Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 22.12.2020.–22.04.2022. Amendments not included: 19.04.2022.
Regulations Regarding the Geospatial Reference Data Information SystemIssued pursuant to 1. The Regulation prescribes the procedures for the maintenance and use of the geospatial reference data information system (hereinafter - the information system). 2. The information system is the integrated State information system which contains the geospatial reference data referred to in Section 17, Paragraph three of the Geospatial Information Law and which includes: 2.1. the geodetic network information system; 2.2. the database of place names; 2.3. the database of important objects. [25 July 2017] 3. The maintenance of the information system, including integration with the information systems referred to in Paragraph 2 of this Regulation, shall be ensured by the manager of the information system - the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency (hereinafter - the Agency). 4. Geospatial reference data shall be maintained in the information system in the format of vector data and raster data within the scope of a scale range 1:250000-1:2000 in the Geodetic Co-ordinate System of Latvia (1992) according to specifications approved by the Agency. 5. The preparation and updating of the geospatial reference data maintained in the information system shall be planned in conformity with at least the following cycle of updating: 5.1. orthophoto map - three-year cycle; 5.2. digital height model - nine-year cycle; 5.3. topographic map on a scale of 1:10000 - six-year cycle; 5.4. topographic map on a scale of 1:50000 - six-year cycle; 5.5. topographic map on a scale of 1:250000 - six-year cycle. [17 December 2020] 6. Information regarding the national geodetic network and the local geodetic network shall be maintained in the geodetic network information system in accordance with the laws and regulations in the field of geodesy. [25 July 2017] 7. Information regarding place names and the geographical objects corresponding thereto shall be maintained in the database of place names in accordance with the laws and regulations in the field of place names. 8. Information to be used for the preparation of geospatial reference data shall be maintained in the database of important objects, regarding the following objects: 8.1. objects of potential danger to aircraft flights; 8.2. bridges; 8.3. educational institutions; 8.4. medical treatment institutions; 8.5. waste water treatment plants; 8.6. dams; 8.7. springs; 8.8. fords and ferries; 8.9. [17 December 2020]; 8.10. water reservoirs, water depositories for firefighting needs; 8.11. water supply objects; 8.12. repositories of fuel, gas and chemical products. 9. The Agency shall obtain the information referred to in Paragraphs 4, 6, 7 and 8 of this Regulation: 9.1. by performing geodetic and cartographic activity within the scope of the financing from the State budget assigned according to the plan for the preparation and updating of geospatial reference data; 9.2. by receiving information from holders of the relevant information. 10. If the Agency receives information from the holder of the relevant information, the holder of the relevant information shall be responsible for the veracity and topicality of information. 11. The Agency shall receive and use free of charge the following for the maintenance of the geospatial information included in the information system: 11.1. geospatial information from the State Address Register; 11.2. geospatial information from the information system of the immovable property State cadastre; 11.3. topographic information of high detailed elaboration; 11.4. geospatial information of the boundaries of encumbered territories and objects causing protection zones; 11.5. spatial data of borders of administrative territories; 11.6. geospatial information of forest inventory; 11.7. geospatial information regarding specially protected nature territories; 11.8. geospatial information regarding land to be used for agriculture; 11.9. geospatial information of amelioration; 11.10. geospatial information regarding hydrographic measurements, geospatial information, which is included in maritime navigation maps of territorial waters and economic zone of the Republic of Latvia, geospatial information regarding waterways and means of navigation in order to ensure safe navigation; 11.11. geospatial information regarding the infrastructure of land, maritime, air and pipeline transport and traffic junctions; 11.12. geospatial information regarding hydroelectric power stations; 11.13. geospatial information regarding electricity transmission networks; 11.14. geospatial information regarding gas mains; 11.15. information of the construction information system; 11.16. information of the spatial development planning information system; 11.17. geospatial information regarding airways and aircraft flight zones; 11.18. information regarding the objects referred to in Paragraph 8 of this Regulation. 12. The conditions for the receipt and use of the information referred to in Paragraph 11 of this Regulation, the amount, format and regularity shall be determined by entering into an agreement between the Agency and the holder of the relevant information. 13. The maintenance of the information system, as well as the maintenance of information included therein and the provision of services shall be financed from the grant assigned for such purpose in the law on the State budget for the current year from general revenue. 14. The Agency is entitled to finance the expenses of maintaining the information system, as well as using and providing the information included therein from own revenue for the paid services provided. 