Teksta versija
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

6 April 2010 (No. 336) [shall come into force from 10 April 2010];
22 March 2011 (No. 215) [shall come into force from 26 March 2011];
5 July 2011 (No. 533) [shall come into force from 15 July 2011];
2 August 2011 (No. 587) [shall come into force from 6 August 2011].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 474
Adopted 26 August 2003

Regulations Regarding the Registration, Protection, Utilisation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments and the Granting of the Status of an Environment-Degrading Object

[5 July 2011]

Issued pursuant to
Section 5, Paragraph three and
Section 23, Paragraph two
of the Law On Protection of Cultural Monuments

[5 July 2011]

I. General Provision

1. This Regulation prescribes the registration, protection, utilisation and restoration of State-protected cultural monuments (hereinafter - cultural monuments), as well as the procedures by which the status of an environment-degrading object shall be granted.

[5 July 2011]

II. Registration of Cultural Monuments

2. The State Inspection for Heritage Protection (hereinafter - the Inspection) shall perform the registration of cultural monuments.

3. All cultural monuments shall be registered regardless of:

3.1. location (accessible or closed to the public);

3.2. the scope (urban construction ensemble or a separate object);

3.3. ownership (State or private property); or

3.4. technical condition.

4. Cultural monuments shall be divided into the following typological groups:

4.1. archaeological monuments (archaeological sites, regarding which the most important information is acquired in archaeological excavations) - ancient dwelling sites (for example, settlements, villages, hillforts, lake settlements, stone castles, historical cultural layer of cities), ancient burial sites and the surface formations thereof, medieval and Early Modern Period cemeteries, ancient cult sites (for example, hills, stones, trees, caves, groves), ancient sites of economic activity (for example, production sites, agrarian system sites), ancient sites of battles, consultations, courts and gatherings, ancient roads, structures of military nature, hydro-technical structures, sunken ships and the cargoes thereof. The archaeological monuments may be located in the ground, above the ground or in the water;

4.2. architecture and urban construction monuments (significant sites, groups of buildings, buildings and constructions) - historical centres of cities, villages, gardens, parks, cultural and historical landscapes, manor development, folk construction objects, buildings and constructions, installations and articles, including the details and ornamentation thereof, which are examples of internationally or nationally significant historical styles, works of famous architects or structures of a rare type;

4.3. monuments of art (works of art and art craft objects) - sculptures, paintings (for example, altar paintings, wall or ceiling paintings, icons), church installations, easel drawings, rare printed works, miniatures, water-colour paintings, examples of applied, decorative arts (for example, ceramic, glass, metal, wooden, stone, bone, leather, textile objects), cinema documents, photo-documents, video-documents, sound recordings, which characterise the styles, era and a certain locality of art;

4.4. industrial monuments - buildings, structures, installations, articles and other objects of technical nature, which reflect the development of production, crafts, transport, agriculture and the development of the infrastructure of territories, as well as military history; and

4.5. sites of historical events - territories, buildings and other objects related to important historical events or famous persons.

5. The following cultural monument value groups exist in the Republic of Latvia:

5.1. objects, which have been specified in accordance with the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and have been included in a list of objects of world cultural and natural heritage;

5.2. cultural monuments of State significance; and

5.3. cultural monuments of local significance.

6. The following objects shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as archaeological monuments of State significance with outstanding scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance:

6.1. archaeological sites (up to and including the 13th century);

6.2. castles, the sites and fortifications thereof (up to and including the 17th century);

6.3. the historical cultural layers of cities (up to and including the 18th century);

6.4. ancient cult sites which have been created by modifying the terrain and regarding which there is information regarding the finds or cultural layer therein (up to and including the 18th century); and

6.5. sunken ships (older than 50 years) and the cargoes thereof.

