The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.01.2014.–31.12.2024.
Amendments not included:
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State
Language Centre) with amending laws of:
12 September 2013 [shall
come into force from 1 January 2014].
If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the
date of the amending law appears in square brackets at
the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or
clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears
in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph
or clause.
The Saeima1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following Law:
Fiscal Discipline Law
Chapter I
General Provisions
Section 1. Purpose of this Law
The purpose of this Law is to prescribe such fiscal policy
principles and conditions which ensure a balanced budget in an
economic cycle and thus facilitate sustainable State development,
macroeconomic stability and reduce negative impact of external
factors on the national economy.
Section 2. Scope of Application of
this Law
(1) This Law prescribes fiscal policy principles, planning and
implementation instruments thereof, surveillance of compliance
with fiscal discipline, as well as sets out fiscal conditions to
be complied with in drawing up and implementing medium-term
budgetary framework law and annual State budget law and
amendments thereof.
(2) This Law shall apply to the budget institutions,
institutions non-financed from the budget and derived persons
partially financed from the State budget laid down in the Law On
Budget and Financial Management. The fiscal policy principles
laid down in this Law shall be applicable also to other
institutions to be included in the general government sector
[within the meaning of Paragraph 2.70 of Annex A of Council
Regulation (EC) No 2223/96 of 25 June 1996 on the European system
of national and regional accounts in the Community].
Section 3. Fiscal Policy
Fiscal policy is an aggregate of principles and decisions
which determines the State functions in redistribution of
revenues and expenditure.
Section 4. Fiscal Policy
The following principles shall be observed in the
implementation of fiscal policy:
1) economy principle - available resources shall be used
usefully and efficiently;
2) accrual formation principle - if it is allowed by the
economic situation, the budget shall be planned and implemented
with surplus which in its turn allows to cover future commitments
in the case of downturn of economic situation or non-performance
of the budget;
3) counter-cyclical fiscal policy principle - the fiscal
policy which functions against tendencies of economic cycle,
namely, restrictive fiscal policy is implemented in a phase of
economic cycle upturn, but in the downturn phase - stimulating
fiscal policy;
4) stability principle - financial policy is foreseeable and
successive, and thus it promotes economic development and
financial stability;
5) sustainable fiscal policy principle - the objective of the
fiscal policy is to ensure that general government debt (within
the meaning of Article 2 of Protocol 12 of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union) amount does not impose
disproportionate burden on the economy, but facilitates the
development thereof in the long-term;
6) mutual liability principle of generations - in the fiscal
policy the financial impact on the society both, now and in the
next generations, is taken into account;
7) transparency principle - information available for the
public is ensured regarding fiscal policy objectives, achievement
methods and results thereof;
8) solidarity principle - institutions included in the general
government sector shall solidary comply with the fiscal rules
laid down in this Law and applicable to general government
Chapter II
Fiscal Rules for Drawing up of Draft Medium-term Budgetary
Framework Law and Draft Annual State Budget Law, Implementation
of these Laws and Drawing up of Amendments Thereto
Section 5. Fiscal Rules for Drawing
up of Draft Medium-term Budgetary Framework Law
(1) A draft medium-term budgetary framework law (hereinafter -
draft framework law) shall be drawn up for a period of three
years, and the total amount of maximum permissible State
budgetary expenditure from which equalised expenditure laid down
in accordance with Section 18 of this Law is excluded
(hereinafter - corrected maximum permissible State budget
expenditure), - if a medium-term budgetary framework law
(hereinafter - framework law) has been developed in the previous
year - it is determined for the first and second year of the
period accordingly in the amount of corrected maximum permissible
State budget expenditure which in the framework law of the
previous period was determined for the second and third year
accordingly, but - if the framework law has not been developed
for the previous year - it is determined for the first year of
the period accordingly in the amount of corrected maximum
permissible State budget expenditure which in the framework law
of the previous period was determined for the third year,
adjusting this amount, if changes are in the following items:
1) changes in the basic budget expenditure in relation to more
current forecasts for the contingent of beneficiaries of the
State social benefits and pensions;
2) changes in the special budget expenditure in relation to
more current forecasts for the contingent of beneficiaries of
social insurance services, as well as forecasts of average amount
of pensions and benefits;
3) expenditure arising from forecasted changes in the paid
services and other own revenues, as well as the sum of surplus
from paid services fixed in the beginning of the current year and
other own revenues;
4) increase of the expenditure which is necessary for the
rectification of threat referred to in Section 62 of the
Constitution, as well as rectification of material damages caused
by natural disasters, accidents and other nature or social
processes - complying with the condition of Section 12, Paragraph
two of this Law;
5) increase of the expenditure necessary to perform judgements
of the international courts and Constitutional Court;
6) expenditure in relation to European Union policy
instruments and projects and measures financed by other foreign
financial assistance funds;
7) expenditure for service of that part of the State debt,
which is within the competence of the Treasury;
8) current payments into the European Union budget and
international co-operation;
9) the increase of expenditure caused by fiscal risks nor
referred to in Section 16, Paragraph five of this Law in the
cases referred to in Section 17, Paragraphs four and five of this
Law - taking into account the conditions of these Paragraphs;
10) the increase of those expenditure which arise from the
adoption of the law or regulation in accordance with Section 9 of
this Law, if in conformity with the conditions thereof the law or
regulation providing to increase the State budget revenues in
order to cover the increase of the relevant expenditure, or the
decrease of expenditure in the amount which compensates decline
of the State budget revenues, if the law or regulation is adopted
providing to reduce the State budget revenues.
