Teksta versija

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 710

Adopted 15 December 2015

Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation, and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers

Issued pursuant to
Section 26, Paragraph one of the Maritime Administration and Marine Safety Law

I. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes:

1.1. the procedures for issuing and cancelling certificates of conformity;

1.2. the conditions for implementing the professional training programmes for seafarers (hereinafter - the programme);

1.3. the procedures for monitoring the programmes.

2. The programme is:

2.1. a professional education programme for seafarers after completion of which the person receives an education document and the completion of which is necessary for granting qualification in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding certification of seafarers (hereinafter - the education programme);

2.2. training programme of seafarers after completion of which the person receives a State recognised certificate of proficiency or a documentary evidence (Annex 1) and the completion of which is necessary for granting qualification in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding certification of seafarers or for improvement of qualification (hereinafter - the training programme).

3. The programme shall be implemented:

3.1. an education programme and a training programme - by an educational institution specialised in the maritime sector and that has been registered in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the procedures for registering vocational education institutions (hereinafter - the educational institution);

3.2. a training programme - a training centre specialised in the maritime sector and the principal activity of which is the implementation of training programmes, and which conforms to the conditions for implementation of the programme in accordance with the requirements laid down in this Regulation (hereinafter - the training centre).

4. Upon request by the Registry of Seamen of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" (hereinafter - the Registry of Seamen), an educational institution or a training centre shall provide information related to the development and implementation of the programme.

5. The Registry of Seamen shall develop:

5.1. such standard of the training programme the acquisition of which is necessary for granting qualification in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding certification of seafarers (hereinafter - the standard programme), in conformity with the requirements laid down in the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, as amended (hereinafter - the STCW Convention), as well as other regulatory enactments governing the maritime field;

5.2. guidelines regarding the introduction and implementation of the requirements laid down in the STCW Convention and the 1995 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (hereinafter - the guidelines of the Registry of Seamen).

6. An educational institution or a training centre, while performing its activities, as well as in the development and implementation of the programme, shall observe the following:

6.1. the STCW Convention;

6.2. the model course developed by the International Maritime Organisation (hereinafter - the IMO model course);

6.3. the standard programme if such has been developed;

6.4. the guidelines of the Registry of Seamen;

6.5. the regulatory enactments governing the maritime field and the field of education.

7. The Registry of Seamen shall provide the evaluation of the content of programme (Annex 2), evaluation of the programme for issuing the certificate of conformity (Annex 3), evaluation of implementation of the education programme (Annex 4), evaluation of the implementation of the training programme (Annex 5), and evaluation of the quality management system of the educational institution or training centre (Annex 6).

II. Conditions for Programme Implementation and Quality Management System

8. An educational institution or a training centre shall:

8.1. conclude a contract with another educational institution or training centre, which conforms to the requirements laid down in this Regulation, regarding takeover of the programme implementation if the latter has been suspended;

8.2. ensure the possibility to complete the programme in the official language in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the official language;

8.3. ensure the conformity of the premises with the requirements of construction standards for public buildings and structures, applying to the educational institution;

8.4. ensure the conformity of the technical facilities (including training simulators and laboratories) for achievement of the objective and planned result of the programme, as well as to the number of trainees (students);

8.5. register processing of personal data in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding personal data protection;

8.6. identify safety hazard related to the training process, determine and observe the prevention measures for their elimination. If necessary, an opinion of the competent authority indicated by the Registry of Seamen regarding the conformity of the technical condition of equipment with safe training of persons has been received.

9. The training simulator used in implementation of the programme shall conform to the requirements laid down in sections A-I/12 and B-I/12 of the Code of the STCW Convention and ensure:

9.1. achievement of the objective of the programme and planned result;

9.2. simulation of the operation of the ship or its equipment to a level of physical realism appropriate to training objectives, and demonstrate the capabilities, limitations and possible errors of such equipment;

9.3. a sufficient behavioural realism to allow a trainee to acquire the relevant skills;

9.4. controlled operating environment capable of producing a variety of conditions (for example, emergency, hazardous situations);

9.5. a possibility to manage, monitor, and record the process of carrying out a task so that the instructor-assessor together with the trainee would be able to analyse the results and mistakes;

9.6. interface through which the trainee can interact with the equipment, the simulated environment and instructor-assessor.

10. The programme shall be delivered and the acquisition process shall be evaluated in accordance with the requirements laid down in Regulation I/6 of the STCW Convention by an instructor-assessor qualified in the respective field and certified by the Registry of Seamen (hereinafter - the instructor-assessor). This requirement shall not apply to the tutor of the education programme who teaches a subject not related to the acquisition of competence specified in the STCW Convention. The instructor-assessor who conducts training on a training simulator, shall be trained for use of the particular training simulator.

11. The instructor-assessor shall, once every five years, acquire the programme on the requirements laid down in the STCW Convention and other international regulatory enactments in the field of professional training of seafarers. This requirement shall not apply to a tutor of the education programme who has attended a training course or seminar on the STCW Convention within the past five years.

12. In accordance with the requirements laid down in sections A-I/8 and B-I/8 of the Code of the STCW Convention, an educational institution or training centre shall implement the programme according to the quality management system of the institution wherein the following resources, processes, and procedures necessary for the implementation of the programme have been described and documented:

12.1. the quality policy, objective, and plan of the educational institution or training centre;

12.2. the organisational structure and functions of the educational institution or training centre and its structural unit;

12.3. the qualification requirements of the administration, teaching staff, and technical personnel and description of the position of the person involved in the implementation of the programme, and areas of responsibility;

12.4. recruitment, training, evaluation of competence, and improvement of qualification of the administration, teaching staff, and technical personnel;

12.5. the procedures for developing, approving and updating the programme;

12.6. planning and monitoring of the training (study) process, process of mastering the programme and quality control;

12.7. development, updating, and use of a detailed description of the training (study) subject (description of a theoretical and practical exercise);

12.8. evaluation of the conformity of the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the programme (for example, premises, laboratories, workshops, communications), informative materials (for example, methodological study materials, visual aids, study literature, handouts, audio materials, video materials, digital study materials and resources), and technical facilities (for example, auditorium, laboratory and workshop equipment and facilities, training simulators) with the objective of the programme;

