Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 09.04.2008.–12.06.2009. Amendments not included: 02.06.2009., 30.06.2009., 23.11.2010., 03.05.2011., 13.11.2012., 29.10.2013.
Regulations Regarding the Supplementary Activity "Ensuring the Necessary Material Basis for Quality Acquisition of Natural Sciences" in the Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Services"Issued pursuant
to I. General Provisions1. These Regulations prescribe: 1.1. procedures for implementing the supplementary activity "Ensuring the Necessary Material Basis for Quality Acquisition of Natural Sciences" in the Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Services" (hereinafter - activity); 1.2. requirements for the submitter of an European Regional Development Fund (hereinafter - ERDF) project application (hereinafter - project application); 1.3. the evaluation criteria for the project application; 1.4. the Responsible Authority and the Co-operation Authority, the distribution of competence between these authorities and the procedures for co-operation, as well as the form of functional subordination of the Responsible Authority and the Co-operation Authority. 2. The objective of the activity shall be to improve the educational quality of natural sciences at the general secondary education level and to establish prerequisites for State development of the different science and technology branches. The target group for the activity shall be the general secondary education institutions, students and pedagogues. 3. The objective of the activity shall be achieved by implementation of the activities referred to in Paragraphs 18 and 19 of these Regulations and achieving the supervision result indicator - by 2013, the number of general secondary education institutions that have modernised their natural science and mathematics laboratories (hereinafter - laboratories) shall be 225. 4. The project selection process shall take place as a restricted project application selection (hereinafter - restricted selection). The restricted selection for the 2007-2013 planning period shall be organised by the Responsible Authority in one round. 5. The activity shall be financed by ERDF funds, the State budget and local government budget resources. The total available funds within the scope of the restricted selection is LVL 22 522 800, including LVL 199 144 380 of ERDF financing and LVL 3 378 419 of national public financing. 6. The implementation of the activity shall be carried out in accordance with these Regulations and regulatory enactments that prescribe the management, implementation and supervision procedures for the implementation. 7. To ensure the management, implementation and supervision of the implementation of the activity, the Ministry of Education and Science shall perform the functions of the responsible authority (hereinafter - Responsible Authority), but the State Education Development Agency - the functions of the co-operation authority (hereinafter - Co-operation Authority). 8. The Responsible Authority shall have the following functions: 8.1. to ensure the project application selection and evaluation: 8.1.1. to draw up an evaluation form for the project applications, and the methodology for evaluating the project applications and for completing the application evaluation forms for the project; 8.1.2. to develop an evaluation commission for the project applications; 8.1.3. to evaluate the project applications and take a decision regarding approving the project application, approving with conditions or rejection, as well as evaluate the decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions and the execution of the laid down conditions; 8.2. to draw up the necessary request for State budgetary funds for the approved ERDF project (hereinafter - project); 8.3. to gather data regarding the conformity of the submitted applications in regard to the development and utilisation of the European Fund management information system; 8.4. to co-ordinate the project amendments referred to in Paragraph 69 of these Regulations; 8.5. to plan and implement informative measures regarding implementation of the activity; 8.6. to ensure that the available ERDF finances for implementing the activity specified by Paragraph 5 of these Regulations are not exceeded, and to supervise acquisition of the available ERDF funding, including the execution of the principle regarding the activity referred to in Articles 93(1) and 93(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No.1260/1999. 9. The Co-operation Authority shall have the following functions: 9.1. to formulate a sample agreement for implementation of the project; 9.2. to enter into agreements with the final beneficiary regarding implementation of the project and specify to the final beneficiary the conditions for implementing the project in accordance with these Regulations; 9.3. to perform supervision and control of the implementation of the projects, including inspections at the locations of project implementation and supervise the execution of the principle regarding the projects referred to by Articles 93(1) and 93(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No.1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No.1260/1999; 9.4. to provide the Responsible Authority with information regarding requests for finance from the State budget resources for project implementation; 9.5. to develop a purchase plan for the final beneficiary and submit it to the Purchase Supervision Bureau; 9.6. to prepare and submit to the Responsible Authority information regarding implementation of the project and acquisition of available ERDF funding; 9.7. to prepare a payment forecast and submit it to the payment authority, the managing authority and the responsible authority; 9.8. to examine and to approve the payment requests of the final beneficiary and to prepare the expenditure declaration; 9.9. to provide the final beneficiary with information related to the implementation of the concluded agreement regarding the accomplishment of the project; 9.10. to gather data regarding the project implementation in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the establishment and utilisation of the information system of the European Union funds management; 9.11. to plan and fulfil publicity measures regarding the concluded agreement with the final beneficiary. 10. The Co-operation Authority shall be under the functional supervision of the Responsible Authority. II. Conditions for allocating European Union Funds Financing11. A local government, which is the founder of a general secondary education institution, may submit a project application to a restricted selection. The project application submitter may submit one project application. 