Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.01.2021.–31.08.2021.
Amendments not included: 06.07.2021., 05.07.2022., 13.12.2022., 21.04.2023., 26.04.2023., 29.06.2023., 19.12.2023., 27.08.2024., 18.12.2024.

Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

25 July 2017 [shall come into force from 1 September 2017];
21 February 2018 (Constitutional Court Judgment) [shall come into force from 23 February 2018];
14 August 2018 [shall come into force from 1 September 2018];
11 September 2018 [shall come into force from 22 September 2018];
18 December 2018 [shall come into force from 1 January 2019];
18 June 2019 [shall come into force from 1 September 2019];
16 June 2020 [shall come into force from 1 September 2020];
18 August 2020 [shall come into force from 1 September 2020];
17 December 2020 [shall come into force from 1 January 2021].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.


Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 445
Adopted 5 July 2016

Regulations Regarding Remuneration of Teachers

Issued pursuant to
Section 14, Clauses 16 and 22 of the Education Law

I. General Provision

1. The Regulation prescribes the procedures for determining the payment of remuneration to teachers, the amount of remuneration, and the amount of workload for teachers.

II. Procedures for Determining the Lowest Monthly Wage Rate and the Monthly Wage for a Teacher

2. The monthly wage for a teacher, except for teachers in the educational institutions referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation, shall be determined for hours of work in astronomical hours (including intervals between lessons, classes, or lectures) according to his or her workload. The procedures for the payment of remuneration to a teacher in a higher education institution or a college shall be determined by the senate of the higher education institution or a college council respectively.

3. The lowest monthly wage rate for a teacher in a higher education institution shall be determined in accordance with Table 1 of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

4. The lowest monthly wage rate for college directors, their deputies, heads of units and teachers who implement the first-level higher vocational education programme, and also for the directors of vocational secondary education institutions shall be determined in accordance with Table 2 of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

[18 December 2018]

5. The same provisions of this Regulation which apply to the directors of vocational education institutions, their deputies, heads of units, teachers, sports organisers, methodologists, and librarians shall be applicable to the heads of college units, their deputies, teachers, sports organisers, methodologists, librarians who implement vocational training or vocational secondary education programmes.

6. The lowest monthly wage rate for the heads of general education institutions, vocational education institutions, except for a vocational secondary education institution, interest-related education institutions and the heads of college units which implement vocational training or vocational secondary education programmes in an educational institution (in a college unit), shall be determined in accordance with Table 3 of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

[18 December 2018; 16 June 2020]

7. The monthly wage rate for the deputy heads of general education, vocational education, except for vocational secondary education institutions, and interest-related education institutions shall be determined by the head of the educational institution in the amount of not less than 80 per cent of the lowest monthly wage rate for the head of the educational institution specified in Table 3 of Annex 1 to this Regulation, whereas for the heads of units - in the amount of not less than 60 per cent of the lowest monthly wage rate of the head of the educational institution specified in Table 3 of Annex 1 to this Regulation. The lowest monthly wage rate for the deputy heads of vocational secondary education institutions and the heads of structural units shall be determined by the head of the educational institution in the amount of not less than 80 per cent of the lowest monthly wage rate of the head of the educational institution specified in Table 2 of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

[18 December 2018]

8. The lowest monthly wage rate for teachers who are not subject to the application of Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of this Regulation shall be determined in accordance with Table 4 of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

9. Upon evaluating the intensity of work of the head of an educational institution and his or her personal commitment to the development of the educational institution, the founder of the educational institution has the right, according to the criteria approved by him or her and within the scope of the financing from the State budget, to determine a higher monthly wage rate for the head of a general education, vocational education, and interest-related education institution than the lowest monthly wage rate for the head of an educational institution determined in this Regulation. The pedagogical experience of the head of the educational institution may be taken into consideration, upon determining the monthly wage rate of the head of the educational institution. The monthly wage of the head of the educational institution shall be determined each year according to the actual number of educatees in the educational institution on 1 September (for the directors of colleges and interest-related education institutions - on 1 October) by:

9.1. the local government of the relevant municipality (city) - for the heads of the local government educational institutions;

9.2. the relevant ministry - for the heads of educational institutions under subordination of the ministry (except for rectors of higher education institutions);

9.3. the relevant higher education institution - for the heads of educational institutions founded by a higher education institution.

