Teksta versija
Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending laws of:

31 October 2013 [shall come into force on 27 November 2013];
6 November 2013 [shall come into force on 1 January 2014];
23 January 2014 [shall come into force on 17 February 2014];
3 March 2016 [shall come into force on 29 March 2016];
23 March 2017 [shall come into force on 1 May 2017];
16 June 2022 [shall come into force on 23 June 2022].

If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.

The Saeima 1 has adopted and
the President has proclaimed the following law:

Law on Political Parties

Chapter I
General Provisions

Section 1. Purpose of the Law

The purpose of this Law is to ensure the legal basis for the activities of political parties (hereinafter - the party) and the alliances thereof, to promote the internal democracy of parties and the alliances thereof and the strengthening of a democratic and civic society.

Section 2. Concept of Parties and Party Alliances

(1) A party is an organisation that is established in order to perform political activities, to participate in election campaigns, to nominate candidates for positions of members or councillors, to participate in the work of the Saeima, local government councils (parish councils) or the European Parliament, to implement the party programme with the intermediation of members or councillors, as well as to be involved in the establishment of public administrative authorities.

(2) In order to mutually co-ordinate activities and achieve the objectives specified in the articles of association, several parties may, according to the procedures specified by this Law, establish a party alliance on the basis of an aggregate of objectives. A party may concurrently only be in one registered party alliance. The provisions of this Law for parties shall be applicable to party alliances, insofar as it does not determine otherwise.

(3) Parties shall carry out political activities and create their internal organisation in accordance with the principle of democracy, openness, and member equality.

[31 October 2013]

Section 3. Legal Status of Party

A party shall acquire the status of a legal person with its entering into the Register of Political Parties (hereinafter - the Party Register).

Section 4. Delimitation of Party's Liability

(1) The party shall be liable to the extent of all the property of the party.

(2) The party shall not be responsible for the liabilities of a member. A member shall not be responsible for the liabilities of the party.

(3) If the Law does not specify otherwise, a party alliance shall not be responsible for the liabilities of the forming parties thereof and the forming parties of a party alliance shall not be responsible for the liabilities of the party alliance.

Section 5. Legal Address of Party

(1) The legal address of the party is the address indicated in the Party Register.

(2) If documents, information or other correspondence is sent to the party to the legal address indicated in the Party Register, it shall be considered that the party has received these documents, information or other correspondence within seven days from its sending if the sender can prove that he or she has sent the relevant correspondence.

Section 6. Name and Logo of Party

(1) The name, abbreviated name or logo of the party shall be unequivocally different from the name, abbreviated name or logo of the party or party alliance previously registered in Latvia (regardless of continued activities), as well as the name of an association or foundation. Use of the name, abbreviated name or logo of a previously registered party shall be allowed in cases when parties upon reorganisation are united or reformed as an association. The name of the party shall be created according to the requirements of the official language.

(2) The name, abbreviated name or logo of a party alliance may include the name, abbreviated name or logo of the forming parties thereof.

(3) If, in the event of reorganisation, all the parties within a party alliance unite and establish one party, it may take over the name, abbreviated name, and logo of the relevant party alliance or use one or several of the aforementioned elements.

(4) Prohibited are such names, abbreviated names, and logos of parties which:

1) are in conflict with legal acts and good morals. The name shall not contain the name of a military body or the name of such organisations or groups that have been recognised as criminal or anti-constitutional, it shall not create a positive attitude towards violence;

2) coincide with the name, abbreviated name or logo of such organisation whose objective or activities are aimed against the independence, sovereignty or security of Latvia, or that copies the name, abbreviated name or logo of such organisation.

(5) Only letters of the Latvian alphabet shall be used in the name of the party.

(6) Misleading information on the purpose of activities, type of activities, and legal form of the party shall not be included in the name of the party.

(7) The words "Republic of Latvia", the names of State and local government authorities, and also the words "State" or "local government" shall not be included in the name of the party. The logo of the party shall not coincide with the logo of the State, local governments or authorities thereof.

(8) The party the rights of which have been infringed through illegal use of the name, abbreviated name or logo thereof may demand from the infringer that it ceases using the relevant name, abbreviated name or logo and reimburses losses (damages) caused to the party through the illegal use of the name, abbreviated name or logo thereof.

Section 7. Public Activities of Party

(1) In order to achieve the objective specified in the articles of association, the party has the right to perform public activities that are not in conflict with the legal acts.

(2) For this purpose, the party may:

1) freely distribute information on its activities;

2) create publications and other mass media;

3) organise meetings, street processions, and pickets;

4) maintain communication with other national political parties;

5) implement measures that are associated with pre-election campaigns;

6) perform other public activities.

(3) Parties are prohibited from performing State administrative functions and tasks.

(4) The party is prohibited in its activities from taking action against the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Latvia or other democratic countries, from expressing or disseminating proposals for violent amendment of the State structure of the Republic of Latvia or another democratic country, from encouraging not to comply with the laws if it endangers national security, public safety or order, from propagating violence or terrorism, outright Nazism, fascism, or communism ideology, from popularising war, from carrying out acts directed towards triggering national, ethnic, racial, religious hatred or enmity, from praising or encouraging the committing of criminal offences.

(5) Parties are prohibited in their activities from providing support, including informative (propaganda) support, to the persons or countries which undermine or endanger territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence or constitutional structure of democratic countries.

[16 June 2022]

Section 8. Economic Activities of Party

(1) In order to achieve the objective specified in the articles of association, the party is entitled to carry out open economic activities on its own behalf which do not have the nature or purpose of profit making.

