Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 30.04.2022.–31.12.2023.
Amendments not included: 07.12.2023., 01.02.2024.

Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

30 October 2003 [shall come into force on 1 January 2004];
29 January 2004 [shall come into force on 2 March 2004];
9 June 2005 [shall come into force on 6 July 2005];
26 October 2006 [shall come into force on 23 November 2006];
29 January 2009 [shall come into force on [19 February 2009];
14 May 2009 [shall come into force on 17 June 2009];
28 January 2016 [shall come into force on 1 March 2016];
14 April 2016 [shall come into force on 12 May 2016];
22 June 2017 [shall come into force on 1 July 2017];
24 May 2018 [shall come into force on 1 July 2018];
6 July 2021 [shall come into force on 9 July 2021];
28 April 2022 [shall come into force on 30 April 2022].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima 1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

Sports Law

Section 1. Terms Used in this Law

The following terms are used in this Law:

1) sports facility - a structure built or adapted exclusively for sport, and also the environment (fields, tracks for sports activities, health tracks, etc.);

2) sports employee - a natural person who performs his or her activities in the field of sport by carrying out educational, referee, methodological, organisational or other types of work or providing services for athletes or sporting events;

3) [26 October 2006];

4) sports educational institution - an institution established by the State, local governments or other legal or natural persons that has the task to implement sports education programmes, or a merchant for which the implementation of sports education programmes is one of the types of commercial activities;

5) sports education programme - a professionally oriented sports education programme or extracurricular education programme that includes a specified content of sports education;

51) sporting event - sports competitions, sports demonstrations, or any other activities in the field of sports. A sports training (session) shall not be considered a sporting event;

6) sports competition - an event aimed at determining the best athletes or teams which takes place according to the competition regulations approved by the competition organiser;

7) sports specialist - a sports employee who is conducting sports training (sessions) or is otherwise directly involved in ensuring sports training (sessions);

8) sports training (class) - a process to acquire, maintain, and improve skills, competence and abilities in sport;

9) athlete - a natural person who engages in sport and takes part in sports competitions;

10) sport - all types of individual or organised activities in order to maintain and improve physical and mental health, and also to achieve success in sports competitions.

[29 January 2004; 26 October 2006; 14 May 2009; 14 April 2016; 24 May 2018]

Section 2. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is to specify the general and legal basis for sports organisation and development, mutual relationships of sports organisations, State and local government institutions and basic tasks in sports development, and the basis for the financing of sport, and also the principles that shall be followed when taking part in the international sports movement.

Section 3. Basic Principles to be Followed in the Field of Sport

The following basic principles shall be followed in the field of sport:

1) the principle of equality which provides that every person has the right to engage in sport;

2) the principle of fair play which determines that care shall be taken that the Olympic ideals and principles of ethics are followed, and also dishonesty and the use of doping, physical and moral rudeness in sport is fought against in the educational, organisational, and administrative work related to sport;

3) the principle of safety which provides that sporting events and sports training (sessions) take place in a safe environment and are organised and conducted by qualified sports employees;

4) the principle of good governance which provides that the sports organisational and management work includes democratic management structures, clear objectives, fair procedures, openness, cooperation with the stakeholders, efficient and sustainable regulation, and also clear levels of supervision and responsibility.

[24 May 2018]

Section 4. Sport in Educational Institutions

(1) Sport in educational institutions shall ensure the improvement and development of physical and mental abilities of educatees, and raise awareness of active, healthy lifestyle and sports competition.

(2) Educatees with special needs who study at educational institutions shall be provided with the possibility to participate in sports activities in conformity with their special needs.

(3) Sports activities shall be included in pre-school education programmes.

(4) The founder of an educational institution shall ensure that a sports facility and equipment is accessible to educatees.

(5) An educational institution shall promote the organisation of sports activities after the compulsory educational process has ended and with its own sports facility and equipment shall primarily provide educatees of the institution with extracurricular sports activities and only thereafter shall provide other persons with sports activities.

(6) According to an order of the Minister for Education and Science the specialisation of general education institutions in one or several types of sport may be approved.

[26 October 2006]

Section 5. Competence of the Ministry of Education and Science in the Field of Sport

(1) The Ministry of Education and Science shall implement the State administrative functions in the sports sector.

(2) In the field of sport the Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) implement a unified State policy;

2) develop draft laws and regulations;

3) implement purposeful international cooperation and ensure Latvian representation in international sports organisations;

4) perform other functions and tasks specified in laws and regulations.

(3) [29 January 2009]

[26 October 2006; 29 January 2009]

Section 6. Competence of Other Sectoral Ministries in the Field of Sport

(1) The Ministry of Welfare in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) support the Latvian Paralympic Committee and the programmes developed by it, and also promote the implementation of care programmes for disabled athletes;

2) develop a programme to support outstanding sports veterans of Latvia and ensure the implementation of the referred to programme by taking into account the opinion of the Latvian National Sports Council.

(2) The Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) ensure general and special professional physical fitness of the employees of the Ministry of the Interior and its institutions;

2) support the training and competition possibilities of the best athletes of the State - employees of the Ministry of the Interior and its institutions;

3) in accordance with the recommendation of the Latvian National Sports Council, support individual types of sport in the institutions of the Ministry of the Interior.

(3) The Ministry of Defence in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) develop programmes for improvement of the physical fitness of young people;

2) ensure general and special professional physical fitness of soldiers;

3) support the training and competition possibilities of the best athletes of the State - soldiers;

4) in accordance with the recommendation of the Latvian National Sports Council, support individual types of sport in the institutions of the Ministry of Defence.