12. The project application submitter may apply for receiving ERDF financing from a restricted selection, if: 12.1. the Responsible Authority has invited it to submit a project application; 12.2. in the project application the intended general secondary education institution (hereinafter - project beneficiary) is included in the priority list (hereinafter - list) of general secondary education institutions to be supported. 13. Within the scope of the activity support shall be given for up to 60% of the general secondary education institutions present within the administrative territory of each district and Republic city. 14. The minimal eligible total cost for a project shall be LVL 98 392. The maximum eligible total cost for a project shall be LVL 6 297 088. The anticipated amount of eligible costs shall not exceed LVL 98 392 for one project beneficiary. 15. The maximum permissible ERDF financing amount shall be 85% of the sum total of the grand total of the applicable expenses of the Project. 16. A local government, in implementing a project, shall ensure co-financing in the amount of at least 15% of the total eligible costs of the project. 17. The Co-operation Authority shall remit to the final beneficiary the advance payment in the amount determined by the Co-operation Authority, but not more than 50% of the intended amount of the ERDF and national public financing, taking into account the terms and procedures, that are provided by the agreement regarding implementation of the project. III. Activities that shall be Supported18. The following activities related to the modernisation of laboratories shall be supported within the scope of the activity: 18.1. the equipping of four laboratories (chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics laboratories) with equipment, accessories, materials and other facilities that are necessary for implementing the general secondary education programmes for mathematics, natural sciences and technically orientated educational subjects, as well as the necessary furniture. 18.2. equipping the laboratories with the necessary information technology, ensuring 25 work stations in one or more laboratories for work with a computer in the general secondary education programmes for mathematics, general science and technically orientated educational subjects. 18.3. renewal and supplementation of library stocks and educational video stocks; 18.4. acquisition of electronic educational material and software. 19. Construction work within the framework of the activity that is associated with adapting the laboratories of the general secondary education institution to fitting and operating the technological and educational equipment shall be supported. IV. Selection Procedure for Project Applications20. The Responsible Authority prior to announcing a restricted selection shall prepare a project list. 21. After coming into force of these Regulations the Responsible Authority shall forward the project list for assessment to the district council or Republic city council. The district council or Republic city council shall assess the conformity of the general secondary education institutions to the quality criteria referred to in Sub-paragraph 41.1. of these Regulations which are in their administrative territory and are included on the project list. 22. The district council or Republic city council shall include on the project list those general secondary education institutions, which in the relevant administrative territory have gained the most points in accordance with the quality criteria referred to in Sub-paragraph 41.1. of these Regulations, taking into consideration the quota specified in Paragraph 13 of these Regulations. 23. If general secondary education institutions in the same administrative territory according to the quality criteria assessment referred to in Sub-paragraph 41.1. of these Regulations have gained the same point score, the general secondary education institution with the greater number of students in the 2006/2007 school year shall be placed on the list. 24. The district council or the Republic city council shall, within 20 working days, provide an opinion to the responsible authority regarding the general secondary education institutions to be included on the list. 25. The Responsible Authority shall invite the founders of the general secondary education institutions to submit a project application, based on the opinion of the district council or the Republic city council. 26. The invitation to a restricted selection to submit the project application shall specify: 26.1. the deadline for submission of a project application; 26.2. the location for submitting the application, the procedure for sending it by post, submitting it personally or electronically; 26.3. the Internet home page, where the documents necessary for preparing the project application shall be placed. 27. The project application submitter shall prepare the project application in conformity with the project application form (Annex) and submit it in accordance with Paragraph 29 of these Regulations. The submitter of the project application, when filling out the project application form, shall observe the following conditions: 27.1. the project application shall be typed on the computer in the Latvian language; 27.2. the original and copies of the project application shall be bound together and sewn through, the pages shall be numbered and all the documents shall be completed according to the procedure prescribed by the regulatory enactments regarding the development and completion of documents: 27.3. the following documents referred to in Paragraph 28 of these Regulations shall be attached to the project application; 27.4. the project application in paper form shall be submitted in three copies, placing the electronic version on the electronic data server. One copy is the original with the designation "oriģināls" (original) and the other two - copies with the designation "kopija"(copy); 27.5. the project application in an electronic document format shall be signed with a safe electronic signature in accordance with the procedures specified in the Law on Electronic Documents; 27.6. the original and copies of the project application shall be placed in an envelope and sealed with a seal; 27.7. the project application submitter shall not change or erase the headings for the sections and sub-sections of the project application form; 27.8. shall carry out the costs and benefits analysis referred to in Sub-paragraph 41.4. of these Regulations in conformity with the parameters and assumptions on costs and benefits analysis presented in the Annex; 27.9. the project application submitter shall ensure the mutual conformity of the submitted information placed in the sections of the project application form; 27.10. the project application submitter shall plan the necessary project costs when completing the project application in conformity with the eligible costs specified in Paragraphs 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64 and 65 of these Regulations and the restrictions on the amount of costs specified in Paragraphs 59, 62, and 65 of these Regulations, substantiating the planned costs of the project and ensuring their conformity to the aims of the Project, planned activities and expected results; and 27.11. the project application shall be signed by the head of the institution submitting the project or his/her authorised person, appending the relevant authorisation to the project application. 