Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 15.06.2022.–27.05.2024.
Amendments not included: 09.05.2024.
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

4 March 1999 [shall come into force on 26 March 1999];
11 November 1999 [shall come into force on 1 January 2000];
8 June 2000 [shall come into force on 11 July 2000];
9 May 2002 [shall come into force on 12 June 2002];
24 October 2002 [shall come into force on 27 November 2002];
12 December 2002 [shall come into force on 3 January 2002];
15 February 2007 [shall come into force on 24 February 2007];
17 May 2007 [shall come into force on 13 June 2007];
15 May 2008 [shall come into force on 11 June 2008];
16 June 2009 [shall come into force on 1 July 2009];
19 November 2009 [shall come into force on 23 December 2009];
21 October 2010 [shall come into force on 1 January 2011];
13 October 2011 [shall come into force on 1 January 2012];
1 December 2011 [shall come into force on 1 January 2012];
26 July 2012 [shall come into force on 16 August 2012];
14 February 2013 [shall come into force on 23 February 2013];
25 April 2013 [shall come into force on 16 May 2013];
19 June 2014 [shall come into force on 11 July 2014];
14 May 2015 [shall come into force on 1 June 2015];
29 October 2015 [shall come into force on 3 December 2015];
28 January 2016 [shall come into force on 1 March 2016];
7 April 2016 [shall come into force on 1 May 2016];
9 February 2017 [shall come into force on 17 March 2017];
8 June 2017 [shall come into force on 1 Jaunary 2018];
21 September 2017 [shall come into force on 16 October 2017];
6 December 2018 [shall come into force on 10 January 2019];
26 September 2019 [shall come into force on 8 October 2019];
21 November 2019 [shall come into force on 23 November 2019];
11 June 2020 [shall come into force on 6 July 2020];
3 September 2020 [shall come into force on 29 September 2020];
17 September 2020 [shall come into force on 5 November 2020];
29 April 2021 [shall come into force on 1 June 2021];
7 April 2022 [shall come into force on 4 May 2022];
2 June 2022 [shall come into force on 15 June 2022].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima 1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

On the Procedures for the Coming into Force and Application of the Criminal Law

[24 October 2002]

Section 1. It is determined that the Criminal Law shall come into force on 1 April 1999.

Section 2. (1) Criminal proceedings in the proceedings of pre-trial investigation offices and in the courts, regarding offences under Sections 77 and 79; Section 112, Paragraphs one and two; Section 112.1, Paragraph one; Section 134, Paragraph one and Sections 134.1, 145.1, 149, 149.3, 150.2, 150.5, 161.10, 179, 180, 194.2, 195.1, 195.2, 195.3, 196, 209.1 and 211 of the Criminal Code of Latvia, shall be terminated.

(2) The criminal proceedings in the proceedings of pre-trial investigating institutions and in courts, which are qualified on the basis of Section 253 of the Criminal Law (17 June 1998 version with amendments made by amending laws of 18 May 2000 and 24 April 2002), regarding illegal activities with narcotic and psychotropic substances - the manufacture, acquisition, storage and transportation thereof, shall be terminated if in accordance with Annex 2 to this Law such are recognised as committed on a small scale.

[24 October 2002]

Section 3. The criminal proceedings in the proceedings of pre-trial investigating institutions regarding offences listed in Section 2 of this Law shall be terminated by a decision of a prosecutor.

Section 4. The criminal proceedings in the proceedings of courts regarding offences referred to in Section 2 of this Law shall be terminated by a decision of a court taken in a court procedural hearing or a court hearing.

Section 5. Persons who, prior to the Criminal Law coming into force, have been convicted of criminal offences, which in accordance with the Criminal Law are not considered criminal offences, that is, for offences, which are referred to in Section 2 of this Law, shall be released from serving the basic punishment and additional punishment.

Section 6. Persons specified in Section 5 of this Law shall, on the basis of a submission of the institution by which the judgment is to be enforced, be released from their sentence by the district (city) court for the place where the sentence is being served, in accordance with the procedures of Section 374 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Latvia. Persons the judgment on whom has not been given for enforcement shall be released from their sentence by the court in accordance with the procedures of Section 373 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Latvia.

Section 7. The court may, on the basis of a submission by such persons, set aside the criminal record of persons who have been released from serving their sentence in accordance with Section 5 of this Law, as well as of persons who have already served their sentence or who have been released early if such persons have been convicted of the offences referred to in Section 2 of this Law and their criminal record has not been extinguished.

Section 8. Judgments shall be amended for persons who have been convicted according to the sections referred to in Section 2 of this Law and also other sections of the Criminal Code of Latvia, taking into account that such persons shall be released from all types of sentences imposed on them for the offences referred to in Section 2 of this Law.

Section 9. Cases regarding amending of a judgment for persons who have been convicted for the offences referred to in Section 2 of this Law, as well as for other offences, shall be examined by the relevant court of the same designation [district (city), regional] in accordance with the procedures provided for in Section 6 of this Law.

Section 10. (1) Sentences shall be reduced to the maximum sentence provided for in the relevant section of the Criminal Law to the persons which have been convicted according to sections of the Criminal Code of the Latvian S.S.R. or the Criminal Code of Latvia, which are not referred to in Section 2 of this Law and who are serving a sentence, if the sentence imposed by the court is more severe than the maximum sentence provided for in the relevant section of the Criminal Law.

(2) Sentences shall be reduced to maximum sentence provided for in Section 253 or 253.1 of the Criminal Law for persons who have been convicted for illegal activities with especially dangerous narcotic or psychotropic substances, if such have not been committed on a small scale and if the sentence imposed by the court is more severe than the maximum sentence provided for in the relevant section of the Criminal Law.

[24 October 2002]

Section 11. Matters regarding reduction of sentence to persons referred to in Section 10 of this Law shall be examined by the relevant court of the same designation [district (city), regional] in accordance with the procedures provided for in Section 6 of this Law.

Section 12. Confiscation of property shall not be applied to persons referred to in Sections 5 and 10 of this Law if at the time this Law comes into force the part of the judgment concerning confiscation of property has not been enforced, the property has not been taken and the relevant section of the Criminal Law does not provide for the confiscation of property.

Section 13. Persons convicted prior to the Criminal Law coming into force shall serve the sentence imposed according to the relevant section of the Criminal Code of the Latvian S.S.R. or the Criminal Code of Latvia, except in the cases referred to in Sections 5 and 10 of this Law.

Section 14. The provisions of Sections 10 and 12 of this Law shall not apply to persons who are especially dangerous recidivists and who have been convicted of offences according to the phrase "if such is committed by an especially dangerous recidivist", as provided for in sections of the Criminal Code of the Latvian S.S.R. or of the Criminal Code of Latvia.

Section 15. The type of sentence provided for in Section 72, Section 72.1, Paragraph two, Section 99, Clauses 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 (except murder if committed by a person serving a life imprisonment) and 10, Section 121, Paragraph four and Section 214.2, Paragraph three of the Criminal Code of Latvia - the death penalty - shall not be imposed from the time this Law comes into force.

Section 15.1

[1 December 2011]

Section 16. Persons who, prior to the Criminal Law coming into force, have been convicted by the application of Section 43.1 of the Criminal Code of Latvia with deprivation of liberty, that is, by postponing the enforcement of the sentence, and regarding whom the term for the postponement of the sentence enforcement has not expired, shall be deemed to have a conditional sentence with a probationary period until the expiry of the abovementioned time period.

Section 17. Persons who prior to the coming into force of the Criminal Law have committed criminal offences for which criminal liability is provided for under sections of the Criminal Code of Latvia, except for the offences referred to in Section 2 of this Law, shall be held criminally liable and punished under the Criminal Code of Latvia, therewith taking into consideration that criminal liability may not come into effect if the relevant section of the Criminal Law does not contain those elements of the criminal offence which are set out in the section of the Criminal Code of Latvia.

Section 18. The provisions of Sections 10, 12, 13 and 17 of this Law shall not apply to persons, who, prior to the coming into force of the Criminal Law, have committed a crime provided for in Sections 139, 141, 142 and 144 of the Criminal Code of Latvia, that is, have committed theft, fraud or misappropriation, including on a small scale, or an assault for the purpose of robbery with the intent to gain property, if the property was not stolen.

Section 19. Persons, who have committed separate criminal offences (including continuous and continuing criminal offences) provided for in the Criminal Law and which were commenced prior to the coming into force of the Criminal Law, but were completed or terminated afterwards, shall be held criminally liable and punished in accordance with the relevant section of the Criminal Law.

Section 19.1 Stealing of movable property shall be deemed a completed criminal offence from the moment when a person has obtained it illegally, regardless of whether the person had had an opportunity of acting with the relevant property as his or her own.

[15 May 2008]

Section 19.2 (1) A misdemeanour shall be an offence that has resulted in property loss which at the time of committing the criminal offence has been less than half of the minimum monthly wage specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time, or the endangering of the interests protected by law caused thereby is small.

(2) Such criminal offence provided for in Section 221.6 of the Criminal Law shall be recognised as a misdemeanour which has been committed without exceeding the following quantities of tobacco products:

1) 20 cigarettes;

2) 10 cigarillos;

3) 5 cigars;

4) 30 grams of smoking, heated tobacco, snuff or chewing tobacco or tobacco leaves, tobacco products for oral use or other tobacco products.

