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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

7 April 2015 [shall come into force from 1 June 2015].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 660

Adopted 2 October 2007

Procedures for the Performance of Internal Supervision of the Work Environment

Issued pursuant to
Section 7, Paragraph four of the Labour Protection Law

I. General Provisions

1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures, by which the internal supervision of the work environment is to be performed (including evaluation of the work environment risk).

2. Internal supervision of the work environment shall consist of the following stages:

2.1. the planning of internal supervision of the work environment;

2.2. the evaluation of the work environment risk, including the evaluation of risk in work performed by pregnant women and women who have recently given birth;

2.3. the implementation of internal supervision of the work environment; and

2.4. the inspection and improvement of internal supervision of the work environment.

3. This Regulation shall not apply to those activities in emergency situations, which are performed in conformity with the Civil Defence Law and inevitably conflict with the requirements of this Regulation.

4. The internal supervision of the work environment in an undertaking shall be performed by a labour protection specialist appointed by the employer or employer himself or herself if there are no more than 10 employees in the undertaking and the employer fulfils the duties of a labour protection specialist.

5. A person who performs the internal supervision of the work environment shall be trained in accordance with regulatory enactments regarding training in labour protection issues.

6. If an undertaking does not have a relevant labour protection specialist, the employer shall involve in the internal supervision of the work environment a specialist or an institution competent in labour protection issues.

7. The employer, the labour protection specialist, the competent specialist or the competent institution, in performing the internal supervision of the work environment, shall co-operate with a trusted representative or a representative of the employees and involve the employees.

8. The employer shall be liable for compliance with this Regulation. The employer shall ensure the resources required for the internal supervision of the work environment (for instance, personnel, financial, technical resources).

9. The involvement of a competent specialist or a competent institution in the internal supervision of the work environment shall not reduce the responsibility of the employer for the compliance with the labour protection and health protection requirements.

10. The compliance with this Regulation shall be controlled by the State Labour Inspection.

II. Planning of Internal Supervision of the Work Environment

11. The employer shall at least once a year plan the internal supervision of the work environment, in taking decisions regarding the organisation of labour protection issues in the undertaking, resources necessary for labour protection, responsible persons and other issues related to the internal supervision of the work environment.

12. The employer shall plan the internal supervision of the work environment in co-operation with the labour protection specialist, the trusted representative or the representative of the employees, taking into account:

12.1. the type of activity, nature of the work and working conditions of the undertaking;

12.2. the work environment risk factors existing in the undertaking and the results of the work environment risk evaluation;

12.3. warnings, instructions and decisions of the State Labour Inspection pertaining to labour protection issues in the undertaking; and

12.4. the technical and financial resources of the undertaking.

13. The employer shall provide for and include the planning of internal supervision of the work environment in the planning of economic activity.

III. Evaluation of Work Environment Risks

14. In evaluating the work environment risk, the employer shall ensure:

14.1. the inspection of the work environment and the workplaces therein or the types of work, determining the work environment factors existing there and detecting factors, which cause or may cause risk to the safety and health of employees (Annex 1);

14.2. measurements of work environment factors where appropriate in order to determine whether the environment factor causes risk to the safety and health of employees; and

14.3. determination of the work environment factors, which cause or may cause risks to the safety and health of employees.

15. The employer is entitled not to use the form referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation for the documentation of inspection of a workplace if he or she, in inspecting the workplaces, uses documents, which are more appropriate for the nature of economic activity of the undertaking and which take into account all the work environment factors referred to in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

16. If work environment measurements for the evaluation of the work environment risk have been made by an accredited testing laboratory, the employer shall take into account the testing results of the relevant laboratory when planning labour protection measures.

17. The employer shall ensure the evaluation of work environment risk at all workplaces, except in cases where there are similar conditions at workplaces (for example, similar work equipment, layout of premises, nature of work). If the conditions of work are similar, a work environment risk evaluation of one workplace or type of work shall be sufficient, taking into account the individual differences of each employee and each workplace.

18. The work environment risk shall be evaluated not less than once a year, as well as:

18.1. when practically commencing another type of activity;

18.2. if any changes in the work environment have occurred (for example, work procedures, methods, work equipment, the use or production of substances and mixtures has changed, the workplace has undergone substantial modifications);

18.3. if deterioration in the conditions of the work environment or non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by regulatory enactments is determined; and

18.4. if an accident at work has occurred.