12.9. maintenance, use and improvement of the infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the programme, as well as informative materials and technical facilities;

12.10. the procedure and criteria for the admission of the trainee (student);

12.11. feedback with the trainee (student), the Registry of Seamen, and the employer;

12.12. organisation of qualification training ashore and on board ships at the sea and evaluation of its results;

12.13. the criteria for admission to final examinations, the procedures for evaluating the acquisition of the programme, the content development, updating, evaluation criteria, contesting the results of the final examination, and repeat examination;

12.14. registration and issuing of the document certifying the programme acquisition;

12.15. the procedures for reviewing a complaint;

12.16. maintenance of the documentation of the quality management system processes;

12.17. the procedures and criteria for organising an internal audit of the quality management system;

12.18. determination and implementation of corrective and preventive measures for the purpose of eliminating non-conformities and any discrepancies found;

12.19. the procedures by which an educational institution or training centre shall introduce changes in the implementation of the programme and other internal documentation and reports thereon to the Registry of Seamen.

13. The Registry of Seamen shall evaluate the fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 8 and 12 of this Regulation at least once every five years, and it shall prepare an evaluation report on the quality management system of the educational institution or training centre. The evaluation report on the quality management system of the educational institution or training centre shall be notified to the educational institution or training centre.

14. If the educational institution or training centre has not previously implemented any of the programmes, prior to evaluation of the programme for issuing the certificate of conformity, the Registry of Seamen shall evaluate the quality management system of the educational institution or training centre.

III. Evaluation of the Content of the Programme

15. Prior to receipt of a licence at the Ministry of Education and Science, the education programme and training programme, prior to launching the implementation thereof, shall be evaluated and approved by the Registry of Seamen in order to ascertain the conformity of the content of the respective programme with the requirements laid down in the STCW Convention, IMO model course, standard programme, and other regulatory enactments governing the maritime field and field of education.

16. The educational institution or training centre shall submit an application for evaluation of the content of the programme to the Registry of Seamen (Annex 7). The following shall be appended to the application:

16.1. for evaluation of the content of the education programme - three copies of the education programme (if the education programme has been prepared in the form of an electronic document - one copy). The design of the programme shall conform to the requirements laid down in the regulatory enactments governing the field of education;

16.2. for evaluation of the content of the training programme - two copies of the training programme (if the training programme has been prepared in the form of an electronic document - one copy). The latter shall consist of at least the following sections:

16.2.1. the objective of the training programme;

16.2.2. the planned result of the training programme;

16.2.3. the methodology and criteria for evaluation of the acquisition of the training programme;

16.2.4. admission rules for trainees;

16.2.5. limitations of the training group;

16.2.6. a training plan (subjects and detailed description thereof, topics, sub-topics);

16.2.7. the requirements for the instructor-assessor of the training programme;

16.2.8. the infrastructure, informative materials and technical facilities necessary for the implementation of the training programme;

16.2.9. schedule for the teaching activities;

16.2.10. a list of instructors-assessors of the training programme;

16.2.11. a specimen of the certificate of proficiency or documentary evidence;

16.2.12. a description of the practical exercise (if the training programme involves a practical exercise);

16.2.13. a description of the training simulator and its functional capabilities (if the training programme involves the use of the training simulator).

17. The Registry of Seamen has the right to request the opinion of maritime non-governmental organisations regarding the topicality of the programme and its conformity with the requirements of the maritime sector and labour market.

18. The Registry of Seamen shall evaluate the conformity of the content of the programme within one month after receipt of the application and the documents appended thereto and shall prepare an evaluation report on the content of the programme. If no non-conformities are found, the programme shall be approved and returned to the submitter thereof. If non-conformities have been found, the programme shall not be approved. The results of evaluation of the content of the programme shall be notified to the educational institution or training centre.

19. If the educational institution or training centre has not submitted any of the documents referred to in Paragraph 16 of this Regulation or if incomplete information has been indicated therein, upon request of the Registry of Seamen and within the time period determined by it, but not longer than six months, the educational institution or training centre shall submit the necessary documents or shall clarify the provided information. In such case the time period for the preparation of an evaluation report on the content of the programme shall be counted from the day the missing documents or clarified information has been received.

20. The educational institution or training centre shall submit the programme to the Registry of Seamen for repeat approval of the content in the following cases:

20.1. upon request of the Registry of Seamen, if amendments to any of the regulatory enactments or documents referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation come into force or the relevant amendments affect the content of the programme;

20.2. within five working days after changes in the content of the programme are approved at the educational institution or training centre, if such changes have been introduced upon initiative of the educational institution or training centre;

20.3. upon request of the Registry of Seamen, if it has been discovered in the evaluation of the implementation of the programme that its objective has not been achieved due to defects in the programme.

IV. Evaluation of the Programme for Issuing the Certificate of Conformity, Issuing and Cancellation of the Certificate of Conformity

21. The conformity of the implementation of the programme with the requirements laid down in this Regulation, the STCW Convention, IMO model course, standard programme, other regulatory enactments governing the maritime field shall be certified by a certificate of conformity issued by the Ministry of Transport (hereinafter - the certificate of conformity) (Annex 8). The certificate of conformity shall be issued for an unlimited period of time.

22. The receipt of a certificate of conformity is a precondition for the following:

22.1. so that a State recognised education document would be issued to a person who has completed the education programme in accordance with the requirements laid down in the STCW Convention;

22.2. so that a State recognised certificate of proficiency or documentary evidence would be issued to a person who has completed the training programme in accordance with the requirements laid down in the STCW Convention.

23. The Registry of Seamen shall maintain, publish, and update the list of programmes that have received a certificate of conformity from the Ministry of Transport on the website of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" (www.lja.lv).

24. In order to receive a certificate of conformity for the implementation of the programme, the educational institution or training centre shall submit an application to the Registry of Seamen for receipt of a certificate of conformity (Annex 9).

25. The Registry of Seamen shall evaluate the conformity of the programme within one month after receipt of the application and shall prepare the evaluation of the programme for issuing the certificate of conformity. The abovementioned evaluation shall be notified to the Ministry of Transport and the educational institution or training centre.