[11 June 2020; 3 September 2020]

Section 19.3 Within the meaning of Sections 199, 323, and 326.3 of the Criminal Law, commercial bribery, giving of bribes, or unlawful giving of benefits through an intermediary shall also be such activities when the person, in entrusting the intermediary with material values, properties or benefits of other nature, has knowingly allowed that the intermediary will commit commercial bribery, giving of bribes, or unlawful giving of benefits. In such case, it is irrelevant whether the intermediary was given a specific recipient of unlawful benefit and it is also irrelevant under what circumstances and to what extent it is to be given.

[7 April 2022]

Section 20. Liability for an offence, provided for in the Criminal Law, which has been committed on a large scale, shall apply if the total value of the property which was the object of the offence was not less than the total of fifty minimum monthly wages specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time. The value of the property shall be determined according to the market prices or prices equivalent thereto at the time when the offence was committed.

[1 December 2011]

Section 20.1 (1) Liability for the offence provided for in Sections 190, 191, and 221 (in relation to alcohol or other alcoholic beverages), and also Sections 221.1 and 221.2 of the Criminal Law which has been committed on a large scale shall apply if the quantity of alcoholic beverage reaches 20 litres of absolute alcohol.

(2) Liability for the criminal offence provided for in Sections 190, 191, and 221 of the Criminal Law (in relation to tobacco products) which has been committed on a large scale shall apply if the quantity of tobacco products reaches:

1) 25 000 cigarettes;

2) 12 500 cigarillos;

3) 6250 cigars;

4) 6250 grams of smoking, heated tobacco, snuff or chewing tobacco or tobacco leaves, tobacco products for oral use or other tobacco products.

[19 November 2009; 25 April 2013; 3 September 2020]

Section 21. The provisions of Section 20 of this Law shall not apply to the qualification of the offence provided for in Section 190.1, Paragraph two, Section 253, Paragraph two and Section 253.1, Paragraph three of the Criminal Law, if such has been committed on a large scale.

[24 October 2002]

Section 22. (1) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in the Criminal Law which has been committed on a small scale shall apply if the offender had the intention to acquire property which was the object of a criminal offence, the value of which at the time when the offence was committed did not exceed one minimum monthly wage as specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time. The value of the property shall be determined according to the market prices or prices equivalent thereto at the time when the offence was committed.

(2) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in Section 221.6 of the Criminal Law which has been committed on a small scale shall apply if the quantity of tobacco products is lower than the quantity laid down in Section 23.1, Paragraph three of this Law.

[29 October 2015; 3 September 2020]

Section 22.1 The provisions of Section 22 of this Law shall not apply to the qualification of the criminal offence provided for in Section 253.2 of the Criminal Law, if such has been committed on a small scale.

[24 October 2002]

Section 23. (1) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in the Criminal Law causing substantial harm shall apply if due to the criminal offence any of the following consequences have set in:

1) property loss has been suffered which at the time of committing the criminal offence has not been less than the total of five minimum monthly wages specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time, and also other interests protected by law have been threatened;

2) property loss has been suffered which at the time of committing the criminal offence has not been less than the total of ten minimum monthly wages specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time;

3) other interests protected by law have been significantly threatened.

(2) [29 October 2015]

(3) The criteria for endangering of the interests protected by law resulting from criminal offences may be specified in annexes to this Law.

[8 June 2000; 9 May 2002; 25 April 2013; 29 October 2015]

Section 23.1 (1) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in the Criminal Law, which has been committed on a significant scale, shall apply if the total value of the property which was the object of the criminal offence was not less than the total of ten minimum monthly wages specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time. The value of the property shall be determined according to the market prices or prices equivalent thereto at the time when the offence was committed.

(2) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in Sections 190, 191, and 221 (in relation to alcohol or other alcoholic beverages) and Sections 221.1 and 221.2 of the Criminal Law which has been committed on a significant scale shall apply if the quantity of alcoholic beverage reaches 10 litres of absolute alcohol.

(3) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in Sections 190, 191, and 221 of the Criminal Law (in relation to tobacco products) which has been committed on a significant scale shall apply if the quantity of tobacco products reaches:

1) 5000 cigarettes;

2) 2500 cigarillos;

3) 1250 cigars;

4) 1250 grams of smoking, heated tobacco, snuff or chewing tobacco or tobacco leaves, tobacco products for oral use or other tobacco products.

[29 October 2015; 3 September 2020]

Section 24. (1) Liability for a criminal offence provided for in the Criminal Law that has caused serious consequences shall apply if the criminal offence has resulted in death of a person, serious bodily injuries to at least one person, moderate bodily injuries to a number of persons have been caused, or property loss which was not less than the total of fifty minimum monthly wages specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time has been inflicted, or other serious harm has been caused to the interests protected by law.

(2) The criteria for the specification of the level of seriousness of bodily injury are provided for in annexes to this Law.

(3) Liability for the criminal offence provided for in Section 193.2 of the Criminal Law that has caused serious consequences shall apply if the gained profit, the prevented losses, the total scope of the submitted orders, the value of the used financial instruments or spot commodity contracts, or the total amount of the used means at the time of committing the criminal offence exceeds the total of fifty minimum monthly wages specified in the Republic of Latvia at that time.

[24 October 2002; 25 April 2013; 29 October 2015; 28 January 2016; 8 June 2017]

Section 24.1 Torturing shall mean intentional repeated or continuous act or failure to act of a person, causing strong physical pain or mental suffering to another person, or intentional extraordinary act or failure to act of a person, causing strong physical pain or mental suffering to another person in order to influence his or her or another person`s consciousness or will.

[19 November 2009; 29 October 2015]

Section 24.2 The property not to be confiscated for the convicted person or his or her dependants is specified in Annex 4 to this Law.

[25 April 2013]

Section 25. Upon the coming into force of the Criminal Law, the Criminal Code of Latvia is repealed.

Transitional Provisions

[4 March 1999]

1. The type of sentence - arrest - as provided for in the Criminal Law shall not be imposed until 1 January 2015. This condition shall not be applicable in cases when the court imposes the punishment provided for in the sections of Chapter XXV of the Criminal Law on a military person. Persons for whom the court replaces or has replaced up the day of the coming into force of such condition the sentence not served - community service or a fine - with arrest, shall serve it partly in a closed prison at the medium level of the sentence serving regime.

[9 May 2002; 12 December 2002; 15 February 2007; 16 June 2009; 19 November 2009]

2. [12 December 2002]

3. [24 October 2002]

4. For criminal offences that have been committed until 31 December 2017 the level of seriousness of bodily injury inflicted shall be determined in accordance with the law in force by 31 December 2017.

[8 June 2017]

5. If the criminal offence is related to illicit trafficking in narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, or precursors and has been committed until 31 May 2021, when holding the person criminally liable, the amounts of such substances shall be determined in accordance with the norms of Annex 2 to this Law which were in force at the time when the criminal offence was committed; moreover, taking into account that a person may not be held criminally liable for a criminal offence if after 31 May 2021 the amount of the relevant substances no longer corresponds to the amount for which criminal liability is provided for in accordance with the norms of Annex 2 to this Law.

[29 April 2021]

6. The criminal proceedings in the proceedings of investigating institutions, the Office of the Prosecutor, and courts regarding offences related to illicit trafficking in narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, or precursors shall be terminated in accordance with Section 377, Clause 2 of the Criminal Procedure Law in cases where after 31 May 2021 the amount of the relevant substances no longer corresponds to the amount for which criminal liability is provided for in accordance with the norms of Annex 2 to this Law. If the materials of the criminal case contain information on facts in relation to which an administrative punishment should be imposed on the person, the necessary materials shall be sent to the competent authority or official for examination in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Administrative Liability.

[29 April 2021]

7. The criminal proceedings which are terminated by conditionally releasing the accused from criminal liability for the offences related to illicit trafficking in narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, or precursors and the decision in relation to the accused has not entered into effect in full amount shall be terminated in accordance with Section 377, Clause 2 of the Criminal Procedure Law in the case where after 31 May 2021 the amount of the relevant substances no longer corresponds to the amount for which criminal liability is provided for in accordance with the norms of Annex 2 to this Law.

[29 April 2021]

8. Amendments to Annex 2 to this Law which shall come into force on 1 June 2021 shall not apply to the persons who until 31 May 2021 have been convicted or for whom a punishment has been imposed under a prosecutor's penal order for criminal offences in relation to illicit trafficking in narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, or precursors.

[29 April 2021]

Informative Reference to European Union Directives

[28 January 2016]

This Law contains legal norms arising from:

1) Directive 2008/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on the protection of the environment through criminal law;

2) Directive 2014/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on criminal sanctions for market abuse (market abuse directive).

The Law shall come into force on the day following its proclamation.

The Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 15 October 1998.

