The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of
Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as - the Parties),
desiring to strengthen and develop friendly relations between
both countries and population thereof,
being confident that co-operation in the field of education,
science, youth and sport provides knowledge and promotes mutual
understanding among the population of both countries,
recognizing the importance of vocational education and
training as a key factor for socio-economic development
have agreed as follows.
Article 1
On the basis of equality and mutual benefit the Parties shall
promote and, according to their international obligations and the
legislation of countries of the Parties, facilitate and develop
co-operation between educational and scientific institutions of
both countries, including:
a) information exchange on the system of education and
science, on the legislation and implemented reforms in the field
of education and science;
b) establishing direct co-operation between institutions of
higher education and scientific institutions;
c) co-operation and exchange of academic and scientific staff,
experts, specialists and students;
d) organization of joint international conferences,
symposiums, forums and seminars on current issues of mutual
e) exchange of scientific publications and information on
scientific databases of the Parties in order to ensure
commencement and implementation of co-operation;
f) exchange of experience and information in the field of
qualification frameworks, professional standards and labour
market research.
Article 2
The Parties shall promote the exchange of information on
policies, measures, models and methods, as well as encourage
dissemination of good practices and experience, and the
development of material studies in the flied of vocational
education and training in areas of common interests.
Article 3
The Parties shall consider the following co-operation
a) partnership maintenance and co-operation in the
implementation of programmes and projects of the United Nations
Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, programmes,
initiatives and projects of the European Union, including the
European Neighbourhood Policy, and the Council of Europe, and
other international initiatives;
b) co-operation in the introduction of innovations in the
field of education and science, in the field of quality
assessment of educational and scientific institutions and
programmes, including in the introduction of quality assurance
within the framework of educational reform;
c) co-operation on the implementation of the European Research
Area priorities, extension of participation in science,
technology and innovation programmes;
d) co-operation activities for ensuring more efficient use of
information and communication technologies in education, research
and innovation, including promotion of appropriate skills and
multilingualism in the digital environment.
Article 4
The Parties shall co-operate and promote exchange of
information on recognition of educational documents, degrees and
professional qualifications, obtained in the countries of both
Parties, within the Convention on the Recognition of
Qualification Concerning Higher Education in the European region
of 11 April 1997 (the Lisbon Convention), ENIC-NARIC network and
in accordance with the legislation of countries of the
Article 5
Each year the Parties shall offer each other scholarships for
studies and research at the higher education institutions in
accordance with the legislation of countries of the Parties:
a) the Latvian Party shall offer scholarships for:
- studies at state recognized higher education
- research work;
- participation in international summer schools.
b) the Ukrainian Party shall offer up to:
- 10 scholarships for full-time Bachelor and Master level
- 5 scholarships for Doctoral level studies;
- 10 scholarships for full-term studies (semester or year) at
Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level;
- 10 scholarships for implementation of scientific research
The Parties shall consider a possibility to grant scholarships
also to the academic and scientific staff.
Article 6
The Parties shall ensure preservation and development of the
Latvian language in Ukraine and the Ukrainian language in Latvia,
and provide support to Latvian minority educational institutions
with the Latvian study language in Ukraine and to general
educational institutions, which implement educational programmes
for Ukrainian minorities in Latvia.
The Parties shall promote co-operation and exchange of
information in the field of bilingual education.
Article 7
The Parties, guided by the principle of reciprocity, shall
encourage and promote co-operation in the field of fundamental
and applied research, by ensuring relevant conditions for
establishment of contacts and implementation of joint research
projects among scientific organizations, higher education
institutions, scientists, researchers, experts and students from
the countries of the Parties.
Article 8
The Parties shall protect copyright and neighbouring rights in
science and ensure protection of the intellectual and material
property, created during scientific co-operation, in accordance
with the legislation of countries of the Parties, as well as
rules of international law.
Article 9
The Parties shall co-operate in the field of youth policy,
a) establishment of direct contacts and development of
co-operation among institutions and organizations working in the
field of youth;
b) organization of exchange visits of youth policy
specialists, experts, representatives of state institutions and
youth organizations;
c) promotion of exchange of information on youth policy best
practices, experience in work with youth, programmes and
d) support the organization of joint events and implementation
of youth projects, involving youth workers, representatives of
youth organizations and state authorities.
Article 10
The Parties shall promote co-operation in the field of sport
to develop healthy lifestyle in all age groups of the population
of the Parties, to further the social functions and educational
values of sport and to fight such threats for sport as doping,
violence and match-fixing.
The co-operation of Parties shall include exchange of
information and good practice regarding the implementation of
sports policy, organization of study visits in order to deepen
the knowledge regarding the situation in the field of sport in
the countries of the Parties.
The Parties shall encourage contacts between the national
sports organisations of the Parties and co-operate with a view to
the activities initiated by international organisations.
Article 11
Any co-operation stipulated in the Agreement shall be done in
accordance with the available financial resources.
Article 12
This Agreement may be amended by mutual written consent by
Parties. Such amendments shall enter into force in accordance
with paragraph 1 of Article 14.
Article 13
Any disputes regarding the interpretation or application of
the Agreement, shall be resolved by means of consultations and
negotiations between the Parties.
Article 14
This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time
and shall enter into force on the day of the receipt of the last
written notification through diplomatic channels, by which the
Parties inform each other that internal legal procedures
necessary for entry into force of the Agreement have been
Each Party may terminate this Agreement by giving written
notice to the other Party. In such case, the Agreement shall
expire six (6) months after the receipt of such notice by the
other Party.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the termination of the
Agreement shall not affect the programmes, projects and
activities, already undertaken under the Agreement and not
completed at the time of such termination.
Signed at Riga on 29 September 2017 in duplicate, in
Latvian, Ukrainian and English languages, all texts being equally
authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation of the
Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
On behalf of the
of the Republic of Latvia
Kārlis Šadurskis Minister for Education and
On behalf of the
of Ukraine
Pavlo Klimkin Minister for Foreign Affairs