[14 August 2018]

10. The monthly wage rate for teachers for the time period from 1 September of the current year until 31 August of the subsequent year shall be determined by the head of an educational institution. Upon evaluating the intensity of work of a teacher and his or her personal commitment to the development of the educational institution, the head of the educational institution has the right, according to the criteria approved within the institution and within the scope of the financing from the State budget, to determine a monthly wage rate for a teacher of general education, vocational education, and interest-related education which is up to 50 per cent higher that the lowest monthly wage rate for a teacher determined in this Regulation. Upon determining the monthly wage rate, the head of the educational institution may take into consideration the pedagogical experience of the teacher. From the financial means allocated to the educational institution for the provision of support measures to educatees with special needs, the lowest monthly wage rate may be raised only for those teachers who provide the abovementioned support measures.

[18 June 2019]

11. The wage for teachers (the part of remuneration which has been determined by taking into consideration the monthly wage rate and load of the teacher), except for the wage for the heads of educational institutions and for the teachers working in the positions referred to in Tables 1 and 2 of Annex 1 to this Regulation, shall be raised each year by the head of the educational institution on the basis of tariff classification (in accordance with Annex 2 to this Regulation) as on 1 September. Tariff classification shall include the load of each teacher, and also the vacant positions of teachers and the vacant number of hours in study subjects according to the lesson plan of study subjects of the educational programme.

[25 July 2017]

11.1 If the conditions for determining the monthly remuneration to a teacher change, the head of an educational institution shall determine another tariff classification of the work of the teacher within five working days from the day of such changes.

[25 July 2017]

12. In order to ensure the compliance of tariff classification with the financing allocated from the State budget, the head of an educational institution shall coordinate the tariff classification in the State Education Information System (hereinafter - the System) according to the subordination of the educational institution with the founder of the educational institution or the competent authority stipulated thereby.

13. The directors of general education institutions, vocational education institutions, and interest-related education institutions and their deputies, heads of structural units, education methodologists, sports organisers, librarians of educational institutions, heads of pre-school education institutions, their deputies, and pre-school education methodologists, if their workload in the abovementioned positions corresponds to one wage rate, may undertake, in addition to their duties of the position, other pedagogical work up to seven hours per week, receiving additional payment for that.

14. The directors of colleges which implement the first-level higher vocational education programme and their deputies, heads of structural units, education methodologists, sports organisers, librarians of educational institutions, if their workload in the abovementioned positions corresponds to one wage rate, may undertake, in addition to their duties of the position, other pedagogical work up to seven hours per week, receiving additional payment for that.

15. The workload of a teacher in astronomical hours shall be planned by the head of an educational institution in cooperation with the teacher, determining the work duties throughout the year. The workload of teachers which corresponds to one monthly wage rate shall be determined in accordance with Annex 3 to this Regulation.

16. The monthly wage for the teachers of general education institutions, vocationally oriented education institutions and for the teachers of interest-related education the tariff classification of whom provides for specific workload per week shall be calculated, using the following formula:

M = A × st : sl where

M - monthly wage;

A - monthly wage rate;

st - the number of the hours of work per week according to tariff classification;

sl - workload per week which corresponds to one monthly wage rate.

17. The monthly wage for the teachers of vocational education institutions (except for the teachers of vocationally oriented education) the tariff classification of whom provides for specific workload per year shall be calculated, using the following formula:

M = A × st : sl where

M - monthly wage;

A - monthly wage rate;

st - the number of the hours of work per year according to tariff classification;

sl - workload per year which corresponds to one monthly wage rate.

18. The wage for the teachers of general education institutions, vocation education institutions, and interest-related education institutions who have been hired during the summer holidays until the start of the school year shall be determined according to the lowest monthly wage determined in the educational institution in proportion to the workload per week.

19. An hourly remuneration shall be applied to the teachers of general education institutions and vocational education institutions who participate in the implementation of an educational programme for a shorter period than the school year specified in laws and regulations.

20. An hourly remuneration shall be applied to the payment for lessons or classes for a teacher (except for teachers in the educational institutions referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation) who, for not longer than a month, has been substituting a teacher who is absent due to illness or some other reason. If such substitution continues for longer than a month, the remuneration to the teacher shall be paid, starting from the first day of such substitution, for all actually worked workload hours in accordance with the procedures laid down in Paragraphs 16 and 17 of this Regulation.

21. Upon applying the hourly remuneration in the cases referred to in Paragraphs 19 and 20 of this Regulation, the hourly wage rate shall be calculated in accordance with the Labour Law.

