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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

10 April 2012 [shall come into force on 13 April 2012].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 90

Adopted 31 January 2012

Procedures for the Monitoring and Exchange of Information Regarding Such Infectious Diseases to Which Both Animals and Humans are Susceptible

Issued pursuant to
Section 25, Clause 9 of the Veterinary Medicine Law

I. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures for the monitoring and exchange of information regarding such infectious diseases to which both animals and humans are susceptible (hereinafter - zoonoses), regarding agents causing such diseases, as well as the antimicrobial resistance of agents.

2. Terms used in this Regulation:

2.1. zoonotic agent - virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite or their biological parts, which are likely to cause a zoonosis when directly or indirectly transferred from an animal to a human;

2.2. antimicrobial resistance - the ability of microorganisms of certain species to survive or to grow at a given concentration of antimicrobial agents that can kill unchanged microorganisms of the same species or inhibit their growth;

2.3. food-borne outbreak of zoonosis - infection of two or more humans with the same causative agent, or epidemic situations when the observed number of infection cases exceeds the level of morbidity characteristic to the particular territory, and such infection is linked or probably linked to the same food source;

2.4. monitoring - a system for collecting, analysing and disseminating data on zoonoses and zoonotic agents and on antimicrobial resistance related thereto.

3. This Regulation shall apply to the zoonoses and zoonotic agents referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

4. The Food and Veterinary Service (hereinafter - Service) shall perform epizootologic monitoring in the field laid down in the Veterinary Medicine Law. The Service in collaboration with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall ensure the introduction and implementation of the requirements laid down in this Regulation, as well as exchange of information.

[10 April 2012]

5. The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall perform epidemiologic monitoring of zoonoses and shall organise antiepidemic activities in the field laid down in the Epidemiological Safety Law.

[10 April 2012]

6. The laboratory diagnostics of zoonoses and zoonotic agents referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation, differential diagnostics and performance of reference laboratory functions shall be ensured by a reference laboratory that has obtained the status of a reference laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the field of reference laboratories, by performing laboratory diagnostics of zoonoses or zoonotic agents in the fields related to the food, animal feed and animal health.

7. The Service shall be responsible for the provision of information to the European Commission in accordance with the regulations regarding the list of animal infectious diseases to be reported, recorded and monitored by the State and the procedures for the provision of information regarding them.

II. Monitoring of Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents and Antimicrobial Resistance and Exchange of Information

8. The Service in collaboration with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall ensure exchange and collection of information in order to acknowledge and analyse the prevalence intensity of zoonoses and degree of the hazard linked thereto for animal and human health and to stipulate the primary tasks for restricting the prevalence, epizootologic and epidemiologic control and eradication of zoonoses.

[10 April 2012]

9. According to the competence the Service shall perform monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in objects with elevated risk for spread of zoonotic agents, also in objects related to the circulation of live animals, food of animal origin and animal feed. The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the Service shall exchange mutually important epizootologic and epidemiologic information.

[10 April 2012]

10. According to the competence the Service and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall draw up and approve programmes for monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents (hereinafter - zoonotic monitoring programme). The priorities of a zoonotic monitoring programme are the zoonoses and zoonotic agents referred to in Part I of Annex 1 to this Regulation. Taking into account the epizootologic and epidemiologic situation in the country, the Service and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control may draw up and approve monitoring programmes for the zoonoses referred to in Part II of Annex 1 to this Regulation.

[10 April 2012]

11. The Service shall indicate the following in the zoonotic monitoring programme referred to in Paragraph 10 of this Regulation:

11.1. the objectives and period of implementation of the programme;

11.2. the territory where the programme is implemented;

11.3. the zoonosis or zoonotic agent related to the implementation of the programme;

11.4. the type of the sample to be examined, the conditions for sample collection, examination and storage;

11.5. the procedures for announcing the laboratory results;

11.6. the laboratory examination methods to be used;

11.7. the tasks of the Service;

11.8. the funding necessary for the Service and provisional estimates of the funding.

12. Until March 1 of the current year, the Service shall submit for approval to the Ministry of Agriculture a zoonotic monitoring programme for the next year and shall publish it on its website within five working days of approval.