7. The following objects shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as architectural monuments of State significance with outstanding scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance:

7.1. significant sites - combined formations by humans and nature (for example, the historical centres of cities, villages, gardens, parks) and cultural and historical landscapes created by humans (up to and including the 19th century) - territories which are of international and national architectonic, historical, aesthetic and ethnographic value;

7.2. groups of urban and rural buildings (for example, manors, folk construction objects), which are of international or national significance (older than 50 years); and

7.3. structures, buildings and the constructions thereof, including the elements and ornamentation thereof, which are examples of internationally or nationally significant historical styles, the works of famous architects or buildings of rare types (older than 50 years).

8. The following objects shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as art monuments of State significance with outstanding scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance:

8.1. works of art or parts thereof, which represent art of historical styles and which possess high artistic value (up to and including the 19th century);

8.2. works of art or parts thereof, which provide a conception regarding the art traditions of the relevant era in Europe and Latvia (older than 50 years); and

8.3. Latvian national professional works of art and the works of masters of other nations (taking into account the rarity thereof, the personality of the author and the quality of the execution of a certain work of art), which have been signed or to which an aggregate of features of a certain object, which uncovers the origin thereof and determines the artistic value (older than 25 years) is specified by attribution (by performing certain activities for the determination of parameters, material, technique of execution, possible author or school, place of manufacture and time of manufacture).

9. Buildings, structures, installations, articles and other objects of technical nature that are significant on an international or national level, which are related to the development of production, transport and infrastructure of a territory or the military history and which have outstanding scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance (older than 50 years) shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as industrial monuments of State significance.

10. Territories, buildings and other objects, which are related to historical events or famous persons that are significant on an international or national level and which have outstanding scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as a site of a historical event of State significance.

11. The following objects with scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as archaeological monuments of local significance:

11.1. 14th -18th century cemeteries;

11.2. 14th - 18th century settlements and village sites;

11.3. burial fields (up to and including the 18th century);

11.4. ancient cult sites, which have been created by modifying the terrain and regarding which there is information regarding finds or a cultural layer therein, sites of chapels and churches (up to and including the 19th century);

11.5. 14th -19th century sites of economic activities; and

11.6. 14th -19th century road sections with archaeological significance, battle sites, channels, structures of military nature and other earthworks or remains thereof.

12. The following objects with scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as architectural monuments of local significance:

12.1. significant sites - combined formations by humans and nature (for example, the historical centres of cities, villages, gardens, and parks) and cultural and historical landscapes created by humans, which are of regional significance;

12.2. homogeneous groups of urban and rural buildings (for example, manors, folk construction objects), which are characteristic of the relevant cultural and historical county; and

12.3. structures, buildings and the constructions thereof (also elements and ornamentation), which are characteristic of a specific region of Latvia.

13. The following objects with scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance shall be included in a list of cultural monuments as art monuments of local significance:

13.1. art samples characteristic of a region;

13.2. signed works of professional authors of lesser artistic significance; and

13.3. samples of primitive art, which characterise a period and a certain locality.

14. Buildings, structures, installations, articles and other objects of technical nature that are significant on the level of a county of Latvia and are related to the development of production, transport and infrastructure of a territory or the military history, and which have scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance, may be included in a list of cultural monuments as industrial monuments of local significance.

15. Territories, buildings and other objects, which are related to events or famous persons significant on the level of a county of Latvia and which have scientific, cultural and historical or educational significance, may be included in a list of cultural monuments as a site of a historical event of local significance.

16. The Register of State-Protected Cultural Monuments (hereinafter - Register) is a State information system, in which the following information shall be included regarding a cultural monument:

16.1. the State protection number;

16.2. value group;

16.3. type (typological group);

16.4. name;

16.5. the location (for an immovable cultural monument - address, group, ground, sort, the cadastre number of the land unit; for a movable cultural monument - address);

16.6. the date of a monument (event);

16.7. the owner or possessor (for natural persons - given name, surname, address; for legal persons - name, legal address, registration number); and

16.8. the justification for registration.

17. The Inspection shall ensure the keeping and utilisation of the Register.

18. A cultural monument shall be included in or excluded from the Register on the basis of a list of State-protected cultural monuments.

