Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.04.2012.–04.02.2016. Amendments not included: 02.02.2016., 16.08.2016., 19.05.2020.
Procedures for the Taking of Preventive and Eradication Measures of Brucellosis for Ovine and Caprine AnimalsIssued pursuant to 1. General Provisions1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures for preventive and eradication measures of the brucellosis agent Brucella melitensis (hereinafter - brucellosis) for ovine and caprine animals (hereinafter - animal). 2. Terms used in this Regulation: 2.1. suspicions regarding illness with brucellosis - the animal displays clinically pathological signs characteristic to brucellosis and a repeat positive result of serological tests has been obtained upon determination of specific antibodies against the brucellosis agent in a laboratory in the sample taken from the relevant animal; 2.2. confirmed brucellosis diagnosis - diagnosis confirmed if a positive result is obtained in bacteriological tests upon determination of the brucellosis agent in a laboratory in the sample taken from the relevant animal; 2.3. animal infected with brucellosis - an animal to whom brucellosis has been confirmed; 2.4. official veterinarian - a practicing veterinarian authorised by the Food and Veterinary Service (hereinafter - Service) for implementation of measures for eradication of brucellosis; 2.5. affected area - a place (territory) where suspicions regarding illness with animal brucellosis are detected or brucellosis has been confirmed and where measures for eradication of brucellosis are applied; 2.6. holding - a space, building, territory or part thereof, or a fenced area where animals are bred or kept and they form one epidemiological unit; 2.7. sample of clinical or pathological material - tissue samples taken from an animal or dead animal during eradication measures of brucellosis - blood serum, aborted foetus, amniotic water, placenta, stillborn animal or newborn dead animal; 2.8. control sample - a sample of blood serum taken from an animal during preventive measures in order to carry out serological testing thereof in a laboratory, determining the specific antibodies against the brucellosis agent; 2.9. status of a brucellosis-free holding - status granted by the Service and retained for a holding, if it has been brucellosis-free for one year and qualifies for the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding, and measures for the prevention and eradication of brucellosis are taken therein; 2.10. status of an officially brucellosis-free holding - status granted by the Service and retained for a holding, if it has kept the status of a brucellosis-free holding for two years and measures for the prevention and eradication of brucellosis are taken therein; 2.11. status of an officially brucellosis-free country - status granted by the European Commission and retained for a country, if 99.8 per cent of animal holdings therein hold the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding or information regarding the situation in the country in relation to the brucellosis agent has been provided for at least five years in succession and brucellosis has not been confirmed, and vaccination of animals has not been carried out in the country for at least three years, as well as measures for the prevention and eradication of brucellosis are taken. 3. Preventive vaccination of animals and use of hyperimmune serums against brucellosis, as well as therapeutic treatment of brucellosis is prohibited in Latvia. 4. The Service shall carry out the necessary activities in accordance with Paragraph 5 of this Regulation for Latvia to preserve the status of an officially brucellosis-free country granted according to Commission Decision 2010/695/EU of 17 November 2010 amending the Annexes to Decision 93/52/EEC as regards the recognition of Estonia, Latvia and the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands in Spain as officially free of brucellosis (B. melitensis) and amending Annexes I and II to Decision 2003/467/EC as regards the declaration of Estonia as officially tuberculosis-free and officially brucellosis-free as regards bovine herds (hereinafter - Commission Decision 2010/695/EU). 5. The Service shall: 5.1. draw up a programme for the monitoring and eradication of brucellosis; 5.2. until 31 May of the current year provide information to the European Commission regarding situation in the previous year in relation to the brucellosis agent. 6. The Service shall grant or retain the relevant status of the holding if an animal owner or keeper ensures and, during the current year, takes preventive measures in accordance with Chapter 2 of this Regulation. 7. In order to carry out the necessary testing of control samples for animals in the following year, the Service shall submit information to the State agency "Agricultural Data Centre" (hereinafter - Data Centre) regarding the necessary number of control samples and their selection criteria until 1 September of the current year. 8. The Data Centre shall prepare by 31 October of the current year and post on its website information regarding animal owners or keepers and for the Service regarding animals registered in the animal register, for which tests of control samples are required in the following year. 9. Control samples shall be taken and sent for laboratory testing to the Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment (hereinafter - Institute) by a practising veterinarian. 