Teksta versija

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Cooperation in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies


The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties").

Willing to develop and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (hereinafter referred to as "ICT") within the framework of the social and economic development of both countries,

Sharing similar goals and objectives regarding the provision of efficient and reliable services to the population in both countries,

Willing to develop and strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of Information Technologies within the framework of Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Governmentof the Republic of Azerbaijan on economic, scientific, technicaland cultural cooperation signed on 2005, October 3,

Taking into account that Latvia has become a Member State of the European Union,

Taking into account the fact that the improvement on the present degree of cooperation in ICT and cooperation in areas of common interest through the exchange of ideas, information, skills and experience will be of benefit to both Parties,

Considering the potential available in strengthened commercial relations bet­ween the Parties in the field of ICT and the need to more fully exploit the capacity and the opportunities of that area,

Given that both Parties are willing to increase investments, joint ventures, common interests, technological development and trade in the field of ICT,

have agreed on the following:

Article 1

The Parties, on the basis of mutual benefit and in accordance with their national legislation and relevant norms and principles of the international law, as well as pursuant to this Agreement, will develop and improve their cooperation in the field of ICT.

Article 2

Cooperation in the field of ICT will cover the following areas:

1. Exchange of information regarding regulatory affairs in the field of information and communication technologies;

2. Cooperation in the field of e-Government applications;

3. Promotion of investments in the field of ICT of both countries;

4. Promotion of creating joint ventures in the field of ICT through projects in both countries or in third countries in accordance with the mutually applicable terms;

5. Promotion of relationships between commercial and regulatory agencies in the field of ICT;

6. Promotion of commercial relationships between companies in the field of ICT;

7. Provision of training courses for officials of the Republic of Azerbaijan in ICT institutions of the Republic of Latvia;

8. Holding joint seminars, conferences, forums and exhibitions;

9. Supporting each other in international organizations in the field of ICT wherever the national interests of both countries coincide;

10. Providing mutual trips by representatives of both parties for the purpose of exchange of experience;

11. Other issues in accordance with mutual agreement.

Article 3

With the purpose of promoting activities in the field of ICT, increasing cooperation and the adoption of new technologies and promoting joint ventures, the Parties will encourage the bodies, organizations and enterprises concerned of both countries to cooperate in promoting closer interaction and a closer exchange of information regarding ICT and, where possible, to cooperate in carrying out specific programs and projects.

The Parties will provide that specialists from both Parties make joint actions for the purpose of applying experience that Republic of Latvia and Republic of Azerbaijan have gained in the field of promotion of ICT solutions.

Article 4

The terms of this Agreement shall not affect the obligations of the Parties resulting from other international Agreements to which the Parties are signatories.

Article 5

The Parties will take all necessary measures to protect, in full accordance with their respective legislation, the confidentiality of information, which is exchanged within the framework of cooperative activity, and will not reveal or disseminate to third parties any information provided by the other Party without the latter's written authorization. This provision will survive the termination of this Agreement.

Article 6

Any disagreements concerning the interpretation or the application of the provisions of this Agreement will be settled by negotiations and consultations between the Parties.

Article 7

The authorized bodies responsible for implementation of this Agreement and for coordination of the activity are:

- Secretariat - of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs of the Republic of Latvia - on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Latvia;

- Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan - on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

English would be a working language during mutual activity of the authorized entities for the implementation of the issues resulting from this Agreement.

The Parties, depending on characteristics of cooperation, can assign the other governmental bodies responsible for coordination of the activity for implementation of this Agreement, and they will notify each other through diplomatic channels.

Article 8

This Agreement may be amended upon the written consent of the Parties. Such amendments shall be executed as separate protocols, which form an integral part of this Agreement, and shall enter into force as specified in Article 9 of this Agreement.

Article 9

This Agreement is signed for two years and shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the parties through diplomatic channels of the last written notification about the completion of internal procedures necessary for entering into force of this Agreement.

If six months prior to the date of termination of this Agreement one of the Parties fails to provide the other Party through diplomatic channels with a notice of the intention to rescind the Agreement, the force of this Agreement shall be extended for the next two years.

Done at Riga on "4" October, 2006, in two original copies, each in Latvian, Azerbaijani and English languages, texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the text in English shall prevail.


On behalf
of the Government
of the Republic
of Latvia

On behalf
of the Government
of the Republic
of Azerbaijan

Document information
In force
In force
 international agreement
Entry into force:
Place of signature: 
 Cabinet of Ministers
Reservation: No
Declaration: No
 "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 46, 16.03.2007.
Related documents
  • Notice of coming into force
  • Other related documents
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