Teksta versija
The translation of this document is outdated.
Translation validity: 23.09.2021.–13.03.2022.
Amendments not included: 10.03.2022.

Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:

30 June 2020 [shall come into force on 1 July 2020];
10 July 2020 [shall come into force on 11 July 2020];
15 July 2020 [shall come into force on 16 July 2020];
28 July 2020 [shall come into force on 1 August 2020];
11 August 2020 [shall come into force on 17 August 2020];
2 September 2020 [shall come into force on 3 September 2020];
4 September 2020 [shall come into force on 8 September 2020];
8 September 2020 [shall come into force on 10 September 2020];
15 September 2020 [shall come into force on 17 September 2020];
22 September 2020 [shall come into force on 24 September 2020];
29 September 2020 [shall come into force on 1 October 2020];
30 September 2020 [shall come into force on 1 October 2020];
5 October 2020 [shall come into force on 6 October 2020];
6 October 2020 [shall come into force on 12 October 2020];
9 October 2020 [shall come into force on 10 October 2020];
13 October 2020 [shall come into force on 14 October 2020];
20 October 2020 [shall come into force on 21 October 2020];
23 October 2020 [shall come into force on 24 October 2020];
27 October 2020 [shall come into force on 28 October 2020];
3 November 2020 [shall come into force on 4 November 2020];
17 November 2020 [shall come into force on 19 November 2020];
1 December 2020 [shall come into force on 2 December 2020];
8 December 2020 [shall come into force on 9 December 2020];
15 December 2020 [shall come into force on 22 December 2020];
5 January 2021 [shall come into force on 6 January 2021];
7 January 2021 [shall come into force on 15 January 2021];
14 January 2021 [shall come into force on 15 January 2021];
21 January 2021 [shall come into force on 22 January 2021];
2 February 2021 [shall come into force on 3 February 2021];
5 February 2021 [shall come into force on 6 February 2021];
11 February 2021 [shall come into force on 12 February 2021];
18 February 2021 [shall come into force on 20 February 2021];
23 February 2021 [shall come into force on 25 February 2021];
26 February 2021 [shall come into force on 27 February 2021];
4 March 2021 [shall come into force on 9 March 2021];
9 March 2021 [shall come into force on 17 March 2021];
11 March 2021 [shall come into force on 13 March 2021];
12 March 2021 [shall come into force on 17 March 2021];
18 March 2021 [shall come into force on 19 March 2021];
24 March 2021 [shall come into force on 27 March 2021];
1 April 2021 [shall come into force on 7 April 2021];
8 April 2021 [shall come into force on 10 April 2021];
13 April 2021 [shall come into force on 15 April 2021];
20 April 2021 [shall come into force on 22 April 2021];
27 April 2021 [shall come into force on 30 April 2021];
29 April 2021 [shall come into force on 1 May 2021];
29 April 2021 [shall come into force on 6 May 2021];
6 May 2021 [shall come into force on 7 May 2021];
13 May 2021 [shall come into force on 15 May 2021];
18 May 2021 [shall come into force on 20 May 2021];
27 May 2021 [shall come into force on 29 May 2021];
1 June 2021 [shall come into force on 2 June 2021];
15 June 2021 [shall come into force on 16 June 2021];
22 June 2021 [shall come into force on 23 June 2021];
29 June 2021 [shall come into force on 1 July 2021];
6 July 2021 [shall come into force on 9 July 2021];
14 July 2021 [shall come into force on 16 July 2021];
10 August 2021 [shall come into force on 12 August 2021];
17 August 2021 [shall come into force on 20 August 2021];
24 August 2021 [shall come into force on 27 August 2021];
31 August 2021 [shall come into force on 1 September 2021]
3 September 2021 [shall come into force on 4 September 2021];
7 September 2021 [shall come into force on 10 September 2021];
14 September 2021 [shall come into force on 18 September 2021];
21 September 2021 [shall come into force on 23 September 2021].

If a whole or part of a paragraph has been amended, the date of the amending regulation appears in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. If a whole paragraph or sub-paragraph has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted paragraph or sub-paragraph.

Republic of Latvia

Regulation No. 360

Adopted 9 June 2020

Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection

Issued pursuant to
Section 3, Paragraph two, Section 14, Paragraph one,
Clause 5, Section 19, Paragraphs one and 2.1,
Section 19.1, Section 30, Paragraph three, Section 31,
Paragraph five, Section 39, Paragraphs one and two
of the Epidemiological Safety Law,
Section 4, Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 21, Section 6.1, Paragraph two,
Section 6.3, Paragraph two, Section 6.4, Paragraph two,
Section 6.7, Paragraphs one, two, and three, Section 6.9,
Paragraph two, Section 10.4, Paragraph three,
and Section 49.6, Paragraph one
of the Law on the Management
of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection,
and Section 5, Clauses 3 and 12
of the Pharmaceutical Law

[1 April 2021; 13 April 2021; 27 May 2021; 31 August 2021]

I. General Provisions

1. The Regulation prescribes the epidemiological safety measures to be taken for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 infection:

1.1. the basic principles and precautionary measures for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 infection;

1.2. the requirements and restrictions for gathering;

1.3. the special epidemiological safety measures to be taken by persons;

1.4. the restrictions on tourism and travel, and also the requirements for the carriage of passengers services, and also for the provision and use of own-account carriage services;

1.5. the requirements for passengers, vehicles, vehicle drivers, and crew members;

1.6. the rights and obligations of organisers and providers of services of carriage and passengers;

1.7. the conditions for the operation of sites for the performance of cultural, religious activities, entertainment, sports, and other recreational sites;

1.8. the conditions for the organising and course of the educational and sports process;

1.8.1 the procedures by which the service of assistant shall be financed to educatees with a disability to whom the service of assistant financed from the State budget has been granted in accordance with the procedures specified in laws and regulations for supporting moving about and performing self-care at an educational institution within the remote learning process.

1.9. the hygiene requirements for food trade establishments and public catering establishment during the spread of COVID-19 infection in addition to the requirements laid down in laws and regulations;

1.10. the reliefs applicable during the spread of COVID-19 infection in accordance with the requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding handling of primary food products in small amounts;

1.11. the conditions for the receipt of social services;

1.12. the procedures for the diagnostics of and reporting on cases of COVID-19 infection;

1.13. the procedures for the identification and medical observation of contact persons;

1.14. the requirements for isolation, home quarantine, and self-isolation;

1.15. the amount of information to be included in the information system for monitoring persons (hereinafter - the information system), the procedures for the inclusion and the time periods for the storage of such information, and also the authorities to which access to the information included in the information system shall be granted;

1.16. the operation of the contact tracing and warning information system, the manager of the contract tracing system, and the joint manager of the European Federation Gateway in Latvia, the rights and obligations of the abovementioned managers, and also the amount of information to be included in the contact tracing system and the procedures for inclusion, the amount of and procedures for information exchange, and also the term for the storage of information;

1.17. the procedures for performing vaccination against COVID-19 infection, the range of persons to be vaccinated, and also mandatory minimum security requirements for performing vaccination;

1.18. the procedures for the labelling of COVID-19 vaccine and the requirements to be set for the package leaflet;

1.19. the procedures for financing from the State budget the service of an assistant in a local government, and also for the students of higher education institutions and colleges;

1.20. the restrictions on the provision of health care services;

1.21. the prohibition to import animal species susceptible to COVID-19 infection and the production of such animal species in the territory of the Republic of Latvia;

1.22. the groups of persons for the receipt of the State ensured aid, the amount of the aid to cover the costs of a person staying in a tourist accommodation establishment, and the procedures for its administration;

1.23. the procedures by which a list of such tourist accommodation establishments where the isolation or self-isolation may be spent shall be drawn up and maintained;

1.24. the amount of the State ensured aid to a prisoner who is being released from a prison and to whom COVID-19 infection has been confirmed or who has been identified as a contact person, if he or she does not have a place of residence but must continue isolation or home quarantine, for him or her to stay at a tourist accommodation establishment, and the procedures by which transfer of such person to a tourist accommodation establishment shall be ensured, and also a list of the objects to be issued to the person when he or she is released from a prison, and the procedures for covering the expenditure for the purchase and delivery of the medicinal products necessary for the person while he or she is staying at a tourist accommodation establishment;

1.25. the administrator of the vaccination information system, the amount of data to be included in such system, the procedures for the inclusion, receipt, and processing thereof and the time limit for the storage thereof, and also the authorities which will receive, process and enter data in the vaccination information system;

1.26. the procedures for the receipt and processing of data from State information systems on persons who have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection and persons who have commenced and who have completed vaccination against COVID-19, the amount of the data to be processed and its retention period, and also the authorities which will receive, process, and store the processed personal data;

1.27. the procedures for requesting, preparing, issuing, verifying, and using interoperable vaccination certificates, test certificates or certificates of recovery (COVID-19 certificate), and also the amount of information to be included in the vaccination certificates, test certificates or certificates of recovery and the amount of information available to authorities and service providers.

[28 July 2020; 6 October 2020; 27 October 2020; 15 December 2020; 14 January 2021; 1 April 2021; 13 April 2021; 29 April 2021; 27 May 2021; 6 July 2021]

2. Terms used in this Regulation:

2.1. economic service - an order fulfilled for consideration within the scope of economic activity of a private individual or public person or the fulfilment of a contract entered into with a consumer by performing work or gaining an intangible result of work, including at sports, cultural, recreational, beauty treatment and wellness, catering, event and trading sites, sites where postal services are provided, in domestic and international carriage of passengers, etc.;

2.2. public service - the performance of the functions and tasks of State and local government authorities or the provision of different types of services of private individuals to persons, including in the field of social assistance, social services, or health care;

2.3. event - a private event in public premises or places, and also a public event, including a meeting, a procession, a picket, organised religious activities to be performed by gathering, and a sports event;

2.4. event site - a specially arranged public space or territory, including outdoors, where a private or public event takes place;

2.5. isolation - mandatory separation of an infected person from healthy persons at the place of residence, place of stay, or medical treatment institution for medical treatment under supervision of a medical practitioner, ensuring appropriate conditions to preclude healthy persons from becoming infected. A sick-leave certificate may be issued to the person for the period of isolation;

2.6. home quarantine - separation from other persons of a person who has come into close contact with an infected person during the period of incubation of COVID-19 infection at the place of residence or place of stay under supervision of a medical practitioner in order to medically observe the person and to prevent the risk of infection for other persons. A sick-leave certificate may be issued to the person for the period of home quarantine;

2.7. self-isolation - separation of a person from other persons at the place of residence or place of stay in order to prevent the risk of infection for other persons if there are epidemiologically justified suspicions that this person has been exposed to an increased risk of infection. A sick-leave certificate shall not be issued for the period of self-isolation;

2.8. trade fair - a commercial exhibition of regional, national, or international significance, a public zootechnical event, or a fair the purpose of which is to promote the development of entrepreneurship, trade, lifestyle, animal species, and innovations;

2.9. venue of a trade fair - specially arranged premises or territory where a commercial exhibition, a public zootechnical event, or a fair takes place;

2.10. cultural site - a museum and a site similar to a museum where art and historic objects are exhibited (a storage area or exhibition of museum-related objects, a commemoration site, and other cultural sites which create and offer art and historic exhibitions to the public), a library, an archive, a culture centre, an art gallery or exhibition hall, an open-air stage, a theatre building and its outdoor space, a concert hall and its outdoor space, an organised rehearsal of amateur art collectives;

2.11. international sporting event - sports competitions of international significance included in the calendar of an international sports federation (including official trainings intended before the competition), sports competitions for adults at Baltic level (with the participation of athletes from at least two Baltic countries), and also sports competitions of international leagues the list of which is published on the website of the foundation Latvian Sports Federations Council. This category does not include sports competitions for youth and juniors at Baltic level, and also sports competitions at Latvian level (including open championships or cup matches), except when these are qualifying competitions for participation in Olympic and Paralympic Games, and also in world and European championships in the Olympic and Paralympic sports disciplines;

2.12. shopping centre - a building that has been arranged for a permanent and systematic trade with the total area dedicated to trade of at least 1500 m2 in which at least five trade participants or service providers are operating in individual trading sites.

[28 July 2020; 4 September 2020; 5 February 2021; 23 February 2021; 1 April 2021; 1 June 2021; 22 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

2.1 The requirements provided for in this Regulation shall not apply to the personnel of the National Armed Forces and the persons belonging to the foreign armed forces who are staying in the Republic of Latvia within the scope of international cooperation during performance of their service duties, unless otherwise provided by this Regulation.

[1 April 2021]

3. In order to interfere with the external policy and international activities of Latvia as little as possible, including the cooperation with European Unionʼs institutions, the travel restrictions and self-isolation requirements provided for in this Regulation shall not, by complying with the relevant epidemiological safety measures for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 infection, apply to:

3.1. employees of foreign diplomatic and consular missions, international organisations and their representations who are accredited in Latvia and their family members;

3.2. persons arriving in Latvia upon an invitation of the President, the Saeima, the Cabinet or its member, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the State Audit Office, or the ministry;

3.3. diplomatic couriers of Latvia or foreign countries or ad hoc diplomatic couriers who present an official document which states their status and the number of parcels in the diplomatic bag;

3.4. holders of the diplomatic passport of the Republic of Latvia, technical personnel accompanying them, and the civil servants and employees of the diplomatic or consular service when performing the official functions;

3.5. foreign experts who, within the scope of international cooperation, enter the Republic of Latvia to provide assistance in ensuring public order and safety and border surveillance, and also officials with a special service rank of the institutions of the system of the Ministry of the Interior who return to the Republic of Latvia after provision of such assistance in foreign countries.

[30 June 2020; 15 September 2020; 22 September 2020; 17 August 2021]

3.1 Based on the information published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and, where required, based on the information published by the competent public health authorities of the relevant countries, the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall publish on its website a list of those countries to which special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable, and shall also indicate those countries where such epidemiological situation has been established (including especially high COVID-19 morbidity or rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus strains dangerous to the public health) which can cause a serious threat to the public health. The relevant precautionary and restrictive measures shall be applied from the day following the publication of the abovementioned list, except for the cases referred to in Chapter V.2 of this Regulation regarding the conditions for entry in the Republic of Latvia that come into effect within two working days following the publication of the abovementioned list.

[15 June 2021]

4. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection in the society, the following basic principles shall be followed:

4.1. provision of information;

4.2. distancing;

4.3. hygiene;

4.4. monitoring the health condition of a person.

5. In order to implement the basic principle of the provision of information, a provider of an economic or public service or an organiser of an event shall place the following information on precautionary measures in a clearly visible place:

5.1. a warning that persons for whom self-isolation, home quarantine, or isolation has been specified or who display signs of a respiratory disease may not be present at the relevant site;

5.2. a warning that a two-metre distance must be maintained, and also regarding other distancing conditions, if such have been specified;

5.3. the conditions for correct hand and respiratory hygiene;

5.4. a warning regarding the obligation to use mouth and nose cover referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.3.2 of this Regulation, and also an indication on proper use of a mouth and nose cover (covering both the mouth and nose).

[17 November 2020]

5.1 To decrease and contain the spread of infection, a provider of economic service or public service or an event organiser shall place an invitation in a clearly visible place to use the national mobile application for contact tracing and warning Apturi Covid [Stop COVID].

[12 March 2021]

6. At least the following precautionary measures shall be taken to ensure distancing:

6.1. two-metre physical distance shall be maintained at sites where it is possible;

6.2. without complying with the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 of this Regulation, the people may gather at the same time in indoor public premises and public outdoor spaces as follows:

6.2.1. not more than two persons;

6.2.2. persons living in one household;

6.2.3. a parent and his or her minor children if they do not live in one household;

6.2.4. persons who cannot comply with the abovementioned requirements due to work or service duties;

6.2.5. athletes, sports specialists, and sports employees serving athletes during sports trainings (sessions) and sporting events. The abovementioned exception shall be applicable to any engagement in sports (including non-professional sports and physical activities for the preservation and improvement of health);

6.2.6. at pre-school education institutions and sites where child supervision services are provided within the scope of one group;

6.2.7. in summer camps for children within the scope of one group;

6.2.8. actors, ballet artists, dancers, singers and orchestra musicians while performing their work duties during rehearsals, sessions, and events. The abovementioned exception shall also be applicable to the completion of vocational orientation and vocational secondary education programmes within the scope of one group in the areas referred to in this Sub-paragraph, except for the members of amateur art choirs and ensembles who must maintain a physical distance of 2 metres;

6.2.9. in cases referred to in Sub-paragraphs 20.3.1 and 20.3.2 of this Regulation;

6.2.10. during the completion of an educational programme within the framework of one grade, group, or course;

6.3. in public indoor spaces, including working places, if more than one person stays in the premises:

6.3.1. medical or non-medical (hygienic or fabric) face masks (hereinafter - the mouth and nose covers) shall be used, except for: children under the age of seven years and persons with obvious movement impairments or mental health disorders due to which the person lacks capacity or skills to use a mouth and nose cover; professional orchestra and choirs, theatre and dance collectives; persons in the process of learning to play an instrument or the vocal or dance art education if a COVID-19 test has been performed for persons within the last 72 hours before the lesson and it is negative; athletes during sports trainings (sessions) and the sporting events; employees of electronic mass media if it is necessary to fully perform work duties, and also hosts and interviewees of television and radio broadcasts if the interview takes less than 15 minutes; for the cases when the broadcast or recording of a cultural or religious event is being prepared or taking place, remote learning process is ensured or audiovisual works are created if it is needed to fully perform work duties and the permission of the legal possessor has been received; [27 May 2021] the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation in organised collectives (for example, at the working place, in amateur collectives, at an educational institution);

6.3.2. the event organiser, provider of an economic service, or owner of a building shall ensure that a person who does not use a mouth and nose cover or uses it improperly (without covering nose and mouth) is allowed to enter public spaces, the site where the event is taking place or the service is provided. The event organiser or provider of the economic service shall not provide the service to a person who does not comply with the epidemiological safety requirements, including does not use a mouth and nose cover, except for the persons who need not use a mouth and nose cover in the cases referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.3.1 of this Regulation;

6.3.1 the vehicle drivers who are not located in a cabin that is fully separated from passengers, and also passengers shall use mouth and nose covers in a vehicle, taxi, or passenger car with which carriage of passengers for reward is performed. A vehicle driver or an operator shall inform about proper use of a mouth and nose cover (covering both the mouth and nose) and shall refuse to provide the service if the person fails to use the mouth and nose cover or uses it improperly (without covering nose and mouth);

6.3.2 [23 October 2020];

6.3.3 [1 April 2021];

6.3.4 it is permitted to install in vehicles a noncertified or unlabelled protective structure made of a translucent material (for example, plastic) that separates the seat of the vehicle driver from the seats of passengers. The attachment, placement of the protective structure and visibility through it shall comply with the requirements of laws and regulations regarding the State technical inspection of vehicles and technical roadside inspection. The obligation of the vehicle driver and passenger is to ensure safe operation of the protective structure in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations governing carriage of passengers;

6.4. [30 June 2020];

6.5. the flow of persons shall be controlled to prevent crowding near entrances, exits, toilets, in public transport and elsewhere where increased gathering of persons occurs;

6.6. if an event or an economic or public service is organised by gathering of persons in groups, mutual meeting of such groups of persons shall be prevented;

6.7. to the extent possible, an economic or public service shall be provided upon prior registration;

6.7.1 [1 April 2021];

6.8. gathering of employees at work outside the fulfilment of work duties shall be limited;

6.9. remote performance of work, remote provision and use of economic or public services (application for a service remotely, ticket sale on the Internet) shall be promoted to the extent possible and according to the specific nature of work;

6.10. upon providing an economic or public service, the time dedicated to the economic or public service shall be reduced to the extent possible, including without requesting a person to be near the employee if his or her presence is not required throughout the period when the economic or public service is provided;

6.11. upon organising events, the duration of the event shall be limited in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 24 of this Regulation.

[28 July 2020; 11 August 2020; 5 October 2020; 13 October 2020; 20 October 2020; 23 October 2020; 17 November 2020; 2 February 2021; 1 April 2021; 29 April 2021; 13 May 2021; 18 May 2021; 27 May 2021; 15 June 2021; 17 August 2021; 31 August 2021; 7 September 2021]

6.1 A carrier of public transport shall:

6.1 1. organise the boarding and disembarking from the public transport so that the number of passengers in a vehicle does not exceed 80 % of its capacity or 85 % of its capacity if it is necessary to pick up passengers at stops outside the destinations of routes of regional significance. A carrier shall place information in the interior of the vehicle on the number of passengers allowed on the vehicle. If it is not possible to control the boarding and disembarking of passengers from the vehicle due to the specific nature thereof, the carrier shall invite the passengers to choose seats so that the interior of the vehicle would be evenly filled and the distancing requirements would be observed to the extent possible;

6.1 2. appoint a person who shall be responsible for the development, agreement, and enforcement of epidemiological safety requirement protocols.

[1 April 2021; 15 June 2021; 7 September2021]

6.2 The commissioning party of public transport services and the carrier shall ensure the fulfilment of the epidemiological requirements referred to in this Regulation.

[1 April 2021]

6.3 [27 May 2021]

6.4 [7 September 2021]

6.5 If according to the information posted on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control the 14-day cumulative number of COVID-19 cases does not exceed 20 new cases per 100 000 inhabitants, the requirements of Sub-paragraph 6.1 1 of this Regulation shall not be applicable.

[7 September 2021]

6.6 The carrier of public transport shall, within three days, organise the boarding and disembarking of passengers in compliance with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 1 of this Regulation.

[7 September 2021]

6.7 In commercial routes (voyages), the carrier need not comply with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.1 1 of this Regulation if only passengers with an interoperable test certificate, vaccination certificate, or certificate of recovery are picked up in the vehicle. The carrier shall ensure the control of the existence of an interoperable test certificate, vaccination certificate, or certificate of recovery when the passenger boards the vehicle. The passengers, conductors, and the vehicle driver referred to in this Paragraph need not use mouth and nose covers.

[7 September 2021]

6.8 In train routes for which the tickets are sold with numbered seats, the carrier may organise carriage in separate wagons in compliance with the procedures referred to in Paragraph 6.7 of this Regulation.

[7 September 2021]

6.9 The commissioning party of public transport services in State cities may determine that carriage in the administrative territory of the local government is performed in accordance with the procedures referred to in Paragraph 6.7 of this Regulation.

[7 September 2021]

7. At least the following precautionary measures shall be taken in order to ensure conformity with the hygiene requirements:

7.1. warm water, liquid soap, and means for drying hands or disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol) shall be ensured for hand hygiene:

7.2. the number of jointly used surfaces and objects (touchscreen displays, computers, keyboards, mouses, paper) shall be reduced;

7.3. the transfer of devices, work objects, and work equipment, including stationery, from one person to another shall be limited to the extent possible;

7.4. regular cleaning and disinfection of premises and surfaces, including inventory and work equipment, shall be performed, paying special attention to the surfaces and objects with which persons frequently come into contact (for example, door handles, surfaces of tables, armrests of chairs, surfaces in restrooms, faucets);

7.5. regular disinfection of the surfaces of the interior and cab of a vehicle used for the provision of the economic or public service, and also ventilation of the interior shall be ensured:

7.5.1. at the destinations of regional traffic routes - by opening the windows and doors of vehicles but for trains by opening the doors on the side where passengers board trains;

7.5.2. at the destinations of city routes - by opening the windows and doors of vehicles;

7.5.3. during the voyage - by using automatic ventilation systems or by opening hatches and windows and by opening at each stop all doors on the side where passengers board, and also, if the weather conditions are appropriate, to open the doors for five minutes at stops every 30 minutes;

7.5.4. informative signs prohibiting the passengers from closing windows are displayed on windows in the interior of the vehicle;

7.6. in the water of swimming pools, the concentration of a disinfectant containing chlorine shall be maintained at the upper level of the specified range;

7.7. premises shall be regularly aired. Where automatic ventilation systems cannot be used, the provision of public and economic services and events shall be planned with an intermission after every two hours and airing of the premises shall be ensured for at least 15 minutes during the intermission;

7.8. non-cash payments shall be used to the extent possible;

7.9. in the cases specified in laws and regulations regarding the State technical inspection of vehicles and technical roadside inspection, upon completing the technical inspection of a vehicle or technical roadside inspection, the inspector shall issue a technical inspection report to the vehicle driver or holder, justify his or her decision by providing explanation on the deficiencies and damages to which attention should be paid during the operation of vehicle and on such deficiencies and damages which need to be eliminated, and also on such damages due to which the operation of vehicle is prohibited. The driver or holder shall not sign the technical roadside inspection or technical inspection report.

[13 May 2021; 15 June 2021; 7 September 2021]

8. At least the following precautionary measures shall be taken to ensure the monitoring of the health condition of persons and to identify contact persons:

8.1. special precautionary measures shall be implemented at the sites where the economic or public service is provided or events sites for persons above 65 years of age, persons with chronic diseases (chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular system diseases, mental impairments), and also persons with immuno-deficiency;

8.2. persons with signs of an acute respiratory disease or persons for whom self-isolation, home quarantine, or isolation has been specified shall not present at a work place;

8.3. the recipients of economic or public services shall be registered to the extent possible (given name, surname, contact telephone number) to enable identification and warning of contact persons in case of COVID-19 infection.

9. The relevant sectoral ministry may, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, detailed recommendations for the introduction of the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, and 15 of this Regulation in the field under its supervision. Detailed recommendations for the introduction of the basic principles referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation in prisons shall be determined by the head of the Prisons Administration by an order upon agreement with the Ministry of Health.

10. For the implementation of the measures referred to in Paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this Regulation an organiser of events and a provider of economic or public services:

10.1. shall evaluate the following risks at each particular site and in each particular case:

10.1.1. the possibility of maintaining two-metre distance;

10.1.2. the time when the service is provided or the event takes place;

10.1.3. the conditions at the site where the service is provided or the event site, and access site;

10.1.4. the number and health condition of the persons involved in the provision of the service or in the event;

10.2. shall be responsible for the conformity with the basic principles at the site where the service is provided or the event site.

11. When organising an event or providing an economic service at a site where more than 500 persons can be at the same time, the organiser of the event or the provider of the economic service shall develop a plan to ensure compliance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation.

[11 August 2020]

12. A natural person has an obligation to comply with the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 5, 6, 7, and 8 of this Regulation, whereas the organiser of the event or the provider of the economic or public service has an obligation to ensure that the person has a possibility to comply therewith.

13. A natural person has an obligation to ensure a mouth and nose cover for himself or herself, if the organiser of the event or the provider of the economic or public service has informed of such requirement before the event, including by placing a notification at the event site or the site where the economic or public service is provided.

13.1 If a person wishes to extend the term of validity of an authorisation for a weapon, to receive a duplicate or repeat authorisation, he or she may submit a submission to a unit of the State Police and one photo (3 x 4 cm) if such is required, in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the handling of weapons, for the receipt of the relevant authorisation for a weapon through postal services. The submission for extending the term of validity of an authorisation for a weapon shall be submitted at least one month prior to the end of the term of validity of an authorisation for a weapon. Following the examination of the submission in accordance with the procedures laid down in laws and regulations regarding the handling of weapons, the unit of the State Police shall notify the submitter of the decision taken and, if it is decided to issue the authorisation for a weapon, shall send it to the person by post. The unit of the State Police shall contact the relevant person after 30 days and ascertain that the person has received the relevant authorisation for a weapon.

[5 February 2021]

II. Gathering Restrictions

14. All public events on site are cancelled and prohibited, including fireworks, except for public events in accordance with the procedures laid down in Paragraphs 14.6, 21, 38.27, and 38.34 of this Regulation, processions and pickets, and also a pre-election campaign in public open spaces where not more than 20 persons are participating.

