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The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.09.2016.–18.09.2020.
Amendments not included: 15.09.2020., 01.06.2021., 09.05.2023., 11.06.2024.
Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 238

Adopted 19 April 2016

Fire Safety Regulations

Issued pursuant to
Section 12 of the Fire Safety and Fire-Fighting Law

1. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes the fire safety requirements to be complied with by natural and legal persons in order to prevent and successfully extinguish fires, as well as to reduce the consequences thereof irrespective of the type of ownership and location of the object.

2. Within the meaning of this Regulation the following terms are used:

2.1. responsible person - the legal subject laid down in Section 9 of the Fire Safety and Fire-fighting Law;

2.2. construction object - an object or territory in which construction process is taking place;

2.3. multi-apartment object - an object with two or more apartments;

2.4. electrical installation - low-voltage part of an electrical system which transmits and distributes electricity in electrical facilities of a user from the proprietary border of electrical facilities to the electrical device;

2.5. evacuation plan - unequivocal instructions drawn up in visual form regarding actions for a natural person in case of fire, accident, or dangerous situation and regarding the quickest way for reaching safety;

2.6. responsible person of the forest - the legal subject laid down in Section 4, Paragraph one of the Forest Law;

2.7. forest object - the object specified in Section 3, Paragraph one of the Forest Law;

2.8. mineralised strip - a band of soil in at least 1.5 m of width which has been purified or turned to the mineral level of the soil and which hinders spreading of fire;

2.9. object - a structure or its part;

2.10. public object - an object in which a public event is being organised, or an object which, regardless of the form of its actual use or ownership, serves for ensuring the joint needs and interests of the society and which is accessible to any person for a fee or free of charge;

2.11. object of economic activity - an object in which a legal person governed by private law or an association of such persons, or a natural person within the scope of its economic or professional activity provides a service, offers or sells goods, manufactures or restores goods, or a public person, an institution of a public person, a legal person governed by public law which is carrying out the functions of State administration;

2.12. territory - a plot of land in which an object is located and a plot of land which is bordering on an object, or a vacant plot of land;

2.13. fire-hazardous works - works in which a naked flame is used or in which sparks occur, as well as other works which may cause ignition;

2.14. fire-fighting water supply system - an aggregate of networks, equipment, facilities, devices, and structures which is intended for the manufacture, transmission (transportation), storage, or distribution of fire-fighting water resources, as well as for lead-ins to engineering networks and internal engineering networks;

2.15. single-apartment object - a freely standing detached house (for example, individual family house, villa, forester's house, rural house, cottage, garden house), as well as twin and terraced houses in which each apartment has its own roof and its own individual entrance;

2.16. railway object - the rolling stock, as well as structures which are necessary for maintaining, repair, and use of the objects of the railway infrastructure.

3. The Ministry of Economics in co-operation with the Ministry of the Interior and the technical committee of the relevant standards shall recommend the list of standards to be developed, adapted, and applied in relation to this Regulation to the National Standardisation Institution.

4. The National Standardisation Institution shall publish the list of such national standards of Latvia on its official website which are applied for the fulfilment of these requirements.

5. If the fire safety requirements have been developed in conformity to the requirements of the applicable standards published, it shall be considered that the fire safety requirements conform to the requirements referred to in this Regulation which are covered by these standards.

6. Persons have a duty to prevent the outbreak of fire or activities which may cause fire, as well as, upon being present in a structure, to evacuate without delay when a fire alarm is sounded or fire is noticed.

2. Duties in Case of Fire

7. If fire has broken out:

7.1. a natural person has a duty:

7.1.1. to notify the State Fire and Rescue Service by calling the common emergency telephone number 112, naming the address or location where fire has originated, and the given name, surname of the notifier, as well as to provide the requested information regarding fire;

7.1.2. to inform the manager of the fire-fighting and rescue operations regarding persons who are located or might be located at the site endangered by fire, sites for fire-fighting water intakes of the object, and access roads, fire hazard, explosion hazard, and other dangerous factors;

7.2. in addition to that referred to in Sub-paragraph 7.1 of this Regulation until the moment when the unit of the State Fire and Rescue Service arrives, the responsible person of an object of economic activity or a public object has a duty to ensure:

7.2.1. carrying out of the fire-fighting measures laid down in the fire safety instructions;

7.2.2. actuation of the engineering technical systems of significance to the fire safety;

7.2.3. disconnection of technological facilities, electrical installations, electrical facilities, electrical devices, and engineering networks or resetting thereof to work mode which does not promote the development of fire and does not restrict its extinguishing;

7.2.4. calling of the State Emergency Medical Service or emergency services (if necessary).

3. General Fire Safety Requirements

8. The responsible person shall ensure an object and territory with such structural elements, engineering networks, electrical installation, engineering technical systems and devices of significance to fire safety which conform to the fire safety requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding construction.

9. The object and the territory shall be used according to the type of use laid down, in accordance with the fire safety solutions provided for in the building design (explanatory memorandum and certification card) and accepted during the course of construction and the fire load laid down, and in conformity with the requirements of the laws and regulations in the field of fire safety.

10. The requirements of this Regulation shall be applied in objects in which the competent authorities have restricted the freedom of movement for persons, insofar as they are not in contradiction with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the operation of such institutions which are related to deprivation of liberty and restricted rights of free movement for a person.

3.1. General Fire Safety Requirements in an Object

11. The damaged place of the fire defensive agent of a building structure or the loss of its fire integrity shall be prevented.

12. The non-sealed place of a fireproof structure shall be closed with sealing materials resistant to smoke leakage with the corresponding fire resistance limit laid down in the laws and regulations regarding construction.

13. The hatches and external stairs in joint use loggias or balconies of a multi-apartment object, as well as passages to an adjacent joint use object which have been built in accordance with the building design, shall be maintained in working order, it is prohibited to barricade or otherwise restrict access to them or their use.

14. The responsible person of a multi-apartment object has a duty to ensure:

14.1. the conformity with the fire safety requirements in joint use (joint property) parts of the object and territory;

14.2. the maintaining of engineering networks, engineering technical systems of significance to fire safety, and fire-fighting equipment according to the technical provisions of the manufacturer and to the requirements of the laws and regulations governing fire safety.

15. The attic, basement, or technical room of a multi-apartment object and of a public object shall be closed off to prevent access of unauthorised persons.

16. The places where inlets of underground engineering networks cross the structures of the object in the basement, mezzanine floor, or underground floor, shall be hermetic (gas-proof).

17. It shall be possible to tightly close the hatch lids of waste chutes, they shall be without defects and in permanently closed position in order to prevent the spread of smoke and other combustion products in case of fire.

18. In an object which is more than two floors high, each floor of the stairway shall be ensured with the sequential number of the relevant floor. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to an object which is a single-apartment object.

19. In order to prevent the spread of smoke and other combustion products in case of fire, the doors which separate the stairway from another room of significance shall be equipped with self-closing mechanisms and sealed-off door rabbets. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to the doors which separate the apartment from the stairway.

20. Doors, blinds, and gates in a fireproof construction shall be in a permanently closed position, if their closing is not ensured by the automatic fire detection and alarm signalling system or the automatic fire extinguishing system.

21. The device which is intended for tight closing of doors, gates, and a blind in a fireproof construction shall be maintained in working order.

22. If combustible objects or substances are stored in warehouse premises in a basement or mezzanine floor, discharge of smoke shall be ensured in such premises.

23. In case of fire it is prohibited to use an elevator for evacuation.

24. Substances and objects shall be stored taking into account their physical and chemical properties.

25. The site intended for smoking shall be equipped with a tray made of an incombustible material intended for stubs and designated with the sign 6.1 and an inscription (Annex 1).

26. It is prohibited in the object:

26.1. to use combustible liquids for cleaning which are not specially intended for such purpose;

26.2. to leave kindled heating appliances, as well as household electrical equipment and electrical installations connected to the electric network unattended, except the case if it is permitted by the instructions for use of the installation;

26.3. to use a naked flame, to melt frozen pipelines;

26.4. to place cylinders with combustible or oxidising gases, as well as hazardous liquid substances in basements, mezzanine floors, attics, on balconies and loggias;

26.5. to enter for motor vehicles (hereinafter - the vehicle), except specially equipped vehicles if an explosive environment may occur in the object;

26.6. to enter in an explosive environment for vehicles the tires of which are equipped with studs or chains.

3.2. General Fire Safety Requirements in a Territory

27. A territory shall be kept free of combustible waste, and a strip in width of 10 m around the object shall be cleared of dry grass and crop residues.

28. The responsible person shall take measures in order to prevent burning of thatch or grass in the territory.

29. Roads and access roads to an object and sites for fire-fighting water intakes shall be maintained so as to ensure access to fire-fighting vehicles. Manual opening shall be ensured for gates and barriers that open automatically.

30. A layout scheme of fire-fighting water intakes shall be placed at each entry into the territory with a site for fire-fighting water intakes.

31. The plan of the territory, fire hydrants, shutters, control units, pumps, foam-based concentrate, and open and closed sites for fire-fighting water intakes shall be indicated in the layout scheme of fire-fighting water intakes using the signs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 (Annex 1). The scheme shall be easy to perceive, and its minimum dimensions shall be 1 x 1 m.

32. The territory (except the territory of a single-apartment object) shall be ensured with signs to be used for fire safety in accordance with the requirements referred to in Chapter 7 of this Regulation.

33. When storing substances and objects in containers in the territory, a fire safety distance in width of 5 m between rows of containers shall be created. The length of a row of containers may not exceed 100 m.

34. If liquid combustible substances have spilled in the territory, they shall be collected immediately, and the places on which they have spilled, shall be sprinkled with an absorbing substance. Afterwards the absorbing substance shall be collected and stored in a specially arranged and designated site.

35. It is prohibited to place the vehicle which is intended for transportation of combustible liquids and gases closer than 50 m from a public object, an object intended for living, a bridge, a tunnel, and a viaduct.

36. The responsible person shall inform the State Fire and Rescue Service in writing regarding a planned closing or repair of a road, bridge, tunnel, viaduct, railway crossing if movement of fire-fighting vehicles (or special machinery) is not ensured or is limited, as well as regarding restoration of traffic. The responsible person shall inform the State Fire and Rescue Service in writing regarding an unplanned closing or repair of a road, bridge, tunnel, viaduct, railway crossing if movement of fire-fighting vehicles (or special machinery) is not ensured or is limited by calling the common emergency telephone number 112.

37. It is prohibited to place the vehicle and a vessel under a bridge, viaduct, and in a tunnel.

38. Substances and objects shall be stored taking into account their physical and chemical properties.

39. The site intended for smoking shall be equipped with a tray made of an incombustible material intended for stubs and designated with the sign 6.1 and an inscription (Annex 1).

40. It is prohibited in the territory:

40.1. to place combustible materials and objects in fire safety gaps;

40.2. to restrict the territory in a way that access of fire-fighting vehicles to the object is hindered;

40.3. to spill liquid combustible substances in the sewage system;

40.4. to store combustible waste outside specially selected and arranged places;

40.5. to smoke in an unauthorised place, as well as outside a specially equipped and designated place, except the territory of a single-apartment object.

3.3. General Fire Safety Requirements in a Construction Object

41. The performer of construction work shall be responsible for conformity with the fire safety requirements in a construction object and during the course of performing the construction work. The performer of construction work has a duty to comply with the requirements referred to in this Regulation.

42. If construction work takes place without discontinuing the use of the object, then in order not to reduce the fire safety of the object relevant compensating fire safety measures shall be ensured in the object. The compensating fire safety measures shall be indicated in the fire safety instructions of the construction object in accordance with Sub-paragraph 180.2 of this Regulation.

43. The construction object shall be ensured with external water supply for fire fighting. Until construction thereof a temporary water supply may be arranged for such purpose or the existing sites for water intakes may be adjusted.

44. The construction object shall be ensured with signs to be used for fire safety (Annex 1).

45. An access road and a passage for fire-fighting vehicles shall be arranged in the construction site. The access road shall be designated with the sign 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, or 7.4 (Annex 1).

46. The width of the access road and passage intended for fire-fighting vehicles shall not be less than 3.5 m. In a blind alley an area in dimensions of at least 12 x 12 m or an arc where fire-fighting vehicles may turn shall be arranged.

47. A temporary structure and a field for storage of construction materials shall be placed not closer than 6 m from an object to be built and built, except for the case if it is placed at the construction of the object which has been built of incombustible (reaction to fire class A1) materials.

48. The construction object shall be ensured with fire alarm notification devices and evacuation routes for evacuation of employees. Evacuation routes shall be ensured with lighting.

49. In a construction object which is more than three floors high the stairs shall be constructed concurrently with the load bearing constructions of stairways.

50. In a construction object which is more than 10 m high, scaffolds of structures shall be made of incombustible materials (reaction to fire class A1).

51. Scaffolds of structures shall be equipped with scaffold stairs units alongside the perimeter of the structure after every 50 m.

52. In a closed object and in containers where an activity with dangerous substances which may form explosive concentration has occurred, it shall be permitted to resume construction work only after air analysis has been conducted and explosive concentration has not been established.

53. The construction object shall be ensured with fire extinguishers and inventory (Annex 5).

4. Fire Safety Requirements for Engineering Networks

4.1. Electrical Installation, Electrical Facility, and Electrical Device

54. An electrical installation (including an earthing device and a lightning protection device) shall conform to the solution of the technical design, it shall be maintained in working order and operated in accordance with the fire safety requirements laid down in the laws and regulations governing arrangement of an electrical installation and stipulated by the manufacturer.

55. An electrical facility and electrical device shall be maintained in working order and operated according to the requirements laid down by the manufacturer (hereinafter - the requirements of the manufacturer).

56. Check of an electrical installation (including of an earthing device and a lightning protection device) shall be performed once in 10 years, but if there is the following in the object or the territory:

56.1. explosive environment - once in two years;

56.2. chemically aggressive environment - once a year.

57. A statement of inspection (Annex 6) shall be drawn up regarding the results of the inspection of an electrical installation (including an earthing device and a lightning protection device).

58. The quality of contact connections of an electrical installation (for example, in a branch box, electrical cabinet (switching substation), installation sites of protection devices) shall be inspected with a thermal chamber. The inspection shall be performed together with the inspections referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation. A statement of inspection (Annex 7) shall be drawn up regarding the results of the inspection.

59. Dust and sediments shall be cleaned off an electrical facility and an electrical device.

60. An electrical installation which is not operated (is not connected to a permanent electricity voltage) shall be dismantled in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations governing construction. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to an electrical installation in a technological facility.

61. An electrical installation, electrical facility, and electrical device in an object and territory in which an explosive environment may occur shall be in an explosion-proof construction in conformity with the zoning of an explosive environment.

62. It is prohibited:

62.1. to use a damaged and self-made electrical installation, electrical facility, and electrical device;

62.2. to operate an electrical installation, electrical facility, and electrical device which is not ensured with a protection device (for example, a safety fuse, a protective circuit breaker);

62.3. to use a non-calibrated or self-made protection device of an electrical installation, electrical facility, or electrical device (for example, a safety fuse, a protective circuit breaker);

62.4. to operate wires and cables with damaged insulation, as well as to connect them in a way that inadequate transition resistance occurs;

62.5. to use an electrical installation, electrical facility, and electrical device in explosive environment which is not adequately protected (in an explosion-proof construction) and which does not bear the labelling 1.7 (Annex 1);

62.6. to place combustible substances and objects closer than 0.5 m from lighting objects, except the case if it is allowed by the manufacturer;

62.7. to store combustible substances or objects in an electricity distribution room or electrical cabinet;

62.8. to use extension cords or a temporary electrical installation which is completely or partly rolled on a coil or in loops, if it is not intended by the manufacturer.

4.2. Heating and Ventilation System, Facility, and Device

63. A flue, chimney, smoke duct, chimney flue, device for discharge of fuel gases (hereinafter - the smoke stack), heating facility and device, ventilation system and device shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction, maintained in working order, and operated according to the requirements of the manufacturer.

64. The distance from the internal surface of the smoke stack to the combustible construction shall be at least:

64.1. 380 mm if the period of operation of the heating device connected to the smoke stack is up to three hours;

64.2. 510 mm if the period of operation of the heating device exceeds three hours.

65. The distance from the internal surface of the smoke stack to the hardly combustible construction shall be at least:

65.1. 250 mm if the period of operation of the heating device is up to three hours;

65.2. 380 mm if the period of operation of the heating device exceeds three hours.

66. The requirements of Paragraphs 64 and 65 of this Regulation shall not apply to the smoke stack, unless it is otherwise laid down by the manufacturer.

67. In order to ensure safe operation of the smoke stack, heating facility and device and to prevent burning of soot in the smoke stack, it shall be cleaned.

68. Soot from the smoke stack of a long burning solid fuel heating device and facility shall be cleaned before the beginning of the heating season (until 1 November), as well as once in the heating season (from 1 November to 1 March of the following year). A long burning solid fuel heating device and facility is a heating device and facility which does not accumulate (store in itself) heat for more than three hours.

69. The smoke stack and solid and liquid fuel heating devices and facility other than referred to in Paragraph 68 of this Regulation shall be cleaned before the beginning of the heating season (until 1 November).

70. The heating facility and device in which gas is used as the fuel (hereinafter - the gas apparatus) shall be cleaned and its technical servicing and inspection of its technical condition shall be performed not less than once a year, unless it is otherwise laid down by the manufacturer. If the heating device has been disconnected for more than six months, an extraordinary inspection of fuel gas discharge and ventilation ducts shall be performed and a statement of inspection of technical condition (Annex 8) shall be drawn up.