[7 April 2015]

19. In the cases referred to in Sub-paragraphs 18.1, 18.2, 18.3 and 18.4 of this Regulation the work environment risks shall be evaluated in relation to the particular place or type of work.

20. The work environment risk in an undertaking may be evaluated by the employer, a labour protection specialist or a competent specialist or a competent institution invited by the employer, involving in the risk evaluation the trusted representative or the representative of the employees and the employee who works at the relevant workplace and manages it.

21. In evaluating the work environment risk, a person who performs it shall take into account:

21.1. the level of the probability (duration, frequency) of the occurrence of the work environment risk and of the seriousness of the consequences of the risk, observing all work environment factors, which cause or may cause risk to the safety and health of employees, possible interaction thereof and the results of the performed measurements of the work environment;

21.2. the existing interaction between employees and the activities to be performed by the employees in the undertaking;

21.3. the presence of other persons (for example, employees of other undertakings, visitors, students, patients of medical treatment institutions, customers) in the workplace; and

21.4. accidents, which have taken place at work, and the detected occupational diseases.

22. In workplaces where the work procedures are related to unchanging working conditions (for example, in an office), the employer shall take into account the specific and characteristic (usual, permanent) working conditions when evaluating the work environment risk.

23. In workplaces where the work procedures are related to changing working conditions (for example, construction work), the employer shall, in addition to the working conditions referred to in Paragraph 22 of this Regulation, also take into account the intended changes in the working conditions when evaluating the work environment risk.

24. The employer shall document all the materials of inspection of the workplace (also, of the determination of work environment factors and the evaluation of the work environment risk) and keep them for at least three years.

25. During re-evaluation of the work environment risk a person who performs it shall organise repeated measurements of the work environment, taking into account the results of the previous risk evaluation and the requirements of regulatory enactments regarding the periodicity of measurements. Repeated measurements of the work environment shall not be performed if it arises from the results of the previous measurements.

26. In re-evaluating the work environment risk, a person who performs it shall review the results of the previous evaluation of the work environment risk and, if the situation has not changed and the results of the previous risk evaluation correspond to the present situation, new documentation of risk evaluation need not be developed, but notes in the existing risk evaluation regarding the correspondence of the situation on the day of risk evaluation shall be made.

IV. Evaluation of Work Environment Risks for Work Performed by Pregnant Women and Women Who Have Recently Given Birth

27. The employer shall, in addition to the evaluation of the work environment risk referred to in Chapter III of this Regulation, ensure the evaluation of the work environment risk for the work performed by pregnant women and women in the period following childbirth up to one year but, if a woman is breastfeeding, during the whole period of breastfeeding.

28. In evaluating the work environment risks referred to in Paragraph 27 of this Regulation, a person who performs evaluation shall determine whether the work environment risk factors referred to in Annex 2 to this Regulation exist at the workplace and whether relevant work is performed, as well as shall determine the nature, degree and duration of the effects of the work environment risk factors in order to:

28.1. evaluate any risk to the safety and health of pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding, as well as any probable consequences in respect of their pregnancy or breastfeeding; and

28.2. determine the labour protection measures required for the prevention of the risk referred to in Sub-paragraph 28.1 of this Regulation.

29. If the employer, on the basis of a work environment risk evaluation, determines that the work to be performed is referred to in Annex 2 to this Regulation or, also, that it is affected by the work environment factors referred to in Annex 2 to this Regulation, which may pose a threat to the safety or health of pregnant women, breastfeeding women or their children, the employer has a duty to take necessary labour protection measures in order to ensure their safety and health but, if this is not possible, to transfer the pregnant woman or the breastfeeding woman to another job.

30. If the employer, on the basis of a work environment risk evaluation, determines that the work to be performed conforms to Annex 3 to this Regulation, the employer is prohibited from employing:

30.1. pregnant women - in jobs, which are affected by the work environment factors referred to in Annex 3, Paragraph 1 of this Regulation; and

30.2. breastfeeding women - in jobs, which are affected by the work environment factors referred to in Annex 3, Paragraph 2 of this Regulation.

