Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 06.07.2011.–27.06.2013. Amendments not included: 11.06.2013., 29.10.2013., 14.10.2014., 27.03.2018.
Regulation Regarding the First Selection Round of Project Applications of Sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure" of the Complement to the Operational Programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations"Issued pursuant to
Section 18, Clause 10 of the I. General Provisions1. This Regulation prescribes: 1.1. the procedures, by which the first selection round of project applications of sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure" (hereinafter - sub-activity) of the activity "Development of Scientific and Research Infrastructure" of the measure 2.1.1 "Science, Research and Development" of the priority 2.1 "Science and Innovations" of the complement to the operational programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations" is implemented; 1.2. the requirements to a project applicant; 1.3. the criteria for evaluation of a project application; 1.4. the Responsible Institution and the Co-operation Institution, distribution of the competence between these institutions and the procedures for co-operation, as well as the form of functional subordination of the Responsible Institution and Co-operation Institution. 2. The following terms are used in this Regulation: 2.1. a project not connected with aid for commercial activity - a project conforming to the following criteria: 2.1.1. a project applicant and co-operation partner is a scientific institution conforming the status of research organisation in compliance with the definition specified in Article 30 (1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General block exemption Regulation) (hereinafter - Commission Regulation No. 800/2008); 2.1.2. investments planned within the scope of the project will be used for non-economic primary activity of the project applicant and co-operation partner; 2.1.3. a project applicant and co-operation partner shall separate: non-economic primary activities of a scientific institution (and financial flows related thereto) from economic primary activities; primary activities of the scientific institution and financial flows related thereto from other activities of the scientific institution and financial flows related thereto; 2.2. a project of combined aid type - a project conforming to the following criteria: 2.2.1. a project applicant and co-operation partner is a scientific institution conforming to the status of research organisation in compliance with the definition specified in Article 30 (1) of Commission Regulation No. 800/2008; 2.2.2. investments planned within the scope of the project will be used for both non-economic primary activity of the project applicant and co-operation partner and economic primary activity of the project applicant or co-operation partner; 2.2.3. a project applicant and co-operation partner shall separate: non-economic primary activities of a scientific institution (and financial flows related thereto) from economic primary activities; primary activities of the scientific institution and financial flows related thereto from other activities of the scientific institution and financial flows related thereto; 2.3. large merchant - a merchant conforming to the definition specified in Article 2 (8) of Commission Regulation No. 800/2008; 2.4. micro, small and medium-sized merchant - a merchant conforming to the definition specified in Annex 1, Article 2 of Commission Regulation No. 800/2008; 2.5. non-economic primary activity - primary activity of a scientific institution, which does not fall under the field of activity specified in Article 107 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; 2.6. public financing intensity - total amount of the European Regional Development Fund (hereinafter - ERDF) financing in percentage from the total eligible costs of the project; 2.7. economic activity - such activity which offers goods or services in the relevant market; 2.8. economic primary activity - primary activity of a scientific institution, which falls under the field of activity specified in Article 107 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; 2.9. research centre of national significance - co-operation framework of scientific institutions for focusing of scientific resources for of European level research in the priority direction of a science facilitating the development of priority sectors of national economy and society of Latvia; 2.10. State scientific institution - within the meaning of this Regulation a State scientific institute, a State founded institution of higher education or the scientific institute of a State founded institution of higher education registered in the register of scientific institutions; and 2.11. primary activity of a scientific institution - a scientific activity and dissemination of the results of scientific activity in the form of knowledge and technology transfer. 3. ERDF financing shall be granted in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EC) of 15 December 2006 No. 1998/2006 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to de minimis aid (Official Journal of the European Union, 28 December 2006, No. L 379/5) (hereinafter - Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006) or in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General block exemption Regulation) (Official Journal of the European Union, 9 August 2008, No. L 214/3) for the implementation of projects of combined aid type. 4. The objective of the sub-activity is to improve scientific and research equipment and to establish appropriate infrastructure for the operation thereof, in order to ensure modern material and technical base for research activities in the leading research centres of national significance thus promoting the development of intellectual potential of research, as well as to ensure the necessary information resources and accessibility thereof 5. The objective of the sub-activity shall be achieved by supporting the following research centres of national significance: 5.1. a research centre of national significance for energy and technologies of environmental resources extraction and sustainable use (including also the development of a transport and mechanical engineering centre); 5.2. a research centre of national significance for pharmacy and biomedicine (including also the establishment of a study and research centre of pharmaceutical technologies and biopharmacy centre); 5.3. a research centre of national significance for information, communication and signal processing technologies (including also the establishment of a space data processing centre); 5.4. a research centre of national significance for the Latvian language, cultural and historical heritage and creative technologies; 5.5. a research centre of national significance for use of agricultural resources and food; 5.6. a research centre of national significance for forest and water resources; 5.7. a research centre of national significance for nanostructured and multifunctional materials, constructions and technologies; 5.8. a research centre of national significance for public health and clinical medicine; and 5.9. a research centre of national significance in socio-economics and public management. 6. Conditions for establishment of a research centre of national significance: 6.1. a research centre of national significance may be established by a scientific institution the average ratio of quality indicators of scientific activity of which in the direction of science corresponding to the research centre of national significance during the last three years is "1,1" or larger. The ratio shall be calculated in accordance with regulatory enactment in force in the relevant period of time regarding the procedures for granting of base financing to State scientific institutions. The referred to ratio shall be calculated by the Ministry of Education and Science on the basis of the information which is provided by scientific institutions upon request of the Ministry of Education and Science; 6.2. a research centre of national significance shall be established by at least two scientific institutions which both together comply with the following values of the quality indicators of scientific activity: 6.2.1. if a research centre of national significance is established in natural sciences (physics, biology, chemistry), engineering and technologies (including architecture and construction), health, agricultural, environmental, earth and forest sciences: an annual average financing of scientific activity (national public financing acquired in accordance with the tender procedures for scientific activity (including revenue from scientific researches commissioned by State administrative institutions or self-governments, financing for market-oriented researches and financing of the Latvian Council of Science), base financing, international financing acquired in accordance with the tender procedures for the projects of scientific activity, contract researches and scientific outputs of scientific nature with foreign legal persons) per one scientist in terms of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 20 000 lats; an annual average international financing attracted for the performance of researches (international projects of scientific activity, contract researches and scientific outputs of scientific nature with foreign legal persons) per one scientist in terms of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 2 500 lats; an annual average number of scientific publications and scientific monographs found in international databases (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, SCOPUS, ERIH), as well as number of patents and species per one scientist in terms of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 0.5; an annual average number of working scientists in terms of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 80; number of working new scientists and working (a labour or internship contract has been entered into) candidates for a doctor's degree per one scientist in terms of full work time equivalent on the day of coming into force of this Regulation - at least 0.5; 6.2.2. if a research centre of national significance in the humanities or social sciences is being established: an annual average financing of scientific activity (national public financing acquired in accordance with the tender procedures for scientific activity (including revenue from scientific researches commissioned by State administrative institutions or self-governments, financing for market-oriented researches and financing of the Latvian Council of Science), base financing, international financing acquired in accordance with the tender procedures for the projects of scientific activity, contract researches and scientific outputs of scientific nature with foreign legal persons) per one scientist in terms of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 5 000 lats; an annual average number of scientific publications and scientific monographs found in international databases (Thomson Reuters Web of Science, SCOPUS, ERIH) per one scientist in terms of of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 0.5; an annual average number of working scientists in terms of full work time equivalent calculated during a time period from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2009 - at least 80; number of working new scientists and working (a labour or internship contract has been entered into) candidates for a doctor's degree per one scientist in terms of full work time equivalent on the day of coming into force of this Regulation - at least 0.5; 6.3. a co-operation strategy of scientific institutions forming a research centre of national significance has been developed and co-ordinated with the Ministry of Education and Science and the relevant sectoral ministry (if applicable). 7. A co-operation strategy of scientific institutions forming a research centre of national significance referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.3 of this Regulation shall include at least the following information: 7.1. the medium-term and long-term strategical objectives and development directions of a research centre of national significance developed in accordance with the State science, technology development and innovation policy, as well as the tasks to be performed and results to be achieved, quantitative and qualitative indicators thereof for the implementation of strategical objectives, including connection thereof with activity strategy of each scientific institution forming the referred to centre (if applicable); 7.2. total data characterising the scientific activity of scientific institutions forming a research centre of national significance which demonstrate the information regarding the quality indicators of scientific activity referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.2 of this Regulation which have been defined on the basis of the information submitted by the scientific institutions referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation; 7.3. characterisation and analysis of existing forms of co-operation and forms of co-operation to be newly established with scientific institutions, scientific associations and technological institutions (including foreign ones), which justifies achievement and retaining of the research of international level; 7.4. information regarding scientific institutions for which access to the infrastructure of a research centre of national significance will be ensured, and characterisation of the referred to access, including condition that scientific institutions other than formers of the relevant research centre of national significance may use the infrastructure of a research centre of national significance only for the performance of non-economic primary activities; 7.5. characterisation of existing co-operation and planned co-operation with merchants which justifies the contribution of the scientific institutions forming a research centre of national significance in commercialisation of science and introduction of innovative solutions in the commercial activity; 7.6. division of financing by scientific institutions forming a research centre of national significance available for a research centre of national significance within the scope of the first selection round of the sub-activity; 7.7. information on how the maintaining and development of infrastructure purchased or established within the scope of the sub-activity will be ensured in medium-term and long-term; 7.8. information regarding conditions of mutual co-operation of scientific institutions in the establishment and operation of the relevant research centre of national significance, as well as the information regarding leading institution which will be responsible for the introduction of co-operation strategy of a research centre of national significance and achievement of objectives in general, and submission of a project application of a research centre of national significance to the Responsible Institution in compliance with the conditions referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation. 8. Each research centre of national significance referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation, taking into account the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.3 of this Regulation, may co-ordinate co-operation strategy of scientific institutions forming one relevant research centre of national significance. 9. If a scientific institution is registered in the Register of Scientific Institutions for less than before three years, the ratio referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation and quality indicators of scientific activity shall be calculated for the last year (a period of time from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009) or for the last two years (a period of time from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2009), taking into account the date of registration thereof in the Register of Scientific Institutions. If a scientific institution has not concluded at least one full year, but it is a legal successor of one or several such scientific institutions after reorganisation or liquidation thereof which have been registered in the Register of Scientific Institutions not later than in 2008, the ratio referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation and quality indicators of scientific activity shall be calculated taking into account the indicators of scientific activity of reorganised or liquidated scientific institutions. 10. Total ERDF co-financing available in the first selection round of project applications of the sub-activity shall be 56 348 117 lats. 11. The first selection round of project applications of the sub-activity shall be implemented in the form of restricted selection of project applications regarding all ERDF co-financing available within the framework of the round. 12. Minimum ERDF co-financing of the project shall be 700 000 lats, maximum - 17 000 000 lats. 13. Within the scope of the sub-activity the functions of the Responsible Institution shall be ensured by the Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter - Responsible Institution). The Responsible Institution shall: 13.1. ensure the selection and evaluation of project applications: 13.1.1. develop, approve and insert on the Internet website thereof, the methodology for the completion of project application forms, the procedures for selection and evaluation of project applications, as well as the forms for evaluation of the project application; 13.1.2. develop and approve the methodology for the evaluation of project application and the completion of the project application evaluation form; 13.1.3. establish a commission for the evaluation of project applications (hereinafter - commission); 13.1.4. develop and approve the by-law of the commission; 13.1.5. send an invitation to submit project applications to restricted range of project applicants; 13.1.6. evaluate a project application and take a decision regarding approval, conditional approval or rejecting of the project application, as well as evaluate the fulfilment of the conditions included in the decision regarding conditional approval of the project application; 13.2. store data regarding the project applications in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the establishment and use of the information system of the European Union Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund management; 13.3. provide information to the public and ensure publicity in matters which are related to the implementation of the sub-activity; and 13.4. ensure that the public financing available for the implementation of the sub-activity, specified in Paragraph 10 of this Regulation, is not exceeded and supervise the acquisition of the available ERDF financing, including implementation at the sub-activity level of the principle referred to in Article 93(1) and (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999. 