(2) The income of the party may be used for achieving the objective specified in the articles of association thereof. Income that is acquired as a result of the activities carried out by the party shall not be divided among the members or founders of the party.

(3) The party shall refrain from actions that in an overt or covert manner are aimed against the openness of the financial activities of the party and the financing restrictions of parties specified in legal acts.

Section 9. Prohibition against Establishing Armed or Militarised Units

Parties are prohibited from arming the members thereof or other persons, organising military training, and establishing militarised units.

Section 10. Transparency of Party Activities

(1) Any member of the party may participate at the institutional meetings of the relevant party if the articles of association do not specify otherwise.

(2) Journalists of the mass media may be present at meetings of the highest decision-making bodies (meetings of members or meetings of representatives) of the party.

(3) Party members and journalists of the mass media may familiarise themselves with the decisions taken by the party, the bodies and officials thereof.

Section 11. Party Financing

A special law shall govern the rules for the financing of parties.

Chapter II
Founding of Parties and Party Alliances

Section 12. Founders

(1) Party founders may be citizens of Latvia who have reached 18 years of age.

(2) The number of founders shall not be less than 200.

(3) A party alliance may be founded by two or more parties registered according to the procedures prescribed by law. The party alliance is prohibited from founding another party alliance.

Section 13. Decision on Founding the Party

(1) In order to found the party, persons who join in the party shall take the decision at the meeting of founders on the founding of the party, shall approve the programme and articles of association of the party, elect an executive board and an audit body for economic and financial activities.

(11) The course of the meeting of founders shall be confirmed by a sworn notary in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Notariate Law. When confirming the course of the meeting, a sworn notary shall indicate the following in the minutes in addition to the information laid down in the Notariate Law:

1) the persons who have participated in the meeting of founders and the given name, surname, personal identity number (if none - the year, month, day, and place of birth), and citizenship of each person in conformity with the passport or identity card presented by the person;

2) the decision of the meeting of founders on the founding of the party;

3) the number of persons who have voted for the founding of the party;

4) other decisions taken in the meeting of founders.

(2) The following shall be indicated in the decision to found the party which is included in the minutes of the course of the meeting of founders:

1) the name of the party;

2) the objectives of the party activities;

3) the rights and duties of the founders, if the founders are in agreement thereof;

4) the authorisation of all the founders for at least two of the founders to sign the articles of association and the application to the Party Register authority;

5) other information that the founders deem necessary.

(3) The decision on the founding of the party alliance shall indicate the information referred to in Paragraph two, Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 5 of this Section.

(4) [31 October 2013]

[31 October 2013]

Section 14. Articles of Association of Party

(1) The articles of association of the party shall be prepared in written form.

(2) The articles of association of the party shall indicate the following:

1) the name of the party and the abbreviation thereof;

2) the logo of the party (a description or image thereof), if any;

3) the purpose of the activities of the party, the tasks, and methods thereof;

4) the term of activities of the party, if the party has been established on a temporary basis;

5) the preconditions and procedures for joining or withdrawal of membership and exclusion of members;

6) the procedures for paying the membership fees and joining fees;

7) the rights and obligations of members;

8) the procedures by which territorial and other divisions of the party may be created, as well as the rights and obligations thereof;

9) the procedures for convening the meeting of members, decision-making and representation, and also the procedures by which a member may request the inclusion of the issue in the agenda of the meeting of the members of the party;

10) the term of activities of the executive board and the quantitative structure of the executive board, determining rights of the members of the executive board to represent the party individually or collectively, the rights and obligations of the chairperson of the executive board;

11) the structure, procedures for election, competence, procedures for taking decisions, and terms of office of an audit body for economic and financial activities, as well as the procedures for the appointing and terms of office of a sworn auditor;

12) the procedures by which amendments are made to the articles of association and the programme of the party;

13) the disciplinary measures applicable to members (if such are provided for), the preconditions and procedures for the application thereof;

14) the procedures by which candidates to the position of a member or councillor for the elections to the Saeima, local government councils (parish councils) and the European Parliament are nominated and approved;

15) the date of approval of the articles of association.

(3) The articles of association of the party alliance shall indicate the following:

1) the information referred to in Paragraph two, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 15 of this Section;

2) the parties forming the alliance and the reciprocal rights and obligations thereof;

3) the procedures by which parties join a party alliance and withdraw thereof, the preconditions for the joining and withdrawal thereof.

(4) The articles of association of the party may provide other provisions that are not in conflict with the law. If provisions of the articles of association are in conflict with the law, the provisions of the law shall be applicable.

(5) The articles of association of the party shall be signed by at least two of the authorised representatives from among the founders. The articles of association of a party alliance shall be signed by at least one authorised representative of the founder parties within the alliance. A document that approves the authorisation of the relevant persons shall be submitted to the Party Register institution.

[3 March 2016]

Chapter III
Party Registration

Section 15. Party Register

(1) Information on parties shall be entered into the Party Register.

(2) The Party Register shall be established and maintained by the Party Register institution.

Section 16. Application for Entering the Party into the Register

(1) Within three months after taking the decision on the founding of the party (party alliance), the authorised representatives of the founders of the party (the parties forming the party alliance) shall submit an application to the Party Register institution for entering the party into the Party Register. The information specified in Section 18, Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of this Law shall be indicated in the application. The information specified in Section 18, Paragraph one, Clause 4 of this Law shall not be indicated in the application for entering a party alliance into the Party Register.