26. If no non-conformities are found in the evaluation referred to in Paragraph 25 of this Regulation or they have been eliminated within the specified period of time, the Ministry of Transport shall take a decision to issue the certificate of conformity within two weeks after receipt of evaluation, and shall prepare the certificate of conformity and notify the Registry of Seamen thereof. The educational institution or training centre shall be notified by the Registry of Seamen.

27. If non-conformities have been found in the evaluation referred to in Paragraph 25 of this Regulation, the Registry of Seamen shall determine a time period for their elimination which does not exceed six months. The educational institution or training centre shall inform the Registry of Seamen regarding elimination of non-conformities in writing. The Registry of Seamen has the right to conduct the evaluation referred to in Paragraph 25 of this Regulation repeatedly to make sure that non-conformities have been eliminated.

28. If the educational institution or training centre has not informed the Registry of Seamen regarding elimination of non-conformities within the time period specified in Paragraph 27 of this Regulation or if during the repeat evaluation the Registry of Seamen discovers that non-conformities have not been eliminated, the latter shall inform the Ministry of Transport thereof, and the Ministry of Transport shall take a decision to refuse to issue a certificate of conformity.

29. A duplicate of the certificate of conformity shall be issued if the original of the certificate of conformity has been lost, stolen, destroyed, or damaged. After receipt of information regarding loss, theft, destruction, or damaging of the certificate of conformity the Ministry of Transport shall recognise the document as invalid.

30. The Ministry of Transport shall take a decision to cancel the certificate of conformity if:

30.1. the Registry of Seamen has discovered that the educational institution or training centre has not eliminated any of the non-conformities found during evaluations referred to in Paragraph 13 or 33 of this Regulation within the specified period of time, and has informed the Ministry of Transport thereof;

30.2. the Registry of Seamen has discovered that the educational institution or training centre has not implemented the programme within the last 12 months, and has informed the Ministry of Transport thereof;

30.3. the education programme is not accredited;

30.4. the educational institution or training centre has provided false or misleading information;

30.5. the educational institution or training centre has suspended the implementation of the programme;

30.6. the activities of the educational institution or training centre do not comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation.

31. The educational institution or training centre shall hand over the previously issued or cancelled certificate of conformity to the Registry of Seamen within five working days after a duplicate of the certificate of conformity has been received or a decision to cancel the certificate of conformity has entered into effect.

32. The decision taken by the Ministry of Transport may be appealed to a court in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

V. Monitoring of the Implementation of the Programme

33. Every year the Registry of Seamen shall evaluate the following:

33.1. the implementation of an education programme;

33.2. the implementation of a training programme.

34. The evaluation of implementation of the training programme which, in compliance with regulatory enactments regarding certification of seafarers, is not required to be completed for granting qualification shall be evaluated by Registry of Seamen once every two years.

35. The evaluation referred to in Paragraph 33 of this Regulation may be postponed if:

35.1. the programme is not implemented - for an undefined period of time;

35.2. the educational institution or training centre has updated the content of the programme and the content of the programme has been approved by the Registry of Seamen - for one year;

35.3. during the year of evaluation, the education programme has obtained accreditation wherein a representative of the Registry of Seamen has participated - for one year.

36. Upon request of the Registry of Seamen, the education institution or training centre shall ensure access to the infrastructure, technical facilities and informative materials necessary for the implementation of the programme, including descriptions of the quality management system processes and procedures referred to in Paragraph 12 of this Regulation.

37. In order to perform the monitoring functions, the Registry of Seamen has the right to attend theoretical and practical exercises and final examinations at an educational institution or a training centre.

38. If there is information at the disposal of the Registry of Seamen that an educational institution or training centre does not comply with the requirements laid down in this Regulation, or if a complaint regarding the activities of the educational institution or training centre has been received, the Registry of Seamen has the right to visit the educational institution or training centre without previous co-ordination and to perform any of the evaluations referred to in Paragraph 13 or 33 of this Regulation.

39. If deficiencies or any non-conformities have been found during any of the evaluations referred to in Paragraph 13 or 33 of this Regulation, the Registry of Seamen shall determine the time period by which the deficiencies or any non-conformities found must be eliminated. The educational institution or training centre shall inform the Registry of Seamen in writing regarding elimination of the deficiencies or any non-conformities. The Registry of Seamen has the right to perform any of the evaluations referred to in Paragraph 13 or 33 of this Regulation repeatedly to make sure that deficiencies or any non-conformities have been eliminated.

40. If a non-conformity with the STCW Convention has been found during any evaluations referred to in Paragraph 13 or 33 of this Regulation, the Registry of Seamen has the right to suspend the implementation of the programme until the moment such non-conformity has been eliminated. The Registry of Seamen shall not register a certificate of proficiency or documentary evidence issued while the implementation of the programme has been suspended.

41. The Registry of Seamen is entitled to inform the Ministry of Education and Science regarding the found deficiencies or any non-conformities or regarding deficiencies or any non-conformities that have not been eliminated during the implementation of the education programme.

42. The Registry of Seamen shall summarize information regarding results of the evaluations referred to in Paragraphs 13 and 33 of this Regulation and shall prepare information for the Ministry of Transport at intervals not exceeding five years. The Ministry of Transport shall communicate this information to the International Maritime Organisation and the European Commission in accordance with the requirements laid down in sections A-I/7 and A-I/8 of the STCW Convention.

VI. Organisation of the Implementation of the Programme and Registration of a Training Group

43. An educational institution or training centre shall implement the programme according to the programme approved by the Registry of Seamen.

44. A person with seagoing service or equivalent experience shall be admitted to an extramural study programme.

45. A training programme the completion of which is mandatory in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding certification of seafarers shall be implemented by the educational institution or training centre as full-time studies.

46. The educational institution shall, within three working days after the education document or its duplicate has been issued, submit to the Registry of Seamen a protocol on the issued education documents or their duplicates (Annex 10) for their registration in the certification database.

47. The educational institution or training centre shall, within one working day after implementation of the training programme has been commenced, submit the application for the registration of the training group to the Registry of Seamen (Annex 11). The respective requirement shall not apply to the training programme the duration of implementation of which does not exceed one day. Persons shall be no longer admitted to the training group after the training group has been registered.

