Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
Regulations regarding Work in which Employment of Adolescents is prohibited and Exceptions when Employment in such Work is Permitted in Connection with Vocational Training of the AdolescentIssued pursuant
to 1. These Regulations prescribe work in which the employment of adolescents is prohibited and exceptions when employment in such work is permitted in connection with vocational training of the adolescent. 2. It is prohibited to employ adolescents in: 2.1. work referred to in Annex 1 of these Regulations; 2.2. work in which adolescents are directly subject to the risk factors of work environment referred to in Annex 2 of these Regulations. 3. Employment of the adolescents in work referred to in these Regulations is permissible only in exceptional cases if it is related to vocational training of the adolescent, the work is performed in direct presence of the supervisor of the work or a trusted representative, and compliance with regulatory enactments related to labour protection has been ensured. 4. These Regulations shall come into force on 1 June 2002. Informative Reference to European Union Directives[7 April 2015] This Regulation contains legal norms arising from: 1) Council Directive 94/33/EC of 22 June 1994 on the protection of young people at work; 2) Directive 2014/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 amending Council Directives 92/58/EEC, 92/85/EEC, 94/33/EC, 98/24/EC and Directive 2004/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, in order to align them to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. Prime Minister A. Bērziņš Minister for Welfare V. Jaksons
Annex 1 Work in which Employment of Adolescents is Prohibited[31 July 2007; 7 April 2015] 1. Work is equivalent to rescue operations in cases of emergency. 2. Work is equivalent to testing work. 3. Work is equivalent to work involving fire and explosion hazard. 4. Work directly related to continuous carrying or moving of heavy loads if it exceeds 10 kg (for boys) and 4 kg (for girls). 5. Work directly related to the servicing and maintenance of ventilation, water, drainage, and treatment equipment systems. 6. Work directly related to the manufacture, testing, storage, use, trade and advertising of weapons and the components thereof, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, fireworks and special equipment intended for the guaranteeing of public order and safety. 7. Work directly related to the demolition of various objects and structures. 8. Work directly related to the movement of trains (work of a train-driver in trains and other means, traffic controller, guard, wagon and road inspector, attendant). 9. Work directly related to the assembly of various constructions (for example, to assembly of metal, reinforced concrete structures). 10. Work directly related to the care and supervision of infected persons and mentally ill persons (also in hospitals). 11. Work directly related to the extraction of oil and production of petroleum products, as well as work related to drilling. 12. Work directly related to electricity and heat generation, as well as supply to atomic power plants, thermal power stations and hydroelectric power plants. 13. Work directly related to the manufacture of industrial ceramics if at work compounds containing lead are utilised, or glass manufacture. 14. Work directly related to the transportation of passengers and freight (products) (driving of a road transport). 15. Work directly related to the manufacture of pulp, paper and articles thereof. 16. Work directly related to printing, except for a case when the adolescent has appropriate speciality and qualification. 17. Work directly related to the manufacture of rubber and plastic products. 18. Work directly related to the manufacture of chemical substances, mixtures and products thereof, and also chemical fibres. 19. Work directly related to the recycling of metal or base materials thereof. 20. Work directly related to the processing, storage, production and marketing of narcotic substances and plants containing narcotic substances. 21. Work directly related to forestry (tree felling, dismembering, skidding, loading and unloading of logs). Sawing and chopping of firewood, except in cases when the adolescent has the appropriate speciality and qualification. 22. Work directly related to processing and preserving of meat and meat products, except in cases if the adolescent has the appropriate speciality and qualification. 23. Work directly related to wood treatment with circular saws or band-saws and cutters, except cases when the adolescent has the appropriate speciality and qualification. 24. Work directly related to the processing and preserving of fish and products thereof, except cases when the adolescent has the appropriate speciality and qualification. 25. [31 July 2007] 26. Work directly related to stone working. 27. [31 July 2007] 28. Work directly related to the provision of funeral services, except for wreath making, preparation of mourning ribbons and similar work. 29. Work under water, underground, in the air, without supervision on water, in sea and river fleet, aviation (air and water transport). 30. Work in pathologico-anatomical departments, morgues and vivariums. 31. Work in public toilets. 32. Work in places in which the artificial breeding and mating of animals is performed. 