President G. Ulmanis

Rīga, 4 November 1998


Law On the Procedures for the Coming into Force and Application of the Criminal Law

Annex 1

Criteria for Determination of Danger or Significant Danger to the Interests Protected by Law for the Preservation of the Forest Environment

[25 April 2013]

1. Interests protected by law for the preservation of the forest environment shall be endangered:

1) if in one or more forest stand or one or more parts thereof (a part of a forest stand is 0.1 hectares or larger area, in specially protected territories - 0.05 hectares or larger area) an area of 0.5 hectares has been destroyed, but in one or more forest stands the age of which is at least 10 years less that the age of the final felling, or in one or more of the parts thereof an area of 0.2 hectares or more has been destroyed;

2) if in one or more forest stands the age of which is at least 10 years less that the age of the final felling, or in one or more of the parts thereof an area of 1 hectare or more has been damaged in such an amount as the basal area has become at least 30 per cent less than the minimum basal area;

3) if in one or more forest stands in which clear felling has been prohibited, in one or more of the parts thereof an area of 0.2 hectares or more has been destroyed;

4) if in one or more forest stands in which final felling has been prohibited, in one or more of the parts thereof has been damaged in such an amount as the basal area of 0.2 hectares or more has become at least 30 per cent less than the minimum basal area. Exceptions are the cases referred to in Section 9, Paragraph two, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Law on Forests;

5) if in one or more forest stands in which economic activity has been prohibited, in one or more of the parts thereof an area of 0.1 hectares or more has been damaged;

6) in other cases if there is an opinion on the endangerment to the interests protected by law for the preservation of the forest environment.

2. Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply to forest stands where the dominant species is white alder.

3. Endangerment to the interests protected by law for the preservation of the forest environment shall be taken into account if the size of the area damaged or destroyed referred to in Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Annex has been exceeded at least two times.

4. An opinion on the endangerment or significant endangerment to the interests protected by law for the preservation of the forest environment shall be prepared by the territorial office of the State Forestry Service in which the supervised territory the criminal offence has been committed.


Law On the Procedures for the Coming into Force and Application of the Criminal Law

Annex 2

Narcotic Substances, Psychotropic Substances, and Precursors to Be Controlled in Latvia and Measurement Amounts of Their Illicit Trafficking

[29 April 2021; 2 June 2022]

I. General Provisions

1. The measurement amounts of the narcotic plants, substances and medicinal products and psychotropic substances and medicinal products included in Schedules I, II, III, and IV of narcotic substances, psychotropic substances, and precursors to be controlled in Latvia, and also the measurement amounts of precursors are established, taking into account the harm of the illicitly trafficked narcotic and psychotropic substances to human health and the level of danger in conformity with Schedules I, II, III, and IV.

2. The established amounts of substances shall also apply to:

1) derivatives of the substances included in Schedules I, II, and II, isomers, structural analogues, active metabolites, esters, ethers, and salts, including salts of derivatives, isomers, structural analogues, active metabolites, esters, and ethers;

2) medicinal products which contain the substances included in Schedules II and III, unless any exceptions are specified in laws and regulations;

3) stereoisomers of the substances included in Paragraph 18 of Schedule IV (except for cathine), if possible, and salts of the substances included in Paragraphs 18, 19, and 20 of Schedule IV, if possible and if they are not cathine, hydrochloric acid, and sulphuric acid salts.

3. The established amount of substance is calculated in any pharmaceutical form, mixture of substances, liquid, extract, infusion, and brew irrespective of the amount of impurities produced during the substance manufacturing process, unless any exceptions are provided for in the law.

4. If any of the substances included in Schedules II, III, and IV by its chemical structure also corresponds to the substances of Schedule I, the conditions of Schedule I shall not apply to such substance.

II. Schedule I (Prohibited Especially Dangerous Narcotic Substances, Equivalent Psychotropic Substances and Plants which Endanger Health, if Illicitly Trafficked and Abused)

5. Synthetic opioid analgesics:

No. International non-propriety name of the substance (INN)/trivial name of the substance Number in the Chemical Abstracts Service (hereinafter - CAS No.) Chemical name of the substance Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) alphacetylmethadol (INN) 1553-31-7 [(3R*,6R*)-6-dimethylamino-4,4-di(phenyl)heptan-3-yl] acetate 0.1 g 1 g
2) MPPP, desmethylprodine 13147-09-6 (4-phenyl-1-methylpiperidine-4-yl)propanoate 0.1 g 1 g
3) PEPAP 64-52-8 4-phenyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidine-4-yl acetate 0.1 g 1 g
4) AH-7921 55154-30-8 3,4-dichloro-N-[[1-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]methyl]benzamide 0.1 g 1 g
5) U-47700 82657-23-6 3,4-dichloro-N-[(1R,2R)-2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylbenzamide 0.1 g 1 g
6) U-51754 121279-74-1 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylacetamide 0.1 g 1 g
7) 3,4-methylenedioxy-U-47700 not available N-(2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl)-N-methylbenzo[d][1,3]dioxol-5-carboxamide 0.1 g 1 g
8) furanyl UF-17 not available N-(2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl)-N-phenylfuran-2-carboxamide 0.1 g 1 g
9) viminol 21363-18-8 alpha-((Bis(1-methylpropyl)amino)methyl)-[(2-chlorophenyl)methyl]-1H-pyrrole-2-methanol 0.1 g 1 g
10) brorphine 2244737-98-0 1-{1-[1-(4-bromophenyl)ethyl] piperidin-4-yl}-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazol-2-one 0.01 g 1 g

6. Morphinan derivatives:

No. International non-propriety name of the substance (INN)/trivial name of the substance CAS No. Chemical name of the substance Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) heroin, morphine diacetate (INN) 561-27-3 (5α,6α)-7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3,6-diol diacetate 0.001 g 1 g
2) desomorphine, Krokodil 427-00-9 4,5-α-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3-ol 0.1 g 1 g
3) etorphine, Immobilon, M99 14521-96-1 (5alpha,7alpha)-7-(2-hydroxypentan-2-yl)-6-methoxy-17-methyl-4,5-epoxy-6,14-ethenomorphinan-3-ol 0.1 g 1 g
4) acetorphine 25333-77-1 4,5α-epoxy-7α-(1-hydroxy-1-methylbutyl)-6-methoxy-17-methyl-6,14-endoetheno-morphinan-3-yl acetate 0.1 g 1 g

7. Plant products with narcotic effect:

No. Product name Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) raw opium 0.2 g 10 g
2) poppy straw:
a) dried 20 g 500 g
b) undried 100 g 1500 g
3) preparations, which are manufactured from any type of poppy if they contain narcotically active opium alkaloids: morphine, codeine, thebaine (extracts, infusions and brews with active substance content in any amount):
a) poppy straw extract 30 ml 200 ml
b) poppy straw concentrate 1 ml 50 ml
c) opium, which is acquired from plant extracts 0.1 g 10 g
d) acetylated and partially acetylated opium 0.05 g 10 g
4) cannabis:
a) undried marijuana 5 g 1 kg
b) dried marijuana 1 g 100 g
c) hashish 0.1 g 50 g
d) cannabis resin, oil, extracts and tinctures 0.05 g 20 g
e) dried mixture of plants that contains the substance referred to in Clause "b" of this Sub-paragraph in any proportion 1 g 100 g
f) dried mixture of plants that contains the substances referred to in Clauses "c" and "d" of this Sub-paragraph in any proportion 0.5 g 50 g
g) mixture of substances that contains dronabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) in any amount that is not separable from the total quantity of the mixture of substances 5 g 50 g
h) undried mixture of plants that contains the substance referred to in Clause "a" of this Sub-paragraph in any proportion 5 g 1 kg
5) coca leaf:
a) undried 100 g 1500 g
b) dried 10 g 500 g

8. Narcotic substances corresponding to the description:

No. Name of substance Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) derivatives of indole, azaindole, and indazole-3-carbonyl

Derivatives of indole-3-carbonyl, derivatives of azaindol-3-carbonyl, and derivatives of indazole-3-carbonyl, which are replaced at indole, azaindole or indazole cycle in condition 1 of the nitrogen atom with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group and in condition 3 replaced at carbonyl group with:

a) a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or a cycloalkyl group;

b) a not-replaced or replaced aromatic or heteroaromatic cycle;

c) a not-replaced or replaced alkoxy group, aryloxy group, heteryloxy group;

d) a replaced amino group and in the indole or azaindole cycle condition 2 not replaced or replaced with an alkyl group,

and any of the abovementioned compounds, which has additionally been replaced in an indole, azaindole, or indazole cycle, including such where the substitute makes an additional cycle

0.003 g 1 g
2) acetylfentanyls

N-(1-phenethylpiperidine-4-yl)-N-phenylacetamide and any compound which is derived from N-(1-phenethylpiperidine-4-yl)-N-phenylacetamide if one or more of the following conditions exist:

a) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms on one or both benzene rings with one or several identical or different substitutes;

b) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the conditions 2, 3, 5 or 6 of the piperidine cycle with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group;

c) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms of the ethylene group with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or hydroxy group;

d) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the acetyl group with any substitute, or by including a carbon atom in a cycle which may be replaced, including by forming supplementing cycles;

e) by replacing ethylene group with methylene group or propylene group;

f) by replacing a hydrogen atom in condition 4 of the piperidine cycle with a replaced or not-replaced alkyl group, phenyl group, ether group or ester group;

g) by changing a benzene ring within the N-(1-phenethylpiperidine-4-yl) group with another cyclic structure, different from the benzene ring, which may be replaced;

h) by changing the benzene ring of the N-phenyl group with another saturated cycle that differs from the benzene ring and may be replaced

and piperidine nitrogen oxides of the abovementioned compounds

0.001 g 1 g
3) benzimidazoles

Any compound derived from benzimidazole:

a) by replacing a hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or a not-replaced or replaced aroyl group;

b) in addition by replacing a hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom of the imidazole cycle with a not-replaced or replaced (hetero)aryl group or not-replaced or replaced benzyl group, or a not-replaced or replaced aroyl group;

c) in addition by not replacing or replacing hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring of benzimidazole

