Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 18.07.2020.–12.10.2023.
Amendments not included: 10.10.2023.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 445
Adopted 14 July 2020

Procedures for Publishing Information on the Internet by Institutions

Issued pursuant to
Section 10, Paragraph six of the Freedom of Information Law

I. General Provisions

1. The Regulation prescribes the procedures by which institutions shall publish information on the Internet.

2. The requirements referred to in Chapter IV of this Regulation, insofar as they do not impose a disproportionate burden, shall apply to institutions of direct administration, local governments, and authorities subordinate to the institutions of direct administration and local governments, to associations and foundations which implement the functions and tasks of State administration, and also to such legal persons governed by private law who conform to all of the following criteria:

2.1. they have been established or are operating to meet the needs of the public which are not of commercial or industrial nature;

2.2. they are subordinate to or under the decisive influence of a public entity or authority thereof, or under the decisive influence of a legal person governed by private law meeting these criteria (this influence manifests as the majority of voting rights upon electing the members of the supervisory or executive authority or upon appointment of the management), or more than 50 % of financing for activities of such legal person governed by private law comes from the public entity, authority thereof, or another legal person governed by private law meeting these criteria.

II. General Requirements for Publishing Information on the Official Website and Mobile Application of the Institution

3. The institution shall ensure that the information within the competence thereof is available on the official website of the institution or on the official website and mobile application (if any has been developed) of the supervisory institution, except for the information that is to be classified as restricted access information or official secret or is not to be published in accordance with the special laws and regulations.

4. The head of the institution shall be responsible for publishing information within the competence of the institution on the official website and mobile application of the institution, and also for the content and updating of the abovementioned information.

5. The institution shall ensure the accessibility of the official website both on stationary devices and mobile devices, ensuring the adaptation of the website to the device used as much as possible.

6. The institution shall create information on the official website and mobile application so that it is easy to understand and perceive for the user in terms of the content, structure, and visual appearance.

7. If the law or regulation prescribes a general obligation for the institutions to publish the relevant information on the official websites, the law or regulation shall also prescribe a common content and scope for the information to be published. The requirements referred to in the laws and regulations in force shall be ensured if substantial amendments are made to the law or regulation.

8. If the institution publishes forms on the official website or mobile application, they shall be created at least in the form of files ensuring the possibility to download the form from the website, fill it in, and save without restrictions. The institution shall ensure instructions on how to fill in the form.

9. The institution shall ensure that the user has the possibility to ask a question, submit a proposal or complaint or give feedback on the official website or mobile application.

10. When developing the official website, the institution shall use the State shared solutions to the extent possible.

11. When developing the design of the official website, the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the common visual identity of the State administration institutions and the State symbols and their use shall be observed.

12. If the institution uses the machine translation solution to translate the content of the official website or mobile application in foreign languages, a visible indication shall be provided in the translated part of the text that a machine translation solution has been used.

13. The institution shall create the official website and mobile application by having regard to user-centred design approach in which the following requirements are included:

13.1. precisely formulated understanding of users, tasks, and environments shall be the basis for designing;

13.2. users are involved in designing and development process;

13.3. a user-oriented assessment forwards and improves designing;

13.4. the process is iterative;

13.5. specialists of different sectors are involved in designing.

14. The official website and mobile application of the institution shall be available:

14.1. during working days from 8:30 to 17:00 - 95 % a month;

14.2. during working days from 17:00 to 8:30, on weekends and public holidays - 90 % a month.

15. The institution shall publish a notification on the official website or mobile application of the interruptions in the operation of the website and mobile application:

15.1. regarding a planned interruption in operation - at least two working days prior to the planned interruption;

15.2. regarding an unplanned interruption in operation - immediately, according to technical possibilities.

16. For easy browsing of the official website, the institution shall create a sitemap, creating it in a machine readable form to the extent possible.

17. Information technology safety requirements shall be ensured for a website according to the procedures laid down in laws and regulations.

