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Translation validity: 05.08.2015.–07.09.2017. Amendments not included: 05.09.2017., 27.02.2018., 07.01.2020., 27.10.2020., 29.03.2022., 13.07.2023., 24.10.2023., 20.02.2024., 23.04.2024., 19.11.2024., 03.12.2024., 17.12.2024.
Procedures for Financing Institutions of Higher Education and Colleges from the Funds of the State BudgetIssued pursuant to 1. This Regulation prescribes the procedures for financing institutions of higher education and colleges from the funds of the State budget. 2. This Regulation shall be applicable to all institutions of higher education and colleges to which financing from the State budget funds is granted regardless of the founder thereof. 3. This Regulation shall not be applicable to colleges within the system of the Ministry of the Interior. 4. The amount of funding granted to an institution of higher education or college from the funds of the State budget shall be formed from the funding provided for education and science in the State basic budget, funds which are provided for the implementation of specific objectives, as well as a tuition fee which is covered by the State or which is received in the form of repayable or non-repayable loans in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 219 of 29 May 2001, Procedures for the Allocation, Repayment and Cancellation of a Study Loan from the Resources of the State Budget (hereinafter - the tuition fee). [28 July 2015] 4.1 The financial reference amount of science shall be allocated to institutions of higher education in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 1316 of 12 November 2013, Procedures by Which the Financial Reference Amount for Scientific Institutions Shall Be Calculated and Granted. [28 July 2015] 5. Additional financing from the funds of the State budget may be granted to an institution of higher education or college for implementation of particular objectives (for example, building, repair works) in accordance with other laws and regulations. 6. To improve professional qualifications of the academic staff, additional funding from the funds of the State budget for financing places in Doctoral degree study programmes of other institutions of higher education in which the relevant Doctoral degree study programmes are being implemented may be granted to State institutions of higher education and colleges in which the relevant Doctoral degree study programmes are not being implemented. The institutions of higher education and colleges shall organise admission to the relevant study places in accordance with competition procedures. 7. The financial reference amount of studies complying with the optimum list of study programmes and the number of students which consists of the funds for public utilities payments, taxes, the maintenance of infrastructure, the purchase of inventory and equipment, staff wages, as well as financing for scientific activity shall form the funding from the State basic budget for the institutions of higher education and colleges. [28 July 2015] 8. The financial reference amount of studies from the funds of the State budget shall be granted to full-time studies. [15 December 2009; 28 July 2015] 9. The amount of financial reference amount of studies shall be determined on the basis of the number of study places which the State has specified for the relevant institution of higher education or college, the basic costs of a study place and coefficients of the costs of thematic educational area studies. [28 July 2015] 10. The Minister for Education and Science shall determine the distribution of the number of study places according to institutions of higher education and colleges, thematic areas of education and study levels for the following economic year not later than until 1 March of the current year. 11. Coefficients of the costs of thematic educational areas studies shall be the indicators which determine the amount of the costs of a study place in the relevant thematic educational area in relation to the basic costs of the study place. 12. Coefficients of the costs of thematic educational areas studies for the Bachelor's degree study programmes and vocational study programmes are specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation. 13. Values of the coefficients of the study costs for the Master's degree study programmes shall be one and a half times, but for the Doctoral degree study programmes - three times larger than the values of the coefficients of the study costs specified for the particular thematic educational area in Annex 1 to this Regulation. 