(2) If in accordance with Section 15 of this Law the amount of
corrected maximum permissible State budget expenditure laid down
in accordance with Section 15 of this Law, from which the fiscal
security reserve for the relevant year has been deducted, in
comparison to the amount of the expenditure which is laid down in
accordance with Paragraph one of this Section and from which the
fiscal security reserve laid down in the previous framework law
for the relevant year has been deducted, differs for more than
0.1 per cent of the gross domestic product (in current prices),
the amount of the corrected maximum permissible State budget
expenditure laid down in accordance with Section 15 of this Law
shall be included in the draft framework law for the relevant
(3) In the framework law for each year of the period the
following indicators shall be set out:
1) forecasted gross domestic product in constant and current
2) forecasted potential gross domestic product, forecasted
growth rate of the gross domestic product and forecasted growth
rate of the potential gross domestic product for two years
following the third year of the period;
3) planned structural balance of the general government budget
expressed in per cent from the gross domestic product and laid
down in accordance with Section 10 of this Law. A term
"structural balance of the general government budget" within this
Law is used in the same meaning as the term "structural balance"
in the Regulation (EU) No 1175/2011 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 16 November 2011 amending Council
Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 on the strengthening of the
surveillance of budgetary positions and the surveillance and
coordination of economic policies;
4) planned total deficit or surplus of the budgets of the
institutions included in the general government sector
(hereinafter - general government budget balance) in per cent of
the gross domestic product;
5) forecasted State budget revenues;
6) equalised expenditure including:
a) total equalised expenditure of the relevant year;
b) equalised expenditure for the European Union structural
funds and Cohesion Fund for the entire planning period and each
year of the framework law period,
c) equalised expenditure for the Common Agricultural Policy
and Common Fisheries Policy for the entire planning period and
each year of the framework law period,
d) equalised State debt service expenditure related to
expenditure for service of that part of the State debt, which is
within the competence of the Treasury;
7) corrected maximum permissible State budget expenditure;
8) fiscal security reserve (Section 17);
9) other indicators set out in the Law On Budget and Financial
(4) Explanations containing the following information shall be
appended to the draft framework law:
1) regarding forecasted macroeconomic development, medium-term
risk assessment thereof, as well as comparison with the
medium-term macroeconomic forecasts laid down in the framework
law of the previous year;
2) regarding medium-term objectives for fiscal policy,
measures implemented for the achievement thereof, as well as
comparison thereof with the medium-term objectives for fiscal
policy laid down in the previous framework law;
3) regarding for the medium-term revenue forecast, as well as
comparison thereof with the medium-term revenue forecast laid
down in the previous framework law;
4) regarding medium-term development tendencies for the
government debt;
5) on calculation of the indicators laid down in Paragraph
three of this Section;
6) regarding correction of the balance, if it has been
performed (Section 11);
7) regarding differences of accrued balances (Section 11,
Paragraph four);
8) other indicators, if it is intended in the Law On Budget
and Financial Management.
