Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.01.2020.–20.06.2024. Amendments not included: 23.05.2024.
The Saeima1 has adopted and On the Completion of Land Reform in Rural AreasSection 1. (1) This Law prescribes the procedures for the completion of the land reform in rural areas, and the rights of use of land and the property relationship shall be adjusted and disputes in issues related to the land reform shall be examined until the completion thereof. (2) The norms of this Law shall be applicable if it has not been specified otherwise in the Law on the Completion of Privatisation of State and Local Government Property and Use of Privatisation Certificates. [30 June 2005] Section 2. (1) Land commissions of rural territories and towns (hereinafter - the rural territory land commission) shall, within one month after the day of coming into force of this Law, take the decisions on the submissions for granting land for permanent use submitted until 9 September 1997. The requests for granting the land for permanent use submitted after such term shall be examined only in the following cases: 1) the requests of natural persons: a) if the rights of use of land to such persons are transferred from other natural persons; b) if free land under the jurisdiction of the State is being requested; 2) the requests of legal persons if free land under the jurisdiction of the State is being requested: a) for agricultural purposes; b) for the maintenance of buildings and structures owned by such legal persons (except for the buildings and structures obtained in the result of privatisation). (2) The requests of land shall be submitted, by 1 June 2006, to the local government of a rural territory, town with rural area, municipality (hereinafter - the rural territory) which shall take the decision on the granting of land for permanent use. The decision on the granting of land for permanent use shall be submitted to the relevant regional division of the State Land Service. The documentation necessary for drawing up the granting of land shall be prepared by the relevant division of the State Land Service. The rural territory survey plan on which all free land parcels are marked shall be freely accessible to any requester of land; the list of land requesters shall be displayed in the local government premises in a visible place. The requests shall be examined not earlier than after one month from the moment when the first request has been received in relation to the particular land parcel. The relevant local government shall take the decision on the granting of land for permanent use until 1 September 2007 and submit it to the territorial unit of the State Land Service within one month after the decision has been taken. The local government shall immediately inform the territorial unit of the State Land Service of all the legal proceedings that are initiated regarding the decisions on the granting of land for permanent use or on the granting of land for permanent use with a transition of rights to other persons taken by the local government. If several requests have been received in relation to a particular land parcel, they shall be satisfied in the following order: 1) the requests of the owners of buildings and structures in relation to the area necessary for the maintenance of such buildings and structures; 2) the requests of the former land owners or their heirs if they request land of an equivalent value to that land to which their ownership rights are not being restored due to restrictions provided for by law; 3) the requests of those owners (users) of land parcels whose land borders with the land parcel under request; 4) the requests for the expansion of farms or home farms within the territory of the relevant local government; 5) the requests for the development of new farms or home farms if the residential house and production buildings of the land requester are situated on or the construction thereof is commenced on the land parcel under request; 6) the requests for the development of new farms or home farms if the residential house owned by the land requester is not on the land parcel under request, and the preference shall be given to such persons whose amounts of personal income tax paid are being included in the budget of the relevant local government; 7) the requests for the construction of individual residential houses; 8) the requests of legal persons for the purposes referred to in Paragraph one, Clause 2, Sub-clause "a" of this Section; 9) the requests for other purposes. (3) If several land requesters of the same priority apply for the same land parcel, the rights of receipt of the land parcel shall be settled by lot in accordance with the procedures specified by the rural territory local government. (4) If the rural territory land commission has adopted an opinion on the restoration of land ownership rights or the granting of land of an equal value into ownership but the determination (survey) of the boundaries of a land parcel on site has not been performed, the land to which the ownership rights are being restored shall be granted for permanent use to the former owners of land and their heirs until 30 November 1997. The decision on the granting of land for permanent use with an appended copy of a survey plan of land use and land properties with the boundaries of that land parcel to which the ownership rights are being restored shall be notified to the former owners of land and their heirs. The abovementioned decision