Teksta versija
Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 2
Adopted 3 January 2017

Regulations Regarding the List of Statistical Classifications and the Procedures for the Implementation, Maintenance and Publishing of the Statistical Classifications Included Therein

Issued pursuant to
Section 21, Clause 2 of the Statistics Law

1. The Regulation prescribes the list of statistical classifications (hereinafter - the list) (Annex) and the procedures for the implementation, maintenance, and publishing of the statistical classifications included therein.

2. The list shall include classifications which ensure comparability and exchange of official statistics in a specific economic area:

2.1. at the national level - national classifications developed for domestic needs, as well as European Union and international classifications, if they may be used directly;

2.2. in the European Economic Area - European Union classifications developed by the European Union institutions;

2.3. at the international level - international classifications developed by international organisations.

3. The State authorities or private individuals which are responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and publishing of the statistical classifications included in the list and to which the State administration task has been delegated are indicated in Annex to this Regulation.

4. The Central Statistical Bureau shall:

4.1. compile and maintain the list, submitting proposals for changes necessary therein in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations;

4.2. establish and maintain a catalogue of statistical classifications (hereinafter - the catalogue). It shall contain the following information regarding the classifications included in the list:

4.2.1. the name, version, or year of issue;

4.2.2. the status (national, European Union, or international);

4.2.3. the purpose of implementation;

4.2.4. the object of classification;

4.2.5. the field of use;

4.2.6. the legal basis;

4.2.7. the developer;

4.2.8. the responsible State administration institution;

4.2.9. the planned update or revision;

4.2.10. the availability;

4.2.11. the used coding system, code length, number of levels;

4.2.12. the points of contact;

4.3. provide consultations in relation to the development of statistical classifications and the inclusion thereof in the list;

4.4. ensure that the statistical classifications under its responsibility are implemented, maintained, and published in accordance with the procedures laid down in Sub-paragraphs 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, and 5.10 of this Regulation.

5. The State authorities or private individuals to whom or which a State administration task has been delegated shall:

5.1. according to the competence, constantly verify whether the information included in the list and the catalogue is current and inform the Central Statistical Bureau of any changes necessary in the abovementioned information;

5.2. inform the Central Statistical Bureau of the nature and extent of the planned amendments to the statistical classifications under its responsibility, as well as of the deadlines for updating the relevant classifications;

5.3. develop drafts of new national statistical classifications if there are no internationally recognised statistical classifications (reference classifications) in the specific field or adapt the European Union and international statistical classifications to the domestic needs by preparing the national versions of these classifications. Classifications shall be created in a machine-readable format, ensuring that they are published with an export possibility;

5.4. ensure the structural conformity of the adapted national statistical classifications with the reference classifications by establishing additional positions and levels, so that each level would either contain the same positions as the corresponding level of the reference classification or positions that are an accurate breakdown or summary of the content thereof;

5.5. ensure implementation of the national statistical classifications under its responsibility, linkage thereof with the previous versions, and transition from the national statistical classifications to the European Union or international statistical classifications;

5.6. maintain the national statistical classifications under its responsibility;

5.7. publish on its website the current versions of the national statistical classifications under its responsibility in a machine-readable format with an export possibility, or publish on its website a link to the national statistical classification under its responsibility at www.likumi.lv;

5.8. according to the competence or upon request of another State authority or private individual, participate in the development and implementation of the European Union and international statistical classifications;

5.9. ensure access to the current versions of the European Union and international classifications under its responsibility;

5.10. ensure access to the previous versions of the statistical classifications under its responsibility if they are related to the needs of production of official statistics.

