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The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 20.07.2019.–03.07.2020.
Amendments not included: 30.06.2020., 04.02.2021., 05.10.2021., 10.05.2022.

Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

16 May 2017 [shall come into force from 24 May 2017];
3 April 2018 [shall come into force from 17 April 2018];
12 June 2018 [shall come into force from 22 June 2018];
18 December 2018 [shall come into force from 28 December 2018];
16 July 2019 [shall come into force from 20 July 2019].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.


Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 108
Adopted 28 February 2017

Regulations Regarding Public Electronic Procurements

Issued pursuant to
Section 9, Paragraph twenty two, Clauses 1, 2,
and 3, Section 17, Paragraph twelve, Section 39,
Paragraph three, and Section 42,
Paragraph thirteen of the Public Procurement Law,
Section 44, Paragraph thirteen of the Law
on Procurements in the Field of Defence
and Security, Section 44, Paragraph three
and Section 48, Paragraph fourteen
of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service
Providers and Section 19, Paragraph three
and Section 37, Paragraph thirteen of the Law
on Public-Private Partnership

[3 April 2018]

1. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes:

1.1. the information system in which, in accordance with Section 9, Paragraph nine, Clause 1, Section 42, Paragraphs nine and 9.1 of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44, Paragraph six of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48, Paragraph thirteen of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, and Section 37, Paragraph thirteen of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership, information shall be obtained in order to verify whether a tenderer should be excluded from the participation in a procurement or a concession procedure and whether a candidate or a tenderer should be excluded from the participation in a procurement procedure;

1.2. the purpose and scope of processing the information to be checked in Section 9, Paragraph nine, Clause 1, Section 42, Paragraph nine, Clause 1 of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44, Paragraph six, Clause 1 of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48, Paragraph thirteen, Clause 1 of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, and Section 37, Paragraph nine, Clause 1 of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership;

1.3. such laws and regulations and their Sections which conform to the cases for the exclusion of candidates and tenderers laid down in Section 42, Paragraph one of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44, Paragraph one of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48, Paragraph one of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, as well as in Section 37, Paragraph one of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership and for the infringements and criminal offences provided in which the check shall be carried out in the system referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.7 of this Regulation;

1.4. the procedures by which the system referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.7 of this Regulation shall receive and process information from the information systems (registers) maintained by the institutions referred to in Paragraph 15 of this Regulation, as well as the procedures for maintaining and using the system;

1.5. the groups of goods and services to be procured in a centralised procedure and the central purchasing bodies (Annex 1), as well as the conditions for using the services provided;

1.6. the requirements and standards for the systems which are used for submitting the tenders and requests to participate.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018; 12 June 2018]

2. The following terms are used in the Regulation:

2.1. e-procurement system - a State information system under administration of the State Regional Development Agency (hereinafter - the Agency) on the website www.eis.gov.lv which consists of the e-certificate, e-order, e-tender, and e-auction subsystems;

2.2. participant of the e-procurement system - a contracting authority registered with the e-procurement system, public service provider or economic operator which has an administrator, users of subsystems of the e-procurement system, and registered identification tools;

2.3. administrator - an employee of the participant of the e-procurement system who is authorised to act on behalf of the participant of the e-procurement system in the e-procurement system, to create and activate users of subsystems of the e-procurement system, as well as perform other activities provided for in the regulations regarding the use of access points of the e-procurement system;

2.4. subsystem user - an employee of the participant of the e-procurement system who is authorised to act on behalf of the participant of the e-procurement system in the relevant e-procurement system;

2.5. access point - an interface maintained on the web which ensures access to the functionality of subsystems of the e-procurement system;

2.6. regulations regarding the use of the access point - regulations regarding the use of the system developed by the Agency as the maintainer of the e-procurement system;

2.7. e-certificate subsystem - a subsystem of the e-procurement system in which, using a State information system integrator, information is aggregated from registers;

2.8. e-certificate - an electronic certificate in which the information available in the registers is aggregated in electronic form in order to verify the compliance of the candidate or the tenderer with the requirements which are referred to in Section 9, Paragraph eight, Clauses 1, 2, 4, and 5, Section 42, Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, and 14 and Paragraph two, Clause 2 of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44, Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48, Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 and Paragraph two, Clause 2 of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, as well as in Section 37, Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 and Paragraph two, Clause 2 of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership;

2.9. register - an information system in which the processed information is used for the preparation of e-certificates in accordance with the purpose laid down in the Public Procurement Law, Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, and Law on Public‐Private Partnership;

2.10. requester of an e-certificate - a contracting authority, a public service provider, a public partner, or a representative of the public partner which obtains information on the candidates or tenderers within the scope of the procurement, procurement procedure, or concession procedure, or an economic operator which obtains information on itself;

2.11. user of the e-certificate subsystem - an employee of the participant of the e-procurement system who requests and receives e-certificates on behalf of the requester of an e-certificate;

2.12. infrastructure for the receipt of e-certificates - the aggregate of the technological solutions used in the subsystem indicated in Sub-paragraph 2.7 of this Regulation and at the access point referred to in Paragraph 10 which ensures receipt of e-certificates;

2.13. person to be checked - a person on whom information from registers has been requested;

2.14. e-order subsystem - a subsystem of the e-procurement system which ensures electronic centralised procurement of the goods and services offered in the e-order subsystem to contracting authorities and public service providers;

2.15. group of goods or services - the set of goods or services included in the groups or subgroups of goods and services of the list indicated in Annex 1 to this Regulation which has been placed in the e-order subsystem;

2.16. e-procurement process - an aggregate of activities as a result of which a contracting authority or public service provider and economic operator, using the subsystem of e-orders, may enter into a public transaction of supply or services;

2.17. user of the e-order subsystem - an employee of the participant of the e-procurement system who represents a contracting authority, public service provider or economic operator within the framework of e-procurement process and on behalf of the contracting authority or the public service provider creates and approves or on behalf of the economic operator approves purchase requests of the goods or services included in the e-order subsystem, on behalf of the contracting authority or the public service provider accepts goods or services and performs activities which are permitted by the conditions of the framework agreement or the dynamic purchasing system by creating binding entries in the database on the status of the order of goods or services, the supply and quality of goods, as well as performs other activities provided for in the regulations regarding the use of the e-order system;

2.18. sectoral expert - a person designated by a public person who has been granted the right to work in the e-order subsystem and to monitor transactions made in the system in the groups of goods or services within the competence of the relevant public person;

2.19. e-tender subsystem - a subsystem of the e-procurement system which ensures the organisation of procurements, design tenders, and procurement or concession procedures for contracting authorities, public service providers, and public partners by submitting the requests for participation, designs, and tenders electronically;

2.20. procurement supervisor - a person who has been granted the right to work in the e-tender subsystem and to access the documentation of procurements and procurement procedures, as well as the submitted requests for participation and tenders, and who has been appointed by a public person who has the right specified in law to have direct access to data and procurement procedures present in the information systems.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018; 12 June 2018; 16 July 2019]

3. When implementing the functions of the manager and holder of the e-procurement system, the Agency shall:

3.1. maintain the e-procurement system with its subsystems;

3.2. register the contracting authorities, public service providers, public partners, sectoral experts, procurement supervisors, and economic operators in the e-procurement system;

3.3. ensure support to participants of the e-procurement system;

3.4. ensure training for the users of subsystems of the e-procurement system;

3.5. ensure maintaining and security management of the e-procurement system (except for registers) and the information and technical resources necessary for it in conformity with the laws and regulations regarding State information systems and the general technical, functionality, and security requirements laid down for them;

3.6. ensure the development and publishing of the regulations regarding the use of access points on the website of the relevant access point;

3.7. ensure publishing of the amendments made to the regulations regarding the use of access points on the website of the relevant access point within 10 working days prior to their entry into effect;

3.8. ensure opportunities for the publishing of the procurement plans of contracting authorities and public service providers in the e-tender subsystem;

3.9. ensure legal grounds of transactions related to the supply of goods and provision of services in the e-order subsystem for contracting authorities and public service providers registered with the e-procurement system by creating dynamic purchasing systems or entering into framework agreements with the economic operator which have obtained the right to participate in the e-procurement process as suppliers of goods and providers of services in the e-order subsystem within the framework of the centralised procurement procedure organised by the Agency as the central purchasing body;

3.10. collect and publish detailed information on the website www.eis.gov.lv on the transactions made in the e-order subsystem, indicating at least the contracting authority of the transaction, the economic operator, and the scope and subject-matter of the transaction;

3.11. collect the information provided by contracting authorities and public service providers on the goods and services necessary in the e-order subsystem which should be included in the list of groups of goods and services referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation on the basis of the centralised procurement procedure organised by the Agency as the central purchasing body and, upon evaluating the necessity, shall include requirements in the technical specifications of the current centralised procurement procedures organised by the Agency which, upon commencing procurement procedures, shall be published on the website www.eis.gov.lv;

3.12. provide consultations and support for the purchase of the goods and services included in the list of groups of goods and services referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation on the basis of the centralised procurement procedure organised by the Agency as the central purchasing body, as well as perform random quality checks of the relevant goods supplied or services provided within the framework of the transactions made in the e-order subsystem;

3.13. provide technical support for the placement of goods and services in the e-order subsystem for such central purchasing bodies which, in conformity with the sample forms of the technical specifications developed by the Agency for the e-procurement system, the regulations of transactions, the principles of operation of the e-procurement system, have performed procurement procedures in order to ensure the availability of the goods and services laid down in the list referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation for the relevant centralised procurement authorities in the subsystem of e-orders;

3.14. evaluate and provide an opinion on the conformity of the online system for submitting requests to participate and tenders of a private individual with the security and technical requirements referred to in Chapter 5 of this Regulation.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018; 16 July 2019]

2. Registration of Contracting Authorities, Public Service Providers and Economic Operators with the E-procurement System, Access to the E-procurement System, and Rights and Obligations of the Participant of the E-procurement System

