Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 30.06.2007.–22.05.2008. Amendments not included: 13.05.2008., 26.05.2009., 14.07.2009., 02.03.2010., 30.03.2010., 01.02.2011., 30.08.2011., 15.11.2011., 29.10.2013.
Procedures, by which Institutions Involved in the Management of European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund Ensure the Preparation of Planning Documents and the Implementation of Such FundsIssued pursuant to I. General Provisions1. These Regulations prescribe the institutions responsible for the co-ordination of horizontal policies and the procedures, by which the institutions involved in the management of the European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund (hereinafter - European Union funds) ensure the preparation of planning documents and implementation of the European Union funds, including the selective pre-examination of the procurement documentation and the process of the procurement procedure. 2. Functions of an intermediate body shall be ensured by: 2.1. the following responsible authorities: 2.1.1. the Ministry of Economics; 2.1.2. the Ministry of Finance; 2.1.3. the Ministry of Education and Science; 2.1.4. the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs; 2.1.5. the Ministry of Culture; 2.1.6. the Ministry of Welfare; 2.1.7. the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government; 2.1.8. the Ministry of Transport; 2.1.9. the State Chancellery; 2.1.10. the Ministry of Health; 2.1.11. the Ministry of Environment; 2.2. the following co-operation authorities: 2.2.1. the Central Finance and Contracting Agency; 2.2.2. the Latvian Investment and Development Agency; 2.2.3. the Housing Agency; 2.2.4. the State Employment Agency; 2.2.5. the State Education Development Agency; 2.2.6. the Society Integration Foundation; 2.2.7. the State Regional Development Agency; and 2.2.8. the Health Statistics and Medical Technologies State Agency. 3. The following institutions shall be responsible for the co-ordination of horizontal policies (preparation of opinions regarding the drafts of the planning documents of European Union funds and legal acts in the field of European Union funds, participation in the preparation of annual reports on the implementation of operational programmes, and the provision of information necessary for the selection of applications for European Union fund projects): 3.1. the Ministry of Welfare - regarding the horizontal policy of equal opportunities in issues related to gender equality, disability and ageing; 3.2. the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs - regarding the horizontal policy of information society; 3.3. the Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government - regarding the horizontal policy of balanced territorial development and the horizontal policy of international competitiveness of Riga; 3.4. the Ministry of Environment - regarding the sustainable development horizontal policy in issues related to environmental protection; and 3.5. the Ministry of Finance - regarding the horizontal policy of macro-economic stability. 4. A final beneficiary of European Union funds (hereinafter - final beneficiary) may implement a European Union fund project in co-operation with an institution, which has met the following conditions: 4.1. complies with the requirements that have been specified to partners in accordance with the procedures for the implementation of an activity or a sub-activity of the European Union fund (hereinafter - activity) indicated in the operational programme complement; 4.2. is involved in the implementation of the European Union fund project with the property, intellectual property, financing or human resources in the possession or ownership thereof; and 4.3. obtains any tangible or intangible benefit during the implementation of the European Union fund project and afterwards. 5. Costs, which have occurred within the framework of a European Union fund project (except large projects), may be regarded eligible after the procedures, by which the activities referred to in an operational programme complement (hereinafter - procedures for the implementation of an activity), have come into effect. The procedures for the implementation of an activity shall determine the criteria for evaluation of the project applications, requirements for project applications, the responsible authority and the co-operation authority, division of the competence thereof, co-operation and form of functional subordination thereof, as well as information to be provided in an application of a European Union fund project in accordance with Annexes 1, 2 and 3 to these Regulations. Prior to coming into effect of the procedures for the implementation of an activity, but not earlier than beginning with 24 October 2006, the costs, which are related to the preparation of an application of a European Union fund project and justifying documentation for the submission to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority in order to take a decision regarding approval of the project application if such costs comply with the requirements specified in the procedures for implementation of activity, may be regarded eligible. The costs, which have occurred within the framework of the large project, may be regarded eligible costs beginning with 24 October 2006 if they comply with the requirements specified in the procedures for the implementation of an activity. II. Preparation and Approval of the Planning Documents of European Union Funds and Making of Amendments Thereto6. The managing authority in co-operation with the institutions involved in the management of European Union funds shall develop drafts of a National Strategic Reference Framework and an operational programme complement and submit them to the Cabinet in accordance with the specified procedures. 7. The managing authority shall ensure representation in negotiations with the European Commission regarding approval of the National Strategic Reference Framework and the operational programme complement. 