Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 29.10.2021.–31.12.2024.
Amendments not included: 21.11.2024.
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

11 June 1998 [shall come into force on 4 July 1998];
25 May 2000 [shall come into force on 21 June 2000];
4 October 2001 [shall come into force on 26 October 2001];
6 March 2003 [shall come into force on 4 April 2003];
30 October 2003 [shall come into force on 28 November 2003];
22 December 2004 [shall come into force on 25 January 2005];
21 December 2006 [shall come into force on 1 January 2007];
14 November 2008 [shall come into force on 8 December 2008];
12 December 2008 [shall come into force on 1 January 2009];
1 December 2009 [shall come into force on 1 January 2010];
22 September 2011 [shall come into force on 6 October 2011];
14 June 2012 [shall come into force on 29 June 2012];
16 January 2014 [shall come into force on 6 February 2014];
22 December 2016 [shall come into force on 19 January 2017];
30 September 2021 [shall come into force on 29 October 2021].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima 1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

Diplomatic and Consular Service Law

Chapter I
Tasks and Structure of the Diplomatic and Consular Service

Section 1. Application of the Law

(1) The status of such persons who perform diplomatic and consular service and the status of diplomatic and consular missions, as well as diplomatic privileges and immunities are prescribed by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.

(2) This Law governs the State civil service relations of civil servants (civil servant candidates), as well as persons appointed to the diplomatic and consular service in accordance with the procedures prescribed in Section 41 of the Constitution, and the staff relations in the diplomatic and consular service, and also the status of information of the diplomatic and consular service and the accessibility thereof.

(3) State civil service relations in the diplomatic and consular service shall also be governed by the State Civil Service Law, the Labour Law and other laws and regulations, insofar as this Law does not provide for other procedures.

[30 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 22 December 2016]

Section 2. Tasks of the Diplomatic and Consular Service

The diplomatic and consular service shall perform the following tasks:

1) ensure the protection of the interests of the Republic of Latvia and its citizens, subjects of the Law On the Status of those Former U.S.S.R. Citizens who do not have the Citizenship of Latvia or that of any Other State and stateless persons (apatrides) who have a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Latvia, as well as of legal persons of the Republic of Latvia;

2) co-ordinate the international relations of State institutions of the Republic of Latvia;

3) perform consular functions in accordance with Consular Rules of Procedure;

4) co-ordinate harmonised actions of State institutions of the Republic of Latvia in matters of diplomatic protocol and ensure conformity with the diplomatic protocol;

5) provide State institutions of the Republic of Latvia and the general public with information, which has been obtained in foreign states in any legal manner;

6) inform official institutions and the public of foreign states regarding the Republic of Latvia.

[22 September 2011]

Section 3. Persons Performing the Diplomatic and Consular Service and Holding Positions of the Diplomatic and Consular Service

(1) The diplomatic and consular service shall be performed by persons holding civil servant positions at the central administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or diplomatic and consular missions in foreign states (hereinafter - positions of the diplomatic and consular service) and on whom diplomatic ranks in accordance with Sections 9, 10, 11, and 12 of this Law are conferred.

(11) The diplomatic and consular service shall also be performed by persons who have previously been conferred a diplomatic rank in accordance with Sections 9 and 12 of this Law and who have been transferred (appointed) to an institution not specified in Paragraph one of this Section for a specified period in order to perform one of the following functions:

1) the functions of the highest State officials (the President, Chairperson of the Saeima, Prime Minister), the Presidium of the Saeima, and counsellors in foreign affairs of the Chairperson of the Council of Riga and their assistants;

2) the functions of ensuring the diplomatic protocol of the highest State officials (the President, Chairperson of the Saeima, Prime Minister) or the Chairperson of the Council of Riga;

3) the functions of civil servants and employees of the Secretariat of the Latvian Presidency in the Council of the European Union.

(2) The Cabinet may determine the positions of the diplomatic and consular service, which may be held by persons who are not civil servants. In such case a relevant employment contract shall be entered into with the abovementioned persons.

(3) The persons referred to in Paragraphs one and two of this Section shall hereinafter in this Law be called diplomats.