[14 August 2018]

22. A supplement in the amount of 10 per cent of the monthly wage for the implementation of a general secondary education programme shall be determined for the teachers of State gymnasiums who implement general secondary education programmes. A supplement in the amount of 10 per cent of the monthly wage shall be determined for the teachers of vocational education competence centres (except for the teachers who implement the first-level higher vocational education programmes).

[16 June 2020]

23. A supplement of up to 20 per cent of the monthly wage shall be determined for the teachers of vocational subjects of study of vocational education institutions.

24. A supplement for work in special circumstances for teachers shall be determined in accordance with Annex 4 to this Regulation.

25. A supplement for additional pedagogical work which is not included in the description of the position of a teacher (increase in the work volume, except for the substitution of absent teachers) shall be granted to the teacher and the amount of the supplement shall be determined by the head of the relevant educational institutions within the scope of the remuneration fund of the institution. The supplement shall be determined up to 30 per cent of the hourly wage calculated for the teacher according to tariff classification which has been determined to the performer of additional work and, in case of determining another tariff classification, the supplement shall be included in the list of tariff classification of the teachers of the educational institution.

[25 July 2017]

25.1 Upon evaluating the intensity of work, the quality of work, and personal commitment of the head of an educational institutionto the development of the educational institution, the founder of an educational institution has the right, according to the criteria approved by him or her, to determine a supplement to the head of the educational institution for the quality of work from the financial means of the founder of the educational institution. The supplement for the quality of work may be determined for the heads of the State vocational secondary education institutions in the amount of up to 40 per cent of the wage determined to the head of the institution within the scope of the remuneration fund of the institution.

[16 June 2020]

26. Taking into consideration the personal commitment to work, a bonus or gratuity may be granted to a teacher from the saved budget funds intended for remuneration. The total amount of bonuses and gratuities disbursed from the State budget grant and earmarked grant in a calendar year may not exceed 120 per cent of the monthly wage of the teacher, whereas the total amount of bonuses and gratuities disbursed in the calendar year in the State and local government educational institutions may not exceed 175 per cent of the monthly wage of the teacher. The amount of the intended bonuses or gratuities to the heads of educational institutions, except for rectors, shall be determined by the founder of the educational institution, for other teachers - by the head of the institution according to the procedures for granting gratuities or bonuses approved at the educational institution.

[14 August 2018]

27. [Declared invalid from the time it came into force by the decision of the Constitutional Court of 21 February 2018 which entered into effect on 23 February 2018.]

27.1 The head of an educational institution shall, within the scope of the financing allocated to the educational institution and upon an internal legal act, determine the amount of the supplement up to the quality level 1, 2, and 3 which has been acquired from 10 August 2017 for workload which corresponds to the monthly wage rate. A supplement in proportion to the workload of a teacher shall be determined to the teachers who from 10 August 2017 have acquired a quality level in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations regarding the organisation of the quality assessment of the professional activity of teachers. A supplement for the heads of educational institutions who have acquired a quality level shall be determined by the founder of the educational institution, taking into consideration the amount of the supplement which has been determined in the educational institution for each quality level.

[14 August 2018]

III. Remuneration Fund of Teachers

28. The following financial means shall form the remuneration funds of teachers:

28.1. the remuneration fund of the heads of educational institutions which are subordinate to ministries (except for the heads in the educational institutions referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation) - the financial means intended for remuneration of the heads of institutions which are subordinate to the relevant ministry;

28.2. the remuneration fund of the heads of educational institutions which are subordinate to local governments - the financial means intended for remuneration of the heads of educational institutions which are subordinate to local governments;

28.3. the remuneration fund for the teachers of an educational institution - the financial means intended for remuneration of the teachers (except for the head of the institution) working in the relevant educational institution.

29. The amount of the remuneration fund of teachers for an educational institution (except for the teachers in the educational institutions referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation) shall be determined by:

29.1. the relevant ministry - for educational institutions which are subordinate to the ministry;

29.2. local government - for the educational institutions of a local government.

30. The remuneration fund of teachers of an educational institution, except for the remuneration fund in the educational institutions referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation, shall be formed by the wage fund and the supplements fund of teachers.

31. The head of an educational institution shall utilise the funds of the remuneration fund of teachers granted to the educational institution for the payment of the hours of work for teachers provided for in the study plan of the educational institution, for the payment of the hours of work for teachers for the provision of support measures to educatees, for the remuneration of the support staff (librarian of the educational institution, education psychologist, teacher - speech-language pathologist, teacher - career consultant, special needs educator, assistant teacher), education methodologist, and pedagogical staff of the administration of the educational institution.