8. Amendments to the National Strategic Reference Framework and operational programmes shall be made in accordance with the following procedures: 8.1. members of the Monitoring Committee shall prepare and submit proposals regarding necessary amendments to the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee; 8.2. the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee shall prepare and submit draft amendments to the Monitoring Committee for the taking of a decision; 8.3. if the Monitoring Committee supports the making of amendments, the managing authority shall submit the draft amendments to the Cabinet in accordance with the specified procedures; 8.4. after the taking of a decision of the Cabinet regarding approval of amendments, the managing authority shall submit the draft amendments to the European Commission for approval; and 8.5. the managing authority shall inform the members of the Monitoring Committee about the decision of the European Commission within a time period of 10 working days after receipt thereof. 9. The managing authority shall develop an operational programme complement in co-operation with the institutions involved in the management of European Union funds and submit it to the Monitoring Committee for harmonisation. The managing authority shall submit the harmonised operational programme complement to the Cabinet for approval. 10. Amendments to an operational programme complement shall be made in accordance with the following procedures: 10.1. members of the Monitoring Committee shall prepare and submit proposals regarding necessary amendments to the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee; 10.2. the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee shall prepare and submit draft amendments to the Monitoring Committee; 10.3. if the Monitoring Committee supports the making of amendments, the managing authority shall submit the draft amendments to the Cabinet for approval; 10.4. if the Cabinet does not approve the draft amendments supported by the Monitoring Committee or proposes such clarifications to the operational programme complement, which have not been supported in the Monitoring Committee in accordance with the procedures referred to in Sub-paragraphs 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 of these Regulations, the managing authority shall propose to suspend the review of the matter in the Cabinet and shall inform the Monitoring Committee regarding the decision of the Cabinet not to approve the draft amendments supported by it or regarding the clarifications proposed by the Cabinet; and 10.5. the managing authority shall inform the members of the Monitoring Committee about the decision of the Cabinet within a time period of 10 working days after taking of the decision. III. Selection of Applications of European Union Fund Projects11. Applications of European Union fund projects shall be selected in accordance with the following procedures: 11.1. if the selection is restricted, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall send an invitation to submit an application of a European Union fund project to a limited range of European Union fund project applicants pursuant to the procedures for the implementation of the activity; 11.2. the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall commence an open selection not sooner than a month after coming into effect of the procedures for the implementation of the activity; 11.3. the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall establish a commission for the evaluation of applications of the European Union fund projects individually for each activity of a European Union fund; 11.4. the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall develop and approve the procedures for the selection and evaluation of applications of European Union fund projects, as well as the evaluation forms of project applications and place them on the Internet home page thereof; 11.5. the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall evaluate applications of European Union fund projects in accordance with the criteria for the evaluation of European Union fund projects; and 11.6. the head of the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall take a decision regarding approval or rejection of an application of a European Union fund project and shall inform the applicant of the European Union fund project about it within a time period of five working days. 12. If financial resources for the fulfilment of the liabilities of a civil legal contract regarding the implementation of a European Union fund project (hereinafter - contract) or an agreement regarding the implementation of a European Union fund project (hereinafter - agreement) are available to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority, it shall enter into the contract or the agreement with a final beneficiary within a time period of 30 working days after: 12.1. the taking of a decision regarding approval of an application of the European Union fund project if conditions have not been included in the decision; or 12.2. the fulfilment of the conditions indicated in a decision regarding approval of an application of the European Union fund project (also after receipt of the European Union fund project, which has been adjusted in accordance with Paragraph 14 of these Regulations) if the decision includes conditions. 13. If financial resources for the fulfilment of the liabilities of a contract or an agreement are not available to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority or it is not possible to enter into a contract or an agreement with the final beneficiary within a time period of 30 working days (Paragraph 12 of these Regulations), the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall enter into the contract or the agreement within a time period of five working days after financial resources become available. 