(4) The Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science shall develop sports programmes and ensure the implementation thereof in places of imprisonment.

(5) The Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science shall:

1) provide the compilation and analysis of data related to the physical development and physical fitness of minor athletes and children subject to increased physical load;

2) organise health care and medical surveillance in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet for athletes and children with increased physical loads;

3) carry out the measures necessary for implementation of the provisions of International Convention against Doping in Sport of 19 October 2005 and the Anti-Doping Convention of the Council of Europe (ETS No. 135) of 16 November 1989 (hereinafter - the anti-doping conventions);

4) [24 May 2018];

5) develop programmes of sports medicine, including physical rehabilitation programmes for athletes, and coordinate issues related to sports medicine in the State.

[29 January 2004; 9 June 2005; 26 October 2006; 14 May 2009; 24 May 2018]

Section 7. Competence of Local Governments in the Field of Sport

(1) Local governments, when promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports development in their administrative territories, are entitled to:

1) specify an employee or institution responsible for sport;

2) build and maintain sports facilities and ensure the necessary equipping thereof;

3) promote the formation and operation of sports organisations, including sports clubs;

4) support the further education of sports specialists and other sports employees;

5) finance sports competitions;

6) finance licensed sports education programmes and sporting events which are implemented by sports clubs in the administrative territory thereof.

(2) Local governments shall finance licensed sports education programmes in the accredited sports educational institutions under their supervision.

[26 October 2006]

Section 8. Competence of Employers

(1) Employers shall support their employees in engaging in sport.

(2) Employers are entitled to organise sports competitions for employees, and also ensure their participation in the competitions organised by other persons.

[26 October 2006]

Section 9. Latvian National Sports Council

(1) The Latvian National Sports Council is a public consultative institution which participates in the development of the State sports policy, facilitates sports development and cooperation in the field of sport, and also in the making of decisions regarding matters related to sport. The Cabinet shall approve the by-law of the Latvian National Sports Council.

(2) The Latvian National Sports Council and its chairperson shall be approved by the Cabinet. The Latvian National Sports Council shall consist of the Minister for Defence, the Minister for Finance, the Minister for the Interior, the Minister for Education and Science, the Minister for Welfare, the Minister for Health, a higher State official responsible for sports specified by the Minister for Education and Science, the president of the association Latvian Olympic Committee, the president of the association Latvian Sports Federations Council, the president of the association Union of Latvian Sports Veterans (Seniors), the president of the Latvian Sports for All Association, the head of the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments, the rector of the Latvian Academy of Sport Education, and the president of the association Sports Union of Latvian Higher Education Institutions. The Cabinet may include also other members in the composition of the Latvian National Sports Council but not more than three members of the Cabinet and three heads of sports federations, taking into account that the number of additionally included members of the Cabinet and the heads of sports federations must be the same.

(21) The official of a sports organisation shall not be included in the composition of the Latvian National Sports Council if the competent state institutions have established that he or she does not conform to the requirements of Section 10, Paragraph twelve or Section 10.1, Paragraph one, Clause 5.1 of this Law.

(3) The Latvian National Sports Council shall:

1) participate in the development of the State sports policy;

2) develop recommendations for distribution of the State budget funds in the field of sport and submit such recommendations to the Ministry of Education and Science;

3) provide the Cabinet with recommendations in relation to the awarding of monetary prizes for outstanding achievements in sport;

4) provide an opinion on the organisation of international competitions (Olympic Games, final competitions of the World and European Championships) in Latvia;

5) provide an opinion on the conformity of a sports facility to the status of a national sports facility;

6) [26 October 2006];

7) advise the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior regarding the types of sport to be supported in the institutions of such ministries;

8) provide the Ministry of Welfare with an opinion on a support programme for the outstanding sports veterans of Latvia.

(4) The decisions of the Latvian National Sports Council shall be accessible to any stakeholder.

[29 January 2004; 9 June 2005; 26 October 2006; 14 May 2009; 28 April 2022]

Section 10. Sports Organisations

(1) Sports organisations are sports clubs, sports federations and other institutions referred to in this Law.

(2) A sports club is an association in which natural persons and legal persons have united in order to implement their interests in a specific type of sport and to promote its development. Any sports educational institution which does not have the status of a legal person may also be a member of a sports club, if the provisions of Paragraph 3.1 of this Section are complied with. Sports clubs may join together into a sports federation.

(3) A sports federation is an association which is composed of sports clubs and other legal persons the work of which is associated with a specific type of sport or field of activities, and the purpose of which is to manage and coordinate the work in the relevant type of sport or field of activities, and also to represent such type of sport or field of activities in the relevant international sports organisations. Any sports educational institution which does not have the status of a legal person may also be a member of a sports federation, if the provisions of Paragraph 3.1 of this Section are complied with. A sports federation may represent several types of sport or fields of activities.

(31) A sports educational institution which does not have the status of a legal person may also be a member of a sports club or a sports federation, if it has received the respective authorisation from its founder. The respective authorisation for a State-founded sports educational institution shall be approved by a decision of the Cabinet, but for a sports educational institution founded by a local government - by a decision of the local government council.

(4) A sports federation has the right to manage and coordinate the work in the relevant type of sport (in the relevant types of sport) or field of activities in the State, and also to represent the State in the relevant international sports organisation if such federation has been recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law.

(41) Regulations such as sports rules, qualification requirements for sports employees, and sports competition rules issued by a sports federation recognised in Latvia shall be available to the public on the website of the association Latvian Sports Federations Council.