18. An institution shall ensure network traffic encryption between a server and website user.

III. Structure and Content of the Official Website of the Institution

19. The institution shall develop the official website according to the needs of user groups.

20. The official website shall have at least the following sections:

20.1. the section "About us" shall include:

20.1.1. a description of the institution and information on the laws and regulations governing the operation of the institution;

20.1.2. a schematic description of the structure of the institution. The institution shall indicate the institutions subordinate thereto and the direct links to their websites (if such have been developed);

20.1.3. annual public reports of the institution;

20.2. the section "Contacts" shall include:

20.2.1. the contact information of the institution necessary for the clients of the institution and other interested persons (including electronic mail address, phone number) and the official details of the institution;

20.2.2. at least the list of those officials and employees of the institution who ensure fulfilment of the basic functions of the institution. The given name, surname, official electronic mail address or other electronic mail address, direct telephone number or other telephone number of officials shall be indicated on the list, ensuring communication options. The abovementioned requirements shall not be applied to State security institutions as well as officials of institutions who perform operational activities measures and special investigative actions;

20.2.3. information on the location of the institution, ways to get there, ensured access to the institution for persons with special needs (including an image of the entrance of the building) as well as the representation of the location of the institution in a map in conformity with the technical possibilities of a website;

20.3. the section "News" shall include information on the news of institution which are presented in a user-friendly form;

20.4. the section "Field of Operation" shall include information on:

20.4.1. lines of action of the sector, the functions, operation, and the most significant tasks of the institution as well as on related policy planning documents and management documents of authorities, or references to these documents;

20.4.2. the implementation of sectoral strategic documents and action plans within the competence of the institution;

20.4.3. the international cooperation of the institution;

20.4.4. public consultations regarding the European Union law and public participation and also on the development of draft European Union laws and public participation;

20.4.5. the participation of Latvia in international organisations and the laws and regulations governing such cooperation;

20.5. the section "Services" shall include information on:

20.5.1. the State administration services and other services provided by the institution, indicating links to the descriptions of the State administration services or by creating the descriptions of the State administration services at least to the extent laid down in the legal framework on the procedures for accounting, quality control, and provision of State administration services;

20.5.2. the unified customer service centres of the State and local governments in which the services of the institution are provided (locations, working hours, available services, and contact details (where applicable));

20.6. the section "Publications and Reports" shall include publications (for example, research, statistical information, informative materials) prepared by the institution or references to such publications;

20.7. the section "Public Participation" shall include information on:

20.7.1. [1 July 2021 / See Paragraph 67];

20.7.2. the cooperation of the institution with non-governmental organisations (information on cooperation partners, short description of cooperation principles, contact persons);

20.7.3. the advisory institutions established within the fields of responsibility of the institution (for example, working groups, advisory councils, councils supervising projects, advisory groups for projects);

20.8. the section "Budget" shall include information:

20.8.1. in accordance with the procedures and within the time periods laid down in the law On Budget and Financial Management;

20.8.2. on the determined and disbursed remuneration to the officials end employees of the institution in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities;

20.9. the section "Property" shall include information on:

20.9.1. the immovable property rented by the institution and also on the immovable property that is intended to be rented in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations;

20.9.2. the immovable property leased by the institution and also on the immovable property that is intended to be leased in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations;

20.9.3. the movable property of the State which is not necessary to ensure the operation of the institution in accordance with the procedures for alienating the property of a public entity stipulated by the Cabinet;

20.10. the section "Easy to Read" shall include a brief description of the institution and other information necessary for the clients of the institutions in an easy-to-read language.

21. On the official website the institution:

21.1. may include sections and information that is not referred to in Paragraph 20 of this Regulation, according to the field of operation of the institution and other laws and regulations regarding the publishing of information;

21.2. may exclude those sections and that information referred to in Paragraph 20 of this Regulation which do not apply to the institution.

IV. Accessibility Requirements of a Website and Mobile Application on All Websites Belonging to the Institution

22. The institution shall ensure accessibility of a website and mobile application in compliance with the following principles:

22.1. perceivability - information and user interface elements are presented in a user-friendly manner;

22.2. operability - user interface elements and navigation are operable;

22.3. understandability - information and the operation of the user interface must be understandable;

22.4. robustness - content is robust enough to be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents (including assistive technologies).

