, the specified derogations shall also be reconsidered. [12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 55.2 If none of the conclusions on the best available techniques apply to a Category A polluting activity or type of production process performed on an installation or if such conclusions do not apply to the possible impact of the activity or process on the environment, the Service shall, taking into account the opinion of the operator, determine conditions of a permit on the basis of the best available techniques that it has determined for the relevant activities or processes, especially taking into account the criteria laid down in Section 21, Paragraph five of the law On Pollution. [9 April 2013; 8 September 2020] 55.3 [8 September 2020] 56. The Service shall, within three working days after issuance of the permit referred to in Paragraph 49 of this Regulation or taking of a decision, send the relevant documents by electronic means to the local governments referred to in Sub-paragraph 27.1 of this Regulation, the Health Inspectorate, the authorities referred to in Sub-paragraph 27.3 of this Regulation which have submitted written proposals in accordance with the procedures and within time periods laid down in Chapter III of this Regulation, and also, where necessary, to other State and local government authorities. [8 September 2020] 57. The Service may cancel a permit if it determines that the operator has provided false or misleading information. [8 September 2020] 58. The Service shall, within 10 working days, assess the information submitted for the registration of a Category C polluting activity. If all the necessary information laid down in the laws and regulations governing environmental protection is not included in the submission, the Service shall inform the operator thereof by indicating what information must be submitted within 14 days. [8 September 2020] 59. The Service shall, within 14 days from the day of acceptance of a submission, register a Category C polluting activity if it conforms with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing environmental protection. In the case of significant changes, the Service shall make changes in the registration of Category C. [8 September 2020] 60. The Service shall post the information on the registration of a Category C polluting activity on its website. The Service shall inform a local government of the registration of Category C polluting activity. [8 September 2020] 60.1 If the operator discontinues the Category C polluting activity, it shall inform the Service thereof. The Service shall remove the information on the relevant Category C polluting activity from the website of the Service and inform a local government thereof. [8 September 2020] 61. The issuance of a permit, a refusal to issue a permit or the conditions specified in a permit may be disputed in accordance with the procedures specified in the law On Pollution. V. Reconsideration and Updating of the Conditions of a Category A or B Permit62. The operator may recommend the reconsideration and updating of the conditions of a Category A or B permit by filing the appropriate submission (Annex 3) to the Service if this is necessary in accordance with the law On Pollution. If it is necessary to reconsider the conditions in separate sections of the permit, only the sections to which the changes apply shall be completed in the submission. [8 September 2020] 63. The Service may take the decision on: 63.1. the reconsideration and updating of the conditions of a Category A or B permit, if it is necessary to set out more stringent requirements in the conditions of a permit for polluting activity for the reduction of pollution caused by an installation; 63.2. the reconsideration of the conditions of a Category A permit after publishing of new conclusions in the Official Journal of the European Union on the best available techniques, ensuring that the conditions of a permit are reconsidered and the conformity of an installation is ensured not later than within four years after the publishing of the relevant conclusions. In the reconsideration of the conditions of a permit, all new or updated conclusions on the best available techniques applicable to the installation shall be taken into account; 63.3. the reconsideration and updating of the conditions of a Category A permit, if conclusions on the best available techniques are not prepared in respect of the Category A polluting activities performed on the installation, but in accordance with the changes in the best available techniques applicable to a particular polluting activity it is possible to ensure a significant reduction in emissions. [9 April 2013; 5 August 2014; 8 September 2020] 64. If the Service has recommended the reconsideration and updating of a Category A or B permit in accordance with Paragraph 63 of this Regulation, it shall inform the operator in writing of the decision taken to initiate the procedure of the reconsideration and updating of the conditions of the permit. [8 September 2020] 65. Based on the decision of the Service, the operator shall prepare and file a submission to the Service for the reconsideration and updating of a Category A or B permit not later than within 20 days from the day of the receipt of the decision. The operator shall provide information in the submission on the conformity of the operation performed with the conditions of the permit. The operator, when informing of the planned changes to the operation to be performed (if such are planned), shall only complete the sections of the submission (Annex 3) to which the changes apply. When filing a submission for the reconsideration of the conditions of a Category A permit, the operator shall submit the information attesting that the operation of an installation complies with the conclusions on the best available techniques, if any have been published, or guideline documents for the best available techniques, including on emission levels. [9 April 2013; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 66. Not later than within 10 working days following receipt of the operator's submission, the Service shall provide a written opinion on the acceptance of the submission if all the necessary information is indicated therein or appended thereto. The Service has the right to request additional information from the operator on a polluting activity. Within the time period specified by the Service which shall not be shorter than 10 working days from the day of receipt of the Service's opinion, the operator shall provide all the additional information