(5) Only one sports federation may be recognised in one type of sport or field of activities.

(6) The activities of the sports federations recognised in Latvia shall be coordinated, their shared interests represented and implemented by the sports organisation - the association Latvian Sports Federations Council.

(7) The activities of the sports federations recognised in Latvia in respect of the Olympic sports approved by the International Olympic Committee shall be coordinated, their shared interests represented and implemented by the sports organisation - the association Latvian Olympic Committee.

(8) The activities of sports federations of disabled persons recognised in Latvia in respect of the types of sport represented in the International Paralympic Committee and other types of disabled sports shall be coordinated, sports interests of disabled persons represented and implemented by the sports organisation - the association Latvian Paralympic Committee.

(9) The cooperation of the local governments in the field of sport shall be coordinated, their shared interests represented and implemented by the Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments.

(10) The preparation of the best athletes in the State in the individual types of Olympic sports for participation in the Olympic games, youth Olympiads and other international sports competitions shall be ensured by the specialised sports organisation - the limited liability company SIA Latvijas Olimpiskā vienība [Latvian Olympic Team].

(11) Student sport in Latvia shall be coordinated and their shared interests represented by the association Sports Union of Latvian Higher Education Institutions.

(12) The position of the member of the executive body of a sports organisation referred to in Paragraphs six, seven, eight, ten, and eleven of this Section shall not be filled by a person who is in a staff position in the state security services, intelligence or counter-intelligence services of foreign countries and who has been an employee or informant of the State Security Committee of the Latvian SSR within the meaning of the law On the Preservation and Use of the Documents of the Former State Security Committee, and Establishing the Fact of Collaboration with the SSC by a Person.

(13) When standing for election to the position of the member of the executive body of a sports organisation referred to in Paragraphs six, seven, eight, ten, and eleven of this Section, the person shall certify in writing that he or she is not subject to the restrictions specified in Paragraph twelve of this Section, and also shall, not later than within three months after election to the position, submit to the relevant sports organisation a statement of a competent state institution certifying that the person is not subject to the restrictions specified in Paragraph twelve of this Section. The statement from the Centre for Documentation of the Consequences of Totalitarianism need not be requested in respect of the persons who have attained the age of 18 years after 21 August 1991.

[26 October 2006; 29 January 2009; 14 April 2016; 22 June 2017; 28 April 2022]

Section 10.1 Criteria and Procedures for Recognition of Sports Federations

(1) A sports federation shall be recognised if it meets the following criteria:

1) the purpose of activity specified in the statutes of the sports federation is the development of the relevant type of sport (the relevant types of sport) or the field of activity in the State;

2) sports competitions are organised in the type of sport represented (types of sports represented) by the sports federation or in the field of activity thereof;

3) the term of office of the executive body specified in the statutes of the sports federation does not exceed four years;

4) the members of the sports federation consist only of legal persons or sports educational institutions which do not have the status of a legal person;

5) the members of the executive body of the sports federation are citizens of the Republic of Latvia;

51) the member of the executive body of the sports federation is not a person who is in a staff position in the state security services, intelligence or counter-intelligence services of foreign countries and who has been an employee or informant of the State Security Committee of the Latvian SSR within the meaning of the law On the Preservation and Use of the Documents of the Former State Security Committee, and Establishing the Fact of Collaboration with the SSC by a Person;

6) merchants in the sports federation form not more than a half of the total number of the members of the sports federation;

7) the sports federation in its activities follows the requirements of the anti-doping conventions;

8) the information on the sports federation and the events organised by it is available on the Internet.

(2) The decision on the recognition of a sports federation, refusal to recognise it or the decision on the withdrawal of the status of a sports federation shall be taken by the association Latvian Sports Federations Council. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the recognition of a sports federation.

(3) The information on the recognised sports federations shall be compiled in the register of recognised sports federations. The holder and manager of the register of recognised sports federations shall be the association Latvian Sports Federations Council. The content of the information to be included in the register of recognised sports federations and procedures for updating thereof shall be determined by the Cabinet.

(4) The activity of the recognised sports federations in the field of sport shall be controlled by the association Latvian Sports Federations Council. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the activities of the recognised sports federations in the field of sports shall be controlled.

(5) In fulfilling the tasks referred to in Paragraph two of this Section, the association Latvian Sports Federations Council shall be entitled to issue administrative acts.

(6) In fulfilling the tasks referred to in Paragraphs two, three, and four of this Section, the association Latvian Sports Federations Council shall be under functional subordination of the Ministry of Science and Education.

(7) Appeal of the decision on the recognition of a sports federation, refusal to recognise it, or the decision on the withdrawal of the status of a recognised sports federation shall not suspend the operation thereof.

(8) When standing for election to the position of the member of the executive body of a recognised sports federation, the person shall certify in writing that he or she is not subject to the restrictions specified in Paragraph one, Clause 5.1 of this Section, and also shall, not later than within three months after election to the position, submit to the recognised sports federation a statement of a competent state institution certifying that the person is not subject to the restrictions specified in Paragraph one, Clause 5.1 of this Section. The statement from the Centre for Documentation of the Consequences of Totalitarianism need not be requested in respect of the persons who have attained the age of 18 years after 21 August 1991.

[29 January 2009; 22 June 2017; 28 April 2022]

Section 10.2 Procedures for Withdrawal of the Status of Sports Federation

The status of a recognised sports federation shall be withdrawn if:

1) the activities of the sports federation fail to comply with the criteria specified in Section 10.1 of this Law;

2) the activities of the sports federation fail to comply with laws and regulations in the field of sports and the statutes of the sports federation.