4. The following shall be registered in the e-procurement system and the rights of use of subsystems of the e-procurement system to specific extent shall be granted:

4.1. to the following contracting authorities:

4.1.1. to a person who has the status of a contracting authority in accordance with the Public Procurement Law, Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, or a law or regulation which conforms to the law of the European Union in the field of public procurements, in order to obtain e-certificates, purchase the goods or services available in the e-order subsystem, organise electronic procurement procedures or auctions;

4.1.2. to a person who has the status of a public service provider in accordance with the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, or a law or regulation which conforms to the law of the European Union in the field of public procurements, in order to obtain e-certificates, purchase the goods or services available in the e-order subsystem upon its selection, or organise electronic procurement procedures or auctions;

4.1.3. to a person who, in the case laid down in Section 6, Paragraph one of the Public Procurement Law, carries out a procurement procedure in the status of a beneficiary, for the needs of the particular procurement procedure in order to obtain e-certificates or purchase the goods or services available in the e-order subsystem upon its selection, or organise electronic procurements, electronic procurement procedures, or auctions;

4.1.4. to a person who, in the case laid down in Section 7, Paragraph one of the Public Procurement Law, carries out a procurement procedure in the status of a beneficiary, for the needs of the particular procurement procedure in order to purchase the goods or services available in the e-order subsystem upon its selection, or organise electronic procurements, electronic procurement procedures, or auctions;

4.1.5. to a person who in accordance with the Law on Public‐Private Partnership has the status of a public partner or, if the public partner need not be registered with the system, a representative of the public partner in order to obtain e-certificates and organise electronic concession procedures;

4.2. to the economic operator for it to obtain an e-certificate about itself, to access electronically announced procurement or concession procedures (including the centralised procurement procedures organised by the Agency and other central purchasing bodies for offering goods and services in the e-order subsystem), procurements, design tenders, or auctions;

4.3. to the sectoral experts in order to control the procurement process within their competence, obtaining information regarding the goods and services which have been purchased with through the e-order subsystem in the groups of goods and services referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation, as well as in order to access the statistics of the transactions made in the e-procurement system;

4.4. to the procurement supervisors in order to access the procurements and procurement procedures organised in the e-tender subsystem in the viewing mode, as well as the requests to participate and tenders submitted.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018; 16 July 2019]

5. In order to use the subsystems of the e-procurement system, the persons referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation shall become participants of the e-procurement system and maintain active users of the subsystems necessary to the participant.

6. In order to obtain the status of the participant of the e-procurement system:

6.1. the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of this Regulation shall submit to the Agency an application for registration of the participant of the e-procurement system and an authorisation of the initial administrator (Annex 2), as well as a certification of the initial authorised administrator of the participant of the e-procurement system (Annex 3) or, if the representative of the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 4.2 of this Regulation has access to the means of identification supported by the single access solution of the State information system integrator, shall perform self-registration of the participant online on the site of the e-procurement system;

6.2. regarding the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 4.3 of this Regulation, the public person shall submit an application of a sectoral expert of the e-procurement system (Annex 4) and a certification of a sectoral expert of the e-procurement system (Annex 4.1);

6.3. regarding the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 4.4 of this Regulation, the public person shall submit an application of a procurement supervisor of the e-procurement system (Annex 4.2) and a certification of a procurement supervisor (Annex 4.3).

[16 July 2019]

7. The Agency shall, within three working days from receipt of the documents referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation, examine them and register the participant of the e-procurement system with the e-procurement system, as well as grant the administrator the right to use the e-procurement system with the necessary subsystems and issue the details of initial access.

8. If the participant of the e-procurement system does not have an administrator or the administrator has lost the right to use the e-procurement system and its subsystems, the participant of the e-procurement system shall inform the Agency thereof in writing by concurrently submitting the certification of the initial authorised administrator referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation.

[3 April 2018]

9. If the participant of the e-procurement system is liquidated or reorganised, the participant itself, the successor to its rights and obligations, or the higher institution shall, without delay, inform the Agency thereof in writing. The Agency shall, within three working days, delete the participant of the e-procurement system from the e-procurement system.

10. The e-procurement system and its subsystems shall be available on the website https://www.eis.gov.lv (in addition it shall be possible to access the e-certificate subsystem by using the access point of the unified work station of the Unified Local Government System on the website http://visvaris.lv).

11. In order to access the subsystems of the e-procurement system, a user of the participant of the e-procurement system shall be identified electronically at the selected access point of the e-procurement system which, according to the identification data, shows the fields of information on the participant of the e-procurement system and the user of the e-procurement system.

12. The participant of the e-procurement system shall:

12.1. be responsible for the activities of its administrator and the users of the subsystems of the e-procurement system in the system;

12.2. inform the administrator and the users of the subsystems of the e-procurement system of processing of personal data and the purpose of data processing and make the users of the subsystems of the e-procurement system acquainted with the regulations regarding the use of the system (available on the website www.eis.gov.lv);

12.3. ensure that the administrator and the users of the subsystems of the e-procurement system created thereby undertake, in writing, to store and not disclose personal data unlawfully;

12.4. ensure that access points of the e-procurement system are used only by authorised users of the participant who have undertaken, in writing, to store and not disclose unlawfully the personal data received in the process of use of the e-procurement system;

12.5. in accordance with the procedures laid down in the regulations regarding the use of the access point of the relevant information system, notify the Agency if suspicions arise that identification data of users have become known to third parties.

13. The Agency shall block the access rights of the user of the e-procurement system in the e-procurement system, if:

13.1. the user has violated the requirements of this Regulation or of the regulations regarding the use of access points;

13.2. the user has caused a security hazard to the e-procurement system or any of its subsystems;

13.3. the identification data of the user have become known to third parties.

3. Obtaining Information in the E-certificate Subsystem for the Verification of Candidates and Tenderers

3.1. Availability Conditions of E-certificates in the E-certificate Subsystem

14. For obtaining information in order to verify whether the candidate or tenderer should be excluded from participation in the procurement procedure, as well as whether the tenderer should be excluded from participation in a procurement or concession procedure, the requester of an e-certificate shall use the e-certificate subsystem which ensures collection of the data provided by registers and transfer thereof to requesters of e-certificates.

[16 May 2017]

15. The information necessary for the preparation of e-certificates in the e-certificate subsystem shall be provided by managers of the following registers which maintain the functionality of information and technical resources of the relevant registers and ensure circulation of information:

15.1. the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior (Punishment Register);

15.2. the Enterprise Register (Information System of the Enterprise Register);

15.3. the State Revenue Service (Database of Tax (Duty) Debtors);

15.4. local governments of the Republic of Latvia (Immovable Property Tax Administration System).

16. The manager of the register shall:

16.1. provide the information existing in the relevant register according to the request and ensure the accuracy of the information provided;

16.2. ensure the information and technical resources of the register which are necessary for integration with the e-procurement system and for the process of obtaining e-certificates.

17. During the process of obtaining e-certificates:

17.1. the requester of an e-certificate, using access points for the receipt of e-certificates, is entitled to access the information existing in registers to the scope referred to in Paragraphs 26 and 27 of this Regulation without entering into an agreement with the managers of registers;

17.2. the managers of registers and the Agency shall cooperate in accordance with this Regulation without entering into a mutual agreement.

3.2. Use of the E-certificate Subsystem

18. If the requester of an e-certificate is a contracting authority, a public service provider, or a public partner, in order to receive an e-certificate, the user of the requester of an e-certificate who has performed electronic identification in the selected access point of the e-certificate system, shall perform the following activities:

18.1. when selecting the tool of requesting an e-certificate, shall fill in the fields of information on the procurement, or procurement or concession procedure within the framework of which the e-certificate is being requested by indicating the following information:

18.1.1. the procurement identification number;

18.1.2. the legal act and the particular norm of the legal act on the basis of which verification is being carried out;

18.2. indicate one or several registers in which verification should be carried out, as well as select the severe violations of professional activity for verification which are indicated as the reason for exclusion in the contract or concession notice or in the procurement or concession procedure documents;

18.3. select the tenderers of the particular procurement or procurement or concession procedure, the candidates or other persons connected to the tenderer or candidate referred to in Section 9, Paragraph eight, Clause 4 or Section 42, Paragraph one, Clauses 9, 10, and 11 of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44, Paragraph one, Clause 9 of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48, Paragraph one, Clauses 9, 10, and 11 of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, or in Section 37, Paragraph one, Clauses 9, 10, and 11 of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership in accordance with the following procedures:

18.3.1. fill in the fields of information on persons by indicating the following information: the type of a person (natural or legal person); the registration number for a legal person or individual merchant, the personal identity number for a natural person; the type of participation of the person in the relevant public procurement or in the concession procedure (tenderer or candidate; person on whose capacities the tenderer or candidate relies upon to certify that the qualification thereof conforms to the requirements laid down in the contract or concession notice or in the procurement or concession procedure documents; subcontractor the value of construction works or services to be provided by which is at least 10 per cent of the total value of the procurement or concession contract; member of a partnership if the candidate or tenderer is a partnership);

18.3.2. propose identification of the persons to be checked according to the information indicated in Sub-paragraphs and of this Regulation so that the following would be shown in the system: the given name and surname of the natural person or a notification that a person with such personal identity number is not registered with the Population Register or is dead; the firm name of the legal person, agricultural or fishery farm, or individual merchant, or a notification that a person with such registration number is not registered with the Enterprise Register;

18.4. verify whether correct information on the requester of an e-certificate and the user has been included in the system, as well as verify the data included in the request for an e-certificate;

18.5. propose requesting information from registers or send information to the electronic mail address eis@vraa.gov.lv, if non-conformity of the information included in the system is established.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018]