14. The functions of the Co-operation institution shall be ensured by the State Education Development Agency (hereinafter - Co-operation Institution). The Co-operation Institution shall: 14.1. within 10 working days after coming into force of this Regulation, develop draft contract or draft agreement regarding implementation of the project, determining the requirements for implementation of the project to the final beneficiary in accordance with this Regulation and the regulatory enactments specifying the management, implementation and monitoring of implementation of European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, and submit the referred to draft contract or draft agreement to the Responsible Institution for the co-ordination; 14.2. in implementing a project of combined aid type, if the financing is granted in accordance with Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006 prior entering into contract or agreement regarding implementation of the project (hereinafter - agreement), verify the compliance with one of the following conditions: 14.2.1. financing, which will be granted to a project applicant and co-operation partner in compliance with this Regulation together with de minimis aid granted in the relevant fiscal year and previous two fiscal years, shall not exceed maximum amount of de minimis aid specified in Article 2(2) of Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006; 14.2.2. financing, which will be granted to a project applicant and co-operation partner in compliance with this Regulation together with de minimis aid granted in the relevant fiscal year and previous two fiscal years and other aid of limited amount, shall not exceed EUR 500 000 equivalent in lats; 14.3. prior entering into a contract or agreement verify the compliance of the project applicant and co-operation partner with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.1.3 or 2.2.3 of this Regulation; 14.4. enter into a contract or agreement with the final beneficiary in accordance with the legal status thereof. If a project applicant or co-operation partner has a long-term leasehold to the infrastructure in which it is intended to perform investments within the scope of the project for at least another five years after completion of the implementation of the project and it has been registered in the Land Register, an owner of the infrastructure object or authorised person thereof shall be included in the conditions of the contract or agreement as one of contracting parties; 14.5. ensure supervision and control of the implementation of the projects, including perform inspections at the project implementation site and supervise implementation at the project level of the principle referred to in Article 93(1) and (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999; 14.6. provide the Ministry of Education and Science with the information regarding planning of resources in the State budget for the implementation of the project; 14.7. review the procurement plan of the final beneficiary and submit it to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau; 14.8. prepare and submit information to the Responsible Institution regarding implementation of the sub-activity and the acquisition of the financing available for the sub-activity, upon request of the Responsible Institution providing information regarding individual project; 14.9. prepare a forecast of payments and submit it to the Paying Authority; 14.10. prepare a forecast of requests for the resources of European Union funds for the current and subsequent year and submit it to the Managing Authority and the Responsible Institution; 14.11. examine and approve the requests of the final beneficiary for payments and prepare an expenditure declaration; 14.12. provide information to the final beneficiary regarding the conditions of the contract or agreement entered into and implementation thereof; 14.13. examine and approve amendments to the project taking into account the conditions referred to in Paragraph 81 of this Regulation; 14.14. store data regarding the implementation of the project in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the establishment and use of the information system of the European Union Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund management; 14.15. provide information to the public and ensure publicity in matters related to the contract or agreement entered into within the scope of the activity; 14.16. supervise the conformity of a project with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 or 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of this Regulation during the period of the project implementation and for five years after the project implementation; and 14.17. if a non-conformity is established, ensure the recovery of the non-conforming expenditure in accordance with the regulatory enactments specifying the procedures for notification of non-conformities established in the implementation of the European Union Structural Funds, take an administrative decision regarding the use of the financing granted and recover the non-conforming expenditure. (Amended by Cabinet Regulation No. 487 of 21 June 2011) 15. The Co-operation Institution shall be under the functional supervision of the Responsible Institution. II. Requirements for Project Applicant and Co-operation Partner16. A project applicant may be a scientific institution registered in the Register of Scientific Institutions - a scientific institute, an institution of higher education or a scientific institute of an institution of higher education (hereinafter - project applicant). 17. The following requirements shall be specified for a project applicant and a co-operation partner: 17.1. a project applicant and co-operation partner comply with the condition referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation, calculating a ratio of quality indicators of scientific activity, and forms one or several research centres of national significance referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation in compliance with the conditions for establishment of a research centre of national significance referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation; 17.2. a project applicant and co-operation partner have concluded at least one full calendar year and a public report of a scientific institution regarding the referred to year has been submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as a State statistical report referred to in Sub-paragraph 47.2.4 of this Regulation has been submitted to the Central Statistics Bureau. If in compliance with the conditions referred to in Paragraph 9 of this Regulation a scientific institution has not concluded at least one full year, but it is a legal successor of one or several scientific institutions after reorganisation or liquidation thereof, the referred to requirement regarding the documents submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science and the Central Statistics Bureau shall be applicable to reorganised or liquidated scientific institutions respectively the legal successor of which is the project applicant or co-operation partner. If the referred to documents have not been submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science or the Central Statistics Bureau respectively on the day of submitting of the project, the scientific institution may not qualify for financing within the scope of restricted selection of project applications of the sub-activity; 17.3. a project applicant and co-operation partner have no tax debts, debts of compulsory State social insurance contributions or other compulsory payments specified by the State (applicable to the day of entering into a contract or agreement); 17.4. a project applicant and co-operation partner have not received and do not plan to receive the financing from the State, the European Union resources or other financial resources regarding the same eligible costs within the scope of other activities; 17.5. a project applicant and co-operation partner do not comply with the status of merchant in difficulties. A merchant in difficulties is a merchant who: 17.5.1. has been declared insolvent by a court decision, and it is in the process of restoration or in the process of legal protection, the economic activity thereof has been terminated or, in accordance with the information available in the Commercial Register, it is in the process of liquidation; 17.5.2. has lost more than half of equity capital and more than one quarter of these losses of equity capital have arisen during the last 12 months prior to the day of submission of the project application. This condition shall not be applied to a micro, small and medium-sized merchants which have been registered prior less than three years since the day of submission of the project application; and 17.6. an outstanding recovery order shall not apply to a project applicant and co-operation partner which is referred to in Article 1 (6) (a) of Commission Regulation No. 800/2008, if the project application is submitted for the implementation of the project of combined aid type. 18. A project applicant shall submit and implement a project of the research centre of national significance in the form of co-operation project (hereinafter - co-operation project) by entering into a co-operation contract regarding implementation of the project (hereinafter - co-operation contract) and observing the following conditions: 18.1. performance of investments is intended within the scope of a co-operation project in some of the research centres of national significance referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation; 18.2. a project applicant, taking into account the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraph 7.8 of this Regulation, is a scientific institution forming the relevant research centre of national significance and which has been determined as a leading institution of the referred to centre. Co-operation partners are the rest scientific institutions forming the relevant research centre of national significance. 19. A co-operation contract shall include at least the following regulation: 19.1. co-operation objectives and principles; 19.2. commitments and investments of the parties; 19.3. rights, obligations and liability of the parties, including determination to finance the costs for maintaining of the results acquired and use thereof for the purposes specified in the project application during the implementation of the project and for at least five years after the end of implementation of the project; 19.4. financial and technical co-operation, including procedures for ensuring of the flow of co-financing and project finances; 19.5. distribution of ownership rights to tangible and intangible assets acquired within the scope of the project; 19.6. the term of operation of the co-operation contract, procedures in relation to breach and amending thereof; and 19.7. sanctions, if the commitments referred to in the co-operation contract are not fulfilled. III. General Conditions for Allocation of Aid20. A project applicant may be eligible for receipt of aid, if the infrastructure (buildings, premises), in which investments will be made using the resources granted for the implementation of the project, is in the ownership of the project applicant or co-operation partner or in the ownership of the State and transferred to the possession or use of the project applicant or co-operation partner, or the project applicant or co-operation partner has a long-term leasehold to the infrastructure for at least another five years after completion of the implementation of the project and it has been registered in the Land Register. 21. Financing shall be allocated to the following activities to be supported: 21.1. purchase of scientific facilities and equipment, including technologies (hereinafter - scientific facilities and equipment), which the project applicant and co-operation partner may use in long-term for the implementation of the research activity in the direction of science corresponding to the research centre of national significance; and 21.2. reconstruction or renovation of buildings or premises, if necessary, construction of new building for the ensuring of the research activity in the direction of science corresponding to the research centre of national significance. 22. Aid within the scope of restricted selection of project applications shall be allocated for the implementation of the project not connected with aid for commercial activity or a project of combined aid type. 23. Project applicant is entitled to commence implementation of the project: 23.1. after entering into contract or agreement with a Co-operation Institution, if a project of combined aid type is implemented; or 23.2. from the day when an invitation to submit a project application for restricted selection of project applications, if a project not connected with aid for commercial activity is implemented. 24. After entering into a contract or agreement a Co-operation Institution shall, if the State budget resources are available for it, ensure advance payment for a final beneficiary in compliance with the regulatory enactments regarding procedures by which the State budget resources are to be intended for the implementation of the projects co-financed by the European Union Fund, as well as performance of payments and preparation of expense declaration, not exceeding 40% of the amount of intended ERDF co-financing of the project. 25. A final beneficiary and co-operation partners shall use the investments made within the scope of the project for performance of economic and non-economic activities, taking into account the following condition - services are provided for a market price or, if it is not possible to determine the market price or there is no such, the final beneficiary or co-operation partner shall receive such price for the service, which reflects all the costs related to the service and reasonable increase of price, not applying discounts or price reductions. Selling intellectual property rights, if it is not possible to determine a market price, a proof of the market price is a public auction of the intellectual property in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding organisation of auctions or documented negotiated procedure between a final beneficiary or co-operation partner and a buyer, as a result of which the final beneficiary or co-operation partner has acquired maximum price for his or her intellectual property rights. IV. Conditions for Implementation of the Project not Connected with Aid for Commercial Activity26. If a project not connected with aid for commercial activity is implemented, the maximum amount of ERDF co-financing of the total eligible costs of the project shall be 89.5%. 27. National co-financing necessary for the implementation of a project not connected with aid for commercial activity shall be ensured in the amount of 10.5% per cent of the total eligible costs of the project from the following national resources: 27.1. if the project applicant is a State scientific institution: 27.1.1. from the State budget financing in accordance with the regulatory enactments which determine the procedures by which the State budget resources are to be intended for the implementation of the primary activities of a scientific institution; 27.1.2. from resources at the disposal of a scientific institution, including: resources acquired as a result of economic activity; funds of credit resources; State loan resources; investments in kind taking into account the conditions referred to in Paragraph 28 of this Regulation. Total investment in kind shall not exceed 10% of the total eligible costs of the project; 27.2. if a project applicant is not a State scientific institution - only from resources at the disposal thereof, including funds of credit resources or investments in kind, taking into account the conditions referred to in Paragraph 28 of this Regulation. Total investment in kind shall not exceed 10% of the total eligible costs of the project. 28. Investments in kind may be formed by allocation of land or immovable property or a part thereof, ensuring fulfilment of the following conditions: 28.1. investments are planned and specified in a project application; 28.2. land or immovable property is in the ownership of a final beneficiary or co-operation partner or in the ownership of the State and transferred to possession or use of a final beneficiary or co-operation partner; 28.3. the value of land or immovable property in terms of money is evaluated in compliance with the balance value thereof on the day of performance of the investment; 28.4. the value of the land or immovable property or a part thereof which is invested in the implementation of the project is attested by an independent qualified appraiser; 28.5. allocation of the property is directly connected with the project and is necessary for the implementation thereof; 28.6. the European Union, State budget resources or other public resources have not been used for the purchase of the immovable property and the value thereof has not been, is not and will not be included in eligible expenses for the receipt of any other aid from the European Union or State budget resources; 28.7. the immovable property may be used only in accordance with the objectives of the project; and 28.8. the immovable property may not be alienated, leased, rented out or pledged for five years after the end of the term of the implementation of the project. V. Conditions for Implementation of the Project of Combined Aid Type29. One or several activities referred to in Paragraph 21 of this Regulation may be implemented in the project of combined aid type which are performed in order to: 29.1. establish a new research activity; 29.2. extend existing research activity; 29.3. diversify existing research directions with new additional services; 29.4. change the process of research performance significantly. 