(5) In addition to the explanations laid down in this Section,
Paragraph four a fiscal risk declaration (Section 16) and fiscal
discipline surveillance report (Section 29) drawn up by the
Fiscal Discipline Council shall be appended to the draft
framework law.
Section 6. Fiscal Rules for the
Drawing up of Amendments to the Framework Law
When drawing up amendments to the framework law, the same
fiscal rules which apply to the drawing up of the draft framework
law shall be complied with.
Section 7. Fiscal Rules for the
Drawing up of the Draft Annual State Budget Law and
Implementation of the Law
(1) If the framework law has been developed in the previous
year, the draft annual state budget law shall be drawn up in
accordance with the framework law, the first year of the period
of which conforms to the financial year for which the particular
draft State budget law is being drawn up. If the framework law
has not been developed in the previous year, the draft annual
state budget law shall be drawn up in accordance with the
framework law, the second year of the period of which conforms to
the financial year for which the particular draft State budget
law is being drawn up. The adjusted forecasts for macroeconomic
development and revenues shall be taken into account in the
drawing up thereof.
(2) When drawing up the draft annual State budget law, the
State budget expenditure, from which expenditure is excluded in
those expenditure items, for which expenditure equalisation is
laid down in accordance with Section 18 of this Law, shall be
determined less than corrected maximum permissible State budget
expenditure laid down in the framework law for the relevant year
which is adjusted in the cases referred to in Section 5,
Paragraph one of this Law. This difference shall be fiscal
security reserve (Section 17).
(3) When implementing annual State budget law, the total
amount of corrected maximum permissible State budget expenditure
laid down in the framework law for the relevant year, from which
fiscal security reserve has been deducted, may not be exceeded,
except for the cases referred to in Section 5, Paragraph one of
this Law.
Section 8. Fiscal Rules for the
Drawing up of Amendments to Annual State Budget Law
When drawing up amendments to annual State budget law, the
State budget expenditure, from which expenditure is excluded in
those expenditure items, for which expenditure equalisation is
laid down in accordance with Section 18 of this Law, shall be
determined less than corrected maximum permissible State budget
expenditure laid down in the framework law for the relevant year
which is adjusted in the cases referred to in Section 5,
Paragraph one of this Law. This difference shall be fiscal
security reserve (Section 17).
Section 9. Adoption of Laws and
Regulations Having Impact on the Budget
(1) If the Cabinet submits draft project to the Saeima
for examination which causes exceedance of the corrected maximum
permissible State budget expenditure laid down in the framework
law that is not related to the cases referred to in Section 5,
Paragraph one of this Law or that causes decrease in the State
budget revenues planned in the framework law, the Cabinet shall
also submit a draft law or draft laws to the Saeima
concurrently, which provide compensating of increase in
expenditure or decrease in revenues. Compensating is carried out
by increasing revenues or decreasing expenditure.
(2) If the Cabinet adopts a regulatory enactment which causes
exceedance of benchmark of corrected maximum permissible State
budget expenditure laid down in the framework law that is not
related to the cases referred to in Section 5, Paragraph one of
this Law or that causes decrease in the State budget revenues
planned in the framework law, the Cabinet shall ensure that the
regulatory enactment or regulatory enactments come into force
concurrently, which compensate increase in expenditure or
decrease in revenues. Compensating is carried out by increasing
revenues or decreasing expenditure.
(3) If the laws and regulations increasing expenditures or
decreasing revenues referred to in Paragraph one and two of this
Section worsen also structural balance of the general government
budget, the Cabinet shall ensure that the compensating law or
regulation or compensating laws or regulations submitted to the
Saeima (in the case referred to in Paragraph one of this
Section), or the law or regulation or laws and regulations
adopted by the Cabinet (in the case referred to in Paragraph two
of this Section) guarantee equalisation of the structural balance
of the general government budget.
Section 10. Balance Rule
Structural balance of the general government budget may not be
determined lesser than -0.5 per cent in the draft framework law
for each year of the period from the gross domestic product for
the relevant year (hereinafter - minimum planned structural
balance of the general government budget).
Section 11. Adjustment of Minimum
Planned Structural Balance of the General Government Budget
(1) When drawing up the draft framework law, the minimum
planned structural balance of the general government budget shall
be adjusted in accordance with the procedures laid down in this
Section, in order to ensure that actual deviations of previous
years from the balance rule do not impact balanced position of
the budget.
