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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

20 April 2004 [shall come into force from 1 May 2004];
24 March 2009 [shall come into force from 1 April 2009];
10 December 2013 [shall come into force from 21 December 2013].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 129
Adopted 19 March 2002

Requirements for Operations with Radioactive Waste and Materials Related Thereto

Issued pursuant to
Section 27, Paragraph three of the Law On Radiation Safety and Nuclear Safety

I. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes the requirements for operations with radioactive waste and materials related thereto.

2. Materials related to radioactive waste are materials, installations and objects which have come into contact with radioactive waste and the total or specific radioactivity of which is less than the limits laid down in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for licensing operations with sources of ionising radiation (hereinafter - the limits laid down in the laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which a special permit (licence) or permit is not required).

[24 March 2009; 10 December 2013]

2.1 The requirements of the Regulation shall not apply to waste from extraction of mineral resources which may be radioactive and the requirements for the management of which are laid down in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for managing waste from extraction of mineral resources.

[10 December 2013]

3. An operator whose operations with sources of ionising radiation may produce radioactive waste (hereinafter - the operator) when planning the abovementioned operations shall also plan operations with the relevant radioactive waste.

4. In conformity with the amount of radioactivity of radioactive waste, radioactive waste shall be classified as follows:

4.1. radioactive waste as a result of the radioactive decay of which the total or specific radioactivity is smaller than the limits laid down in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which a special permit (licence) or permit is not required (hereinafter - the unusable materials);

4.2. radioactive waste the total or specific radioactivity of which is greater than the limits laid down in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which a special permit (licence) or permit is not required.

5. In conformity with the half-life period radioactive waste shall be classified as follows:

5.1. radioactive waste the half-life of which does not exceed 30 days and in which after radionuclide decay no long-lived daughter products are generated (hereinafter - the short-lived radioactive waste);

5.2. radioactive waste the half-life of which exceeds 30 days or in which after radionuclide decay long-lived daughter products are generated (hereinafter - the long-lived radioactive waste).

6. In conformity with the heat generation rate radioactive waste shall be classified as follows:

6.1. radioactive waste the heat generation rate as a result of radioactive decay of which is less than 2 kW per one cubic metre of radioactive waste (hereinafter - the low and intermediate radioactivity waste);

6.2. radioactive waste the heat generation rate as a result of radioactive decay of which is greater or equal to 2 kW per one cubic metre of radioactive waste, including the nuclear fuel used (hereinafter - the high radioactivity waste).

[24 March 2009]

7. Materials related to radioactive waste shall be classified in the following groups:

7.1. material related to radioactive waste which is removed from State supervision and control in the field of radiation safety and nuclear safety (hereinafter - State supervision) because its specific radioactivity is less than the minimum significant specific radioactivity laid down in Annex 1 to this Regulation and the ionising radiation dose received as a result of the use of such material:

7.1.1. is less than 100 µSv per year - for an individual user (for the whole body);

7.1.2. is less than 5 mSv per year - for an individual user (for the skin surface);

7.1.3. is less than 1 mSv per year - for a collective dose (for the critical group of population);

7.2. material related to radioactive waste the specific radioactivity of which is greater than the minimum significant specific radioactivity prescribed in Annex 1 to this Regulation, but smaller than the limits laid down in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which a special permit (licence) or permit is not required.

7.1 Safety assessment for operations of radioactive waste management which are carried out prior to disposal of radioactive waste shall be performed prior to submitting an application for obtaining a special permit (licence). An operator, when performing safety assessment, shall comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation, as well as with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding safety assessment which shall be posted by the Radiation Safety Centre of the State Environmental Service on the website of the State Environmental Service.

[10 December 2013]

II. Requirements for Recording of Radioactive Waste and Materials Related Thereto

8. The work supervisor in the operator-controlled area (hereinafter - the work supervisor of the operator) shall perform recording of radioactive waste and materials related to radioactive waste. The abovementioned recording shall ensure:

8.1. a possibility to select the most suitable management methods for the relevant radioactive waste and materials related thereto;

8.2. a possibility to make a documentary check of the time and manner by which:

8.2.1. radioactive waste arrive at the radioactive waste disposal installation or the operator of the radioactive waste management installation;

8.2.2. spent sources of ionising radiation are sent back to the manufacturers thereof;

8.2.3. unusable materials are dispersed in the environment or disposed of together with municipal or hazardous waste;

8.2.4. materials related to radioactive waste are repeatedly used.

[24 March 2009]

9. Records of radioactive waste shall include information regarding:

9.1. radioactive waste which has been produced while carrying out operations with sources of ionising radiation (quantity (in units by mass and volume), state of aggregation, total and specific radioactivity and radionuclides);

9.2. radioactive waste located in the special premises or premises for the collection, treatment, packing and storage of radioactive waste (hereinafter - temporary radioactive waste repository);

9.3. radioactive waste which has been transferred for disposal and long-term storage, including information included in the labelling of the packaging suited for transportation and disposal of radioactive waste (hereinafter - radioactive waste package);

9.4. spent sources of ionising radiation sent back to the manufacturer of ionising radiation sources;

9.5. unusable material dispersed in the environment:

9.5.1. main radionuclides;

9.5.2. specific and total radioactivity (Bq/g and Bq);

9.5.3. date of dispersal;

9.5.4. results of dispersal control to prove that the permissible amounts of radionuclides to be dispersed in the environment laid down in laws and regulations have not been exceeded;

9.5.5. each dispersed portion and a summary thereof for a year;

9.6. individual numbers assigned to the radioactive waste packages.

10. Records of the materials related to radioactive waste shall include the following information:

10.1. name;

10.2. main radionuclides;

10.3. radioactive contamination the specific radioactivity of which radioactive substance on a surface exceeds 0.4 Bq/cm2 for beta radiation sources, gamma radiation sources and low toxicity alpha radiation sources or 0.04 Bq/cm2 for other alpha radiation sources if such radioactive substances:

10.3.1. cannot be removed from the surface with the usual decontamination methods (hereinafter - fixed radioactive contamination);

10.3.2. may be removed from the surface with the usual decontamination methods (hereinafter - non-fixed radioactive contamination);

10.4. specific and total radioactivity (Bq/g and Bq);

10.5. types of use;

10.6. merchant to which the material related to radioactive waste has been transferred for further use and the date of transfer.

[10 December 2013]

11. The work supervisor of the operator shall:

11.1. each year by 31 January, send to the Radiation Safety Centre of the State Environmental Service (hereinafter - the Centre) the information referred to in Paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Regulation for the previous calendar year;

11.2. each year by 31 December, send to the Centre and the radioactive waste disposal or management installation an informative letter regarding those operations with sources of ionising radiation which may cause generation of radioactive waste in the next calendar year.

[10 December 2013]

12. The informative letter referred to in Sub-paragraph 11.2 of this Regulation shall specify:

12.1. the information regarding the operator, the work supervisor of the operator, and the person responsible for radioactive waste;

12.2. the amount of the planned radioactive waste, its radioactivity and form - radionuclides in the form of open radiation sources or radionuclides in the form of sealed radiation sources;

12.3. a list of the measuring instruments utilised in the measurement of the ionising radiation dose rate, measurements of non-fixed and fixed radioactive contamination and determination of the qualitative and quantitative content of radionuclides;

12.4. a description of the temporary radioactive waste repository;

12.5. a description of the planned operations with radioactive waste, including disposal or long-term storage and specifying the measures planned in order to meet the requirements of the radioactive waste management or disposal undertaking.

III. Requirements for Operations with Radioactive Waste and Materials Related Thereto in Places of Generation Thereof

13. The operator shall ensure:

13.1. financial, technical and worker resources for safe operations with radioactive waste and materials related thereto;

13.2. minimum total or specific radioactivity and volume of radioactive waste;

13.3. transfer of radioactive waste for disposal.

14. Sorting, treatment and storage of radioactive waste shall be performed by dividing the waste into the following groups:

14.1. gaseous radioactive waste (without applying storage);

14.2. liquid radioactive waste;

14.3. solid radioactive waste;

14.4. spent sealed radiation sources;

14.5. biological radioactive waste.

15. The work supervisor of the operator shall ensure that:

15.1. each radioactive waste container contains radioactive waste of one group only;

15.2. in a radioactive waste container the following are not mixed together:

15.2.1. treated and untreated radioactive waste;

15.2.2. short-lived radioactive waste and long-lived radioactive waste;

15.2.3. low and intermediate radioactivity waste and high radioactivity waste;

15.2.4. radioactive waste referred to in Sub-paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of this Regulation;

15.3. radioactive waste is treated, transforming it into such chemical and physical form which is safe and appropriate for storage and transportation of radioactive waste;

15.4. liquid radioactive waste is neutralised;

15.5. radioactive waste does not contain explosive or inflammable materials or compressed gases;

15.6. radioactive waste which contains rotting or decomposing substances or objects (including food or dead bodies of animals) is treated protecting it from biological decomposition processes or is stored frozen;

15.7. radioactive waste containing chemically or biologically hazardous materials and materials which may cause dangerous infectious diseases or in any other manner endanger epidemiological safety is treated maximally reducing those hazardous properties of radioactive waste which are not related to its radioactivity;

15.8. prior to disposal of radioactive waste the necessity to perform additional treatment is as small as possible.

16. The operator shall ensure that the radioactive waste container that is used in a temporary radioactive waste repository is:

16.1. durable;

16.2. compatible with the radioactive waste placed therein;

16.3. safely filled and emptied.

17. If a radioactive waste container is filled, the work supervisor of the operator shall ensure that the radioactive waste container:

17.1. is labelled with the following information:

17.1.1. the radiation warning sign;

17.1.2. the date on which the radioactive waste container was filled;

17.1.3. the type of radioactive waste generation;

17.1.4. a symbol or name of radionuclides and the total and specific radioactivity thereof (Bq and Bq/g), the date of its measurement;

17.1.5. the ionising radiation dose rate at the distance of 1 cm and 1 m from the surface;

17.1.6. the group of radioactive waste and an indication whether it is short-lived or long-lived radioactive waste and whether it is low and intermediate or high radioactivity waste;

17.1.7. the firm name, legal address and telephone number of the radioactive waste packer;

17.2. is without delay conveyed to the temporary radioactive waste repository.

[10 December 2013]

18. If it is necessary to store and later transfer for disposal radioactive waste the size of which is greater than the radioactive waste storage containers, the work supervisor of the operator shall ensure crushing of the radioactive waste to the appropriate size.

19. Solid radioactive waste shall be accumulated in plastic bags and together with this outer packaging shall be placed:

19.1. into a 0.1 m3 steel drum if the amount of radioactive waste per year does not exceed 1 m3 and the total or specific radioactivity thereof does not exceed the values specified in Annex 2 to this Regulation;

19.2. into special reinforced concrete containers which meet the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation while transporting radioactive materials in respect of IP-3 or type A packages if:

19.2.1. the amount of radioactive waste per year exceeds 1 m3;

19.2.2. the size of radioactive waste is large and it cannot be emplaced into a 0.1 m3 steel drum.

[24 March 2009]

20. Radioactive waste shall be prepared for transportation, labelled and transported in accordance with the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation while transporting radioactive materials.

[24 March 2009]

21. The work supervisor of the operator shall ensure:

21.1. preparation of radioactive waste for transportation and labelling thereof;

21.2. examination of a radioactive waste package so that it meets the following requirements:

21.2.1. non-fixed radioactive contamination on the external surface of the package for beta radiation sources, gamma radiation sources and low toxicity alpha radiation sources does not exceed 4 Bq/cm2 per 300 cm2 of the available surface, but for other alpha radiation sources - 0.4 Bq/cm2 per 300 cm2 of the available surface;

21.2.2. the ionising radiation dose rate does not exceed the value permissible for the relevant package and 2 mSv/h at any point of the external surface.

22. If after elimination of radiation emergency consequences the amount of radioactive waste exceeds three cubic metres, it is permitted to accumulate the waste in 0.1 m3 steel drums which shall be transported as exceptional packages in conformity with the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation while transporting radioactive materials. In such case the work supervisor of the operator shall specify in the labelling of the package at least the following:

22.1. the main radionuclides;

22.2. the assessed maximum total radioactivity of the radioactive content expressed in the measurement units of the SI system or at least the ionising radiation dose rate on the surface of the drum and at a distance of 1 m, as well as the time of measurement of such values;

22.3. the category of the package - I-white, II-yellow or III-yellow.

[24 March 2009]

23. Radioactive waste shall be transported by the specialised transport of the radioactive waste disposal or management installation or by a means of transport of the operator (if the operator has an appropriate special permit (licence) or a permit for transportation of radioactive waste) which meets the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding transport of dangerous goods.

[24 March 2009; 10 December 2013]

24. Large quantities of radioactive waste which has been generated when eliminating the consequences of radiation emergencies, if the total and specific radioactivity thereof does not exceed the values specified in Annex 2 to this Regulation, may be conveyed as solid low specific radioactivity waste (except for powder) in LSA-III 0.1 m3 steel drums which prior to disposal of radioactive waste together with the radioactive waste shall be placed in 0.2 m3 steel drums or reinforced concrete containers and the empty space (also beneath and above the 0.1 m3 steel drum) shall be filled with concrete.

25. If the operator has been declared insolvent and cannot manage radioactive waste or prepare it for transfer for disposal or long-term storage, the Centre shall inform the relevant local government of the potential danger to the inhabitants of this local government and together with the operator shall ensure the possibility of transferring for disposal all radioactive waste and sources of ionising radiation which are not required for further operations or whose safety no longer meets the requirements laid down in laws and regulations.

26. The Centre shall issue a permit to repeatedly utilise materials related to radioactive waste which are not subject to State supervision outside the operator-controlled area.

27. Materials related to radioactive waste, which may be repeatedly used without additional treatment, shall be removed from State supervision taking into account the radioactive contamination thereof.

28. In calculating the maximum permissible fixed and non-fixed radioactive contamination on a surface the values of ionising radiation doses prescribed in Annex 1 to this Regulation or Sub-paragraph 7.1 of this Regulation shall be used as criteria. These criteria shall refer to the total fixed and non-fixed radioactive contamination.

29. When using radioactive contamination on a surface as a criterion, the average level of radioactive contamination shall be determined for 300 cm2 of the available surface of the material or for the whole surface of the material if it is smaller than 300 cm2. The work supervisor of the operator shall ensure that the non-fixed radioactive contamination is as small as possible.