28. The project application shall have attached to it: 28.1. the local government decision regarding the ensuring of the necessary co-financing; 28.2. the project application submitter's questionnaire regarding the application of the added value tax in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the procedures, by which information is provided and assessed regarding the application of value added tax to the framework of the European Union fund financed project and a decision is taken regarding the inclusion of the value added tax into the eligible costs of the project; 28.3. other documents substantiating the conformity of the project application to the project application evaluation criteria referred to in these Regulations. 29. A project application submitter may submit the project application: 29.1. in paper format, attaching its electronic version on the electronic data provider; 29.2. in electronic document format, signed with a secure electronic signature according to the procedure specified in the Law On Electronic Documents. 30. The final date for submitting the project application specified in the invitation referred to in Paragraph 26 of these Regulations shall be the last day, by which the project application submitter may submit the project application, either personally, electronically or by sending it by post: 30.1. if the project application has been sent by post, the posting date indicated by the postmark shall be deemed the submission date; 30.2. if the project application is submitted electronically, the moment when it was sent by e-mail or utilising the special on-line services under the management of the institution shall be the time of submission. If disagreements arise, the project submitter must prove that the project application was sent before the end of the term for submitting the projects; 30.3. if the project application is submitted personally, the date and time indicated on the stamp of the recipient institution shall be deemed the date of submission. 31. The Responsible Authority shall register the project application on the day of its receipt. The Responsible Authority shall send confirmation of receipt of the project application within 10 working days by post or electronically as an electronic document, signing it with a safe electronic signature in accordance with the procedures specified in the Law on Electronic Documents. V. Evaluation of Submitted Projects32. The evaluation of the project applications submitted within the framework of the activity is ensured by the restricted selection project submission evaluation commission (hereinafter - Commission). The Commission shall include representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government and Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments. 33. Representatives from the Managing Authority and Co-operation Authority may participate in the status of observer at Commission meetings, as well the Commission may invite one or more experts without voting rights to participate in the work of the Commission. 34. The Commission's activity shall be governed by the by-law developed and approved by the Responsible Authority. 35. Upon commencing the work of the Commission, the Commission members and experts shall sign a declaration, that there are no conditions in their activity that violate the restrictions specified by the Law on Management of European Union Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund for persons participating in the management of European Union Funds due to which it could be considered that they are concerned with the selection of a specific project application submitted by a project application submitter. 36. The Commission shall evaluate the project application submitters and the project applications in accordance with the evaluation procedures and methodology for project application evaluation and evaluation of the completion of project application forms developed by the responsible authority, as well as the regulatory enactments prescribing the procedures of management, implementation and monitoring of European Union funds. 37. The conformity of the project submission to the evaluation criteria for a project submission shall be evaluated with a "Yes"(conforms) or "No" (does not conform), as well as assigning a definite number of points. 38. The Responsible Authority shall assess the conformity of the received project application in accordance with the administrative criteria, conformity criteria and quality criteria. 39. The administrative criteria shall be the following: 39.1. the project submitter has been invited to submit a project application to the restricted project application selection; 39.2. the project application has been submitted within the specified time period; 39.3. the project application has been prepared using a computer; 39.4. the project application has been prepared in the Latvian language; 39.5. the project application has been prepared in conformity with the project application form specified in Paragraph 27 of these Regulations and has been completed; 39.6. the project application shall be submitted in paper format in three copies (one original and two certified copies), the submitted original and copies shall be bound (sewn together) or the project application is submitted in an electronic document format in accordance with the Law on Electronic Documents, and all the submitted documents are completed according to the prescribed provisions of the relevant regulatory enactments; 39.7. the project application has been signed by the head of the institution submitting the project or by their authorised representative; 39.8. all