shall come into force if it has not been appealed by interested persons within 10 days after the notification thereof. The decision on granting of land for permanent use which has come into force and the appended copy of the survey plan of land use and land properties shall be the basis for the commencement of land use and for the commencement of paying immovable property (land) tax in accordance with the procedures set out by law. (5) If determination (survey) of boundaries of such land to which land ownership rights are being restored has not been commenced yet, the former owners of land or their heirs have the right to refuse from this land and to request property compensation certificates for such land until 1 March 2006. (6) If after completion of operation of the rural territory land commission such cases have been established where neither the rural territory local government nor the rural territory land commission has taken the decision on the granting of land for permanent use to the natural person who actually has the land in use, the territorial unit of the State Land Service is entitled to take the decision on the granting of the land into ownership in return for payment or, in case the land commission has adopted an opinion on the restoration of land ownership rights or granting of land of an equivalent value into ownership, on the restoration of land ownership rights. The territorial unit of the State Land Service shall take the decision on the basis of a statement issued by the relevant local government in which it is indicated that the natural person is paying the immovable property tax for the land in the actual use thereof and that there is no dispute regarding such land, and to which a graphical attachment with an indicated cadastre notation of the land parcel being in actual use as well as at least one of the following documents are appended: 1) the opinion of the rural territory land commission; 2) the decision (derivative of the document) of the local government according to which a land survey project has been approved during the first round of the land reform, or the decision (derivative of the document) of the local government (rural territory land commission) on the use of land and the survey plan of land properties of the rural territory and an extract from the list of land users approved by the decision; 3) the submission of a person submitted to the rural territory local government until 20 June 1991 and registered with the register of requests of land of the rural territory land commission; 4) a statement from the local government which certifies that this person has not concluded a land lease contract in relation to the abovementioned land parcel, except for the case specified in Section 25, Paragraph two of the Law on the Completion of Privatisation of State and Local Government Property and Use of Privatisation Certificates. (7) If a person to whom land has been granted for permanent use with a transition of the rights of use to other persons wishes to refuse the rights of use of land, he or she may submit a submission to the relevant local government until 1 March 2006, indicating the person for the benefit of whom he or he refuses the rights of use of land, i.e. a relative or spouse thereof, but in cases when buildings or structures are being alienated the new owner of the building (structure). When applying this norm, a relative is considered to be a father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, child, grandchild, adoptee, adopter, great-grandchild, brother, sister, nephew or niece. In other cases of refusal, the local government shall grant the land for permanent use to another person as the free land under the jurisdiction of the State according to the procedures set out in this Law. The cadastre information on the free land under the jurisdiction of the State and the land which the land users have refused shall be compiled and made public by the State Land Service. (8) If a contract with valsts akciju sabiedrība "Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka" [State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank] on the redemption (purchase) of land has not been entered into until 30 December 2011, the decision on the rights to redeem land and the decision on the granting of land into ownership in return for payment shall be repealed and the subsequent alienation of land shall take place in accordance with the procedures specified in the Law on the Alienation of the Property of a Public Entity. (9) If the area calculated during the cadastral survey exceeds the area of land granted for permanent use or is smaller than that and the land parcel boundary contours on site conform to the boundary contours specified in the graphical attachment to the decision on the granting of land for permanent use, the local government shall take the decision on the readjustment of the land area. The contours of the land parcel boundaries calculated during the cadastral survey may differ from the boundary contours specified in the graphical attachment to the decision on the granting of land for permanent use if all the bordering land parcels have undergone a cadastral survey. (10) If buildings or structures owned by another person are located on the land parcel granted for permanent use or on the land parcel in relation to which the ownership rights are being restored, the relevant regional division of the State Land Service or the Central Land Commission in the cases provided