30. When using specific radioactivity as a criterion, the average specific radioactivity for each 100 kg of the total mass of radioactive materials or for the whole amount of materials if the total mass of radioactive materials is less than 100 kg shall be determined.

IV. Requirements for Storage of Radioactive Waste and Materials Related Thereto

31. Storage of radioactive waste is keeping thereof in an appropriate installation by intending removal thereof. In conformity with the purpose of radioactive waste storage the following types of storage shall be distinguished:

31.1. storage of radioactive waste until the time when due to decay its specific radioactivity has decreased to the minimum significant specific radioactivity and it cannot be subjected to the State supervision (hereinafter - storage until decay);

31.2. storage of radioactive waste until its treatment is carried out;

31.3. storage of treated radioactive waste prior to shipment to a radioactive waste disposal or management installation;

31.4. storage of a spent sealed radiation source prior to sending it back to the manufacturer;

31.5. long-term storage of radioactive waste until:

31.5.1. such disposal site has been established which is situated in geologically stable formations in the depth of at least 100 m from the earth's surface (hereinafter - the geological repository);

31.5.2. a possibility has been found to send radioactive waste for processing in a solid state in conformity with the packaging chosen in order to be able to safely transport and dispose it (hereinafter - processing) outside Latvia.

[24 March 2009; 10 December 2013]

32. In a temporary radioactive waste repository and in an engineering construction located at little depth from the earth's surface or created on the earth's surface (hereinafter - near-surface repository) multiple protection barriers shall be used to ensure safe storage of radioactive waste.

33. For the long-term storage of radioactive waste only the near-surface repository of a radioactive waste disposal installation may be used. As safe storage criteria the following shall be used:

33.1. the impact of the relevant repository on environmental pollution, taking into account the natural radioactivity level - the specific radioactivity of radionuclides in materials and starting materials encountered in the relevant territory on average (with the condition that its amount has not significantly increased after some radiation emergency);

33.2. the effect of long-term stored radioactive waste on a worker who carries out operations with sources of ionising radiation in the relevant repository.

[10 December 2013]

34. In storing radioactive waste the following requirements shall be observed:

34.1. for each specific group of radioactive waste storage shall be ensured separately from other groups, taking into account also the requirements specified in Sub-paragraph 15.2;

34.2. for non-treated radioactive waste temporary storage shall be planned for not longer than a year and during this time radioactive waste shall be treated, packaged and transferred for disposal or long-term storage;

34.3. the radioactive waste container, if possible, shall not be moved in the repository until the transfer for disposal or long-term storage;

34.4. radioactive waste shall be stored separately from those sources of radioactive radiation which can be utilised for further operations;

34.5. radioactive waste shall be stored in containers, which are suited for the relevant type of storage and are appropriately labelled.

35. If it is intended to store a group of radioactive waste until decay, in order to reduce the amount of radioactive waste to be sent for disposal, a special compartment in the temporary radioactive waste repository shall be created which is intended for storage until decay and in which emplacement of other groups of radioactive waste or materials related to radioactive waste is prohibited.

36. Storage until decay shall be applied to short-lived radioactive waste, as well as other radioactive waste if the operator ensures that it shall be stored as long as necessary so that after radionuclide decay its radioactivity does not exceed the minimum significant radioactivity.

37. Materials related to radioactive waste which contain short-lived radioactive waste shall be stored in a temporary radioactive waste repository until its specific radioactivity as a result of radionuclide decay becomes smaller than the minimum significant radioactivity.

38. The operator shall ensure that storage until decay does not exceed one year but in separate cases, if it is provided for in the special permit (licence) or permit for operations with sources of ionising radiation, the storage time until radionuclide decay may be five years.

39. The compartment which is intended for storage until decay shall provide a possibility to disperse under controlled circumstances the unusable materials generated upon radionuclide decay, taking into account the permissible amounts of radionuclides for dispersal specified in laws and regulations.

40. A temporary radioactive waste repository:

40.1. shall be so created that all radioactive waste which may be generated within a year can be stored separately by groups;

40.2. shall be provided with protection against unauthorised entry therein and the possibility to ascertain that no unauthorised operations with radioactive waste are carried out;

40.3. shall be equipped with installations and materials for protection against ionising radiation;

40.4. shall be so created that all surfaces are made of materials, which are easy to decontaminate or are covered with such materials;

40.5. shall be provided with air purification systems and exhaust gas monitoring facilities if during storage radioactive gases may be released from radioactive waste or the air in the repository may be polluted with radioactive aerosols;

40.6. shall be so created that all operations are carried out under safe conditions and it is possible to easily transfer radioactive waste containers so as to transport them to a radioactive waste disposal or management installation.

[10 December 2013]

41. Flammable or combustible radioactive waste shall be stored separately from other radioactive waste, ensuring the fulfilment of the necessary fire-safety requirements and ensuring the processing thereof in a maximally short period of time.

42. Liquid radioactive waste shall be stored in hermetically sealed double-containers. The work supervisor of the operator shall ensure that the volume of the outer radioactive waste container is sufficient for safe storage of all liquid radioactive waste if the internal container loses leak-tightness.

V. Requirements for Dispersal of Unusable Materials and Materials Related to Radioactive Waste in the Environment

43. Prior to dispersal of unusable materials or materials related to radioactive materials in the environment the work supervisor of the operator shall:

43.1. check whether the chemical and biological properties of unusable materials to be dispersed in the environment allow the application of the dispersal method;

43.2. check whether there is the necessary guarantee to prevent the exceeding of the permissible amounts of radionuclides for dispersal (for each portion of dispersal or day and year) laid down in the laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation;

43.3. check whether at the point of dispersal a possibility to dilute the radioactive waste is ensured, so that its total and specific radioactivity does not exceed the permissible amounts of radionuclides for dispersal in the environment laid down in laws and regulations;

43.4. make calculations to ascertain that the ionising radiation dose limits specified in Sub-paragraph 7.1 of this Regulation are not exceeded;

43.5. inform the Centre:

43.5.1. every year by 15 December - regarding the planned dispersal of radioactive waste in the environment during the next calendar year;

43.5.2. at regular intervals but not less than four times a year (by 15 April, 15 July, 15 October, and 15 January) - regarding the dispersal operations carried out in the previous quarter.

44. When releasing liquid unusable materials into the sewerage system together with household waste water, the work supervisor of the operator shall ensure that:

44.1. at the waste water discharge site in the sewerage system they are diluted, reducing the concentration at least 10 times;

44.2. water solutions do not contain insoluble admixtures;

44.3. pH of the unusable materials is neutral;

44.4. unusable materials are released only at one specially equipped site in which before and after their discharge water flows from the water main for at least one minute with a normal average flow.

45. Solid unusable materials or materials related to radioactive waste may be disposed of in a municipal or hazardous waste landfill site if:

45.1. they do not contain explosive, inflammable materials and compressed gases;

45.2. there is no non-fixed radioactive contamination on the surface of the unusable material packaging but the fixed radioactive contamination does not exceed 0.4 Bq/cm2 for beta radiation sources, gamma radiation sources and low toxicity alpha radiation sources or 0.04 Bq/cm2 for other alpha radiation sources;

45.3. they do not contain a sealed radiation source.

[10 December 2013]

46. When dispersing gaseous unusable materials in the atmosphere the work supervisor of the operator shall ensure that:

46.1. the ventilation power disperses them reducing the concentration at least 10 times;

46.2. all unusable materials are released into the atmosphere at one specially equipped site only.

47. If laws and regulations do not specify radionuclide dispersal amounts for any of the radionuclides, the work supervisor of the operator shall prepare a temporary calculation of dispersal amounts, using the following conditions:

47.1. the maximum ionising radiation dose for the critical group of the population (the population who are exposed to the effect of a source of ionising radiation at a similar level and to whom the exposure from such source is the greatest) may not exceed 100 µSv per year but the maximum average ionising radiation dose - 10 µSv per year. These values shall be used in calculating the dispersal limits for one solid unusable material portion or one day;

47.2. the specific radioactivity is equal to the radioactivity for which the special permit (licence) or permit for operations with sources of ionising radiation is required or smaller than that;

47.3. radionuclides get into the organism of an adult by intake thereof with water (liquid radioactive waste), food (solid radioactive waste) or by inhalation (gaseous radioactive waste);

47.4. in numerical calculations of ionising radiation doses coefficients specified in laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation shall be used.

48. The operator shall co-ordinate the temporary dispersal amounts for radionuclides with the Centre. The Centre may permit to carry out separate operations, applying the calculated temporary dispersal amounts if the time of performance of the operations does not exceed three months.

VI. Requirements for Processing of Radioactive Waste

49. The operator may create a radioactive waste processing site and carry out the processing thereof in the area controlled by the operator or, if it is provided for in the contract, transfer unprocessed radioactive waste for processing to the radioactive waste management installation.

[10 December 2013]

50. When processing radioactive waste, the requirements put forward by all the following operations shall be observed in each operation and the necessity to carry out additional treatment or processing of the previously processed radioactive waste at the radioactive waste management installation shall be prevented.

[10 December 2013]

51. The operator of the radioactive waste management installation shall receive from the operator the information regarding physical and chemical properties of the radioactive waste, the amount in units by mass or volume, and the total or specific radioactivity.

[10 December 2013]

52. The processor of radioactive waste shall be responsible for the use of appropriate processing technology and shall ensure that the external surface of the radioactive waste container is not contaminated with radioactive substances and the ionising radiation dose rate on the external surface of the package does not exceed the permissible limit.

53. When processing radioactive waste the work supervisor of the radioactive waste processor shall ensure that the level of specific radioactivity in each radioactive waste package (except for the package of a spent sealed source of radiation) is as even as possible, avoiding high specific radioactivity in any separate part of the package.

54. When processing radioactive waste such processing methods shall be selected that:

54.1. the obtained radioactive waste package is structurally stable and all radioactive materials in the package are in a chemically and mechanically stable monolithic form which restricts the spread of radioactive substances outside the radioactive waste package;

54.2. the radioactive waste package has as far as possible no empty spaces;

54.3. the radioactive waste package is not damaged within the range of the ambient temperature from -40°C to +55 °C;

54.4. the radioactive waste package endures a pressure of 0.35 MPa and the vertical deformations after such check do not exceed 3 %.

55. Solid radioactive waste in conformity with its total radioactivity, mass and dimensions shall be processed in the following manner:

55.1. it shall be packaged in a 0.1 m3 steel drum which shall be inserted in the middle of a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space among the radioactive waste shall be filled with concrete by ensuring that the whole empty space between the 0.1 m3 and 0.2 m3 steel drum (also beneath and above the 0.1 m3 drum) is filled with concrete;

55.2. it shall be emplaced in a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space between the radioactive waste shall be filled with concrete, ensuring that the whole empty space between the drum and radioactive waste (also beneath and above the radioactive waste) is filled with concrete;

55.3. it shall be packaged in a 0.1 m3 steel drum which shall be emplaced into special sockets in a reinforced concrete container;

55.4. it shall be emplaced in a reinforced concrete container and the empty space among the radioactive waste shall be filled with concrete, ensuring that the whole empty space between the container and radioactive waste (also beneath and above the radioactive waste) is filled with concrete.

56. If the total radioactivity of radioactive waste is so great that concrete does not ensure the possibility of observing the permissible limits for ionising radiation dose rate on the package surface, additional protection layers shall be created which attenuate ionising radiation more effectively than concrete.

57. Liquid radioactive waste subsequent to its cementation shall be filled in a 0.2 m3 steel drum. Cementation of liquid radioactive waste directly in the steel drum may be used as an alternative method if there is appropriate technical capacity for the performance of such work.

58. If ion exchange resins have been used for purification of liquid radioactive waste, such resins shall be processed utilising the cementation method and shall be filled into a 0.2 m3 steel drum. Cementation of waste directly in the steel drum may be used as an alternative method if there is appropriate technical capacity for the performance of such work.

59. Organic liquid radioactive waste shall be processed into inorganic liquid radioactive waste, taking into account its radioactive, chemical, physical and toxic properties.

60. Organic liquid radioactive waste in small amounts may be added to liquid inorganic radioactive waste if it is experimentally proven that the cement matrix that has formed is sufficiently stable. In such case the cemented radioactive waste shall be filled into a 0.1 m3 steel drum which shall be emplaced in a special socket in a reinforced concrete container.

61. Spent sealed gamma radiation sources in conformity with their total radioactivity, number and dimensions:

61.1. shall be emplaced into a lead container, in exceptional cases - in an industrial container where these sources of ionising radiation were located during their use, ensuring in addition that all openings and ducts of this container are made airtight with melted lead. Thereafter the container shall be emplaced in the middle of a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space between the container and the drum (also beneath and above the container) shall be filled with concrete;

61.2. shall be packaged in a stainless steel container which shall be filled with lead pellets and emplaced into a special socket in a reinforced concrete container;

61.3. shall be packaged in a stainless steel container which shall be filled with lead pellets, placed into the middle of a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space (also beneath and above the container) shall be filled with concrete.

62. Spent sealed sources of beta radiation in conformity with their total radioactivity, number and dimensions:

62.1. shall be emplaced into a stainless steal or plastic container, in exceptional cases - in special plastic bags, ensuring that the spent sealed sources of radiation are packaged in at least three bags. Thereafter the radioactive container or plastic bags shall be emplaced into a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space shall be filled with concrete, ensuring that the whole empty space between the plastic bag or container and the drum (also beneath and above the bag or container) is filled with concrete; or

62.2. shall be packaged in a stainless steel container which shall be filled with heated quartz sand and shall be placed in a special socket in a reinforced concrete container.

63. Spent sealed radium containing radiation sources shall be emplaced into a copper ampoule, which shall be hermetically sealed. The copper ampoule shall be emplaced into a stainless steel ampoule, which shall be welded. In exceptional cases the stainless steel ampoule may only be hermetically screwed. If no organic materials are utilised for sealing of the stainless steel ampoule, its dimensions and thickness shall be sufficient to endure, without damage, the gas pressure generated as a result of the radioactive decay of radium. The sealed stainless steel ampoule shall be emplaced into a lead container which shall be emplaced into the middle of a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space between the container and the drum (also beneath and above the lead container) shall be filled with concrete.