[22 June 2021]

14.1 Private events and private gatherings are prohibited, except for gathering of up to 20 persons outdoors and events within the scope of two households indoors for up to 10 persons. When funeral services or christening ceremonies are held, simultaneous gathering of up to 20 persons outdoors and not more than 10 persons indoors is allowed (excluding persons directly linked to holding the funeral service or christening), and it shall be determined that mouth and nose covers are used during the gathering indoors. Meetings between minor children and their parents shall also be permissible if the children and parents are not members of one household, except when the child, any of the parents or members of the parent's household must comply with the isolation, home quarantine or self-isolation requirements.

[15 June 2021]

14.2 It is prohibited to provide economic services on site which are related to entertainment (including in nightclubs, discotheques, gaming halls).

[17 August 2021]

14.3 The providers of beauty treatment and wellness services shall comply with the requirements referred to in Chapter II.2 of this Regulation.

[1 April 2021; 22 June 2021]

14.3 It is permitted to provide individual economic services which are related to amusements (including in aquaparks, entertainment and amusement centres, trampoline parks) outdoors in conformity with the following epidemiological safety requirements:

14.4 1. the site for the provision of economic services related to entertainment shall start work on site outdoors not earlier than at 6.00 and end work not later than at 24.00;

14.4 2. [15 June 2021];

14.4 3. before and after the use of the inventory/amusement, visitors shall be ensured with access to hand disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol);

14.4 4. the number of jointly used surfaces and objects shall be reduced to the extent possible, regular (after each client) cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, including inventory and work equipment, shall be ensured, using hand and surface disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol);

14.4 5. the flow of visitors is organised, ensuring maintenance of distance among members of different households in accordance with the conditions referred to in Paragraph 14.1 of this Regulation;

14.4 6. at least 20 m2 of the publicly available territory shall be provided per person;

14.4 7. it shall be permitted to ensure the issuing of the inventory, the visiting of bathroom facilities, and the payment for services in conformity with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 15 of this Regulation;

14.4 8. it shall be permitted to use indoor locker rooms if the occupancy does not exceed 25 %;

14.4 9. the responsible person who organises implementation of the epidemiological safety measures laid down in this Regulation at the site where the service is provided shall be specified and:

14.4 9.1. shall be at the site where the service is provided during its working hours;

14.4 9.2. upon a request of an official of the supervision and control institution, shall provide the necessary information on the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures at the site where the service is provided;

14.4 9.3. during control, shall identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of visitors present at the site where the service is provided;

14.4 10. clearly legible information that is available to the public, including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at the same time at the place where the service is provided, and also the contact details of the responsible person referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.4 9 of this Regulation and the direct telephone number of the police assistance 110 shall be placed in places visible to visitors (at least at the entrance and the cash-desk).

[10 June 2021; 22 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

14.5 The requirements referred to in Paragraphs 6 and 14.1 of this Regulation are conformed to at nature paths.

[10 June 2021]

14.6 If the 14-day cumulative number of COVID-19 cases per 100 000 inhabitants is less than 100, the following territory intended for the provision of the service and the number of persons allowed, without changing other epidemiological safety requirements, are specified until further decision of the Cabinet:

14.6 1. not more than 20 persons may gather indoors and not more than 50 persons - outdoors, including in private events (if other restrictions have not been specified), in funeral services, christenings, psychological support groups, processions and pickets (excluding persons who are directly related to ensuring the course), at family or historic family graves;

14.6 2. not more than 20 persons in a group may be concurrently present in sports trainings (sessions) indoors in accordance with the conditions of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation, in trainings (sessions) of sports educatees, in sessions of amateur sports collectives, ensuring at least 15 m2 of the available area per person, in public swimming pools - 10 m2 of the water surface area, but in swimming pools where swimming lessons are offered - at least 6 m2 of the water surface area per one educatee of a swim training programme;

14.6 3. in reading-rooms of libraries, archives, and in similar objects:

14.6 3.1. at least 10 m2 of the available area of premises are ensured per person;

14.6 3.2. not more than 30 persons may be concurrently present in the same premises;

14.6 4. not more than 30 persons may be present in one group in camps, if testing of employees and participants of the camp is ensured in accordance with the conditions of Paragraph 40.17 of this Regulation and the participants of such groups do not meet during the period of the camp;

14.6 5. [17 August 2021];

14.6 6. 30 participants or more may participate in the mass media broadcasts referred to in Paragraph 38.32 of this Regulation, without using mouth and nose covers, if at least 10 m2 of the area of premises are ensured per person;

14.6 7. in public catering:

14.6 7.1. in accordance with the conditions of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation, not more than 10 adults, not including minors (but not exceeding 20 persons in total), are sitting at one table indoors;

14.6 7.2. not more than 20 adults, not including minors (but not exceeding 30 persons in total), are sitting at one table outdoors;

14.6 8. at the sites where economic services are provided, event sites, sites where religious activities are performed:

14.6 8.1.  at least 10 m2 of the area intended for the course of the event or the provision of the service are ensured per visitor indoors at cultural sites and at the sites where religious activities are performed;

14.6 8.2. at least 10 m2 of the area intended for the provision of the service are ensured per visitor at the sites where individual services (beauty treatment, wellness, photographic activities, psychologist, etc.) are provided in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation;

14.6 8.3. at least 15 m2 of the total area of the sales room are ensured indoors in trading sites, but outdoors - sufficient territory of the area where the service is provided so that the service providers and recipients could freely maintain the two-metre distance and crowding of people would be prevented;

14.6 8.4. sufficient area of the site where the service is provided or the site where religious activities are performed is ensured at sites outdoors where entertainment amusements take place, at cultural sites outdoors, in nature paths and the sites outdoors where religious activities are performed so that the service providers and recipients could freely maintain the two-metre distance and crowding of people would be prevented;

14.6 8.5. at least 10 m2 of the publicly available area of premises are ensured per person at other sites which are not referred to in this Paragraph and where economic services are provided;

14.6 8.6. it is permitted to organise trade fairs indoors if the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation (except for Sub-paragraphs 38.34 5, 38.34 8, 38.34 9, and 38.34 10)  are met and at least 10 m2 of the publicly available area of premises are ensured per person, and also the width of passageways between rows of exhibition stands is at least three metres;

14.6 9. in the cases referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation, not more than 500 persons may be present indoors, and not more than 1000 persons - outdoors;

14.6 10. not more than 500 persons (including athletes and employees who are directly related to ensuring the course of the competitions, but in the case referred to in Paragraph 40.37 of this Regulation - excluding spectators) may be concurrently present at the site where the competitions take place (in motor sport - in the territory where the special stage takes place) in the sports competitions outdoors referred to in Paragraph 40.33 of this Regulation. The sports competitions outdoors may be organised by any person, and children under the age of seven years may also participate in them;

14.6 11. [31 August 2021];

14.6 12. sessions of drama collectives may be organised indoors if not more than 30 persons are concurrently present in the same premises and at least 3 m2 of the available area are ensured per person, and also outdoors in groups of up to 50 persons, ensuring that the participants of such groups do not meet.

[22 June 2021; 29 June 2021; 6 July 2021; 14 July 2021; 17 August 2021; 24 August 2021; 31 August 2021]

14.7 The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall publish the 14-day morbidity rate of COVID-19 on its website. If decrease in morbidity is detected, the relevant precautionary measures are applied on the next day after publication. If increase in morbidity is detected, the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall publish the relevant information in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis on the epidemiological safety situation in which it is necessary to increase epidemiological safety measures, and the relevant measures are applied on the third working day after publishing of the abovementioned information.

[22 June 2021]

14.8 It shall be permitted to provide economic services related to entertainment indoors (including in aquaparks, entertainment and amusement centres, trampoline parks, children's playrooms, and day-care rooms (also in the shopping centres)) to the persons referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation in conformity with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.34 1, 38.34 2, and 38.34 3 of this Regulation, and also the following additional conditions:

14.8 1. at least 15 m2 of the area of the premises publicly available to visitors are ensured per person;

14.8 2. the flow of visitors is organised, ensuring that the two-metre distance between individual visitors or members of different households is maintained and crowding of people is prevented;

14.8 3. mouth and nose covers are used indoors, except for the case if it is not possible during the use of amusements;

14.8 4. the number of jointly used surfaces and objects is reduced to the extent possible, regular (where possible, after each client) cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, including inventory and work equipment, is ensured using hand and surface disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol);

14.8 5. such entertainment services are not provided in which it is not possible to ensure disinfection of the inventory and surfaces and maintaining of the distance between visitors (for example, ball pits for children). It shall be permitted to provide such services to one person only or to members of one household;

14.8 6. before and after the use of the inventory or amusement, visitors are ensured with access to hand disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol);

14.8 7. regular ventilation of premises is ensured (ensuring that the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) does not exceed 1000 PPM (parts per million));

14.8 8. the responsible person who organises implementation of the epidemiological safety measures laid down in this Regulation at the site where the service is provided shall be specified and:

14.8 8.1. shall be at the site where the service is provided during its working hours;

14.8 8.2. upon a request of an official of the supervision and control institution, shall provide the necessary information on the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures at the site where the service is provided;

14.8 8.3. during control, shall identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of visitors present at the site where the service is provided;

14.8 9. clearly legible information that is available to the public, including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at the same time at the place where the service is provided, and also the contact details of the responsible person referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.8 8 of this Regulation and the direct telephone number of the police assistance 110 is placed in a place visible to visitors (at least at the entrance and the cash-desk);

14.8 10. registration of visitors and involved employees is ensured (given name, surname, contact details). If it is detected that a visitor or employee has fallen ill with COVID-19, personal data of visitors and the employees involved are transferred upon request of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

[29 June 2021; 6 July 2021; 17 August 2021]

14.9 If the 14-day cumulative number of COVID-19 cases per 100 000 inhabitants is less than 20, the following reliefs for epidemiological safety measures, without changing other epidemiological safety requirements laid down in this Regulation, are specified until the moment the number of cases does not exceed 25:

14.9 1. not more than 50 persons may gather indoors and not more than 100 persons - outdoors, including in private and public events (if other restrictions have not been specified in this Paragraph), in funeral services, christenings, psychological support groups, processions and pickets (excluding persons who are directly related to ensuring the course), at family or historic family graves;

14.9 2. upon providing and receiving services, attending and organising events or sports competitions with spectators outdoors, the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation (if other restrictions have not been specified in this Paragraph) need not comply with the requirements which are related to the maintaining of a distance or the layout of visitors in seats or at the tables, and also up to 1000 persons may be present in such events indoors and up to 2000 persons - outdoors;

14.9 3. the conditions laid down for the area need not be conformed to in libraries, reading-rooms of archives, trade fairs, cultural sites, sites where religious activities are performed, trading sites, sites where individual services are provided, and other sites not referred to in this Paragraph where economic services are provided and similar objects indoors, and also in sports trainings (sessions) indoors in accordance with the conditions of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation, in trainings (sessions) of sports educatees, in sessions of amateur sports collectives, including in public swimming pools, in mass media broadcasts referred to in Paragraph 38.32 of this Regulation and upon providing the economic services referred to in Paragraph 14.9 of this Regulation which are related to amusements. A provider of such services shall organise the flow of visitors, ensuring the maintaining of the two-metre distance among individual visitors or members of different households and preventing crowding of people (except for the cases referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.2 of this Regulation). The service provider shall ensure such maximum number of visitors at the site where the service is provided that the flow of visitors could be organised, taking into account the foreseeable behaviour of visitors;

14.9 4. the conditions of this Regulation in relation to working hours need not be conformed to;

14.9 5. the mouth and nose covers shall be used in public indoors where heavy gathering of people occurs and it is not possible to maintain the two-metre distance (for example, in a public transport, trading sites);

14.9 6. [17 August 2021];

14.9 7. [17 August 2021];

14.9 8. [17 August 2021];

14.9 9. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 14.8 5 of this Regulation need not be conformed to at the sites where amusement and entertainment services are provided;

14.9 10. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 24.17 of this Regulation need not be conformed to at the sites where street trade is organised;

14.9 11. the providers of beauty treatment and wellness services need not comply with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 24.23 4, 24.23 8, and 24.23 11 of this Regulation. Concurrently, the providers of beauty treatment and wellness services need not comply with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 24.23 6 and 24.23 9 of this Regulation if the service provider ensures the maintaining of the two-metre distance among individual visitors, the service recipients are serviced only upon prior registration, and ventilation of premises in accordance with the conditions of Sub-paragraph 7.7 of this Regulation is ensured.

[6 July 2021]

14.10 In the epidemiological situation referred to in Paragraph 14.6 of this Regulation, it shall be permitted to organise weddings, funeral services, and christenings in separated premises or territory for organised groups if the visitors conform to the conditions referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation and comply with the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.34 1, 38.34 2, and 38.34 3 of this Regulation, and also:

14.10 1. the involved employees of the service providers conform to the conditions referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation;

14.10 2. at least 4 m2 of the area of the publicly available premises of the site where services are provided are ensured per person indoors, sufficient area of the site where the service is provided is ensured outdoors so that the service providers and recipients could freely maintain the two-metre distance and crowding of people would be prevented;

14.10 3. the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.6 7, Paragraphs 20 and 20.1 of this Regulation are ensured in the provision of public catering services, except for the restrictions on working hours;

14.10 4. the number of jointly used surfaces and objects shall be reduced to the extent possible, regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, including inventory and work equipment, shall be ensured, using hand and surface disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol);

14.10 5. visitors are ensured with access to hand disinfectants containing alcohol (which contain at least 70 % of ethanol);

14.10 6. regular ventilation of premises occurs (ensuring that the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) does not exceed 1000 PPM (parts per million));

14.10 7. the responsible person who organises implementation of the epidemiological safety measures laid down in this Regulation at the site where the service is provided shall be specified and:

14.10 7.1. shall be at the site where the service is provided during its working hours;

14.10 7.2. upon a request of an official of the supervision and control institution, shall provide the necessary information on the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures at the site where the service is provided;

14.10 7.3. during control, shall identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of visitors present at the site where the service is provided;

14.10 8. clearly legible information that is available to the public on the maximum number of persons allowed at the same time at the place where the service is provided, and also the contact details of the responsible person referred to in Sub-paragraph 14.10 7 of this Regulation and the direct telephone number of the police assistance 110 shall been placed in places visible to visitors (at least at the entrance);

14.10 9. not more than 250 persons participate in the event;

14.10 10. registration of visitors and involved employees is ensured (given name, surname, contact details). If it is detected that a visitor or employee has fallen ill with COVID-19, personal data of visitors and the employees involved are transferred upon request of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

[6 July 2021]

14.11 It is permitted to organise trade fairs indoors if the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation (except for the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.34 5, 38.34 8, 38.34 9, and 38.34 10)  are met and at least 15 m2 of the publicly available area of premises are ensured per person, and also the width of passageways between rows of exhibition stands is at least three metres.

[31 August 2021]

15. At the sites where an economic service is provided, except for the sites where a trade service, a beauty treatment service, and an indoor sports training (session) service is provided, and also at the sites where public catering services are provided:

15.1. at least 15 m1 of the publicly available area of premises shall be provided per person. At a site where one visitor has less than 15 m2 of the publicly available area of premises, only one visitor is allowed at the same time;

15.2. information, including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at the specific site at the same time shall be placed at the entrance in a clearly visible place.

[1 April 2021; 10 June 2021; 29 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

15.1 At least 10 m2 of the publicly available territory shall be provided per person in libraries, museums, at outdoor sites similar to museums where art and historic objects are exhibited, and at the sites where religious activities are performed. At least 25 m2 of the publicly available area of premises shall be provided per person in indoor spaces of libraries, museums, sites similar to museums where art and historic objects are exhibited, and archives, and information, including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at this specific site at the same time and also the contact details of the responsible person referred to in Sub-paragraph 15.2 5 of this Regulation is placed at the entrance in a clearly visible place. If the publicly available area of premises is less than 25 m2, only one visitor or members of one household may be in the premises at the same time.

[1 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

15.2 In addition to the conditions referred to in Paragraph 15.1 of this Regulation, the following shall be ensured at indoor spaces of libraries, archives, museums and sites similar to museums where art and historic objects are exhibited:

15.2 1. visitors only arrive individually, except for members of one household;

15.2 2. the flow of visitors is organised in one direction by separating the entrance and the exit, provided that the infrastructure provides for several separate ways to access the premises and the fire safety requirements are complied with;

15.2 3. the flow of visitors is controlled by the entrances and exits and in places where visitors are increasingly gathering;

15.2 4. if necessary, the flow of visitors is organised, including prior booking of the time of visit is ensured;

15.2 5. a documented internal control system for the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures is developed and the person responsible for compliance with these measures is appointed;

15.2 6. the premises are ventilated regularly.

[1 June 2021]

15.3 Lessons of Sunday school on site are organised in conformity with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 32.7 23 of this Regulation.

[6 July 2021]

15.4 Public worships of commemoration days of the dead (cemetery festivals) may be organised outdoors if the following epidemiological safety and precautionary measures are implemented:

15.4 1. at places where public worships take place, in cemeteries and the adjacent territory:

15.4 1.1. mouth and nose covers are used indoors;

15.4 1.2. at least a two-metre distance is maintained (except for the cases referred to in Sub-paragraph 6.2 of this Regulation);

15.4 1.3. up to 10 persons from two households may gather at graves of family if a distance is maintained from the rest of the persons;

15.4 2. the relevant religious organisation in cooperation with the cemetery manager shall:

15.4 2.1. ensure the compliance with the epidemiological safety and precautionary requirements, and also organise and control the flow of persons at the place where a public worship takes place;

15.4 2.2. display information at the place where a public worship takes place on the epidemiological safety and precautionary requirements, including the maintenance of distance and use of mouth and nose covers.

[1 June 2021; 15 June 2021]

16. [1 April 2021]

16.1 [1 April 2021]

16.2 [1 April 2021]

16.3 [1 April 2021]

16.4 [23 October 2020]

16.5 [1 April 2021]

16.6 [1 April 2021]

17. The maximum number of persons specified in Paragraph 14 of this Regulation shall not include employees who are directly related to ensuring the course of the event.

[1 April 2021]

17.1 The maximum number of persons specified in Paragraph 14.1 of this Regulation shall not include persons who are directly related to ensuring funerals.

[3 November 2020]

17.2 When conducting pre-election campaign in public open spaces, the campaigner shall comply with the following conditions:

17.2 1. epidemiological safety and precaution are ensured at the site of campaigning:

17.2 1.1. distance (at least 2 m) between persons is maintained;

17.2 1.2. gathering of campaigners is controlled and prevented during breaks from campaigning;

17.2 1.3. [15 June 2021];

17.2 1.4. campaigning is interrupted if it is not possible to ensure epidemiological safety requirements, including distancing, at the site of campaigning;

17.2 1.5. if campaigning materials are offered, they are placed on stands and tables as much as possible;

17.2 2. campaigning is not conducted at sites where increased gathering of persons occurs (public transport stops, trading sites, etc.) in order to prevent the risk of additional crowding;

17.2 3. the responsible person who is at the site of campaigning and organises the implementation of the determined epidemiological safety measures is designated.

[13 May 2021]

17.3 If tables, tents or portable canopies are used during pre-election campaign in public open spaces, the campaigner shall comply with the following conditions in addition to the conditions of Paragraph 17.2 of this Regulation:

17.3 1. flow of visitors is controlled and regulated in order to prevent increased gathering and crowding of visitors;

17.3 2. information on the responsible person (given name, surname, and contact details) is displayed in a clearly visible place;

17.3 3. information on precautionary and safety requirements referred to in Paragraphs 5 and 5.1 of this Regulation is displayed in a clearly visible place.

[13 May 2021]

17.4 If tents or other enclosed areas are used during pre-election campaign in order to organise meetings with voters in public open spaces, the seats are marked to ensure the compliance with the distancing requirements and the meeting does not exceed two hours.

[13 May 2021]

18. [1 April 2021]

18.1 [1 April 2021]

19. [5 February 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

20. At the sites of public catering it shall be permitted to provide take-away meals, and also it shall be permitted to provide services indoors to the persons referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation, if the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.34 1, 38.34 2, 38.34 3, and 38.34 10 of this Regulation are ensured and:

20.1. not more than four adults, not including minors (but not exceeding 10 persons in total), from not more than two households are sitting at one table;

20.2. the distance of at least two metres is ensured between the persons sitting at different tables;

20.3. sets of utensils, tableware, and napkins are issued to each visitor individually;

20.4. tables are disinfected after each meal (each visitor);

20.5. regular mechanical ventilation of the premises is ensured (ensuring not more than 1000 ppm) or continuous supply of fresh air through the windows is ensured;

20.6. public catering facilities start work on site not earlier than at 6.00 and end work not later than at 24.00. After 24.00, only take-away meals may be provided;

20.7. the responsible person who organises implementation of the epidemiological safety measures laid down in this Regulation at the site of the public catering service has been specified. Such person:

20.7.1. shall be at the site where the public catering service is provided during its working hours;

20.7.2. upon a request of an official of the supervision and control institution, shall provide the necessary information on the implementation of epidemiological safety measures at the public catering facility;

20.7.3. during control, shall identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of visitors present at the site where the public catering service is provided;

20.8. clearly legible information that is available to the public, including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at the same time at the place where the service is provided, and also the contact details of the responsible person referred to in Sub-paragraph 20.7 of this Regulation and the direct telephone number of the police assistance 110 have been placed in places visible to visitors (at least at the entrance and the cash-desk);

20.9. when at the site where the public catering service is provided, the employees and visitors shall use mouth and nose covers, except when the visitors are sitting at the table.

[10 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

20.1 The provider of a public catering service shall be permitted to provide public catering services outdoors if the following conditions are conformed to:

20.1 1. not more than four adults, not including minors (but not exceeding 10 persons in total), from not more than two households are sitting at one table;

20.1 2. the distance of at least two metres is ensured between the persons sitting at different tables if a limiting wall has not been placed between the tables;

20.1 3. sets of utensils, tableware, and napkins are issued to each visitor individually;

20.1 4. tables are disinfected after each meal (each visitor);

20.1 5. after 24.00, the public catering facilities may provide only take-away meals;

20.1 6. the responsible person who organises implementation of the epidemiological safety measures laid down in this Regulation at the site of the public catering service has been specified. Such person:

20.1 6.1. shall be at the site where the public catering service is provided during its working hours;

20.1 6.2. upon a request of an official of the supervision and control institution, shall provide the necessary information on the implementation of epidemiological safety measures at the public catering facility;

20.1 6.3. during control, shall identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of visitors present at the site where the public catering service is provided;

20.1 7. clearly legible information that is available to the public, including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at the same time at the place where the service is provided, and also the contact details of the responsible person referred to in Sub-paragraph 20.1 6 of this Regulation and the direct telephone number of the police assistance 110 have been placed in places visible to visitors (at least at the entrance and the cash-desk);

20.1 8. [15 June 2021].

[1 April 2021; 6 May 2021; 1 June 2021; 10 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

20.2 A public catering service may be provided in indoor premises to guests spending the night at a tourist accommodation establishment, if it is ensured that the service is provided from 6.00 to 24.00, in one room where one waiter is waiting upon members of one household.

[1 April 2021; 22 June 2021]

20.3 The restrictions laid down in Paragraphs 20.1, 20.2, 24, 24.1, 24.5, and 24.6 of this Regulation shall not apply to airport terminals of valsts akciju sabiedrība "Starptautiskā lidosta "Rīga"" [State joint stock company International Airport Riga] and to public catering facilities at educational institutions if they are not accessible to the public and it is ensured that:

20.3 1. the flows of groups of persons who do not come into everyday contact in public catering facilities at educational institutions do not physically overlap;

20.3 2. visitors also have the possibility to buy take-away meals;

20.3 3. sets of utensils, tableware, and napkins are issued to each visitor individually;

20.3 4. tables are disinfected after each meal (each visitor);

20.3 5. clearly legible information is available to the public at places visible to visitors (at least at the entrance and the cash-desk), including in English, on the maximum number of persons allowed at the same time at the place where the service is provided;

20.3 6. the publicly available area per visitor in indoor premises is at least 3 m2;

20.3 7. the distance of two metres is ensured between tables if a limiting wall has not been installed between them;

20.3 8. not more than four visitors who are not members of one household may sit at one table in indoor premises at sites where public catering services are provided in airport terminals of State joint stock company International Airport Riga.

[1 April 2021; 6 July 2021]

20.4 [10 June 2021 / See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

20.5 If a public catering service provider provides the services referred to in Paragraph 20.1 of this Regulation and organises a public event at the same time, also the requirements specified in Paragraph 38.27 or 38.34 of this Regulation shall apply to the operation of public catering facilities during the event.

[14 July 2021]

20.6 The restriction referred to in Paragraphs 20 and 20.1 of this Regulation shall not apply to the catering of participants of sports teams at the site where they are staying if it is ensured that groups of persons which do not come into everyday contact are separated into different flows and do not physically overlap.

[17 August 2021]

21. The requirements of Paragraph 14 of this Regulation shall be complied with in the operation of cultural sites and exhibition sites, except for individual visits to libraries, archives, museums and sites similar to museums where art and historic objects are exhibited, events in which the visitors participate from a passenger car or personal craft, and also pilot projects for epidemiologically safe cultural events the organisation of which is agreed upon with the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Health and the epidemiological safety requirements for the implementation of which are agreed by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Organised rehearsals of professional performers may take place at cultural sites between 6.00 and 24.00. Final dress rehearsals of professional art stagings closed to the public or premieres on site may be attended by up to 10 critics of the relevant field.

[22 June 2021]

21.1 [1 April 2021]

21.2 Participants of psychological support therapy groups are allowed to gather outdoors in a group not exceeding 20 persons, ensuring the maintenance of the two-metre distance.

[15 June 2021]

22. [1 April 2021]

23. [1 April 2021]

24. The sites for the performance of cultural, sports, entertainment, and religious activities shall start work not earlier than at 6.00 and end work not later than at 24.00, except for the period between 21 September and 23 September when the working hours at the sites where religious activities are performed are not limited.

[21 September 2021]

II.1 Requirements for Trade

[1 April 2021]

24.1 [15 June 2021]

24.2 The trader shall ensure at least 25 m2 of the publicly available area of premises per visitor in a trading site. In trading sites where one visitor has less than 25 m2 of the publicly available area of premises, only one person is allowed at the same time. Upon request of the supervision and control authority, the trader shall present the cadastral survey file that includes information on the area of the trading site located in the building (including the publicly available area of the trading site) or other documents that allow to ascertain the area of the trading site.

[1 April 2021]

24.3 The trader shall place information, including in English, at the entrance in a clearly visible place on the maximum number of visitors allowed in the trading site at the same time.

[1 April 2021; 6 July 2021]

24.4 The total number of shopping baskets, carts or bags ensured by the trader may not exceed the maximum number of visitors allowed in a trading site. The visitors are prohibited from being in a trading site where the availability of shopping baskets, carts, or bags is ensured if they do not have the abovementioned shopping equipment.

[1 April 2021]

24.5 The trader shall control the flow of visitors by the entrances and exits of trading site (indoors and outdoors) and in such parts of the sales room where visitors are increasingly gathering.

