Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 11.03.2009.–06.02.2025. Amendments not included: 04.02.2025.
Procedures for Establishment and Use of the Information System for the Management of European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion FundIssued pursuant to 1. These Regulations prescribe the procedures for establishment and use of the information system for the management of European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund (hereinafter - the European Union Funds). 2. The task of the information system for the management of the European Union Funds shall be: 2.1. to accumulate and store the information regarding the planning documents and projects of the European Union Funds required for the management of the European Union Funds and supervision of the implementation of the operational programmes; 2.2. to ensure the possibilities to prepare reports regarding activities co-financed by the European Union Funds and regarding the implementation of large projects; 2.3. to ensure the possibilities to analyse information regarding the implementation of activities co-financed by the European Union Funds and large projects; and 2.4. to ensure electronic data exchange with the information systems of the European Commission and of the authorities involved in the management of the European Union Funds. 3. The manager of the information system for the management of the European Union Funds shall be the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance shall ensure the establishment and maintenance of the information system for the management of the European Union Funds. 4. The Ministry of Finance shall: 4.1. enter into interdepartmental agreement with the responsible institutions and co-operation institutions as well as with the authorities involved in the management of the European Unions Funds; and 4.2. in accordance with the competence, determine the content of the information to be accumulated, procedures for input of data, updating or data exchange and granting user rights. 5. The Minister for Finance shall issue internal regulatory enactments in respect of the divisions of the Ministry of Finance and subordinated institutions thereof regarding the use of the information system for the management of the European Union Funds. 6. The user rights of the information system for the management of the European Union Funds shall be granted, changed and cancelled for the authorities involved in the management of the European Unions Funds by the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the specified procedures. 7. The information accumulated in the information system for the management of the European Union Funds shall be stored until 31 December 2021 and transferred for storage to the State Archive after the referred to date in accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding the archiving of electronic data. 8. The following Cabinet Regulations are repealed: 8.1. Cabinet Regulation No. 473 of 3 July 2007, Procedures for Establishment and Use of the Information System for the Management of European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund (Latvijas Vēstnesis (official Gazette of the Government of Latvia), 2007, No. 109); 8.2. Cabinet Regulation No. 484 of 20 June 2006, Procedures by which the User Rights are Granted and Cancelled in the Information System for the Management of European Union Structural Funds (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006, No. 97); and 8.3. Cabinet Regulation No. 269 of 4 April 2006, Procedures by which the User Rights are Granted and Cancelled in the Unified Information System of Cohesion Fund Projects (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006, No. 59). Prime Minister I. Godmanis Minister for Finance A. Slakteris Translation © 2009 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) |
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