[29 January 2009]

Section 11. Latvian Olympic Committee

(1) The Olympic movement in the State shall be managed and coordinated by the sports organisation - the association Latvian Olympic Committee.

(2) The association Latvian Olympic Committee, by combining the State, local government and its own financial resources, shall implement the following programmes:

1) the Olympic education programme;

2) the Olympic Movement youth programme;

3) the Olympic Movement regional development programme;

4) the programme for the development of types of sport;

5) the programme for participation of the State's best athletes in the Olympic games, youth Olympiads, and other international and regional complex competitions.

[29 January 2004; 26 October 2006]

Section 11.1 National Anti-Doping Regulations

(1) The field of anti-doping shall be governed by the provisions of anti-doping conventions and the National Anti-Doping Regulations. The Cabinet shall issue the National Anti-Doping Regulations.

(2) The National Anti-Doping Regulations shall include the definition of doping, determine anti-doping rule violations, govern the procedures and time periods for proving them, the annulment of the results and sanctions, the procedures and time periods for submitting and examining appeals of the decisions taken by the institutions involved in the field of anti-doping, the procedures and time periods for the recognition of the decisions of the institutions involved in the field of anti-doping, the restricting provisions for the application of sanctions, and also other provisions in conformity with the anti-doping conventions.

[24 May 2018]

Section 11.2 Antidoping Bureau of Latvia

(1) The Antidoping Bureau of Latvia:

1) shall ensure conformity with the provisions of anti-doping conventions and the National Anti-Doping Regulations;

2) shall prepare and approve the annual plan of doping control analysis and the annual registered testing pool, and also is entitled to arrange other testing pools which contain information on athletes for the purpose of planning and performing doping controls, including the athlete's whereabouts;

3) shall ensure collection of samples obtained from athletes during doping controls at sports competitions and out-of-competition and conducting analyses at a laboratory accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency;

4) shall conduct examination and investigation of anti-doping rule violations;

5) if an anti-doping rule violation is detected, is entitled to impose a provisional suspension for the athlete or sports employee to participate in sports competitions, to fulfil the work duties of a sports employee, or to perform any other activities in the field of sports, except for individual physical activities and participation in an educational or rehabilitation programme approved by the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia;

51) if an anti-doping rule violation is detected, is entitled to take the decision on the anti-doping rule violation by the athlete or sports employee. The Administrative Procedure Law shall not be applicable in taking such decisions;

52) if an anti-doping rule violation is detected, is entitled to enter into an agreement with the athlete or sports employee on the recognition of the anti-doping rule violation and imposition of the specified sanctions;

6) if an anti-doping rule violation is detected, shall address the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission, except for the cases referred to in Section 11.3, Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of this Law;

7) shall ensure control of execution of the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission, the Therapeutic Use Exemption Commission, and the Appeals Commission;

8) shall implement educational and research measures in the field of anti-doping;

9) shall carry out processing of personal data, including health data, in conformity with the laws and regulations governing personal data protection in order to ensure fulfilment of the provisions of anti-doping conventions and the National Anti-Doping Regulations;

10) shall take other measures laid down in the laws and regulations governing the field of anti-doping.

(2) The Antidoping Bureau of Latvia is a direct administrative authority under the supervision of the Minister for Health to which the financial resources for the implementation of activity are granted and which has its own personnel.

(3) An athlete or a sports employee may submit complaints regarding the measures of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia referred to in Paragraph one, Clauses 2, 3, 4, and 6 of this Section to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport or to the World Anti-Doping Agency in conformity with the provisions of anti-doping conventions or the National Anti-Doping Regulations. The athlete or sports employee may submit a complaint regarding the decision referred to in Paragraph one, Clause 5 of this Section to the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission for examination. The athlete or sports employee is entitled to appeal the decision taken by the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission to the Appeals Commission or to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport if the infringement is related to an international-level athlete (an athlete who participates in international sports competitions) or his or her participation in an international sporting event as stipulated by international organisations in conformity with the provisions of anti-doping conventions or the National Anti-Doping Regulations.

(4) The decisions of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia which have been taken in accordance with Section 11.3, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law may be appealed to the Appeals Commission in accordance with Section 11.5, Paragraph one of this Law or to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport if the decision has been taken in relation to the international-level athlete or is related to participation in an international sporting event in conformity with the provisions of anti-doping conventions or the National Anti-Doping Regulations. The Administrative Procedure Law shall not be applicable in examination of such complaints.

[24 May 2018; 6 July 2021]

Section 11.3 Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission

(1) The Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall, in conformity with the National Anti-Doping Regulations, the Cabinet regulations referred to in Paragraph six of this Section, and the provisions of Section 11.2, Paragraph one, Clauses 5 and 6 of this Law:

1) examine the complaints of an athlete or sports employee regarding the justification of determining the imposed provisional suspension and take the decision;

2) examine anti-doping rule violations and take the decision on them and on the punishment sanctions applicable to the athlete or sports employee, except for the cases referred to in Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of this Section.

(11) The Administrative Procedure Law shall not be applicable in taking of the decisions referred to in Paragraph one of this Section.

(2) The Antidoping Bureau of Latvia shall address the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission if a potential anti-doping rule violation has been detected.

(21) The Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall not examine an anti-doping rule violation of an athlete or sports employee if the athlete or sports employee has personally waived the right to a hearing or if the athlete or sports employee has not contested, within the time period specified in the decision in accordance with the National Anti-doping Regulations, the anti-doping rule violation detected and the sanctions imposed by the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia.