[25 July 2017]

IV. Workload of Teachers

32. Workload of a teacher corresponding to the rate of one monthly wage:

32.1. shall be 30 hours of work per week for the teachers of general basic education, general secondary education, teachers of vocationally oriented education institutions, and teachers of interest-related education, including:

32.1.1. teachers of general basic education and general secondary education - lessons and optional lessons, the preparation thereof, correction of the written works of educatees, individual and group work with educatees and consultations, class education, methodological work in an educational institution, project management, and other activities related to the development of the educational institution;

32.1.2. teachers of vocationally oriented education in music, arts, and dance - 28 lessons, and also the duties referred to in Sub-paragraph 32.1.1 of this Regulation and preparation of educatees for exhibitions, concerts, competitions, and collective music events;

32.1.3. teachers of vocationally oriented sports education - 28 training lessons (including participation in competitions), and also preparation for classes, accompanying of educatees for participation in competitions, methodological work in an educational institution, and other activities related to the development of the educational institution - from 1 January 2017;

32.1.4. teachers of interest-related education - lessons and the preparation thereof;

32.2. shall be 1320 paid hours per year for teachers of vocational education institutions, including the duties referred to in Sub-paragraph 32.1.1 of this Regulation, and also conducting of placement, independent work, and examinations of educatees;

32.3. shall be 40 hours of work per week for teachers of pre-school education, including 36 hours of work with educatees and 4 hours of work - preparation for the teaching of classes.

33. The payment for the fulfilment of the duties of the class (group) teacher shall not be determined in institutions where the qualification of educatees is being improved, the first-level higher vocational education programmes are being acquired, for evening (shift) groups in vocational schools, special educational institutions which ensure the services of a boarding school, social correction education institutions, and vocational education institutions (groups) which are located in the places of imprisonment.

[18 June 2019]

34. The workload of a teacher - the total number of hours per week according to tariff classification - may not exceed the normal weekly working hours laid down in the Labour Law - 40 hours per week, excluding the substitution of an absent teacher.

35. Upon determining the workload of a teacher, the head of an educational institution shall take into consideration the number of educatees in the class and the study subjects which are taught by the teacher, and also the procedures for the division of the workloads of teachers stipulated by the founder of the educational institution. The founder of the educational institution shall evaluate and, if necessary, shall apply the calculation of the workload of teachers recommended by the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees in accordance with Annex 5 to this Regulation.

36. The duties to be included in the workload of the teachers of the educational institutions referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Regulation shall be determined by the senate of a higher education institution or a college council.

37. If a teacher of a vocational education institution (except for vocationally oriented sports education institutions) is released from teaching lessons (with or without retaining the wage), his or her workload shall be reduced by one tenth for each complete month of absence (for an incomplete month - taking into consideration the number of missed working days).

38. In the case referred to in Paragraph 37 of this Regulation, the monthly wage of a teacher shall not be reduced at the beginning of the school year or on 1 January of the relevant year.

39. If, in accordance with Paragraph 37 of this Regulation, the workload of a teacher has been reduced, the teacher shall receive an additional payment according to the hourly rate for the hours worked during the school year which exceed the reduced workload.

40. In general education institutions, vocational education institutions, and interest-related education institutions, upon performing the accounting of the hours of work of teachers, the hours in the tariff classification and worked by the teacher on the relevant working day of the month shall be marked with the letter "T" in the accounting form of the hours of work of the teacher.

41. During the holidays of educatees in general education, vocational education, and interest-related education institutions, the director shall determine the hours of work of teachers for individual work with educatees, planning and preparation of lessons or classes, professional development, and also participation in the events of the educational institution according to the number of hours per week in the tariff classification of each teacher.

V. Closing Provisions

42. In order to ensure the fulfilment of the requirement referred to in Paragraph 12 of this Regulation, until the time when the relevant functionality of the system is ensured for the vocational secondary education programmes in the thematic educational area "Arts" of the educational institution, the tariff classification shall be coordinated with the founder without entering such data in the system of tariff classification.

43. The lowest monthly wage rate for pre-school education teachers from 1 September 2016 is EUR 620. The founders of educational institutions shall ensure the lowest monthly wage rate for pre-school education teachers in accordance with Annex 1 to this Regulation until 1 September 2017. Local governments which cannot ensure the relevant lowest monthly wage rate shall, from 1 September 2016, ensure the lowest monthly wage rate for pre-school education teachers (except for the pre-school education teachers employed in the education of children from five years of age) in the amount that is not less than EUR 560, but from 1 September 2018 - in accordance with Annex 1 to this Regulation.