14. After the taking of a decision regarding approval of an application of a European Union fund project, but prior to entering into a contract or an agreement, a final beneficiary may request the responsible authority or the co-operation authority to specify more precisely the contact information indicated in the application of the European Union fund project or information regarding bank details, as well as the time for the commencement of the implementation of the European Union fund project or the planning of costs according to years. Specifications shall be made in accordance with the following procedures: 14.1. the final beneficiary shall notify the institution, which has taken a decision regarding approval of the application of the European Union fund project, regarding the necessary specifications; 14.2. the institution referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.1 of these Regulations shall take a decision regarding specification of the application of the European Union fund project and shall inform the final beneficiary about it within a time period of 10 working days; and 14.3. if the decision referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.2 of these Regulations is favourable, the final beneficiary shall submit the specified application of the European Union fund project to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority for entering into the contract or agreement. IV. Approval of a Large Project15. The head of the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall take a decision regarding compliance or non-compliance of an application of a large project with the criteria for the evaluation of the application of a European Union fund project within a time period of 15 working days after receipt of the large project. 16. If the head of the responsible authority or the co-operation authority takes a decision regarding compliance of an application of a large project with the criteria for the evaluation of the application of a European Union fund project, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall submit the application of the large project to the managing authority. 17. The managing authority shall harmonise the application of a large project within a time period of 10 working days. 18. If the managing authority does not harmonise the application of the large project, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall ensure the correction of the application of the large project in accordance with the comments of the managing authority and re-submit it to the managing authority within a time period of 10 working days. 19. After co-ordination of the application of the large project, the managing authority shall submit it to the European Commission. 20. The responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall enter into a contract or an agreement with a final beneficiary regarding implementation of the large project within a time period of 30 working days after the taking of a decision of the European Commission. The contract or the agreement shall also include the date, beginning with which the costs shall be regarded eligible. 21. After the taking of a relevant decision of the European Commission, amendments to the large project shall be made in accordance with the procedures for approval of the large project. 22. If the initially approved costs of the European Union fund project increase above the minimum financial scale of the large project, a final beneficiary shall make amendments to the European Union fund project and guide it for approval in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter IV of these Regulations. V. Making of Amendments to European Union Fund Projects23. If amendments to a European Union fund project are required after entering into a contract or an agreement, a final beneficiary shall submit a request for amendments to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority, with which the contract or the agreement is entered into. 24. If the basic data of a final beneficiary (contact information and bank details) have changed, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall make the appropriate amendments to the contract or agreement after receipt of a notification. 25. If information, which does not apply to the basic data of a final beneficiary, has changed, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority, with which the contract or the agreement has been entered into, shall evaluate the submitted request for amendments within a time period of 25 working days and: 25.1. make the appropriate amendments to the contract or agreement and inform the final beneficiary about them within a time period of five working days; or 25.2. take a decision not to make amendments to the contract or agreement and inform the final beneficiary about it within a time period of five working days, indicating the justification of the refusal, as well as information regarding the necessary corrections in the request for amendments and the procedures for the re-submission thereof. VI. Content of Contracts or Agreements26. The responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall provide at least the following information in a contract or an agreement document: 26.1. the objective; 26.2. the details of the responsible authority or the co-operation authority and the final beneficiary; 26.3. the rights and duties of the responsible authority or the co-operation authority, the final beneficiary and the co-operation authority of a European Union fund project; 26.4. the terms for carrying out of the specified activities; 26.5. the time period, during which costs may be regarded as eligible; 26.6. the procedures for the preparation and submission of a request for payment of a European Union fund; 26.7. the procedures for disbursement of the financing of European Union fund and the State budget; 26.8. the procedures for the performance of the financial control, audit and other examinations of the European Union fund project; 26.9. the procedures for the submission of reports; 26.10. the procedures for the submission of the reports referred to in Paragraph 24 of these Regulations and recognition thereof as binding; 26.11. the time period for keeping of documents related to the implementation of a European Union fund project; 26.12. if a partner is being involved in the implementation of a European Union fund project - the co-operation provisions of the final beneficiary and the co-operation authority thereof; 26.13. the provisions for the suspension of payments, reduction of the amount thereof or stopping of payments; and 26.14. the period of validity of the contract or the agreement, the procedures for amendment and termination thereof. 27. In addition to the information referred to in Paragraph 26 of these Regulations, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall include the following provisions: 27.1. reinforcement of obligations law and sanctions (the amount and the procedures for the calculation of penalty); and 27.2. certifications of the final beneficiary, which are related to the implementation of the relevant project. VII. Pre-examination of the Procurement of a European Union Fund Project28. A final beneficiary shall submit a procurement plan to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority within a time period of five working days after entering into a contract or an agreement. 