64. Spent sealed neutron radiation sources shall be emplaced into a stainless steel ampoule, which shall be welded. In exceptional cases the ampoule may only be hermetically screwed. If no organic materials are utilised for sealing of the stainless steel ampoule, its dimensions and thickness shall be sufficient to endure, without damage, the gas pressure generated as a result of the radioactive decay. The sealed stainless steel ampoule shall be emplaced into a lead container which shall be emplaced into the middle of a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space between the container and the drum (also beneath and above the lead container) shall be filled with concrete.

65. Spent sealed alpha radiation sources, which do not contain radium, in conformity with their total radioactivity shall be packaged:

65.1. into a stainless steel container which shall be filled with heated quartz sand and shall be emplaced into special sockets in a reinforced concrete container;

65.2. in a stainless steel or plastic container. In exceptional cases (if the total radioactivity of the sources after the end of the State supervision period has decreased as a result of the radioactive decay of radionuclides to the limits for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required) the spent sealed radiation source may be packaged into at least three special plastic bags which shall be emplaced into the middle of a 0.2 m3 steel drum and the empty space between the bag or container and the drum (also beneath and above the bag or container) shall be filled with concrete.

66. Radioactive waste which contains ion exchange resins, shall be processed so that the absorbed and adsorbed radioactive substances are stabilised in the processed radioactive waste by means of the cementation method. If the operator carries out the processing of radioactive waste, the relevant cementation technology is co-ordinated with the operator of the radioactive waste management installation.

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VII. Requirements for Near-Surface Repository and Geological Repository of Radioactive Waste

67. When selecting a location for a near-surface repository or geological repository (hereinafter - the disposal site) the following criteria shall be taken into account:

67.1. the climate and the annual amount of precipitation (average values, maximum and minimum observed values);

67.2. the economic activity to be performed in the surrounding territory;

67.3. the density of population;

67.4. the ability of the environment to absorb the impact caused by planned operations with radioactive waste without negative changes;

67.5. mineral resources;

67.6. hydrology of surface water and ground water;

67.7. seismic activities and karst formations;

67.8. potential possibilities for the industrial development;

67.9. the proximity of other countries.

68. Within the controlled area of the radioactive waste disposal installation (within a territory around the disposal site where the received ionising radiation dose may reach 20 mSv per year) there shall be:

68.1. a part of the disposal site where it is possible to dispose packaged radioactive waste (hereinafter - radioactive waste vault);

68.2. long-lived radioactive waste storage vault or a room where radioactive waste may be permanently stored until the transfer thereof for disposal in the geological repository;

68.3. a temporary radioactive waste repository for short-term storage of spent sealed radiation sources;

68.4. a temporary radioactive waste repository where radioactive waste shall be stored until their treatment, processing and preparation for disposal;

68.5. decontamination site or room;

68.6. a room for storage of working materials and equipment.

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69. Within the supervision area of the radioactive waste disposal installation (within a territory outside the controlled area where there is a possibility that the received effective dose may exceed 1 mSv) there shall be:

69.1. a security centre;

69.2. a parking place for means of transport;

69.3. an administrative building, a maintenance building and a laboratory;

69.4. a warehouse for materials, objects and spare parts;

69.5. a water supply system (including a pump station and water treatment plants);

69.6. a site for washing of means of transport;

69.7. an access road connecting the supervision area with the controlled area;

69.8. a municipal sewage water treatment system;

69.9. a boiler house and electric power supply system.

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70. A near-surface repository shall consist of several radioactive waste vaults which shall be made of reinforced concrete, and whose minimum volume for disposal of radioactive waste shall be 100 m3 and which may be divided into separate compartments.

71. When planning and creating radioactive waste vaults at a radioactive waste disposal installation, the operator shall ensure that the contact of radioactive waste vaults with ground waters is prevented and a precipitation collection system is developed to drain them from the disposal site and ensure a possibility to control radioactive pollution in these waters.

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72. The minimum wall thickness of radioactive waste vaults shall be 40 cm unless a thicker physical barrier layer is required in conformity with the long-term safety assessment. In assessing the necessary thickness of the physical barrier, both the natural physical barriers (including surrounding soil and ground layers) and the engineering structures which prevent or hinder the potential migration of radioactive waste from its disposal site shall be taken into account.

73. Radioactive waste to which storage until decay may be applied shall not be disposed of in a near-surface repository but long-lived radioactive waste may be stored therein until it is possible to dispose them in a geological repository.

74. In a near-surface repository the following shall be disposed of:

74.1. radioactive waste which does not contain isotopes with a half-life longer than 30 years;

74.2. radioactive waste whose total radioactivity is smaller than the values specified in Annex 3 to this Regulation;

74.3. low and intermediate radioactivity waste which contains only such radionuclides whose total or specific radioactivity after the time period during which the control in the radiation safety and nuclear safety area is performed and radiation monitoring programmes are implemented in order to ascertain that the radioactive waste does not endanger the environment, workers carrying out operations with radioactive waste and the population (hereinafter - State supervision period), as a result of their decay will have decreased to the limits specified in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required;

74.4. radioactive waste containing radionuclides whose total and specific radioactivity after the end of the State supervision period as a result of their decay exceeds the limits specified in regulatory enactments for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required if the long-term safety assessment proves that after an additional physical barrier has been created and the empty spaces in the radioactive waste vault between radioactive waste packages are filled with concrete, the potential ionising radiation dose caused by radioactive waste does not exceed 30 µSv per year.

75. In a geological repository the following shall be disposed of:

75.1. radioactive waste containing isotopes with a half-life longer than 30 years;

75.2. radioactive waste whose total radioactivity is greater than the values specified in Annex 3 to this Regulation;

75.3. low and intermediate radioactivity waste which contains radionuclides whose total or specific radioactivity after the end of the State supervision period is greater than the limits specified in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required;

75.4. high radioactivity waste.

76. For the near-surface repository the State supervision period shall include the supervision of the near-surface repository until the moment when the acceptance of radioactive waste in the radioactive waste disposal installation is fully terminated (the object is closed down) and 300 years after its closure.

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77. The maximum permissible total radioactivity of radioactive waste in a package and in a radioactive waste vault, when disposing thereof in a near-surface repository, is prescribed in Annex 3 to this Regulation. In determining the maximum radioactivity for radioactive waste packages, safe transportation of radioactive waste shall be ensured and one of the following conditions shall be observed:

77.1. after the end of the State supervision period the radioactivity of radionuclides due to their decay will have decreased to the limits specified in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required;

77.2. the limit specified in Annex 3 to this Regulation for a specific radionuclide may be exceeded if by means of the long-term safety assessment it is possible to substantiate that the foreseeable ionising radiation dose created by radioactive waste shall not exceed 300 µSv per year.

77.1 The operator shall:

77.1 1. ensure such financial resources and competent employees as to carry out safe management of the radioactive waste disposal installation and to comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation and other laws and regulations regarding radiation safety issues;

77.1 2. in operation of the radioactive waste disposal installation comply with the requirements laid down in the quality assurance programme which has been drawn up in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation;

77.1 3. at least once a year revise the quality assurance programme according to the operations carried out and, if necessary, clarify it;

77.1 4. document all operations involving radioactive waste, as well as activity and volume of radioactive waste and store this information until the end of the State supervision period.

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77.2 The Centre shall, not less than once in a quarter, control the operation of the radioactive waste disposal installation.

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VIII. Requirements for Acceptance of Radioactive Waste for Disposal or Long-term Storage

78. The operator shall:

78.1. be responsible for radioactive waste until the moment when it is placed in the specialised means of transport of the radioactive waste disposal or management installation or are accepted for disposal if a means of transport of another institution is used;

78.2. provide the radioactive waste disposal or management installation with all the necessary information (including the radioactive waste container and radioactive waste treatment and processing quality control documents regarding radioactive waste) and provide a possibility to become acquainted with administrative, radiation safety, nuclear safety and technical capacity for the transfer of radioactive waste for disposal within the operator-controlled area on site.

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79. The work supervisor of the radioactive waste disposal or management installation or another person working in the radiation safety and nuclear safety division of this undertaking upon acceptance of the radioactive waste from the operator shall check:

79.1. the ionising radiation dose rate at a distance of 1 cm and 1 m from the surface of the packaging;

79.2. the radioactive contamination of the package on the surface thereof.

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80. If it has been co-ordinated with the radioactive waste disposal or management installation, the maximum permissible ionising radiation dose rate on the external surface of the radioactive waste package may be 10 mSv/h but the maximum transport index may not exceed 10.

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81. When accepting radioactive waste for disposal or long-term storage, the work supervisor of the radioactive waste disposal or management installation shall verify:

81.1. whether the dimensions and mass of the radioactive waste package, as well as auxiliary devices used for lifting and moving such package comply with the requirements laid down by the radioactive waste disposal or management installation;

81.2. the information provided by the operator regarding radioactive waste in each radioactive waste package with respect to the following:

81.2.1. the compliance of the technology used for treatment and processing with this Regulation;

81.2.2. the compliance with disposal or long-term storage requirements;

81.3. whether the deed of acceptance and delivery of radioactive waste specifies sufficient information regarding the radioactive waste (also regarding all radionuclides, their specific and total radioactivity), its treatment and processing, as well as regarding the packaging of the radioactive waste.

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82. Safety of reinforced concrete containers shall be assessed by determining the tritium and 137Cs diffusion speed through a sample of concrete utilised in manufacturing of the radioactive waste containers the diameter of which sample shall be 7 cm and the thickness - 1 cm (for tritium) and 0.5 cm (for caesium).

83. Radioactive waste which contains chemically or biologically hazardous materials, and materials which may cause dangerous infectious diseases or in any other way endanger the epidemiological safety in the radioactive waste disposal installation shall not be accepted for disposal.

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84. Radioactive waste which contains radionuclides with a half-life less than 50 days shall not be accepted for disposal if as a result of their decay no long-lived daughter products are produced.

IX. Requirements for Long-term Safety Assessment of Disposed Radioactive Waste

85. The long-term safety assessment of a radioactive waste disposal installation shall be performed both prior establishment of the installation and for an already existing installation in order to check whether safety requirements, as well as the laid down protection level of people and environmental is complied with.

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85.1 The operator shall perform the long-term safety assessment of a radioactive waste disposal installation:

85.1 1. prior to establishment of the radioactive waste disposal installation;

85.1 2. prior to making amendments to the special permit (licence) due to essential changes in operation of the radioactive waste disposal installation. If an environmental impact assessment has been performed for essential changes in the operation of the radioactive waste disposal installation and 10 years have not passed since accepting the intended activity, then a long-term safety assessment need not be separately performed;

85.1 3. once in 10 years prior to submitting the application for receipt of a special permit (licence) for exploitation of the installation;

85.1 4. prior to closing of the radioactive waste disposal installation.

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85.2 The operator shall, one month before commencing a long-term safety assessment, inform the society regarding the long-term safety assessment, except for the case if the long-term safety assessment is performed concurrently with the environmental impact assessment of the installation:

85.2 1. by posting information on the website of the operator regarding the long-term safety assessment and indicating the implementer of the assessment and planned time period for development;

85.2 2. by publishing a notification regarding the long-term safety assessment in at least one newspaper issued by the local government or in another local newspaper;

85.2 3. by electronically submitting a notification regarding the long-term safety assessment to the Centre and the local government in the territory of which the radioactive waste disposal installation is planned or is located.

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85.3 The operator, when performing a long-term safety assessment of a radioactive waste disposal installation, shall comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation, as well as with the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding safety assessment which shall be posted by the Radiation Safety Centre of the State Environmental Service on the website of the State Environmental Service.

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85.4 The long-term safety assessment for radioactive waste disposal in the near-surface repository shall be performed by analysing a 1000-year period, but in the geological repository - at least a 10 000-year period.

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86. If there are no special considerations in respect of additional factors, which may affect the migration of radionuclides, the following radioactive substance pathways shall be analysed in the long-term safety assessment:

86.1. discharges from radioactive waste vaults into the ground layer;

86.2. migration through the ground layer to:

86.2.1. open water basins;

86.2.2. ground water layers used for drinking water intake;

86.3. utilisation of water:

86.3.1. for watering;

86.3.2. for human consumption (drinking water);

86.3.3. for watering of domestic animals.

87. For radiation emergency cases additional pathways shall be assessed (including the production of radioactive material dust in explosions resulting from a subversive activity or a plane crash) and the probability of such possible emergency and its impact on the safety of radioactive waste storage shall be analysed.

88. In performing the long-term safety assessment of geological repositories the following hypothetical earthquake parameters shall be used:

88.1. the maximum magnitude - 5.4 on the Richter scale;

88.2. earthquake probability - once in 400 years;

88.3. horizontal acceleration - 2.4 m/s2;

88.4. vertical acceleration - 1.2 m/s2;

88.5. vertical movement - 2.0 cm.

89. If on the basis of the long-term safety assessment it is determined that the foreseeable ionising radiation dose for inhabitants who live in the immediate proximity of the radioactive waste disposal undertaking is:

89.1. 100 mSv per year or greater, measures shall be obligatorily taken to reduce the ionising radiation dose to approximately 300 µSv per year;

89.2. from 10 to 100 mSv per year, measures shall be taken within the next five years to reduce the ionising radiation dose to approximately 300 µSv per year;

89.3. 10 mSv per year or smaller, taking of intervention measures shall be evaluated in conformity with the financial and technical possibilities.

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90. If on the basis of the environmental radiation monitoring results it is determined that the foreseeable ionising radiation dose for inhabitants who live in the immediate proximity of the radioactive waste disposal installation is:

90.1. 5 mSv per year or greater, measures shall be obligatorily taken to reduce the ionising radiation dose to approximately 300 µSv per year;

90.2. from 1 to 5 mSv per year, measures shall be taken within the next five years to reduce the ionising radiation dose to approximately 300 µSv per year;

90.3. 1 mSv per year or smaller, taking of the necessary measures shall be evaluated in conformity with the financial and technical possibilities.

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91. In the long-term safety assessment at least three following events shall be utilised which pose a danger to people and the environment:

91.1. transfer of radionuclides by water;

91.2. direct exposure;

91.3. destruction of the radioactive waste vault and transfer of radionuclides by air (when constructing a road over the disposal site).

