Teksta versija

Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

12 July 2011 [shall come into force on 15 July 2011];
7 May 2013 [shall come into force on 10 May 2013];
24 May 2016 [shall come into force on 28 May 2016];
25 April 2017 [shall come into force on 28 April 2017];
1 October 2019 [shall come into force on 8 October 2019];
13 June 2023 [shall come into force on 1 January 2024].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.


Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 343
Adopted 6 April 2010

Regulations Regarding Large Dimension and Heavyweight Carriage

Issued pursuant to
Section 5, Paragraphs 6.2 and seven of the Law on Roads

I. General Provisions

1. The Regulation prescribes the procedures for issuing permits for large dimension and heavyweight carriage (hereinafter - the carriage) (hereinafter - the permit), the procedures for carrying out the carriage, and the cases when the permit need not be obtained for carriage.

[13 June 2023]

2. The Regulation shall apply to the carriage (movement along roads) in which the dimensions or actual mass, or axle load (at least one parameter) of the motor vehicle or its composition driving along a road (motor road or street) with or without freight or passengers exceed the values referred to in Annex 2 to Cabinet Regulation No. 279 of 2 June 2015, Road Traffic Regulations (hereinafter - the Road Traffic Regulations).

[13 June 2023]

3. A large dimension vehicle is a motor vehicle or its composition (with or without freight) for which at least one dimension exceeds the value referred to in Annex 2 to the Road Traffic Regulations. A heavyweight vehicle is a motor vehicle or its composition (with or without freight or passengers) the actual mass or axle load of which exceeds the value referred to in Annex 2 to the Road Traffic Regulations.

[24 May 2016]

4. The carriage may be carried out only with a vehicle or vehicle composition corresponding to the specific nature thereof, without exceeding its laden weight.

[13 June 2023]

5. [13 June 2023]

6. The permit shall not be necessary:

6.1. for towing a motor vehicle to a parking place or repair place if it has sustained damages due to which it is prohibited from driving;

6.2. for a vehicle for daily maintenance of roads which is equipped with interchangeable towed equipment or interchangeable technological machinery and the parameters of which do not exceed:

6.2.1. the width of 4 m;

6.2.2. the axle load of 11 t;

6.2.3. the axle load of 13 t if it has twin wheels.

[13 June 2023]

6.1 An indivisible freight is such freight unit that cannot be divided into smaller freight units without additional disassembly thereof and expenditures or damage threat related to it. The concept of indivisible freight shall not be applicable to the case if, upon dividing the freight, parameters (at least one parameter) owing to which the permit was issued do not change.

[13 June 2023]

6.2 A freight which can be divided into two or several freights without additional disassembly thereof and expenditures or damage threat related to it (including liquid bulk, solid bulk, and modular freights) is a divisible freight and the permit in accordance with Paragraphs 35, 36, and 37 of this Regulation must be obtained for the carriage thereof with larger dimensions or larger actual mass than laid down in the Road Traffic Regulations.

[13 June 2023]

6.3 The permit shall be issued:

6.3 1. for one carriage along the route indicated in the permit for a definite period not exceeding three days;

6.3 2. for several carriages for a definite period which is not shorter than four days and does not exceed a year in accordance with Paragraphs 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38.2, 38.3, 38.4, and 38.5 of this Regulation.

[13 June 2023]

6.4 The permit for the carriages referred to in Paragraphs 38 and 38.2 of this Regulation for a year shall be issued to tractor machinery registered in Latvia on the basis of a permit issued by the State Technical Supervision Agency to participate in road traffic or tractor machinery registered in foreign countries which has a valid permit to participate in road traffic.

[13 June 2023]

II. Issue of the Permit and Agreement upon the Route

[1 October 2019]

7. The permit shall include the following information:

7.1. [13 June 2023];

7.2. the parameters of a vehicle or vehicle composition (with freight) - length, width, height from the carriageway, axle load, distance between the centres of axles, and total mass;

7.3. the make of the vehicle and State registration number;

7.4. the route or road network of the carriage;

7.5. the time of the carriage;

7.6. the conditions which must be followed during carriage (where necessary);

7.7. the date and time when the permit was issued.