requested. [8 September 2020] 67. Following acceptance of the submission from the operator, the Service shall, in accordance with Paragraph 27 of this Regulation, send information to the local government in whose territory the relevant operation is being performed, to the Health Inspectorate as well as other interested State and local government authorities, associations, and foundations for the provision of an opinion within the time period specified in Paragraph 28 of this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 68. If the reconsideration and updating of the conditions of a Category A permit has been initiated based on the decision of the Service referred to in Paragraph 63 of this Regulation, the operator shall ensure public consultation on the submission in accordance with Chapter III of this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 69. When reconsidering and updating the conditions of a Category A or B permit, the Service shall use the information provided by the operator and the evaluation thereof as grounds, taking into account the proposals of the relevant local government, the Health Inspectorate, other State and local government authorities as well as the proposals of the public, if public consultation is applied to the reconsideration and updating of the conditions of a Category A permit, and the explanation of the operator, and shall also use the information at the disposal of the Service as grounds, also taking into account the following: 69.1. changes made to the permit during the reconsideration period, including a change in operations and the impact thereof on the environmental quality standard limit values and the connection thereof with environmental quality standards; 69.2. how administrative acts regarding the prevention of deficiencies in the operation of an installation have been implemented (if any); 69.3. information obtained as a result of the monitoring or inspections. [9 April 2013; 8 September 2020] VI. Information for the Public and for the European Commission70. The conditions specified in a permit and also the results of pollution control and monitoring shall be freely available to the public at the relevant regional environmental board of the Service. [8 September 2020] 71. If a public consultation has taken place in accordance with this Regulation, the operator shall inform the public of a polluting activity in accordance with Sub-paragraphs 38.1 and 38.2 of this Regulation within eight days from the day on which the Service issued or extended a permit, or changed the conditions specified in the permit. The operator shall provide the following information in a notice to the public: 71.1. the type and name of the polluting activity; 71.2. information regarding the owner and the operator of the installation; 71.3. the location (address) of the intended polluting activity; 71.4. the website address where the conditions of the permit are available; 71.5. the address of the Service where it is possible to receive a copy of the permit; 71.6. the time period during which it is possible to dispute the issuance of the permit or the conditions specified therein. [12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 72. Within five days following the provision of information to the public, the operator shall send to the Service the documents which certify the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Paragraph 71 of this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 73. [8 September 2020] 73.1 [8 September 2020] 74. If a Category A permit for the polluting activity is received which may have transboundary impact, the Bureau shall inform the competent authority of the relevant state of the conditions specified in the Category A permit as well as shall provide the information prepared by the Service on the results of the polluting activity monitoring. The operator shall ensure the preparation of information in the necessary language. [8 September 2020] 75. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development shall, in cooperation with the Service and valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs" [State limited liability company Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre], prepare and provide the information to the European Commission on the fulfilment of the requirements of this Regulation in respect of Category A polluting activities (installations) in conformity with the reporting periods and instructions for the provision of the report laid down by the European Commission. [12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] 76. [8 September 2020] VII. Closing Provisions77. Cabinet Regulation No. 294 of 9 July 2002, Procedures by which Polluting Activities of Category A, B and C shall be Declared and Permits for the Performance of Category A and B Polluting Activities shall be Issued (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2002, No. 109; 2003, No. 105; 2004, No. 20 and 69; 2005, No. 121; 2006, No. 118 and 204; 2009, No. 5 and 166), is repealed. 78. The maximum deadline for the implementation of the best available techniques for a Category A polluting activity shall be 31 October 2007, except the cases where a longer deadline for an installation has been specified in the Treaty of Accession to the European Union. 79. On the basis of a programme for the introduction of the best available techniques submitted by the operator, the Service shall determine in the Category A permit the time periods for the introduction of certain technological solutions which do not exceed the time periods referred to in Paragraph 78 of this Regulation. [8 September 2020] 80. The operator which performs a polluting activity and has filed a submission in order to receive a permit for the performance of the polluting activity in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Regulation or in order to receive a permit for substantial changes in the polluting activity shall, if necessary, file a submission to the Service within the time periods laid down in this Regulation for the extension of the time period of a Category A or B permit until the receipt of the relevant permit. The Service shall extend the relevant permit for a time period not exceeding 60 days. If the Service has taken the decision to apply a public consultation procedure to the receipt of a Category B permit, the relevant permit shall be extended from the day of taking the decision for a period not exceeding 90 days. [8 September 2020] 81. A Category A or Category B permit shall replace other permits for the emission of air polluting substances, for the use of water and waste management specified by other laws and regulations, except for the permit for the transport of waste. 