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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

18 October 2022 [shall come into force on 22 October 2022].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.


Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 597
Adopted 6 September 2016

Veterinary, Hygiene, and Harmlessness Requirements for the Handling of Raw Milk

Issued pursuant to
Section 25, Clauses 1 and 12 of the Veterinary Medicine Law

I. General Provisions

1. The Regulation prescribes the veterinary, hygiene, and harmlessness requirements for the handling of raw milk, and also the procedures for the control of raw milk in accordance with:

1.1. Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs (hereinafter - Regulation No 852/2004);

1.2. Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin (hereinafter - Regulation No 853/2004);

1.3. Regulation (EU) 2017/625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 on official controls and other official activities performed to ensure the application of food and feed law, rules on animal health and welfare, plant health and plant protection products, amending Regulations (EC) No 999/2001, (EC) No 396/2005, (EC) No 1069/2009, (EC) No 1107/2009, (EU) No 1151/2012, (EU) No 652/2014, (EU) 2016/429 and (EU) 2016/2031 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Regulations (EC) No 1/2005 and (EC) No 1099/2009 and Council Directives 98/58/EC, 1999/74/EC, 2007/43/EC, 2008/119/EC and 2008/120/EC, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 89/608/EEC, 89/662/EEC, 90/425/EEC, 91/496/EEC, 96/23/EC, 96/93/EC and 97/78/EC and Council Decision 92/438/EEC (Official Controls Regulation) (hereinafter - Regulation No 2017/625).

[18 October 2022]

2. The following terms are used in the Regulation:

2.1. purchaser - a food establishment that purchases raw milk directly from the producer and meets the conditions of Article 151(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 establishing a common organisation of the markets in agricultural products and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 922/72, (EEC) No 234/79, (EC) No 1037/2001 and (EC) No 1234/2007;

2.2. producer - a producer of raw milk which obtains raw milk at its farm and sells raw milk to the purchaser;

2.3. processor - a producer of raw milk which obtains raw milk at its farm and processes raw milk at its undertaking into products intended for subsequent sale;

2.4. dairy processing plant - a food establishment that processes the bought raw milk into products intended for subsequent sale;

2.5. raw milk sample - a sample taken from pooled milk for one producer at a single holding;

2.6. mandatory sample:

2.6.1. a sample of raw cow milk taken by the purchaser or the processor for determination of the total bacteria count and the somatic cell count, the milk fat content and the protein content in the same sample. If raw milk is bought from a producer of another European Union Member State (hereinafter - the Member State), the purchaser shall take a sample;

2.6.2. a sample of raw milk of another animal species taken by the purchaser or the processor for determination of the total bacteria count, the milk fat content and the protein content in the same sample. If raw milk is bought from a producer of another Member State, the purchaser shall take a sample;

2.7. official sample - a sample of raw milk taken by the Food and Veterinary Service (hereinafter - the Service):

2.7.1. in order to determine the milk fat content and the protein content, the total bacteria count, the somatic cell count, and the presence of inhibitors within the same sample of raw cow milk;

2.7.2. in order to determine the milk fat content and the protein content, the total bacteria count, and the presence of inhibitors within the same sample of raw milk of other animal species;

2.8. sample for determining the presence of inhibitors - a sample of raw milk taken by the purchaser on the basis of a written agreement with the producer or by the processor for determining the presence of inhibitors (drug residues, detergents, and disinfectants). If raw milk is bought from a producer of another Member State, the purchaser shall take a sample.

3. The following parties shall be responsible for the conformity of raw milk with the requirements of this Regulation:

3.1. the producer and the processor:

3.1.1. when obtaining, refrigerating, and storing raw milk, and also when processing it for the sale of products;

3.1.2. regularly - after every sample taken - ascertaining information on the quality of the produced raw milk from the raw milk quality database (hereinafter - the database) of the Agricultural Data Centre (hereinafter - the Data Centre). When beginning to distribute raw milk to a new purchaser, the producer shall present the testing results of the produced raw milk for the previous six months to the purchaser;

3.1.3. when carrying out all the activities necessary for the elimination of non-conformities in accordance with this Regulation;

3.2. the producer - when transporting raw milk, if the producer delivers it to the purchaser himself, using its own vehicle;

3.3. the processor - when ensuring sampling of the mandatory sample corresponding to the requirements and the sample for determining the presence of inhibitors and the frequency of sampling in accordance with Paragraph 19 of this Regulation;