(2) The following shall be attached to an application for entering the party into the Party Register:

1) [31 October 2013];

2) the programme of the party;

3) a list of not less than 200 party founders in which the name of the party is indicated and the signature of the respective founder certified by a sworn notary according to the procedures laid down in the Notariate Law is indicated next to the given name, surname, personal identity number and indication on citizenship of each founder. When certifying the signature, a sworn notary shall verify also the capacity to act of each founder;

4) the articles of association of the party;

5) a written consent of each member of the executive board to be a member of the executive board;

6) the document which confirms the payment for the publication in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis;

7) the minutes of the course of the meeting of founders of the party referred to in Section 13, Paragraph 1.1 of this Law.

(3) The following shall be attached to an application for entering a party alliance into the Party Register:

1) the documents referred to in Paragraph two, Clauses 2, 4, 5, and 6 of this Section;

2) the decision of the meeting of members of each party forming the party alliance on the participation of the party in the founding of the party alliance;

3) the decision of the party meeting on the founding of the party alliance.

(4) The application shall be signed by at least two of the authorised representatives from among the founders. At least one authorised representative from each founder party within the party alliance shall sign the application for entering the party alliance into the Party Register. A document that approves the authorisation of the relevant persons shall be submitted to the Party Register institution.

[31 October 2013; 23 January 2014; 23 March 2017]

Section 17. Transparency of the Party Register

(1) Everyone has the right to familiarise themselves with the entries in the Party Register and the documents submitted to the Party Register institution.

(2) Everyone has the right to receive for a charge a statement from the Party Register, as well as an extract or copy of the document present in the Party Register file (including information submitted on party founders), upon submission of an appropriate request in writing. Upon the request of a recipient, the accuracy of the extract or copy shall be approved by the signature and stamp of an official of the Party Register institution, indicating the date of the issuing thereof.

(3) An official of the Party Register institution shall issue a statement upon the request of a recipient that no amendments have been made to the entry of the Party Register, or that a certain entry has not been made in the Party Register.

[6 November 2013]

Section 18. Party Register Information

(1) The following shall be indicated in the Party Register:

1) the name of the party;

2) the legal address of the party;

3) the objectives of the party activities;

4) the name and address of the territorial divisions of the party, if any;

5) the date on which the decision on the founding of the party was taken;

6) the given name, surname and personal identity number of the members of the executive board, indicating whether they have the right to represent the party individually or collectively;

7) the term of duration of the party, if the party has been founded on a temporary basis;

8) information regarding the prohibition of public activities or other activities or the suspension, termination or continuation of activities of the party, the insolvency, liquidation or reorganisation of the party;

9) information on the appointment of a liquidator, indicating his or her given name, surname and personal identity number;

10) information on the appointment of an administrator in an insolvency case, indicating the given name, surname and personal identity number of the administrator;

11) date of the making of the entry;

12) other information, if provided for by law.

(2) The information indicated in Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 of this Section, except for the personal identity number, and changes therein shall be published in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis using funds of the party. The procedures for publication, the amount of payment and the procedures for collection thereof shall be determined by the Cabinet.

[23 January 2014; 23 March 2017]

Section 19. Documents to be Submitted to the Party Register Institution and Storage Thereof

(1) The documents justifying the making of an entry in the Party Register and any amendments thereto, as well as other documents specified by law shall be submitted to the Party Register institution. The original of the relevant document, a notarised copy or a copy thereof, shall be submitted to the Party Register institution, presenting the original of the document. Public documents issued in foreign countries shall be validated according to the procedures provided for in international agreements binding on Latvia and they shall be accompanied by a notarised translation into Latvian.

(2) Upon notification of amendments to the articles of association to the Party Register institution, an extract of the minutes of the meeting of members shall be attached to the decision on amendments to the articles of association and the complete text of the articles of association in the new wording.

(21) When applying changes in the composition of the executive board, the application shall be appended by the extract from the minutes of the meeting of members with the decision on the election or removal of a member of the executive board, and written consent of each member of the executive board to be a member of the executive board.

(3) [31 October 2013]

(4) The documents specified in Paragraph one of this Section shall be stored in the relevant party registration file.

[31 October 2013; 23 March 2017]

Section 20. Making Entries in the Party Register

(1) An entry in the Party Register shall be made based on the application of the relevant party or court ruling.

(11) For making an entry or document registration (adding to the file) in the Party Register, an application shall be submitted where the following information shall be indicated in conformity with the nature of the application:

1) in the application for entering the changes in the Party Register or document registration (adding to the file) - information on the essence of changes and new information which is applied for entering in the Party Register on the party (association of parties);

2) in the application for the reorganisation of the party - the type of reorganisation (if the party is reorganised through division, the type of division shall also be indicated), the name and registration number of each party involved in the reorganisation by indicating whether the party is to be merged or divided or is the receiving party according to the type of reorganisation, and the name of the party to be newly founded (if any);

3) in the application for the transformation of the party into an association - the essence of the applied entry and the name of the newly established association;

4) in the application for the termination of activities of the party - the information referred to in Section 18, Paragraph one, Clause 9 of this Law;

5) in the application for continuation of the activities of a party - the essence of the applied entry and information referred to in Section 18, Paragraph one, Clause 6 of this Law;

6) in the application for the liquidation of a party - the essence of the applied entry.

(12) The application for the continuation of the activities of a party (association of parties) shall be appended by the extract from the minutes of the meeting of members with the decision on the continuation of the activities of a party (association of parties) and election of the members of the executive board.