82. Category A and Category B permits that have been issued up to the day of coming into force of this Regulation shall be valid until the expiry of the time period thereof, except where, in accordance with the law On Pollution, permit conditions shall be reconsidered earlier. 83. Category A and B permits which are issued for a specified time period shall be valid until the expiry of the time period thereof, except where a substantial change has been performed to the polluting activity. 84. Paragraph 60 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2011. 85. The operator shall, by 1 July 2013, file the submission referred to in Paragraph 13 of this Regulation in the form of a hard copy (additionally submitting the relevant information also electronically without electronic signature) or in the form of an electronic document, or electronically using the information system of the Service. [9 April 2013; 8 September 2020] 86. A permit for the polluting activity for the installations referred to in Sub-paragraph 5.2.1 of Annex 1 to this Regulation shall be issued until 7 January 2015. [9 April 2013] Informative Reference to the Directives of the European Union[9 April 2013; 12 December 2017] The Regulation contains legal norms arising from: 1) Council Directive 75/442/EEC of 15 July 1975 on waste; 2) Council Directive 80/68/EEC of 17 December 1979 on the protection of groundwater against pollution caused by certain dangerous substances; 3) Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment; 4) Council Directive 91/689/EEC of 12 December 1991 on hazardous waste; 5) Directive 2008/1/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (codified version); 6) Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste; 7) Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy; 8) Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste; 9) Directive 2003/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 providing for public participation in respect of the drawing up of certain plans and programmes relating to the environment and amending with regard to public participation and access to justice Council Directives 85/337/EEC and 96/61/EC; 10) Directive 2010/75/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control); 11) Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives; 12) Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE); 13) Directive 2006/118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration; 14) Directive (EU) 2015/2193 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from medium combustion plants. Prime Minister, Minister for Regional
Development Minister for Environment R. Vējonis
Annex 1 Polluting Activities (Installations) Requiring a Category B Permit[9 April 2013; 5 August 2014; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020]
Minister for Environment R. Vējonis
Annex 2 Category C Polluting Activities (Installations) Requiring Registration[9 April 2013; 5 August 2014; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020]
Minister for Environment R. Vējonis
Annex 3 Information to be Indicated in the Submission for the Receipt of a Permit for Category A or B Polluting Activity[8 September 2020] The following information shall be indicated in the submission for the receipt of a permit for a Category A or B polluting activity by filling out only those sections which correspond to the particular polluting activity. Part A 1. Location of the polluting activity or installation: 1.1. the given name, surname, and address or name and address of the land owner on whose land the installation is located or the polluting activity takes place (if different from the address of the merchant); 1.2. a map of the location of the installation on a scale of 1:25 000 or 1:10 000, or 1:5000, or 1:500 (to be attached in an Annex); 1.3. the position of buildings and production units in the territory (to be indicated in a map on a scale of 1:500, 1:1000 or 1:5000 suitable for the installation and attached in an Annex); 1.4. the territory code; 1.5. the conformity of the location of the installation with the permitted (planned) land use in accordance with territorial planning; 1.6. the hydrological and geological characterisation of the location. 2. Information regarding the immediate vicinity and the type of land use: 2.1. populated area, one-storey building, multi-storey building, industrial area, public area, trade area; 2.2. information on whether the installation is located in a protection zone, in the vulnerable zones laid down in the laws and regulations to which increased requirements for the protection of water and soil from pollution with nitrates caused by agricultural activities apply, in the catchment area of risk water bodies laid down in laws and regulations, in a territory in which an assessment of air quality indicates that the concentration of air polluting substances exceeds the lowest threshold of pollution assessment. If the installation is located in a protection zone, a map in which the protection zones are indicated shall be attached. 3. Planning, design and construction work: 3.1. the name, address, telephone number of the building authority of the relevant local government which supervises the intended or existing activity (examination of the construction submission, acceptance of designs and acceptance for service); 3.2. planning, design, construction work, information on |design and acceptance for service (information on the date of issuance, number, and term of validity of a construction permit shall be attached). 4. The number of employees in existing and planned production units: 4.1. the current number of employees (at the particular workplace) and the planned number of employees after receipt of a permit shall be indicated for the existing installations; 4.2. the planned number of employees shall be indicated for new installations. 