10. Samples of clinical or pathological materials shall be taken and sent to the Institute by a practising veterinarian who has signed a contract with the Service regarding taking of clinical or pathological material samples, or by an inspector of the Service or an official veterinarian. 11. The Institute shall carry out the following in a laboratory: 11.1. serological testing, determining specific antibodies against the brucellosis agent using the following methods: 11.1.1. Rose Bengal test in a blood serum sample (hereinafter - RBT); 11.1.2. complement fixation test in a blood serum sample (hereinafter - CFT); 11.2. bacteriological testing, determining the brucellosis agent in a clinical of pathological material sample. 12. If the Institute carries out serological testing in an animal blood serum sample at a laboratory using the RBT method and establishes the presence of specific antibodies against the brucellosis agent, the sample shall be tested using the CFT method. The result of the CFT method shall be deemed positive if at least 20 International Units of specific antibodies against the brucellosis agent are established per millilitre of the blood serum sample of the animal to be tested. 13. If upon testing of a control or clinical material sample at a laboratory using the CFT method a positive result is obtained repeatedly, an official veterinarian or an inspector of the Service shall take a clinical or pathological material sample and send it to the Institute for the carrying out of bacteriological tests. In order to take the sample of pathological material for bacteriological testing, the animal, if necessary, shall be killed and used, processed or disposed of in accordance with Sub-paragraph 41.2 of this Regulation. 14. The Institute shall send a testing report after laboratory testing of the sample: 14.1. to the Date Centre - electronically; 14.2. to the person who sent the sample - electronically or in printed form; 14.3. to the Service and the relevant territorial unit - electronically or in printed form, if a positive result has been obtained. 15. An animal owner or keeper and the Institute shall store the results of brucellosis laboratory testing for at least three years, and the Institute shall store the isolated brucellosis agent for at least six months. 16. An animal owner or keeper shall cover expenses for taking of control samples, their sending to the Institute and laboratory testing. 17. In order for the Service to grant or retain the relevant status for a holding, an animal owner or keeper shall take the preventive measures referred to in Chapter 2 of this Regulation. Until carrying out thereof: 17.1. moving of animals, as well as trade in animals and their products is prohibited; 17.2. the Service shall not grant or shall temporarily suspend the status granted to the holding. 18. An animal owner or keeper who has not taken the preventive measures referred to in Chapter 2 of this Regulation shall cover all expenses related to eradication measures of brucellosis - expenses of an official veterinarian, the Service, the Institute and such persons who are involved in collection and processing of such by-products and derived products of animal origin which are not intended for human consumption (hereinafter - by-products not intended for human consumption), if one of the following cases is established: 18.1. brucellosis has been confirmed; 18.2. illness with brucellosis is suspected; 18.3. a case of an animal being infected with the brucellosis agent is suspected (hereinafter - suspicions regarding infection with brucellosis) in one of the following cases: 18.3.1. the animal has been in contact with an animal ill with brucellosis or a potential source of origin of brucellosis (for example, aborted foetus, amniotic water, placenta, stillborn animal or newborn dead animal, contaminated feed or object); 18.3.2. the animal displays clinical symptoms characteristic to brucellosis - movement disorders, abscesses, bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis, paralysis of the backside of the body, for male animals - orchitis, symptoms of epididimitis, for female animals - miscarriage, inflammation of genitals, symptoms of mastitis, infertility; 18.3.3. a positive result of serological testing has been obtained at a laboratory upon determining the specific antibodies against the brucellosis agent. 19. If there is a reason to suspect that an animal is infected or ill with brucellosis (except the cases referred to in Paragraph 18 of this Regulation), the Ministry of Agriculture shall cover the following costs of eradication measures of brucellosis from the financing assigned in the budget of the current year for ensuring prevention and eradication of brucellosis: 19.1. for an official veterinarian: 19.1.1. the actual transport costs; 19.1.2. work remuneration (for a visit of a veterinarian and drawing up of documents, for partial autopsy of a dead animal, for taking and packaging of pathological material sample, for clinical testing of an animal and disinfection); 19.1.3. expenses related to the purchase of disinfectants utilised; 19.2. for the Institute - the costs related to laboratory testing (serological (CFT, RBT) and bacteriological testing at a laboratory, as well as drawing up of testing reports). 20. If brucellosis has been confirmed, the losses resulting during eradication of brucellosis shall be covered in accordance with the regulatory enactment regarding the procedures by which compensation for losses resulting during outbreak of an infectious disease of animals monitored by the State or epizootic outbreak shall be granted and the animal owner shall receive it, if the animal owner or keeper has taken preventive measures for a holding to be granted or retained the relevant status. 