44. The founders of higher education institutions and colleges which implement the first-level higher vocational education programmes and the founders of vocationally oriented education institutions shall, from 1 January 2017, ensure the lowest monthly wage rates for teachers in accordance with Annex 1 to this Regulation and workloads corresponding to the monthly wage rate - in accordance with Annex 3 of this Regulation. Until the relevant date, the lowest monthly wage rate shall be determined in accordance with Annex 6 to this Regulation and workload corresponding to the monthly wage rate - in accordance with Annex 7 to this Regulation.

45. The lowest monthly wage rates specified in Tables 1 and 2 of Annex 1 to this Regulation shall be introduced gradually over a period of three years in accordance with the lowest monthly wage rates specified in Tables 3, 4, 5, and 6 of Annex 6 to this Regulation.

46. Cabinet Regulation No. 836 of 28 July 2009, Regulations Regarding Remuneration of Teachers (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2009, Nos. 121, 168; 2010, No. 137; 2011, No. 131; 2012, No. 133; 2013, No. 169; 2014, No. 137), is repealed.

47. The Regulation shall come into force on 1 September 2016.

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

Lowest Monthly Wage Rates for Teachers, Heads of Educational Institutions, Their Deputies, and Heads of Units

[14 August 2018; 11 September 2018; 18 December 2018; 18 June 2019; 16 June 2020; 18 August 2020; 17 December 2020]

Table 1

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
1. Rector 2105
2. Professor 1754
3. Pro-rector 1404
4. Associate professor 1404
5. Dean 1404
6. Assistant professor 1124
7. Head of department 1124
8. Vice dean 900
9. Lecturer 900
10. Assistant 717

Table 2

No. Name of the pedagogical position Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
1. Director of a vocational secondary education institution with the following number of educatees:
1.1. from 3001 and more 2864
1.2. from 2501 up to 3000 2611
1.3. from 2001 up to 2500 2380
1.4. from 1501 up to 2000 2169
1.5. from 1001 up to 1500 1932
1.6. from 501 up to 1000 1547
1.7. up to 500 1354
2. College director with the following number of educatees:
2.1. from 3001 and more 2864
2.2. from 2501 up to 3000 2611
2.3. from 2001 up to 2500 2380
2.4. from 1501 up to 2000 2169
2.5. from 1001 up to 1500 1932
2.6. from 501 up to 1000 1547
2.7. up to 500 1354
3. College deputy director with the following number of educatees:
3.1. from 3001 and more 1861
3.2. from 2501 up to 3000 1696
3.3. from 2001 up to 2500 1546
3.4. from 1501 up to 2000 1409
3.5. from 1001 up to 1500 1255
3.6. from 501 up to 1000 1005
3.7. up to 500 880
4. Head of the study department in a college with the following number of educatees:
4.1. from 3001 and more 1673
4.2. from 2501 up to 3000 1525
4.3. from 2001 up to 2500 1390
4.4. from 1501 up to 2000 1267
4.5. from 1001 up to 1500 1133
4.6. from 501 up to 1000 903
4.7. up to 500 791
5. Assistant professor 1030
6. Lecturer 823
7. Head of department, head of division 823
8. Assistant 658

Table 3

No. Number of educatees in an educational institution Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
Head of a general education, vocational education, except for vocational secondary education, and interest-related education institution, head of a college unit which implements a vocational training or vocational secondary education programme in an educational institution (in a college unit) with the following number of educatees:
1. 3001 and more 2290
2. from 2501 up to 3000 2068
3. from 2001 up to 2500 1846
4. from 1501 up to 2000 1734
5. from 1001 up to 1500 1590
6. from 801 up to 1000 1334
7. from 501 up to 800 1278
8. from 301 up to 500 1224
9. from 151 up to 300 1168
10. from 101 up to 150 1112
11. up to 100 1056


1. Coefficient 0.5 shall be applied to the number of educatees in interest-related education institutions.

2. Educatees who have attained five and six years of age shall be included in the total number of educatees in general education institutions, whereas in special education institutions - all educatees who have attained the age of pre-school education.

3. The remuneration of the heads of such educational institutions which implement general and vocational education programmes in the places of imprisonment shall be determined by one level higher.

Lowest monthly wage rates for other teachers

Table 4.