48. The educational institution or training centre shall, within one working day after the certificate of proficiency or documentary evidence has been issued, submit to the Registry of Seamen a protocol on the issued certificates of proficiency or documentary evidence, or their duplicates (Annex 12) for their registration in the certification database.

49. The Registry of Seamen has the right to refuse the registration of a certificate of proficiency or documentary evidence if the educational institution or training centre, without previous co-ordination with the Registry of Seamen:

49.1. includes a person who has not been indicated in the registration application of the training group, in the protocol on the issued certificates of proficiency or documentary evidence;

49.2. changes the content of the training programme, the procedures or duration of its implementation;

49.3. involves in the implementation of a training programme an instructor-assessor who has not been specified in the list of instructors-assessors of this programme.

VII. Closing Provisions

50. Cabinet Regulation No. 1065 of 22 December 2008, Regulations Regarding Certification and Supervision of Maritime Education and Training Programmes (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2008, No. 201), is repealed.

51. Sub-paragraphs 8.3 and 8.4 of this Regulation shall come into force on 31 December 2015.

52. Sub-paragraphs 8.1, 8.2, 8.5, and 8.6 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 September 2016.

53. Paragraph 11 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2017.

Informative Reference to European Union Directives

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from:

1) Directive 2008/106/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on the minimum level of training of seafarers;

2) Directive 2012/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 amending Directive 2008/106/EC on the minimum level of training of seafarers.

Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Certificate of Proficiency or Documentary Evidence

Latvijas Republika
Republic of Latvia

(izglītības iestādes vai mācību centra nosaukums/
name of the educational/training institution

(juridiskā adrese, tālrunis, e-pasta adrese, tīmekļvietnes adrese/
legal address, phone, e-mail, website address

Emblem or logo



(mācību kursu programmas nosaukums)



(the name of the training programme)

Nr./No _________

Vārds, uzvārds
Name, surname
Dzimšanas datums
Date of birth
Izsniegšanas datums
Date of issue
Derīga līdz
Valid till




Dokumenta īpašnieka paraksts


Signature of the holder of the document



Ieraksts par kvalitātes sistēmas sertificēšanu
Record on certification of the quality system

Šīs prasmju apliecības vai dokumentārā apliecinājuma* Nr. ______ izsniegšana ir saskaņota ar Latvijas Jūras administrāciju un atbilst 1978. gada Starptautiskajā konvencijā par jūrnieku sagatavošanu un diplomēšanu, kā arī sardzes pildīšanu (ar grozījumiem) (STCW konvencija) vai 1995. gada Starptautiskajā konvencijā par zvejas kuģu personāla sagatavošanas un diplomēšanas, kā arī sardzes pildīšanas standartiem (STCW-F konvencija) ietvertajām prasībām.

This Certificate of Proficiency or Documentary evidence* No. ______ is issued under the approval of the Maritime Administration of Latvia and provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended (STCW convention),or provisions of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel, 1995, (STCW-F convention).

Prasmju apliecības vai dokumentārā apliecinājuma* likumīgais īpašnieks ir apguvis sertificētu mācību kursu programmu un apliecinājis savu kompetenci:

Holder of the Certificate or Documentary evidence has completed the training course and proved his/her competence:

Mācību kursu programmas nosaukums
Title of the Training Programme

STCW konvencijas kodeksa standarts vai STCW-F konvencijas noteikums
STCW Convention Code Standard or STCW-F Convention Regulation


Mācību kursu programma ir sertificēta Latvijas Republikas Satiksmes ministrijā.

The training programme has been certified by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia.

Piezīme. * Izvēlas atbilstošo.

Note. * Choose appropriate.

Pilnvarotais vērtētājs  
Authorized assessor



(vārds, uzvārds/name, surname)

Iestādes vadītājs  
Head of the training institution



(vārds, uzvārds/name, surname)

Zīmoga vieta/Official seal

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Report on Evaluation of the Content of the Education Programme or Training Programme


(name of the educational institution or training centre)


(legal address, telephone and fax number)

Report on Evaluation of the Content of the Education Programme or Training Programme No. _________

1. The person(s) evaluating the content of the programme

(given name, surname, and position)

2. Date of submitting the programme
3. The purpose of evaluation - to evaluate the conformity of the content of the programme with Cabinet Regulation No. 710 of 15 December 2015, Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation, and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers (hereinafter - the Regulation).
4. Type and title of the programme
5. Qualification to be acquired and level of professional qualification (in respect of education programmes)
6. Section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field
7. Duration or extent of the implementation of the programme (hours or credit points)

8. Evaluation of the content of the programme according to the following criteria (mark as appropriate with an X):


Evaluation criteria



Not applicable3

8.1. Whether the programme is topical and conforms to the requirements of the maritime sector and labour market      
8.2. Whether all the documents necessary for evaluation of the content of the education programme have been submitted      
8.3. Whether the training programme and the appended documents related thereto have been drawn up according to the respective standard programme      
8.4. Whether the objective set for the implementation of the programme and specified therein and the planned result conform to the requirements of regulatory enactments      
8.5. Whether the methodology, criteria, and content for evaluation of the programme acquisition that have been specified in the programme ensure the achievement of the objective of the programme and the planned result      
8.6. Whether the criteria set for admission of trainees (students) and specified in the programme conform to the objective of the programme and the requirements of regulatory enactments      
8.7. Whether the maximum number of trainees (students) specified in the programme conforms to the infrastructure, informative materials and technical facilities specified in the programme      
8.8. Whether the content (training or study subjects, topics, sub-topics) of the training (study) plan conforms to the objective of the programme, planned result, and requirements of regulatory enactments      
8.9. Whether the qualification requirements in respect of the teaching staff which have been specified in the programme conform to the requirements of regulatory enactments      
8.10. Whether the infrastructure specified in the programme conforms to the objective of the programme and the planned result      
8.11. Whether the informative materials specified in the programme conform to the objective of the programme and the planned result      
8.12. Whether the technical facilities specified in the programme conform to the objective of the programme and the planned result      
8.13. Whether the form and content of the document certifying the completion of the programme conform to the requirements of regulatory enactments      
8.14. Whether the programme of practical training conforms to the requirements of regulatory enactments      
8.15. Whether the description of the practical exercise conforms to the objective of the programme and the planned result (if the programme involves practical exercises)      

Explanatory notes.