13. The Ministry of Agriculture shall approve the zoonotic monitoring programme, if it conforms to the criteria referred to in Paragraph 11 of this Regulation.

14. A zoonotic monitoring programme may be implemented by a laboratory which is authorised by the Service in accordance with Article 12 of the Regulation No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with animal feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules, and the laboratory method of which for detection of zoonotic agents in the samples (hereinafter - zoonotic isolate) is included in the accreditation field.

15. The laboratory referred to in Paragraph 14 of this Regulation may implement a zoonotic monitoring programme if it once a year takes part in the comparative testing organised by the reference laboratory and the results obtained therein are appropriate (satisfactory).

16. A laboratory wishing to apply and take part in the implementation of a zoonotic monitoring programme shall apply to the Service in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 7(2) of Regulation No 2160/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on control of salmonella and some other specific zoonotic agents found in the food, by submitting an application (Annex 2) to the Service electronically or in printed form regarding participation in the implementation of the zoonotic monitoring programme and attaching a copy of the accreditation certificate and its appendices.

17. During implementation of a zoonotic monitoring programme according to the conditions of the zoonotic monitoring programme a laboratory authorised by the Service shall:

17.1. report to the Service on the obtained zoonotic isolate;

17.2. send the obtained zoonotic isolate to the reference laboratory.

18. The reference laboratory shall collect the results of comparative testing referred to in Paragraph 15 of this Regulation and inform the Service thereof once a year. If the laboratory participating in the implementation of the zoonotic monitoring programme has obtained inadequate results of comparative testing, the reference laboratory shall inform the Service thereof within one working day.

19. If during implementation of the zoonotic monitoring programme the recognised laboratory has obtained inadequate results in the comparative testing organised by the reference laboratory:

19.1. the recognised laboratory shall discontinue participation in the implementation of the zoonotic monitoring programme;

19.2. the Service shall delete the recognised laboratory from the list of laboratories.

20. The Service and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall perform monitoring of antimicrobial resistance of zoonoses and zoonotic agents by obtaining comparable data on occurrence of antimicrobial resistance of zoonotic agents, its impact on human and animal health and population of other microorganisms.

[10 April 2012]

21. For the Service to be able to perform monitoring of antimicrobial resistance of the zoonoses and zoonotic agents referred to in Paragraph 11 of this Regulation, the reference laboratory shall determine antimicrobial resistance of the zoonotic isolates referred to in Sub-paragraph 17.2 of this Regulation.

22. The Service and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall include the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in the zoonotic monitoring programme and shall indicate:

22.1. the species of the animal;

22.2. bacterial species or strains;

22.3. the conditions for sample collection;

22.4. the antibacterial agents to be used;

22.5. the laboratory method for detection of antimicrobial resistance;

22.6. the laboratory method for detection of zoonotic isolates;

22.7. the methods used for data collection.

[10 April 2012]

23. In implementing the zoonotic monitoring programme, which includes monitoring of antimicrobial resistance, the Service:

23.1. shall collect and analyse information regarding zoonotic isolates and their antimicrobial resistance;

23.2. in accordance with Paragraph 7 of this Regulation shall inform the European Commission regarding results of laboratory examinations for Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli obtained during examination of cattle, pigs, poultry and food products of their origin;

23.3. once in six months shall post information on its website regarding the obtained zoonotic isolates and their antimicrobial resistance.

24. During implementation of the zoonotic monitoring programme the reference laboratory shall collect results of laboratory examinations, insert them in a database and once a year inform the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regarding them. Upon request the reference laboratory shall send the collected data to the Service electronically or in printed form.

III. Epizootologic and Epidemiologic Examination of Food-borne Outbreak of Zoonosis

25. An undertaking which organises laboratory testing in order to diagnose zoonosis in animals or to detect the presence of zoonotic agents in the feed, food and environmental objects, but does not participate in implementation of a zoonotic monitoring programme:

25.1. shall inform the Service regarding the obtained zoonotic isolate within three working days;

25.2. shall organise the preservation of zoonotic isolates in accordance with Paragraph 26 of this Regulation;

25.3. shall store the results of laboratory examinations for not less than three years;

25.4. upon request of the Service within one working day shall send the results of laboratory examinations to the reference laboratory and within 10 working days shall deliver the zoonotic isolate.