19. If an e-certificate is requested by an economic operator, the user of the requester of the e-certificate which has carried out electronic identification in the selected access point of the e-certificate subsystem shall perform the following activities:

19.1. select a legal act and a particular norm of the legal act on the basis of which verification is carried out;

19.2. select one or several registers in which verification should be carried out, as well as, if necessary, select such severe violations of professional activity regarding existence of which verification should be performed;

19.3. indicate the type of its participation in the public procurement or in the concession procedure (tenderer or candidate; person on whose capacities the tenderer or candidate relies upon to certify that the qualification thereof conforms to the requirements laid down in the contract or concession notice or in the procurement or concession procedure documents; subcontractor the value of construction works or services to be provided by which is at least 10 per cent of the total value of the procurement or concession contract; member of a partnership if the candidate or tenderer is a partnership). If the e-certificate is intended for submission in a procurement organised in a foreign country, the necessary foreign language for the e-certificate shall be selected from the languages available in the e-certificate system;

19.4. propose identification of the person to be checked so that the following is shown in the system:

19.4.1. the given name and surname of the natural person or a notification that a person with such personal identity number is not registered with the Population Register or is dead;

19.4.2. the firm name of the legal person, agricultural or fishery farm, or individual merchant, or a notification that a person with such registration number is not registered with the Enterprise Register;

19.5. verify whether correct information on the requester of an e-certificate and the user has been included in the system, as well as verify the data included in the request for an e-certificate;

19.6. propose requesting of information from registers or send information to the electronic mail address eis@vraa.gov.lv, if non-conformity of the information included in the system is established.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018 / Amendment to Sub-paragraph 19.3 which provides for the activity of the requester of an e-certificate - selecting the foreign language necessary for the e-certificate from the languages available in the e-certificate system if the e-certificate is provided for submission in procurement organised in a foreign country - shall come into force on 1 January 2019. See Paragraph 79.1]

20. The infrastructure for receipt of e-certificates shall, not later than within 24 hours after request for an e-certificate proposed in accordance with the procedures referred to in Paragraphs 18 and 19 of this Regulation, prepare and show at the access point used for requesting an e-certificate:

20.1. the e-certificate which has been prepared in accordance with the following of this Regulation:

20.1.1. the sample form laid down in Annex 5, 6, 7, or 8 by including the information available in registers therein;

20.1.2. the sample form laid down in Annex 9 by including the information available in registers therein or a notification of unavailability of the relevant register or non-existence of information;

20.2. a notification of unavailability of registers or non-existence of information which has been prepared in accordance with the sample form laid down in Annex 10 or 11 to this Regulation.

21. The requester of an e-certificate shall receive a notification of availability of the information referred to in Paragraph 20 of this Regulation in the indicated electronic mail address and the access point of the e-certificate system.

22. If an e-certificate has not been received within the time period referred to in Paragraph 20 of this Regulation due to unavailability of the register, the requester of an e-certificate shall request the e-certificate repeatedly from the e-certificate system or shall request that the manager of the register submits the necessary information.

23. The user of the requester of an e-certificate may download and store the e-certificate in an electronic medium or print it out, if such print-outs are provided for in the laws and regulations governing the field of public procurements.

24. The requester of an e-certificate shall inform the manager of such register in writing regarding the errors found in the information provided in the e-certificate on the basis of the information provided by which the relevant part of the information has been prepared.

25. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau is entitled to access the historical data of requesting e-certificates for the fulfilment of its functions.

3.3. Purpose and Scope of Information Verification

26. The requester of an e-certificate:

26.1. if it is a contracting authority, a public service provider, or a public partner which wishes to verify whether the candidate or tenderer should be excluded from participation in a procurement or concession procedure in accordance with Section 42 of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44 of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48 of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, or Section 37 of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership, requests information on the following persons registered or permanently residing in Latvia from registers:

26.1.1. the tenderer or candidate;

26.1.2. a member of the board or council of the tenderer or candidate, the person with the right of representation, a proctor, or a person who is authorised to represent the tenderer or candidate in activities which are related to a branch;

26.1.3. a member of a partnership if the candidate or tenderer is a partnership;

26.1.4. the subcontractor indicated by the tenderer the value of construction work or services to be provided by which is at least 10 per cent of the total value of the procurement or concession contract;

26.1.5. the person on whose capacities the tenderer or candidate relies upon to certify that the qualification thereof conforms to the requirements laid down in the contract or concession notice or in the procurement or concession procedure documents, as well as the member of the board or council of the abovementioned person, the person with the right of representation, the proctor, or the person who is authorised to represent such person on whose capacities the tenderer or candidate relies upon to certify that the qualification thereof conforms to the requirements laid down in the contract or concession notice or in the procurement or concession procedure documents in activities which are related to a branch;

26.2. if it is a contracting authority which wishes to verify whether the tenderer should be excluded from participation in a procurement in accordance with Section 9, Paragraph eight, Clauses 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the Public Procurement Law, requests information on the following persons registered or permanently residing in Latvia from registers:

26.2.1. the tenderer or candidate;

26.2.2. a member of a partnership if the candidate or tenderer is a partnership;

26.2.3. the person on whose capacities the tenderer relies upon to certify that the qualification thereof conforms to the requirements laid down in the notice on the planned contract or in procurement documents.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018; 12 June 2018]

27. The requester of an e-certificate, if it is an economic operator registered or permanently residing in Latvia which wishes to verify whether it should be excluded from participation:

27.1. in a procurement procedure in accordance with Section 42 of the Public Procurement Law, Section 44 of the Law on the Procurement in the Field of Defence and Security, Section 48 of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers, or Section 37 of the Law on Public‐Private Partnership, shall request information from registers on itself, its member of the board or council registered or permanently residing in Latvia, the person with the right of representation, the proctor, or the person who is authorised to represent the economic operator in activities which are related to a branch;

27.2. in a procurement in accordance with Section 9, Paragraph eight of the Public Procurement Law, shall request information on itself from registers.

[16 May 2017; 3 April 2018]

28. For the preparation of an e-certificate according to the purpose laid down in Paragraphs 26 and 27 of this Regulation:

28.1. the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior (the Punishment Register) shall provide information on the violations of The Criminal Law, the Competition Law, and the Latvian Administrative Violations Code referred to in Annex 12 to this Regulation, including on serious violations of professional activity which were indicated for verification;

28.2. the Enterprise Register shall provide current information on:

28.2.1. insolvency proceedings;

28.2.2. suspending of economic activity;

28.2.3. liquidation;

28.2.4. the country of registration;

28.3. the State Revenue Service shall provide information on the sum total of tax debts administered thereby;

28.4. local governments of the Republic of Latvia shall provide information on payments of taxes administered thereby.

[12 June 2018]

3.4. Procedures for Receiving E-certificates and Processing Information by the Subsystem

29. The managers of registers and the Agency shall be involved in processing the information necessary for the preparation of e-certificates. The managers of registers shall ensure access to the information necessary for the operation of services of the e-certificate subsystem, in turn the Agency shall ensure the operation of the State information system integrator and access points.

30. Providers of the information necessary for the preparation of e-certificates are managers of registers, including the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs which provides information from the Population Register for identification of natural persons.

31. Identification of the persons to be checked which is initiated in the e-certificate system in accordance with the procedures referred to in Sub-paragraphs 18.3.2 and 19.4 of this Regulation shall take place by using services of information systems:

31.1. the firm name shall be obtained from the Enterprise Register according to the registration number if the person to be checked is a legal person, an agricultural or fishery farm, or an individual merchant;

31.2. the given name, surname, and status of a person (whether the person is alive or dead) shall be obtained from the Population Register of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs according to the personal identity number if the person to be checked is a natural person.

32. After initiating a request for information in accordance with the procedures referred to in Sub-paragraphs 18.5 and 19.6 of this Regulation in order to obtain information on the person to be checked by using services of information systems, data exchange with the following registers shall take place:

32.1. in the Enterprise Register:

32.1.1. if the person to be checked is a legal person, the information on the given names, surnames, and personal identity numbers (if the person does not have a personal identity number - based on the date of birth, number and date of issue of a personal identification document, the country and authority which issued the document) of such persons who are connected to the person to be checked (members of the board or council of the person to be checked, persons with the right of representation, proctors, or persons who are authorised to represent the persons to be checked in activities which are related to a branch) shall be obtained based on the registration number;

32.1.2. if the person to be checked is a legal person, the information on the insolvency proceedings, suspending of economic activity, and liquidation (dates, descriptions of proceedings) and the country of registration of owners or owners (holders) of capital shares shall be obtained based on the registration number;

32.1.3. if the person to be checked is a natural person or an individual merchant, information regarding the insolvency proceedings of the person to be checked (date, description of proceedings) shall be obtained based on the personal identity number or registration number;

32.1.4. if the person to be checked is an individual merchant, the information on the insolvency proceedings of the person to be checked(date, description of proceedings) shall be obtained based on the registration number;

32.2. in the Punishment Register of the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior the information on the following shall be obtained based on the personal identity number (for natural persons) or registration number (for legal persons):

32.2.1. the violations of The Criminal Law, the Competition Law, and the Latvian Administrative Violations Code committed by the person to be verified (the name of the legal act and the violated legal norm indicated in Annex 12 to this Regulation, as well as the violated legal norm which applies to the violations of professional activity which were indicated for verification);

32.2.2. the violations of The Criminal Law, the Competition Law, and the Latvian Administrative Violations Code (the name of the legal act and the violated legal norm indicated in Annex 12 to this Regulation) committed by every natural person identified in accordance with the procedures referred to in Sub-paragraph 32.1.1 of this Regulation and related to the person to be verified;

32.3. from the State Revenue Service the information on tax payment of the person to be checked (the date of calculating the debt, the amount of the total sum of the debt, the currency in which debt has been calculated) shall be obtained based on the taxpayer registration code;

32.4. from local governments the information on tax payment of the person to be checked (the date of calculating the debt, the amount of the debt, the currency in which debt has been calculated) shall be obtained based on the personal identity number (for natural persons) or registration number (for legal persons).