71. During operation the smoke stack of the liquid fuel heating facility, device and gas apparatus shall be inspected and cleaned in the following periods of time:

71.1. a brick smoke stack - not less than once a year;

71.2. a brick smoke stack with lining - not less than once in two years;

71.3. a ceramic and chamotte smoke stack - not less than once in two years.

72. A statement shall be drawn up regarding cleaning results of the smoke stack, heating device and facility, gas apparatus, natural ventilation duct. The following information shall be indicated in the statement:

72.1. the name, ownership, address, or location of the object and the date of performing work;

72.2. the location of the smoke stack, heating device and facility, natural ventilation duct in the object and its description;

72.3. the given name and surname of the person who performed cleaning of the smoke stack, heating device and facility, natural ventilation duct;

72.4. the name and number of a document certifying education or qualification for the person who performed cleaning of the smoke stack, heating device and facility, natural ventilation duct. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to a solid fuel heating device of a single-apartment object, its smoke stack and natural ventilation duct, if cleaning was performed by the responsible person;

72.5. an opinion regarding the results of the work performed. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to a solid fuel heating device of a single-apartment object, its smoke stack and natural ventilation duct if cleaning was performed by the responsible person.

73. Technical condition of the smoke stack, heating facility and device shall be evaluated in order to determine its conformity with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction and operation and of the manufacturer.

74. Inspection of the technical condition of the solid and liquid fuel heating facility, device, smoke stack, and natural ventilation duct shall be performed once in five years.

75. A statement of inspection of the technical condition shall be drawn up regarding the results of inspection of the technical condition of the fuel duct, heating facility, device, and natural ventilation duct (Annex 8).

76. Photographs, video recordings, or results of readings of other devices used in inspection shall be attached to the statement of inspection of the technical condition.

77. Location of the smoke stack, heating facility, device, and natural ventilation duct in the planning of the object shall be indicated in the graphic depiction of the statement of inspection of the technical condition.

78. If a non-conformity of the smoke stack, heating facility, device, and natural ventilation duct with solutions of the building design (explanatory memorandum and certification card) or the requirements of laws and regulations or of the manufacturer has been detected in inspection, the description of the non-conformity and the justification with reference to the relevant part of the building design (explanatory memorandum and construction card), page number, or requirement of the manufacturer shall be entered in section "Notes" of the statement of inspection of the technical condition.

79. If a heating facility or device is changed for another heating facility or device, then, in order to determine the conformity of the smoke stack and ventilation system or duct for connecting of the new facility or device, conformity of the ventilation system or duct with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction shall be checked. A statement of inspection of the technical condition shall be drawn up regarding results of the inspection (Annex 8). It shall be indicated in section "Notes" of the statement of inspection of the technical condition whether the relevant heating device or facility may be connected to the smoke stack.

80. A natural ventilation duct shall be inspected and cleaned:

80.1. not less than once in five years;

80.2. if there is a gas apparatus in the object - not less than once in three years.

81. When cleaning heating devices and facilities, cinder and ashes shall be stored in an incombustible casing outside the object.

82. In the object where combustible dust occur during the technological process, the surface of the heating facility and device shall be smooth.

83. In the attic of the object the smoke stack and the wall where the smoke stack is located shall be whitewashed or painted with a light incombustible colour (reaction to fire Class A1).

84. A gas apparatus or liquid fuel heating facility and device shall be equipped with a safety system which discontinues the supply of gas or liquid fuel, if the flame goes out in the furnace or there is insufficient draft in the furnace.

85. The object in which a liquid fuel container is located, shall be separated from other premises in a fireproof manner with:

85.1. firewalls the border of fire resistance of which is not less than EI-60;

85.2. fireproof covering the border of fire resistance of which is not less than REI-60;

85.3. fireproof doors the border of fire resistance of which is not less than EI-30.

86. An external window shall be built in the object in which a liquid fuel container is located, and the area of the external window shall be at least 0.05 m2, calculating per 1 m3 of the room, but not less than 0.25 m2. These rooms shall be ensured with the automatic fire detection and alarm signalling system.

87. The container of a liquid fuel heating facility and device which is larger than 200 litres, shall be equipped with delimiting constructions which delimit the discharge of fuel in case of damage to the container. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to containers with double walls and to containers the construction of which in case of damage to the internal wall prevents uncontrolled discharge of the substance outside the external delimiting construction of the reservoir.

88. Liquid fuel containers the total capacity of which is more than 5000 litres of fuel, may not be placed in the object, if it is not separated from another object in a fireproof manner.

89. It is prohibited:

89.1. to use a damaged heating facility, device, or smoke stack;

89.2. to overheat the heating facility or device;

89.3. to leave a kindled heating facility or device unattended, except the case if it is allowed by the manufacturer;

89.4. to place and store combustible substances and objects (including fuel) on the heating facility and device;

89.5. to place and store combustible substances and objects (including fuel) less than 0.5 m from the heating facility and device;

89.6. to place combustible substances and objects (including fuel) in front of the furnace closer than 1.2 m;

89.7. to use combustible liquids for kindling, except the liquids industrially manufactured specifically for this purpose;

89.8. to stoke the heating facility and device with firewood the length of which exceeds the dimensions of the furnace;

89.9. to use the natural ventilation duct and mechanical ventilation system fir discharge of fuel gases from the heating facility and device;

89.10. to attach a mechanical ventilation device to the natural ventilation duct in a multi-apartment object, if a gas apparatus has been placed in the room and there is no ventilation which ensures permanent exchange of air in the room and discharge of the leaked gas outside the structure;

89.11. to clean the smoke stack, natural ventilation duct, and mechanical ventilation system by burning it out;

89.12. to store fuel containers and combustible liquids in the room in which the liquid fuel heating facility or device is located;

89.13. to use the smoke stack, mechanical ventilation system, and natural ventilation duct for purposes not intended for it (for transit of an electrical installation, electronic communications network, or other engineering networks).

90. A mechanical ventilation system and a natural ventilation duct shall be cleaned in order to prevent the spread of fire in the structure.

91. Inspection of the technical condition of a mechanical ventilation system and cleaning shall be performed once in five years.

92. A statement shall be drawn up regarding cleaning of a mechanical ventilation system or results of the check. The following information shall be indicated in the statement:

92.1. the name, ownership, address, or location of the object and the date of performing work;

92.2. the location of the ventilation system in the object and its description;

92.3. the given name and surname for the person who performed cleaning and inspection of the ventilation system;

92.4. the name and number of a document certifying education or qualification for the person who performed cleaning and inspection of the ventilation system. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to a single-apartment object if cleaning was performed by the responsible person;

92.5. the characterisation of conformity of the ventilation system with solutions of the technical design if the ventilation system does not conform to the requirements of the construction standard;

92.6. the conformity of the ventilation system with the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations;

92.7. the conformity of facilities and devices of the ventilation system with the requirements of the manufacturer;

92.8. a statement regarding further operation of the ventilation system. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to a single-apartment object if cleaning was performed by the responsible person.

93. Photographs, video recordings, or results of readings of other devices used in inspection shall be attached to the statement regarding results of inspection of the mechanical ventilation system.

94. A mechanical ventilation system which draws in combustible gases, vapour, or dust, shall be in explosion-proof construction, and it shall be equipped with protection devices which prevent access of foreign particles into the system. Such ventilation system shall checked and cleaned not less than once a year.

95. Metal constructions, facilities, and devices of the ventilation system shall be earthed.

96. Dust and other sediments shall be cleaned off automatic fireproof valves, protection devices of the ventilation system, and mechanisms for actuating them.

97. The responsible person of the object shall ensure free access to the fireproof valves, non-return valves, and other elements of the ventilation system for which inspection or technical servicing must be performed.

98. If a separate room for mechanical ventilation facilities has been built in the building, it shall be kept closed.

99. It is prohibited:

99.1. to operate a technological facility in an explosive and fire-hazardous object and to perform technological process, if the ventilation system has been damaged or is not operating;

99.2. to store substances and objects in the room of the ventilation facility;

99.3. to operate a ventilation facility in an explosive and fire-hazardous object which is not in an explosion-proof construction.

5. Engineering Technical Systems of Significance to Fire Safety

5.1. Fire-fighting Water Supply

100. The fire-fighting water supply system shall conform to solutions of the technical design and to the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction of fire-fighting water supply. It shall be maintained in working order and free access to it shall be ensured.

101. The external and internal fire-fighting water supply system, prior to commencing operation (or the round of its assembly, as well as after changes made), shall be accepted with a deed of acceptance in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction.

102. Damages to the fire-fighting water supply system shall be eliminated in as short period of time as possible, but not later than within 48 hours after the moment of detecting the damage. The responsible person shall inform the State Fire and Rescue Service in writing regarding a planned repair due to which pressure in the external fire-fighting water supply system will be disconnected or reduced. If due to unplanned repair pressure in the external fire-fighting water supply system is disconnected or reduced, the responsible person shall inform the State Fire and Rescue Service without delay by calling the common emergency telephone number 112.

103. The fire-fighting water supply system, the site for fire-fighting water intake, as well as the access road to it shall be marked with the sign 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.2, and 4.3 (Annex 1).

104. The lid of the fire hydrant well and the surface fire hydrant shall be painted in red (for example, RAL-3001) colour.

105. The surface foam solution fire hydrant shall be marked in the middle part with a ring that is 50 mm in width and painted in violet (for example, RAL-4001) colour.

106. The responsible person shall ensure inspection of the fire hydrant not less than once a year.

107. The person who performed inspection of the fire hydrant shall draw up a statement of inspection regarding the results of the inspection. The number, type, and productivity (litres per second) of the fire hydrant, the water pressure in the water main (bars), the diameter of the water supply pipeline, and the conformity of the water supply system with solutions of the technical design and the requirements of the laws and regulation governing construction shall be indicated in the statement. The plan of the external water supply network in which the location of the fire hydrant is indicated shall be attached to the statement of the inspection.

108. The fire-fighting water supply system shall be maintained in a way that the fire-fighting machinery can take water during any season.

109. It is prohibited:

109.1. to arrange a parking lot and to place a vehicle on the well of the fire hydrant or to barricade it;

109.2. to place substances and objects in 1.5 m radius from the well of the fire hydrant;

109.3. to place substances and objects closer than 1 m from the tap of the internal fire-fighting water main.

110. The responsible person of a fire-fighting reservoir and an artificial open water tank shall ensure inspection of the site for fire-fighting water intake not less than twice a year (during the summer and winter period).

111. The quantity of water for suppression of fire of the object provided for in the building design shall be ensured in artificially created fire-fighting water reservoirs. Artificial sites for fire-fighting water intake shall be ensured with a fixed measuring device which allows controlling of the water level. The maximum and minimum water level shall be indicated on the measuring device.

112. The access road to the site for fire-fighting water intake shall be maintained so that the fire-fighting machinery may move along it during any season.

113. The common scheme of fire-fighting water supply and the pump arrangement scheme shall be placed in the pump room of fire-fighting water supply.

114. The motorised valve which has been installed in the fire-fighting water supply system shall be ensured with a duplicating manual opening device.

115. The manual actuating device of the fire pump and the motorised valve shall be placed in an accessible place, ensured with an explanatory statement, and protected against accidental actuation.

116. The tap of the internal fire-fighting water main shall be placed in a special cabinet or niche, a hose and a muzzle shall be attached to the tap. Length of the hose of the tap of the internal fire-fighting water main shall be at least 20 m. The muzzle attached to the hose shall ensure a compact jet and it shall be possible to close it.

117. The sequential number of the tap, the common emergency telephone number 112 shall be indicated on the cabinet door of the fire tap, as well as the sign 4.4 (Annex 1) shall be placed. Inspection of the fire tap shall be performed not less than once a year. Information regarding inspection performed shall be placed at the fire tap (Annex 2).

118. It is prohibited to use the water reserve intended for fire-fighting for economic or manufacturing needs.

5.2. Fire Protection Device and System

119. A single-apartment object, an apartment of a multi-apartment object, and a public object in which it is intended to accommodate up to 10 persons for sleeping, shall be ensured with an autonomous fire detector which reacts to smoke. The autonomous fire detector may be replaced with an automatic fire detection and alarm signalling system.

120. At least one autonomous fire detector shall be placed in each floor of a single-apartment object and an apartment of a multi-apartment object. The autonomous fire detector shall be installed and maintained in working order in conformity with the requirements of the manufacturer.

121. Changes in the fire protection system shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction and operation of fire protection systems.

5.3. Requirements for Operation of Fire Protection Systems

122. Prior to commencing operation (or the round of its assembly, also after changes made) the fire protection system shall be accepted with a deed in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction.

123. The fire protection system shall be constantly maintained in working order and operated in conformity with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing operation and of the manufacturer.

124. The automatic fire protection system shall be constantly turned on automatic standby mode.

125. The following shall be stored in the object in which the fire protection system is located, near the detection, control, and indication facility (hereinafter - the panel):

125.1. the technical design of the fire protection system or a copy of the abovementioned document approved by the responsible person;

125.2. the deed of acceptance of the fire protection system and the documents appended thereto or copies of the abovementioned documents approved by the responsible person;

125.3. the list of rooms (zones) to be protected by the fire protection system or graphic depiction of the zones to be protected in rooms;

125.4. the logbook of cases when the fire protection system had initiated and of damages (Annex 9).

126. The alarm signal of the fire protection system or a signal regarding a damage to the system and channel of communication shall be transmitted to the panel which is constantly (24 hours) monitored by a person instructed in accordance with the procedures referred to in Paragraph 127 of this Regulation.

127. The responsible person shall ensure the fire protection instructions for the person who monitors the fire protection system regarding:

127.1. the procedures for determining the working capacity of the fire protection system;

127.2. the conditions for operating the fire protection system;

127.3. the names and locations of the rooms protected. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to the staff of the object which is not located in one object with the fire protection system installed;

127.4. regarding action in case if an alarm signal regarding breaking out of fire or damage to the system comes from the fire protection system, as well as regarding action during operation of the fixed fire-extinguishing system and after carrying out of the system functions.

128. The person who monitors the fire protection system has a duty to know the information referred to in Paragraph 127 of this Regulation.

129. The responsible person of the object shall ensure technical servicing of the fire protection system and control of the technical servicing.

130. Technical servicing and repairs shall be ensured for the fire protection system in conformity with:

130.1. the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction and operation of fire protection systems;

130.2. the requirements of the applicable standards;

130.3. the requirements of manufacturers of elements of the fire protection system;

130.4. the specific nature of operation of the object.

131. The cases when the fire protection system had initiated (including cases of initiation during technical servicing) and damages shall be registered in the logbook of cases when the fire protection system initiated and of damages (Annex 9).

132. The working capacity of the fire protection system shall be restored in as short period of time as possible, but not later than within 24 hours after the moment of initiation of the fire protection system or detecting the damage.

133. If complete or partial deactivation of the fire protection system is necessary for restoration of the working capacity, the relevant fire safety measures which compensate the functions of the deactivated fire protection system shall be ensured in the object. The fire safety measures which compensate the functions of the deactivated fire protection system shall be drawn up in writing and briefing of employees regarding them shall be performed. Entries in the Fire Safety Instructions Logbook (Annex 10) regarding performed briefing regarding fire safety shall be made.

134. The term of operating devices of the fire protection system may not exceed the term of operation laid down by the manufacturer.

135. Facilities and devices of the fire protection system shall be ensured with special fixed protection devices if they can be damaged mechanically. Protection devices may not affect the working capacity and performance parameters of fire protection devices.

136. Manual distance actuating devices of fire protection systems shall be placed in accessible places, protected against accidental actuation, ensured with explanatory statements in the official language and marked with the sign 4.7 (Annex 1).

137. The responsible person of the object shall ensure free access to devices of fire protection systems in order to be able to perform their inspection, technical servicing, and repair.

138. Devices and electrical installation which is intended for installation and operation in the relevant environment shall be used in fire protection systems.

139. When operating engineering technical systems of significance to fire safety it is prohibited:

139.1. to rebuild or dismantle the engineering technical systems of significance to fire safety or their parts and devices without conformity with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction and fire safety, as well as to perform activities or changes in the engineering technical system of significance to fire safety and protected zone if it affects the working capacity of fire protection systems or carrying out of their functions;

139.2. to deactivate the automatic fire protection system or to switch from the automatic control mode to the manual control mode, except for the case if the system can be damaged during construction work or other works;

139.3. to deactivate the functions of the fire protection system, to change the operating mode of the system;

139.4. to barricade access to facilities and devices of the fire protection system;

139.5. to hang or attach objects to the facilities, devices, pipelines, and cables of the fire protection system.

5.4. Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm Signalling System

140. The panel of the automatic fire detection and alarm signalling system shall distinguish the signal regarding fire from other alarm signals and, if necessary, ensure:

140.1. control of the technological process;

140.2. control of engineering technical systems, facilities, and engineering networks;

140.3. control of other fire protection systems.

141. Continuous automatic control of signalling circuits and power sources shall be ensured for the automatic fire detection and alarm signalling systems.

142. When operating the automatic fire detection and alarm signalling system, it is prohibited:

142.1. to install a detector of another type or operating principle instead of the fire detector intended in the technical design if the working capacity and carrying out of the functions of the system are affected;

142.2. to place materials and objects less than 0.5 m from fire detectors;

142.3. to place heating devices or heaters less than 1 m from the fire detector and from the detection and control panel;

142.4. to place ventilation facilities and devices or air conditioning facilities and devices near the fire detector if they can affect the operation of the detector.