for by law shall take the decision on the granting of land into ownership in return for payment or on the restoration of land ownership rights and shall indicate in the decision that buildings and structures owned by another person are located on the land parcel. The owner of the buildings and structures shall be guaranteed the right to lease land which is occupied by the buildings, structures, and courtyard. The area of land to be leased shall be determined by the common accord of the land owner and the owner of buildings and structures. (11) If buildings or structures the possession of which is not ascertained are located on the land parcel granted for permanent use, the relevant regional division of the State Land Service or the Central Land Commission in the cases provided for by law shall take the decision on the granting of land into ownership in return for payment or on the restoration of land ownership rights if such local government statement has been submitted in which it is indicated that the possession of buildings and structures is not ascertained. The subsequent ownership of such buildings and structures shall be regulated by Section 14, Paragraph four of the law On the Time Period of Coming into Force and the Procedures for the Application of the Introduction, Parts on Inheritance Rights and Property Rights of the Renewed Civil Law of 1937 of the Republic of Latvia. (12) [14 June 2007] [15 April 1999; 30 June 2005; 14 June 2007; 17 July 2008; 12 June 2009; 24 September 2009; 5 May 2011] Section 2.1 The free land under jurisdiction of the State which has not been requested until 1 June 2006 shall be used for the completion of the land reform. The information on the land intended for completion of the land reform shall be compiled and published by the State Land Service by placing it on a website. [14 June 2007] Section 3. [14 June 2007] Section 4. (1) The responsible authorities referred to in this Section shall submit the following information to the territorial units of the State Land Service for updating data in the State Immovable Property Cadastre Information System: 1) the State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank - on the land redemption (purchase) contracts entered into until 31 March 2012; 2) the Central Land Commission - on the decisions taken for the restoration of ownership rights until 30 September 2014. (2) The territorial unit of the State Land Service shall prepare and submit cadastre data to the local governments until: 1) 31 August 2010 on those units of land for which an application has not been submitted by 31 May 2010 for taking the decision on the allocation of land into ownership for payment; 2) 30 December 2010 on those units of land for which a land boundary plan has not been submitted for registration in the State Immovable Property Cadastre Information System and an application has not been submitted for taking the decision on the allocation of land into ownership for payment until 31 August 2010; 3) 30 June 2012 on those units of land the land redemption (purchase) contracts for which have not been entered into with the State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank until 30 December 2011. (3) Local governments shall, on the basis of the cadastre data indicated in Paragraph two of this Section, take the decision on the expiration of the right of a land user to use the land granted to him or her, and shall submit it to the territorial unit of the State Land Service until 30 September 2013. (4) The territorial unit of the State Land Service shall prepare a land report using the data from the State Immovable Property Cadastre Information System and shall co-ordinate it with the relevant local government until 30 November 2014. [14 June 2007; 12 June 2009; 24 September 2009; 17 June 2010; 5 May 2011; 15 November 2012; 6 November 2013] Section 5. The Minister for Justice shall submit draft orders prepared by the State Land Service on the completion of the land reform in the territory of the relevant local governments or in the territorial unit of a municipality government (town, rural territory) for consideration to the Cabinet. [14 June 2007; 17 July 2008] Section 6. If a Cabinet order is taken on the transfer of individual land parcels under the jurisdiction of the State to any local government, the ownership rights to such land parcels shall be corroborated in the Land Register in the name of the relevant local government without prior corroborating of the ownership rights in the name of the State. Section 7. [14 June 2007] Section 8. The citizens of the Republic of Latvia to whom the land has been granted for permanent use until 1 November 1996 as well as the citizens of the Republic of Latvia who have acquired the right of use of land in the cases when such right has been transferred to them from the citizens and permanent residents of the Republic of Latvia to whom the land has been granted for permanent use within a time period until 1 November 1996 are entitled to redeem the land and the forest stand situated thereon for privatisation certificates or euros in accordance with the payment provisions and procedures referred to in Section 18 of the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas by concluding a contract of land redemption with the State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank. The means of payment shall be chosen by the purchaser of land. [14 June 2007; 12 June 2009] Section 9. (1) The citizens of the Republic