0.001 g 1 g

9. Substances with psychotropic effect:

No. International non-propriety name of the substance (INN)/trivial name of the substance CAS No. Chemical name of the substance Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) mescaline 54-04-6 2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)ethanamine 0.03 g 1 g
2) 4-methylaminorex (±)-cis isomers-29493-77-4 4-methyl-5-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1,3-oxazol-2-amine 0.01 g 1 g
3) 4.4′-DMAR 1445569-01-6 4-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl) 4.5-dihydro-oxazol-2-amine 0.01 g 1 g
4) 7-hydroxymitragynine 174418-82-7 E,2S,3S,7aS,12bS)-3-ethyl-1,2,3,4,6,7,7a,12b-octahydro-7a-hydroxy-8-methoxy-α-(methoxymethylene) indolo [2,3-a] quinolizine-2-acetic acid methylester 0.03 g 15 g
5) mitragynine 6202-22-8 (E)-2-[(2S,3S)-3-ethyl-8-methoxy-1,2,3,4,6,7,12,12b- octahydroindolo[3,2-h]-quinolizin-2-yl]-3- methoxyprop-2-enoic acid methylester 0.03 g 3 g
6) salvinorin A 83729-01-5 (2S,4aR,6aR,7R,9S,10aS,10bR)-9-(acetyloxy)-2-(furan-3-yl)-6a,10b-dimethyl-4,10-dioxododecahydro-2H-benzo[f]isochromene-7-carboxylate 0.002 g 0.2 g
7) amineptine 57574-09-1 7-[(10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo[a,d]-cyclohepten-5-yl)amino]heptanoic acid 0.4 g 2.8 g
8) cathine 492-39-7 (1S,2S)-2-amino-1phenylpropan-1-ol 0.03 g 10 g
9) CRA-13 432047-72-8 1-naphthyl[4-(pentyloxy)-1-naphthyl]methanone 0.003 g 1 g
10) dichloropane 146725-34-0 Methyl-3-(3,4-dichloropheny)-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-4-carboxylate 0.2 g 10 g

10. Plant Products with Psychotropic Effect:

No. Product name Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) catha edulis
a) dried 100 g 10 kg
b) undried 1 kg 50 kg
2) leonotis leonurus
a) dried 1 g 100 g
b) undried 5 g 1 kg
3) mitragyna speciosa (kratom)
a) dried 1 g 100 g
b) undried 100 g 1 kg
4) nymphaea caerulea
a) dried 1 g 100 g
b) undried 5 g 1 kg
5) salvia divinorum
a) dried 1 g 100 g
b) undried 100 g 1 kg
6) ephedra plant
a) dried 100 g 1 kg
b) undried 100 g 1.5 kg
7) psychodelic mushrooms
a) dried 0.5 g 5 g
b) undried 5 g 100 g

11. Psychotropic substances corresponding to the description:

No. Name of substance Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) 2,5-dimethoxyphenyl-ethanamine

2,5-dimethoxyphenyl-ethanamine or any compound derived from 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanamine:

a) by replacing hydrogen atom(s) on the benzene ring with one or several identical or different substitutes or substitutes, which form a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene ring;

b) by replacing hydrogen atom(s) in an ethylene group with one or several alkyl groups;

c) by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom with a replaced or not-replaced alkyl group or by including nitrogen atom in the cycle;

d) in any of the abovementioned compounds by replacing a hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom, if it is free, with a not-replaced or replaced hydroxyl group or an acyl group

0.02 g 2 g
2) 3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamines

3,4-methylenedioxyphenethylamine and any compound derived from 2-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenethyl)ethanamine:

a) by replacing hydrogen atom(s) on the benzene ring with one or several identical or different substitutes or substitutes, which form a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene ring;

b) by replacing hydrogen atom(s) in an ethylene group with one or several alkyl groups;

c) by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom with a replaced or not-replaced alkyl group or by including nitrogen atom in the cycle;

d) in any of the abovementioned compounds by replacing a hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom, if it is free, with a not-replaced or replaced hydroxyl group or an acyl group

0.02 g 1 g
3) amphetamines (except for selegiline)

1-phenylpropan-2-amine, its enantiomers and any compound derived from them:

a) by not replacing or by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom with not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or including a nitrogen atom in the atom cycle;

b) by changing the benzene ring in the compounds referred to in Sub-paragraph "a" with another cyclic structure, different from the benzene ring, which may be replaced;

c) by replacing hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring of the compounds referred to in Clause "a" with one or several identical or different substitutes or substitutes, which form a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene ring;

d) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms of a propyl group in any of the abovementioned compounds with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or substitutes which form a benzene ring or a cyclic structure supplementing the cyclic structure referred to in Clause "b";

e) in any of the abovementioned compounds by replacing a hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom, if it is free, with a not-replaced or replaced hydroxyl group or an acyl group

0.02 g 2 g
4) 2-aminoindanes

2-aminoindane or any compound derived from 2-aminoindane:

a) by replacing hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring with one or several identical or different substitutes or substitutes, which form a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene ring;

b) by replacing one or two amino group hydrogen atoms with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or by including a nitrogen atom in the cycle

0.02 g 2 g
5) cyclic derivatives of 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanamine

Any compound derived from 2-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)ethanamine:

a) in the condition 4 of hydrogen atoms by replacing with alkyl group, haloalkane group or halogen atom;

b) in addition by replacing hydrogen atom of one hydroxyl group with alkylen group or alkenylen group formed by cycle of 5 or 6 members with the benzene ring in ortho-condition;

c) in addition by replacing hydrogen atom of a second hydroxyl group with alkylen group or alkenylen group formed by cycle of 5 or 6 members with the benzene ring in ortho-condition, or methyl group;

d) in addition by not replacing or by replacing one or two amino group hydrogen atoms or by including a nitrogen atom in the cycle;

e) in addition by not replacing or by replacing one or several ethylene group hydrogen atoms with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group

0.003 g 1 g
6) cathinones
a) 2-amino-1-phenylpropan-1-one and any compound derived from 2-amino-1-phenylpropan-1-one:

a) by not replacing or by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom with not-replaced or replaced alkyl or alkoxy group or by including a nitrogen atom in the cycle;

b) by not replacing or by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms in propanone condition 3 with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or alkoxy group or amino group;

c) by changing the benzene ring in the compounds referred to in Clause "a" or "b" with another cyclic structure, different from the benzene ring, which may be replaced;

d) by replacing hydrogen atoms on the benzene ring in any of the compounds referred to in Clause "a" or "b" with one or several identical or different substitutes or substitutes, which form a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene ring;

e) derivatives of any of the abovementioned compound carbonyl group or amino group, or both

0.02 g 3 g
b) self-made preparation from ephedrine containing ephedrone 1 ml 50 ml
7) piperazines (except for trazodone and vortioxetine)

Any compound derived from piperazine:

a) by replacing a hydrogen atom at one nitrogen atom with a not-replaced or replaced phenyl group, not-replaced or replaced benzyl group or cyclohexyl group;

b) by not replacing or replacing the hydrogen atom at a second nitrogen atom with a not-replaced or replaced methyl group

0.02 g 1 g
8) tryptamines and beta-(benzofuran-3-yl)ethanamines

Any derivative of beta-(indol-3-yl)ethanamine or beta-(benzofuran-3-yl)ethanamine (except for serotonin, sumatriptan and zolmitriptan) which contains at least one substitute from rows "a", "b" and "c":

a) where hydrogen atom(s) on the benzene ring

has (have) been replaced with one or several identical or different substitutes or substitutes, which form a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene ring;

b) where hydrogen atoms in the ethylene group have been replaced with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group;

c) where one or two hydrogen atoms in the amino group have been replaced with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group, or a nitrogen atom has been included in the cycle

0.02 g 1 g
9) 1-arylcyclohexylamines and (1-arylcyclohexyl)methanamines

1-arylcyclohexylamines and (1-arylcyclohexyl)methanamines where the aryl group is a not-replaced or replaced benzene or thiophene cycle, one or two hydrogen atoms in the amino group have been replaced with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group, or a nitrogen atom has been included in the cycle, and the cyclohexane cycle is not replaced or replaced with a carbonyl group, hydroxy group, alkoxy group or alkyl group

0.001 g 1 g
10) dibenzopyrans

Compounds derived from cannabinol (except for cannabidiol) modified on the ring A, replaced on the ring B, their homologues with different number of carbon atoms in substitute condition 3, cis-, trans- and optical isomers thereof, as well as their derivatives of hydroxyl group and halogen derivatives

0.003 g 1 g
11) cyclohexylphenols

Any compound derived from 2-(3-hydroxycyclohexyl)phenol:

a) by replacing hydrogen atom in condition 5 of phenol cycle;

b) in addition by not replacing or by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the cyclohexyl group

0.003 g 1 g
12) naphthylideneindenes and naphthylmethylindenes

Any compound derived from 1-naphthylideneindene or 1-naphthylmethylindene:

a) by not replacing or by replacing a hydrogen atom at indene C3 atom;

b) in addition to the compounds referred to in Clause "a" by not replacing or by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the naphthyl group;

c) in addition by not replacing or by replacing in the compounds referred to in Clause "a" or "b", or both, one or several hydrogen atoms in the indene cycle