[12 June 2018]

33. Managers of registers shall ensure availability of the current information necessary for the preparation of e-certificates:

33.1. on the dates of updating information laid down in the legal acts governing the field of tax administration - on the total sum of tax debts administered by the State Revenue Service;

33.2. concurrently with changes in the information to be stored in registers - on the information existing in the Punishment Register of the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, the Enterprise Register, or the database of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, as well as on the information existing in databases of local governments on calculation of immovable property tax debts.

34. After obtaining the information referred to in Paragraph 32 of this Regulation or after expiry of the time period referred to in Paragraph 20 of this Regulation, the e-certificate subsystem shall discontinue the process of obtaining information from registers and prepare an e-certificate, notifying the requester of an e-certificate thereof.

35. Detailed descriptions of the services of information systems referred to in Paragraphs 31 and 32 of this Regulation which include at least the name of the service, the list of data included in the request of the service, the list of data included as a result of operation of the service and processing of errors shall be published in the catalogue of service of information systems of the e-certificate subsystem.

4. Centralised Electronic Purchase of Goods and Services

4.1. Ensuring Availability of Goods and Services in the E-order Subsystem

36. A contracting authority registered with the e-procurement system, as well as a public service provider which has selected to join the e-procurement system shall, with the intermediation of the central purchasing body, purchase the goods or services included in Annex 1 to this Regulation in the e-order subsystem.

37. The e-order subsystem shall ensure for the purchase of goods and services conclusion of electronic transactions between contracting authorities or public service providers and economic operators registered with the e-procurement system which have been included in the dynamic purchasing system within the framework of the centralised procurement procedure or have obtained the right to enter into framework agreement as suppliers of goods or providers of services for contracting authorities registered with the e-procurement system.

[3 April 2018]

4.2. Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services

38. The e-order subsystem shall ensure the selection of goods and services according to the technical specifications of goods or services laid down for the relevant group of goods or services and the purchase of the selected goods and services for the lowest prices available on the e-order subsystem.

39. If the characteristics of goods or conditions for the provision of a service need to be specified for the supply of goods or provision of services selected by a contracting authority or a public service provider, the e-order subsystem shall send a notification of the order to all active economic operators by determining at least one working day for the preparation of the offer according to the specific nature of the relevant group of goods or services and determination of the price by using bidding with descending step.

40. In order to ensure as efficient use of the resources of a contracting authority or a public service provider as possible, the contracting authority and the public service provider shall plan transactions in the e-order subsystem by merging them in one order within the framework of the group of goods or services to the extent possible. If an order in which the sum of the selected goods or services within the scope of one group of goods or services is equal to the contract price laid down in Section 9, Paragraph one of the Public Procurement Law for the supply or service contracts or exceeds it has been created in the e-order subsystem within the scope of framework agreement, the e-order subsystem shall send a notification of the order to all active economic operators determining at least three working days for the preparation of the tender and determination of particularly advantageous prices by using bidding with descending step.

[3 April 2018 / See Paragraph 79.2]

41. The centralised procurement authority may reduce the threshold value of the contract price in the e-order subsystem for the goods or services provided for the preparation of the tender referred to in Paragraph 40 of this Regulation in conformity with the specific nature of the relevant group of goods or services if such possibility for the relevant group is provided for in the documentation of the centralised procurement procedure organised by the central purchasing body.

42. If the order referred to in Paragraph 39 or 40 of this Regulation has been created in the e-order subsystem, the e-order subsystem shall not allow the creation of such new order within the framework of the relevant group of goods or services until the result of the existing order.

43. A contracting authority or a public service provider may terminate the order referred to in Paragraphs 39 and 40 of this Regulation if:

43.1. the price tenders expressed exceed the maximum amount of financial resources provided for the transaction indicated by the contracting authority or the public service provider and the possibilities for reducing the price available in the e-order subsystem have not been useful;

43.2. the contracting authority or public service provider, when making an order, has indicated justified preconditions for the conclusion of the transaction or its conclusion to the full extent of the order which have not set in;

43.3. the transaction could not be concluded due to objective circumstances which have set in after creation of the order.

44. If it is necessary to ensure mutual compatibility of the goods or services to be procured, a contracting authority or a public service provider, by justifying the necessity, may select a condition in the e-order subsystem for the particular order that the transaction should be granted to the economic operator in undivided amount of the order or a specific lot of the order should be granted to one supplier in undivided amount if such possibility is provided for the relevant group of goods or services in the documentation of the centralised procurement procedure organised by the central purchasing body.

5. Requirements for Information Systems which are Used for Organising Electronic Procurement and Procurement Procedures

5.1. Information Systems for the Electronic Submission and Receipt of Requests to Participate and Tenders

45. For the electronic receipt of requests to participate and tenders, a contracting authority shall use the e-tender subsystem or other online information systems which are provided for electronic receipt of proposals and tenders and the use of which is free of charge for the contracting authority.

46. An economic operator shall use the e-tender subsystem for the electronic submission of requests to participate and tenders or other online information systems which are provided for the electronic submission of requests to participate and tenders.

47. An online system for the submission of requests to participate and tenders may be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual if the Agency has issued a statement certifying that the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual (including all components related to the system and servicing the system) conform to the security and technical requirements of this Chapter and the relevant private individual has entered into an agreement with the Agency on the use of the interface of the State information system integrator in the production environment of the system.

48. A private individual who organises and manages the operation of the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall be responsible for its creation, deployment, maintenance, use, making changes, and liquidation in conformity with the requirements of this Chapter.

5.2. Registration of an Information System Created by a Private Individual for the Electronic Submission of Requests to Participate and Tenders

49. In order to organise electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate or tenders by using an online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders created by a private individual, the person referred to in Paragraph 48 of this Regulation shall lodge a submission to the Agency for obtaining a conformity statement of the online system for the submission of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual, as well as the following information if it has not been provided within the last 12 months:

49.1. information on the submitter (for a legal person - the firm name, registration number, contact telephone, and e-mail address; for a natural person - the given name, surname, personal identity number, contact telephone, and electronic mail address);

49.2. information on the technical specification of the system which includes at least:

49.2.1. the circuit of the computer network for the hardware and servers to be used;

49.2.2. a list of the the data storage hardware of servers and network hardware indicating the names of the models;

49.2.3. a list of the software to be used with versions;

49.2.4. the address of the location of the hardware;

49.3. information on the security policy of the system, security regulations, and regulations for use;

49.4. a description of procedures which provides for the performance and documentation of a risk assessment at least to the following scope:

49.4.1. the field of operation of the system;

49.4.2. influence of the identified risks on the operation of the system, including evaluation of the probability of setting in of risks, tangible and intangible losses, influence on the availability of the system, confidentiality of data;

49.4.3. if a security incident of the information system has occurred: measures and the necessary improvements in order to prevent such security incidents; the means of protection which will be used in case the security incidents repeat; the residual risks;

49.5. information on the initial risk analysis performed in accordance with the procedure referred to in Sub-paragraph 49.4 of this Regulation;

49.6. the whole source code of the online system which has been created or changed, upon establishing the information system or its components (for example, applications which may be operated on the terminal equipment);

49.7. the internal audit report in which the conformity of the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual with the requirements of this Chapter has been evaluated;

49.8. a certification of the person referred to in Paragraph 48 of this Regulation that the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual conforms to the requirements of this Chapter;

49.9. the address or addresses of the global web protocol of the server or servers (hereinafter - the IP) (and other information necessary for establishing a circuit) from which the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual will transfer the requests to participate or tenders to the e-tender subsystem by using the web interface referred to in Paragraph 72 of this Regulation;

49.10. the address of the website (the domain name, the system address or addresses of the domain name, the IP address or addresses) in which the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual is located.

50. The Agency shall examine the submission referred to in Paragraph 49 of this Regulation and the information appended thereto and prepare a statement in accordance with the procedures and within the time period laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law, indicating whether the online system for the submission and receipt of proposals and tenders of a private individual conforms to the security and technical requirements of this Chapter.

51. If the decision to issue a statement on conformity with the security and technical requirements of this Chapter is taken, the Agency, if necessary, shall request to update the IP address or addresses (and other information necessary for establishing a circuit) and enter into an agreement on the use of the interface of the State information system integrator in the production environment.

52. The Agency shall, within 20 working days after entering into the agreement referred to in Paragraph 51 of this Regulation, grant access for the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual to the web interface referred to in Paragraph 72 of this Regulation in order to transfer the submitted proposals or tenders to the e-tender subsystem.

53. The Agency has the following rights in relation to the online system for the submission and receipt of proposals and tenders of a private individual:

53.1. to perform a security audit or inspection of the information system, including inspection of the source code created or changed throughout the life cycle of the system;

53.2. to take the decision to cancel the conformity statement if it is established during the security audit or inspection that the information system does not conform to the requirements of this Chapter;

53.3. to take the decision to cancel the conformity statement, without performing the security audit or inspection if non-conformity of the information system with the requirements of this Chapter is established.

54. The decision referred to in Sub-paragraphs 53.2 and 53.3 of this Regulation may be appealed to a court in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

55. The operation of the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual is suspended from the day of taking the decision referred to in Sub-paragraph 53.2 or 53.3 of this Regulation and its access to the interface referred to in Paragraph 72 of this Regulation is blocked.

56. If a security incident has occurred in the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual, the person referred to in Paragraph 48 of this Regulation shall, without delay, however not later than within 24 hours, inform the Agency thereof.

5.3. Security Requirements for the Information Systems to be Used for the Electronic Submission of Requests to Participate and Tenders

57. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure that the system conforms to the laws and regulations regarding the minimum security requirements for information systems, as well as the requirements of this Chapter.