29. The responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall verify whether a procurement plan has been completed in accordance with Annex 4 to these Regulations and whether the subject-matter of a contract complies with the planned activities of the approved project of the final beneficiary, within a time period of 10 working days after receipt of the procurement plan. Where appropriate, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall request the final beneficiary to adjust the procurement plan within a time period of five working days. 30. If a final beneficiary performs a procurement prior to entering into a contract or an agreement within a scope of the large project, he or she shall submit the procurement plan to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority before the commencement of the procurement procedure. The responsible authority or the co-operation authority, within a time period of five working days, shall verify whether the procurement plan has been completed in accordance with Annex 4 to these Regulations and, where appropriate, shall request the final beneficiary to adjust the procurement plan within a time period of five working days. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall examine the procurement plan and perform pre-examination of the procurement in accordance with the procedures specified in Chapter VII of these Regulations. 31. The responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall submit the procurement plan to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau within a time period of three working days after examination of the procurement plan. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall examine the procurement plan within a time period of five working days after receipt thereof and, if it detects that information included therein testifies regarding possible violations of the regulatory enactments in the field of public procurements, it shall inform the relevant final beneficiary and the responsible authority or the co-operation authority, which has submitted the procurement plan to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau. 32. During the implementation of a European Union fund project a final beneficiary, where appropriate, shall update and submit the procurement plan to the responsible authority or the co-operation authority for examination in accordance with the procedures specified in Paragraphs 29 and 31 of these Regulations. 33. The duty to submit a procurement plan to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall not restrict the final beneficiary to commence a procurement procedure. 34. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall develop a pre-examination plan of procurements of European Union fund projects on the basis of the received procurement plans. Pre-examinations shall be carried out regularly during a calendar year. 35. Prior to entering into a procurement contract, the Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall carry out the following procurement pre-examinations of European Union fund projects: 35.1. a random check of the procurement documentation; and 35.2. a random check of the procurement procedures. 36. On the basis of the results of the checks referred to in Paragraph 35 of these Regulations, the Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall provide one of the following opinions: 36.1. a favourable opinion - if violations have not been detected in the procurement of the European Union fund project or if the detected violations are not essential and cannot have an influence on the granting of the procurement rights; 36.2. an opinion with objections - if violations have been detected in the procurement of the European Union fund project, but it is possible to eliminate them during the procurement procedure; or 36.3. an unfavourable opinion - if such violations have been detected in the procurement of the European Union fund project, which cannot be eliminated during the procurement procedure. 37. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall send the opinion referred to in Paragraph 36 of these Regulations to the relevant responsible authority or the co-operation authority and the final beneficiary within a time period of three working days after preparation thereof. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall send a statement regarding the procurement of the large project, if it includes objections or is unfavourable, also to the managing authority within a time period of three working days. 38. If the Procurement Monitoring Bureau has provided an opinion with objections and the final beneficiary has not submitted written information regarding elimination of the violations detected in the procurement of a European Union fund project to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau within a time period of one month after receipt of the opinion, the Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall verify whether the final beneficiary has eliminated the violations referred to in the opinion and shall provide an opinion in accordance with the procedures specified in Paragraph 37 of these Regulations. If the Procurement Monitoring Bureau detects that violations have not been eliminated, it shall provide an unfavourable opinion regarding the relevant procurement of the European Union fund project. 39. If the Procurement Monitoring Bureau has provided an unfavourable opinion, the responsible authority or the co-operation authority shall take a decision regarding the ineligibility of such costs, which are related to the relevant procurement, taking into account the referred to opinion. 40. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall submit to the managing authority a report on all procurement pre-examinations of European Union fund projects carried out during the preceding quarter and the results thereof four times a year - by 15 February, 15 May, 15 August and 15 November. 41. The report referred to in Paragraph 40 of these Regulations shall include at least the following information: 41.1. the date and number of the contract or the agreement; 41.2. the name of the final beneficiary; 41.3. the date of carrying out of the procurement pre-examination; 41.4. the given name, surname of the performer of the procurement pre-examination; 41.5. the result of the procurement pre-examination, specifying violations detected in the procurement of the European Union fund project, where appropriate; and 41.6. the status of the elimination of the violations detected in the pre-examination if a repeated examination has been carried out. Prime Minister A. Kalvītis Minister for Special Assignments -