19. From the moment when a cultural monument is included in a list of State-protected cultural monuments, the Inspection has the right to request from the State authorities and receive within 15 days the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 16.5 and 16.7 of this Regulation.

20. The information included in the Register shall be available to the public (except the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 16.5 and 16.7 of this Regulation), and natural and legal persons may receive such information for a fee (the State and local government authorities - free of charge) in accordance with a price list approved by the Minister for Culture.

III. Protection of Cultural Monuments

21. A cultural and historical inventory shall be performed prior to developing a restoration or reconstruction design of a cultural monument (information regarding the historical, scientific and artistic value, a description and the volume of the existing and preservable details of cultural and historical significance shall be acquired by visually examining the object and performing a photo fixation) or a cultural and historical research (historical information shall be compiled, including the photo fixation materials, and the structure of the cultural monument shall be examined in order to acquire scientific information regarding the monument).

22. If a cultural and historical inventory or cultural and historical research is intended to be performed by methods, which may modify a cultural monument (for example, probe, bar holes, excavations), such inventory or research may be commenced only after the receipt of a permit of specific standard for research work of cultural monuments (Annex 1). The Inspection shall issue the permit within 30 days from the receipt of a submission.

23. If a permit of another institution is also required for performance of work in a certain territory (for example, in a specially protected nature territory), the work may be commenced only after the receipt of such permit. If a cultural monument is also a nature monument of State significance and a modification of such monument is intended during a cultural and historical inventory or cultural and historical research, the work may be commenced only after a written co-ordination thereof with the administration of a specially protected nature territory or, if no such administration exists, with the relevant regional environmental board.

24. Archaeological research work (archaeological excavations and archaeological surveillance work, as well as the exploration of archaeological objects if such exploration involves tampering with the cultural monument) may only be managed by qualified specialists, who have acquired a higher education in humanities, who have at least two years of experience in archaeological research work and who have received a permit of the Inspection (Annex 2).

25. Persons who are managing archaeological research work for the first time shall perform such work under the supervision of an experienced and qualified specialist.

26. If necessary, the Inspection shall provide for special archaeological conditions for the performance of archaeological work in order to preserve intact particular parts of archaeological monuments or to restore the outer image thereof as a component of the cultural and historical environment. The special conditions for the performance of archaeological work shall be entered in a permit for archaeological research work issued by the Inspection.

27. Natural and legal persons, who perform cultural and historical research or a cultural and historical inventory of a cultural monument, shall submit the following to the Inspection:

27.1. a submission, in which the necessity for the performance of the work is justified. A research programme and a description of work, which are co-ordinated with the owner (possessor) of the cultural monument, shall be attached to the submission, guaranteeing that no damages will be caused to the cultural monument and such monument will be restored to order after finishing the work, and preservation of uncovered elements shall be insured;

27.2. a copy of a title deed; and

27.3. a copy of a document certifying the competence of the manager of the cultural and historical research or cultural and historical inventory work (for example, a licence, certificate).

28. Natural and legal persons who perform cultural and historical research work shall inform the local government regarding such work prior to commencing the work.

29. Natural and legal persons, who have received a permit to perform cultural and historical research work, shall submit to the Inspection and a local government a short report on the performed work within three months after the completion of the work.

30. A report or documentation of cultural and historical research work shall be submitted within a time period specified by the Inspection, but not later than two years after the finishing of the work.

31. The following information shall be included in a report regarding cultural and historical research work:

31.1. copies of permits for cultural and historical research work;

31.2. a characterisation of the object to be researched;

31.3. information regarding the organisers and performers of the work, as well as regarding the research methods;

31.4. a summary of archival and literary information regarding the object;

31.5. a full description of discoveries;

31.6. illustrative material (for example, plans, photos, drawings);

31.7. documentation lists of finds and research work;

31.8. statements regarding the transfer of finds and documentation for storage in museums and other institutions; and

31.9. conclusions and recommendations, as well as other information in accordance with the task of the research work.