1 Conforms to the requirements of the Regulation.

2 Does not conform to the requirements of the Regulation. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 10 of this evaluation report.

3 The conformity criterion is not applied/verified for the respective programme.

9. Notes regarding the evaluation process
10. Non-conformities found
11. Opinion of the assessor(s)

12. The evaluation report may be appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law within one month from the moment it has become effective by submitting a relevant application to the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia". The decision of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" may be appealed to a court within one month in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

13. The evaluation report was drawn up by    



(given name, surname)

14. Hereby I certify the evaluation        





(given name, surname)




Note. * The details of the document "signature" and "date" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis



Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Report on Evaluation of the Education Programme or Training Programme for Issuing a Certificate of Conformity


(name of the educational institution or training centre)


(legal address, telephone and fax number)

Report on Evaluation of the Education Programme or Training Programme No. _________ for Issuing a Certificate of Conformity

1. The person(s) evaluating the programme

(given name, surname, and position)

2. Evaluation date (from/to)
3. Location of the evaluation


4. The purpose of evaluation - to evaluate the preparedness of the educational institution or training centre (hereinafter - the institution) to implement the programme in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 710 of 15 December 2015, Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation, and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers (hereinafter - the Regulation).
5. Type and title of the programme
6. Qualification to be acquired and level of professional qualification (in respect of education programmes)
7. Section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (hereinafter - the STCW Code) corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field
8. Duration or extent of the implementation of the programme (hours or credit points)

9. Evaluation of the programme in accordance with the following criteria (mark the appropriate with an X):


Evaluation criteria



Not applicable3

9.1. Documentation of the institution
9.1.1. whether the documentation related to the implementation of the programme is available      
9.1.2. whether the evaluation of the quality management system of the institution is positive      
9.1.3. whether the education programme is licensed by Ministry of Education and Science      
9.1.4. whether the programme is available and the content of the programme has been approved by the Registry of Seamen of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia"      
9.2. Programme supplies
9.2.1. whether detailed descriptions of all training (study) subjects have been prepared      
9.2.2. whether the content of detailed descriptions of training (study) subjects conforms to the objective and content of the programme      
9.2.3. whether infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the programme is available and in working order      
9.2.4. whether the informative materials specified in the programme are used and available      
9.2.5. whether the technical facilities necessary for implementation of the programme are used and in working order      
9.3. Training simulators used in the programme
9.3.1. whether the training simulator used in implementation of the programme conforms to the requirements laid down in sections A-I/12 and B-I/12 of the STCW Code      
9.3.2. whether a manual of the training simulator is available      
9.3.3. whether the software of the training simulator ensures the completion of practical exercises involved in the programme      
9.3.4. whether the technical options of the training simulator conform to the programme objective      
9.4. Tutors or instructors-assessors of education programmes or training programmes
9.4.1. whether a database of the tutors of education programmes and instructors-assessors of training programmes is available      
9.4.2. whether all instructors-assessors of training programmes have been properly trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of section I/6 of the STCW Code      
9.4.3. whether instructors-assessors and tutors understand the objective of the programme and are competent in terms of the content of the programme      
9.4.4. whether instructors-assessors who conduct training on the training simulator, have been trained for use of the particular type of training simulator      
9.5. Documentation of final examinations
9.5.1. whether a database of questions included in the final examinations and practical tasks is available      
9.5.2. whether the content of questions included in the final examinations and practical tasks conform to the objective and content of the programme      
9.5.3. whether evaluation criteria for the programme acquisition have been developed and are available      
9.5.4. whether the evaluation of the programme acquisition conforms to the requirements for the standards of competence of the STCW Code      
9.6. Provision of practical training      
9.6.1. whether a programme for practical training provided for in the programme has been developed      
9.6.2. whether the educational institution ensures the implementation of practical training provided for in the programme      
9.7. Conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments      
9.7.1. whether other requirements of this Regulation and the requirements of other binding regulatory enactments have been observed      

Explanatory notes.

1 Conforms to the requirements of the Regulation.

2 Does not conform to the requirements of the Regulation. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 11 of this evaluation report.

3 The conformity criterion is not applied/verified for the respective programme.

10. Notes regarding the evaluation process
11. Non-conformities found
12. Opinion of the assessor(s)

13. The evaluation report may be appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law within one month from the moment it has become effective by submitting a relevant application to the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia". The decision of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" may be appealed to a court within one month in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

14. The evaluation report was drawn up by    



(given name, surname)

15. Hereby I certify the evaluation        





(given name, surname)




Note. * The details of the document "signature" and "date" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Report on Evaluation of the Implementation of an Education Programme


(name of the educational institution)


(legal address, telephone and fax number)

Report on Evaluation of the Implementation of an Education Programme No. _________

1. The person(s) evaluating the programme

(given name, surname, and position)

2. Evaluation date (from/to)
3. Location of the evaluation


4. The purpose of evaluation - to evaluate the conformity of the implementation of a programme with Cabinet Regulation No. 710 of 15 December 2015, Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation, and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers (hereinafter - the Regulation).
5. Type and title of the programme
6. Granted qualification and level of professional qualification
7. Section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (hereinafter - the STCW Code) corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field
8. Duration or extent of the implementation of the programme (hours or credit points)