[1 April 2021]

24.6 [15 June 2021]

24.7 The owner or lawful possessor of the shopping centre shall:

24.7 1. ensure that the maximum allowed number of visitors is not exceeded in the shopping centre. The maximum allowed number of visitors in a shopping centre shall be determined by summing the allowed number of visitors of trading sites which are allowed at the specific sites at the same time;

24.7 2. place information, including in English, at the entrance in a clearly visible place on the maximum number of visitors allowed at the shopping centre at the same time;

24.7 3. control the flow of visitors by the entrances and exits (indoors and outdoors), hallways and toilets of the shopping centre and in other places (outside the place where services are provided and the trading site) where visitors are increasingly gathering;

24.7 4. [15 June 2021];

24.7 5. ensure that an electronic device for registering visitor flow is installed in a shopping centre;

24.7 6. [1 June 2021].

[1 April 2021; 29 April 2021; 6 July 2021]

24.8 The requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 24.7 5 of this Regulation shall not apply to the shopping centre with the total area dedicated to trade of less than 7000 m2.

[1 April 2021]

24.9 Manager of the market shall:

24.9 1. ensure at least 25 m2 of the publicly available area of premises per visitor in a market pavilion (a closed-type building in the market territory which is arranged for permanent and systematic trade and in which at least 10 traders operate);

24.9 2. place information, including in English, at the entrance in a clearly visible place on the maximum number of visitors allowed at the market pavilion at the same time;

24.9 3. control the flow of visitors by the entrances and exits of market pavilions (indoors and outdoors), in hallways and in other places where visitors are increasingly gathering;

24.9 4. [15 June 2021].

[1 April 2021; 6 July 2021]

24.10 The trader, the owner or lawful possessor of the shopping centre, and the manager of the market shall appoint a responsible person who will organise the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures referred to in this Regulation in a trading site, shopping centre or market pavilion. Information on the responsible person shall be placed in a clearly visible place.

[1 April 2021]

24.11 The responsible person referred to in Paragraph 24.10 of this Regulation shall:

24.11 1. be in a trading site, shopping centre or market pavilion during the working hours thereof and shall, upon request of the official of the supervision and control authority, provide the required information on the implementation of epidemiological safety measures;

24.11 2. upon request of the supervision and control authority, identify and indicate in a manner that can be verified the number of visitors present in a trading site, shopping centre or market pavilion during the control.

[1 April 2021]

24.12 The trader, the owner or lawful possessor of the shopping centre, and the manager of the market shall develop and document the internal control system for the implementation of epidemiological safety measures in a trading site, shopping centre or market pavilion. At least the following information shall be indicated in the internal control system:

24.12 1. calculations for determining the maximum number of visitors that can be in a trading site, shopping centre or market pavilion at the same time (fulfilment of the requirements laid down in Paragraph 24.2 and Sub-paragraph 24.7 1, 24.9 1 of this Regulation);

24.12 2. the procedure for ensuring the control of a precise number of visitors who are in a trading site, shopping centre or market pavilion at the same time (fulfilment of the requirements laid down in Paragraph 24.2 and Sub-paragraph 24.7 1, 24.9 1 of this Regulation);

24.12 3. the procedure for ensuring control of physical distancing and for preventing increased gathering of visitors at a trading site, shopping centre, or market pavilion (fulfilment of the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 24.4, 24.5, Sub-paragraphs 24.7 3 and 24.9 3 of this Regulation);

24.12 4. the given name, surname and contact details of the responsible person referred to in Paragraph 24.10 of this Regulation.

[1 April 2021; 15 June 2021]

24.13 The documentation of the internal control system referred to in Paragraph 24.12 of this Regulation shall indicate information on the implemented epidemiological safety measures in a clear and easily verifiable manner so that the official of the supervision and control authority could ascertain whether the requirements specified in the Regulation are complied with.

[1 April 2021]

24.14 [15 June 2021]

24.15 The requirements referred to in Paragraphs 24.2, 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 24.7, 24.8, 24.9, 24.10, 24.11, 24.12, and 24.13 of this Regulation shall not apply to traders at a street trade site, at a site where street trade is organised, and in the open territory of the market. Trade participants shall comply with the general epidemiological safety requirements during trading at the abovementioned places.

[15 June 2021]

24.16 The market manager in the open territory of a market and the organiser of street trade at the site where street trade is organised shall:

24.16 1. place the information on precautionary and safety requirements referred to in Paragraphs 5 and 5.1 of this Regulation in a place that is clearly visible to visitors;

24.16 2. ensure the distance of at least 2 metres between trading sites;

24.16 3. control and regulate the flow of visitors in order to ensure free movement of visitors in aisles and to prevent increased gathering of visitors, including ensure that the distance of at least 2 metres is maintained between rows of visitors at different trading sites;

24.16 4. control and prevent gathering of trade employees during work breaks (for example, at coffee breaks, lunch breaks);

24.16 5. appoint the responsible person who shall be present in the territory of the market or the site where street trade is organised and organise implementation of the epidemiological safety measures referred to in the Regulation, information on the responsible person shall be placed in a clearly visible place;

24.16 6. develop and document the internal control system for the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures in which the following procedures shall be described:

24.16 6.1. the procedure for ensuring conformity with physical distancing and prevention of increased gathering of visitors;

24.16 6.2. the procedure for preventing traders from arriving at the trading site with signs of an acute respiratory disease.

[1 April 2021]

24.17 Entertainment events (for example, thematic celebrations, amusements) shall not be organised at the site where street trade is organised and the organiser of street trade shall ensure physical delimitation of the site where street trade is organised (for example, with a fence, delimiting tapes, barriers).

[1 June 2021]

24.18 [1 June 2021]

24.19 The restrictions and requirements referred to in this Chapter shall not apply to trading sites at prisons (prison shops). The rights of prisoners to make purchases in the prison shop laid down by laws and regulations shall be ensured in conformity with the prison infrastructure and the epidemiological safety requirements specified for prisons.

[1 April 2021]

24.20 The compliance with the requirements laid down in this Chapter shall be controlled by the State Police and municipal police. Also the Consumer Rights Protection Centre is entitled to control the compliance with the requirements laid down in this Chapter regarding the maximum number of visitors and the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures of the internal control system.

[1 April 2021]

II.2 Requirements for Providers of Beauty Treatment and Wellness Services

[22 June 2021]

24.21 Beauty treatment and wellness services are provided in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation if the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.34 1, 38.34 2, 38.34 3, 38.34 4, and 38.34 10 of this Regulation are ensured, or in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.28 of this Regulation.

[22 June 2021]

24.22 The following requirements are laid down for the site where a beauty treatment and wellness service are provided in relation to the area specified for the provision of the service:

24.22 1. if the room is less than 25 m2, one service recipient and one service provider may be present in the room;

24.22 2. if the room is more than 25 m2, there may be several work stations in premises between which at least a five-metre distance is ensured, or separated work stations with structurally separated walls on all sides and with a covering or roof in a separate part of the building that has separate doors for exit to another room or outdoors and a separate ventilation;

24.22 3. at least 15 m2 of the publicly available area of premises are ensured per person at the site where public bathhouse and sauna services are provided, and also in swimming pools with a recreational area.

[22 June 2021]

24.23 A provider of a beauty treatment and wellness service shall:

24.23 1. inform the Health Inspectorate of its activity in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the Cabinet by which the providers of beauty treatment and wellness services inform of the commencement of economic activity;

24.23 2. when recommencing or commencing the provision of a beauty treatment and wellness service, fill in a self-monitoring sheet of beauty treatment and wellness service provider and present it to the supervision and control authority upon request;

24.23 3. appoint a person responsible for the compliance with the epidemiological requirements and place the contact details of the abovementioned person in a clearly visible place. The responsible person shall be at the place of the provision of beauty treatment services during the working hours thereof and shall, upon request of the official of the supervision and control authority, provide the required information on the implementation of epidemiological safety measures;

24.23 4. ensure that, when providing manicure, pedicure, or podologist services, the work station is equipped with a stable protective barrier between the service provider and the service recipient. The protective barrier shall be at least one metre in height and 80 centimetres in width;

24.23 5. organise the provision of services so that the service recipients of the same specialist would not meet and so that the break between the provision of services would be at least 15 minutes;

24.23 6. if there are no separated work stations in premises and the services are provided by several specialists, organise the provision of services by observing the flow principle. The service recipients of the next flow shall not be received until the premises have been ventilated and work stations have been cleaned and treated after the first flow;

24.23 7. in addition to the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 8.3 of this Regulation, record the time when provision of the service was commenced and finished, and also, if there are several specialists, the contact details of the specialist who provides the service (given name and telephone number);

24.23 8. ensure that the service is provided using disposable gloves, where necessary, and an FFP-2 or FFP-3 respirator without valve if the service is provided to persons who do not conform to the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation;

24.23 9. ensure that the service recipient is at the place of the provision of the beauty treatment and wellness service only during the receipt of the service;

24.23 10. not offer drinks, snacks, and material for reading to the service recipient;

24.23 11. prior to the bathhouse and sauna procedure, heat the room up to +100 °C but, during the procedure, ensure an increased ventilation with high temperature (above +60 °C);

24.23 12. use work accessories and equipment for bathhouse and sauna services only for the specific service recipient and destroy or disinfect after the procedure.

[22 June 2021]

24.24 The requirements referred to in Sub-paragraphs 24.23 6 and 24.23 8 of this Regulation are not applicable to bathhouse and sauna services.

[22 June 2021]

24.25 The provider of beauty treatment and wellness services shall store the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 8.3 and 24.23 7 of this Regulation for 30 days after provision of the service in accordance with the laws and regulations governing personal data processing. The abovementioned information shall be submitted to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control for the purposes of epidemiological investigation as needed.

[22 June 2021]

24.26 It is permitted to provide beauty treatment and wellness services only at the notified address of the place of the provision of beauty treatment services. It is prohibited to provide mobile beauty treatment services by going to the client and to provide services at home.

[22 June 2021]

24.27 The compliance with the requirements laid down in this Chapter shall be controlled by the Health Inspectorate, the State Police, and municipal police. Also the Consumer Rights Protection Centre is entitled to control the compliance with the requirements laid down in this Chapter regarding the maximum number of visitors, proper use of personal protective equipment, and also the existence of a self-monitoring sheet of a beauty treatment and wellness service provider.

[22 June 2021]

III. Conditions for the Organising and Course of the Learning and Sports Process

[17 August 2021]

25. [17 August 2021]

26. [17 August 2021]

26.1 [29 April 2021]

27. [17 August 2021]

27.1 [17 August 2021]

27.2 [17 August 2021]

27.3 [17 August 2021]

27.4 [17 August 2021]

27.5 [1 April 2021]

27.6 [17 August 2021]

27.7 [17 August 2021]

27.8 [17 August 2021]

27.9 [27 May 2021]

27.10 [27 May 2021]

27.11 [27 May 2021]

28. [17 August 2021]

29. [1 April 2021]

29.1 [17 August 2021]

29.2 [17 August 2021]

30. [28 July 2020]

31. [17 August 2021]

31.1 [1 April 2021]

32. [1 April 2021]

32.1 [17 August 2021]

32.2 [17 August 2021]

32.3 [17 August 2021]

32.4 [17 August 2021]

32.5 [1 April 2021]

32.6 [1 April 2021]

32.7 [17 August 2021]

32.8 [17 August 2021]

32.9 [17 August 2021]

32.10 [18 May 2021]

32.11 [17 August 2021]

32.12 [17 August 2021]

32.13 [17 August 2021]

32.14 [17 August 2021]

32.15 [17 August 2021]

32.16 [17 August 2021]

IV. Special Epidemiological Safety Measures for the Receipt of Social Services

33. A long-term social care and social rehabilitation service shall be ensured in conformity with the epidemiological safety requirements if:

33.1. the person who is being placed in the institution has been tested for COVID-19 in cooperation with a general practitioner not earlier than 48 hours before placement and the test is negative, except for children in need of immediate stay at a long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution (in emergency cases) and persons who meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation;

33.2. the person who is being transported from an inpatient medical treatment institution has been tested for COVID-19 not earlier than 48 hours before admission to the institution or the person meets the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation;

33.3. the person is in self-isolation for 10 days after admission to or return from an inpatient medical treatment institution, except for persons who meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation.

[27 May 2021]

33.1 Long-term social care and social rehabilitation institutions shall ensure:

33.1 1. testing of employees with the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test. The institution shall ensure record-keeping of the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen tests according to the number of received and used tests, additionally including in such records information regarding the number of tests used for the determination of SARS-CoV-2 antigen with a positive test result;

33.1 2. suspending of employees from the performance of work duties if the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen tests of the relevant employee is positive, ordering this employee to immediately contact his or her general practitioner in order to undergo the laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19, and also identification in the staff of those contact persons who are subject to the self-isolation requirements;

33.1 3. informing of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of each case of infection.

[1 April 2021; 29 April 2021]

34. Social services with full or partial accommodation shall be provided, by ensuring the conformity with the epidemiological safety requirements, to a person without signs of respiratory illness if the person is able to present a document that he or she has been tested for COVID-19 not earlier than three days before admission to the institution and the test is negative, except for the persons who meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, or a statement of the attending physician or general practitioner on the lack of contraindications for the receipt of the service has been issued to the person not earlier than a week before admission to the institution, except when the placement of a person in a crisis centre or temporary accommodation of a person without a place of residence in a shelter or night shelter is necessary.

[1 April 2021; 27 May 2021]

34.1 The social services to be provided individually or jointly to members of one family or household (social care, social rehabilitation, and psychosocial rehabilitation services) shall be provided:

34.1 1. remotely;

34.1 2. on site if the services cannot be provided remotely, ensuring conformity with the epidemiological safety requirements (the use of personal protective equipment and means of disinfection and distancing).

[1 April 2021]

34.2 If a disabled person does not have the possibility to use the services of an assistant in a local government, higher education institution, and college according to the measures specified in the decision of the local government social service office on granting the service of an assistant in the amount that has been granted and is necessary also after revocation of the emergency situation declared in the State due to the epidemiological safety measures specified for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 infection, the person may use the service of an assistant for social inclusion measures (shopping, visit to theatres, concerts, sports games, other events, and public sites which is related to spending of leisure time) according to the average amount of hours which was used in the previous three calendar months.

[1 April 2021]

34.3 If the service of an assistant referred to in Paragraph 34.2 of this Regulation has not been previously granted to the person and, in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for granting and financing services of an assistant in a local government, higher education institution, and college, the disabled person does not have the possibility to use the service of an assistant in the amount provided for in the decision also after revocation of the emergency situation declared in the State due to the epidemiological safety measures specified for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 infection, the social service office shall pay the person for the service of an assistant for not more than 10 hours per week, applying it to social inclusion measures (shopping, visit to theatres, concerts, sports games, other events, and public sites which is related to spending of leisure time).

[1 April 2021]

IV.1 Restrictions on the Provision of Health Care Services

[1 April 2021]

34.4 [6 July 2021]

34.5 Inpatient medical treatment institutions shall:

34.5 1. ensure the provision of the following health care services in a day hospital:

34.5 1.1. services which are provided to ensure the relevant therapy - chemotherapy, biological medicinal products, organ substitution treatment;

34.5 1.2. radiation therapy;

34.5 1.3. health care services for haematological diseases;

34.5 1.4. methadone and buprenorphine substitution treatment;

34.5 1.5. health care services for patients who must continue or complete the treatment started as a matter of urgency on inpatient basis;

34.5 1.6. interventional cardiology;

34.5 1.7. interventional radiology;

34.5 2. ensure the provision of the following inpatient health care services:

34.5 2.1. acute and emergency medical assistance;

34.5 2.2. oncological and life-saving surgeries, and also such surgeries due to cancellation of which the person could become disabled;

34.5 2.3. health care services in relation to the treatment of the following groups of diseases - oncology, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, psychiatry, contagious skin diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, traumatology;

34.5 2.4. acute and subacute rehabilitation services to persons for whom the postponement of this service can cause risk of disability or loss of capacity for work, including to children for whom the postponement of the rehabilitation can cause substantial deterioration of functional abilities.

[1 April 2021]

34.6 The health care services not referred to in Paragraph 34.5 of this Regulation in a day hospital and inpatient health care services by inpatient medical treatment institutions shall be ensured by evaluating the available resources.

[1 April 2021]

34.7 Medical treatment institutions shall ensure, to the extent possible, that consultations of outpatient specialists are held remotely. If consultations cannot be ensured remotely, the medical treatment institutions may see patients only upon registration by specifying the exact time of arrival for the receipt of a medical treatment service, providing a sufficient period between patients visits to prevent them from meeting each other.

[1 April 2021]

34.8 The use of limited intensive care resources and prioritisation of patients shall be determined in compliance with the following main principles and criteria:

34.8 1. assistance is provided to as many patients as possible;

34.8 2. all patients are evaluated according to uniform criteria, irrespective of the diagnosis determined;

34.8 3. the evaluation is performed without discrimination, the decision is taken by the council;

34.8 4. the wishes of the patient as regards refusal from medical treatment at large or specific method used in the treatment shall be taken into account;

34.8 5. the decision taken on prioritisation (availability of therapy) shall be reviewed on a regular basis;

34.8 6. upon terminating intensive care, another medical treatment available is ensured;

34.8 7. the evaluation shall be based on internationally recognised scoring systems of critically ill patients and other important clinical criteria.

[31 August 2021]

V. Restrictions on International Carriage of Passengers, Tourism and Travel

[15 June 2021]

35. [15 June 2021]

35.1 [15 June 2021]

35.2 [2 January 2021 / See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

35.3 [15 June 2021]

35.4 [15 June 2021]

35.5 [15 June 2021]

35.6 [15 June 2021]

35.7 [15 June 2021]

35.8 [15 June 2021]

36. [15 June 2021]

36.1 [15 June 2021]

36.2 [15 June 2021]

36.3 [15 June 2021]

37. [15 June 2021]

38. [15 June 2021]

38.1 [6 October 2020]

38.2 [6 October 2020]

38.3 [15 June 2021]

38.4 [15 June 2021]

38.5 [15 June 2021]

38.6 [15 June 2021]

38.7 [15 June 2021]

38.8 [15 June 2021]

38.9 [1 April 2021]

38.10 [15 June 2021]

V.1 Interoperable Vaccination Certificate, Test Certificate or Certificate of Recovery and Exceptions to Epidemiological Safety Measures

[27 May 2021]

38.11 The person shall certify vaccination against COVID-19, the fact of testing for determination of SARS-CoV-2 or recovery from COVID-19 with an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery.

[27 May 2021 / See Paragraph 95]

38.12 An interoperable vaccination certificate issued in Latvia shall include the following information:

38.12 1. given name, surname of a person;

38.12 2. date of birth of a person;

38.12 3. indication that a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19;

38.12 4. type of vaccine;

38.12 5. medical name of the received vaccine;

38.12 6. name of the manufacturer of the received vaccine;

38.12 7. sequence number of the received vaccine dose in the vaccination course;

38.12 8. total number of vaccine doses in the vaccination course;

38.12 9. date of vaccination (indicate the date of receipt of the last dose);

38.12 10. institution that has signed the certificate;

38.12 11. the country in which the vaccine has been received;

38.12 12. unique certificate identifier.

[27 May 2021; 15 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

38.13 An interoperable test certificate issued in Latvia shall include the following information:

38.13 1. given name, surname of a person;

38.13 2. date of birth of a person;

38.13 3. indication that a COVID-19 test has been performed;

38.13 4. type of the test;

38.13 5. name of the test;

38.13 6. manufacturer of the test;

38.13 7. date and time of taking the sample;

38.13 8. [6 July 2021];

38.13 9. test result;

38.13 10. medical treatment institution that performed testing;

38.13 11. institution that has signed the certificate;

38.13 12. indication that the certificate has been issued in Latvia;

38.13 13. unique certificate identifier.

[27 May 2021]

38.14 An interoperable certificate of recovery issued in Latvia shall include the following information:

38.14 1. given name, surname of a person;

38.14 2. date of birth of a person;

38.14 3. indication that a person has recovered from COVID-19 infection;

38.14 4. date of the first positive COVID-19 test result by which an infection was confirmed;

38.14 5. indication that the certificate has been issued in Latvia;

38.14 6. institution that has signed the certificate;

38.14 7. term of validity of the certificate (the date from… to….);

38.14 8. unique certificate identifier.

[27 May 2021]

38.15 An interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery shall be issued on the basis of data in the unified electronic information system of health sector and in the database of the recipients of health care services.

[27 May 2021]

38.16 An interoperable vaccination certificate shall be issued, its operation shall be suspended and it shall be annulled in accordance with the following procedures:

38.16 1. an interoperable vaccination certificate shall be issued in accordance with the procedures specified in Paragraph 38.19 of this Regulation if a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine authorised with the European Medicines Agency or with an equivalent regulator or recognised by the World Health Organization in accordance with the instructions for the use of the vaccine. The certificate shall be issued for each vaccine dose received;

38.16 2. the National Health Service shall annul the interoperable vaccination certificate for a person for whom the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA has been detected for a time period of up to eleventh day from the day the sample of the first positive test within one episode of infection was taken with which the COVID-19 infection was confirmed in a laboratory when detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA;

38.16 3. based on the information provided by law enforcement authorities in criminal proceedings, the National Health Service shall annul or renew an indication in the e-health regarding the fact of vaccination against COVID-19, and also shall accordingly annul the interoperable vaccination certificate or renew its operation.

[24 August 2021]

38.17 An interoperable vaccination certificate shall be issued in accordance with the procedures referred to in Paragraph 38.19 of this Regulation if a person has been tested for COVID-19 by detecting SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA or if a rapid antigen test included in the Council Recommendation 2021/C 24/01 has been performed, and the result of such test is negative or positive, except for the persons for whom the COVID-19 infection was confirmed in a laboratory when detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and 11 days have not yet passed from the day the sample of the first positive test within one episode of infection was taken. Upon performing such test, it shall be indicated that the test has been performed in order to issue an interoperable test certificate. Until 1 August 2021 COVID-19 test is paid for from the funds from the State budget. For children who are less than 18 years of age, COVID-19 test is paid for from the funds from the State budget until 1 September 2021.

[27 May 2021; 10 June 2021; 24 August 2021]

38.18 An interoperable certificate of recovery shall be issued in accordance with the procedures specified in Paragraph 38.19 of this Regulation if a person has recovered from COVID-19 and at least 11 but not more than 180 days have passed since the day the sample of the first positive test within one episode of infection was taken with which the COVID-19 infection was confirmed in a laboratory when detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA.

[27 May 2021]

38.19 An interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery shall be requested, prepared and issued electronically or in a paper form in compliance with the following requirements:

38.19 1. a person registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative thereof may electronically request an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery and download it on the website www.Covid19sertifikats.lv by using one of the authentication types offered by the Latvian State portal www.latvija.lv. A person not registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative of such person may electronically request an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate, or certificate of recovery and download it on the website www.Covid19sertifikats.lv by using a link and PIN code issued by a medical treatment institution or a temporary access identifier and password;

38.19 2. a person registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative thereof may request and receive a printed copy of an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery in a medical treatment institution that performed vaccination or COVID-19 test, or in any other medical treatment institution, in a unified customer service centre of State and local governments or in a customer service unit of local government. In order to issue a certificate printout in paper form to a person registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative thereof, the representative of the medical treatment institution shall log in and request such certificate on the website https://lab.covid19sertifikats.lv, but a representative of a unified customer service centre of State and local governments or a customer service unit of local government - on https://pakalpojumucentri.lv. A person not registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative thereof may request and receive a printed copy of an interoperable vaccination certificate only in the medical treatment institution that performed vaccination. A person not registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative thereof may request and receive a printed copy of an interoperable test certificate or certificate of recovery only in the medical treatment institution that performed testing.

[27 May 2021; 15 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

38.20 Laboratories which perform COVID-19 testing by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and medical treatment institutions which perform SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen tests shall provide the data referred to in Annex 6 to this Regulation in a structured way for inclusion in the interoperable test certificate or certificate of recovery on one of the following platforms:

38.20 1. the unified electronic information system of health sector in the format and according to classification of COVID-19 test results specified by the National Health Service as soon as the test results have been confirmed;

38.20 2. the portal of the National Health Service in compliance with the following deadlines:

38.20 2.1. immediately after the rapid antigen test results have been confirmed;

38.20 2.2. within two hours after the results have been confirmed when detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA.

[27 May 2021]

38.21 The National Health Service shall maintain a public and private key infrastructure required for digital signing and verification of interoperable vaccination certificates, test certificates and certificates of recovery that is connected with the European Union gateway, and it shall be the only institution that includes and updates the public key data of interoperable vaccination certificates, test certificates and certificates of recovery signed by the Republic of Latvia in the European Union gateway.

[27 May 2021]

38.22 The signatory of interoperable vaccination certificates, test certificates and certificates of recovery shall be the National Health Service. If a person who has the right to vaccination against COVID-19 paid in Latvia has been vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine registered with the European Medicines Agency in a foreign country which has not joined the gateway of the European Union and does not issue an interoperable vaccination certificate:

38.22 1. upon receipt of the submission of the person and documents attesting to the receipt of the vaccine in the foreign country, the National Health Service shall, within one month, assess its authenticity and conformity with Paragraph 38.12 of this Regulation;

38.22 2. the State Blood Donor Centre shall register the information on the fact of vaccination against COVID-19 infection performed abroad in e-health within two working days after receipt of the relevant information from the National Health Service.

[22 June 2021]

38.23 A medical treatment institution, a unified customer service centre of State and local governments, and a customer service unit of local government have the right to charge a fee for issuing a printed copy of an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate, or certificate of recovery if the same certificate has already been issued two times.

[27 May 2021; 6 July 2021 / Amendment regarding the supplementation of Paragraph with the words "a unified customer service centre of State and local governments, and a customer service unit of local government" after the words "a medical treatment institution" shall come into force on 21 July 2021. See Paragraph 3 of Amendments]

38.24 The certificate shall be available to the person for three months after the end of term of validity of the certificate. The certificate shall not be available irrespective of the term of validity if an error has been established or information has been received on non-conformity of the initial data.

[27 May 2021]

38.25 An interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery shall be verified on the website www.Covid19sertifikats.lv or in the application Covid19Verify by using the QR code of the certificate. Upon verifying the relevant certificate, the performer of the verification shall see information on the given name, surname, date of birth of the person and information on the conformity or non-conformity of the certificate. The State Police and the State Border Guard shall be the verification institution within the meaning of the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a framework for the issuance, verification and acceptance of interoperable COVID-19 certificates on vaccination, testing and recovery to facilitate free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic (EU Digital Covid Certificate).

[27 May 2021; 10 June 2021 / Amendment regarding the supplementation of Paragraph with the third sentence shall come into force on 15 June 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

38.26 Information on the fact of verification and the information obtained during the verification referred to in Paragraph 38.25 shall not be stored.

