Teksta versija

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 587
Adopted 29 June 2010

Regulations Regarding the Classification of Films

Issued pursuant to
Section 6, Paragraph two of the
Film Law

1. This Regulation prescribes the criteria for assignment of film classification indices and the procedures by which film producers or distributors classify the films distributed in the territory of the Republic of Latvia according to the film classification indices, as well as indicate the film classification indices.

2. Film classification indices shall be assigned to all films which are distributed in the territory of Latvia:

2.1. upon showing films to the public;

2.2. upon distributing film recordings; and

2.3. upon transmitting films in programmes of television broadcasters or on electronic networks.

3. In accordance with the criteria for assignment of film classification indices referred to in the Annex to this Regulation, a film producer or a film distributor shall determine one of the following film classification indices for a film:

3.1. U (for universal audience - the film is suitable for persons of all age groups);

3.2. 7+ (the film is suitable for a person who has reached at least 7 years of age);

3.3. 12+ (the film is suitable for a person who has reached at least 12 years of age);

3.4. 16+ (the film is suitable for a person who has reached at least 16 years of age); or

3.5. 18+ (the film is not suitable for a minor).

4. If the film producer has specified a film classification index pursuant to this Regulation, the film distributor shall take into account the film classification index specified by the film producer.

5. The film distributor has a duty to make the film classification index known to film viewers (consumers) in a clearly visible, understandable and unequivocal manner (for example, by indicating it on the film recording or the packaging thereof, placing it on posters and other film advertising and informative materials, indicating it prior to or during showing or transmission of the film).

6. It is prohibited to distribute a film which has been classified with the film classification index 18+ to persons who are younger than 18 years. In order to ascertain the age of the film viewer (consumer), the film distributor has a duty to request that the film viewer (consumer) presents a personal identification document. Upon the request of the film distributor or control authority, the film viewer (consumer) has a duty to certify his or her identity and age by presenting a personal identification document.

7. Cabinet Regulation No. 457 of 17 June 2008, Regulations Regarding the Classification of Films (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2008, No. 98) is repealed.

8. It is allowed to distribute films, which are legally produced or released in circulation in any of the European Union Member States or Turkey or which are legally produced in any of the Member States of the European Free Trade Association, which are parties of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, without additional labelling in Latvia.

Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis

Minister for Culture I. Dālderis


Cabinet Regulation No. 587
29 June 2010

Criteria for the Classification of Films



Age group

universal audience (U)





1. General explanations Film is suitable for persons of all ages Film is suitable for persons who have reached at least 7 years of age Film is suitable for persons who have reached at least 12 years of age Film is suitable for persons who have reached at least 16 years of age Film is not suitable for minors
2. Content Restrictions on the distribution of films containing harmful content Restrictions on the distribution of films containing harmful content Restrictions on the distribution of films containing harmful content Restrictions on the distribution of films containing harmful content No restrictions
3. Theme Interpretation of problematic themes is reasonable and appropriate for children Interpretation of problematic themes is reasonable and appropriate for children Problematic themes are admissible with a layout, which is appropriate for adolescents No restrictions No restrictions
4. Language The use of swear words is inadmissible The use of swear words is inadmissible The use of swear words is rare and justified by the context of the film without indications to sexual, psychological, physical and any other violence The use of swear words without indications to sexual, psychological, physical and any other violence is admissible No restrictions
5. Nudity Nudity is admissible in individual scenes without a sexual context Nudity without a sexual context is admissible Nudity in a sexual context is admissible, however, the scenes are shown without an emphasis on details Nudity in a sexual context is admissible, however, the scenes are shown without an emphasis on details No restrictions
6. Sex Individual indirect indications to sexual behaviour are admissible Individual indirect indications to sexual behaviour are admissible Indications to sexual behaviour are admissible Showing of sexual behaviour that is justified by the content is admissible without an emphasis on details No restrictions
7. Violence or cruel behaviour Individual indirect mentions of violence or cruel behaviour that are justified by the content are admissible Slightly expressed threats or fear. Showing of details is inadmissible Individual indirect mentions of violence or cruel behaviour that are justified by the content are admissible Slightly expressed threats or fear. Showing of details is inadmissible Violence or cruel behaviour that is justified by the content is admissible. Showing of details is inadmissible Physical injuries or blood are not emphasised. Mentions of sexual violence or short scenes thereof without showing of physical details are admissible Violence or cruel behaviour that is justified by the content is admissible. Showing of details is inadmissible Physical injuries or blood are not emphasised. Scenes of sexual violence are discreet and short No restrictions
8. Guns and other imitable techniques Only individual references to the use of actual guns and other imitable techniques that are justified by the content are admissible Idealisation of actual, including modern, guns is not allowed. Detailed showing of fights or other dangerous actions is inadmissible It is not allowed to include imitable details of dangerous actions (for example, fights, hanging, suicides). Idealisation of actual, including modern, guns is not allowed Detailed showing of techniques of dangerous types of sports is not allowed. It is not allowed to emphasise the use of easily available lethal weapons (especially knives) No restrictions
9. Horror Horror effects are slightly expressed and short. Scenes have positive denouement Scary prolonged or intense scenes are not allowed. Showing of science fiction is admissible as a factor that reduces the impression Prolonged or detailed showing of causing pain or injuries is not admissible Prolonged or detailed showing of causing pain or injuries is not admissible No restrictions
10. The use of narcotic and other addictive substances Individual short indications to the use of narcotic and other addictive substances are allowed, however, they must be justified by the content, indicating the danger of such action. Elements of instructions for use are inadmissible Individual short indications to the use of narcotic and other addictive substances are allowed, however, they must be justified by the content, indicating the danger of such action. Elements of instructions for use are inadmissible Individual short indications to the use of narcotic and other addictive substances are allowed, however, they must be justified by the context of the film and they indicate the danger of such action. Elements of instructions for use are inadmissible Showing of the use of narcotic and other addictive substances is admissible without open instructive details. The film as a whole is not allowed to advertise or promote the use of narcotic and other addictive substances No restrictions

Minister for Culture I. Dālderis


Translation © 2010 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Filmu klasifikācijas noteikumi Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 587Adoption: 29.06.2010.Entry into force: 16.07.2010.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 111, 15.07.2010.
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