23. Accessibility requirements need not be applied:

23.1. to the content of the following websites and mobile applications:

23.1.1. to online map and cartography services, provided that information is provided in accessible digital format in maps intended for navigation;

23.1.2. reproductions of objects of national heritage collections of restricted access, provided that the accessibility requirements are not compatible with the preservation of the relevant object or authenticity of reproduction, or automated and cost-effective solutions for easily obtaining text from manuscripts or other objects of heritage collections and transforming in a content that conforms to the accessibility requirements are not available;

23.2. by non-governmental organisations that irregularly provide specific State administration services for specific groups in society, excluding the target group - persons with disability.

24. The institution may ensure partial conformity with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 22 of this Regulation if it may justify disproportion of full conformity with these requirements. The institution shall take into account:

24.1. the significance of the tasks performed by or the State administration services and other services (if any) provided by the institution for large groups of society;

24.2. the financial and human resources of the institution;

24.3. the proportionality of the benefit of target groups and the amount of costs of the institution in order to ensure the conformity of the websites and mobile applications held by the institution with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 22 of this Regulation.

25. The institution shall ensure consulting and support to users in respect of accessibility to the websites and mobile applications of the institution. If the institution implements the accessibility requirements partially, it shall ensure alternative accessibility options to the content of its websites and mobile applications.

26. When ensuring the supervision of the implementation of accessibility requirements:

26.1. the institution shall:

26.1.1. once a year until 22 December of the relevant year, carry out the simplified assessment of the websites of the institutions included in the sample frame in accordance with Paragraph 22, Sub-paragraph 26.2.1 of and Annex 1 to this Regulation;

26.1.2. publish and maintain an updated accessibility statement on the websites and mobile applications owned by it in accordance with Annex 2 to this Regulation;

26.1.3. upon request of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (hereinafter - the Ministry), provide the information which is necessary for the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.2 of this Regulation;

26.2. the Ministry shall:

26.2.1. in cooperation with non-governmental organisations, once a year until 31 December of the relevant year and in accordance with the procedures referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation, determine the sample frames for the simplified assessment of websites and the in-depth assessment of websites and mobile applications for the next year and inform the institutions included in the sample frame thereof;

26.2.2. once a year until 22 December of the relevant year, ensure in-depth assessment of websites and mobile applications in accordance with Paragraph 22, Sub-paragraph 26.2.1 of and Annex 4 to this Regulation and inform the relevant institutions of the results of the assessment;

26.2.3. once in three years, ensure provision of the report to the European Commission in accordance with Annex 5 to this Regulation.

27. In order to ensure conformity with the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 13 and 22 of this Regulation, the Ministry shall recommend the national standardisation authority the list of standards which may be applied for the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in this Regulation (hereinafter - the applicable standards) and the national standardisation authority shall publish them on its website. The website and mobile application which conform with the requirements included in the applicable standards or parts thereof shall be regarded to be conforming with the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 13 and 22 of this Regulation which are covered by such standards or parts thereof.

V. Publishing Open Data on the Internet

28. The institution shall publish the open data at the disposal thereof in a machine readable form together with metadata or only the metadata of the data set on the Open Data Portal of Latvia (https://data.gov.lv) (hereinafter - the Open Data Portal).

29. The Open Data Portal is the State information system whose manager is the Ministry and the keeper is the State Regional Development Agency.

30. The Open Data Portal shall ensure the receipt of data and access to the data available on the Open Data Portal:

30.1. using a web browser;

30.2. performing manual downloading of data sets;

30.3. using a software interface.

31. The Ministry shall develop guidelines for publishing data on the Open Data Portal. The guidelines shall determine:

31.1. the criteria for describing data sets;

31.2. the recommendations for preparing the format of open data.