(2) Until 1 December of the next year the Ministry of Finance
shall calculate a difference between actual structural balance of
the general government budget and minimum planned structural
balance of the general government budget for each financial
(3) If the Ministry of Finance has recalculated actual
structural balance of the general government budget in previous
financial years, it shall also recalculate difference between
balances when performing calculation.
(4) The Ministry of Finance shall keep record of the sums of
differences of balances for all years in the national currency.
The minimum planned structural balance of the general government
budget shall be adjusted, if in the year of drawing up of the
framework law the sum of accrued differences of balances,
deducting increase of structural balance of the general
government budget already applied in the previous three years
(Paragraph five of this Section), is negative and absolute value
thereof is at least 0.5 per cent of the gross domestic product of
the relevant year. Adjustment shall be carried out in accordance
with Paragraph five of this Section and taking into account the
conditions of Paragraph six and seven of this Section.
(5) In the draft framework law for the third year the minimum
planned structural balance of the general government budget shall
be determined greater for 0.5 per cent of the gross domestic
product than that laid down in Section 10 of this Law.
(6) Adjustment shall not be carried out, if the forecasted
difference between gross domestic product and potential gross
domestic product in constant prices is negative. Adjustment shall
be carried out in the year when the abovementioned difference is
(7) If, in drawing up the draft framework law, the adjustment
of the minimum planned structural balance of the general
government budget was intended in respect to the first or second
year of the period, however the negative value of differences of
balances accrued during the drawing up of such draft framework
law has diminished for 0.5 per cent from the gross domestic
product, the adjustment shall not be performed.
Section 12. Deviation from Balance
(1) In drawing up the draft framework law, deviation from the
condition of Section 10 of this Law can be made in the following
1) measures for rectification of material damages caused by
natural disasters, accidents and other nature or social processes
are to be implemented the forecasted costs of which in one
financial year exceed 0.1 per cent of the gross domestic product
of the relevant year;
2) threat referred to in Section 62 of the Constitution is to
be rectified;
3) during a severe economic downturn. In this Law the term "a
severe economic downturn" is used in the same meaning as in the
Council Regulation (EC) No 1056/2005 amending Regulation (EC) No
1467/97 on speeding up and clarifying the implementation of the
excessive deficit procedure.
(2) The amount of deviation may not exceed the amount of
necessary costs in the cases referred to in Paragraph one,
Clauses 1 and 2 of this Section.
(3) In the case referred to in Paragraph one, Clause 3 of this
Section the deviation shall be permissible in the amount which is
necessary for overcoming of a severe economic downturn and it may
not exceed the forecasted decrease in revenues. When determining
the amount of deviation, an opinion of the Fiscal Council shall
be assessed.
Section 13. Expenditure Growth
Draft framework law shall be drawn up by taking into account
expenditure growth rule which in accordance with Article 9 of
Regulation (EU) No 1175/2011 of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 16 November 2011 amending Council Regulation (EC)
No 1466/97 on the strengthening of the surveillance of budgetary
positions and the surveillance and coordination of economic
policies is applied when drawing up the assessment by the
European Commission referred to in this Article of the
Section 14. Debt Criterion
(1) Draft framework law shall be drawn up taking into account
the criterion that the general government debt may not exceed 60
per cent of the gross domestic product in the end of the
financial year.
(2) The general government debt shall be calculated in
accordance with the methodology for the calculation of the
general government debt laid down in the Council Regulation (EC)
No 2223/96 of 25 June 1996 on the European system of national and
regional accounts in the Community.
Section 15. Determination of
Corrected Maximum Permissible Sate Budget Expenditure
When drawing up the draft framework law, the corrected maximum
permissible State budget expenditure for the relevant year shall
be determined so that the balance rule and expenditure growth
rule are observed concurrently.
Section 16. General Management of
Fiscal Risks
(1) The Cabinet shall ensure the general management of fiscal
risks. The objective of the general management of fiscal risks is
to ensure the stability of indicators laid down in Section 5,
Paragraph three, Clauses 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of this Law
(hereinafter - fiscal indicators) in the medium-term regardless
of the changes caused by external factors, as well as to reduce
impact of changes caused by external factors in fiscal indicators
in each year of the framework law period.
