Teksta versija

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 337
Adopted 19 June 2018

Procedures for the Monitoring, Control, and Eradication of the Scrapie Disease

Issued pursuant to
Section 25, Clause 17
of the Veterinary Medicine Law

1. General Provisions

1. The Regulation prescribes the procedures for the monitoring, control, and eradication of the classical scrapie disease (hereinafter - the scrapie) in ovine and caprine animals (hereinafter - the animal) in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 laying down rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (hereinafter - Regulation No 999/2001).

2. The following terms are used in the Regulation:

2.1. a reason to suspect that an animal is ill with scrapie - in accordance with the explanation referred to in Article 3(1)(h) of Regulation No 999/2001;

2.2. control sample - stabilised blood taken from the ovine animal during implementation of the scrapie-resistant ovine breeding programme or of the measures for the monitoring, control, and eradication of the scrapie in order to determine the prion protein gene alleles at positions 136, 154, and 171 (hereinafter - the prion protein genotype) in a laboratory;

2.3. pathological material sample - the head or the brain of the slaughtered animal or dead animal taken during implementation of the measures for the monitoring, control, and eradication of the scrapie;

2.4. official veterinarian - a practising veterinarian authorised by the Food and Veterinary Service (hereinafter - the Service) for the implementation of the measures for the monitoring, control, and eradication of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (hereinafter - the monitoring, control, and eradication of the scrapie);

2.5. breeding of the scrapie-resistant sheep - the selection of genetically assessed animals of sheep species to have resistance against the agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy;

2.6. the scrapie diagnosis - a diagnosis confirmed through laboratory testing in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter C, Sub-paragraph 3.2 of Annex X to Regulation No 999/2001.

3. The Service shall perform the following activities:

3.1. carry out the functions of the competent authority and the obligations of a Member State laid down Article 3(1)(e) of Regulation No 999/2001, when granting a level I, II, or III status to holdings in respect of negligible risk of the scrapie, controlled risk of the scrapie, and resistance to transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (hereinafter - the scrapie resistance);

3.2. develop the measures of the programme for the monitoring, control, and eradication of the scrapie in accordance with the requirements laid down in Articles 6, 12, and 13, Chapter A, Sub-chapter II of Annex III, and Chapters A and B of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001;

3.3. in cooperation with the organisation of farm breed animal breeders, develop the scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 6.a(1) and Chapter C of Annex II to Regulation No 999/2001;

3.4. notify the European Commission of the implementation of the scrapie-resistant ovine animal breeding programme and provide information on the results of the programme implemented during the previous year in accordance with Article 6.a(3) and Chapter C, Part 5 of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001 by 31 March every year.

4. A control sample shall be taken by a practising veterinarian. The control sample shall be sent for laboratory testing to valsts zinātniskais institūts "Pārtikas drošības, dzīvnieku veselības un vides zinātniskais institūts "BIOR"" [State scientific institute Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR"](hereinafter - the Institute) by the practising veterinarian, the owner or holder of the animals, or by an organisation of farm breed animal breeders representing the owner or holder of the animals.

5. The Institute or another accredited laboratory shall conduct a laboratory testing of a control sample in conformity with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Sub-chapter II, Paragraph 8 of Annex III to Regulation No 999/2001.

6. The prion protein genotype detected in a control sample shall be classified in appropriate class. The classes and assessment of the prion protein genotypes, and also the conditions for the use of the ovine animals are provided for in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

7. An official veterinarian shall take a pathological material sample and send it to the Institute for a laboratory testing. The Institute shall conduct the laboratory testing of the sample in conformity with the requirements laid down in Chapter C, Sub-paragraph 3.2 of Annex X to Regulation No 999/2001.

8. The Institute shall send the results of the laboratory testing of the control sample or pathological material sample:

8.1. to the Service or its relevant territorial unit in accordance with the legal acts regarding the infectious animal diseases to be notified, registered and which are subject to the State monitoring, and the procedures for the provision of information thereon to the Service - electronically;

8.2. to the Agricultural Data Centre (hereinafter - the Data Centre) - electronically;

8.3. to the person that sent the sample - in writing (electronically or in paper form).

9. If the animal owner, animal holder, or practising veterinarian sends a control sample taken during implementation of the scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme for a laboratory testing to another accredited laboratory, the animal owner or holder shall send the results of the laboratory testing to the organisation of farm breed animal breeders representing the animal owner or holder within two weeks after receiving the results of the laboratory testing.

10. The organisation of breed farm animal breeders representing the animal owner or holder shall, within two weeks after receipt of the results of the laboratory testing referred to in Paragraph 8 of this Regulation, register these results in the database of the Data Centre.

11. The Institute and the organisation of farm breed animal breeders representing the animal owner or holder shall store the results of the laboratory testing for at least seven years after obtaining thereof in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter B, Sub-chapter III, Paragraph 2 of Annex III to Regulation No 999/2001.

12. The animal owner or holder shall cover the expenditure for sampling during implementation of the scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme and for sending of the samples for a laboratory testing.