[27 May 2021]

38.27 Persons who have an interoperable certificate of recovery certifying that the person has recovered from COVID-19 infection or an interoperable vaccination certificate certifying that the person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 infection and fourteen days have passed since completion of the full vaccination course with vaccines authorised with the European Medicines Agency or with an equivalent regulator or recognised by the World Health Organization in accordance with the instructions for use of the vaccine or twenty-two to ninety days have passed since receipt of the first dose of the Vaxzevria vaccine and immediately after receipt of the second dose of the Vaxzevria vaccine, or persons for whom not more than 180 days have passed since an episode of infection with SARS-CoV-2 confirmed in a laboratory by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA or fourteen days have passed since receipt of one dose of the vaccine authorised with the European Medicines Agency or with an equivalent regulator or recognised by the World Health Organization, and also persons who have received mixed doses of the vaccines referred to in this Paragraph according to the COVID-19 vaccination guidebook published on the website of the State Agency of Medicines, may:

38.27 1. gather in a work space at the place of employment without using mouth and nose covers and without maintaining the two-metre distance. When in common areas and also if there are such persons in the room regarding whom there is no information whether they meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, the two-metre distance shall be maintained and the mouth and nose covers shall be used. In order to ensure sustainability of an undertaking or the provision of public services, an employer has the right to request and process the information obtained from an employee on the conformity with the status of a vaccinated person or a person who has recovered from COVID-19 infection. In order to ensure the provision of epidemiologically safe education services, an implementer of the learning process has the right to request and process the information obtained from a laboratory, an educatee, or an employee on the existence of an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate, certificate of recovery or a conformation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test result;

38.27 2. participate in trainings (sessions) of amateur sports collectives indoors. Persons regarding whom there is no information whether they meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation may not be present in the room;

38.27 3. gather during amateur collective rehearsals without using mouth and nose covers and without maintaining the two-metre distance. When in common areas and also if there are such persons in the room regarding whom there is no information whether they meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, the two-metre distance shall be maintained and the mouth and nose covers shall be used;

38.27 4. be present in one social service provider institution for providing and receiving social services without using mouth and nose covers and without maintaining the two-metre distance. If there are such persons in the room regarding whom there is no information whether they meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, the two-metre distance shall be maintained and the mouth and nose covers shall be used;

38.27 5. meet within the scope of several households, without using mouth and nose covers and without maintaining the two-metre distance. If there are such persons indoors or outdoors on whom there is no information whether they meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, the two-metre distance is maintained, the mouth and nose covers are used, and the requirements of this Regulation regarding the number of persons are complied with;

38.27 6. not undergo the screening test that is mandatory for the diagnostics of COVID-19 and to perform work duties or visit a collective if the person does not have any symptoms of an infectious disease (except when the COVID-19 test is required by a medical practitioner or epidemiologist in accordance with medical or epidemiological indications);

38.27 7. [17 August 2021].

[27 May 2021; 1 June 2021; 22 June 2021; 6 July 2021; 17 August 2021]

38.28 The persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation may provide services without complying with the conditions of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation if the service is provided individually by ensuring:

38.28 1. the epidemiological safety requirements for the provision of specific services, if such have been developed;

38.28 2. that only one service provider and one service recipient (except for hairdresser, manicure, pedicure, and podologist services which may be provided in the same room in compliance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 24.22 of this Regulation) is in one room, or, when receiving services of bathhouses, saunas, lease of sporting equipment indoors or photographic activities - one service provider and members of one household;

38.28 3. that information is available to service recipients and controlling authorities which certifies the conformity of the service provider with the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation.

[27 May 2021; 22 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

38.29 [22 June 2021]

38.30 When visiting social service provider institutions:

38.30 1. the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation (client, employee, visitor) may meet outdoors or in a specially designated meeting room on site without using mouth and nose covers and without maintaining the two-metre distance, if the visitors are from one household and they present an interoperable certificate to the representative of a service provider;

38.30 2. the social service provider shall control the conformity of the persons present with the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation.

[27 May 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 1 June 2021. See Paragraph 98]

38.31 The persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation may organise public events and participate in them as well as provide and receive services on site, including catering and entertainment services, beauty treatment and wellness services, receive cultural (cinema and theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions, museum pedagogy and educational events, etc.) services, participate in professional development measures, and also provide photographic activities and participate in marriage registration without using mouth and nose covers, without maintaining the two-metre distance, and without complying with the restrictions on working hours:

38.31 1. if control is ensured at the entrance in order to verify conformity of the persons present with the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, and it is ensured that persons who do not meet these requirements are not present at the place where the event takes place or the service is provided;

38.31 2. if the personnel at the place where the public event takes place or the economic service is provided and in premises and territory where visitors can enter meets the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation. If persons who do not meet the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation are in premises or territory where visitors cannot enter, all the specified epidemiological safety requirements must be complied with therein;

38.31 3. if the persons present can, upon request of a person appointed by the service provider or the controlling authorities, present an interoperable certificate certifying conformity to the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, and the person appointed by the service provider and controlling authorities have the right to request to present these certificates.

38.31 4. the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation may attend public events together with minor children. Children who are more than 12 years of age and do not conform to the conditions referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation shall present an interoperable test certificate that the person has been tested for COVID-19 within the last 48 hours before the event by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and the test result is negative, or the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test made within the last six hours before the event is negative if the organiser of the event ensures at the site where the event takes place a separate sector where seats are shown to the abovementioned persons with children. Seats in the sector shall be arranged in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation;

38.31 5. the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation may attend trade fairs indoors together with minor children. Children who are more than 12 years of age and do not conform to the conditions referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation shall present an interoperable test certificate that they have been tested for COVID-19 within the last 48 hours before the event by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and the test result is negative, or the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test made within the last six hours before the event is negative if the organiser of the event separates the flows of visitors at different times. All persons from the age of 7 years shall use mouth and nose covers, and at least 5 m2 of the publicly available area of premises are ensured per person during the event;

38.31 6. the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation may attend trade fairs outdoors together with minor children. Children who are more than 12 years of age and do not conform to the conditions referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation shall present an interoperable test certificate that they have been tested for COVID-19 within the last 48 hours before the event by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and the test result is negative, or the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test made within the last six hours before the event is negative if all the persons ensure a two-metre distance during the event.

[27 May 2021; 22 June 2021; 17 August 2021; 31 August 2021]

38.32 The persons who may present the following may participate in or host mass media broadcasts without using mouth and nose covers also if the broadcast lasts longer than 15 minutes:

38.32 1. interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery;

38.32 2. interoperable test certificate that the person has been tested for COVID-19 within 48 hours before the broadcast by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and the test result is negative, or the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test made before the broadcast is negative.

[27 May 2021]

38.33 Not more than 20 participants participate in the broadcast in the case referred to in Paragraph 38.32 of this Regulation. If at least 10 m2 of the available area per one person can be ensured, the number of broadcast participants may be higher. During the broadcast, the viewers may be informed through captions that all broadcast participants have been tested for COVID-19 and the tests are negative or they have been vaccinated against COVID-19 or they have been infected with SARS CoV-2 and do not cause the risk of infection for the surrounding people. If possible, a two-metre distance shall be ensured between the broadcast participants.

[27 May 2021]

38.34 The persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation, and also persons who have an interoperable test certificate certifying that the person has been tested for COVID-19 within the last 48 hours by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and the test result is negative, or the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test made within the last six hours is negative, and also the children under the age of 12 years without certificates may participate in public events and receive services on site the course of which is prohibited in accordance with the conditions of Paragraphs 14 and 14.2 of this Regulation, including entertainment and cultural (cinema and theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions, museum pedagogy and educational events, etc.) services, if the following conditions are met:

38.34 1. control is ensured at the entrance in order to verify conformity of the persons present with the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation, and it is ensured that persons who do not meet these requirements are not present at the place or in the territory where the event takes place or the service is provided;

38.34 2. the personnel at the place where the event takes place or the economic service is provided and in premises and territory where visitors can enter meets the conditions of the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation or can present an interoperable test certificate conforming that the person has been tested for COVID-19 within the last 96 hours by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA or SARS-CoV-2 antigen and the test result is negative. If the personnel who does not meet the requirements referred to in this Sub-paragraph is in premises or territory where visitors cannot enter, all the specified epidemiological safety requirements must be complied with therein;

38.34 3. the persons present, except for those who are less than 12 years of age, upon request of a person appointed by the service provider or the controlling authorities, present an interoperable certificate certifying conformity with the requirements referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.34 of this Regulation; The controlling authorities have the right to request to present such certificates;

38.34 4. all persons who are present at the place where the event takes place or the service is provided use the mouth and nose covers, except for events taking place outdoors;

38.34 5. visitors of the event are located in fixed, personalised seats during the course of the event, and also visitors who are located in different delimited sectors of the space do not meet;

38.34 6. the organiser of the event aggregates information on visitors (given name, surname, contact telephone number, specific seat at the event). The organiser of the event shall store the information up to one month and transfer it to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control upon its request;

38.34 7. during the course of the event or service, the flow of visitors is organised in a way to prevent gathering of people and to ensure that the distance of two metres is maintained outside seats;

38.34 8. not more than two persons who are not members of the same household or not more than 10 persons (including four adults and six children) who are members of the same household may be seated next to each other. A distance of not less than two seats is ensured between each adjacent two seats or seats of one household accordingly, seats are arranged in rows, ensuring maintaining of two-metre distance from the persons sitting in front and behind. When leaving the seat, a person shall maintain the distance of two metres from other persons;

38.34 9. the duration of the event indoors does not exceed four hours, ensuring an intermission of at least 15 minutes and ventilation of premises for events indoors the duration of which exceeds two hours;

38.34 10. not more than 300 persons participate in an event indoors and not more than 500 persons - outdoors;

38.34 11. if also the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation (who are not counted in the number of persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.34 10 of this Regulation) are present in a separate area of spectators in the event, it is ensured that their flow does not overlap.

[10 June 2021; 22 June 2021; 29 June 2021; 14 July 2021; 17 August 2021]

38.35 The organiser of the event has the right to use the personalised information (for example, telephone number, e-mail) received from visitors of the event in order to inform about the event safety requirements and also about cancellation or postponement of the event or annulment of the seat of the visitor.

[15 June 2021]

V.2 Rules for Entering the Republic of Latvia

[15 June 2021]

38.36 The restrictions and requirements referred to in this Chapter shall apply to the entering of persons in the Republic of Latvia, determining the division of countries into the following categories:

38.36 1. countries to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are not applicable (low-risk countries);

38.36 2. countries to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable (high-risk countries);

38.36 3. countries where such epidemiological situation has been established (including especially high COVID-19 morbidity or rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus strains dangerous to the public health) which can cause a serious threat to the public health (particularly high-risk countries).

[15 June 2021]

38.37 The conditions referred to in this Chapter shall not restrict the movement of vehicles, including passenger carriage and road freight.

[15 June 2021]

38.38 Entry into the Republic of Latvia shall be prohibited (except for the persons referred to in Paragraphs 38.48 and 38.49 of this Regulation and minor children accompanying them, if the children do not travel in an organised group):

38.38 1. from high-risk countries that are not European Union Member States and European Economic Area countries, the Swiss Confederation, and the United Kingdom if the person does not have the document on vaccination or recovery referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation;

38.38 2. from particularly high-risk countries.

[15 June 2021]

38.39 The following persons may enter the Republic of Latvia:

38.39 1. persons who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 infection and fourteen days have passed since completion of the full vaccination course with vaccines authorised with the European Medicines Agency or with an equivalent regulator or recognised by the World Health Organization in accordance with the instructions for use of the vaccine or persons for whom not more than 180 days have passed since an episode of infection with SARS-CoV-2 confirmed in a laboratory by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA or fourteen days have passed since receipt of one dose of the vaccine authorised with the European Medicines Agency or with an equivalent regulator or recognised by the World Health Organization, and also persons who have received mixed doses of the vaccines referred to in this Paragraph according to the COVID-19 vaccination guidebook published on the website of the State Agency of Medicines;

38.39 2. persons who have recovered from COVID-19 and at least 11 but not more than 180 days have passed since the day the sample of the first positive test within one episode of infection was taken with which the COVID-19 infection was confirmed in a laboratory when detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA;

38.39 3. persons who 72 hours prior to boarding the vehicle of a carrier or prior to entering the Republic of Latvia by a vehicle not performing carriage for reward have been tested for COVID-19 by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA, or not later than within the last 48 hours have undergone the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test and it is negative. If the person enters from a particularly high-risk country, it is mandatory for such person to undergo the test referred to in this Paragraph, even though such person has been vaccinated against COVID-19 or has recovered from COVID-19 infection.

[15 June 2021; 6 July 2021; 17 August 2021]

38.40 Compliance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.39 of this Regulation shall be confirmed by the person with an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery or with another valid certification on COVID-19 vaccination, recovery or performed COVID-19 test issued in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of Israel, New Zealand or Canada. When entering from countries that are not the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of Israel, New Zealand or Canada, the fact of testing may be certified with a test result in English or in the language of the exit State. These documents may be in paper form or electronic form (in a smartphone).

[24 August 2021 / New wording of the Paragraph shall come into force on 1 September 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

38.41 If the person enters by a vehicle not performing carriage for reward or enters from a country that is not a European Union Member State and European Economic Area country, the Swiss Confederation, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of Israel, New Zealand or Canada by a vehicle performing carriage for reward, it shall confirm compliance with the requirements of Paragraph 38.39 of this Regulation by filling in electronically the confirmation form on the website of the information system (covidpass.lv) and, if necessary, present the documents referred to in Paragraphs 38.40 and 38.52 of this Regulation to the State Border Guard or the State Police.

[24 August 2021 / New wording of the Paragraph shall come into force on 1 September 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

38.42 If the person uses the vehicle of a carrier, he or she shall present to the carrier the documents referred to in Paragraphs 38.40 and 38.41 of this Regulation as well as the confirmation referred to in Paragraph 38.54 of this Regulation in paper form or on a mobile device. The international carrier shall electronically check the validity of the presented certificate or visually ascertain that the documents referred to in Paragraphs 38.40 and 38.41 are present, and also shall visually ascertain of the confirmation presented by a person or shall verify, using a mobile device, the QR code indicated in the confirmation and shall ascertain that the person has submitted the confirmation form referred to in Paragraph 38.52 of this Regulation. If the person cannot present the abovementioned documents or confirmation, the carrier refuses boarding the vehicle to such person.

[15 June 2021]

38.43 The persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.39 1 and 38.39 2 of this Regulation who have valid documents referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation shall undergo COVID-19 tests according to the conditions of Sub-paragraph 38.39 3 and Paragraph 38.45 of this Regulation only when entering from a particularly high-risk country.

[15 June 2021]

38.44 The persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.39 1 and 38.39 2 of this Regulation who have valid documents referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation shall comply with the self-isolation requirements specified in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation only when entering from a particularly high-risk country.

[15 June 2021]

38.45 The person, except for the persons referred to in Paragraph 38.46 of this Regulation, shall, upon entering the Republic of Latvia, immediately but not later than within 24 hours undergo the COVID-19 test by detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA at the nearest testing site at his or her own expense and shall inform the representative of the laboratory of the purpose of the test and provide the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 69.1, 69.2, 69.4.1, and 69.5.1 of this Regulation orally or in writing, if the person has registered for such test online, record such fact in the test certificate and immediately go to a place for self-isolation in accordance with Paragraph 56.4 of this Regulation until the moment the test result has been received, if the person:

38.45 1. enters the Republic of Latvia from a low-risk country or a European Union Member State and European Economic Area country, the Swiss Confederation, and the United Kingdom and cannot present the interoperable certificate referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation or, by 1 September 2021 - another valid certification on COVID-19 vaccination, recovery or performed COVID-19 test issued in the European Union Member States and European Economic Area countries, the Swiss Confederation, or the United Kingdom;

38.45 2. enters the Republic of Latvia from a high-risk country that is not a European Union Member State and European Economic Area country, the Swiss Confederation, and the United Kingdom and cannot present the interoperable certificate referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation or, by 1 September 2021 - another valid certification on COVID-19 vaccination, recovery or performed COVID-19 test recognised in the European Union Member States and European Economic Area countries, the Swiss Confederation, or the United Kingdom;

38.45 3. enters the Republic of Latvia from a particularly high-risk country.

[15 June 2021]

38.46 The requirements of Paragraph 38.39 of this Regulation shall not apply to:

38.46 1. the children under the age of 12 years;

38.46 2. the employees of the transport and carriage of passengers service providers and to the crews of passenger, freight, or technical voyages also when they are going to the place where they perform their work duties or when they are returning from it. Professional drivers of goods vehicles and buses shall, upon request of the State Border Guard or the State Police, present a driver's licence of the relevant category as well as the driver card of a digital tachograph or the record sheet of the last working day, and a Certificate for International Transport Workers issued by the employer the form and content of which corresponds to the template developed by the European Commission;

38.46 3. seafarers who must reach their work place aboard a ship or must return from it;

38.46 4. aircraft passengers who cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit without leaving the airside and staying therein for not more than 24 hours if such persons can present a confirmation of a transit flight;

38.46 5. the persons referred to in Paragraph 3 of this Regulation;

38.46 6. the citizens and permanent residents of the European Union Member States who are declared in Valka municipality and Valga rural territory (Republic of Estonia) and who cross the land border of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia on a daily basis, provided that they do not leave the administrative territories of Valka and Valga local governments;

38.46 7. the persons referred to in Paragraph 58.1 of this Regulation;

38.46 8. the other categories of persons if the State Border Guard establishes that they conform to the norms of international law, national interests of Latvia or is associated with urgent circumstances, force majeure or humanitarian considerations.

[15 June 2021]

38.47 Entry in the territory of the Republic of Latvia is not restricted for such nationals of the Republic of Latvia and the permanent residents of the European Union who have a residence permit in Latvia whose COVID-19 test is positive, provided that the person enters by a vehicle not performing carriage for reward. The isolation requirements referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation shall apply to such persons.

[15 June 2021]

38.48 The prohibition referred to in Paragraph 38.38 of this Regulation when entering from countries that are not a European Union Member State and European Economic Area country, the Swiss Confederation, and the United Kingdom shall not apply to:

38.48 1. the nationals of the Republic of Latvia, their family members, and the holders of the temporary residence permits of the Republic of Latvia, and also foreigners who, by crossing the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit, return to the country of their permanent place of residence;

38.48 2. the nationals of the European Union, European Economic Area, and the Swiss Confederation and their family members, and persons who permanently reside in these countries, and also to the citizens of the United Kingdom and their family members who, by crossing the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit, return to their country of residence, including to the Republic of Latvia;

38.48 3. the employees and passengers of the transport and carriage of passengers service providers, the crews of freight or technical voyages who arrive in the Republic of Latvia or exit it upon fulfilling work duties;

38.48 4. seafarers who must reach their work place aboard a ship or must return from it;

38.48 5. foreigners the need for entry of whom for the fulfilment of the commitments of merchants in Latvia has been certified by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia or the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs in accordance with Paragraph 38.58 of this Regulation and on the basis of the criteria referred to in Paragraph 59 of this Regulation;

38.48 6. foreign diplomats and their family members who cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit for the performance of the official functions, and also holders of the diplomatic passport of the Republic of Latvia, the civil servants and employees of the diplomatic and consular service and their family members who return from the service country or who need to get to the service country;

38.48 7. the nationals of Latvia who are the members of official delegations or who need to get to their work place within the framework of an intergovernmental project;

38.48 8. full-time and exchange programme students if a higher education institution or college has issued a written certification on the matriculation of the student and the arrival in Latvia is required for the completion of a study programme;

38.48 9. athletes and sports employees, and also representatives of international sports organisations whose arrival in the Republic of Latvia is connected with participation as an accredited person in an international sporting event organised by a sports federation recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Sports Law or a member thereof;

38.48 10. foreigners whose arrival in Latvia for the receipt of a medical treatment (diagnostics and therapy) service within the scope of health tourism has been coordinated by the Health Inspectorate if receipt of the medical treatment (diagnostics and therapy) service is associated with humanitarian considerations or pressing need;

38.48 11. an accompanying person in the cases referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.48 10 of this Regulation if the need for an accompanying person is determined by the medical treatment institution or a person accompanies his or her child, and the arrival thereof in the status of an accompanying person has been coordinated with the Health Inspectorate;

38.48 12. culture professionals whose arrival in Latvia is related to the provision of cultural services and organisation of public events and the groups of which have been determined by the Minister for Culture in accordance with Paragraph 61 of this Regulation;

38.4813. athletes of the Latvian adult team, Latvian Olympic team or Latvian Paralympic team, and also Latvian team athletes starting in international leagues in Olympic, Paralympic, and technical sports and disciplines, and sports employees that provide services to them and the list of which is coordinated with the Ministry of Education and Science and who return to the Republic of Latvia after participation in the sports competitions abroad. The abovementioned information (including on the persons referred to in Paragraph 61.6 of this Regulation) shall be published on the website of the foundation Latvian Sports Federations Council in aggregate form and without indicating specific persons;

38.48 14. a foreigner as well as his or her family members if the foreigner fulfils the duties of the senior researcher and researcher of the scientific institution upon invitation of the scientific institution that is a derived public person registered in the Register of Scientific Institutions, and such invitation is justified by the necessity to ensure the fulfilment of obligations of such institution when implementing a scientific research project (if the term of employment relationships is intended to exceed six months). The foreigner shall fulfil the abovementioned duties based on the employment relationships established after the arrival of the foreigner in Latvia;

38.48 15. aircraft passengers who cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit without leaving the airside and staying therein for not more than 24 hours if such persons can present a confirmation of a transit flight.

[15 June 2021; 22 June 2021; 6 July 2021]

38.49 The prohibition referred to in Paragraph 38.38 2 of this Regulation when entering from European Union Member States and European Economic Area countries, the Swiss Confederation, and the United Kingdom shall not apply to the cases when entry into the Republic of Latvia is urgently necessary for the purpose of work, studies, family reunification, receipt of medical services, transit or accompanying of minor persons, and also to return to his or her place of permanent residence or to attend a funeral.

[15 June 2021]

38.50 Chief of the State Border Guard or an official authorised thereby shall have the right to make exceptions in relation to the crossing of the external border if it complies with the norms of international law, national interests of Latvia or is associated with force majeure or humanitarian considerations.

[15 June 2021]

38.51 Upon a request of an official of the State Border Guard, a carrier which is carrying, in transit through the Republic of Latvia to another country, a foreigner who has been refused entry in the next transit country or country of destination shall carry him or her to the country from which he or she has been brought or to the country which issued the travel document, or to any other country in which entry of the foreigner is guaranteed.

[15 June 2021]

38.52 Before arrival in the Republic of Latvia, a person shall confirm that, upon arrival in the Republic of Latvia, he or she will comply with the epidemiological safety measures implemented in the country for the containment of the spread of COVID-19 infection, and also shall confirm the existence of the document referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation and shall indicate the information referred to in Paragraph 69 of this Regulation in the confirmation form on the information system website (covidpass.lv). The person:

38.52 1. confirms that he or she will comply with the special precautionary measures in accordance with Paragraph 56 of this Regulation, including will ensure self-isolation. The persons referred to in Paragraph 59 of this Regulation shall confirm that, while staying in the Republic of Latvia, they will ensure self-isolation after the working hours, will monitor their health condition (by measuring body temperature twice a day - in the morning and in the evening), and will comply with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation. The persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.48 9 and 38.48 13 of this Regulation shall confirm that, while staying in the Republic of Latvia, they will comply with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.2 and Paragraph 61.1 of this Regulation. The persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.48 10 of this Regulation shall confirm that, while staying in the Republic of Latvia and when not receiving a treatment (diagnostics and therapy) service at a medical treatment institution, they will comply with the requirements referred to in Paragraphs 56 and 61.5 of this Regulation;

38.52 2. who has stayed in a low-risk country and also the persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.39 1 or 38.39 2 of this Regulation need not ensure self-isolation.

[15 June 2021]

38.53 A person shall electronically fill in the confirmation form referred to in Paragraph 38.52 of this Regulation, submit it to the information system website (covidpass.lv), and confirm its submission. The confirmation form shall be submitted not earlier than 48 hours before crossing the State border of the Republic of Latvia.

[15 June 2021]

38.54 When a person has confirmed the submission of the confirmation form referred to in Paragraph 38.52 of this Regulation, a relevant confirmation including a QR code to be used in a mobile device is created on the website of the information system (covidpass.lv). The manager of the information system shall send the confirmation and QR code to the electronic mail address indicated by the person in the confirmation form.

[15 June 2021]

38.55 The person referred to in Paragraphs 58.1 and 58.5 of this Regulation shall fill in the confirmation form once every 30 days.

[15 June 2021]

38.56 In order to ensure the compliance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation, the passenger has the obligation to get to his or her place of residence or another place of stay as soon as possible after returning from a high-risk and particularly high-risk country.

[15 June 2021]

38.57 A person has an obligation to cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit within 12 hours after submitting the confirmation form on the website of the information system (covidpass.lv), except for:

38.57 1. a passenger of international carriage who must cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit within 48 hours;

38.57 2. an employee of a provider of transportation services, crew member of freight or technical voyages who must cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit within 72 hours;

38.57 3. a member of the ship's crew, and also a seafarer who must get to his or her work place on board a ship or who needs to return from such place;

38.57 4. flight crew member;

38.57 5. an aircraft passenger who crosses the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit without leaving the airside and staying therein for not more than 24 hours if this person can present a confirmation of a transit flight.

[15 June 2021]

38.58 In the cases referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.48 5 of this Regulation for the fulfilment of the commitments of merchants and in the work cases referred to in Paragraph 38.49 of this Regulation, the arrival of a foreigner in Latvia conforms to any of the following criteria:

38.58 1. the arrival is related to technical maintenance of the operation of equipment in possession of a merchant established in Latvia or installation of new equipment if it cannot be ensured by service providers in Latvia and if it is necessary for the manufacturing of goods or provision of services, or for the fulfilment of the commitments of the merchant in relation to the public procurement contract entered into;

38.58 2. the arrival is related to certification, attestation, or conformity assessment of products manufactured by or services of a merchant established in Latvia, and also to attraction of highly qualified employees in order to ensure the release of goods or services for circulation governed by civil law or the fulfilment of the commitments of the merchant in relation to the contract entered into;

38.58 3. the arrival is related to the technical maintenance of equipment or structures in possession of a commercial company of significance to national security or to the installation of new equipment, or to the construction work which is necessary for ensuring the maintenance of the operation or critical infrastructure of a merchant, or to the implementation of a construction intention (including engineering research) if it applies to an object to which the status of an object of national interest has been specified;

38.58 4. the arrival is related to the fulfilment of the commitments of a merchant of Latvia in relation to the implementation of an investment project in Latvia in which the planned amount of investments exceeds at least EUR 1 000 000 or the number of planned and newly created work places exceeds 20, and also to the entering into an export contract of goods manufactured in or services of Latvia if the potential value of the export transaction is larger than EUR 100 000;

38.58 5. the arrival is related to the fulfilment of the commitments in relation to the performance of seasonal work in the sector of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and food production;

38.58 6. the arrival is related to the fulfilment of the duties of an athlete or sports employee.

[22 June 2021]

38.59 If a visa or residence permit is not necessary for the entry of a foreigner in Latvia for the purpose of employment or he or she does not have an inviter, the conformity of the foreigner with any of the criteria referred to in Paragraph 38.58 of this Regulation shall be certified by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia. A merchant shall submit a certification to the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia together with the application that the foreigner will comply with all restrictions specified for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection for entry or employment in the Republic of Latvia, and documents certifying the conformity of the arrival of the foreigner with any of the abovementioned criteria.

[22 June 2021]

38.60 If a visa or residence permit is necessary for the entry of a foreigner in Latvia for the purpose of employment, his or her conformity with any of the criteria referred to in Paragraph 38.58 of this Regulation shall be certified by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs by approving the invitation or sponsorship or taking the decision to grant a residence permit. The submitter shall append a certification to the application for an invitation, sponsorship, or residence permit that the foreigner will comply with all restrictions specified for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection for entry or employment in the Republic of Latvia, and documents certifying the conformity of the arrival of the foreigner with any of the abovementioned criteria.

[22 June 2021]

38.61 A person (except for the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.46 1 and 38.46 5 of this Regulation) who enters the Republic of Latvia by crossing the external land border at the border crossing point "Grebņeva", "Terehova", "Pāternieki", or "Silene" and cannot present the interoperable certificate referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation or until 1 September 2021 - another valid certification of vaccination against COVID-19, recovery from COVID-19, or taking a COVID-19 test issued in a European Union and European Economic Area country, the Swiss Confederation, or the United Kingdom shall, without delay, take a COVID-19 test at the abovementioned border crossing point using his or her own resources. A positive SARS-CoV-2 virus rapid antigen test result shall be approved by detecting SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA which is paid from the State budget funds.