9. Evaluation of the programme in accordance with the following criteria (mark the appropriate with an X):


Evaluation criteria




Not applicable4

9.1. Programme documentation
9.1.1. whether the programme is available and it has been approved by the Registry of Seamen of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia"        
9.1.2. whether the programme is licensed by Ministry of Education and Science        
9.1.3. whether the programme is accredited by Ministry of Education and Science        
9.1.4. whether the documentation related to the implementation of the programme is available        
9.2. Supplies of the implementation of a programme
9.2.1. whether the programme is updated according to the technological innovations of the industry and amendments to the requirements of regulatory enactments        
9.2.2. whether detailed descriptions of training (study) subjects are updated and used in the implementation of a programme        
9.2.3. whether infrastructure necessary for the implementation of a programme is available and in working order and whether it corresponds with the number of students        
9.2.4. whether the informative materials specified in the programme are used and available to students        
9.2.5. whether technical facilities necessary for implementation of a programme are used and in working order        
9.3. Training simulators used in the programme
9.3.1. whether descriptions of practical tasks of training simulators are available and approved        
9.3.2. whether the content of practical tasks of training simulators ensures the achievement of the objective of the programme        
9.3.3. whether the number of work stations of the training simulator corresponds to the number of students        
9.4. Programme tutors
9.4.1. whether a database of tutors is maintained        
9.4.2. whether the professional qualification and experience of tutors conform to the requirements of regulatory enactments        
9.4.3. whether tutors understand the objective of the programme and are competent in terms of the implementation of the programme        
9.4.4. whether instructors-assessors who conduct training on training simulators, have been trained and certified for use of the particular type of training simulator, whether they are familiar with the software of the training simulator and can demonstrate the functional capabilities of the training simulator in conformity with the requirements laid down in sections A-I/12 and B-I/12 of the STCW Code        
9.4.5. whether the tutor has improved professional knowledge in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation within the past five years        
9.5. Organisation of practical training
9.5.1. whether practical training is ensured to students according to the training plan        
9.5.2. whether prior to the commencement of practical training students have access to the programme of practical training and they have been familiarised with the content of training documentation and the requirements for the drawing up thereof        
9.5.3. whether the location of the training conforms to the objective of the programme and ensures fulfilment of the training programme        
9.5.4. whether the fulfilment of the training programme has been evaluated        
9.6. Monitoring of the education process
9.6.1. whether admission of students to the programme takes place according to the admission criteria for students specified in the programme        
9.6.2. whether students are properly registered upon commencing and completing the training process        
9.6.3. whether the applied training methods ensure achievement of the planned results        
9.6.4. whether monitoring, internal control, and planning of the training process take place according to the quality management system of the institution        
9.6.5. whether administration controls the fulfilment of the training (study) plan and quality of lessons        
9.6.6. whether implementation of a programme conforms to the approved programme        
9.6.7. whether students are instructed on safety        
9.7. Final examinations
9.7.1. whether theoretical questions and practical tasks of the final examinations, as well as assessment criteria have been developed and are updated        
9.7.2. whether the content of theoretical questions included in the final examinations and practical tasks conform to the objectives of the programme        
9.7.3. whether the number of members of the final examination commission and their qualification conform to the requirements of regulatory enactments        
9.7.4. whether documentation on final examinations has been developed and is available        
9.7.5. whether criteria for admission of students to final examinations have been developed        
9.7.6. whether the work stations of the final examination have been arranged according to the needs of the organisation of final examinations        
9.7.7. whether students have been familiarised with the content of final examinations, the procedures for the organisation thereof and assessment criteria        
9.7.8. whether final examinations are implemented according to the procedures stipulated by the educational institution        
9.8. Education documents
9.8.1. whether the form and content of education documents conform to the specimens specified in regulatory enactments        
9.9. Conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments        
9.9.1. whether other requirements of this Regulation and the requirements of other binding regulatory enactments have been observed        

Explanatory notes.

1 Conforms to the requirements of the Regulation.

2 Deficiencies have been found during the evaluation of programme; however, they are not regarded as non-conformity with the requirements of this Regulation, but it is still necessary to eliminate them. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 12 of this evaluation report.

3 Does not conform to the requirements of the Regulation. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 11 of this evaluation report.

4 The conformity criterion is not applied/verified for the respective programme.

10. Notes regarding the evaluation process
11. Non-conformities found
12. Deficiencies found
13. Opinion of the assessor(s)

14. The evaluation report may be appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law within one month from the moment it has become effective by submitting a relevant application to the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia". The decision of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" may be appealed to a court within one month in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

15. The evaluation report was drawn up by    



(given name, surname)

16. Hereby I certify the evaluation        





(given name, surname)




Note. * The details of the document "signature" and "date" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Report on Evaluation of the Implementation of a Training Programme


(name of the educational institution or training centre)


(legal address, telephone and fax number)

Report on Evaluation of the Implementation of a Training Programme No. _________

1. The person(s) evaluating the programme

(given name, surname, and position)

2. Evaluation date (from/to)
3. Location of the evaluation


4. The purpose of evaluation - to evaluate the conformity of the implementation of a programme with Cabinet Regulation No. 710 of 15 December 2015, Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation, and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers (hereinafter - the Regulation).
5. Type and title of the programme
6. Section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (hereinafter - the STCW Code) corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field
7. Duration or extent of the implementation of a programme (study hours)

8. Evaluation of the programme according to the following criteria (mark the appropriate with an X):


Evaluation criteria




Not applicable4

8.1. Programme documentation
8.1.1. whether the programme is available and it has been approved by the Registry of Seamen of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" (hereinafter - the Registry of Seamen)        
8.1.2. whether the documentation related to the implementation of the programme is available        
8.2. Supplies of the implementation of a programme
8.2.1. whether the programme is updated according to the technological innovations of the industry and amendments to the requirements of regulatory enactments        
8.2.2. whether detailed descriptions of training (study) subjects are being updated and used in the implementation of a programme        
8.2.3. whether infrastructure necessary for the implementation of a programme is available and in working order and whether it corresponds with the number of trainees        
8.2.4. whether the informative materials specified in the programme are used and available to trainees        
8.2.5. whether the technical facilities necessary for implementation of a programme are used and in working order        
8.3. Training simulators used in the programme
8.3.1. whether the functional capabilities and use of the training simulator conforms to the requirements laid down in sections A-I/12 and B-I/12 of the STCW Code        
8.3.2. whether descriptions of practical tasks of training simulators are available and approved        
8.3.3. whether the content of practical tasks of training simulators ensures the achievement of the planned results of the programme        
8.3.4. whether the number of work stations of the training simulator corresponds the number of trainees        
8.4. Programme instructors-assessors
8.4.1. whether a database of instructors-assessors is maintained        
8.4.2. whether all instructors-assessors involved in implementation of a programme have been specified in the programme        
8.4.3. whether instructors-assessors understand the planned results of the programme and are competent in terms of implementation of a programme        
8.4.4. whether instructors-assessors who conduct training on training simulators, have been trained and certified for use of the particular type of training simulator, whether they are familiar with the software of training simulators and can demonstrate the functional capabilities of training simulators in conformity with the requirements laid down in sections A-I/12 and B-I/12 of the STCW Code        
8.4.5. whether instructors-assessors have improved professional knowledge in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation within the past five years        
8.5. Organisation of the implementation of a programme        
8.5.1. whether admission of trainees to the programme takes place according to the admission criteria for trainees specified in the programme        
8.5.2. whether trainees are properly registered upon commencing and completing the training process        
8.5.3. whether attendance of lessons is regulated and registered        
8.5.4. whether the implementation of the programme takes place according to the latest schedule of the training process        
8.5.5. whether the implementation of the programme conforms to the programme approved by the Registry of Seamen        
8.5.6. whether the administration controls the fulfilment of the training plan and quality of lessons        
8.5.7. whether a database of the issued certificates of proficiency and documentary evidence is available        
8.5.8. whether the applied training methods ensure the achievement of the planned result        
8.5.9. whether the monitoring, internal control and planning of the training process take place according to the quality management system of the institution        
8.5.10. whether technical safety instructions of trainees are performed        
8.6. Final examinations
8.6.1. whether a database of theoretical questions included in the final examinations and practical tasks is available and is being updated        
8.6.2. whether the content of theoretical questions included in the final examinations and practical tasks conform to the planned results of the programme        
8.6.3. whether the programme acquisition is evaluated according to the evaluation criteria for the programme acquisition        
8.7. Conformity with the requirements of regulatory enactments
8.7.1. whether other requirements of this Regulation and the requirements of other binding regulatory enactments have been observed        