5.5. Fixed Fire-fighting Systems

143. A fixed automatic fire-extinguishing sprinkler system shall ensure the functions of the fire detection and alarm signalling system.

144. A fixed automatic fire-fighting system (except the sprinkler system) shall be ensured with distance and manual actuation devices.

145. The control facility and pump room of fixed fire-fighting systems shall be locked. An indication regarding the location of the keys shall be placed at the entrance in the room. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to the room if it is located in a fenced and protected object or is otherwise restricted for access by unauthorised persons.

146. An illuminated sign "Ugunsdzēsības sūkņu stacija" [Fire-fighting pump station] shall be installed at the entrances in the pump rooms of the fixed water-based (foam) fire-fighting system, "Gāzes ugunsdzēsības stacija" [Gas fire-fighting station] - at entries in stations of the fixed gas fire-fighting system.

147. An illuminated or light reflecting sign "Ugunsdzēsības sistēmas vadības iekārtas" [Control facilities of the fire-fighting system] shall be installed at the entrance in the room of control facilities of the fixed fire-fighting system and facilities in the territory.

148. The following shall be placed in the room of the control facility and the pump room of the fixed fire-fighting system:

148.1. the common scheme of the system;

148.2. the arrangement scheme of the system;

148.3. instructions regarding actuation of the system in case of fire;

148.4. instructions regarding the procedures for inspecting the system.

149. Control facilities of the fixed fire-fighting system shall be ensured with explanatory statements in the official language.

150. An explanatory statement in which the name of the rooms to be protected, the type and quantity of sprinklers (drenchers), as well as the operating pressure shall be placed at each control facility of the fixed water-based (foam-based) fire-fighting system.

151. An explanatory statement in which the name of the rooms to be protected, the number of the relevant protection groups, as well as the operating pressure shall be placed at each control facility of the fixed gas fire-fighting system.

152. The isolation valve of the fixed fire-fighting system shall be designated and numbered according to the system arrangement scheme. If the working mode of the isolation valve is not controlled automatically, it shall be sealed retaining the working mode.

153. The fixed fire-fighting system shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

154. An illuminated statement "Neienākt! Gāze!" [Do not enter! Gas!] shall be placed at the entrance in the room in which fire extinguishing is intended with the automatic gas fire-fighting system, and this place shall be ensured with an audible alarm device.

155. An illuminated statement "Neienākt! Gāze!" [Do not enter! Gas!] shall be placed at entry in the room in which fire extinguishing is intended with the automatic gas fire-fighting system, and this place shall be ensured with an audible alarm device.

156. Upon actuation of the gas fire-fighting system, it shall be ensured that the illuminated statements "Neienākt! Gāze!" [Do not enter! Gas!] and "Atstāt telpu! Gāze!" [Leave the room! Gas!] and the audible alarm device turn on.

157. In a place where a gas fire-fighting system has been installed, it shall be ensured that the level of intensity of the audible alarm device is at least 75 dB and is 10 dB higher than the background noise, and it is possible to hear it at any place where a person may be located.

158. An illuminated statement "Uzmanību! Aerosols! Ierobežota redzamība!" [Attention! Aerosol! Limited visibility!] shall be placed at the entrance in the room in which fire extinguishing is intended with an aerosol fire extinguishing system, and this place shall be ensured with an audible alarm device.

159. An illuminated statement "Atstāt telpu! Aerosols!" [Leave the room! Aerosol!] shall be placed at the exit from the room in which fire extinguishing is intended with the aerosol fire extinguishing system, and this place shall be ensured with an audible alarm device.

160. Upon actuation of the aerosol fire extinguishing system, it shall be ensured that the illuminated statements "Uzmanību! Aerosols! Ierobežota redzamība!" [Attention! Aerosol! Limited visibility!] and "Atstāt telpu! Aerosols!" [Leave the room! Aerosol!] and the audible alarm device turn on.

161. In a place where an aerosol fire extinguishing system has been installed, it shall be ensured that the level of intensity of the audible alarm device is at least 75 dB and is 10 dB higher than the background noise, and it is possible to hear it at any place where a person may be located.

162. The sign 1.4 (Annex 1) shall be placed at the entrance in the room where gas cylinders are located (mixture of different gases may be in one cylinder).

163. If a fixed gas, aerosol or dry powder fire extinguishing system has been installed in the object, doors of rooms shall be equipped with self-closing devices and sealed-off door rabbets.

164. It is prohibited:

164.1. to place substances, materials, and other objects less than 0.9 m from water sprayers (sprinklers and drenchers);

164.2. to place heating devices and other appliances emitting heat, less than 1 m from sprinklers;

164.3. to connect manufacturing and other facilities with the pipelines of fixed fire-fighting systems;

164.4. to install an isolation valve on pipelines of fixed fire-fighting systems, if it is not intended in the technical design.

5.6. Air Overpressure and Smoke Exhaust System

165. The responsible person shall ensure that:

165.1. the shafts and valves (hatches) of the air overpressure and smoke exhaust system are hermetically sealed;

165.2. smoke valves (hatches) are closed;

165.3. explanatory statements in the official language regarding actuation of the air overpressure and smoke exhaust system have been placed at the control device which is intended for distance and manual actuation of the air overpressure and smoke exhaust system.

166. It is prohibited:

166.1. to place different facilities, materials, or objects which hinder the operation and technical servicing of the valve (blind) and smoke valve (hatch) of the air overpressure system;

166.2. to connect ventilation facilities to the air overpressure and smoke exhaust systems;

166.3. to place cables, facilities, devices, and other materials in smoke discharge shafts;

166.4. to use the smoke discharge valves and hatches for ventilation.

167. Inspection of the non-automatic smoke exhaust system shall be performed not less than twice a year, performing one of the inspections in the time period from 1 December to 1 March.

5.7. Automatic Fire Call System

168. The responsible person shall ensure that the automatic fire voice call system actuates upon actuation of the automatic fire detection and alarm system or the automatic fire-fighting system.

169. In a place where an automatic fire voice call system has been installed, it shall be ensured that the level of intensity of loudspeakers and sirens is at least (65 dB (in rooms where persons are accommodated at night - 75 dB) and is 10 dB higher than the background noise, and it is possible to hear it at any place where a person may be located.

170. Upon actuation of the automatic fire voice call system, the evacuation notification shall be broadcasted for not less than 30 minutes.

171. The evacuation notification shall be broadcasted throughout the evacuation period in the following order:

171.1. a signal attracting attention (4-10 seconds);

171.2. a short period of silence (1-2 seconds);

171.3. an evacuation notification;

171.2. a short period of silence (1-5 seconds).

172. The responsible person shall ensure that loudspeakers are without sound regulators and are permanently connected to the electricity network without the possibility of disconnecting.

173. The maximum sound power level in the distance of 1 m from the loudspeakers and sirens may not be higher than 120 dB.

174. In an object where foreigners may be present, the text of fire alarm shall be broadcasted in the official language, in English, and in Russian. The responsible person may take a decision on additional broadcasting of the alarm text in another foreign language.

175. The responsible person shall ensure that the fire voice call system has the following descending priority order of alarm signals and notifications (in priority order):

175.1. a fire alarm microphone;

175.2. a previously recorded evacuation notification;

175.3. other broadcasts and notifications.

6. Fire Safety Instructions and Fire Safety Briefing

176. The responsible person shall ensure the development of fire safety instructions for an object of economic activity or a public object (except a vacant territory or a territory in which construction does not take place). The fire safety instructions are a set of fire safety requirements corresponding to the objective of use of the object of economic activity and the public object.

177. The responsible person of a multi-apartment object shall ensure the development of the fire safety instruction for common premises and territory. The information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 180.1.5, 180.2, 180.4, and 180.7 of this Regulation shall be included in the fire safety instructions.

178. A person who has acquired vocational education in fire safety or received training in the field of fire safety has the right to develop the fire safety instructions, to perform fire safety briefing, practical instructions, inspection of fire hydrants, and internal fire-fighting water main:

178.1. for an object of economic activity and a public object in which from 10 to 50 persons may be present, as well as for an object of economic activity with an explosive environment - in conformity with the training programme developed by the State Fire and Rescue Service (not less than 20 hours);

178.2. for an object of economic activity and a public object in which more than 50 persons may be present, as well as for an object of economic activity of increased hazard - in conformity with the vocational educational programme licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science (not less than 160 hours).

179. The educational institutions which implement the training programme referred to in Sub-paragraph 178.2 of this Regulation, are entitled to implement the training programme referred to in Sub-paragraph 178.1 of this Regulation.

180. The following information shall be indicated in the fire safety instructions:

180.1. general information and information characterising fire safety of the object of economic activity and the public object:

180.1.1. the type of use of the object and the territory;

180.1.2. the engineering technical systems of significance to fire safety existing in the territory, object, its fire safety compartments and floors;

180.1.3. fire hazard and explosion hazard of the heating system;

180.1.4. fire hazard and explosion hazard of the ventilation system;

180.1.5. the maximum permitted fire load (MJ/m2) or maximum permitted quantity of substances and objects which may be concurrently present in the manufacturing or warehouse object;

180.1.6. the characterisation and procedures for use of the existing devices, facilities, machinery, inventory, and equipment intended for extinguishing of fire (hereinafter - the flame retardants);

180.1.7. the potential risks of outbreak of fire and preventive measures for reducing them;

180.1.8. the maximum permissible number of persons in the object if more than 50 persons may be present concurrently in the object, its fire safety compartment, floor or individual room (except a multi-apartment object);

180.2. according to the type of use of the object or territory - other fire safety requirements and indications which are not referred to in this Regulation;

180.3. the procedures by which evacuation roads and access roads to the object are being maintained;

180.4. the requirements for operating the engineering technical systems of significance to fire safety of the object, safety measures to be taken during a damage to the fire protection system, and the term of operation of facilities (devices) of the fire protection system;

180.5. a description, explosion hazard, and fire hazard of the technological process, explosion hazard and fire hazard of the substances and objects to be used and stored, as well as the procedures for using, storing, and transporting the abovementioned substances and objects;

180.6. the procedures for performing fire-hazardous work;

180.7. action in case of fire:

180.7.1. the procedures for calling the fire-fighting service;

180.7.2. the procedures for evacuating persons;

180.7.3. the procedures for evacuating persons with special needs, and measures for ensuring evacuation;

180.7.4. the procedures for stopping the operation of technological facilities and engineering networks;

180.7.5. the procedures for disconnecting an electrical installation, electrical facilities, and electrical devices;

180.7.6. the procedures for actuating engineering technical systems (including fire protection systems) of significance to fire safety;

180.7.7. the procedures for using fire retardants;

180.7.8. the procedures for evacuating material values.

181. True information related fire safety regarding the object shall be included in the fire safety instructions using the terminology referred to in this Regulation. The fire safety instructions may consist of individual instructions in which the information referred to in Paragraph 180 of this Regulation has been indicated.

182. The fire safety instructions shall be developed in the official language and, if necessary, translated in a language understood by all persons employed and involved in an organisational way in the object, as well as persons who carry out work in the object on a contractual basis or are employees of other merchants who are employed in the object, are in practice or training (hereinafter - the employee), or users.

183. Amendments shall be made to the fire safety instructions, if:

183.1. changes in economic activity have been made which affect fire safety in the object;

183.2. facilities which affect fire safety of the object have been changed or modernised;

183.3. changes in technological process, assortment of raw substances or raw materials have occurred;

183.4. changes in the planning and fire safety solutions of the object have been made;

183.5. amendments to the laws and regulations determining the necessity to make changes in the information to be included in the fire safety instructions have been made.

184. The responsible person of the object of economic activity or the public person shall ensure fire safety briefing for all employees.

185. Fire safety briefing shall be carried out regarding the information indicated in the fire safety instructions which is directly applicable to the employee. In the cases referred to in this Regulation, if the employee must conform to special fire safety requirements, a separate fire safety briefing shall be carried out for the employee.

186. The responsible person of a multi-apartment object shall make the joint owners, lessees, and lessors acquainted with the fire safety instructions.

187. The responsible person of the object of economic activity or the public person shall ensure registration of the fire safety briefing carried out in the Logbook of Fire Safety Briefing (Annex 10).

188. The employee has a duty to acquire and know the fire safety instructions and, in case of fire, to carry out the requirements laid down in Sub-paragraphs 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 of this Regulation, as well as in the fire safety instructions.

189. The procedures by which a person who is not the employee are to be made acquainted with the fire safety requirements shall be determined by the responsible person.

190. The fire safety briefing shall be carried out:

190.1. in educational institutions - not less than twice a year;

190.2. in medical treatment and care institutions - not less than four times a year;

190.3. in other objects - not less than once a year.

191. A repeat fire safety briefing shall be performed, if:

191.1. amendments to the fire safety instructions have been made;

191.2. the employees have not complied with the requirements laid down in this Regulation or in the fire safety instructions;

191.3. fire has occurred in the object (in such case the circumstances of the fire shall be evaluated).

192. In the object of economic activity or in the public object in which more than 50 persons may be present concurrently, and in the object of critical infrastructure the responsible person shall, not less than once a year, organise practical exercises according to the section "Action in case of fire" of the fire safety instructions.

193. Practical exercises shall be registered in the Logbook of Fire Safety Instructions (Annex 10).

194. During practical exercises action of employees is tested in practice and assessed by specially appointed observers of practical exercises. The task of observers is to record activities of the responsible persons, to evaluate the problems, and to provide proposals regarding amendments to the fire safety instructions.

7. Signs and Signal Colouring to be Used in Fire Safety

195. The object and territory of economic activity shall be ensured with fire safety signs (Annex 1) in order to provide the information regarding fire safety measures in the object.

196. The following signs shall be used for the implementation of fire safety measures:

196.1. an illuminated sign - a sign that has been made using a half-transparent or transparent material and is illuminated from the inside or outside. Electricity shall be required for the operation of an illuminated sign which is ensured with an autonomous source of electricity if the permanent source of electricity disconnects. The sign shall be turned on continuously or it shall be turned on by the fire detection and alarm system in case of fire;

196.2. a luminescent sign - sign the pigmentation of which may be initiated by the visible light or ultraviolet irradiation and which without further initiation irradiates light with brightness of at least 2 kd/m2 22 °C for more than 60 minutes;

196.3. a light-reflecting sign - a sign which is equipped with a light-reflecting surface of at least Class 2;

196.4. a sign the visibility of which is ensured by the natural lighting or the artificial lighting of premises.

197. The sign shall be of flat projection or dimensional form with a one-sided or double-sided pictogram. The pictogram shall be simple and contain the essential information.

198. The sign shall be made of mechanically durable material that can withstand different circumstances of the working environment and climate. If due to the environmental impact or other circumstances the sign has lost its colouring, comprehensibility, meaning, or has been damaged by more than 10 per cent, it shall be restored.

199. The sign shall be placed so as not to mislead the user.

200. If necessary, signs shall be placed next to each other so as they provide sequential information and be easy to see.

201. The visibility of the sign shall be ensured by:

201.1. the interior lighting from a permanent and additional autonomous source of electricity or emergency lighting which turns on automatically in case of interruption in the permanent source of electricity;

201.2. the external lighting from a permanent and emergency source of electricity which turns on automatically in case of interruption in the permanent source of electricity;

201.3. irradiating luminescent elements (background of the sign or pictogram).

202. An illuminated sign shall irradiate a discontinued or continuous light signal. A discontinued light signal shall inform regarding a higher level of hazard or immediate action. A discontinued frequency of the light signal and the duration of irradiation shall be such as not to be able to mix a continuously illuminated sign and to ensure correct perception of information.

203. An object in which persons with hearing impairments are located continuously and in which the background noise level exceeds 80 dB. shall ensure an illuminated sign 6.4 (Annex 1) which provides visual information regarding outbreak of fire. The sign shall bear an inscription "Ugunsgrēks" [Fire] in white letters on red background which lights up in case of fire.

204. The sign illuminated from the inside shall bear an indication indicating that it has been turned on and when a damage thereto has occurred.

205. An illuminated sign with an autonomous source of electricity in case of an accident involving the permanent source of electricity must ensure light irradiation for at least 30 minutes.

206. A sign which indicates the evacuation route and exit intended for evacuation of at least 50 persons or if the evacuation route exceeds 20 m shall be ensured with an internal lighting from a permanent and autonomous source of electricity.

207. In corridors, if it is not possible to attach the sign to the ceiling and it is not misleading to the user, the sign shall be attached to the walls in 90 or 100 degree angle in relation to the wall so that it would be possible to see it from the end of the corridor. The sign may not hinder evacuation of persons.

208. An object and a territory where dangerous chemical substances and mixtures (hereinafter - the dangerous substances) are stored or used, shall be marked with the signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 6.2, and 6.3 (Annex 1).

209. The warning sign shall be attached to the object and the entry door of the object to the room in which dangerous substances or a source of hazard of other nature is located. The sign shall be attached in the territory on a pole standing apart in the distance of 2.5 m from the dangerous substance or a source of hazard of other nature is located.

210. The warning signs 1.2 and 1.6 (Annex 1) on pipelines shall be placed in a clearly visible place not further than 1 m from valves, shutters, or connections.

211. The warning signs 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 (Annex 1) shall be supplemented with an explanatory statement indicating the distance of operation of the sign in metres or an explanatory statement that the sign is attributed to the whole object.

212. The dimensions of the sign which marks the site of fire-fighting water intake shall be at least 200 x 200 mm.

213. The sign 4.5 "Virziens uz ugunsdzēsības līdzekļu atrašanās vietu" [Direction to the location of fire retardants] shall be used together with the signs 4.3, 4.4, and 4.7 (Annex 1).