32. The owner (possessor), local government or any other legal or natural person shall submit to the Inspection proposals for handling environment-degrading objects, which are located in the territory of a cultural monument or in a protection zone and which significantly reduce the cultural and historical value of the cultural monument with their external image or operations. A description of the object, photo fixation materials, a diagram of the location on a topographical plan, an analysis of the cultural and historical environment, which justify the proposal, and an opinion of a technical research shall be attached to the proposal.

33. Before the adoption of the relevant decision the Inspection shall notify a local government and an owner (possessor) regarding an object, examine the object on site, as well as organise a public discussion. The local government and the owner (possessor) shall notify the Inspection regarding his or her attitude within 30 days after the receipt of the notification.

34. The Inspection shall take a decision regarding the assignation of the status of environment-degrading object within one month after summarising the results of a public discussion and the receipt of the consent of an owner (possessor) and a local government. The owner (possessor) shall organise a complete or partial demolition of the environment-degrading object upon co-ordination with the Inspection and the local government.

35. Economic activity shall be performed in the protection zones of cultural monuments, preserving the historically significant design and spatial structure of a cultural monument, the cultural layer, an environment appropriate to the monument, landscape, nature of greenery and improvement, as well as ensuring the visual perception of the cultural monument.

36. Construction and other works in the protection zone of a cultural monument, which may modify a cultural monument or landscape, shall be performed by taking into account the restrictions specified in the Law On Protection Zones, as well as by ensuring measures for the preservation of the cultural monument. The referred to measures shall be included in a project and estimate of construction or other works, and an initiator or sponsor of the construction shall finance and the Inspection shall inspect such measures.

37. Natural or legal persons, who have discovered an object with cultural and historical value in the course of construction works or other works, shall notify the Inspection thereof and shall suspend the works until the relevant notification of the Inspection. The Inspection shall organise an examination of the discovered object, a determination of the cultural and historical value thereof and within one month shall determine the preservation measures of such object.

38. A decision regarding the suspension of works shall be notified to a local government, the owner (possessor) of an immovable property, a performer of construction works and, if necessary, the bank institutions, which are financing the works.

39. [5 July 2011]

40. [5 July 2011]

41. [5 July 2011]

IV. Utilisation of Cultural Monuments

42. A cultural monument may be utilised for cultural, educational, scientific, tourism, economic or other purposes so as to preserve the cultural monument and the cultural and historical environment within the territory of the cultural monument and the protection zone thereof.

43. Explosive, flammable, chemically active and atmosphere-polluting substances, which may endanger a cultural monument, as well as installations that causes vibration, and yards and landfills of environment-degrading materials may not be located in the territory of a cultural monument. Fire safety, an optimum hydro-geological situation, purity of air and reservoirs shall be ensured within the territory of the cultural monument and the protection zone thereof. Economic activity (including a change of the groundwater level) that may endanger the cultural monument is not allowed.

44. If, in performing economic activity, the modification of a cultural monument or the protection zone thereof is intended (any technical, constructional and economic activity, which significantly changes the function, set of elements, form, detail, material, texture, or colour of the cultural monument, as well as the territory of the cultural monument), the owner (possessor) of the cultural monument shall submit a submission to the Inspection regarding the receipt of the relevant permit (Annex 3). A separate permit (Annex 3) for construction works in the protection zone of a cultural monument shall not be necessary if documentation of the construction intention developed in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory enactments regulating construction has been co-ordinated with the Inspection (for example, a building design in the stage of sketches or technical project, certification card of simplified renovation or simplified reconstruction, certification card of simplified renovation of the building facade, simplified technical scheme of construction of engineering network input scheme) or if construction works do not concern the external shape of buildings (structures) and landscape elements within the protection zone of the cultural monument. If windows are changed in a building located in the protection zone of a cultural monument, without performing other construction work of the facade, the documentation of the construction intention need not be drawn up and the referred to activities need not be co-ordinated with the Inspection, if the procedures specified in the General Building Regulations are complied with.