31. If the employer determines that, in addition to the work environment factors or the jobs referred to in Annexes 2 and 3 to this Regulation, there are other work environment factors or jobs that may cause a risk to the safety or health of pregnant women, breastfeeding women or their children, the employer has a duty to take the labour protection measures required for the prevention of such risks.

V. Implementation of Internal Supervision of the Work Environment

32. The employer, when ensuring the implementation of the internal supervision of the work environment, shall divide the duties, responsibilities and resources in the undertaking and determine the co-operation between:

32.1. the management of the undertaking, the management of units, trusted representatives, labour protection specialists and employees;

32.2. employees, employees of other undertakings who perform work in their territory (for example, suppliers) and visitors; and

32.3. employees to whom the provision of first aid, the performance of fire fighting, evacuation of employees and other measures required in emergency situations have been entrusted.

33. On the basis of the results of a work environment risk evaluation and the information obtained during inspection of workplaces, the employer shall:

33.1. determine the workplaces and types of work where a work environment risk exists and labour protection measures are required for the prevention or reduction of such risk, as well as employees who are subjected to specific risk;

33.2. ensure the development of a plan of labour protection measures, in which the labour protection measures, the time period for implementation thereof and the persons responsible for the prevention or reduction of the risk referred to in Sub-paragraph 33.1 of this Regulation are determined. In determining and taking labour protection measures for the prevention or reduction of the work environment risk, the employer has a duty to ensure that the risk is not transferred to another place or that another risk is not caused;

33.3. compile the lists and other documents specified in the Labour Protection Law and other regulatory enactments regarding requirements for labour protection. The employer is entitled to combine the referred to lists and documents in one or several lists or documents.

34. The employer shall keep the plan of labour protection measures referred to in Sub-paragraph 33.2 of this Regulation and the lists and documents referred to in Sub-paragraph 33.3 of this Regulation for at least three years if another time period for storage of documents has not been specified in the regulatory enactments regarding requirements for labour protection.

35. The employer shall be responsible for timely performance of the labour protection measures referred to in Sub-paragraph 33.2 of this Regulation and shall examine efficiency thereof.

36. The employer shall inform all employees and trusted representatives or representatives of employees regarding:

36.1. the risk factors and the work environment risk that exists in an undertaking and every workplace as a result of such factors;

36.2. the benefit obtained by employees and the undertaking as a result of the elimination of risk factors and the reduction in the work environment risk;

36.3. their tasks and duties pertaining to internal supervision of the work environment (also, regarding the actions required in emergency situations);

36.4. probable consequences, which may occur as a result of failure to comply with the prescribed work procedures;

36.5. labour protection measures; and

36.6. the results of evaluation of the work environment risk, the conclusions made on the basis of such results, the plan of labour protection measures and the labour protection measures taken or to be taken.

37. The employer shall inform each employee regarding the issues referred to in Paragraph 36 of this Regulation, which apply directly thereto.

38. The employer shall ensure that the information referred to in Paragraph 36 of this Regulation is available and comprehensible to employees.

39. The employer has a duty to inform regarding existing work environment risk factors and necessary labour protection measures:

39.1. lessees of the premises of the undertaking, as well as other employers and their employees if employees of several employers are employed at the relevant workplace; and

39.2. visitors, clients of the undertaking and other persons who may be exposed to the work environment risk.

VI. Inspection and Improvement of Internal Supervision of the Work Environment

40. The employer shall ensure the inspection of the internal supervision of the work environment and detection of conformity to the requirements of regulatory enactments regarding labour protection not less than once a year.

41. When performing the internal supervision of the work environment, it shall be necessary to take into account the results of previous inspections and evaluations of the work environment risk, as well as the type of activity of the undertaking.

42. If it is detected during inspection of the internal supervision of the work environment that it is necessary to make improvements, the employer shall ensure the improvement of the internal supervision of the work environment and performance of the necessary labour protection measures.

43. A person who performs inspection of the internal supervision of the work environment shall inform the employer regarding the results of the inspection if the inspection has not been performed by the employer himself or herself.