[1 October 2019; 13 June 2023]

8. [13 June 2023]

9. [13 June 2023]

10. [13 June 2023]

11. [12 July 2011]

12. In order to obtain the permit, the submitter shall submit an application for the permit to valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Latvijas Valsts ceļi" [State limited liability company Latvian State Roads]. The following information shall be indicated therein:

12.1. the given name and surname of the submitter or the name and registration number of the legal person, and also the address, e-mail address, and phone number;

12.2. the parameters of the vehicle or vehicle composition (with freight) - length, width, height from the carriageway, axle load, distance between the centres of axles, and total mass;

12.3. the make of the vehicle and State registration number;

12.4. information on the carriage:

12.4.1. the preferable route if the permit referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.3 1 of this Regulation is necessary;

12.4.2. the intended road network (the carrier shall indicate each individual carriage in the waybill of the vehicle) if the permit referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.3 2 of this Regulation is necessary;

12.5. the time of the carriage;

12.6. the agreement (if such has been received) with the road owner if the road is not a State motor road.

[13 June 2023]

12.1 The submitter shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information to be submitted and referred to in Paragraph 12 of this Regulation.

[13 June 2023]

13. The State limited liability company Latvian State Roads shall assess the application for the permit and:

13.1. if additional research of the route is not necessary, take the decision to issue the permit or to refuse to issue the permit within three working days after receipt of the application for the permit;

13.2. if additional research of the route or receipt of the agreement from the third parties is necessary, take the decision to issue the permit or to refuse to issue the permit within three working days after receipt of the results of the research or the agreement;

13.3. if necessary, agree upon the route of the carriage (except for the cases referred to in Paragraphs 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38.2, 38.3, 38.4, and 38.5 of this Regulation):

13.3.1. with the road (street) owner or its authorised person for the carriage along its roads if the parameters of the vehicle or vehicle composition exceed at least one of the following dimensions: the height from the surface of the carriageway - 4.5 m; the width - 3.49 m; the length - 22 m; the actual mass - 52 t;

13.3.2. with the relevant electric transport service or its authorised person if the height of the large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceeds 4.5 m from the surface of the carriageway and the route of the carriage crosses the overhead contact system of electric transport;

13.3.3. with the owner of the relevant railway infrastructure or its authorised person, if the route of carriage includes a railway crossing and the dimensions of the large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceed at least one of the following values: the height from the surface of the carriageway - 4.5 m; the width - 5 m; the actual mass - 52 t;

13.3.4. with the relevant communications and electricity supply service, if the height of the large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceeds 5 m from the surface of the carriageway;

13.3.5. with the relevant communications and electricity supply service or its authorised person if the height of the large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceeds 5 m from the surface of the carriageway and the route of the carriage crosses the overhead cable line.

[13 June 2023]

13.1 [13 June 2023]

14. A decision to issue or to refuse to issue a permit may be contested to the Ministry of Transport. The decision of the Ministry of Transport may be appealed to a court in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law.

[12 July 2011]

15. [1 October 2019]

16. Expenses related to the agreement upon the carriage routes in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Regulation shall be covered by the carrier.

[1 October 2019]

17. If the State limited liability company Latvian State Roads and the carrier reach a mutual agreement, the carrier is entitled to agree upon the carriage route by itself in accordance with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 13.3 of this Regulation.

[13 June 2023]

18. The State limited liability company Latvian State Roads may change the carriage route indicated in the permit until commencing the relevant carriage if meteorological, traffic, or other conditions which might affect the safe course of the carriage have significantly changed after issuance of the permit or may cancel the permit. The State limited liability company Latvian State Roads shall, without delay, notify the carrier electronically of the cancellation of the permit. In such case, the State limited liability company Latvian State Roads shall issue a new permit for another carriage route (if it is possible).

[13 June 2023]

19. Additional research of the route shall be necessary if the parameters of the vehicle or vehicle composition (except for the case referred to in Paragraph 37 of this Regulation) exceed:

19.1. the length of 24 m;

19.2. the width of 5 m;

19.3. the height of 5 m;

19.4. the total mass of 52 t;

19.5. the axle load of 13 t.

[13 June 2023]

20. Additional research of the route shall be organised by the State limited liability company Latvian State Roads. The expenditures related to the additional research of the route and also expenditures for the additional work of preparing the route in order to ensure carriage shall be covered by the carrier.

[13 June 2023]

21. The State limited liability company Latvian State Roads shall issue the permit, send it to the submitter, and make it publicly available for control within the scope of the e-service on its website.

[13 June 2023]

22. [13 June 2023]

23. [24 May 2016]

24. The record-keeping of the permits and control of the payments related thereto shall be performed by the State limited liability company Latvian State Roads.

[13 June 2023]

25. [13 June 2023]

26. [13 June 2023]

III. Vehicle Markings

27. It shall be permitted to mark a large dimension and heavyweight vehicle with a blinking orange or yellow flashing light (A) (Drawing 1 and 2 of Annex 4).