[6 April 2010; 2 August 2011]

45. The Inspection shall issue to the owner (possessor) of a cultural monument the instructions for the utilisation and preservation of the cultural monument, which shall be binding to the owner (possessor) of the cultural monument, and shall determine the maintenance regime of the cultural monument, the territory and protection zone thereof, and the restrictions of economic activities in order to prevent the destruction or deterioration of the cultural and historical values to be preserved and protected. The Inspection shall issue the referred to instructions to the owner (possessor) of the cultural monument within two months after the inclusion of the object in a list of State-protected cultural monuments.

46. If a modification of a cultural monument is necessary for the implementation of the requirements of State fire safety, sanitary supervision and other State or local government requirements, the owner (possessor) of the cultural monument shall co-ordinate such modifications with the Inspection.

47. A special permit of the Inspection shall not be required for the care, maintenance of a cultural monument and other economic activity that is performed by using materials and technologies, which conform to the original, do not modify the cultural monument and do not reduce the cultural and historical value of the cultural monument. The Inspection shall be informed in writing ten days before the commencement of the referred to works, if it is not specified otherwise in the instructions issued by the Inspection.

48. If the user or owner of a cultural monument does not observe the instructions referred to in Paragraph 45 of this Regulation, the Inspection shall send a regulation to him or her, in which a time period for the elimination of a violation shall be indicated.

49. An owner (possessor), who is not able to ensure the maintenance regime for the works of art, archaeological articles or other cultural values present in a monument, may transfer such works, articles, or values for storage in museums or in other special storage facilities.

50. The Inspection shall issue a protection plate to the owner (possessor) of a cultural monument, which the owner (possessor) shall attach to the cultural monument in plain sight. The plate with information shall be placed on a publicly accessible cultural monument in such a way as not to damage the cultural monument. A reference sign may be installed by the roads, which lead to a publicly accessible cultural monument by co-ordinating such sign in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments regarding road traffic.

V. Repair, Conservation, Restoration and Reconstruction of Cultural Monuments

51. During the repair (identical renovation, replacement and reinforcement works of damaged parts or elements, which do not modify significantly a cultural monument and improve the technical status thereof), conservation (constructional, physical and chemical reinforcement of the monument or a part thereof), restoration (scientifically justified renovation of the monument or a part thereof to the original image by preserving the most valuable layers) and reconstruction (modification of the monument or a part thereof by changing the volume, spatial structure and design) of cultural monuments, the layers of various periods shall be evaluated and the following shall be preserved:

51.1. for buildings and structures - the original constructive system and structures, layout, volume, materials, finish, valuable interior elements, details, ornamentation, historical installations and communications;

51.2. for groups of urban and rural buildings - the historical layout, the system of terrain, reservoirs and greenery, the external image of the structure and the amenities of cultural and historical value;

51.3. for significant sites - the historical layout, spatial arrangement, silhouette, terrain, the system of reservoirs and greenery, the external image of the structure and amenities of cultural and historical value; and

51.4. for archaeological monuments - terrain, structure and external image.

52. Historical monuments shall be restored, reconstructed, repaired and conserved only after the receipt of a permit (Annex 4) of a standard specified by the Inspection and under the control thereof. The Inspection shall issue permits on the basis of a submission of the owner (possessor) of a cultural monument, indicating the intended site, volume and type of performance of the works. The Inspection shall issue the permit within 30 days from the receipt of the submission.

[22 March 2011]

53. The following information shall be attached to a submission:

53.1. the address of an object and the e-mail address of the submitter (if any);

53.2. a justification of the necessity of the intended works;

53.3. the performer of works (contractor) (for a natural person - given name, surname, position, phone number, e-mail address (if any); for a legal person - name, registration number, e-mail address (if any));

53.4. the foreman assigned by the contractor (given name, surname, position, certificate or restoration certificate number, phone number, e-mail address (if any));

53.5. the person responsible for the supervision of works, appointed by the owner (given name, surname, address, phone number, e-mail address (if any));

53.6. time periods for completion of works;

53.7. title deeds; and

53.8. construction design (if such is necessary).