Revised Version by the Ministry of Finance Annex 1 Standard Form of an Application of the European Social Fund
1.4. Type of the project applicant (please, mark the appropriate response): [1]
1.5. NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities of the project applicant (please, write the appropriate response):
2.1. Summary regarding activities to be performed within the framework of the European Social Fund project (the referred to information will be available in accordance with the procedures and the amount specified in the Freedom of Information Law after the decision regarding application of the European Union fund project has come into effect) (<number of characters>) 2.2. Project implementation place: Please, indicate:
2.3. Project classification (please, indicate the NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities corresponding to the content of the project):
2.4. Indicate the justification of the necessity of the project or provide the description of the detected problem (<number of characters>): 2.5. Provide the description of the solution of the selected problem (<number of characters>): 2.6. Indicate the objective of the project (<number of characters>): 2.7. Describe the planned activities of the project (<number of characters>): 2.8. The results to be achieved within the scope of activities:
* Activities shall comply with those indicated in the time schedule for implementation of the project (Paragraph 3.4). One activity may have several results, as well as several activities may have one result. 2.9. Indicate the compliance of the project with the objective specified in regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund (<number of characters>): 2.10. Monitoring indicators to be achieved within the project pursuant to the indicators indicated in regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund: 2.10.1. Indicators of the outcome:
2.10.2. Indicators of the result:
2.11. Number and description of the direct target group(s) of the project (<number of characters>):
3.1. Characterise the capacity of implementation and management of the project (<number of characters>):
3.3. Describe how maintenance of the results achieved by the project will be ensured after termination of the project (<number of characters>): 3.4. Time schedule for implementation of the project
4.1. Types of project information and publicity measures:
4.2. Characterise the measures, which will be implemented in order to meet the requirements of the European Union in relation to the project publicity:
6.1. Compliance of activities intended within the project with evaluation requirements of activity specified in the Law On Environmental Impact Assessment:
6.2. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that assessment is not required, to provide a justification for the indicated compliance with references to regulatory enactments regulating the field of environmental impact assessment: 6.3. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that initial environmental impact assessment or environmental impact assessment is required, to append a characterisation*: * a decision of the Environment State Service regarding non-application of EIA or a statement regarding the final report of EIA shall be appended to the application
7.1. Financing plan of the project, LVL
7.2. Summary of the project budget, including the indicative plan of project costs, LVL:
* Positions of costs shall be indicated in accordance with positions of eligible costs indicated in regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund project
I, the undersigned,
• the project applicant has not been declared insolvent, is not in a liquidation stage and economic activity thereof is not suspended or terminated; • the project applicant does not have tax debts and/or debts of mandatory State social insurance payments; • the project applicant has the appropriate legal status; • the project applicant has the appropriate type of basic activity; • sufficient and stable financial resources are at the disposal of the project applicant; • information included in the project application and annexes thereof is true and co-financing of the European Social Fund requested for implementation of the project will be used pursuant to the description of the project application; • there are no known reasons why this project could not be implemented or implementation thereof could be delayed and I confirm that it is possible to carry out the liabilities specified in the project in the periods of time specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union Fund; • this particular project is not being and has not been financed/co-financed from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments; and • in case of approval of the project, this very project application will not be submitted for financing/co-financing from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments. I realise that it is possible that the project will not be approved for co-financing from the European Social Fund if the project application, including this section, is not completely and qualitatively completed, as well as if the financing of the European Social Fund planned in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund (for the current year/planning period) has been utilised when the project is approved. I confirm that in the case of providing false information in the certification sanctions of an administrative and financial nature may be initiated both against me and also against the abovementioned legal person - project applicant. I confirm that copies appended to the project application comply with the originals of the documents at my disposal and copies and electronic version of the project application complies with the original of the submitted project application.