30. In implementing the project of combined aid type, a project applicant shall include in the project: 30.1. information regarding division of material assets planned within the scope of the project (and total eligible costs thereof) between a project applicant and one or several co-operation partners (hereinafter - beneficiaries); 30.2. the amount of percentage (and calculation thereof) in which each beneficiary plans to use material assets for economic primary activity; and 30.3. the information regarding average weighted public financing intensity of the part of the project costs of each beneficiary which is calculated on the basis of the planned eligible costs of the project for each beneficiary, taking into account the conditions referred to in Paragraph 31 of this Regulation. 31. In determining public financing intensity, the following conditions shall be observed: 31.1. maximum permissible public financing intensity for the percentage part of the project intended to be used for non-economic primary activities shall be 89.5 %; 31.2. the percentage part of the project intended to be used for economic primary activities: 31.2.1. if the financing is granted in accordance with Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006, the maximum permissible public financing intensity shall be 100 % and maximum amount of financing to be granted in compliance with this Regulation to a project applicant and co-operation partner shall not exceed 140 560 lats, taking into account the cumulative restrictions referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.2 of this Regulation at the same time; 31.2.2. if the financing is granted in accordance with Commission Regulation No. 800/2008, the maximum permissible aid intensity shall be: 70 %, if the beneficiary complies with the definition of a micro or small merchant; 60 %, if the beneficiary complies with the definition of a medium-sized merchant; and 50 %, if the beneficiary complies with the definition of a large merchant. 32. Investments of the part of the project of combined aid type intended for economic primary activities shall be eligible if they: 32.1. are used only at the location of the implementation of the project specified in a project application and only in the activity of the beneficiary; 32.2. are included in the assets of the beneficiary as long-term investments to be depreciated, they remain in the ownership of the beneficiary and they are not transferred for use to third persons; 32.3. are used for the objectives specified in a project application and they remain in Latvia and in the assets of the beneficiary: 32.3.1. for at least three years after performance of the whole relevant long-term investment, if the beneficiary complies with the definition of a micro, small or medium-sized merchant; 32.3.2. for at least five years after performance of the whole relevant investment, if the beneficiary complies with the definition of a large merchant; and 32.4. are purchased from third persons under market conditions. (Amended by Cabinet Regulation No. 487 of 21 June 2011) 33. National co-financing necessary for the implementation of the project of combined aid type shall be ensured for: 33.1. the percentage part of the project intended to be used for non-economic primary activities in compliance with the conditions referred to in Paragraph 27 of this Regulation; 33.2. the percentage part of the project intended to be used for economic primary activities - from the resources at the disposal of a project applicant and co-operation partner (except the State budget financing in accordance with the regulatory enactments which determine the procedures by which the State budget resources are to be intended for the implementation of primary activities of a scientific institution), funds of credit resources or State loan resources or other financial resources regarding which a public aid has not been received, including loans from other legal persons. 34. In compliance with this Regulation the financing granted for the project of combined aid type shall not be united with aid within the scope of other aid programme or individual aid project. 35. For a project of combined aid type, for which the financing is granted in accordance with Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006, the registration of de minimis aid shall be performed in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding procedures for de minimis aid registration and granting thereof and sample forms for the registration of de minimis aid or sample forms for the registration of de minimis aid and other aid of limited amount and procedures for granting thereof. VI. Eligible and Ineligible Costs36. The following shall be eligible costs within the scope of the project not connected with aid for commercial activity: 36.1. direct costs: 36.1.1. costs of reconstruction and renovation of buildings and premises of a scientific institution, costs of demolition of buildings, if necessary, costs of construction of new building, including: costs of building designing; costs of construction works in order to ensure observance of labour safety, hygiene, fire-safety and environment protection requirements in research work; costs of improvement works of a construction object not exceeding 10 % of total costs of construction; 36.1.2. costs of purchase of scientific facilities and equipment which directly ensure performance of research process in the sector of implementation of the project and which are included in the financial reports in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding accounting which determine and explain accounting records of fixed assets and demonstration of the information related to fixed assets in financial reports, including: costs of purchase of used scientific facilities, if resources of the European Union Fund, other financial instrument or public financing are not used for the purchase thereof and if the price for the facility does not exceed the market value thereof and is less than the price for similar new facilities, as well as the facility has technical parameters necessary for the relevant activity and it complies with the applicable norms and standards; costs of delivery, installation, testing of scientific facilities and equipment and instruction of servicing staff; 36.1.3. costs of services which are justified and related to the implementation of the project activities, including costs of construction supervision; 36.1.4. costs of equipment of work place of scientific employees (furniture and technique, computer programmes and licences) not exceeding 2 000 lats for one scientific employee; 36.1.5. costs of the project information and publicity measures in compliance with the regulatory enactments regarding ensuring of the requirements of the European Union Fund publicity and visual identity, and they do not exceed 5 000 lats; 36.1.6. unforeseen costs which may be used only for covering of direct eligible costs of the project and which do not exceed 5 % of total sum of direct eligible costs of the project; 36.2. indirect costs: costs of preparation of the justifying documentation of the project application, if they are related to the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 47.2.1 and 48.3 of this Regulation and do not exceed 3 % of total sum of direct eligible costs of the project; and 36.3. non-recoverable payments of value added tax of eligible costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs 36.1 and 36.2 of this Regulation. 37. The following shall be eligible costs within the scope of the project of combined aid type: 37.1. costs of reconstruction and renovation of buildings and premises of a scientific institution, if necessary, costs of construction of new building, including: 37.1.1. costs of construction works in order to ensure observance of labour safety, hygiene, fire-safety and environment protection requirements in research work; 37.1.2. costs of improvement works of a construction object not exceeding 10 % of total costs of construction; 37.1.3. costs of building designing which are directly eligible costs of long-term investment in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding accounting which determine and explain accounting records of fixed assets and demonstration of the information related to fixed assets in financial reports; 37.2. costs of purchase of scientific facilities and equipment which directly ensure research process in the sector of implementation of the project and which are included in the financial reports in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding accounting which determine and explain accounting records of fixed assets and demonstration of the information related to fixed assets in financial reports, including: 37.2.1. costs of purchase of used scientific facilities and technologies, if resources of the European Union Fund, other financial instrument or public financing are not used for the purchase thereof and if: a facility is included in the assets of such beneficiary which complies with the definition of a micro, small or medium-sized merchant; the price for the facility does not exceed the market value thereof and is less than the price for similar new facilities, as well as the facility has technical parameters necessary for the relevant activity and it complies with the norms and standards applicable thereto; 37.2.2. costs of delivery, installation, testing of scientific facilities and equipment and instruction of servicing staff, which are not maintenance costs and which are related to preparation of a long-term investment for use for the intended purpose until the time when it is put into operation; 37.3. costs of equipment of work place of scientific employees (furniture and technique, computer programmes and licences) not exceeding 2 000 lats for one scientific employee; 37.4. unforeseen costs which may be used only for covering of eligible costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs 37.1 and 37.2 of this Regulation and which do not exceed 5 % of total sums of costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs 37.1, 37.2 and 37.2 of this Regulation; 37.5. costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs 36.1.3, 36.1.5 and 36.2 of this Regulation in proportion to the amount in which the investments performed within the scope of the project will be used in non-economic primary activity; and 37.6. non-recoverable payments of value added tax of eligible costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs 37.1, 37.2, 37.3. and 37.4 of this Regulation. (Amended by Cabinet Regulation No. 487 of 21 June 2011) 38. If improvement works of a construction object referred to in Sub-paragraph or 37.1.2 of this Regulation are intended in the project application, a project applicant shall provide a justification for the necessity of improvement works of a construction object, as well as specify precise items of improvement works and costs thereof. 39. The following costs shall be ineligible within the scope of the sub-activity: 39.1. costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs 36.1.1, 36.1.3, 36.1.5 or 37.1, if they have arisen on the basis of the contract of employment; 39.2. project administration costs; 39.3. costs of purchase of low-value inventory; 39.4. costs of purchase of immovable property (buildings and lands); 39.5. overheads of construction works, including costs of transport, profit and unforeseen works, which exceed 15 % of the total sum of eligible costs of the construction estimate; 39.6. current maintenance costs; 39.7. costs of purchase of a vehicle; 39.8. costs which apply to leasing and rent transactions; 39.9. costs of insurance; 39.10. payment for examination of a loan, drawing up, reserving and servicing thereof, fee for financial transactions, fine for delay, penalties and expenses for legal proceedings; 39.11. costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 36.2 of this Regulation occurred before 24 October 2006; 39.12. customs taxes and fees; 39.13. recoverable payments of value added tax; 39.14. other costs which have not been determined as eligible in Paragraphs 36 or 37 of this Regulation; 39.15. costs which have arisen after the end of the term of the contract or agreement or payments of which have been performed later than within a month after the end of the term of the implementation of the project; 39.16. costs which are not justified by documents justifying the costs or have arisen due to non-observance of the requirements of regulatory enactments, including costs of purchase of used facilities, if the seller of the relevant facility has not submitted a declaration regarding the origin thereof and confirmed that it has not been purchased using the resources of the European Union Fund, other financial instrument or public financing during the last seven years; 40. Only such long-term investments shall be included in eligible costs: 40.1. which comply with the development plans of research infrastructure specified in the territorially spatial development strategy of the scientific institution referred to in Sub-paragraph 47.2.1 of this Regulation; 40.2. which on the day of submission of a final report of the project will be fully paid and which will be in the assets of a final beneficiary or co-operation partner in compliance with the conditions included in the co-operation contract referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation. 41. Only those eligible costs shall be financed within the scope of the sub-activity which are directly related to the activities performed within the scope of the project, proportionate, justified and comply with the requirements of Council Regulation (EC, EURATOM) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities. VII. Preparation and Submission of a Project Application42. An invitation to submit a project application for restricted selection shall be sent to scientific institutions which comply with the condition referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation, calculating the ratio of quality indicators of scientific activity, as well as with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 16 and Sub-paragraph 17.2 of this Regulation. 43. In order to develop a list of scientific institutions to which an invitation to submit a project application is to be sent: 43.1. the Ministry of Education and Science shall, not later than within 20 working days after coming into force of this Regulation, submit the list of scientific institutions which comply with the conditions referred to in Paragraph 42 of this Regulation to the Responsible Institution; and 43.2. the Responsible Institution shall co-ordinate with the Ministry of Education and Science the calculation of the amount of total maximum available ERDF financing in compliance with the formula specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation for each research centre of national significance referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation, as well as division of the referred to financing by scientific institutions. 44. The Responsible Institution shall indicate the following in an invitation to submit a project application for restricted selection: 44.1. a research centre of national significance for the establishment of which the relevant scientific institution has qualified in compliance with the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation; 44.2. scientific institutions which have qualified for the establishment of the relevant research centre of national significance in compliance with the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation; 44.3. the deadline for submitting the project application: 44.3.1. taking into account the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 7.8 of this Regulation, the deadline shall be applicable to a scientific institution which has been specified as a leading institution of the relevant centre in the approved co-operation strategy of the research centre of national significance; 44.3.2. the deadline shall not be shorter than five months and shall not exceed seven calendar months from the day when an invitation to submit a project application for restricted selection has been sent; 44.4. the location and procedures for submitting of the project application; and 44.5. total maximum available ERDF co-financing for the relevant research centre of national significance calculated using the formula specified in Annex 1 of this Regulation; 44.6. the website on which the documents to be used for the preparation of project applications are published; and 44.7. other information which the Responsible Institution considers as necessary to specify in the invitation. (Amended by Cabinet Regulation No. 487 of 21 June 2011) 45. One project application is submitted regarding each research centre of national significance referred to in Paragraph 5 of this Regulation. 46. If after sending the invitation referred to in Paragraph 44 of this Regulation scientific institutions are merged or added to another scientific institution, a project applicant or co-operation partner may be legal successor of the relevant scientific institutions which after merger complies with the requirements specified in this Regulation for a project applicant or co-operation partner. 