13. The Ministry of Agriculture shall cover the following costs related to the scrapie-resistant ovine animal breeding programme and the programme for the monitoring, control, and eradication of the scrapie from the funding granted for it in the State budget for the current year:

13.1. for the official veterinarian:

13.1.1. travel expenses if a pathological material sample is taken;

13.1.2. work remuneration for an appointment and the preparation of documents, clinical examination of the animal, partial necropsy of the dead animal and taking of the pathological material sample, packaging and sending thereof to the Institute;

13.2. for the Institute - the costs related to the laboratory testing of control samples and pathological material samples.

14. If there is a reason to suspect that an animal is ill with scrapie:

14.1. the animal owner or holder, or a practising veterinarian shall inform the relevant territorial unit of the Service thereof, using any means of communication;

14.2. the Service shall implement the control measures in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 12 and Chapter A of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001.

15. If a territorial unit of the Service receives information that there is a reason to suspect that an animal is ill with scrapie, it shall immediately inform the official veterinarian or Service inspector thereof, using any means of communication.

16. The official veterinarian or Service inspector shall take a pathological material sample of the animal and send it for a laboratory testing to the Institute for diagnosing the scrapie.

17. If the Institute conducts a laboratory testing of the pathological material sample, but cannot confirm the positive results of the testing in a laboratory, the pathological material sample shall be sent to the European Union reference laboratory for diagnosing the scrapie.

18. If the scrapie diagnosis is confirmed, the Service shall:

18.1. take the eradication measures in accordance with Article 13 and Chapter B of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001;

18.2. immediately inform the European Commission and other European Union Member States thereof.

19. The killed animal or dead animal (the entire animal body and all parts of the body, including raw hide and skin) regarding which there is a reason to suspect that an animal is ill with scrapie, or has the scrapie diagnosis, or killed during the implementation of the scrapie eradication measures, shall be disposed of in accordance with Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (Animal by-products Regulation) as Category 1 material specified in Article 8(a)(i) and (ii) of the abovementioned Regulation.

20. The Service shall process the personal data of the animal owner or holder (given name, surname, personal identity number, official electronic address, or e-mail address) in order to identify the animal owner or holder, to grant the status referred to in Paragraph 21 or 39 of this Regulation to the holding and to maintain it, and also to notify the animal owner or holder of the cancellation of the abovementioned status. The personal data shall be stored for one year after submission of the application referred to in Paragraph 21 or 39 of this Regulation and destroyed afterwards in accordance with the requirements laid down in the Archives Law.

2. Measures to be Taken in Order for the Status of a Negligible Scrapie Risk or the Status of a Controlled Scrapie Risk to be Granted to and Maintained for a Holding

21. In order for the status of a negligible scrapie risk or the status of a controlled scrapie risk to be granted to a holding by the Service, the animal owner or holder shall submit the following to the relevant territorial unit of the Service:

21.1. an application for granting the status of a negligible scrapie risk to the holding (Annex 2) if the requirements referred to in Paragraph 29 or 30 and Paragraph 31 of this Regulation are met;

21.2. an application for granting the status of a controlled scrapie risk to the holding (Annex 3) if the requirements referred to in Paragraph 34 or 35 and Paragraph 36 of this Regulation are met.

22. The Service shall:

22.1. assess the conformity of the holding with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 29 or 30 and Paragraph 31, or Paragraph 34 or 35 and Paragraph 36 of this Regulation, and take one of the following decisions:

22.1.1. to grant the status of negligible scrapie risk or controlled scrapie risk to the holding and to register it in the database of the Data Centre in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 25 of this Regulation;

22.1.2. not to grant the status of a negligible scrapie risk or controlled scrapie risk to the holding and to provide a justified refusal in writing;

22.2. after granting the status of a negligible scrapie risk or controlled scrapie risk to the holding, to conduct an inspection of the holding once a year and to assess the conformity of the holding with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 32 or 37 of this Regulation.

23. The Service shall notify the animal owner or holder if the Service does not have access to the necessary laboratory testing results or information that the animals, animal semen, ova, or embryos have been imported in accordance with the requirements laid down for their importation in Latvia from another European Union Member State or a country other than a Member State (hereinafter - the third country).

24. After receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 23 of this Regulation, the animal owner or holder shall submit to the Service a copy of the testing report on the laboratory tests conducted at the holding for detecting the scrapie, or a copy of the veterinary (health) certificate.

25. The Service shall register the status of a negligible scrapie risk granted to a holding in the database of the Data Centre with the marking "negligible", and the granted status of a controlled scrapie risk - with the marking "controlled".

26. The Data Centre shall, in the public section of its website, maintain an up-to-date list of the holdings to which the status of a negligible scrapie risk or the status of a controlled scrapie risk has been granted or maintained, indicating the municipality, parish, and holding number.