44. The employer, on the basis of the results of inspection of the internal supervision of the work environment, shall improve the internal supervision system of the work environment in determining the necessary labour protection measures and including them in the plan of labour protection measures referred to in Sub-paragraph 33.2 of this Regulation.

VII. Closing Provisions

45. Cabinet Regulation No. 379 of 23 August 2001, Procedures for the Performance of Internal Supervision of the Work environment (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2001, No. 123; 2003, No. 60) is repealed.

Informative Reference to European Union Directives

[7 April 2015]

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from:

1) Council Directive 89/391/EEC of 12 June 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work;

2) Council Directive 92/85/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (tenth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC);

3) Directive 2014/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 amending Council Directives 92/58/EEC, 92/85/EEC, 94/33/EC, 98/24/EC and Directive 2004/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, in order to align them to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures;

4) Council Directive 2010/32/EU of 10 May 2010 implementing the Framework Agreement on the prevention of sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector concluded by HOSPEEM and EPSU.

Prime Minister A. Kalvītis

Minister for Welfare D. Staķe


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 660
of 2 October 2007

Inspection of Workplace or Type of Work and Determination of Work Environment Factors Therein and Evaluation Thereof

[7 April 2015]

Date _______________


Work environment factors

What may cause risk to the safety and health of employees

Whether there is (exists) a specific work environment factor

What is to be evaluated in order to determine whether a risk to the safety and health of employees exists and whether further inspection/labour protection measures are required

Whether present (existing) work environment factors cause a risk to the safety and health of employees and whether it is necessary to take labour protection measures














1. Physical factors working premises and surroundings of the workplace layout of working premises suitability of the layout of the workplace, the area required, etc. (impact)
routes of transport and passage
other (please, specify)
noise machinery noise level, variable noise level, impulsive noise (duration of exposure)
work with manual instruments and tools
ventilation equipment
equipment of the undertaking or the institution
other (please, specify)
vibrations work with moving, rotary, vibrating manual instruments vibration intensity (duration of exposure, local, general)
work with vibrating machines
work on vibrating surfaces
other (please, specify)
illumination artificial lighting conditions of workplaces adequacy of artificial lighting, intensity of illumination of passageways and machines, non-dazzling directions of light
artificial lighting conditions of passageways
artificial lighting conditions of machines
artificial lighting conditions of workbenches
artificial lighting conditions of other objects (specify)
micro-climate equipment emitting high heat temperature (C0)

air movement rate (m/s)

relative air humidity (%)

heat radiation (kcal)

maintenance of ventilation system

ventilation equipment with the airflow of unbalanced influx and suction etc.
lack of ventilation
other (please, specify)
outside work work in outside conditions temperature (C0)

air movement rate (m/s)

relative air humidity (%)

heat radiation (kcal)