58. The Agency shall perform an audit of the e-tender subsystem within the framework of the security audit of the State information system in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation and shall store the audit data for the same period of time as the information existing in the e-tender subsystem on the basis of which the audit was performed is stored.

[3 April 2018]

59. The information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall conform to the following security requirements:

59.1. processing of data in the information system is performed in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding personal data protection;

59.2. the security and organisational administration of information systems is performed in accordance with the national standard of Latvia LVS: ISO/IEC 27001:2014 L "Information technology. Security methods. Information security management systems. Requirements";

59.3. at least the following documents are developed for the needs of the information system:

59.3.1. the risk assessment and the list of accepted risks;

59.3.2. the security policy and rules of information systems;

59.4. there is a solution in the information system which ensures that information on security improvements and elimination of new threats is received, as well as description of receipt of such information (procedure);

59.5. in accordance with Sub-paragraph 59.3.1 of this Regulation at least the following activities of security control and administration are implemented:

59.5.1. risk assessment;

59.5.2. physical and environmental safety, as well as security of computer networks;

59.5.3. safety of human resources;

59.5.4. management of communication and operations;

59.5.5. management of standard access controls;

59.5.6. purchase, establishment, maintenance, and liquidation of information systems;

59.5.7. administration of continuity of information security incidents and services;

59.5.8. measures to be taken in order to improve and reduce the vulnerability of information systems due to which destruction, accidental losing, changing, unauthorised disclosure, or access of the processed data might occur;

59.5.9. conformity with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the process of electronic procurement.

5.4. Security Requirements for Applications of the Information Systems to be Used for the Electronic Submission of Requests to Participate and Tenders

60. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of proposals and tenders shall ensure that the system is protected against vulnerabilities and malicious use in accordance with the best practice and conforms to at least the following requirements:

60.1. protection against malicious data entry is ensured (for example, injection of the standardised query language (SQL injection), injection of syntax specified by the eXtensible Markup Language (XML Xpath injection), injection of commands of the operating system):

60.1.1. by performing verification of all data received from the outside, including verifying the data entered by a natural person;

60.1.2. by performing verification of entry data at least on the side of the server (in an application operating on the server);

60.1.3. if any requests subject to interpretation are used, for example, sentences of the standardised query language (SQL) upon separating the entry data from the command or query;

60.2. protection against cross-site scripting errors (XSS) is ensured:

60.2.1. by verifying all data sent to the browser;

60.2.2. by duly encrypting all data to be shown in the browser;

60.3. safe identification and session management is ensured:

60.3.1. by precluding the possibility of guessing the identification data or to rewrite them due to insufficient user account management functions;

60.3.2. by precluding disclosure of any session data, including identifiers, in the Uniform Resource Locator (URL);

60.3.3. by protecting the identifiers of the session against session fixation attacks;

60.3.4. by ensuring the functionality of the session timeout;

60.3.5. by using only transport layer security (TSL) for sending identification data and session information;

60.3.6. by creating passwords from at least nine symbols, concurrently using at least one Latin capital letter, Latin small letter, digit, and special symbol in the password if two-factor identification is not used in the interface of the administrator;

60.4. access to resources with direct reference is implemented in a way that verification of the right to access the resource is performed prior to sending information;

60.5. protection against cross-site request forgery (XSRF) is ensured;

60.6. the following security conditions of the system software are conformed to:

60.6.1. the latest versions provided for the production environment, including for the operating system, web or application server, database management system, applications, and all code libraries, are used for all software components;

60.6.2. unnecessary services of the operating system, web or application server, and database management system have not been installed or have been disabled;

60.6.3. processing errors in public notifications of errors does not allow depiction of undisclosable information;

60.6.4. the security settings within the scope of the development and in libraries are configured in accordance with the best practice (for example, in accordance with the security project guidelines of open web applications);

60.7. the following data encryption requirements are implemented:

60.7.1. personal data is encrypted and stored in electronic form;

60.7.2. adequate Transport Layer Protection is encrypted or used, including the current version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is used for system access by using valid certificates which are linked to the system domain;

60.7.3. technologically current encryption algorithms and encryption keys which are secure against unauthorised decryption are used if it is performed by using hardware available to the public;

60.7.4. when saving passwords in the database, they are hashed using a standard hash total algorithm which is secure against unauthorised decoding if it is performed by using hardware available to the public;

60.7.5. all passwords and encryption keys are adequately protected;

60.8. access control which verifies the right to access the resource, when opening it, is ensured for each new global web address of the system (URL);

60.9. protection against unauthorised digression or rerouting from the system is ensured.

61. If the online system for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual uses hardware, operating system or database management system that is joint with other systems, the person who organises and manages the operation of the system shall reflect it in the risk assessment and the implemented risk prevention measures.

62. The person who organises and manages the operation of the system shall ensure access to the functionality of the technological processes of administrating the information system to such persons only who require the information existing in the system in a corresponding amount for the fulfilment of the work duties.

63. The person who services the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall comply with the confidentiality requirements in relation to data which come at the disposal of such person when fulfilling work duties. The confidentiality requirements shall be determined in the employment contract or description of the position of the abovementioned person. If the information system is serviced by a third person, the confidentiality requirements shall be determined in the document establishing such legal relationship.

64. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure that data duplicates (backup copies) are created and protected by using technologically current encryption algorithm and keys.

65. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure that at least the following information is accumulated and stored in unchanged and provable way:

65.1. the date and time when the system administrator has logged in and logged out of the system;

65.2. the date and time when data duplication (backup copying of data) is performed;

65.3. the date and time when changes in the information system or updating of the software are performed.

66. The administrator of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders has an obligation to regularly inspect the audit logs of the system in order to prevent security incidents.

5.5. Security Requirements for the Infrastructure of the Information Systems to be Used for the Electronic Submission of Requests to Participate and Tenders

67. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure that at least the following system security requirements are conformed to:

67.1. access control to the accommodation premises of the information system is performed, and all visits are registered in the audit log;

67.2. carriers of duplicated data is protected against theft;

67.3. servers of the information system are placed in a closed frame.

68. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure that the system is accommodated on a server or servers which are physically located in the territory within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia, are connected to the web, and separated with a firewall in the network of the protected local network perimeter (DMZ).

69. The firewall software of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall conform to at least the following requirements:

69.1. the software version is updated;

69.2. the software checks and registers the flow of all data received and to be sent from the network of the local network perimeter (DMZ);

69.3. the software allows access only to such data flows which are necessary for the operation or management of the information system.

70. The information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall be located in an adequately protected segment of a network separated from the testing and development system.

71. The person who organises and manages the operation of the information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure that at least the following security and protection requirements are conformed to in relation to servers and their operating systems:

71.1. the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 60.6 of this Regulation are implemented;

71.2. the applications are able to operate by using the lowest set of the rights necessary for the relevant functions;

71.3. the updates and corrections of operating systems and applications to be used, as well as updates of the antivirus software are installed as soon as they have become available.

5.6. Technical Requirements for the Information Systems to be Used for the Electronic Submission of Requests to Participate and Tenders

72. The online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders of a private individual shall co-operate with the e-tender subsystem by using the interface of the State information system integrator. The Agency shall publish the structure of the interface data exchange in the form of eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in the catalogue of schemes of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) of the State information system integrator, in conformity with the guidelines laid down by he State information system integrator.

73. The information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall ensure at least the following requirements in relation to the processing of requests to participate and tenders:

73.1. all interested economic operators have access to the information on specifications related to electronic submission, encryption and time-stamping of tenders and requests to participate;

73.2. a signature tool integrated in the system which ensures approval of the identity of the person who signed the electronic document, or an electronic signature which conforms to the laws and regulations regarding status of electronic documents and electronic signature is used;

73.3. the date and time when requests to participate and tenders, as well as plans and projects should be submitted can be determined accurately;

73.4. such solution has been integrated in the information system which ensures that until expiry of the term for the submission of requests to participate or tenders (or transferring of the submitted requests to participate or tenders to the e-tender subsystem if the online system of a private individual is being used for submission) no one can access the information submitted;

73.5. the date and time when the requests to participate or tenders submitted in the information system have been transferred to the e-tender subsystem can be determined accurately if the online system of a private individual is being used for submission;

73.6. the submitter can revoke or change the request to participate or tender at any time until expiry of the term for the submission of the requests to participate or tenders;

73.7. it is possible to detect if anyone has violated the prohibition referred to in Sub-paragraph 73.4 of this Regulation.

74. The information system to be used for the electronic submission and receipt of proposals and tenders shall ensure at least the following requirements in relation to processing of procurements and procurement procedure:

74.1. within the framework of one procurement procedure in electronic profile of the relevant procedure it is possible to mutually separate the sections for the preparation and processing of evaluation of qualification, technical tender, financial tender, and economically most advantageous tender;

74.2. a possibility is provided for electronic preparation of the documentation of the procurement or procurement procedure (including the requirements for selecting tenderers and candidates in a structured way for integrated submission of a document of the European single procurement procedure or for structured uploading of information) with tools integrated into the system;

74.3. it is possible to prepare, store, and re-use electronic blank forms and samples of procurement or procurement procedure;

74.4. control of the course of the procurement or procurement procedure and bans on changing the documents added in the profile of the procurement or procurement procedure and approved by the contracting authority (minutes of the meetings of the procurement commission, regulations of the procurement procedure, etc.);

74.5. a possibility is provided for adding and storing the contracts concluded as a result of the procurement or procurement procedure and the documents related to performance of the contract.