47. A project applicant shall submit a project application taking into account the following requirements: 47.1. maximum ERDF co-financing of the project does not exceed the amount specified in the invitation referred to in Paragraph 44 of this Regulation for a relevant research centre of national significance; 47.2. a project application is formed by a completed project application form (Annex 2) and the following Annexes: 47.2.1. territorially spatial development strategy of a scientific institution (a project applicant and co-operation partner) (Annex 3) which is co-ordinated with the Ministry of Education and Science, if a project applicant and co-operation partner is a State scientific institution; 47.2.2. a certification in writing regarding ensuring of national co-financing necessary for a project: a certification regarding ensuring of national co-financing from the national public or private resources at the disposal of the project applicant and investments in kind (if applicable) shall be issued by a project applicant. If the project applicant plans to use funds of credit resources for the ensuring of co-financing, after approval of the project application, but prior to entering into a contract or agreement, the project applicant shall submit a certification of a credit institution regarding ensuring of co-financing from the funds of credit resources (Annex 4) to the Co-operation Institution; a certification regarding ensuring of national co-financing from resources at the disposal of a co-operation partner (if applicable) shall be issued by a co-operation partner. If the co-operation partner plans to use funds of credit resources for the ensuring of co-financing, after approval of the project application, but prior to entering into a contract or agreement, the project applicant shall submit a statement of a credit institution regarding granting of a credit (Annex 4) to the Co-operation Institution; 47.2.3. the statement of the project applicant regarding locations of the implementation of the project where construction works intended in the project and installation of scientific facilities and equipment will be performed (specifying the address of the relevant location and basis of use). If investments regarding resources granted for the implementation of the project will be performed in the infrastructure to which a project applicant or co-operation partner has a long-term leasehold for at least for another five years after completion of the implementation of the project and it has been registered in the Land Register, a certified copy of a long-term lease contract shall be appended in annex to a project application; 47.2.4. copies of State statistical reports of a project applicant and co-operation partner submitted to the Central Statistics Bureau regarding the last three concluded reporting years regarding fulfilment of scientific or research works (if certified copies of the referred to documents regarding any of the last three concluded reporting years have been submitted to the Responsible Institution within the scope of the implementation of the activities of the measure 2.1.1 "Science, Research and Development" of the priority 2.1 "Science and Innovations" of the complement to the operational programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations", a written certification thereof shall be submitted without appending certified copies of the referred to documents) or a letter of consent in which a project applicant and co-operation partner authorise the Responsible Institution to request from the Central Statistics Bureau copies of the State statistical reports of the project applicant and co-operation partner submitted to the Central Statistics Bureau for the last three concluded reporting years regarding fulfilment of scientific or research works; 47.2.5. a declaration regarding compliance of the project applicant or co-operation partner with the category of a micro, small or medium-sized merchant, if the project applicant or co-operation partner qualifies for aid in compliance with the status of a micro, small, medium-sized or large merchant (a declaration shall be prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments which determine declaring of performers of economic activity in compliance with the definition of a micro, small or medium-sized merchants). In order to determine the status of a project applicant and co-operation partner, only the data regarding the last concluded financial year shall be taken into account. The following documents justifying the relevant status shall be submitted additionally: a statement of the State Revenue Service (issued not earlier than 20 working days prior submission of a project application) regarding payment of taxes and average number of employees working in the institution of a project applicant and co-operation partner during the last two years (separately by years) or a letter of consent in which a project applicant and co-operation partner authorises the Responsible Institution to request the relevant statement from the State Revenue Service (Annex 6); operative financial report, if a financial year is not concluded for a project applicant or co-operation partner (a financial report is not older than three calendar months on the day of submitting of a project application ); 47.2.6. a form for the registration of the received de minimis aid in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding procedures for de minimis aid registration and granting thereof or sample forms for the registration of de minimis aid and other aid of limited amount and procedures for granting thereof, if a project applicant submits a project of combined aid type for receipt of the financing in accordance with Commission Regulation No. 1998/2006; 47.2.7. a certified copy of a co-operation contract referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation or draft thereof; 47.2.8. a declaration of the co-operation partner regarding participation in the implementation of the project (Annex 7) (applicable, if in compliance with Sub-paragraph 47.2.7 of this Regulation a draft co-operation contract referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation is appended to a project application); and 47.3. a project application is signed by the head of the institution of the project applicant or authorised person thereof, appending the relevant authorisation to the project application. (Amended by Cabinet Regulation No. 487 of 21 June 2011) 48. A project applicant in addition to Annexes referred to in Sub-paragraph 47.2 of this Regulation may submit: 48.1. an extract of the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science regarding co-ordination of the co-operation strategy of the institutions forming the relevant research centre of national significance; 48.2. a statement of the Register of Enterprises certifying that the project applicant and co-operation partner have not been declared insolvent by a court decision, including they are not in the process of restoration or in the process of legal protection, the economic activity thereof has not been terminated or, in accordance with the information available in the Commercial Register, they are not in the process of liquidation (if applicable); 48.3. technical documentation for the procurement of equipment, facilities and technologies, procurement documentation for the development of construction design or performance of construction works of developed technical designs (if any has been developed); 48.4. a statement from the Land Register or the State Land Service Cadastre which certifies that the infrastructure in which the investments will be performed regarding the resources granted for the implementation of the project is in the ownership of the State, as well as a certification that such infrastructure has been transferred in the possession or use of the State scientific institution and that the object is in the balance of the State scientific institution or a copy of certifying document which specifies that the infrastructure in which the investments will be performed regarding the resources granted for the implementation of the project is in the ownership of a project applicant or co-operation partner (a statement shall be certified by a copy of a document registered in the Land Register); 48.5. copies of the annual accounts submitted by a project applicant and co-operation partner to the State Revenue Service or the sectoral ministry (consisting of a financial report and management report regarding fulfilment of the budget) regarding the last three concluded reporting years. If the copies of the referred to documents regarding any of the last three concluded reporting years are submitted to the Responsible Institution within the scope of the implementation of the activities of the measure 2.1.1 "Science, Research and Development" of the priority 2.1 "Science and Innovations" of the complement to the operational programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations", a written certification thereof shall be submitted without appending the copies of the referred to documents. A report of a sworn auditor regarding annual account (copy) shall be submitted, if it is determined by the Annual Accounts Law; and 48.6. other documents which a project applicant considered as necessary to be submitted, in order to justify the compliance of the project application with the criteria for evaluation of project applications referred to in Annex 5 to this Regulation. 49. If the project applicant does not submit the documents or statements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 48.1, 48.2, 48.4 and 48.5 of this Regulation, the Responsible Institution shall acquire them in accordance with the procedures specified in the regulatory enactments regarding administrative procedure. 50. The project applicant may submit the project application to the Responsible Institution in: 50.1. printed form (the pages shall be bound by string, shall be numbered, the ends of the string shall be glued on the back of the last page, the adhesive label shall include information regarding the number of the pages numbered and bound together in the document, an confirmation regarding the accuracy of the copies of the documents, the name of the project applicant, the date of preparation of the project application and the signature of the official of the project applicant) appending the identical electronic version of the project application form on an electronic data carrier. All documents shall be placed into packaging (envelope) and sealed; or 50.2. in the form of an electronic document in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents, including: 50.2.1. it shall be processed in DOC (Microsoft Office Word document), XLS (Microsoft Excel format file) or PDF (Portable Document Format) file format; 50.2.2. the project application form and each original of the documents to be submitted in addition shall be signed separately with the secure electronic signature of the author thereof and certified by a time stamp prior to the end of the deadline for the selection of project applications. If the documents to be submitted in addition are copies of documents, each of them shall be attested separately with the secure electronic signature of the project applicant and a time-stamp prior to the end of the deadline for the selection of project applications. 51. The deadline for submission of the project application specified in the invitation referred to in Paragraph 44 of this Regulation shall be the last day when the project applicant may submit the project application in person, electronic document form or send it by post. 52. The Responsible Institution shall register the submitted project application on the day of receipt thereof. The Responsible Institution shall issue a confirmation regarding the receipt of the project application to the project applicant in person immediately after submission of the project application or shall send it by post or electronically in electronic document form within 10 working days after the end of the deadline for the submission of project application, signing it with a secure electronic signature in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. 53. The duty of a project applicant is to prepare and store a project application and documents related with the implementation of the project until the end of the evaluation of the project application, but in case the project is approved, the duty of a final beneficiary is to store the referred to documents until 31 December 2021, as well as also provide access to these documents or copies certified in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments regarding drawing up and development of documents for the institutions of the European Union and the Republic of Latvia. VIII. Evaluation of Project Applications54. A project application submitted within the scope of the activity shall be evaluated by the commission. The composition of the commission shall include representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Health, the Latvian Council of Science and the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 55. The activities of the commission shall be determined by a by-law developed and approved by the Responsible Institution. 56. The representatives of the Managing Authority, the Co-operation Institution, the Latvian Union of Scientists and the Association of Latvian Young Scientists may attend meetings of the commission as observers without the right to vote. During the evaluation process the commission may invite one or several experts without the right to vote. 57. When commencing the work of the commission, the commission members, experts and observers shall sign a declaration that: 57.1. the information and the content of documents obtained during the commission meetings shall not be disclosed to the third parties; and 57.2. there are no such conditions due to which the limitations to the person involved in the management of the European Union Structural Funds specified in the regulatory enactments regarding the management of European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund may be violated and that there are no such conditions due to which it may be considered that the approval or rejection of a specific project application is in the interests thereof. 58. A project application shall be evaluated in compliance with the criteria for evaluation of project applications (Annex 5), observing this Regulation and other regulatory enactments which determine the management of the European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund. 59. A project applicant and project application shall be evaluated in the following order - the administrative criteria for evaluation referred to in Paragraph 1 of Annex 5 to this Regulation, the conformity criteria of the project applicant referred to in Paragraph 2 of Annex 5 to this Regulation, the conformity criteria for evaluation of the project referred to in Paragraph 2 of Annex 5 to this Regulation, the quality criteria for evaluation referred to in Paragraph 3 of Annex 5 to this Regulation and the criterion for granting of financing referred to in Paragraph 4 of Annex 5 to this Regulation. 60. The conformity of a project application to the administrative criteria, the conformity criteria and the criterion for granting of financing shall be evaluated by assessment "Jā" [Yes] (does conform) or "Nē" [No] - does not conform. The conformity of the project application to the quality criteria shall be evaluated by assigning a certain number of points. IX. Taking a Decision Regarding the Approval, Conditional Approval or Rejection of a Project Application and the Notification Thereof61. The Responsible Institution shall take a decision regarding the approval of a project application, if the conformity thereof with all conformity criteria for evaluation of project application referred to in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of Annex 5 to this Regulation is evaluated by "Yes". 62. The Responsible Institution shall take a decision to reject a project application and discontinue the evaluation thereof, if at least one of the following conditions is present: 62.1. the project applicant does not conform with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 2.14 of Annex 5 to this Regulation; 62.2. the project application does not conform with some of criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.15 of Annex 5 to this Regulation; 62.3. the Annex referred to in Sub-paragraph 47.2.1 of this Regulation is not appended to the project application; 62.4. the project application has received less than one point in the evaluation regarding the conformity with any of the quality criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8 of Annex 5 to this Regulation or has received less than two points in the evaluation regarding the conformity with the quality criteria referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.2 of Annex 5 to this Regulation. 63. The Responsible Institution shall take a decision to reject a project application if it is evaluated as "No" in relation to the criterion for the granting of financing referred to in Paragraph 4 of Annex 5 to this Regulation. 64. If several project applications have received an equal number of points in the selection round of project applications and the financing of the relevant round is not sufficient for the referred to project applications, the project which has received the greater number of points in total in the quality criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 3.2, 3.4 and 3.6 of Annex 5 to this Regulation, shall receive priority support. If several projects receive equal greater number of points in total in the referred to quality criteria, the project with higher assessment in the criterion referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.5 of Annex 5 to this Regulation shall receive higher evaluation. 