lowered temperature during the cold time of the year
meteorological conditions
intense solar radiation
other (please, specify)
elevated ambient pressure work in caissons to what pressure employer is exposed, how long work in elevated pressure takes place, how soon the pressure is reduced
work in altitude chambers
diver's work
other (please, specify)
radiation (ionising/non-ionising) x-ray equipment quantity of radiation (duration of exposure)
electromagnetic field equipment
ultraviolet radiation equipment
laser radiation equipment
other (please, specify)
other physical factors            
2. Physical factors (biomechanical) heavy work physically strained work weight of individual unit and total weight, working methods (termination of exposure), ergonomic indicators
lifting of heavy items
carrying of heavy items
repeated lifting of heavy items
hauling, pushing of heavy items
other (please, specify)
physical efforts which repeat work connected with frequent repetition of the same work operation     frequency of repeated work operations, energy and accuracy requirements and needs (changes in exposure), ergonomic indicators    
work postures, static postures sitting lifting on height, working squatting, bending down, bending outwards or stretching (termination of exposure), duration of work in one posture, ergonomic indicators
other posture (specify)
work involving computer design of workplace design of workplace (chair, table, monitor), working hours (breaks), software, conformity to the requirements of ergonomics, sight strain
long working hours without breaks
non-conformity of monitor to the requirements
reflective glare
non-conformity of software
other (please, specify)
elevated sight strain work related to elevated sight strain work intensity, duration of work, size of details, different elements to be discerned
work involving a microscope
work involving optical devices
jeweller's work
work involving small details
other (please, specify)
overload of vocal cords continuous load of voice in speaking duration of incessant load of vocal cords, total load to vocal cords per day (length of talking, singing), intensity of load (loudness of voice, intricacy of speech, singing)
continuous load of voice in singing
work related to elevated strain of local muscles work involving different manual tools work intensity, duration of incessant work, repetition of work
work with hands
other (please, specify)
other physical factors            
3. Psychological and emotional factors working hours organisation of working time     work at night, work in shifts, unplanned overtime work, irregular shifts, duration of shifts    
shortage of working time work to be performed is connected with additional effort     work at piece rate, work in groups or individually, speed of work, duration of haste    
monotonous work nature and volume of work, which frequently repeat     whether work is monotonous and (or) it requires constant attention, ability to influence the work to be performed    
inability to influence the working procedures small (insufficient) possibilities for employees to participate in the planning of their work     possibilities for employees to organise their own work    
work in isolation work where employees work protractedly alone or in isolation from others risk of accidents and violence, lack of communication, lack of support of colleagues, lack of information
increased responsibility increased responsibility in work level of responsibility, the frequency of taking of responsible decisions, the scope of people influenced by the decision, the scope and severity of consequences in case of mistake
taking of important, responsible decisions
strained psychological atmosphere at work unfavourable, strained relationship among employees mutual relationship in work collective, mutual support, psychological isolation, competition, mobbing, bossing
unfavourable, strained relationship with employer
other (please, specify)
violence physical potential physical assaults, sexual harassment of employees, clients or other persons
sexual harassment
other psychological factors            
4. Dust sprays abrasive dust production, processing, utilisation of abrasives risk of inhalation of dust, density of dust in air, dust particle size, composition of dust, presence and adequate operation of ventilation (natural, general, local), efficiency and maintenance of ventilation systems
emerging of dust while working
other (please, specify)
dust of organic origin work where plant dust (for example, from flour, tree, tobacco, flax, cotton, hemp) is excreted risk of inhalation of dust, density of dust in air, dust particle size, composition of dust, presence and adequate operation of ventilation (natural, general, local), allergenic properties of the dust
animal (wool, animal hair, skin) dust
feather or skin dust of birds
skin or hair dust of human being
emission of other dust of organic origin into the air, for example, processing of peat, production of natural silk, paper production
dust of metals and alloys thereof mechanical processing of metals risk of inhalation of dust, density of dust in air, dust particle size, composition of dust, welding (frequency, duration of works), presence and adequate operation of ventilation (natural, general, local)
work involving metallic powders
metal smelting
welding works
other (please, specify)
dust containing carbon and inorganic compounds thereof, lime, chalk dust utilisation, transport of coal risk of inhalation of dust, density of dust in air, dust particle size, composition of dust, presence and adequate operation of ventilation (natural, general, local)
production and processing of soot, coke, graphite
processing of diamonds
soot dust, other works where dust containing carbon is discharged
extraction, production and utilisation of lime and chalk
other (please, specify)
dust containing silicon dioxide, silicates production, processing and utilisation of cement, clay, chamotte risk of inhalation of dust, density of dust in air, dust particle size, composition of dust, presence and adequate operation of ventilation (natural, general, local)
production, processing and utilisation of glass and mineral fibres
utilisation of asbestos
production and processing of quartz, granite, glass, copper-silicon alloys
utilisation of sand blasting in work (for example, for cleaning of facades)
other (please, specify)
5. Chemical factors substances and mixtures (specify particular substances and mixtures, evaluate each substance or mixture individually) inhalation of substances or mixtures possibility of absorption of substances or mixtures through the respiratory tract (how much, duration of exposure, how often)

possibility of absorption of substances or mixtures through the skin (how much, duration of exposure, how often)

possibility of absorption of substances or mixtures through the mouth (how much, duration of exposure, how often), effect of chemical substance on body

risk and safety phrases, possible allergic reactions, presence of cancerogenic, mutagenic substances

concentration of chemical substances in air, indicators of biological exposure (IBE)