0.003 g 1 g
13) naphthylmethylindoles

Any compound derived from (indol-3-yl)(naphthyl-1)methane:

a) by not replacing or by replacing a hydrogen atom at the indole nitrogen atom;

b) in addition to the compounds referred to in Clause "a" by not replacing or by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the naphthyl group;

c) in addition by not replacing or by replacing in the compounds referred to in Clause "a" or "b", or both, one or several hydrogen atoms in indole cycle

0.003 g 1 g
14) napthoylpyrroles

Any compound derived from 3-(1-naphthoyl)pyrrole:

a) by not replacing or by replacing a hydrogen atom at the pyrrole nitrogen atom;

b) in addition to the compounds referred to in Clause "a" by not replacing or by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in pyrrole cycle;

c) in addition by not replacing or by replacing in the compounds referred to in Clause "a" or "b", or both, one or several hydrogen atoms in the naphthoyl group

0.003 g 1 g
15) [2 June 2022]
16) diphenylethylamines

1,2-diphenylethan-1-amine, its enantiomers and any compound derived from them:

a) by not replacing or replacing hydrogen atoms on one or both benzene rings with one or several identical or different substitutes;

b) in addition in the compounds referred to in Clause "a" by not replacing or by replacing one or both hydrogen atoms of the amino group with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or by including it in the cycle;

c) in addition in the compounds referred to in Clause "b" by replacing one carbon atom on one or both benzene rings with a nitrogen atom

0.001 g 0.1 g
17) derivatives of carbazole-3-carbonyl

Derivatives of carbazole-3-carbonyl that have been replaced at the carbazole ring in nitrogen atom condition 1 with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group

and condition 3 at carbonyl group is replaced with:

a) a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group, cycloalkyl group;

b) a not-replaced or replaced aromatic or heteroaromatic cycle;

c) a not-replaced or replaced alkoxy group, aryloxy group, heteryloxy group;

d) a replaced amino group

and any of the abovementioned compounds that has been additionally replaced in the carbazole cycle

0.003 g 1 g
18) derivatives of pyrazole-3-carbonyl

Derivatives of pyrazole-3-carbonyl, which in condition 3 at carbonyl group are replaced with:

a) a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or a cycloalkyl group;

b) a not-replaced or replaced aromatic or heteroaromatic cycle;

c) a not-replaced or replaced alkoxy group, aryloxy group, heteryloxy group;

d) a replaced amino group

and in pyrazole cycle conditions 1 and 4 (one or both) not replaced or replaced with not-replaced or replaced alkyl groups or aryl groups and in condition 5 replaced with a not-replaced or replaced aryl group

0.003 g 1 g
19) derivatives of pyrazole-5-carbonyl

Derivatives of pyrazole-5-carbonyl, which in condition 5 at carbonyl group are replaced with:

a) a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or a cycloalkyl group;

b) a not-replaced or replaced aromatic or heteroaromatic cycle;

c) a not-replaced or replaced alkoxy group, aryloxy group, heteryloxy group;

d) a replaced amino group

and in pyrazole cycle conditions 1 and 4 (one or both) not replaced or replaced with not-replaced or replaced alkyl groups or aryl groups and in condition 3 replaced with a not-replaced or replaced aryl group

0.003 g 1 g
20) 2-phenylmorpholines

2-phenylmorpholine, its enantiomers and any compound derived from them:

a) by changing the benzene ring with a thiophene or pyridine ring;

b) by changing the morpholine cycle with a thiomorpholine cycle;

c) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the benzene, thiophene or pyridine ring with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group, alkoxy group, amido group, amino group, sulfonyl group or substitutes which create a cyclic structure supplementing the benzene, thiophene or pyridine ring;

d) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the benzene, thiophene or pyridine ring with a hydroxy group or halogen atom;

e) by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms in the morpholine or thiomorpholine cycle with a hydroxy group, nitroso group, carbonyl group or not-replaced or replaced alkyl group

0.1 g 5 g
21) lysergamides (or amides of lysergic acid)

4,6,6a,7,8,9-hexahydroindol[4,3-fg]quinoline-9-carboxamide (except for ergometrine, ergotamine, methylergometrine, methysergide), its enantiomers and any compound derived from them:

a) by not replacing or by replacing one or two hydrogen atoms at the nitrogen atom in the amido group with not-replaced

or replaced alkyl group(s) or with substitutes which include the nitrogen atom in the cycle;

b) by not replacing or by replacing the hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom in the hydrogenated quinoline cycle with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group;

c) by not replacing or by replacing the hydrogen atom at the nitrogen atom in the indoline cycle with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or acyl group

0.001 g 0.002 g
22) derivatives of indole-2-one-3-hydrazinecarbonyl

Indole-2-one-3-hydrazinecarbonyl derivatives, which are replaced at the nitrogen atom of the indole-2-one cycle with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group, and in condition 3 are replaced at carbonyl group with:

a) a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or a cycloalkyl group;

b) a not-replaced or replaced aromatic or heteroaromatic cycle;

c) a not-replaced or replaced alkoxy group, aryloxy group, heteryloxy group;

d) a replaced amino group

and any of the abovementioned compounds where the hydrogen atom of the hydrazine group is replaced with an alkyl group,

or replaced in the indole-2-one cycle

0.001 g 0.002 g
23) gamma-carboline-1-one

Any compound which is derived from 2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole-1-one:

a) by replacing the hydrogen atom in condition 5 with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or cycloalkyl group;

b) by replacing the hydrogen atom in condition 2 with a not-replaced or replaced alkyl group or cycloalkyl group, not-replaced or replaced aromatic or heteroaromatic cycle,

and any of the abovementioned compounds that has been additionally replaced in the carboline cycle

0.003 g 1 g
24) 8-quinolyl-3-(1-piperidylsulfonyl) benzoates

8-quinolyl-3-(1-piperidylsulfonyl) benzoate and any compound derived from it by replacing one or several hydrogen atoms on quinoline, benzene or piperidine ring with one or several identical or different halogen atoms, alkyl groups, hydroxy groups or alkoxy groups

0.003 g 1 g

12. Mixture of plants, compressed mass, liquid, mixture of substances, impregnated paper containing any quantity of the substances referred to in Chapter II, Paragraph 8, Paragraph 9, Sub-paragraph 9, and Paragraph 11 of this Annex:

No. Type of mixture Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) dried (plant mixture) 1 g 100 g
2) undried (mixture of plants) 5 g 1 kg
3) compressed mass 0.1 g 50 g
4) liquid 1 ml 50 ml
5) mixture of substances that contains the abovementioned substance that is not separable from the total quantity of the mixture of substances 1 g 50 g
6) impregnated paper (tab) 3 items 10 items
7) mixture of substances that contains the substance referred to in Paragraph 8, Sub-paragraphs 2 and 3 in any quantity 0.001 g 1 g

III. Schedule II (Very Dangerous Narcotic Substances and Equivalent Psychotropic Substances Permitted for Medical and Scientific Purposes)

