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Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

6 November 2008 [shall come into force on 5 December 2008];
16 June 2009 [shall come into force on 1 July 2009];
1 December 2009 [shall come into force on 1 January 2010];
16 December 2010 [shall come into force on 1 January 2011];
13 September 2012 [shall come into force on 9 October 2012];
23 May 2013 [shall come into force on 18 June 2013];
21 November 2013 [shall come into force on 11 December 2013];
3 March 2016 [shall come into force on 29 March 2016];
9 November 2017 [shall come into force on 6 December 2017];
17 December 2020 [shall come into force on 30 December 2020].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima 1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

Law on Public Transport Services

Chapter I
General Provisions

Section 1. Terms Used in this Law

The following terms are used in this Law:

1) route - an itinerary of a public transport vehicle (regardless of the type and number of vehicles) between two destinations of movement which has been approved in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations;

2) route network - a set of routes (subsidised and commercial routes) created using the existing network of motorways, streets, or railway tracks in which public transport services are organised;

21) commercial route - a route of regional significance in which the expenditure and losses associated with the provision of services are not compensated from the State or local government budget;

22) subsidised route - a regional route of interurban significance, regional route of local significance, or route of city significance in which State or local government guaranteed public transport services of specific quality and amount are provided and which the categories of passengers determined by the State or local government are entitled to use under preferential conditions, and in which the expenditure and losses associated with the provision of services are compensated to the carrier from the State or local government budget;

3) administration of a route network - planning, elaboration, approval, maintenance, development and improvement of a route network;

4) [6 November 2008];

5) contracting authority - the State or a local government which organises public transport services within the competence thereof;

6) route of city significance - a route which ensures movement within the administrative boundaries of a State city as well as from such city to the nearby territories;

7) regular carriage of passengers - carriage of passengers along a predetermined route, with predetermined intensity and regularity, at a certain fare, and also carriage of passengers which is performed with certain regularity along the same or similar route of regular passenger service and which functionally services the same passengers who are embarking or disembarking at en route passenger service points or in lanes provided for the public transport;

71) route of regional significance - a regional route of interurban significance, a regional route of local significance, and all railway routes;

8) regional route of interurban significance - a route which ensures movement within the territory of the State mainly from one administrative territory to an administrative territory in another planning region or which connects State cities;

9) regional route of local significance - a route which provides movement within the administrative territory of one municipality, from this municipality to nearby territories or to another municipality within the borders of a planning region;

91) voyage - movement of a public transport vehicle along a route from one destination to another destination;

10) public transport services - regular carriage of passengers by public transport vehicles organised by the contracting authority and available to residents, which the passengers may use in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations;

11) [6 November 2008];

12) organisation of public transport services - granting of the right to the carrier to provide public transport services;

13) public transport service procurement - a procedure under which the contracting authority selects carriers and grants the right to provide public transport services within a route network, route or voyage;

14) public transport vehicles - vehicles involved in the provision of public transport services (a bus, a tramway, a trolley bus, a train, an M1 category vehicle);

15) local government of a State city - local governments of the State cities referred to in the Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Areas. If a State city as a territorial unit is part of a municipality, the tasks of local governments of State cities specified in this Law shall be performed by the local government of the relevant municipality.

[6 November 2008; 21 November 2013; 9 November 2017; 17 December 2020]

Section 2. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is to ensure the availability of public transport services to residents.

Section 3. Application of this Law

(1) This Law shall determine the competence of authorities in the field of public transport services and the conditions for operation and organisation of public transport services, provide for the sources of financing necessary for the provision of public transport services and the financing principles.

(2) This Law shall apply to public transport services within the territory of Latvia.

(3) Issues related to the sector of public transport services shall also be regulated by Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 1191/69 and 1107/70 and by other laws and regulations.

[6 November 2008]

Chapter II
Competence of State Authorities, Local Governments and the Road Transport Administration in the Public Transport Sector

Section 4. Competence of State Authorities and Local Governments in the Public Transport Sector

(1) The State administration in the public transport sector shall be implemented by the Ministry of Transport and the Public Transport Council according to their competence, and by authorities of the Ministry of Transport, planning regions, and local governments of State cities in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Law.

(2) The Ministry of Transport, the Public Transport Council, authorities of the Ministry of Transport, planning regions, and local governments of State cities shall monitor compliance with laws and other legal acts in the public transport sector and organise public transport services in the route network according to their competence.

[21 November 2013; 17 December 2020]

Section 4.1 Public Transport Council

(1) The Public Transport Council is a collegial authority under institutional supervision of the Ministry of Transport.

(2) The Public Transport Council shall be independent in taking decisions and performing functions.

(3) The Public Transport Council shall be composed of 10 members: five representatives appointed to and removed from office by the Minister for Transport and five representatives delegated by the relevant planning councils - one from each planning region. Officials or employees of the Road Transport Administration may also be appointed as members of the Public Transport Council.

(4) The Public Transport Council shall elect by open vote from among the representatives appointed by the Minister for Transport the chairperson of the Council who chairs work and meetings of the Council but from among the representatives delegated by planning councils - the deputy chairperson of the Council who replaces the chairperson of the Council in his or her absence.

(5) A meeting of the Public Transport Council shall have a quorum if at least seven members of the Council participate therein; the Council shall take decisions by a simple majority. Each member of the Council shall have one vote. If votes are tied (the number of votes "for" is equal to the number of votes "against" and abstentions), votes need to be re-cast. If votes are tied also after repeated voting, a decision shall not be taken. If the continuity of the provision of public transport services is threatened as a result of failure to decide, the Minister for Transport shall take the final decision. A by-law approved by the Cabinet shall determine matters for the organisation of the work of the Public Transport Council.

(6) The Road Transport Administration which performs functions of the secretariat and executive body of the Council shall ensure work of the Public Transport Council. The Road Transport Administration shall, within its competence, cooperate with the relevant authorities of planning regions. The by-law of the Public Transport Council shall lay down the cooperation procedures.