accidental swallowing
contact with the skin in the work procedures
other (please, specify)
technological processes of production of substances and mixtures inhalation of substances or mixtures
accidental swallowing
contact with the skin in the work procedures
other (please, specify)
production waste inhalation of substances or mixtures
accidental swallowing
contact with the skin in the work procedures
other (please, specify)
means of medical treatment, antibiotics, enzyme preparations, bio-stimulators industrial production of means of medical treatment possibility of absorption of substances or mixtures through the respiratory tract (how much, duration of exposure, how often)

possibility of absorption of substances or mixtures through the skin (how much, duration of exposure, how often)

possible allergic reactions

utilisation of means of medical treatment in work (for example, in medical practice, agriculture, stock farming)
preparation in pharmacy - inhalation, contact with the skin in the work procedures
other (please, specify)
other chemical factors            
6. Biological factors diseases spread by ticks, tick-borne encephalitis, Lyme disease work in a forest, meadow and other places where tick bites are possible duration of work in the forest, meadow, work in planting of greenery, incidence of ill ticks in particular zone (endemic area)
bites of other insects, diseases spread by insects work in old houses, attic duration of work during the time of day-and-night and year when activity of insects is high, possibility of presence of insects (bees, wasps, hornets, gadflies, gnats), possibilities of warding off, individual reaction of employee to insect bites
work in a forest, meadow and other places where bites of insects are possible
work during the time of day-and-night and year when the activity of insects is high
other (please, specify)
contact with poisonous animals, bites of poisonous animals (snakes) work in places where the presence of poisonous animals is possible duration of work during the time of day-and-night and year when activity of poisonous animals, for example, snakes, is high, possibility of the presence of poisonous animals
work in meadows, swamps, forest and other places
work during the time of day-and-night and year when activity of poisonous animals is high
other (please, specify)
animal bites, dog bites, rabies attacks of animals, including dogs (physical trauma) frequency and duration of work in territories where attacks of animals (wild animals, domestic animals, dogs) are possible, duration of contact with animals, work with ill animals, wild animals
bites of ill animals (rabies)
infectious diseases, which spread with blood or other body fluids, for example, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV work where contact with infected tissue fluids is possible frequency and duration of such work where direct contact with infected or possibly infected materials, tissue fluids and blood, pricking, cutting and injuring oneself and infected material reaching blood is possible
work where contact with infected blood is possible
infection reaching blood, open wounds
possibility of pricking or cutting oneself and presence of infections
other (please, specify)
tuberculosis work, which is related to the presence of tuberculosis bacteria or excretion thereof direct contact with tuberculosis bacteria, work where agents of tuberculosis excrete (how much, duration of exposure, how often)
other micro-organisms, which may cause diseases, bacteriological preparations work, which is related to the presence of bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms (which are not individually referred to anywhere) or spreading thereof direct contact with biological agents, as well as possibility of contact with micro-organisms and other organisms, whose effects may cause infectious diseases, allergy, toxic and other effects (how much, duration of exposure, how often)
fungi, which may cause diseases work, which is related to the presence of fungi or excretion thereof direct contact with fungi, possibility of contact with fungi (for example, mould in agriculture) whose effects may cause infectious diseases, allergy, toxic and other effects (how much, duration of exposure, how often)
human and animal vermin, which may occupy human organism work, which is related to the presence of vermin or spreading thereof work where contact with human or animal vermin that may cause people to fall ill is possible, contact with vermin carriers (duration of exposure, frequency)
hogweed, contact with juice of other poisonous plants which cause health disorders when coming into contact with the skin work in a forest, meadow and other places where contact with the juice of poisonous plants is possible direct contact with poisonous plants, duration of work in a meadow, forest where contact with poisonous plants is possible, duration of work in planting of greenery, duration and frequency of work related to fighting hogweed, mowing in meadows with hogweed, possibility of plant juice reaching the skin, reaction to plant juice, allergic reactions (duration of exposure, how often)
work in removal of hogweed, mowing
allergens work involving substances causing allergic reactions contact with allergen (possibility to inhale, contact with skin), frequency and duration of contact, type of the possible caused allergic reaction, for example, late type allergic reactions, quick allergic reactions, and level of seriousness thereof (for example, contact allergy, general allergic reaction, rash, eczema, allergic rhinitis, hyperactivity of bronchi, asthma, anaphylactic shock), individual sensitivity of employee
inhalation of allergens
contact of allergens with the skin in the work procedures
other biological factors            