the documents referred to in Paragraph 28 of these Regulations have been attached to the project application; 39.9. the project implementation periods and breakdown of costs by years is in conformity with the project implementation periods specified in Paragraph 78 of these Regulations; 39.10. the ERDF co-financing and the total amount of eligible costs applied for the project has been given in full lats; 39.11. the ERDF co-financing applied for project does not exceed the amount of ERDF financing specified in Paragraph 15 of these Regulations; 39.12. the total amount of the eligible costs of the project application is given in full lats and conforms to the sum of the minimum and maximum eligible costs specified in Paragraph 14 of these Regulations and does not exceed them; 39.13. the eligible costs per year for the project are given in full lats and are arithmetically correct and conform with the total amount indicated in the summary of the project budget; 39.14. the positions of the eligible costs indicated in the project application conform with the eligible costs specified in Paragraphs 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64 and 65 of these Regulations; and 39.15. the planned costs of the project do not exceed the cost limits determined by Paragraphs 59, 62 and 65 of these Regulations. 40. The conformity criteria (the conformity criteria for the project application and the project submitter) shall be the following: 40.1. the project conforms to the aims of the activity determined in Paragraph 2 of these Regulations; 40.2. the activities to be supported by the project conform with the activities to be supported, as specified in Paragraph 18 and 19 of these Regulations; 40.3. the general secondary education institution that is incorporated in the project has not received Structural fund financial support for ensuring laboratory facilities for the 2004-2006 period of the Structural fund's national programme "Improvement of the quality of education of the secondary education subjects natural science, mathematics and technology" within the framework of implementing the Project VPD/ESF/PIAA/05/NP/3/2/2/0001/0181 "Improvement of the quality of education of the secondary education subjects natural science, mathematics and technology"; 40.4. the project beneficiary is incorporated in the list, on which there are not more than 60% of the current general secondary education institutions from the administrative territories of each district or Republic city in accordance with the quality criteria referred to in Sub-paragraph 41.1 of these Regulations; 40.5. the intended amount of eligible costs shall not exceed LVL 98 392 for one project beneficiary; 40.6. the problem to be solved is defined and the needs of the chosen target group are substantiated in the project application; 40.7. the project application and the activities planned therein anticipate solving the defined problems and satisfying the needs of the target group; 40.8. activities of the project are clearly defined, proportionate to the planned time schedule of implementation and ensure the achievement of the planned results; 40.9. the planned results in the project application and their indicators are precisely defined and measurable; 40.10. the project application contains a description of the project management, implementation and monitoring scheme and the necessary resources (the number of personnel required, qualifications and duties thereof, the available facilities), and they conform to the needs of the project; 40.11. within the project application, the sustainability and maintainability of the achieved results is substantiated, including the certification by the founder of the educational institution regarding the operation of the education institution in the long-term, not less than five years; 40.12. the costs indicated in the project application conform to the implementation periods of the proposed project, are necessary and are justified in order to achieve the project results and implementation of the planned operation; 40.13. the planned publicity and information distribution measures conform to the prescribed publicity requirements for implementing European Union fund projects; and 40.14. the project application submitter is the local government, which is the founder of the general secondary education institution. 41. The quality criteria shall be the following: 41.1. the selection criteria for general secondary education institutions (that shall be the beneficiaries) in the administrative territory of a district or a Republic city: 41.1.1. students to be educated at the secondary level in the 2006/2007 school year: less than 100 students - one point, 100-200 students - two points; 201-300 students - three points; more than 300 students - four points; 41.1.2. the planned number of students for the high school period until 2013: less than 100 students - one point; 100-200 students - two points; 201-300 students - three points; more than 300 students - four points; 41.1.3. the general secondary education institution is implementing: one accredited general secondary educational programme - one point; at least two accredited general secondary educational programmes - two points; at least two accredited general secondary educational programmes one of which being a natural science and technically orientated educational programme, as well the educational institution is implementing an elementary education programme - three points; 41.1.4. status of a general secondary education institution: high school or evening (shift) high school - one point; State secondary school - two points; 41.1.5. access to public transport services: the transport runs twice a day, and the stop is not more than a half-hour walk from the educational institution - one point; the transport runs three to four times a day, and the transport stop is not more than a 15 minutes walk from the educational institution - two points; the transport runs five times a day or more often or the local government has provided public transport services for the student transfer, as well as the transport stop is not more than a 15 minutes walk from the educational institution - three points; 41.2. readiness to commence the planned activities of the project: 41.2.1. the project is not ready to be commenced - the technical construction project has not been developed, the planned construction and the necessary laboratory equipment list has not been developed - zero points; 41.2.2. a low level of preparedness of the project at the commencement stage - the technical construction project has not been developed, a partially