32. The metadata of open data and the data may be published on the Open Data Portal in the following ways:

32.1. by uploading the data to the Open Data Portal;

32.2. by receiving data automatically, using a software interface;

32.3. by indicating the direct link to the data or data publishing service located on external websites;

32.4. by automated collection of metadata from other catalogues where metadata corresponding to the standard of the Open Data Portal are published.

33. The institution shall publish the open geospatial data on the State Unified Geospatial Information Portal (https://geolatvija.lv).

34. When publishing the data on the Open Data Portal, the institution shall comply with the provisions for the use of the abovementioned portal.

35. The provisions for the use of the Open Data Portal shall be available in the section of the portal "About us". This Regulation prescribes:

35.1. the conditions of access to the Open Data Portal;

35.2. the operating principles of the catalogue of the Open Data Portal;

35.3. the obligations of the publishers of the Open Data Portal.

36. When updating the provisions for the use of the Open Data Portal in conformity with the changes in the functionality of the operation of the Open Data Portal, the Ministry shall, not later than three months prior to introduction of such changes, inform all the data publishers of the planned changes in the provisions for the use of the Open Data Portal.

37. The data sets published on the Open Data Portal shall be structured at least in the following data categories:

37.1. foreign affairs;

37.2. economy and entrepreneurship;

37.3. energy;

37.4. general population and society;

37.5. education and sport;

37.6. culture;

37.7. regions and local governments;

37.8. justice, home affairs, and safety;

37.9. transport;

37.10. State administration;

37.11. health;

37.12. environment;

37.13. agriculture, food, and forestry;

37.14. science and technology.

38. The Open Data Portal shall collect non-personalised statistics on the activities of users in the portal.

39. The Ministry may use the technical solutions of third parties for the collection of the statistics of the Open Data Portal and for obtaining and analysis of the feedback of end users.

40. If a non-conformity with the definition of the open data or other requirements of laws and regulations has been established in the data published on the Open Data Portal, the Ministry may use the possibility (without deleting data) to make the relevant data unavailable on the public environment of the Open Data Portal, concurrently sending information on the detected problem to the e-mail for communication indicated in the metadata.

41. The institution has an obligation, according to the classification of the frequency of data updates indicated by the institution, to update the data published on the Open Data Portal and to ensure their conformity with the metadata.

VI. Domain Names and Electronic Mail Addresses

42. The institution of direct administration shall use unified procedures for creating domain names and names of electronic mail addresses for the websites and mobile applications held thereby, using the second-level domain name of the websites - "gov.lv". The use of the existing domain names is permissible if the rerouting to the domains specified in the unified procedures is ensured.

43. The institution shall use the following domain name and the electronic mail address for the official website, except for the website referred to in Paragraphs 44 and 45 of this Regulation:

43.1. www.institution.gov.lv (www.unit.institution.gov.lv, if such has been established);

43.2. name.surname@institution.gov.lv (name.surname@unit.institution.gov.lv, if such has been established);

43.3. mail@institution.gov.lv - to be used as the central electronic mail address of the institution;

43.4. designation@institution.gov.lv - to be used for carrying out separate functions or operations of the institution.

44. Structural units of the National Armed Forces shall use the following domain names and electronic mail address:

44.1. www.mil.lv;

44.2. www.mrcc.lv;

44.3. www.unit.mil.lv;

44.4. name.surname@mil.lv;

44.5. info@mrcc.lv.

45. The following domain name and electronic mail address shall be used for the official website of a local government:

45.1. www.localgovernment.lv;

45.2. name.surname@localgovernment.lv;

45.3. mail@localgovernment.lv - to be used as the central electronic mail address of the local government;

45.4. designation@localgovernment.lv - to be used for carrying out separate functions or operations of the local government.

46. Letters without diacritical marks shall be used in a domain name and electronic mail addresses. The institution may create an additional domain name to the existing domain name by using letters with diacritical marks.

47. The use of the second-level domain name of the websites "gov.lv" shall be registered and the use thereof shall be supervised by valsts akciju sabiedrība "Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centrs" [State joint-stock company Latvia State Radio and Television Centre].