65. If the information is not sufficient in the project application in order to assess the conformity of the project application with one or several criteria, as well as if the referred to information is illegible, it shall be considered that the project application does not comply with the relevant criterion or the lowest assessment is granted in the relevant criterion. 66. The Responsible Institution may take a decision regarding the conditional approval of a project application which should be fulfilled so that the project applicant might enter into a contract or an agreement regarding the implementation of the project. The following conditions may be included in the referred to decision: 66.1. specification of the project application in accordance with the evaluation criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12 or 2.13 of Annex 5 to this Regulation; 66.2. the submission of the annexes referred to in Sub-paragraphs 47.2.2, 47.2.3, 47.2.4, 47.2.5, 47.2.6, 47.2.7. and 47.2.8 of this Regulation; 66.3. specification of costs provided that the limitation of costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs, 36.1.4., 36.1.5., 36.1.6., 36.2., 37.1.2., 37.3. and 37.4. of this Regulation is not exceeded; and 66.4. the performance of another legally based activity specified by the Responsible Institution, which is directed towards entering into a contract or an agreement. 67. Within five working days after taking a relevant decision, the Responsible Institution shall send to: 67.1. the project applicant - the decision regarding the approval of the project application or rejection of the project application, or conditional approval of the project application; and 67.2. to the Co-operation Institution - a decision regarding the approval of the project application and an original copy of the approved project application submitted in printed form, or the project application submitted in electronic document form, which has been signed by a secure electronic signature and certified with a time stamp in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. 68. If the project application has received conditional approval, the project applicant shall, within the time period specified in a decision that is not less than 10 working days and at the same time does not exceed 30 working days from the date of the coming into effect of the decision, ensure the fulfilment of the conditions and shall submit information regarding the fulfilment of the conditions for evaluation to the Responsible Institution. During the time period specified in the decision the project applicant may submit information regarding the fulfilment of the conditions not more than twice. 69. The Responsible Institution shall evaluate the information submitted by the project applicant within 20 working days after expiry of the term specified in the decision referred to in Paragraph 68 of this Regulation and prepare an opinion regarding the fulfilment of the conditions included in the decision (hereinafter - opinion). 70. If the project applicant ensures the fulfilment of the conditions included in the decision referred to in Paragraph 68 of this Regulation within the term specified in the decision, the opinion of the Responsible Institution shall be positive and the Responsible Institution shall, within five working days after signing of the opinion, send to: 70.1. the project applicant - the opinion; and 70.2. to the Co-operation Institution - a decision regarding the conditional approval of the project, opinion and an original copy of the approved project application submitted in printed form, or the project application submitted in electronic document form, which has been signed by a secure electronic signature and certified with a time stamp in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. 71. If the project applicant does not ensure the fulfilment of the conditions included in the decision referred to in Paragraph 68 of this Regulation within the term specified in the decision, the opinion regarding the non-fulfilment of the conditions included in the decision shall be sent by the Responsible Institution to the project applicant not later than within five working days after signing thereof. X. General Conditions for Implementation of the Project72. The location of the implementation of the project shall be the Republic of Latvia. 73. The final beneficiary shall ensure clear division of financial flow for the implementation of the project from other financial flows of the activity of the final beneficiary during the implementation of the project and three years after the implementation of the project, if the final beneficiary complies with the definition of a micro, small or medium-sized merchant specified in Sub-paragraph 2.4 of this Regulation, and five years after the implementation of the project, if the final beneficiary complies with the definition of a large merchant specified in Sub-paragraph 2.3 of this Regulation. 74. The final beneficiary shall, within five working days after entering into a contract or an agreement, submit a procurement plan to the Co-operation Institution. If the final beneficiary, taking into account the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraph 23.2 of this Regulation, performs a procurement prior to entering into a contract or an agreement within the scope of the project, he or she shall submit the procurement plan to the Co-operation Institution before the commencement of the procurement procedure. 75. The final beneficiary shall announce the first procurement procedure for the purchase of the facilities, performance of construction works or development of the construction design within the scope of the project not later than within 90 calendar days from the date of entering into the contract or the agreement. 76. If total sum of costs of the project is less than 3 000 000 lats, the duration of the implementation thereof shall not exceed 36 months from the day when the contract or the agreement has been entered into. If total sum of costs of the project is 3 000 000 lats or more, the duration of the implementation thereof shall not exceed 48 months form the day when the contract or the agreement has been entered into. The term of the implementation of all referred to projects shall not exceed 31 August 2015. 77. The final beneficiary has a duty to insure material investments against losses or damages in case of fire, storm damages, flood or illegal action of third persons during the time of operation of the contract or the agreement. If such damages have been caused, the received insurance compensation shall be used for renewal of the damaged value. If such compensation is not sufficient, the final beneficiary shall cover damages from his or her own resources or resources of a co-operation partner in compliance with the conditions included in the co-operation contract referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation. 78. The final beneficiary and co-operation partner shall ensure insertion of the updated information associated with the implementation of the project on the website of the institution of the final beneficiary and co-operation partner not less than once every three months. 79. The Co-operation Institution may decide regarding termination of the contract or agreement also in the following cases: 79.1. a statement of a credit institution regarding granting of a credit is appended to a project application, but within six months from the day of entering into the contract or agreement, a final beneficiary or co-operation partner (if applicable) has not entered into the relevant contract with a credit institution regarding a sum not less than 75 % of the referred to in the statement; 79.2. reconstruction or renovation of buildings or premises or construction of new building referred to in Sub-paragraph 21.2 of this Regulation is intended in a project application, but within six months from the day of entering into the contract or agreement a final beneficiary has not entered into the contracts regarding reconstruction or renovation of buildings or premises or construction of new building for a sum not less than 75% of the costs of reconstruction, renovation or construction intended in the project; 79.3. within 12 months from the day when the contract or agreement has been entered into, a request for interim payment at least for 15 % of the total public financing specified in the contract or agreement provisions has not been submitted to the Co-operation Institution; 79.4. within 18 months from the day when the contract or agreement has been entered into, a request for interim payment at least for 30 % of the total public financing specified in the contract or agreement provisions has not been submitted to the Co-operation Institution; and 79.5. within 24 months from the day when the contract or agreement has been entered into, a request for interim payment at least for 50 % of the total public financing specified in the contract or agreement provisions has not been submitted to the Co-operation Institution. 80. The Co-operation Institution may decide regarding proportionate reduction of the financing of the project in the following cases: 80.1. actual utilisation of financial resources is less than intended in the project application; 80.2. some activity intended in the contract or agreement provisions is not implemented, but the objective of the project is achieved; 80.3. documents attesting utilisation of financial resources are not submitted; 80.4. utilisation of resources is not proportionate and justified; 80.5. procurement has not been performed in compliance with regulatory enactments in the field of procurement; 80.6. the final beneficiary has intentionally provided false information to the Co-operation Institution during the implementation of the project; 80.7. if the long-term investment purchased within the scope of the project not connected with aid for commercial activity is used for the implementation of economic primary activities within three or five years (in compliance with the conformity of the beneficiary with the definition of micro, small, medium-sized or large merchant) after completion of the project, the recalculation of the public financing intensity shall be performed and the amount of financing shall be corrected appropriately; 80.8. if the public financing intensity referred to in Sub-paragraph 31.2.1 of this Regulation is approved in the project application of the combined aid type, but within three fiscal years (during a period of time from the commencement of the implementation of the project up to three or five years (in compliance with the conformity of the final beneficiary or co-operation partner with the definition of micro, small, medium-sized or large merchant) after inclusion of the relevant long-term investment in the assets of final beneficiary or co-operation partner) the sum total of costs (140 560 lats) of the percentage part of the project thereof, which is intended to be used for economic primary activities, is exceeded, the recalculation of public financing intensity shall be performed and the amount of financing shall be corrected appropriately applying the public financing intensities specified in Sub-paragraph 31.2.2 of this Regulation to the referred to percentage part of the project; 80.9. if in implementing the project of combined aid type the amount of percentage included in the project, in which it is intended to use purchased or improved research infrastructure for economic primary activities, is increased, the recalculation of the public financing intensity shall be performed and the amount of financing shall be corrected appropriately; 80.10. if in implementing the sub-activity the actual eligible costs are changed, the recalculation shall be performed and the amount of financing shall be corrected appropriately in compliance with the approved financing intensity. 81. Amendments to a project shall be performed in accordance with the regulatory enactments which determine the management, implementation and monitoring of implementation of the European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund. 82. The final beneficiary, without making amendments to the project, may perform the reallocation of costs: 82.1. between the cost items referred to in Sub-paragraphs 36.1.1, 36.1.2, 36.1.3, 36.1.4, 36.1.5 and 36.2 or Sub-paragraphs 37.1, 37.2 and 37.3 of this Regulation, not exceeding five percent of the cost item to be reallocated and taking into account restrictions of costs referred to in Sub-paragraphs, 36.1.4, 36.1.5, 36.1.6, 36.2, 37.1.2, 37.3 and 37.4 of this Regulation; 82.2. and within the scope of the cost items referred to in Sub-paragraphs 36.1.1., 36.1.2., 36.1.3., 36.1.4., 36.1.5. and 36.2. or Sub-paragraphs 37.1., 37.2. and 37.3 of this Regulation. 83. The final beneficiary, when submitting a payment request to the Co-operation Institution, shall append an explanation regarding the validity of the reallocation of costs referred to in Paragraph 82 of this Regulation. If the referred to explanation is not submitted or if the submitted explanation is not substantiated, the Co-operation Institution shall regard the reallocation of costs as not having occurred informing the final beneficiary thereof. 84. If ineligible expenditure or the costs of the rise in price arise during the implementation of the project, the final beneficiary shall cover them from existing funds at the disposal thereof. 85. The Responsible Institution has the right to request information from the final beneficiary regarding the course of the implementation of the project and the conformity of the results achieved with the planned results. 86. If necessary, the Responsible Institution has the right to propose amendments to the project, by preparing and sending proposals to the Co-operation Institution and the final beneficiary regarding the amendments necessary to the project. 87. Within 10 working days after receipt of the proposals referred to in Paragraph 86 of this Regulation, the final beneficiary shall prepare and submit a request for project amendments to the Co-operation Institution or shall provide a reasoned justification to the Responsible Institution and the Co-operation Institution regarding the decision not to propose amendments to the project. 88. A payment request shall be prepared and the costs of the final beneficiary of the European Union Fund shall be repaid in lats or in single currency of the European Union. Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Annex 1 Methodology for Calculation of Division of Financing Available for the Implementation of Projects not Connected with Aid for Commercial Activity and Projects of Combined Aid Type1. Division of financing FCi available for the implementation of projects not connected with aid for commercial activity and projects of combined aid type in the sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure" of the complement to the operational programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations" (hereinafter - sub-activity) by research centres of national significance (hereinafter - centre) shall be calculated using the following formula (except for the centre for the Latvian language, cultural and historical heritage and creative technologies the total available financing of the European Regional Development Fund (FLVC) of which is 1 800 000 lats): where FCi - financing available for the centre (in lats); i - variant of the centre (i = 1, 2, .., n; n - number of centres); F21131 - financing of the European Regional Development Fund available for the first selection round (in lats); FFTC - financing for the establishment of a study and research centre of pharmaceutical technologies and a biopharmacy centre - 4 260 341 lats; FKDC - financing for the establishment of a space data processing centre - 5 000 000 lats; FLVC - financing for the establishment of a centre for the Latvian language, cultural and historical heritage and creative technologies - 1 800 000 lats; ∑RCi - sum of characteristics of the scientific activity of the centres; and R Ci - characteristic of the scientific activity of the centre. 2. Characteristic RCi of the scientific activity of the centre shall be calculated using the following formula: where ∑RI C - sum of characteristics of the scientific activity of scientific institutions forming the centre; NCi - ratio of the sector of the centre; NC = 2.0 - if the activity of the centre is connected with the following sectors of the science: natural sciences, engineering, health sciences, agricultural, environmental, earth and forest sciences; and NC = 1.3 - if the activity of the centre is connected with other sectors of the science. 3. Financing FIC available for a scientific institution within the scope of the centre for the implementation of the project not connected with aid for commercial activity shall be calculated using the following formula: where FIC - financing available for the scientific institution within the scope of the centre (in lats); I - variant of the scientific institution (I = 1, 2, .., n; n - number of scientific institutions); FCi - financing available for the centre (in lats); i - variant of the centre (i = 1, 2, .., n; n - number of centres); ∑RIC - sum of characteristics of the scientific activity of scientific institutions forming the centre; RIC - characteristic of scientific activity of a scientific institution in the direction of science corresponding to the centre. 