[21 November 2013 / Section shall come into force on 1 January 2014. See Paragraph 26 of the Transitional Provisions]

Section 5. Competence of the Public Transport Council, the Road Transport Administration, Planning Regions, and Local Governments of State Cities in the Public Transport Sector

(1) It shall fall within the competence of the Public Transport Council to:

1) establish a single route network of regional significance;

2) have knowledge of the routes of regional significance of the route network;

3) decide on organisation of public transport services in routes of regional significance, and also supervise enforcement of decisions;

4) approve tariffs for public transport services and changes thereof in the subsidised routes of regional significance;

5) define the necessary amount of public transport services in routes of regional significance on the basis of the principles laid down in Section 6 of this Law;

6) supervise the administration, distribution, and granting of the funds allocated from the State budget to the public transport;

7) prepare and submit to the Ministry of Transport proposals on a State budgetary request for the organisation of public transport services, for the distribution of the allocated State budget between types of carriage, and develop principles for the distribution of the State budget in respect of the contracts concluded for public transport services;

8) make proposals to local governments of State cities on the organisation of public transport services in the routes of city significance of the route network;

9) decide on the proposals submitted to the contracting authority of public transport services on the restoration of the closed routes of regional significance;

10) fulfil the tasks given by the Minister for Transport according to its competence.

(2) It shall fall within the competence of a local government of State city to:

1) have knowledge of the routes of city significance of the route network within its territory;

2) organise public transport services in routes of city significance of the route network;

3) make proposals to the Public Transport Council and the Road Transport Administration on the organisation of public transport services in the route network which falls within the competence of the Public Transport Council;

4) use in a rational manner the funds allocated to the public transport from the State budget and local government budget;

5) ensure that public transport stops are constructed and infrastructure is maintained within its administrative territory.

(3) It shall fall within the competence of the Road Transport Administration to:

1) ensure functions of the secretariat and executive body of the Public Transport Council in accordance with the by-law and decisions of the Council;

2) develop and plan, in cooperation with the relevant authorities of planning regions, the routes of regional significance of the route network, make proposals to the Public Transport Council on the knowledge of the route network;

3) organise public transport services in the routes of regional significance on behalf of the Public Transport Council;

4) ensure that the funds allocated from the State budget to the public transport are administered and granted in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Cabinet;

5) make proposals for the determination of tariffs for public transport services and changes thereof, and also in other matters on behalf of the Public Transport Council;

6) organise the services related to the public transport:

a) establish and maintain a single database and accounting system for public transport services in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Cabinet;

b) cooperate with the owners of en route passenger service points and infrastructure managers;

c) establish and maintain a unified system for public transport tickets;

7) establish commercial routes (voyages);

8) issue, temporarily suspend, or cancel route permits for commercial routes (voyages), and supervise conformity of the service provided by the service provider to the issued route permit.

(4) It shall fall within the competence of a planning region to:

1) prepare proposals for the fulfilment of the competence referred to in Paragraph three, Clauses 2 and 5 of this Section;

2) seek and gather views of local governments included in the planning region and their residents on the route network in the territory of the relevant planning region;

3) inspect stops in the territory of the planning region and submit proposals on their need, construction, and inclusion in the route timetables or route books;

4) perform any other tasks in accordance with decisions of the Public Transport Council.

[21 November 2013; 17 December 2020]

Chapter III
Organisation of Public Transport Services

Section 6. Principles for Organisation of Public Transport Services

(1) Public transport services shall be organised within a route network. The procedures for the development of a route network shall be determined by the Cabinet.

(2) [6 November 2008]

(3) Public transport services shall be organised on the basis of:

1) the demand for public transport services, taking into account the necessary intensity and regularity of carriage in a route network, the amount and quality of services, economic security of the carriage and providing the manner for the organisation of the passenger carriage;

2) the priority of use of public transport vehicles which is determined according to the following criteria:

a) economic criteria (for example, expenditures, efficiency);

b) passenger flow.

(4) A route network shall be created so that it would satisfy the demand of residents for public transport services and ensure the possibility to attend educational institutions, medical treatment institutions, work places, State and local government authorities within the route network during the standard (generally accepted) working hours thereof.

(5) When creating a route network outside cities, the possibility for pupils to attend educational institutions shall be ensured at first.

(6) A route network shall be developed by ensuring:

1) in carriage of city significance:

a) the connection of the city centre with other parts of the city;

b) the interconnection of the parts of the city;

c) the connection of the city centre or parts of the city with the nearest surrounding territories;

2) in regional carriage of local significance:

a) the interconnection of adjacent municipalities;

b) the reachability of a rural territory or city administration within a municipality;

c) the mutual reachability of the cities of adjacent municipalities included in the planning region;

d) the connection of the municipalities included in the planning region with the nearest city in the planning region which is not in the relevant municipality;

3) in regional carriage of inter-urban signifiance:

a) the connection of Riga City with another State city;

b) the connection of Riga City with the municipalities which are outside of the Riga planning region;

c) the connection between municipalities and cities which are in different planning regions;

4) the minimum State guaranteed amount of public transport services in the part of the route network of regional significance procured by the State in which the public transport services are provided by buses during working days:

a) the town of municipality where the number of residents exceeds 5000, connections of the town centre with other parts of the town, with intensity of at least eight voyages per day. The minimum amount shall be ensured by taking into account the demand of residents and economic indicators if the actual or planned income of the service provider in the calendar year (including the income coming from the carriage of persons with fare reliefs) accounts for at least 25 per cent of the actual or planned costs of the service provider in the calendar year;

b) the town of municipality where the number of residents exceeds 5000, connections with the towns and villages of municipality where the number of residents is less than 3000, with intensity of at least four voyages per day. The minimum amount shall be ensured by taking into account the demand of residents and economic indicators if the actual or planned income of the service provider in the calendar year (including the income coming from the carriage of persons with fare reliefs) accounts for at least 25 per cent of the actual or planned costs of the service provider in the calendar year;

c) interconnections of neighbouring municipalities with intensity of at least four voyages per day. The minimum amount shall be ensured by taking into account the demand of residents and economic indicators if the actual or planned income of the service provider in the calendar year (including the income coming from the carriage of persons with fare reliefs) accounts for at least 25 per cent of the actual or planned costs of the service provider in the calendar year;

d) connections of rural territories and centres of municipality, and also connections of municipality centres with the closest town of municipality with intensity of at least four voyages per day. The minimum amount shall be ensured by taking into account the demand of residents and economic indicators if the actual or planned income of the service provider in the calendar year (including the income coming from the carriage of persons with fare reliefs) accounts for at least 25 per cent of the actual or planned costs of the service provider in the calendar year.