[22 March 2011]

54. If a permit of another institution is also required for performance of works in a certain territory (for example, in a specially protected nature territory), the works may be commenced only after the receipt of such permit. If a cultural monument is also a nature monument of State significance and a modification of such monument is intended during restoration, reconstruction or conservation, the works may be commenced only after a written co-ordination thereof with the administration of a specially protected nature territory or, if no such administration exists, with the relevant regional environmental board.

55. The Inspection shall review the documentation of restoration, reconstruction, repair and conservation projects and clear such documentation within 30 days after the receipt of a submission in accordance with the criteria approved in the Inspection. One copy of the reviewed project documentation shall be stored at the Inspection. If the Inspection does clear the project documentation, the Inspection shall provide a substantiated refusal. If the owner (possessor) of a cultural monument is not satisfied with the refusal, he or she has the right to appeal the decision in accordance with the procedures specified by law. The Inspection shall establish a council of experts of the relevant sector for the review of disputes or scientifically and methodologically complex matters.

56. Restoration, reconstruction, repair and conservation works of a cultural monument may be performed only under the management of a competent specialist. The competence of natural and legal persons shall be certified by the relevant licence or a certificate for performance of restoration works. Archaeologists shall be invited for works on archaeological monuments.

57. Within three months after the completion of works or, if the works are performed for more than one year, each year within three months after the end of the calendar year, the author of restoration, reconstruction, repair and conservation works shall submit to the Inspection (unless specified otherwise in a permit for performance of works) and to a local government (if such government has requested it) a report regarding the works performed on a cultural monument. The report shall include the following:

57.1. a short history of the object;

57.2. the technical condition of the object before and after the restoration;

57.3. a description of the restoration process and photo fixation materials;

57.4. information regarding the dismantled elements of cultural and historical value and the storage thereof; and

57.5. the corrections of work drawings, if the works are performed with deviations from the cleared project.

58. If the requirements specified in a written permit of the Inspection are not observed, the Inspection has the right to request the performer of works and the commissioning authority to suspend the works until such time when the detected violations are eliminated.

VI. Liability for Violations of the Regulations of Protection and Utilisation of Cultural Monuments

59. Natural and legal persons, who have caused damages to a cultural monument or have illegally modified the cultural and historical environment in the territory of the cultural monument or in the protection zone thereof shall renovate the cultural monument and the environment to the previous condition. If renovation is not possible, the referred to persons shall compensate the losses in accordance with the procedures specified by the Civil Procedure Law. The cultural and historical value of a cultural monument is an assessment of a cultural monument, which includes the sum of the material, historical, scientific, cultural, aesthetic and market (international market of art and antique objects) value thereof.

60. The Inspection shall prepare the materials related to the determination of damage caused to a cultural, if necessary, by inviting the relevant specialists and the owner (possessor) of the cultural monument or the representatives thereof.

61. The Inspection shall issue a new permit for research work or a permit for restoration, reconstruction and conservation works to a natural or legal person, who has not submitted an overview of the research work, a cultural and historical inventory or a report regarding the works performed on a cultural monument in the time period specified in this Regulation, only after the submission of the overview or report.

VII. Closing Provisions

62. The Inspection shall send the instructions regarding cultural monuments which have been included in a list of State-protected cultural monuments up to the day of the coming into force of this Regulation to the owner (possessor) of a cultural monument by 1 January 2005.

63. Sub-paragraphs 16.5, 16.7 and 16.8 and Paragraph 23 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2005.

64. The decision of the Council of Ministers No. 506 of 26 November 1992, On Regulations of Registration, Protection, Utilisation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments (Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 1993, No. 7), is repealed.