4. Characteristic of scientific activity of a scientific institution RI C in the direction of science corresponding to the centre shall be calculated using the following formula: where PI - public financing attracted in accordance with the tender procedures to a scientific institution for the scientific research activity (financing of activity 2.5.1 "Aid for Applied Researches in State Scientific Institutions" of the Single Programming Document and activity "Involvement of Human Resources in Science" of the complement to the operational programme "Human Resources and Employment", financing of the Latvian Council of Science, financing of the State research programmes, revenue from researches and scientific outputs performed according to assignment of State administrative institutions and self-governments, financing of market-oriented researches, revenue from researches performed according to assignment of foreign public law legal persons, financing of the projects of European Territorial Co-operation Programme (INTERREG)) (hereinafter - public financing) in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); ∑PI - total public financing attracted in accordance with the tender procedures for the scientific research activity in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); K I - revenues of a scientific institution from contract researches and scientific outputs performed according to assignment of Latvian and foreign merchants in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); ∑K I - total revenues from contract researches performed according to assignment of Latvian and foreign merchants in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); TI - financing attracted within the scope of international scientifically technical co-operation programmes of a scientific institution (European Union Framework Programme, International co-operation support programme in the field of scientific and technical research (COST), International co-operation promotion programme for the development of innovative, competitive products, technologies or services mainly for small and medium, as well as large commercial enterprises (EUREKA), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), financial programme of the European Commission for the environmental LIFE, programme financed by Bi-lateral Co-operation Programme and European Economic Area Financial Instrument) for the scientific researches in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); ∑TI - total financing attracted within the scope of international scientifically technical co-operation programmes in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); EI - efficiency of scientific activity of a scientific institution in 2007-2009; Sek IC - average ratio of quality indicators of scientific activity of a scientific institution in the direction of science corresponding to the centre which is calculated in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactment in force in the relevant period of time regarding the procedures for granting of base financing to State scientific institutions; 4.1. Efficiency of scientific activity of a scientific institution E I in the direction of science corresponding to the centre shall be calculated using the following formula (provided that maximum efficiency of scientific activity of the scientific institution EI does not exceed 16 000 lats per year per one scientific employee in terms of full work time equivalent): where P Ivid. - average public financing attracted in accordance with the tender procedures for the scientific institution for the scientific activity in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); K Ivid. - average amount of revenues of a scientific institution from contract researches performed according to assignment of Latvian and foreign merchants in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); TIvid. - average financing attracted within the scope of international scientifically technical co-operation programmes in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009 (in lats); DIvid - average number of employees employed in science in the scientific institution (in terms of full work time equivalent) in the direction of science corresponding to the centre in 2007-2009; 4.2. number of employees employed in science D shall be calculated using the following formula: where D - number of employees employed in science in terms of full work time equivalent; Z - average number of scientific staff (leading researchers, researchers and scientific assistants elected and registered in the database of the Scientific Staff of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (eligible to State scientific institutions) (in terms of full work time equivalent) in 2007-2009; Zt - average number of scientific technical staff (in terms of full work time equivalent) in 2007-2009; Za - average number of scientific service staff (in terms of full work time equivalent) in 2007-2009. Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Revised by the Ministry of the Education and Science Annex 2 (Annex amended by Cabinet Regulation No. 487 of 21 June 2011)
1.1. Project applicant:
* A person for whom the right of representation of such institution has been specified in the by-law of the institution or documents comparable thereto or in other regulatory enactments, or an authorised person, who is entitled to sign the documentation related to the project application, shall be specified as a responsible person. A responsible person specified in this Paragraph shall comply with the person who has signed Section 7 "Certification" of the project application; ** Complete, if differs from a responsible person. A person, who is directly responsible for the preparation of a project application or the project implementation and with whom in case of necessity it is possible to communicate regarding project implementation issues, shall be specified as a contact person. 1.1.8. Type of the project applicant (please, note the appropriate with "X"):
1.1.9. Sector (-s) of primary activity of the project applicant in accordance with the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE Rev. 2) (please, write the appropriate one):
1.2. Basic information regarding the co-operation partner: (If it is intended to involve several partners in the project implementation, information regarding each Co-operation partner No.2 shall be indicated as Section 1.2.2., regarding Co-operation partner No.3 - as Section 1.2.3. etc. according to form specified previously) 1.2.1. Co-operation partner No.1: Type of the Co-operation partner No.1 (please, note the appropriate with "X"): Sector (-s) of primary activity of the Co-operation partner No.1 in accordance with the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE Rev. 2) (please, write the appropriate one):
1.3. Compliance of the project applicant and co-operation partner/-s with the status of research organisation (please, note the appropriate with "X"):
1.4. Compliance of the project applicant and co-operation partner/-s with the category* of merchant: (This Section shall be completed, if it is intended to implement a project of combined aid type. Please, note the relevant category of the merchant with "X" in accordance with the declarations appended to a project application form regarding compliance of the economic activity performer with the category of micro, small or medium-sized merchant):
* In accordance with the definition in Annex 1 to Commission Regulation (EC) No 800/2008 of 6 August 2008 (published in Official Journal of the European Union on 9 August 2008, L214/3) declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty (General block exemption Regulation). 1.5. Compliance of the project applicant and co-operation partner/-s with the defined requirements (please, note the relevant regarding a project applicant and co-operation partner with "X"):
2.2. Research centre of national significance in the operation direction of which performance of investments is intended within the scope of the project (please, note the appropriate with "X"):
2.3. Summary regarding activities to be performed within the scope of the European Regional Development Fund project (the referred to information will be available in accordance with the procedures and the amount specified in the Freedom of Information Law after the decision regarding application of the European Union fund project has come into effect) (not more than 2000 characters)
2.4. Project implementation place: Please, indicate:
2.5. Project classification (please, indicate the NACE Rev. 2 code of Statistical Classification of Economic Activities corresponding to the content of the project):
2.6. Indicate the objective of the project (not more than 1000 characters): (The objective of the project shall be actually achievable during the project implementation, measurable and directed towards achievement of the aim of the sub-activity)
2.7. Indicate the justification of the necessity of the project or provide the description of the detected problem (not more than 3000 characters): (The analysis of the present situation in respect of the scientific activity implemented by the project applicant and co-operation partner, research directions and infrastructure available for the scientific activity, as well as the planned further development of scientific activity and infrastructure necessary for it (in accordance with the specified in a co-operation strategy of the relevant scientific centre of national significance) shall be provided in the justification, essential actual problems and reasons thereof shall be identified therein)
2.8. Description of the target group and expected effect of the project on the target group (Justify connection of the project activities with the needs of the target group and compliance of the project with solving of the target group problems) (not more than 1500 characters):
2.9. Provide the description of the solution of the detected problem, including providing justification of selection of optimal solution (Describe how it is intended to solve the detected problem specified in Paragraph 2.7 within the scope of the project, why the activities intended in the project application will be able to achieve the objective of the project most effectively and solve the problem described above. Description of the problem solution shall provide a clear notion that the selected solution ensures achievement of the objective of the project, that the activities to be implemented and results thereof are optimal and justified) (not more than 5000 characters):
2.10. The planned activities of the project and results to be achieved within the scope thereof: 2.10.1. Characterisation of the planned activities: (Activities shall be justified, commensurate to the planned time schedule, directed towards achievement of the objective of the project and expected results. Description of the activity shall provide explanation what exactly will be done within the scope of a particular activity, how the introduction of the activity will be organised)
* Activities shall comply with those indicated in the time schedule for the project implementation (Annex 1, Part A). 2.10.2. The results to be achieved within the scope of the project:
* Activities shall comply with those indicated in Paragraph 2.10.1 of the project application form and in the time schedule for the project implementation (Annex 1, Part A). One activity may have several results. 2.11. Compliance of investments planned in the project with the definition of initial investments (this Section shall be completed in case of the project of combined aid type) Note the appropriate with "X" and provide explanation.
2.12. Justification for the compliance of the project with the approved co-operation strategy of the relevant research centre of national significance (not more than 1000 characters):
2.13. Summary regarding infrastructure (buildings, parts of buildings (groups of premises), premises) in which the investments will be performed by resources granted for the project implementation* (Complete and note the appropriate with "X"):
* Information shall comply with the data included in the territorial spatial development strategy of the scientific institution. 2.14. Justification of incentive effect of the aid (shall be completed in case of the project of combined aid type, if the beneficiary claims for aid intensity in compliance with the status of a large merchant). The compliance with several criteria of incentive effect of the aid may be specified.
2.15. Describe the readiness for commencement of the activities planned in the project (not more than 2000 characters) (Describe in short the works performed until now for the introduction of the project, describe the documentation which confirms the readiness for commencement of the project implementation (for example, indicating whether the technical design of construction works has been developed, procurement documentation for the development of building design or technical documentation for the procurement of equipment has been prepared, the list of planned construction works or facilities to be purchased has been prepared), specify the stage of the prepared documentation. If there is such documentation, the project applicant shall attach it to the project application, thus confirming the readiness for commencement of the planned activities). Please complete the table.
Readiness of the project for commencement:
* Formulation and numbering of activities shall comply with those indicated in Paragraph 2.10 and in the time schedule for the project implementation (Annex 1, Part B).
3.1. Characterise the capacity of the project implementation, management and supervision: the project implementation, management and supervision system and the required resources (the number of the staff to be involved, qualification and responsibilities thereof, the available material and technical base) (not more than 3000 characters): (Characterise the team of the project management and capacity thereof - human resources at the disposal of the project applicant and co-operation partner for the provision of implementation, management and supervision of the project. Specify the position held in the project by each employee involved in the team of the project management for the provision of implementation and supervision of the project, define clearly the functions and main responsibilities of each participant of the team of the project management. Specify professional qualification and experience of the staff involved in the project management (curriculum vitae (CV) of the staff involved in the project management shall not be appended to the project application!)) Please, complete the tables. Administrative project management:
Financial project management:
Technical project management:
Technical provision of the project management:
3.2. Planned total duration of the project implementation (duration of the project implementation shall comply with the duration specified in Annex 1 (time schedule):
3.3. Commencement of the project implementation (please, note the appropriate with "X"):
3.4. Characterise the capacity of scientific staff of the project applicant (number of new scientists in terms of full time equivalent (FTE), specify in per cent of the total number of scientific staff):
* Time of commencement of the planned activities - time, when a contract regarding purchase of equipment is signed, but, in performing construction or reconstruction of buildings (structures) - commencement of construction works. ** Scientific staff - leading researchers, researchers and scientific assistants elected and registered in the Register of the Ministry of Education and Science or in the database of the Scientific Staff of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. *** New scientist - a natural person, who has acquired a scientific degree of a doctor not earlier than 10 years before submission of the project application; 3.5. Characterise scientific potential of the project applicant (average number of scientific publications cited internationally1 and patents or licences maintained during previous five years. Number of publications shall be specified in respect of one full time equivalent scientific employee in the institution):
3.6. Characterise international competitiveness of the project applicant (number and type of supported international research projects (European Union Framework Programme, International co-operation support programme in the field of scientific and technical research (COST), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), other international projects) in the previous 5 years):
1 Scientific publications anonymously reviewed, published in the international scientific literature and included in the internationally recognised databases (Web of Knowledge, SCORPUS, A&HCI, SSCI or in leading databases of the sectors). * If the projects of the relevant type are more than five, please, specify the information regarding at least five most significant projects of international research. If there are no projects of the relevant type, it is necessary to write "none". 3.7. Characterise potential contribution of the project applicant in the economic development - orientation to commercialisation of researches and practical introduction of the results (previous co-operation with merchants, commissioned works, market-oriented researches, International co-operation promotion programme for the development of innovative, competitive products, technologies or services mainly for small and medium, as well as large commercial enterprises (EUREKA), projects in the previous 5 years):
3.8. Potential capacity of the project applicant for becoming as possible partner in the competence centre (mutual or potential synergy of the project application (preparation works performed - draft strategy developed, agreement or letter of intent signed) with the project which has been submitted or which is planned to be submitted for the receipt of aid in the Sub-activity "Competence centres" of the complement to the operational programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations" (not more than 2000 characters):
3.9. Describe, how the maintenance of the results achieved by the project will be ensured for at least five years after completion of the project (not more than 2000 characters): (Provide the information regarding maintenance of the results achieved by the project after completion of the project for at least 5 next years. Specify the planned sources of financial resources which are intended to be used for exploitation, maintenance of purchased research facilities, constructed, reconstructed, renovated or improved infrastructure objects and provision of operation thereof) Please, complete the table.