VII. Unified Platform of Websites of State and Local Government Institutions

48. A unified platform of websites of State and local government institutions (hereinafter - the platform) shall be the State information system which is used in order to ensure a unified management of websites of institutions.

49. The State Chancellery shall be the manager of the platform and ensure:

49.1. compliance with unified principles in the management of the content, and also planning the changes and development;

49.2. the development of the guidelines for the establishment, functionality, and content management of the platform and posting thereof on the website of the State Chancellery www.mk.gov.lv;

49.3. the conformity of technical solutions with the accessibility requirements.

50. The State Regional Development Agency shall be the keeper of the platform and it shall ensure:

50.1. advisory and technological support for the performance of data import and migration;

50.2. user support;

50.3. settlement of problems and incidents;

50.4. maintenance of security requirements and performance supervision;

50.5. administration of the platform.

51. The Culture Information Systems Centre shall ensure the machine translation service of the Sate administration integrated in the platform and operation and maintenance of the virtual assistant of the platform.

52. The State or local government institution which wishes to place its website on the platform shall fill in the relevant application (the application form is available on the website of the State Chancellery www.mk.gov.lv) and submit it for the assessment to the State Chancellery. If the application is confirmed, it shall be sent to the State Regional Development Agency and the State Regional Development Agency shall ensure access to the platform.

53. The functionality of the platform shall ensure the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 5, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 of this Regulation for the institutions which have joined the platform.

54. The platform will make automated transfer of the following data to the Open Data Portal through application interfaces:

54.1. non-personalised website traffic statistics;

54.2. the information necessary for the operation of virtual assistant.

55. By using application interfaces, the platform shall, on the basis of mutual agreement between the data keeper and the State Chancellery, obtain the following data:

55.1. from the State Employment Agency - data of the Information System for the Registration of Unemployed Persons and the Registered Vacancies on current work offers;

55.2. from the Electronic Procurement System of the State Regional Development Agency - the data on public procurements;

55.3. from the State Regional Development Agency - the data of the descriptions of the services included in the service catalogue of the State administration service portal www.latvija.lv.

56. The State or local government institution which has added its website to the platform shall:

56.1. ensure the conformity of acquisition, processing, and storage of the data displayed on its website with the requirements of laws and regulations;

56.2. use the platform interface in conformity with the rights of use laid down by the manager and approved guidelines;

56.3. ensure the conformity of the content published on its website with the accessibility requirements;

56.4. ensure the registration of the domain name of the internet network address necessary for the operation of the website and maintenance thereof.

VIII. Closing Provisions

57. Cabinet Regulation No. 611 of 25 September 2018, Procedures for Publishing Information on the Internet by Institutions (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2018, No. 191), is repealed.

58. The requirements referred to in Paragraph 22 of this Regulation:

58.1. shall be applied to websites from 23 September 2020;

58.2. shall be applied to mobile applications from 23 June 2021;

58.3. shall be ensured in extranets and intranets during their substantial process of rebuilding.

59. The requirements referred to in Paragraphs 5, 11, 20, and 21 of this Regulation shall be applied to the websites of the institutions which the institution does not plan to add to the platform from 31 December 2020.

60. The requirements referred to in Paragraphs 5, 11, 20, and 21 of this Regulation shall be applied to the websites of the institutions which the institution plans to add to the platform from 31 December 2022.

61. The first assessment period in the assessment referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.2.2 of this Regulation shall be:

61.1. for websites - by 1 November 2021;

61.2. for mobile applications - from 23 June 2021 to 1 November 2021.

62. The sample frame referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.2.1 of this Regulation for the first in-depth assessment period of websites and mobile applications shall be determined by 31 August 2020.

63. The report referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.2.3 of this Regulation shall be submitted for the first time by 23 December 2021.

64. The assessment referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.1.1 of this Regulation shall be carried out:

64.1. in the first assessment period for all websites owned by the institution - until 31 December 2020;

64.2. in the second and following assessment periods, starting from 2022 - once a year.