13. Narcotic substances corresponding to the Schedule:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) 4-anilinopiperidine 23056-29-3 0.6 g 10 g
2) Acetyldihydrocodeine 3861-72-1 0.2 g 10 g
3) Acetylmethadol 509-74-0 0.2 g 10 g
4) Alfentanil 71195-58-9 0.2 g 10 g
5) Allylprodine 25384-17-2 0.2 g 10 g
6) Alphameprodine 468-51-9 0.2 g 10 g
7) Alphamethadol 17199-54-1 0.2 g 10 g
8) Alphaprodine 77-20-3 0.2 g 10 g
9) Anileridine 144-14-9 0.2 g 10 g
10) Benzethidine 3691-78-9 0.2 g 10 g
11) Benzylmorphine 14297-87-1 0.2 g 10 g
12) Betacetylmethadol 17199-59-6 0.2 g 10 g
13) Betameprodine 468-50-8 0.2 g 10 g
14) Betamethadol 17199-55-2 0.2 g 10 g
15) Betaprodine 468-59-7 0.2 g 10 g
16) Bezitramide 15301-48-1 0.2 g 10 g
17) Dextromoramide 357-56-2 0.2 g 10 g
18) Dextropropoxyphene 469-62-5 0.2 g 10 g
19) Diampromide 552-25-0 0.2 g 10 g
20) Diethylthiambutene 86-14-6 0.2 g 10 g
21) Difenoxin 28782-42-5 0.2 g 10 g
22) Dihydroethorphine 14357-76-7 0.2 g 10 g
23) Dihydrocodeine 125-28-0 0.2 g 10 g
24) Dihydromorphine 509-60-4 0.2 g 10 g
25) Dimenoxadol 509-78-4 0.2 g 10 g
26) Dimepheptanol 545-90-4 0.2 g 10 g
27) Dimethylthiambutene 524-84-5 0.2 g 10 g
28) Dioxaphetyl butyrate 467-86-7 0.2 g 10 g
29) Diphenoxylate 915-30-0 0.2 g 10 g
30) Dipipanone 467-83-4 0.2 g 10 g
31) Drotebanol 3176-03-2 0.2 g 10 g
32) Ecgonine 481-37-8 0.2 g 10 g
33) Ethylmethylthiambutene 441-61-2 0.2 g 10 g
34) Ethylmorphine 76-58-4 0.02 g 10 g
35) Etoxeridine 469-82-9 0.2 g 10 g
36) Etonitazene 911-65-9 0.001 g 1 g
37) Phenadoxone 467-84-5 0.2 g 10 g
38) Phenampromide 129-83-9 0.2 g 10 g
39) Phenazocine 127-35-5 0.2 g 10 g
40) Phenomorphan 468-07-5 0.2 g 10 g
41) Phenoperidine 562-26-5 0.2 g 10 g
42) Fentanyl 437-38-7 0.001 g 1 g
43) Pholcodine 509-67-1 0.2 g 10 g
44) Furethidine 2385-81-1 0.2 g 10 g
45) Hexobarbital 56-29-1 0.1 g 10 g
46) Hydrocodone 125-29-1 0.2 g 10 g
47) Hydromorphinol 2183-56-4 0.2 g 10 g
48) Hydromorphone 466-99-9 0.2 g 10 g
49) Hydroxypethidine 468-56-4 0.2 g 10 g
50) Isomethadone 466-40-0 0.2 g 10 g
51) Ketobemidone 469-79-4 0.1 g 1 g
52) Clonitazene 3861-76-5 0.2 g 10 g
53) Codeine 76-57-3 0.2 g 10 g
54) Codoxime 7125-76-0 0.2 g 10 g
55) Cocaine 50-36-2 0.01 g 5 g
56) Levophenacylmorphan 10061-32-2 0.2 g 10 g
57) Levomethorphan 125-70-2 0.1 g 10 g
58) Levomoramide 5666-11-5 0.2 g 10 g
59) Levorphanol 77-07-6 0.2 g 10 g
60) Methadone 76-99-3 0.01 g 10 g
61) Methadone intermediate products 125-79-1 0.2 g 10 g
62) Metazocine 3734-52-9 0.2 g 10 g
63) Methyldesorphine 16008-36-9 0.2 g 10 g
64) Methyldihydromorphine 509-56-8 0.2 g 10 g
65) Metopon 143-52-2 0.2 g 10 g
66) Moramide intermediate product 3626-55-9 0.2 g 10 g
67) Morpheridine 469-81-8 0.2 g 10 g
68) Morphine 57-27-2 0.01 g 10 g
69) Morphine methobromide 125-23-5 0.2 g 10 g
70) Morphine-N-oxide 639-46-3 0.2 g 10 g
71) Myrophine 467-18-5 0.2 g 10 g
72) Nicocodine 3688-66-2 0.2 g 10 g
73) Nicodicodine 808-24-2 0.2 g 10 g
74) Nicomorphine 639-48-5 0.2 g 10 g
75) Noracymethadol 1477-39-0 0.2 g 10 g
76) Norcodeine 467-15-2 0.2 g 10 g
77) Norlevorphanol 1531-12-0 0.2 g 10 g
78) Normethadone 467-85-6 0.2 g 10 g
79) Normorphine 466-97-7 0.2 g 10 g
80) Norpipanone 561-48-8 0.2 g 10 g
81) Oxycodone 76-42-6 0.2 g 10 g
82) Oxymorphone 76-41-5 0.2 g 10 g
83) Opium not determined 0.1 g 10 g
84) Pethidine 57-42-1 0.2 g 10 g
85) Pethidine intermediate product A 3627-62-1 0.2 g 10 g
86) Pethidine intermediate product B 77-17-8 0.2 g 10 g
87) Pethidine intermediate product C 3627-48-3 0.2 g 10 g
88) Piminodine 13495-09-5 0.2 g 10 g
89) Piritramide 302-41-0 0.1 g 5 g
90) Proheptazine 77-14-5 0.2 g 10 g
91) Properidine 561-76-2 0.2 g 10 g
92) Propiram 15686-91-6 0.2 g 10 g
93) Racemethorphan 510-53-2 0.2 g 10 g
94) Racemoramide 545-59-5 0.2 g 10 g
95) Racemorphan 297-90-5 0.2 g 10 g
96) Remifentanil 132875-61-7 0.2 g 10 g
97) Sufentanil 56030-54-7 0.001 g 1 g
98) Tapendatol 175591-09-0 0.1 g 10 g
99) Thebacon 466-90-0 0.2 g 10 g
100) Thebaine 115-37-7 0.2 g 10 g
101) Tilidine 20380-58-9 0.2 g 10 g
102) Trimeperidine (Promedol) 64-39-1 0.03 g 10 g

14. Psychotropic substances equivalent to narcotic substances corresponding to the Schedule:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) Amobarbital 57-43-2 0.1 g 10 g
2) Buprenorphine 52485-79-7 0.001 g 1 g
3) Butalbital 77-26-9 0.1 g 10 g
4) Cyclobarbital 52-31-3 0.1 g 10 g
5) Zipeprol 34758-83-3 0.2 g 10 g
6) Dronabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its stereochemical variations) 1972-08-3 (CAS No. indicated for the substance "dronabinol") 0.2 g 10 g
7) Phencyclidine 77-10-1 0.001 g 1 g
8) Phenmetrazine 134-49-6 0.1 g 5 g
9) Flunitrazepam 1622-62-4 0.01 g 5 g
10) Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) 591-81-1 0.6 g 10 g
11) Glutethimide 77-21-4 1.5 g 15 g
12) Mecloqualone 340-57-8 0.2 g 10 g
13) Methaqualone 72-44-6 0.05 g 5 g
14) Methylphenidate 113-45-1 0.2 g 10 g
15) methylmorphenate 231299-92-6 0.2 g 10 g
16) Pentazocine 359-83-1 0.03 g 5 g
17) Pentobarbital 76-74-4 0.1 g 10 g
18) Secobarbital 76-73-3 0.2 g 10 g

15. Mixture of plants, compressed mass, liquid, mixture of substances, impregnated paper which contains any quantity of the substances referred to in Chapter III of this Annex:

No. Type of mixture Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) dried (plant mixture) 1 g 100 g
2) undried (mixture of plants) 5 g 1 kg
3) compressed mass 0.1 g 50 g
4) liquid 1 ml 50 ml
5) mixture of substances that contains any quantity of the substance referred to in Schedule II and that is not separable from the total quantity of the mixture of substances 30 g 100 g
6) impregnated paper (tab) 3 items 10 items

IV. Schedule III (Dangerous Psychotropic Substances which might be Abused)

16. Psychotropic substances corresponding to the Schedule:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) Allobarbital 52-43-7 0.6 g 10 g
2) Alprazolam 28981-97-7 0.001 g 1 g
3) derivative of alprazolam triazolbenzophenone not available 0.001 g 1 g
4) Amfepramone 90-84-6 0.1 g 10 g
5) Aminorex 2207-50-3 0.01 g 5 g
6) Barbital 57-44-3 0.5 g 10 g
7) Benzphetamine 156-08-1 0.6 g 10 g
8) Bromazepam 1812-30-2 0.4 g 10 g
9) Brotizolam 57801-81-7 0.01 g 5 g
10) Butobarbital 77-28-1 0.6 g 10 g
11) Cephedrine 67055-59-8 0.5 g 10 g
12) Delorazepam 2894-67-9 0.6 g 10 g
13) Deschloroetizolam 40054-73-7 0.01 g 5 g
14) Diazepam 439-14-5 0.1 g 10 g
15) Ephedrine 299-42-3 0.6 g 10 g
16) Estazolam 29975-16-4 0.02 g 10 g
161) Eszopiclone 138729-47-2 0.06 g 5 g
17) Ethchlorvynol 113-18-8 0.6 g 10 g
18) Ethinamate 126-52-3 0.6 g 10 g
19) Ethyl Loflazepate 29177-84-2 0.6 g 10 g
20) Etizolam 40054-69-1 0.01 g 5 g
21) Fenatine 139-68-4 0.6 g 10 g
22) Fenazepam 51753-57-2 0.05 g 10 g
23) Fencamphamine 1209-98-9 0.6 g 10 g
24) Phendimetrazine 634-03-7 0.6 g 10 g
25) Fenobarbital 50-06-6 0.6 g 10 g
251) Flualprazolam 28910-91-0 0.001 g 1 g
26) Fludiazepam 3900-31-0 0.6 g 10 g
27) Flurazepam 17617-23-1 0.6 g 10 g
28) Halazepam 23092-17-3 0.05 g 10 g
29) Haloxazolam 59128-97-1 0.6 g 10 g
30) Chlordiazepoxide 58-25-3 0.5 g 10 g
31) Camazepam 36104-80-0 0.6 g 10 g
311) Ketamine 6740-88-1 0.6 g 10 g
32) Ketazolam 27223-35-4 0.6 g 10 g
33) Clobazam 22316-47-8 0.6 g 10 g
34) Cloxazolam 24166-13-0 0.6 g 10 g
35) Clonazepam 1622-61-3 0.06 g 5 g
351) Clonazolam 33887-02-4 0.001 g 1 g
36) Clorazepate 23887-31-2 0.6 g 10 g
37) Clotiazepam 33671-46-4 0.6 g 10 g
38) Lefetamine (SPA) 7262-75-1 0.6 g 10 g
39) Loprazolam 61197-73-7 0.6 g 10 g
40) Lorazepam 846-49-1 0.02 g 5 g
41) Lormetazepam 848-75-9 0.6 g 10 g
42) Mazindol 22232-71-9 0.6 g 10 g
43) Medazepam 2898-12-6 0.5 g 5 g
44) Meprobamate 57-53-4 0.6 g 10 g
45) Methylphenobarbital 115-38-8 0.6 g 10 g
46) Methyprylon 125-64-4 0.6 g 10 g
47) Metizolam 40054-68-0 0.01 g 5 g
48) Mesocarb 34262-84-5 0.6 g 10 g
49) Midazolam 59467-70-8 0.6 g 10 g
50) Nimetazepam 2011-67-8 0.6 g 10 g
51) Nitrazepam 146-22-5 0.1 g 10 g
52) Nitrazolam 28910-99-8 0.001 g 1 g
53) Nordazepam 1088-11-5 0.6 g 10 g
54) Oxazepam 604-75-1 0.5 g 10 g
55) Oxazolam 24143-17-7 0.6 g 10 g
56) Pemoline 2152-34-3 0.6 g 10 g
57) Pinazepam 52463-83-9 0.6 g 10 g
58) Pipradrol 467-60-7 0.6 g 10 g
59) Pyrazolam 39243-02-2 0.001 g 1 g
60) Pyrovalerone 3563-49-3 0.6 g 10 g
61) Prazepam 2955-38-6 0.6 g 10 g
611) Pregabalin 148553-50-8 0.6 g 6 g
62) Propanidid 1421-14-3 0.5 g 10 g
63) Pseudoephedrine 90-82-4 0.6 g 10 g
631) Remimazolam 308242-62-8 0.6 g 10 g
64) Secbutabarbital 125-40-6 0.6 g 10 g
65) Temazepam 846-50-4 0.5 g 10 g
66) Tetrazepam 10379-14-3 0.6 g 10 g
67) Tofizopam 22345-47-7 0.6 g 10 g
68) Tramadol 27203-92-5 0.5 g 6 g
69) Triazolam 28911-01-5 0.001 g 1 g
70) Trihexiphenidyl 144-11-6 0.01 g 10 g
71) Vinylbital 2430-49-1 0.6 g 10 g
72) Zolpideme 82626-48-0 0.6 g 10 g
73) Zopiclone 43200-80-2 0.06 g 5 g