3.4. the purchaser - when collecting, packaging, storing, refrigerating, transporting, and processing of raw milk or when handing raw milk over for processing. The purchaser has an obligation to:

3.4.1. ensure sampling of the mandatory sample corresponding to the requirements and the sample for determining the presence of inhibitors and the frequency of sampling in accordance with Paragraph 19 of this Regulation;

3.4.2. regularly - after every sampling - ascertain the information in the database on the quality of the raw milk to be purchased;

3.4.3. inform the producer of any warnings issued to the producer;

3.4.4. ascertain the quality of raw milk distributed by the producer before commencing buying of raw milk from a new producer;

3.4.5. send information on the producer (ISO code of the producer state, herd registration number, holding number, given name, surname, and registration number of the holding owner) to the Data Centre in electronic form, if raw milk is bought from a producer of another Member State.

4. The raw milk samples referred to in Sub-paragraphs 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 of this Regulation shall be tested in a laboratory accredited by the national accreditation body in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the assessment, accreditation, and supervision of conformity assessment authorities, or by the national accreditation body of another Member State of the European Union or state of the European Economic Area (hereinafter - the laboratory).

5. The Data Centre shall ensure the maintenance of the database, and it is a component of the information system managed by the Data Centre. The database shall include the testing results of raw milk samples referred to in Sub-paragraphs 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 of this Regulation received from the Laboratory.

6. When supplying small quantities of raw milk to an end consumer or to a party that engages in retail trade and directly supplies the end consumer with raw milk, the producer shall comply with the laws and regulations regarding the requirements for the handling of raw milk in small amount.

6.1 The national standardisation body shall, upon proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture and in cooperation with the technical standardisation committee, publish on its website the list of the standards applied to the taking of a raw milk sample and determination of the presence of inhibitors (hereinafter - the applicable standards).

[18 October 2022]

II. Requirements for Animal Health

7. Health requirements for animals producing raw milk are laid down in Section IX, Chapter I(I) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004.

8. Raw milk shall come from clinically healthy animals. If animals have undergone medical treatment and drugs that are subject to the use restrictions have been administered into their body, the requirements laid down in Section IX, Chapter I(I)(1) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 and in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the control of the presence of substances and their residues in animals and animal products and for the financing thereof, and also in the laws and regulations regarding the restrictions in the use of medicinal products on animals and the requirements for the handling of animals and products of animal origin if medicinal products have been administered to animals shall be conformed to.

9. Animals from which raw milk is obtained shall be tested in accordance with the requirements laid down in Section IX, Chapter I(I)(2) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 and in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the prevention and combating of such infectious diseases from which both animals and humans suffer.

10. If in a holding where raw milk is produced animals have not been tested in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 8 of this Regulation, raw milk shall be sold in accordance with the requirements laid down in Section IX, Chapter I(I)(3) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 and in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the prevention and combating of such infectious diseases from which both animals and humans suffer.

11. In accordance with the requirements referred to in Section IX, Chapter I(I)(4) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004, it is prohibited to use such raw milk for human consumption which was obtained from animals that were individually detected to have a positive reaction to tuberculosis or brucellosis as part of preventive testing carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the prevention and combating of such infectious diseases from which both animals and humans suffer.

12. In a holding, animals shall be tested for the determination of enzootic bovine leucosis according to the annual State supervision and combating programme of enzootic bovine leucosis developed by the Service in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the supervision, control, and combating of enzootic bovine leucosis.

III. Hygiene Requirements for Holdings

13. Raw milk shall be obtained in animal holdings which comply with the requirements referred to in Annex I to Regulation No 852/2004 and Section IX, Chapter I(II) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004.

14. In accordance with Article 3(2) of Regulation No 853/2004, drinking water which conforms to the laws and regulations regarding the mandatory harmlessness and quality requirements, the monitoring and control procedures for drinking water shall be used in any activity which is related to the yield of raw milk.

15. The surfaces of equipment and objects which come into contact with raw milk shall conform to the requirements laid down in Section IX, Chapter I(II)(A)(3) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 and in the laws and regulations regarding the materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

16. In accordance with Section IX, Chapter I(II)(B)(1)(e) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 it shall be permitted to use teat dips or sprays for the cleaning and disinfection of the teat skin of the udder in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the requirements in relation to activities with biocidal products.

