Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
Procedures for Performing Health Examination and Sanitary Treatment of an Asylum Seeker, and also for Registering the Results ThereofIssued pursuant
to 1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures for ensuring health examination and sanitary treatment of an asylum seeker, and also for registering the results thereof. 2. Health examination of an asylum seeker shall include the following: 2.1. the survey (anamnesis, complaints) and examination of medical documentation, where possible; 2.2. the general examination; 2.3. the anthropometrics (body weight, height); 2.4. the inspection for the determination of tuberculosis in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for performing mandatory medical and laboratory examination, mandatory and forced isolation and treatment of persons in cases of infectious diseases; 2.5. the referral to perform other necessary investigations by taking into account health condition and symptoms of diseases of an asylum seeker, and also special epidemiological situation in the country of origin of the asylum seeker or the country where the asylum seeker resided prior to arrival in Latvia. If necessary, a medical practitioner shall consult the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the Limited Liability Company Riga East University Hospital; 2.6. the investigations for the determination of the presence of polioviruses if 30 days have not passed since an asylum seeker has left or transited through the countries affected by poliomyelitis. Investigations shall be conducted by the Limited Liability Company Riga East University Hospital; 2.7. informing an asylum seeker of actions in the case of disease, a possibility to receive health care services, and recommended preventive measures. 3. Sanitary treatment of an asylum seeker shall include the following: 3.1. washing in the shower; 3.2. the treatment for head lice if lice have been detected; 3.3. the disinfection or disinsection of personal clothing and personal belongings of an asylum seeker in accordance with the instructions of a medical practitioner and laws and regulations regarding disinfection, disinsection and rat extermination. If disinfection or disinsection of personal clothing, underwear and personal belongings of an asylum seeker is not required, the asylum seeker shall be provided with a possibility to wash his or her clothing, underwear and personal belongings in a washing machine. 4. Until the performance of sanitary treatment and health examination the asylum seeker who will be accommodated in an accommodation centre for asylum seekers (hereinafter - the accommodation centre) or on the State Border Guard accommodation premises (hereinafter - the accommodation premises) shall be accommodated in a separate room. Asylum seekers may be accommodated in one room if they have arrived as a group of asylum seekers. If the group of asylum seekers includes a person with obvious signs of infectious disease, this person shall be accommodated in a separate room. 5. In accommodating an asylum seeker in the accommodation centre or on the accommodation premises, a medical practitioner shall: 5.1. perform sanitary treatment and health examination of the asylum seeker, unless such examination has already been performed within the framework of the specific asylum procedure, and results thereof are documented in the form of sanitary treatment and health examination of the asylum seeker (Annex 1). The form shall be placed in an outpatient card of patient; 5.2. make an entry in an outpatient card of patient of the asylum seeker on a permit to accommodate the asylum seeker on living premises or on accommodation of the asylum seeker in a room especially equipped for this purpose for medical observation for the time period until receipt of the results of the necessary health examinations or expert opinions. 6. Sanitary treatment shall not be performed if an asylum seeker is not accommodated in the accommodation centre or on the accommodation premises. 7. If an asylum seeker is not accommodated in the accommodation centre or on the accommodation premises, an institution where the abovementioned asylum seeker submits an application for granting refugee or alternative status shall refer him or her to the health examination (hereinafter - the referral) (Annex 2), except for the case when the asylum seeker has a valid residence permit in the Republic of Latvia. The abovementioned asylum seeker shall undergo the health examination within the time period laid down in the referral and submit a certification of the performed health examination (Annex 2) to the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. 8. An asylum seeker who has received the referral shall undergo health examination in a medical treatment institution where a family doctor provides State paid health care services. The family doctor shall perform health examination of the abovementioned asylum seeker in accordance with Paragraph 2 of this Regulation and register results of the health examination in an outpatient card of patient. 9. If an asylum seeker has documents at his or her disposal which certify the fact that he or she has undergone health examination in accordance with Paragraph 2 of this Regulation, he or she shall submit them to a family doctor or a medical practitioner of the accommodation centre or the accommodation premises respectively. The family doctor or the medical practitioner of the accommodation centre or the accommodation premises shall evaluate the abovementioned documents and take a decision regarding the need to perform the investigations referred to in Sub-paragraphs 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 of this Regulation. 10. Cabinet Regulation No. 620 of 20 September 2016, Procedures for Conducting Health Examination and Sanitary Treatment of the Detained Asylum Seeker, and also for Registering the Results Thereof (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2016, No. 184), is repealed. Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis Minister for Health Anda Čakša
Annex 1 Results of the Sanitary Treatment and Health Examination of the Asylum SeekerCompleted by:
Health examination is performed by:
Participation of an interpreter: I. General data
II. Anamnesis
Identification of risks of infectious diseases
Immunisation data He or she has an immunisation card (certificate)
Complaints (confusion, different pain (headache, abdominal pain, joint pain), digestive disorders, breathing difficulties, cough, poor appetite, dark urine, childhood developmental disorders (if a child is examined), night sweats, rapid weight loss): III. General examination
IV. Administered investigations and results
Other necessary investigations and
V. Opinion on health condition VI. Recommendations
Minister for Health Anda Čakša
Annex 2 Referral for Health Examination of an Asylum Seeker
refers the asylum seeker to the health examination:
Official who issued the referral:
I hereby certify that the asylum seeker has undergone the health examination.
Minister for Health Anda Čakša
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Title: Kārtība, kādā veic patvēruma meklētāja veselības stāvokļa pārbaudi un sanitāro apstrādi, ..
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