17. Mixture of plants, compressed mass, liquid, mixture of substances, impregnated paper which contains any quantity of the substances referred to in Chapter IV of this Annex:

No. Type of mixture Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) dried (plant mixture) 1 g 100 g
2) undried (mixture of plants) 5 g 1 kg
3) compressed mass 0.1 g 50 g
4) liquid 1 ml 50 ml
5) mixture of substances that contains any quantity of the substance referred to in Schedule III and that is not separable from the total quantity of the mixture of substances 30 g 100 g
6) impregnated paper (tab) 3 items 10 items

V. Schedule IV (Substances which may be Used for Illicit Manufacture of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances or Precursors)

18. Precursors of Category 1:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) Alpha-phenylacetoacetamide (APAA) 4433-77-6 10 g 100 g
2) Alpha-phenylacetoacetonitrile (APAAN) 4468-48-8 10 g 100 g
3) Ephedrine 299-42-3 0.6 g 10 g
4) Ergometrine 60-79-7 50 g 1 kg
5) Ergotamine 113-15-5 50 g 1 kg
6) Isosafrole (cis + trans) 120-58-1 50 g 1 kg
7) Lysergic acid 82-58-6 10 g 100 g
8) Methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (MAPA) 16648-44-5 10 g 100 g
9) Methyl 2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane-2-carboxylate (BMK methyl glycidate) 80532-66-7 10 g 100 g
10) Methyl 3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylate (PMK methyl glycidate) 13605-48-6 10 g 100 g
11) N-acetyl anthranilic acid 89-52-1 50 g 1 kg
12) N-phenethyl-4-piperidinone (NPP) 39742-60-4 0.6 g 10 g
13) Norephedrine 14838-15-4 0.6 g 10 g
14) Piperonal 120-57-0 50 g 1 kg
15) Pseudoephedrine 90-82-4 0.6 g 10 g
16) Safrole 94-59-7 50 g 1 kg
17) 1-phenyl-2-propanone (BMK) 103-79-7 10 g 100 g
18) 2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid (BMK glycidic acid) 25547-51-7 10 g 100 g
19) 3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid (PMK glycidic acid) 2167189-50-4 10 g 100 g
20) 3,4-methylenedioxy-phenyl-2-propanone (PMK) 4676-39-5 10 g 100 g
21) 4-anilino-N-phenethylpiperidine (ANPP) 21409-26-7 0.6 g 10 g
22) (1R,2S)-(-)-chloroephedrine 110925-64-9 0.6 g 10 g
23) (1S,2R)-(+)-chloroephedrine 1384199-95-4 0.6 g 10 g
24) (1S,2S)-(+)-chloropseudoephedrine 73393-61-0 0.6 g 10 g
25) (1R,2R)-(-)-chloropseudoephedrine 771434-80-1 0.6 g 10 g

19. Precursors of Category II:

1) precursors of Category 2.a:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) Acetic anhydride 108-24-7 1 kg 5 kg
2) Red phosphorus 7723-14-0 10 g 100 g

2) precursors of Category 2.b:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) Anthranilic acid 118-92-3 1 kg 5 kg
2) Phenylacetic acid 103-82-2 1 kg 5 kg
3) Potassium permanganate 7722-64-7 1 kg 5 kg
4) Piperidine 110-89-4 1 kg 5 kg

20. Precursors of Category III:

No. Name of substance CAS No. Amount up to which the quantity is recognised as small Amount from which the quantities are recognised as large
1) acetone 67-64-1 5 kg 20 kg
2) ethyl ether 60-29-7 5 kg 20 kg
3) Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) 78-93-3 5 kg 20 kg
4) Hydrochloric acid 7647-01-0 5 kg 20 kg
5) Sulphuric acid 7664-93-9 5 kg 20 kg
6) Toluene 108-88-3 5 kg 20 kg


Law On the Procedures for the Coming into Force and Application of the Criminal Law

Annex 3

Criteria for the Specification of the Seriousness Level of Bodily Injury

[24 October 2002; 21 October 2010; 25 April 2013; 8 June 2017]

I. Evaluation of Bodily Injury

1. Bodily injury is an anatomical injury or functional disorders to the tissues, organs or systems of a human organism that have been caused as a result of mechanical, thermal, electrical, acoustic, radiation, chemical, biological or other effects. Also mental disorders or traumas that have been caused as a result of mental effects or the abovementioned effects shall be equivalent to bodily injury.

2. The seriousness level of bodily injury and the causal link thereof shall be determined by a forensic expert (hereinafter - the expert).

3. [8 June 2017]

4. It is mandatory for an expert to indicate in his or her opinion the following regarding the bodily injury:

1) the medical or psychological nature;

2) the possible cause;

3) the time it was caused;

4) the seriousness level.

5. In determining the seriousness level of a bodily injury, the expert shall be guided only by objective data, and not take into account all the health disorder time if such is not based upon the nature of the bodily injury.

6. The aggravation of a previous illness or health disorder after committing of bodily injury, as well as bodily injury complications, which have been caused by circumstances of an incident, the specific characteristics of the individual organism or as a result of medical treatment errors shall not be the basis for raising the seriousness level of a bodily injury. In such cases the expert shall indicate in the opinion that the health condition has deteriorated or the nature of complications and the causal link thereof with the abovementioned circumstances.

7. Traumatic changes in artificial joints - knees, hips and other joints or other implanted artificial objects shall not be evaluated as bodily injury. In such cases the body tissue injuries shall be evaluated on the basis of the real health disorder and the length thereof.

8. Injury to viable transplants - fingers, palms, nose, ear conches, kidneys and other transplanted organs shall be evaluated according to normal bodily injury evaluation criteria.

9. In determining the seriousness level of bodily injury to children or persons who are older than 60 years of age, an expert shall take into account only the medical nature of the bodily injury irrespective of the duration of medical treatment.

10. [8 June 2017]

11. An opinion of the seriousness level of a bodily injury shall be justified by the expert with medical or other objective data. If the bodily injury corresponds to the features of various seriousness levels, the expert shall evaluate each bodily injury separately starting with the most serious, or evaluate the bodily injury in general according to the most serious. Bodily injury caused at various times shall be evaluated separately. The expert shall substantiate the seriousness level of a mental disorder or mental trauma with data obtained from the case materials, and also from data obtained during psychiatric or psychological evaluation.

12. An expert may give an opinion on the seriousness level of a bodily injury prior to the completion of medical treatment if the seriousness and consequences of the bodily injury, on the basis of objective data, does not cause doubts. In the case where the consequences of bodily injury cannot be clearly foreseen, the expert shall postpone the evaluation of the seriousness of the bodily injury by requesting the necessary materials from the person directing the proceedings.

13. The amount of the ongoing health disorder caused by the bodily injury shall be determined during a forensic medical examination and expressed in percentage.

II. Serious Bodily Injuries

14. Serious bodily injuries are such bodily injuries, which have been the reason for:

1) a threat to life (bodily injuries dangerous to life);

2) loss of organ or the functions thereof;

3) ongoing health disorder (the ongoing health disorder determined during the forensic medical examination exceeds the amount of 30 per cent);

4) termination of pregnancy;

5) irreparable facial disfigurement;

6) mental disorder with a chronic course or mental trauma with permanent consequences which affects the social adaptation of a person significantly.