(31) A citizen of Latvia who does not have citizenship of another country may be a diplomat. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary for the State interests of Latvia, the Cabinet may confer a diplomatic rank on a citizen of Latvia who has citizenship of another state, upon proposal of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

(4) Persons holding positions in the central administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or diplomatic and consular missions in foreign states, but on whom a diplomatic rank has not been conferred in accordance with law, shall perform the functions of civil servants or employees of the diplomatic and consular service. Civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service may be recruited into the diplomatic and consular service and appointed to positions in accordance with Sections 7 and 12 of this Law.

(5) Persons who are not or have not been staff employees or non-staff employees of the security service, intelligence or counter-intelligence service of the U.S.S.R., Latvian S.S.R. or a foreign state, or agents, residents or safe-house (under any form of cover organisation) keepers may apply for a civil servant position of the diplomatic and consular service.

(6) Persons who are not civil servants may perform diplomatic and consular service and hold positions of the diplomatic and consular service, if they are citizens of the Republic of Latvia and are not or have not been staff employees or non-staff employees of the security service, intelligence or counter-intelligence service of the U.S.S.R., Latvian S.S.R. or a foreign state, or agents, residents or safe-house (under any form of cover organisation) keepers.

[30 October 2003; 14 June 2012; 16 January 2014; 22 December 2016 / See Paragraph 5 of Transitional Provisions.]

Section 4. Diplomatic and Consular Missions in Foreign States

(1) The diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Latvia in foreign states are embassies, consulates-general (honorary consulates-general), consulates (honorary consulates), as well as permanent missions to international organisations.

(2) Diplomatic and consular missions shall operate in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Latvia and the accreditation state, the provisions and customs of international law, as well as the orders of the Minister for Foreign Affairs or State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(3) The head of the diplomatic or consular mission shall be responsible for its work.

(4) In civil legal relations, a diplomatic or consular mission shall act as an independent legal person.

(5) Diplomatic and consular missions are constituent bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

[30 October 2003]

Section 5. Joint Diplomatic and Consular Missions

(1) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia may agree with other states on the opening of joint diplomatic or consular missions in third countries.

(2) A diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Latvia in the relevant foreign state may represent the interests of a third country on the basis of a special authorisation. The Republic of Latvia may, for the protection of its interests in foreign states, specially authorise a diplomatic or consular mission of a third country.

(3) A decision by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, which has been taken in accordance with Paragraphs one and two of this Section, shall be co-ordinated with the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Saeima.

Section 6. Honorary Consuls

Honorary consuls to foreign states shall be appointed and revoked, and their subordination shall be determined by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Honorary consuls shall act in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963 and perform their functions in accordance with the Consular Rules of Procedure.

Chapter II
Admission to the Diplomatic and Consular Service and Course of Service

Section 7. Examination of Suitability of Candidates and Admission to the Diplomatic and Consular Service, and Appointment to Civil Servant Positions

(1) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall announce in the newspaper Latvijas Vēstnesis [the official Gazette of the Government of Latvia] an open candidate competition to positions corresponding to the diplomatic rank of an attaché in the diplomatic and consular service. Announcement of the competition shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Section 8, Paragraphs two and three of the State Civil Service Law.

(2) The suitability of candidates for the positions of the diplomatic and consular service shall be assessed by the Candidate Selection and Evaluation Commission (hereinafter - the Commission). The Commission shall be established and approved by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(3) A candidate shall be appointed to a position by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, determining a probationary period, which does not exceed six months. For a candidate who is appointed to a civil servant position for the first time a probationary period of six months shall be determined.

(4) Before expiry of the probationary period, the Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter - the Attestation Commission) shall decide on the suitability of the candidate for the position. If the Attestation Commission has taken a decision on the suitability of the candidate for the position, it shall propose to the Minister for Foreign Affairs to confer on the candidate the rank of an attaché.

(5) If the Attestation Commission takes a decision on the unsuitability of the candidate for the position, upon expiry of the probationary period the candidate shall be dismissed as not having passed the probationary period.

