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Disclaimer: The English language text below is provided by the Translation and Terminology Centre for information only; it confers no rights and imposes no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published. Only the latter is authentic. The original Latvian text uses masculine pronouns in the singular. The Translation and Terminology Centre uses the principle of gender-neutral language in its English translations. In addition, gender-specific Latvian nouns have been translated as gender-neutral terms, e.g. chairperson.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 130

Adopted 15 February 2005

Regulations regarding Use of Languages in Information

Issued pursuant to
Section 21, Paragraphs five and six
of the Official Language Law

1. These Regulations prescribe:

1.1. the cases where a foreign language may be used concurrently with the official language in information that is intended for public awareness in places accessible to the public;

1.2. the cases where the institutions and persons referred to in Section 21 of the Official Language Law may provide information in a foreign language; and

1.3. the procedures for the use of languages in providing the information provided for in Section 21, Paragraphs one, two, three and four of the Official Language Law.

2. The institutions and persons referred to in Section 21 of the Official Language Law may provide information in a foreign language concurrently with the official language in information that is intended for public awareness in places accessible to the public if this information is related to:

2.1. international tourism;

2.2. international measures;

2.3. safety reasons;

2.4. free circulation of goods of the European Union;

2.5. epidemics or dangerous infectious diseases;

2.6. the rights and obligations of foreign citizens placed in places of imprisonment; or

2.7. emergency situations.

3. The institutions and persons referred to in Paragraph 2 of these Regulations may provide the public information in a foreign language also:

3.1. in prospectuses, newsletters, catalogues and other materials (e.g. brochures, booklets, flyers), which reflect the activities of institutions, undertakings (companies), organisations and self-employed persons and which are sent or issued to natural persons or legal persons upon their request;

3.2. in statistical, sociological and medical polls; and

3.3. upon the request of a person - in informing the person in oral and written form.

4. Private persons, in providing public information which is related to the legal interests of the public, shall provide it in the official language or in a foreign language concurrently with the official language. If information is published in a foreign language in a brochure, a booklet or a flyer, then the information which is related to the legal interests of the public shall also be published in the official language in the same or a separate publication.

5. If information regarding the goods and services offered is compiled in a catalogue or a card index, then the information which is related to the legal interests of the public shall be provided in the official language or also in a foreign language concurrently with the official language.

6. An offerer of goods produced in the European Union may provide the information necessary to a consumer regarding the use of a good or properties thereof with the aid of pictures, pictograms or symbols if the information included in the labelling, instruction for use, guarantee document or technical passport of the good is in a foreign language.

7. Cabinet Regulation No. 292 of 22 August 2000, Regulations regarding Use of Languages in Information (Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2000, No. 302) is repealed.

Prime Minister A. Kalvītis

Minister for Justice S. Āboltiņa

Translation © 2008 Tulkošanas un terminoloģijas centrs (Translation and Terminology Centre)

Document information
Title: Noteikumi par valodu lietošanu informācijā Status:
In force
in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 130Adoption: 15.02.2005.Entry into force: 03.03.2005.Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 36, 02.03.2005.
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