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister for Economics Arvils Ašeradens


Cabinet Regulation No. 2
3 January 2017

Statistical Classifications

No. National classifications European Union classifications International classifications State authority or private individual responsible for the implementation, maintenance, and publishing of the classification
1. Classifier of Administrative Territories and Territorial Units (CATTU)     Central Statistical Bureau
2.   Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS)   Central Statistical Bureau
3.   Nomenclature of Countries and Territories for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (GEONOM)   Central Statistical Bureau
4. Classifier of Nationalities     Central Statistical Bureau
5.   Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (NACE)   Central Statistical Bureau
6.   Statistical Classification of Products by Activity (CPA)   Central Statistical Bureau
7. List of Industrial Product Codes     Central Statistical Bureau
8.   List of EU Industrial Products (PRODCOM)   Central Statistical Bureau
9.   Main Industrial Grouping (MIG)   Central Statistical Bureau
10.   Combined Nomenclature (CN)   State Revenue Service
11.     Classification by Broad Economic Categories (BEC) Central Statistical Bureau
12.     Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Central Statistical Bureau
13. Classification of Budgetary Expenditure by Functional Categories     Ministry of Finance
14.     Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) Central Statistical Bureau
15.     Classification of the Purposes of Non-profit Institutions Serving Households (COPNI) Central Statistical Bureau
16.   European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP)   Central Statistical Bureau
17.     Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP) Central Statistical Bureau
18. Classification of Budgetary Revenue     Ministry of Finance
19. Classification of Budgetary Expenditure by Economic Categories     Ministry of Finance
20.   Classification of Transactions and Other Flows   Central Statistical Bureau
21. Classification of Institutional Sectors     Ministry of Finance
22.   Classification of Institutional Sectors   Central Statistical Bureau
23. Classification of Budgetary Financing     Ministry of Finance
24. Classification of General Government Debt     Ministry of Finance
25.   Classification of Financial Assets/Liabilities   Central Statistical Bureau
26.   Classification of Balancing Items   Central Statistical Bureau
27.   Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics (NST)   Central Statistical Bureau
28.   Classifier of Modes of Transport (customs records)   State Revenue Service
29.   Classifier of Customs Procedures   State Revenue Service
30.   Classifier of Types of Transactions   State Revenue Service
31.   European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics: General principles and core system; Classification of the benefits in the core system (ESSPROS)   Ministry of Welfare

Central Statistical Bureau

32. Classification of Occupations     Ministry of Welfare
33.     International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) Ministry of Welfare
34.     International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE) Central Statistical Bureau
35.     Classification of Health Care Functions Central Statistical Bureau
36.     Classification of Health Care Providers Central Statistical Bureau
37.     Classification of Health Care Financing Schemes Central Statistical Bureau
38.   Injury Database Coding Manual. Data Dictionary (IDB)   Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
39.     International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), with derived classifications Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
40.     International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), with derived classification Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
41. Latvian Classification of Education     Ministry of Education and Science
42.     International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Ministry of Education and Science
43.     Fields of Education and Training Classification (ISCED-F) Ministry of Education and Science
44.   Nomenclature for the Analysis and Comparison of Scientific Programmes and Budgets (NABS)   Ministry of Education and Science
45. Classification of Structures     Ministry of Economics State Land Service
46.   Classification of Types of Construction (CC)   Central Statistical Bureau
47. Classification of Types of Land Use     State Land Service
48. Classification of the Purposes of Use of Real Estate (CPURE)     State Land Service
49. Classification of Economic Sectors of Water     Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
50. Classifier of Water Bodies     Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
51. Waste Classification     VSIA "Latvijas vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs" [SLLC (State limited liability company) Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre]
52. Classification of Types of Waste Recovery and Disposal     SLLC Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
53.   Classification of Types of Waste Recovery and Disposal   SLLC Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
54.   List of Wastes   SLLC Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
55.   Waste Statistical Nomenclature   SLLC Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre
56.     International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS) Central Statistical Bureau

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of the Interior

Deputy Prime Minister,
Minister for Economics Arvils Ašeradens

Translation © 2020 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par statistisko klasifikāciju sarakstu un tajā iekļauto statistisko klasifikāciju ieviešanas, .. Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 2Adoption: 03.01.2017.Entry into force: 06.01.2017.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 5, 05.01.2017. OP number: 2017/5.8
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