(61) The minimum State guaranteed amount of public transport services may be reduced during holidays in the connection routes referred to in Paragraph six, Clause 4 of this Section in case the demand of residents declines. The minimum amount shall be ensured by taking into account the demand of residents and economic indicators if the actual or planned income of the service provider in the calendar year (including the income coming from the carriage of persons with fare reliefs) accounts for at least 25 per cent of the actual or planned costs of the service provider in the calendar year.

(62) The Road Transport Administration shall evaluate the minimum State guaranteed amount of public transport services for the current calendar year by taking into account the amount of the available State budget financing, the principles for organisation of services laid down in Paragraphs three and four of this Section, and the coverage of the actual or planned income of the provider of service in the calendar year (including the income which has come or may come from the carriage of persons with fare reliefs) over the expenditure of the provider of service in the calendar year, and also the amount of the passenger flow, and prepare proposals to the Public Transport Council as to whether it is useful to:

1) reduce intensity of the public transport services referred to in Paragraph six, Clause 4 of this Law to two voyages per day. If carriage of pupils is ensured in these connection routes, the intensity of public transport services in these routes shall be ensured with at least two voyages per day;

2) perform all voyages in the connection routes referred to in Paragraph six, Clause 4 and Paragraph 6.1 of this Section by bus or category M1 vehicle upon request.

(63) If the provisional minimum State guaranteed amount of public transport services for the current year exceeds the amount of subsidy provided in the State budget of the current year for the provision of the public transport services, the Cabinet shall decide on the financing necessary from the State budget for the current year.

(7) In planning routes of a regional route network of inter-urban significance with large passenger flow, routes along railway tracks shall be created at first.

(8) [17 December 2020]

(9) In organising public transport services within the boundaries of one administrative territory outside a city, the regional routes of inter-urban significance of a route network shall be of priority, if the regional route of local significance completely or by more than 70 per cent of the total length thereof coincides with a part of the regional route of inter-urban significance.

(10) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for determination of the demand for public transport services and the necessary amount of a route network, as well as the procedures for the organisation of public transport services within a route network.

[6 November 2008; 17 December 2020]

Section 7. Route Network Borders

(1) If a route of city significance of a route network overruns the administrative boundaries of a city, a local government of State city and the Road Transport Administration shall, upon agreeing with the Public Transport Council, enter into an agreement on the boundaries of the city and of the regional route network of local significance.

(2) [21 November 2013]

(3) When entering into the agreement referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, the following shall be included therein:

1) the rules for the duration of the agreement;

2) [6 November 2008];

3) the rules for organising public transport services within the relevant route network (route);

4) the rules for the amount of funding allocated from the local government budget to public transport services within the relevant route network (route) and the procedures for the submission of reports on the use of financing;

5) the rules for the procedures for amending and terminating the agreement;

6) the rules for the control of the agreement implementation;

7) the rules for the liability for the failure to implement the agreement;

8) other rules arising from organising public transport services within the route network (route) and mutual commitments between parties.

(4) [21 November 2013]

(5) A local government of State city and the Road Transport Administration shall each year review the conformity of provisions of the agreement with the planning documents of the State policy in the public transport sector and, where necessary, make the relevant amendments to the provisions of the agreement upon agreeing with the Public Transport Council.

(6) [21 November 2013]

[6 November 2008; 21 November 2013; 17 December 2020]

Section 8. Public Transport Service Procurement

(1) The contracting authority shall grant the right to provide public transport services within a route network, a part of a route network, a route, or a voyage.

(2) The contracting authority shall organise the public transport service procurement in accordance with the Public Procurement Law or the law which governs the granting of concessions insofar not otherwise specified by this Law.

(3) The contracting authority may grant the right to provide public transport services directly without following the procedure of the public transport service procurement referred to in Paragraph two of this Section in the cases and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No 1191/69 and No 1107/70.

(31) When granting the right to provide public transport services in accordance with Paragraph three of this Section, the contracting authority may not divide the amount of the procured public transport services referred to in Paragraph one of this Section in order to avoid application of the procedure for the public transport service procurement provided for in Paragraph two of this Section.

(32) If a carrier has been granted the right to provide public transport services on the basis of Paragraph three of this Section, it shall be prohibited for the carrier to transfer the amount of the procured public transport services included in the procurement contract to another carrier for servicing.

(33) If a carrier fails to provide public transport services in part of a route network, a route, or a voyage and the right to provide public transport services in this part of the route network, route, or voyage has been granted to the carrier on the basis of Paragraph three of this Section, then the contracting authority shall award a public transport service contract in this part of the route network, route, or voyage on the basis of Paragraph two of this Section and by organising a procurement in accordance with the Public Procurement Law or the law governing granting of concessions.

(4) [23 May 2013]

(5) One carrier in a regional route network of local significance and regional route network of inter-urban significance may service not more than 40 per cent of this network in total, except cases when carriage by railway tracks is performed. If the carrier has entered into a procurement contract of public transport services in accordance with the contract awarding procedure, the contractor shall provide public transport services in at least 50 per cent of the number of routes.

(6) In organising a public transport services procurement in accordance with Paragraph two of this Section, carriers may submit a joint tender for public transport services.

(7) The right to provide public transport services in a route network, a route, or a voyage shall be granted and the procurement contracts of public transport services shall be entered into for the time periods provided for in Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on public passenger transport services by rail and by road and repealing Council Regulations (EEC) Nos 1191/69 and 1107/70.

(8) [23 May 2013]

(9) Public transport services may be provided by a carrier which has received the special permit (licence) of a performer of carriage of passengers in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations.

(10) The contracting authority may, by taking into account the demand for public transport services, increase or decrease the extent of the right to provide public transport services granted to the carrier within the framework of the entered into procurement contract of public transport services.

(11) Contestation or appeal of the decision by which the right to provide public transport services is granted in the cases referred to in Paragraph three of this Section shall not suspend operation thereof. Any issues related to the contestation and appeal of the decision by which the right to provide public transport services is granted in the cases referred to in Paragraph two of this Section shall be governed by the Public Procurement Law or the law which governs granting of concessions respectively.