5. Description of the polluting activity: 5.1. working hours (the duration of work in normal operating mode shall be indicated as well as whether the installation is working outside the normal working hours); 5.2. the intended time for the commencement and completion of construction or the reconstruction of industrial installations; 5.3. the intended time for the commencement of the polluting activity; 5.4. the production capacity requested for a permit and the planned annual amount of output for an existing installation, for a new installation - the designed capacity; 5.5. for landfill sites - the planned capacity of the landfill, the planned duration of operation, the territory to be serviced, for municipal landfill sites - the number of inhabitants to be serviced; 5.6. for incineration installation - the installation type (diesel engine, gas turbine, dual-fuel engine, other engine or incineration installation of other type), rated thermal input of each incineration installation and rated thermal input of each part of incineration installation (MW), if two or more incineration installations are connected and exhaust gases are discharged through one joint chimney, the planned working hours per year, average load during service, the date of commencement of operation of the installation, and also indication on whether the installation needs a derogation from the application of emission limit values in conformity with laws and regulation regarding the procedures by which emission of air polluting substances from incineration installations is prevented, restricted, and controlled. 6. The documents issued by environmental authorities for the polluting activity (if such documents are necessary for an installation in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the field of environmental protection): 6.1. in relation to the commencement of the polluting activity or material changes in an existing polluting activity - the number and date of the assessment report regarding environmental impact assessment, the authority that accepted the intended activity, the decision number and the date of taking thereof, the number of the technical regulations issued by the Service; 6.2. in relation to an existing polluting activity - the number, date of issue, and period of validity of the last permits issued for the emission of polluting substances into the air, for the use of water or for waste management (also permits for waste transport); 6.3. the date of submitting the industrial accident prevention programme or safety report to the State Environmental Monitoring Bureau and the date of submitting the civil protection plan of the object to the State Fire and Rescue Service. 7. The list of contracts(1) entered into with other natural or legal persons (the given name, surname, address shall be indicated for a natural person, the unified registration number, address of a merchant shall be indicated for a legal person), indicating the main conditions: 7.1. on water supply; 7.2. on waste water treatment; 7.3. on waste management; 7.4. on other contracts if they are applicable to the activity performed by the operator. Part B 8. Description of the installation and production processes. A history of industrial operation, production capacity, products, and production processes of the installation. For Category A installations, flow charts shall be attached and, if necessary, additional information that characterises the polluting activity, including vibration caused and heat emitted by the installation. 9. Cleaner production measures, the best available techniques (for Category A installations), and waste reduction. Indicate how the reduction of raw materials, chemical substances or mixtures, water and energy consumption, the replacement of hazardous chemical substances, the use or processing of re-usable raw materials is ensured. 10. Information on the implementation of environmental protection requirements. The operator shall prepare a plan for existing installations for ensuring the fulfilment of the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations in the field of environmental protection and for the introduction of cleaner production. For Category A installations, it shall be demonstrated in the plan how it is planned to reach the conditions laid down in conclusions on the best available techniques or guidelines. 11. The possible accidents and the reduction of the consequences thereof. Indicate what are the means of liquidation of an emergency situation, fire-fighting regulations, and how the storage of water intended for fire-fighting is ensured. It shall be indicated if the installation does not require an industrial accident prevention programme or a safety report and a civil protection plan of an object. 12. Operation of an installation in atypical conditions. Indicate what are possible atypical conditions of operation of the installation (for example, adjustment or testing of the installation or part thereof, launching and shut-down of the installation, disturbances, temporary shut-down of the installation, restriction or stopping of the operation of the installation under undesirable meteorological conditions). Indicate what emissions are caused if the installation operates under atypical conditions (indicating emissions in the air, water). 13. Alternatives assessed and solutions selected. Indicate alternatives of technologies, technical methods or measures to be applied in the installation and assessed during the course of development of the submission. Part C 14. Information on chemical substances, mixtures, and other materials used in the production process as raw materials or ancillary materials and which are not classified as dangerous: 14.1. chemical substance or mixture (or groups thereof); 14.2. type of the chemical substance or mixture; 14.3. way of use; 14.4. amount stored (t), type of storage; 14.5. amount used per year (t). 15. Information on hazardous chemical substances and mixtures which are used in the production process as raw materials or ancillary materials or which develop in intermediary products or finished products: 15.1. chemical substance or mixture (or groups thereof); 15.2. type of the chemical substance or mixture; 15.3. way of use; 15.4. CAS number(2); 15.5. hazard class; 15.6. hazard statement (H code)(3); 15.7. hazard pictogram; 15.8. precautionary statement (P code)(4); 15.9. amount stored (t), type of storage; 15.10. amount used (tonnes/per year). 16. Information on the use of heating fuel or fuel for heat and electricity in the installation: 16.1. type; 16.2. amount used in one year; 16.3. sulphur content (%); 16.4. way of use (for production processes, for heating and for supply of hot water for household or business purposes, for the generation of electricity). 17. Information on storage tanks: 17.1. number; 17.2. content of the storage tank (name of the substance); 17.3. dimensions of the tank (m3); 17.4. age of the tank (in years); 17.5. positioning of the tank (above ground, under ground). 18. Information on waste used in the incineration or co-incineration process: 18.1. class of waste; 18.2. amount stored (tonnes), type of storage; 18.3. way of use; 18.4. amount used per year (tonnes). 