(2) The decision on the making of an entry in the Party Register, the refusal to make an entry or the postponing of the making of an entry shall be taken by an official of the Party Register institution within seven working days after receipt of an application. Within the same period, the official of the Party Register institution shall take the decision on the making of an entry in the Party Register based on a court ruling.

(3) An official of the Party Register authority shall take the decision to postpone the making of an entry if:

1) all of the documents specified in the law have not been submitted;

2) the documents on the basis of which entries are made in the Party Register or which are registered (are attached to the file) do not have legal effect or do not conform to other requirements for drawing up documents specified by legal acts;

3) the amount and content of information and provisions do not conform to legal acts and other documents present in the registration file;

4) upon inspection of that specified in Section 6 of this Law, it is discovered that the name of the party, the abbreviated name or logo thereof does not unequivocally differ from the name, abbreviated name or logo of a party or party alliance previously registered in Latvia, or it concurs with the name of an association or foundation, or is misleading regarding its association with State or local government authorities;

5) another judicial obstacle is registered in the Party Register.

(4) An official of the Party Register institution shall take the decision to refuse to make an entry in the Party Register if:

1) the objective specified in the articles of association of the party is in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, laws or international agreements binding on Latvia;

2) the procedures for founding a party specified in the law have been violated;

3) after taking the decision to postpone the making of an entry, the deficiencies indicated in this decision have not been eliminated within the term specified;

4) the persons indicated in the list of party founders on which the signature of the respective founder has been certified in accordance with the laid down procedures and which in accordance with Section 16, Paragraph two, Clause 3 of this Law is appended to the application for entering the party in the Register are not the same who have been indicated in the minutes of the course of the meeting of members referred to in Section 13, Paragraph 1.1 of this Law.

(5) The decision to refuse to make an entry in the Party Register or postpone the making of an entry therein shall be substantiated. A reasonable period for the elimination of deficiencies shall be indicated in the decision to postpone the making of an entry.

(6) An official of the Party Register institution shall send the decision specified in Paragraph two of this Section to the applicant within five working days after taking the decision.

(7) The applicant has the right to dispute and appeal the decision by an official of the Party Register institution according to the procedures of the legal acts governing administrative proceedings.

(8) An entry in the Party Register shall be made on the same day when the decision to make an entry is taken.

[31 October 2013; 23 March 2017]

Section 21. Registration Certificate

(1) After entry of the party in the Party Register and receipt of a written request of the party, the Party Register institution shall issue a party registration certificate for a charge to the authorised representatives of the founders of the party which shall be signed and stamped by an official of the Party Register institution.

(2) The following information shall be indicated in the registration certificate of the party:

1) the name;

2) the type of organisation (party or party alliance);

3) registration number;

4) place of registration;

5) date of registration.

[23 January 2014]

Section 22. Deletion of the Party from the Party Register

The party shall be deleted from the Party Register on the basis of:

1) an application for the liquidation of the party;

2) an application by the administrator of the insolvent party;

3) an application for the reorganisation of the party;

4) a court ruling.

Section 23. State Fee and Charge for a Service

(1) The amount and the procedures for paying the State fee to be paid for making an entry in the Party Register shall be determined by the Cabinet.

(2) The charge for a service laid down in the laws and regulations regarding the paid services provided by the Party Register institution shall be paid for the issuance of an extract from the Party Register and an extract or copy of a document in the registration file, as well as for the issuance of a statement.

(3) The State fee for making an entry in the Party Register may not exceed the administrative expenses which are related to taking the decision to register and to make the relevant entry.

[6 November 2013]

Section 24. Term for Submission of Information

Information on the basis of which new entries are made in the Party Register and also the documents specified in this Law shall be submitted to the Party Register institution within 14 days after taking the respective decision, unless otherwise provided for in this Law.

Section 25. Liability for Submitting False Information

The respective persons shall be held liable, in accordance with the law, for the provision of false information to the Party Register institution.

Chapter IV
Party Members

Section 26. Party Members

(1) Persons who have reached 18 years of age, who are citizens of Latvia, non-citizens of Latvia and citizens of the European Union who are not citizens of Latvia but are residing in the Republic of Latvia may be party members. A person may at any one time only be a member of one party.

(2) Persons who have reached 16 years of age may be party member candidates.

(3) Only parties in which there are not less than 200 citizens of Latvia may operate in Latvia. In a party with more than 400 members, not less than half of all the members must be citizens of Latvia.

(4) Members of a party alliance shall be members of the parties forming the alliance.

Section 27. Register of Party Members

(1) Parties (except party alliances) shall maintain a register of party members, in which they enter the given name, surname, personal identity number, citizenship and the address of the declared place of residence of party members.

(2) The initial entries in a register of party members shall be made not later than within seven days from the date of party registration.

(3) Subsequent entries in the register of party members shall be made not later than within seven days after receipt by the executive board of information on changes to the information specified in Paragraph one of this Section.

(4) An entry in the register of party members shall be made by a person authorised by the executive board of the party.

(41) Parties, except for the associations of parties, shall, each year by 1 March, submit a register of party members to the Party Register institution.

(5) Party members, as well as a sworn auditor and the institutions specified by law are entitled to familiarise themselves with the register of party members.

(6) The given name and surname of party members shall be generally accessible information, and anyone may become familiarised with it.