214. The sign 5.9 "Virziens uz evakuācijas izeju cilvēkiem ar kustību traucējumiem" [Direction to the evacuation route for persons with movement disorders] (Annex 1) shall be used together with the signs 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 (Annex 1).

215. The signs installed in the territory which are intended for the operation of the fire-fighting service, shall be permanently illuminated or they shall be light reflecting. The distance between fire safety signs of the same significance which have been installed in the territory may not exceed 60 m.

216. The distance from the sign to the fire hydrant or the location of water intake may not exceed 20 m.

217. In order to provide additional information (if the sign cannot be perceived unambiguously and unequivocally), an information sign (explanatory statement) shall be placed near the fire safety sign. Graphic form of information must be in signalling black (for example, RAL-9004) or signalling white (for example, RAL-9003) colour. The dimensions of the sign may not hinder perception of the information in the fire safety sign.

218. The sign of the room of fire pumps and of the room and site of the fire-fighting control facility shall be supplemented with information regarding the fire extinguishing medium.

219. If the colouring of the pipeline of the fire-fighting water main does not conform to its content (it does not contain the relevant substance), it shall be marked near the control facility or isolation valve with a ring of the relevant signal colouring along the edging of the pipeline.

220. The marking of the pipeline of the fire-fighting water main shall form a ring of the principal marking of the signal colouring 400 mm in width in conformity with the substance contained by the relevant pipeline. In systems where an important accurate indication is necessary indicating the purpose for which the content of the pipeline is intended, identification rings of signal colouring 100 mm in width shall be placed in the middle of the ring of the signal colouring of the principal colouring.

221. Rings of the signal colouring shall be placed after every 4 m depending on the length of sections of the pipeline, connection points of the pipeline and both sides near valves, shutters, facilities to be serviced, walls, coverings crossed by pipelines, as well as in any other site where the marking is necessary. Pipelines shall be marked with an indication of the direction of the flow. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to a public object if such pipelines cross the object and there is no isolation valve or other control units thereon.

222. The colouring of the fire-fighting facilities or control units placed on the pipeline of the fire-fighting system shall be red (for example, RAL-3001).

223. The signs 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 "Piebrauktuve ugunsdzēsības transportam" [Access road for fire-fighting transport] (Annex 1) shall be placed in a closed or fenced-off territory of a manufacturing and warehouse object.

224. It is prohibited to stop and stand for all types of vehicles in the zone of operation of the signs 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 "Piebrauktuve ugunsdzēsības transportam" [Access road for fire-fighting transport] (Annex 1), except for emergency vehicles.

225. The zone of operation and its direction of the signs 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 "Piebrauktuve ugunsdzēsības transportam" [Access road for fire-fighting transport] (Annex 1) shall be determined taking into account the specific nature of the site of placement of the sign. The minimum zone of operation of the sign shall be 5 m.

226. The signs 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 "Piebrauktuve ugunsdzēsības transportam" [Access road for fire-fighting transport] (Annex 1) shall be placed:

226.1. in places where devices for connecting the fire-fighting machinery to the internal and external fire-fighting system of the object are located;

226.2. at the sites of fire-fighting water intakes, fire-fighting reservoirs, and open water reservoirs.

227. The signs 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 "Piebrauktuve ugunsdzēsības transportam" [Access road for fire-fighting transport] (Annex 1) shall be placed not higher than 2.5 m from the levelling mark of the territory. The dimensions of the sign shall be 200 x 400 mm.

228. The sign 7.4 "Vieta ugunsdzēsības transportam" [Place for the fire-fighting transport] (Annex 1) shall be placed at the object which is higher than 10 metres, and in places in which placement of fire motor ladder or lift trucks is intended in order to ensure fire and rescue works. The dimensions of the sign shall be 400 x 400 mm.

8. Evacuation

8.1. Evacuation Plan

229. In a public object in which more than 50 persons may be present concurrently, an evacuation plan shall be developed and displayed.

230. The minimum dimensions of the evacuation plan shall be 210 x 297 mm. The evacuation plan shall have graphical and text part.

231. The graphical part of the evacuation plan shall be developed on the basis of floor plans of the architecture part of the building design or of the cadastral survey file of the building (floor plans of the technical inventory file) indicating:

231.1. evacuation exits, evacuation routes, and directions (for example, continuous line in colour RAL-6032 with indication of direction);

231.2. stairs to be used for evacuation and rescue (for example, signal colouring RAL-6032);

231.3. external fire and rescue stairs;

231.4. locations of fire-fighting facilities and fire retardants;

231.5. the place of location "Jūs atrodaties šeit" [You are here] of the evacuation plan (marked with an orange dot);

231.6. locations of manual actuating devices of engineering technical systems of significance to fire safety.

232. Short information regarding action in case of fire shall be included in the text part of the evacuation plan.

233. In a public object in which foreigners may be present, the text part part of the evacuation plan in the official language shall be supplemented with translation in English and Russian.

234. The evacuation plan shall be current, clear, and placed in a clearly visible and lighted place.

235. In rooms of a public object in which persons are spending the night, the evacuation plan of the floor shall be placed in which the corresponding room, evacuation routes and exits, locations of fire retardants and fire alarm devices is marked and information is provided regarding fire safety measures and action in case of fire.

236. Evacuation plans shall be placed in evacuation routes, corridors, between exits and the stairway or exits from the object. The distance between evacuation plans may not exceed 40 m.

237. If the floor area exceeds 1000 m2, only the closest evacuation routes and exits shall be indicated in the evacuation plan.

8.2. Evacuation Routes and Exits

238. In a public object or in an object of economic activity in which a fireproof curtain or gate has been built, they shall have an elastic sealing in order to prevent the spread of fire and smoke in case of fire. The closing speed of fireproof curtain and gate in case of fire shall be at least 0.2 m per second. The fireproof curtain and gate shall be maintained in working order according to the conditions of the building design.

239. The presence of the following is prohibited in a public object or in an object of economic activity, its fire safety compartment, floor and room of the object:

239.1. more than 50 persons if there is one evacuation exit;

239.2. more than 500 persons if there are two evacuation exits;

239.3. more than 1000 persons if there are three evacuation exits.

240. The requirements of Paragraph 239 of this Regulation shall not apply to an object in the building design of which other evacuation solutions are intended. If other evacuation solutions are intended in the building design of the object, they shall be indicated in the fire safety instructions in accordance with Sub-paragraph 180.2 of this Regulation.

241. If the free width of the evacuation route is 1 m, it shall be permitted to evacuate persons using it the number of which does not exceed 50. If the free width of the evacuation route is 1-1.2 m, it shall be permitted to evacuate 51-250 persons using it. If the number of persons to be evacuated from the room or from rooms located in one floor exceeds 250 users, the summary width of the evacuation route for each next 100 users shall be larger by 50 cm. In medical treatment and care institutions, if the number of persons to be evacuated exceeds 50, the free width of the evacuation route may not be less than 1.80 m.

242. The requirements of Paragraph 241 of this Regulation in relation to the width of the evacuation route shall not apply to objects in the building design of which other evacuation solutions are intended. If other evacuation solutions have been laid down in the building design of the object which do not conform to the requirements of Paragraph 241 of this Regulation, they shall be described in the fire safety instructions in accordance with Sub-paragraph 180.2 of this Regulation.

243. Doors on evacuation routes shall be easy to open from the inside of the room without hindrance and obstacles, and shall be marked with the signs 5.5, 5.6, and 5.9 (Annex 1). Any obstacle which precludes opening of the door for more than three seconds shall be considered to be a hindrance.

244. Evacuation routes and exits shall be marked with the signs 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7, and 5.8 (Annex 1).

245. Emergency and evacuation lighting networks and devices shall be maintained in working order. Reserve electricity supply elements of the evacuation lighting (of illuminated indicators of evacuation exits and illuminated indicators of evacuation direction) shall ensure the operation of the network for at least 30 minutes. Signs of illuminated indicators of evacuation exits and illuminated indicators of evacuation direction shall be turned on permanently or turn on during evacuation.

246. It is prohibited in evacuation routes:

246.1. to build turnstiles, sliding door, rolling door, or revolving door, if they are not equipped with devices for manual opening or devices ensuring automatic opening and blocking in an open position in case of fire (except an object in which up to 10 persons may be present);

246.2. to glass open areas to smoke-protected stairway;

246.3. to equip door intended for evacuation of persons with fasteners, shutters, and locks which preclude opening the door for more than three seconds or to otherwise restrict their opening from the inside;

246.4. to arrange rooms in stairways which are intended for other purpose (type) of use, to place pipelines which are intended for liquefied gas or combustible liquids, ventilation ducts, built-in closets, openly placed electricity supply cables or wires for voltage exceeding 230 V, exits from freight elevators or lifters, as well as to place facilities and building constructions which are protruding out of wall planes in height of up to 2.2 m from steps or staircases;

246.5. to barricade the door intended for evacuation, as well as passages to the parts of the building and exit to external evacuation stairs with furniture, facilities, and objects;

246.6. to rebuild evacuation routes or to change the direction in which the door opens, without conformity with the requirements laid down in the construction standard;

246.7. to place decorations, finishing materials (mirrors or other light reflecting coverings) or lighting facilities which may mislead persons during evacuation. Requirements of this Paragraph shall also apply to the door intended for the evacuation of persons;

246.8. to place objects, furniture, facilities, and other materials in stairwells, as well as directly below open stairs, flight of stairs, and staircases;

246.9. to place a cover (covering) and decorations on the floor which hinder or encumber evacuation of persons;

246.10. to place decorations and finishing materials which may promote the spread of fire.

9. Fire Retardants

247. The responsible person of an object of economic activity and of a public object shall ensure the object and territory with fire extinguishers, taking into account the area of the object and territory, the fire hazards of technological process, the physical and chemical properties of substances and materials to be used and stored, as well as the technical provisions of manufacturers of fire extinguishers.

248. If fire may break out in the object and territory which is attributable to different fire classes, fire extinguishers shall be selected so that they would conform to each of these classes.

249. The number of portable fire extinguishers for fire Classes A and B shall be determined in accordance with Annex 5 to this Regulation according to the following procedures:

249.1. determine the level of fire hazard of objects and the object in accordance with Table 1 of Annex 5 to this Regulation;

249.2. according to the level of fire hazard of the object, determine the minimum extinguishing capacity of fire extinguishers for a specific area of the object in accordance with Table 2 of Annex 5 to this Regulation;

249.3. divide the numbers of the fire extinguishing Class referred to in Table 2 of Annex 5 to this Regulation by the extinguishing capacity of the selected fire extinguisher in order to determine the number of the necessary fire extinguishers.

250. If an automatic fire-fighting system and taps of internal fire-fighting main pipe are arranged in the object, it shall be permitted to reduce the total extinguishing capacity of fire extinguishers by 25 per cent.

251. If taps of the interior fire-fighting water main are arranged in the rooms, it shall be permitted to reduce the total extinguishing capacity of fire extinguishers in these rooms by 10 per cent.

252. A fire extinguisher may be replaced with a movable or portable fire-fighting device if the extinguishing capacity referred to in Annex 5 to this Regulation is ensured.

253. The object shall be ensured with movable fire extinguishers in accordance with Table 3 of Annex 5 to this Regulation.

254. If the area of the object or the specific unit of measurement of the relevant calculation is less than that indicated in Table 3 of Annex 5 to this Regulation, the minimum extinguishing capacity of a fire extinguisher indicated in Table 3 of Annex 5 to this Regulation shall be applied to the calculation.

255. Objects of public catering services (kitchens, canteens, cafés, restaurants) and manufacturing units where oils and fats of plant or animal origin are used for preparation or production of food in addition shall be ensured with fire extinguishers of Class F in conformity with Table 4 of Annex 5 to this Regulation.

256. A single-apartment object shall be ensured with a fire extinguisher the extinguishing capacity of which is at least 21A 113B.

257. In gas filling stations each fire pump shall be ensured with a fire extinguisher the extinguishing capacity of which is at least 21A 113B.

258. A motor vehicle shall be ensured with a number of fire extinguishers corresponding to the laws and regulations regarding road traffic safety. The extinguishing capacity of a fire extinguisher for a motor vehicle shall be at least:

258.1. 8A 34B - for a passenger car;

258.2. 34A 183B - for a passenger public vehicle;

258.3. 43A 233B - for a freight, large-size vehicle, and tractor machinery.

259. Each unit of the railway rolling stock (except a car which is intended for carrying of freight) shall be ensured with a fire extinguisher. The extinguishing capacity of a fire extinguisher for each unit of the railway rolling stock shall be at least 21A 113B. A dry powder self-actuating fire extinguisher or an equivalent fire extinguisher shall be installed in cabinets of electrical appliances of passenger cars.

260. The number of fire extinguishing covers for the object and territory shall be determined in conformity with Table 5 of Annex 5 to this Regulation.

261. If electrical devices with working voltage up to 1000 volts are located in the object or territory, at least 50 per cent of fire extinguishers must be suitable for extinguishing of electrical devices.

262. The maximum distance from any place in the room to the location of the fire extinguisher:

262.1. may not exceed 20 m in a public object;

262.2. may not exceed 15 m in an explosive object or territory;

262.3. may not exceed in a manufacturing and warehouse object or territory:

262.3.1. 40 m if the fire load is 300 MJ/m2 or less;

262.3.2. 30 m if the fire load is more than 300 MJ/m2.

263. If there are taps of an internal fire-fighting water main in the object, it shall be permitted to increase the distance from any place in the room to the fire extinguisher by 20 m.

264. Fire retardants shall be placed and operated according to the requirements of the manufacturer.

265. Fire retardants shall be placed in visible places that are easy to access. Such places shall be designated with the sign 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, or 4.4 (Annex 1).

266. The placement of a fire extinguisher from the handle of the fire extinguisher to the floor or base may not exceed 1.5 m.

267. The responsible person shall ensure examination and technical servicing of the fire extinguisher.

268. The responsible person shall ensure visual examination (evaluation) of the technical condition of the fire extinguisher not less than once a year, but if the fire extinguisher is located:

268.1. in a public object, passenger public transport vehicle, passenger public railway car, or passenger public vessel (except fire extinguishers which are located in a specially equipped cabinet) - not less than once in six months. Within the meaning of this Sub-paragraph, a passenger public vessel is an engineering device technically designed to be used for carrying passengers by water;

268.2. in a non-heated object or territory - not less than once in six months.

269. A note regarding the visual examination (evaluation) of the technical condition of the fire extinguisher shall be made in the relevant sticker of the fire extinguisher (Annex 3).

270. If damage to the fire extinguisher is detected during the course of visual examination (evaluation) of the fire extinguisher, technical servicing shall be ensured to the fire extinguisher.

271. The following is deemed a damage to the fire extinguisher:

271.1. corrosion or mechanical damage to the body of the extinguisher or its parts;

271.2. damage to the hose, nozzle, horn, or actuating mechanism;

271.3. non-corresponding pressure reading in the indicating device or lack of fire extinguishing substance (weight) in the fire extinguisher;

271.4. illegibility of the marking or instructions for use or lack thereof;

271.5. features laid down by the manufacturer which indicate towards a fire extinguisher invalid for operation.

272. The technical servicing, repair, and filling-up of the fire extinguisher shall be performed according to the requirements of the manufacturer.

273. If damages have not been detected for a fire extinguisher, the technical servicing of the fire extinguisher shall be performed after the end of the term of guarantee laid down by the manufacturer of the fire extinguisher.

274. If the manufacturer has not laid down the frequency of the technical servicing of the fire extinguisher, the technical servicing of the fire extinguisher shall be performed not less than once in five years.

275. The technical servicing of the fire extinguishers shall be performed at the site of technical servicing of fire extinguishers.

276. The site of technical servicing of fire extinguishers shall be ensured with corresponding facilities and devices in order to be able to perform the technical servicing of fire extinguishers. Information (in the official language) of manufacturers of fire extinguishers regarding the specification and procedures for the technical servicing of fire extinguishers shall be available in the technical servicing of fire extinguishers.

277. The responsible person, when using fire extinguishers in the environment or under circumstances which are especially harmful to the technical condition of the fire extinguisher, shall evaluate the risks of use of the fire extinguisher, perform additional visual examinations of the technical condition, and consider the necessity to perform more frequent technical servicing than referred to in Paragraph 274 of this Regulation.

278. The performer of the technical servicing of the fire extinguisher shall make a note on the body of the fire extinguisher with a relevant sticker regarding the performed technical servicing of the fire extinguisher.

279. A sticker regarding the performed technical servicing of the fire extinguisher shall contain the information referred to in Annex 4 to this Regulation.

280. The sticker regarding the performed technical servicing of the fire extinguisher must be made of a material which:

280.1. is not affected by exposure to sun or environment;

280.2. cannot be removed or torn off after sticking to the fire extinguisher, without damaging the sticker.

281. If it is detected during the technical servicing of the fire extinguisher that the fire extinguisher is not valid for use, the performer of the technical servicing of the fire extinguisher shall inform the owner of the fire extinguisher thereof.

282. An individual or batch number and a CE conformity marking must be incorporated (pressed) into the body of the fire extinguisher. The colour of the body of the fire extinguisher must be red (for example, RAL-3000).

283. The manufacturer or distributor (if it has not been done by the manufacturer) of the fire extinguisher shall attach an instruction for use (hereinafter - the information sticker) in the official language on the body of the fire extinguisher. The colour of the information sticker must be in contrast with the colour of the body of the fire extinguisher.