27. The Service shall cancel the status of a negligible scrapie risk or controlled scrapie risk granted to the holding within three working days after establishing at least one of the following circumstances:

27.1. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 32 or 37 of this Regulation are not met;

27.2. the animal owner or holder brings in such animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos in the holding which do not meet the requirements referred to in Paragraph 33 or 38 of this Regulation;

27.3. the scrapie diagnosis has been laboratory-confirmed for the animal in the holding, or the holding is epidemiologically related to another holding where the scrapie diagnosis has been laboratory-confirmed for the animal;

27.4. the requirements for the eradication of scrapie laid down in Articles 12 and 13 and Chapters A and B of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001 have not been met if there is a reason to suspect that an animal is ill with scrapie or if a scrapie diagnosis has been confirmed;

27.5. no animals are kept in the holding.

28. The Service shall renew the status of a negligible scrapie risk or the status of a controlled scrapie risk granted to the holding if the animal owner or holder:

28.1. meets the requirements referred to in Paragraph 29 or 30 and Paragraph 31 of this Regulation, or Paragraph 34 or 35 and Paragraph 36 of this Regulation accordingly;

28.2. has submitted an application for granting the status of a negligible scrapie risk to the holding (Annex 2) or an application for granting the status of a controlled scrapie risk to the holding (Annex 3) to the relevant territorial unit of the Service.

2.1. Requirements for Granting and Maintaining the Status of a Negligible Scrapie Risk

29. The Service shall grant the status of a negligible scrapie risk to a holding if the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 29.1 or 29.2 of this Regulation are met:

29.1. if the scrapie diagnosis is not confirmed in ovine animals in the holding for at least seven years after submission of the application referred to in Section 21.1 of this Regulation, and the holding has been granted the status of scrapie resistance level I in accordance with Paragraphs 39 and 47 of this Regulation;

29.2. if:

29.2.1. the holding where animals are kept has conformed to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(a), (b), and (e) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001 for at least seven years after submission of the application referred to in Sub-paragraph 21.1 of this Regulation;

29.2.2. the animals kept in the holding have conformed to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(f) and (i) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001 for at least seven years after submission of the application referred to in Sub-paragraph 21.1 of this Regulation;

29.2.3. the animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos have been brought in the holding in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 31 of this Regulation.

30. The status of a negligible scrapie risk shall be granted to a holding where animals of several animal owners or holders are present if all the owners or holders of the animals present in the holding have met the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 29.1 or 29.2 of this Regulation.

31. The status of a negligible scrapie risk shall be granted to a holding if the animal owner or holder has brought the animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos in the holding in conformity with the following requirements:

31.1. the animals have been brought from a holding of the same status or from a holding that meets the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(c)(ii) or (iv) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001. The ovine animals brought in the holding are of the prion protein genotype class R1;

31.2. the animal embryos or ova have been brought in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(g) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

31.3. the animal semen has been brought in accordance with the requirements laid down Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(h) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001.

32. A holding shall maintain its status of a negligible scrapie risk if the scrapie diagnosis has not been confirmed therein, or if during an epidemiological examination of the holding carried out by the Service to detect possibly infected and epidemiologically related holdings it is not related to any holding where the scrapie diagnosis has been confirmed, and it meets at least one of the following requirements:

32.1. the holding has the status of scrapie resistance level I:

32.1.1. the ovine animals kept undergo annual random laboratory testing for determination of the prion protein genotype according to the number of sheep to be tested and referred to in Annex 4 to this Regulation;

32.1.2. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 50 of this Regulation are met;

32.2. the holding and the animals kept therein conform to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(a), (b), (e), (f), and (i) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001. There are animals in the holding which were born therein, and the animal semen, ova, and embryos were obtained at this holding or were brought from another holding in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 33 of this Regulation.

33. The animal owner or holder may bring the animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos in a holding to which the status of a negligible scrapie risk has been granted in conformity with the following requirements:

33.1. the animals are brought from another holding of the same status or from a holding which conforms to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(c)(ii) or (iv) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001. The ovine animals brought in the holding are of the prion protein genotype class R1;

33.2. the animal embryos or ova are brought in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(g) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

33.3. the animal semen is brought in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.2(h) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001.

2.2. Requirements for the Granting and Maintaining the Status of a Controlled Scrapie Risk

34. The Service shall grant the status of a controlled scrapie risk to a holding if the following requirements are met:

34.1. the holding where animals are kept has conformed to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(a), (b), and (e) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001 for at least three years since submission of the application referred to in Sub-paragraph 21.2 of this Regulation;

34.2. the animals kept in the holding have conformed to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(f) and (i) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001 for at least three years since submission of the application referred to in Sub-paragraph 21.2 of this Regulation;

34.3. the animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos have been brought in the holding in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 36 of this Regulation.

35. The status of a controlled scrapie risk shall be granted to a holding where animals of several animal owners or holders are present if all the owners or holders of the animals present in the holding have met the requirements referred to in Paragraph 34 of this Regulation.

36. The status of a controlled scrapie risk shall be granted to a holding if the animal owner or holder has brought the animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos in the holding in conformity with the following requirements:

36.1. the animals have been brought from a holding of the same status or from a holding that meets the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(c)(ii) or (iv) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001. The ovine animals brought in the holding have the prion protein genotype that contains the alanine, leucine, and arginine amino acids (ALRR/ALRR);

36.2. the animal embryos or ova are brought in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(g) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

36.3. the animal semen is brought in accordance with the requirements laid down Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(h) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001.