planned construction and necessary laboratory equipment list - one point; 41.2.3. an intermediate level of preparedness of the project at the commencement stage - the technical construction project has been developed or a detailed list of the plan construction work has been submitted, a detailed list of the necessary laboratory equipment has been prepared - two points; 41.2.4. a high level of preparedness at the commencement stage of the project - the necessary purchase documentation for performing the construction work has been prepared, a detailed list of the necessary laboratory equipment has been prepared - three points; 41.3. assessment of the project implementation risk, including the evaluation of the risk of cost increase: 41.3.1. the possible risk assessment for the project has not been carried out - zero points; 41.3.2. the possible risk assessment for the project application has not been fully completed, the calendar of events for preventing the identified risks has not been developed or only partially developed - one point; 41.3.3. a qualitative risk assessment for the project application has been carried out, the calendar of events for preventing or minimizing the identified risks has not been fully completed - two points; 41.3.4. a qualitative risk assessment for the project application has been carried out, a substantiated calendar of events for preventing or minimizing the identified risks has been developed - three points; 41.4. the main conclusions of the analysis of the project costs and benefits are disclosed in the project application: 41.4.1. an analysis has not been performed and conclusions have not been disclosed - zero points; 41.4.2. an analysis has been performed and the main conclusions have been disclosed - one point; 41.4.3. an analysis has been performed, the main conclusions have been disclosed and the economic benefit is positive - two points; and 41.5. adapting the laboratories to be modernised in conformity to the requirements for environment accessibility for people with impediments to their movement: 41.5.1. the project does not provide for the improvement of accessibility to the surroundings - zero points; 41.5.2. within the scope of the project, accessibility to the environment shall be improved for persons with impediments to their movement, and an explanation has been given as to the means of ensuring it - two points. VI. Taking a Decision Regarding the Approval of the Project Application, Approval with Conditions or Rejection and Notification Thereof42. The Responsible Authority shall take a decision regarding the approval of the project application, if conformity of the administrative and conformity criteria referred to in Paragraphs 39 and 40 is assessed with a "Jā" (Yes) and conformity with the evaluation criteria referred to in Paragraph 41 is assessed with the necessary minimal point total - 10 points. 43. The Responsible Authority shall take a decision regarding the rejection of the project application if the project application does not conform to: 43.1. any of the administrative criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 39.1, 39.2, 39.3, 39.4, 39.5, 39.6, 39.7, 39.10, 39.11 or 39.12 of these Regulations; 43.2. any of the conformity criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 40.1, 40.2, 40.3, 40.4, 40.5, or 40.14 of these Regulations; 44. The Responsible Authority shall take a decision regarding the rejection of the project application if the project application has not received at least two points for the quality criterion referred to in Sub-paragraphs 41.2 and 41.3 of these Regulations and one point for the quality criterion referred to in Sub-paragraph 41.4 of these Regulations. 45. The Responsible Authority shall take a decision regarding the rejection of the project application if the conformity of the project application to the quality evaluation criteria referred to in Paragraph 41 of these Regulations has been assessed with less than 10 points. 46. The Responsible Authority may take a decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions. In such case the project submitter shall eliminate the indicated deficiencies until the time of conclusion of the project implementation agreement. 47. The decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions may include the following conditions: 47.1. to improve the project in accordance with the following criteria: 47.1.1. the administrative criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 39.8, 39.9, 39.13, 39.14 or 39.15 of these Regulations; and 47.1.2. the conformity criteria referred to in Sub-paragraphs 40.6, 40.7, 40.8, 40.9, 40.10, 40.11, 40.12 or 40.13 of these Regulations; 47.2. to carry out the following operations: 47.2.1. to issue supplementary information or a document, if the information included in the project application is unclear or imprecise; 47.2.2. update the eligible costs of the project; and 47.2.3. perform other activities in order to implement the project. 48. The Responsible Authority shall send the decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions to the project submitter within five working days after taking of the decision. 49. Execution of the conditions contained in the decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions shall be ensured by the project submitter within the term specified in the decision. After performance of the conditions specified by the decision the project submitter shall submit information regarding the performance to the Responsible Authority for evaluation. 50. The period specified in the decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions shall not be longer than 20 working days. 51. The Commission, within 20 working days after receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 49 of these Regulations, shall evaluate it and the Responsible Authority shall prepare an opinion if the project submitter has fulfilled execution of the conditions contained in the decision regarding the approval of the project application with conditions. The legality of the opinion shall be assessed in the same manner as regarding the decision for which the opinion was prepared to control the execution of the contained conditions therein. 52. The Responsible Authority, within five working days after preparing the opinion referred to in Paragraph 51 of these Regulations, shall inform in writing the project submitter and the Co-operation Authority thereof. Concurrently with the opinion referred to in Paragraph 51 of these Regulations the Responsible Authority shall send the Co-operation Authority two certified project copies or the project application in an electronic document format, that has been drawn up in accordance with the Law on Electronic Documents. 