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
1. Education methodologist 874
2. Pedagogue 790

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

[14 August 2018; 16 June 2020]

Tariff Classification Sample Forms

Form No. 1


(director of the educational institution)

___________________ 20______

(name of the educational institution)

tariff classification of the general basic education and general secondary education teachers
No. _________

(source of financing)

___________________ 20______

No. Given name, surname, personal identity number Position Wage rate (EUR) Subjects and other classes provided for in educational programmes Grade, a group of grades Load per week in hours Wage (EUR) Load per week in position rates for administration, etc. Supplements

Monthly wage (EUR) Notes
number of lessons or classes number of hours for class education number of hours for the fulfilment of other duties total number of hours paid number of hours in rates number of position rates wage for position (EUR) for ... for ... for ... for ... for ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Drawn up by
(given name, surname and telephone)

Form No. 2


(head of the educational institution)

___________________ 20______

(name of the educational institution)

tariff classification for pre-school teachers No. _________

(source of financing)

___________________ 20______

No. Given name, surname, personal identity number Position Wage rate (EUR) Group Load per week in hours Wage for pedagogical work with educatees (EUR) Workload per week for administration, etc. Supplements
Monthly wage (EUR) Notes
number of hours for work with educatees number of hours for the fulfilment of other duties total number of hours paid number of hours in rates number of position rates wage for position (EUR) for ... for ... for ... for ... for ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Drawn up by    
  (given name, surname and telephone)  

Form No. 3


(director of the educational institution)

___________________ 20______

(name of the educational institution)  

Tariff classification for the teachers of vocational education No. _________

(source of financing)

___________________ 20______

No. Given name, surname, personal identity number Position Wage rate (EUR) Subjects and other classes provided for in educational programmes Group Load per year in hours Wage (EUR) Load per week in position rates for administration Supplements
Monthly wage (EUR) Notes
lessons group education number of hours for the fulfilment of other duties total number of hours paid number of hours in rate number of position rates wage for position (EUR) for ... for ... for ... for ... for ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Drawn up by
(given name, surname and telephone)

Form No. 4


(director of the educational institution)

___________________ 20______

(name of the educational institution)

Tariff classification for the teachers of vocationally oriented education No. _________

(source of financing)

___________________ 20______

No. Given name, surname, personal identity number Position Wage rate (EUR) Subjects and other classes provided for in educational programmes Group Load per week in hours Wage (EUR) Load per week in position rates for administration Supplements
Monthly wage (EUR) Notes
number of classes number of hours for the fulfilment of other duties total number of hours paid number of hours in rates number of position rates wage for position (EUR) for ... for ... for ... for ... for ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Drawn up by
(given name, surname and telephone)

Form No. 5


(director of the educational institution)

___________________ 20______

(name of the educational institution)

Tariff classification for the teachers of interest-related education No. _________

(source of financing)

___________________ 20______

No. Given name, surname, personal identity number Position Wage rate (EUR) Interest-related educational programme Group Load per week in hours Wage (EUR) Workload per week for administration Supplements
Monthly wage (EUR) Notes
number of classes number of hours for the fulfilment of other duties total number of hours paid number of hours paid in rates number of position rates wage for position (EUR) for ... for ... for ... for ... for ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Drawn up by
(given name, surname and telephone)

Form No. 6


(director of the educational institution)

___________________ 20______

(name of the educational institution)
list of pedagogical position units
(source of financing)

___________________ 20______

No. Given name, surname, personal identity number Position Number of position units (work rates) Wage rate (EUR) Wage (EUR) Supplement for ... (EUR) Supplement for ... (EUR) Supplement for work in special circumstances (EUR) Supplement for ...

Supplement for ...
Monthly wage (EUR) Notes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Drawn up by
  (given name, surname and telephone)


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

Workload of Teachers Corresponding to the Rate of One Monthly Wage

[25 July 2017; 14 August 2018; 18 June 2019]

No. Title of the position Workload per week Workload per year
in astronomical hours for teaching lessons/classes
1. Teacher (except for the cases referred to in Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of this Annex) 30   1320
2. Teacher of vocationally oriented education in music, arts, and dance (except for vocational education institutions which are subordinate to the Ministry of Culture) 30 28 1320
3. Teacher of vocationally oriented sports education 30 28 1320
4. Teacher of interest-related education 30   1320
5. Teacher - ballet artist in a choreography vocational education institution 21 16 924
6. Education psychologist, social teacher, teacher - speech-language pathologist, special needs educator, assistant teacher, principal accompanist of an educational institution 30   1320
7. Pre-school education teacher 40 36 1760
8. Head of an educational institution, deputy head of an educational institution, head of a unit, education methodologist, pre-school education methodologist, sports organiser in an educational institution, teacher for persons with impaired hearing in the hearing room of a special education institution, teacher of the visually impaired in the vision room of a special education institution, teacher of vocational training (craftsmanship), boarding school teacher in a general education institution and special education institution, teacher in the accommodation facilities of an educational institution, librarian of an educational institution, teacher - mentor, museum teacher of an educational institution, teacher - career consultant, teacher of an extended-day group 40   1760
9. Lecturer, assistant, and principal accompanist in a higher education institution     600-1000
10. Professor, associate professor, assistant professor in a higher education institution     600-1000
11. Lecturer, assistant in a college     840-1000
12. Assistant professor in a college     840-1000