65. Sub-paragraph 26.1.2 of this Regulation shall come into force:

65.1. for websites - from 1 January 2021;

65.2. for mobile applications which have been assessed in conformity with the procedures referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.2.2 of this Regulation - starting from 1 January 2022.

66. If the name is changed for the institution, the institution shall fulfil the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 43, 44, and 45 of this Regulation within three months from the day when the decision is taken or the law or regulation which determines the change of the institution has come into force, retaining the previous official website domain for at least three years.

67. Sub-paragraph 20.7.1 of this Regulation shall be in force by 30 June 2021.

Informative Reference to European Union Directive

The Regulation contains legal norms arising from Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

Prime Minister A. K. Kariņš

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development J. Pūce


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
14 July 2020

Simplified Assessment Method

1. The simplified assessment may be carried out in both the automated and non-automated way by covering the following special needs for the user accessibility as much as possible:

1.1. usage without vision;

1.2. usage with limited vision;

1.3. usage without perception of colour;

1.4. usage without hearing;

1.5. usage with limited hearing;

1.6. usage with voice;

1.7. usage with limited manipulation or strength;

1.8. minimising photosensitive seizure triggers;

1.9. usage with limited cognition.

2. Selection of page (within the meaning of this Annex, the word "page" means the page on the website or screen of the mobile application) samples:

2.1. in order to carry out the simplified assessment of the website:

2.1.1. for the official website of the institution, the pages of the website from the sections which users have visited most during a year and which are referred to in Paragraph 20 of Cabinet Regulation No. 445 of 14 July 2020, Procedures for Publishing Information on the Internet by Institutions, shall be selected;

2.1.2. for another website, the pages of the website which users have visited most during a year shall be selected;

2.2. in order to carry out the simplified assessment of the mobile application, the pages which users have visited most during a year shall be selected.

3. The institution shall take the decision on selection of the access for the simplified assessment of websites and mobile applications by ensuring compliance with the requirements of this Regulation.

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development J. Pūce


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
14 July 2020

Procedures for the Preparation and Publication of the Accessibility Statement

1. The accessibility statement (hereinafter - the statement) shall be prepared in accessible way, in machine-readable format.

2. The statement must be justified by at least one of the following documents which may be confirmed with documents:

2.1. the simplified assessment carried out by the institution;

2.2. the in-depth assessment ensured by the Ministry;

2.3. the assessment provided by an independent external auditor on the conformity with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 22 of Cabinet Regulation No. 445 of 14 July 2020, Procedures for Publishing Information on the Internet by Institutions;

2.4. another similar document.

3. It shall be indicated in the statement which assessment method has been used.

4. The hyperlink to the statement on the website shall be located in a visible place on the homepage of the website or available on each page of the website (for example, on the permanent header or footer). The standardised URL (Uniform Resource Locator) may be used for the statement.

5. The statement on a mobile application may be placed on the official website of the institution which has developed the relevant application or in a clearly visible way in the information which is available upon downloading the mobile application. The statement may be available also from the very mobile application.

6. Sample statement:

"Accessibility Statement

in accordance with

(the name of the institution)


Cabinet Regulation No. 445 of 14 July 2020, Procedures for Publishing Information on the Internet by Institutions (hereinafter - Regulation No. 445), undertakes to make its website/mobile application (underline as appropriate) accessible.

This statement applies to

(specify the address of the website/mobile application - URL; may be several)

The assessment has been carried out by using

(specify the used assessment method; if different methods have been used, specify all in conformity with their usage)

Document confirming the assessment

(add a hyperlink to the document confirming the assessment, minutes, report or other equal document)

Conformity Status

Mark as appropriate - one of the following types:

The website/mobile application

(several websites/applications may be specified)

  conforms completely with Regulation No. 445

The website/mobile application

(several websites/applications may be specified)

  conforms partially with Regulation No. 445 due to the following non-conformities/exemptions:

(specify the non-conforming content or justify exemption by specifying the relevant Paragraphs of the abovementioned Regulation)