15. The following services shall be available in the information system free of charge: 15.1. the use and issuance of information under management and at the disposal of the Agency in accordance with laws and regulations, if laws and regulations directly determine the duty of the Agency to provide the relevant information free of charge or the information is accessible to the public in accordance with Paragraph 19 of this Regulation; 15.2. the use and issuance of standard geospatial reference data at the disposal of the Agency (Annex) to State administration institutions and derived public persons for the carrying out of public functions and tasks, as well as to private individuals carrying out State administration tasks delegated thereto, if financing for the obtaining, preparation and maintaining of the relevant geospatial information or for the provision of services of the relevant geospatial information is ensured from a grant from the State budget assigned for such purpose. 16. The conditions of Sub-paragraph 15.2 of this Regulation shall apply to the issuance of geospatial reference data in electronic form in the electronic data carrier of the persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 15.2 of this Regulation or with download, using file transfer protocol (FTP). 17. Payment for geospatial information services which include the preparation, issuance and use of the information included in the information system shall be determined according to the price list of the public paid services of the Agency. 18. The information system shall ensure access to the information maintained therein, its metadata and geospatial information services. 19. The following geospatial information included in the information system shall be accessible to the public: 19.1. the browser of geospatial reference data (hereinafter - map browser) in viewing mode on a scale and to the extent available in the information system: 19.1.1. information of the national geodetic network database; 19.1.2. orthophoto map; 19.1.3. digital terrain and surface model; 19.1.4. topographic plan on a scale of 1:2000; 19.1.5. topographic map on a scale of 1:10000, 1:50000 and 1:250000; 19.1.6. overview map of Latvia on a scale of 1:500000 and 1:1 000000; 19.1.7. public part of the database of important objects, containing the following information: objects of potential danger to aircraft flights in height exceeding 100 metres; bridges; educational institutions; medical treatment institutions; waste water treatment plants; dams; springs; fords and ferries; 19.1.8. information received from other holders of geospatial reference data according to the provisions for the use determined by the relevant data holder, if the holder of the relevant geospatial information has given a relevant permit to the Agency for publishing the information; 19.2. information from the geodetic network information system; 19.3. information available free of charge in the database of place names in accordance with the laws and regulations in the field of place names. [25 July 2017; 17 December 2020] 20. The public part of the database of important objects referred to in Sub-paragraph 19.1.7 of this Regulation shall include at least the following information regarding objects: 20.1. type of object; 20.2. unique identifier; 20.3. coordinates; 20.4. date when information was obtained. 21. In order to receive a service from the information system, a State administration institution, a derived public person, a legal or natural person (hereinafter - the service recipient) shall submit a request for information or service to the Agency in written or oral form or to the electronic application system of the Agency in electronic form. 22. The Agency shall ensure access to the geospatial reference data referred to in Section 17, Paragraph three of the Geospatial Information Law after entering into a licence contract or receipt of a licence in accordance with the procedures laid down in the laws and regulations regarding the use of a geospatial data set. 23. [25 July 2017] 24. The Agency shall ensure access to the geospatial reference data referred to in Section 17, Paragraph three of the Geospatial Information Law, using web service, after concluding a contract regarding subscribing to the geospatial data set. [25 July 2017] 25. If the service recipient is issued a licence with the right to use of the provider of service and distributor of a geospatial data set or a contract has been entered into regarding subscribing to the geospatial data set, the service recipient has the right to receive the updates to geospatial reference data available in the information system in relation to the relevant geospatial data set within the time period determined in the licence contract, licence or contract regarding subscribing to the geospatial data set. 26. Upon request of the service recipient, the Agency shall select, prepare and issue the information available in the public part of the geodetic network information system, database of place names and database of important objects, applying fee according to the price list of public paid services. [25 July 2017] 27. The geospatial reference data necessary for the carrying out of State or local government functions and tasks shall be prepared and updated, using the current geospatial reference data available in the information system. Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma Minister for Defence Raimonds Vējonis
Annex Standard Geospatial Reference Data[17 December 2020]
Note. * The DGN data format of a topographic map on the scale of 1:10000 is available for data prepared until 2020 according to the schematic maps available on the website of the Latvian Geospatial Information Agency. Translation © 2021 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
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Title: Ģeotelpisko pamatdatu informācijas sistēmas noteikumi
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