[1] In accordance with the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund [2] Must comply with the number of the activity indicated in Paragraph 2.7 [3] Sums total form in the following way in boxes: (9) = (2) + (3) + (..) + (8) [4] For example, financing of the Cultural Capital Foundation Minister for Special Assignments -
Revised Version by the Ministry of Finance Annex 2 Standard Form of an Application of the European Regional Development Fund
1.1. Project applicant:
* completed in the case if responsible persons are different 1.1.6. Type of the project applicant (please, mark the appropriate response): [1]
1.1.7. NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities of the project applicant (please, write the appropriate):
1.2. Basic information regarding the co-operation partner where appropriate (if it is intended to involve several partners in the implementation of the project, information regarding each partner shall be indicated)
2.1. Summary regarding activities to be performed within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund (the referred to information will be available in accordance with the procedures and the amount specified in the Freedom of Information Law after the decision regarding application of the European Union fund project has come into effect) (<number of characters>): 2.2. Project implementation place Please, indicate:
2.3. Project classification (please, indicate the NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities corresponding to the content of the project):
2.4. Indicate the justification of the necessity of the project or provide the description of the detected problem (to be completed if it is included in evaluation criteria of the project) (<number of characters>): 2.5. Provide the description of the solution of the selected problem (to be completed if it is included in evaluation criteria of the project) (<number of characters>): 2.6. Indicate the objective of the project (<number of characters>): 2.7. Provide the description of the planned project activity (to be completed if it is included in evaluation criteria of the project) (<number of characters>): 2.8. The results to be achieved within the scope of activities.
* Activities shall comply with those indicated in the time schedule for implementation of the project (Annex 1). One activity may have several results. 2.9. Indicate the compliance of the project with the objective specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union (<number of characters>): 2.10. Monitoring results to be achieved within the project pursuant to the indicators indicated in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union: 2.10.1. Indicators of the outcome:
2.10.2. Indicators of the result (to be completed if it is included in evaluation criteria of the project):
3.1. Characterise the capacity of implementation and management of the project (<number of characters>):
3.3. Describe how maintenance of the results achieved by the project will be ensured after termination of the project (<number of characters>):
4.1. Types of project information and publicity measures:
4.2. Characterise the measures, which will be implemented in order to meet the requirements of the European Union in relation to the project publicity:
6.1. Compliance of the activities intended in the project with the evaluation requirements of the activity specified in the Law On Environmental Impact Assessment:
a. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that assessment is not required, to provide a justification for the indicated compliance with references to the regulatory enactments regulating the field of environmental impact assessment: 6.3. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that the initial environmental impact assessment or environmental impact assessment is required, to append a characterisation*: * a decision of the Environment State Service regarding non-application of the EIA or a statement regarding the final report of the EIA shall be appended to the application
7.1. Financing plan of the project (see Annex 2). 7.2. Summary of the project budget, including the indicative plan of project costs (see Annex 3). 7.3. Main conclusions of the cost-benefit analysis (analysis shall be performed for projects, the sum total of eligible expenditure of which exceeds 5 million euros or if it prescribed by the regulatory enactments regulating implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union):
I, the undersigned,
• the project applicant has not been declared insolvent, is not in a liquidation stage and economic activity thereof is not suspended or terminated; • the project applicant does not have tax debts and/or debts of mandatory State social insurance payments; • the project applicant has the appropriate legal status; • sufficient and stable financial resources are at the disposal of the project applicant; • information included in the project application and annexes thereof is true and co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund requested for implementation of the project will be used pursuant to the description of the project application; • there are no known reasons why this project could not be implemented or implementation thereof could be delayed and I confirm the it is possible to carry out the liabilities specified in the