37. The holding shall maintain its status of a controlled scrapie risk if, during an epidemiological examination of the holding carried out by the Service to detect possibly infected and epidemiologically related holdings, it is not related to any other holding where the scrapie diagnosis has been confirmed, and meets the following requirements:

37.1. the holding where animals are kept conforms to the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(a), (b), and (e) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

37.2. the animals kept in the holding have been laboratory-tested in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(f) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

37.3. the animals kept in the holding meet the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(i) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

37.4. the animals that were born in the holding are present there, and the animal semen, ova, and embryos were obtained at this holding or were brought from another holding in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38 of this Regulation.

38. The animal owner or holder may bring animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos in a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk in conformity with the following requirements:

38.1. the animals are brought from another holding of the same status or from a holding that meets the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(c)(ii) or (iv) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001. The ovine animals brought in the holding are of the prion protein genotype class R1;

38.2. the animal embryos or ova are brought in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(g) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

38.3. the animal semen is brought in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.3(h) of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001.

3. Measures to be Taken in Order for the Status of Scrapie Resistance Level I, II, or III to be Granted to and Maintained for a Holding

39. In order for the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III to be granted to a holding by the Service, the animal owner or holder shall submit an application for granting the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III to an ovine animal holding (Annex 5) to the relevant territorial unit of the Service. The status of the relevant level shall be granted if the requirements referred to in Paragraph 47, 48, or 49 of this Regulation are met.

40. If the control results or laboratory test results of pathological material samples are not registered in the database of the Data Centre, the Service shall, within two weeks after receiving the application referred to in Paragraph 39 of this Regulation, request the animal owner or holder to submit a copy of the testing report on the laboratory tests conducted at the holding for determining the prion protein genotype.

41. The animal owner or holder shall submit a copy of the testing report referred to in Paragraph 40 of this Regulation to the relevant territorial unit of the Service.

42. The Service shall assess the conformity of the holding with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 47, 48, or 49 of this Regulation and take one of the following decisions:

42.1. to grant the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III to the holding and to register it in the database of the Data Centre in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 43 of this Regulation;

42.2. not to grant the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III to the holding and to provide a justified refusal in writing.

43. The Service shall register the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III granted to the holding in the database of the Data Centre with the marking "skrepi rez1", "skrepi rez2", or "skrepi rez3".

44. The Data Centre shall, in the public section of its website, maintain an up-to-date list of the holdings to which the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III has been granted and maintained, indicating the municipality, parish, and holding number.

45. The Service shall cancel the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III granted to the holding within three working days after at least one of the following circumstances is established:

45.1. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 50, 51, or 52 of this Regulation are not met;

45.2. the scrapie diagnosis has been laboratory-confirmed for the animal in the holding, or the holding is epidemiologically related to another holding where the scrapie diagnosis has been laboratory-confirmed for the animal which is determined in accordance with the requirements laid down in Chapter A, Section A, Sub-paragraph 1.4 of Annex VIII to Regulation No 999/2001;

45.3. the requirements for the eradication of scrapie laid down in Articles 12 and 13 and Chapters A and B of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001 are not met if there is a reason to suspect that an animal is ill with scrapie or the scrapie diagnosis has been confirmed;

45.4. no animals are kept in the holding.

46. The Service shall renew the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III granted to the holding if the animal owner or holder:

46.1. has met the requirements referred to in Paragraph 47, 48, or 49 of this Regulation;

46.2. has submitted an application for granting the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III (Annex 5) to the ovine animal holding to the relevant territorial unit of the Service.

3.1. Requirements for Granting and Maintaining the Status of Scrapie Resistance Level I, II, or III

47. The Service shall grant the status of scrapie resistance level I to a holding if in the holding:

47.1. the ovine animals kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

47.2. the ovine animals were brought from a holding of the same status or from a holding where all the ovine animals conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

47.3. the ovine progeny were obtained from rams and ewes of the prion protein genotype class R1.

48. The Service shall assign the status of scrapie resistance level II to a holding if in the holding:

48.1. the rams kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

48.2. the ewes kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

48.3. the ovine progeny were obtained from:

48.3.1. rams which conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

48.3.2. ewes which conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

48.4. the ovine animals are brought from a holding to which the status of scrapie resistance level I or II has been granted or from a holding where all rams conform to the prion protein genotype class R1 and ewes conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3.

49. The Service shall assign the status of scrapie resistance level III to a holding if in the holding:

49.1. the rams and ewes kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

49.2. the ovine progeny are obtained from rams and ewes which conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

49.3. the ovine animals are brought from a holding to which the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III has been granted or from a holding where all rams and ewes conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3.

50. A holding shall maintain its status of scrapie resistance level I if in the holding:

50.1. the ovine animals kept undergo a scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme;

50.2. all the ovine animals kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

50.3. the ovine animals are brought from a holding of the same status or from a holding where all ovine animals conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

50.4. the ovine animals kept undergo annual random laboratory testing for determining the prion protein genotype in conformity with the number of the sheep to be tested and referred to in Annex 4 to this Regulation.