7. Traumatic risk factors machinery, workbenches and devices rotating and moving parts of machinery, workbenches and devices unprotected/enclosed rotating, moving parts, parts under voltage of machines, workbenches, devices and active parts of other nature
mechanised instruments
other (specify)
manual tools manual tools of chiselling, cutting, drilling and other types of processing technical condition of tools, methods of use thereof, storage, conformity of tools to the work to be performed
mechanical manual tools
other (please, specify)
other technical equipment transport equipment, including cranes, lifts, pressure blowers, boilers and other dangerous equipment whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression), technical condition and maintenance of equipment, results of inspections
work in height work of steeplejacks whether risk of falling, turning over, collapsing exists (finds expression), technical condition and conformity of assembling of scaffolding and stairs, utilisation thereof
work in 1.5 m distance from ground, covering or working scaffolding surface
work related to rising in height
work on scaffolding
work on stairs
work in buildings
work on ladders
other (please, specify)
possibility of stumbling, falling uneven flooring surface bumps, pits, on which employees move, other roughness, slippery surfaces of movement, obstacles in way of movement of employees, order and cleanliness of working premises, arrangement of equipment and other objects
slippery flooring
different obstacles
other (please, specify)
possibility of burning, scalding hot materials temperature (Co) of products to be produced, materials, surfaces and objects to be used, possibility of contact with boiling, hot liquid, material, surface, duration and frequency of work involving hot, boiling liquids, materials, objects, near hot surfaces
hot liquids
hot surfaces
hot objects
other (please, specify)
micro-injuries sparks whether risk to obtain micro-injury of eye or other part of the body from sparks, splinters (for example, flexing, welding, grinding) exists (finds expression), frequency and duration of such works
other (please, specify)
internal transport and traffic transportation and driving up (access) routes (for example, work on internal traffic roads) whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression), whether pedestrian and vehicle roads are marked, enclosed in the territory of undertaking, whether safety signs are placed correctly, how heavy is the traffic of vehicles and pedestrians
types of transportation and driving up (access)
work on internal traffic roads, in direct vicinity thereof
moving along internal traffic roads by vehicle or on foot
moving along internal traffic roads on foot
other (please, specify)
work on or near the carriageway work the on carriageway of a road, street, motorway where movement of vehicles takes place or in direct vicinity thereof where running over, running down, brushing or another accident caused by vehicles may take place whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression), how often such works take place and duration thereof, whether delimitation, safety signs are placed correctly, how heavy is the traffic of vehicles, ensuring and utilisation of reflective clothing
work involving constructions of buildings and edifices work involving constructions and semi-finished parts whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression) when dealing (working) with building constructions, in contact with semi-finished parts and materials
work involving materials
technical maintenance and exploitation of working electrical installations (voltage 50 V and more) work involving electrical devices voltage, insulation, grounding of electrical circuit or device, ability of room, walls, floor to conduct electricity, air humidity, servicing of such circuits or devices outdoors, inspection of protective equipment and working procedures
driving a vehicle work of vehicle driver, driving of automobiles, buses, trolleybuses, trams, trains and other vehicles whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression) in driving a vehicle, route, intensity of movement, speed of transport, distance (time to be spent on road), road surfacing, technical equipment, safety measures (in relation to persons employed in aviation only such conditions shall be evaluated, which may influence the safety of taking-off, landing and flight)
work in aviation - piloting of airplanes, helicopters
underground work work in ditches and shafts whether risk of tumbling down, collapsing of walls, ceiling, risk of caving in, trapping of employees exists, what is the type and resistance of developed ground (sand, clay, limestone), depth of works under soil, duration of work, safety measures
other work where partial or complete caving in, burying, trapping under ground is possible
danger of fire, explosion, chemical burns and poisoning stocks of explosives or combustible substances whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression) in the storage, use of or when dealing with explosives, combustible, poisonous and other substances
condition of the electrical circuit and equipment
work situations related to the risk of fire
work situations related to the risk of explosion
insufficient occupational preparedness of employee conformity of occupational preparedness of employee to the work to be performed     level of training, professional conformity of employee to the work to be performed, practical skills for the performance of the work, how long (for example, the first day, month, year, many years) work is performed, whether similar work has been done previously, whether risk of accidents exists (finds expression)    
other traumatic risk factors            