[31 October 2013]

Section 28. Membership of a Member in the Party

(1) The executive board of the party shall take the decision to admit a member into the party if a different procedures are not provided for in the articles of association.

(2) If the executive board of the party or another body, except for the meeting of members, within the competence of which is the admission of members, takes the decision to refuse to admit a member, the person wishing to become a member has the right to demand a review of the matter in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the articles of association.

(3) Commitments for members shall be stipulated only in accordance with the procedures provided for in the articles of association.

(4) Membership of a member in the party shall not be transferable to a third person or inheritable. Membership of a member in the party shall expire with the withdrawal or exclusion from the party, as well as upon the death of the member.

(5) If membership of a member in the party expires, the membership fee and joining fee paid and provided for in the articles of association shall not be reimbursed thereto. A member whose membership in the party has expired does not have the right to party property. The party does not have the right to collect the non-paid membership fee and joining fee from a member.

Section 29. Rights and Obligations of Party Members

(1) Party members have the following rights:

1) to participate in the taking of party decisions according to the procedures specified in the articles of association;

2) to elect the executive board of the party and other bodies thereof;

3) to run for candidate at the elections for party officials according to the procedures specified by the articles of association;

4) to receive information on the activities of the party, as well as to freely express his or her opinion;

5) to dispute decisions taken by the party according to the procedures specified in the articles of association;

6) to withdraw from the party;

7) to decide on party candidates for election to local government, the Saeima and the European Parliament, according to the procedures specified by the articles of association.

(2) Party members have the following obligations:

1) to comply with the articles of association of the party;

2) to participate in the work of the party;

3) to pay the membership fee, if such is specified.

(3) Other rights and obligations of members may be provided for in the articles of association of the party which are not in conflict with this Law.

(4) Members of party alliances (Paragraph four of Section 26) have all the rights and obligations specified in Paragraph one, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as well as Paragraph two, Clauses 1 and 2 of this Section.

Section 30. Expiry of the Membership of a Member

(1) Matters that are associated with the expiry of the membership of a member in the party shall be determined by the Associations and Foundations Law, if this Law does not prescribe a different procedure.

(2) A member has the right to request that the decision on the expiry of the membership of the member in the party be reviewed at the meeting of members, unless different procedures are specified in the articles of association.

Section 31. Persons that May Participate in the Work of the Party

Persons who are not members of the relevant party may also participate in the work of the party: candidate members, honorary members, associate members, senior members and other persons with a special status whose rights and obligations are determined by the articles of association of the relevant party.

Chapter V
Organisational Structure of the Party

Section 32. Administrative Bodies of the Party

(1) The administrative bodies of the party shall be the meeting of members (general meeting) and the executive board.

(2) The articles of association may provide that the obligations of the meeting of members are fulfilled by the meeting of representatives elected from the total number of members (congress, conference) in the amount specified in the articles of association. The representation norm, procedures for the nomination and election of representatives shall be determined by the executive board, unless otherwise specified in the articles of association. All party members have the right to participate in the election of representatives. The provisions of this Law relating to the meetings of members shall be applicable to the meetings of representatives, unless otherwise specified in this Law.

(3) Other administrative bodies may be provided for in the articles of association, determining the procedures for the establishment and the competence thereof.

Section 33. Meetings of Party Members

(1) A meeting of party members shall be the highest decision-making body of the party.

(2) A meeting of party members shall be convened not less than once per calendar year.

(3) Only the following shall be included within the competence of the meeting of party members:

1) the making of amendments to the articles of association and the party programme;

2) the election and recall of members of the executive board, audit institution and other bodies, unless other procedures are specified in the articles of association;

3) the taking of decisions on the termination, continuation or reorganisation of the activities of the party, unless otherwise specified in this Law;

4) the approval of the pre-election programme for elections to the Saeima and the European Parliament, unless a different procedure is specified in the articles of association;

5) the taking of a decision on the participation of the party in the founding of a party alliance. When taking the decision on the participation in the founding of a party alliance, the meeting of members shall authorise one or more representatives on behalf of the party to perform the activities referred to in Sections 13, 14, and 16 of this Law for the founding of a party alliance and the entering into the Party Register thereof;

6) other matters that, in accordance with the law or articles of association, are within the competence of the meeting of members.

(4) The meeting of party members has the right to take such decisions that are within the competence of the executive board and other bodies provided for in the articles of association.

(5) The Associations and Foundations Law shall be applied to matters that are associated with the convening of the meeting of party members, the proceedings thereof, the taking of decisions and declaring decisions null and void.

Section 34. Executive Board of the Party

(1) The executive board shall be the executive body of a party that manages and represents the party.

(2) The executive board shall consist of at least three members of the executive board.

(3) The meeting of members shall elect the Chairperson of the executive board and the other members of the executive board. Members of the executive board shall be elected by secret ballot, unless different procedures are specified in the articles of association.

(4) A member of the executive board shall be elected into office for a period not longer than two years.

(5) A member of the executive board shall not simultaneously be a member of the audit body for economic and financial activities of a party.

(6) A natural person of legal age may be a member of the executive board the capacity to act of which has not been restricted by the court.

(7) The Associations and Foundations Law shall be applied to matters that are associated with the competence of the executive board, rights of representation, the taking of decisions and remuneration and the covering of expenses.

[31 October 2013]

Section 35. Liability of the Members of the Executive Board of the Party and Other Bodies

(1) The executive board of the party shall be responsible for the activities of the party in accordance with the requirements of laws and other legal acts, as well as for the fulfilment of the tasks of the party in accordance with the law, unless otherwise specified in the law.