284. The information sticker of the fire extinguisher shall be placed so as it may be clearly read and it would not be covered by the fixture of the fire extinguisher.

285. The information sticker of the fire extinguisher shall contain the following information:

285.1. the type of the fire extinguisher;

285.2. the volume of the fire extinguisher;

285.3. the name of the fire extinguishing substance;

285.4. the type of the fire extinguishing substance and the weight or volume of its nominal filling, the weight of the fire extinguisher (only carbon dioxide) without the fire extinguishing substance;

285.5. the fire extinguishing class of the fire extinguisher;

285.6. the instructions for use which must include one or several sufficiently explained pictograms;

285.7. the conditions for use;

285.8. any restrictions on use or hazard, particularly in relation to the toxicity and risk of electric wounds;

285.9. the suitability of the fire extinguisher for extinguishing turned-on electric devices (up to 1000 volts) and the safety distance;

285.10. the limits of operational temperatures of the fire extinguisher;

285.11. a reference to the applicable standard corresponding to the requirements of which the fire extinguisher has been tested;

285.12. the name and address of the manufacturer and the supplier;

285.13. the year of manufacture of the fire extinguisher.

286. It is prohibited:

286.1. to use a fire retardant (including a fire extinguisher) for economic or manufacturing needs;

286.2. to infringe the rules of use of the manufacturer of a fire retardant (including a fire extinguisher);

286.3. to use a damaged fire extinguisher;

286.4. to use a fire extinguisher for which the technical servicing has not been performed according to the specific procedures;

286.5. when performing the technical servicing, repair, or filling up of the fire extinguisher, to reduce the quality and operating capacity indicators laid down by the manufacturer of the fire extinguisher.

10. Technological Facilities

287. Technological facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing construction and operated according to the requirements of the manufacturer.

288. Technological facilities of explosive processes shall be equipped with devices of removing static electricity and with earthing devices. Earthing devices shall be ensured with the sign 1.5 (Annex 1).

289. Movement of a production line shall be automatically stopped during manufacturing process of combustible liquids, if the ventilation facility stops operating.

290. Structures of colouring chambers, sprinklers, other technological facilities, ventilation air ducts and pipelines shall be earthed.

291. Baths in which mixtures with combustible liquids are used for degreasing, washing or painting articles with the submersion method, shall be covered with a lid during a break in work.

292. Incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) materials shall be used for thermal insulation of drying chambers.

293. Drying chambers shall be equipped with automatic control and regulation devices of the drying process.

294. If the painted articles cannot be dried in drying chambers or cabinets due to the technology or dimensions, they shall be dried separately in a room separated in a fireproof manner which is equipped with a separate ventilation.

295. The technological facility during the operation of which combustible dust (up to 1 mm) occur, shall be equipped with a suction ventilation which is turned on prior to actuation of the technological facility or concurrently with it.

296. Electric trucks shall be loaded and stored in a room separated in a fireproof manner which is equipped with a mechanical ventilation system. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to electric loaders, if their batteries do not discharge explosive vapour during the charging process.

297. The charging rooms of electric loaders and fork-lift loaders shall ensure a separate electricity lead-in. An electricity switch for stopping the charging shall be placed at the entrance in the charging room of electric loaders and fork-lift loaders.

298. It is prohibited:

298.1. to use damaged technological facilities;

298.2. to work with facilities if the explosion hazard and fire hazard control and measuring devices do not work.

11. Fire-hazardous Works

299. The facilities and devices intended for the performance of fire-hazardous works shall be maintained in working order and operated in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.

300. Fire-hazardous works shall be performed:

300.1. in specially arranged places;

300.2. in temporary sites.

301. The responsible person of an object of economic activity or its authorised person, authorised in writing, shall draw up and issue an appointment for the performer of work for the performance of fire-hazardous works in a temporary site (hereinafter - the appointment). The appointment shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex 11 to this Regulation.

302. The appointment shall be drawn up in two copies. One copy shall be located with the performer of work throughout the period of performing work, the other - with the issuer of the appointment. The issuer of the appointment shall store it for at least three days and nights after completion of the fire-hazardous works.

303. In case of an accident the fire-hazardous works in the object may be performed in the presence of the responsible person or its authorised person, authorised in writing, without the appointment.

304. Prior to issuing the appointment the responsible person or its authorised person, authorised in writing, shall ensure the risk assessment of the potential fire in person at the site of performing work determining:

304.1. the preparation works and the order for the performance thereof;

304.2. the fire safety measures, the fire retardants to be placed at the working place;

304.3. the procedures and means for calling the State Fire and Rescue Service;

304.4. the air control procedures for the determination of an explosive environment;

304.5. the control procedures for the working place after the end of work and in breaks;

304.6. the performer who is responsible for the preparation of the place for fire-hazardous works;

304.7. the performer who is responsible for the course of works and control of the working place after completion of work or in breaks;

304.8. the performer of work.

305. The performer of work referred to in Sub-paragraph 304.8 of this Regulation shall have a corresponding qualification obtained in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations, and he or she shall be specially instructed for the performance of fire-hazardous works.

306. Monitoring of the temporary site of fire-hazardous works shall be ensured for at least four hours after completion of the fire hazardous works. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to the fire-hazardous works in transformer substations.

307. When terminating the fire-hazardous works, the performer of work shall:

307.1. make an entry in the appointment regarding the date and time when the works were finished;

307.2. make an entry in the appointment regarding the date and time of inspecting the working place;

307.3. sign the appointment.

308. The responsible person or its authorised person, authorised in writing, shall sign the appointment after completion of fire-hazardous works and inspection of the working place.

309. The temporary sites of fire-hazardous works shall be ensured with fire retardants (Annex 5).

310. The site where it is intended to carry out fire-hazardous works shall be freed from combustible materials in the distance of 5 m.

311. If it is not possible to free the site where it is intended to carry out fire-hazardous works from combustible materials in the distance of 5 m, they shall be protected against catching fire.

312. The permanent site of fire-hazardous works:

312.1. shall be located in the territory in the distance of at least 10 m from combustible (reaction to fire Class C-s2,d1; D-s2,d2; D-s1; E; E-d2; F) constructions of the object;

312.2. shall be located in a room separated in a fireproof manner from another type of use;

312.3. shall be located in a room with incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1FL) floor;

312.4. shall be delimited from other working places with continuous partition walls in 2.5 m of height and made of incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) material.

313. The fire-hazardous working place shall be continuously cleaned of combustible materials.

314. When performing fire-hazardous works, it is prohibited:

314.1. to weld, cut, solder, and heat:

314.1.1. constructions and articles, if coatings of combustible liquids have not become dry on them;

314.1.2. containers, facilities, and communications which are filled with combustible substances and materials or which contain an explosive concentration;

314.1.3. multi-layer metal constructions which are filled with combustible (reaction to fire Class C-s2,d1; D-s2,d2; D-s1; E; E-d2; F) thermal insulation;

314.1.4. in sites with an explosive concentration;

314.1.5. deep constructions, without ascertaining their content;

314.2. to use clothing and gloves with stains of oily, fatty or combustible liquids;

314.3. to place fuel closer than 10 m from the place where work is performed;

314.4. to use the earthing network as the return wire in electric welding, as well as metal constructions of the engineering networks and technological facilities of the object.

12. Work with Combustible Liquids

315. Combustible liquids shall be prepared in rooms provided especially for this purpose with a separate ventilation system.

316. Devices and tools which are used in the process of manufacturing and use of combustible liquids, may not strike sparks, and they shall bear the labelling 1.7 (Annex 1).

317. When treating the constructions of the object with combustible liquids, the forming of an explosive concentration shall be precluded ensuring ventilation of rooms. Treating of the object shall be commenced from a place which is the furthest from the evacuation exit.

318. In an object in which paints and varnishes are prepared, as well as articles are painted, washed, and degreased, the floors shall be incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1FL) and spark proof.

319. It is prohibited to paint, wash, and degrease parts, as well as to make liquid mixtures if the ventilation system is not working.

320. The draft ventilation systems of the painting closets, chambers, and cabins may not be used for efficient detection devices of combustible paint and varnish particles.

321. The painting chambers shall be cleaned of deposits of combustible materials every day.

322. The spilt paint, colour, and solvent shall, without delay, be collected and delivered to a site intended for the storage of such substances.

323. Mixtures with combustible liquids shall be moved in an unbreakable and tightly sealed canister, container, or packaging especially intended for it.

13. Special Requirements for Objects of Economic Activity

13.1. Public Object

324. If the responsible person is not an organiser of a public event, individual fire safety instructions shall be developed for each public event, including the information included in the fire safety instructions of the object.

325. The responsible person of the public event (hereinafter - the responsible person of the event) shall ensure fire safety briefing for the persons employed in the course of the event and for the organisationally involved persons. The fire safety briefing performed shall be registered in the Fire Safety Instructions Logbook (Annex 10).

326. The number of persons in the public object and the number of places intended for them may not exceed the number provided for in this Regulation or in the building design. The minimum area for one person shall be 1 m2 (except for the educational institutions and premises with seating places stationary fixed to the floor).

327. Chairs and seats in the room of a public event with more than 200 seating places shall be fixed in rows and it shall be ensured that they do not fall in case of evacuation. Chairs shall be fixed to the floor in the room of a public event where seating places are placed with a difference in floor levels.

328. Movable structures for a public event shall be built of hardly combustible (reaction to fire Class A2-s1,d0; B-s1,d0; B-s2,d0; B-s2,d1; B-s2,d2; B-s3,d0; B-s3,d1; B-s3,d2) or incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) building constructions and materials.

329. In an object in which a public event is taking place, kindling of heating devices of solid fuel shall be discontinued two hours before the event.

330. Open fire and pyrotechnics shall be used in a public object only with a written permission of the responsible person of the event if measures have been ensured in order to prevent outbreak of fire.

331. If pyrotechnic articles are used in a public event, the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the handling of pyrotechnic articles and of the manufacturer of pyrotechnic articles shall be conformed to.

332. If special effects and facilities are used in a public event, the provisions of operation laid down by the manufacturer of facilities and devices and the fire safety requirements referred to in this Regulation shall be conformed to.

333. The responsible person of the event shall ensure conformity with the fire safety requirements and monitoring throughout the event. The employee who monitors the conformity with the fire safety requirements throughout the event shall be especially instructed regarding fire safety and action in case of fire.

334. It is prohibited to organise a public event in which more than 50 persons participate concurrently:

334.1. in a room with barred windows or windows that cannot be opened or easily broken, or if there are other obstacles for rescuing persons;

334.2. in a room in which smoke exhaust solutions are not intended (windows, doors, hatches, and special openings in external walls or covering);

334.3. in a structure the area of which exceeds 300 m2 and in which an automatic fire detection and alarm system has not been installed. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to open temporary structures;

334.4. in a structure and room the evacuation routes and exits do not conform to the requirements of this Regulation.

335. The responsible person of the public object or the responsible person of the event shall ensure that a combustible transformable (movable) design of the stage and the stage decorations have been treated with fire retardants (ensuring their reaction to fire class at least A2-s1,d0; B-s1,d0; B-s2,d0; B-s2,d1; B-s2,d2; B-s3,d0; B-s3,d1 or B-s3,d2) or are combustible (reaction to fire Class A1).

336. The person who treats combustible transformable (movable) stages, decorations, and the design of the stage with fire defensive agents shall prepare a statement regarding performance of the abovementioned works. The following information shall be indicated in the statement:

336.1. the given name and surname;

336.2. the date of performing the treatment works;

336.3. the scope of treatment works indicating which design of the transformable (movable) stage, decoration, and design of the stage was treated;

336.4. the name of the fire defensive agent and a document confirming conformity (the document confirming conformity of the fire defensive agent shall be added to the statement);

336.5. the treatment conditions indicated by the manufacturer of the fire defensive agent;

336.6. a certification that the treatment works have been performed in conformity with the conditions of the manufacturer of the fire defensive agent.

337. After a show or a rehearsal the fire curtain shall be closed without delay in order to delimit the stage from the auditorium.

338. A passage of at least 1 m in width along the perimeter of the stage shall be ensured between the decorations and the constructions delimiting the stage.

339. Concurrently not more than two decorations necessary for shows and the stage design shall be placed within the borders of the stage.

340. It shall be permitted to accommodate persons at night in a public object, if it is not intended for accommodation of persons at night according to the type of use, if:

340.1. an automatic fire detection and alarm system has been installed in the object;

340.2. a voice notification system has been installed in the object;

340.3. the number and width of evacuation routes is conforming to the number of persons accommodated;

340.4. evacuation is ensured directly outwards from the structure on the ground surface level if persons are accommodated not higher than the third floor, or if persons are accommodated higher than the third floor, evacuation is ensured via a protected evacuation route or smoke-protected and fire-protected stairway.

341. It is prohibited in a public object:

341.1. to store decorations, props, and inventory in places not intended for this purpose;

341.2. to use combustible light filters instead of spotlight and studio light board glass;

341.3. to place additional chairs in passages of the auditorium and balconies;

341.4. to use and store liquefied petroleum oil gas cylinders in places where a public event is taking place if the weight of gas in cylinders can exceed 14 kilograms.

13.2. Trade Object

342. It is prohibited to arrange trade sites and to place goods, as well as other articles in passages of the trade hall in a trade object, if the width of evacuation routes referred to in Paragraph 241 of this Regulation is reduced.

343. It is prohibited to sell and store combustible liquids in an inappropriate or damaged canister, container, or packaging.

344. The canister, container, or packaging in which combustible liquid is present, shall be placed in a stable way.

345. It is prohibited to fill or repair cylinders in a trade site of liquefied gas cylinders.

346. In open and temporary trade sites:

346.1. trade rows shall be arranged, ensuring aisles of at least 2 m in width between them, and a cross aisle of at least 1.2 m in width shall be arranged after each 30 m of trade rows;

346.2. sheds shall be installed in groups, without exceeding the area of 500 m2 (including the vacant area). The distance of at least 6 m shall be ensured between groups;

346.3. it is prohibited to store materials on the ramp of the trade object;

346.4. sheds shall be arranged not closer than 10 m from structures.

13.3. Warehouse Object and Territory

347. Aisles in the width of warehouse door openings, but not narrower than 1 m shall be left opposite such openings in a warehouse object.

348. After the end of the work the electric installation of the warehouse shall be disconnected with one joint electric switch. The warehouse facilities which work in a 24-hour mode shall be ensured with a separate electric installation from the inlet to the consumer.

349. In a warehouse where cylinder with combustible gases are stored, heating elements of water, low pressure steam or air heating devices shall be used for heating.

350. Naked fire shall be used with a written permission of the responsible person or his or her authorised person. The responsible person shall evaluate the potential risks of fire outbreak and ensure the necessary measures in order to prevent outbreak of fire. The employee responsible for fire safety during the use of naked fire shall be indicated in the permit.

351. It is prohibited to leave combustible waste, combustible liquid hazardous liquid substances, and wipes used after the end of work in working places and places not intended for this purpose.

352. It is prohibited in a warehouse object:

352.1. to install local heating devices of solid fuel;

352.2. to store materials on the warehouse ramp;

352.3. to place vehicles (including electric loaders) in rooms which are not separated from the warehouse in a fireproof manner.

13.4. Requirements for Use of Gas Facilities, Devices, and Cylinders

353. In an object where leakage of combustible gases is possible, measures shall be taken in order to prevent forming of explosive concentration.

354. In an object where a gas apparatus is located the total nominal heat capacity of which is more than 50 kW, as well as if a gas apparatus (regardless of the capacity of the gas apparatus) is located in a basement or mezzanine floor, a detector signalling gas leakage shall be installed. The detector signalling gas leakage shall be maintained in working order.

355. During filling of liquefied petroleum oil containers, in order to prevent gas leakage in the underground engineering networks in the territory, their hatches shall be hermetically sealed.

356. When storing and using gas cylinders, they shall be protected from exposure to heat sources.

357. Gas cylinders shall be placed not closer than 1 m from heat sources and not closer than 5 m from a naked flame.

358. Distance actuating devices of ventilation facilities shall be placed at the entrance in a compression station of combustible gases.

359. Cylinders with combustible gases or substances or oxidising gases and substances (except cylinders which have been attached to engineering networks or work equipment) shall be stored outside the object in metal cabinets with ventilation openings along fireproof external walls of the structure of the object without windows or not less than 6 m from structures. It shall be permitted to store a reserve of cylinders in rooms of health care institutions, but not more than 12 litres of oxidising gases, if such gases are intended for human life support facilities.

360. When storing gas cylinders in stacks in the territory, their height shall not exceed 1.5 m. Valves of gas cylinders shall be directed towards one side. Spacers of absorbing material shall be placed between gas cylinders.

361. Equivalent safety measures shall be conformed to in relation to empty and filled gas cylinders.

362. It is prohibited:

362.1. to act with an oxygen cylinder, to permit its contact with oils and oily materials;

362.2. to move oxygen cylinders manually, to grab them by valves;

362.3. in an object and territory where activities with combustible and oxidising gases are carried out, for employees to wear clothing made of material accumulating static electricity, and footwear with spikes and bindings that may cause sparks.

13.5. Storage of Coal, Peat and Solid Combustible Materials and Substances

363. The object and territory where storage of coal and peat is intended shall be cleaned of combustible waste and remnants of crops, the soil shall be levelled and compacted.

364. Coal and peat stacks cannot be placed above heat sources (vapour and hot water pipelines, warm air channels).

365. Coal of different types, chunk peat, and milled peat shall be stacked in individual stacks.

366. When stacking different kinds of peat, chunk peat, and milled peat, loading of combustible foreign bodies in the stack shall be precluded.