51. A holding shall maintain its status of scrapie resistance level II if in the holding:

51.1. the ovine animals kept undergo a scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme;

51.2. the rams kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

51.3. the ewes kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

51.4. the ovine progeny are obtained from:

51.4.1. rams which conform to the prion protein genotype class R1;

51.4.2. ewes which conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

51.5. the ovine animals are brought from a holding to which the status of scrapie resistance level I or II has been granted or from a holding where all rams conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, and ewes conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3.

52. A holding shall maintain its status of scrapie resistance level III if in the holding:

52.1. the ovine animals kept undergo a scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme;

52.2. the rams and ewes kept conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

52.3. the ovine progeny are obtained from rams and ewes conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3;

52.4. the ovine animals are brought from a holding to which the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III has been granted or from a holding where all rams and ewes conform to the prion protein genotype class R1, R2, or R3.

53. A summary of the requirements referred to in Sub-chapter 3.1 of this Regulation to be met in order for the status of scrapie resistance level I, II, or III to be granted and maintained to ovine animal holding is provided for in Annex 6 to this Regulation.

3.2. Measures for the Implementation of the Scrapie-resistant Ovine Animal Breeding Programme

54. The Data Centre in cooperation with the Service shall establish and maintain a database that meets the requirements of Chapter C, Part 1, Paragraph 2 of Annex VII to Regulation No 999/2001.

55. Upon implementing the scrapie-resistant ovine animal breeding programme, the ovine animal owner or holder shall ensure that the animals kept in the holding meet the following requirements:

55.1. they are identified and registered in the database of the Data Centre in accordance with the legal acts regarding the procedures for registering farm animals and aquaculture animals, their herds and holdings, and also the procedures for marking farm animals;

55.2. before a ram is used to produce progeny, its prion protein genotype class is determined, unless it is born to the animals of the prion protein genotype class R1;

55.3. it is prohibited to use rams or ram semen of the prion protein genotype class R4 or R5 for producing of progeny. Such rams shall be transported to a slaughterhouse for immediate slaughtering, or sterilised within six months after determining the genotype;;

55.4. it is prohibited to use ewes of the prion protein genotype class R4 or R5 for producing of progeny. They shall be transported to a slaughterhouse for immediate slaughtering;

55.5. the ovine progeny are obtained from rams and ewes that conform to the prion protein genotype class R1 (except for the cases referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation).

56. In order for the holding to maintain:

56.1. its status of scrapie resistance level II, ewes of the prion protein genotype class R2 or R3 may be used to produce progeny;

56.2. its status of scrapie resistance level III, rams and ewes of the prion protein genotype class R2 or R3 may be used to produce progeny.

4. Closing Provisions

57. The following conditions shall be applied to the animal owner or holder that brings the animals, animal semen, ova, and embryos in its holding from another ovine or caprine holdings in the territory of Latvia:

57.1. the conditions referred to in Paragraph 33 of this Regulation shall be applied from 1 July 2025;

57.2. the conditions referred to in Paragraph 38 of this Regulation shall be applied from 1 July 2021.

58. The Regulation shall come into force on 1 July 2018.

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 337
19 June 2018

Classes and Assessment of the Prion Protein Genotypes, Conditions for the Use of Ovine Animals According to the Genotype Class


The prion protein genotype1

The prion protein genotype classes

The prion protein genotype assessment

Sheep use conditions





Suitable for breeding and husbandry




Partially resistant

Suitable for breeding and husbandry








Low resistance

Suitable for breeding (according to a breeding programme) or husbandry if the population of the relevant ovine animal species is small (fewer than 50 000 animals of the particular species)












Susceptible to the scrapie

Unsuitable for breeding and husbandry




Very susceptible to the scrapie

Unsuitable for breeding and husbandry



Note. 1 The codes of the amino acids present in the prion protein genotype alleles and their designations:
A - alanine,
R - arginine,
H - histidine,
Q - glutamine,
V - valine,
L - leucine,
F - phenylalanine (the genotype containing phenylalanine is not used for breeding and husbandry because it increases the risk to be ill with an atypical form of the scrapie).

Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 337
19 June 2018

Application for Granting the Status of a Negligible Scrapie Risk to a Holding

1. The animal owner or keeper

(for a natural person - the given name and surname, for a legal person - the name (in block letters))

2. Personal identity number of the animal owner or holder (for a natural person)


3. Official electronic address* or e-mail address

4. Company registration number in the Enterprise Register




5. Registration number of the herd in the register of the Agricultural Data Centre





6. Registration number of the holding in the register of the Agricultural Data Centre




7. The purpose of keeping ovine or caprine animals in the holding (mark as appropriate):






breeding and production of semen, ova, and embryos

8. The holding is used for keeping (mark as appropriate):


ovine animals only


caprine animals only


ovine and caprine animals

9. For the ovine or caprine animals kept in the holding (mark as appropriate):


the diagnosis of classical scrapie has not been confirmed


the diagnosis of classical scrapie has been confirmed (specify the date)

10. The following information on the holding used to keep ovine animals shall be provided by the animal owner or holder (mark as appropriate):