* If the research projects of the relevant type are more than five, please, specify the information regarding at least five most significant research projects. If there are no projects of the relevant type, it is necessary to write "none". 3.10. Describe the possible risks of the project implementation, as well as specify evaluation thereof and plan for elimination or reduction of the possible risks (not more than 2000 characters). (Define and assess all possible risks of the project implementation with which a project applicant may face in the course of the project introduction and which may endanger, adversely effect, disturb or hinder the course of the project implementation. For example, possible increase of costs, availability and quality of construction services, availability and professionalism of human resources (risk of the team of the project management), legal risks etc. Upon evaluation of risks, determine the probability of occurrence of the identified risks, risk effect (high, medium or low), negative effect of the consequences of the risk occurrence, as well as describe the plan of measures for reduction or elimination of the risk)
4.1. Types of project information and publicity measures: Note with "X" the appropriate types of information and publicity measures which it is intended to use.
4.2. Characterise the measures, which will be implemented in order to meet the requirements of publicity specified in regulatory enactments regarding introduction of the European Union fund projects: (Describe in detail information and publicity measures (specified in Paragraph 4.1.) planned within the scope of the project). Please, complete the table.
5.1. Specific activities for the provision of the principle of equal opportunities, especially by improving environment accessibility for persons with functional disorders (Description, how the project ensures specific activities for the provision of the principle of equal opportunities) (not more than 1000 characters):
5.2. Effect of the project on the horizontal priority "Sustainable development" - particular measures for elimination or reduction of adverse effect on the environmental quality or rational use of nature and energy resources: Some of the following objectives will be achieved upon implementation of the project (please, note the appropriate with "X"):
6.1. Financing plan of the project (see Annex 1, Part B). 6.1.1. Average weighted co-financing intensity of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the project of combined aid type: Justification of the project of combined aid type for calculation of the average weighted aid intensity of ERDF (shall be appended to the project application in EXCEL xls file format) Provide the information regarding planned material investments of each beneficiary (planned application, costs)
1 non-economic primary activity (NPA) 2 economic primary activity (EPA) Calculation of indicative average weighted ERDF financing intensity (within the scope of one centre each beneficiary, who is planning to implement a sub-project of combined aid type, shall apply one of aid types of economic primary activity: de minimis aid or regional aid for investments)
6.1.2. Provision of national co-financing:
* The State budget financing in accordance with regulatory enactments which determine the procedures by which the State budget resources are to be intended for the implementation of primary activities of a scientific institution, except State budget resources intended for the implementation of the projects of the European Union Structural funds. 6.1.3. Characterisation of investments in kind and assessment* of the value thereof (complete the appropriate, if the investment in kind is intended):
* Assessment of the value of the investment in kind shall be appended to a project application the value of which is certified by an independent qualified assessor (if applicable). ** Specify whether the investment is in the ownership of a project applicant or co-operation partner or in the ownership of the State which has been transferred to the possession or use of the project applicant or co-operation partner. 6.2. Budget summary of the project, including the indicative plan of the project costs (see Part C to Annex 1). 6.3. Analysis of costs efficiency and conclusions thereof (analysis of the alternatives of the implementation of the project, economic analysis of the project (economic costs and benefits), which is justified by numerical calculations, and main conclusions). If the construction of new structure is intended within the scope of the project, economic analysis of costs-benefits of alternatives has been included, including regarding renovation or reconstruction of the existing buildings: At least three possible project introduction alternatives (financial, technical solution), except "Zero" alternative, shall be described. The advantages, deficiencies, necessary costs within the scope of the project and benefits shall be specified for each alternative in the description at least for a period of the following five years (economic return), justifying the costs and benefits with numerical calculations. 6.3.1. Description of the alternatives of the implementation of the project (except ″Zero″ alternative):
6.3.2. Main conclusions of analysis:
6.3.3. Economic justification of the project costs Provide explanation regarding a mechanism for determination and calculation of an item of costs, justify the amount of planned costs for all items of eligible costs referred to in the project budget estimate and provide explanation, how the (average) prices for goods or services have been acquired, specify the factor for creation thereof and provide the information regarding the compliance thereof with the market prices.
* Comprehensive comparison of alternative solutions (for elimination of problems, selection of technical solutions/ technologies) from the economic and technical point of view, assessment of investment costs, exploitation costs of each alternative, duration of functioning of facilities shall be included in the analysis of alternatives. ** The selected alternative shall be specified and justification for the selection thereof shall be provided. *** Items of eligible costs of the project shall comply with those specified in column "Title of the item of costs" of the Table of Part C of Annex 1 to a project application.
I, the undersigned,
• the project applicant and co-operation partner have not been declared insolvent by a court decision, and they are not in the process of restoration or in the process of legal protection, the economic activity thereof has not been terminated or, in accordance with the information available in the Commercial Register, they are not in the process of liquidation; • the project applicant and co-operation partner do not have tax debts and debts of the compulsory State social insurance contributions; • the project applicant and co-operation partner have the appropriate legal status; • the project applicant and co-operation partner have the appropriate type of primary activity; • there are sufficient and stable financial resources at the disposal of the project applicant and co-operation partner; • information included in the project application and annexes thereof is true and co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund requested for implementation of the project will be used in accordance with the description of the project application; • there are no known reasons why this project could not be implemented or implementation thereof could be delayed and I confirm that it is possible to carry out the liabilities specified in the project in the periods of time specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union Fund; • a project applicant and co-operation partner have not received and do not plan to receive the financing from the State, European Union resources or other financial resources regarding the same eligible costs within the scope of other activities; • a project applicant and co-operation partner do not comply with the status of merchant in difficulties; and • in case of approval of the project, this very project application will not be submitted for financing or co-financing from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and self-governments. I realise that it is possible that the project will not be approved for co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund if the project application, including this section, is not completely and qualitatively completed, as well as if the financing from the European Regional Development Fund planned in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union Fund (for the current year or planning period) has been utilised when the project is approved. I realise that in the case of providing false information in the certification, sanctions of an administrative and financial nature may be initiated against the abovementioned legal person - project applicant. I confirm that the copies appended to the project application (if any requested) comply with the originals of the documents at my disposal and the copies and electronic version of the project application comply with the original of the submitted project application. I undertake to observe the principles of non-discrimination and exclude any discrimination on grounds of sex, race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, age or other factors during the implementation of the project.
* The details of the document "Signature", "Date" and "Place for seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in conformity with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.
Annex 1, Part A Time schedule for the project implementation:
* Must comply with the number and name of the activity indicated in Paragraph 2.10. Annex 1, Part B FINANCING PLAN Project No.
** The amount of subsidy from the State budget for self-governments shall be calculated in compliance with regulatory enactments regarding procedures for granting of subsidy from the State budget for self-governments for the implementation of the projects co-financed by the European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, if it is not otherwise specified in the procedures for the implementation of the activity. * For example, financing of the State Culture Capital Foundation or European Investment Bank. Annex 1, Part C Budget summary of the project, including the indicative plan of project costs in LVL (information shall be submitted in XLS file format): 1.1. Budget summary of the project not connected with aid for commercial activity:
* Items of costs shall be specified in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding the items of eligible costs specified for the implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union Fund. 1.2. Budget summary of the project of combined aid type:
* Items of costs shall be specified in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding the items of eligible costs specified for the implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union Fund. 1.2.1. Budget summary of a part of the project not connected with economic activity of the project of combined aid type (specify the budget of the part of the subproject not connected with economic activity of each beneficiary):
** In proportion to the amount in which the investments made within the scope of the project will be used for non-economic primary activities. 1.2.2. Budget summary of a part of the project connected with economic activity of the project of combined aid type (specify the budget of the part of the subproject connected with economic activity of each beneficiary):
* Items of the costs shall be specified in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding the items of eligible costs specified for the implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union Fund. ** In proportion to the amount in which the investments made within the scope of the project will be used for non-economic primary activities. Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Annex 3 Information to be Included in the Document of Territorially Spatial Development Strategy of a Scientific Institution1. Characterisation of the research infrastructure at the disposal of a scientific institution: 1.1. listing of buildings (structures), parts (groups of premises) of buildings (structures) and units of land in the ownership, possession, use and lease, specifying the area, present status, application and burdens thereof (Section A, Table 1); 1.2. listing of research facilities and equipment (of the balance sheet value above 100 000 lats) at the disposal of the institution (research facilities and tools, technologies, including radiation facilities, databases and archives, libraries, collections, biobanks, models, repositories, communications networks, telescopes, support laboratories, ships), characterisation of the present condition thereof (Section B, Table 2); 1.3. characterisation of investments (of the value above 100 000 lats) made for the modernisation of buildings (structures), parts (groups of premises) of buildings (structures) and premises, and purchase of new research equipment and modernisation of the existing equipment during the last five years, including specifying the sources of financing of investments made (Section 3, Table 3 and 4). 2. Amount of the planned investments (in lats) for the development of the infrastructure of a scientific institution: 2.1. within the scope of a project not connected with aid for commercial activity or a project of combined aid type; 2.2. within the scope of a project of aid for commercial activity in the second selection round of project applications of the sub-activity (if eligible) 3. Characterisation of the planned territorially spatial development: 3.1. characterisation of the planned territorially spatial development of a scientific institution, including: 3.1.1. objectives to be achieved and directions of development in the territorially spatial structure (territory, infrastructure) (definition of the policy of a scientific institution in relation to performance of scientific activities in space, as well as location and functional use of the infrastructure, taking into account environmental, social and economic aspects, as well as the necessity to ensure optimal and resource-efficient use of the infrastructure); 3.1.2. characterisation of the compliance of the planned territorially spatial development and justification for the medium-term and long-term strategical objectives and development directions defined in the co-operation strategy of scientific institutions forming the relevant research centre of national significance, as well as for the plans of the development of European common space on research; 3.2. investments planned within the scope of a project of aid for commercial activity (in the second selection round of project applications of the sub-activity) in the territorially spatial development of a scientific institution (if eligible), including: 3.2.1. characterisation of planned construction works and justification for performance of investments (Section D, Table 5) (if eligible); 3.2.2. listing of research facilities to be purchased (of value above 100 000 lats) and justification for the purchase thereof (Section D, Table 6); 3.3. investments planned within the scope of a project not connected with aid for commercial activity or a project of combined aid type in the territorially spatial development of a scientific institution, including: 3.3.1. characterisation of planned construction works and justification for performance of investments (Section D, Table 5); 3.3.2. listing of research facilities to be purchased (of value above 100 000 lats) and justification for the purchase thereof (Section D, Table 6); 3.4. effect of the project(-s) referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.2 or 3.3 of this Annex on the territorially spatial development of several scientific institutions: 3.4.1. effect on concentration of investments and optimisation of infrastructure (justification, how the use of updated buildings (structures), parts (groups of premises) of buildings (structures), premises and facilities will be ensured for the needs of several scientific institutions, in order to reduce fragmentation in the selection of objects to be updated and unjustified repeating in the purchase of facilities, as well as to promote concentration of investments and more intensive use of premises and facilities for the needs of several scientific institutions); 3.4.2. effect on the territorially spatial organisation of location of human resources (justification, how the access of larger number of employees of several scientific institutions to updated objects of the infrastructure will be facilitated, the load efficiency of buildings (structures), parts (groups of premises) of buildings (structures), premises and facilities will be promoted, if necessary, in planning the optimisation of workplaces of scientific employees). Section A Table 1 Characterisation of the research infrastructure1 at the disposal of a scientific institution