92. In analysing the possible transfer of radionuclides by water, the following assumptions shall be used:

92.1. complete degradation of the hydro-isolating layer takes place on the fiftieth year after the end of the State supervision period (350th year after the closure of a near-surface repository), hence the filtration speed through the hydro-isolating layer equals to the average speed in the ground layers of the relevant territory;

92.2. for the time period until the 350th year it shall be assumed that the water filtration speed through the hydro-isolating layers is 1% of the average filtration speed in the relevant ground layers;

92.3. walls of steel drums shall not be considered a barrier layer or it shall be assumed that the corrosion speed is 3 µm per year;

92.4. the foreseeable ionising radiation dose shall be calculated for a hypothetical group of the population living at a distance of 1000 m from the disposal site;

92.5. migration of radionuclides from a radioactive waste vault to ground waters and further transfer of radionuclides to the human organism by water if water is utilised as drinking water, for watering of gardens and for watering of domestic animals. Thereafter the other radioactive substance pathway shall be analysed - by dust generated by the soil polluted as a result of the watering of gardens.

93. In assessing direct exposure, the following main assumptions shall be used:

93.1. at the end of the State supervision period (300 years after the closure of the near-surface repository) an inhabitant builds a single family house directly on the reinforced concrete cover above a radioactive waste vault (the upper layer of soil has been removed);

93.2. an inhabitant stays in the house 6575 hours per year, outside the house - 2192 hours per year;

93.3. water for drinking and individual farming is obtained from the closest (in respect of the radioactive waste vault) ground water layer;

93.4. the floor of the building is located three meters above the radioactive waste layer.

94. In assessing road construction, the following main assumptions shall be utilised:

94.1. operations take place after the end of the State supervision period (300 years after the closure of a near-surface repository);

94.2. road construction works are carried out with the average speed of 10 km per six months;

94.3. work is carried out eight hours per day 20 days per month;

94.4. radioactive waste vaults are partly or fully destroyed because the intervention depth is six meters;

94.5. dust is directly inhaled;

94.6. radioactive dust together with food from hands is transferred to the organism.

95. Operations and events which pose a danger to people and the environment during the operational and State supervision period and which are used in the safety assessment shall be the following:

95.1. a radiation emergency during performance of technological operations with radioactive waste packages;

95.2. an emergency during performance of technological operations in relation with labelling, concreting and dismantling of buildings;

95.3. a plane crash that partly or fully damages the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

95.4. an explosion (caused by subversive activity) which partly or fully damages the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

95.5. seismic activities (including karst formations) which may partly damage the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

95.6. roots of plants and trees and other biological effect which reduces hydro-isolation of the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

95.7. precipitation.

96. Operations and events which pose a danger to people and the environment after the end of the State supervision period and which are utilised in the long-term safety assessment shall be the following:

96.1. road construction;

96.2. building construction;

96.3. a plane crash that partly damages the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

96.4. seismic activity (including karst formations) which may partly damage the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

96.5. roots of plants and trees and other biological effect which reduces hydro-isolation of the cover of radioactive waste vaults;

96.6. precipitation.

96.1 The operator shall inform the society regarding the long-term safety assessment results, except for the case if the long-term safety assessment is performed concurrently with the environmental impact assessment of the installation:

96.1 1. by posting a notification on the website of the operator regarding the long-term safety assessment performed, as well as the long-term safety assessment and its summary;

96.1 2. by publishing a notification regarding the long-term safety assessment performed in at least one newspaper issued by the local government or in another local newspaper;

96.1 3. by electronically submitting a notification to the Centre and the local government in the territory of which a radioactive waste disposal installation is planned or is located regarding the long-term safety assessment performed not later than within three working days after publishing the notification, as well as the long-term safety assessment performed and its summary.

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96.2 The local government shall, within three working days after receipt of the notification regarding the long-term safety assessment performed, post it on its website.

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96.3 The following information shall be indicated in the notification referred to in Paragraphs 96.1 and 96.2 of this Regulation regarding the long-term safety assessment performed:

96.3 1. the name and planned or existing location (address) of the radioactive waste disposal installation;

96.3 2. the operator (name and registration number of a legal person or name of a public person or its institution), its address, telephone number, and website where information regarding the long-term safety assessment is published;

96.3 3. the time of performing the long-term safety assessment;

96.3 4. the time and place where the society may obtain information regarding the assessment performed;

96.3 5. the time and place of the public information meeting.

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96.4 The operator shall organise a public information meeting not earlier than seven days after publishing the notification referred to in Sub-paragraph 96.1 2 of this Regulation in the newspaper issued by the local government or in another local newspaper.

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96.5 The operator shall prepare the visual materials and copies of documents necessary for the public information meeting, as well as ensure taking minutes at the meeting. The minutes shall be attached to the long-term safety assessment.

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96.6 The operator shall, within 10 days after the public information meeting, send the long-term safety assessment together with the minutes of the meeting attached to the local government, as well as post the long-term safety assessment, its summary, and minutes of the meeting on the website of the operator.

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X. Requirements for Radioactive Waste Management After Closure of Radioactive Waste Vault And Termination of Disposal Site Operation

97. Closure of a radioactive waste disposal installation is completion of all activities after placement of radioactive waste in the radioactive waste disposal installation which also includes the last engineering and technical or other works which are necessary in order to ensure a safe installation in long term.

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97.1 After the filling of near-surface radioactive waste vaults with radioactive waste packages preservation of radioactive waste shall be performed. Preservation of radioactive waste has the following stages:

97.1 1. the first stage shall commence before covering of vaults with a ground layer and shall end 30 years after creation of the vault protection layer and stabilisation of the ground layer. The principal measures:

97.1 1.1. physical protection of the territory shall be ensured, utilising also guard patrols directly around the radioactive waste vaults;

97.1 1.2. a supervision territory around the radioactive waste management or disposal installation shall be determined;

97.1 1.3. environmental radiation monitoring shall be ensured;

97.1 1.4. radionuclide radioactivity measurements of ground water and drainage water, as well as other examinations shall be performed to ascertain that there is no radionuclide leakage from radioactive waste vaults;

97.1 1.5. ground water control wells and other systems shall be maintained in order;

97.1 2. the second stage shall commence 30 years after the creation of the radioactive waste vault protection layer and stabilisation of the ground layer and shall end 260 years thereafter. The principal measures - the measures referred to in Sub-paragraphs 97.1 1.1, 97.1 1.2, 97.1 1.3 and 97.1 1.4 of this Regulation;

97.1 3. the third stage shall commence 260 years after the creation of a radioactive waste vault protection layer and stabilisation of the ground layer and shall last until the end of the State supervision period. The principal measures - the measures referred to in Sub-paragraphs 97.1 1.1 and 97.1 1.3 of this Regulation, as well as imposing a prohibition on earth excavation works and other operations which may affect the safety of the radioactive waste vaults.

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98. Prior to the closure of a radioactive waste vault the empty spaces in the radioactive waste vault shall be filled:

98.1. with concrete if at the end of the State supervision period in the near-surface repository there are radioactive waste packages in which the specific radioactivity of radionuclides exceeds the limits specified in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required, and in the whole radioactive waste vault the average specific radioactivity is smaller than the relevant limits;

98.2. with sand if at the end of the State supervision period in the near-surface repository in all radioactive waste packages the specific radioactivity of radioactive waste as a result of radionuclide decay is less than the relevant limits and placing the relevant additional layers specified in Paragraph 99 of this Regulation above it, except for the case when the liquidation concept provides for dismantling of radioactive waste vaults and transfer of the radioactive waste packages and disposal thereof in municipal waste disposal sites.

99. In order to ensure that the amount of atmospheric precipitation, which reaches the radioactive waste vault, does not exceed 1.5 litres per 1 m2 per year and that there is minimum human interference possible, after closure of the radioactive waste vault a multiple protection system shall be created:

99.1. above the radioactive waste vault at least 1 m thick monolith reinforced concrete layer shall be created with a slope at the sides of the radioactive waste vault to prevent accumulation of water above the radioactive waste vault;

99.2. above the reinforced concrete layer a multi-layer hydro-isolating cover shall be created;

99.3. to prevent damage of hydro-isolating cover at least 1 m thick gravel layer shall be spread on top of it;

99.4. above the gravel layer a 50 cm thick clay protection layer shall be created in addition;

99.5. above the clay layer at least 1 m thick crushed stone layer shall be created to protect the radioactive waste vault against human intervention;

99.6. a 2 m thick soil layer shall be created last.

100. The layer covering the radioactive waste vault shall have the following technical requirements:

100.1. rain water filtration through the layer to the reinforced concrete layer covering the radioactive waste vault shall be reduced to the minimum;

100.2. the covering layer shall retain its properties unchangeable under all weather conditions possible in the relevant territory. In assessment the maximum parameters observed during the last 100 years shall be used;

100.3. the covering layer shall endure freezing and thawing cycles, biological effect (also the effect of the tree root system growing above the radioactive waste vaults) after the end of the State supervision period until the moment when the total and specific radioactivity in all radioactive waste packages will have decreased to the limits specified in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which no special permit (licence) or permit is required.

101. After closure of a radioactive waste vault a labelling in the reinforced concrete layer shall be made which shall warn of the disposed radioactive waste. In making the labelling of radioactive waste vaults the following requirements shall be met:

101.1. the labelling shall be made directly in the reinforced concrete layer, utilising stone squares in a contrast colour;

101.2. the labelling shall contain an inscription "RADIOAKTĪVIE ATKRITUMI" [radioactive waste] and the internationally accepted radiation symbol;

101.3. the inscription shall be clearly legible, the radiation symbol - unambiguous;

101.4. the inscription shall be made in four languages - Latvian, English, German and Russian;

101.5. the year when the relevant vault was sealed shall be specified below the inscription (using both Arabic and Roman numerals).

102. When levelling off the disposal site, additional markers shall be placed beneath the ground which shall have the labelling hollowed out and each side of the triangular pyramid shall bear an inscription "RADIOAKTĪVIE ATKRITUMI" [radioactive waste] in Latvian and in one of the foreign languages specified in Sub-paragraph 101.4 of this Regulation and the base - the radiation symbol. The additional markers shall be placed as follows:

102.1. in the depth of 1 m from the ground surface a marker in the form of a triangular pyramid shall be placed, the linear dimensions of which shall be 0.5 m. The distance between such markers shall be approximately 5 m;

102.2. in the depth of 0.3 m from the ground surface markers whose linear dimensions are 0.2 m shall be placed. The distance between such markers shall be approximately 2.5 m.

103. Before the end of the State supervision period a concrete pyramid shall be placed above the ground layer which covers the radioactive waste vault, in each corner and in the middle of the vault on which there shall be the labelling specifying the information referred to in Paragraph 101 of this Regulation and the number of the radioactive waste vault in conformity with the record information.

104. After closure of a radioactive waste disposal installation the work performance schedule shall be the following:

104.1. during the time period until the 285th year after the closure of the radioactive waste disposal installation, environmental radiation monitoring, repair of radioactive waste packages and packaging of radioactive waste packages in outer additional packages shall be performed if it is necessary, as well as physical protection shall be ensured, if necessary, also using guards patrols;

104.2. on the 285th year after the closure of the radioactive waste disposal installation the total and specific radioactivity for all radioactive waste packages shall be calculated as it will be on the 300th year after the closure of the abovementioned installation and the state of the packages shall be examined. Damaged radioactive waste packages shall be packaged additionally (for example, 0.2 m3 steel drums shall be emplaced into 0.25 m3 steel drums and the whole empty space between the drums (also beneath and above the 0.2 m3 drum) shall be filled with concrete);

104.3. on the 286th year the empty spaces in radioactive waste vaults shall be filled with sand or concrete, taking into account the provisions specified in Paragraph 98 of this Regulation;

104.4. on the 290th year additional filling and compacting in the radioactive waste tanks shall be performed if necessary, the covering reinforced concrete layer and all additional layers shall be created;

104.5. on the 295th year buildings shall be dismantled, the upper ground layer shall be adjusted, a level surface shall be created above all radioactive waste vaults in the disposal site and concrete markers shall be placed;

104.6. on the 300th year the soil layer shall be adjusted, additional concrete markers shall be placed by perimeter and in the disposal site;

104.7. on the 301st year State supervision shall be terminated.

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XI. Supervision and Control of International Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel

[24 March 2009]

105. The requirements laid down in this Chapter are applied to international shipments of radioactive waste or spent fuel if:

105.1. radioactive waste are gaseous, liquid or solid radioactive materials for which no further use is foreseen by:

105.1.1. a country or a Member State from which shipments is commenced or planned to be commenced (hereinafter - the country of origin or the Member State of origin), and a third country or Member State to which radioactive waste or spent fuel is delivered or is planned to be delivered (hereinafter - the country of destination or the Member State of destination). A Member State is any European Union Member State, and a third country is a country other than a European Union Member State. Shipment is an aggregate of operations involved in moving radioactive waste or spent fuel from the country of origin to the country of destination. An extra-community shipment is a shipment the country of origin or the country of destination of which is a third country, and an intra-community shipment is a shipment the country of origin and destination of which is a Member State;

105.1.2. a natural or legal person and the countries referred to in Sub-paragraph 105.1.1 of this Regulation whose decision is accepted by these countries, and which is controlled as radioactive waste by the relevant controlling body in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country of origin, the country of destination or the country through the territory of which a shipment is planned or takes place (hereinafter - the country of transit or the transit Member State of transit) in the field of radiation safety;

105.2. the country of origin, destination or transit or a Member State;

105.3. the quantities and concentrations carried exceed the limits laid down in laws and regulations for the non-exceeding of which a special permit (licence) or the authorisation is not required;

105.4. spent fuel for processing is exported.

106. The requirements for international shipments provided for in Paragraph 105 of this Regulation are not applied:

106.1. in order to deliver a sealed source which is not used anymore or not provided for use in activities for which a special permit (licence) or a licence for operations with sources of ionising radiation has been obtained to a supplier or manufacturer of sources of ionising radiation, as well as to deliver to an installation recognised by the State competent authorities. A recognised installation is a facility located in the territory of a Member State the competent authorities of which have permitted to use it for long-term storage or disposal of sealed sources in conformity with the laws and regulations of the Member State in the field of radiation safety, or an installation which in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant Member State in the field of radiation safety may be used for the interim storage of sealed sources;

106.2. to shipments of radioactive materials recovered through processing for further use;

106.3. to shipments of waste that contains only naturally occurring radioactive material which does not arise from practices involving sources of ionising radiation.