The website/mobile application

(several websites/applications may be specified)

  does not conform with Regulation No. 445 due to the following non-conformities/exemptions:

(specify the non-conforming content or justify exemption by specifying the relevant Paragraphs of the abovementioned Regulation)

Non-accessible Content

Mark as appropriate - one of the following types in conformity with the selected status of conformity:

Non-conformity with the requirements which are referred to in Regulation No. 445

(specify the non-conformities of websites/mobile applications and/or specify which sections/content/functions do not conform with the accessibility requirements)

Ensuring accessibility requirements referred to in Regulation No. 445 causes disproportionate burden

(specify the non-accessible sections/content/functions to which the exemption from the requirements of the abovementioned Regulation shall be temporarily applicable due to disproportionate burden)

Not applicable. The requirements of Regulation No. 445 shall not apply to the content

(specify the non-accessible sections/content/functions to which the requirements of the abovementioned Regulation do not apply)

Accessibility Alternatives

(in conformity with the conformity status and non-accessible content)

(specify accessibility alternatives, the possibilities for the receipt thereof and other information in conformity with the alternative)

Information on Preparation of the Statement

Reviewed repeatedly

(specify the date of the last review of the statement; need not be specified if this is the first-time statement)

Prepared for the first time

(specify the date of preparation of the first-time statement)

For Feedback and Communication

(describe the mechanism for the provision of feedback and specify the hyperlink by using which the institution may be informed of conformity deficiencies and request accessible information or content)


(specify contact details for communication with the institution on accessibility issues)

Procedure for Ensuring Fulfilment and Procedures for the Submission of Complaints

(describe the procedure for ensuring fulfilment at the institution (the process for the submission of the submission or complaint on non-accessible content and enforcement thereof) and, where appropriate, at its supervising authority, specify contact details for communication with the fulfilment provider (structural unit))

If the institution which is responsible for the content of the relevant website or mobile application has not reacted appropriately to the submission or complaint of a user on the accessibility of website content, the user may submit a complaint to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia:

(specify the contact details for communication with the Ombudsman of the Republic of Latvia (hyperlink to the website and contact details of the Ombudsman))"

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development J. Pūce


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
14 July 2020

Procedures for Making Sample Frames for the Assessment of Websites and Mobile Applications

1. Selection of a sample frame of websites and mobile applications:

1.1. the size of a sample frame for each assessment period shall be calculated by taking into account the number of inhabitants:

1.1.1. in the first and second assessment period the minimum amount of the simplified assessment sample frame of websites shall be two websites per 100 000 inhabitants by adding 75 websites;

1.1.2. in the third and following assessment periods the minimum amount of the simplified assessment sample frame of websites shall be three websites per 100 000 inhabitants by adding 75 websites;

1.1.3. the size of the in-depth assessment sample frame of websites shall be at least 5 % of the minimum amount of the simplified assessment sample frame referred to in Sub-paragraph 1.1.2 of this Annex by adding 10 websites;

1.1.4. the minimum amount of the in-depth assessment sample frame of mobile applications shall be one mobile application per 1 000 000 inhabitants by adding six mobile applications;

1.2. if the number of websites in the country is lower than the number necessary for the assessment, the assessment shall be carried out for at least 75 % of all websites;

1.3. if the number of mobile applications in the country is lower than the number necessary for the assessment, the assessment shall be carried out for at least 50 % of all mobile applications.

2. Selection of a sample frame of websites:

2.1. a variable, representative, and geographically balanced distribution shall be tried to be achieved in the selection of a sample frame of websites by including therein:

2.1.1. the websites of institutions of direct State administration and of the institutions subordinated thereto;

2.1.2. the websites of institutions of local government and of the institutions subordinated thereto;

2.1.3. the websites which represent the variety of the services provided by the State administration as much as possible, especially in such fields as social protection, health care, transport, education, employment and taxes, environmental protection, entertainment and culture, building management and public utilities, public order and security;

2.2. if it is allowed by the existing number of websites, the sample frame shall include at least 10 % of the websites assessed in the previous assessment period and at least 50 % of the websites non-assessed in the previous period.