367. The temperature shall be controlled in coal or peat stacks. If the temperature has reached 60 °C, the warmed-up material shall be removed and placed separately.

368. It is prohibited to extinguish with water the coal which have ignited or heated up in a coal stack. The ignited coal shall be extinguished with water only after removal from the stack. It is prohibited to load them back in the stack after extinguishing.

369. The maximum area of a coal, peat stack and stack of solid combustible materials and substances may not exceed 2000 m2 and height 20 m. The minimum fire safety distance between stacks shall be 8 m, but not less than the height of stacks. The fire safety distance from stacks to buildings and structures shall be 8 m, but not less than the height of the stack. Access roads from at least two sides shall be ensured at the stacks along their longest edges.

13.6. Object and Territory for Wood Processing and Storage of Timber

370. Building constructions and electric lighting objects shall be cleaned of wood dust, shingles, and other combustible materials. Technological facilities, electrical facilities, heating devices and devices shall be, once in 24 hours, freed of wood dust, shingles, and other combustible materials.

371. It is prohibited to litter the territory with manufacturing waste.

372. Wood processing facilities as a result of operation process of which dust finer than 1 mm occur shall be equipped with shingle and dust suction systems if their manufacturer has intended a dust suction system. It is prohibited to work with turned-off mechanical ventilation, shingle and dust suction systems.

373. Dust collection chambers and cyclone-type collectors shall be kept closed. Cyclone-type collectors may not be overfilled.

374. When operating a technological facility filled with oil, it shall be monitored that the oil does not leak and soak the timber and wood constructions.

375. The glue which contains synthetic resins or lightly combustible solvents, shall be stored in delimited warehouses or metal boxes in a fireproof manner.

376. For wood-drying kilns the temperature regime in drying chambers shall be maintained with automatic temperature regulators.

377. If the production line stops in wood-drying kilns with continuous movement of articles to be dried, the heating system shall automatically switch off.

378. In wood processing and timber storage objects and territory timber shall be stacked in stacks according to previously developed technological cards.

379. It is prohibited to arrange local heating facilities and devices of solid fuel in wood processing and timber storage objects.

380. The site where unloading of sawn timber or logs is intended shall be cleaned of combustible waste.

381. Drives and access roads to timber stacks, as well as fire safety distances between them shall be maintained free.

382. In hot, sunny, and windy weather the territory between stacks and around them shall be watered every day.

13.7. Object and Territory for Storage of Fibre Plants

383. The maximum are of one stack, clamp or heap (hereinafter -the stack yard) permitted in the territory may not exceed 320 m2, and height - 10 m.

384. The stack-yards of fibre plants shall be located in safe distance from the object, but further than 30 m. The distance from the stack-yard to electricity transmission air lines shall be equivalent with the height of one-and-a-half line pole.

385. Gaps of 15 m in width shall be ensured between the stack-yards.

386. The stack-yards shall be covered with a covering made of incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) or hardly combustible (reaction to fire Class A2-s1,d0; B-s1,d0; B-s2,d0; B-s2,d1; B-s2,d2; B-s3,d0; B-s3,d1; B-s3,d2) material.

387. When transporting fibre plants by motor vehicles, they shall be covered with a covering made of incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) or hardly combustible (reaction to fire Class A2-s1,d0; B-s1,d0; B-s2,d0; B-s2,d1; B-s2,d2; B-s3,d0; B-s3,d1; B-s3,d2) material.

388. Motor vehicles with internal combustion engines which are used for transportation of fibre plants shall be ensured with spark suppressors.

389. In a fibre plant storage object:

389.1. the maximum area of the stack-yard may not exceed 22 x 11 m, and height - 8 m;

389.2. the distance from the stack-yards to electrical facilities and electrical devices may not be less than 1 m;

389.3. the distance between the stack-yards may not be less than 2 m;

389.4. the distance from the stack-yards to delimiting constructions may not be less than 0.7 m.

13.8. Object and Territory for Manufacturing and Storage of Agricultural Objects

390. Exhaust pipes of vehicle engines in the object and territory for manufacturing and storage of agricultural products shall be equipped with spark suppressors and it shall be monitored that there are no tears and damages in separators of the connection between the engine collector and the exhaust pipe.

391. Spindles of rotating parts and junctions of an agricultural vehicle, tractor machinery, aggregate, and technological facility shall be regularly cleaned of combustible materials.

392. Gaps of 20 m in width shall be ensured between the straw or hay stacks, sheds, or clamps.

393. The device for disconnecting electricity of the object for manufacturing and storage of agricultural products shall be installed outside on an incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) wall, but if the wall is combustible (reaction to fire Class C-s2,d1; D-s2,d2; D-s1; E; E-d2; F) - on a distantly standing pole in the distance of 2.5 m from the wall of the object.

394. The drying ventilator of agricultural products shall be placed outside the object in the distance of 1 m from incombustible (reaction to fire class A1) walls in and the distance of 2.5 m from combustible (reaction to fire class C-s2,d1; D-s2,d2; D-s1; E; E-d2; F) delimiting constructions of the object. Air flow pipes shall be made of incombustible (reaction to fire class A1) materials.

395. The drying ventilator of agricultural products shall be fenced off with a mesh made of incombustible material in order to preclude entering of foreign bodies into the ventilator.

396. The actuating device of drying ventilators of agricultural products shall be installed on incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) or hardly combustible (reaction to fire class A2-s1,d0; B-s1,d0; B-s2,d0; B-s2,d1; B-s2,d2; B-s3,d0; B-s3,d1; B-s3,d2) constructions.

397. Electrical devices and facilities in explosion-proof construction and with relevant marking shall be used in the object for manufacturing and storage of agricultural products where forming of dust is possible.

398. The drying object of agricultural products shall be ensured with a temperature control device in order to preclude outbreak of fire.

399. If the drying technology of agricultural products is not regulated automatically, the responsible person shall ensure continuous monitoring of the drying object during drying.

400. In the object for manufacturing and storage of agricultural products where forming of manufacturing dust is possible:

400.1. dust suction devices shall be installed in order to prevent distribution of dust in the object;

400.2. the constructions of the object shall be painted in colour shades different from the dust colour;

400.3. hatches and tap-holes of containers and bunkers in gravity lines, air lines, and aspiration systems shall be continuously in a closed condition.

401. Doors and gates through which evacuation of cattle is intended shall be maintained free and easy to open.

402. When storing feedingstuff in the premises of cattle-shed attic, a fence shall be installed in the distance of 1 m from flue ducts (along the perimeter).

13.9. Object and Territory for Extraction of Peat

403. When developing the territory for extraction of peat, motor vehicles and technical means for extraction of peat with internal combustion engines shall be equipped with spark suppressors. Vehicles, technical means and facilities for extraction of peat shall be, once in 24 hours, cleaned of dust and other combustible sediments.

404. Each vehicle and technical means for extraction of peat shall be ensured with a fire extinguisher, a bucket, and a rope of 5 m in length. The extinguishing capacity of a fire extinguisher for the technical means for extraction of peat shall be at least 34A 233B.

405. The territory for extraction of peat shall be equipped with fire retardants (Annex 12).

406. The productivity of the motor pump to be used in the territory for extraction of peat shall be at least 600 litres per minute.

407. Each motor pump shall be equipped with:

407.1. at least one two-way divider;

407.2. two closable fire-fighting barrels;

407.3. hoses the diameter of which exceeds 51 mm and the total length of which is at least 120 m;

407.4. hoses the diameter of which is 51 mm or less and the total length of which is at least 200 m.

408. In order to limit the spread of fire in an object for extraction of peat, it shall be divided with fire safety ditches of at least 1 m in width the depth of which is 0.5 m under the groundwater level.

409. Remnants of felling and deadfalls shall be collected in each site of extraction of peat.

410. Sticks and other felling remnants in the flammable period of time of the forest shall be burned at accordingly arranged sites under monitoring of an employee especially appointed by the responsible person and only in rainy weather.

411. Control of the peat temperature according to the peat extraction technology shall be organised in the territory for extraction of peat or in the storage object. When detecting a dangerous increase in the temperature of peat, measures shall be taken which prevent outbreak of fire.

13.10. Forest Object

412. Each year the State Forest Service shall determine the flammable period of time of the forest and proclaim the beginning and end thereof in the whole territory of Latvia. Local governments, after coordination with the State Forest Service in the relevant administrative territory, may determine and proclaim another flammable period of time.

413. Under circumstances of particular fire hazard local governments have the right to take measures which reduce the possibilities for outbreak of fire in a forest object.

414. In order to reduce the possibilities of outbreak of fire in a forest object, mineralised strips shall be formed. Each year the mineralised strip shall be renewed and shall be maintained in a fireproof condition during the flammable period of time of the forest.

415. The responsible person of the State and local government motorway shall ensure arrangement of the mineralised strip and a ditch of at least 1.5 m in width if the State and local government motorway is bordering on a forest object and the layer of soil peat at the site of arranging the mineralised strip is not more than 0.15 m.

416. Objects of the railway infrastructure shall be delimited from a forest object by arranging a mineralised strip or a ditch of at least 1.5 in width if the object of the railway infrastructure is bordering on the forest object and the layer of soil peat at the site of arranging the mineralised strip is not more than 0.15 m.

417. The responsible person of a forest object shall:

417.1. ensure the arranging of mineralised strips in firebreaks of sections available to the machinery (except firebreaks of sections which are used as natural access roads) which are crossing clusters of forest stands exceeding 50 ha of fire hazard Class I, II, or III (Annex 13) in sites where the layer of soil peat is not more than 0.15 m;

417.2. when renewing conifer forest stands in a pine forest, a pine forest with spruce understorey, Myrtillosa, and Callunosa mel., as well as growing in forest stands and plantations forests, the areas which exceed 5 ha and the layer of soil peat is not more than 0.15 m, shall be divided in parts with the mineralised strip so that none of them would exceed 5 ha. The requirements of this Sub-paragraph shall not apply to grown-in forest stands and plantation forests which have reached the age of 10 years for deciduous trees and the age of 20 years for coniferous trees;

417.3. on motorways and natural access roads of the forest object which may be used for the fire-fighting needs, lumbers which may hinder movement of the fire-fighting transport, shall be removed each year by 1 May;

417.4. each year by 1 May, arrange roads and access roads to the sites of fire-fighting water intakes and maintain them in a condition as to ensure access by fire-fighting vehicles.

418. If the responsible person of forest objects manages a continuous area of forest land which exceeds 5000 ha, it shall develop the plan of fire safety preventive measures of the forest object for the whole forest object.

419. Land units in the ownership or possession of the responsible person of one forest object with the type land use "forest" shall be deemed a continuous area of the forest object if they are located not further than 100 m from one another or if they are divided by linear objects of infrastructures (roads, firebreaks, ditches, routes, overpasses of electricity lines).

420. The following shall be included in the plan of fire safety preventive measures of the forest object:

420.1. the list, telephone numbers, and electronic mail addresses of the responsible persons of the forest object;

420.2. the list of machinery and means to be used for fire-fighting needs;

420.3. a graphically depicted scheme of the forest object (in electronic format). The following shall be indicated in the scheme:

420.3.1. the network of forest sections;

420.3.2. the roads which are crossing forests and swamps;

420.3.3. water courses and the network of amelioration ditches with bridges;

420.3.4. sites for water intake and water reservoirs;

420.3.5. mineralised strips;

420.3.6. rest areas;

420.3.7. the division according to fire hazard classes (Annex 13);

420.3.8. the piles of felling debris of forest stands which do not conform to the requirements of Sub-paragraph 424.4 of this Regulation;

420.4. the procedures for exchange and updating of information for the fulfilment of the requirements of Paragraph 425 of this Regulation if it is intended to stack (store) piles of felling debris of forest stands which do not conform to the requirements of Sub-paragraph 424.4 of this Regulation.

421. The responsible person of the forest object shall ensure submitting of the schemes referred to in Sub-paragraph 420.3 of this Regulation in the format of print-out paper in scale of 1:50 000 to the State Forest Service, as well as hereinafter update the scheme and submit it once in three years.

422. Each year by 1 April the plan of fire safety prevention measures of the forest object shall be submitted for harmonisation to the regional unit of the State Forest Service.

423. It is prohibited in the flammable period of time of the forest:

423.1. to kindle fire in the forest and swamps (except specially arranged sites which preclude spread of fire outside the site);

423.2. to leave the fire unattended. The site of fire shall be left when fire has been put out and the smouldering has completely stopped;

423.3. to drop burning or smouldering matches, stubs, and other objects in the forest, swamps, or roads crossing them;

423.4. to carry out blasting works in the forest and swamps and to organise shooting lessons (except specially arranged sites);

423.5. to use tracer bullets, incendiary bullets, and wads from highly flammable material that has the ability to smoulder, in hunting and shooting lessons in the forest and swamps;

423.6. to drive in motor vehicles through the forest and swamps outside roads, except for the cases when it is necessary for fire-fighting, provision of assistance in cases of accidents, forest management, and maintaining of engineering networks or eliminating accidents therein;

423.7. to use vehicles and other mechanisms with damaged gas exhaust system of the internal combustion engine in the forest, swamps, or on roads crossing them;

423.8. to perform any kind of incineration (including incineration of felling debris) without coordination with the relevant unit of the State Forest Service.

424. It is prohibited in the forest object:

424.1. to damage roads, firebreaks, bridges, channels, fire observation towers, other structures and edifices, as well as road and information signs;

424.2. to incinerate waste;

424.3. to incinerate felling debris or to kindle fire:

424.3.1. less than 2 m from growing trees;

424.3.2. in sites where the layer of soil peat is more than 0.5 m, except the case if incineration is taking place after a rain period or in winter;

424.4. in the time period from 1 May to 1 September to stack (store) in piles the felling debris of forest stands if the pile is less than 50 m from 10-40-year old pine forest stands the area of which exceeds 1 ha, except for the case if:

424.4.1. a road route in width of at least 10 m is located between the pile referred to in Sub-paragraph 424.4 of this Regulation and the forest stand (land free of trees from one wall of the forest to the other (opposite) wall of the forest, including road covering, draining ditches, and other objects of the infrastructure which are necessary for the use of the road);

424.4.2. it has been laid down otherwise in the plan of preventive measures of forest fire safety developed in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 418 of this Regulation;

424.5. to perform any other activity which may cause fire.

425. If circumstances of particular fire hazard set in, upon the complex indicator of the forest fire hazard reaching the value of 4000 and more, as well as taking into account the forecasts at the disposal of the State Forest Service that the abovementioned circumstances may continuously last for 10 days or more, the State Forest Service shall, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the plan of preventive measures of forest fire safety, inform the responsible person of the forest object regarding the obligation to perform processing or movement of piles of felling debris in accordance with the conditions of Sub-paragraph 424.4 of this Regulation within seven days.

426. The conditions of this Chapter also apply to specially protected nature territories, insofar as it is not laid down otherwise in the regulations for protection and use.

13.11. Storage, Use, and Manufacturing of Dangerous Substances

427. An object of economic activity, its entrance, and territory where a dangerous substance is stored, used, or manufactured, shall be designated with the signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 (Annex 1) which are supplemented with inscriptions indicating the name of the substances.

428. Safety data sheets of dangerous substances or other equivalent information regarding physical and chemical properties of the relevant dangerous substances, hazard, and environmental impact and impact on human health shall be available in the object of economic activity where dangerous substances are stored. Such information must be sufficient in order to survey the potential threats caused by the relevant substances or products to the environment, human life, health, and property, and to ensure corresponding action in case of fire or explosion.

429. When using dangerous substances, the instructions referred to in their safety data sheets and laid down by manufacturers shall be conformed to. When using and storing dangerous substances the characterisation of explosion hazard and fire hazard of which is not known, the same fire safety measures shall be taken as would be taken in relation to explosive substances or products.

430. Dangerous substances which, when coming into contact with air, water, other substances, may self-ignite, cause burning or form explosive mixtures, shall be stored in a separate fireproof object or a fireproof compartment of the object.

431. Automatic air analysers warning regarding an explosive concentration shall be installed in the manufacturing structures and rooms of the object of economic activity in which an explosive environment may occur. Automatic air analysers shall be maintained in working order and used according to the technical provisions of the manufacturer.

432. Constructions limiting discharge of dangerous substances which may melt under exposure of temperature in case of fire, shall be installed in the object of economic activity and territory where such dangerous substances are stored.

433. It is prohibited to store dangerous substances which may not be subject to exposure to sunlight in open fields.

434. A warehouse object of acids or alkali shall be ensured with neutralising substances in such quantity as to ensure neutralisation of acids or alkali spilt as a result of an accident.

435. Ammonium nitrate shall be stored in a separate object or compartment of an object which is placed along external walls and separated from rooms of other significance with fireproof partition walls. Rooms must be dry, and other materials may not be located therein.

436. It is prohibited to store or prepack ammonium nitrate in an object which is built of combustible (reaction to fire Class C-s2,d1; D-s2,d2; D-s1; E; E-d2; F) constructions. It is prohibited to build wood partition walls, constructions, or wood floors in an object in which ammonium nitrate is stored.