of Latvia to whom the land has been granted for permanent use after 1 November 1996 as well as the citizens of the Republic of Latvia who have acquired the right of use of land in the cases when such right has been transferred to them from the citizens and permanent residents of the Republic of Latvia to whom the land has been granted for permanent use within a time period after 1 November 1996 are entitled to redeem the land and the forest stand situated thereon for the property compensation certificates or euros by concluding a contract of land redemption with the State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank. The means of payment shall be chosen by the purchaser of land. (2) The land that has been granted for permanent use to the citizens of the Republic of Latvia for agricultural purposes as well as the land that shall be used for the maintenance and construction of agricultural production facilities may be redeemed by such citizens for privatisation certificates or euros, as they choose, but the forest stand situated thereon may be redeemed for the property compensation certificates or euros as to the choice thereof. Within the meaning of this Law, the land that has been granted for permanent use for agricultural purposes is the land to which a purpose of use of immovable property has been specified according to the target group of use, i.e. agricultural land, in accordance with laws and regulations. Within the meaning of this Law, the land that shall be used for the maintenance and construction of agricultural production facilities is the land to which a purpose of use of immovable property has been specified according to laws and regulations, i.e. building of undertakings of agricultural nature. (3) The redemption price of land shall be determined in conformity with the cadastral value of the land, applying the deduction of payment specified in laws and regulations, but the payment for a forest stand shall be determined in conformity with the data of forest management and in accordance with the assessment procedures of the forest stand specified by the Cabinet. [15 April 1999; 30 June 2005; 14 June 2007; 12 September 2013] Section 10. (1) The permanent residents of the Republic of Latvia (if they have the right to an aliens passport issued by the Republic of Latvia) to whom the land has been granted for permanent use for the construction and maintenance of residential houses, for the maintenance of orchards, summer cottages, garages, and other buildings or who have acquired the relevant right of use of land as a result of transition of such right, as well as the permanent residents of the Republic of Latvia who have acquired the right of use of land in the cases when such rights have been transferred to them from the citizens and permanent residents of the Republic of Latvia to whom the land has been granted for permanent use until 1 November 1996 shall purchase the land by concluding a land purchase contract with the State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank in compliance with the restrictions specified in Section 29 of the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas in the following cases: 1) if the land has been granted for permanent use within a time period until 1 November 1996 - for privatisation certificates or euros. The means of payment shall be chosen by the purchaser of the land; 2) if the land has been granted for permanent use within a time period after 1 November 1996 - for property compensation certificates or euros. The means of payment shall be chosen by the purchaser of the land. (2) The legal persons to whom land is granted for permanent use shall purchase the land by concluding a land purchase contract with the State joint-stock company Latvian Mortgage and Land Bank in compliance with the following conditions: 1) if the land has been granted for permanent use to the legal persons referred to in Section 28, Paragraph one of the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas until the term specified in Section 2, Paragraphs one, two, and four of this Law - for property compensation certificates and euros or for euros only. The proportion of the means of payment shall be determined by the Cabinet. The price for the land purchase shall be determined in conformity with the cadastral value of the land, but the price for the forest stand that is situated thereon shall be determined in conformity with the data of forest management and in accordance with the assessment procedures of the forest stand specified by the Cabinet; 2) if the land has been granted for permanent use for agricultural purposes as well as is to be used for the maintenance and construction of agricultural production facilities - for privatisation certificates or euros upon the choice of the purchaser if the land ownership rights of the former land owners or their heirs are not being restored for this land in accordance with Section 6 of the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas, but a forest stand - for privatisation certificates or euros if the land upon which the forest stand is situated has been granted for permanent use to legal persons until 1 November 1996 whose principal form of activity is the production of agricultural products and whose revenue from the sold self-produced production for the previous reporting period is at least 60 % of the total revenue. A statement issued by the Rural Support Service shall serve as a substantiation for determination