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

Supplement for Work in Special Circumstances to the Teachers of Educational Institutions Financed from the State Budget

[24 July 2017; 14 August 2018; 18 June 2019]

No. Institution Amount of the supplement in per cent from the monthly wage
1. For teachers in special education institutions and special classes and groups intended for educatees  
1.1. with speech impediments (codes of educational programmes 01015511, 01015521, 21015511, 21015521, 31015511, 31015521), with mental health disorders (codes of educational programmes 01015711, 01015711, 21015711, 21015711), with physical development impairments (codes of educational programmes 01015311, 01015321, 21015311, 21015321, 31015311, 31015321), with visual impairment (codes of educational programmes 01015111, 01015121, 21015111, 21015121, 31015111, 31015121) or hearing impairment (codes of educational programmes 01015211, 01015221, 21015211, 21015221, 31015211, 31015221) and educatees suffering from a long-term illness who require special teaching and upbringing conditions - long-term treatment at home or in a hospital, social care and social rehabilitation institutions 10
1.2. with mental development disorders (codes of educational programmes 01015811, 01015821, 21015811, 21015821), with multiple development disorders (codes of educational programmes 01015911, 01015921, 21015911, 21015921), with mixed development disorders (children of pre-school age) 15
1.3. vocational basic education programmes 10
2. For teachers of special education institutions and deputy heads of special education institutions 20
3. Teachers of social correction education institutions (where minor children are placed according to a court ruling) and teachers of general and vocational education institutions who implement educational programmes in the places of imprisonment 30

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

Recommended Calculation of the Workload of Teachers According to the Average Number of Educatees in a Grade / Group and a Study Subject

(recommendation by the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees)

1. Mathematics, Literature, and language study subjects
Average number of educatees Hours
Lessons Class education Correction Individual work/consultations Lesson preparation In total
5-9 21 1 1 1 1 25
10-14 21 2 2 2 2 29
15-19 21 3 3 3 3 33
20-24 21 4 4 4 4 37
25-30 21 5 5 4.5 4.5 40
2. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Economy, Geography, Information Science, and other scientific and social study subjects
Average number of educatees Hours
Lessons Class education Correction Individual work/consultations Lesson preparation In total
5-9 21 1 1 1 1 25
10-14 21 2 2 2 1.5 28.5
15-19 21 3 3 2.5 2 31.5
20-24 21 4 4 3 2.5 34.5
25-30 21 5 5 3.5 3 37.5
3. Other study subjects
Average number of educatees Hours
Lessons Class education Correction Individual work/consultations Lesson preparation In total
5-9 21 1 1 1 0.5 24.5
10-14 21 2 1.5 2 1 27.5
15-19 21 3 2 2.5 1.5 30
20-24 21 4 2.5 3 2 32.5
25-30 21 5 3 3.5 2.5 35

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

Lowest Monthly Wage Rates for Teachers, Heads of Educational Institutions, Their Deputies, and Heads of Units

Table 1

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
1. Head of an educational institution, head of a college unit which implements a vocational training or vocational secondary education programme in an educational institution (in a college unit) with the following number of educatees:
1.1. 2601 and more 1374.49
1.2. from 2401 up to 2600 1309.04
1.3. from 2201 up to 2400 1246.44
1.4. from 2001 up to 2200 1186.68
1.5. from 1801 up to 2000 1129.76
1.6. from 1601 up to 1800 1077.11
1.7. from 1401 up to 1600 1025.89
1.8. from 1201 up to 1400 976.09
1.9. from 1001 up to 1200 933.40
1.10. from 801 up to 1000 893.56
1.11. from 601 up to 800 843.76
1.12. from 401 up to 600 795.39
1.13. from 251 up to 400 761.24
1.14. from 151 up to 250 737.05
1.15. from 101 up to 150 715.70
1.16. up to 100 700.05
2. Deputy head of an educational institution, deputy head of a college unit which implements a vocational training or vocational secondary education programme in an educational institution (a college unit) with the following number of educatees:
2.1. 2601 and more 963.28
2.2. from 2401 up to 2600 917.75
2.3. from 2201 up to 2400 873.64
2.4. from 2001 up to 2200 830.96
2.5. from 1801 up to 2000 792.54
2.6. from 1601 up to 1800 754.12
2.7. from 1401 up to 1600 718.55
28. from 1201 up to 1400 684.40
29. from 1001 up to 1200 660.21
210. from 801 up to 1000 631.76
211. from 601 up to 800 614.68
212. from 401 up to 600 574.84
213. from 251 up to 400 564.88
214. from 151 up to 250 556.34
215. from 101 up to 150 547.81
216. up to 100 532.15
3. Head of a unit in the field of education 516.50