[6 November 2008; 23 May 2013; 17 December 2020 / See Paragraph 27 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 8.1 Public Transport Services in Commercial Routes

(1) The Road Transport Administration shall establish commercial routes (voyages) by evaluating the intensity of carriage by buses and rail, the availability of the service, and the available State budget financing. Information on the established commercial routes (voyages) shall be published on the website of the Road Transport Administration. In routes of regional significance where carriage by rail is performed, the service procurement shall be primarily ensured within the framework of the carriage by rail of regional significance, and bus routes (voyages) of regional significance shall be established as complementary to the carriage by rail.

(2) The right to provide the service in a commercial route (voyage) shall be granted by issuing a route permit. The Road Transport Administration shall issue the route permit by making an entry in the Informative Database of Road Transport Operators maintained thereby and without drawing up a separate written decision. At the same time the information on the issuing of the route permit and the conditions for the use of the route permit shall be published on the website of the Road Transport Administration and sent to the electronic mail address specified by the carrier in its submission. The route permit shall be issued for three years.

(3) The carrier who meets the following requirements is entitled to receive the route permit:

1) it has been registered in a European Union Member State in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations of the merchant's country of registration;

2) it does not have any debts of taxes, fees, and other mandatory payments determined by the State the total sum whereof exceeds the total outstanding debts specified in the law On Taxes and Fees from which tax administration ensures public access to the information;

3) it has fulfilled all commitments submitted to the Consumer Rights Protection Centre in writing in relation to the elimination of the established violations and all decisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre imposed thereon.

(4) The route permit for servicing a specific commercial route (voyage) shall be granted to any carrier which meets the requirements laid down in Cabinet regulations for the provision of the service, the age of vehicles, the equipment, and the ticket purchasing possibilities.

(5) The route permit shall be temporarily suspended or cancelled in the following cases:

1) the carrier has submitted a submission for the cancellation of the route permit;

2) a serious violation of laws and regulations governing the field of carriage by road has been found in the operation of the carrier or the carrier fails to meet the conditions for use of the route permit;

3) the total amount of the carrier's debts of taxes, fees, and other mandatory payments determined by the State exceeds the total amount of the debt of taxes and fees specified in the law On Taxes and Fees from which tax administration ensures public access to the information;

4) the carrier has failed to fulfil all commitments submitted to the Consumer Rights Protection Centre in writing in relation to the elimination of the discovered violations and all decisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre imposed thereon.

(6) The Cabinet shall determine:

1) the requirements for the age of the vehicles and the equipment to be used for the provision of services in commercial routes (voyages), for the provision of the service in a commercial route (voyage), and the sale of tickets;

2) the application form to be submitted to the Road Transport Administration for receipt of the route permit and the amount of the information to be provided therein.

(7) The decision of the Road Transport Administration to grant, temporarily suspend, or cancel the route permit may be contested and appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Administrative Procedure Law. Contestation or appeal of the decision to suspend or cancel the route permit shall not suspend operation thereof.

[17 December 2020]

Section 9. Public Transport Service Procurement

[6 November 2008]

Chapter IV
Financing of the Carriage of Passengers

Section 10. Amount of Financing for the Carriage of Passengers

(1) Losses and expenditures caused to the carrier which are connected with the provision of public transport services shall be reimbursed in compliance with the requirements specified in Sections 11 and 12 of this Law.

(2) [6 November 2008]

(3) Within the meaning of this Law, a fee for services shall also be deemed losses if the contracting authority has organised a public transport service procurement in accordance with the Public Procurement Law.

(4) [6 November 2008]

[6 November 2008]

Section 11. Losses of Carriers

(1) Losses connected with the provision of public transport services shall be compensated to the carrier in accordance with the amount and the procedures laid down by the Cabinet. Such losses shall be compensated from the following:

1) the funds provided in the State budget for such purpose - in routes of a regional route network of inter-urban significance;

2) the funds provided in the State budget for such purpose - in routes of a regional route network of local significance;

3) [21 November 2013];

4) the funds provided in the local government budgets for such purpose - in routes of a route network of city significance;

5) the funds provided in the State budget for such purpose - in routes of a route network of city significance - in the cases specified in laws and regulations;

6) the funds provided in the local government budgets for such purpose - in routes of a route network of regional significance or city significance in the cases and in the amount provided for in the contract for the provision of public transport services.

(2) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which:

1) the losses of carriers shall be determined and calculated, as well as the losses connected with the provision of public transport services shall be reimbursed to carriers and the legality and correctness of the use of these resources shall be controlled;

2) the financing from the State budget shall be determined and calculated for local governments for the reimbursement of losses to carriers, as well as the financing from the State budget shall be granted to local governments for the reimbursement of losses in the carriage related to the provision of public transport services, and the legality and correctness of the use of these funds shall be controlled;

3) [21 November 2013].

(21) When entering into a trilateral contract governed by public law with the contracting authority and the service provider for the provision of services in routes (voyages) of a route network, a local government may co-finance the losses connected with the provision of public transport services in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network of regional or city significance. The Cabinet shall determine the methodology for the calculation of local government co-financing according to which the local government is entitled to co-finance the losses connected with the provision of public transport services in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network of regional significance or city significance.

(3) Contestation or appeal of the decision which has been taken in relation to the reimbursement of such losses and expenditures which the carrier has incurred in relation to the provision of public transport services in routes of a route network shall not suspend the application of such decision or its implementation.

[6 November 2008; 16 June 2009; 1 December 2009; 16 December 2010; 21 November 2013; 17 December 2020]

Section 12. Expenditures of Carriers

(1) If the State determines the minimum quality requirements for public transport services which a carrier operating for commercial purposes would not introduce and the introduction of which causes additional expenditures thereto, the carrier has the right to request the reimbursement of such expenditures from the State.

(2) The expenditures referred to in Paragraph one of this Section shall be reimbursed to the carriers which provide public transport services within the framework of a public transport service procurement, if the minimum quality requirements are determined after commencement of the provision of public transport services.

(3) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the determination, calculation and reimbursement of the expenditures referred to in Paragraph one of this Section to the carrier and for allocating financing from the State budget to local governments for reimbursement of the expenditures referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, as well as for control of the legality and correctness of the use of these resources.