(2) Members of the executive board and other bodies shall be jointly liable for any losses caused to the party due to the fault thereof.

(3) The party may bring an action against a member of the executive board or other body within five years from the day of the infringement of rights or from the day when the infringement of rights became known.

Section 36. Divisions of the Party

(1) Parties (except party alliances) may have their own territorial or other organisationally independent divisions. Divisions of the party are not legal persons.

(2) The party shall create its territorial divisions so that members of the party could participate in the work of the party as close as possible to their place of residence. Each member of the party shall operate in one territorial division of the party.

(3) The territorial divisions of a party may unite in regional departments, the procedures for the creation and the competence of which shall be determined by the articles of association of the party.

Section 37. Audit of Reporting Year of Party

If the turnover of the funds of the party has been more than 10 minimum monthly wages in a reporting year, the sworn auditor shall examine the annual statement thereof. The report of the sworn auditor on the annual statement of the respective party shall be appended to the annual statement which the party shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the party financing, submit to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau. Within the meaning of this Section, the minimum monthly wage is the amount of the minimum monthly wage which was determined on the first day of the relevant reporting year.

[31 October 2013]

Chapter VI
Supervision, Suspension, Termination, Liquidation, and Reorganisation of the Party

Section 38. Supervision and Control of Party Activities

(1) The activities of the party shall be supervised and controlled in accordance with the competence specified in laws and regulations by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, the State Revenue Service, the Party Register institution, the prosecutor, State security institutions, and also other institutions specified in the law.

(2) If the institutions referred to in Paragraph one of this Section establish that the party does not comply with laws and regulations or the activities of the party do not comply with the articles of association, they shall warn the party in writing and order to eliminate the unlawful activities thereof. If the Office of the Prosecutor or a State security institution establishes signs which show alleged illegal activity of the party which is directed against national security or may harm it, or is otherwise in conflict with the Constitution, or its activities indicate to violations referred to in Section 7, Paragraph four or five of this Law, the Office of the Prosecutor or the State security institution shall warn the party about the inadmissibility of such activities.

(3) In accordance with the nature of the established violation, the institution which has established the violation shall determine a term for the elimination thereof which is not less than 15 days and not more than six months, or orders immediate termination of the activities violating laws and regulations.

[16 June 2022]

Section 39. Suspension of Party Activities

(1) The court may suspend the activities of the party for up to six months, if the party:

1) upon receipt of a written warning, has not eliminated the violations by the time limit specified in the warning;

2) within one calendar year has not convened the highest decision-making body - the meeting of members;

3) within six months after reduction of the number of members to 150 members has not renewed the number of members to the minimum number of members prescribed by the law;

4) has not transferred the unlawfully acquired financial resources to the State budget within the period specified in the legal acts governing the financial activities of the party.

(2) An application to court may be submitted by the authorities referred to in Section 38, Paragraph one of this Law.

(3) Upon suspension of the activities of a party forming a party alliance, the court shall decide on the suspension of activities of the party alliance.

(4) After coming into lawful effect of the ruling, the court shall send it to the Party Register institution. The Party Register institution shall publish the information in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis.

[23 January 2014]

Section 40. Consequences of the Suspension of Party Activities

If the court suspends the activities of the party, the party shall suspend public activities within the period for ceasing activities specified in the ruling.

Section 41. Reasons for Termination of Party Activities

The activities of the party shall terminate:

1) with the decision of the meeting of party members on the termination of activities of the party;

2) upon commencement of the bankruptcy procedure of the party;

3) if the number of party members reduces and is less than 150 members or less than another number specified in the articles of association (Section 44);

4) upon the expiry of the period specified in the articles of association of the party, if the party has been founded on a temporary basis;

5) by a court ruling;

6) on other grounds specified in the articles of association.

Section 42. Termination of Activities of the Party by the Decision of the Meeting of Members

The decision of the meeting of members on the termination of the activities of the party shall be taken if two-thirds of the members present vote in favour thereof. The application for the termination of the activities of the party (association of parties) shall be appended by an extract with the relevant decision from the minutes of the meeting of members.

[23 March 2017]

Section 43. Termination of Activities of the Party upon Commencing Bankruptcy Procedure

The procedures by which the activities of the party shall be terminated in the case of bankruptcy, shall be determined by the law that regulates the insolvency of associations and foundations.

Section 44. Termination of Activities of the Party by Decision of the Executive Board

(1) If the number of members has reduced and is less than 150 members or less than another number specified by the articles of association (that is not less than 150), as well as if the period specified in the articles of association for which the party was founded expires, the decision on the termination of activities shall be taken by the executive board of the party or another administrative body specified in other articles of association.

(2) The executive board of a party alliance shall take the decision on the termination of activities of the party alliance in the cases specified in Section 41, Clauses 4 and 6 of this Law, as well as in the case when the number of parties within the party alliance has reduced to one party.

(3) The application for the termination of the activities of the party (association of parties) in conformity with the grounds for the termination of the activities shall be appended by an extract with the respective decision from the minutes of the course of the meeting of the authorities referred to in Paragraph one or two of this Section.

[23 March 2017]

Section 45. Termination of Activities of the Party by a Court Ruling

(1) The activities of the party may be terminated on the basis of a court ruling:

1) if the executive board of the party has not submitted an application for the termination of party activities in accordance with this Law;

2) if the party does not fulfil the court ruling on the suspension of activities or does not eliminate a violation of the law due to which its activity was terminated;

3) if the party, within one year after receipt of a warning, repeatedly commits a violation of the law;

31) if activities of the party are in conflict with the Constitution, laws or other laws and regulations, endangers national security or public safety, or is in conflict with the prohibition referred to in Section 7, Paragraph four or five of this Law;

4) in other cases laid down in the law.