Conformity with the requirements





The holding has been assigned the status of scrapie resistance Level I

The table in Paragraph 11 shall be filled in


11. The following information on the holding used to keep ovine or caprine animals (hereinafter - the animals) shall be provided by the animal owner or holder (mark as appropriate):


Conformity with the requirements






The animals have been identified for at least seven years



The identification data have been kept for at least seven years since the birth of the animals



The relocation data have been kept for at least seven years since the birth of the animals



The animals have been kept in the holding since their birth



The animals have been brought from a holding with the status of a negligible scrapie risk



The animals have been brought from a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk



The animals have been brought in from another European Union Member State or from the third country other than a European Union Member State



The brought-in animals have the ALRR/ALRR or ARR/ARR prion protein genotype



The animals have been brought in from a semen collection centre

Sub-paragraphs 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 of the Table shall be filled in



the semen collection centre is recognised and monitored in accordance with the legal acts regarding the veterinary requirements for the circulation of embryos and ova of bovine, swine, ovine, caprine. and equine animals and semen of equine, ovine, and caprine animals, and also the procedures for the registration of embryo transplantation companies, semen collection centres, and semen storage centres



the animals brought to the semen collection centre within the past seven years have been brought in from holdings where:


a) the animals have been identified


b) the identification data for the animals have been kept since their birth


c) the relocation data for the animals have been kept since their birth


d) the diagnosis of classical scrapie has not been confirmed


e) the official veterinarian or an inspector of the Food and Veterinary Service has carried out inspections



no diagnosis of classical scrapie has been confirmed at the semen collection centre



bio-security measures are ensured at the semen collection centre which provide for that the animals brought from a holding to which the status of a negligible scrapie risk or controlled scrapie risk has been granted do not come into contact with the animals from the holding with a lower status of scrapie risk



There have been animals which are older than 18 months that have perished

Sub-paragraph 10.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the animals referred to in Paragraph 10 of the Table have undergone laboratory testing to detect the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prion protein



There have been animals which are older than 18 months and with which wasting or neurological clinical signs have been observed

Sub-paragraph 11.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the animals referred to in Paragraph 11 of the Table have undergone laboratory testing to detect the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prion protein



Embryos or ova of ovine or caprine animals are being obtained at the holding

Sub-paragraph 12.1 of the Table shall be filled in



in the holding, the embryos or ova are obtained from donor animals that have been in the holding of origin since their birth



Embryos or ova of ovine or caprine animals are brought in the holding

Sub-paragraph 13.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the embryos or ova brought in the holding are:


a) from a holding with the status of a negligible scrapie risk


b) from another European Union Member State or from a third country other than a European Union Member State


c) from a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk


d) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals have been identified


e) from a holding in Latvia where it is possible to trace the movement of the donor animals since their birth


f) from a holding in Latvia where the scrapie diagnosis has not been confirmed for the donor animals


g) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals had no clinical signs of the scrapie at the time the embryos or ova were obtained


h) known to have one ALRR or ARR allele



Animal semen is obtained in the holding

Sub-paragraph 14.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the semen in the holding is obtained from the donor animals that have been in the holding of origin since their birth



Animal semen has been brought in the holding

Sub-paragraph 15.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the animal semen brought in the holding is:


a) from a holding with the status of a negligible scrapie risk


b) from another European Union Member State or from a third country other than a European Union Member State


c) from a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk


d) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals have been identified


e) from a holding in Latvia where it is possible to trace the movement of the donor animals since their birth


f) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals had no clinical signs of the scrapie at the time the semen was obtained


g) have one ALRR or ARR allele



Several herds with different scrapie risk statuses are present in the holding

Sub-paragraph 16.1 of the Table shall be filled in



individual pastures are provided for the animals held in each holding of the herd



The animals are moved from the holding to another pasture area where ovine or caprine animals of another herd are grazing






(given name, surname)



The processing of the personal data of the animal owner or holder (given name, surname, personal identity number, official electronic address, or e-mail address) shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph 20 of Cabinet Regulation No. 337 of 19 June 2018, Procedures for the Monitoring, Control, and Eradication of the Scrapie Disease.

To be filled in by an official of the Food and Veterinary Service

Grant/do not grant the status to the holding

(mark as appropriate)




(position, given name, surname, signature**)

1. * The documents shall be sent, using the official electronic address, if the e-address account has been activated for the applicant.
2. ** The details of the document "date" and "signature" need not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 337
19 June 2018

Application for Granting the Status of a Negligible Scrapie Risk to a Holding

1. The animal owner or keeper

(for a natural person - the given name and surname, for a legal person - the name (in block letters))

2. Personal identity number of the animal owner or holder (for a natural person)


3. Official electronic address* or e-mail address

4. Company registration number in the Enterprise Register




5. Registration number of the herd in the register of the Agricultural Data Centre





6. Registration number of the holding in the register of the Agricultural Data Centre




7. The purpose of keeping the ovine or caprine animals in the holding (mark as appropriate):






breeding and production of semen, ova, and embryos

8. The holding is used for keeping (mark as appropriate):


ovine animals only


caprine animals only


ovine and caprine animals

9. For the ovine or caprine animals kept in the holding (mark as appropriate):


the diagnosis of classical scrapie has not been confirmed


the diagnosis of classical scrapie has been confirmed (specify the date)