(2) General management of fiscal risks shall include annual
fiscal risk identification, probability of setting in thereof and
fiscal impact assessment, as well as development of measures
necessary for the fiscal risk rectification or reduction. General
management of fiscal risks shall include also a mechanism in
conformity with which the institutions contained in the general
government sector shall co-operate in the performance of the
above mentioned functions.
(3) The Cabinet shall develop the procedures for
implementation of general management of fiscal risks.
(4) The measures necessary for ensuring of the stability of
fiscal indicators laid down in the draft framework law shall be
determined in a declaration of fiscal risks which is approved by
the Cabinet. The declaration of fiscal risks shall contain:
1) a summary of description of the general management of
fiscal risks, the surveillance measures taken and planned,
proposals for the improvement of the risk management system and
assessment of the progress achieved in the introduction thereof,
as well as comparison of the referred to information with the
information provided in a previous declaration of fiscal
2) classification of fiscal risks;
3) methods for impact of fiscal risks and probability of
setting in thereof;
4) a detailed outline (description of the risk source, amount
of commitments undertaken, fiscal impact, probability of setting
in, risk management mechanism, a mechanism used for the
rectification of consequences of risk event, changes in the
referred to information in comparison to a previous declaration
of fiscal risks) of fiscal risks the probability of setting in
and fiscal impact of which have been assessed (hereinafter -
quantifiable fiscal risks);
5) outline of fiscal risks the probability of setting in and
fiscal impact of which have been not assessed (hereinafter -
non-quantifiable fiscal risks) by including therein also the
information referred to in Clause 4 of this Paragraph as
6) calculation of fiscal security reserve (Section 17),
including the calculation of fiscal security in respect of each
fiscal risk included in a declaration of fiscal risks for which a
reserve is calculated.
(5) A declaration of fiscal risks shall include at least the
following quantifiable fiscal risks:
1) increase in current payments into the European Union budget
and international co-operation;
2) increase in expenditure necessary for the implementation of
projects and measure and non-reimbursable from the relevant
programme for such financial aid programmes if the European Union
policy instruments and other foreign countries for which
expenditure equalisation is not applied;
3) increase in the basic budget expenditure in relation to
more current forecasts for the contingent of beneficiaries of the
State social benefits and pensions;
4) increase in the special budget expenditure in relation to
more current forecasts for the contingent of beneficiaries of
social insurance services, as well as forecasts of average amount
of pensions and benefits.
Section 17. Fiscal Security Reserve
and Conditions for Covering of Expenditure Caused by Fiscal
(1) Fiscal security reserve purpose is to ensure the planned
general government budget balance laid down for the relevant year
in the framework law in case of mild macroeconomic fluctuations
and in case of covering of expenditure caused by quantifiable
fiscal risks included in a declaration of fiscal risks.
(2) In the draft framework law the amount of fiscal security
reserve shall be laid down in conformity with quantifiable fiscal
risks included in a declaration of fiscal risks. It may not be
less than 0.1 per cent of the gross domestic product.
(3) The Cabinet shall approve the methodology for
determination of the amount of fiscal security reserve.
(4) If the amount of fiscal security reserve is not sufficient
for covering of expenditure caused by quantifiable fiscal risks
included in a declaration of fiscal risks, expenditure may exceed
corrected maximum permissible state budget expenditure.
(5) Expenditure caused by non-quantifiable fiscal risks
included in a declaration of fiscal risks and fiscal risks not
included therein, if they do not conform to the conditions laid
down in Section 12, Paragraph one, Clauses 1 and 2 of this Law
and if the total amount thereof does not exceed 0.1 per cent of
the gross domestic product, may be performed exceeding the
corrected maximum permissible State budget expenditure.
(6) The Cabinet shall draw up proposals for reduction of
expenditure in other expenditure items or for increase of
revenue, in order to compensate expenditure caused by
non-quantifiable fiscal risks included in a declaration of fiscal
risks and fiscal risks not included therein, if they do not
conform to the conditions laid down in Section 12, Paragraph one,
Clauses 1 and 2 of this Law and if the total amount thereof
exceeds 0.1 per cent of the gross domestic product.
Section 18. Expenditure Equalisation
(1) In order to ensure a stable medium-term planning of
expenditure, expenditure equalisation mechanism shall be applied
to certain State budget expenditure items.