Lowest monthly wage rates for other teachers (EUR)

Table 2

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Pedagogical experience (in years)
less than 5 from 5 up to 10 more than 10
1. Education methodologist 405 413 420
2. Pedagogue 405 413 420

Lowest monthly wage rate during the transition period from 1 September 2016

Table 3

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
1. Rector 1410.07
2. Professor 1175.29
3. Pro-rector 940.52
4. Associate professor 940.52
5. Dean 940.52
6. Assistant professor 752.70
7. Head of department 752.70
8. Vice dean 601.87
9. Lecturer 601.87
10. Assistant 480.93

Table 4

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR)
1. College director with the following number of educatees:
1.1. 1001 and more 1410.07
1.2. from 501 up to 1000 1128.34
1.3. up to 500 987.47
2. College deputy director with the following number of educatees:
2.1. 1001 and more 916.33
2.2. from 501 up to 1000 732.78
2.3. up to 500 641.72
3. Head of the study department in a college with the following number of educatees:
3.1. 1001 and more 825.27
3.2. from 501 up to 1000 660.21
3.3. up to 500 577.69
4. Assistant professor 752.70
5. Lecturer 601.87
6. Head of department, head of division 601.87
7. Assistant 480.93

Lowest monthly wage rate during the transition period from 1 January 2017 and from 1 January 2018

Table 5

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR) from 1 January 2017 Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR) from 1 January 2018
1. Rector 1552.23 1694.12
2. Professor 1293.53 1411.76
3. Pro-rector 1035.35 1130.17
4. Associate professor 1035.35 1130.17
5. Dean 1035.35 1130.17
6. Assistant professor 828.47 904.23
7. Head of department 828.47 904.23
8. Vice dean 662.91 723.96
9. Lecturer 662.91 723.96
10. Assistant 528.95 576.98

Table 6

No. Name of the pedagogical position (profession) Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR) from 1 January 2017 Lowest monthly wage rate (EUR) from 1 January 2018
1. College director with the following number of educatees:
1.1. 1001 and more 1552.23 1694.12
1.2. from 501 up to 1000 1242.10 1355.63
1.3. up to 500 1087.03 1186.39
2. College deputy director with the following number of educatees:
2.1. 1001 and more 1008.71 1100.92
2.2. from 501 up to 1000 806.66 880.39
2.3. up to 500 706.42 770.99
3. Head of the study department in a college with the following number of educatees:
3.1. 1001 and more 908.47 991.51
3.2. from 501 up to 1000 726.77 793.20
3.3. up to 500 635.93 694.06
4. Assistant professor 828.47 904.23
5. Lecturer 662.91 723.96
6. Head of department, head of division 662.91 723.96
7. Assistant 528.95 576.98

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis


Annex 7
Cabinet Regulation No. 445
5 July 2016

Workload of Teachers Corresponding to the Rate of One Monthly Wage

No. Title of the position Workload in hours
per week per year
1. Teacher of vocationally oriented sports education, teacher of vocationally oriented education in music, arts and dance (except for vocational education institutions which are subordinate to the Ministry of Culture) 21 756
2. Head of an educational institution, deputy head of an educational institution, education methodologist, pre-school education methodologist, librarian of an educational institution 40  
3. Lecturer, assistant, and principal accompanist in a higher education institution   600-1000
4. Professor, associate professor, assistant professor in a higher education institution   600-1000
5. Lecturer, assistant in a college   840-1000
6. Assistant professor in a college   840-1000

Minister for Education and Science Kārlis Šadurskis

Translation © 2021 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Pedagogu darba samaksas noteikumi Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 445Adoption: 05.07.2016.Entry into force: 01.09.2016.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 140, 22.07.2016. OP number: 2016/140.1
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