107. There are the following types of shipments:

107.1. shipments between Member States (type MM shipment);

107.2. exportation of radioactive waste or spent fuel from Member States (shipment from the Community) to a third country (type ME shipment);

107.3. importation of radioactive waste or spent fuel to a Member State (shipment to the Community) from a third country (type IM shipment);

107.4. transit of radioactive waste or spent fuel through the Community (type TT shipment).

108. For the receipt of an authorisation for shipment (hereinafter - the authorisation) it it necessary to fill in the standard document for the supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste and spent fuel (Annex 4) (hereinafter - the standard document):

108.1. Sections A-1 to A-6 of the standard document shall be completed for shipments of radioactive waste, but Sections B-1 to B-6 - for shipments of spent fuel;

108.2. Section A-1 or B-1 and A-5 or B-5 of the standard document shall be completed by the applicant who depending on the type of the shipment is:

108.2.1. a natural or legal person to whom radioactive waste or spent fuel is delivered (hereinafter - the consignee) if it is a type IM shipment;

108.2.2. a natural or legal person which prior to shipment of radioactive waste or spent fuel, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant country, is responsible for these materials and which is getting ready to deliver them to the consignee (hereinafter - the holder) if it is a type MM or ME shipment;

108.2.3. a person who is responsible in the Member State for importing of radioactive waste or spent fuel in the Community if it is a type TT shipment;

108.3. Section A-2 or B-2 of the standard document shall be completed by the authorities which, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries of origin, transit or destination, or of Member States, are authorised to introduce a system for the supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste and spent fuel (hereinafter - the competent authorities) which depending on the type of shipment are:

108.3.1. the competent authorities of the Member State of origin if it is a type MM or ME shipment;

108.3.2. the competent authorities of the Member State of destination if it is a type IM shipment;

108.3.3. the competent authorities of the Member States of transit (if any), if the shipment arrives to the Community for the first time and it is a type TT shipment;

108.4. Section A-3 or B-3 of the standard document shall be completed by the competent authorities involved in the shipment;

108.5. Section A-4a/A-4b or B-4a/B-4b of the standard document shall be completed by the competent authority which depending on the type of the shipment is:

108.5.1. the competent authority of the country of origin if it is a type MM and ME shipment;

108.5.2. the competent authority of the country of destination if it is a type IM shipment;

108.5.3. the competent authority of the first country of transit if the shipment arrives to the Community for the first time and it is a type TT shipment;

108.6. Section A-6 or B-6 of the standard document shall be completed by:

108.6.1. the consignee if it is a type MM and IM shipment;

108.6.2. the holder if it is a type ME shipment;

108.6.3. the person responsible for the shipment if it is a type TT shipment.

109. An application for obtaining the authorisation (hereinafter - the application) by using Section A-1 or B-1 of the standard document form shall be filled in and submitted to the Centre by:

109.1. the holder if a shipment is planned:

109.1.1. from Latvia to another Member State (type MM shipment);

109.1.2. from Latvia to a third country (type ME shipment);

109.2. the consignee if radioactive waste is imported into Latvia from a third country (type IM shipment). An acknowledgement shall be attached to the application that the consignee has agreed with a holder registered in a third country (and it has been confirmed by the competent authorities of the third country) regarding the duty of the holder to take back radioactive waste or spent fuel if it is not possible to complete the shipment as laid down in Paragraph 129 of this Regulation;

109.3. a natural or legal person which is responsible for the shipment in Latvia if Latvia is the first country through the territory of which radioactive waste or spent fuel is imported into the Community and carried to a third country (type TT shipment). An acknowledgement shall be attached to the application that a consignee registered in a third country has agreed with a holder registered in a third country (and it has been confirmed by the competent authorities of the third country) regarding the duty of the holder to take back radioactive waste or spent fuel if it is not possible to complete the shipment as laid down in Paragraph 129 of this Regulation.

110. The application shall be filled in and the additional documentation and information shall be provided in Latvian. Upon request of the competent authorities of the country or Member State of destination or transit the holder shall ensure translation of the documents into a language which is acceptable to them.

111. The details of the document "date", "signature", and "place for a seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

112. When filling in Section A-1 or B-1 of the standard document, the applicant shall comply with the following conditions:

112.1. it shall be indicated in item 2 of the standard document in which period of time it is planned to carry out a shipment or shipments (for example, 05/2010, 2009 or 2010-2011) but not more than a period of three years from the date of issuing the authorisation;

112.2. it shall be noted "not applicable" in item 3 of the standard document if the third countries are not to be involved in the planned shipment, but, if one or several third countries are involved in a type MM shipment, the relevant frontier posts shall be indicated;

112.3. the name, address, and contact details of its undertaking shall be indicated in item 4 of the standard document and the corresponding box shall be ticked in order to define its function in conformity with the conditions of Paragraph 109 of this Regulation;

112.4. the name, address, and contact details of the undertaking of such place shall be indicated in item 5 of the standard document in which radioactive waste or spent fuel is located prior to the shipment and which may be different from the address of the applicant which is indicated in item 4;

112.5. the name, address, and contact details of the undertaking of the consignee shall be indicated in item 6 of the standard document. If it is a type IM shipment, such information shall be identical to the information referred to in item 4 of the standard document;

112.6. the name, address, and contact details of the undertaking of such place shall be indicated in item 7 of the standard document in which radioactive waste or spent fuel will be located after the shipment and which may be different from the address of the consignee;

112.7. the corresponding box shall be ticked in items 8, 10, and 11 of the standard document by taking into account that more than one answer is possible;

112.8 the different type of transport for carrying out the shipment shall be indicated in item 12 of the standard document according to the planned and the place of departure, the place of arrival, and the planned carrier, if it is already known, shall be indicated. If changes are made in the list during the application procedure, they shall be made known to the competent authorities, a new application for their approval is not necessary;

112.9. all countries which are involved in the shipment starting from the first Member State or third country in which radioactive waste or spent fuel is located, and ending with the last Member State or third country in which they will be located after carrying out the shipment shall be indicated in item 13 of the standard document. If the applicant wishes to make changes in the consecutive list of countries, a new application is necessary.

113. One application may be submitted and one authorisation may be issued for several shipments if:

113.1. the radioactive waste or spent fuel has the same physical, chemical and radioactive characteristics and the shipments are to be made from the same holder to the same consignee and involve the same competent authorities;

113.2. in conformity with the conditions of Sub-paragraph 113.1 of this Regulation, shipments which are related to transit via third countries are to be made upon entering the Community or leaving the Community via the same frontier post and the same frontier post of the third country, unless the relevant competent authorities agree on other procedures.

114. After filling in Section A-1 or B-1 of the standard document the applicant shall submit the application to the Centre. Employees of the Centre shall:

114.1. enter registration numbers at the top of each section of the standard document by starting with Section 1;

114.2. check whether the applicant has duly completed all items of Section A-1 or B-1 of the standard document. An application for obtaining the authorisation has been filled in in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation if the requested information has been provided in all items of Section A-1 or B-1 of the standard document, or by ticking the appropriate box, or by deleting the non-applicable option, or by filling in the relevant data and values;

114.3. fill in item 15 of Section A-2 or B-2 of the standard document and make sufficient copies of Sections 1, 2 and 3 for each competent authority of the Member State or third country involved. Third countries of transit are consulted for obtaining information only;

114.4. complete item 16 of Section 2 and item 18 of Section 3 of the standard document for each competent authority of the Member State or third country involved as referred to in item 13 of Section 1 of the standard document whose consent is required for the shipment to be authorised;

114.5. send the duly completed application (Section 1 of the standard document) together with Section 2 of the standard document for approval to each competent authority involved which is referred to in item 16 of Section 2 of the standard document:

114.5.1. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.1 of this Regulation send a filled-in application to the competent authority of the Member State of destination and to competent authority of the Member State of transit (if any) in order to receive a consent of these authorities for the shipment;

114.5.2. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.2 of this Regulation inform the competent authority of the country of destination regarding the planned shipment and request its consent, as well as send the application to the competent authority of the Member State of transit (if any) in order to receive its consent;

114.5.3. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.2 or 109.3 of this Regulation send the application to the competent authority of the Member State of transit (if any) in order to receive its consent.

115. Within 20 days after receipt of the application (Section 1 of the standard document) and the acknowledgement of application for shipment (Section 2 of the standard document) the relevant authority shall check whether the application has been duly filled in, and fill in item 17 of Section 2 of the standard document:

115.1. if Latvia is the Member State of origin of the shipment (type MM or ME shipment) or the first Member State of transit, if the shipment enters the Community for the first time (type TT shipment), the abovementioned activities shall be carried out by the competent authority of the Member State involved in the shipment;

115.2. if Latvia is the Member State of destination or a Member State of transit involved in the shipment, the abovementioned activities shall be carried out by the Centre.

116. In the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 115.1 of this Regulation:

116.1. the Centre shall prepare and send information to the competent authority of the Member State of destination or the Member State of transit involved in the shipment if within 20 days from the date of receipt of the application the Centre has received Section 2 of the standard document with a request for missing information. The competent authority of the Member State of transit involved in the shipment may,within 10 days after receipt of the missing information, request the subsequent missing information. This procedure shall be repeated until all the missing information has been sent and the Centre has not received more requests for information;

116.2. when the competent authorities of all Member States involved deem the application as duly filled in and within 20 days from the date of receipt of the application have not requested the missing information from the Centre, they shall, within 10 days after the end of the time period of 20 days, send an acknowledgement to the Centre that a duly filled-in application has been received;

116.3. after the competent authorities of Member States have acknowledged that a duly filled-in application has been received, the Centre shall:

116.3.1. fill in item 18 of Section 3 of the standard document regarding each Member State involved, as indicated in item 13 of Section 1 of the standard document. The competent authority involved, if necessary, may fill in additional entries in item 18 of the standard document;

116.3.2. enter the time period for automatic approval in item 19 of Section 3 of the standard document. The time period for automatic approval is two months from the date when the Member State of destination has provided an acknowledgement of receipt as referred to in item 17(b) of the standard document;

116.3.3. send Section 3 of the standard document regarding consent or refusal to all the countries involved.

117. In the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 115.2 of this Regulation the Centre shall:

117.1. if it deems that the application has been duly filled in:

117.1.1. fill in item 17(b) of the standard document and delete item 17(a) of the standard document;

117.1.2. if Latvia is the Member State of destination, in order for the competent authorities to be allowed to request the missing information within 20 days from receipt of the application, not issue an acknowledgement of receipt before the time period of 20 days has not ended. Within 10 days after the end of the time period of 20 days, if other Member States are not involved or another competent authority involved has not requested the missing information, the Centre shall fill in item 17(b) of the standard document and send an acknowledgement of receipt of a duly filled-in application (Section 2 of the standard document) to the competent authority of the Member State of origin, but its copies - to all other competent authorities of the Member States involved which are referred to in item 13 of the standard document;

117.1.3. if Latvia is the Member State of destination, but any of the Member States involved is of the opinion that the application has not been duly filled in, suspend the procedure and shall not send an acknowledgement of receipt until the information requested has not been received and, within 10 days after receipt of the missing information, the subsequent request has not been sent. This procedure shall be repeated until all the missing information has been received and the subsequent request for the missing information has not been sent anymore;

117.2. if it deems that the application has not been duly filled in:

117.2.1. fill in item 17(a) of the standard document and delete item 17(b) of the standard document;

117.2.2. notify the competent authority of the Member State of origin which is responsible for the issuance of the authorisation for shipment, regarding the missing information;

117.2.3. when requesting the missing information, within 20 days from the date of receipt of the application, send copies of Section 2 of the standard document to other competent authorities of the Member States involved in the shipment.

118. If the competent authorities of the Member States of destination and transit are of the opinion that the application is duly filled in, the time periods referred to in Paragraph 115, Sub-paragraphs 116.1 and 116.2, and Paragraph 117 of this Regulation may be shortened.

119. If Latvia is the Member State of destination or the Member State of transit involved in the shipment, the Centre shall fill in items 19 and 20 of Section A-3 or B-3 of the standard document in the following order:

119.1. evaluate whether it is necessary to extend the time period referred to in Sub-paragraph 116.3.2 of this Regulation in order to decide on refusal or consent to the shipment and, if necessary, delete the time period referred to in item 19 of the standard document by extending it up to one month and notifying all competent authorities involved regarding the extended time period;

119.2. evaluate the application and, if it is not necessary to extend the time period referred to in Sub-paragraph 116.3.2 of this Regulation, fill in item 20 of the standard document by agreeing to the shipment or mentioning conditions which are deemed thereby as necessary for giving a consent, or does not agree to the shipment and return the original copy of Section 3 of the standard document (scanned original copy if it is sent by e-mail) to the competent authority of origin which is responsible for the issuance of the authorisation for shipment. When mentioning the conditions for consenting to the shipment, the Centre shall take into account the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding protection against ionising radiation when transporting radioactive materials;

119.3. if the Centre does not agree to the shipment, the reasons for refusal shall be indicated in item 20 of the standard document on the basis of:

119.3.1. the laws and regulations of Latvia, the Community or international laws and regulations which are applicable to transportation of radioactive materials if Latvia is the Member State of transit;

119.3.2. the laws and regulations of Latvia which are applicable to the management of radioactive waste or spent fuel, or the legal acts of Latvia, the Community or international legal acts which are applicable to transportation of radioactive materials if Latvia is the Member State of destination.

120. Section A-4a/A-4b or B-4a/B-4b of the standard document regarding the authorisation for shipment or refusal shall be completed by the Centre which depending on the type of the shipment is:

120.1. the competent authority of the Member State of origin if they are type MM and ME shipments;

120.2. the competent authority of the Member State of destination if they are type IM shipments;

120.3. the competent authority of the first Member State of transit if they are type TT shipments.