(2) Expenditure equalisation mechanism is applied to the
following State budget expenditure items:
1) expenditure for the European Union structural funds,
Cohesion Fund, Common Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries
2) State budget expenditure related to expenditure for service
of that part of State debt, which is within the competence of the
(3) Total equalised expenditure of the relevant year shall be
determined as the sum of equalised expenditure referred to in
Paragraph two of this Section which is calculated in accordance
with Paragraph four and six of this Section.
(4) Amount of equalised expenditure for the projects and
measures of the European Union structural funds, Cohesion Fund,
Common Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries Policy shall be
1) in a year which is covered by a programme period - by
dividing the total amount of expenditure of the relevant fund or
policy projects and measures not to be covered from the financial
aid programme of foreign states by the number of years of the
programme period and adding the amount of expenditure of the
relevant year to be covered from the financial aid programme of
the relevant year;
2) in a year which is not covered by a programme period - in
the amount of expenditure of the relevant year to be covered from
the financial aid programme of foreign states.
(5) A programme period within the meaning of this Law shall be
a planning period of the financial aid programme of foreign
(6) The State debt service equalised expenditure shall be
determined for each year of the framework law in accordance with
a tendency of increase of the State debt, by excluding
expenditure fluctuations arising from the forecasted fluctuations
of interest rates.
(7) The Cabinet shall approve the methodology for the
calculation of the State debt service equalised expenditure.
Section 19. Exceedance of the State
Basic Budget Actual Revenues over Actual Expenditure and Use
(1) Exceedance of the State basic budget actual revenues over
actual expenditure is included in the long-term stabilisation
reserve or shifted for repayment of the State debt.
(2) The condition of Paragraph one of this Section shall not
apply to such exceedance of actual revenues of the State budget
over actual expenditure, which is to be used in further years in
accordance with other laws.
(3) Each year the Cabinet shall decide on shifting of the
exceedance - if any - to repayment of the government debt or
inclusion thereof in the long-term stabilisation reserve.
Section 20. Macroeconomic
(1) Medium-term macroeconomic forecasts, including forecasts
of growth rate of the gross domestic product, deflator forecasts
of the gross domestic product and forecasts of growth rate of the
potential gross domestic product shall be developed by the
Ministry of Finance.
(2) Macroeconomic forecasts shall be co-ordinated with the
Bank of Latvia and the Ministry of Economics.
Chapter III
Fiscal Discipline Surveillance
Section 21. Status of Fiscal
Discipline Council
The Fiscal Discipline Council (hereinafter - Council) shall be
independent collegial institution which is established for the
surveillance of complying with this Law.
Section 22. Composition of the
(1) The Council shall consist of the following six
1) three representatives nominated according to the joint
proposal of the Governor of the Bank of Latvia and Minister for
the Finance;
2) three representatives nominated by at least ten deputies of
the Saeima.
(2) Specialists of the field of finances and economics from
Latvia or other Member State of the European Union who have
experience in fiscal policy issues may be elected as members of
the Council.
(3) The signatures of submitters of the candidacy mean that
the nominated candidate has agreed for the nomination of his or
her candidacy.
Section 23. Powers of Members of the
Members of the Council shall be approved in the office by the
Saeima for six years. One and the same member of the
Council may hold the office in the Council for not more than two
terms of office in succession.
Section 24. Restrictions for Members
of the Council
A member of the Council may not be:
1) a person who holds a position in a political party or in an
association of political parties;
2) a person who has been sentenced for committing an
intentional criminal offence, unless he or she has been
exonerated or criminal offence is not deleted or removed.
Section 25. Termination of Powers of
Members of the Council
(1) Powers of a member of the Council shall terminate if:
1) he or she is dismissed from his or her office by a decision
of the Saeima;
2) the term of his or her powers has expired;
3) if he or she has been convicted of committing an
intentional criminal offence and the judgement has come into
legal effect.
(2) The Saeima shall release a member of the Council
from the office if he or she:
1) leaves his or her office of his or her own free will. The
member of the Council shall notify the Council in writing
regarding leaving of the office, which informs the Saeima
within 14 days after receipt of the submission.
2) he or she has not participated in the work of the Council,
has not attended more than half of the Council meetings without
justification, or can not fulfil his or her office duties due to
illness or other reasons for more than six months in
3) the circumstances specified in the laws and regulations
prohibiting the person concerned from being a member of the
Council have been determined.