[3 April 2018 / The provision referred to in Sub-paragraph 74.2 on the possibility of forming the requirements for selecting tenderers and candidates in a structured way for integrated submission of a document of the European single procurement procedure or for structured uploading of information shall come into force on 1 January 2019. See Paragraph 79.3]

75. In order to ensure cooperation with the e-ender subsystem, the online information system of a private individual which is used for the electronic submission and receipt of proposals and tenders shall conform to the following requirements:

75.1. the system supports the use of services (web services);

75.2. the interface of the system conforms to the guidelines for the use of interfaces of the State information system integrator and is compatible with the service for submitting tenders of the e-tender subsystem published by the State information system integrator;

75.3. security and functionality tests have been successfully performed for the interface of the system.

76. The private individual referred to in Paragraph 48 of this Regulation who organises and manages the operation of the online system for the submission and receipt of requests to participate and tenders shall not participate as a candidate or tenderer in such procurements or procurement procedures which are organised in the online system for the submission and receipt of tenders of the relevant private individual.

6. Closing Provisions

77. The requirements of this Regulation which apply to the procurement procedures organised on the basis of the Law on the Procurement of Public Service Providers shall be applicable from 1 April 2017.

78. The certificate referred to in Annex 8 to this Regulation, indicating also the violations of professional activity therein, shall be prepared from 1 August 2017.

79. A contracting authority registered with the e-procurement system is entitled to purchase goods or services not included in the list of groups of goods and services referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation which are available in the e-order subsystem until expiry of the term of operation of such framework agreements which:

79.1. have been entered into for offering such goods and services in the e-order subsystem prior to the entry into force of this Regulation;

79.2. will be entered into for offering such goods and services in the e-order subsystem in procurement procedures initiated prior to coming into force of this Regulation.

79.1 Amendment to Sub-paragraph 19.3 of this Regulation which provides for the activity of the requester of an e-certificate - to select the necessary foreign language for the e-certificate from the languages available in the e-certificate system if the e-certificate is intended for submission in a procurement organised in a foreign country - shall come into force on 1 January 2019.

[3 April 2018]

79.2 Amendments to Paragraph 40 of this Regulation by which the minimum contract price for an order created within the framework of the framework agreement in the e-order subsystem is determined regarding which the e-order subsystem sends a notification to all active economic operators shall not apply to such framework agreement which has been entered into for the needs of the e-order subsystem within the framework of such procurement procedures which were initiated prior to coming into force of this Regulation.

[3 April 2018]

79.3 The condition referred to in Sub-paragraph 74.2 of this Regulation regarding the possibility of forming the requirements for selecting tenderers and candidates in a structured way for integrated submission of a document of the European single procurement procedure or for the structured upload of information shall come into force on 1 January 2019.

[3 April 2018]

79.4 [16 July 2019]

80. The Regulation shall come into force on 1 March 2017.

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development Kaspars Gerhards


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

Groups of Goods and Services and the Centralised Purchasing Bodies Linked Thereto

[3 April 2018]

1. Office paper and stationery goods for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the State Regional Development Agency (hereinafter - the Agency):

1.1. document storage goods;

1.2. office paper and paper goods;

1.3. desk accessories;

1.4. data carriers and hardware cleaning equipment;

1.5. presentation and office supplies.

2. Hardware and installation of hardware for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

2.1. desktop computers (workstations);

2.2. tablets;

2.3. laptops;

2.4. monitors;

2.5. uninterruptible power sources;

2.6. installation of hardware.

3. Demonstration equipment and installation of demonstration equipment for which the centralised procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

3.1. interactive boards and screens;

3.2. installation of interactive boards and screens;

3.3. audio equipment, video equipment, and photography equipment;

3.4. ancillary devices and accessories of demonstration equipment.

4. Printing and copying equipment for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

4.1. digital copying equipment;

4.2. multifunctional laser printing equipment;

4.3. multifunctional inkjet printing equipment;

4.4. laser printing equipment;

4.5. inkjet printing equipment;

4.6. wide-format printing equipment;

4.7. specialised printing equipment.

5. Accessories of printing equipment for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

5.1. toners;

5.2. ink cartridges;

5.3. other accessories.

6. Furniture for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

6.1. office and visitor chairs;

6.2. office furniture to be assembled;

6.3. furniture for educational institutions;

6.4. metal furniture.

7. Software, software hire and training in the use of software for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

7.1. office software;

7.2. operating system software;

7.3. training courses in the use of software;

7.4. standard server software and the support thereof.

8. Household goods for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

8.1. paper hygiene goods;

8.2. household chemicals;

8.3. goods for the maintenance and upkeep of premises.

9. Server hardware and data storage facilities, as well as the installation of server hardware and data storage facilities for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency:

9.1. servers and server chassis to be inserted in the standard server chassis;

9.2. commutators;

9.3. blade servers and blade server chassis;

9.4. data storage facilities;

9.5. uninterruptible power sources;

9.6. installation and configuration of server hardware and data storage facilities.

10. Health insurance services for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency.

11. Foodstuffs for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Agency.

12. Medicinal products and medical goods for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Ministry of Health, in conformity with the technical specification templates and transaction rules developed by the Agency for the e-order system.

13. Civil status act registration forms for which the centralised public procurement procedure or procedures have been organised by the Ministry of Justice, in conformity with the technical specification templates and transaction rules developed by the Agency for the e-order system.


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[16 July 2019]

Application for the Registration of the Participant of the E-procurement System and the Authorisation of the Initial Administrator

(place)   (date)  
(name of the participant)

represented by

member of the board chairperson of the board authorised person proctor
  other grounds for representation    
    (indicate other grounds for representation or position)  
(given name and surname of the representative of the participant)

upon signing this application for registration:

■ agrees to be added to the e-procurement system and acquire the status of the participant of the e-procurement system (indicate only one type of participation in the e-procurement system):

○ economic operator (micro-enterprise) ○ economic operator (medium-sized enterprise)
○ economic operator (small enterprise) ○ economic operator (large enterprise)
○ contracting authority
  (indicate the type of the contracting authority)  
(indicate a higher institution of the contracting authority or the local government (if applicable))

■ undertakes to recognise the actions taken, the documents created, and the transactions concluded in the e-procurement system and its subsystems with the signature tools available in the system which ensure the verification of the identity of the user, as binding and signed with a legally binding signature of the participant;

■ undertakes to comply with the rules for the use of the e-procurement system for each subsystem of the e-procurement system which will be used by the participant, the conditions of the associated documents and legal transactions (including the dynamic purchasing system in effect in the e-procurement subsystem and the framework agreement), as well as other requirements set out for the participants of the e-procurement system;

■ in the status of the initial administrator authorises
  (given name and surname of the administrator)

Additional identification means for the initial administrator (mark as required):

single access* (personal identity number required)       -     
* the type of administrator identification in the e-procurement system with the single application solution of the State information system integrator (Latvija.lv single application module, e.g. e-signature), in addition to the defined access of the e-procurement system - password and code card.

Details of the participant:

the type of the identification number and the number (specify only one, preferably VAT, number):
○ VAT number
  (specify VAT number)  
○ Other type of number      
(specify the type of number)   (specify other identification number)
contact information and bank account number of the participant:
legal address  
e-mail   telephone number  
bank   account number  
Representative of the participant      
  (given name, surname)   (signature)

Note. The detail of the document "signature" shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[16 July 2019]

Certification of the Authorised Administrator of the Participant of the E-procurement System

(place)   (date)  

Upon signing this document, the authorised administrator

(given name and surname of the authorised administrator)
of the participant of the e-procurement system
  (name of the participant of the e-procurement system)

■ certifies that it has become acquainted with and undertakes to comply with the rules for the use of the e-procurement system for each subsystem of the e-procurement system which will be used thereby, the conditions of the associated documents and legal transactions (including the dynamic purchasing system in effect in the e-procurement subsystem and the framework agreement), as well as other requirements set out for the participants of the e-procurement system;

■ certifies that it has been informed of the processing of the personal data within the framework of the e-procurement system aimed at ensuring the identification in the system and the contact information of the users of the e-procurement system;

■ certifies that it will retain and will not unlawfully disclose personal data;

■ undertakes to ensure that the users of the e-procurement system established thereby will certify in writing that personal data will be retained and will not be unlawfully disclosed.

Contact information:

E-mail of the administrator
Telephone number of the administrator
Authorised administrator      
  (given name, surname)   (signature)

Note. The detail of the document "signature" shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[16 July 2019]

Application of a Sectoral Expert of the E-procurement System

(place)   (date)  
(name of the public person supervising the sector)

represented by

member of the board chairperson of the board authorised person proctor
  other grounds for representation
    (indicate other grounds for representation or position)  
(given name and surname of the representative of the public person supervising the sector)
appoints the following in the status of a sectoral expert
  (given name and surname of the sectoral expert)

in the following groups of goods and services (mark the required groups):

Office paper and stationery goods
Civil status act registration forms
Printing equipment accessories
Printing and copying equipment
Hardware and installation of hardware
Demonstration equipment and installation of demonstration equipment
Software, software hire and training in the use of software
Server hardware and data storage facilities, as well as the installation of server hardware and data storage facilities
Medicinal products and medical goods
Health insurance services
Household goods
Other group of goods or services available in the e-order subsystem (specify group):
(name of the group of goods or services)

Additional identification means for the sectoral expert (mark as required):

single access* (personal identity number required)       -     
* the type of sectoral expert identification in the e-procurement system with the single application solution for the State information system integrator (Latvija.lv single application module, e.g. e-signature), in addition to the defined access of the e-procurement system - password and code card.
Representative of the public person supervising the sector      
  (given name, surname)   (signature)

Note. The detail of the document "signature" shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 4.1
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[16 July 2019]

Certification of a Sectoral Expert of the E-procurement System

(place)   (date)  

Upon signing this document, the sectoral expert

(given name and surname of the sectoral expert)
appointed by the public person supervising the sector
  (name of the public person supervising the sector)

■ certifies that it has become acquainted with and undertakes to comply with the rules for the use of the e-procurement system for each subsystem of the e-procurement system which will be used thereby, the conditions of the associated documents, as well as other requirements set out for the participants of the e-procurement system;

■ certifies that it has been informed of the processing of the personal data within the framework of the e-procurement system aimed at ensuring the identification in the system and the contact information of the users of the e-procurement system;

■ certifies that it will retain and will not unlawfully disclose personal data;

■ certifies that, within the framework of the rights granted in the e-procurement system and its subsystems, it will only obtain the information necessary for the fulfilment of the functions of a sectoral expert in the groups of goods and services within the competence of the public person supervising the sector;

■ certifies that it will retain and will not unlawfully disclose information which has been acquired in the e-procurement system and its subsystems when fulfilling the functions of a sectoral expert.