28. A large dimension vehicle shall be marked:

28.1. in the front (Drawing 1 of Annex 4):

28.1.1. with vehicle recognition signs in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations (B);

28.1.2. with a lighted-on white outer lamp or an attached white light reflector. If the width of a large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceeds 3 m, two lamps one above the other shall be lighted on each side or two white light reflectors shall be attached (C);

28.1.3. with a lighted-on additional white lamp or attached white light reflector, if the distance between the outer lamp or light reflector and the external edges of the position lamps exceeds 1 m (D);

28.2. in the back (Drawing 2 of Annex 4):

28.2.1. with vehicle recognition signs in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations (B, E);

28.2.2. with a lighted-on red outer lamp or an attached red or orange light reflector. If the width of a large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceeds 3 m, two lamps one above the other shall be lighted on each side or two red or orange light reflectors shall be attached (C);

28.2.3. with a lighted-on additional red lamp or attached red or orange light reflector, if the distance between the outer lamp or light reflector and the external edges of the position lamps exceeds 1 m (D).

29. The front and back outer lamps or light reflectors shall be placed in a height of 0.25-0.9 m from the surface of the carriageway as close to the outer edge of the vehicle or freight as possible. The distance between the lamp and outer edge of cargo may not exceed 0.4 metres.

30. Flashing lights, additional lamps and front and back outer lamps shall be lighted on during the driving time of the vehicle, as well as upon stopping or standing during the dark hours of the day or under conditions of non-sufficient visibility. The power of light bulbs of front and back outer lamps and additional lamps shall be 15-21 W.

31. If the total length of the vehicle exceeds 6 m, orange (yellow) reflecting lights (A) and orange (yellow) light position lamps (B) shall be placed on the side edge after every 3 m or, if precluded by the structure of the body or freight, after every 4 m (Drawing 3 of Annex 4), and they shall be lighted on concurrently with the front and rear position lamps or dipped beam and main-beam headlamps. At least one reflecting light and position lamp shall be placed on the middle third part of the side edge of the vehicle.

32. Reflecting lights and position lamps shall be placed in a height of 0.25-1.5 m (if precluded by the structure of the body or freight - up to 2.1 m) from the surface of the carriageway. The power of light bulbs of position lamps shall be 4-10 W.

IV. Permits to be Issued for Several Carriages for a Definite Period

[13 June 2023]

33. The permit shall be issued to a motor vehicle for carriage without freight if the parameters of the abovementioned vehicle do not exceed:

33.1. the actual mass of 48 t;

33.2. the height of 4.5 m;

33.3. the width of 3.49 m;

33.4. the length of 20 m;

33.5. the axle load of 12 t.

[13 June 2023]

34. The permit shall be issued to the vehicle or vehicle composition which carries indivisible freight if its parameters do not exceed:

34.1. the actual mass of 52 t;

34.2. the height of 4.5 m;

34.3. the width of 3.49 m;

34.4. the length of 24 m.

[13 June 2023]

35. The permit shall be issued to the vehicle or vehicle composition which carries divisible freight and the actual mass of which does not exceed 46 t.

[13 June 2023]

36. The permit shall be issued to the vehicle composition which carries divisible freight in accordance with Paragraph 38.4 of this Regulation and the parameters of which do not exceed:

36.1. the actual mass of 52 t;

36.2. the height of 4.2 m;

36.3. the width of 2.60 m;

36.4. the length with a semi-trailer of 17.50 m.

[13 June 2023]

36.1 [24 May 2016]

37. The permit shall be issued to the vehicle composition which consists of a motor vehicle, semi-trailer, and trailer and which carries divisible freight if it has at least eight axles, the engine power is at least 400 HP or 290 kW and if its parameters do not exceed:

37.1. the actual mass of 60 t;

37.2. the length of 25.25 m;

37.3. the length of a trailer of 7.82 m;

37.4. the length of a semi-trailer of 13.6 m.

[13 June 2023]

38. The permit shall be issued to the tractor machinery which is or is not equipped with interchangeable technological machinery or interchangeable towed equipment and which is not intended for the carriage of freight if its total parameters do not exceed:

38.1. the actual mass of 48 t;

38.2. the height of 4.5 m;

38.3. the width of 5 m;

38.4. the length of 24 m;

38.5. the axle load of 12 t.