Prime Minister E. Repše

Acting for the Minister for Culture,
Minister for Education and Science K. Šadurskis


[22 March 2011]

Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 474
26 August 2003

(supplemented lesser State coat of arms)

State Inspection for Heritage Protection

Permit for Research Work of a Cultural Monument No. ____


In accordance with Section 21, Paragraph two of the Law On Protection of Cultural Monuments and Paragraphs 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 Cabinet Regulation No. 474 of 26 August 2003, Regulations regarding the Registration, Protection, Utilisation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments, the Right of First Refusal of the State and the Granting of the Status of an Environment-Degrading Object, the permit for research work of a cultural monument (hereinafter - permit) has been issued to

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person or


name, registration number, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number of a legal person)

taking into account the submission received in the State Inspection of Heritage Protection


(registration date and number of the submission, request of the submitter)

(typological group of the cultural monument, name, State protection number and address)

for research.

1. Determination of facts

2. Person conducting the research

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person or

name, registration number, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number of a legal person)

3. Research work to be performed according to

(submission, research programme, description of works,

list of the main works)

4. Conditions1

5. Opinions and arguments2

6. Within three months after research work is completed or the term of validity of the permit has expired the recipient of the permit shall submit a report to the State Inspection for Heritage Protection on the work performed and the mains results.

7. Deadline for submitting the report on research work


8. Permit valid until  



(given name, surname, signature)

Place for seal  



I received the permit on  



(given name, surname, signature)

This administrative deed may be contested in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law, within one month after the date of coming into effect thereof, by submitting a relevant submission to the head of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection.


1. 1 To be completed if special conditions for performing research work are necessary.

2. 2 To be completed if participants of the administrative procedure have expressed opinions and arguments.

3. Details of the document "signature", "place for seal" and "date", as well as the certification of the recipient of the permit shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.


[22 March 2011]

Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 474
26 August 2003

(supplemented lesser State coat of arms)

State Inspection for Heritage Protection

Permit for Managing Archaeological Research Work No. ____


In accordance with Section 21, Paragraph two of the Law On Protection of Cultural Monuments and Paragraphs 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 Cabinet Regulation No. 474 of 26 August 2003, Regulations regarding the Registration, Protection, Utilisation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments, the Right of First Refusal of the State and the Granting of the Status of an Environment-Degrading Object, the permit for managing archaeological research work (hereinafter - permit) has been issued to


(given name, surname, position, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person)

taking into account the submission received in the State Inspection of Heritage Protection


(registration date and number of the submission, request of the submitter)

(type of archaeological work: archaeological excavations, archaeological supervision)

(typological group of the cultural monument, name, State protection number, address, cadastre designation)

1. Determination of facts

2. Archaeological research work to be performed according to

(submission, research programme, description of works)

3. Conditions1

4. Supervision to be ensured by2

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person)

5. Opinions and arguments3

6. Within three months after archaeological research work is completed or the term of validity of the permit has expired the recipient of the permit shall submit a report to the State Inspection for Heritage Protection on the work performed and the mains results.

7. Deadline for submitting the report on research work


8. Permit valid until  



(position, given name, surname, signature)

Place for seal  



I received the permit on  



(given name, surname, signature)

This administrative deed may be contested in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law, within one month after the date of coming into effect thereof, by submitting a relevant submission to the head of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection.


1. 1 To be completed if special conditions for performing research work are necessary.

2. 2 To be completed if the recipient of the permit manages archaeological research work for the first time.

3. 3 To be completed if participants of the administrative procedure have expressed opinions and arguments.

4. Details of the document "signature", "place for seal" and "date", as well as the certification of the recipient of the permit shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.