19. Specific information on waste incineration and co-incineration plants. Plant capacity, a list of waste to be incinerated according to a waste catalogue, for hazardous waste the amount and categories thereof shall be indicated, and also the maximum and minimum flows of such hazardous waste, the maximum and minimum thermal input thereof, and also the maximum permissible pollution with hazardous chemical substances, including with polychlorinated biphenyl, polychlorinated terphenyl, chlorine, fluorine, sulphur, and heavy metals. 20. Information on the use of heat per year. Supplier, use, MWh/per year, way of use (production process, heating (without production process), other purpose). 21. Information on the abstraction of surface water, groundwater, and seawater: 21.1. identification number of water abstraction source; 21.2. name and location (address); 21.3. geographic coordinates; 21.4. code of the water supply district; 21.5. the territory code; 21.6. water quantity (cubic metres per day, cubic metres per year). 22. Information on the water supply system and deposits of mineral resources (ground water) by indicating whether the technical inventory file of external sewage networks and structures, the schematic plan of a water supply system, the technical passport (for existing installation for which it is developed), the passport of the borehole of water supply, the passport of the deposit of mineral resources (ground water) are at the disposal of the operator. The date of development of the document shall be indicated. 23. The schematic plan of a water supply system (at a scale of 1:500 or 1:5000, or 1:10 000) by indicating water intake wells or points, locations of water meters, mains, external water supply networks with a diameter of 100 mm or more, hydrants, gate valves, manholes, water towers, clean water reservoirs, water treatment plants, and disinfection facilities. 24. The information on installations which prevent entering of fish in the technical equipment, and also on water abstraction regimen, the determined category of water taken and water supply points in the protection zones in conformity with the Protection Zone Law. If it is planned to obtain drinking water, the water quality testing report shall be appended upon request of the Service. 25. Information on the use of water in the installation: 25.1. water abstraction sources and ways of use (from external suppliers; from a borehole owned by an owner; lake or river, sea waters; other sources); 25.2. total water consumption (cubic meters per year); 25.3. purposes of use - for chilling (cubic meters per year), for production processes (cubic metres per year), for household needs (cubic metres per year), for other purposes (cubic metres per year). Part D 26. Emission of polluting substances into the air and physical characteristics of sources thereof: 26.1. source code; 26.2. description of the source; 26.3. geographic coordinates; 26.4. chimney height; 26.5. internal diameter of chimney; 26.6. emission flow; 26.7. emission temperature; 26.8. emission duration - hours/per day and hours/per year. 27. Substances emitted into the air from emission sources (including odours): 27.1. installation, process, production unit, name of the production site; 27.2. type; 27.3. emission source code; 27.4. emission duration (hours/per day and hours/per year); 27.5. gas purification installation (name, type); 27.6. efficiency of gas purification installations (designed, actual); 27.7. polluting substance, parameter, code; 27.8. characterisation of emissions before purification and after purification (in grams per second (g/s), milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3), and tonnes per year (t/a). Data on odour emission shall be indicated in odour units per one cubic metre of gas at standard conditions (ouE/m3), odour units per second (ouE/s), and odour units per year (ouE/year). 28. Impact of emissions on air quality by indicating the results of calculations and models of the performed calculations. 29. The following information shall be provided on incineration installations in addition to the draft emission limits of polluting substances: 29.1. the theoretical amount of air required for incineration - V0 m3/kg (m3/nm3); 29.2. the theoretical amount of waste gases - V0d m3/kg (m3/nm3); 29.3. the amount of waste gases in conformity with the specified O2 - Vd m3/kg (m3/nm3). 30. Information on the draft emission limits of polluting substances: 30.1. code, description of the source; 30.2. installation, process, production unit, name of the production site; 30.3. geographic coordinates; 30.4. polluting substance; 30.5. data on the emission of polluting substances in grams per second (g/s); milligrams per cubic metre (mg/m3), and tonnes per year (t/a). Data on odour emission shall be indicated in odour units per one cubic metre of gas at standard conditions (ouE/m3), odour units per second (ouE/s), and odour units per year (ouE/year); 30.6. oxygen percentage. 31. Emission of polluting substances into the water. The information on emission into water and the environmental impact thereof shall be indicated. 32. Polluting substances in waste water: 32.1. the identification number of the discharge point granted by the Service, if any; 32.2. polluting substance, parameter/code; 32.3. concentration that may not be exceeded (mg/l); 32.4. before treatment (mg/l in 24 hours (on average) and tonnes per year (on average)); 32.5. a short description of the treatment used and the efficacy thereof (%); 32.6. after treatment (mg/l in 24 hours (on average) and tonnes per year (on average)). 33. Discharge of waste water and rain water into water bodies (ditch, river, lake, sea): 33.1. name and address (place) of the discharge point; 33.2. the identification number of the discharge point granted by the Service, if any; 33.3. geographic coordinates of the discharge point; 33.4. the name of a receiving water body, code of the water supply district, water flow (m3/h); 33.5. the amount of waste water (m3/d (on average), cubic metres per year (on average)); 33.6. discharge duration (hours per day-and-night or days per year). 34. If waste water is discharged to a treatment facility of another operator, the following information shall be indicated: 34.1. the name and address of the discharge point; 34.2. geographic coordinates of the discharge point; 34.3. the name of the operator of another water treatment facility, the number of the inspection chamber; 34.4. the amount of waste water (to external waste water treatment facilities according to the contract) (m3/d, m3 per year) by indicating all the substances, even those which are not treated before discharge in a water body; 34.5. discharge duration (hours per day or days per year); 34.6. the schematic plan of a discharge point. 