[13 June 2023]

38.1 [13 June 2023]

38.2 The permit shall be issued for a trailer of tractor machinery the width of which does not exceed 3 m.

[13 June 2023]

38.3 When implementing the carriage referred to in Paragraphs 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38.2, 38.4, and 38.5 of this Regulation, the restrictions specified on State motor roads which are published on the website https://lvceli.lv/smagsvari shall be complied with. The abovementioned website is updated every day by 17:00.

[13 June 2023]

38.4 In accordance with Paragraph 36 of this Regulation, the carriage may be carried out if a certificate issued by valsts akciju sabiedrība "Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcija" [State joint-stock company Road Traffic Safety Directorate] for the carriage of large dimension or heavyweight freights with specialised vehicle composition has been obtained.

[13 June 2023]

38.5 The certificate referred to in Paragraph 38.4 of this Regulation shall be issued to each vehicle individually if the vehicle composition conforms to the following requirements:

38.5 1. it is intended for the carriage of divisible freight;

38.5 2. it has at least six axles;

38.5 3. the distance between axles of a two-axle or three-axle shaft is at least 1.3 m (the permissible distance between axles for the first paired axles of a trailer is 1.15 m);

38.5 4. at least five axles, except for the steering axle of the tractor unit, have coupled wheels;

38.5 5. the engine power is at least 350 HP or 257 kW.

[13 June 2023]

38.6 The permit referred to in Paragraph 37 of this Regulation for a definite period may be issued only for carriage along the major State motor roads and the transit streets forming part of the routes of State main motor roads.

[13 June 2023]

V. Carriage of Divisible Large Dimension and Heavyweight Dolomite and Cement Freights in a Specific Route

[13 June 2023]

39. [13 June 2023]

40. [13 June 2023]

41. [13 June 2023]

VI. Escorting of Large Dimension Vehicles

42. If the width of a large dimension or heavyweight vehicle (except for tractor machinery) is 3.5-5 m or the length is 30-40 m, and also if the opposite movement lane is completely occupied during movement or additional measures for regulating traffic must be taken, the State Police shall be informed of such carriage and an accompanying vehicle shall be used for the carriage.

[13 June 2023]

43. The emergency vehicle of the State Police with fixed blue and red special flashing lights, special sound devices, and special markings or a passenger car equipped with the following may be used as the accompanying vehicle:

43.1. at least two orange (yellow) flashing lights the placement of which ensures their visibility in a 360° angle;

43.2. a portable or stationary in-vehicle radio set (27 MHz) for ensuring radio communication with the driver of the large dimension or heavyweight vehicle;

43.3. a stationary variable signal device mounted on the roof of the accompanying vehicle (Annex 6);

43.4. a special light reflecting marking in the front and back of the vehicle (Annex 7);

43.5. loudspeakers;

43.6. three to five warning cones;

43.7. a measuring tape which is at least 50 m long.

[13 June 2023]

43.1 If the width of a large dimension or heavyweight vehicle (except for tractor machinery carrying out short-term passages) is 3.5-4.0 m and the length does not exceed 30 m, the accompanying vehicle used for the carriage need not be equipped with the device referred to in Sub-paragraph 43.3 of this Regulation.

[13 June 2023]

43.2 If the width of a large dimension or heavyweight vehicle exceeds 5 m or the length exceeds 40 m, the emergency vehicle of the State Police with fixed blue and red special flashing lights, special sound devices, and special markings shall be used as the accompanying vehicle for the carriage.

[13 June 2023]

44. Tractor machinery shall be equipped with an orange (yellow) flashing light. If the width of tractor machinery exceeds 4 m, a passenger car equipped with an orange (yellow) flashing light the placement of which ensures its visibility in a 360° angle shall be used as the accompanying vehicle during the dark hours of the day or in circumstances of poor visibility.

[13 June 2023]

45. Upon accompanying several large dimension or heavyweight vehicles, at least two accompanying vehicles shall be used.

46. Participation of the accompanying vehicle shall be ensured by the carrier.

47. Depending on the route of the vehicle to be accompanied, the decision on the participation of the State Police shall be taken by an authorised person of the State Police.

[13 June 2023]

48. The amount of payment for the use of vehicles of the State Police shall be determined according to the price list of paid services provided by the State Police, and the relevant resources shall transferred to the Treasury account of the State Police. The expenses related to accompanying of a large dimension or heavyweight vehicle shall be covered by the carrier.

49. The accompanying vehicle shall drive in front of the large dimension vehicle to be accompanied so that the left side of the large dimension vehicle to be accompanied is covered. In individual manoeuvres the accompanying vehicle shall ensure safety of movement also in the back of the large dimension vehicle.