[6 July 2021; 14 July 2021]

38.62 The State Border Guard shall give a permission for the person referred to in Paragraph 38.61 of this Regulation to leave the territory of the border crossing point if the result of the COVID-19 test taken is negative.

[6 July 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 12 July 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

38.63 The persons referred to in Paragraph 38.61 of this Regulation who are not tested for COVID-19 or whose COVID-19 test result is positive, and also contact persons of such persons shall comply with the following conditions:

38.63 1. a citizen of the Republic of Latvia, a non-citizen, or a foreigner who has been issued with a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Latvia and his or her family members who are present shall, within four hours after receipt of a telephone request from the State Border Guard, be delivered by the State Emergency Medical Service to the nearest place for mandatory isolation - place of residence or place of stay, or any of the tourist accommodation establishments referred to in the list of tourist accommodation establishments administered by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia as close as possible to the border crossing points referred to in Paragraph 38.61 of this Regulation (if there is no possibility for the person to go to a place of residence or place of stay without subjecting other persons to the risk of infection) for the compliance with the mandatory isolation in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation and the tourist accommodation establishment shall be informed of the positive COVID-19 test or of the fact that the person has not taken a COVID-19 test;

38.63 2. other persons not referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.63 1 of this Regulation and their family members present shall, within four hours after receipt of a telephone request from the State Border Guard, be delivered by the State Emergency Medical Service to any of the tourist accommodation establishments referred to in the list of tourist accommodation establishments administered by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia as close as possible to the border crossing points referred to in Paragraph 38.61 of this Regulation for the compliance with the mandatory isolation in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation;

38.63 3. the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.63 1 and 38.63 2 of this Regulation who enter the Republic of Latvia by a personal vehicle shall go to the place of residence or a place of stay, or to his or her home country to observe mandatory isolation, shall use the medical face mask, shall not form direct contact with other persons, shall not go to social places where there are many people, including shall not use public transport.

[14 July 2021]

38.64 The tourist accommodation has an obligation to inform the Health Inspectorate and the State Police that the person does not stay overnight in the tourist accommodation establishment during the period of mandatory isolation, and also if the person has left the hotel without presenting a statement of the medical practitioner on the termination of isolation.

[10 August 2021]

38.65 If the driver of a goods or passenger vehicle of a carrier must observe the mandatory isolation at a tourist accommodation establishment, the carrier has an obligation to solve the issues related to ensuring of the relevant carriage.

[6 July 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 12 July 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

38.66 The requirements regarding the filling in and submission of the confirmation form referred to in Paragraph 38.52 of this Regulation on the website of the information system (covidpass.lv) shall not apply to the cruise ship passengers who have the documents referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation which confirm the compliance of the person with the requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.39 1 or 38.39 2 of this Regulation. A cruise ship passenger shall present the documents referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation to the carrier, the carrier shall electronically check the validity of the presented certificate or visually ascertain that the documents referred to in Paragraph 38.40 of this Regulation are present.

[31 August 2021]

VI. Requirements for the Handling of Food

39. The food establishments providing public catering services or selling such non-prepackaged food which is offered without packaging and need not be washed or cooked before consumption shall ensure that at self-service area the food is sold only in packaging or is packaged upon a request of a buyer.

40. In conformity with the hygiene and veterinary requirements laid down in the laws and regulations regarding handling of primary food products in small amounts, the amount of products specified in the abovementioned laws and regulations and to be delivered to the final customer or retail undertaking which is directly supplying the final customer may be exceeded.

VI.1 Conditions for the Organising and Course of the Learning and Sports Process

[17 August 2021]

40.1 The process of acquisition of education, including in international schools, at all levels of education and the services of official accommodation facilities and a boarding school shall be organised on site in conformity with the basic principles referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation (informing, maintaining of a distance, hygiene, monitoring of the health condition of a person) and the requirements arising therefrom.

[17 August 2021]

40.2 The following persons shall participate in the learning process on site and in the provision thereof with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a confirmation in paper or digital form (at a prison - with a statement (form No. 27/u) issued to educatees by the medical practitioner of the prison) regarding negative COVID-19 test results, presenting it to the person responsible for the implementation of the learning process:

40.2 1. the persons employed at the level of pre-school education;

40.2 2. the persons employed at the level of basic education and secondary education (including in vocational orientation education programmes) and educatees, except for the educatees who are completing a special basic education programme for pupils with mental disorders or a special basic education programme for pupils with severe mental disorders or several severe developmental disorders at a special education institution or special education class and who are not tested according to Sub-paragraph 40.5 6 of this Regulation;

40.2 3. the persons employed in programmes of informal education (including interest-related education) and vocational competence in-service training for teachers and educatees (except for educatees at the level of pre-school education);

40.2 4. the service providers (including providers of catering, transport, cleaning services).

[17 August 2021; 3 September 2021]

40.3 Child supervision services shall be implemented on site in conformity with the basic principles referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation and the requirements arising therefrom. The service shall be provided by a person with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test result which shall be presented upon request of the recipient of the service. The service provider shall perform testing according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery need not be tested for COVID-19.

[17 August 2021]

40.4 The learning process only on site, except for the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 40.6 1 of this Regulation shall be implemented:

40.4 1. in a pre-school education programme;

40.4 2. in a general basic education programmes for grades 1-3;

40.4 3. at a special educational institution;

40.4 4. in a special education class in which the special basic education programme for pupils with severe mental disorders or several severe developmental disorders are implemented;

40.4 5. in a special education class in which the special basic education programme for pupils with mental disorders are implemented;

40.4 6. at the educational institution for social correction Naukšēni;

40.4 7. at juvenile correctional institutions;

40.4 8. in individual lessons in study subjects of music, art, and dance vocational orientation and vocational secondary education programmes which are implemented in the form of individual lessons according to the specific nature of the study subject;

40.4 9. in completion of the practical part of vocational education programmes (except for vocational orientation education programmes and higher education study programmes) within the scope of one group, and also in taking vocational qualification examinations;

40.4 10. in individual learning of independent practical skills of a vocational education (including vocational orientation) programme at an educational institution without the presence of the teacher;

40.4 11. in workshop courses and tests which, in accordance with laws and regulations, are required for the person to be appointed to a position or to establish or fulfil employment relationship, to receive, maintain, extend, or renew a certificate, licence, confirmation, certification, and another similar document, and also for the recognition or maintenance of professional qualification and the attestation of competence conformity.

[17 August 2021; 14 September 2021]

40.5 An educational institution shall:

40.5 1. determine the procedures and the responsible persons for the conformity with the basic principles referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation and the requirements arising therefrom, including for testing of educatees and employees (except for in study programmes of higher education), organising and control of the flow of educatees and other visitors, inspection of interoperable vaccination certificates or certificates of recovery and test results, use of common areas, services of laboratories, official accommodation facilities, and a boarding school, organising of catering, individual learning of independent practical skills of a vocational education programme at an educational institution without the presence of a teacher;

40.5 2. acquaint educatees, their lawful representatives, employees, and service providers with the procedures referred to in Sub-paragraph 40.5 1 of this Regulation, and also publish them on the website of the institution or founder;

40.5 3. ensure regular ventilation of the study rooms within the scope of an astronomical hour according to the individual ventilation regime of each study room approved by the educational institution and every time when CO2 concentration in the air monitored in the study room during the learning process exceeds 1000 ppm;

40.5 4. organise testing of educatees of basic education and secondary education level according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Testing for educatees at a prison shall be organised by the medical practitioner of the prison. Educatees with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery need not be tested for COVID-19. Testing at a prison shall not be organised for educatees having a statement (form No. 27/u) issued by the medical practitioner of the prison regarding negative COVID-19 test result, regarding the fact of completed vaccination or recovery;

40.5 5. organise testing of employees (except for in a higher education programme) according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Employees with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery need not be tested for COVID-19;

40.5 6. according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and in cooperation with a laboratory performing COVID-19 tests, organise random screening for COVID-19 for the educatees who are completing a special basic education programme for pupils with mental disorders or a special basic education programme for pupils with severe mental disorders or several severe developmental disorders at a special education institution or special education class.

[17 August 2021; 3 September 2021]

40.6 The learning process in educational institutions (except for colleges and higher education institutions) according to the decision of the head of the educational institution which has been coordinated with the founder (the head of a general and vocational education institution founded by the State or State higher education institutions shall take the decision without coordination with the founder) and the procedures specified in the educational institution:

40.6 1. shall be implemented remotely for an educatee of a pre-school (for educatees of mandatory age), basic, and secondary education level if mandatory counter-epidemic (quarantine, isolation) measures have been specified for him or her, and also if quarantine has been declared at the site where the education programme is implemented (at a prison - by the order of the head of the Prison Administration);

40.6 2. may be implemented remotely:

40.6 2.1. for educatees of such study subject (course) for the teacher of which mandatory counter-epidemic (quarantine, isolation) measures have been specified;

40.6 2.2. for educatees of such study subject (course) the teacher of which cannot implement the learning process on site due to other justified reasons specified by the head or founder of the educational institution;

40.6 2.3. individual consultations in study subjects (courses) in which State examinations at the end of the education level in the 2021/2022 academic year are intended for educatees;

40.6 2.4. individual consultations for educatees who are subject to the risk of premature discontinuation of learning at the basic education and secondary education level.

[17 August 2021]

40.7 The founder of an educational institution shall determine the procedures by which the decision referred to in Paragraph 40.6 of this Regulation shall be taken and coordinated.

[17 August 2021]

40.8 The founder of an educational institution (the head of a general and vocational education institution founded by the State or State higher education institutions) shall aggregate information on the decisions taken by the heads of educational institutions in the relevant calendar week in the cases referred to in Paragraph 40.6 of this Regulation and, until Friday of the current week, send it to the State Education Quality Service.

[17 August 2021; 14 September 2021]

40.9 Testing of educatees at an educational institution (except for study programmes of higher education) shall be organised in cooperation with a laboratory performing COVID-19 tests in accordance with the following procedures:

40.9 1. the educational institution has the right to transfer the following to the relevant laboratory:

40.9 1.1. data of educatees (given name(s), surname, personal identity number, sex, address of the declared, registered place of residence or place of residence indicated by the person, country of citizenship, date of birth, class (course, group)) and the electronic mail address and contact telephone number of the lawful representative of a minor educatee or the adult educatee;

40.9 1.2. data of employees (given name(s), surname, personal identity number, sex, address of the declared, registered place of residence or place of residence indicated by the person, contact details - telephone number, electronic mail address, if any, country of citizenship, date of birth, name of the educational institution);

40.9 2. the service provider has the obligation to provide to the laboratory performing COVID-19 tests in the relevant educational institution the data of persons involved in the service provision (given name(s), surname, personal identity number, sex, address of the declared, registered place of residence or place of residence indicated by the person, contact details - telephone number, electronic mail address, if any, country of citizenship, date of birth, name of the educational institution) to laboratories;

40.9 3. the laboratory shall:

40.9 3.1. enter the test result of educatees and employees referred to in Sub-paragraph 40.9 1 of this Regulation in the e-health system;

40.9 3.2. send the test result to an adult educatee or the lawful representative of a minor educatee to the electronic mail address indicated thereby;

40.9 3.3. inform the relevant educational institution of a positive COVID-19 test result of an educatee or employee;

40.9 3.4. if no positive COVID-19 test results have been detected during the verification of analysis, inform the educational institution after each verification of analysis that there are no positive COVID-19 test results among the educatees and employees of the relevant educational institution;

40.9 4. if employees and educatees at the level of basic education and secondary education (including in vocational orientation education programmes), except for the educatees who are completing a special basic education programme for pupils with mental disorders or a special basic education programme for pupils with severe mental disorders or several severe developmental disorders at a special education institution or special education class, return to the educational institution after absence or do not fit into the testing schedule of the educational institution, they shall, within 48 hours prior to arrival at the educational institution, be tested for COVID-19 independently at the laboratory which cooperates with the relevant educational institution and to which the data of the educatee and employee have been transferred;

40.9 5. the service provider has the obligation to inform the relevant educational institution of the positive COVID-19 test result of a person involved in the service provision.

[14 September 2021]

40.10 If an educatee has an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or has been tested in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.5 4 of this Regulation, the educatee is entitled to participate in interest-related education and vocational orientation education programmes on site, and also in activities which are organised in work with the youth, presenting an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test result to the responsible person.

[17 August 2021]

40.11 The mouth and nose cover shall be used on site within the scope of the learning process and outside it indoors, except for:

40.11 1. the cases referred to in Sub-paragraphs and of this Regulation;

40.11 2. employees with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery;

40.11 3. educatees with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery in the learning process on site in the study room (except for the case if the head of the educational institution, after assessing the epidemiological situation, has taken a justified decision coordinated with the founder on the use of the mouth and nose cover);

40.11 4. educatees of grades 1-3 in the learning process in the study room (except for the case if the head of the educational institution, after assessing the epidemiological situation, has taken a justified decision coordinated with the founder on the use of the mouth and nose cover);

40.11 5. if it is not possible due to the specific nature of learning how to play a music instrument, learning vocal art and dance;

40.11 6. in sports lessons during physical activities.

[17 August 2021]

40.12 The implementer of a programme of informal education (including interest-related education) and vocational competence in-service training for teachers shall, when organising training on site, ensure that the following conditions are conformed to (the abovementioned conditions shall not apply to training organised within the scope of the same class, vocational education group (course), or pre-school education group):

40.12 1. training takes place upon prior registration;

40.12 2. training indoors takes place for not more than 20 educatees and at least 3 m2 of the available area per educatee are ensured, but outdoors - not more than 40 educatees;

40.12 3. training rooms are regularly ventilated for at least 15 minutes per astronomical hour;

40.12 4. during training on the first aid, persons use a respirator without valve in conformity with all precautionary measures in accordance with the recommendations developed by the State Emergency Medical Service and agreed upon with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the Health Inspectorate.

[17 August 2021]

40.13 Only persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery shall participate in the implementation and completion of the study programme on site in colleges and higher education institutions.

[17 August 2021]

40.14 When assessing the epidemiological situation and taking into account the specific nature of the study programme, higher education institutions and colleges are entitled to take a justified decision on complete or partial course of a course or module of the study programme remotely, ensuring that the level of the study quality does not deteriorate.

[17 August 2021]

40.15 When implementing higher education programmes, colleges and higher education institutions shall:

40.15 1. not later than one week prior to the beginning of the 2021/2022 academic year inform entrants and students (including foreign ones) of the requirements laid down in this Regulation, and also in the college and higher education institution;

40.15 2. collect information on the time of arrival and address of the place of stay in the Republic of Latvia of foreign students, and also, where possible and necessary, ensure a possibility to the student by cooperating therewith to maintain self-isolation if the foreign student has informed the college or higher education institution of the arrival to the Republic of Latvia for the completion of a study programme on site;

40.15 3. determine additional requirements if, during self-isolation, the foreign student is located at the premises of the official accommodation facility of the college or higher education institution, and students and employees shall be informed thereof.

[17 August 2021]

40.16 Summer camps for children shall be organised on site in conformity with the following conditions:

40.16 1. there are not more than 20 persons in one group in summer camps;

40.16 2. several groups may operate concurrently in camps if the participants of such groups do not meet and the epidemiological safety requirements are conformed to;

40.16 3. the summer camp takes place only in a specific territory (location);

40.16 4. no activities are organised outside this territory, except for when the participants of the summer camp are the only visitors at the specific place;

40.16 5. the summer camp has appointed the responsible person and drawn up the procedure for actions if a case of COVID-19 infection is detected among the participants or employees of the summer camp;

40.16 6. the Guidelines on Precautionary Measures for Organisers of Summer Camps for Children of the National Centre for Education are complied with in the organisation of the summer camp.

[17 August 2021]

40.17 Participants and employees with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test which has been performed within the last 48 hours prior to the beginning of the summer camp or has been performed in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.5 4 of this Regulation shall participate in the summer camp for children. The interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or the confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test shall be presented to the responsible person.

[17 August 2021]

40.18 Persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery, and also persons with a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test results, presenting it to the responsible person, shall participate in work with the youth in on-site activities to which other conditions of this Regulation are not applicable.

[17 August 2021]

40.19 The following shall be ensured in on-site activities in work with the youth:

40.19 1. activities takes place upon prior registration;

40.19 2. activities indoors take place for not more than 20 young persons and at least 3 m2 of the available area per young person are ensured, but outdoors - not more than 40 young persons;

40.19 3. premises are regularly ventilated for at least 15 minutes per astronomical hour.

[17 August 2021]

40.20 International testing authorities shall organise an examination in a foreign language on site in conformity with the basic principles referred to in Paragraph 4 of this Regulation and the requirements arising therefrom. Persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test which has been performed within the last 48 hours prior to the beginning of the examination shall participate on site.

[17 August 2021]

40.21 At the general pre-school education institutions, educatees who have the right, in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the granting and financing of the service of assistant at an educational institution, to receive the service of an assistant paid from the State budget for up to 40 hours per week for supporting moving about and performing self-care as regards the school days when the educational institution completely or partially organises the process for the acquisition of education remotely in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.6 1 of this Regulation.

[17 August 2021]

40.22 At the general basic education, vocational basic education, vocational training, general secondary education and vocational secondary education institutions, educatees who have the right, in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the granting and financing of the service of assistant at an educational institution, to receive the service of an assistant paid from the State budget for up to 25 hours per week for supporting moving about and performing self-care as regards the school days when the educational institution completely or partially organises the process for the acquisition of education remotely in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.6 1 of this Regulation.

[17 August 2021]

40.23 The aid to local governments which is provided in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No. 709 of 8 December 2015, Regulations Regarding the Methodology for the Determination of Costs and the Procedures by which a Local Government shall Cover the Costs of a Pre-school Educational Programme for a Private Educational Institution According to the Average Costs Stipulated Thereby, shall not be subject to the restriction referred to in Paragraph 9 of this Regulation on the absence of the child due to a health condition or other justifying reasons.

[17 August 2021]

40.24 If in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.6 1 of this Regulation the process for the acquisition of education is organised remotely in an educational institution:

40.24 1. in order to utilise the State budget subsidy for free school meals:

40.24 1.1. based on a decision of the local government council, the local government may use the State budget subsidy received for ensuring free school meals for the educatees in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 to cater the educatees in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the relevant educational institution who have declared their place of residence in its administrative territory - for delivering ready meals or food parcels or for ensuring food cards;

40.24 1.2. based on a decision of the local government council, if the local government has unused State budget resources allocated for ensuring free school meals, it is entitled to use such resources to cater the educatees in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the relevant educational institution who have declared their place of residence in its administrative territory - for delivering ready meals or food parcels or for ensuring food cards;

40.24 1.3. if the declared place of residence of the educatee referred to in Sub-paragraphs 40.24 1.1 and 40.24 1.2 of this Regulation is not in the territory of the local government in which the educational institution referred to in Sub-paragraphs 40.24 1.1 and 40.24 1.2 is located, the local government which has received the State budget subsidy shall ensure catering of the educatee in accordance with the local government council decision referred to in Sub-paragraphs 40.24 1.1 and 40.24 1.2 of this Regulation or shall agree with the local government where the educatee has declared his or her place of residence on the provision of catering service, and also shall agree on the transfer of State budget subsidy;

40.24 1.4. based on a decision of the head of the institution, the State educational institution may use the State budget subsidy received for ensuring free school meals for the educatees in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 to cater the educatees in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the relevant educational institution - for delivering ready meals or food parcels or for ensuring food cards. If the State educational institution has unused State budget resources allocated for ensuring free school meals, the head of the educational institution is entitled to use such resources to cater the educatees in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 - for delivering ready meals or food parcels or for ensuring food cards. In order to ensure the abovementioned delivery, the State educational institution shall agree with the local government in whose administrative territory the educatee has declared his or her place of residence on the provision of catering service, and also shall agree on the transfer of State budget subsidy;

40.24 2. in order to utilise the State budget earmarked grant for covering the expenses for the maintenance of special educational institutions:

40.24 2.1. based on a decision of the local government council, the local government may use the abovementioned State budget earmarked grant to cater the educatees of the relevant special educational institution who have declared their place of residence in its administrative territory - for delivering ready meals or food parcels or for ensuring food cards;

40.24 2.2. if the declared place of residence of the educatee of the special educational institution is not in the territory of the local government in which the special educational institution is located, the local government which has received the abovementioned earmarked grant shall ensure catering of the educatee in accordance with the local government council decision referred to in Sub-paragraph 40.24 2.1 of this Regulation or shall agree with the local government where the educatee has declared his or her place of residence on the provision of catering service, and also shall agree on the transfer of State budget earmarked grant.

[17 August 2021]

40.25 When organising the completion of the learning content provided for in the basic education programme in family in accordance with Paragraph 22 of Cabinet Regulation No. 591 of 13 October 2015, Procedures for Enrolling Students in and Discharging from General Educational Institutions and Special Pre-school Educational Groups, and also for Moving Them up into the Next Grade:

40.25 1. the regulation included therein shall also be applied to educatees of grades 7 and 8;

40.25 2. the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 22.1 of the abovementioned Regulation to submit a statement issued by a doctor or a psychologist's opinion shall not be applied.

[17 August 2021]

40.26 The founder of an educational institution (at a State educational institution - the head of the institution) shall ensure that the educational institution keeps analytical accounts of the costs incurred due to the implementation of the precautionary measures related to COVID-19 and other requirements of this Regulation (which the founder or educational institution has covered from own financial resources) by indicating an increase or decrease in costs (in comparison with the period between 1 August 2019 and 31 December 2019) in the following items of expenses and in accordance with the following categories for the economic classification of budget expenses:

40.26 1. remuneration and the mandatory social insurance contributions;

40.26 2. maintenance costs of the educational institution which have not been indicated in Sub-paragraph 40.26 1 or 40.26 3 of this Regulation;

40.26 3. expenditure on goods and services;

40.26 4. capital expenditure.

[17 August 2021]

40.27 Sports training (sessions) for educatees of interest-related education and vocational orientation education programmes, sports training (sessions) in day-and-night camps for children, and also for persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a certification (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test result (including within the scope of an individual visit) indoors shall take place in conformity with the following conditions:

40.27 1. not less than 25 m2 of the area of the place where the training (session) is held are ensured per person (in public swimming pool - 15 m2 of the area of water surface), and the occupancy of the premises of sports training (sessions) where the training process occurs does not exceed 20 % of the maximum possible number of people permitted by the infrastructure of such premises. In swimming pools where swimming lessons are offered at least 6 m2 of the water surface area per one educatee of a swim training programme shall be ensured;

40.27 2. in group training not more than 20 persons concurrently gather in one training group in an organised manner. If it is permitted by the area of the space of the relevant sports training (session), the conditions of Sub-paragraph 40.27 1 of this Regulation are conformed to, flows of different training groups do not overlap physically, and also separate supervision of their activity is ensured. The work of several training groups may take place at the same time;

40.27 3. a two-metre distance is maintained during a visit to the site where indoor sports takes place (except for the premises of a sports training (session) where the training process takes place);

40.27 4. the sports training (session) is conducted by a person who conforms to the laws and regulations regarding the certification of sports specialists;

40.27 5. the duration of the sports training (session) does not exceed 90 minutes;

40.27 6. the occupancy of locker rooms does not exceed 25 %;

40.27 7. such persons do not participate in a sports training (session) who are not directly involved in the organisation and course thereof, including lawful representatives of educatees;

40.27 8. regular ventilation of premises after every 90 minutes for at least 20 minutes or appropriate ventilation is ensured to preclude CO2 concentration in the air above 1000 ppm;

40.27 9. registration of visitors (including educatees) and involved employees is ensured (given name, surname, contact details). If falling ill with COVID-19 is detected, the personal data of the visitors (including educatees) and the persons involved in sports training (sessions) shall be transferred upon request of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and also information on the date and place/space where the sports training (session) was held shall be provided;

40.27 10. the organiser of the sports training (session) shall:

40.27 10.1. comply with the sports training (sessions) safety protocol for the respective sport developed by the sports federation recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Sports Law, and also the internal procedure regulations of the place where indoor sports takes place;

40.27 10.2. in cooperation with employees of the site where a sports training (session) takes place, control how persons are complying with the obligations imposed on them during the sports training (sessions);

40.27 10.3. determine the responsible person who shall organise the implementation of the specified epidemiological safety measures and inform employees, visitors (including educatees), and lawful representatives of educatees of the abovementioned measures, indicating the responsible person and his or her contact details. Such person:

40.27 10.3.1. shall be at the site where the sports training (session) is taking place during its working hours;

40.27 10.3.2. shall, upon request of an official of the supervision and control institution, provide the necessary information on the implementation of the epidemiological safety measures at the site where the sports training (session) takes place;

40.27 10.3.3. shall, during control, identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of persons present at the site where the sports training (session) takes place;

[17 August 2021]

40.28 Not more than 20 persons shall gather at the same time in an organised manner in one training group for sports training (session) in outdoor spaces (excluding the sports specialists and sports employees), and the occupancy in locker rooms shall not exceed 25 %. If it is permitted by the outdoor area of the relevant sports venue, the work of several training groups may take place at the same time if flows of different training groups do not overlap physically, and also separate supervision of their activity is ensured.

[17 August 2021]

40.29 In addition to the conditions referred to in Paragraph 40.27 of this Regulation, the organiser of sports training (sessions) of educatees of interest-related education and vocational orientation education programmes shall ensure that:

40.29 1. educatees and employees who, upon performing work duties, come in close contact with children are tested in accordance with the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Educatees at the pre-school education level shall not be tested for COVID-19 if, during a sports training (session), they do not come into contact with educatees at the level of basic education and secondary education, and also persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery shall not be tested for COVID-19;

40.29 2. the number of educatees involved in the sports training (session) is identified in a timely manner before the sports training (session), and also sports training (sessions) are happening according to the schedule of sessions;

40.29 3. lawful representatives of an educatee are informed of the necessity to evaluate the participation of the educatee in a sports training (session), and also to ensure that the educatee does not come to the sports training (session) if he or she has acute health problems or signs of a respiratory disease or must comply with the isolation, home quarantine, and self-isolation requirements.

[17 August 2021; 14 September 2021]

40.30 Only the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraphs 40.27 4, 40.27 8, and 40.27 9 of this Regulation shall apply to sports training (sessions) in which only persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery participate or at the site of course of which only such persons are present.

[17 August 2021]

40.31 Sports training (sessions) of athletes of the Latvian national team (including youth and junior teams), Latvian Olympic team, and Latvian Paralympic team, athletes of teams of international and highest leagues of team sports (if the title of a champion of Latvia for adults is won in the sports competition), and also educatees of Murjāņi Sports Gymnasium and centres for the preparation of high-level athletes shall take place both in indoor premises and outdoor spaces, and the conditions referred to in Paragraphs 40.27 and 40.28 of this Regulation shall not apply thereto.