IV. Raw Milk Criteria

17. It shall be permitted to use raw milk in food handling if:

17.1. the total bacteria count and the somatic cell count in raw milk conform to the criteria referred to in Section IX, Chapter I(III)(3) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004;

17.2. presence of inhibitors has not been detected in raw milk in accordance with Section IX, Chapter I(III)(4) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 and the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the control of the substances and their residues present in animals and animal products and the financing thereof, and also regarding the restrictions in the use of medicinal products on animals and the requirements for the circulation of animals and products of animal origin if medicinal products have been used on animals;

17.3. in accordance with Paragraphs 34, 37, and 48 of this Regulation, the Service has not imposed a prohibition on the sale of raw milk or the use of raw milk in processing if the raw milk has been obtained and processed within the undertaking (hereinafter - the prohibition).

18. It shall be permitted to use raw milk which does not conform to the criteria referred to in Section IX, Chapter I(III)(3)(a) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 in relation to the assessment of the total bacteria count and the somatic cell count in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 10(8)(b) of Regulation No 853/2004 and in the laws and regulations regarding the quality requirements for raw milk intended for the production of cheese with a maturation period of at least 60 days.

V. Action Involving Raw Milk Samples

19. The purchaser and the processor shall ensure the delivery of the mandatory sample and the sample for determining the presence of inhibitors to the laboratory for testing of:

19.1. the mandatory sample - at least twice a month, taking the first sample from the first until the fifteenth date of the month (hereinafter - the first half of the month) and taking the second sample - from the sixteenth date until the end of the month (hereinafter - the second half of the month);

19.2. the sample for determining the presence of inhibitors - at least once a month.

20. After receipt of the testing result of every valid mandatory sample in the database, the Data Centre shall calculate the geometric average value of:

20.1. the total bacteria count, including the following in the calculation:

20.1.1. the sample testing results obtained in the same month, the previous month, and the second half of the month before the previous month if the sample was taken in the first half of the month;

20.1.2. the sample testing results obtained in the same month and the previous month if the sample was taken in the second half of the month;

20.2. the somatic cell count in a raw cow milk sample, including the following in the calculation:

20.2.1. the sample testing results obtained in the same month, the previous two months, and the second half of the last month before the two previous months if the sample was taken in the first half of the month;

20.2.2. the sample testing results obtained in the same month and the previous two months if the sample was taken in the second half of the month.

21. The mandatory raw cow milk sample shall be deemed valid if:

21.1. its fat content is 3-7 per cent;

21.2. its protein content is 2.5-5 per cent;

21.3. all the values referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.6.1 of this Regulation were determined using the same mandatory sample.

22. A mandatory raw goat milk sample shall be deemed valid if:

22.1. its fat content is 2-8 per cent;

22.2. its protein content is 3-7 per cent;

22.3. all the values referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.6.2 of this Regulation were determined using the same mandatory sample.

23. A mandatory raw sheep milk sample shall be deemed valid if:

23.1. its fat content is 2-12 per cent;

23.2. its protein content is 3-8 per cent;

23.3. all the values referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.6.2 of this Regulation were determined using the same mandatory sample.

24. If the mandatory sample does not comply with at least one of the values referred to in Paragraph 21, 22, or 23 of this Regulation, the mandatory sample shall be deemed invalid and the purchaser or processor shall take a new mandatory sample, covering all the costs related to the taking and testing of the mandatory sample.

25. The Data Centre shall include the testing results of an invalid mandatory sample in the database, however, shall not use such results in calculations.

26. It shall be permitted not to take a separate sample for determining inhibitors, however, to determine the presence of inhibitors in one of the mandatory raw milk samples.

27. In addition to the values referred to in Sub-paragraphs 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 of this Regulation, the purchaser and the processor may also determine other values in the mandatory sample and the sample for determining the presence of inhibitors.

28. The purchaser and the processor shall ensure the training of those persons who take raw milk samples, shall maintain and update the list of such persons, and also shall take samples of raw milk in accordance with the applicable standards and laboratory instructions.

[18 October 2022]

29. If the self-control system of the purchaser involves taking of raw milk samples from the pooled milk of every producer (raw milk sold by the producer to the purchaser as a single batch), samples shall be taken in accordance with the applicable standards and labelled in accordance with the methodology determined in the self-control system.