121. In accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law the Centre shall fill in Section A-4 or B-4 of the standard document regarding the authorisation for shipment if the consent necessary for performing the shipment has been received from the competent authorities involved after an acknowledgement of receipt of application:

121.1. items 21, 22, and 23 of the standard document shall be filled in by taking into account that automatic consent is deemed to be given only if all of the following conditions are met:

121.1.1. an acknowledgement of receipt has been received from at least the competent authority of the Member State of destination;

121.1.2. answers to all requests for the missing information have been provided;

121.1.3. no answer has been received from the competent authorities involved within the time periods laid down in item 19 of the standard document (Section 3 of the standard document). If within two months after an acknowledgement of receipt of the application or within one month after the time period for automatic approval if it has been requested by the competent authorities of the Member States involved an answer from the Member State of destination or the Member State of transit has not been received, the Centre shall deem that these countries have agreed to the shipment;

121.2. consents received from the competent authorities involved together with the conditions, if any, shall be listed in item 22 of the standard document. If necessary, the documents shall be attached;

121.3. item 23 of the standard document shall be filled in by taking into account that the maximum term of validity of the authorisation is three years and that one authorisation may apply to several shipments if conformity with the conditions of Paragraph 110 of this Regulation is ensured;

121.4. the original copy of Section 4.a of the standard document together with Sections 1, 4.a, 5, and 6 of the standard document shall be sent to the applicant, but copies of Section 4.a of the standard document - to all competent authorities involved:

121.4.1. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.1 of this Regulation the authorisation to perform the shipment shall be issued to the holder and the competent authorities of the Member State of destination and country or Member State of transit shall be informed thereof accordingly;

121.4.2. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.2 of this Regulation the authorisation to perform the shipment shall be issued to the holder and the competent authority of the country of destination and country or Member State of transit shall be informed thereof accordingly;

121.4.3. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.2 of this Regulation the authorisation to perform the shipment shall be issued to the consignee and the competent authorities of the country of origin and country or Member State of transit shall be informed thereof accordingly;

121.4.4. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.3 of this Regulation the authorisation to perform the shipment shall be issued to the responsible person and the competent authorities of the country of origin and country or Member State of transit shall be informed thereof accordingly.

122. The maximum term of validity of the authorisation shall be three years. When determining the term of validity of the authorisation, the Centre shall take into account the conditions which are laid down in the consent given by the competent authorities of the Member States of destination or transit.

123. The Centre shall fill in Section A-4.b of the standard document if at least one of the competent authorities involved has not given a consent to the shipment, and shall send the original copy of Section A-4.b of the standard document to the applicant, but copies of Section A-4.b to all the competent authorities involved.

124. If additional requirements are laid down for obtaining the authorisation, additional documentation and information shall be attached to the standard document. The filled-in standard document shall be attached to each shipment, including if one authorisation has been granted for several shipments. The person responsible for the shipment shall ensure access to the abovementioned documents to any competent authority of the country or Member State of origin, destination and transit.

125. If the shipment is permitted and the applicant has received Sections 4.a, 5, and 6 of the standard document, it shall:

125.1. fill in item 26 of Section A-5 or B-5 of the standard document and, if the application applies to several shipments, shall make a sufficient number of copies of Section A-5 or B-5 of the standard document for each shipment;

125.2. prior to each shipment (also if the authorisation applies to several shipments) fill in items 28, 29, and 30 of Section A-5 or B-5 of the standard document by taking into account that the values in this Section may not be estimates;

125.3. Section A-5 or B-5 of the standard document together with Sections 1 and 4.a shall be attached to the shipment of radioactive waste or spent fuel. Section A-5 or B-5 of the standard document shall be attached to Section A-6 or B-6 of the standard document after performance of the shipment.

126. After receipt of radioactive waste or spent fuel for type MM or IM shipments the following activities shall be carried out:

126.1. if the consignee is a Latvian operator, it shall, within 15 days after receipt of the shipment, fill in Section A-6 or B-6 of the standard document which shall be submitted to the Centre together with Section 5 of the standard document. The Centre shall send copies of Sections 5 and 6 of the standard document to the other competent authorities involved. If necessary, the Centre shall send original copies of these two Sections to the competent authority which issued the authorisation;

126.2. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.1 of this Regulation after a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt of radioactive waste or spent fuel has been received from the Member State of destination, the Centre shall forward it to the holder in Latvia;

126.3. if the authorisation applies to several type MM or IM shipments, the consignee shall fill in Section 6 of the standard document after each shipment by making several copies of Section 6 of the standard document which are not filled in, and submit this Section to the competent authority which issued the authorisation. The consignee shall attach Section 5 of the standard document in relation to the same shipment.

127. After receipt of radioactive waste or spent fuel the applicant for type ME or TT shipments which is the holder in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.2 of this Regulation, but in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.3 of this Regulation is the responsible person:

127.1. shall ensure that the consignee who is located outside the Community sends it duly filled-in Sections 5 and 6 of the standard document immediately after receipt of radioactive waste or spent fuel. Section 5 of the standard document may be replaced with an acknowledgement of the consignee if it contains at least the information which is included in items 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36 of the standard document;

127.2. within 15 days after receipt of radioactive waste or spent fuel shall send Sections 5 and 6 of the standard document to the Centre by indicating the last customs authority of the Community through which radioactive waste or spent fuel has been exported, and an acknowledgement issued by the consignee indicating that radioactive waste or spent fuel has reached the intended destination, as well as the customs authority of the third country is indicated through which radioactive waste or spent fuel has been imported. If the consignee has not used Section 6 of the standard document, the applicant shall fill it in. The Centre shall send copies of Sections 5 and 6 of the standard document and of the acknowledgement of the consignee to the other competent authorities involved;

127.3. if the authorisation applies to several type ME or TT shipments, the applicant shall ensure that after each shipment the consignee who is located outside the Community fills in each copy (that has not been filled in) of Section 6 of the standard document regarding each shipment and returns it together with the corresponding Section 5 of the standard document.

128. In relation to Section A-6 or B-6 of the standard document it shall be taken into account that:

128.1. item 35 of the standard document shall be filled in when single shipment or all shipments to which the authorisation applies have been performed;

128.2. in item 36 of the standard document the consignee shall note "not applicable" or fill it in if they are type ME or type TT shipments, or replace it with an individual acknowledgement by giving the reference to the attachment;

128.3. if the authorisation applies to several shipments, the last acknowledgement of receipt (Section A-6 or B-6 of the standard document) is filled in and submitted as if the authorisation were valid for a single shipment, except if:

128.3.1. it is referred to in item 30 of Section 6 of the standard document that the shipment in question is the last shipment covered by the authorisation;

128.3.2. any declaration made by a consignee located outside the Community must state that all the radioactive waste or spent fuel covered by the authorisation has been received;

128.4. Section 6 of the standard document for each of the shipments covered by the authorisation must be attached to the final acknowledgement of receipt.

129. Liability of the holder, carrier, owner, consignee or any other natural or legal person involved in the shipment is laid down in the laws and regulations regarding operations with sources of ionising radiation.

130. The competent authorities of Member States involved in the shipment, including the Centre, may take a decision that the shipment cannot be completed, if the conditions of the shipment are not complied with or do not conform to the authorisations or consents. In such case they shall, without delay, inform all the competent authorities of the Member States involved in the shipment regarding such decision.

131. If the competent authority of the Member State of transit or destination informs the Centre that the shipment cannot be completed because its conditions are not complied with or do not conform to the authorisations or consents:

131.1. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.1.1 or 109.1.2 of this Regulation the Centre shall ensure that the holder of the relevant radioactive waste or spent fuel takes them back, unless alternative safety measures can be carried out. The Centre shall ensure that, if necessary, the person responsible for the shipment improves safety of the shipments. The costs arising if it is not possible to complete the shipment shall be covered by the holder;

131.2. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.2 of this Regulation the costs arising if it is not possible to complete the shipment, shall be covered by the consignee;

131.3. in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 109.3 of this Regulation the costs arising if it is not possible to complete the shipment, shall be covered by the relevant natural or legal person.

132. If the Centre has agreed to transit of radioactive waste or spent fuel, it shall agree to reshipment in the following cases:

132.1. if the initial consent applied to the material which was forwarded for treatment or processing, and reshipment applies to radioactive waste or other products which have occurred after treatment or processing and are equivalent to the original material, as well as if the requirements of the laws and regulations regarding operations with sources of ionising radiation are complied with;

132.2. in the cases laid down in Paragraph 130 of this Regulation if reshipment takes place in the same circumstances and with the same specifications.

133. The Centre shall ensure that information regarding shipments is appropriately processed and protected against misuse.

134. It is prohibited to perform shipments to:

134.1. to a destination south of latitude 60° south;

134.2. to a country which signed the Fourth Convention between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and European Economic Community at Lomé on 15 December 1989 and which is not a Member State, except for the cases laid down in Paragraph 108 of this Regulation;

134.3. to a third country which according to the information at the disposal of the Centre does not have the administrative and technical capacity and regulatory structure to manage the radioactive waste or spent fuel safely, as laid down in the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management of 5 September 1997.

135. In conformity with the conditions of Paragraph 134 of this Regulation, the Centre may not prohibit:

135.1. to return radioactive waste or spent fuel to the country or Member State of origin if the shipment conforms to the requirements of this Regulation, but it was not duly authorised in accordance with this Regulation;

135.2. to return radioactively polluted waste or materials containing a source of ionising radiation to the country or Member State of origin if the country or Member State of origin has not declared this material as radioactive waste;

135.3. to deliver radioactive waste for treatment or other materials for recovery into radioactive waste so that after processing radioactive waste could be delivered to their country or Member State of origin;

135.4. to deliver spent fuel for processing in order to return the radioactive waste recovered in processing to the country or Member State of origin of the spent fuel.

136. The Centre shall inform the European Commission regarding shipments in the territory of Latvia, as well as regarding undue delays and lack of co-operation with the competent authorities of other Member States.

137. The operator who plans to import a sealed source which contains radioactive materials with such total radioactivity that after the use of these ionising radiation sources for 10 years radioactivity will exceed 100 MBq before acquiring thereof in the operator's ownership or possession shall perform all the necessary activities so that the possibility to return such sealed source to its manufacturer is provided for in the contract. The following conditions shall be provided for in the contract:

137.1. the maximum time limit during which the sealed source may be returned to its supplier shall be 15 years after entering into the contract;

137.2. the supplier undertakes to take the sealed source back after the end of the time period of safe use within a year after it has been requested by the user of the source of ionising radiation in writing.

XII. Closing Provision

[20 April 2004]

Informative Reference to Directives of the European Union

[10 December 2013]

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from:

1) Council Directive 2003/122/Euratom of 22 December 2003 on the control of high-activity sealed radioactive sources and orphan sources;

2) Council Directive 2006/117/Euratom of 20 November 2006 on the supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste and spent fuel.

3) Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom of 19 July 2011, establishing a Community framework for the responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.

Prime Minister A. Bērziņš

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development V. Makarovs


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 129
19 March 2002

Minimum Significant Specific Radioactivity

Table 1

Minimum Significant Specific Radioactivity for Various Materials

No. Radionuclide Radioactive contamination on the surface if materials are used again (Bq/cm2) Specific radioactivity if concrete construction debris is used (Bq/g) Specific radioactivity on a municipal or hazardous waste landfill site or dump if materials related to radioactive waste are disposed of (Bq/g)
1 2 3 4 5


1 x 104 3 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 102 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 101 1 x 102


1 x 103 3 x 103 1 x 104


1 x 102 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 102 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 101 3 x 101 1 x 102


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 102 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 101 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 103 3 x 103 1 x 104


1 x 101 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 101 3 x 101 1 x 102


1 x 100 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 100 3 x 101 1 x 102


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 100 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 101 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 101 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 102 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 100 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 101 3 x 101 1 x 102


1 x 100 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 101 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 100 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 102 3 x 102 1 x 103


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 100 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 101 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 100 1 x 101


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-2 1 x 10-1


1 x 10-1 3 x 10-1 1 x 100

Table 2

Minimum Significant Specific Radioactivity for Scrap Metal

No. Radionuclide Specific radioactivity for scrap metal containing iron (Bq/g) Specific radioactivity for scrap metal containing copper (Bq/g) Specific radioactivity for scrap metal containing aluminium (Bq/g)
1 2 3 4 5


1 x 103 9 x 104 2 x 104


8 x 101 3 x 103 6 x 102


2 x 10-1 2 x 100 4 x 10-1


6 x 10-1 6 x 10-1 6 x 10-1


2 x 102 2 x 102 2 x 102


6 x 102 1 x 104 3 x 103


1 x 101 3 x 102 4 x 102


6 x 102 6 x 102 1 x 103


7 x 101 7 x 101 7 x 101


2 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100


3 x 104 3 x 104 7 x 104


2 x 100 2 x 100 2 x 100


2 x 101 2 x 102 3 x 101


1 x 100 4 x 100 4 x 100


6 x 10-1 1 x 100 1 x 100


3 x 105 2 x 104 1 x 105


5 x 10-1 5 x 100 5 x 100


6 x 101 6 x 101 6 x 101


1 x 101 9 x 100 4 x 101


9 x 101 3 x 101 9 x 101


4 x 10-1 9 x 10-1 6 x 10-1


2 x 101 2 x 101 2 x 101


4 x 101 4 x 102 5 x 102


1 x 100 7 x 100 9 x 100


5 x 10-1 5 x 10-1 1 x 100


1 x 101 3 x 102 2 x 102


6 x 100 6 x 100 6 x 100


8 x 10-1 8 x 10-1 5 x 10-1


3 x 100 1 x 102 1 x 102


4 x 10-1 2 x 101 6 x 101


6 x 100 6 x 100 6 x 100


2 x 10-1 2 x 100 6 x 10-1


6 x 10-1 7 x 100 2 x 100


1 x 101 2 x 101 2 x 101


6 x 103 7 x 104 3 x 104


5 x 10-1 3 x 100 8 x 10-1


2 x 100 6 x 100 4 x 100


3 x 102 4 x 102 5 x 102


7 x 10-2 1 x 100 3 x 10-1


2 x 100 2 x 101 2 x 100


4 x 10-1 9 x 10-1 5 x 10-1


7 x 10-1 2 x 100 1 x 100


4 x 10-1 1 x 100 6 x 10-1


3 x 10-1 2 x 100 4 x 100


3 x 10-1 2 x 100 4 x 100


3 x 100 7 x 100 2 x 100


3 x 100 8 x 100 8 x 10-1


4 x 100 8 x 100 2 x 100


6 x 10-1 3 x 100 7 x 100


2 x 10-1 2 x 100 3 x 100


3 x 10-1 2 x 100 3 x 100


1 x 101 8 x 101 2 x 102


3 x 10-1 2 x 100 4 x 100


6 x 10-1 3 x 100 6 x 100

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development V. Makarovs


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 129
19 March 2002

Maximum Permissible Total and Specific Radioactivity if Radioactive Waste is Transported in 0.1 m3 Steel Drums Without Additional Treatment (LSA-III)