15. Dangerous to life are bodily injuries, which at the moment of being committed or at a later time threaten the life of the victim. Dangerous to life are:

1) bodily injuries, which penetrate the cranial, chest and abdominal cavity or spinal cord, also without damage to internal organs;

2) closed and open fractures of cranial vault or basilar bones, except for isolated outer calvarial table fractures or isolated fractures of cranial bone processes outside the cranial cavity if there are no other dangerous to life intracranial damage;

3) damage to large blood vessels - aorta, common, external and internal carotid arteries, lower collarbone, armpit, humerus, pelvis, thigh, hamstring arteries or corresponding types of blood vessels;

4) the place of fractures to long tubular bones - open diaphyseal fractures of humerus, femur, tibia - is connected to the outer environment through the wound;

5) fractures of the cervical vertebrae (including fractures to tooth-shaped projection on the second vertebra), fractures-sprains or sprains, except for isolated vertebra projection fractures;

6) one or more chest or waist vertebra fractures or fractures-sprains with disturbance of the functions of spinal cord or clinically manifested shock signs;

7) pelvic bones' fractures with damage to internal organs or clinically manifested shock, or acute dangerous to life loss of blood, and also pelvic ring fractures that have caused the deformation and instability thereof;

8) damage to the cerebrum and the cover thereof with symptoms, which attest to serious cerebral coma (3-8 points on the Glasgow Coma Scale), damage to the trunk or manifested cerebral oedema, intracranial haemorrhage or post-traumatic hygroma, which causes dangerous cerebral displacement and compression;

9) damage to internal organs, as well as endocrine glands with symptoms which attest to danger to life;

10) other damage, which has caused some dangerous to life circumstances:

a) coma,

b) clinically manifested shock,

c) massive loss of blood,

d) respiratory and blood circulation incompetence syndrome,

e) liver or kidney incompetence syndrome,

f) acute hormonal dysfunction syndrome,

g) septic condition in the course of traumatic illness,

h) regional and organ blood circulation incompetence syndrome;

11) penetrating damage to the throat, larynx, windpipe and oesophagus, as well as closed fractures to the larynx and windpipe cartilage with clinically manifested shock and respiratory problems;

12) compression of throat organs with manifest asphyxiation phenomenon complex: cerebral blood circulation disturbance, unconsciousness, amnesia, and other;

13) II a level burns which cover more than 20 per cent of the body surface; IIb and III level burns which cover not less than 10 per cent of the body surface; respiratory tract burns with manifest oedema and glottal narrowing which have caused respiratory problems dangerous to life;

14) multiple bone fractures:

a) closed fractures to two or several long tubular bones - femur, tibia, humerus - or also any closed complex tubular bones fractures together with fractures to two or several pelvic bones, or fractures to the body or arch of two or several thoracic or lumber vertebrae,

b) fractures to several ribs either on one side or both sides (not less than five) along two or more lines if they have caused rib cage deformation or instability or also significant pulmonary ventilation disturbances with accumulation of air and blood in the pleural cavity and pulmonary deflation.

16. Loss of organ or the function thereof is:

1) complete loss of vision in both eyes (incurable blindness), as well as such a condition when the victim cannot count fingers at a distance of two metres and closer, or other serious visual disturbance, which conforms to a Group 1 disability for eyes; complete loss of vision in one eye shall be evaluated on the basis of the feature - ongoing health disorder in the amount of more than 30 per cent (possible correction of visual disturbance with optical glasses shall not be taken into account); the removal of the blind eyeball causes irreparable changes to the face - facial asymmetry;

2) complete loss of hearing in both ears (incurable deafness), as well as a condition when the victim cannot hear a loud voice at a distance of 3-5 centimetres from auricle; loss of hearing in one ear shall be evaluated on the basis of the feature - ongoing health disorder in the amount of more than 30 per cent;

3) loss of an organ or the function thereof which is expressed as:

a) loss of speech by which shall be understood such an incurable condition when the victim is unable to express his or her thoughts to others with understandable articulated sounds,

b) anatomical loss of hands, legs, also separation of palms and soles from the body, or loss of other organs or the functions thereof - paralysis or other condition of inactivity,

c) loss of reproductive capacity (the loss of ability to perform sexual intercourse, impregnation and fertilisation capacity, capability to give birth), and also full or partial removal of external genital organs, including full or partial removal of clitoris, labia minora or majora, or infibulation, except for manipulations carried out due to medical indications.

17. An expert shall not qualify damage to the face as disfigurement. The expert shall only determine the medical nature of the bodily injury and the level of seriousness, as well as the fact if the damage is irreparable.

18. [8 June 2017]

19. Bodily injury, which has been the reason for the termination of pregnancy irrespective of the pregnancy period, shall be serious bodily harm if only the cause of the termination of pregnancy is not the specific characteristics of the individual organism.

III. Medium Serious and Slight Bodily Injuries

20. Medium serious bodily injuries are the following bodily injuries:

1) isolated fractures to outer calvarial table, fractures to the eye periorbital area of ethmoid bone and isolated fractures to the lateral epicondyle of the occipital bone without danger to life symptoms;

2) fractures to the breastbone, one or several ribs without damage to internal organs;

3) incomplete or uncomplicated fractures to individual tubular bones;

4) fractures to the facial skeleton, except for uncomplicated fracture of nasal bones;

5) fractures to the body or cornicle of the hyoid bone without asphyxiation features;

6) fractures of the larynx cartilage without danger to life symptoms;

7) isolated damage to large joints and ligaments or cartilage of such joints - hip, knee, shoulder sprains, and also sprains of other joints if there is damage to joint capsule or severance of ligaments;

8) trauma of the cerebrum and the cover thereof which causes cognitive loss (9 to 12 points according to the Glasgow Coma Scale) and does not cause dangerous cerebral displacement and compression;

9) long-lasting health disorder exceeding 21 days;

10) ongoing health disorder in the amount of 10-30 per cent;

11) mental disorder or mental trauma affecting the social adaptation of a person on a long-term basis.

21. [8 June 2017]

22. [8 June 2017]

23. Light bodily injuries are bodily injuries that have caused short-term health disorders from 7 to 21 days, or the ongoing health disorder determined during the forensic medical examination is less than in the amount of 10 per cent.

24. [21 October 2010]

25. [21 October 2010]


Law On the Procedures for the Coming into Force and Application of the Criminal Law

Annex 4

Property not to be Confiscated for the Convicted Person or his or her Dependants

[25 April 2013]

In determining punishment - confiscation of property - the following property owned by a person shall not be confiscated:

1. Home furnishings, clothing and household items, which are necessary to the convicted person, his or her family and his or her dependants:

1) everyday clothing, footwear and underwear;

2) bedding accessories, nightwear and towels;

3) kitchen and table accessories for everyday use;

4) furniture - one bed and chair per each person, as well as one table and one closet per family;

5) all accessories for children.

2. Food products, which are necessary for the livelihood of the convicted person and his or her family.

3. Money in the amount of minimum monthly wage for the convicted person and each member of his or her family, if the family member is a dependant of the convicted person and he or she does not have other income.

4. Heating fuel, which is necessary for the family for cooking and heating of residential premises.

5. Equipment and tools, which are necessary to the convicted person in order to continue economic or professional activities, except in cases when the person has been recognised as insolvent or the right of the person to a specific occupation has been revoked by a ruling in criminal matter.

6. For persons whose occupation is agriculture - two animals of different genders from each species kept for farming purposes and one beehive, fodder for feeding of the referred to animals until harvesting of new fodder or letting of stock out to pasture, as well as seed and planting material.

7. Pets owned by the convicted person.

8. Dwelling in the ownership or joint ownership of the convicted person, which is the only dwelling of the convicted person and in which he or she resides on everyday basis.

9. Property without material value, confiscation of which would cause losses to the State.

10. Wedding ring.

11. Churches and religious items for the performance of ritual activities.

1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2022 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Par Krimināllikuma spēkā stāšanās un piemērošanas kārtību Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Saeima Type: law Adoption: 15.10.1998.Entry into force: 05.11.1998.Theme: Criminal justicePublication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 331/332, 04.11.1998.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 23, 03.12.1998.
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class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.12.2015","iso_value":"2015\/12\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.12.2015.-29.02.2016.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.06.2015","iso_value":"2015\/06\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2015.-02.12.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.07.2014","iso_value":"2014\/07\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.07.2014.-31.05.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.05.2013","iso_value":"2013\/05\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.05.2013.-10.07.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.02.2013","iso_value":"2013\/02\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.02.2013.-15.05.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.08.2012","iso_value":"2012\/08\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.08.2012.-22.02.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2012","iso_value":"2012\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2012.-15.08.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2011","iso_value":"2011\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2011.-31.12.2011.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.12.2009","iso_value":"2009\/12\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.12.2009.-31.12.2010.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2009","iso_value":"2009\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2009.-22.12.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.06.2008","iso_value":"2008\/06\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.06.2008.-30.06.2009.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"13.06.2007","iso_value":"2007\/06\/13","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.06.2007.-10.06.2008.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"24.02.2007","iso_value":"2007\/02\/24","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.02.2007.-12.06.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.01.2003","iso_value":"2003\/01\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.01.2003.-23.02.2007.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"27.11.2002","iso_value":"2002\/11\/27","content":"<font class='s-1'>27.11.2002.-02.01.2003.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.06.2002","iso_value":"2002\/06\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.06.2002.-26.11.2002.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.07.2000","iso_value":"2000\/07\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.07.2000.-11.06.2002.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2000","iso_value":"2000\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2000.-10.07.2000.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"26.03.1999","iso_value":"1999\/03\/26","content":"<font class='s-1'>26.03.1999.-31.12.1999.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"05.11.1998","iso_value":"1998\/11\/05","content":"<font class='s-1'>05.11.1998.-25.03.1999.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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