Inspection was performed by___________________________________________________________


1) on behalf of employees

(employee, trusted person, representative of the employees (underline the necessary answer))

2) other _____________________________________________

Minister for Welfare D. Staķe


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 660
of 2 October 2007

Work Environment Factors and Jobs which may Cause Risk to Safety and Health of Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding Women

[7 April 2015]

1. Work environment factors:

1.1. physical factors that are regarded as factors causing foetal lesions and (or) placenta rupture, including:

1.1.1. impacts, vibrations;

1.1.2. carrying of heavy items or loads that may cause the risk of dorsolumbar nature (that may affect pelvis);

1.1.3. noise;

1.1.4. ionising radiation;

1.1.5. non-ionising radiation;

1.1.6. high or low temperature;

1.1.7. movements and postures, moving inside the premises of an undertaking and the territory thereof, mental and physical fatigue and other physical overload that may adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman and (or) the unborn child;

1.2. biological factors - biological agents of groups 2, 3, and 4 - or therapeutic measures taken to eliminate the consequences caused by such factors which endanger the health of a pregnant woman or the unborn child and are not referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation;

1.3. chemical factors - chemical substances, which endanger the health of a pregnant woman and (or) the unborn child and have not been referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation:

1.3.1. chemical substances and mixtures that correspond to the classification criteria referred to in Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 December 2008 on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, in one or several of the following hazard classes and hazard categories with one or more of the following hazard statements if they have not been referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation: germ cell mutagenicity, category 1 A, 1 B or 2 (H340, H341); carcinogenicity, category 1 A, 1 B or 2 (H350, H350i, H351); reproductive toxicity, category 1 A, 1 B or 2, or an additional category related to effect on lactation or lactation process (H360, H360D, H360FD, H360Fd, H360Df, H361, H361d, H361fd, H362); specific target organ toxicity after single exposure, category 1 or 2 (H370, H371);

1.3.2. auramine, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;

1.3.3. mercury and substances containing mercury;

1.3.4. antimitotic substances;

1.3.5. carbon monoxide;

1.3.6. chemical substances with certain and dangerous absorption capacity through skin.

2. Jobs:

2.1. production of auramine;

2.2. jobs related to the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in coal soot, coal tar and coal pitch;

2.3. jobs during which the employees come into contact with dust, fumes and sprays produced during the roasting or electro-refining of cupro-nickel mattes;

2.4. strong acid processes in the production of isopropyl alcohol;

2.5. jobs involving contact with hard wood dust; and

2.6. work in underground (shafts).

Minister for Welfare D. Staķe


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 660
of 2 October 2007

Work Environment Factors and Jobs the Exposure to which of Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding Women is Prohibited

1. Work environment factors, the exposure to which of pregnant women is prohibited:

1.1. physical factors - work in a hyperbaric atmosphere (for example, in containers, under the influence of water, under water);

1.2. biological factors unless pregnant women are not immune to such factors:

1.2.1. toxoplasma;

1.2.2. rubella virus;

1.2.3. cytomegalovirus;

1.2.4. herpes virus;

1.3. chemical factors:

1.3.1 lead and compounds thereof in so far as the human body is capable of absorbing them;

1.3.2. arsenic and compounds thereof;

1.3.3. phosphorus and compounds thereof.

2. Work environment chemical factors, the exposure to which of breastfeeding women is prohibited:

2.1. lead and compounds thereof in so far as human body is capable of absorbing them;

2.2. beryllium and compounds thereof;

2.3. cadmium and compounds thereof.

3. Work in underground (shafts).

Minister for Welfare D. Staķe


Translation © 2017 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Darba vides iekšējās uzraudzības veikšanas kārtība Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 660Adoption: 02.10.2007.Entry into force: 06.10.2007.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 161, 05.10.2007.
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{"selected":{"value":"01.06.2015","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2015.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"01.06.2015","iso_value":"2015\/06\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2015.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.10.2007","iso_value":"2007\/10\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.10.2007.-31.05.2015.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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