Section 26. Chairman of the
(1) Members of the Council shall elect a Chairman of the
Council from amongst them by open ballot with a simple majority
of votes for three years. One and the same person may hold the
office of the Chairman of the Council not more than six years in
(2) The Chairman of the Council shall:
1) organise and manage the work of the Council;
2) convene and chair meetings of the Council;
3) hire and dismiss from work the secretariat of the
4) represent the Council without special authorisation.
Section 27. Vice-chairperson of the
(1) Members of the Council shall elect a Vice-chairperson of
the Council from amongst them by open ballot with a simple
majority of votes for three years. One and the same person may
hold the office of the Vice-chairperson of the Council not more
than six years in succession.
(2) A vice-chairperson of the Council shall perform the
functions laid down in Section 26, Paragraph two of this Law
during the absence of the Chairman of the Council.
Section 28. Competence of the
(1) The Council shall supervise the compliance with fiscal
rules laid down in this Law when drawing up the draft framework
law and draft annual State budget law, implementation of this
these laws and drawing up of amendments thereto.
(2) The Council shall examine the correctness of application
of balance rule and expenditure growth rule, including when
performing independent assessment of potential gross domestic
product and nominal gross domestic product and structural balance
(3) The Council shall supervise observance of the conditions
of this Law in the implementation of the annual State budget law,
conformity of total fiscal indicators of the consolidated budget
of local governments and budgets of derived public persons with
the forecasted values.
(4) The Council shall draw up an opinion on how large
deviation from the balance rule is permissible during a severe
economic downturn (Section 12, Paragraph one, Clause 3).
(5) The Council shall draw up an opinion regarding the
conformity of a fiscal security reserve with the fiscal risks
present in the State (Section 16, Paragraph four).
(6) The Council shall draw up a fiscal discipline surveillance
report and, where necessary, non-conformity report (Section
(7) The Council shall draw up and submit to the Saeima
and Cabinet an opinion in other fiscal policy and macroeconomic
development issues, if it considers them as substantial for the
complying with the norms set out in this Law.
(8) In order to prepare reports laid down in this Law, the
Council shall assess and analyse the sustainability of the State
fiscal policy.
(9) The Council has the following rights:
1) in conformity with the competence thereof to co-operate
with the State and local government institutions, legal and
natural persons, as well as foreign institutions;
2) to request and receive information from the State
institutions necessary for the performance of the tasks of the
3) to provide the Ministry of Finance and the Cabinet with
recommendations in issues regarding development of the draft
framework law and draft annual State budget law;
4) to invite experts and other specialists to participate and
provide opinion in the meetings of the Council;
5) to provide proposals to the Cabinet regarding necessary
amendments to the laws and regulations related to the State
fiscal discipline.
(10) If a Member of the Council has different opinion
regarding any issue included in the reports of the Council, he or
she has the right to append it to the report within five working
Section 29. Reports of the
(1) The Council shall draw up a fiscal discipline surveillance
report before submission of the draft framework law to the
Saeima. The report shall be appended to the draft
framework law and submitted to the Saeima. The report
shall be published also on the website of the Ministry of
(2) If the Council detects infringements of this Law or they
become known to the Council, it shall draw up a non-conformity
report where recommendations for the rectification of
non-conformities shall be included. The non-conformity report
shall be drawn up immediately after detection of non-conformity,
submitted to the Cabinet and Saeima, as well as published
on the website of the Ministry of Finance.
Section 30. Convening of Council
Meetings and Adoption of Decisions
(1) The Council shall develop and approve internal rules for
the determination of the activities thereof. The internal rules
shall provide the time and procedures for convening of current
meetings of the Council.
(2) Extraordinary meeting of the Council shall be convened, if
it is requested by the Chairperson of the Council or at least
four members of the Council.
(3) The Council shall have quorum if at least four members of
the Council participate in the meeting thereof and a decision
shall be taken if not less than four members of the Council votes
for it.
(4) The decisions taken by the meeting of the Council and
reports drawn up by the Council shall be publicly accessible.
Section 31. Ensuring of the Work of
the Council
(1) The Council shall determine the functions and office
duties for the Secretariat of the Council.
(2) The activities of the Council shall be technically ensured
by the Ministry of Finance.