14. The amount of financial reference amount of studies which is granted from the funds of the State budget to an institution of higher education or a college for the implementation of the Bachelor's degree, vocational, and Master's study programmes shall be calculated by using the following formula: Fs = Tb x [S(ki x ni) + 1.5 x S(ki x mi)] + Sb x S(ni + mi) where Fs - the amount of study funding; Tb - the basic costs of a study place; ki - the coefficient of the costs of the relevant thematic educational area studies (Annex 1); ni - the number of study places specified for an institution of higher education in the Bachelor's degree and vocational study programmes in the relevant thematic educational area; mi - the number of study places in the Master's degree study programmes of the relevant thematic educational area; and Sb - the costs of social security of a study place in the Bachelor's degree, vocational, and Master's degree study programmes (Annex 2). [28 July 2015] 15. The basic costs of a study place and costs of social security of a study place shall be determined in accordance with Annex 2 to this Regulation. 16. Each year the Ministry of Education and Science shall calculate the basic costs of a study place for the following budget year and co-ordinate the calculations with the Ministry of Finance and such ministries, which have institutions of higher education and colleges under their authority, until 1 March of the current year. 17. Funding from the funds of the State basic budget for an institution of higher education or a college provided for scientific research shall be formed by: 17.1. the funds which the scientists working at the institution of higher education or college obtain pursuant to procedures of a competition; 17.2. funds for the Doctoral degree study programmes the amount of which shall be calculated using the following formula: Fd = 3Tb x S(ki x di) + Sd x Sdi where Fd - the funding for the Doctoral degree study programmes; Tb - the basic costs of a study place; ki - the coefficient of the costs of the relevant thematic educational area studies (Annex 1); di - the number of study places in the Doctoral degree study programmes of the relevant thematic educational area; and Sd - the social security costs of a study place of a Doctoral student (Annex 2); 17.3. the funds for the provision of development of scientific work the amount of which shall be calculated using the following formula: Fatt = F × kj/Σkj × K where Fatt - the amount of funding to be granted to an institution of higher education or college; F - the total amount of funds granted to institutions of higher education and colleges for the provision of development of scientific work according to the law on the State budget for the current year; kj - the coefficient of the specification of an institution of higher education or a college; Σkj - the sum of the coefficients of specification of an institution of higher education or college; and K - the coefficient of the branch of science (not to be applied for colleges): 1) for natural sciences, engineering, technology, health science, agricultural science, forestry science, veterinary - 2.0; and 2) for other branches of science - 1.0 kj = Σ(nj/Σnj + 1,5 × mj/Σmj + 3 × dj/Σdj +2 × (Nj/ΣNj + 1,5 × Mj/ΣMj + 3 × Dj/ΣDj ) + Pj/ΣPj) nj - the number of study places specified by the State for an institution of higher education or a college in the Bachelor's degree and vocational study programmes; Σnj - the total number of study places specified by the State for institutions of higher education or colleges in the Bachelor's degree and vocational study programmes; mj - the number of study places in the Master's degree study programmes specified by the State for an institution of higher education; Σmj - the total number of study places in the Master's degree study programmes specified by the State for institutions of higher education; dj - the number of study places in the Doctoral degree study programmes specified by the State for an institution of higher education; Σdj - the total number of study places in the Doctoral degree study programmes specified by the State for institutions of higher education; Nj - the number of persons who have acquired a Bachelor's degree or a professional qualification at an institution of higher education or a college for the funds of the State budget; ΣNj - the total number of persons who have acquired a Bachelor's degree or a professional qualification at institutions of higher education and colleges for the funds of the State budget; Mj - the number of persons who have acquired a Master's degree at an institution of higher education for the funds of the State budget; ΣMj - the total number of persons who have acquired a Master's degree at institutions of higher education for the funds of the State budget; Dj - the number of persons who have acquired a Doctoral degree at an institution of higher education; ΣDj - the total number of persons who have acquired a Doctoral degree at institutions of higher education; Pj - the number of academic staff members with a Doctoral degree and the number of professors of art at an institution of higher education or a college; and ΣPj - the total number of academic staff members with a Doctoral degree and the total number of professors of art at institutions of higher education and colleges; 17.4. the amount of performance funding for ensuring outstanding scientific research results at institutions of higher education and colleges shall be calculated according to the following formula:
F2z - the amount of funds to be allocated to an institution of higher education; Fzda - funding in sub-programme 03.03.00 Development of Scientific Activity at Institutions of Higher Education and Colleges in the respective calendar year; Pz - the total number of Master's students and Doctoral students employed in research as leading researchers, researchers and scientific assistants in the previous year as well as young specialists who have obtained a Doctoral degree within the last five years at an institution of higher education (full-time equivalent - the proportion of the total number of hours worked by an employee (including annual paid leave) to the total number of working hours in the relevant financing period); ∑Pz - the total number of Master's students and Doctoral students employed in research (leading researcher, researcher and scientific assistant) in the previous year as well as young specialists who have obtained a Doctoral degree within the last five years at institutions of higher education in terms of a full time work equivalent; Sz - the funding raised in the previous year by an institution of higher education within the framework of the implementation of the projects of the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Development (according to the definition published in the science collection of statistical methodology of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Frascati Manual (hereinafter - the Frascati Manual)) and in other international research project competitions; ∑Sz - the total funding raised in the previous year by institutions of higher education within the framework of the implementation of the projects of the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Development and in other international research project competitions (according to the Frascati Manual); Lz - the funding raised and the revenue obtained from the transfer of intellectual property rights in the previous year by an institution of higher education within the framework of the implementation of research and development contract works (according to the Frascati Manual), including the research and development contract works concluded with merchants, public persons (except local governments) and other contracting authorities (e.g. natural persons, associations, foundations); ∑Lz - the total funding raised and the total revenue obtained from the transfer of intellectual property rights in the previous year by institutions of higher education within the framework of the implementation of research and development contract works (according to the Frascati Manual), including the research and development contract works concluded with merchants, public persons (except local governments) and other contracting authorities (e.g. natural persons, associations, foundations); Rz - the funding raised within the framework of the research and development contract works (according to the Frascati Manual) concluded with the local governments and local government enterprises and implemented by institutions of higher education in the previous year, local government transfers for research and development and the revenue from the transfer of intellectual property rights; ∑Rz - the total funding raised within the framework of research and development contract works (according to the Frascati Manual) concluded with the local governments and local government enterprises and implemented by institutions of higher education in the previous year, total local government transfers for research and development and the total revenue from the transfer of intellectual property rights; Mz - in accordance with Codes 59, 74.10, 90.01, 90.02, 90.03 of the statistical classification of economic activities (NACE) of the European Union, the funding raised and the revenue obtained from the transfer of intellectual property rights in the previous year by an institution of higher education within the framework of the implementation of creative and artistic projects including the creative and artistic contract works concluded with merchants, public persons and other contracting authorities (e.g. natural persons, associations, foundations); ∑Mz - in accordance with Codes 59, 74.10, 90.01, 90.02, 90.03 of NACE, the funding raised and the total revenue obtained from the transfer of intellectual property rights in the previous year by institutions of higher education within the framework of the implementation of creative and artistic projects including the creative and artistic contract works concluded with merchants, public persons and other contracting authorities (e.g., natural persons, associations, foundations). [29 January 2008; 28 July 2015] 18. Data regarding the number of study places specified by the State that are necessary for the calculation of finances for the provision of development of scientific work shall be determined as the average number for the preceding three financial years, data regarding the number of persons who have acquired a degree and qualification, and the number of academic staff members with a Doctoral degree and the number of professors of art - as the average number for the preceding three academic years. [29 January 2008] 18.1 Information necessary for calculating the performance funding shall