[17 August 2021]

40.32 Sports competitions shall take place indoors in conformity with the following conditions:

40.32 1. the competitions have been included in the calendar of competitions of the sports federation recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Sports Law of the relevant type of sports, the calendar being published on its website (indicating the name, venue, and time of the competitions, and also the organiser of the competitions);

40.32 2. only persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or with a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test, and also educatees of interest-related education and vocational orientation education programmes who, in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.5 4 of this Regulation, have tested negative for COVID-19 participate in competitions and are present at the site where they take place;

40.32 3. athletes who are less than seven years of age do not participate in the competitions;

40.32 4. not more than 300 persons (including athletes and employees who are directly related to ensuring the course of the competitions, including sports employees, but in the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 32.12 1 of this Regulation - excluding spectators) are concurrently present at the site where the competitions take place;

40.32 5. a two-metre distance is maintained during a visit to the site where indoor sports competitions take place, and also mouth and nose covers are used (except for athletes during the course of sports competitions);

40.32 6. athletes of one team (also in individual types of sport) or sports employees serving athletes do not come into physical contact with athletes of other teams or sports employees serving other athletes (except for athletes during the course of the sports competitions);

40.32 7. the occupancy of locker rooms does not exceed 25 %;

40.32 8. regular ventilation of premises after every 90 minutes for at least 20 minutes or appropriate ventilation is ensured to preclude CO2 concentration in the air above 1000 ppm;

40.32 9. giving of awards on site takes place only individually;

40.32 10. the organiser of the competition ensures fulfilment of the obligations specified in Paragraph 40.35 of this Regulation.

[17 August 2021]

40.33 Sports competitions shall take place outdoors in conformity with the following conditions:

40.33 1. the competitions have been included in the calendar of competitions of the sports federation recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Sports Law of the relevant type of sports, the calendar being published on its website (indicating the name, venue, and time of the competitions, and also the organiser of the competitions);

40.33 2. not more than 300 persons (including athletes and employees who are directly related to ensuring the course of the competitions, including sports employees, but in the case referred to in Paragraph 40.37 of this Regulation - excluding spectators) are concurrently present at the site where the competitions take place (in motor sport - in the territory where the special stage takes place);

40.33 3. athletes of one team (also in individual types of sport) or sports employees serving athletes do not come into physical contact with athletes of other teams or sports employees serving other athletes (except for athletes during the course of the sports competitions);

40.33 4. the occupancy of locker rooms does not exceed 25 %;

40.33 5. giving of awards on site takes place only individually;

40.33 6. the organiser of the competition ensures fulfilment of the obligations specified in Paragraph 40.35 of this Regulation.

[17 August 2021]

40.34 The conditions referred to in Paragraphs 40.32 and 40.33 of this Regulation shall not apply to the course of the following sports competitions:

40.34 1. the international sports competitions included in the calendar of sports competitions of international sports federations (including the official trainings intended before competitions) for athletes from seven years of age;

40.34 2. the sports competitions of team sports of international and highest leagues if the title of Latvian champion for adults is won therein;

40.34 3. the sports competitions in which only persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery participate and at the site where they take place only such persons are present.

[17 August 2021]

40.35 The organiser of the sports competitions:

40.35 1. conforms to a safety protocol of competitions approved by the sports federation recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Sports Law of the relevant type of sports;

40.35 2. ensures that all the persons involved in the course of the competitions and related to ensuring the course of the competitions (including athletes and sports employees) are being accredited;

40.35 3. controls how the athletes, sports employees, spectators, and other persons fulfil the obligations imposed on them during competitions;

40.35 4. determines the responsible person who shall organise the implementation of the specified epidemiological safety measures and inform athletes and sports employees, in a timely manner, of the abovementioned measures, indicating (including in the by-laws of the sports competitions) the responsible person and his or her contact details. Such person:

40.35 4.1. shall be present at the site where the competitions take place throughout their course;

40.35 4.2. upon a request of an official of the supervision and control institution, shall provide the necessary information on the implementation of epidemiological safety measures in the competitions;

40.35 4.3. during control, shall identify in a manner that can be objectively verified and indicate the number of visitors present at the site where competitions take place;

40.35 4.4. upon request of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, shall ensure the submission of the data of participants in the competition (given name, surname, contact details) for the purposes of epidemiological investigation;

[17 August 2021]

40.36 An organiser of an international sporting event shall have the following additional obligations in Latvia:

40.36 1. to ensure compliance with regulations of the sports federation of the relevant sports discipline (in which the international sporting event is taking place) (especially regarding the precautionary measures to be implemented for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection);

40.36 2. to determine the medical practitioner who shall be responsible for the precautionary measures to be implemented during the international sporting event for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection;

40.36 3. to control how the athletes, sports employees and representatives of international sports organisation referred to in Paragraph 61.4 of the Regulation ensure the fulfilment of the imposed obligations;

40.36 4. to immediately inform the relevant international sports federation if an athlete, sports employee or representative of international sports organisations fails to fulfil the obligations imposed thereon, and to decide on the annulment of the accreditation issued to the relevant person for participation in the international sporting event in Latvia according to the procedure prescribed by the relevant international sports federation;

40.36 5. to ensure the availability of the documents referred to in Sub-paragraph 61.4 4 of this Regulation (completed certification and results of the laboratory testing carried out for a person for the diagnostics of COVID-19) at the venue where the international sporting event takes place. Completed certifications must be destroyed 30 days after the end of the international sporting event.

[17 August 2021]

40.37 Spectators may attend sports competitions:

40.37 1. if they have an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery and:

40.37 1.1. it is ensured that the flow of spectators does not overlap with the flow of athletes and sports employees serving athletes;

40.37 1.2. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.31 of this Regulation for attending public events are complied with;

40.37 1.3. in sports competitions which are held indoors appropriate ventilation is ensured to preclude CO2 concentration in the air above 1000 ppm;

40.37 2. if they have an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery or a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test and:

40.37 2.1. the sports competitions are held in outdoors;

40.37 2.2. it is ensured that the flow of spectators does not overlap with the flow of athletes and sports employees serving athletes;

40.37 2.3. the requirements referred to in Paragraph 38.31 of this Regulation for attending public events are complied with;

40.37 2.4. if also the persons with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery who are not counted in the number of persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 40.33 2 of this Regulation are present in a separate area of spectators in the sports competitions, it is ensured that their flow does not overlap.

[17 August 2021]

40.38 The restrictions referred to in this Regulation on the organisation of sports training (sessions) and sports competitions shall not apply to pilot projects for epidemiologically safe sporting events the organisation of which is agreed upon with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health, and the sports federation of the relevant sports discipline recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Sports Law and epidemiological safety requirements for the implementation of which are agreed by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

[17 August 2021]

40.39 In order to compare the data of persons to be tested at educational institutions with the information at the disposal of the National Health Service on the persons who have an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery, ensuring efficient and accurate data-based COVID-19 testing, the Ministry of Education and Science has the right to transfer the following information from the State Education Information System to the National Health Service:

40.39 1. municipality, name of the educational institution, registration number of the institution, data of educatees at basic and secondary education level (given name(s), surname, personal identity number, sex, year of birth, address of the declared, registered place of residence or place of residence indicated by the person, nationality and type thereof, date of birth, class (course, group), the electronic mail address and contact telephone number of the lawful representative of a minor educatee or the adult educatee, if any);

40.39 2. municipality, name of the educational institution, registration number of the institution, data of teachers (given name(s), surname, personal identity number, sex, year of birth, address of the declared, registered place of residence or place of residence indicated by the person, nationality and type thereof, date of birth, the contact telephone number and electronic mail address, if any);

40.39 3. municipality, name of the educational institution, registration number of the institution, data of technical staff (given name(s), surname, personal identity number, sex).

[14 September 2021]

40.40 The National Health Service has the right to compare the data referred to in Paragraph 40.39 of this Regulation with the information at the disposal thereof on the persons who have an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery, and to transfer the updated data to the laboratory which cooperates with the relevant educational institution for performing a COVID-19 test.

[14 September 2021]

VII. Diagnostics of and Reporting on Cases of COVID-19 Infection

41. A medical treatment institution shall ensure testing for diagnostics of COVID-19 infection to persons with symptoms of an acute respiratory disease, and also to persons who are in any of the risk groups of COVID-19 infection according to the conditions published on the website of the Centre for testing for COVID-19 infection and diagnostics of the disease.

41.1 Laboratories that perform tests for COVID-19 infection using the polymerase chain reaction method shall store all of the primary samples at least for seven days after taking thereof, and also shall transfer the negative and positive samples to the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory (hereinafter - the reference laboratory) for repeated testing according to the procedures developed by the reference laboratory that are available on the website of sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Rīgas Austrumu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca" [Limited liability company Riga East University Hospital].

[18 February 2021]

42. If a general practitioner receives information that COVID-19 infection has been determined for a patient in laboratory, he or she shall assess the severity of the disease and the need for hospitalisation. If the course of the disease is light, the general practitioner shall inform the patient and organise the medical treatment and supervision of the patient remotely. If a prison doctor receives information that COVID-19 infection has been determined for a prisoner in laboratory, then the prison doctor shall, without delay, commence primary medical examination of the prisoner, and also ensure medical observation and medical treatment, if such is necessary. Such prisoner shall be, without delay, isolated in accordance with the Law on the Management of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection.

43. Medical observation and medical treatment, if such is necessary, shall be ensured to a prisoner for whom COVID-19 infection has been determined according to clinical signs and such prisoner shall be, without delay, isolated in accordance with the Law on the Management of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection.

44. A general practitioner or prison doctor shall notify the Centre of a clinically confirmed case of COVID-19 infection and a closed case of COVID-19 infection by filling in the urgent notification on infectious disease (form No. 058/u) referred to in the laws and regulations regarding registration of infectious diseases.

45. A medical practitioner shall fill in the form of notification in accordance with Annex 1 to this Regulation and shall send it to the Centre within one working day after discharging a patient from an inpatient medical treatment institution or establishing the date of death of a person.

[15 July 2020; 15 December 2020]

45.1 [27 May 2021]

45.2 The Central Statistical Bureau shall receive data from the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control on persons who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, but from the National Health Service - data on persons who have commenced or completed the vaccination course against COVID-19. The Central Statistical Bureau shall process the received data and combine them with data from the Population Register Information System of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, State Revenue Service, State Address Register Information System of the State Land Service, State Education Information System of the Ministry of Education and Science, State Social Insurance Agency, and State Employment Agency on these persons that are at the disposal of the Central Statistical Bureau, and shall also ensure immediate pseudonymisation of the combined data by deleting the data identifying specific persons (personal identity number, given name, surname) but retaining the personal registration numbers assigned by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. The Central Statistical Bureau shall, for data analysis, provide the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control with secure remote access to the pseudonymised data array in which the personal registration number assigned by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is preserved, but the Ministry of Economics and Cross-Sectoral Coordination Centre with secure remote access to the pseudonymised data array in which the personal registration number assigned by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is not preserved. Within two calendar weeks, the Ministry of Economics shall analyse the abovementioned data and regularly submit the prepared information to the group for coordination of interinstitutional activities for further work.

[6 July 2021]

45.3 The Central Statistical Bureau shall ensure that the data included in the pseudonymised data array on persons who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus or have been vaccinated against COVID-19 infection are deleted until 31 December of the year following the inclusion of the data in the array.

[6 July 2021]

45.4 The Ministry of Education and Science shall transfer the following data regarding the persons studying in a higher education programme from the State Education Information System to the National Health Service - given name(s), surname, personal identity number, registration number and name of the higher education institution in the register of educational institutions, study programme of the college and higher education institution, course, year of birth, sex, nationality. The National Health Service shall, in the first week of each month, submit information to the Ministry of Education and Science on the state as on the last working day of the previous month on the scope of vaccination in division according to the data fields indicated previously.

[17 August 2021]

VIII. Identification of Contact Persons and Medical Observation

46. The contact persons of the specific person infected with COVID-19 shall be determined by:

46.1. the Centre, upon carrying out epidemiological investigation;

46.2. the general practitioner on the basis of information on the persons with whom the infected person lives together;

46.3. the head of pre-school education institution or educational institution in a pre-school education institution or educational institution;

46.4. the employer at a work place.

[17 November 2020]

46.1 In a pre-school education institution, educational institution or work place (hereinafter - the collective):

46.1 1. if the focus of COVID-19 infection has been established, the Centre shall inform the head of the collective about the case of COVID-19 infection in the collective and about the criteria for the determination of contact persons;

46.1 1.1 if the head of the collective receives information from an educatee, legal representative of the educatee, or the employee on the case of contracting COVID-19, he or she shall immediately contact the Centre;

46.1 2. the head of the collective or the responsible person appointed by him or her shall determine contact persons in accordance with the criteria provided by the Centre and shall inform the contact persons or their lawful representatives of the need to be home quarantined and of the obligation to contact the general practitioner in order to perform medical observation of the contact person;

46.1 3. the head of the collective or the responsible person appointed by him or her shall prepare the list of contact persons indicating the given name, surname, personal identity number, place of residence of the person and the date of the last contact with the infected person in the collective, and shall send it to the Centre within one day;

46.1 4. the Centre shall, after receipt of the list referred to in Sub-paragraph 46.1 3 of this Regulation, verify the compliance thereof with the criteria for the determination of contact persons and shall submit the list to the National Health Service for inclusion in the unified electronic information system of health sector to inform general practitioners and contact persons.

[17 November 2020; 14 January 2021]

47. Upon carrying out epidemiological investigation of a prisoner, the Centre shall identify the contact persons of the particular infected prisoner and inform a prison doctor of the identified contact person, if he or she is in the prison, of the duration (end date) of his or her medical observation and the counter-epidemic measures to be taken. If contact persons are found outside of a prison the Centre shall act in accordance with Paragraph 46 of this Regulation.

48. After receipt of the information on the contact person of the specific infected person, the general practitioner shall commence the primary medical examination of the contact person and perform his or her medical observation remotely.

[17 November 2020]

49. After receipt of the information referred to in Paragraph 47 of this Regulation, a prison doctor shall commence the primary medical examination and medical observation of such prisoner who has been recognised as a contact person. Such prisoner shall be immediately isolated in accordance with the Law on the Management of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection.

50. If necessary, a general practitioner shall offer to issue a sick-leave certificate to the contact person for the whole period of home quarantine, and also inform the contact person of the provisions to be conformed to during self-isolation (home quarantine) in accordance with Paragraph 55 of this Regulation.

51. During medical observation, the general practitioner shall, at least two times, communicate with the contact person remotely and ascertain his or her health condition (body temperature, complaints).

[3 November 2020]

52. If a general practitioner establishes that the contact person displays signs of an acute respiratory disease, he or she shall assess the severity of the disease and the necessity for hospitalisation. If the course of the disease is light, a general practitioner shall inform the patient of a clinically determined diagnosis of COVID-19 infection and organise the medical treatment of the patient remotely, and also report to the Centre in accordance with Paragraph 44 of this Regulation.

53. Upon receipt of contact details from the person regarding whom epidemiologically justified suspicions have arisen that he or she had been under circumstances of increased risk of infection and who has been identified through the application, the Centre shall contact the abovementioned person, assess the risks of infecting with COVID-19 and recognise or not recognise him or her as contact person, and also provide recommendations for further actions.

IX. Isolation, Home Quarantine, and Self-isolation

54. If COVID-19 has been diagnosed in laboratory or determined according to clinical signs, the person shall during isolation:

54.1. not leave the medical treatment institution, place of stay or place of residence, and shall be available for communication and cooperation with the general practitioner and other medical practitioners, except when the person requires medical assistance according to a referral by a doctor. In such case, the person shall use the medical face mask and follow other instructions of the doctor in relation to the precautionary measures for the containment of the spread of COVID-19;

54.2. not subject other persons to the risk of infection by reducing direct contact with other persons (not welcome guests, not go on private visits, not go to work, not go to social and public spaces and premises);

54.3. comply with the instructions of the epidemiologist of the Centre and the physician;

54.4. discontinue isolation only with the permission of the attending physician.

[11 August 2020]

54.1 The person referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation may, using a medical face mask, leave the place of stay in order to go to his or her home country if the person uses the personal or specialised vehicle, does not form direct contact with other persons, does not go to social places where there are many people, including does not use public transport. Prior to leaving the place of stay, the person shall inform the attending physician or the Centre thereof.

[20 October 2020]

55. Home quarantine - 14 days after the last contact with the person for whom COVID-19 infection has been confirmed - shall be imposed on the contact person. During home quarantine the person shall:

55.1. stay at the place of residence or another place of stay and shall be available for communication and cooperation with the general practitioner and other medical practitioners;

55.2. not subject other persons to the risk of infection by reducing direct contact with other persons (not welcome guests, not go on private visits, not go to work, not go to social and public spaces and premises where many persons are present);

55.3. comply with the instructions of the epidemiologist of the Centre and the physician;

55.4. discontinue home quarantine only with the permission of the attending physician.

[17 November 2020]

55.1 The person referred to in Paragraph 55 of this Regulation may, using a medical face mask, leave the place of stay in order to go to his or her home country or to change the place of stay. Prior to leaving the place of stay in order to go to his or her home country or prior to changing the place of stay, the person shall inform the Health Inspectorate thereof.

[2 September 2020]

55.2 Home quarantine may be terminated earlier if, upon undergoing laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 not earlier than on the tenth day of home quarantine, the test is negative. Home quarantine need not be imposed on the persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation. These persons are obliged to test for COVID-19 within a week after coming into contact with an infected person and, if the test is positive, to fulfil the isolation conditions referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation.

[6 July 2021]

55.3 The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall create and maintain a list of tourist accommodation establishments where the isolation or quarantine period may be spent (hereinafter - the list of tourist accommodation establishments). A list of such tourist accommodation establishments which have applied for the accommodation of the persons indicated in Sub-paragraphs 55.5 1, 55.5 2, and 55.5 3 of this Regulation shall be published on the website of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia. The list of such tourist accommodation establishments which have applied for the accommodation of the persons indicated in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation shall be sent to the Prison Administration and the local government in the territory of which the relevant tourist accommodation establishment is located.

[1 April 2021]

55.4 The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall enter into a contract for the provision of accommodation services and register such tourist accommodation establishments which have submitted a relevant application to the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and have appended a statement issued by the Health Inspectorate that all epidemiological safety requirements can be ensured at the tourist accommodation establishment (including the personnel has been trained) in order to provide the accommodation service during isolation or quarantine of a person. Training of the personnel of tourist accommodation establishments in the conformity with the precautionary measures and epidemiological safety in everyday work shall be ensured by the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia in cooperation with the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

[1 April 2021]

55.5 The State shall cover the costs of staying at a tourist accommodation establishment which has been included in the list of tourist accommodation establishments in the amount specified in this Regulation (hereinafter - the State aid) for the following persons:

55.5 1. persons for whom COVID-19 infection has been confirmed with light or asymptomatic course of the disease and who do not require medical treatment at an inpatient institution, but who do not have the possibility to isolate at their place of residence without subjecting other members of the household to the risk of infection;

55.5 2. persons for whom COVID-19 infection has been confirmed and who do not have the possibility to isolate at their place of residence without subjecting other members of the household to the risk of infection after undergoing medical treatment at an inpatient institution if the medical treatment institution has not taken the decision to stop isolation;

55.5 3. persons who have been identified as contact persons and who do not have the possibility to isolate at their place of residence without subjecting other members of the household to the risk of infection;

55.5 4. persons released from prisons for whom COVID-19 infection has been confirmed or who have been identified as contact persons if they do not have a place of residence, but they must continue isolation or home quarantine (hereinafter all together - the aid recipients);

55.5 5. the persons referred to in Paragraph 38.63 of this Regulation.

[1 April 2021; 6 July 2021 / Sub-paragraph 55.5 5 shall come into force on 12 July 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

55.6 The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall administer and disburse the State aid to a tourist accommodation establishment in which the aid recipient has spent the period of isolation or quarantine. The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall maintain the list of the aid recipients. Information regarding the person, the tourist accommodation establishment in which the person was staying, and the time period spent therein, the legal grounds for receiving the aid, and the amount of the disbursed aid shall be included in the abovementioned list.

[1 April 2021]

55.7 The State aid shall be provided:

55.7 1. to the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 55.5 1, 55.5 5, 55.5 2, and 55.5 3 of this Regulation in the amount of 80 % of the accommodation costs, but not more than EUR 35 per day, and in the amount of 80 % of the catering service costs, but not more than EUR 10 per day;

55.7 2. to the persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation in the amount of 100 % of the accommodation costs, but not more than EUR 35 per day, and in the amount of 100 % of the catering service costs, but not more than EUR 10 per day.

[1 April 2021; 6 July 2021 / Amendment to Sub-paragraph 55.7 1 regarding the replacement of the number "55.5 1" with the numbers "55.5 1, 55.5 5" shall come into force on 12 July 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

55.8 Upon arriving at a tourist accommodation establishment:

55.8 1. the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 55.5 3 and 55.5 4 of this Regulation shall submit a medical statement or e-health printout;

55.8 2. the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 55.5 1 and 55.5 2 of this Regulation shall submit a medical statement or e-health printout certifying the status of a COVID-19 positive person or a positive COVID-19 test result. If the person presents a positive COVID-19 test result, he or she shall, within five days, submit a physician's statement to the tourist accommodation establishment certifying the necessity for the person to isolate or an e-health printout in which the entry on a positive COVID-19 test has been made not earlier than the date when the presented test was performed. If the statement of a general practitioner or an e-health printout has not been submitted, the person has an obligation to leave the tourist accommodation establishment, but the State aid for the accommodation and catering services during the period spent at the tourist accommodation establishment is provided in the amount specified in Sub-paragraph 55.7 1 of this Regulation.

[1 April 2021]

55.9 The aid recipients have the right to the State aid for stay at a tourist accommodation establishment for up to 14 calendar days. If necessary, the period of stay may be extended once by another 14 days, presenting a physician's statement or e-health printout with a justification for the need of extension certifying the status of a COVID-19 positive person or a positive COVID-19 test result.

[1 April 2021]

55.10 If the person referred to in Sub-paragraphs 55.5 1, 55.5 2, and 55.5 3 of this Regulation is a minor, the State aid shall also be provided to one accompanying adult in the amount specified in Sub-paragraph 55.7 1 of this Regulation for the period during which the minor is staying at the tourist accommodation establishment.

[1 April 2021]

55.11 The tourist accommodation establishment shall inform the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia of the accommodation of the aid recipient.

[1 April 2021]

55.12 The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall, once a week, transfer the financial resources to the tourist accommodation establishment on the basis of the invoice submitted by the tourist accommodation establishment in which information on the aid recipients who have been serviced in the particular week is provided, indicating the given name, surname, personal identity number of the person, the legal grounds for the receipt of the aid, and the number of nights spent at the tourist accommodation establishment.

[1 April 2021]

55.13 The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall randomly send data of the aid recipients indicated in the invoices submitted by tourist accommodation establishment to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control for the performance of a check. If the randomly selected persons are not included in the database of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall request the tourist accommodation establishment to send the documents justifying the status of the aid recipient (e-health notification or an extract from the medical card of an inpatient/outpatient, U-27 form, or positive COVID-19 test). The Investment and Development Agency of Latvia shall send the received documents to the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control for approval of the justification for the aid request.

[1 April 2021]

55.14 The aid granted by the State shall be ensured until the amount of the aid of EUR 2 173 500 is reached, but not longer than until 30 June 2021.

[1 April 2021; 27 May 2021]

56. If within the last 10 days the person has stayed in a high-risk and particularly high-risk country (except for the persons who cross the territory of the Republic of Latvia in transit, and also the persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.39 1 or 38.39 2 of this Regulation who have stayed in a high-risk country), he or she shall ensure self-isolation for 10 days following the exit from the abovementioned country. During self-isolation the person

56.1. shall stay at his or her place of residence, place of stay or in a Latvian tourist accommodation establishment individually chosen from the list of tourist accommodation establishments administered by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for which the required safety protocols have been developed;

56.2. shall not subject other persons to the risk of infection, form direct contact with other persons (not welcome guests, go on private visits, go to work, to educational institutions or collective lessons, to social and public spaces and premises where many persons are present, not use public transport services, participate in events, and receive services on site, except for a visit to a shop and getting to the place of residence or another place of stay immediately after arrival in Latvia, using mouth and nose cover);

56.3. shall observe his or her health condition for 10 days and measure the body temperature twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) and inform the general practitioner or any other medical practitioner if any signs of an acute respiratory disease (cough, increased body temperature (fever), shortness of breath) appear;

56.4. may discontinue self-isolation if on the seventh day after exit from the abovementioned country he or she undergoes a COVID-19 test by detecting SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA and the test result is negative. The person shall certify such fact by a test certificate.

[15 June 2021]

56.1 [15 June 2021]

56.2 The person referred to in Paragraphs 56 and 56.4 of this Regulation may, using a mouth and nose cover, leave the place of stay in order to go to his or her home country or to change the place of stay. Prior to leaving the place of self-isolation in order to go to his or her home country or prior to changing the place of self-isolation, the person shall inform the State Police thereof.

[2 September 2021; 15 June 2021]

56.3 [14 January 2021]

56.4 The person referred to in Paragraph 38.45 of this Regulation:

56.4 1. shall, until the moment the test result has been received, stay at his or her place of residence or place of stay if it is possible to ensure effective self-isolation (there is no direct contact and the common areas are not shared with persons who have not travelled) or in any of the tourist accommodation establishments specified in the list of tourist accommodation establishments administered by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and shall inform about the status of traveller and comply with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation;

56.4 2. if the test result is negative - shall continue self-isolation at his or her place of residence or place of stay or in any of the tourist accommodation establishments specified in the list of tourist accommodation establishments administered by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia;

56.4 3. if the test result is positive - the person shall immediately isolate in compliance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 54 of this Regulation:

56.4 3.1. in any of the tourist accommodation establishments specified in the list of tourist accommodation establishments administered by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and shall inform the tourist accommodation establishment about the positive test;

56.4 3.2. at his or her place of residence or place of stay if the person or all the persons who travelled have a positive test result but they are not in direct contact with other persons who have not travelled and the common areas are not used;

56.4 4. shall, upon request of the State Police, State Border Guard or municipal police, present a confirmation of undergoing the test;

56.4 5. shall stay in a tourist accommodation establishment during self-isolation. If the person does not stay overnight in the tourist accommodation establishment or is absent from it for a prolonged period of time, the tourist accommodation establishment has an obligation to inform the State Police;

56.4 6. shall cover the expenses for the stay in the tourist accommodation establishment during the period of isolation or self-isolation from his or her own resources irrespective of the test results;

56.4 7. the restrictions referred to in this Paragraph shall not apply to the persons referred to in Sub-paragraphs 38.48 3, 38.48 4, 38.48 5, 38.48 6, 38.48 7, 38.48 8, 38.48 10, 38.48 11, 38.48 12, 38.48 13, 38.48 14, and 38.48 15 of this Regulation, and also to transit passengers who cross the border of the Republic of Latvia by land, and to children under the age of 12 years.

[15 June 2021]

56.5 [15 June 2021]

57. Upon requesting and receiving an economic or public service, the persons referred to in Paragraphs 54, 55, 56, and 56.4 of this Regulation shall inform the provider of the economic or public service of being in isolation, home quarantine, or self-isolation.

[15 June 2021]

58. The requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation regarding self-isolation during the fulfilment of work duties shall not apply to the employees of the transport and carriage of passengers service providers and to the crews of passenger, freight, or technical voyages who are returning from work trips and official travels if they do not display signs of an acute respiratory infection. The abovementioned persons shall ensure self-isolation outside working hours.

58.1 A 10-day self-isolation specified in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation shall not apply to the citizens and permanent residents of the European Union Member States who cross the land border of the Republic of Latvia with other European Union countries on a daily basis:

58.1 1. due to employment if border crossing is necessary for performing work or service duties and the person has a document attesting to the fact of employment;

58.1 2. for the receipt of a child supervision service or for the acquisition of formal pre-school education on site (by presenting a statement issued by a service provider or educational institution);

58.1 3. for the acquisition of formal basic education, secondary education or higher education on site, also in vocational orientation education programmes in the fields of art and culture (by presenting a statement issued by an educational institution);

58.1 4. when accompanying a minor educatee or an educatee of full-age and with special needs in the cases referred to in Sub-paragraphs 58.1 2 and 58.1 3 of this Regulation (by presenting a statement issued by a service provider or educational institution to the educatee).