(6) The composition of the Attestation Commission shall be established and approved, with an order, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Attestation Commission shall examine matters regarding the suitability of candidates and civil servants for the diplomatic service, regarding the transfer of diplomats and civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service to another position, regarding the promotion, demotion, removal or preservation of diplomatic rank, and regarding the raising of qualifications of diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service.

(7) The Minister for Foreign Affairs shall approve the by-laws of the Attestation Commission and instructions regarding the procedures by which candidates for the diplomatic and consular service shall be selected in an open competition.

(8) The suitability of candidates for a civil servant position shall be examined and the candidates shall be appointed to civil servant positions in accordance with the State Civil Service Law.

[30 October 2003]

Section 8. Assessment of Activity and its Results, and Training of Diplomats, Civil Servants and Employees of the Diplomatic and Consular Service

(1) The Attestation Commission shall assess the activities of diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service and the results thereof, if a diplomat, civil servant or employee of the diplomatic and consular service has applied for participation in an internal competition to a new position (place of service), if the Attestation Commission needs to take a decision to transfer a diplomat, civil servant or employee of the diplomatic and consular service from one mission in a foreign state to another mission in a foreign state, as well as before taking a decision to promote the diplomatic rank. The Attestation Commission may also specify other reasons for the assessment of the activities of diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service and the results thereof.

(2) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the basis of the procedures for assessing the activity of civil servants and the results thereof stipulated by the Cabinet and in conformity with the nature of the diplomatic and consular service, shall issue instructions regarding the procedures for assessing the activities of diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service and the results thereof.

(3) The training of diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service shall be organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

[30 October 2003]

Section 9. Positions and Diplomatic Ranks of Diplomats

(1) In the diplomatic and consular service the positions of civil servants in conformity with the tasks to be performed shall be determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(2) The positions of the diplomatic and consular service and the corresponding diplomatic ranks, which are divided into grades, are the following:

Position Rank
I grade
State Secretary Ambassador
II grade
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Deputy State Secretary Ambassador
State Chief of Protocol Ambassador
Ambassador at large Ambassador
Inspector General Ambassador
Ambassador Ambassador
Permanent Representative Ambassador
III grade
Head of Directorate Senior Counsellor
Chargé d'affaires Senior Counsellor
Consul General Senior Counsellor
Director of Department Senior Counsellor
IV grade
Head of the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Counsellor
Deputy Director of Department Counsellor
Deputy State Chief of Protocol Counsellor
Head of Consulate Counsellor
Counsellor Counsellor
V grade
Counsellor to Minister First Secretary
Press Secretary to Minister First Secretary
Head of Division First Secretary
First Secretary First Secretary
Consul First Secretary
VI grade
Deputy Head of Division Second Secretary
Second Secretary Second Secretary
Assistant to State Secretary Second Secretary
Assistant to Ambassador Second Secretary
VII grade
Third Secretary Third Secretary
Vice-consul Third Secretary
VIII grade
Attaché Attaché
Ambassador's Secretary Attaché
Diplomatic Courier Attaché

(3) The position of a diplomat may not differ from his or her rank by more than one grade. This provision shall not apply to specialised attachés who have been appointed in accordance with the procedures laid down in Section 11 of this Law. If new positions of the diplomatic and consular service are established, the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall determine their correspondence with the diplomatic ranks.

(4) The next diplomatic rank may be conferred on a diplomat after three years' service in the previous rank. For significant accomplishments in the service, the next diplomatic rank may be conferred before this time period. In exceptional cases upon proposal of the Attestation Commission and with the consent of the Prime Minister, the Minister for Foreign Affairs may confer any other diplomatic rank.

(5) The procedures for increasing the diplomatic rank laid down in Paragraph four of this Section shall not apply to persons who are appointed to the positions referred to in Section 11 of this Law.

[11 June 1998; 30 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 16 January 2014]

Section 10. Procedures for Appointing and Dismissing an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and a Permanent Representative, as well as Conferring Corresponding Diplomatic Ranks on Him or Her

(1) Ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary and permanent representatives who are heads of permanent representations in international organisations, on the basis of a common co-ordinated proposal by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Saeima, shall be appointed and dismissed by the President, but the rank of an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary shall be conferred on them by the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

(2) The State Civil Service Law shall not restrict the rights of the President referred to in Paragraph one of this Section.

