Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.01.2012.–19.10.2016. Amendments not included: 13.10.2016.
General Authorisation Regulations in the Field of EnergyIssued pursuant to I. General Provision1. This Regulation determines the special requirements for production of and trade in electricity, which are binding to all electricity producers, electricity traders, as well as thermal energy producers and thermal energy traders (hereinafter - merchant) whose activity must be regulated in accordance with the Law On Regulators of Public Utilities. II. General Requirements2. A merchant has the rights and duties to conduct commercial activity in the relevant field to be regulated in accordance with the Law On Regulators of Public Utilities, the special laws and regulations of the field to be regulated and decisions of the Public Utilities Commission (hereinafter - Regulator). 3. A merchant shall arrange a separate accounting for each type of the public service in accordance with the special laws and regulations of the field to be regulated. 4. A merchant shall periodically inform the Regulator regarding its activities and changes therein in accordance with the laws and regulations and decisions of the Regulator. The merchant shall provide information in accordance with the regulations regarding information to be submitted to the Regulator. 5. A merchant shall provide the Regulator with a possibility of supervising the quality of the provision of the public service and the conformity with the provisions of the general authorisation. The merchant shall submit information to the Regulator regarding indicators of economic and financial activity of the merchant, as well as provide the Regulator with access for the performance of checks. 6. A merchant shall pay a State fee for regulation of public services in accordance with the procedures and in the amount laid down in laws and regulations. 7. A merchant has the right to suspend, discontinue or terminate the provision of the public service in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations. 8. In circumstances of force majeure a merchant has a duty to take all the necessary measures in order to continue the conformity with and fulfilment of the general authorisation regulations. III. Requirements for Electricity Production and Thermal Energy Production9. An electricity producer and a thermal energy producer shall ensure and maintain the objects necessary for the production of electricity or thermal energy. 10. An electricity producer and a thermal energy producer have a duty to develop their activities according to a plan and to participate in planning, provision and development of co-ordinated and efficient energy supply. 11. A thermal energy producer and such merchant who produces thermal energy and electricity in cogeneration shall inform the relevant local government before commencing introduction of a new production capacity. 12. An electricity producer must commence the provision of the public service within the term of validity of the authorisation issued by the Ministry of Economics regarding introduction of new production equipment. 13. A merchant shall inform the Regulator regarding placing of a production object into service within 30 days, submitting information which has been drawn up in accordance with the following annexes: 13.1. an electricity producer - in accordance with Annex 1; 13.2. a thermal energy producer - in accordance with Annex 2; 13.3. a merchant producing electricity in cogeneration shall lodge information: 13.3.1. in accordance with Annex 1 if the total installed electric capacity of cogeneration installations in a cogeneration unit exceeds one megawatt; 13.3.2. in accordance with Annex 2 if the total installed electric capacity of cogeneration installations in a cogeneration unit does not exceed one megawatt. 14. An electricity producer shall ensure measuring and accounting of the consumed fuel, electricity consumed, electricity produced and transferred into the system. 15. A thermal energy producer and such merchant who produces thermal energy and electricity in cogeneration shall ensure measuring and accounting of at least the following values: 15.1. fuel consumed; 15.2. electricity produced; 15.3. thermal energy produced in the cogeneration installation; 15.4. thermal energy produced in hot-water boilers; 15.5. electricity and thermal energy transferred to the system; 15.6. water consumed and water for feeding heating networks; 15.7. electricity consumed and electricity consumed in water circulation pumps of heating networks. IV. Closing Provision16. This Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2012. Acting Chair,
Annex 1 Information on Commissioned Object of Electricity Production
Date***: ___ ___________ 20___
Notes: * - mark one type with an X ** - to be completed only regarding cogeneration power plants *** - mark with an X one type only regarding cogeneration or condensation power plants **** - the details of the document "date" and "signature" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. Acting Chair,
Annex 2 Information on Commissioned Object of Thermal Energy Production
Date***: ___ ___________ 20___
Notes: * - to be completed if the total electric capacity of cogeneration units installed in the object does not exceed 1MW ** - mark with an X *** - the details of the document "date" and "signature" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the drawing up of electronic documents. Acting Chair,
Translation © 2014 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
Document information
Title: Vispārējās atļaujas noteikumi enerģētikas nozarē
No longer in force
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