21. An animal owner or keeper shall use, process or dispose of by-products of animal origin not intended for human consumption according to instructions of an inspector of the Service, applying the processing methods and conditions provided for in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 (Animal by-products Regulation) (hereinafter - Regulation No 1069/2009) and Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules as regards animal by-products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive (hereinafter - Regulation No 142/2011). 22. An animal owner or keeper shall act with fresh milk, foremilk and fresh meat intended for human consumption in accordance with the requirements of the laws and regulations governing the field of hygiene and control. 2. Preventive Measures of Brucellosis2.1. Measures to be Taken for a Holding to be Granted and Preserved the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Holding if Latvia has been Granted the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Country23. The Service shall grant the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding to all holdings in Latvia on the basis of Commission Decision 2010/695/EU. 24. A holding shall retain the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding if the owner or keeper of animals: 24.1. ensures testing of the control samples referred to in Paragraph 25 of this Regulation; 24.2. meets the requirements referred to in Paragraph 26 of this Regulation. 25. The Service shall randomly determine the necessary testing of control samples so that: 25.1. in the first year 10 per cent of animals older than six months are serologically tested according to the methods referred to in Paragraph 11 of this Regulation, obtaining negative results (hereinafter - serologically tested); 25.2. five per cent of animals older than six months are serologically tested in the second year and subsequent years. 26. An animal owner or keeper may place animals in a holding which has the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding from a holding with the same status or from a holding which has the status of a brucellosis-free holding, if in the holding: 26.1. animals are identifiable; 26.2. animals have not been vaccinated against brucellosis, except cases if: 26.2.1. vaccination of animals has been carried out two years before moving; 26.2.2. female animals older than two years have been vaccinated against brucellosis until the age of seven months; 26.3. animals prior to moving have been kept in isolation and have been serologically tested twice with an interval of at least six weeks. 2.2. Measures to be Taken for a Holding to be Granted and Preserved the Status of a Brucellosis-free Holding and Changing the Status, Granting the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Holding if the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Country has been Suspended for Latvia2.2.1. Granting of the Status of a Brucellosis-free Holding27. If the status of an officially brucellosis-free country has been suspended for Latvia, an animal owner or keeper may apply a holding for granting of the status of a brucellosis-free holding, if it has taken the eradication measures referred to in Sub-chapter 3.2 of this Regulation. 28. The Service shall grant the status of a brucellosis-free holding to a holding, if in the holding: 28.1. clinical symptoms characteristic to brucellosis have not been observed in animals during last 12 months; 28.2. animals which are more than 18 months old and which have been vaccinated against brucellosis have been serologically tested twice with an interval of at least six months; 28.3. animals which are more than six months old and which have not been vaccinated against brucellosis have been serologically tested twice with an interval of at least six months; 28.4. hold animals which have been born therein or moved from another holding in accordance with Paragraph 29 of this Regulation after serological testing carried out in conformity with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 28.2 and 28.3 of this Regulation. 29. An animal keeper or keeper may place animals in a holding from another holding, which has been granted the status of a brucellosis-free or officially brucellosis-free holding, or from a holding, which has not been granted the status of a brucellosis-free holding and which is qualifying for the relevant status, and in which measures for the prevention and eradication of brucellosis are taken, and in which: 29.1. animals are identifiable; 29.2. clinical symptoms characteristic to brucellosis have not been observed in animals during last 12 months; 29.3. animals have not been vaccinated against brucellosis within the last two years, except cases when the animals have been vaccinated by the age of seven months. Animals may be vaccinated against brucellosis not later than 15 days before the movement; 29.4. the non-vaccinated animals referred to in Sub-paragraph 29.3 of this Regulation prior to the movement have been held in isolation and have been serologically tested therein twice with an interval of at least six weeks. 2.2.2. Preservation of the Status of a Brucellosis-free Holding and Changing Thereof in Order to Grant the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Holding30. A holding shall be retained the status of a brucellosis-free holding if: 30.1. animals are placed in the holding in accordance with Paragraph 29 of this Regulation; 30.2. each year control samples are taken randomly from the animals in the holding which are more than six months old in conformity with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 31 of this Regulation and the animals have been serologically tested. 