53. If the project submitter does not ensure execution of the conditions contained in the decision or executes them partially within the term specified in Paragraph 50 of these Regulations, the project shall be considered as rejected. The Responsible Authority within five working days shall send information regarding the non-execution of the conditions contained in the decision to the project submitter. 54. Within one month after receipt of the project application rejection or in the case referred to in Paragraph 53 of these Regulations the project submitter may request the Responsible Authority to issue two project application copies to the Project submitter in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the regulatory enactments governing the circulation of information. 55. The Responsible Authority shall send the decision regarding the approval of the project application to the final beneficiary and the Co-operation Authority within five working days after taking of the decision. Concurrently with the opinion referred to in Paragraph 42 of these Regulations the Responsible Authority shall send the Co-operation Authority two certified project copies or the project application in an electronic document format, drawn up in accordance with the Law on Electronic Documents. 56. The Responsible Authority shall send the decision regarding the rejection of the project application to the project submitter within five working days after taking of the decision. VII. Regulations for Implementing a Project. Eligible and Ineligible Costs57. In compliance with provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006 of 11 July 2006 laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No.1260/1999 and REGULATION (EC) No. 1080/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 July 2006 on the European Regional Development Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1783/1999, within the framework of the Project the following are eligible cost positions: 57.1. the administration costs of the project; 57.2. the purchase of the necessary material technical resources and equipment for implementing the general secondary education mathematics, general science and technically orientated programmes; 57.3. costs of laboratory renovation; 57.4. other miscellaneous eligible costs for implementing the project, including service costs; 57.5. cost of preparing the project application; and 57.6. unforeseen costs. 58. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.1 of these Regulations may incorporate: 58.1. work remuneration of the personnel involved in administration of the project for specific work or services provided, based on an enterprise agreement; 58.2. compulsory social insurance payments of an employer; and 58.3. the communication services costs of the personnel involved in the administration of the project. 59. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.1 of these Regulations shall not exceed 5% of the total eligible costs of the project, not inclusive of the administrative costs and unforeseen costs. 60. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.2 of these Regulations may incorporate: 60.1. the purchase costs of the necessary equipment and facilities for equipping the four laboratories referred to in Sub-paragraph 18.1. of these Regulations, including appliances, models, accessories, vessels, instruments, materials, information technology, computer programs for implementing teaching programmes, libraries, replacing educational video stocks and furniture purchase costs; and 60.2. costs of delivery of equipment and facilities, installation, repair and maintenance, as well as the costs of the technical instructional training. 61. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.3 of these Regulations may incorporate: 61.1. electrical cables, telecommunications systems, fire-fighting alarm systems, installation and fitting of lighting systems; 61.2. sanitary technical work (including installation of a ventilation system): 61.3. carpentry and finishing work; 61.4. fitting of floor, wall and ceiling coverings and door repairs; and 61.5. window replacement. 62. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.3 of these Regulations shall not exceed 30% of the total eligible costs of the project. 63. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.4 of these Regulations may incorporate: 63.1. provision for the costs of carrying out purchase procedures; 63.2. payments to the involved experts and the costs of the compulsory State social security payments made by the employer; 63.3. the technical project development costs; 63.4. insurance costs for the material values arisen as a result of implementing the project, if they are attributable to the period of project implementation; 63.5. the costs of the supervision of construction; and 63.6. costs for ensuring project publicity. 64. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.5 of these Regulations may include the cost of insurance of the carrying out of the purchase procedures and the costs of the technical project development, if they are related to execution of the requirements specified in Sub-paragraph 41.2 of these Regulations. 65. The costs referred to in Sub-paragraph 57.6 of these Regulations shall not exceed 5% of the total eligible costs of the project, not inclusive of the administrative costs and unforeseen costs, and they shall not be utilised to cover the administration costs of the project. 66. Irreclaimable payments of value added tax shall be eligible costs. 67. The following costs shall not be eligible for financing from the resources of the ERDF and State budget: 67.1. that are not specified in Paragraphs 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64 and 65 of these Regulations or that exceed the restrictions on cost amounts determined in Paragraphs 59, 62, and 65 of these Regulations; 67.2. that are not related to implementation of the project activities; 67.3. that have not occurred during the course of implementation of the project activities or the payments that were made later than within one month after the implementation term of the project; 67.4. that are not substantiated by source cost documents or have occurred due to not observing the requirements of regulatory enactments. 68. Amendments to the project shall be made in accordance with the procedures, by which the institutions involved in the management of European Union Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund ensure the development of planning documents and introduction of these funds, insofar as it has not been determined otherwise in these Regulations. 