Chapter V
Procedures for the Provision and Use of Public Transport Services

[6 November 2008]

Section 13. Provision and Use of Public Transport Services

(1) Public transport services shall be provided within the route network referred to in Section 6, Paragraph one of this Law.

(2) Public transport services within a route network, route or voyage shall be provided on the basis of a procurement contract of public transport services.

(3) If a provider of services connected with the provision of public transport services (for example, sale of tickets, provision of information) within a route network is not concurrently the carrier with whom a procurement contract of public transport services which specifies the provision of the relevant services has been entered into, these services shall be provided in accordance with the contract referred to in Section 17 of this Law which has been entered into between the contracting authority and the provider of the relevant service.

(4) Services related to the provision of public transport services within a route network shall be provided in a single system the procedures for the establishment, maintenance and development of which shall be determined by the Cabinet.

(5) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures for the provision and use of public transport services.

(6) A passenger shall use the public transport services within a route network on the basis of a contract for the regular carriage of passengers under which the carrier undertakes to carry the passenger for a specific fee to the stop selected by him or her in the relevant route but the passenger undertakes to pay for the public transport service.

(7) The contract for the regular carriage of passengers shall come into effect at the time when the passenger commences the use of the public transport service (boards a public transport vehicle). A ticket confirms that the passenger has paid for the public transport service provided by the carrier. Tickets in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network of regional significance shall be sold through the unified system for public transport tickets.

(8) A passenger shall pay a contractual penalty to the carrier for the use of public transport services without payment or valid ticket.

(9) The Cabinet shall determine the maximum amount of the contractual penalty and the procedures for the application thereof. The amount of the contractual penalty shall be determined by the carrier.

(10) A carrier has the right to control the contract for the regular carriage of passengers (tickets and other documents attesting the right to carriage).

(11) A carrier has an obligation to inform passengers regarding the fare and the amount of the fine, as well as other important provisions related to the use of public transport services in a readily comprehensible form, placing the abovementioned provisions in a place that is visible to a passenger.

(12) A passenger has the right to use public transport services provided by the carrier in accordance with the contract for the regular carriage of passengers.

(13) A passenger has an obligation to comply with the provisions of the contract for the regular carriage of passengers and other provisions for the use of public transport services referred to in laws and regulations governing the sector of public transport services.

(14) Having due regard to the particular circumstances (such as holidays and public holidays, passenger flow, weather etc.), the contracting authority may determine a temporary exception to the procedures for using public transport services laid down in this Law and other laws and regulations.

[6 November 2008; 21 November 2013; 17 December 2020]

Section 14. Fare Reliefs in Routes of the Route Network

(1) A passenger is entitled to use the fare reliefs specified in laws and regulations in routes of a route network. An attendant who has the right to use fare reliefs in routes of a route network may not be younger than 13 years of age.

(2) The Cabinet shall determine the categories of passengers which are entitled to use fare reliefs in routes of a route network, as well as the procedures for the use of such reliefs and the amount thereof.

(21) In order to ensure availability of public transport services and mobility of residents in routes (voyages) of a route network of regional significance, the contracting authority is entitled to determine that the public transport services in such routes (voyages) are provided to passengers free of charge after having evaluated the population density, the demand of residents for public transport services, the availability of public transport services, and the amount of the State financing necessary for the provision of public transport services. The Cabinet shall lay down the quantitative indicators of criteria and the methodology for establishing criteria in order to determine the routes (voyages) of regional significance in which public transport services are provided free of charge.

(3) Local governments have the right to determine fare reliefs within the administrative territory thereof, if the losses caused to the carrier by determination of such fare reliefs are fully reimbursed from the local government budget. In determining fare reliefs, the declared place of residence of a person may not be used as the sole criterion.

(4) If one person has several social statuses that give him or her the right to use fare reliefs in routes (voyages) of a route network of regional significance, the Road Transport Administration shall make a note in the information system of recipients of fare reliefs that such social status of the person is used to determine amount of the fare reliefs which provides for a larger amount of fare relief or wider amount of fare relief in terms of use.

[6 November 2008; 21 November 2013; 17 December 2020]

Section 14.1 Information System of Recipients of Fare Reliefs

(1) Information on passengers who have the right to use the fare reliefs laid down in laws and regulations shall be processed by the Road Transport Administration in the information system of recipients of the fare reliefs determined by the State (hereinafter - the information system). The purpose of information processing is to administer the fare reliefs determined by the State, and also gather information on the current means of identification for the use of fare reliefs of persons.

(2) The State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability, the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Children's Rights, the Society Integration Foundation, and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs shall provide the Road Transport Administration with information free of charge, including personal data which confirm the right of a person to use fare reliefs, for their entry in the information system.

(21) The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs shall provide the Road Transport Administration with information on the current means of identification of persons for the use of the fare reliefs determined by the State, i.e. identity documents, for their entry in the information system.

(22) The categories of passengers whose fare reliefs are compensated from the State budget shall use the granted fare reliefs by identifying themselves electronically with an identity card which is supplemented by a special functionality (application). The means of electronic identification determined by a local government of State city may also be used in routes of city significance for the identification of the persons whose fare reliefs are compensated from the State budget.

(3) In addition to that referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, local governments of State cities also have the right to receive and use information entered in the information system in order to ensure electronic registration of the journeys taken by the passengers who have the fare reliefs determined by the State within routes of city significance. To support a request for compensation from the State budget funds, local governments shall submit in the information system data on the journeys taken by the recipients of the fare reliefs determined in the State who have been identified in the electronic journey registration system.

(31) In addition to that referred to in Paragraph one of this Section, the carrier and the ticket vendor also have the right to receive and process information on the current means of identification for the use of fare reliefs in order to ensure that the journeys made by the persons who have fare reliefs are identified in public transport vehicles and at public transport ticket marketplaces. The carrier shall submit in the information system information on the journeys taken by the recipients of the fare reliefs determined by the State who have been identified by the electronic registration system.

(4) Data entered in the information system shall be kept for three years after a person who has had the right to use fare reliefs in routes of a route network has lost the relevant social status. Personal data shall be deleted from the system after expiry of the respective time period.

(5) The Road Transport Administration shall be the manager the information system and controller of the personal data processing.