31. Upon granting the status of a brucellosis-free holding to a holding, the Service shall randomly determine the necessary testing of control samples: 31.1. from all male uncastrated animals which have not been vaccinated against brucellosis and which are more than six months old; 31.2. from all male uncastrated animals which have been vaccinated against brucellosis and which are more than 18 months old; 31.3. from all animals brought in after the last testing in the holding; 31.4. from 25 per cent of mature female animals or female animals to be milked, if there are at least 50 such animals in the holding, or from all animals, if there are less than 50 such animals in the holding. 32. The Service may change the status of a brucellosis-free holding, granting it the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding, if: 32.1. two years have passed since the holding has been granted the status of a brucellosis-free holding; 32.2. animals vaccinated against brucellosis have not been held in the relevant holding for a time period of two years; 32.3. animals are placed in the holding in accordance with Paragraph 29 of this Regulation; 32.4. at the end of the second year all animals in the holding, which are more than six months old, have been serologically tested. 2.3. Measures to be Taken for a Holding to be Granted and Retained the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Holding if the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Country has been Suspended for Latvia2.3.1. Granting of the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Holding33. If the status of an officially brucellosis-free country has been suspended for Latvia, an animal owner or keeper may apply a holding for granting of the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding, if it has taken the measures for eradication of brucellosis referred to in Sub-chapter 3.2 of this Regulation. 34. The Service shall grant the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding, if in the holding: 34.1. clinical symptoms characteristic to brucellosis have not been observed in animals during last 12 months; 34.2. animals have not been vaccinated against brucellosis, except those animals vaccination of which has been carried out two years before the holding was granted the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding; 34.3. animals which are more than six months old have been serologically tested twice with an interval of at least six months; 34.4. hold animals which have been born therein or moved from another holding in accordance with Paragraph 35 of this Regulation after serological testing carried out in conformity with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 34.3 of this Regulation. 35. An animal owner or keeper may place animals in a holding which holds the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding from a holding with the same status or from a holding which has been granted the status of a brucellosis-free holding, if in the holding: 35.1. animals are identifiable; 35.2. animals have not been vaccinated against brucellosis, except cases if: 35.2.1. vaccination of animals has been carried out two years before their moving; 35.2.2. female animals older than two years have been vaccinated against brucellosis until the age of seven months; 35.3. animals prior to moving have been kept in isolation and have been serologically tested twice during the time period with an interval of at least six weeks. 2.3.2. Retaining of the Status of an Officially Brucellosis-free Holding36. A holding shall be retained the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding if: 36.1. animals are placed in the holding in accordance with Paragraph 35 of this Regulation; 36.2. each year control samples are taken randomly from the animals in the holding which are more than six months old in conformity with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 37 of this Regulation and the animals have been serologically tested. 37. Upon granting the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding to a holding, the Service shall randomly determine the necessary testing of control samples: 37.1. from all male uncastrated animals which are more than six months old; 37.2. from all animals brought in after the last testing in the holding; 37.3. from 25 per cent of mature female animals or female animals to be milked, if there are at least 50 such animals in the holding, or from all animals, if there are less than 50 such animals in the holding. 38. If Latvia has not been granted the status of an officially brucellosis-free country, however, there are more than 99 per cent of ovine and caprine holdings with the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding, the Service shall determine that it is necessary to carry out serological testing of animals in such holdings once in three years, and measures for the preventing and eradication of brucellosis shall be taken in holdings which have not been granted the status of an officially brucellosis-free holding. 3. Measures for Eradication of Brucellosis39. It is prohibited to move animals outside a holding until the diagnosis is established or outside the affected location during the time period (for at least six months) when measures for eradication of brucellosis are taken (hereinafter - restriction period), except movement of animals to the slaughterhouse for immediate slaughtering. 