1 Infrastructure in which scientific activity is planned or is already taking place. Explanations for completing of a table [1] Specify the immovable property object: (1) building (structure); (2) part (group of premises) of building (structure); (3) unit of land. [2] Purpose of use - permitted type (types) of use of the immovable property or lawfully commenced use thereof, or use specified in the territorial planning or lawfully commenced in accordance with the Cabinet Regulation No. 496 of 20 June 2006, Classification of Purposes of Use of Immovable Property and Procedures for Determination and Change of the Purposes of Use of Immovable Property. [3] Specify burden(-s) of the immovable property object (if applicable) in accordance with the Cabinet Regulation No. 1602 of 22 December 2009, Regulation Regarding Classification of Burdens of the Immovable Property Object, as well as burden(-s) connection with possible performance of investments in the immovable property object. For example, specify that the relevant immovable property has a burden of rights of use which determined that building of new extension is not permitted. [4] Specify the following information regarding the owner of the immovable property object (a person the ownership rights of whom has been registered in the Land Register): 1) if the owner is a natural person, specify the given name, surname of a natural person; 2) if the owner is a legal person, specify name and registration number of a legal person. [5] Complete, if the immovable property object is on lease. In compliance with the approved criteria for evaluation of project applications for sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure", if the infrastructure in which it is intended to perform investments of the European Regional Development Fund is not in the ownership of the project applicant or in the ownership of the State and transferred to possession or use of the project applicant, the project applicant must have a long-term leasehold for the referred to infrastructure for at least another five years after the completion of the implementation of the project and it must be registered in the Land Register. [6] Complete, if the immovable property object is a building (structure) or part (group of premises) of building (structure). In compliance with the available information characterise general technical condition of a building (structure) or a part (group of premises) of building (structure), for example, providing the following information: 1) if general visual inspection of a building (structure) and engineering communications is performed, specify, whether the problems of bearing structures or engineering communications of the building (structure) have been detected, and characterise the referred to problems; 2) if technical survey of a building (structure) has been performed, specify main results or conclusion of survey; 3) if energy audit of a building (structure) has been performed, specify main results of energy audit. [7] Characterise actual use of the immovable property object. [8] Other information which the scientific institution considers necessary to specify. Section B Table 2 Characterisation of the research equipment at the disposal of a scientific institution
Explanations for completing of a table [1] Research facility or equipment with balance sheet value less than 100 000 lats may be specified, if the relevant equipment or facility is a unique in Latvia and is used for researches of several scientific institutions of one profile. [2] Characterise the present use of a facility or technology, including specifying for the research and performance of tasks of what scientific sectors it is being used. [3] Characterise a technical condition and load of a facility or equipment average per month and average per year. [4] Specify approximate proportion (in per cent) of external users of the total number of users of a facility or technology per year. External users - employees of other scientific institutions of Latvia or foreign states. Internal users - employees of the relevant scientific institution. [5] Other information which the scientific institution considers necessary to specify. Section C Table 3 Characterisation of investments made for the modernisation of research infrasturcture2 (buildings, premises) during the last five years
2 Infrastructure in which scientific activity is planned or is already taking place. Explanations for completing of a table. [1] Specify the sum of aid which has been granted to a scientific institution for the modernisation of buildings (structures), parts (groups of premises) of buildings (structures) or premises. Aid sum for grants - eligible costs of the project from which a subsidy is calculated. Aid sum for loans - credit sum of the aid. [2] Specify the institution which takes a decision regarding granting of aid, for example, the Ministry of Education and Science (Programmes "Higher Education", "Science"), European Union (EU Framework Programme, EUREKA, Eurostars, COST and within the scope of other programmes), State Agency "Investment and Development Agency of Latvia", State Agency "Rural Support Service" , limited liability company "Latvian Guarantee Agency", State Stock Company "Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia" and other (additional information in accordance with Section 1, Paragraph two, Clause 2 of the Law On Control of Aid for Commercial Activity ). [3] Specify type of aid and eligible costs. Type of aid: (1) subsidy from the State budget from general revenue; (2) co-financing of EU Structural Funds; (3) investments of a private sector; (4) EU financing for co-operation projects of research and technology development programmes; (5) loans; (6) grants (subsidies, which are disbursed by the State institutions to merchants investing in a particular region without repayment commitments in order to facilitate establishment or enlargement thereof); (7) guarantees; (8) other financial aid. Eligible costs - costs which are covered (fully or partly) within the scope of the aid programme. Please, provide main items of eligible costs, for example, major repair, purchase of facilities. [4] Date when a decision is adopted regarding granting of aid, or a date when a contract with the provider of aid is entered into. [5] Other information which the scientific institution considers necessary to specify. Table 4 Characterisation of investments made for purchase of new research equipment (of the value above 100 000 lats3) during the last five years
3 Research equipment with balance sheet value less than 100 000 lats may be specified, if the relevant equipment is unique in Latvia and is used for researches of several scientific institutions of one profile. Explanations for completing of a table. [1] Location of research equipment - immovable property object (including address and cadastre designation thereof), where the research equipment is located or built-in. [2] Specify the aid sum, which is granted to a scientific institution for purchase or improvement of research equipment. Aid sum for grants - eligible costs of the project from which a subsidy is calculated. Aid sum for loans - credit sum of the aid. [3] Specify the institution which takes a decision regarding granting of aid, for example, the Ministry of Education and Science (Programmes "Higher Education", "Science"), European Union (EU Framework Programme, EUREKA, Eurostars, COST and within the scope of other programmes), State Agency "Investment and Development Agency of Latvia", State Agency "Rural Support Service", limited liability company "Latvian Guarantee Agency", State Stock Company "Mortgage and Land Bank of Latvia" and other. [4] Specify type of aid and eligible costs. Type of aid: (1) subsidy from the State budget from general revenue; (2) co-financing of EU Structural Funds; (3) investments of a private sector; (4) EU financing for co-operation projects of research and technology development programmes; (5) loans; (6) grants (subsidies); (7) guarantees; (8) other financial aid. Eligible costs - costs which are covered (fully or partly) within the scope of the aid programme. Please, provide main items of eligible costs, for example, major repair, purchase of facilities. [5] Date when a decision is adopted regarding granting of aid, or a date when a contract with the provider of aid is entered into. [6] Other information which the scientific institution considers necessary to specify. Section D Table 5 Characterisation of construction works planned within the scope of sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure" and justification for performance of investments*
* Table shall be completed for each project separately. Explanations for completing of a table. [1] Specify the immovable property object in which it is planned to perform investments or which it is planned to construct within the scope of sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure". [2] Shortly describe the planned construction works, for example, construction, reconstruction, renovation works of new structure, including specifying whether the renovation design (if eligible) has been developed. [3] Specify preparatory works performed for the commencement of construction works, including specifying whether the construction design has been developed and construction permit (if eligible) has been received. [4] Specify the sources for provision of national co-financing for the planned construction works: (1) the State budget financing in accordance with the regulatory enactments which determine the procedures by which the State budget resources are to be intended for the implementation of primary activities of a scientific institution; (2) own financing; (3) loan from a credit institution; (4) investment in kind; (5) investments of a private sector; (6) other sources of financing. [5] Provide justification for the performance of investments in the relevant immovable property object, preferably from the technical, economic and institutional point of view. Technical justification shall include the compliance of the selected solutions and technologies with the forecasted demand and aims of the development of the scientific institution. Economic justification shall include the justification for application of the selected solutions. Institutional justification shall include optimisation and improvement of the capacity of research activity and organisation of the provision of research services of the scientific institution. [6] Specify, whether it is planned to use the investments for: (1) performance of economic activities; (2) performance of non-economic activities; (3) performance of economic and non-economic activities. [7] Specify the planned load of the immovable property object (in which it is planned to perform investments) or of a newly erected building for scientific activity in time units (for example, hours per day). [8] Other information which the scientific institution considers necessary to specify, for example, possible risks. Table 6 Listing of research facilities (of value above 100 000 lats) and justification for the purchase thereof within the scope of the sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure"*
* Table shall be completed for each project separately. Explanations for completing of a table. [1] Planned location - immovable property object (address and cadastre designation thereof), where it is planned to locate or build in a research facility to be purchased within the scope of sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure". [2] Characterise the use of a research facility to be purchased, including specifying, (1) in research and performance of tasks of what sectors of science it is used; (2) what is the planned load thereof in time units (for example, hours per day). [3] Specify: 1) purpose of purchase: (1) to promote operation of new research; (2) to extend operation of existing research; (3) diversify existing directions of research with new additional services; (4) to change the process of research performance significantly; 2) whether the purchase of the relevant facility classifies or does not classify as investment intended for renewal or replacement. [4] Specify internal and external users of the research facility to be purchased, if possible, specifying approximate percentage proportion thereof in load of the facility per month and year. External users - employees of other scientific institutions of Latvia or foreign states. Internal users - employees of the scientific institution (itself). [5] Specify the sources for the provision of national co-financing for the planned purchase of research facility: (1) the State budget financing in accordance with the regulatory enactments which determine the procedures by which the State budget resources are to be intended for the implementation of primary activities of a scientific institution; (2) own financing; (3) loan from a credit institution; (4) investment in kind; (5) investments of a private sector; (6) other sources of financing. [6] Provide justification for the purchase of a research facility, preferably from the technical, economic and institutional point of view. Technical justification shall include the compliance of the selected solutions and technologies with the forecasted demand and aims of the development of the scientific institution. Economic justification shall include the justification for application of the selected solutions. Institutional justification shall include optimisation and improvement of the capacity of research activity and organisation of the provision of research services of the scientific institution. [7] Specify, whether it is planned to use the investments for: (1) performance of economic activities; (2) performance of non-economic activities; (3) performance of economic and non-economic activities. [8] Other information which the scientific institution considers necessary to specify, for example, possible risks. Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Annex 4 Statement of Credit Institution Regarding Granting of a Credit
Decision regarding granting of a loan shall be in effect until ____ __________ 20___.
Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Annex 5 Criteria for Evaluation of Project ApplicationsCriteria for evaluation of project applications
1 New scientist - a natural person, who has acquired a scientific degree of a doctor not earlier than 10 years before submission of the project application. 2 Scientific staff - leading researchers, researchers and scientific assistants elected and registered in the Register of the Ministry of Education and Science or in the database of the Scientific Staff of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. 3 Scientific publications anonymously reviewed, published in the international scientific literature and included in the internationally recognised databases (Web of Knowledge, SCORPUS, A&HCI, SSCI or in leading databases of the sectors). Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Annex 6 Letter of Consent of a Project ApplicantDate: ___ ___________ 20___
who acts in accordance with ______________________________, agrees that the Ministry of Education and Science requests and the State Revenue Service issues a statement regarding average number of the employees working for the undertaking during the last two years (separately by years) and that the referred to merchant does not have any tax debt (has tax debt). Representative of a merchant
Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Annex 7 Declaration of the Co-operation Partner Regarding Participation in the Implementation of the ProjectDate: ___ ___________ 20___
in person, who acts in accordance with ___________________________________________________________________________, confirms that he or she is acquainted with the project application ______________ (title of the project) of Sub-activity "Development of Scientific Infrastructure" of the Activity "Development of Scientific and Research Infrastructure" of the Measure 2.1.1 "Science, Research and Development" of the Priority 2.1 "Science and Innovations" of the complement to the operational programme "Entrepreneurship and Innovations" prior to the submission thereof to the Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter - Ministry) and has understood the tasks, rights, obligations and commitments of the co-operation partner in the implementation of the project and maintaining of the results achieved by it.
to submit the project application to the Ministry, to represent the co-operation partner involved in the partnership in discussions with the Ministry, to enter into a contract or an agreement regarding the implementation of the project and to submit financial plans and reports to the Ministry or to the State Education Development Agency, if the project application is approved. The co-operation partner declares that he or she will, if the project application is approved, participate in the implementation of the project and ensure the performance of the tasks entrusted to the co-operation partner, observing the principles of good partnership. The authorisation is issued without the right of reauthorisation and is valid from the date of confirmation of this declaration until the date of the confirmation of the final report of the project. Representative of the co-operation partner
* The detail "signature" of the document shall not be filled in if the electronic document has been drafted in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. Acting for the Minister for Education and
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Title: Noteikumi par darbības programmas "Uzņēmējdarbība un inovācijas" papildinājumašaktivitātes ..
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