Teksta versija

Agreement On Co-operation In The Field Of Tourism Between The Government Of The Republic Of Latvia And The Cabinet Of Ministers Of Ukraine

The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

guided by the mutual desire to develop and strengthen the co-operation in the field of tourism between two countries,

recognising the importance of bilateral relations in the field of tourism and considering them as the necessary factor of extension and strengthening of the friendship between the peoples of two countries,

with the purpose of establishing of the legal base for the further development of tourist exchanges between the Republic of Latvia and Ukraine on the principles of equality and mutual benefits,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties shall strengthen and promote the co-operation in the sphere of tourism according to the current legislation of both countries including this Agreement and other international agreements, which are in force for both Parties as well as within the framework of the international tourism organisations.

Article 2

The Parties shall contribute to establish business relationship between the Latvian and Ukrainian tourist associations, organisations and enterprises of different forms of property, their joint activities concerning the tourist services, development of group and individual tourism in its various forms, including cultural, recreative, business, children's and youth tourism, exchange of specialised groups, such as visiting the exhibitions, fairs, conferences, symposiums and seminars, other international promotional, information and scientific tourist events.

Article 3

The Parties shall encourage and support the exchange of statistical and other information in the field of tourism including:

- legislative and normative acts which regulate the tourist activity of the respective countries;

- legislation connected with the protection of the cultural and natural resources of tourist value;

- tourist resources of the respective countries;

- scientific researches in the field of tourism;

- international documents regarding to the interests of the other Party;

- reference and advertising materials.

Article 4

The Parties shall render the mutual assistance in professional training in the field of tourism, consulting services, exchange of scientists, mass-media representatives and tourist experts, promote universal contacts and co-operation between the organisations which are engaged in the researches in the field of tourism.

Article 5

The Parties shall contribute to establish the official representative offices of the other Party in their state territories.

The procedure of establishing and activity of the representative offices shall be regulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Latvia and Ukraine and executed through the respective protocols, which are an integral part of the present Agreement.

Article 6

The Joint Committee shall be set up by the Parties to follow the implementation of this Agreement, to elaborate programs of the bilateral co-operation and recommendations concerning its development.

The programs of co-operation elaborated by the Joint Committee shall be approved by the additional protocols.

Each Party on a reciprocal basis shall determine the quantitative and qualitative membership of the Joint Committee. The Parties shall inform one another about that.

The order and place of meetings of the Joint Committee shall be determined and agreed by the Parties.

The Heads of delegations shall be co-chairmen at the meetings of the Joint Committee.

Article 7

The alterations and amendments to this Agreement shall be made by the mutual consent of the Parties through the protocols, which are an integral part of this Agreement.

Article 8

This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its signing.

The Agreement shall be valid for the period of five years. It shall be automatically renewed for the same period, unless either of the two Parties notifies the other in writing through diplomatic channels of its intention to terminate it not later than six months before its expire date.

The cancellation of this Agreement shall not affect the fulfilment of programs and other projects to be realised in the field of tourism, which were elaborated during the period of validity of this Agreement if the Parties do not agree otherwise.

Done at Kiev on 24 February, 2000 in two copies each in the Latvian, Ukrainian and English languages. All texts are authentic. In case of doubt the English text shall prevail.


For the Government of the Republic of Latvia Indulis Bērziņš Minister of Foreign Affairs

For the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Ivan Sidorenko Head of State Committee for Youth Policy, Sport, Tourism


Document information
In force
In force
 international agreement
Entry into force:
Place of signature: 
 Cabinet of Ministers
Reservation: No
Declaration: No
 "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 102/104, 21.03.2000.
Related documents
  • Notice of coming into force
  • Other related documents
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