(6) The Cabinet shall lay down the procedures for establishing, maintaining, and using the information system, the amount of data to be entered in the information system, the procedures for entering and receiving data, the procedures for ensuring access, and also the procedures for processing the entered data.

[9 November 2017; 17 December 2020 / Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall come into force on 1 January 2022. See Paragraph 32 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 15. Procurement Contract of Public Transport Services

In addition to the provisions specified in the Regulation referred to in Section 3, Paragraph three of this Law, the Public Procurement Law or in the law which governs the granting of concessions, and in other legal acts governing the sector of public transport services, the following may be provided for in the procurement contract of public transport services:

1) provisions for the sale of tickets;

2) provisions for the provision of information regarding public transport services;

3) provisions for the use of en route passenger service points or infrastructure;

4) provisions for making amendments to the route network (route);

5) procedures for the review of proposals, submissions and complaints of persons;

6) procedures for the provision of information on the received proposals, submissions and complaints of passengers to the contracting authority and the review thereof;

7) provisions for the control of the contract fulfilment;

8) other provisions arising from the provision of public transport services within a route network (route) and mutual commitments between parties.

[6 November 2008; 17 December 2020]

Section 16. Tariffs for Public Transport Services

(1) A provider of public transport services shall be administratively and economically independent in determining the tariff for a service.

(2) The provider of public transport services that provides public transport services in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network shall determine the tariff for the service in accordance with the methodology for the calculation of tariffs for public transport services which has been approved by the Cabinet.

(3) When granting the right to provide the public transport service in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network, the contracting authority is entitled to determine the tariff for the service, fully assuming the financial commitment to cover losses.

[17 December 2020]

Section 17. Contract for the Provision of Services within a Route Network (Route)

(1) In order to ensure the services connected with the provision of public transport services within a route network referred to in Section 13, Paragraph three of this Law, a contract for the provision of services within the route network (route) shall be entered into in accordance with laws and regulations.

(2) The contract for the provision of services within the route network (route) shall provide for the following:

1) the term of validity of the contract;

2) the subject-matter of the contract;

3) provisions for the quality of service provision;

4) provisions for the fee for the provision of services within the route network (route);

5) provisions for the tariff for a service;

6) provisions for the control of the contract fulfilment;

7) procedures for the amending and termination of the contract;

8) liability for the non-fulfilment of the contract;

9) procedures for the review of proposals, submissions and complaints of persons;

10) procedures for the provision of information on the proposals, submissions and complaints of a service recipient to the contracting authority and the review thereof;

11) other provisions arising from mutual commitments between parties.

Section 18. Special Rules for the Procurement of Road Transport Vehicles Applicable to the Carrier

(1) The carrier who is not the contracting authority within the meaning of the Public Procurement Law or the public service provider within the meaning of the Law on the Procurements of Public Service Providers:

1) shall, when purchasing public road transport vehicles which are used for the provision of public transport services, take into account the energy and environmental impact of their operation and evaluate at least the energy consumption and the amount of emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, non-methane hydrocarbons, and particulate matter, and also the economic justification of life cycle costs of a relevant vehicle;

2) may, when purchasing new public road transport vehicles which are used for the provision of public transport services, take into account the ability of an engine of a road transport vehicle to use electricity, mixtures of fossil fuel and biofuel with an increased biofuel content (with a biofuel content above 10 percent) or clean biofuel if use of such road vehicles is technically and economically feasible.

(2) The carrier shall apply the requirements referred to in Paragraph one of this Section to the procurements of public road transport vehicles the estimated contract price of which is equal to or exceeds the threshold of contract price determined by the Cabinet. The Cabinet shall determine the threshold of contract price on the basis of European Union law regarding thresholds of contract prices which must be followed by public service providers within the meaning of the Law on Procurement of Public Service Providers. The Cabinet shall determine the respective threshold of contract prices at least once every two years within a month after the European Commission has published the relevant limits of contract prices in the Official Journal of the European Union.

(3) The Cabinet shall determine the procedures by which:

1) the carrier evaluates the energy and environmental impact of operation of public road transport vehicles and evaluates the energy consumption and the amount of emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, non-methane hydrocarbons, and particulate matter;

2) the carrier, when purchasing public road transport vehicles which are used for the provision of public transport services, calculates the estimated contract price.

[23 May 2013; 3 March 2016]

Section 19. Unified System for Public Transport Tickets

(1) The Road Transport Administration shall establish and maintain a unified system for public transport tickets to ensure that tickets are sold online at all public transport ticket marketplaces. It shall be organised and ensured in the unified system for public transport tickets that passengers can purchase and book public transport tickets in transport vehicles and ticket offices, and also carriers and providers of the ticket-selling service are provided with information on the type and number of the tickets available for sale and the tickets sold, the fare, and other conditions which have been laid down in accordance with laws and regulations, the procurement contract of public transport services, and the contracts referred to in Section 17 of this Law.

(2) The Road Transport Administration shall grant access to the unified system for public transport tickets in order to sell tickets upon entering into the contract referred to in Section 17 of this Law. The access to the unified system for public transport tickets shall be automatically granted to the carriers who has been granted the right to provide public transport services in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network of regional significance for the sale of tickets in vehicles, to registered bus stations which ensure sale of tickets in accordance with laws and regulations, and to ticket offices in railway stations where tickets are only sold for inland rail routes.

(3) The Road Transport Administration shall grant access to the unified system for public transport tickets to the provider of the ticket-selling service to whom the automatic access to the unified system for public transport tickets referred to in Paragraph two of this Section is not granted, provided that it meets the following requirements:

1) it has been registered in a European Union Member State in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations of the merchant's country of registration;

2) it does not have any debts of taxes, fees, and other mandatory payments determined by the State the total sum whereof exceeds the total outstanding debts specified in the law On Taxes and Fees from which tax administration ensures public access to the information;

3) it has fulfilled all commitments submitted to the Consumer Rights Protection Centre in writing in relation to the elimination of the established violations and all decisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre imposed thereon;

4) it has entered into the contract referred to in Paragraph six of this Section and ensures the sale of tickets for all bus and train voyages, including the sale of unified tickets (tickets which confirm the right to use a public transport vehicle in several types of carriage).