50. Large dimension or heavyweight military vehicles shall be accompanied by the Military Police, informing the chief of the relevant regional board of the State Police regarding the planned route.

VII. Closing Provisions

[24 May 2016; 1 October 2019]

51. Until 30 September 2016 it is permitted not to apply the requirements laid down in Paragraph 43 of this Regulation to accompanying of such large dimension or heavyweight vehicles (except tractor machinery) the width of which is 3.5-4 m or the length of which is 24-30 m, and it is permitted to use a motor vehicle of category M1 which has been equipped with orange (yellow) flashing lights only, as an accompanying vehicle.

52. [13 June 2023]

Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis

Minister for Transport K. Gerhards


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
6 April 2010

Sample Permit for Large Dimension and Heavyweight Carriage

[1 October 2019]


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
6 April 2010

Request for Permit for Large Dimension and Heavyweight Carriage

[1 October 2019]


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
|6 April 2010

Sample Vehicle Control Act

[24 May 2016]


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
6 April 2010

Marking of Large Dimension and Heavyweight Vehicles

Drawing 1

Drawing 2

Drawing 3

Minister for Transport K. Gerhards


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
6 April 2010

[13 June 2023]

Sample Certificate for the Carriage of Large Dimension and Heavyweight Freights with Specialised Vehicle Composition

Freight vehicle Trailer (semi-trailer)
State registration number    
Date of first registration    
Vehicle identification number    

Certificate is issued taking into account the following parameters of the vehicle:

Freight vehicle Trailer (semi-trailer)
Type of a vehicle    
Total number of axles    
Number of axles with coupled wheels    
Distance between axles of two-axle or three-axle shaft    
Engine power    
The place of issuance of the certificate  
Issued by      
  (given name, surname of the technical control inspector)   (signature)
Certificate was issued on ___ _____________ 20___ Place for a seal


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
6 April 2010

Variable Signal Device

[24 May 2016]

1. Signals to be depicted in the variable signal device:

Drawing 1 Drawing 2 Drawing 3
Drawing 4 Drawing 5 Drawing 6
Drawing 7 Drawing 8 Drawing 9
Drawing 10    

2. Symbols in the front (visible to the persons driving from the opposite direction):

2.1. direction arrows to the right (in ascending order) - Drawings 4, 5, 6;

2.2. warning symbol - Drawing 7;

2.3. two yellow LED flashes (stroboscopes) - Drawing 10.

3. Symbols in the back (visible from behind):

3.1. direction arrows to the left (in ascending order) - Drawings 1, 2, 3;

3.2. direction arrows to the right (in ascending order) - Drawings 4, 5, 6;

3.2. warning symbol - Drawing 7;

3.4. symbol for prohibition of overtaking for cars - Drawing 8;

3.5. symbol for prohibition of overtaking for freight vehicles - Drawing 9;

3.6. two yellow LED flashes (stroboscopes) - Drawing 10.

4. Each symbol shall flash separately, as well as may be combined, for example, 1+ 2 +3 + 7 + 10 or 7 + 8 +10, or 7 + 10.

5. The device shall have day and night mode.

6. The device shall have the certificate of the manufacturer regarding conformity of constructions of the device with LVS EN 12966:2015 "Road vertical signs. Variable message traffic signs".

7. The minimum dimensions of the device: height - 700 mm, width - 1000 mm.

8. Height (from the carriageway) for mounting the device on the vehicle - the bottom edge of the device shall be in height of at least 1600 mm, but not higher than 2100 mm.


Annex 7
Cabinet Regulation No. 343
6 April 2010

Special Light Reflecting Marking

[24 May 2016]

1. Light reflecting (yellow/red) shields/bands.

2. The reflecting marking attached in the front and back of the accompanying vehicle shall have one (horizontal) or two (horizontal or vertical) signs of recognition - rectangles with sloping red fluorescent parallel lines (in a 45° angle with ascent in the direction of the axle of the vehicle). The width of dividing lines shall not exceed 100 mm, and the material (surface) of dividing lines shall be made of a yellow light reflecting material.

3. The special light reflecting marking on the accompanying vehicle shall be placed so that its bottom edge is not lower than 250 mm, but the upper edge - not higher than 2100 mm from the road surface.

4. The total length of the special light reflecting marking visible from one direction shall be at least 1130 mm, width - from 130 to 150 mm.

Translation © 2024 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par lielgabarīta un smagsvara pārvadājumiem Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 343Adoption: 06.04.2010.Entry into force: 16.04.2010.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 60, 15.04.2010.
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