[18 October 2022]

30. Upon buying raw milk from the producer, the purchaser may specify stricter criteria in relation to the total bacteria count and/or somatic cell count, and also additional requirements for raw milk (for example, fat percentage, protein content, acidity, density, presence of sodium bicarbonate, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide) according to the technological process used at the dairy processing plant, informing the milk producer thereof.

31. Only the raw milk sample testing results and the results of the geometric average value of the total bacteria count and the somatic cell count from the database of the Data Centre shall be used in activities involving raw milk, including settlement of accounts.

32. On the basis of a written agreement with the producer, the purchaser shall provide for the conditions for covering the sampling expenditures.

VI. Measures to be Taken for Elimination of Non-conformity with the Raw Milk Criteria

33. If raw milk exceeds the geometric average value of the total bacteria count and/or somatic cell count specified in Section IX, Chapter I(III)(3) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004, the Data Centre shall register a warning in its database, specifying a time period of three months for the producer or the processor to eliminate the relevant non-conformity, and the Data Centre shall notify the purchaser or the processor thereof. The warning shall be deemed:

33.1. a notification to the Service within the meaning of Section IX, Chapter I(III)(5) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004;

33.2. information to the producer, the processor, and the purchaser. During the period of elimination of non-conformity, the producer is not entitled to change the purchaser.

34. If the established non-conformity is not eliminated within the time period referred to in Paragraph 33 of this Regulation and the geometric average value of the total bacteria count or the somatic cell count, or of both indicators still exceeds the criteria laid out in Section IX, Chapter I(III)(3) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004, the Data Centre shall inform the Service thereof in electronic form. The Service shall, in accordance with Article 138(2)(i) of Regulation No 2017/625:

34.1. take the decision on the prohibition and, in accordance with Article 138(3) of Regulation No 2017/625, inform the producer and purchaser or processor thereof;

34.2. register the prohibition in the database.

[18 October 2022]

35. If raw milk bought from a producer of raw milk registered in another Member State does not conform to the criteria referred to in Sub-paragraph 17.1 of this Regulation, the Data Centre shall inform the Service and the purchaser thereof. The purchaser has an obligation to inform the producer thereof. If the total bacteria count or the somatic cell count or both indicators are still not appropriate after a time period of three months, the Data Centre shall inform the purchaser thereof. The purchaser shall act in accordance with the requirements referred to in Section IX, Chapter I(III)(5) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004 and also shall suspend the delivery of raw milk until the moment the raw milk corresponds to the criteria specified in Sub-paragraph 17.1 of this Regulation.

[18 October 2022]

36. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in any laboratory-tested raw milk samples:

36.1. the Data Centre shall inform the Service and the purchaser or the processor thereof in electronic form;

36.2. the purchaser shall immediately discontinue the buying of raw milk and shall take a repeat sample for determining the presence of inhibitors. The costs related to the taking and testing of the abovementioned sample shall be covered by the producer, but if raw milk is bought from a producer registered in another Member State - by the purchaser;

36.3. the processor shall immediately discontinue the use of raw milk for processing and shall take a repeat sample for determining the presence of inhibitors.

37. If in the repeat sample for determining the presence of inhibitors:

37.1. the presence of inhibitors is not detected, the purchaser shall resume the buying of raw milk from the producer and the processor shall resume the use of raw milk in processing;

37.2. the presence of inhibitors is detected:

37.2.1. the Data Centre shall inform the Service or the Service and the purchaser thereof in electronic form if raw milk is bought from a producer in another Member State;

37.2.2. the Service shall take a decision on a prohibition, inform the producer or the processor thereof, and register the prohibition in the database;

37.2.3. the purchaser shall act in accordance with the requirements referred to in Section IX, Chapter I(III)(4) and (5) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004.

38. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in the mandatory sample, the official sample, the sample for determination of the presence of inhibitors, or repeat sample taken for determining the presence of inhibitors during the warning period stipulated for the producer or the processor, the prohibition or its revocation shall not affect the warning period imposed on the producer or the processor.

39. In order to resume the sale of raw milk or the use of raw milk in processing after the prohibition referred to in Paragraphs 34, 37, and 47 of this Regulation is imposed, the producer or the processor shall submit an application requesting an inspection of the holding and revocation of the prohibition to the territorial unit of the Service. The application shall include:

39.1. the given name, surname (firm name), phone number, and electronic mail address (if any) of the producer or processor;

39.2. the address of the holding and its registration number with the Data Centre;

39.3. the registration number of the herd with the Data Centre;

39.4. the name and legal address of the purchaser (to be specified by the producer).