(4) The Road Transport Administration shall cancel the access of the provider of the ticket-selling service to the unified system for public transport tickets in the following cases:

1) a submission has been received from the provider of the ticket-selling service for the cancellation of access;

2) it has been found that the provider of the ticket-selling service fails to settle payments with the carrier for the tickets sold;

3) it has been found that the provider of the ticket-selling service fails to ensure the sale of tickets for all bus and train voyages, including the sale of unified tickets (tickets which confirm the right to use a public transport vehicle in several types of carriage);

4) serious violations of laws and regulations governing the public transport sector and commercial activities have been found in the operation of the provider of the ticket-selling service.

(5) The Road Transport Administration shall cancel access to the unified system for public transport tickets granted to the persons referred to in Paragraph two of this Section in the following cases:

1) the contract entered into with the carrier under which the right to provide public transport services in the subsidised routes (voyages) of a route network of regional significance has been granted is terminated;

2) registration of a bus station is cancelled or suspended or the sale of tickets is not included in the range of services to be provided mandatorily by a bus station in accordance with the regulation determined in laws and regulations;

3) ticket offices in railway stations do not ensure the sale of tickets for inland rail routes.

(6) The provider of the ticket-selling service and the carrier shall enter into a contract with all carriers for the carriage of which tickets are sold in the unified system for public transport tickets. The contract shall include provisions for procedures and regularity of mutual settlements, procedures for the cancellation and return of tickets, and other material provisions.

(7) The Road Transport Administration shall not grant access to the unified system for public transport tickets to the provider of the ticket-selling service if it has a valid procurement contract entered into with the Road Transport Administration for the establishment and maintenance of the unified system for public transport tickets. The Road Transport Administration is entitled to grant access to the unified system for public transport tickets to the provider of the ticket-selling service three years after expiry of the procurement contract for the establishment and maintenance of the unified system for public transport tickets.

(8) The sale of tickets in public transport vehicles shall be ensured for routes (voyages) serviced by a relevant carrier. The service provider shall ensure that tickets are sold at a ticket office of a bus station for bus voyages that are serviced by the relevant bus station. At the ticket offices in railway stations which ensure that tickets are only sold for inland rail routes, tickets shall be sold for all train voyages. Other providers of the ticket-selling service shall ensure the sale of tickets for all bus and train voyages, including the sale of unified tickets (tickets which confirm the right to use a public transport vehicle in several types of carriage).

(9) The Road Transport Administration shall ensure that such price is determined for tickets to be sold by the provider of the ticket-selling service in the unified system for public transport tickets which is 10 per cent lower than the price determined for the tickets that are sold in a public transport vehicle, a bus station, or a ticket office in a railway station where tickets are only sold for inland rail routes. In addition to the ticket price determined by the Road Transport Administration, the provider of the ticket-selling service is entitled to impose a fee for the ticket-selling service, ensuring that the total final price of a ticket is lower than the price determined for the tickets which are sold in a public transport vehicle, a bus station, or a ticket office in a railway station where tickets are only sold for inland rail routes.

[17 December 2020]

Transitional Provisions

1. This Law shall be applied to the provision of public transport services after 1 January 2008.

2. The organisation and provision of public transport services to be provided until 31 December 2007 within a regional, long-distance bus and railway route network (routes) shall be performed in accordance with sectoral laws.

3. The local governments of republic cities and regions shall, until 1 September 2007, enter into the agreement referred to in Section 7 of this Law regarding the boundaries of a route network.

4. Until the day of coming into force of this Law the right to provide public transport services granted to the carriers shall be in effect until the expiry of the term of validity of the granted rights, but not longer than by 31 December 2007. The authorities which grant the right to provide public transport services shall, when granting new rights for the provision of services, grant them for a time period which does not exceed the time period referred to in this Paragraph.

5. Within the framework of the definition of routes of city significance the term "municipality" shall include municipalities and rural territories until the completion of the administrative-territorial reform.

6. [6 November 2008]

7. The Cabinet shall, until 30 September 2007, issue the regulations referred to in Section 5, Paragraph one, Clause 3 and Clause 4, Sub-clause "a", Section 6, Paragraphs one and ten, Section 8, Paragraph seven, Section 11, Paragraph two, Section 12, Paragraph three, Section 13, Paragraphs four and five, Section 14, Paragraph two, as well as in Section 16, Paragraph two of this Law.

8. The losses connected with the provision of public transport services in regional cities within routes of a route network of city significance shall be reimbursed to the carriers from the State budget in amount of 100 per cent until the completion of administrative-territorial reform.

[6 November 2008]

9. The contracts entered into by and between local governments and carriers until 31 December 2007 for the provision of public transport services shall be in effect not longer than by 31 December 2011.

[6 November 2008]

10. If the contracts for the provision of public transport services entered into by and between local governments and carriers until 31 December 2007 provide that a certain part of a route network is being serviced in accordance with the commercial principles, such conditions of contracts shall be in effect not longer than until 31 December 2011. Local governments have an obligation to inform the passengers of the procedures for the use of fare reliefs within a part of the route network which is being serviced in accordance with the commercial principles.

[6 November 2008]

11. Until the coming into force of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 December 2009, the Regulation (EEC) No 1191/69 of the Council of 26 June 1969 on action by Member States concerning the obligations inherent in the concept of a public service in transport by rail, road and inland waterway shall be applied for the organisation of public transport services, if it is not otherwise provided for in legal acts of the European Union.

[6 November 2008]

12. Until 2 December 2009 in accordance with this Law in special cases, if an interruption has occurred in the provision of public transport services or there is a direct threat that it could occur, with the view to ensure the continuity of the provision of public transport services, the commissioning party is entitled to enter into a new procurement contract of public transport services or to extend an existing one with a carrier for a period of time not exceeding two years without the application of the procedure for the public transport service procurement referred to in this Law.

[6 November 2008]

13. The Cabinet shall, by 30 June 2009, issue the regulations referred to in Section 14, Paragraph two of this Law which determine the categories of passengers entitled to use fare reliefs within routes of a route network, as well as the procedures for the use of such reliefs and the amount thereof. Until the day of coming into force of the relevant Cabinet regulations, but not longer than by 30 June 2009, the Cabinet Regulation No. 677 of 2 October 2007, Regulations Regarding Categories Entitled to Use Reliefs for Fare within Basic Routes of Route Network, shall be applied, insofar as they are not in contradiction with this Law.