35. Characterisation of the collecting system. Indicate the age of pipelines, the date of the last inspection, information on the person carrying out the inspections and results thereof, and also information on the maintenance of the system operation. 36. Documents at the disposal of the operator which characterise the collecting system: 36.1. the technical inventory file of external sewage networks and structures, the technical passport of the collecting system; 36.2. the date of development, notation on existence of the document. 37. Balance of water use (a schematic plan of the water supply system and collecting system in which the correspondence between the amount of water abstraction and the quantity of waste water transferred to other operators or discharged into the environment is shown). 38. Schematic plan of the collecting system (on a scale of 1:5000 or 1:10 000). An external sewage network with a diameter of 150 mm or more, manholes, overflow chambers, sewage pumping stations, and waste water treatment stations shall be indicated. 39. Emission of polluting substances into the soil and ground, and also groundwater pollution by indicating the characterisation of pollution sources (provide a report on all soil, ground, subterranean depths or groundwater pollution known to the operator, attach the results of research if such research has been carried out), and information on soil and groundwater pollution caused by waste. 40. Noise and noise sources: 40.1. noise source; 40.2. characterisation; 40.3. information on the sound power created Lwa dB (A) during the day (between 7.00-19.00) dB (A), evening (between 19:00-23:00) dB (A), night (between 23:00-07:00) dB (A); 40.4. location of the noise source (coordinates); 40.5. time period for the operation of the noise source. 41. Waste formation and management: 41.1. the maximum and minimum flows of hazardous waste, the maximum and minimum thermal input, the maximum permissible pollution with hazardous chemical substances, including with polychlorinated biphenyl, polychlorinated terphenyl, chlorine, fluorine, sulphur and heavy metals; 41.2. the existing and planned protective measures of waste management; 41.3. specific information on landfills (types and amount of waste to be disposed, a description of the landfill operation, methods for the prevention or reduction of pollution, a plan for the closure of the landfill and a management plan after closure); 41.4. temporary placement of waste in the territory of the installation (conditions for the selection of the location, a geological and hydrogeological description of the place, a waste management plan, indicating the control and monitoring measures for gases and infiltrate, and also the control of operation after closure of the location of the placement and attaching the schematic plan of the placement of waste). 42. Waste formation and action with such waste: 42.1. class of waste; 42.2. degree of hazard of the waste; 42.3. temporary storage (tonnes per year); 42.4. incoming flow of waste (t/a) - main source, produced tonnes per year, incoming flow received from other undertakings, total incoming flow of waste (t/a); 42.5. outgoing flow of waste (t/a) - processed (quantity, R-code(5)), disposed (quantity, D-code(6)), transferred to other merchants, total outgoing flow of waste (t/a). 43. Waste collection and transportation: 43.1. class of waste; 43.2. degree of hazard of the waste; 43.3. collection type; 43.4. quantity of transported waste (tonnes/per year); 43.5. transportation type; 43.6. merchant carrying out waste transportation; 43.7. merchant receiving waste. 44. Waste disposal: 44.1. class of waste; 44.2. degree of hazard of the waste; 44.3. maximum amount of waste for disposal requested in a permit, (tonnes/per year or tonnes/per quarter). 45. A baseline report if the hazardous chemical substances which may cause soil and ground water pollution are used in the installation of Category A polluting activity in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations laying down the procedures for the development of a baseline report and its content. Part E 46. A description of air, water, ground, noise, and waste monitoring: 46.1. code; 46.2. parameters subject to monitoring; 46.3. sampling method; 46.4. analytical method and technology; 46.5. frequency of control; 46.6. laboratory performing the analyses. Part F 47. The measures be taken in order to reduce the impact on the environment after termination of operation of a part of or the entire installation, indicating the intended activities with potentially polluting residual materials. The way in which the operator will finance the closure of the landfill, including the management of the landfill after closure, shall be indicated for waste landfills. Part G 48. A summary for informing the public on the installation: 48.1. the name of the installation, information on the operator, owner, and location of the installation; 48.2. a short description of production and the reason why a permit is necessary; 48.3. a description of the polluting activity (the resources to be used and the impact of emissions on the environment shall be indicated). The following information shall be provided in the description: 48.3.1. water consumption (annual amount - for an existing installation) and measures for reduction of water consumption; 48.3.2. the main source material (also heating fuel and fuel) and use thereof; 48.3.3. the use of hazardous chemical substances and the planned measures for the replacement thereof; 48.3.4. the most significant emissions into the air and water (concentration and annual amount); 48.3.5. the formation and management of waste; 48.3.6. noise emission level; 48.4. prevention of possible accidents; 48.5. future plans - the planned expansion, the modernisation of individual parts or processes of the installation. Notes. (1) An operator shall present originals of the contracts upon request of the regional environmental board. (2) CAS number - substance index in the Chemical Abstracts Service. (3) In conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. (4) In conformity with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. (5) In conformity with the laws and regulations regarding the types of waste recovery and disposal. (6) In conformity with the laws and regulations regarding the types of waste recovery and disposal.
