Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
Regulations Regarding the Information System of Personal Identification DocumentsIssued pursuant
to 1. This Regulation prescribes the information to be included in the Information System of Personal Identification Documents (hereinafter - the system), as well as the procedures for creating, maintaining, and using the system. 2. The following information shall be included in the system: 2.1. regarding blank personal identification document; 2.2. regarding an application for the issuance of a personal identification document, including information which in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the issuance of personal identification documents should be included or may be included in the personal identification document, except data that is created during personalisation of the personal identification document; 2.3. regarding an application for the supplementation of a personal identification document, including information which in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the issuance of personal identification documents may be requested by a person to be included in the personal identification document after its issuance; 2.4. regarding an application for the issuance of a new sealed envelope containing information regarding personal identification number of authentication (PIN1), personal identification number of signature (PIN2), and PIN1 and PIN2 unlock code (PUK code), including as regards information regarding the applicant; 2.5. regarding an application for the changing or renewing the status of certificates included in the certifying document, including information regarding the applicant; 2.6. regarding personalisation of the blank personal identification document; 2.7. regarding supplementation of a personal identification document; 2.8. regarding moving of a personal identification document between the Personalisation Centre of the Personal Identification Documents Department of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (hereinafter - the Office) and the issuing authority; 2.9. regarding issuance of a new or supplemented personal identification document to the person; 2.10. regarding payments of the State fee for the issuance of a personal identification document, including information regarding the payer; 2.11. regarding an issued or supplemented personal identification document, including information which in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the issuance of personal identification documents should be included or may be included in the personal identification document, except information to be included in the contact microchip of the personal identification document; 2.12. regarding writing-off, destruction or handing over of a personal identification document to the National Archives of Latvia; 2.13. regarding the ancillary data (metadata) necessary for the process of issuance of personal identification documents and ensuring the operation of the system. 3. In order to ensure verification of the information included in the contactless microchip embedded in the personal identification document, the following data shall be included in the system in addition to the information referred to in Paragraph 2 of this Regulation: 3.1. which is necessary for verification of authenticity of the information included in the contactless microchip of a personal identification document issued by the Office or a personalised personal identification document; 3.2. which is necessary for verification of authenticity of the information included in the contactless microchip of a travel document issued by another state or organisation; 3.3. which is necessary in order to authorise access for reading of secondary biometric data (digital images of fingerprints) included in the contactless microchip of a personal identification document issued by the Office or a personalised personal identification document; 3.4. which is necessary in order to authorise access for reading of secondary biometric data (digital images of fingerprints) included in the contactless microchip of a travel document issued by another state or organisation. 4. The system shall be created: 4.1. by compiling historic information accumulated by the Office in electronic form during the process of issuing personal identification documents. Only such information and only to such extent, which is necessary for achieving the objective brought forward for the system, shall be included in the system; 4.2. by obtaining and processing the information specified in this Regulation and ensuring the fulfilment of the functions specified in laws and regulations in the field of issuance of personal identification documents. 5. Information shall be included in the system by the Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to their competence. 6. The system may receive data from another information system in online mode to such extent, which is necessary for achieving the objective brought forward for the system, on the basis of the laws and regulations governing the issuance of personal identification documents and a written agreement with the administrator of the particular information system. 7. The system may transfer data to another information system in online mode to such extent, which is necessary for achieving the objective brought forward for the particular information system, on the basis of the laws and regulations governing the field of operation of the particular information system and a written agreement with the administrator of the particular information system. 8. The data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.1 of this Regulation may be transferred to other states or organisations, publishing them in the Public Key Directory of the International Civil Aviation Organisation or using other secure (diplomatic) channels. 9. The data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.2 of this Regulation shall be obtained from the Public Key Directory of the International Civil Aviation Organisation or using other secure (diplomatic) channels. 10. The Office shall be the authority responsible for: 10.1. the data exchange referred to in Sub-paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 of this Regulation with other states and organisations; 10.2. use of the data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.3 of this Regulation for authorisation of another state or organisation; 10.3. requesting of the data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.4 of this Regulation from another state or organisation. 11. A State administration institution shall transfer the data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.2 of this Regulation, received from another state or organisation, to the Office for inclusion in the system. 12. The data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.4 of this Regulation may be requested and received from another state or organisation. The data referred to in Sub-paragraph 3.3 of this Regulation may be used in order to authorise another state or organisation, in accordance with the procedures for data exchange laid down in regulatory enactments of the European Union, the procedures and security provisions. 13. The Office shall ensure the maintaining of the system according to the resources assigned in the State budget. 14. The system in online mode shall be used by the Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to their competence, ensuring issuance, accounting and checking of personal identification documents. 15. The system may be used in online mode by the State Border Guard according to the competence in accordance with the laws and regulations governing personal identification documents and border control in performing verification of personal identification documents, as well as verification of the data included in contactless microchips embedded in travel documents issued by another state or organisation, in conformity with the security requirements laid down in regulatory enactments of the European Union. 16. Other State administration institutions, which are not referred to in Paragraphs 14 and 15 of this Regulation, courts, sworn notaries, sworn bailiffs and the Prosecutor's Office, according to their competence, have the right to receive the information referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.11 of this Regulation from the system free of charge (except digital images of fingerprints of a person), on the basis of a written request. 17. Online access to the information referred to in Sub-paragraph 2.11 of this Regulation, included in the system (except digital images of fingerprints of a person), shall be authorised for the institutions referred to in Paragraph 16 of this Regulation, on the basis of a written agreement with the Office. 18. Upon entering into the written agreement referred to in Paragraph 17 of this Regulation, the amount of information to be issued, the purpose of using the information, and the procedures by which the Office shall check the use of the issued information, as well as the justification for requesting the information shall be determined. Acting for the Prime Minister - Minister for Defence Artis Pabriks Minister for the Interior Rihards Kozlovskis
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Title: Personu apliecinošu dokumentu informācijas sistēmas noteikumi
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