Contact information:

E-mail of the sectoral expert
Telephone number of the sectoral expert
Sectoral expert      
  (given name, surname)   (signature)

Note. The detail of the document "signature" shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 4.2
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[16 July 2019]

Application of a Procurement Supervisor of the E-procurement System

(place)   (date)  
(name of the public person supervising the procurements)

represented by

member of the board chairperson of the board authorised person proctor
  other grounds for representation
    (indicate other grounds for representation or position)  
(given name and surname of the representative of the public person supervising the procurements)

on the basis of the following external legal act specifying the right to directly and without intermediation access procurement procedures and the information contained therein:

(external legal act and corresponding norm of the legal act)
appoints in the status of a procurement supervisor
  (given name and surname of the procurement supervisor)

Additional identification means for the procurement supervisor (mark as required):

single access* (personal identity number required)       -     
* the type of procurement supervisor identification in the e-procurement system with the single application solution for the State information system integrator (Latvija.lv single application module, e.g. e-signature), in addition to the defined access of the e-procurement system - password and code card.
Representative of the public person supervising the procurements      
  (given name, surname)   (signature)

Note. The detail of the document "signature" shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 4.3
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[16 July 2019]

Certification of a Procurement Supervisor of the E-procurement System

(place)   (date)  

Upon signing this document, the procurement supervisor

(given name and surname of the procurement supervisor)
appointed by the public person supervising the procurements
  (name of the public person supervising the procurements)

■ certifies that it has become acquainted with and undertakes to comply with the rules for the use of the e-procurement system for each subsystem of the e-procurement system which will be used thereby, the conditions of the associated documents, as well as other requirements set out for the participants of the e-procurement system;

■ certifies that it has been informed of the processing of the personal data within the framework of the e-procurement system aimed at ensuring the identification in the system and the contact information of the users of the e-procurement system;

■ certifies that it will retain and will not unlawfully disclose personal data;

■ certifies that, within the framework of the rights granted in the e-procurement system and its subsystems, it will only obtain the information necessary for the fulfilment of the functions of a procurement supervisor for the procurements and procurement procedures within the competence of the public person supervising the procurements;

■ certifies that it will retain and will not unlawfully disclose information which has been acquired in the e-procurement system and its subsystems when fulfilling the functions of procurement supervisor.

Contact information:

E-mail of the procurement supervisor    
Telephone number of the procurement supervisor    
Procurement supervisor      
  (given name, surname)   (signature)

Note. The detail of the document "signature" shall not be completed if the document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[12 June 2018]


regarding liquidation and insolvency proceedings, the suspension of economic activity, or the country of registration

Series URN No. <Transaction number> - <Document number>

Personal data of the person to be verified: <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

The Enterprise Register contains the following data on the insolvency proceedings of the person to be verified <For legal persons: liquidation or suspended economic activity>.

<date and description>.

In the Republic of Latvia for a person to be verified and registered in the Enterprise Register in respect of the determination of the fact of the offshore1 <data is not available (the necessary information outside the e-certificate subsystem shall be requested from the person to be verified).>/<no data regarding the legal persons registered in a foreign country who are owners (holders) of more than 25 per cent of capital shares (shares). >/<the following data is available regarding the legal persons registered in a foreign country:>

Status of the person Country of registration
The person whose branch is registered in the Republic of Latvia <country>
Owner or holder of more than 25 per cent of capital shares <country>

Note. 1 The list of the low-tax or tax-free countries or territories which are not considered as offshore within the meaning of Section 1, Clause 3.1 of the Public Procurement Law is available on the website of the Procurement Monitoring Bureau.

Grounds for requesting the information: <law><Section of the law>.

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

If the information obtained from the database or from other sources regarding the candidate or tenderer does not correspond to the actual situation, the relevant candidate or tenderer is entitled to submit a certificate or other document regarding the relevant fact to the contracting authority.


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

[12 June 2018]


regarding liquidation and insolvency proceedings, the suspension of economic activity, or the country of registration

Series URN No. <Transaction number> - <Document number>

Personal data of the person to be verified: <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

The Enterprise Register has no actual data regarding the insolvency proceedings of the person to be verified <For legal persons: liquidation or suspension of economic activity>.

In the Republic of Latvia, a person to be verified and registered in the Enterprise Register in respect of the determination of the fact of the offshore1 <data is not available (the necessary information outside the e-certificate subsystem shall be requested from the person to be verified).>/<no data regarding the legal persons registered in a foreign country, who are owners (holders) of more than 25 per cent of capital shares (shares). >/<the following data is available regarding the legal persons registered in a foreign country :>

Status of the person Country of registration
The person whose branch is registered in the Republic of Latvia <country>
Owner or holder of more than 25 per cent of capital shares <country>

Note. 1 The list of the low-tax or tax-free countries or territories which are not considered as offshore within the meaning of Section 1, Clause 3.1 of the Public Procurement Law is available on the website of the Procurement Monitoring Bureau.

Grounds for requesting the information: <law><Section of the law>.

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

If the information obtained from the database or from other sources regarding the candidate or tenderer does not correspond to the actual situation, the relevant candidate or tenderer is entitled to submit a certificate or other document regarding the relevant fact to the contracting authority.


Version Submitted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Annex 7
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017


regarding infringements provided for in the laws and regulations governing procurement

Series SRA No. <Transaction number> - <Document number>

A person in respect of whom information regarding violations of legal acts has been compiled in the Punishment Register of the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia: <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

The person has not committed such violations of legal acts < (including professional activity*)> (or there is an infringement of competition rights, but for cooperation within the framework of the leniency programme the person has been exempted from the fine or the fine has been reduced) for which the candidate or tenderer should be excluded from participation in the procurement procedure or the decision of the competent authority, the public prosecutor's penal order (shall not be applicable to violations of professional activity), or a court judgment regarding violations of legal acts for which the candidate or tenderer should be excluded from participation in the procurement procedure, has not entered into effect and has not become incontestable and unappealable, or the limitation period provided for in the legal acts governing procurement has taken effect.

<*Legal norms which apply to violations of professional activity and which have been indicated by the requester of the e-certificate for verification: <Criminal Law Section/Paragraph//Clause> and/or <Latvian Administrative Violations Code Section/Paragraph/Clause>>

Grounds for requesting the information: <law><Section of the law>.

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

If the information obtained from the database or from other sources regarding the candidate or tenderer does not correspond to the actual situation, the relevant candidate or tenderer is entitled to submit a certificate or other document regarding the relevant fact to the contracting authority.

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development Kaspars Gerhards


Version Submitted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Annex 8
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017


regarding infringements provided for in the laws and regulations governing procurement

Series SRN No. <Transaction number> - <Document number>

A person in respect of whom information regarding violations of legal acts has been compiled in the Punishment Register of the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Latvia: <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

The violations of legal acts by a person (except for the infringements of competition rights in which the person is exempted from the fine or the fine is reduced for cooperation within the framework of the leniency programme) for which the decision of the competent authority, the public prosecutor's penal order (shall not be applicable to violations of professional activity), or a court judgment has entered into effect and has become incontestable and unappealable and for which the limitation period provided for in the legal acts governing procurement has taken effect.

Infringements which are grounds for exclusion from participation in a procurement or a procurement procedure
Legal act Norm of the legal act
<One of the following legal acts: The Criminal Law, the Latvian Administrative Violations Code, or the Competition Law> <Section/Paragraph/Clause>
<One of the following legal acts: The Criminal Law, the Latvian Administrative Violations Code, or the Competition Law> <Section/Paragraph/Clause>
Violations of professional activity*
Legal norms which were indicated by the requester of the e-certificate for verification: <Criminal Law Section/Paragraph//Clause> and/or <Latvian Administrative Violations Code Section/Paragraph/Clause>
Legal act Norm of the legal act
<One of the following legal acts: The Criminal Law or the Latvian Administrative Violations Code> <Section/Paragraph/Clause>
<One of the following legal acts: The Criminal Law or the Latvian Administrative Violations Code> <Section/Paragraph/Clause>
* The contracting authority is entitled to take into account violations of professional activity only if such violations, as the reason for the exclusion of the candidate or tenderer from further participation in the procurement procedure, have been specified in the contract notice or in the procurement procedure documents.

Grounds for requesting the information: <law><Section of the law>.

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

If the information obtained from the database or from other sources regarding the candidate or tenderer does not correspond to the actual situation, the relevant candidate or tenderer is entitled to submit a certificate or other document regarding the relevant fact to the contracting authority.

