Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 16.05.2009.–23.11.2010. Amendments not included: 16.11.2010., 08.01.2013.
By-law of the National Council for Prevention of AlcoholismIssued pursuant to I. General Provisions1. The National Council for Prevention of Alcoholism (hereinafter - Council) is an advisory institution established by the Cabinet and the purpose of activities thereof is to reduce the consumption of alcohol and the consequences caused thereby. 2. According to the competence thereof, the Council shall: 2.1. co-ordinate the activities of State and local government institutions for reduction and combating of alcoholism; 2.2. participate in the development of a national alcohol policy related to the consumption of alcohol and reduction of the consequences caused thereby (hereinafter - alcohol policy); 2.3. prepare proposals regarding the development of draft laws and other regulatory enactments, as well as evaluate draft legal acts related to the implementation of the alcohol policy; and 2.4. examine and evaluate the proposals submitted by ministries, local governments, as well as other legal persons in matters of the alcohol policy and develop recommendations for the implementation thereof. 3. Decisions of the Council shall have a recommendatory nature. 4. The Council shall promote the establishment of regional and local government councils for prevention of alcoholism, co-operate with them and provide methodological assistance to the councils referred to. 5. The Council shall observe the recommendations of the United Nations Organisation and the World Health Organisation and co-ordinate the implementation of programmes of the referred to organisations related to the prevention and combating of alcoholism. In order to implement the objectives specified, the Council shall co-operate with the relevant institutions of other countries and international organisations. 6. The work of the Council shall be organised and managed by the Chairperson of the Council. The Chairperson of the Council shall be the Minister for Health. 7. The personnel of the Council shall be approved by the Prime Minister. 8. The composition of the Council shall include a representative from the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Transport, the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia, the Employer's Confederation of Latvia, the Latvian Traders' Association, the State limited liability company "Riga Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction Disorders", the State agency "Public Health Agency" and the Ministry of Health. Experts may be invited to meetings of the Council in advisory capacity according to the matters to be reviewed. [12 May 2009] 9. The organisational activities of the Council shall be ensured by the State agency "Public Health Agency" performing the functions of the secretariat. Expenses related to the activities of the secretariat and the provision of material and technical supply shall be covered from the funds from the State budget allocated to the Ministry of Health. [22 January 2008] II. Tasks of the Council10. The Council shall have the following tasks: 10.1. according to the competence thereof, to co-ordinate and analyse the implementation of the strategy and tactics of the alcohol policy; 10.2. to co-ordinate the development and implementation of programmes for the prophylaxis and prevention of alcoholism; 10.3. to develop proposals for the implementation of the alcohol policy, as well as draft legal acts related to the alcohol policy; 10.4. to request, aggregate and analyse information regarding the circulation of spirits and alcohol, the demand for different alcoholic beverages and the quality of such beverages, regarding alcoholism and biological, medical and social consequences caused thereby, also violations of the law and economic losses caused thereby, regarding the collection of the respective taxes and other matters related to the circulation of alcohol and alcoholism, as well as to submit the referred to information promptly to the Cabinet and the relevant institutions; 10.5. to organise the preparation of a report for the current year on the circulation of alcohol and the situation of alcoholism in the country and, if necessary, to submit the report to the Saeima and the Cabinet; 10.6. to inform the public and the media regarding the progress and efficiency of implementation of the alcohol policy and the programmes related thereto, as well as to promote and further co-ordinated development of anti-alcohol education in the State; 10.7. to organise seminars, conferences and other events in the field of the alcohol policy; 10.8. to analyse experience of other countries in prevention of alcoholism and to develop proposals regarding the opportunities for the implementation thereof in Latvia; and 10.9. to promote the development of programmes for the implementation of the alcohol policy and promotion of healthy lifestyle. III. Duties of the Council Members and the Secretariat11. The Chairperson of the Council has the following duties: 11.1. together with the members of the Council to prepare working plans of the Council and plans for implementation of separate directions of the alcohol policy, as well as to appoint persons who are responsible for the fulfilment of the respective plans from among the members of the Council; 11.2. to convene meetings of the Council regularly; 11.3. to formulate the agenda of meetings of the Council, ensure the review of the planned matters, chair meetings, sign decisions, proposals and other documents of the Council; and 11.4. according to the competence thereof, to request the information necessary for the work of the Council from State and local government institutions and other legal persons. 12. The secretariat shall: 12.1. organise the proceedings of meetings of the Council; 12.2. prepare draft decisions of the Council; 12.3. compile information regarding implementation of decisions of the Council; 12.4. maintain the record-keeping of the Council; and 12.5. in accordance with the authorisation of the Chairperson of the Council, represent the Council, as well as perform other tasks related to activities of the Council. 13. Members of the Council have the following duties: 13.1. to prepare and submit proposals to the Council regarding implementation of the alcohol policy; 13.2. according to the competence thereof, to consult other members of the Council; 13.3. to participate in meetings of the Council, as well as in preparation and taking of decisions; and 13.4. upon representation of the Council in other institutions or organisations, to consistently express the opinion related to the implementation of the alcohol policy. IV. Rights of the Council and Members Thereof14. The Council has the right to request and receive information from natural persons and legal persons, according to the competence thereof, regarding the following matters: 14.1. circulation of alcohol; 14.2. the quality control of alcoholic beverages, including certification thereof; 14.3. licensing of the production and trade of alcoholic beverages; 14.4. the spreading and detection of alcoholism and the treatment of patients; 14.5. medical, social and economic consequences of alcoholism, including violations of the law related thereto; 14.6. measures for the prophylaxis of alcoholism, including educational and instructional measures; and 14.7. other matters related to the alcohol policy. 15. The Chairperson of the Council has the right to: 15.1. according to the competence thereof, request that the relevant institution or organisation official, as well as any legal person or natural person provide the necessary information in accordance with the procedures specified by law; 15.2. invite officials, as well as representatives of State and local government institutions and non-governmental organisations to meetings of the Council and to request the provision of reports in the respective matters; 15.3. if necessary, involve specialists and experts in the work of the Council in order to ensure taking of competent decisions; and 15.4. co-operate with the relevant international organisations and institutions, to represent the Council in international events and to sign reports of the Council or other information for submission to international organisations. V. Taking of Decisions in the Council and Organisation of Work Thereof16. The Council shall have a quorum if not less than half of all members of the Council with the right to vote participate in a meeting thereof. Each member of the Council shall have one vote. 17. The Council shall take decisions by open vote. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tied vote, the vote of the Chairperson of the Council shall be the decisive vote. 18. Secret ballot shall take place if it is requested by not less than one third of the members of the Council. 19. Meetings of the Council shall take place not less than once per quarter. 20. Meetings of the Council shall be recorded in the minutes. VI. Closing Provision21. The following Cabinet Regulations are repealed: Cabinet Regulation No. 235 of 1 August 1995 "Bylaw of the National Council for the Restriction of Alcoholism" (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1995, No. 117); and Cabinet Order No. 81 of 21 February 1995 "On the National Council for the Restriction of Alcoholism" (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1995, No. 30). Prime Minister E. Repše Minister of Health Ā. Auders
Translation © 2010 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
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Title: Nacionālās alkoholisma ierobežošanas padomes nolikums
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