40. An animal suspected of being infected or being ill with brucellosis shall be held in the holding in isolation from other animals, protecting them from infecting with or falling ill with brucellosis. 41. An animal being suspected of: 41.1. infection with brucellosis, shall be used for the production of animal feed or food after slaughtering, carrying out heat treatment of slaughter products in order to destroy the brucellosis agent; 41.2. being ill with brucellosis or brucellosis has been confirmed for the animal, shall be killed and used, processed or disposed of according to instructions of an inspector of the Service, applying the processing methods and conditions laid down in Regulation No 1069/2009 and Regulation No 142/2011. 3.1. Measures to be Taken if there are Suspicions Regarding Infection with Brucellosis42. An animal owner or keeper shall inform a practising veterinarian of the relevant territorial unit of the Service within twenty four hours using any means of communication in case of suspicions regarding infection with brucellosis. 43. If the practising veterinarian is not authorised to take measures for eradication of brucellosis, he or she shall notify the relevant territorial unit of the Service without delay after receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 42 of this Regulation. 44. The territorial unit of the Service shall take the following action within twenty four hours after receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 42 of this Regulation, using any means of communication: 44.1. inform the animal owner or keeper regarding the official veterinarian or inspector of the Service who will take the measures for eradication of brucellosis; 44.2. transfer such information to the official veterinarian or inspector of the Service. 45. Upon receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 42 of this Regulation the official veterinarian shall inform the relevant territorial unit of the Service within twenty four hours regarding commencement of the measures for eradication of brucellosis or regarding the fact that he or she is not able to take the measures for eradication of brucellosis, indicating the reason. 46. Upon commencing the measures for eradication of brucellosis the official veterinarian or inspector of the Service shall carry out clinical testing of the animal at the holding place of the animal, assess the epizootological situation and check whether the necessary testing of control samples has been carried out. 47. After carrying out of the activities referred to in Paragraph 46 of this Regulation the official veterinarian or inspector of the Service shall take clinical sample or sample of pathological material, send it for testing at a laboratory to the Institute for determination of the diagnosis of brucellosis and act in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Regulation. 48. Upon receipt of a positive result of the laboratory testing referred to in Paragraph 11 of this Regulation, the Service shall suspend the status of a brucellosis-free or officially brucellosis-free holding within one working day until the diagnosis is established and after the diagnosis is established shall grant or completely revoke the status of a holding. 3.2. Measures to be Taken in Case of Suspicions Regarding Illness with Brucellosis or if Brucellosis has been Confirmed49. Upon receipt of information regarding a case of suspicions regarding illness with brucellosis, the relevant territorial unit of the Service shall conduct a study of the epizootological situation within one working day. 50. Upon receipt of information regarding a case of suspicions regarding illness with brucellosis or brucellosis being confirmed, the relevant territorial unit of the Service shall determine within one working day: 50.1. and approve a plan of measures for eradication of brucellosis in accordance with Paragraph 52 of this Regulation; 50.2. the location affected by brucellosis in accordance with Paragraph 53 of this Regulation. 51. The relevant territorial unit of the Service shall inform regarding the measures referred to in Paragraph 50 of this Regulation within two working days: 51.1. the relevant local government; 51.2. the official veterinarian; 51.3. the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. [27 March 2012] 52. Measures for eradication of brucellosis in the affected area, indicating the order of eradication measures (who will ensure control of the measure for eradication of brucellosis, epidemiological testing and human observation, actions with animals, raw milk, foremilk, fresh meet, slaughter products and by-products of animal origin not intended for human consumption), as well as the restriction period and other measures shall be determined in the plan of the measures for eradication of brucellosis. 53. The affected area shall be determined, taking into account: 53.1. the results of the study of epizootological situation in the particular territory, finding out the place of origin of the brucellosis agent, the ways of spread and the potential infected objects; 53.2. the geographical and administrative borders; 53.3. the social factors and population density of animals. 54. After carrying out of the activities referred to in Paragraphs 49 and 50 of this Regulation the Service shall: 54.1. within one day notify the European Commission and other European Union Member States regarding suspicions regarding illness with brucellosis or brucellosis being confirmed; 54.2. within one working day revoke the status of a brucellosis-free or officially brucellosis-free holding; 54.3. post information regarding the confirmed brucellosis on its website within one working day, indicating: 54.3.1. the date when brucellosis was confirmed; 54.3.2. the species of animals; 54.3.3. the number of animals; 54.3.4. the area affected by brucellosis; 54.3.5. the term of restrictions. 