be determined according to the information provided by institutions of higher education on calculating the financial reference amount of science by 1 April of the current year. Information on the amount of funding for creative and artistic projects implemented by institutions of higher education, the amount of funding for the research projects of colleges as well as the amount of funding for the research and development projects commissioned by the local governments in the previous year shall be submitted in accordance with Annex 3 to this Regulation to the Ministry of Education and Science by 1 April of the current year. This information shall be examined by a sworn auditor chosen by the Ministry of Education and Science through public procurement. [28 July 2015] 19. The Ministry of Education and Science shall determine the particular amount of the funding necessary for the provision of development of scientific work for each institution of higher education and college in accordance with Sub-paragraph 17.3 of this Regulation, observing the condition that the annual amount of funding to be granted to the institution of higher education is not less than EUR 21 344, to the college - not less than EUR 7 115. [29 January 2008; 5 November 2013] 19.1 An institution of higher education and a college shall divide the funding for the provision of development of scientific work according to the procedures of the relevant educational institution on the basis of competition results. The competition for the next financial year is to be announced until 1 October of the current financial year. [29 January 2008] 19.2 The institution of higher education or college shall ensure that each project is evaluated at least by one expert in the relevant science field or sub-field who is included in the database of the experts of the Latvian Council of Science. [29 January 2008] 19.3 Such experts who are applying for the funding for provision of development of scientific work or who may have another conflict of interests are not entitled to take part in the evaluation of projects. [29 January 2008] 19.4 An institution of higher education and a college shall use the funding for the provision of development of scientific work for the implementation of research projects, involving therein students, and for the provision of scientific infrastructure in conformity with the basic directions and tasks specified in the constitution of the institution of higher education and the by-law of the college. The institutions of higher education and colleges shall perform the submission, assessment and arrangement of the project applications until the end of the current year. [29 January 2008] 20. The Ministry of Education and Science and other ministries to which institutions of higher education and colleges are subordinated shall enter into contracts with State institutions of higher education and State colleges regarding the preparation of a definite number of specialists and scientific work in accordance with Paragraphs 14 and 17 of this Regulation. [28 July 2015] 21. Ministries and other State institutions may enter into contracts with the State accredited institutions of higher education and colleges founded by local governments and other legal and natural persons regarding the preparation of particular specialists if: 21.1. the study programmes of higher quality are implemented at the relevant institutions of higher education and colleges; 21.2. the relevant study programmes are not accredited at the institutions of higher education and colleges founded by the State; or 21.3. a sufficient number of specialists necessary to the State is not prepared. 22. A contract regarding the preparation of a definite number of specialists shall be entered into for a period of time which complies with the duration of a particular study programme and in which the preparation of the necessary number of specialists is ensured. 23. An integral part of a contract shall be an agreement protocol which the parties enter into for a time period of 1 year not later than two weeks after the proclamation of the law on the State budget for the current year. [29 January 2008] 24. The following shall be indicated in a contract regarding the preparation of a definite number of specialists and the provision of development of scientific work: 24.1. the obligations of an institution of higher education or a college regarding the provision of study courses and of development of scientific work; 24.2. the obligations of the ministry regarding the support to the institution of higher education and college; 24.3. the procedures for the utilisation and control of the finances; 24.4. the procedures for the submission of reports and exchange of information; and 24.5. the procedures for solving disputes and disagreements. [29 January 2008] 25. The following shall be indicated in an agreement protocol accordingly: 25.1. the number of study places funded from the State budget according to thematic educational areas, study levels and study programmes; 25.2. the amount of funding, indicating separately the amount of social security costs of the study places