(22) The Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall not examine an anti-doping rule violation of an athlete or sports employee if the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia has entered into an agreement with the athlete or sports employee on the recognition of the anti-doping rule violation and the application of the imposed sanctions.

(23) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures, conditions, and time periods by and within which the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia shall take decisions on the anti-doping rule violations, enter into an agreement with the athlete or sports employee on the recognition of the anti-doping rule violation and apply sanctions.

(3) In order to examine the potential anti-doping rule violations referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall perform processing of personal data, including health data, in conformity with the laws and regulations governing personal data protection.

(4) The decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall be binding on athletes, sports organisations, and sports employees. The Antidoping Bureau of Latvia, an athlete, or a sports employee may submit complaints regarding decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission to the Appeals Commission or to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport in conformity with the provisions of anti-doping conventions or the National Anti-Doping Regulations. The Administrative Procedure Law shall not be applicable in examination of such complaints.

(5) The Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall be established by the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia, including at least five persons in its composition (including a lawyer, physician, sports employee, and athlete) who are able to examine cases in a fair, objective, and independent manner and who are nominated by the Latvian Medical Association, the association Latvian Olympic Committee, the association Latvian Sports Federations Council, the specialised sports organisation - the limited liability company SIA Latvijas Olimpiskā vienība - and the Latvian Academy of Sport Education. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia shall establish the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission, and also the term of office of members of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission.

(6) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures and time periods in which the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia shall address the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission, and the procedures and time periods in which the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission shall examine the potential anti-doping rule violations and take decisions on them.

[24 May 2018; 6 July 2021]

Section 11.4 Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission

(1) The Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission shall examine a questionnaire of the therapeutic use exemption application submitted by an athlete and take a decision to grant a therapeutic use exemption or to refuse to grant it in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph six of this Section. The Administrative Procedure Law shall not be applicable in taking such decisions.

(2) An athlete who is not an international-level athlete and who, on the basis of medical indications, must use medicinal products the composition of which contains prohibited substances included in Annex 1 to the International Convention against Doping in Sport of 19 October 2005 or who must use the prohibited methods which are included in the abovementioned document shall address the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission by submitting the therapeutic use exemption application to the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia.

(3) In order to take the decision referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission shall perform processing of personal data, including health data, in conformity with the laws and regulations governing personal data protection.

(4) The therapeutic use exemption shall give an athlete the right to use the prohibited substances or prohibited methods referred to in Paragraph two of this Section due to medical reasons. Complaints regarding the non-issuance of the therapeutic use exemption may be submitted to the Appeals Commission according to the provisions of anti-doping conventions or the National Anti-Doping Regulations. The Administrative Procedure Law shall not be applicable in examination of such complaints.

(41) An athlete or the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia may submit a request to the World Anti-Doping Agency to review the decision of the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission of the relevant international sports federation not to recognise the therapeutic use exemption granted by the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia.

(42) An athlete or the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia may submit a complaint regarding the decision of the World Anti-Doping Agency to revoke the therapeutic use exemption granted by the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport.

(5) The Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission shall be established by the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia. In accordance with the requirements laid down in the International Convention against Doping in Sport of 19 October 2005 the composition of such commission shall include at least three physicians nominated by the Latvian Medical Association who are able to examine cases in a fair, objective, and independent manner. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia shall establish the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission, and also the term of office of members of the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission.

(6) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures and time periods in which an athlete shall submit a questionnaire of the therapeutic use exemption application, and also the procedures and time periods in which the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission shall take a decision on therapeutic use exemptions.

[24 May 2018; 6 July 2021]

Section 11.5 Appeals Commission

(1) The Appeals Commission shall, in conformity with the provisions of anti-doping conventions and the National Anti-Doping Regulations, examine the following (except for the cases which are related to an international-level athlete or participation in an international sporting event):

1) complaints of athletes or sports employees regarding the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission to impose a provisional suspension to participate in sports competitions or to perform any other activities in the field of sports, except for individual physical activities and participation in an educational or rehabilitation programme approved by the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia;

2) complaints of athletes regarding the decisions of the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission not to grant the therapeutic use exemption;

3) complaints regarding the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission or the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia regarding detection of an anti-doping rule violation, the application or non-application of sanctions, and also the decisions in which an anti-doping rule violation has not been detected;

4) complaints regarding the decisions of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia not to continue the examination of an anti-doping rule violation after receipt of adverse analytical findings or atypical findings, and also after the performance of an examination and investigation;

5) complaints regarding the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission to revoke a provisional suspension or regarding the decisions of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia not to impose a provisional suspension, and also not to ensure the right to submit and appeal the complaint for an athlete and sports employee in case of determining a provisional suspension;

6) complaints regarding the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission or the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia when the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia had not had the right to take the decisions on the anti-doping rule violations and sanctions;

7) complaints regarding the decisions of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia not to ensure the right to an athlete or sports employee to enter into an agreement regarding the recognition of an anti-doping rule violation and imposition of sanctions, not to recognise the decisions taken by other anti-doping organisations as binding, and also to discontinue examination of an anti-doping rule violation due to other reasons;

8) complaints regarding the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission or the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia in relation to prohibition against participation during ineligibility or provisional suspension imposed on an athlete or sports employee;

9) complaints regarding the decisions of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia in relation to substantial assistance provided by an athlete or sports employee in discovering other anti-doping rule violations;

10) complaints regarding the decisions of the World Anti-Doping Agency not to grant an exception to an athlete in relation to the provision of a notice six months before returning into sports, and also regarding the decisions of the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia in relation to reviewing the sanctions imposed on an athlete or sports employee according to the provisions of the anti-doping convention.