[4 September 2020; 15 September 2020]

58.2 A 10-day self-isolation specified in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation shall not apply to the citizens and permanent residents of the European Union Member States who cross the land border of the Republic of Latvia with other European Union countries in order to:

58.2 1. cross the border of the Republic of Latvia in transit;

58.2 2. ensure caring for relatives;

58.2 3. return to Latvia after receipt of a health care service prescribed by a doctor or to arrive in Latvia to receive a health care service prescribed by a doctor (by presenting a statement or a referral issued by a doctor);

58.2 4. return to Latvia if the relevant person, on the basis of the request of a provider of health care service, has been an accompanying person for a patient for receipt of a health care service outside Latvia that is prescribed by a doctor.

[4 September 2020; 15 September 2020; 29 September 2020; 20 October 2020]

58.3 In the cases referred to in Paragraphs 58.1 and 58.2 of this Regulation, the persons shall comply with the following precautionary measures:

58.3 1. use mouth and nose covers in social spaces;

58.3 2. not subject other persons to the risk of infection and not form direct contact with other persons if it can be avoided (not welcome guests, not go on private visits or organise such, not go to social and public spaces and premises where there are many people, except for a work place, a place which is the purpose of entering Latvia, or a visit to the store);

58.3 3. comply with the determined precautionary measures when performing work duties or providing services;

58.3 4. if any signs of a respiratory disease appear, ensure self-isolation and contact the doctor.

[4 September 2020]

58.4 If the persons referred to in Paragraphs 58.1 and 58.2 of this Regulation concurrently conform also to the criteria referred to in Paragraphs 58, 59, 60, or 61 of this Regulation, they shall comply only with the precautionary measures referred to in Paragraph 58.3 of this Regulation.

[4 September 2020]

58.5 A 10-day self-isolation specified in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation shall not apply to the citizens and permanent residents of the European Union Member States who are declared in Valka municipality and Valga rural territory (Republic of Estonia) and who cross the land border of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Estonia on a daily basis, provided that they do not leave the administrative territories of Valka and Valga local governments.

[8 September 2020; 15 September 2020]

58.6 If the persons referred to in Paragraph 58.5 of this Regulation concurrently conform also to the criteria referred to in Paragraphs 58, 58.1, 58.2, 58.10, 59, 60, or 61 of this Regulation, they need not comply with the precautionary measures referred to in Paragraphs 58, 58.3, 59, 60, and 61 of this Regulation.

[8 September 2020; 20 October 2020]

58.7 The 10-day self-isolation specified in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation shall not apply to:

58.7 1. representatives of transplantation centres of the European Union countries invited by the National Transplant Coordination Service;

58.7 2. such specialists invited by the clinical university hospitals who are citizens and long-term residents of the European Union Member States and whose professional competence and presence is required for ensuring continuity of treatment in life-saving situations, and the abovementioned service is to be provided immediately.

[20 October 2020]

58.8 The persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 58.7 1 of this Regulation shall comply with the precautionary measures determined by the medical treatment institution, shall not subject other persons to the risk of infection and form direct contact with other persons if it can be avoided (shall not welcome guests, go on private visits or organise such, go to social and public spaces and premises where there are many people, except for a workplace, a place which is the purpose of entering Latvia, or a visit to the store).

[20 October 2020]

58.9 The persons referred to in Sub-paragraph 58.7 2 of this Regulation shall, in addition to the precautionary measures laid down in Paragraph 58.8 of this Regulation, provide a service in a clinical university hospital if they have undergone laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 prior to the provision of the service and the result of the test is negative, and the person does not display signs of an acute respiratory disease.

[20 October 2020]

58.10 The 10-day self-isolation referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation need not be undertaken by the persons who have arrived in Latvia to ensure the organisation of funeral, including to participate in funeral, if such persons:

58.10 1. use mouth and nose covers in social spaces;

58.10 2. shall not subject other persons to the risk of infection and form direct contact with other persons if it can be avoided (shall not welcome guests, go on private visits or organise such, go to social and public spaces and premises where there are many people, except for places which are related to the organisation of funeral and participation in funeral (except for a funeral meal), or a visit to the store);

58.10 3. if any signs of a respiratory disease appear, ensure self-isolation and contact the doctor.

[20 October 2020]

58.11 The requirements specified in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation need not be complied with by children up to the age of 12 years (until 1 September 2021 - by other minors) who travel together with adults, comply with the conditions of Paragraph 38.44 of this Regulation and who have stayed, within the last 10 days, in any of the countries published on the website of the Centre to which special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable. In such cases the children shall not form direct contact with persons who are not from his household, not go to public events, children's collectives, not use public transport for 10 days after exit from the high-risk country.

[15 June 2021]

59. The requirement specified in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation regarding self-isolation during the fulfilment of work duties shall not be applicable to foreigners whose arrival in Latvia is necessary for the fulfilment of the commitments of merchants of Latvia if the person does not display signs of an acute respiratory disease, after arrival of the person in the Republic of Latvia laboratory testing has been carried out for the diagnostics of COVID-19 and the result of the test is negative, and the person meets the following criteria:

59.1. the arrival of the foreigner in Latvia is related to technical maintenance of the operation of equipment in possession of a merchant established in Latvia or installation of new equipment if it cannot be ensured by service providers in Latvia and if it is necessary for the manufacturing of goods or provision of services, or for the fulfilment of the commitments of the merchant which are related to the fulfilment of the commitments of a public procurement contract which is attested by a relevant certification of a merchant established in Latvia in accordance with Paragraph 60 of this Regulation;

59.2. the arrival of the foreigner in Latvia is related to certification, attestation, or conformity assessment of products manufactured by or services of a merchant established in Latvia in order to ensure the release of goods or services for circulation governed by civil law, which is attested by a relevant certification of a merchant established in Latvia in accordance with Paragraph 60 of this Regulation;

59.3. the arrival of the foreigner in Latvia is related to the technical maintenance of equipment or structures in possession of a commercial company of significance to national security or to the installation of new equipment, or to the construction work which is necessary for ensuring the maintenance of the operation or critical infrastructure of a merchant, or to the implementation of a construction intention (including engineering research), if it applies to an object to which the status of an object of national interest has been specified;

59.4. the arrival of the foreigner in Latvia is related to the fulfilment of the commitments of a merchant of Latvia in relation to the implementation of an investment project in Latvia in which the planned amount of investments exceeds at least EUR 1 000 000 or the number of planned and newly created work places exceeds 20, and also to the entering into an export contract of goods manufactured in or services of Latvia, if the potential value of the export transaction is larger than EUR 100 000, for a period of time which is attested by a relevant certification of a merchant established in Latvia in accordance with Paragraph 60 of this Regulation;

59.5. [22 June 2021];

59.6. the arrival of the foreigner in Latvia is related to the fulfilment of the duty of an athlete or sports employee.

[28 July 2020; 22 June 2021]

60. In the cases referred to in Sub-paragraphs 59.1, 59.2, 59.3, 59.4, and 59.6 of this Regulation, the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation is not applied to a foreigner if the merchant of Latvia for the fulfilment of the commitments of which the foreigner has arrived in Latvia submits a certification to the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia:

60.1. on the conformity of the foreigner with a specific exception specified in Paragraph 59 of this Regulation;

60.2. that the foreigner who arrives in Latvia is not infected with COVID-19 infection;

60.3. that it will ensure self-isolation of the foreigner outside working hours for 10 days after arrival of the foreigner in Latvia and during this period of time the foreigner will not use public transport, and also will ensure transportation of the foreigner to and from the place where the work is performed or service is provided;

60.4. that the foreigner will comply with all the restrictions specified for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection, including the conditions specified in Sub-paragraphs 56.2 and 56.3 of this Regulation;

60.5. that it will cover all the expenditures related to medical treatment if COVID-19 infection will be confirmed for the foreigner.

[28 July 2020; 15 September 2020; 22 June 2021]

60.1 The medical treatment institution providing a health tourism service shall, not later than five working days before arrival of the relevant person in the Republic of Latvia, inform the Health Inspectorate of the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.48 10 of this Regulation who wishes to arrive in the Republic of Latvia from a country which is published on the website of the Centre as a country to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable in order to receive treatment (diagnostics and therapy) services at a medical treatment institution within the scope of health tourism, and shall submit the following information thereto:

60.1 1. given name, surname of the person, number of the personal identification document, and contact telephone number;

60.1 2. the intended health care service (diagnostics and therapy) to be received by the person, the time (date) of receipt thereof, and justification for the receipt of service;

60.1 3. medical practitioner (given name, surname, speciality) who will provide the relevant service;

60.1 4. the intended place of stay (address) and duration (date);

60.1 5. the given name, surname of the accompanying person, number of the personal identification document, the contact telephone number, the intended place of stay (address) and duration (date).

[29 September 2020; 6 July 2021]

60.2 If a medical treatment institution which provides a medical treatment (diagnostics and therapy) service within the scope of health tourism has specified that the accompanying person indicated in Sub-paragraph 38.48 11 of this Regulation is required or the service within the scope of health tourism is provided to a child, the person indicated in Sub-paragraph 38.48 11 of this Regulation must conform to the entry conditions provided for in this Regulation upon arrival in the Republic of Latvia.

[6 July 2021]

60.3 [6 July 2021]

60.4 After receipt of the permit of the Health Inspectorate, the person indicated in Sub-paragraphs 38.48 10 and 38.48 11 of this Regulation must, upon arrival in the Republic of Latvia, comply with the entry conditions provided for in this Regulation.

[6 July 2021]

61. After agreement thereupon with the Minister for Health, the Minister for Culture shall determine groups of culture professionals whose arrival in Latvia is necessary for the organisation of cultural services and public events and to whom the requirement specified in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation regarding self-isolation shall not be applied during the period of the fulfilment of work duties, if the person does not display signs of an acute respiratory disease, laboratory testing has been carried out for the diagnostics of COVID-19 after arrival of the person in the Republic of Latvia and the result of the test is negative.

[28 July 2020]

61.1 While a person has not received the results of laboratory testing referred to in Paragraph 59 or 61 of this Regulation, the person shall be subject to the requirements referred to in Paragraph 56 of this Regulation for self-isolation.

[28 July 2020]

61.2 In the cases referred to in Paragraphs 59, 61, 61.4, and 61.6 of this Regulation, if the person stays in the Republic of Latvia for more than five days, the person shall undergo a repeated laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 on the 5th-7th day after the person has left the country which is published on the website of the Centre as a country to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable.

[28 July 2020; 2 September 2020]

61.3 A person who has received the result of the laboratory testing referred to in Paragraph 59, 61 or 61.2 of this Regulation shall submit a copy of the document certifying the relevant fact (present original thereof upon a request) to a merchant who organises the arrival of a foreigner in the Republic of Latvia for the fulfilment of work duties, organiser of a cultural event in the Republic of Latvia or organiser of an international sporting event in the Republic of Latvia.

[28 July 2020]

61.4 Athletes and sports employees, and also representatives of international sports organisations whose arrival in the territory of the Republic of Latvia is connected with participation as an accredited person in an international sporting event organised by a sports federation recognised in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Sports Law or a member thereof, and who have arrived from a country which is published on the website of the Centre as a country to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable shall not be subject to the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation for self-isolation and the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.2 of this Regulation for the visiting of social and public spaces and premise and contacts with other persons at a place and time when the person fulfils such duties which are directly related to participation in the international sporting event if the person meets the following criteria:

61.4 1. the person does not display signs of an acute respiratory disease;

61.4 2. the person can submit to the organiser of the international sporting event in Latvia a copy of the document (present the original thereof upon a request) certifying that he or she has undergone laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 not earlier than three days before arrival in the territory of the Republic of Latvia and it did not find COVID-19 infection;

61.4 3. not later than 24 hours after arrival in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, the person has undergone laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 and it did not find COVID-19 infection, and the person has also submitted a copy of the document certifying this fact (presented the original thereof upon a request) to the responsible medical practitioner appointed by the organiser of the international sporting event in Latvia;

61.4 4. before arrival in the territory of the Republic of Latvia (concurrently with accreditation for the international sporting event) or not later than 24 hours after arrival in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, the person has submitted to the organiser of the international sporting event in Latvia a certification that:

61.4 4.1. he or she shall comply with all the restrictions imposed for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection, including the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraphs 56.2, 61.4 4.2, 61.4 4.3 and 61.4 4.4, and also Paragraph 61.2 of this Regulation (where applicable);

61.4 4.2. outside the participation in the international sporting event he or she shall stay at the place of stay in the Republic of Latvia indicated in the certification;

61.4 4.3. during the stay in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, he or she shall monitor his or her health condition (two times per day - in the morning and evening - by measuring body temperature) and shall inform the responsible medical practitioner appointed by the organiser of the international sporting event in Latvia if any signs of an acute respiratory disease (cough, increased body temperature (fever), shortness of breath) appear;

61.4 4.4. he or she shall not use the public transport, and also shall use personal vehicle or a vehicle ensured by the organiser of the international sporting event in Latvia to get to the place of stay in the territory of the Republic of Latvia and venue of the international sporting event in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, and when travelling between these places;

61.4 4.5. he or she shall cover all the expenditures related to medical treatment if COVID-19 infection will be confirmed to the person.

[28 July 2020]

61.5 The persons referred to in Paragraph 60.1 of this Regulation:

61.5 1. may use the public transport during self-isolation, by using a mouth and nose cover, only to get to the place of stay in the territory of the Republic of Latvia and to the medical treatment institution for the receipt of treatment (diagnostics and therapy) service;

61.5 2. shall, not later than within 24 hours after arrival in the Republic of Latvia, undergo laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 infection and shall be entitled to receive treatment (diagnostics and therapy) services within the framework of medical tourism only after undergoing laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 infection;

61.5 3. shall undergo a repeated laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 infection on the 5th-7th day after the person has left a country which is published on the website of the Centre as a country to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable, provided that a person stays in Latvia for more than five days;

61.5 4. cover all the expenditures related to medical treatment if COVID-19 infection is confirmed to the person.

[2 September 2020; 29 September 2020]

61.6 The requirement of self-isolation referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.1 of this Regulation and the requirement referred to in Sub-paragraph 56.2 of this Regulation regarding visiting social and public spaces and premises and contacts with other people at the place and time when the person performs the duties of an athlete or sports employee shall not apply to athletes of the Latvian adult team, Latvian Olympic team or Latvian Paralympic team, and also to Latvian team athletes starting in international leagues in Olympic, Paralympic, and technical sports and disciplines, and to sports employees that provide services to them who, after participation in sports competitions, have arrived from a country which is published on the website of the Centre as a country to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable and to whom Paragraph 61.4 of this Regulation is not applicable, provided that such person meets the following criteria:

61.6 1. the person does not display signs of an acute respiratory disease;

61.6 2. the person has undergone laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 infection not earlier than three days before arrival in the territory of the Republic of Latvia and COVID-19 infection was not found therein (applicable in case the person stays outside the Republic of Latvia for more than three days);

61.6 3. the person has, not later than within 24 hours after arrival in the Republic of Latvia, undergone laboratory testing for the diagnostics of COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 infection was not found therein;

61.6 4. the person has, not later than within 24 hours after arrival in the Republic of Latvia, submitted a certification to the relevant sports organisation in which he or she performs the duties of an athlete or a sports employee that:

61.6 4.1. he or she shall comply with all the restrictions imposed for the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection, including the conditions referred to in Sub-paragraphs 56.2, 61.6 4.2, 61.6 4.3, and 61.6 4.4, and also in Paragraph 61.2 of this Regulation (where applicable);

61.6 4.2. during the time period when the person does not perform the duties of an athlete or a sports employee such person will stay in the place of residence indicated in the certification or in the place of stay in the Republic of Latvia determined by the sports organisation in which the person performs the duties of an athlete or a sports employee;

61.6 4.3. shall monitor his or her health condition (two times per day - in the morning and evening - by measuring body temperature) for 10 days after return to the Republic of Latvia and shall inform the Latvian sports organisation in which the person performs the duties of an athlete or a sports employee if any signs of an acute respiratory disease (cough, increased body temperature (fever), shortness of breath) appear;

61.6 4.4. he or she will not use public transport and will use the personal vehicle or the vehicle of the relevant sports organisation to get to his or her place of residence or place of stay and the venue where the sporting event takes place, and also when travelling between these places.

[2 September 2020; 15 September 2020]

61.7 In the case referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation:

61.7 1. the Prison Administration shall:

61.7 1.1. provide support to the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation in choosing the tourist accommodation establishment;

61.7 1.2. inform the tourist accommodation establishment of the date of arrival and necessary length of stay of the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation;

61.7 1.3. ensure transportation of the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation to the tourist accommodation establishment;

61.7 1.4. issue to the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation the medicinal products that must be taken daily for five days, a thermometer, and personal protective equipment;

61.7 1.5. inform the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the National Health Service, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, the State Police, and also the social service office of the local government in the territory of which the chosen tourist accommodation establishment is located of the release of the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation, and shall indicate the place where the person shall stay for the time of isolation or quarantine;

61.7 1.6. acquaint the person referred to Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation (against a signature) with the obligations laid down in laws and regulations which must be complied with by persons infected with COVID-19 and their contact persons;

61.7 1.7. electronically send a submission signed by the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation to the social service office of the local government in the territory of which the tourist accommodation establishment is located with a request to grant an allowance in the crisis situation;

61.7 2. the National Health Service shall immediately appoint a general practitioner for the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation if he or she does not have a general practitioner. The National Health Service shall provide coverage of the costs of a general practitioner for ensuring the medical treatment process in accordance with the range of the State paid health care services within the limits of the budget;

61.7 3. social service office of the local government in the territory of which the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation stays shall immediately prepare and send to the tourist accommodation establishment where the person stays a guarantee letter, indicating the given name, surname and personal identity number of the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 5.5 4 of this Regulation and undertakes to pay the invoice issued by a pharmacy for the medicinal products needed by the person and delivery of medicinal products, but for not more than EUR 150. The tourist accommodation establishment shall issue the aforementioned letter to the person authorised by the person at the moment when the medicinal products are delivered. If the person needs repeated purchase and delivery of medicinal products, the order shall be made in the pharmacy where the guarantee letter is submitted. The pharmacy which provides the medicinal products and their delivery shall send the invoice to the social service office of the local government. The social service office shall take the decision to grant an allowance in crisis situation in order to provide health care for the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation in accordance with the invoice issued by the pharmacy;

61.7 4. the local government shall cover the expenditure for the allowance in crisis situation to the person referred to in Sub-paragraph 55.5 4 of this Regulation from the local government budget. In order to cover the expenditure of the allowance in crisis situation, the State shall provide to local governments an earmarked grant for covering the expenditure in the amount of 100 % of the allowance in crisis situation disbursed to the person, but not more than EUR 150 a month per one person. In order to receive the earmarked grant, a local government must act in accordance with Sub-paragraph 37.3 of the Transitional Provisions of the Law on Social Services and Social Assistance. In order to ensure the disbursement of the earmarked grant to a local government, the Ministry of Welfare shall act in accordance with Sub-paragraph 37.4 of the Transitional Provision of the Law on Social Services and Social Assistance.

[1 April 2021]

62. The decision to terminate isolation or home quarantine measures in the cases specified in Paragraphs 54 and 55 of this Regulation shall be taken by a medical practitioner, taking into account the algorithm published on the website of the Centre. When deciding on the termination of isolation, the medical practitioner shall issue or electronically send to the patient the form No. 027/u with the following entry: "I certify that isolation conditions are not applicable to this person from ... ............. 2020 (date)."

IX.1 Vaccination Against COVID-19 Infection

[15 December 2020]

62.1 Medical treatment institutions shall vaccinate persons against COVID-19 infection by ensuring vaccination in accordance with the order of vaccination priority groups referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation and the COVID-19 vaccination guidebook published on the website of the State Agency of Medicines.

[7 September 2021]

62.2 Vaccination of persons shall be provided by the medical treatment institutions which have entered into an agreement on the National Health Service for the vaccination against the COVID-19 infection, and also the medical treatment institutions of the National Armed Forces and prisons. The medical treatment institutions shall provide a vaccination room with:

62.2 1. disinfectants for disinfection and treatment of the injection site;

62.2 2. aseptic products required for diluting multi-dose vaccine vials and for preparing doses;

62.2 3. single-use syringes for diluting and administering the vaccine and single-use sets for intravenous administration of solutions;

62.2 4. thermometer, tonometer and phonendoscope;

62.2 5. means for anaphylactic shock therapy;

62.2 6. a tray for preparation of vaccines, materials and instruments;

62.2 7. a refrigerator for the storage of vaccines at a medical treatment institution and a thermocontainer with cooling elements (from +2°C to +8°C) for temporary storage of vaccines if vaccination is performed outside the medical treatment institution vaccination room;

62.2 8. hand disinfectants, which may be used without washing hands, if there is no sink with a cold and hot water supply;

62.2 9. a puncture-resistant container for collecting used needles, materials and syringes.

[14 January 2021; 20 April 2021]

62.3 The storage of vaccines required for the vaccination against COVID-19 infection in conformity with the storage conditions indicated in the instructions for use of the vaccine shall be ensured by the medicinal product wholesaler with which the National Health Service has concluded a contract, or by the State Blood Donor Centre. The logistical services of vaccines and supplies required for vaccination shall be ensured by the medicinal product wholesalers with which the National Health Service has concluded a relevant contract.

[15 December 2020]

62.4 The medicinal product wholesalers with which the National Health Service has concluded a contract for ensuring the logistical services referred to in Paragraph 62.3 of this Regulation shall, in conformity with the terms of the contract, ensure the supply of vaccines and supplies required for vaccination to the medical treatment institutions in accordance with the order of vaccines submitted by the Centre.

[15 December 2020]

62.5 The medical treatment institutions referred to in Paragraph 62.2 of this Regulation shall plan and order the necessary amount of the vaccines and make an estimated order by completing the form of the order of vaccines available on the website of the Centre.

[2 February 2021]

62.6 According to the electronic order of vaccines of the medical treatment institutions, the Centre shall submit the order of vaccines to the storer of vaccines referred to in Paragraph 62.3 of this Regulation and to the medicinal product wholesalers referred to in Paragraph 62.4 of this Regulation. The medicinal product wholesalers shall deliver vaccines to the medical treatment institutions specified by the Centre.

[2 February 2021]

62.7 The medical treatment institutions referred to in Paragraph 62.2 of this Regulation shall:

62.7 1. inform the persons to be vaccinated of the importance of vaccination for the prevention of COVID-19, and also of the vaccination process, vaccine safety, and effectiveness of vaccines;

62.7 2. specify the date and time of vaccination for each person;

62.7 3. specify the date and time of booster vaccination;

62.7 4. ensure the evaluation of the health condition of the person to be vaccinated prior to vaccination, and also identification and documentation of the reasons for potential postponement or cancellation of vaccination;

62.7 5. remind (by telephone or electronically) the person to be vaccinated about the date and time of booster vaccination;

62.7 6. register the fact of vaccination in the unified electronic information system of the health sector (hereinafter - the e-health) within 48 hours in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the unified electronic information system of the health sector;

62.7 7. ensure the storage of vaccines in the original packaging according to the storage temperature regime specified by the manufacturer;

62.7 8. ensure the filling in of the consent form referred to in Annex 4 to this Regulation. The abovementioned consent form replaces the outpatient medical card and is stored in accordance with the procedures provided for in laws and regulations governing the record-keeping of medical documentation;

62.7 9. upon request of the person, issue a confirmation free of charge on the vaccination of person against COVID-19 in accordance with Annex 5 to this Regulation, and also, upon request of the person, issue and complete the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis with information in English regarding vaccination against COVID-19 in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the international health regulations.

[15 December 2020; 4 March 2021; 13 May 2021; 15 June 2021]

62.8 The head of the medical treatment institution referred to in Paragraph 62.2 of this Regulation or his or her authorised person shall ascertain, during receipt of the vaccine, that the vaccine was transported in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for distribution and quality control of medicinal products. The medical treatment institution shall not accept a vaccine if the head of the institution or his or her authorised person has objectively justified suspicions of non-conformity with the requirements for transportation of the vaccine.

[15 December 2020]

62.9 The Centre shall, once every two weeks and according to the information available on the e-health, compile information on the number of vaccinations performed, the number of vaccinated persons, and the use of vaccines in order to enable the planning of expansion of the groups of persons to be vaccinated.

[15 December 2020]

62.10 The medical practitioner who has detected the adverse reactions caused by the COVID-19 vaccine shall send to the State Agency of Medicines the report on adverse drug reactions by completing the electronic form available on the website of the State Agency of Medicines (www.zva.gov.lv).

[15 December 2020]

62.11 Experts of the State Agency of Medicines shall assess the received report on adverse drug reactions in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for pharmacovigilance.

[15 December 2020]

62.12 The Centre shall receive from the system for reports on adverse drug reactions of the State Agency of Medicines the information included in the report referred to in Paragraph 62.10 of this Regulation and perform the epidemiological assessment of the relevant case.

[15 December 2020]

62.13 If a safety concern related to COVID-19 vaccination has been detected, the Centre may, in cooperation with the State Agency of Medicines, establish a joint expert commission which is entitled to attract also other relevant experts in order to decide on the action in the cases referred to in Paragraph 62.12 of this Regulation.

[15 December 2020]

62.14 The merchant that has a special permit (licence) for the manufacturing of medicinal products has, according to the request of the Centre and in accordance with the internal procedure approved, the right to divide the secondary packaging of the manufactured COVID-19 vaccines in compliance with the conditions for the storage of medicinal products and without damaging the primary packaging of the medicinal products. In such case, the merchant need not attach a label with the translation of information provided in the labelling into the official language to each primary packaging and need not attach a package leaflet in the official language. When delivering a vaccine to the medical treatment institution that will perform vaccination, the merchant is responsible for ensuring the conditions for storage of medicinal products, preserving the quality of medicinal products and control thereof, and also it has an obligation to issue to the medical treatment institution at least one translation of the labelling of medicinal product and the package leaflet in the official language. The merchant shall inform the marketing authorisation holder of medicinal products of the number of divided secondary packagings and the relevant serial number.

[14 January 2021]

62.15 All expenditures related to COVID-19 vaccination, its organisation, supervision, and control, the acquisition of vaccines, drawing up of medical documentation, vaccine injection as well as to the treatment of complications (side effects) caused by vaccination shall be financed from the State basic budget.

[14 January 2021]

62.16 When registering the fact of vaccination in the e-health, the medical treatment institutions referred to in Paragraph 62.2 of this Regulation shall not fill in the preventive immunisation records (form No. 064/u) referred to in the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for keeping medical documents.

[2 February 2021]

62.17 [19 April 2021 / See Paragraph 91 of Amendments]

62.18 [19 April 2021 / See Paragraph 91 of Amendments]

62.19 [19 April 2021 / See Paragraph 91 of Amendments]

62.20 [19 April 2021 / See Paragraph 91 of Amendments]

62.21 The head of each sectoral ministry, institution or undertaking shall be responsible for making a list of persons to be vaccinated as a priority (indicating the given name, surname, personal identity number, workplace, profession or position), conformity of its content with Annex 3 to this Regulation and its submission to the National Health Service for inclusion in the vaccination information system. Head of an institution or undertaking is entitled to make a list for the collective vaccination of the employees of the institution or company (indicating the given name, surname, personal identity number, electronic mail address (if any) and telephone number, workplace, profession or position) by ensuring conformity of its content with Annex 3 to this Regulation and submit it to a medical treatment institution which carries put vaccination against COVID-19 infection. The relevant ministry, institution or undertaking is entitled, as the manager of the information system, to process personal data in the amount necessary for the making and submission of the relevant lists.