Annex 4 Particularly Dangerous Polluting Substances and Substances with a Particularly Significant Environmental Impact that must be Taken into Account in Determining the Permitted Emission[12 December 2017] I. Emission into the Air 1. Sulphur dioxide and other sulphur compounds. 2. Nitrogen oxides and other nitrogen compounds. 3. Carbon monoxide. 4. Volatile organic compounds. 5. Metals and compounds thereof. 6. Dust, including tiny particles. 7. Asbestos (solid particles, fibres). 8. Chlorine and compounds thereof. 9. Fluorine and compounds thereof. 10. Arsenic and compounds thereof. 11. Cyanides. 12. Chemical substances and chemical products that possess carcinogenic or mutagenic properties or that may affect fertility or reproduction. 13. Polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. II. Emission into Water 14. Organohalogen compounds and substances that may form such compounds in the aquatic environment. 15. Organophosphorous compounds. 16. Organotin compounds. 17. Chemical substances and chemical products that possess carcinogenic or mutagenic properties or that may affect the fertility of aquatic organisms. 18. Hydrocarbons and other persistent organic substances that are toxic and accumulate in live organisms. 19. Cyanides. 20. Metals and compounds thereof. 21. Arsenic and compounds thereof. 22. Biocides and plant protection products. 23. Materials in suspension. 24. Substances that facilitate eutrophication (including nitrates and phosphates). 25. Substances that have a negative effect on the content of oxygen in the aquatic environment (expressed by the biochemical consumption of oxygen and the chemical consumption of oxygen). Minister for Environment R. Vējonis
Annex 5 Information to be Indicated in the Submission for the Registration of a Category C Polluting Activity[8 September 2020] 1. Location of the polluting activity: 1.1. geographic coordinates; 1.2. the given name, surname, and address or name and address of the land owner on whose land the installation is located or the polluting activity takes place (if different from the address of the merchant); 1.3. the given name, surname, and address of the owner of buildings, ancillary buildings, and producer goods (if different from the abovementioned addresses); 1.4. address where the polluting activity is carried out; 1.5. information on the vicinity, type of land use, and indication on protection zones. 2. Polluting activity: 2.1. the polluting activity carried out in the installation in conformity with Annex 2 to this Regulation; 2.2 activities which are carried out in the installation or characterisation of the intended changes to activity (a short description of polluting activity, for example, the type of activity, the amount of production per day-and-night and per year, the type and capacity of the installations, packaging and management thereof); 2.3. the information on incineration installations: 2.3.1. emission sources and types thereof (diesel engine, gas turbine, dual-fuel engine, other engine or other incineration installation); 2.3.2. the date on which the operation of an incineration installation has commenced; 2.3.3. the rated thermal input of each incineration installation and the rated thermal input of the part of each incineration installation (MW) if two or more incineration installations are connected and exhaust gases are discharged through one joint chimney; 2.3.4. the planned working hours of an incineration installation during a year and average load during the service life; 2.3.5. emission limit values and emission limits applicable for each incineration installation if the operator needs to develop the draft emission limit; 2.3.6. the type of fuel used and planned consumption per year in each incineration installation; 2.3.7. indication on whether the installation needs a derogation from the application of emission limit values in conformity with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the prevention, restriction, and control of emission of polluting substances in the air from incineration installations; 2.3.8. requirements for carrying out the measurements; 2.4. information on the commencement or continuation of the installation operation, and also on the time of the installation operation if it has a temporary nature; 2.5. emissions in the air caused by the installation. Description of the measures for the reduction and prevention of emissions; 2.6. information on waste. Description of the measures for the reduction and prevention of the waste amount. Information on the waste management (for example, the type of management of municipal, production, and hazardous waste, amount of waste per year (in tonnes), place and type of storage thereof, waste manager); 2.7. water abstraction (for example, the water abstraction source, the amount of water consumption (m3/per day-and-night; m3/per year)); 2.8. discharge of waste water (the type of collection and discharge of municipal waste water and rainwater). Information regarding the existing waste water treatment facilities, capacity thereof (m3/per day-and-night, m3/per year) (the identification number of the waste water discharge point, code of the water supply district shall be indicated. If there are no water treatment facilities, the amount of generated waste water (m3/per day-and-night, m3/per year) and the type of its management shall be indicated); 2.9. the list of chemical substances or mixtures used, type of storage, and planned amount used per year.
Annex 6 [9 April 2013; 12 December 2017; 8 September 2020] Permit for Category A or Category B Polluting ActivityCategory ____ Permit No. _________
The type of the intended polluting activity in accordance with the relevant Annex to the law On Pollution or Annexes 1 and 2 to Cabinet Regulation No. 1082 of 30 November 2010, Procedures by which Polluting Activities of Category A, B and C shall be Declared and Permits for the Performance of Category A and B Polluting Activities shall be Issued.