[22 March 2011]

Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 474
26 August 2003

(supplemented lesser State coat of arms)

State Inspection for Heritage Protection

Permit for Modification of the Territory and Protection Zone of Cultural Monuments No. ____


In accordance with Section 3 and Section 23, Paragraph one of the Law On Protection of Cultural Monuments and Paragraphs 35, 36 and 44 Cabinet Regulation No. 474 of 26 August 2003, Regulations regarding the Registration, Protection, Utilisation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments, the Right of First Refusal of the State and the Granting of the Status of an Environment-Degrading Object, the permit for modification of the territory and protection zone of cultural monuments (hereinafter - permit) has been issued to

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person or


name, registration number, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number of a legal person)

taking into account the submission received in the State Inspection of Heritage Protection


(registration date and number of the submission, request of the submitter)

(typological group of the cultural monument, name, State protection number, address)

for modification of territory/protection zone

(address, cadastre designation of the plot of land or building/structure)


1. Determination of facts

2. Person performing the work

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person or

name, registration number, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number of a legal person)

3. Work to be performed according to

(submission, project of works, list and description of works)

4. Conditions1

5. Opinions and arguments2

6. Permit valid until  



(position, given name, surname, signature)

Place for seal  



I received the permit on  



(given name, surname, signature)

This administrative deed may be contested in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law, within one month after the date of coming into effect thereof, by submitting a relevant submission to the head of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection.


1. 1 To be completed if special conditions for performing work are necessary.

2. 2 To be completed if participants of the administrative procedure have expressed opinions and arguments.

3. Details of the document "signature", "place for seal" and "date", as well as the certification of the recipient of the permit shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.


[22 March 2011]

Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 474
26 August 2003

(supplemented lesser State coat of arms)

State Inspection for Heritage Protection

Permit for Repair, Conservation, Restoration, Reconstruction Works of a Cultural Monument No. ____


In accordance with Section 3 and Section 21, Paragraph one of the Law On Protection of Cultural Monuments and Paragraphs 51, 52, 53, 55, 56 and 57 Cabinet Regulation No. 474 of 26 August 2003, Regulations regarding the Registration, Protection, Utilisation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments, the Right of First Refusal of the State and the Granting of the Status of an Environment-Degrading Object, the permit for repair, conservation, restoration, reconstruction works of a cultural monument (hereinafter - permit) has been issued to

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person or


name, registration number, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number of a legal person)

taking into account the submission received in the State Inspection of Heritage Protection



(registration date and number of the submission, request of the submitter)

(typological group of the cultural monument, name, State protection number)

for performing work

(repair, conservation, restoration, reconstruction - rebuilding)



(address, cadastre designation of the plot of land or building/structure)

1. Determination of facts

2. Performer of works

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person or

name, registration number, address, e-mail address (if any), telephone number of a legal person)

3. Responsible manager of the work appointed by the performer of works

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person)

4. Person responsible for the supervision of work appointed by the owner (possessor) (contact person)

(given name, surname, address, e-mail address (if any), phone number of a natural person)

5. Work to be performed according to

(submission, project of works, list and description of works)

6. Conditions1

7. Opinions and arguments2

8. Permit valid until  



(position, given name, surname, signature)

Place for seal  



I received the permit on  



(given name, surname, signature)

This administrative deed may be contested in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law, within one month after the date of coming into effect thereof, by submitting a relevant submission to the head of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection.


1. 1 To be completed if special conditions for performing work are necessary.

2. 2 To be completed if participants of the administrative procedure have expressed opinions and arguments.

3. Details of the document "signature", "place for seal" and "date", as well as the certification of the recipient of the permit shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 474
26 August 2003

[22 March 2011]


Translation © 2012 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par kultūras pieminekļu uzskaiti, aizsardzību, izmantošanu, restaurāciju un vidi degradējoša .. Status:
No longer in force
no longer in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 474Adoption: 26.08.2003.Entry into force: 30.08.2003.End of validity: 01.01.2022.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 118, 29.08.2003.
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{"selected":{"value":"06.08.2011","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.08.2011.-31.12.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"06.08.2011","iso_value":"2011\/08\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.08.2011.-31.12.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.07.2011","iso_value":"2011\/07\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.07.2011.-05.08.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"26.03.2011","iso_value":"2011\/03\/26","content":"<font class='s-1'>26.03.2011.-14.07.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.04.2010","iso_value":"2010\/04\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.04.2010.-25.03.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"30.08.2003","iso_value":"2003\/08\/30","content":"<font class='s-1'>30.08.2003.-09.04.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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