69. Before submitting the amendments to the project to the Co-operation Authority, the final beneficiary shall submit them to the Responsible Authority for harmonisation, if they are related to: 69.1. the project objective; 69.2. change of the final beneficiary; 69.3. the starting and finishing dates for implementing the project; 69.4. the achievable outcome indicators of the project; 69.5. division of unforeseen costs; 69.6. the amount of total eligible costs of the project or its planned breakdown by years. 70. The Co-operation Authority may initiate the making of changes to the project, coordinating them with the Responsible Authority. 71. The Co-operation Authority, after coordination with the Responsible Authority, may initiate a unilateral withdrawal from the agreement, if the agreement regarding the implementation of the project provides for that. 72. If not exceeding the restrictions of the eligible costs specified in Paragraphs 59, 62 and 65, the final beneficiary within the framework of the project, in submitting requests for payment with attached explanations for the work mentioned hereafter, may perform the reallocation of costs within the framework of cost positions specified in Sub-paragraphs 57.1, 57.2, 57.3, 57.4 and 57.5 of these Regulations, not exceeding 5% of the total eligible costs of the cost position to be reallocated. 73. If the advance payment transferred to the final beneficiary exceeds 20%, the final beneficiary shall submit the first European Union Fund final beneficiary payment request not later than six months after conclusion of the agreement regarding implementation of the project. The first European Union Fund final beneficiary payment request shall not be less than 80% of the amount of the advance payment. 74. The final beneficiary, within five working days after conclusion of the agreement regarding implementation of the project, shall submit a purchase plan to the Co-operation Authority. 75. The final beneficiary shall ensure that current information regarding implementation of the project is placed on the Internet homepage of the final beneficiary not less than once every three months. 76. The Ministry of Education and Science shall ensure the functions of the Centralised Purchasing Authority by carrying out the purchase procedures for conclusion of public supply or general agreements for the needs of other contracting entities, the equipping of laboratories with the necessary educational equipment for implementing general secondary mathematics, general science and technically orientated educational programmes (equipment, accessories, materials and other facilities), equipping the laboratories with the necessary information technology, library stock, replacing and supplementing educational video stocks, acquisition of educational electronic software. 77. The duration of project implementation for the implementation period referred to in Paragraph 78 of these Regulations shall not exceed 30 months. VIII. Closing Provision78. The project shall be implemented within five years from the date the project implementation was agreed upon, but not later than by 31 December 2013. Prime Minister I. Godmanis Minister for Education and Science T. Koķe
Revised by the Ministry of Education and Science Annex Standard Form of an Application of the European Regional Development Fund Project
The type of selection of projects: Restricted
1.1. Project applicant:
1.1.6. Type of the project applicant (please, indicate the appropriate response):
1.1.7. NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities of the project applicant (please, write in the appropriate response):
1.2. Basic information regarding the co-operation partner where appropriate (if it is intended to involve several partners in the implementation of the project, information regarding each partner should be indicated):
1.3. Information Regarding the Education Institution
2.1. Summary regarding activities to be performed within the framework of the European Union fund project (the referred to information will be available in accordance with the procedures and the amount specified in the Freedom of Information Law after the decision regarding application of the European Union fund project has come into effect) (number of characters not to exceed 1500):
2.2. Project implementation location Please, indicate:
2.3. Project classification (please, indicate the NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities corresponding to the content of the project):
2.4. Indicate the justification of the necessity of the project or provide a description of the detected problem (number of characters not to exceed 2500):
2.5. Provide a description of the solution of the selected problem (number of characters not to exceed 1500):
2.6. Indicate the aim of the project (number of characters not to exceed 200):
2.7. Indicate the planned activities of the project (number of characters not to exceed 1000):
2.8. The results to be achieved within the scope of activities:
* Activities shall comply with those indicated in the time schedule for implementation of the project. One activity may have several results. 2.9. Indicate the compliance of the project with the objective specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund (number of characters not to exceed 500):
2.10. Monitoring indicators to be achieved within the project pursuant to the indicators indicated in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund: 2.10.1. Indicators of the outcome:
2.10.2. Indicators of the results (Need not be completed):
3.1. Describe the project's implementation and managerial capacity (number of characters not to exceed 2000):
3.3. Describe how maintenance of the results achieved by the project will be ensured after termination of the project (number of characters not to exceed 300):
3.4. Describe what the possible project implementation risks might be, as well as indicate their evaluation and the plan for the reduction or prevention of possible risks (number of characters not to exceed 1500):
3.5. Describe the preparedness of the planned activities of the project (indicate if the construction technical project has been developed, a list of the necessary equipment for the construction or office, as well as indicate, if the necessary purchase documentation has been prepared for performance of the construction) (number of characters not to exceed 2000)
3.6. Time schedule for implementation of the project
1 Must comply with the number of the activity indicated in Paragraph 2.8