Minister for Environmental Protection
and Regional Development Kaspars Gerhards


Version Submitted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Annex 9
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017


regarding the status of tax payment

Series NO No. <Transaction number> - <Document number>

Person for whom information regarding tax payment has been compiled <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

Status of payment of taxes of a person in State and local government tax administrations:

No. Name of tax administration Date of updating the data in the register Date and time of receipt of the information Tax debt (EUR)
1 State Revenue Service <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
2 Local government of Ādaži municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
3 Local government of Aglona municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
4 Local government of Aizkraukle municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
5 Local government of Aizpute municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
6 Local government of Aknīste municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
7 Local government of Aloja municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
8 Local government of Alsunga municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
9 Local government of Alūksne municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
10 Local government of Amata municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
11 Local government of Ape municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
12 Local government of Auce municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
13 Local government of Babīte municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
14 Local government of Baldone municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
15 Local government of Baltinava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
16 Local government of Balvi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
17 Local government of Bauska municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
18 Local government of Beverīna municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
19 Local government of Brocēni municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
20 Local government of Burtnieki municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
21 Local government of Carnikava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
22 Local government of Cēsis municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
23 Local government of Cesvaine municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
24 Local government of Cibla municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
25 Local government of Dagda municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
26 Local government of Daugavpils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
27 City council of Daugavpils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
28 Local government of Dobele municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
29 Local government of Dundaga municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
30 Local government of Durbe municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
31 Local government of Engure municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
32 Local government of Ērgļi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
33 Local government of Garkalne municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
34 Local government of Grobiņa municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
35 Local government of Gulbene municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
36 Local government of Iecava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
37 Local government of Ikšķile municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
38 Local government of Ilūkste municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
39 Local government of Inčukalns municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
40 Local government of Jaunjelgava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
41 Local government of Jaunpiebalga municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
42 Local government of Jaunpils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
43 Local government of Jēkabpils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
44 Local government of the City of Jēkabpils <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
45 Local government of Jelgava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
46 Jelgava City Council <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
47 Jūrmala City Council <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
48 Local government of Kandava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
49 Local government of Kārsava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
50 Local government of Ķegums municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
51 Local government of Ķekava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
52 Local government of Kocēni municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
53 Local government of Koknese municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
54 Local government of Krāslava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
55 Local government of Krimulda municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
56 Local government of Krustpils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
57 Local government of Kuldīga municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
58 Local government of Lielvārde municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
59 Liepāja City Council <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
60 Local government of Līgatne municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
61 Local government of Limbaži municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
62 Local government of Līvāni municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
63 Local government of Lubāna municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
64 Local government of Ludza municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
65 Local government of Madona municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
66 Local government of Mālpils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
67 Local government of Mārupe municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
68 Local government of Mazsalaca municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
69 Local government of Mērsrags municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
70 Local government of Naukšēni municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
71 Local government of Nereta municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
72 Local government of Nīca municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
73 Local government of Ogre municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
74 Local government of Olaine municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
75 Local government of Ozolnieki municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
76 Local government of Pārgauja municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
77 Local government of Pāvilosta municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
78 Local government of Pļaviņas municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
79 Local government of Preiļi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
80 Local government of Priekule municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
81 Local government of Priekuļi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
82 Local government of Rauna municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
83 Local government of Rēzekne municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
84 Rēzekne City Council <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
85 Local government of Riebiņi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
86 Riga City Council <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
87 Local government of Roja municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
88 Local government of Ropaži municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
89 Local government of Rucava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
90 Local government of Rugāji municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
91 Local government of Rūjiena municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
92 Local government of Rundāle municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
93 Local government of Salacgrīva municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
94 Local government of Sala municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
95 Local government of Salaspils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
96 Local government of Saldus municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
97 Local government of Saulkrasti municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
98 Local government of Sēja municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
99 Local government of Sigulda municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
100 Local government of Skrīveri municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
101 Local government of Skrunda municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
102 Local government of Smiltene municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
103 Local government of Stopiņi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
104 Local government of Strenči municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
105 Local government of Talsi municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
106 Local government of Tērvete municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
107 Local government of Tukums municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
108 Local government of Vaiņode municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
109 Local government of Valka municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
110 Local government of the City of Valmiera <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
111 Local government of Varakļāni municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
112 Local government of Vārkava municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
113 Local government of Vecpiebalga municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
114 Local government of Vecumnieki municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
115 Local government of Ventspils municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
116 Ventspils City Council <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
117 Local government of Viesīte municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
118 Local government of Viļaka municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
119 Local government of Viļāni municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
120 Local government of Zilupe municipality <date> <Date and time> <The amount of debt or a notification that information has not been received (indicating that information shall be requested repeatedly from the system or the manager of the relevant register), or a notification that information regarding the relevant person is not being collected in the register>
Total amount of tax debt (<number of administrations from which information has been received> out of 120 tax administrations): <Total amount of debt>

Grounds for requesting the information: <law><Section of the law>.

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

If the information obtained from the database or from other sources regarding the candidate or tenderer does not correspond to the actual situation, the relevant candidate or tenderer is entitled to submit a certificate or other document regarding the relevant fact to the contracting authority.

Minister for Environmental Protection and
Regional Development Kaspars Gerhards


Version Submitted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Annex 10
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017


on the non-availability of the register

Series NZ No. <SISI the transaction number>

Person regarding whom information has been requested: <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

Information from <name of the register in the genitive case> for the preparation of an e-certificate regarding <name of the certificate> has not been received.

Repeatedly make a request for an electronic certificate or request the necessary information to be submitted to the manager of the relevant register.

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

Minister for Environmental Protection and
Regional Development Kaspars Gerhards


Version Submitted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Annex 11
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017


on the non-existence of information in the register

Series NA No. <SISI the transaction number>

Person regarding whom information has been requested: <for legal persons: «name of the legal person», registration No. «registration number of the legal person» or for natural persons: «given name and surname of the natural person» personal identity number «personal identity number of the natural person»>.

Information <name of the register in the locative case> regarding this person is not being collected or this person cannot be identified in the register based on the information specified in the request

The certificate has been prepared electronically and is valid without signature

Authenticity verification code of the e-certificate: <7 symbol code>

Minister for Environmental Protection and
Regional Development Kaspars Gerhards


Annex 12
Cabinet Regulation No. 108
28 February 2017

Legal Norms to be Verified in the Punishment Register for the Needs of an E-Certificate

[16 July 2019]

1. The legal norms to be verified in respect of a tenderer, candidate, member of the partnership (if the candidate or tenderer is a partnership) and a person on whose capacities the tenderer or candidate relies upon to certify that the qualification thereof conforms to the requirements specified in the contract notice or procurement procedure documents

Legal act Norm of the legal act Period of examination (months)
The Criminal Law Section 79.1 36
Section 79.2
Section 79.3
Section 79.4
Section 79.5
Section 79.6
Section 88
Section 88.1
Section 88.2
Section 88.3
Section 89.1
Section 154.1
Section 177
Section 177.1
Section 178
Section 179
Section 184, Paragraph three
Section 190.1
Section 195
Section 198
Section 199
Section 218
Section 320
Section 321
Section 322
Section 323
Section 326
Section 326.1
Section 326.2
Section 326.3
The Competition Law Section 11, Paragraph one (including any of the Sub-clauses of the abovementioned Paragraph) if the Competition Council has indicated the horizontal cartel agreement as the basis for exclusion from the procurement procedure 12
The Latvian Administrative Violations Code Violations established concurrently:
Section 41, Paragraph two and Section 159.8, Paragraph seven
Section 189.2, Paragraph three 36

2. The legal norms to be verified in respect of a member of the board or council of the persons referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Annex, a person having the right of representation, the proctor, or the person authorised to represent such persons in activities related to the branch

Legal act Norm of the legal act Period of examination (months)
The Criminal Law Section 79.1 36
Section 79.2
Section 79.3
Section 79.4
Section 79.5
Section 79.6
Section 88
Section 88.1
Section 88.2
Section 88.3
Section 89.1
Section 154.1
Section 177
Section 177.1
Section 178
Section 179
Section 184, Paragraph three
Section 190.1
Section 195
Section 198
Section 199
Section 218
Section 320
Section 321
Section 322
Section 323
Section 326
Section 326.1
Section 326.2
Section 326.3

3. The legal norms to be examined in respect of the subcontractor indicated by the tenderer whose value of construction work or services to be provided is at least 10 per cent of the total value of the procurement contract

Legal act Norm of the legal act Period of examination (months)
The Competition Law Section 11, Paragraph one (including any of the Sub-clauses of the abovementioned Paragraph) if the Competition Council has indicated the horizontal cartel agreement as the basis for exclusion from the procurement procedure 12
The Latvian Administrative Violations Code Violations established concurrently:
Section 41, Paragraph two and Section 159.8, Paragraph seven
Section 189.2, Paragraph three 36

Translation © 2019 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Publisko elektronisko iepirkumu noteikumi Status:
No longer in force
no longer in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 108Adoption: 28.02.2017.Entry into force: 01.03.2017.End of validity: 01.01.2023.Theme: COVID-19Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 45, 01.03.2017. OP number: 2017/45.9
Related documents
  • Has ceased to be valid with
  • Amendments
  • Issued pursuant to
  • Annotation / draft legal act
  • Latvian standards
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{"selected":{"value":"13.05.2022","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.05.2022.-31.12.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"13.05.2022","iso_value":"2022\/05\/13","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.05.2022.-31.12.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"08.10.2021","iso_value":"2021\/10\/08","content":"<font class='s-1'>08.10.2021.-12.05.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.02.2021.-07.10.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"04.07.2020","iso_value":"2020\/07\/04","content":"<font class='s-1'>04.07.2020.-11.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"20.07.2019","iso_value":"2019\/07\/20","content":"<font class='s-1'>20.07.2019.-03.07.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2019","iso_value":"2019\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2019.-19.07.2019.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"28.12.2018","iso_value":"2018\/12\/28","content":"<font class='s-1'>28.12.2018.-31.12.2018.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"22.06.2018","iso_value":"2018\/06\/22","content":"<font class='s-1'>22.06.2018.-27.12.2018.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.04.2018","iso_value":"2018\/04\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.04.2018.-21.06.2018.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"24.05.2017","iso_value":"2017\/05\/24","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.05.2017.-16.04.2018.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.03.2017","iso_value":"2017\/03\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.03.2017.-23.05.2017.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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