10. The following information on the holding used to keep ovine or caprine animals (hereinafter - the animals) shall be provided by the animal owner or holder (mark as appropriate):


Conformity with the requirements






The animals have been identified for at least three years



The identification data have been kept for at least three years since the birth of the animals



The relocation data have been kept for at least three years since the birth of the animals



The animals have been kept in the holding since their birth



The animals have been brought from a holding with the status of a negligible scrapie risk



The animals have been brought from a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk



The animals have been brought in from another European Union Member State or from a third country other than a European Union Member State



The brought-in animals have the ALRR/ALRR or ARR/ARR prion protein genotype



The animals have been brought in from a semen collection centre

Sub-paragraphs 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4 of the Table shall be filled in



the semen collection centre is recognised and monitored in accordance with the legal acts regarding the veterinary requirements for the circulation of embryos and ova of bovine, swine, ovine, caprine. and equine animals and semen of equine, ovine, and caprine animals, and also the procedures for the registration of embryo transplantation companies, semen collection centres, and semen storage centres



the animals brought in the semen collection centre within the past three years have been brought in from the holdings where:


a) the animals have been identified


b) the identification data for the animals have been kept since their birth


c) the relocation data for the animals have been kept since their birth


c) the diagnosis of classical scrapie has not been confirmed


e) the official veterinarian or an inspector of the Food and Veterinary Service has carried out inspections



no diagnosis of classical scrapie has been confirmed at the semen collection centre



bio-security measures are ensured at the semen collection centre which provide for that the animals brought from a holding to which the status of a negligible scrapie risk or controlled scrapie risk has been granted do not come into contact with the animals from the holding with a lower status of scrapie risk



There have been animals older than 18 months that have perished

Sub-paragraph 10.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the animals referred to in Paragraph 10 of the Table have undergone laboratory testing to detect the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prion protein



There have been animals which are older than 18 months and with which wasting or neurological clinical signs have been observed

Sub-paragraph 11.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the animals referred to in Paragraph 11 of the Table have undergone laboratory testing to detect the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy prion protein



Embryos or ova of ovine or caprine animals are being obtained at the holding

Sub-paragraph 12.1 of the Table shall be filled in



in the holding, the embryos or ova are obtained from donor animals that have been in the holding of origin since their birth



Embryos or ova of ovine or caprine animals are brought in the holding

Sub-paragraph 13.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the embryos or ova brought in the holding are:


a) from a holding with the status of a negligible scrapie risk


b) from another European Union Member State or from a third country other than a European Union Member State


c) from a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk


d) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals have been identified


e) from a holding in Latvia where it is possible to trace the movement of the donor animals since their birth


f) from a holding in Latvia where the scrapie diagnosis has not been confirmed for the donor animals


g) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals had no clinical signs of the scrapie at the time the embryos or ova were obtained


h) known to have one ALRR or ARR allele



Animal semen is obtained in the holding

Sub-paragraph 14.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the semen in the holding is obtained from the donor animals that have been in the holding of origin since their birth



Animal semen has been brought in the holding

Sub-paragraph 15.1 of the Table shall be filled in



the animal semen brought in the holding is:


a) from a holding with the status of a negligible scrapie risk


b) from another European Union Member State or from a third country other than a European Union Member State


c) from a holding with the status of a controlled scrapie risk


d) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals have been identified


e) from a holding in Latvia where it is possible to trace the movement of the donor animals since their birth


f) from a holding in Latvia where the donor animals had no clinical signs of the scrapie at the time the semen was obtained


g) have one ALRR or ARR allele



Several herds with different scrapie risk statuses are present in the holding

Sub-paragraph 16.1 of the Table shall be filled in



individual pastures are provided for the animals held in each holding of the herd



The animals are moved from the holding to another pasture area where ovine or caprine animals of another herd are grazing






(given name, surname)



The processing of the personal data of the animal owner or holder (given name, surname, personal identity number, official electronic address, or e-mail address) shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph 20 of Cabinet Regulation No. 337 of 19 June 2018, Procedures for the Monitoring, Control, and Eradication of the Scrapie Disease.

To be filled in by an official of the Food and Veterinary Service

Grant/do not grant the status to the holding

(mark as appropriate)




(position, given name, surname, signature**)

1. * The documents shall be sent, using the official electronic address, if the e-address account has been activated for the applicant.
2. ** The details of the document "date" and "signature" need not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 337
19 June 2018

Number of Ovine Animals to be Tested for the Prion Protein Genotype Conformity Control


Number of ovine animals in the holding

Number of ovine animals to be tested (per year)























401 or more


Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 337
19 June 2018

Application for Granting the Status of Scrapie Resistance Level I, II, or III to an Ovine Animal Holding

1. The animal owner or keeper

(for a natural person - the given name and surname, for a legal person - the name (in block letters))