Explanatory notes.

1 Conforms to the requirements of the Regulation.

2 Deficiencies have been found during the evaluation of programme; however, they are not regarded as non-conformity with the requirements of this Regulation, but it is still necessary to eliminate them. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 11 of this evaluation report.

3 Does not conform to the requirements of the Regulation. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 10 of this evaluation report.

4 The conformity criterion is not applied/verified for the respective programme.

9. Notes regarding the evaluation process
10. Non-conformities found
11. Deficiencies found
12. Opinion of the assessor(s)

13. The evaluation report may be appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law within one month from the moment it has become effective by submitting a relevant application to the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia". The decision of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" may be appealed to a court within one month in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

14. The evaluation report was drawn up by    



(given name, surname)

15. Hereby I certify the evaluation        





(given name, surname)




Note. * The details of the document "signature" and "date" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Report on Evaluation of the Quality Management System


(name of the educational institution or training centre)


(legal address, telephone and fax number)

Report on Evaluation of the Quality Management System of the Educational Institution or Training Centre No. _________

1. The person(s) who performs the evaluation of the quality management system of the educational institution or training centre

(given name, surname, and position)

2. Evaluation date (from/to)
3. Location of the evaluation


4. The purpose of evaluation - to evaluate the conformity of the quality management system of the educational institution or training centre (hereinafter - the institution) with Cabinet Regulation No. 710 of 15 December 2015, Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation, and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers (hereinafter - the Regulation).

5. Evaluation of the quality management system according to the following criteria (mark the appropriate with an X):


Evaluation criteria




Not applicable4

5.1. Whether the educational institution has been registered in the register of educational institutions and documents certifying the registration are available        
5.2. Whether documents on the establishment and registration of the training centre are available        
5.3. Whether by-laws or Constitution of the institution are available        
5.4. Whether internal procedure regulations of the institution are available        
5.5. Whether the quality management system has been introduced at the institution in accordance with Paragraph 12 of this Regulation        
5.6. Whether the quality policy, objective and plan of the institution conform to the requirements of regulatory enactments        
5.7. Whether the organisational structure and functions of the institution and its structural units ensure implementation of the quality policy, objective and plan of the institution        
5.8. Whether the qualification of the administration, teaching staff and technical personnel conforms to the requirements of regulatory enactments        
5.9. Whether the recruitment, training, evaluation of competence and improvement of qualification of the administration, teaching staff and technical personnel conform to the approved order        
5.10. Whether the development, approval and updating of programmes take place according to the approved order        
5.11. Whether planning and monitoring of the training (study) process, process of mastering a programme and quality control take place according to the approved order        
5.12. Whether the development, updating and use of detailed descriptions of training (study) subjects take place according to the approved order        
5.13. Whether the available infrastructure, informative materials and technical facilities conform to the specific character of the implementation of the programme and its conformity is evaluated according to the approved order        
5.14. Whether the maintenance, use and improvement of infrastructure necessary for the implementation of the programme, as well as informative materials and technical facilities conform to the approved order        
5.15. Whether the admission of trainees (students) takes place according to the approved procedures and criteria        
5.16. Whether the feedback given to the trainee (student), the Registry of Seamen and employer is ensured according to the approved order        
5.17. Whether the qualification training ashore or on board ships at the sea is organised and the result thereof is evaluated according to the approved order        
5.18. Whether the criteria for admission to final examinations, procedures for organising final examinations, development, updating of the content thereof, evaluation criteria, as well as contesting the results of the final examination and repeat examination conform to the approved order        
5.19. Whether the registration and issuing of documents certifying the programme acquisition take place according to the approved order        
5.20. Whether the review of a complaint takes place according to the approved order        
5.21. Whether the maintenance of the documentation of the quality management system processes takes place according to the approved order        
5.22. Whether the internal audit of the quality management system takes place according to the approved order and criteria        
5.23. Whether corrective and preventive measures are specified and implemented according to the approved order        
5.24. Whether the institution introduces changes in the implementation of the programme and internal documentation according to the approved order and notifies the Registry of Seamen thereof        
5.25. Whether the institution conforms to the conditions on the implementation of the programme        
5.26. Whether the quality management system of the institution is being updated        

Explanatory notes.

1 Conforms to the requirements of the Regulation.

2 Deficiencies have been found in the quality management system of the institution; however, they are not regarded as non-conformity with the requirements of this Regulation, but it is still necessary to eliminate them. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 8 of this evaluation report.

3 Does not conform to the requirements of the Regulation. More detailed information has been indicated in Paragraph 7 of this evaluation report.