[11 June 1998; 30 October 2003; 16 January 2014]

Section 11. Procedures for Appointing and Dismissing Specialised Attachés, as well as Conferring Corresponding Diplomatic Ranks

(1) A specialised attaché shall be an official specially authorised in the diplomatic mission who performs diplomatic and consular services in conformity with the scope of activity of the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka. An attaché specialised in matters of functions, procedures and internal work order of the diplomatic mission shall be subordinate to the head of the diplomatic mission. The specialised attaché in matters of responsibility of the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka shall be subordinate to an official of the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka.

(2) Specialised attachés (defence, maritime affairs, aviation, justice, interior, economy, agriculture, trade, culture and others) shall be appointed to office and removed from it by the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka upon a written co-ordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The diplomatic rank shall be conferred on them by the Minister for Foreign Affairs on a proposal from the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka.

(3) Ranks corresponding to the positions of defence attachés, which are to be divided into grades in accordance with Section 9 of this Law, are the following:

Position Rank
IV grade
1st rank Defence Attaché Counsellor
V grade
2nd rank Defence Attaché First Secretary
VI grade
3rd rank Defence Attaché Second Secretary
VII grade
Assistant to Defence Attaché Third Secretary

(31) The ranks corresponding to the positions of the Ministry of Defence specialised attachés (which are not defence attachés) to be classified in the ranks in accordance with Section 9 of this Law shall be as follows:

Position Rank
III grade
Military Representative in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation/European Union (hereinafter - NATO/EU) Senior Counsellor
Defence Counsellor in an international organisation
IV grade
Deputy Military Representative in NATO/EU Counsellor
National Military Representative of the NATO Allied Operations Command or Allied Transformation Command (hereinafter - NATO ACO or ACT)
Representative of the Ministry of Defence in an international organisation (Counsellor)
V grade
Representative of the Ministry of Defence in an international organisation First Secretary
Officer in a military mission (Lieutenant Colonel)
VI grade
Deputy National Military Representative in NATO ACO Second Secretary
Officer in a military mission (Major)

(4) The specialist attachés of the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka shall have the following positions: a sectoral counsellor, a sectoral attaché or an assistant to a sectoral attaché. During the period of diplomatic and consular service, the Minister for Foreign Affairs shall confer the diplomatic rank of attaché on the specialised attaché of the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka.

(5) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures, by which sectoral representatives shall commence, fulfil and terminate official duties in the diplomatic and consular service.

[30 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 16 January 2014; 22 December 2016; 30 September 2021]

Section 12. Procedures by which Appointment to Other Positions of the Diplomatic and Consular Service, as well as Conferring of Corresponding Diplomatic Rank Takes Place

(1) Other diplomatic ranks upon proposal from the Attestation Commission shall be conferred on diplomats by the Minister for Foreign Affairs in accordance with this Law.

(2) Appointment to other positions of the diplomatic and consular service, except for the positions in the central administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which correspond to the diplomatic rank of an attaché, upon proposal from the Attestation Commission shall be made by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and, if necessary, an internal competition shall be announced. In the internal competition diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service shall participate.

(3) The Minister for Foreign Affairs shall issue instructions regarding the procedures of the internal competition.

[30 October 2003]

Section 13. Demotion in the Diplomatic Rank and Loss of the Diplomatic Rank

(1) A diplomat may be demoted in diplomatic rank or he or she may be deprived of it by the Minister for Foreign Affairs upon a relevant proposal from the Attestation Commission, if after examination of a disciplinary matter or internal investigation the demotion in position, dismissal from the position, dismissal from the position without the right to apply for an office in the State administration for a year or firing is applied as a disciplinary punishment.

(2) Persons who are dismissed from the positions referred to in Sections 10 and 11 of this Law shall lose the diplomatic rank corresponding to the relevant position. If these persons have prior to this acquired another diplomatic rank, it shall be preserved. In such case the provisions of Section 9, Paragraph three of this Law may be applied.