mentioned in Sub-paragraph 25.1 of this Regulation; 25.3. the number of specialists to be prepared; 25.4. the basic costs of a study place; 25.5. the names of research projects and the terms of progress; and 25.6. the main results of the research projects to be achieved: 25.6.1. the number of publications, patents and expert-examinations; 25.6.2. the number of students involved in research projects; and 25.6.3. other results to be achieved. [29 January 2008; 29 May 2009] 25.1 The parties may conclude two agreement protocols: 25.1 1. regarding the preparation of a definite number of specialists; and 25.1 2. regarding the provision of development of scientific work. [29 January 2008] 25.2 An agreement protocol regarding the provision of development of scientific work shall be concluded within a period of two weeks after the reallocation of appropriation among ministries provided for in the law on State budget for the current year and the codes of the budget expenses in conformity to economic categories. [29 January 2008] 26. In entering into an agreement protocol with institutions of higher education and colleges which implement more than 30 study programmes, the distribution of the number of study places according to study programmes in separate thematic areas may be left without indication. 27. Transition from the minimum values of the coefficient of the study costs to the optimum values shall take place gradually within a time period of 10 years, increasing the value of the coefficient of the study costs per one-tenth part each year. 28. Values of the coefficients of the study costs in the calculations of the costs of a study place of part-time studies shall be three quarters of the value of the coefficient of the relevant thematic educational area specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation. 29. Institutions of higher education and colleges shall be funded within the scope of the funds of the State budget provided for the relevant year. 29.1 The amount of funding to be granted to the University of Latvia for funding the study places taken over from the Police Academy of Latvia which were formerly funded from the State budget shall be determined in accordance with this Regulation. [15 December 2009] 30. Students who had been matriculated at study places of part-time studies funded from the State budget until 1 September 2001 shall continue studies at the same places until completion of the relevant study programme but not longer than for the time planned for the programme. 30.1 Officials with special service ranks belonging to the system of institutions of the Ministry of the Interior who have been matriculated in the study places funded from the State budget as part-time students of the Police Academy of Latvia by 31 December 2009, shall continue their studies at the University of Latvia until the completion of the relevant study programme but not longer than for the time planned for the programme. [15 December 2009] 31. The contracts with institutions of higher education regarding the granting of the funds from the State budget and the preparation of the definite number of specialists concluded on the basis of Cabinet Regulation No. 334 of 24 July 2001, Procedures for Financing Institutions of Higher Education from the Funds of the State Budget, shall be valid until expiration of the contracts. 31.1 Information on the amount of funding for creative and artistic projects implemented by institutions of higher education, the amount of funding for the research projects of colleges as well as the amount of funding for the research and development projects commissioned by the local governments in 2014, shall be submitted in accordance with Annex 3 to this Regulation to the Ministry of Education and Science by 15 September 2015. [28 July 2015] 32. Cabinet Regulation No. 334 of 24 July 2001, Procedures for Financing Institutions of Higher Education from the Funds of the State Budget (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2001, No. 114; 2004, No. 4), is repealed. 33. This Regulation shall come into force on 1 January 2007. Prime Minister A. Kalvītis Minister for Education and Science B.Rivža
Annex 1 Coefficients of the Study Costs (ki) for the Bachelor's Degree and Vocational Study Programmes According to Thematic Educational Areas
Minister for Education and Science B.Rivža
Annex 2 Methodology of Calculations of the Basic Costs of a Study Place and Social Security Costs[29 May 2009; 17 May 2011; 5 November 2013] I. Calculation of the Basic Costs of a Study Place 1. The basic costs of a study place shall be calculated using the following formula: Tb = N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N7 where 1.1. N1 - the salary (hereinafter - s.) per one study place = = (the average s. of the academic staff per one study place a year) + (the s. of other employees (hereinafter - the employee) per one study place a year): 1.1.1. the s. of the academic staff per one study place a year = = [12 x (the s. of the academic staff x proportion)] / (the average number of students per academic person); Notes. 1. The s. of the academic staff - in accordance with the laws and regulations. 2. The proportion - the expert opinion:
3. The average number of students per one academic person -19 (the expert opinion). 1.1.2. the s. of employees per one study place a year = (the average monthly s. of employees per year / the average number of students per one employee); Notes. 1. The average monthly s. of employees - EUR 512.23 (the expert opinion). 2. The average number of students per one employee - 15 (the expert opinion). 1.2. N2 - the mandatory contributions of the State social insurance of the employer per one study place a year = = (the s. per one study place a year) x (the percentage of the State social insurance mandatory contributions); Note. The percentage of the State social insurance mandatory contributions - in accordance with the laws and regulations. 1.3. N3 - the costs of missions and business trips per one study place a year - EUR 2.85 (the expert opinion); 1.4. N4 - the costs of services per one study place a year = = (the costs of communication services per one study place a year) + (the immovable property tax for land per one study place a year) + (the costs of repair works per one study place a year) + (the costs of technical maintenance per one study place a year) + (the provision of administrative work per one study place a year) + (other services per one study place a year): 1.4.1. the costs of communication services per one study place a year = = (the costs of telephone services per one study place a year) + (the costs of postal and other services per one study place a year): the costs of telephone services per one study place a year = = [(the subscription fee per one telephone a month) x 12 + (the length of conversations per day in minutes) x (the number of days) x (the price of one minute of conversation)] / (the number of students per one telephone); Notes. 1. The subscription fee per one telephone a month - in accordance with the current tariffs for the relevant year. 2. The duration of conversations per day in minutes - 20 (the expert opinion). 3. The number of days - 240 days (the expert opinion). 4. The price of one minute of conversation - in accordance with the current tariffs for the relevant year. 5. The number of study places per one telephone - 50 (the expert opinion). the costs of postal and other services per one study place a year - EUR 1.00 (the expert opinion); 1.4.2. the immovable property tax for land per one study place a year = = (the average value of immovable property tax for land per 1 m2) x (square metres per one study place a year) / (the average number of storeys of the buildings) x 2; Notes. 1. The average value of immovable property tax for land per 1 m2 - the value is calculated taking into account the norm specified by local governments for the relevant year. 2. Square metres per one study place a year - 6 (the expert opinion). 3. The average number of storeys of the buildings - 3 (the expert opinion). 1.4.3. the costs of repair works per one study place a year = = [(the costs of the current repair works of 1 m2 per one study place a year) + (the overhaul costs of 1 m2 per one study place a year) + (the costs of the emergency repair of 1 m2 per one study place a year)] x (square metres per one study place a year); Notes. 1. The costs of the current repair works of 1 m2 per one study place a year - EUR 2.85 (the expert opinion). 2. The overhaul costs of 1 m2 per one study place a year - EUR 2.85 (the expert opinion). 3. The costs of the emergency repair of 1 m2 per one study place a year EUR 1.42 (the expert opinion). 1.4.4. the yearly costs of technical maintenance per one study place = = 10 x (monthly costs of technical maintenance per 1 m2) x (square metres per one study place a year); Note. The monthly costs of technical maintenance per 1 m2 - EUR 0.28 (the expert opinion). 1.4.5. the provision of administrative work per one study place a year = = [(the costs of communication services per one study place a year) + (the immovable property tax for land per one study place a year) + (the costs of repair works per one study place a year) + (the costs of technical maintenance per one study place a year)] x (percentage from the total sum for the provision of administrative work); Note. For the provision of administrative work - 4% from the total sum (the expert opinion). 1.4.6. the costs of other services per one study place a year = = [(the costs of communication services per one study place a year) + (the immovable property tax for land per one study place a year) + (the costs of repairs per one study place a year) + (the costs of technical maintenance per one study place a year) + (the provision of administrative work per one study place a year)] x + (percentage of the total sum of other services); Note. For other services - 4% from the total sum (the expert opinion). 