(2) An application to a court may be submitted by the institutions referred to in Section 38, Paragraph one of this Law or a prosecutor on the basis of Paragraph one, Clause 3.1 of this Section.

(3) [16 June 2022]

(4) [16 June 2022]

(5) The court, when taking the decision on the termination of party activities, shall determine:

1) the necessity for liquidation proceedings and the appointing of a liquidator;

2) the alienation of immovable property in favour of the State, unless otherwise specified in the law;

3) the resources and procedures by which the party documents shall be put in order and handed over for storage in the State archives.

(6) After coming into lawful effect of the ruling, the court shall send it to the Party Register institution. The Party Register institution shall publish the information in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis.

[23 January 2014; 16 June 2022]

Section 45.1 Prohibition for the Party to Perform Public Activities

(1) Upon a motivated application of a prosecutor, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, or the State Revenue Service, a court may prohibit the party from performing public activities until adoption of the final ruling. Examination of the matter on the prohibition for a party to perform public activities is admissible at any stage of the proceedings and also before bringing an action before the court regarding the termination of activities of the party.

(2) A court or judge shall decide on the application for the prohibition for a party to perform public activities within 15 days after receipt of the application or the day of initiation of the case if the application has been submitted concurrently with the statement of claim on the termination of activities of the party, notifying the party thereof in advance. Failure of the representatives of a party to attend shall not constitute a bar for the examination of the application.

(3) If delay in taking the decision on the prohibition for the party to perform public activities could cause threat to national security or public safety, the court or judge shall decide on the application for the prohibition for a party to perform public activities not later than on the next working day after receipt of the application, without notifying the participants to the case thereof in advance. If the decision on the prohibition for the party to perform public activities is taken without presence of the representatives of the party, this decision shall be notified to the party not later than at the moment of enforcement of the aforementioned decision.

(4) If the application for the prohibition for the party to perform public activities is submitted before the bringing of an action referred to in Section 45.3 of this Law, the court or judge shall apply the provisions of Section 45.3, Paragraphs four and five of this Law.

(5) If the application for the prohibition for the party to perform public activities is satisfied before an action is brought before the court on the termination of activities of the party, the court or judge shall determine a term for the prosecutor, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau, or the State Revenue Service for submission of the statement of claim to the court which shall not exceed two months. If the action is not brought within the term determined by the court, the court or judge shall take the decision to revoke the prohibition for the party to perform public activities.

(6) In the decision on the prohibition for the party to perform public activities, a judge shall indicate the public activities of the party which are prohibited completely or partially, the purpose and grounds for the prohibition.

(7) The decision on the prohibition for the party to perform public activities and the decision on the cancellation of this prohibition shall be enforced immediately after taking thereof. The court shall send the relevant decision to the Party Register institution for making an entry in the Party Register. The Party Register shall ensure that information in relation to making of the entry on the prohibition for the party to perform public activities is available on its website free of charge.

(8) Upon an application of a participant to the case, the prohibition for the party to perform public activities may be revoked by the same court which has determined this prohibition or by the court in the proceedings of which is the examination of the case on the merits. This application shall be decided at a court hearing within the period laid down in Paragraph two of this Section, notifying the participants to the case thereof in advance.

(9) If the action on the termination of activities of the party is satisfied, the prohibition for the party to perform public activities shall remain in effect until the day when the judgment enters into legal effect.

(10) If the action on the termination of activities of a party is rejected, the court shall revoke in the judgment the prohibition for the party to perform public activities. The judgment in the part on the revocation of public activities of the party shall come into effect immediately.

(11) If the action on the termination of activities of the party is left without examination or court proceedings have been terminated, the court shall, by the decision, revoke the prohibition for the party to perform public activities. The decision on the revocation of this prohibition shall come into effect immediately.

(12) If the party, before adoption of the final ruling in the case, violates the court decision which is adopted in accordance with the procedures provided for in Paragraph one of this Section or fails to comply with the provisions of such a decision, the court shall, upon the proposal of the applicant, impose on the party a procedural sanction (a warning or a fine) and warn about criminal liability arising if the party continues violating the court decision.

[16 June 2022]

Section 45.2 Appeal of the Decision Taken on the Prohibition for the Party to Perform Public Activities

(1) An ancillary complaint may be submitted in respect of the decision by which the application for the prohibition for the party to perform public activities has been rejected and the decision by which the application to revoke the prohibition has been rejected in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Civil Procedure Law within 10 days from the day of notification of the decision.

(2) Submission of an ancillary complaint regarding the decision referred to in Paragraph one of this Section shall not stay the execution thereof.

[16 June 2022]

Section 45.3 Termination of Activities of the Party by a Court Ruling if the Activities of the Party Endanger National Security or Public Safety

(1) If the activities of the party are directed towards the violation of any prohibition referred to in Section 7, Paragraphs four and five of this Law, a prosecutor shall express a written warning to the party or lodge a submission thereto. If after receipt of the prosecutor's submission the party has not rectified the violation within the period specified in such submission or commits the violation on prohibition of which the party has been previously warned, the prosecutor shall bring an action on the termination of activities of the party before Riga City Court.