[21 December 2006]

Section 14. Transfer from One Place of Service to Another

(1) The time of the diplomatic and consular service in one foreign state for diplomats holding II to IV grade positions in accordance with Section 9 of this Law shall be not more than four years, but for diplomats holding V to VIII grade positions - not more than three years. A diplomat may be sent to perform the diplomatic and consular service in foreign states for not more than two successive terms. In exceptional cases, in order to ensure the operation of the diplomatic and consular service, the time of the diplomatic and consular service in a foreign state may be extended for not more than one year in two successive terms.

(11) A diplomat may be sent to perform the diplomatic and consular service in foreign states not earlier than a year after return from the previous service in foreign states, if it has not exceeded five years, or not earlier than two years after return from the previous service in foreign states, if it has exceeded five years. In exceptional cases, if it is not possible to send another diplomat, with a consent from the Minister for Foreign Affairs the diplomat may be determined a shorter term of service in Latvia after return from the previous place of service in foreign states.

(12) The time of performing the office of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be four years. The duties of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be fulfilled for not more than two successive terms.

(2) The time of the diplomatic and consular service in a diplomatic mission in a foreign state for a sectoral counsellor, Military Representative in NATO/EU, Deputy Military Representative in NATO/EU, National Military Representative in NATO ACO or ACT, representative of the Ministry of Defence in an international organisation, and also for a 1st rank attaché shall be not more than four years, but for a sectoral attaché, assistant to a sectoral attaché, and also a 2nd and 3rd rank defence attaché, an officer in a military mission, Deputy National Military Representative, and an assistant to defence attaché - not more than three years. This time period may be extended for not more than one term after written co-ordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(3) A diplomat shall be ready to perform service in foreign states or in the central administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the order of the Minister for Foreign Affairs or the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

[6 March 2003; 22 December 2004; 16 January 2014; 22 December 2016]

Section 15. Inclusion at the Disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under Supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Reserve of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(1) If the time of the diplomatic and consular service in foreign states in accordance with Section 14, Paragraph one of this Law has expired, but the diplomat cannot be transferred to a position corresponding to his or her diplomatic rank, he or she may be included at the disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a period of time which does not exceed six months.

(2) If within the period referred to in Paragraph one of this Section a diplomat cannot be appointed to a position corresponding to his or her diplomatic rank, he or she shall be included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs retaining the diplomatic rank conferred on him or her, but not exceeding two years.

(3) Those diplomats who transfer together with their spouse - a diplomat, civil servant or employee of the diplomatic and consular service, if the spouse is transferred to the place of service in a diplomatic and consular mission in a foreign state, and also in case the spouse is transferred for work in a foreign state and is included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Paragraph four or six of this Section shall be also included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In cases specified in this Paragraph the diplomatic rank for a diplomat shall be preserved for the entire period of spouse's service in the foreign state.

(4) Diplomats who have been approved for work in international organisations in which the Republic of Latvia holds membership and in institutions of these organisations may be included under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a period of up to five years based on a decision taken by the Attestation Commission. If a diplomat is approved for work in the European Union institutions, the Attestation Commission may decide upon determining a supervision period for the whole period the diplomat is employed in the European Union institutions. If the Attestation Commission takes a decision that the work of a diplomat in an international organisation is within the interests of the diplomatic and consular service, the diplomatic passport shall be preserved for a diplomat under supervision in accordance with the law On the Diplomatic Passport.

(5) Diplomats, who pursuant to a decision taken by the Attestation Commission, have been recommended by the ministry and who have been appointed for work in the European External Action Service and other European Union institutions may be included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(6) Diplomats with whom civil service relations in the diplomatic and consular service have been terminated and who are not included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may be added to the reserve of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pursuant to a decision taken by the Attestation Commission. In such case the right to restore the diplomatic rank after appointment to a corresponding position shall be preserved to the person. Diplomats included in the reserve of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may apply for the vacant positions within the scope of internal competitions organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(7) The procedures laid down in this Section shall only apply to diplomats who are civil servants (civil servant candidates). The Minister for Foreign Affairs shall determine the procedures by which inclusion at the disposal, supervision or reserve of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is conducted.