(11) Complaints regarding the decisions of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission or the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia which have been taken on international-level athletes or are related to participation in an international sporting event, complaints regarding the decisions of the World Anti-Doping Agency in which the person responsible for the performance of an examination and investigation of an anti-doping rule violation in accordance with Section 11.2, Paragraph one, Clause 4 of this Law has been specified, and also complaints regarding the fact that the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia has refused the performance of an examination or investigation or has not performed the examination and investigation within a reasonable time period after handing over the examination and investigation to the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia shall be submitted to the international Court of Arbitration for Sport.

(2) In order to examine the complaints referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, the Appeals Commission shall perform processing of personal data, including health data, in conformity with the laws and regulations governing personal data protection.

(3) The decisions of the Appeals Commission shall be binding on athletes, sports organisations, and sports employees and are not subject to appeal.

(4) The Appeals Commission shall be established by the Cabinet, including at least five persons in its composition for a term of office not exceeding four years (including a lawyer, physician, sports employee, and athlete) who are able to examine cases in a fair, objective, and independent manner and who are nominated by the Latvian Medical Association, the association Latvian Olympic Committee, the association Latvian Sports Federations Council, the specialised sports organisation - limited liability company SIA Latvijas Olimpiskā vienība - and the Latvian Academy of Sport Education. The same representative may be nominated for inclusion in the composition of the Appeals Commission for not more than two terms of office in succession. A representative who is included in the composition of the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission or the Therapeutic Use Exemptions Commission shall not be nominated for inclusion in the composition of the Appeals Commission.

[24 May 2018; 6 July 2021]

Section 11.6 Implementation of the Appeal Rights of International Sports Organisations and Anti-Doping Organisations of Other Member States

The World Anti-Doping Agency, the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee, international sports organisations, and other anti-doping organisations of the Member States shall implement the appeal rights in relation to the decisions taken by the Antidoping Bureau of Latvia, the Disciplinary Anti-Doping Commission, and the Appeals Commission in accordance with the anti-doping conventions.

[6 July 2021]

Section 12. Sports Facilities

(1) Sports facilities shall be developed and maintained in order to provide the general public with the possibility to engage in sport. The sports facilities owned by the State or local governments shall be used for the provision of sports services necessary for the general public.

(2) The Cabinet may grant the status of a national sports facility in accordance with the procedures laid down in the law On the Status of a National Sports Facility.

(3) The information regarding sports facilities present in the State shall be compiled in the register of sports facilities. The register of national sports facilities shall be a part of the register of sports facilities. The register of sports facilities shall be kept by the Ministry of Education and Science. The content of information to be included in the register of sports facilities and the procedures for updating thereof shall be determined by the Cabinet.

[14 May 2009 / The new wording of Paragraph two and Paragraph three shall come into force on 1 August 2009. See Transitional Provisions.]

Section 13. Financial Resources for Sport

(1) The State budget funds for sport shall be allocated in accordance with the annual State budget law. The amount of financing of the budget sub-program Outstanding Achievements in Sport shall not be less than in the previous budgetary year.

(2) Financial resources for sport shall also contain the resources of local governments, legal and natural persons, the resources of sports organisations and allocations of international sports federations.

(3) Children and youth sport shall be above all financed from the State budget.

(4) Sports federations recognised in Latvia, and also the association Latvian Olympic Committee and the association Latvian Sports Federations Council have the right to receive financial resources from the State budget.

(5) The State shall financially ensure the preparation and participation of the State team in sports games in European and World championships, and Olympic games selection tourneys, and final competitions according to the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet.

(6) Sporting events co-financed from the State budget shall indicate in the information thereof that the event is supported from the State budget. The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which it shall be indicated in the information that it is co-financed from the State budget, and also the content of the information.

(7) If an athlete, sports organisation, or sports employee does not fulfil the obligations laid down in this Law, other laws and regulations governing the field of sports, anti-doping conventions, or in the contract on granting the resources from the State or local government budget, the authority which granted the financial resources shall assess the nature of the infringement and take the decision to discontinue the disbursement of the financial resources granted to the athlete, sports organisation, or sports employee and to apply other sanctions provided for in the contract.

[30 October 2003; 29 January 2004; 26 October 2006; 29 January 2009; 24 May 2018; 6 July 2021]

Section 14. Monetary Prizes for Outstanding Achievements in Sport

(1) The Cabinet may award monetary prizes for outstanding achievements in sport to athletes, their coaches, sports employees that provide services to athletes, including sports doctors, service personnel and the relevant sports federations.

(2) Procedures by which monetary prizes for outstanding achievements in sport shall be awarded and the amount of monetary prizes shall be determined by the Cabinet.

[9 June 2005]

Section 15. Organisation of Sporting Events

(1) An organiser of a sporting event may be a legal person, a natural person with the capacity to act, and also the State or local government institutions.

(2) An organiser of a sporting event shall ensure public order, access to medical assistance, compliance with hygiene, fire safety, safety equipment and other safety provisions as well as laws and regulations during the event and at the venue thereof.

(3) Athletes, spectators, and other persons involved in the sporting event have an obligation to comply with the instructions given by the organiser of the sporting event, general provisions regarding public order and safety, and also laws and regulations.