4.1. Types of project information and publicity measures:
4.2. Characterise the measures which will be implemented in order to meet the requirements of the European Union in relation to the project publicity:
5.1. Influence of the project on the priority "equal opportunities":
A description of how the project ensures a contribution to ensuring equal opportunity (characters not to exceed 500):
6.1. Compliance of the activities intended within the project with the evaluation requirements of the activity specified in the Law On Environmental Impact Assessment:
If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that an assessment is not required, provide a justification for the indicated compliance with references to the regulatory enactments regulating the field of environmental impact assessment:
6.2. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that an initial environmental impact assessment or environmental impact assessment is required, append a characterisation*:
7.1. Cost/benefits analysis: 7.1.1. Give a brief description of the methodology and the main conclusions (characters not to exceed 500): Assumptions and parameters to be used in the cost/benefits analysis of:
* a decision of the Environment State Bureau regarding non-application of the EIA or a statement regarding the final report of the EIA shall be appended to the application 1 Priority fields - Education Thematic Group 4 and 5 (Group 4 - natural sciences, mathematic and information technologies, Group 5 - engineering sciences, manufacturing and construction) 2 Zero alternative - the natural science laboratories of the general secondary education institution is not being modernised and the project is not being implemented 7.1.2. Indicate the main economic benefits and costs as determined by the analysis and their eligible values:
7.1.3. Economic analysis indicators:
7.1.4. Indicate the effect of the project on the preparation of a highly qualified workforce in the economic priority sectors:
7.1.5.Indicate the main inestimable/non-quantitative socially economic benefits and costs (characters not to exceed 300):
7.2. Project Financing Plan: FINANCING PLAN Project No.
* For example, financing of the Cultural Capital Foundation or the European Investment Bank 7.3. Summary of the project budget, including the indicative plan of project costs, LVL:
* Positions of costs shall be indicated in accordance with positions of eligible costs indicated in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund project
• the project submitter is directly responsible for developing and establishing the project, as well as responsible for the results of the project; • the project submitter has sufficient financial resources available to ensure the prescribed co-financing share and establishing continuity of the project; • the project submitter is capable of ensuring the necessary human resource capacity for implementing the project; • the project submitter certifies and is capable of demonstration the necessary experience and understanding regarding the scope of project activities for implementing the project; the project submitter does not have tax debts or debts of mandatory State social insurance payments; • the project submitter has not substantially violated the provisions of an agreement, in not fulfilling the obligations within the scope of agreements, that have been financed from European Union funds; information included in the project application and Annexes thereof is true and co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund requested for implementation of the project will be used pursuant to the description of the project application; there are no known reasons why this project could not be implemented or implementation thereof could be delayed and I confirm the it is possible to carry out the liabilities specified in the project in the periods of time specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union; • the project submitter certifies that upon completion of the project the long-term activity of the education institute shall be ensured, which shall not be less than five years; • this very project is not being and has not been financed or co-financed from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments; and • in the case of approval of the project, this very project application will not be submitted for financing or co-financing from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments; • the project submitter does not participate in another operational programme "Infrastructure and Services" Supplement Priority 1 "Infrastructure for Securing Human Capital" Activity 1.3 "Ensuring the Infrastructure of General Educational Skills" Activity 1.3.1. "Ensuring the Necessary Material Basis for Quality Acquisition of Natural Sciences" in the submission of the project application in the restricted project application selection; • if, within the scope of the project, construction work or the supply of goods for long-term use is being financed, the project applicant shall undertake to operate the relevant project objects in accordance with the aims of the project not less than five years after completion of the project. I understand that it is possible that the project may not be approved for co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund if the project application, including this section, is not completely and qualitatively completed, as well as if the financing of the European Regional Development Fund planned in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union (for the current year/planning period) has been used at the moment of approval of the project. I understand that in the case of providing false information in the certification, sanctions of administrative and financial nature may be initiated both against me and against the abovementioned legal person - project applicant. I confirm that copies appended to the project application correspond with the originals of the documents at my disposal and copies and electronic version of the project application correspond with the original of the submitted project application.
* In case of an electronic submission, if the procedures prescribed by regulatory enactments for drawing up an electronic document have been observed, the "Signature" and "Date" boxes need not be completed. Minister for Education and Science T. Koķe
Translation © 2008 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) |
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Title: Noteikumi par darbības programmas "Infrastruktūra un pakalpojumi" papildinājumaāti ..
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