project in the periods of time specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union; • this very project is not being and has not been financed/co-financed from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments; and • in case of approval of the project, this very project application will not be submitted for financing/co-financing from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments. I realise that it is possible that the project will not be approved for co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund if the project application, including this section, is not completely and qualitatively completed, as well as if the financing of the European Regional Development Fund planned in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union (for the current year/planning period) has been utilised when the project is approved. I confirm that in the case of providing false information in the certification sanctions of an administrative and financial nature may be initiated both against me and also against the abovementioned legal person - project applicant. I confirm that copies appended to the project application comply with the originals of the documents at my disposal and copies and electronic version of the project application complies with the original of the submitted project application.
Annex 1 Time schedule for implementation of the project
Annex 2 FINANCING PLAN Project No.
* For example, financing of the Cultural Capital Foundation or the European Investment Bank Annex 3 Summary of the project budget, including the indicative plan of project costs, LVL:
* Positions of costs shall be indicated in accordance with positions of eligible costs indicated in regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union fund [1] Must comply with the number of the activity indicated in Paragraphs 2.7 and 2.8 Minister for Special Assignments -
Revised Version by the Ministry of Finance Annex 3 Standard Form of an Application of the European Regional Development Fund/Cohesion Fund Project
1.1. Project applicant:
1.1.6. Type of the project applicant (please, note the appropriate): [1]
1.1.7. NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities of the project applicant (please, write the appropriate):
1.2. Basic information regarding the co-operation partner where appropriate (if it is intended to involve several partners in the implementation of the project, information regarding each partner shall be indicated):
2.1. Summary regarding activities to be performed within the framework of the European Union fund project (the referred to information will be available in accordance with the procedures and the amount specified in the Freedom of Information Law after the decision regarding application of the European Union fund project has come into effect) (<number of characters>): 2.2. Project implementation place Please, indicate:
2.3. Project classification (please, indicate the NACE code of General Classification of Economic Activities corresponding to the content of the project):
2.4. Indicate the justification of the necessity of the project or provide the description of the detected problem (<number of characters>): 2.5. Provide the description of the solution of the selected problem (<number of characters>): 2.6. Indicate the objective of the project (<number of characters>): 2.7. Describe the planned activities of the project (<number of characters>): 2.8. The results to be achieved within the scope of activities:
* Activities shall comply with those indicated in the time schedule for implementation of the project (Annex 1). One activity may have several results. 2.9. Indicate the compliance of the project with the objective specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund (<number of characters>): 2.10. Monitoring indicators to be achieved within the project pursuant to the indicators indicated in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund: 2.10.1. Indicators of the outcome:
2.10.2. Indicators of the result:
3.1. Characterise the capacity of implementation and management of the project (<number of characters>):
3.3. Describe how maintenance of the results achieved by the project will be ensured after termination of the project (<number of characters>):
4.1. Types of project information and publicity measures:
4.2. Characterise the measures, which will be implemented in order to meet the requirements of the European Union in relation to the project publicity:
6.1. Compliance of activities intended within the project with the evaluation requirements of the activity specified in the Law On Environmental Impact Assessment:
6.2. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that assessment is not required, to provide a justification for the indicated compliance with references to the regulatory enactments regulating the field of environmental impact assessment: 6.3. If it is indicated in Paragraph 6.1 that initial environmental impact assessment or environmental impact assessment is required, to append a characterisation*: * a decision of the Environment State Service regarding non-application of the EIA or a statement regarding the final report of the EIA shall be appended to the application