[6 November 2008]

14. The amendments to this Law, which provide for the replacement of the words "district local government" (in the relevant number and case) with the words "planning region" (in the relevant number and case) in Section 5, Paragraph one, Clause 6 and in the introduction of Paragraph three, as well as in Section 7, Paragraphs four and five, the words "district local governments" - with the words "planning regions" in the title of Section 5 and the words "local governments of republic cities or district local governments" - with the words "local governments of republic cities or planning regions" in Section 5, Paragraph one, Clause 5, as well as the amendments in relation to the new wording of Section 1, Clauses 6, 8 and 9, Section 4, Paragraph two, Section 5, Paragraph two, Clause 3 and Paragraph three, Clause 5, Section 6, Paragraph six and Section 7, Paragraphs one and two, the supplementation of Section 4, Paragraph one, Clause 2 after the words "Ministry of Transport" with the words "planning regions", the supplementation of Section 5, Paragraph one, Clause 2 after the word "routes" with the words "and all railway routes", as well as the amendments to Section 7, Paragraph six providing for the replacement of the words "district administrative" with the words "planning region" shall come into force on 1 January 2010.

[6 November 2008; 16 June 2009]

15. From 1 July 2009 until the day of coming into force of the amendments referred to in Paragraph 14 of these Transitional Provisions, the term "district" used in this Law shall mean the territory which existed at the time of completion of the administrative-territorial reform.

[6 November 2008]

16. Until the day of coming into force of the amendments referred to in Paragraph 14 of these Transitional Provisions, the authorities of district local governments shall continue the implementation of the competence of district local governments specified in this Law.

[6 November 2008]

17. [21 November 2013 / See Paragraph 26 of the Transitional Provisions]

18. The regional routes of local significance referred to in Section 5, Paragraph three, Clauses 1 and 2 of this Law which ensure movement within the territories of cities included in a municipality, shall also mean the routes of city significance until 31 December 2009.

[16 June 2009]

19. After coming into force of the amendments referred to in Paragraph 14 of these Transitional Provisions, a planning region shall, having a good knowledge of the route network within the territory thereof and organising public transport services on the basis of the amount of funds allocated in the annual state budget law, review regional routes of the route network of local significance.

[1 December 2009]

20. The losses for 2011, 2012, and 2013 connected with the provision of public transport services in routes of a regional route network of local significance shall be compensated to the carrier from the State budget.

[21 November 2013]

21. Section 18 of this Law shall come into force on 1 July 2013. The Cabinet shall, by 30 June 2013, issue the regulations referred to in Section 18, Paragraphs two and three of this Law.

[23 May 2013]

22. The Public Transport Council shall, by 31 December 2014, develop the single route network of regional significance referred to in Section 5, Paragraph one, Clause 1 of this Law.

[21 November 2013]

23. The Cabinet shall, by 31 December 2013, issue the regulations referred to in Section 4.1, Paragraph five of this Law.

[21 November 2013]

24. Planning regions shall, by 31 December 2013, hand over to the Road Transport Administration the following under a deed of delivery and acceptance:

1) the entered into procurement contracts of public transport services for the provision of public transport services in regional routes of local significance;

2) the agreements on boundaries of the route network of routes of city significance and regional routes of local significance entered into in accordance with the procedures laid down in Section 7, Paragraph one of this Law;

3) the documentation related to pending court proceedings.

[21 November 2013]

25. Planning regions shall, by 30 June 2014, hand over to the Road Transport Administration by a deed of delivery and acceptance the part of archives and records which is necessary for the Road Transport Administration to ensure full performance of the competence specified in Section 5, Paragraph three of this Law. Archives and records of planning regions shall store the part of archives and records which is necessary for the planning regions to fully perform the competence specified in Section 5, Paragraph four of this Law.

[21 November 2013]

26. Amendments to this Law regarding the new wording of Section 1, Clause 7, Sections 4 and 5, Section 7, Paragraphs one and five, amendments regarding the supplementation of the Law with Section 1, Clause 7.1 and Section 4.1, and also amendments regarding the deletion of Section 7, Paragraphs two, four, and six, Section 11, Paragraph two, Clause 3, and Paragraph 17 of Transitional Provisions shall come into force on 1 January 2014.

[21 November 2013]

27. Amendment to this Law regarding the supplementation of Section 8 with Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 shall not be applicable to the procurement contracts of public transport services which have been entered into before the day of coming into force of this amendment.

[17 December 2020]

28. The Cabinet shall, by 30 June 2021, issue the regulations referred to in Section 8.1, Paragraph six, Section 11, Paragraph 2.1, and Section 14, Paragraph 2.1 of this Law.

[17 December 2020]

29. The Road Transport Administration shall, by 31 July 2021, establish the unified system for public transport tickets.

[17 December 2020]

30. The tasks of local governments of State cities specified in this Law shall be carried out by local governments of republic cities (within the meaning of the Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Areas of 14 June 2007) until the first meeting of a local government council elected in the 2021 election of local governments.

[17 December 2020]

31. Requirements of this Law in respect of the State cities shall be applicable to Ogre State city from 1 July 2024.

[17 December 2020]

32. Amendment to this Law regarding the supplementation of Section 14.1 with Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 shall come into force on 1 January 2022.

[17 December 2020]

33. Starting from 1 March 2021, the passengers whose fare reliefs are compensated from the State budget shall address the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in order to receive an identity card which is supplemented by a special functionality (application) to use the relevant fare reliefs by identifying themselves electronically with an identity card.

[17 December 2020]

34. The Cabinet shall, by 30 November 2021, submit to the Saeima a draft law which envisages provision of passenger transport services upon request of the passengers.

[17 December 2020]

Informative Reference to the European Union Directive

[23 May 2013]

This Regulation contains legal norms arising from Directive 2009/33/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles.

This Law shall come into force on 15 July 2007.

This Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 14 June 2007.

President V. Vīķe-Freiberga

Rīga, 4 July 2007

1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2022 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Sabiedriskā transporta pakalpojumu likums Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Saeima Type: law Adoption: 14.06.2007.Entry into force: 15.07.2007.Theme: Transport and communicationPublication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 106, 04.07.2007.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 15, 09.08.2007.
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