[22 December 2016]

Section 16. Termination of State Civil Service Relations in the Diplomatic and Consular Service

(1) State civil service relations in the diplomatic and consular service shall be terminated in the cases provided for in the State Civil Service Law, as well as:

1) in the case provided for in Section 7, Paragraph five of this Law, if a civil servant is not transferred to another State civil service institution outside the diplomatic and consular service;

2) if a civil servant fails to fulfil an order of the Minister for Foreign Affairs or the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the transfer from one place of service to another in accordance with Section 14, Paragraph three of this Law;

3) if a civil servant who performs the diplomatic and consular service in a foreign country three calendar months in advance has submitted to the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a request to terminate State civil service relations in the diplomatic and consular service of his or her own free will, the State civil service relations in the diplomatic and consular service by mutual agreement may also be terminated before the abovementioned time period;

4) for the time while a diplomat is under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Section 15 of this Law, except the case provided for in Section 15, Paragraph five of this Law.

(2) The State civil service relations shall be terminated with a diplomat, if he or she, having reached the length of service giving the right to receive a service pension of diplomats in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law, wants to receive the service pension.

[22 December 2016]

Section 17. Termination of Employment Relations in the Diplomatic and Consular Service

Employment relations in the diplomatic and consular service shall be terminated in the cases provided for in the Labour Law, as well as:

1) in the case specified in Section 7, Paragraph five of this Law;

2) if the persons referred to in Sections 10 and 11 of this Law are dismissed from the position;

3) if a diplomat, civil servant or employee of the diplomatic and consular service fails to fulfil an order of the Minister for Foreign Affairs or the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the transfer from one place of service or position to another.

[30 October 2003]

Chapter III
Restrictions, Rights and Guarantees Specified for Diplomats, Civil Servants and Employees of the Diplomatic and Consular Service

[30 October 2003]

Section 18. Restrictions Regarding Participation in Entrepreneurial Activities

Restrictions regarding participation in entrepreneurial activities, as well as other restrictions in relation to diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service shall be determined by a special law.

[30 October 2003]

Section 19. Remuneration for Work and Supplements for Diplomatic Rank

(1) Diplomats, civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service shall receive remuneration to be determined in accordance with the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities.

(2) [30 October 2003]

(3) Diplomats who are included at the disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Section 15, Paragraph one of this Law, shall receive three-quarters of their last monthly salary. Diplomats who are included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Section 15, Paragraphs two, three, and four of this Law and who are included in the reserve of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall not receive the monthly salary and supplements for the diplomatic rank. Diplomats who are included under supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with Section 15, Paragraph five of this Law shall receive the monthly salary throughout the period of appointment.

[30 October 2003; 22 December 2004; 1 December 2009; 22 December 2016]

Section 19.1 Social Guarantees of Specialised Attachés

(1) The specialised attachés of the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka shall be paid the same benefits and compensations as diplomats, officials and employees of diplomatic and consular services who perform services abroad in conformity with the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities.

(2) The supplement for the allocated diplomatic rank shall be paid to the specialised attachés by the Saeima, the relevant sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka.

(3) For specialised attachés, travel and relocation expenses shall be compensated in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Presidium of the Saeima or Latvijas Banka or in accordance with the instructions approved by the State secretary of the sectoral ministry.

(4) The specialised attaché shall be insured by the Saeima, the sectoral ministry or Latvijas Banka within the scope of the budget allocated thereto.

[1 December 2009; 22 December 2016; 30 September 2021]

Section 20. Benefits and Compensations

[1 December 2009]

Section 21. Compensation for Travel Expenses and a Transfer Benefit

[30 October 2003]

Section 22. Health Insurance, Accident Insurance and Guarantees

[1 December 2009]

Section 23. Taxation of Benefits, Supplements and Compensations

[1 December 2009]

Section 24. Additional Leave for Diplomats

[1 December 2009]

Section 25. Service Pension

(1) Diplomats on whom the diplomatic rank has been conferred in accordance with Section 9, 10 or 12 of this Law have the right to the service pension.

(2) The procedures for granting, calculating and disbursing the service pension shall be determined by a special law.