of the current revenue proportion from agricultural products. The land granted for permanent use for agricultural purposes and the land that is to be used for the maintenance and building of agricultural production facilities shall be read as the land specified in Section 9 of this Law; 3) if the land for the maintenance of buildings has been granted for permanent use to the legal persons referred to in Section 28, Paragraph four of the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas within the term specified in Section 2, Paragraphs one, two, and four of this Law - for euros by concluding a land purchase contract and complying with the restrictions specified in Section 29 of the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas. The price for the land purchase shall be determined in conformity with the cadastral value of the land. [14 June 2007; 12 June 2009] Section 11. (1) Natural persons who corroborate the ownership rights to land in the Land Register in accordance with the procedures specified in this Law shall be exempted from the State fee for the corroboration of ownership rights in the Land Register. (2) Payments related to the conclusion of a land redemption (purchase) contract, documentation and corroboration of the land ownership rights in the Land Register shall be paid in euros. [14 June 2007; 12 June 2009] Section 12. [14 June 2007] Section 13. The rural territory land commissions shall terminate their operation within a period of two months after the day of fulfilment of the activities referred to in Section 3, Clauses 1, 2, and 3 of this Law. Within this period, the rural territory land commissions shall hand over to the relevant regional division of the State Land Service the protocols of the land commissions and documentation related to the land reform. Documentation shall be arranged in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding archives. Section 14. After termination of operation of the rural territory land commission, the functions specified in Section 2 of the law On Land Commissions and in the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas shall be taken over by the relevant regional division of the State Land Service, except for the right to grant land for permanent use. [15 April 1999] Section 15. (1) The land boundary dispute commission of the territorial unit of the State Land Service shall examine the land boundary dispute between persons regarding the land units which are not entered in the Land Register. (2) The court shall examine the land boundary dispute between persons regarding the land units if these land units are entered in the Land Register. (3) Land boundary disputes between persons regarding the land units of which at least one is entered in the Land Register shall be examined in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations (Paragraph five of this Section). (31) The land boundary dispute commission of the territorial unit of the State Land Service shall take the decision in a matter of land boundary dispute within three months from the date of receipt of the application. If it is not possible to comply with the abovementioned time period due to objective reasons, it may be extended in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law. (4) The decision of the land boundary dispute commission of the territorial unit of the State Land Service may be contested to the Director General of the State Land Service within one month. The Director General shall take the decision within three months from the date of receipt of the application. If it is not possible to comply with the abovementioned time period due to objective reasons, it may be extended in accordance with the procedures specified in the Administrative Procedure Law. The decision of the Director General may be appealed to a court within one month. (5) The establishment of a land boundary dispute commission of the territorial unit of the State Land Service, the rights and obligations thereof, the procedures for submitting applications, for taking and notifying decisions shall be determined by the Cabinet. (6) The decisions of the relevant authorities related to the land use and land ownership rights, to the payment for land, to the granting of the intended compensation for land, to the amount of compensation, to the cancelling of land property compensation certificates as well as to the restrictions on rights to land property may be appealed to a court within one month after their coming into force. [14 June 2007; 17 July 2008; 12 June 2009] Section 16. (1) Until 28 December 2007, the former land owners or their heirs to whom the ownership rights to immovable property have not been restored or the property compensation certificates thereof have not been granted [including the persons who up to 21 July 1940 commenced the redemption (concluded an accessory contract) of immovable property left in Latvia by German emigrants from the General Agricultural Bank or the State Land Bank as well as the heirs of such persons] shall submit to the Central Land Commission a request for the restoration of land ownership rights. The documents confirming the land ownership and inheritance rights may be submitted until 1 September 2008. (2) The Central Land Commission, on the basis of the interested persons' request and documents which confirm the land ownership and inheritance rights [as well as for the persons who up to 21 July 1940 commenced the redemption (concluded an accessory contract) of