437. An object or territory in which liquid combustible substances are stored shall be delimited with reinforced concrete wall or wall made of another incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1), or earth bank (hereinafter - the bund). The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to containers with double walls and to containers the construction of which in case of damage to the internal wall of the reservoir prevents uncontrolled discharge of the substance referred to in this Paragraph outside the external delimiting construction of the reservoir. The bund shall be formed if the volume of the liquid combustible substances stored in rooms of the object is 490 litres and more, as well as the volume of the liquid combustible substance stored in the territory is 1000 litres and more. The bund shall be formed for shutters of technological pipelines or other closing and control facilities if in the case of damage to the closing and control facility of pipelines uncontrolled discharge of a liquid combustible substance of 1000 litres and more is possible. Within the meaning of this Regulation combustible liquid is extremely flammable, easily flammable and flammable liquid the flash point of which under normal circumstances does not exceed 100 °C.

438. Inspection of the bund shall be performed once in two years by drawing up a statement. The condition of the bank or wall and its conformity with the solutions of the technical design shall be indicated in the statement.

439. An object or territory of economic activity in which a dangerous substance is stored with the total volume of 5000 m3 and more shall be ensured with foam-based concentrate. The quantity of the foam-based concentrate shall be ensured for extinguishing of the largest reservoir, bund area, filling and draining site, pump station, manifolds, and technological area of the berth with triple reserve. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to objects in which dangerous substances are stored in land rock.

440. The storage and quality check of the foam-based concentrate shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has not specified the frequency of quality check of the foam-based concentrate, the first check shall be performed after five years from the day of manufacture of the foam-based concentrate, as well as hereinafter not less than once a year.

441. A statement shall be drawn up regarding results of the quality check of the foam-based concentrate. The conformity of the foam-based concentrate with the requirements of the manufacturer shall be indicated in the statement.

442. Grass shall be permanently mowed in the territory of the object of dangerous substances. The length of grass may not exceed 0.2 m.

443. Soil shall be horizontally levelled on the inside of the bund and grass shall be collected.

444. Breathing valves of reservoirs, obstacles delimiting fire, and bund shall be maintained in working order. Walls of the bund must be without damages and must conform to the solutions of the technical design.

445. When inspecting reservoirs, taking samples of liquids, measuring the level of a liquid, opening containers, and performing other work, such devices and tools shall be used which cannot cause sparks after an impact.

446. Before repair of reservoirs they shall be freed of a liquid, pipelines shall be disconnected, all hatches shall be opened, reservoirs shall be cleaned, washed, and evaporated, as well as air analysis shall be performed in order to ascertain that there is not explosive concentration in reservoirs. The responsible person of the object of economic activity shall ensure employees with devices which are intended for determining the concentration of an explosive concentration.

447. When storing dangerous substances in barrels, spacers shall be placed between them in order for the barrels not to be able to dash against each other.

448. Barrels with dangerous substances shall be stacked in stacks in two layers in width of diameter of two barrels. The distance between stacks shall be at least 2 m.

449. Petroleum products shall be heated with vapour, hot water, air, heated sand, or special electrical devices. The maximum heating temperature must be by at least 10 °C lower than the flash point of the petroleum product. Petroleum products shall be heated with vapour or electrical heater only if the layer of the liquid above the elements (pipes) of the heater is at least 0.5 m.

450. Clothing of employees shall be made of a material that does not accumulate static current, footwear may not have pikes and bindings that may cause sparks.

451. A tank (container, reservoir) with dangerous substances may not be overfilled. A tank with dangerous substances shall be ensured with a device which controls the level of the dangerous substance in the cistern. During lightning draining and filling of dangerous substances shall be discontinued. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not apply to facilities the technological process of which takes place in a closed system.

452. In order to drain or fill rail tankwagons, they shall be pushed to and dragged away without jerks and jolts.

453. During draining and filling of rail tankwagons it shall not be allowed to brake or secure rail tankwagons with brake shoes which may cause sparks, in the distance of 100 m from the draining and filling site of rail tankwagons.

454. The draining and filling sites of vehicle tankers shall be equipped with earthing devices of tank bodies. Earthing devices shall be marked with the sign 1.5 (Annex 1).

455. Explosion-proof portable electrical devices and communication facilities shall be used in an explosive environment. Explosion-proof portable electrical devices and communication facilities shall bear the labelling 1.7 (Annex 1).

456. An illuminated sign "Dīzeļlokomotīvju iebraukšana aizliegta" [Entry of diesel locomotive is prohibited] shall be installed on the elevated railway bridge. Switching on of the sign shall be ensured by a facility installed on the elevated railway bridge which detects occurrence of an explosive concentration.

457. It is prohibited in the object or territory of dangerous substances:

457.1. for diesel locomotives and motor vehicles to enter an elevated railway bridge during draining and filling of tanks, if the elevated railway bridge is not equipped with an automatic fire-fighting system and facilities detecting occurrence of an explosive concentration;

457.2. to use a naked flame for heating of frozen, solidified, hardened petroleum products, parts of the isolation valve, and pipelines;

457.3. to place materials and facilities on the inside of the bund;

457.4. to leave open hatches of reservoirs, tapping wells, and gutters;

457.5. to store cylinders with combustible gases and cylinders with oxidising gases together;

457.6. to pre-pack dangerous substances, to store packaging materials and containers.

458. A battery which emits an explosive gas during charging process (hereinafter - the battery) shall be charged in a specially arranged object.

459. Alkali and acid batteries shall be charged and stored in separate objects.

460. The room in which charging of the battery is taking place, shall be ensured with an individual ventilation system that is operating continuously during charging.

461. If the ventilation system ceases operating in the object of economic activity, automatic disconnection of charging facilities shall be ensured.

462. It is prohibited to connect the ventilation system of the room referred to in Paragraph 460 of this Regulation to the joint ventilation system.

463. It is prohibited to repair the battery in the room in which charging of the battery is taking place.

464. Cylinders with combustible gases and substances or cylinders with oxidising gases and substances shall be stored in the territory in containers.

465. A container is:

465.1. made of a combustible (reaction to fire Class A1) material;

465.2. easy to ventilate so that in case of leakage of gases occurrence of an explosive concentration could be prevented;

465.3. with at least three vertical openings in walls which can be ventilated. Openings shall be in the lower part of the wall above the surface of the floor. The area of each opening shall be at least 30 per cent of the area of the wall.

466. The container shall be placed on a stable base made of incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) material and designated with the sign 1.4 (Annex 1).

467. The maximum permissible summary capacity of gas cylinders in a container may not exceed 2000 litres.

468. The zone in radius of 3 m around the container is explosive.

469. It is prohibited to place combustible materials in an object of economic activity in which gas cylinders are stored in the radius of 10 m around the warehouse.

470. It is prohibited to smoke and use a naked flame in the radius of 10 m around the container. The sign 2.1 (Annex 1) shall be placed in relation to the abovementioned prohibition.

471. The container shall be ensured with a fire extinguisher the extinguishing capacity of which is at least A34 B138 and which is intended for extinguishing of gas. The fire extinguisher may not be located further than 15 m from the container.

472. The container shall be locked or otherwise ensured against access of unauthorised persons.

473. Construction of the container shall protect gas cylinders against exposure to direct sunlight so that they would not heat up.

474. The minimum distance from the container which contains cylinders with combustible or explosive gases, to another container of gas cylinders shall be 6 m.

475. Automatic air analysers warning regarding an explosive concentration shall be installed in the warehouse structures and rooms in which an explosive environment may occur. Automatic air analysers shall be maintained in working order and used according to the technical provisions of the manufacturer.

476. Liquid dangerous substances shall be pre-packed in a container which conforms to the requirements of the manufacturer of such substances.

477. Surfaces of tables of combustible constructions and materials, scaffolds, shelves, and ventilated cabinets which are intended for work with combustible liquids and substances, shall be covered with incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) materials.

478. Tables made of incombustible material shall be used for work with dangerous substances. The working surface of tables shall be equipped with an edging of incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) material which is 1 cm higher than the surface of the table.

479. Dangerous substances shall be stored in cabinets made of incombustible (reaction to fire Class A1) material.

480. Work during which discharge of combustible vapour or gases is possible, shall be performed in ventilated cabinets.

481. Acids, alkali, and other corrosive substances shall be moved and stored according to the procedures laid down by the manufacturer.

482. It is prohibited to use damaged ventilated cabinets or facilities.

483. It shall be permitted to work in a laboratory in an educational institution with dangerous substances, electrical devices, and heating devices only under management of the teacher or laboratory assistant.

484. In laboratories and warehouses of educational institutions dangerous substances shall be stored in lockable cabinets. The keys of such cabinets shall be with teachers or laboratory assistants.

485. Combustible waste and materials to be swept shall be collected in training workshops after each lesson. The quantity of materials necessary for not more than one day shall be stored in workshops of carpenters.

13.12. Object and Territory for Placement and Servicing of Vehicles

486. It is prohibited to increase the number of parking lots for vehicles laid down in the construction design, to change the procedures for placement of vehicles, to reduce the distance between vehicles, as well as between vehicles and constructions of the object in an object or territory for placement of vehicles.

487. An object or territory for placement of motor vehicles which is intended for at least 30 vehicles shall be ensured with a tow-rope and a rod. An additional tow-rope and rod shall be intended for each subsequent 30 vehicles.

488. Objects and facilities which may hinder evacuation of vehicles in case of fire may not be placed in the object or territory for placement of vehicles.

489. After the end of work the object for servicing of vehicles shall be put in order, oily materials and spilt combustible liquids shall be removed.

490. It is prohibited in the object or territory for placement of vehicles:

490.1. to perform fire-hazardous works and works with combustible liquids;

490.2. to place vehicles with open fuel tanks and vehicles which have a fuel or oil leakage;

490.3. to store fuel (except fuel in tanks of vehicles and gas cylinders installed in vehicles);

490.4. to fill in fuel in tanks of vehicles;

490.5. to store fuel containers;

490.6. to use a naked flame;

490.7. to leave oily materials for sweeping and oily clothing in the vehicle.

491. It is prohibited in the object for servicing of vehicles:

491.1. to paint the vehicle or its parts in an inappropriate room;

491.2. to perform work with combustible liquids in an inappropriate room;

491.3. to fill in fuel in the tank of the vehicle.

13.13. Object and Territory of Fuelling and Gassing

492. It is prohibited to smoke in an object and territory of fuelling and gassing (except fr specially arranged places). The place intended for smoking shall be equipped with a tray for stubs made of incombustible material and shall be located in a safe distance from the sites of fuelling and tanks. The place intended for smoking shall be designated with the sign 6.1 and an inscription (Annex 1).

493. Measuring and access gully hatches of tanks of an object of fuelling shall be closed.

494. When fuelling in a fuel tank of a vehicle, its engine must be turned off. It shall be permitted to fuel in a canister, tank, or packaging intended especially for this purpose. The canister, tank, or packaging shall be tightly closable, made of unbreakable material which does not accumulate static electricity. When fuelling, the canister, tank, or packaging must be located outside the salon of the vehicle on the ground or on a special base. When fuelling in the canister, tank, or packaging, the requirements of the manufacturer for using the canister, tank, or packaging shall be conformed to.

495. The fuelling facilities of the vehicle shall be disconnected during filling up of reservoirs of surface module type.

496. During repair of the object of fuelling and gassing any activities related to pumping and fuelling and gassing shall be ceased. This requirement shall not apply to pumps and ventilators of compressors which must operate continuously.

497. Fire-hazardous works shall be performed in the object and territory of fuelling and gassing in a safe distance and outside the explosive environment performing an air analysis beforehand in order to ascertain whether the environment is not explosive. During fire-hazardous works filling up, draining and charging activities shall be ceased and the relevant signs shall be placed prohibiting vehicles from entering.

498. The reservoir shall be cleaned and repaired only after analysis of air and gas samples of the reservoir tank has been performed in order to ascertain that there is no explosive concentration in the reservoir.

13.14. Railway Transport and Object

499. Merchants which in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations have received a safety certificate or safety certification, shall develop fire safety instructions in accordance with Paragraph 180 of this Regulation, in addition including fire safety requirements which apply to the railway object.

500. When placing the rolling stock in technical servicing or repair, diesel fuel and oils shall be poured off in separate tanks which are intended for storage of such substances.

501. It is prohibited in a post for technical servicing or repair of the railway rolling stock:

501.1. to place rail tankwagons with flammable liquids;

501.2. to equip (assemble) the railway rolling stock in sites not intended for such purpose;

501.3. to leave turned-on heating facilities in the railway rolling stock.

502. The railway infrastructure manager shall ensure clearing of the railway right of way from combustible material.

503. The soil around wood poles in the radius of not less than 1 m shall be ploughed up or dug up.

504. In railway sections or stations timber (wood cross-ties, beams) shall be stored in stack in parallel direction to the track, in the distance of 30 m from the side rail and objects of the tracks. The territory where placement of timber is intended, shall be ploughed up or dug up in the radius of 3 m around the timber stacks, as well as cleared of grass and other combustible materials.

505. Not more than 100 wood cross-ties or beams shall be stacked in each stack. Four stacks stacked next to each other form a group.

506. The distance between stacks may not be less than 1 m, but between groups of stacks - not less than 10 m.

507. Combustible materials (hay, straws, heaps of sawn timber, etc.) may not be stacked closer than 30 m from the outside rail of the tracks.

508. Railway infrastructure objects shall be delimited from peat swamps with a ditch in width of at least 1.5 m.

509. It is prohibited to arrange heating devices in the rolling stock if there is not corresponding building or modernisation design of the car.

510. It is prohibited to carry flammable liquids in the rolling stock intended for carriage of passengers.

511. It is prohibited to throw out hot slags, coals, ashes, and other burning objects from the rolling stock.

14. Closing Provisions

512. Cabinet Regulation No. 82 of 17 February 2004, Fire Safety Regulations (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2004, No. 28), is repealed.

513. This Regulation shall come into force on 1 September 2016.

514. The fire safety instructions which have been developed until the day of coming into force of this Regulation and conform to the requirements of Cabinet Regulation No. 82 of 17 February 2004, Fire Safety Regulations, shall be in force until 1 September 2017.

515. Paragraph 58 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 September 2017.

516. Sub-paragraph 89.10 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2019.

517. Paragraphs 119 and 256 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2020.

518. Paragraph 340 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2019. During the period of transition until 31 December 2018, it shall be permitted to accommodate persons at night in a public object if it is not intended for accommodation of persons according to the type of use, if a statement of the State Fire and Rescue Service has been received regarding conformity of the object with the fire safety requirements.

519. Paragraph 354 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 September 2017.

520. Until 31 December 2017 the technical servicing of fire extinguishers shall be performed in accordance with the Latvian Standard LVS 332:2003, Maintaining Fire Extinguishers in Condition Ready for Use.

Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Signs to be Used for Fire Safety

1. Warning signs

1.1. Explosive object 1.2. Oxidising substance 1.3. Danger, electricity 1.4. Gas cylinders

1.5. Earthing 1.6. Explosive environment 1.7. Electrical devices and electrical equipment in an explosion-proof construction

2. Prohibition signs

2.1. Smoking and naked flame is prohibited 2.2. Do not smoke 2.3. Starting of fire prohibited 2.4. Do not extinguish with water

3. Signs for sites of fire-fighting water intakes

3.1. Closing shutter of the connecting pipelines 3.2. Location of the site of fire-fighting water reservoir and water intake 3.3. Water fire hydrant 3.4. Foam-based liquid fire hydrant

3.5. Fire-fighting water reservoir and water intake    

Note. Designations of the signs 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4:

V - volume of the fire-fighting water reservoir in cubic metres (the minimum height of letters - 40 mm);

C or S - looped or arterial water main (the minimum height of letters - 20 mm);

9999 - hydrant number (the minimum height of letters - 20 mm);

R or M - hydrant type (the minimum height of letters - 20 mm);

300 - diameter of the water main in millimetres (the minimum height of letters - 30 mm);

10.5 - the distance from the sign to the hydrant in metres (the minimum height of letters - 30 mm);

UH - water-based fire hydrant (the minimum height of letters - 40 mm);

PH - foam-based liquid fire hydrant (the minimum height of letters - 40 mm).

4. Signs of fire retardants

4.1. Fire retardants 4.2. Dry pipeline of the fixed fire-fighting system 4.3. Fire extinguisher 4.4. Fire tap

4.5. Direction to the location of fire retardants (shall be used together with the signs 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.7) 4.6. Fire ladder 4.7. Manual actuating device of the fire protection system

5. Signs of evacuation routes

5.1. Direction to the evacuation exit 5.2. Direction to the evacuation exit 5.3. Direction to the evacuation exit 5.4. Direction to the evacuation exit

5.5. Direction to the evacuation exit 5.6. Direction to the evacuation exit 5.7. Direction to the evacuation exit 5.8. Evacuation exit

5.9. Direction to the evacuation route for persons with reduced mobility 5.10. Push open

6. Mandatory signs

6.1. Place for smoking 6.2. Antistatic footwear must be used 6.3. In case of fire call

6.4. Fire

7. Signs for fire-fighting transport

7.1. Access road for fire-fighting transport. Stopping or standing restriction to the right and to the left from the sign 7.2. Access road for fire-fighting transport. Stopping or standing restriction to the left from the sign 7.3. Access road for fire-fighting transport. Stopping or standing restriction to the right from the sign

7.4. Place for the fire-fighting transport  

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Information Regarding the Performed Inspection of the Tap of the Internal Fire-fighting Water Main and Its Equipment

Fire tap No. _________

Date of inspection Pressure (Bar) Productivity (l/s) Condition of equipment Conformity with the technical design Given name, surname, signature of the inspector Notes

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Sticker Regarding Visual Inspection of the Technical Condition of the Fire Extinguisher (Assessment)

Date on which visual inspection (assessment) of the technical condition of the fire extinguisher was performed Damage has been or has not been detected Given name, surname and signature of the person

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Sticker Regarding the Performed Technical Servicing of the Fire Extinguisher

Sequential number of the sticker Manufacturer and distributor of the fire extinguisher Year of manufacture of the fire extinguisher
Name, registration number, and certificate number of the performer of technical servicing Date of the previous technical servicing, name and registration number of its performer Date of the technical servicing

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Estimate of Fire Retardants

Table 1

Fire hazard level of objects for calculating the number of fire extinguishers for class A and B fire

Fire hazard level of the object
small medium high
I. Public object or object of economic activity
An object which is used throughout the day and in which free movement of persons is restricted or controlled, for example, an inpatient medical treatment institution (including a maternity hospital), an orphanage, a shelter, a social care or rehabilitation institution, a place related to deprivation of liberty, or another object. 1. An object which may be used throughout the day and in which movement of persons is not restricted, for example, a hotel, a service hotel, a hostel, a motel, a guest house, a sanatorium, a campsite, a recreational base, a recreational camp, barracks, other accommodation object, a restaurant, a café, a bar, or another trade and service object.