The decision to issue the permit or the permit conditions may be disputed before the State Environmental Monitoring Bureau within one month from the day the decision enters into effect. Permit conditions may be reconsidered during the entire period of validity of the permit on the basis of Section 32, Paragraph 3.1 of the law On Pollution. Note. The document details "signature", "date" and "place for a seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. Part A 1. Laws and regulations on the basis of which the permit has been issued. 2. The period of validity of the permit and the time period for the presentation of a new submission. 3. Information regarding to whom copies of the permit have been sent. 4. Indication regarding restricted access information. 5. Other obtained permits and permits that are replaced by this permit. Part B 6. A short description of the declared activity. 7. Evaluation of the location. 8. Proposals submitted during the process of the taking of a decision (indicating how such proposals have been taken into account): 8.1. proposals by State or local government institutions; 8.2. proposals by the competent authorities of other states in case of a transboundary impact; 8.3. proposals by the public; 8.4. explanations by the operator. 9. Evaluation of a submission: 9.1. the best available techniques implemented and planned for Category A polluting activities; 9.2. implemented and planned cleaner production measures; 9.3.use of resources (water, energy and chemical substances); 9.4. emission into the air and the environmental impact of such emission; 9.5. the formation of smells; 9.6. emission into water and the environmental impact of such emission; 9.7. the formation and management of waste; 9.8. noise emission; 9.9. soil protection; 9.10. risk of accidents and action plans for emergency situations. Part C 10. Conditions for the operation of an undertaking: 10.1. operation and management; 10.2. working hours. 11. Use of resources: 11.1. water; 11.2. energy; 11.3. raw and auxiliary materials. 12. Air protection: 12.1. emission from point sources, emission limits and limit values; 12.2. emission from diffuse emission sources, emission limits; 12.3. operation of the process and treatment plants; 12.4. smells; 12.5. monitoring and measurement of emission (places, regularity and methods of measurements); 12.6. supervision of such types of emission that are generated by diffuse emission sources; 12.7. air monitoring; 12.8. maintenance and calibration of measuring equipment; 12.9. information to be provided to environmental protection authorities. 13. Waste water: 13.1. discharges, emission limits; 13.2. the course of the process and the operation of treatment plants; 13.3. monitoring and measurements (places, regularity and methods of measurements); 13.4. measurements in the receiving body of water; 13.5. maintenance and calibration of measuring equipment; 13.6. information to be provided to environmental protection authorities. 14. Noise: 14.1. noise sources and conditions for the operation of noise-generating installations; 14.2. noise emission limits; 14.3. monitoring and measurements (places, regularity and methods of measurements); 14.4. information to be provided to environmental protection authorities. 15. Waste: 15.1. formation of waste; 15.2. conditions for waste management (collection, processing, recovery and disposal); 15.3. monitoring and measurements (places, regularity and methods of measurements); 15.4. information to be provided to environmental protection authorities; 15.5. for a waste incineration or co-incineration plant - the capacity of the plant, the categories of waste to be incinerated in the plant, the amount of waste; 15.6. for waste landfills - landfill category, capacity, the duration of operation, the types and categories of waste to be disposed, the requirements for the arrangement, exploitation, monitoring and control procedures of the landfill, the requirements for the closure of the landfill and for management after closure. 16. Requirements for the protection of soil, ground, and also groundwater, including conditions for carrying out monitoring (places, regularity and methods of measurements), and also data to be provided to the environmental protection authorities. 16.1 Conditions for the Category A installations in accordance with which the conformity with the emission levels shall be assessed and which are laid down in conclusions on the best available techniques. 17. Conditions for operation of the installation under atypical conditions - for example, adjustment or testing of the installation or a part thereof, launching and shut-down of the installations, disturbances, temporary shut-down of the installation, restriction or stopping of the operation of the installation under undesirable meteorological conditions. 18. Conditions upon termination of operation of the installation or a part thereof in order to reduce the impact on the environment. The Service shall intend a duty for the operator to carry out treatment activities in order to collect, control, and limit the spread of hazardous chemical substances and in order not to cause threat to human health or environment. 19. Conditions for the prevention of accidents and activities in emergency situations. 20. Requirements for the information to be provided to the environmental protection authorities, if conditions of the permit have been infringed or accident has occurred, and also the requirements for the information to be provided to the environmental protection authorities in accordance with the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register as laid down by Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689/EEC and 96/61/EC. 21. Conditions for regular controls by State environmental inspectors. Annexes 22. The attached documents (references regarding dates, including the dates of presentation of submissions and clarifications thereof or additions thereto, proposals by the public, local governments and other institutions and explanations by operators, minutes regarding meetings with the operator and representatives of institutions, minutes of a public consultation) - Annex 1. 23. Submission summary - Annex 2. 24. If necessary, other annexes shall also be attached (schematic plans that show the location of a plant, a copy of a report of an environmental impact assessment or technical regulations, copies of contracts entered into with managers of external treatment plants, copies of a programme for the prevention of industrial accidents or safety report and an emergency readiness plan and a civil defence plan of the plant). 25. Assessment if derogations have been allowed from emission levels laid down in the conclusions on the best available techniques, and documentary certification (only for Category A installations to which the derogations have been applied). Minister for Environment R. Vējonis
Annex 7 Certification of Category C Polluting Activity[8 September 2020] Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
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Title: Kārtība, kādā piesakāmas A, B un C kategorijas piesārņojošas darbības un izsniedzamas atļaujas ..
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