55. The Service shall: 55.1. take a decision to kill animals suffering from brucellosis and such animals in relation to which suspicions regarding illness with brucellosis exist in the affected area, as well as to send all animals susceptible to brucellosis for slaughtering in accordance with Paragraph 56 of this Regulation; 55.2. constantly inform the European Commission and other European Union Member States regarding situation in eradication of brucellosis and its progress. 56. Within two weeks after taking of the decision of the Service referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.1 of this Regulation an animal owner or keeper shall ensure: 56.1. killing of animals suffering from brucellosis and such animals in relation to which suspicions regarding illness with brucellosis exist in the affected area, as well as their use, processing or disposing of according to instructions of an inspector of the Service, applying the processing methods and conditions laid down in Regulation No 1069/2009 and Regulation No 142/2011; 56.2. sending of all animals susceptible to brucellosis to the slaughterhouse for slaughtering. 57. Samples of the clinical material from all susceptible animals, which are more than six months old, shall be taken in holdings which are episootologically related to the affected areas, and serological testing shall be carried out twice with an interval of at least three months. 58. An animal owner or keeper shall treat manure that has been in contact with serologically positive animals or sources of origin of brucellosis agents under supervision of an inspector of the Service or an official veterinarian, using methods which ensure destruction of brucellosis agents, and use, process or dispose of them according to instructions of an inspector of the Service, applying the processing methods and conditions laid down in Regulation No 1069/2009 and Regulation No 142/2011. 59. An animal owner or keeper shall clean, wash and disinfect the holding, the equipment thereof, facilities, vehicles by which susceptible animals are transported, ramps and passages after carrying out of the activities referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation with materials which destroy the brucellosis agent. 60. After disinfection an inspector of the Service shall take control samples of disinfection quality and sent them to the Institute. 61. The territorial unit of the Service shall prohibit organising of animal exhibitions, competitions and other events with participation of animals in the affected area. 62. The relevant local government shall inform the inhabitants of its administrative territory regarding the measures for restriction of brucellosis. 63. The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall ensure epidemiological testing of such persons in the affected area who have been in contact with an animal suffering from brucellosis or dead animal, as well as organise laboratory testing and medical observation of such persons in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for determination of contact persons, initial medical examination, laboratory testing and medical observation. [27 March 2012] 64. Within two working days after fulfilment of the plan of the measures for eradication of brucellosis the official veterinarian shall inform the relevant territorial unit of the Service thereof, but the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall inform the Service regarding results of epidemiological testing and antiepidemic measures. [27 March 2012] 65. After receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 64 of this Regulation the territorial unit of the Service shall decide on retaining or revocation of the status of an affected area. 66. The Service shall notify the European Commission and other European Union Member States regarding measures taken in the affected area. 67. The animal owner or keeper may place animals in a holding six months after revocation of restrictions of the affected area in accordance with the requirements laid down in Paragraph 26, 29 or 35 of this Regulation, taking into account whether the status of an officially brucellosis-free country has been retained or revoked from Latvia. 4. Closing Provisions68. In order to carry out the necessary testing of control samples in 2012, the Service shall submit information regarding the necessary number of control samples and their selection criteria to the Data Centre until 1 February 2012. 69. Until 31 March 2012 the Data Centre shall prepare and publish on its website information for animal owners or keepers and the Service regarding animals registered in the Animal Register, for which testing of control samples is necessary in 2012. 70. This Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2012. Informative Reference to the European Union DirectiveThis Regulation contains legal norms arising from Council Directive 91/68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals. Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis Minister for Agriculture L. Straujuma
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Document information
Title: Kārtība, kādā veic brucelozes profilakses un apkarošanas pasākumus aitām un kazām
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