2. An object which is mainly used during the day and in which an employee who has good knowledge of the object is permanently present, for example, an administrative object (including a court, postal office, archives, bank, office), an object of an educational institution (university, institution of higher education, scientific and research object, institution of interest education, pre-school educational institution, basic school, gymnasium, craft trades school), shop, hairdressing salon, object of outpatient medical treatment, or another administrative, trade or service object.

3. Object for placement of motor vehicles, railway rolling stock, aircraft, vessels

1. Object which is used for public events, for example, a theatre, a cinema, a concert hall, a circus, a conference, exhibition object, a club, a cultural centre, a museum, an object of religious activity, a library, or another object.

2. A trade object, a market, a railway station, an airport, a bus terminal, a passenger port, a sports structure, or another object in which more than 100 persons may be present concurrently.

3. An object for technical servicing and repair of motor vehicles, railway rolling stock, aircraft, vessels.

4. Construction object

II. Object or Territory of the Object for Manufacturing, Storage of Substances and Materials
Fire load does not exceed 300 MJ/m2 Fire load from 300 MJ/m2 to 600 MJ/m2 Fire load above 600 MJ/m2

Table 2

Extinguishing capacity of fire extinguishers for class A and B fire and their provision in the object

Area of the object (m2) Fire hazard level of the object
small medium high
Up to 50 21A 113B 27A 144B 64A 296B
51-75 24A 129B 46A 220B 78A 368B
76-100 27A 144B 64A 296B 91A 440B
101-150 35A 164B 75A 339B 105A 512B
151-200 43A 183B 85A 382B 118A 584B
201-250 49A 208B 96A 439B 132A 656B
251-300 55A 233B 106A 495B 145A 728B
301-350 60A 265B 117A 556B 160A 800B
351-400 64A 296B 127A 608B 172A 872B
401-450 67A 312A 138A 665B 186A 944B
451-500 70A 327B 148A 721B 199A 1016B
501-550 78A 355B 159A 776A 213A 1088B
551-600 85A 382B 169A 834B 226A 1160B
601-650 88A 411B 180A 891B 240A 1232B
651-700 91A 440B 190A 947B 254A 1304B
701-750 99A 468B 201A 1004B 267A 1376B
751-800 106A 495B 211A 1060B 280A 1448B
801-850 112A 540B 222A 1117B 294A 1520B
851-900 118A 584B 232A 1173B 307A 1592B
901-950 123A 596B 243A 1230B 321A 1664B
951-1000 127A 608B 253A 1286B 334A 1736B
Each subsequent 250 m2 shall be ensured in addition with 21A 113B 27A 144B 64A 296B

Table 3

Provision of portable fire extinguishers in the object

No. Object Measurement unit of the estimate Minimum extinguishing capacity per measurement unit of the estimate
1. Public object with a stage where the number of visitors may exceed 800 persons 1 stage 50A 233B
or A IIB
2. Object of economic activity with an explosive environment 800 m2 50A 233B
or A IIB
3. Elevated railway bridge where activity with a dangerous substance is taking place Four filling or draining sites 50A 233B
or A IIB
4. Reservoirs of dangerous substances:    
4.1. the total volume of reservoirs does not exceed 5000 m3 area of reservoirs 25A 233B
or A IB
4.2. the total volume of reservoirs does not exceed 5000 m3 area of reservoirs 50A 233B
or A IIB
5. Filling or draining sites of vehicle tankers of dangerous substances 2 filling or draining sites 50A 233B
or A IIB
6. Berths and technological area of vessels 50 m2 50A 233B
or A IIB
7. Object for placement of motor vehicles:    
7.1. for passenger cars 75 spots 25A 233B
or A IB
7.2. for freight vehicles 50 spots 50A 233B
or A IIB
8. Fuel and gas filling stations 1 station 25A 233B
or A IB
9. Parking lots for aircraft (if there is no permanent fire-fighting service in the object) 1 aircraft 50A 233B
or A IIB

Table 4

Provision of class F fire extinguishers in the object

Volume of oil or fats of plant or animal origin in litres in one device or facility for preparing food Extinguishing capacity of the fire extinguisher
From 4 to 6 5F
From 6 to 11 10F
From 11 to 16 15F
From 16 to 21 20F
From 21 to 26 25F
From 26 to 31 30F
From 31 to 36 35F
From 36 to 41 40F
From 41 to 46 45F
From 46 to 51 50F
From 51 to 56 55F
From 56 to 61 60F
From 61 to 66 65F
Above 66 70F

Table 5

Table for calculating the number of fire extinguishing covers

No. Location of the fire extinguishing cover Number of covers Minimum dimensions of the fire extinguishing cover
1.2 m x 1.2 m 1.75 m x 1.85 m
1. Public object or object of economic activity      
1.1. kitchen 1 x -
1.2. laboratory 2 x -
2. Fuelling station, per fuel pump 1 - x
3. Object for placement of vehicles or territory of the object, per 50 spots 2 - x

x - must be ensured;
- - need not be ensured.

1. According to the burning material fire shall be classified as follows:
1.1. class A - fire in which solid materials (usually of organic origin) are burning which form red-hot coals when burning down;
1.2. class B - fire in which liquids or melting solid materials are burning;
1.3. class C - fire in which gases are burning;
1.4. class D - fire in which metals are burning;
1.5. class F - fire in which oils and fats of plant or animal origin to be used in devices or facilities for preparation of food are burning.
2. The letter of the fire class indicated in the information sticker on the fire extinguisher with or without a digit shall indicate the extinguishing capacity.

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Statement of Inspection of Resistance Measurements of Insulation of an Electrical Installation, Resistance of Continuity of Electrical Devices, Earthing Device, and Earthing Cable, and Lightning Protection System

(date of drawing up the statement)  

Name and address of the object

Place where work takes place
(to be indicated whether measurements have been performed in the whole object or in separate parts of the object)

Commissioning party of the work
(indicate the name, registration number, and legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, and personal identity number of the natural person)

Performer of work
(indicate the name, registration number, and legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, and personal identity number of the natural person)

Technical data of the measuring equipment

Name Type Number Number of the calibration certificate

Climatic conditions during the course of performing measurements

Date of performing work Air temperature (°C) Air humidity (%)

The statement has been drawn up regarding the fact that the performer of work performed measurements of insulation resistance of an electrical installation, as well as resistance of continuity of electrical devices, earthing device, and earthing cable or metallic link, and the lightning protection system as a result of which the following has been detected:

1. Measurement results of insulation resistance of electrical installation

Type of network, location of electrical installation* Brand of the cable, number of strands, place of measurement - group and name Network voltage (V) Voltage of inspection (V) Insulation resistance (MΩ) Type and nominal parameters of the protection device Statement**
L1-L2 L1-L3 L2-L3 L1-N L2-N L3-N
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

* Entries shall be made according to the scheme of electrical installation.
** The conformity for using the connected electrical facilities shall be indicated - "conforming" or "not conforming".

Instructions regarding subsequent use

2. Inspection of continuity resistance of electrical devices, earthing device, and earthing cable, or metallic link

No. Location of the device and site of inspection Resistance (Ω) Statement

Instructions regarding subsequent use

3. Inspection of the lightning protection system

No. Location of the element of the lightning protection system Resistance (Ω) Opinion

Instructions regarding subsequent use


Performer of work:
  (given name, surname, signature)

A copy of the statement was received by:
  (given name, surname, signature of the commissioning party of work)

1. The following shall be appended to the statement:
1.1. a document certifying the right to perform work;
1.2. a copy of the calibration certificate of the measuring device;
1.2. a scheme of electrical installation.
2. Resistance of the earthing circuit may not exceed 10 Ω.
3. Continuity resistance of electrical devices, earthing device, and earthing cable or metallic link may not exceed 0.4 Ω.
4. The value of insulation resistance depending on the nominal voltage of the electrical installation.

Nominal voltage (V) Direct voltage of inspection (V) Insulation resistance (MΩ)
In low-voltage chains of safety and protection 250 ≥ 0,5
Up to 500 V (inclusive), including in chains of functional low voltage 500 ≥ 1,0
Above 500 V 1000 ≥ 1,0

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 7
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Statement of Inspection of Connectors of an Electrical Installation

(date of drawing up the statement)  

Name and address of the object

Place where work takes place
(to be indicated whether measurements have been performed in the whole object or in separate parts of the object)

Commissioning party of the work
(indicate the name, registration number, and legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, and personal identity number of the natural person)

Performer of work
(indicate the name, registration number, and legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, and personal identity number of the natural person)

Technical data of the heat chamber

Name Type Number Number of the calibration certificate

Climatic conditions during the course of performing measurements

Date of performing work Air temperature (°C) Air humidity (%)

This statement has been drawn up regarding the fact that the performer of work performed an inspection of connectors of the electrical installation as a result of which it was detected:

Type of network, location of electrical installation* Site of measuring - group and name Current flowing through the contact (A) Visualisation of the readings of the measuring device Image on site with reference to the problematic site Statement**
1 2 3 4 5 6

* Entries shall be made according to the scheme of electrical installation.
** The conformity for using the connected electrical facilities shall be indicated - "conforming" or "not conforming".

Instructions regarding subsequent use  


Performer of work:
  (given name, surname, signature)

A copy of the statement was received by:
  (given name, surname, signature of the commissioning party of work)

Note. A copy of the calibration certificate of the measuring device and the scheme of the electrical installation shall be appended to the statement.

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 8
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Statement of Inspection of the Technical Condition of the Heating Device, Facility, Smoke Stacks, and Natural Ventilation Channels

(place of drawing up the statement) (date of drawing up the statement)

Name and address of the object

Responsible person
(indicate the name, registration number, and legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, and personal identity number of the natural person)

Performer of the service
(indicate the name, registration number, and legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, number of the certificate or education document of the natural person)

This statement has been drawn up regarding the fact that the provider of service performed an inspection of the technical condition as a result of which it was detected:

No. Name of the inspected heating device, facility, smoke stack, or natural ventilation channel, its location and number according to the graphical depiction indicated in the statement Conformity with the requirements of the laws and regulations
(mark as appropriate with an X)
(mark as appropriate with an X)
      corresponds   does not correspond   authorised   not authorised
      corresponds   does not correspond   authorised   not authorised
      corresponds   does not correspond   authorised   not authorised
      corresponds   does not correspond   authorised   not authorised

  (cross-sectional area of the smoke stack and materials from which the smoke stack has been constructed)

Graphical depiction


Performer of the service:
  (given name, surname, signature)

A copy of the statement was received by:
  (given name, surname, signature of the responsible person)

1. The statement shall be completed in block letters.
2. The following designations shall be used in the section "Graphical depiction":
2.1. - heating device;
2.2. - solid fuel smoke stack;
2.3. - smoke stack of a gas heating device;
2.4. - lined smoke stack;
2.5. - smoke stack of liquid fuel;
2.6. - natural ventilation channel;
2.7. - mechanical ventilation channel.

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 9
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Logbook of Cases when the Fire Protection System had Actuated and of Damages

Belonging, name, and address of the object  

Form, type, and date of putting into service of the system  

Performer of technical servicing of the system  
  (name, registration number of the merchant, given name and surname of the servicing person)

No. To be filled in by the person who monitors the operation of the system of the object To be filled in by the performer of technical servicing
actuation or damage reason of actuation or characterisation of damage person who was notified regarding actuation or damage person who detected actuation or damage and notified regarding it name of the damaged device, reason of damage, and work performed working capacity of the system restored person who eliminated the damage
date time given name, surname time given name, surname signature date time given name, surname signature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Conditions for the technical servicing and maintenance of the system have been developed in accordance with
(name, number, and date of issue of the legal act and the documentation developed by manufacturers of the system devices)

No. Name of work Regularity of performing work Responsible person of the object or person responsible for servicing of the system
1 2 3 4

Note. It shall be indicated in box 4 of the table which person is responsible for the performance of the work in a specific period of time.

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 10
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Fire Safety Instructions Logbook

No. Date Person to be instructed Name or number of instruction Person who performs briefing Signature of the person to be instructed
given name, surname date of birth given name, surname signature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Note. If the number of instruction is indicated in box 5, the list of itemised numbers of fire safety instructions shall be appended to the Fire Safety Instructions Logbook.

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 11
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Appointment for Performance of Fire-hazardous Works

(place of drawing up the appointment)   (date of drawing up the appointment)

Part I.
(to be completed prior to performance of fire-hazardous works)
1. Name and address of the object or territory of the object  
2. Place of performing the work  
(the place of performing the fire-hazardous work shall be indicated)
3. Type of work  
(the type of fire-hazardous work shall be indicated)
4. Responsible or authorised person of the object  
(indicate the name, registration number, legal address of the legal person, the given name, surname of the authorised person, or the given name, surname, personal identity number of the natural person)
5. Performer of work and authorised person  
(indicate the name, registration number, legal address of the legal person and the given name, surname, personal identity number of the natural person)
6. Date, time of commencing the work                 time        
(day, month, year)   (hours, minutes)
7. Date, time of ending the work                 time        
(day, month, year)   (hours, minutes)
8. Person responsible for the preparation work  
(indicate the name, registration number, legal address of the legal person or the given name, surname, personal identity number of the natural person)


Responsible or authorised person of the object
(given name, surname, signature)

Performer of work or authorised person
(given name, surname, signature of the responsible person)

Part II
(to be completed after performance of the fire-hazardous works)
9. Work finished and the site of performing the work put in order                 time        
(day, month, year)   (hours, minutes)
10. Person who is responsible for monitoring the working place within four hours after the end of performing the work  
(indicate the name, registration number, legal address of the legal person and the given name, surname, personal identity number of the natural person)


Responsible or authorised person of the object
(given name, surname, signature)

Performer of work or authorised person
(given name, surname, signature of the responsible person)

Part III
(to be completed four hours after finishing the fire-hazardous works)
11. Monitoring of the working place finished and there is no fire hazard                 time        
(day, month, year)   (hours, minutes)
12. Person responsible for monitoring of the working place  
(indicate the name, registration number, legal address of the legal person and the given name, surname, personal identity number of the natural person)


Responsible or authorised person of the object
(given name, surname, signature)

Performer of work or authorised person
(given name, surname, signature of the responsible person)

Note. The appointment may be combined with a document intended for the performance of other hazardous work if its content conforms to the requirements of this Annex.

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 12
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Fire Retardants in Objects for Extraction of Peat

No. Area of the object for extraction of peat (ha) Motor pumps (units) Portable containers with volume not less than 2 m3
1. 10-250 2 1
2. 250-500 3 2
3. 501-750 4 2
4. 751-1000 5 2
5. 1001-2000 6 3
6. 2001-3000 7 4
7. 3001-4000 8 5
8. 4001-5000 9 6
9. 5001-6000 10 7

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis


Annex 13
Cabinet Regulation No. 238
19 April 2016

Division of Forest Stands and Felled Areas in Fire Hazard Classes and Requirements for Designations

No. Fire hazard class Description of the forest stand or felled area Colour code and colour model for designation of fire hazard in the plan of fire safety preventive measures of the forest object
red green blue
1. Class I - increased fire hazard Coniferous stands which are less than 40 years old, in all types of forest growing conditions and forests of coniferous plantations bred in agricultural land. Plantations of deciduous trees bred in agricultural land which are less than 10 years old. Forest stands and felled areas in a pine forest and Callunoso-sphagnosa 255 0 0
2. Class II - high fire hazard Forest stands and felled areas in a Myrtillosa, pine forest with spruce understorey, Callunosa mel., and Callunosa turf. mel. 255 0 255
3. Class III - medium fire hazard Forest stands and felled area in Hylocomiosa, Myrtillosa mel., Vacciniosa mel., Myrtillosa turf. mel., and Vacciniosa turf. mel. 255 255 0
4. Class IV - low fire hazard Forest stands and felled areas in Oxalidosa, Aegopodiosa, Vaccinioso-sphagnosa, Myrtilloso-sphagnosa, Myrtilloso-polytrichosa, Dryopteriosa, Oxalidosa turf. mel., and Mercurialiosa mel. 0 255 0
5. Class V - very low fire hazard Forest stands and felled areas in Sphagnosa, Caricoso-phragmitosa, Dryopteriosocaricosa, and Filipendulosa 0 255 255

Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis

Translation © 2018 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Ugunsdrošības noteikumi Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 238Adoption: 19.04.2016.Entry into force: 01.09.2016.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 78, 22.04.2016. OP number: 2016/78.5
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