26. The laboratory that does not participate in implementation of a zoonotic monitoring programme shall organise:

26.1. the storage of Salmonella isolates for at least two years;

26.2. the storage of all zoonotic isolates, except the Salmonella isolate referred to in Sub-paragraph 26.1 of this Regulation, for at least six months.

27. In order to establish the source of zoonosis or transfer factor of a zoonotic agent, the Service in collaboration with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall perform epizootologic and epidemiologic examination, if zoonotic agents have been detected in the laboratory or presence of zoonosis is suspected. The Service shall draw up guidelines for epizootologic examination of zoonosis indicating the general principles of the measures to be taken, the results of epizootologic and epidemiologic examinations, the probably infected food products and the causes of zoonoses outbreak.

[10 April 2012]

28. If after official confirmation of zoonosis diagnosis using the methods recommended by the reference laboratory, as well as in conformity with the results of epizootologic and epidemiologic examination it is proved that the transfer factor of zoonotic agent is food or animal feed:

28.1. the Service shall examine the objects with elevated risk for spread of zoonotic agents and shall take a decision to withdraw from circulation or dispose of food or animal feed;

28.2. the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall organise antiepidemic and preventive measures in the field of public health.

[10 April 2012]

IV. Closing Provision

29. Cabinet Regulation No. 744 of 5 September 2006, Procedures for Monitoring and Exchange of Information Regarding Such Infectious Diseases to Which Both Animals and Humans are Susceptible, Regarding Agents of Such Diseases, as well as Antimicrobial Resistance of Agents (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006, No. 144; 2009, No. 145), is repealed.

Informative Reference to the European Union Directive

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from Directive 2003/99/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents amending Council Decision 90/424/EEC and repealing Council Directive 92/117/EEC.

Acting for the Prime Minister -
Minister for Welfare I.Viņķele

Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 90
31 January 2012

Zoonoses and Zoonotic Agents to be Included in Monitoring

Part I



Zoonotic agent



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



Mycobacterium bovis


Infection caused by E. coli

Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli strain (VTEC)

Part II



Zoonotic agent

1. Viral infectious diseases


Calicivirus infectious disease

All isolated agents


Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis A viral infectious diseases



Influenza virus



Rabies virus of Lyssavirus genus


Viral infectious diseases transmitted by arthropods or insects

All isolated agents

2. Bacterial infectious diseases



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents


Tuberculosis and its agents, except Mycobacterium bovis

All isolated agents, except Mycobacterium bovis



All isolated agents (also Vibrio parahaemolitica, Vibrio vulnificus)



All isolated agents

3. Parasitic infectious diseases



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents



All isolated agents

4. Other zoonoses and zoonotic agents


Other not referred-to zoonoses

All isolated agents

Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 90
31 January 2012

Regarding Participation in Implementation of the _____________________
Monitoring Programme in Year_________.

1. Name of the laboratory

2. Laboratory  

2.1. legal address

2.2. address of actual location

3. Contact information of the laboratory:  

3.1. telephone number

3.2. fax number

3.3. e-mail address

4. Laboratory

has been accredited in accordance with the requirements of Article 12(2) and (3) of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004



of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with animal feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules, and laboratory method for detection of ___________________ isolates is included in the accreditation field*.
5. Results of comparative testing organised by the reference laboratory are adequate:

5.1. protocol No. of comparative testing

5.2. date of issue of comparative testing protocol




(given name, surname)




1. * A copy of the accreditation certificate and its appendices shall be attached.

2. ** The details of the document "date" and "signature" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents.

Minister for Agriculture L.Straujuma


Translation © 2014 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Kārtība, kādā veic uzraudzību un informācijas apmaiņu par infekcijas slimībām, ar kurām slimo .. Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 90Adoption: 31.01.2012.Entry into force: 11.02.2012.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 24, 10.02.2012.
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{"selected":{"value":"13.04.2012","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.04.2012.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"13.04.2012","iso_value":"2012\/04\/13","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.04.2012.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.02.2012","iso_value":"2012\/02\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.02.2012.-12.04.2012.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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