(2) If the activities of the party violate any of the prohibitions referred to in Section 7, Paragraphs four and five of this Law or the activities of the party are in contradiction with the Constitution, laws, or other laws and regulations and endanger national security or public safety, the prosecutor shall bring an action on the termination of activities of the party before Riga City Court.

(3) Riga City Court shall examine the cases on the termination of activities of the party immediately if it affects national security or public safety interests by applying the procedures laid down in the Civil Procedure Law.

(4) In order to find out true circumstances of the case within the framework of the claim and achieve lawful and fair examination of a case, the court shall, when examining the cases on the termination of activities of the party, if it affects national security or public safety interests, find out the circumstances of the case, verify evidence, and also, where the evidence submitted is not sufficient, request the evidence upon its own initiative.

(5) If, when examining cases regarding the termination of activities of the party, the information which is the official secret object obtained in operational activities measures is used as evidence, only the court may, upon a reasoned request of the participants to the case, become acquainted with the materials of operational activities which are not appended to the case and are related to the object of evidence by indicating in the ruling that such materials have been evaluated.

(6) The court judgement in the case regarding the termination of activities of the party may be appealed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Civil Procedure Law.

[16 June 2022 / See Paragraph 3 of Transitional Provisions]

Section 46. Liquidation of Party

(1) In case of the expiry of the activities of the party, it shall be liquidated, unless otherwise specified in the law.

(2) The Associations and Foundations Law shall be applied to matters of party liquidation.

Section 47. Reorganisation of Party

(1) The party may be reorganised, upon the merger of parties into one party or the division of the party, or by transforming the party into an association.

(2) Only parties may participate in reorganisation, unless otherwise specified in this Law. Party alliances shall not participate in reorganisation.

(3) It may be provided for in the articles of association of the party that reorganisation is or is not allowed under certain preconditions.

(4) The Associations and Foundations Law shall be applied to matters of party reorganisation, unless otherwise specified in this Law.

(5) If a new party is established as a result of reorganisation, the application for reorganisation of the party shall be appended by the application on entering a new party in the Party Register.

[23 March 2017]

Section 48. Transformation of the Party into an Association

(1) In order for the party to be transformed into an association, the meeting of party members shall be convened according to the articles of association of the respective party. The decision on the transformation of the party into an association shall be taken at the meeting according to the procedures specified in the articles of association. The information to be indicated in the founding decision shall be included in the minutes of the meeting of members. The minutes of the meeting of members shall be drawn up according to the provisions specified in the Associations and Foundations Law for the recording of minutes of the meeting of members.

(2) When the party is transformed into an association, the provisions of the legal acts governing the founding of associations shall be complied with.

(3) An application for the transformation of the party into an association shall be signed by the executive board. The abovementioned application shall be appended by the application for entering an association in the Register of Associations and Foundations and the minutes of the meeting of members indicated in Paragraph one of this Section.

(4) When transforming the party into an association, the name, the abbreviated name and logo of the relevant party may be maintained or one or several of the referred to elements may also be used.

(5) A newly established association shall indicate in the articles of association thereof that it is the successor of the rights and liabilities of the party.

[23 March 2017]

Section 49. Closing Financial Statement

(1) When commencing the liquidation, reorganisation or transformation of the party into an association, the party has the obligation to submit to the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau a closing financial statement and a report of a sworn auditor on the financial and economic activities of the party in the year in which the relevant party is liquidated, reorganised or transformed into an association.

(2) The liquidator of the relevant party shall be liable for the fulfilment of the provisions of Paragraph one of this Section in the case of liquidation of the party, but if a liquidator is not appointed, - the executive board of the respective party.

[31 October 2013]

Transitional Provisions

[31 October 2013]

1. The procedures for the coming into force of this Law shall be prescribed by a special law.

[The numbering of Paragraph has been amended by the law of 31 October 2013]

2. Parties whose decision of the meeting of founders to found the party is taken until the day of coming into force of the relevant amendments to this Law shall be entered in the Party Register in accordance with the requirements of those laws and regulations which were in force on the day when the decision of the meeting of founders of the relevant party to found the party was taken.

[31 October 2013]

3. Until the establishment of Riga City Court, the cases referred to in Section 45.3 of this Law shall be examined in the Vidzeme Suburb Court of Riga City.

[16 June 2022]

This Law shall come into force on 1 January 2007.

This Law has been adopted by the Saeima on 22 June 2006.

Acting for the President,
Chairperson of the Saeima I. Ūdre

Rīga, 7 July 2006

1 The Parliament of the Republic of Latvia

Translation © 2023 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Politisko partiju likums Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Saeima Type: law Adoption: 22.06.2006.Entry into force: 01.01.2007.Theme: ElectionPublication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 107, 07.07.2006.; Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 15, 10.08.2006.
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{"selected":{"value":"23.06.2022","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.06.2022.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"23.06.2022","iso_value":"2022\/06\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.06.2022.-...<\/font> <font class='s-3'>Sp\u0113k\u0101 eso\u0161\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.05.2017","iso_value":"2017\/05\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.05.2017.-22.06.2022.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.03.2016","iso_value":"2016\/03\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.03.2016.-30.04.2017.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.02.2014","iso_value":"2014\/02\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.02.2014.-28.03.2016.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2014","iso_value":"2014\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2014.-16.02.2014.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"27.11.2013","iso_value":"2013\/11\/27","content":"<font class='s-1'>27.11.2013.-31.12.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.01.2007","iso_value":"2007\/01\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.01.2007.-26.11.2013.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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