No. Radionuclide Maximum permissible specific radioactivity (Bq/kg) Maximum permissible total radioactivity for a package (Bq)
1 2 3 4


4 x 1011 1 x 1013


2 x 1011 1 x 1012


3 x 107 1 x 109


5 x 109 1 x 1010


3 x 1010 1 x 1012


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 106 1 x 107


1 x 1010 1 x 1012


1 x 109 1 x 1010


3 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 107 1 x 109


1 x 1010 1 x 1012


1 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 109 1 x 1010


1 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


1 x 109 1 x 1010


1 x 107 1 x 108


1 x 108 1 x 109


6 x 109 1 x 1011


4 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


1 x 108 1 x 109


1 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


6 x 109 1 x 1011


3 x 108 1 x 109


6 x 109 1 x 1011


1 x 107 1 x 108


8 x 109 1 x 1011


3 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 107 1 x 108


1 x 107 1 x 108


1 x 1011 1 x 1012


1 x 107 1 x 108


2 x 109 1 x 1010


1 x 109 1 x 1010


2 x 1010 1 x 1012


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


6 x 109 1 x 1011


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


1 x 1010 1 x 1012


9 x 109 1 x 1012


7 x 109 1 x 1012


3 x 1010 1 x 1012


1 x 106 1 x 107


7 x 109 1 x 1011


1 x 108 1 x 109


1 x 109 1 x 1010


2 x 1010 1 x 1012


1 x 109 1 x 1010


1 x 108 1 x 109


1 x 109 1 x 1010


6 x 109 1 x 1011


3 x 1010 1 x 1012


9 x 1010 1 x 1012


6 x 109 1 x 1011


6 x 109 1 x 1011


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


5 x 109 1 x 1011


3 x 1011 1 x 1012


8 x 109 1 x 1012


1 x 1010 1 x 1011


5 x 109 1 x 1012


7 x 109 1 x 1012


1 x 108 1 x 109


1 x 107 1 x 108


2 x 109 1 x 1012


4 x 107 1 x 1010


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 109 1 x 1010


1 x 107 1 x 1010


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 103 1 x 104


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 106 1 x 107


1 x 106 1 x 107


1 x 106 1 x 107


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 106 1 x 107


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 105 1 x 106


1 x 104 1 x 105


1 x 107 1 x 108


1 x 106 1 x 107


1 x 107 1 x 108

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development V. Makarovs


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 129
19 March 2002

Maximum Permissible Total Radioactivity of Radioactive Waste Upon Disposal Thereof in Near-Surface Repository (in a Vault, for Package and Spent Sealed Radiation Source)

No. Radionuclide Maximum permissible total radioactivity in a radioactive waste vault the volume of which is 100 m3 (Bq) Maximum permissible total radioactivity in a radioactive waste package the volume of which is 0.2 m3 (Bq) Maximum permissible total radioactivity for a spent sealed radiation source (Bq)
1 2 3 4 5


1 x 1017 1 x 1013 1 x 107


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1010


1 x 1013 1 x 1010 1 x 108


no limit 1 x 1011 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1011


3 x 1012 5 x 109 1 x 107


1 x 1011 1 x 109 1 x 108


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1011


no limit 1 x 1011 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1010


1 x 1012 1 x 1010 1 x 106


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 108


no limit 4 x 1013 1 x 1012


no limit 3 x 1011 2 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 2 x 1012


no limit 1 x 1012 2 x 1011


1 x 1022 1 x 1011 1 x 1011


1 x 1013 1 x 1010 3 x 108


1 x 1014 1 x 1011 3 x 108


no limit 1 x 1012 1 x 1012


no limit 4 x 1013 3 x 1010


no limit 3 x 1012 3 x 1010


1 x 1013 1 x 1010 3 x 107


1 x 1019 1 x 1013 1 x 108


no limit 2 x 1012 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


1 x 1011 1 x 1010 3 x 109


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


1 x 1012 1 x 1010 3 x 108


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


1 x 1015 1 x 1013 3 x 106


1 x 109 1 x 107 3 x 106


1 x 1012 1 x 1010 3 x 108


1 x 1012 1 x 1010 3 x 106


1 x 1014 1 x 1013 3 x 106


3 x 1012 5 x 109 1 x 107


no limit 2 x 1011 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1011 1 x 1011


no limit 3 x 1013 3 x 1011


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1012 1 x 1011


no limit 1 x 1012 1 x 1011


1 x 1020 1 x 1013 3 x 1010


no limit 2 x 1013 3 x 1010


no limit 2 x 1013 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 1 x 1010


5 x 1010 5 x 107 3 x 106


no limit 1 x 1012 1 x 1011


1 x 1013 1 x 1010 7 x 104


1 x 1012 3 x 1010 3 x 109


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1011 7 x 1010


1 x 1013 1 x 1010 3 x 109


1 x 1013 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


1 x 1016 1 x 1012 7 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 7 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 7 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1013 7 x 1010


no limit 1 x 1012 3 x 1010


no limit 3 x 1013 3 x 1011


no limit 4 x 1013 3 x 1011


no limit 1 x 1012 1 x 1011


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1012


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 1010


1 x 1012 1 x 1011 3 x 108


1 x 1012 1 x 1010 3 x 108


no limit 1 x 1013 3 x 109


1 x 1012 1 x 1011 3 x 109


1 x 109 5 x 106 4 x 105


1 x 1019 1 x 1011 3 x 109


no limit 5 x 1011 3 x 108


3 x 108 1 x 106 2 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 2 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 2 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 2 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 1 x 106


3 x 108 1 x 106 1 x 106


3 x 108 1 x 106 1 x 106


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 1 x 106


3 x 108 1 x 106 1 x 106


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


1 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


1 x 108 1 x 107 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


1 x 109 1 x 108 1 x 106


1 x 109 1 x 108 1 x 106


1 x 109 1 x 108 1 x 106


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


1 x 108 1 x 107 1 x 106


1 x 1010 1 x 108 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


1 x 108 1 x 107 3 x 105


3 x 108 1 x 106 4 x 104


1 x 1010 1 x 109 3 x 105


1 x 1012 1 x 109 1 x 106

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development V. Makarovs


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 129
19 March 2002

[24 March 2009]

Standard Document for the Supervision and Control of Shipments of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel

Registration number
(to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Application for obtaining the authorisation for shipment(s) of radioactive waste

1. Type of shipment (tick the appropriate box):

type MM: shipment between Member States (via one or more Member States or third countries)

type IM: import into the Community type ME: export out of the Community

type TT: transit through the Community

2. Application for the authorisation for (tick the appropriate box):
a single shipment

several shipments

Number of planned shipments______ Planned period of execution_______

Planned period of execution_______

3. Not applicable

Type MM shipment(s) via one or more third countries:

Frontier post of exit from the Community* ___________________________________

Frontier post of entry to third country* (first country crossed) ____________________

Frontier post of exit from third country* (last country crossed) ____________________

Frontier post of return to the Community* ____________________________________

Note. * These frontier posts must be identical for all shipments covered by the application unless otherwise agreed by the competent authorities.

4. Applicant (trade name) ___________________________________________________

Holder (for types MM, ME)

Consignee (for type IM)

Other (for type TT) ____________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Postcode ______________Town ________________Country____________________

Tel. ___________________Fax _______________E-mail_______________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

5. Location of the radioactive waste before shipment (trade name) _____________________


Address ______________________________________________________________

Postcode __________________Town ________________Country ________________

Tel. _____________________Fax __________________E-mail __________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

6. Consignee (trade name) __________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Postcode _________________Town _______________Country __________________

Tel. ___________________Fax ____________________E-mail __________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

7. Location of radioactive waste after shipment (trade name) _________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Postcode __________________Town ______________Country __________________

Tel. ___________________Fax ____________________E-mail __________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

8. Nature of radioactive waste _______________________________________________

Physico-chemical characteristics (tick as appropriate):

solid liquid gaseous other (e.g. fissile, low dispersible) ___________________

Main radionuclides ______________________________________________________

Maximum alpha activity:

per shipment (GBq)* _________________per package (GBq)* ___________________

Maximum beta/gamma activity:

per shipment (GBq)* _________________per package (GBq)* ___________________

Total alpha activity (GBq)* ________________________________________________

Total beta/gamma activity (GBq)* __________________________________________

Note. * These values are estimates if the application relates to several shipments.

9. Total number of packages* ________________________________________________

Total net mass of shipment (kg)* ___________________________________________

Total gross mass of shipment (kg)* _________________________________________

Note. * These values are estimates if the application relates to several shipments. Description of consignment:

plastic bags metal drums (m3) _______ ISO transport container (m3) _________

other ________________________________________________________________

Type of package (1) (if known): ____________________________________________

Means of identification of the packages (if labelling is used, annex examples) ________

Explanation. (1) In accordance with Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2005 Edition, Safety Requirements No. TS-R-1, IAEA, Vienna, 2005.

10. Type of activity giving rise to the radioactive waste (tick as appropriate):

medicine research non-nuclear industry nuclear industry

other activity _________________________________________________________

11. Purpose of the shipment:

Return of radioactive waste after (re)treatment or reprocessing of spent fuel

Return of radioactive waste after treatment of radioactive waste

Treatment (e.g. (re)packaging, conditioning, volume reduction) Interim storage

Return after interim storage

Final disposal

Other purpose __________________________________________________________

12. Proposed mode of transport (road, rail, sea, air, inland waterway) Point of departure Point of arrival Intended carrier (if known)
13. Sequential list of countries involved in the shipment (the first country is that where the radioactive waste is held and the last is the country of destination)
1. 3. 5. 7.
2. 4. 6. 8.
14. In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom, I, the applicant, hereby:

1) apply for authorisation to make the shipment(s) of radioactive waste described above;

2) certify that the information provided above is correct to the best of my knowledge and that the shipment(s) will be carried out in accordance with all the relevant statutory provisions;

3) where the shipment is of type MM or ME, undertake to take back the radioactive waste if the shipment(s) cannot take place or if the conditions for shipment cannot be fulfilled;

where the shipment is of type IM or TT, attach hereto the evidence of the arrangement between the consignee and the holder of the radioactive waste established in the third country, which has been accepted by the competent authority of the third country by stating that the holder in the third country will take back the radioactive waste if the shipment(s) cannot take place or if the conditions for shipment cannot be fulfilled, unless an alternative safe arrangement can be made.


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Acknowledgement of receipt of application for radioactive waste shipment
- Request for missing information

15. Name of the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisation ___________

Member State (tick as appropriate) __________________________________________

of origin (in case of a type MM or type ME shipment)

of destination (in case of a type IM shipment)

where the shipment first enters the Community (in case of a type TT shipment)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode ________________Town _______________Country ___________________

Tel. ___________________Fax _________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

Date of receipt/registration __________________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)
16. Name of the competent authority involved ____________________________________

Member State or country (tick as appropriate) __________________________________



where the shipment first enters the Community or the country of origin (1)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town _________________Country __________________

Tel. ___________________Fax _________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person ________________________________________________________

Explanation. (1) Not required by the Directive. Country of origin may be consulted on a voluntary basis in case of type TT and IM shipments.

17. In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom, I hereby consider the application of _____________(dd/mm/yyyy), received on _____________(dd/mm/yyyy)

not duly completed and request the following missing information:

(attach complete list of missing information (items) if space is not sufficient)


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
duly completed and acknowledge the receipt thereof.
(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Refusal or consent of the radioactive waste shipment by the competent authorities involved

18. Name of the competent authority involved ____________________________________

Member State or country (tick as appropriate) _________________________________

of origin (1)

of destination (in case of a type MM or type ME shipment)

of transit (in case of a type MM, IM, ME or TT shipments, if one or more Member States of transit are involved)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town ______________Country ____________________

Tel. ________________Fax ___________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

Explanation. (1) Not required by the Directive. Country of origin may be consulted on a voluntary basis in case of type TT and IM shipments.


General deadline for automatic approval _______________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Request for additional period of not more than one month Extended deadline for automatic approval _______________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
20. In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom, I hereby

refuse consent for the following reasons (attach complete list of reasons if space is not sufficient):


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
grant consent under the following conditions (attach complete list of reasons if space is not sufficient):


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Authorisation for radioactive waste shipment

21. Name of the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisation for shipment


Member State (tick as appropriate) ___________________________________________

of origin

of destination

by way of which the waste enters the Community

Address _________________________________________________________________

Postcode ________________Town ______________Country ____________________

Tel. __________________Fax ________________E-mail _______________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

22. Sequential list of consents and/or refusals of the countries involved in the shipment
Country/Member State Consent If consent is given, a list of conditions (if any) Reference to attachments
1. YES NO    
2. YES NO    
3. YES NO    
4. YES NO    
5. YES NO    
6. YES NO    
7. YES NO    
8. YES NO    
23. The decision taken and entered in this section has been taken in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom. (1).

The competent authorities of the countries involved are informed that

the single shipment

several shipments of the radioactive waste as described in Section A-1 has/have been AUTHORISED

Date of expiry of authorisation ________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)

Explanation. (1) This authorisation in no way diminishes the responsibility of the holder, carrier, owner, consignee or any other natural or legal person related with the shipment.

Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)


Refusal for radioactive waste shipment

24. Name of competent authority responsible for issuing the refusal for the shipment


Member State (tick as appropriate) __________________________________________

of origin

of destination


by way of which the waste enters the Community

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town ______________Country _____________________

Tel. ________________Fax ____________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

25. Sequential list of consents and/or refusals of the countries involved in the shipment
Member State/country Consent If consent is given, a list of conditions, if any, or reasons for refusal Reference to attachments
The decision taken and entered in this section has been taken in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom.