4 The conformity criterion is not applied/verified for the respective programme.

6. Notes regarding the evaluation process
7. Non-conformities found
8. Deficiencies found
9. Opinion of the assessor(s)

10. The evaluation report may be appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law within one month from the moment it has become effective by submitting a relevant application to the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia". The decision of the State stock company "Maritime Administration of Latvia" may be appealed to a court within one month in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

11. The evaluation report was drawn up by    



(given name, surname)

12. Hereby I certify the evaluation        





(given name, surname)




Note. * The details of the document "signature" and "date" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 7
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Application for the Evaluation of the Content of the Education Programme or Training Programme

To the Registry of Seamen
State stock company
"Maritime Administration of Latvia"

for the Evaluation of the Content of the Education Programme or Training Programme

1. Submitter

(name of the educational institution or training centre)

(legal address)

(telephone and fax number, e-mail address)

2. Programme which requires approval

(type, title and duration of the implementation of the programme)

(granted qualification)

(section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field)




(given name, surname, signature* of the head of the educational institution or training centre)

Note. * The details of the document "date" and "signature" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 8
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Certificate of Conformity
Greater State coat of arms

Republic of Latvia

Satiksmes ministrija
Ministry of Transport

Certificate of Conformity

Nr./ No_________

1. Izglītības iestādes vai mācību centra nosaukums
Name of MET institution
2. Izglītības iestādes vai mācību centra juridiskā adrese
Legal address of MET institution
3. Izglītības programmas vai mācību kursu programmas nosaukums
Name of MET programme
4. Izglītības programmas vai mācību kursu programmas īstenošanas ilgums (stundas vai kredītpunkti)
Duration of MET programme (hours or credit points)
5. Piešķiramā profesionālā kvalifikācija
Professional qualification to be granted
6. Atsauce uz izglītības programmai vai mācību kursu programmai atbilstošu 1978. gada Starptautiskās konvencijas par jūrnieku sagatavošanu un diplomēšanu, kā arī sardzes pildīšanu kodeksa (ar grozījumiem) iedaļu vai citu saistošo normatīvo aktu
Reference to section of the Code of International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, or other binding regulatory enactments relevant to the MET programme
7. Atbilstības sertifikāts izsniegts (datums)
Certificate of Conformity issued on (date)
8. Atbilstības sertifikāts izsniegts uz nenoteiktu laiku
Certificate of Conformity issued with no date of expiry
9. Atbilstības sertifikāts apliecina, ka izglītības programmas vai mācību kursu programmas saturs ir saskaņots un izglītības iestāde vai mācību centrs tehniski un organizatoriski ir gatavs īstenot programmu
Certificate of Conformity confirms that the content of the MET programme has been approved and the technical and managerial capacity of the MET institution is satisfactory for implementation of the programme
10. Atbilstības sertifikāts ir izdots saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 15. decembra noteikumiem Nr. 710 "Jūrnieku profesionālās sagatavošanas programmu sertificēšanas, īstenošanas un uzraudzības noteikumi"
Certificate of Conformity has been issued in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 710 "Regulations on the Certification, Implementation and Monitoring of Professional Training Programmes for Seafarers", 15 December 2015
Valsts sekretārs
State Secretary

(paraksts un tā atšifrējums/name, surname and signature)

Zīmoga vieta/Official seal

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 9
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Application for the Receipt of a Certificate of Conformity

To the Registry of Seamen
State stock company
"Maritime Administration of Latvia"

for the Receipt of a Certificate of Conformity

1. Submitter

(name of the educational institution or training centre)

(legal address)

(telephone and fax number, e-mail address)

2. Programme which requires a certificate of conformity

(type, title and duration of the implementation of the programme)

(granted qualification and level of professional qualification (in respect of education programmes))

(section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field)

3. Hereby I request to issue a certificate of conformity.



(given name, surname, signature* of the head of the educational institution or training centre)

Note. * The details of the document "date" and "signature" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 10
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Protocol of the Issued Education Documents


(name of the educational institution)




Protocol No. _________
on the Issued Education Documents

After completion of the programme, persons indicated in the table

(type, code and title of the education programme)

have received .

(title of the education document)

Title of the granted qualification .
The granted qualification conforms to the level of professional qualification.



Given name, surname

Personal identity number or date of birth

Date of issuance

of the education document







Head of the educational institution

(given name, surname, signature*)

Place for a seal*

Note. * The details of the document "date", "signature" and "place for a seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 11
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Application for the Registration of a Training Group


(name of the educational institution or training centre)


Application for the Registration of a Training Group



Number of the training group
Title of the training programme
Location of the implementation of the training programme
Duration of the implementation of the training programmes: from to

(start date of training)


(end date of training)

Instructors-assessors involved in the implementation of the training programme:
theoretical lessons
practical exercises

Persons included in the training group subject to training/studies:


Given name, surname

Personal identity number or date of birth






Head of the educational institution or training centre

(given name, surname, signature*)

Place for a seal*

Note. * The details of the document "date", "signature" and "place for a seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Annex 12
Cabinet Regulation No. 710
15 December 2015

Specimen Protocol on Issued Certificates of Proficiency or Documentary Evidence


(name of the educational institution or training centre)




Protocol No. _________
on Issued Certificates of Proficiency or Documentary Evidence

Title of training programme2
Registration number of the training group3
Section of the Code of the 1978 International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers corresponding to the programme or a reference to another regulatory enactment governing the maritime field



Given name, surname

Personal identity number or date of birth

Number of the seafarers' discharge book

Date of completion of the training course

Term of validity

of the document







Head of the educational institution or training centre

(given name, surname, signature1)

Place for a seal*


* The details of the document "date", "signature" and "place for a seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

2 Title of training programme specified in the issued certificate of proficiency or documentary evidence.

3 If the certificates of proficiency or documentary evidence are issued to persons who have undergone training in groups with various registration numbers, the distinctive registration number of groups and the date shall be additionally indicated.

Acting for the Minister for Transport, for the Minister for the Interior -
Minister for Welfare Uldis Augulis


Translation © 2016 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Jūrnieku profesionālās sagatavošanas programmu sertificēšanas, īstenošanas un uzraudzības noteikumi Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 710Adoption: 15.12.2015.Entry into force: 29.12.2015.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 252, 28.12.2015. OP number: 2015/252.4
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