[22 December 2004]

Chapter IV
Information of the Diplomatic and Consular Service and the Accessibility Thereof

[22 December 2016]

Section 26. Information of the Diplomatic and Consular Service

(1) The information of the diplomatic and consular service shall mean information which has been either created or received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the development of foreign policy, implementation of a common foreign policy, State protocol, fulfilment of consular functions, issuing of import, export, and transit licences for goods of strategic importance, issuing of export and import permits and other type of permits for a specific type of goods, and also other information created or received for the fulfilment of functions in the field of foreign affairs stipulated in external laws and regulations.

(2) If disclosure of diplomatic and consular information can cause harm to the interests of the State or public interest or the rights of private individuals and the legal interests thereof, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may determine a general restriction of information accessibility for a period of 30 years from the moment of creation or receipt of such information. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can decide upon determining a new restriction of information accessibility prior to the end of the previously determined restriction period.

[22 December 2016]

Section 27. Right of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Refuse to Disclose Information

In addition to other cases determined in laws and regulations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pursuant to an opinion of a competent State security institution, may refuse to publish or to issue to private individuals information on the numerical composition of the staff of the diplomatic and consular service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the internal structure, position lists, official duties, remuneration, business trips, finances and technical equipment, if disclosure of such information may cause harm to the interests of the State of Latvia, including the interests of foreign policy or to the activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the security of the staff thereof.

[22 December 2016]

Transitional Provisions

1. In respect of civil servant candidates of the diplomatic and consular service who until the coming into force of this Law have been certified as civil servant candidates, the time period referred to in Section 8, Paragraph two of this Law shall be counted from the moment when they were appointed in accordance with Paragraph 6, Clause two of the Transitional Provisions of the State Civil Service Law or transferred to the diplomatic and consular service in accordance with Section 54 of the State Civil Service Law.

1.1 Section 20, Paragraph four of this Law shall come into force on 1 January 2004 and the regulations provided for therein shall be issued by the Cabinet by 1 January 2004. Until the day of the coming into force of the relevant Cabinet regulations the amount of benefits and compensations of expenses referred to in Section 20, Paragraphs two and three of this Law shall be determined by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to the financial resources approved in the law on State budget for the current year. The amount of benefits and expenses compensation of specialised attachés until the day of the coming into force of this norm shall be determined by the Presidium of the Saeima or the State Secretary of the sectoral ministry according to the financial resources approved in the law on State budget for the current year.

[30 October 2003]

2. With the coming into force of this Law the following laws are repealed:

1) On Procedures for Appointment of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Ambassadors Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 1991, No. 42; AP MP 1992, No. 34);

2) On Diplomatic and Consular Ranks (Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 1991, No. 39; 1992, No. 32/33/34; 1993, No. 20/21; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1995, No. 1);

3) On the Diplomatic and Consular Service (Latvijas Republikas Augstākās Padomes un Valdības Ziņotājs, 1993, No. 20/21; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, No. 1, 1995).

3. The remuneration specified in accordance with this Law (monthly wage, premiums, etc.) in 2009 shall be determined in accordance with the Law On Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities in 2009.

[12 December 2008]

4. Section 3, Paragraph 1.1, Clause 2 of this Law shall come into force concurrently with the law on the State budget for 2013.

[14 June 2012]

5. Section 3, Paragraph 3.1 of this Law shall not apply to a citizen of Latvia on whom the diplomatic rank has been conferred before 1 October 2013 and who in accordance with the Citizenship Law had already acquired citizenship of another state before 1 October 2013.

[16 January 2014]

6. Amendments to Section 14 of this Law after their coming into force shall also apply to diplomats who have been transferred for the performance of the diplomatic and consular service in foreign states or appointed to the position of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prior to coming into force of these amendments.

[16 January 2014]

7. Section 11, Paragraph 3.1 of this Law shall be applicable from 1 January 2017.

[22 December 2016]

This Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 21 September 1995.

President G. Ulmanis

Rīga, 10 October 1995

1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2022 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Diplomātiskā un konsulārā dienesta likums Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Saeima Type: law Adoption: 21.09.1995.Entry into force: 24.10.1995.Theme: Diplomatic and consular relationsPublication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 155, 10.10.1995.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 22, 23.11.1995.
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