Aptauja ilgs līdz 23. oktobrim.
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 01.01.2007.–16.04.2010. Amendments not included: 13.04.2010., 27.08.2013., 16.05.2023.
Regulations regarding the State Fee for a Licence for Use of Subsoil, an Authorisation for the Extraction of Widespread Mineral Resources and a Passport of the DepositIssued pursuant to 1. These Regulations prescribe the amount and procedures for the payment of the State fee for a licence for use of subsoil, an authorisation for the extraction of widespread mineral resources and a passport of the deposit of mineral resources. 2. The State fee for licences for use of subsoil shall be the following: 2.1. for geological, hydrogeological, geological engineering, geoecological and geophysical research for a time period up to five years - LVL 75; 2.2. for geological, hydrogeological, geological engineering, geoecological and geophysical research and for the construction of structures of geo-technical category for a time period up to one year - LVL 100; 2.3. for geological research and further extraction of mineral resources - LVL 200; 2.4. for scientific research work - LVL 50; 2.5. for occupational training - LVL 25; 2.6. for establishment of a subsoil monitoring system and performance of monitoring for a time period up to five years - LVL 50; 2.7. geoecological research and establishment of a subsoil monitoring system for a time period up to one year - LVL 100; 2.8. for extraction of mineral resources (for the licence that is issued by the Latvian Environmental, Geological and Meteorological Agency in the cases specified by the Law On Subsoil) - LVL 150; 2.9. for the utilisation of the useful properties of the subsoil - LVL 150; 2.10. for the construction and exploitation of such subterranean structures that are not related to the extraction of mineral resources - LVL 200; 2.11. for the organisation of recreation and tourism activities - LVL 100; 2.12. for the extraction of materials for the creation of mineralogical, paleontological and other geological collections - LVL 50; and 2.13. for creation of boreholes, repair, equipping and liquidation - LVL 25. 3. The State fee for the passports of deposits of mineral resources shall be the following: 3.1. for the passports of deposits of mineral resources (except for groundwater) that have been prepared, using the materials of the State Geology Fund - LVL 150; 3.2. for the passports of deposits of mineral resources (except for groundwater) that have been prepared, using materials belonging to the commissioning party - LVL 100; 3.3. for the passport of the deposit of groundwater, if the water supply is up to 1000 m3 per 24 hours - LVL 280; and 3.4. for the passport of the deposit of groundwater, if the water supply exceeds 1000 m3 per 24 hours - LVL 280 and an additional LVL 140 for each next 1000 m3 per 24 hours. 4. The State fee for the authorisation for the extraction of widespread mineral resources shall be LVL 100. 5. The State fee for the licence for use of subsoil, authorisation for extraction and passport of the deposit shall be paid prior to the receipt thereof, using non-cash payments (via transfer) and paying the money in a credit institution or other institution which has the right to carry out money transactions. The licence for use of subsoil, authorisation for extraction and the passport of the deposit may be received by presenting a certification of the payment. 6. If changes are made in the licence for use of subsoil or in the authorisation for extraction, or in the passport of the deposit by the recipient thereof upon its own initiative, he or she shall pay 50% from the amount of the State fee specified in these Regulations. 7. The State fee for the licence for use of subsoil and the passport of the deposit shall be included in the State basic budget, but the State fee for the authorisation for the extraction of widespread mineral resources - in the budget of the local government, in the administrative territory of which the widespread mineral resources are located. 8. These Regulations shall come into force on 1 January 2007. Prime Minister A. Kalvītis Acting for the Minister for
Translation © 2009 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre) |
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Title: Noteikumi par valsts nodevām zemes dzīļu izmantošanas jomā (izņemot zemes dzīļu izmantošanu ..
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