Teksta versija
Republic of latvia

Regulation No. 188
Adopted 27 March 2018

Regulations Regarding Information to be Included in the Conformity Review of the Game Programme to be Used to Operate Interactive Gambling or Interactive Lottery

Issued pursuant to
Section 47, Paragraph four and Section 80,
Paragraph six of the Law on Gambling and Lotteries

1. This Regulation prescribes:

1.1. the information to be included in the conformity review of such interactive gambling programme which has been used to operate interactive gambling;

1.2. the information to be included in the conformity review of such interactive lotteries programme which has been used to operate the interactive lottery.

2. The interactive game programme is a set of data required for the operation of interactive gambling or interactive lottery and it contains one or several files.

3. An accredited certification laboratory shall include the following in the conformity review of the interactive game programme:

3.1. general information:

3.1.1. the name of the certification laboratory;

3.1.2. the date of issue of the conformity review of the interactive game programme;

3.1.3. the number of the conformity review of the interactive game programme;

3.1.4. the name of the interactive game programme;

3.1.5. the name of the producer of the interactive game programme;

3.2. information on the conformity of the game programme with the following requirements:

3.2.1. the algorithm of the game programme ensures that the total sum of the prize for interactive gambling is not less than 80 per cent of the total sum of the deposited bets;

3.2.2. the algorithm of the game programme ensures that the total sum of the prize for interactive lottery is not less than 45 per cent from the total sum of the ticket sales;

3.2.3. the algorithm of the interactive game programme is based on the principle of random selection and the result obtained from the random selection number generator is used to determine the outcome of the game;

3.2.4. the algorithm of changes of the random selection number generator and the range of random numbers conform to the following conditions: the random number is statistically independent; the random number is unpredictable; the game result obtained from the random selection number generator conforms to the test result obtained with the help of the random selection test series;

3.2.5. the control sum of the interactive game programme and each separate component thereof is displayed in the form of a code determined by the producer.

4. The certification laboratory shall append to the conformity review of the interactive gambling programme a document which certifies its rights to carry out the conformity check of the interactive game programme.

5. The conformity review of the interactive game programme for the interactive gambling or interactive lottery of the interactive gambling or interactive lottery organiser which has been issued by the certification laboratory until the date of the coming into force of this Regulation shall be valid until the moment any changes are introduced to the respective interactive game programme.

6. If after coming into force of this Regulation the interactive gambling or interactive lottery of the interactive gambling organiser or interactive lottery organiser does not have the respective conformity review of the interactive game programme issued by the certification laboratory, the interactive gambling or interactive lottery organiser shall, within six months after coming into force of this Regulation, submit the conformity review of the interactive game programme to the Lotteries and Gambling Supervisory Inspection in accordance with the requirements laid down in this Regulation.

Prime Minister,
Acting for the Minister for Health Māris Kučinskis

Acting for the Minister for Finance -
Minister for Transport Uldis Augulis


Translation © 2018 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par interaktīvās azartspēles vai interaktīvās izlozes organizēšanā izmantojamās spēles .. Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 188Adoption: 27.03.2018.Entry into force: 30.03.2018.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 64, 29.03.2018. OP number: 2018/64.13
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