immovable property left in Latvia by German emigrants from the General Agricultural Bank or the State Land Bank as well as the heirs of such persons, documents confirming land ownership rights may deemed to be a statement from the Latvian State Historical Archives in which the purchaser of the immovable property, data regarding the immovable property and the money amounts paid into the bank are indicated] shall: 1) grant property compensation certificates if the compensation has been requested until 28 April 2006; 2) restore the land ownership rights to the land granted for permanent use, except for the cases referred to in Section 2, Paragraph six of this Law, or to the land provided for the completion of the land reform, or to the land which has not been entered in the Land Register and which they lease from the local government in conformity with Section 25, Paragraph two of the Law on the Completion of Privatisation of State and Local Government Property and Use of Privatisation Certificates. (3) The Central Land Commission: 1) shall adopt the opinions on the restoration of ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform until 28 June 2014; 2) shall take the decisions on the restoration of ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform in accordance with the procedures determined by the Cabinet. [14 June 2007; 12 June 2009; 17 June 2010; 5 May 2011; 15 November 2012; 6 November 2013] Section 16.1 [14 June 2007] Section 17. (1) The Central Land Commission shall restore the ownership rights to the former land owners or their heirs as well as to the former land owners who up to 21 July 1940 commenced the redemption (concluded an accessory contract) of immovable property left in Latvia by German emigrants from the General Agricultural Bank or the State Land Bank as well as the heirs of such persons in accordance with Section 16, Paragraph two, Clause 2 of this Law: 1) to the land granted to them for permanent use; 2) if the permanent land ownership rights have terminated - to the land which is not entered in the Land Register and which they lease from the local government in conformity with Section 25, Paragraph two of the Law on the Completion of Privatisation of State and Local Government Property and Use of Privatisation Certificates; 3) to the land provided for the completion of the land reform. (2) The ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform for the persons referred to in Paragraph three, Clauses 2 and 3 of this Section shall be restored in the following order: 1) in the territory of such local government in which the former land property is located; 2) in the territory of such district in which the former land property is located; 3) in the territory of other local governments. (21) The Central Land Commission shall restore the ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform in the order specified in Paragraph two of this Section in compliance with the administrative territorial classification on 2 January 2009. (3) The Central Land Commission shall restore the ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform in compliance with the following priorities: 1) the request for the restoration of land ownership rights as well as the documents certifying the ownership and inheritance rights have been submitted within the time periods specified in the law On the Land Reform in the Rural Areas of the Republic of Latvia and in the law On Land Privatisation in Rural Areas, but to the former land owners who up to 21 July 1940 commenced the redemption (concluded an accessory contract) of immovable property left in Latvia by German emigrants from General Agricultural Bank or State Land Bank, or their heirs, regardless of the time period of submission of the request; 2) the request for the restoration of land ownership rights has been submitted within the time periods specified in the law On the Land Reform in the Rural Areas of the Republic of Latvia but the documents certifying the ownership and inheritance rights have been submitted after the time period specified in the Law; 3) the request for the restoration of land ownership rights as well as the documents certifying the ownership and inheritance rights have been submitted after the time periods specified in the law On the Land Reform in the Rural Areas of the Republic of Latvia. (31) For the persons of the priority specified in Paragraph three, Clause 1 of this Section, the ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform shall be restored upon their choice (upon submission) in the territory of the local government or in the territory of the district in which the former land property is located, or in the territory of other local governments. (32) If, when examining the requests of persons of the priority specified in Paragraph three, Clause 2 or 3 of this Section, it is ascertained that the total area of land provided for the completion of the land reform in the territory of a local government is less than the total area of land requested for the restoration of ownership rights in the territory of such local government by the respective persons, the ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform for these persons shall be restored upon their choice (upon submission) in the territory of the local government or in the territory of the district in which the former land property is located. (33) If, when examining the requests of persons of the priority specified in Paragraph three, Clause 2 or 3 of