3. Selection of a sample frame of mobile applications:

3.1. a variable and representative distribution shall be tried to be achieved in the selection of a sample frame of mobile applications by including therein:

3.1.1. the mobile applications which are more often downloaded or used;

3.1.2. the mobile applications made for different operating systems. The versions of a mobile application which are made for different operating systems shall be regarded to be different mobile applications;

3.1.3. the newest version of a mobile application, except for the case when the newest version of the mobile application is not compatible with the old one but is still compatible with the supported operating system. In such a case, the sample frame may include also one of the previous versions of the mobile application;

3.2. if it is allowed by the existing number of mobile applications, the sample frame shall include at least 10 % of the mobile applications assessed in the previous assessment period and at least 50 % of the mobile applications non-assessed in the previous period.

4. The Ministry shall consult non-governmental organisations which represent the interests of a person with disability and that of older persons on the composition of a sample frame of websites and mobile applications.

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development J. Pūce


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
14 July 2020

In-depth Assessment Method

1. When carrying out in-depth assessment, the Ministry:

1.1. shall examine all the process stages included in the page sample by conforming to at least standard sequence for the process fulfilment;

1.2. shall assess at least interaction with templates, interface management and dialogue boxes, data entry confirmations, error notifications, and other information which arises as a result of the user interaction, where it is possible, and also response of a website or mobile application when different settings or desirable parameters are applied;

1.3. may use usability tests, for example, monitoring and analysis on how users with disability perceive the content of the website or mobile application and how complicated it is for them to use such interface elements as navigation menus or templates;

1.4. may completely or partially use the assessment results submitted by the institution if the assessment has been carried out for not more than a year before the assessment and it complies with the in-depth assessment requirements.

2. Selection of page (within the meaning of this Annex, the words "page" and "homepage" mean the website page or mobile application screen) samples shall be carried out by surveying such pages, documents, and information (if any exists) using the in-depth monitoring method:

2.1. a homepage, sitemap, contact details, help and legal information pages;

2.2. at least one relevant page from each type of service provided by the website or mobile application and other main types of intended usage thereof, including search function;

2.3. the pages on which there is the accessibility statement and pages on which there is a feedback mechanism;

2.4. the samples of such pages which have visually bright appearance or on which complicated content is displayed;

2.5. at least one downloadable document (if any) from each type of services provided by the website or mobile application and other main types of intended usage thereof;

2.6. other pages considered appropriate by the Ministry;

2.7. randomly selected pages which make at least 10 % of the determined sample.

3. If on any of pages which are selected in accordance with Sub-paragraph 2.1 of this Annex contains the stage of some process, all the stages of the relevant process shall be examined.

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development J. Pūce


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
14 July 2020

Procedures by which the Report on Ensuring Accessibility Requirements is Prepared and Submitted to the European Commission

1. The report to the European Commission on ensuring accessibility requirements shall be prepared in Latvian, in accessible format.

2. The following shall be included in the report referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Annex:

2.1. the detailed description on how the supervision is implemented;

2.2. a scheme (in the form of the conformity table) which demonstrates how the applied assessment methods are related to the requirements referred to in Paragraph 22 of Cabinet Regulation No. 445 of 14 July 2020, Procedures for Publishing Information on the Internet by Institutions, and also the information on significant changes in the assessment methods (if any have been made in different assessment periods);

2.3. the assessment results (including measurement data) on each assessment period;

2.4. the description of mechanisms which are established in order to consult non-governmental organisations on accessibility of websites and mobile applications;

2.5. the description of procedures which are established in order to publish any changes in accessibility policy in relation to websites and mobile application

2.6. the experience and conclusions acquired when implementing instructions on the conformity with the accessibility requirements;

2.7. the information on the taken training and awareness-raising measures.

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development J. Pūce

Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Kārtība, kādā iestādes ievieto informāciju internetā Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 445Adoption: 14.07.2020.Entry into force: 18.07.2020.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 136, 17.07.2020. OP number: 2020/136.12
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