(3) The members of the Council shall receive remuneration in
conformity with the Law On Remuneration of Officials and
Employees of State and Local Government Authorities and in
proportion to the duration worked. The hourly wage rate for
members of the Council shall be determined applying the
coefficient 0.056 to the amount of the average monthly
remuneration for work for the workforce in the State as published
in the official statistical notification of the Central
Statistical Bureau of the year before last, which is rounded off
to full euro. The amount of remuneration to be disbursed shall
not exceed the amount laid down in Section 3, Paragraph
6.3 of the Law On Remuneration of Officials and
Employees of State and Local Government Authorities.
(4) Remuneration for experts invited by the Council shall be
determined in proportion to the time work and in conformity with
the average price for equal work on the labour market.
(5) The remuneration of the Secretary of the Council shall be
determined in conformity with the Law On Remuneration of
Officials and Employees of State and Local Government
Authorities. The Secretary of the Council shall be employed in
the Council within the framework of usual working hours.
(6) The Ministry of Finance shall plan the expenditure
necessary for the provision of the work of the Council in a
separate budget programme (sub-programme) of the Ministry of
Finances, by intending:
1) remuneration for the members of the Council in accordance
with Paragraph three of this Section at least for six meetings of
the Council per year, including at least for eight hours in
relation to preparing for each meeting of the Council;
2) remuneration for the Secretary of the Council;
3) remuneration for experts invited by the Council - in the
amount of not less than 50 per cent of the remuneration fund of
the members of the Council and Secretary of the Council;
4) transport expenditure and expenditure for compensations of
accommodation for the members of the Council in accordance with
Section 3, Paragraph 6.3 of the Law On Remuneration of
Officials and Employees of State and Local Government
Authorities, by complying with the following conditions:
a) if aircraft is used, expenditure to be compensated shall
not exceed costs for travel in economy class,
b) expenditure for accommodation shall be compensated for not
more than three nights not exceeding 100 euro per one night;
5) expenditure necessary for the technical provision of the
activities of the Council.
[12 September 2013]
Transitional Provisions
1. The condition of Section 10 of this Law shall be applied
starting from the time when the structural balance of the planned
general government budget of the previous year is greater than
-1.0 per cent of the gross domestic product in current prices.
Until performance of this condition the structural balance of the
general government budget shall be planned higher for at least
0.5 per cent of the gross domestic product in current prices than
the planned or actual structural balance of the general
government budget in the previous year. If in an international
agreement approved by the Saeima other pace of increase of
the structural balance of the general government budget is
determined, the pace of increase laid down in the international
agreement shall be applied instead of the pace of 0.5 per
2. When drawing up the draft framework law for 2014, 2015 and
1) a declaration of fiscal risks shall not be appended
2) corrected maximum permissible State budget expenditure for
the first and second year of the period shall be laid down in
accordance with Section 15 of this Law and complying with
Paragraph 1 of these Transitional Provisions.
3. A fiscal security reserve shall not be determined for 2014
and 2015. Fiscal security reserve for 2016 shall be determined as
0.1 per cent of the gross domestic product.
4. In 2014 the conditions of this Law shall be applied to the
fiscal risks laid down in Section 16, Paragraph five of this Law,
which are applicable to the quantifiable risks included in the
declaration of fiscal risks.
5. Expenditure equalisation to the State debt service
expenditure shall be applied from 2017.
6. Expenditure equalisations for the projects and measures of
the European Union structural funds, Cohesion Fund, Common
Agricultural Policy and Common Fisheries Policy shall be applied
from 2016.
7. A difference between actual structural balance of the
general government budget and minimum planned structural balance
of the general government budget for referred to in Section 11 of
this Law shall be started to calculate for 2013 and the first
calculation the Ministry of Finance shall perform until 1
December 2014.
8. The Council shall start activities from 1 January 2014.
9. The Saeima, when electing the Council for the first
time, shall elect three members thereof - the representatives
referred to in Section 22, Paragraph one, Clause 1 of this Law -
for six years, but the representatives referred to in Section 22,
Paragraph two, Clause 2 of this Law - for three years.
Informative Reference to the
European Union Directive
This Law contains legal norms arising from Council Directive
2011/85/EU of 8 November 2011 on requirements for budgetary
frameworks of the Member States.
This Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 31 January
President A. Bērziņš
Riga, 20 February 2013
1 The Parliament of the Republic of
Translation © 2015 Valsts valodas centrs (State
Language Centre)