this Section, it is ascertained that the total area of land provided for the completion of the land reform in the territory of a district is less than the total area of land requested for the restoration of ownership rights in the territory of such district by the respective persons, the ownership rights to the land provided for the completion of the land reform for these persons shall be restored upon their choice (upon submission) in the territory of the district in which the former land property is located, or in the territory of other local governments. (4) If several requests of the same priority of the former land owners or their heirs regarding the restoration of ownership rights have been submitted regarding one land parcel, the preference of the ownership right restoration shall be determined in compliance with the procedures for inheriting specified in the Civil Law in the following order: 1) to the former land owners who owned the requested land parcel or a part thereof on 21 July 1941 or their heirs as well as to the former land owners who up to 21 July 1940 commenced the redemption (concluded an accessory contract) of immovable property left in Latvia by German emigrants from the General Agricultural Bank or the State Land Bank, or their heirs; 2) to the former land owners or their heirs who have requested land of an equivalent value to the land to which their land ownership rights are not being restored due to the restrictions provided for by law; 3) to the former land owners or their heirs who have requested land in the territory of such local government in the budget of which the amounts of personal income tax paid by them are being included; 4) to the former land owners or their heirs who have requested land in the territory of such local government in which the land owned by them is situated. (5) In the matter of equal terms, the preference of the restoration of ownership rights referred to in Paragraph four of this Section shall be determined by lot. (6) The procedures for the submission, examination of the requests regarding the restoration of land ownership rights and procedures for the lottery for the receipt of a land parcel submitted to the Central Land Commission as well as the procedures for taking and notifying the decision shall be determined by the Cabinet. [14 June 2007; 17 July 2008; 17 June 2010] Section 18. (1) The local government shall evaluate the land granted to it for permanent use during the land reform and not entered in the Land Register and, until 30 September 2008, shall submit to the State Land Service the decisions thereof regarding its ownership, jurisdiction to the local government or use for the completion of the land reform. (2) The Cabinet shall determine the responsible ministry which shall, in co-operation with other State authorities, evaluate the land under the State jurisdiction and not entered in the Land Register. Until 30 December 2009, the Cabinet shall issue an order on the jurisdiction of land to the State, indicating the State authority on behalf of which the land is to be entered into the Land Register, or indicating that the land is to be used for the completion of the land reform. (3) Upon request of the Central Land Commission, the State Land Service shall submit to it the data of the State Immovable Property Cadastre Information System regarding the land parcels provided for the completion of the land reform. [14 June 2007; 12 June 2009] Transitional Provisions1. With the coming into force of this Law, Cabinet Regulation No. 271, Regulations Regarding the Procedures for the Completion of the Land Reform in Rural Areas (Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1997, No. 18), issued in accordance with Article 81 of the Constitution, shall be repealed. 2. Within one month of the day of coming into force of this Law, the Latvian State Historical Archives shall publish in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis the list of those persons who up to 21 July 1940 commenced the redemption (concluded an accessory contract) of immovable property left in Latvia by German emigrants from the General Agricultural Bank or the State Land Bank. [14 June 2007] 3. The relevant local government council shall take the decision on the jurisdiction of land in rural areas to the local government or transfer thereof for the completion of the land reform by 30 December 2009 in cases when: 1) the decisions of the local government council (board) on the jurisdiction of land to the local government or transfer thereof for the completion of the land reform have been revoked by the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government Matters; 2) by the relevant decision of the local government council (board), a built-up area of land or inter-area has been included for the completion of the land reform; 3) the decision of the local government council (board) on the jurisdiction of the relevant plot of land to the local government or transfer thereof for the completion of the land reform has not been taken. [12 June 2009] 4. The task referred to in Section 16, Paragraph two, Clause 2 of this Law shall be performed by the State Land Service from 1 July 2021. [14 November 2019] The Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 30 October 1997. President G. Ulmanis Rīga, 13 November 1997 1The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
Document information
Title: Par zemes reformas pabeigšanu lauku apvidos
In force
Language: Related documents