2. Personal identity number of the animal owner or holder (for a natural person)


3. Official electronic address* or e-mail address

4. Company registration number in the Enterprise Register




5. Registration number of the herd in the register of the Agricultural Data Centre





6. Registration number of the holding in the register of the Agricultural Data Centre




7. The purpose of keeping the ovine or caprine animals in the holding (mark as appropriate):






breeding and production of semen, ova, and embryos

8. The holding is used for keeping (mark as appropriate):


ovine animals only


ovine and caprine animals

9. For the ovine or caprine animals kept in the holding (mark as appropriate):


the diagnosis of classical scrapie has not been confirmed


the diagnosis of classical scrapie has been confirmed (specify the date)

10. The scrapie-resistant breeding programme is being implemented on the ovine animals kept in the holding and used to produce progeny (mark as appropriate):



11. Please grant/renew the following status for the holding (mark as appropriate):

11.1. Status of scrapie resistance level I (mark the corresponding information in the Table)


Conformity with the requirements






The holding contains only the ovine animals which conform to the R1 prion protein genotype class


11.2. Status of scrapie resistance level II (mark the appropriate information in the table)


Conformity with the requirements






Only the progeny of rams conforming to the R1 prion protein genotype class are present in the holding



Only ewes conforming to the R1, R2, or R3 prion protein genotype class are used for producing progeny in the holding


11.3. Status of scrapie resistance level III (mark the appropriate information in the table)


Conformity with the requirements






Only the progeny of rams conforming to the R1, R2, or R3 prion protein genotype class are present in the holding



Only ewes conforming to the R1, R2, or R3 prion protein genotype class are used for producing progeny in the holding






(given name, surname)



The processing of the personal data of the animal owner or holder (given name, surname, personal identity number, official electronic address, or e-mail address) shall be performed in accordance with Paragraph 20 of Cabinet Regulation No. 337 of 19 June 2018, Procedures for the Monitoring, Control and Eradication of the Scrapie Disease.

To be filled in by an official of the Food and Veterinary Service

Grant/do not grant/renew/do not renew the status of scrapie resistance level ____ to the holding

(mark as appropriate)



(position, given name, surname, signature**)

1. * The documents shall be sent, using the official electronic address, if the e-address account has been activated for the applicant.
2. ** The details of the document "date" and "signature" need not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 337
19 June 2018

Summary of the Requirements to be Met in Order for the Status of Scrapie Resistance Level I, II, or III to be Granted to and Maintained for an Ovine Animal Holding



Status of the holding

Level I

Level II

Level III


The status shall be granted if:


1) the animals in the holding comply with the prion protein genotype class1:

a) all the animals2





b) rams



R1, R2, R3

c) ewes


R1, R2, R3

R1, R2, R3

2) the progeny in the holding has been obtained from animals which comply with the prion protein genotype class1:

a) rams



R1, R2, R3

b) ewes


R1, R2, R3

R1, R2, R3

3) the ovine animals have been brought in the holding:


a) from a holding to which the following status has been granted/maintained:

Level I

Level I and II

Level I, II, and III



b) which comply with the prion protein genotype class1:


1) all the animals2






2) rams



R1, R2, R3

3) ewes


R1, R2, R3

R1, R2, R3


The status shall be maintained if:


1) the animals in the holding comply with the prion protein genotype class1:

a) all the animals2





b) rams



R1, R2, R3

c) ewes


R1, R2, R3

R1, R2, R3

2) the progeny in the holding are obtained from animals which comply with the prion protein genotype class1:

a) rams



R1, R2, R3

b) ewes


R13, R2, R3

R13, R2, R3

3) the ovine animals are brought in the holding:

a) from a holding to which the following status has been granted/maintained:

Level I

Level I and II

Level I, II, and III


b) which comply with the prion protein genotype class1:

1) all the animals2





2) rams



R1, R2, R3

3) ewes


R1, R2, R3

R1, R2, R3

4) the prion protein genotype conformity control is carried out on randomly selected ovine animals4




5) the scrapie-resistant sheep breeding programme is being implemented:

a) the animals have been identified and registered in the database of the Data Centre




b) the progeny is obtained from animals which comply with the prion protein genotype class R1


Yes, or ewe
R2, R3

Yes, or ram/ewe
R2, R3

1 The prion protein genotype classes are specified in Annex 1 to Cabinet Regulation No. 337 of 19 June 2018, Procedures for the Monitoring, Control, and Eradication of the Scrapie Disease.
2 All the animals, including the ovine progeny obtained and the next-generation progeny.
3 Used to obtain a higher-level resistance status against the scrapie.
4 The number of ovine animals to be examined annually for control needs of the conformity with the prion protein genotype is specified in Annex 4 to Cabinet Regulation No. 337 of 19 June 2018, Procedures for the Monitoring, Control, and Eradication of the Scrapie Disease.

Acting for the Minister for Agriculture -
Minister for Finance Dana Reizniece-Ozola

Translation © 2021 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Skrepi slimības uzraudzības, kontroles un apkarošanas kārtība Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 337Adoption: 19.06.2018.Entry into force: 01.07.2018.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 123, 21.06.2018. OP number: 2018/123.6
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