40. Within three working days after receipt of the application referred to in Paragraph 39 of this Regulation, the Service shall:

40.1. inspect the holding;

40.2. take the official sample and send it to a laboratory for testing;

40.3. label the official sample with the sticker referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation and seal it with seals or locking seals;

40.4. revoke the prohibition and register it in the database if raw milk conforms to this Regulation and inform the producer or processor thereof.

41. If the testing results of the official sample conform to the criteria referred to in Sub-paragraph 17.1 of this Regulation, the Data Centre shall use this result as the first indicator for further calculation of the geometric average value of the total bacteria count and the somatic cell count after revocation of the prohibition.

42. The Service shall carry out the activities referred to in Paragraph 40 of this Regulation in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for making payments for the activities of State supervision and control and the types of paid services provided by the Food and Veterinary Service.

43. The dairy processing plant shall, according to the self-control system, test the raw milk collected from the producers in a single tank, using the express method for determination of the presence of inhibitors. If the abovementioned testing causes suspicions of the presence of inhibitors, another raw milk sample shall be taken from the tank, the sample shall be labelled according to the methodology specified in the self-control system and tested in the laboratory of the dairy processing plant. During testing for inhibitors, raw milk shall be stored separately and shall be added to the rest of the raw milk intended for processing only after receipt of a negative testing result.

44. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in raw milk delivered to the dairy processing plant, the dairy processing plant shall, in accordance with Section IX, Chapter I(III)(4) of Annex III to Regulation No 853/2004, not accept raw milk, prepare a report thereon, and inform the purchaser without delay.

45. If, according to the self-control system, samples of raw milk have been taken from raw milk collected in a single tank of every producer and if the express method testing results in suspicions of the presence of inhibitors, then, in order to identify the producer whose raw milk has the presence of inhibitors, the purchaser or the dairy processing plant shall split the sample taken from the pooled milk of each producer into two parts, label them according to the methodology specified in the self-control system, and test the first sample at the laboratory of the purchaser or the dairy processing plant by using the methods specified in the applicable standards. If the laboratory of the purchaser or the dairy processing plant detects the presence of inhibitors in the first sample, the purchaser or the dairy processing plant shall immediately send the second sample to the laboratory for determining the presence of inhibitors, discontinue the buying, of raw milk and immediately report this to the producer. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in the second raw milk sample, the purchaser or the dairy processing plant shall report this to the producer and to the Service, sending a copy of the laboratory test report to the Service in electronic form.

[18 October 2022]

46. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in the samples sent by the purchaser or the dairy processing plant to the laboratory for determining the presence of inhibitors resulting in the raw milk not being usable anymore, all the costs arising from the collection and disposal of the milk shall be covered and the losses incurred by the producers whose raw milk was in the relevant tank shall be reimbursed by:

46.1. the producer if it has been identified;

46.2. the purchaser or the dairy processing plant if the producer has not been identified.

47. According to the self-control system, the processor shall test raw milk by using the express method. If after the abovementioned testing there are suspicions of the presence of inhibitors, the processor shall immediately discontinue the use of raw milk in processing and shall immediately take a repeat raw milk sample for determining the presence of inhibitors, label it according to the methodology specified in the self-control system, and test the sample in the laboratory. If the presence inhibitors is detected in the repeat sample for determining the presence of inhibitors, the processor shall report this to the Service, sending a copy of the laboratory test report to the Service in electronic form.

48. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in the raw milk samples taken in the self-control procedure, the Service shall, after receipt of the information referred to in Paragraphs 45 and 47 of this Regulation, take a decision on a prohibition, inform the producer or the processor thereof, and register the prohibition in the database.

49. In order to resume the sale of raw milk or the use of raw milk for processing after imposition of the prohibition referred to in Paragraph 48 of this Regulation, the producer or the processor shall carry out all the activities necessary for elimination of non-conformities and submit the application referred to in Paragraph 39 of this Regulation to the territorial unit of the Service.

50. The processor or the producer on whose milk a prohibition has been imposed shall cover all the costs related to:

50.1. the disposal or recycling of unusable raw milk;

50.2. the inspection of the holding;

50.3. the taking and testing of the official raw milk sample.

51. If the presence of inhibitors is detected in raw milk, the dairy processing plant, the purchaser, or the processor shall carry out the activities indicated in Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption, and in Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive.