7.1. Financing plan of the project (see Annex 2). 7.2. Summary of the project budget, including the indicative plan of project costs (see Annex 3). 7.3. Main conclusions of the cost-benefit analysis (analysis shall be performed for projects, the sum total of eligible expenditure of which exceeds 5 million euros, and for the projects, from which profit is gained if sum total of eligible expenditure thereof exceeds 200 000 euros, or if it prescribed by regulatory enactments regulating implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union) (<number of characters>): 7.3.1. The main elements and parameters used in the financial analysis (shall be indicated to projects, from which profit is gained if the sum total of eligible expenditure thereof exceeds 200 000 euros, in accordance with the table indicated in Section E.1.2 of Annex XXI of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1826/2006 of 8 December 2006). 7.3.2. The main results of the financial analysis (shall be indicated to projects, from which profit is gained if the sum total of eligible expenditure thereof exceeds 200 000 euros, in accordance with the table indicated in Section E.1.3 of Annex XXI of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1826/2006 of 8 December 2006).
I, the undersigned,
• the project applicant has not been declared insolvent, is not in a liquidation stage and economic activity thereof is not suspended or terminated; • the project applicant does not have tax debts and/or debts of mandatory State social insurance payments; • the project applicant has the appropriate legal status; • the project applicant has the appropriate type of basic activity; • sufficient and stable financial resources are at the disposal of the project applicant; • information included in the project application and annexes thereof is true and co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund/Cohesion Fund requested for implementation of the project will be used pursuant to the description of the project application; • there are no known reasons why this project could not be implemented or implementation thereof could be delayed and I confirm the it is possible to carry out the liabilities specified in the project in the periods of time specified in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund; • this very project is not being and has not been financed/co-financed from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments; and • in the case of approval of the project, this very project application will not be submitted for financing/co-financing from other financial sources of the European Union, as well as the budget resources of the State and local governments. I realise that it is possible that the project will not be approved for co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund/the Cohesion Fund if the project application, including this section, is not completely and qualitatively completed, as well as if the financing of the European Regional Development Fund/the Cohesion Fund planned in regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of the European Union (for the current year/planning period) has been utilised when the project is approved. I confirm that in the case of providing false information in the certification sanctions of an administrative and financial nature may be initiated both against me and also against the abovementioned legal person - project applicant. I confirm that copies appended to the project application comply with the originals of the documents at my disposal and copies and electronic version of the project application complies with the original of the submitted project application.
Annex 1 Time schedule for implementation of the project:
Annex 2 FINANCING PLAN Project No.
* For example, financing of the Cultural Capital Foundation or the European Investment Bank Annex 3 Summary of the project budget, including the indicative plan of project costs, LVL:
* Positions of costs shall be indicated in accordance with positions of eligible costs indicated in the regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund project [1] In accordance with regulatory enactments regarding implementation of the relevant activity of a European Union fund [2] Must comply with the number of the activity indicated in Paragraph 2.7 Minister for Special Assignments -
Revised Version by the Ministry of Finance Annex 4 Procurement Plan
*3., 4., 5. * Boxes 3, 4,5 and 6 shall not be completed if Paragraph 30 of Cabinet Regulation Procedures, by which Institutions Involved in the Management of European Union Funds Ensure Preparation of Planning Documents and Implementation of Such Funds applies to the procurement
Place for a seal: [1] The range of goods and services and a list of building works to be carried out, regarding which entering into a procurement contract is intended [2] The planned contract sum, taking into account the whole term of operation of a procurement contract [3] The planned procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Procurement Law or Law On Procurement for the Needs of Public Service Providers Minister for Special Assignments -
Translation © 2007 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) |
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Title: Kārtība, kādā Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu un Kohēzijas fonda vadībā iesaistītās institūcijas ..
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