Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 11.08.2001.–30.06.2009.
Amendments not included: 28.04.2009., 27.10.2009.
Disclaimer: The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for information only; it confers no rights and imposes no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published. Only the latter is authentic. The original Latvian text uses masculine pronouns in the singular. The Translation and Terminology Centre uses the principle of gender-neutral language in its English translations. In addition, gender-specific Latvian nouns have been translated as gender-neutral terms, e.g. chairperson.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 355

Adopted 7 August 2001

Regulations Regarding Operation of Official Local-Level Library Network

Issued pursuant to Section 29, Paragraph four
of the Law On Libraries

1. These Regulations prescribe the operation of the official local-level library network in the administrative territories of local governments.

2. A parish council, city council or county council shall determine the number of libraries in the administrative territory of a local government, taking into account the following conditions:

2.1. in a parish where the population does not exceed 2000 there shall be at least one local government library. If the parish population exceeds 2000, there shall be at least one additional local government library in the parish territory for each subsequent 2000 inhabitants;

2.2. in a city (except the republic cities and Riga), there shall be at least one local government library serving adult users and at least one local government library serving children, or at least one local government library serving both adult users and children, with a division that serves children established therein;

2.3. the minimum required number of local government libraries in parishes of the relevant county shall be determined in accordance with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.1 of these Regulations, but in cities - in accordance with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.2 of these Regulations;

2.4. in a republic city, there shall be at least one local government library for every 12 000 inhabitants, which serves adult users or children, or at least one local government library, which serves both adult users and children, with a division serving children established therein; and

2.5. in the territory of Riga, there shall be at least one local government library for each 25 000 inhabitants, which serves adult users or children, or at least one local government library, which serves both adult users and children, with a division serving children established therein.

3. The founder of an official local-level library shall ensure the local government library with a collection of relevant publications - with the necessary number of annual accessions, subscriptions of newspapers and magazines, audio-visual and electronic publications, the necessary number of encyclopaedias, manuals, dictionaries and other reference and bibliographic publications necessary for the library information and reference work, as well as ensure the local government library with the co-operation possibilities and communication with other libraries and institutions within a unified library information network within and outside the borders of the administrative territory, the access to postal, telephone, fax, e-mail and Internet communications, and to the public databases available within and outside the administrative territory:

3.1. the minimum number of publications in local government libraries shall be not less than three publications on average per one inhabitant of the local government territory;

3.2. the collection of publications of an educational institution under the responsibility of a local government shall be acquired in conformity with the licensed educational programmes to be implemented in such institution. The minimum number of publications in the libraries of the educational institutions shall be not less than three publications (except school textbooks) on average per one learner and one educator of an educational institution under the responsibility of the relevant local government;

3.3. the number of encyclopaedias, manuals, dictionaries and other reference and bibliographic publications necessary for the information and reference work of a local government library shall be not less than 5 per cent of the total amount of the library collection;

3.4. the minimum number of accessions in local government libraries shall be not less than 180 publications a year per each 1000 inhabitants of the local government territory;

3.5. the minimum number of accessions in the libraries of the educational institutions under the responsibility of local governments shall be not less than 180 publications a year per each 800 learners and educators of the relevant educational institution;

3.6. the minimum number of subscription periodicals in local government libraries shall be not less than 10 newspaper and magazine titles per every 2000 inhabitants of the local government territory. If the number of inhabitants exceeds 2000, not less than 5 periodicals shall be subscribed to additionally per each subsequent 2000 inhabitants;

3.7. the minimum number of subscription periodicals in the libraries of the educational institutions under the responsibility of local governments shall be not less than 10 newspaper and magazine titles per each 800 learners and educators of the relevant educational institution;

3.8. in local government libraries where 25 per cent of users are children up to 15 years of age the number of children publications shall be not less than 20 per cent of the total library collection;

3.9. the working time of local government libraries shall be at least 35 hours a week. Libraries shall be open during the time convenient for users, taking into account the flow of users; and

3.10. computer hardware, software and communications shall be ensured in local government libraries for the provision of the universal information service.

4. The local government libraries shall provide to inhabitants the universal information service, ensuring:

4.1. the library and reference information services - the utilisation of the traditional and electronic information sources, catalogues, databases, browsers, and the domestic and international inter-library loan and document delivery systems;

4.2. business, financial and other business information services;

4.3. general information services; and

4.4. the information transmission services (e-mail, file transmission, distribution of the public information of a local government etc.).

5. The operation of an official local-level library shall be co-ordinated and methodologically managed by the relevant regional main library.

6. Sub-paragraph 3.10 and Paragraph 4 of these Regulations shall come into force on 1 January 2005.

Acting for the Prime Minister,
the Minister for Transport A. Gorbunovs

Minister for Culture K. Pētersone


Translation © 2005 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)

Document information
Title: Vietējas nozīmes bibliotēku tīkla darbības noteikumi Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 355Adoption: 07.08.2001.Entry into force: 11.08.2001.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 117, 10.08.2001.
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