(4) In accordance with the cases and procedures laid down in the Law on Safety of Public Entertainment and Festivity Events the organiser of a public sporting event shall receive the permission for its organisation from the local government in the territory of which the event is to take place or inform the local government of the time and venue of the event.

(5) Sports competitions shall take place according to the competition regulations approved by the organiser of the competition, which must contain the following information:

1) the name, time, and agenda of the sports competition;

2) the venue of the sports competition and information characterising it;

3) the organiser of the sports competition (for a legal entity - the name and registration number; for a natural person - given name, surname) and contact information;

4) the sports employee responsible for organising the sports competition (name, surname) and his or her contact information;

5) the type of sports and the competition regulations according to which the sports competition takes place;

6) information on the compliance of the competition venue (track) and the qualification of the main competition referee with the provisions of Paragraph six of this Section - if sports competitions in car racing, motor sport, or water motor sport are organised.

(6) The organisation of sports competitions in car racing, motor sport, and water motor sport shall be allowed only at a licensed permanently or temporarily arranged sports competition venue (track) under the guidance of a licensed main referee having an appropriate category in the relevant type of sports.

(7) Motor sport tracks and referees shall be licensed by the association Latvian Motorsport Federation; car racing tracks and referees shall be licensed by the association Latvian Automobile Federation; water motor sport tracks and referees shall be licensed by the association Latvian Water Motorsport Federation. The Cabinet shall determine the licensing requirements and the procedures for licensing the tracks and the main referees in the relevant type of sports.

[14 April 2016 / See Paragraph 10 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 15.1 Manipulation of Sports Competitions

(1) Manipulation of sports competitions (hereinafter - the manipulation) is any activity that focuses on violating the unpredictability of the course of the competition or its results.

(2) Manipulation shall be forbidden.

(3) Athletes, sports organisations, sports employees, and sports specialists shall have the obligation to take all necessary measures to prevent manipulation.

[28 January 2016]

Section 16. Participation in International Sports Competitions

Athletes and teams, after coordination with the relevant sports federation, shall use the national symbols in international sports competitions in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations. Participation of national team in international sports competitions shall be organised by the sport federation of Latvia that is represented in the relevant international sports organisation.

Section 16.1 Prohibition to Participate in Sports Competitions

(1) Sports teams registered in the Republic of Latvia, irrespective of their legal status, are prohibited from participating:

1) in the national championships and national cups of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus;

2) in sports competitions of such international leagues of team sports games where more than half of the participants are teams from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus.

(2) Athletes and sports employees are prohibited from participating in sports competitions that take place in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.

(3) The athletes and sports employees who do not comply with the prohibition specified in Paragraph two of this Section shall not be included in the composition of the State team, and they shall not receive the funds from the State or local government budget for covering the expenses of sports trainings and competitions.

[28 April 2022]

Section 17. Organisation of the Olympic Games, Final Competitions of the World and European Championships

The Olympic Games in Latvia shall be organised by the association Latvian Olympic Committee, the final competitions of the World and European Championships - by sports federations, after coordination with the Latvian National Sports Council. Organisers of the Olympic Games, the final competitions of the World and European championships have an obligation to fulfil the requirements of the International Olympic Committee and international sports federations.

[26 October 2006]

Section 17.1 Prohibition to Organise Sports Competitions

It is prohibited to organise in the Republic of Latvia the following sports competitions of team sports:

1) the national championships and national cups of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus;

2) the sports competitions of such international leagues of team sports games where more than half of the participants are teams from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus.

[28 April 2022]

Section 18. Rights and Obligations of an Athlete

(1) An athlete has the right to participate in sports training and competitions.

(2) An athlete has an obligation to conform to the rules of international sports federations, the principles of sports ethics and fair play, the provisions of the anti-doping conventions, and also laws and regulations.

(3) An athlete shall be responsible for his or her state of health, performance of regular health examinations, and his or her health and life insurance.

(4) Parents (persons who exercise custody rights) and sports specialists shall be responsible for the health care, regular performance of health examinations, health and life insurance of under-age athletes.

[26 October 2006; 14 April 2016; 24 May 2018]

Section 19. A Professional Athlete

A professional athlete shall be a natural person who on the basis of a contract of employment and for the agreed remuneration prepares himself or herself for sports competitions and participates therein.

Section 20. Obligations of a Sports Employee and a Sports Specialist

(1) A sports employee shall follow the rules of international sports federations and sports federations recognised in Latvia, the principles of sports ethics and fair play, the rules of the anti-doping conventions, and also laws and regulations.

(2) [24 May 2018]

(3) The qualification requirements of sports educators, except for those educators who implement sports education programmes, shall be determined by the Education Law. The certification of sports specialists shall be performed by the association Latvian Sports Federations Council. The Cabinet shall determine certification procedures for sports specialists and requirements to which sports specialists must conform in order to acquire the right to work in the field of sport.

(4) Fee for certification of sports specialists shall be determined by the Cabinet.

[26 October 2006; 29 January 2009; 14 April 2016; 24 May 2018]

Section 21. Cooperation with Sports Agents

(1) A sports agent is a representative of the athlete or sports specialist who, on the basis of a contract, deals with issues concerning the sports interests of the athlete or sports specialist to be represented in relations with third parties.

(2) Sports organisations registered in the Republic of Latvia, Latvian athletes and Latvian sports specialists are prohibited from cooperating with sports agents from the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus.