1.5. N5 - the costs of materials, energy resources, water and inventory per one study place a year = = (the electricity consumed) + (heating) + (water supply) + (sewerage) + (the costs of the purchase of training aids and materials per one study place a year) + (the costs of the purchase of inventory per one student a year) + (the costs of the purchase of stationery per one study place a year): 1.5.1. the electricity consumed = = [(the average time of the utilisation of light per day for 6 months) x 0.01 kWh x m2 per one study place a year) x (the price of 1 kWh)] + [(the average time of the operation of computers per day for 10 months) x 0.1 kWh x (the price of 1 kWh)]; Notes. 1. The average time of the utilisation of light per day for six months a year - 3.5 h (the expert opinion). 2. The price of 1 kWh - in accordance with the current tariffs for the relevant year. 3. The average time of the operation of computers per day for 10 months a year - 4 h (the expert opinion). 1.5.2. heating = (heating per 1 m2 a month) x (square metres per one study place a year) x 7; Note. Heating per 1 m2 a month - in accordance with the current tariffs for the relevant year. 1.5.3. water supply = = (water supply in cubic metres per one study place a year) x (the price of 1 m3 of water); Notes. 1. Water supply per one study place a year - 12 m3 (the expert opinion). 2. The price of 1 m3 of water - in accordance with the current tariffs for the relevant year. 1.5.4. sewerage = = (sewerage in cubic metres per one study place a year) x (the price of 1 m3 of sewerage); Notes. 1. Sewerage per one study place a year - 12 m3 (the expert opinion). 2. The price of 1 m3 of sewerage - in accordance with the current tariffs for the relevant year. 1.5.5. the costs of the acquisition of study aids and materials per one study place a year - EUR 6.40 (the expert opinion); 1.5.6. the costs of the acquisition of inventory per one study place a year - EUR 3.56 (the expert opinion); 1.5.7. the costs of the acquisition of stationery per one study place a year - EUR 7.40 (the expert opinion); 1.6. N6 - the costs of the acquisition of books and magazines per one student a year = = [(the number of textbooks per one study place a year) x (the average price of one book) / (the lifetime of books in years)] + (the costs of the acquisition of magazines per one study place a year); Notes. 1. The number of textbooks per one study place a year - 13 (the expert opinion). 2. The average price of one book - EUR 11.38 (the expert opinion). 3. The lifetime of books in years - 10 years (the expert opinion). 4. The costs of the acquisition of magazines per one study place a year - EUR 2.85 (the expert opinion). 1.7. N7 - the costs of the acquisition and upgrading of equipment per one study place a year = = (the costs of the acquisition of equipment per one study place a year) + (the costs of the upgrading of equipment per one study place a year): 1.7.1. the costs of the acquisition of equipment per one study place a year - EUR 49.66 (the expert opinion); 1.7.2. the costs of the upgrading of equipment = = (the costs of the acquisition of equipment per one study place a year) x (percentage from the sum of equipment costs of the upgrading of equipment). Note. For the upgrading of equipment - 20% from the costs of the acquisition of equipment per one study place a year (the expert opinion). II. Calculation of the Social Security Costs 2. The social security costs per one study place a year shall be calculated using the following formula: S = S1 + S2, where 2.1. S1 - the costs of the compensation of scholarships and transport per one study place a year = = (the average amount of a scholarship per month) x 12 + [(the compensation of the costs of long-distance vehicles per month) x 10]; Notes. 1. The average amount of a scholarship per month - in accordance with Cabinet Regulations. 2. Compensation for the costs of long-distance vehicles per month - EUR 4.27 (the expert opinion). 2.2. S2 - the costs of sports, culture and official accommodation facilities per one study place a year = = (for sports per one study place a year) + (for culture per one study place a year) + (the costs of official accommodation facilities per one study place a year). Notes. 1. For sports per one study place a year - EUR 5.69 (the expert opinion). 2. For culture per one study place a year - EUR 2.85 (the expert opinion). 3. The costs of official accommodation per one study place a year - EUR 4.98 (the expert opinion). Minister for Education and Science B.Rivža
Annex 3 [28 July 2015] Information on the amount of funding for creative and artistic projects implemented by institutions of higher education, the amount of funding for the research projects of colleges as well as the amount of funding for the research and development projects commissioned by the local governments in the previous yearI. The amount of funding raised by institutions of higher education within the framework of creative and artistic projects in year ______*
Notes. II. The funding raised within the framework of college research projects in year ______
III. The funding raised for the research and development contract works concluded with the local governments and local government enterprises in year ______
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Title: Kārtība, kādā augstskolas un koledžas tiek finansētas no valsts budžeta līdzekļiem
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