The competent authorities of the countries involved are informed that

the single shipment

several shipments of the radioactive waste as described in Section A-1, has/have been REFUSED

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Description of radioactive waste consignment and list of packages

26. Applicant (trade name) ___________________________________________________



other ________________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _________________Town _______________Country __________________

Tel. ____________________Fax ________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person __________________________________________________________

27. Date of expiry of the authorisation ____________ (dd/mm/yyyy) covering

single shipment

several shipments, serial number of the shipment ______________________________

28. Nature of radioactive waste

Physico-chemical characteristics (tick as appropriate):




other (e.g. fissile, low dispersible) _________________________________________

Main radionuclides ______________________________________________________

Maximum alpha activity per package (GBq) __________________________________

Maximum beta/gamma activity per package (GBq) _____________________________

Total alpha activity (GBq) ________________________________________________

Total beta/gamma activity (GBq) ___________________________________________

29. Identification number* Type* (1) Gross mass (kg)* Net mass (kg)* Activity (GBq)*
Total number: Total/type: Total: Total: Total:
Note. * To be completed for each package, attach separate list if space is not sufficient.

Explanation. (1) In accordance with Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2005 Edition, Safety Requirements No. TS-R-1, IAEA, Vienna, 2005.

30. Date of dispatch of the shipment ______________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

I hereby certify that the information provided in this section (and in the attached list of documents) is correct to the best of my knowledge.

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Acknowledgement of receipt of the radioactive waste

31. Consignee (trade name) __________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode ______________Town ________________Country ____________________

Tel. ________________Fax _________________E-mail ________________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

32. Location where the radioactive waste is held after the shipment (trade name)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _____________Town _________________Country ____________________

Tel. _________________Fax ________________E-mail ________________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

33. Authorisation issued for (tick the appropriate):

a single shipment of type MM or IM

a single shipment of type ME or TT

several shipments of type MM or IM, serial number of shipment _________________

Last shipment covered by the authorisation: yes no

several shipments of type ME or TT, serial number of shipment __________________

Last shipment covered by the authorisation: yes no

34. Not applicable

Shipments of type ME or TT (this item may be replaced by a separate declaration, fill in reference to attachment):

Frontier post of entry to the third country of destination or transit


Third country _________________________________

35. Depending on the type of shipment, the consignee must send the acknowledgement of receipt together with section A-5:

type MM or IM - to the competent authority of the Member State of destination,

type ME or TT - to the applicant (type ME - to the holder, type TT - to the person responsible for the shipment in the Member State by way of which the waste enters the Community) as referred to in item 4 (section A-1).

Date of receipt of the radioactive waste (dd/mm/yyyy)

Date of dispatch of the acknowledgement of receipt (dd/mm/yyyy)

I, the consignee, hereby certify that the information provided in this section (and in the attached list of documents) is correct to the best of my knowledge.

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
36. Not applicable

Shipments of type ME of TT: the applicant forwards the acknowledgement of receipt and, where appropriate, the consignee's declaration to the authority which issued the authorisation.

A consignee located outside the European Union may acknowledge receipt of the radioactive waste by means of a declaration or certificate providing at least the information contained in items 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36.

The competent authority which receives the original acknowledgement of receipt must send copies of it to the other competent authorities.

The originals of Sections A-5 and A-6 must be sent to the competent authority which issued the authorisation.

For shipments between Member States, the competent authority of the Member State of origin or where the shipment first enters the Community must send a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt to the holder.

Date of forwarding the acknowledgement of receipt (together with section A-5) ______________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Frontier post of exit from the Community

State Post
(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature of the applicant)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Application for the authorisation for shipment(s) of spent fuel

1 Type of shipment (tick the appropriate box):

type MM: shipment between Member States (via one or more Member States or third countries)

type IM: import into the Community type ME: export out of the Community

type TT: transit through the Community

2. Application for the authorisation for (tick the appropriate Xbox):  
a single shipment  

Planned period of execution ______

several shipments

Number (planned) ____ Planned period of execution ______
3. Not applicable

Type MM: shipment(s) via one or more third countries:

Frontier post of exit from the Community* ___________________________________

Frontier post of entry to third country* (first country crossed) ____________________

Frontier post of exit from third country* (last country crossed) ___________________

Frontier post of return to the Community* ___________________________________

Note. * These frontier posts must be identical for all shipments covered by the application unless otherwise agreed by the competent authorities.

4. Applicant (trade name) __________________________________________________

Holder (for types MM, ME)

Consignee (for type IM)

Other (for type TT) ____________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Postcode ______________Town ________________Country ___________________

Tel. ________________Fax ____________________E-mail ____________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

5. Location of the spent fuel before shipment (trade name) ________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________

Postcode ______________Town ________________Country ____________________

Tel. __________________Fax __________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person __________________________________________________________

6. Consignee (trade name) ____________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town ______________Country _____________________

Tel. __________________Fax _________________E-mail ______________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

7. Location of the spent fuel after shipment (trade name) __________________________


Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode ______________Town ________________Country ____________________

Tel. _________________Fax ___________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person __________________________________________________________

8. Type of spent fuel:

uranium metal

uranium dioxide

mixed oxide (MOX)

other ________________________________________________________________

Original fissile content:

uranium-235 (maximum enrichment _______________________________ %)

MOX (nominal uranic enrichment __________________________________ %)

____________________ (maximum plutonium content _____________________ %)

other ________________________________________________________________

Fuel burns up (average or typical range) ______________________ MWdays/teHM
9. Total number of packages* _______________________________________________

Total number of assemblies/bundles/elements/rods* ___________________________

Total net mass (kg)* _____________________________________________________

Total gross mass (kg)* ___________________________________________________

Note. * These values are estimates if the application relates to several shipments.

Description of consignments (e.g. containers):

Type of package (1) (if known) _____________________________________________

Maximum spent fuel content per package (kg) _________________________________

Means of identification of the packages (if labelling is used, annex examples) ________

Explanation. (1) In accordance with Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2005 Edition, Safety Requirements No. TS-R-1, IAEA, Vienna, 2005.

10. Type of activity giving rise to the spent fuel (tick as appropriate):


commercial nuclear power

other activity __________________________________________________________

11. Purpose of the spent fuel shipment:

(Re)treatment or reprocessing

Interim storage

Return after interim storage

Final disposal

Other purpose ________________________________________________________

12. Proposed mode of transport (road, rail, sea, air, inland waterway) Point of departure Point of arrival Proposed carrier (if known)
13. Sequential list of countries involved in the spent fuel (the first country is that where the spent fuel is held and the last is the country of destination)
1. 3. 5. 7.
2. 4. 6. 8.
14. In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom, I, the applicant, hereby:

1) apply for the authorisation to make the shipment(s) of spent fuel described above;

2) certify that the information provided above is correct to the best of my knowledge and that the shipment(s) will be carried out in accordance with all the relevant statutory provisions;

3) where the shipment is of type MM or ME, undertake to take back the spent fuel if the shipment(s) cannot take place or if the conditions for shipment cannot be fulfilled;

where the shipment is of type IM or TT, attach hereto the evidence of the arrangement between the consignee and the holder of the spent fuel established in the third country, which has been accepted by the competent authority of the third country by stating that the holder in the third country will take back the spent fuel if the shipment(s) cannot take place or if the conditions for shipment cannot be fulfilled, unless an alternative safe arrangement can be made.

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Acknowledgement of receipt of application for spent fuel shipment(s)
- Request for missing information

15. Name of the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisation ___________

Member State (tick as appropriate) __________________________________________

of origin (in case of a type MM or type ME shipment)

of destination (in case of a type IM shipment)

where the spent fuel first enters the Community (in case of a type IM or TT shipment)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode __________________Town ______________Country __________________

Tel. _________________Fax _________________E-mail _______________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

Date of receipt/registration ____________________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)
16. Name of the competent authority involved ____________________________________

Member State or country (tick as appropriate) _________________________________

of destination


where the shipment first enters the Community or the country of origin (1)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _________________Town ______________Country ___________________

Tel. ___________________Fax _________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

Explanation. (1) Not required by the Directive. Country of origin may be consulted on a voluntary basis in case of type TT and IM shipments.

17. In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom, I hereby consider the application of _______________ (dd/mm/yyyy), received on _______________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

not duly completed and request the following missing information:

(attach complete list of missing information (items) if space is not sufficient)


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)

duly completed and acknowledge the receipt thereof.

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Refusal or consent of the spent fuel shipment(s) by the competent authorities involved

18. Name of the competent authority involved ___________________________________

Member State or country (tick as appropriate) _________________________________

of origin (1)

of destination (in case of a type MM or type ME shipment)

of transit (in case of a type MM, IM, ME or TT shipments, if one or more Member States of transit are involved)

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town _______________Country ____________________

Tel. ___________________Fax _________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person _________________________________________________________

Explanation. (1) Not required by the Directive. Country of origin may be consulted on a voluntary basis in case of type TT and IM shipments.


General deadline for automatic approval _______________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Request for additional period of not more than one month Extended deadline for automatic approval ______________________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
20. In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom, I hereby

refuse consent for the following reasons (attach complete list of reasons if space is not sufficient):


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
grant consent under the following conditions (attach complete list of reasons if space is not sufficient):


(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Authorisation of spent fuel shipment(s)

21. Name of the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisation of the shipment


Member State (tick as appropriate) _________________________________________

of origin

of destination


by way of which the spent fuel enters the Community

Address ________________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town _________________Country __________________

Tel. _________________Fax _____________________E-mail ___________________

Contact person ________________________________________________________

22. Sequential list of consents and/or refusals of the countries involved in the shipment
Country/Member State Consent If consent is given, a list of conditions (if any) Reference to attachments
23. The decision adopted and recorded in this section has been reached in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom (1).

The competent authorities of the countries involved are informed that

the single shipment

several shipments of spent fuel as described in Section B-1, has/have been AUTHORISED

Date of expiry of authorisation __________________________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)

Explanation. (1) This authorisation in no way diminishes the responsibility of the holder, carrier, owner, consignee or any other natural or legal person involved in the shipment.

Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Refusal of spent fuel shipment(s)

24. Name of competent authority responsible for issuing the refusal of the shipment


Member State (tick as appropriate) ___________________________________________

of origin

of destination


by way of which the spent fuel enters the Community

Address _______________________________________________________________

Postcode _______________Town ______________Country _____________________

Tel. _________________Fax _________________E-mail _______________________

Contact person __________________________________________________________

25. Sequential list of consents and/or refusals of the countries involved in the shipment
Member State/country Consent If consent is given, a list of conditions (if any), or reasons for refusal Reference to attachments
The decision adopted and recorded in this section has been reached in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2006/117/Euratom

The competent authorities of the countries involved are informed that

the single shipment

several shipments

of spent fuel as described in Section B-1, has/have been REFUSED

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Description of spent fuel consignment and list of packages

26. Applicant (trade name) ___________________________________________________



other _________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________

Postcode ________________Town ________________Country __________________

Tel. _____________________Fax _______________E-mail _____________________

Contact person ___________________________________________________________

27. Date of expiry of the authorisation _______________________ (dd/mm/yyyy) covering

the single shipment

several shipments, serial number of the shipment ______________________________

28. Type of spent fuel:

uranium metal

uranium dioxide

mixed oxide (MOX)

other _________________________________________________________________

Original fissile content:

uranium-235 (maximum enrichment _____________________________________ %)

MOX (nominal uranic enrichment _______________________________________ %)

__________________ (maximum plutonium content __________________________ %)

other ________________________________________________________________

Fuel burns up (average or typical range) _________________________ MWdays/teHM

Total number of assemblies/bundles/elements/rods ______________________________

Maximum spent fuel content per package (kg) _________________________________

29. Identification number* Type* (1) Gross mass (kg)* Net mass (kg)* Activity (GBq)*
Total number: Total/type: Total: Total: Total:
Note. * To be completed for each package, attach a separate list if space is not sufficient.

Explanation. (1) In accordance with Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material 2005 Edition, Safety Requirements No. TS-R-1, IAEA, Vienna, 2005.

30. Date of dispatch of the shipment ________________ (dd/mm/yyyy) I hereby certify that the information provided in this section (and in the attached list of documents) is correct to the best of my knowledge.
(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
Registration number
  (to be completed by the competent authority responsible for issuing the authorisations for shipments)

Acknowledgement of receipt of the spent fuel

31. Consignee (trade name) ___________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________

Postcode ________________Town _________________Country __________________

Tel. ___________________Fax _________________E-mail _____________________

Contact person __________________________________________________________

32. Location where the spent fuel is held after the shipment (trade name) _______________


Address ________________________________________________________________

Postcode _________________Town ________________Country _________________

Tel. ___________________Fax ________________E-mail ______________________

Contact person __________________________________________________________

33. Authorisation granted for (tick the appropriate):

a single shipment of type MM or IM

a single shipment of type ME or TT

several shipments of type MM or IM, serial number of shipment _________________

Last shipment covered by the authorisation: □ yes □ no

several shipments of type ME or TT, serial number of shipment __________________

Last shipment covered by the authorisation: □ yes □ no

34. Not applicable

Shipments of type ME or TT (this item may be replaced by a separate declaration, fill in reference to attachment):

Frontier post of entry to the third country of destination or transit


Third country __________________________________________

35. Depending on the type of shipment, the consignee must send the acknowledgement of receipt together with section B-5: type MM or IM - to the competent authority of the Member State of destination,

type ME or TT - to the applicant (type ME - to the holder, type TT - to the person responsible for the shipment in the Member State by way of which the spent fuel enters the Community) as referred to in item 4 (section B1).

Date of receipt of the spent fuel _____________________(dd/mm/yyyy)

Date of dispatch of the acknowledgement of receipt _____________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

I, the consignee, hereby certify that the information provided in this section (and in the attached list of documents) is correct to the best of my knowledge.

(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature)
36. Not applicable

Shipments of type ME of TT: the applicant forwards the acknowledgement of receipt and, where appropriate, the consignee's declaration to the authority which issued the authorisation.

A consignee located outside the European Union may acknowledge receipt of the spent fuel by means of a declaration or certificate providing at least the information contained in items 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36.

The competent authority which receives the original acknowledgement of receipt must send copies of it to the other competent authorities.

The originals of Sections B-5 and B-6 must be sent to the competent authority which issued the authorisation.

For shipments between Member States, the competent authority of the Member State of origin or where the shipment first enters the Community must send a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt to the holder.
Date of sending of the acknowledgement of receipt (together with section B-5) ________________ (dd/mm/yyyy)

Frontier post of exit from the Community

State Post
(Date and place) (Stamp) (Signature of the applicant)


Translation © 2018 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Prasības darbībām ar radioaktīvajiem atkritumiem un ar tiem saistītajiem materiāliem Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 129Adoption: 19.03.2002.Entry into force: 05.04.2002.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 51, 04.04.2002.
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