[28 April 2022]

Transitional Provisions

1. Until the adoption of the relevant Cabinet regulations, but not longer than six months from the date of coming into force of this Law, the following Cabinet Regulations shall be applied insofar as they are not in conflict with this Law:

1) Cabinet Regulation No. 169 of 14 May 1996, By-Law of Latvian National Sports Council;

2) Cabinet Regulation No. 62 of 15 February 2000, Procedures By Which Monetary Prizes for Outstanding Achievements in Sport Shall Be Awarded.

2. Procedures for the certification of sports specialists and requirements to which sports specialists shall conform in order to acquire the rights to work in the field of sport shall come into force on 1 September 2004.

3. On 1 January 2004 the Sports Administration shall commence the recognition of sports federations in compliance with the provisions of Section 10, Paragraph three of this Law.

4. The Latvian National Sports Council shall commence its operation not later than six months after the coming into force of this Law.

5. Up to the day of the coming into force of the new Cabinet regulations referred to in Section 10, Paragraph four of this Law, but not later than by 1 March 2007, Cabinet Regulation No. 505 of 9 September 2003, Procedures for the Recognition of Sports Federations, shall be applied insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law.

[26 October 2006]

6. Up to the day of the coming into force of the new Cabinet regulations referred to in Section 20, Paragraph three of this Law, but not later than by 1 March 2007, Cabinet Regulation No. 593 of 28 October 2003, Certification Procedures of Sports Specialists and Requirements to which Sports Specialists must Conform in order to Acquire the Right to Work in the Field of Sport, shall be applied insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law.

[26 October 2006]

7. Amendments to Section 20, Paragraph three of this Law regarding the delegating of the certification of sports specialists to the association Latvian Sports Federations Council shall come into force on 1 March 2007.

[26 October 2006]

8. A sports federation which has been recognised by the Sports Administration until the day of the coming into force of Section 10.1 of this Law shall keep its status until 31 December 2010. If the sports federation wishes to keep the status of a recognised sports federation after 31 December 2010, it shall submit the relevant submission to the association Latvian Sports Federations Council by 1 September 2010. If the sports federation has not submitted the submission to the association Latvian Sports Federations Council by 1 September 2010, it shall lose the status of a recognised sports federation on 1 January 2011.

[29 January 2009]

9. Amendments to Section 1, Clause 1 of this Law regarding exclusion of the words "or a part thereof", the supplementation of the listing included in Section 6, Paragraph five, Clause 5 with the programmes for physical rehabilitation of athletes, amendments to Section 9, Paragraph two regarding the supplementation thereof with the words "the president of the association Union of Latvian Sports Veterans (Seniors), the president of the Latvian Sports for All Association", and also amendments to Section 12, Paragraph two regarding the right of the Cabinet to determine the status of national sports facility for a sports facility and amendments to Section 12, Paragraph three regarding the register of sports facilities and the procedures for the conducting thereof shall come into force on 1 August 2009.

[14 May 2009]

10. The requirement to permit the organisation of sports competitions in car racing, motor sport or water motor sport only at a licensed competition venue (track) of the relevant types of sports under the guidance of a licensed main referee having an appropriate category in the relevant type of sports laid down in Section 15, Paragraph six of this Law, shall come into force on 1 July 2016. Licences issued to the relevant sports competition venues (tracks) and the main referees until 30 June 2016 by the association Latvian Motorsport Federation, the association Latvian Automobile Federation and the association Latvian Water Motorsport Federation shall be in force until the date of their expiry but not later than by 31 December 2017.

[14 April 2016]

11. A sports educational institution that has been admitted as a member of a sports club or sports federation until the day of coming into force of Section 10, Paragraph 3.1 of this Law shall keep its rights of a member of a sports club or sports federation also after the entry into force of the abovementioned provision, except in the case when the founder of the sports educational institution has taken a decision to withdraw the membership of the sports educational institution from the sports club or sports federation.

[22 June 2017]

12. The Cabinet shall issue the regulations referred to in Section 11.1, Section 11.3, Paragraph six and Section 11.4, Paragraph six of this Law not later than by 30 June 2019. Until coming into force of such regulations the principles laid down in the World Anti-Doping Code shall be applied, insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law.

[24 May 2018]

13. The State Security Service shall, by 31 August 2022, perform an inspection in respect of the conformity of the members of the executive body of sports organisations with that laid down in Section 10, Paragraph twelve and Section 10.1, Paragraph one, Clause 5.1 of this Law and shall provide information to the relevant sports organisation on the findings of the inspection.

[28 April 2022]

14. The sports organisation referred to in Section 10, Paragraph twelve and Section 10.1, Paragraph one, Clause 5.1 of this Law shall, not later than by 30 June 2022, request a statement from the Centre for Documentation of the Consequences of Totalitarianism whether there are documents at the disposal of the centre or in the National Archives or other State repositories certifying that the member of the executive body of the relevant sports organisation could have been an employee or informant of the State Security Committee of the Latvian SSR. Such statement need not be requested in respect of the persons who have attained the age of 18 years after 21 August 1991.

[28 April 2022]

15. If the recognised sports federation fails to comply with that laid down in Section 10.1, Paragraph one, Clauses 5 and 5.1 of this Law after 1 October 2022, the association Latvian Sports Federations Council is entitled to take the decision to withdraw the status of the recognised sports federation.

[28 April 2022]

The Law was adopted by the Saeima on 24 October 2002.

President V. Vīķe-Freiberga

Rīga, 13 November 2002

1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2022 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Sporta likums Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Saeima Type: law Adoption: 24.10.2002.Entry into force: 27.11.2002.Theme: Education, science, sportPublication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 165, 13.11.2002.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 23, 12.12.2002.
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