33. Work in places of imprisonment. 34. Work in places of the organisation of gambling. 35. Work in places in which erotic and pornographic items are produced, marketed and demonstrated. 36. Work related to the slaughter of animals and poultry and cutting of carcasses. 37. Work related to the capture and destruction of stray dogs and cats. 38. Caring for animals that have contracted infectious diseases and work related thereto. 39. Work in which training materials are made from animals (mice, rats, Guinea pigs). 40. Work in which the life and health of the person performing work is directly endangered by fierce, poisonous or aggressive animals. 41. Work related to the production, storage and utilisation of compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases, as well as the use of relevant equipment. 42. Work in anaesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care departments (wards). 43. [31 July 2007] 44. Work during the performance of which earthfalls and drifts are possible (mining and work in quarries). 45. Work during the performance of which the person performing the work may fall from the height of more than one and a half meters. 46. Work during the performance of which the person performing the work may fall from objects (means) in movement. 47. Work during the performance of which there is contact with the processing of dirty laundry, household waste and carrion. 48. Work during the performance of which there is contact with dead bodies, the skin, organs and blood of dead bodies. 49. Work the speed of which is determined by mechanisms and for which a piecework salary is paid. 50. Work with vats, tanks, reservoirs or carboys containing the chemical substances referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.2 of Annex 2 to this Regulation. 51. Work directly related with the manufacture, testing, storage, use, trade and advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. 52. Work related to the manufacture of auramine. 53. Work related to the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in coal soot, tar and tar pitch. 54. Work during which the employees come into contact with dust, vapours or sprays produced during the roasting or electro-refining of copper-nickel ore products. 55. Work related to strong-acid process in the production of isopropyl alcohol. 56. Work related to the effects of hardwood dust. Minister for Welfare V. Jaksons
Annex 2 Work Environment Risk Factors the Direct Subjection of Adolescents to which is Prohibited[31 July 2007; 7 April 2015] It is prohibited to employ adolescents in work in which they are directly subject to the following work environment risk factors. 1. Physical factors: 1.1. objects in movement, rotating, falling and flying objects; 1.2. ionising radiation; 1.3. risk caused by high-voltage electricity; 1.4. increased or decreased pressure (work under water or more than 2000 metres above the sea level); 1.5. a noise level, which in a standardised seven hour accounting period, the value of the level of exposure exceeds 80 dBA; 1.6. palm and hand vibration, which in a standardised seven hour accounting period, the value of the level of exposure exceeds 2 m/s2; 1.7. whole body vibration, which in a standardised seven hour accounting period, the value of the level of exposure exceeds 0.5 m/s2 2. Biological factors - biological agents of groups 3 and 4 (biological agents dangerous to the employees and there is a risk that they will cause threat to other people). 3. Chemical factors: 3.1. carcinogenic and mutagenic substances; 3.2. chemical substances and mixtures that correspond to the classification criteria referred to in Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures in one or several of the following hazard classes and hazard categories with one or more of the following hazard statements: 3.2.1. acute toxicity, category 1, 2 or 3 (H300, H310, H330, H301, H311, H331); 3.2.2. skin corrosion, category 1A, 1B or 1C (H314); 3.2.3. flammable gas, category 1 or 2 (H220, H221); 3.2.4. flammable aerosols, category 1 (H222); 3.2.5. flammable liquid, category 1 or 2 (H224, H225); 3.2.6. explosive substances, category "unstable explosives" or explosive substances of divisions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 (H200, H201, H202, H203, H204, H205); 3.2.7. self-reactive substances and mixtures, type A, B, C or D (H240, H241, H242); 3.2.8. organic peroxides, type A or B (H240, H241); 3.2.9. specific target organ toxicity after single exposure, category 1 or 2 (H370, H371); 3.2.10. specific target organ toxicity after repeated exposure, category 1 or 2 (H372, H373); 3.2.11. respiratory sensitisation, category 1, sub-category 1A or 1B (H334); 3.2.12. skin sensitisation, category 1, sub-category 1A or 1B (H317); 3.2.13. carcinogenicity, category 1A, 1B or 2 (H350, H350i, H351); 3.2.14. germ cell mutagenicity, category 1A, 1B or 2 (H340, H341); 3.2.15. reproductive toxicity, category 1A or 1B (H360, H360F, H360FD, H360Fd, H360D, H360Df); 3.3. [7 April 2015]; 3.4. [7 April 2015]; 3.5. lead and compounds thereof to the extent the relevant substances are absorbed by the human organism; 3.6. asbestos. Minister for Welfare V. Jaksons
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Title: Noteikumi par darbiem, kuros aizliegts nodarbināt pusaudžus, un izņēmumi, kad nodarbināšana šajos ..
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