52. If raw milk does not comply with the criteria referred to in Paragraph 17 of this Regulation and the Service has taken a decision on a prohibition, the producer or the processor shall keep the records of the unfit raw milk, documenting information on the quantity of the unfit raw milk and the type of its use or disposal, for the duration of the prohibition.

53. If a dispute regarding results of raw milk analyses has arisen between the producer and the purchaser, the territorial unit of the Service shall, upon an application of the producer or the purchaser, take a sample of raw milk and send it for testing to a reference laboratory. Expenditures related to the taking, sending, and testing of the raw milk samples and the preparation of a report on the testing results shall be covered by the applicant.

VII. Handling of Information

54. The raw milk samples referred to in Sub-paragraphs 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 of this Regulation shall be labelled with a sample number sticker on which a unique raw milk sample number linked to the specific holding, herd, purchaser, or processor which has been assigned by the Data Centre has been printed, using barcode and digits (hereinafter - the sample number sticker).

55. The uniqueness of the number assigned is ensured for a period of three calendar years.

56. The processor and the producer or the purchaser shall ensure the labelling of the mandatory sample, the sample for determining the presence of inhibitors, and the repeat sample, using the sample number sticker.

57. The processor and the producer or the purchaser may, on the basis of a written agreement with the producer, receive the sample number sticker upon request at the Data Centre or the regional unit of the Data Centre, covering the costs in accordance with the regulatory enactment regarding the price list of public paid services of the Agricultural Data Centre.

58. The processor and the producer or the purchaser may print out the sample number from the authorised section of the database of the Data Centre, ensuring that the sample number is indelible and legible.

59. In order for the processor, the producer, or the purchaser to be able to make sample number stickers of their own, the Data Centre shall ensure:

59.1. Internet access to the authorised section of the database;

59.2. a special sticker paper.

60. The Data Centre shall grant authorised access to the database to:

60.1. the producer and the processor (with access to information on its herd);

60.2. the purchaser (with access to information on the producers from which the purchaser buys raw milk, and also on the producers on which a warning regarding the non-conformity of the geometric average value of the total bacteria count or the somatic cell count with the criteria referred to in this Regulation or a prohibition to sell raw milk has been imposed);

60.3. the Service (with access to information on all producers and processors).

61. The Service shall ensure the labelling of the official sample with the sample number sticker issued by the Data Centre. The Data Centre shall issue the sample number sticker to the Service upon request.

62. The laboratory shall send the testing results of the raw milk sample to the Data Centre in electronic form within one day after obtaining of the testing results. If the raw milk sample was tested outside the territory of Latvia, the purchaser and the processor shall ensure that the accredited laboratory that performed the testing sends the testing results to the Data Centre in electronic form according to the structure stipulated by the Data Centre within one working day after testing.

63. If the raw milk sample sent for testing to an accredited laboratory is found to be invalid, the laboratory shall make corresponding notes in the test report regarding the reasons for invalidity of the sample and shall send the abovementioned data with the test result to the purchaser or the processor. After receipt of such data, the purchaser or the processor shall take a new sample of the raw milk in question and send it to the laboratory.

VIII. Importation of Raw Milk and Milk Products

64. The veterinary control of raw milk and milk products imported from the third countries shall be performed in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 6(3)(a) of Regulation No 853/2004 and the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the veterinary control of products of animal origin imported from the third countries into Latvia.

65. Upon importing raw milk and milk products from the third countries, the veterinary (health) certificate in accordance with Article 6(3)(b) of Regulation No 853/2004 and the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for issuing veterinary (health) certificates for animals and products of animal origin, and the general veterinary requirements for the handling of food products of animal origin shall be attached to the consignment.

IX. Closing Provisions

66. Cabinet Regulation No. 123 of 9 February 2010, Veterinary, Hygiene, and Harmlessness Requirements for the Handling of Raw Milk (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2010, No. 25; 2011, No. 151; 2013, No. 47; 2014, No. 60), is repealed.

67. The Regulation shall come into force on 1 March 2017.

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Minister for Agriculture Jānis Dūklavs

Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Veterinārās, higiēnas un nekaitīguma prasības svaigpiena apritei Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 597Adoption: 06.09.2016.Entry into force: 01.03.2017.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 174, 08.09.2016. OP number: 2016/174.9
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Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia
© Official publisher "Latvijas Vēstnesis"