[20 April 2021]

62.22 [19 April 2021 / See Paragraph 91 of Amendments]

62.23 Where necessary, the State Emergency Medical Service shall, in cooperation with the National Health Service and the medical treatment institution referred to in Paragraph 62.2 of this Regulation, ensure follow up monitoring in vaccination centres to provide emergency medical assistance to the persons experiencing complications (adverse effects) caused by the vaccination against the COVID-19 infection. In cooperation with the Ministry for Health and the National Health Service, the local governments shall:

62.23 1. disseminate the current information on vaccination and promote the willingness of people to get vaccinated;

62.23 2. participate in the organisation of vaccination in its administrative territory in order to ensure efficient vaccination process;

62.23 3. participate in the establishment of vaccination centres and in ensuring their operation in compliance with the guidelines for vaccination centres published on the website of the National Health Service.

[24 March 2021; 29 April 2021]

62.24 In order to ensure effective course of vaccination, the National Health Service shall ensure operation and maintenance of call and customer service centres, providing that persons will use the unified telephone number 8989 to apply for vaccination, and the call centre shall inform and consult the relevant persons through the aforementioned telephone and electronic mail.

[13 April 2021]

IX.2 Vaccination Information System

[13 April 2021 / Chapter shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92 of Amendments]

62.25 The vaccination information system (Unified Vaccination Network (ViVaT)) is a State information system the manager of which is the National Health Service.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.26 The following data shall be entered in the vaccination information system:

62.26 1. on a person:

62.26 1.1. given name (names);

62.26 1.2. surname;

62.26 1.3. personal identity number (identification number);

62.26 1.4. date of birth;

62.26 1.5. gender;

62.26 1.6. belonging to a group of persons to be vaccinated as a priority;

62.26 1.7. desired geographical place of vaccination;

62.26 1.8. contact details of a person:

62.26 1.8.1. telephone;

62.26 1.8.2. electronic mail address (if any);

62.26 1.8.3. address of the actual place of residence (if mobile vaccination is required);

62.26 2. on the desire expressed by the person to vaccinate against COVID-19;

62.26 3. on the appointment for vaccination against COVID-19 (time and place for vaccination);

62.26 4. on the medical practitioner performing vaccination - identifier of the medical practitioner;

62.265. on the fact of vaccination:

62.26 5.1. name of the medicinal product;

62.26 5.2. holder of the marketing authorisation;

62.26 5.3. number of vaccination cases/doses;

62.26 5.4. number of the batch of vaccines;

62.26 5.5. date of vaccination;

62.26 5.6. place of vaccination;

62.26 5.7. date of the next vaccination;

62.26 6. on the order of vaccines, actual delivery, use and number of vaccinated persons.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.27 The data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1 and 62.26 2 of this Regulation shall be entered in the vaccination information system by:

62.27 1. the person who applies for vaccination against COVID-19 through the portal manavakcina.lv of the vaccination information system;

62.27 2. a medical practitioner - on the person who has addressed a medical treatment institution to apply for vaccination against COVID-19 through the portal manavakcina.lv of the vaccination information system;

62.27 3. the National Health Service - upon receipt of an application for vaccination against COVID-19 through the unified telephone number 8989 or upon receipt of the list of persons to be vaccinated as a priority referred to in Paragraph 62.21 of this Regulation.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.28 The data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 3, 62.26 4 and 62.26 5 of this Regulation shall be entered in the vaccination information system by the medical treatment institution which performs vaccination against the COVID-19 infection. If the medical treatment institution has received an individual application from a person or a list for collective vaccination, the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1 and 62.26 2 of this Regulation (except for Sub-paragraph 62.26 1.8.3) shall also be entered in the vaccination information system.

[20 April 2021]

62.29 The data referred to in Sub-paragraph 62.26 6 of this Regulation shall be entered in the vaccination information system by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the medical treatment institution which performs vaccination.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.30 The data entered in the vaccination information system may, in the cases and to the extent provided for in this Regulation, be accessed by:

62.30 1. the National Health Service, including to register a vaccination application through the telephone number 8989;

62.30 2. the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control;

62.30 3. the medical treatment institution which performs vaccination.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.31 The National Health Service shall access the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1.1, 62.26 1.2, 62.26 1.3 and 62.26 1.4 of this Regulation to withdraw a vaccination application of a person through the unified telephone number 8989.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.32 A medical treatment institution shall access the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1.1, 62.26 1.2, 62.26 1.3, 62.26 1.4, 62.26 1.5, 62.26 1.6, 62.26 1.8.1, 62.26 1.8.2, 62.26 2, 62.26 3, 62.26 5.1, and 62.26 5.5 of this Regulation in order to register the fact of vaccination against the COVID-19 infection, and also to register a person for vaccination or to cancel an appointment of a person.

[20 April 2021]

62.33 The National Health Service shall process the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1, 62.26 2, and 62.26 5 of this Regulation in order to:

62.33 1. determine the right of the person to receive a state-sponsored vaccine against COVID-19 by comparing such data with the database of the recipients of health care services under the management of the National Health Service;

62.33 2. compile a list of persons to be vaccinated as a priority for its submission to the medical treatment institutions that will perform vaccination.

[13 April2021; 24 August 2021]

62.34 The National Health Service has the right to process the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1.1, 62.26 1.2, 62.26 1.3, 62.26 1.4, and 62.26 5 of this Regulation, to compare with the data of the e-health and to request form medical treatment institutions the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1.8.1 and 62.26 1.8.2 of this Regulation if such is not available in the vaccination information system in order to inform persons not vaccinated against COVID-19 of the possibility to receive a vaccine against COVID-19.

[24 August 2021]

62.35 In order to determine the eligibility of a person for the group of persons to be vaccinated as a priority "persons with chronic diseases" and ensure the person the right to vaccinate if he or she is eligible, the National Health Service has the right to process the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1 and 62.26 2 to compare them with:

62.35 1. the system for the settlement of payments for health care services "Management Information System" that is managed by the National Health Service;

62.35 2. the unified electronic information system of the health sector (e-health) that is under the management of the National Health Service;

62.35 3. the Register of Patients Suffering from Certain Diseases (PREDA) that is under the management of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.36 In order to determine the eligibility of a person for the group of persons to be vaccinated as a priority "teachers and employees of educational institutions who, during performance of work duties, are in close contact with educatees" and ensure the person the right to vaccinate if he or she is eligible, the National Health Service has the right to process the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 62.26 1 and 62.26 2 to compare them with the data of the State Education Information System (VIIS).

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.37 The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall process the data referred to in Sub-paragraph 62.26 6 of this Regulation to make vaccine orders for a medical treatment institution and control the use of vaccines.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.38 The data entered in the vaccination information system shall be stored in identifiable form:

62.38 1. for three years after the moment when the vaccination of the person is completed as regards the data on the fact of vaccination;

62.38 2. until the moment when the vaccination of the person is completed as regards the data related to the fact of vaccination appointment, but for not more than one year from the moment when the person has applied for vaccination.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

62.39 The data entered in the vaccination information system shall be anonymised after expiry of the time limit for their storage.

[13 April 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 19 April 2021. See Paragraph 92]

X. Exceptions to the Application of Provisions in Prisons

63. The requirements referred to in Paragraphs 4 and 9, Sub-paragraph 25.5, Paragraph 30, Chapters VII and VIII of this Regulation shall apply to the Prison Administration.

64. The administration of a prison shall issue information to the prisoner who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection or who has been recognised as a contact person in accordance with this Regulation and is being released from the prison regarding his or her obligations in accordance with this Regulation and information regarding the obligation of the person to immediately see a general practitioner, and also, if possible, information regarding the possibilities for contacting the general practitioner of the person.

65. The administration of a prison shall inform the Centre if a prisoner for whom the diagnosis of COVID-19 has been confirmed or who has been recognised as a contact person in accordance with this Regulation is to be released from the prison and shall indicate the foreseeable date and time of release.

66. A prison doctor shall, upon a request of a prisoner, issue a statement thereto on the lack of contraindications for the receipt of the service specified in Paragraph 34 of this Regulation if the prisoner is planning to stay at an institution with accommodation (social rehabilitation centre or shelter) after release from the prison.

X.1 Special Epidemiological Safety Measures for Monitoring and Containment of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection in Population of Minks, Other Animals of Mustelidae Family, and Raccoon Dogs

[10 June 2021 / The requirements laid down in Chapter (except for Paragraph 66.8) shall be applied until 31 March 2022. See Paragraph 102 of Amendments]

66.1 Minks and unprocessed mink skins may not be imported from another country into the territory of Latvia.

[10 June 2021]

66.2 The Food and Veterinary Service shall determine measures in accordance with the requirements laid down in Paragraph 66.3 of this Regulation in order to implement the monitoring of COVID-19 infection in Latvia and the reporting to the European Commission.

[10 June 2021]

66.3 The Food and Veterinary Service shall:

66.3 1. develop a COVID-19 monitoring programme;

66.3 2. in accordance with the conditions of Paragraph 66.20 of this Regulation, provide information to the European Commission on the situation in relation to COVID-19 infection.

[10 June 2021]

66.4 In order to monitor and reduce the spread of COVID-19 infection:

66.4 1. the animal owner or holder in a holding of minks, other animals of Mustelidae family, and also raccoon dogs (hereinafter - the animal) shall:

66.4 1.1. draw up a biosecurity measures plan in accordance with Paragraph 66.5 of this Regulation and ensure the implementation thereof in the animal holding;

66.4 1.2. bring in animals in the holding or accommodation (premises or an area in the holding or its territory where animals having similar health status are kept and which is a separate epidemiological unit) in accordance with the requirements laid down in Paragraph 66.7 of this Regulation;

66.4 1.3. provide the information specified in Paragraph 66.9 1 of this Regulation to the Food and Veterinary Service, using any means of communication;

66.4 1.4. ensure the mandatory routine screening tests for diagnosing of COVID-19 for persons working in the holding. The persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation need not undergo the mandatory routine screening test for diagnosing of COVID-19, if there are no signs of an infectious disease, except for the case when the need for COVID-19 test has been specified by a medical practitioner or an epidemiologist according to medical or epidemiological indications;

66.4 1.5. control that only such persons are working in the holding for whom COVID-19 contaminating agent has not been established and there are not symptoms of an infectious disease;

66.4 2. any person shall, using any means of communication, provide the information specified in Sub-paragraph 66.9 2 of this Regulation to the Food and Veterinary Service on animal population (this condition shall not apply to animals kept in a holding).

[10 June 2021]

66.5 The animal owner or holder shall specify the following in the biosecurity measures plan:

66.5 1. the criteria for the health control of persons working in the holding in order to prevent the risk of infection of animals;

66.5 2. the procedures for performing the mandatory routine screening tests for diagnosing of COVID-19 for persons working at the holding. The persons referred to in the introductory part of Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation need not undergo the mandatory routine screening tests for diagnosing of COVID-19, if there are no signs of an infectious disease, except for the case when the need for COVID-19 test has been specified by a medical practitioner or an epidemiologist according to medical or epidemiological indications;

66.5 3. the obligation for any person present in the holding to use the mouth and nose cover or a respirator without a valve;

66.5 4. the persons who are allowed to visit the territory of the holding in order to restrict the movement of persons in the holding;

66.5 5. the obligation for holding employees to disinfect hands and footwear before entering the holding or lodging.

[10 June 2021]

66.6 The implementation of the measures determined in the biosecurity measures plan in the holding shall be monitored by the Food and Veterinary Service.

[10 June 2021]

66.7 Animals from another holding or accommodation in the territory of Latvia shall be brought in a holding or accommodation in conformity with the following requirements:

66.7 1. the holding has not been imposed restrictions on the movement of animals and the use of unprocessed animal skins;

66.7 2. the animals are kept separate and monitored for at least 14 days before placing them in the holding with the rest of the animals, ensuring separate staff and equipment for their keeping, feeding, and care;

66.7 3. if COVID-19 contaminating agent has not been established during monitoring, the animals shall be placed in the holding with the rest of the animals after the end of the monitoring period.

[10 June 2021]

66.8 The Food and Veterinary Service shall perform risk assessment of animal holdings of Latvia. The following shall be included in the assessment:

66.8 1. the results of laboratory testing for COVID-19 contaminating agents in animals obtained during implementation of supervisory measures, on the basis of the spread of the disease in the amount of 25 % at 95 % credible interval;

66.8 2. the vaccination status of the persons working in the holding, the procedures for laboratory testing, and the testing results regarding a COVID-19 contaminating agent;

66.8 3. the biosafety measures introduced in the holding.

[10 June 2021 / The requirements laid down in Paragraph shall be implemented until 1 August 2021. See Paragraph 101]

66.9 Information shall be provided to the Food and Veterinary Service:

66.9 1. by the animal owner or holder of the holding:

66.9 1.1. on the number of animals in the holding - on the first working day of the month;

66.9 1.2. on the number of animals in the holding which died in the last week - each Monday;

66.9 1.3. on each case when acute respiratory disease symptoms, disorders of the digestive system, depression, inactivity, refusal to eat or drink are observed in the animals, or if animal mortality is observed (hereinafter - suspicions regarding being ill with COVID-19) - immediately;

66.9 1.4. on the animal brought in and referred to in Paragraph 66.7 of this Regulation, if it dies during monitoring or suspicions regarding the animal being ill with COVID-19 arise - immediately;

66.9 2. by any person, if suspicions regarding the animal being ill with COVID-19 arise - immediately.

[10 June 2021]

66.10 The Food and Veterinary Service shall take a sample of the dead body or oropharyngeal swabs (hereinafter - the control sample) and send it for laboratory testing for establishing COVID-19 contaminating agent:

66.10 1. following receipt of the information referred to in Sub-paragraph 66.9 1.3 or 66.9 1.4 of this Regulation. The Food and Veterinary Service shall determine the amount of the necessary control samples on the basis of the spread of the disease in the amount of 50 % at 95 % confidence interval;

66.10 2. following receipt of the information referred to in Sub-paragraph 66.9 2 of this Regulation. If there are suspicions regarding being ill with COVID-19:

66.10 2.1. for up to five animals - one control sample shall be taken;

66.10 2.2. for more than five animals - five random control samples shall be taken.

[10 June 2021]

66.11 If COVID-19 infection is confirmed for the animal:

66.11 1. the Food and Veterinary Service shall:

66.11 1.1. immediately inform the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control thereof which shall, in cooperation with the Food and Veterinary Service, ensure an epidemiological investigation by taking samples to be sent for laboratory testing for establishing of COVID-19 contaminating agent, and also determine subsequent measures according to the competence of institutions;

66.11 1.2. determine restrictions on the movement and use of animals;

66.11 1.3. determine restrictions on the use of unprocessed furs of animals. If necessary, control samples shall be taken from furs for establishing of COVID-19 contaminating agent;

66.11 1.4. if necessary, determine restrictions on the use or movement of animal feed;

66.11 1.5. determine restrictions on the movement of manure - droppings, slurry, and used litter - and treatment conditions or their processing or liquidation in accordance with the requirements referred to in Paragraph 66.12 of this Regulation;

66.11 2. the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall perform an analysis of the epidemiological situation and prepare a risk assessment on the potential risk of the spread of COVID-19 infection among people.

[10 June 2021]

66.12 If COVID-19 infection is confirmed, the by-products of animal origin shall be processed or liquidated, applying the processing or liquidation methods and conditions which eliminate the possibility of the spread of an agent, specified in Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 of 25 February 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive.

[10 June 2021]

66.13 On the basis of the risk assessment referred to in Sub-paragraph 66.11 2 of this Regulation, the Centre for Disease Prevention and the Control and the Food and Veterinary Service shall determine the procedures for taking of the control samples from the persons working in the holding, and also animals in the holding and further action for restricting the spread of COVID-19 infection in the holding affected by COVID-19 infection.

[10 June 2021]

66.14 The owner or holder of the holding of minks affected by COVID-19 infection shall cooperate with the Centre for Disease Prevention and the Control and the Food and Veterinary Service and comply with the instructions provided thereby in order to ensure introduction of measures for restricting the spread of COVID-19 infection in the holding.

[10 June 2021]

66.15 If COVID-19 infection is confirmed to a person working in the animal holding or his or her family members, the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall:

66.15 1. immediately inform the Food and Veterinary Service thereof;

66.15 2. in cooperation with the Food and Veterinary Service, ensure the epidemiological investigation, organising laboratory testing of the persons working in the holding, and determine further measures according to the competence of the institutions.

[10 June 2021]

66.16 If the information referred to in Sub-paragraph 66.15 1 of this Regulation is received, the Food and Veterinary Service shall take the control samples from animals and send them for laboratory testing for establishing of COVID-19 contaminating agent. The Service shall determine the amount of the necessary samples in the holding on the basis of the spread of the disease in the amount of 5 % at 95 % confidence interval.

[10 June 2021]

66.17 Valsts zinātniskais institūts "Pārtikas drošības, dzīvnieku veselības un vides zinātniskais institūts "BIOR"" [State scientific institute Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR"] shall perform complete or partial autopsy of a dead animal, destruction of dead animals, and laboratory testing to determine the following:

66.17 1. in the samples referred to in Paragraph 66.10, Sub-paragraph 66.11 1.1, Paragraphs 66.13 and 66.16:

66.17 1.1. COVID-19 contaminating agent;

66.17 1.2. if necessary - antibodies of the agent of COVID-19 infection;

66.17 2. the COVID-19 contaminating agent in the control sample for wild animals which have been sent for laboratory testing in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the procedures for the prevention and combating of rabies.

[10 June 2021]

66.18 The State scientific institute Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" shall ensure genome analysis of the agent of COVID-19 infection up to the amount of 50 % for the samples referred to in Sub-paragraphs 66.17 1.1 and 66.17 2 of this Regulation in which COVID-19 agent has been established. An isolated selection of COVID-19 contaminating agents for genome analysis shall be performed by the Food and Veterinary Service on the basis of the information obtained during the epidemiological investigation.

[10 June 2021]

66.19 The State scientific institute Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment "BIOR" shall immediately send the results of laboratory testing of the samples referred to in Paragraphs 66.17 and 66.18 of this Regulation to the Food and Veterinary Service.

[10 June 2021]

66.20 The Food and Veterinary Service shall prepare and electronically send a report to the European Commission:

66.20 1. on the first confirmed case of an animal falling ill with COVID-19 - within three days, but after a new outbreak of COVID-19 infection - a report once a week;

66.20 2. if new information on epidemiology of COVID-19 infection and its zoonotic impact has been obtained;

66.20 3. on the results of phylogenetic analysis of an agent of COVID-19 infection (if necessary) - once a month.

[10 June 2021]

66.21 The Food and Veterinary Service shall indicate the following information in the report referred to in Paragraph 66.20 of this Regulation:

66.21 1. the date when the report was submitted;

66.21 2. the name of the country;

66.21 3. the type of the report (first or weekly report);

66.21 4. the number of confirmed cases of falling ill with COVID-19 regarding which a report is being provided;

66.21 5. on each confirmed case of falling ill with COVID-19:

66.21 5.1. the registration number of the confirmed case of falling ill;

66.21 5.2. the municipality where the holding is located or approximate geographical location where the animal has been kept or found;

66.21 5.3. the date when the suspicions were detected;

66.21 5.4. the date of confirmation;

66.21 5.5. the method of diagnosis;

66.21 5.6. approximate date when infection has spread in the holding or the abovementioned location;

66.21 5.7. the potential source of infection;

66.21 5.8. the control measures implemented - control in the monitoring or protection zone, traceability, quarantine, official destruction of carcasses, by-products, and waste, complete slaughtering, control of illness for wild animals, zoning, disinfection, permitting of vaccination (if a vaccine is available), non-treatment of affected animals, or any other corresponding measure;

66.21 5.9. the number of susceptible animals in the holding or the abovementioned location, grouping according to the susceptible species;

66.21 5.10. the number of clinically or sub-clinically affected animals in the holding or the abovementioned location, grouping according to the susceptible species (if an accurate number is not known, the approximate number shall be indicated);

66.21 5.11. on the spread of the illness - the number of such clinically ill animals in the holding or the abovementioned location which have symptoms of COVID-19 infection, grouping according to the susceptible species, in relation to the number of susceptible animals, and also a summary of the description of clinically suspicious animal symptoms (if an accurate number is not known, the approximate number shall be indicated);

66.21 5.12. on mortality of animals - the number of animals which have died in the holding or the abovementioned location, grouping according to the susceptible species (if an accurate number is not known, the approximate number shall be indicated);

66.21 6. molecular epidemiology data and essential mutations of the agent of COVID-19 infection;

66.21 7. data on confirmed cases of falling ill for people who are linked to the outbreak of COVID-19 infection in the animal population;

66.21 8. other essential information.

[10 June 2021]

XI. Special Counter-epidemic Measures in Individual Administrative Territories

[1 April 2021]

67. [1 April 2021]

XII. Information System for Monitoring Persons

[6 October 2020]

68. The information system is a State information system which is managed by the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior.

[6 October 2020]

69. The following information shall be included in the information system:

69.1. regarding a person:

69.1.1. given name (names);

69.1.2. surname;

69.1.3. personal identity number (identification number);

69.1.4. date of birth if a personal identity number (identification number) has not been granted;

69.2. regarding a travel document:

69.2.1. the issuing country of the travel document;

69.2.2. the number of the travel document;

69.3. regarding the person who has been vaccinated or has recovered and to whom the self-isolation conditions are not applicable - an interoperable certificate or a document certifying vaccination or recovery;

69.4. regarding a person to whom the self-isolation conditions are applicable:

69.4.1. regarding the entry of a person into Latvia: date and time of entry; manner of entry (by aircraft, vessel, bus, train or other means);

69.4.2. regarding the stay of the person in a high-risk or particularly high-risk country (countries) within the last 10 days: country; date when the person left the country;

69.4.3. contact details of the person: telephone; electronic mail address; address of the place of residence (stay) in Latvia where the person will be reachable if he or she must be in self-isolation;

69.4.4. the date until which the compliance with the obligation of the person to be in self-isolation is monitored;

69.5. regarding a person to whom the isolation or home quarantine conditions are applicable:

69.5.1. contact details of the person: telephone; electronic mail address; address of the place of residence (place of stay) in Latvia where the person will be reachable during isolation or home quarantine;

69.5.2. the date until which the compliance with the obligation of the person to be in isolation or home quarantine is monitored.

[6 July 2021]

70. In addition to the information referred to in Paragraph 69 of this Regulation, the following shall be included in the information system:

70.1. Information provided by the State Police, State Border Guard, municipal police, Tax and Customs Police of the State Revenue Service, and Health Inspectorate regarding the submission of the confirmation form of a person or compliance with the self-isolation, isolation or home quarantine provisions, including termination of self-isolation, isolation or home quarantine;

70.2. indication regarding the status of the confirmation form of a person (active, inactive, closed).

[6 October 2020; 11 February 2021; 24 March 2021]

71. The information included in the information system shall be stored for 30 days after the moment when the confirmation form of a person is submitted.

[6 October 2020]

72. The information included in the information system shall be deleted immediately but not later than 24 hours after the end of their storage period.

[6 October 2020]

73. Irrespective of the deletion of information, anonymised statistical data which comprise the date referred to in Sub-paragraph of this Regulation and the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs and 69.4.2 of this Regulation shall be continuously stored in the information system. The manager of the information system shall publish such statistical data on the Open Data Portal of Latvia.

[6 October 2020; 6 July 2021]

74. The information system shall be used in the online data transmission mode.

[6 October 2020]

75. The information referred to in Paragraph 69 of this Regulation shall be entered in the information system by a person through electronically filling in the confirmation form on the website of the information system (covidpass.lv) and confirming its submission.

[6 October 2020]

75.1 If a person must be in isolation or home quarantine in accordance with Paragraph 54 or 55 of this Regulation and involvement of the State Police or municipal police is required for monitoring such person, the Health Inspectorate shall enter the information (in the amount that is at the disposal of the Health Inspectorate) referred to in Sub-paragraphs 69.1 and 69.5.1 of this Regulation in the information system, and also shall indicate the deadline referred to in Sub-paragraph 69.5.2 of this Regulation in the information system, if such is known.

[24 March 2021; 6 July 2021]

75.2 The information that is entered in the information system according to Paragraph 75.1 of this Regulation shall be stored as long as the obligation of the person to be in self-isolation, isolation or home quarantine is monitored.

[24 March 2021]

76. The information referred to in Paragraph 70.1 of this Regulation shall be entered in the online data transmission mode of the information system by the State Police, State Border Guard, municipal police, Tax and Customs Police of the State Revenue Service, and Health Inspectorate.

[6 October 2020; 11 February 2021]

77. Automatic creation and change of the indication referred to Sub-paragraph 70.2 of this Regulation in the information system, and also the confirmation referred to in Paragraph 38.54 of this Regulation to a person shall be provided by the manager of the information system.

[6 October 2020; 6 July 2021]

78. In order to ensure circulation of correct, accurate, and qualitative information when monitoring the compliance with the obligation of the person to be in self-isolation, isolation or home quarantine, the information included in the information system shall, when necessary, be corrected by the State Police, State Border Guard, municipal police or Health Inspectorate. If the information referred to in Sub-paragraph or of this Regulation changes, a person shall immediately inform the State Police thereof.

[24 March 2021; 6 July 2021]

79. In the cases and to the extent specified in this Regulation, the information included in the information system may be accessed by:

79.1. the State Police;

79.2. the State Border Guard;

79.3. the municipal police;

79.4. the Health Inspectorate;

79.5. the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control;

79.6. the Tax and Customs Police of the State Revenue Service.

[6 October 2020; 11 February 2021]

80. In order to monitor the fulfilment of the specified requirement for the submission of the confirmation form and compliance with the obligation of the person to be in self-isolation, isolation or home quarantine, the Health Inspectorate, State Police, municipal police, State Border Guard, and Tax and Customs Police of the State Revenue Service shall access the information referred to in Paragraph 69 and Paragraph 70 of this Regulation that has been included in the information system.

[24 March 2021; 6 July 2021]

81. In order to monitor the fulfilment of the specified requirement for the submission of the confirmation form, and also to transfer to other countries information regarding the movement of persons by crossing the State border of the Republic of Latvia in accordance with the international liabilities of the Republic of Latvia, the State Border Guard shall access the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 69.1, 69.2, and 69.4 of this Regulation that has been included in the information system.

[6 October 2020; 6 July 2021]

82. In order to identify other persons who have travelled or are travelling together with the person, the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall access the information referred to in Sub-paragraphs 69.1, 69.2.1,,, 69.4.2, and 69.4.3 of this Regulation that has been included in the information system regarding all persons who have filled in the confirmation forms in accordance with Paragraph 38 of this Regulation.

[6 October 2020; 11 February 2021; 6 July 2021]

83. In order to ensure the performance of the tasks referred to in Paragraphs 78, 80, 81, and 82 of this Regulation, the manager of the information system shall, upon receipt of a request from the authority referred to in Paragraph 79 of this Regulation, provide the employees of the authority indicated in the request online access to the information included in the information system.

[6 October 2020]

84. The manager of the information system shall provide the access referred to in Paragraph 83 of this Regulation by assigning access details or ensuring authorisation in the information system to the employee of the authority indicated in the request through the Unified Login Module (ULM).

[6 October 2020]

XII.1 Operation of the Contact Tracing and Warning Information System

[27 October 2020]

84.1 Contact tracing and warning information system is a State information system consisting of the mobile application for contact tracing and warning (hereinafter - the application) and the back-end system.

[27 October 2020]

84.2 The Centre shall be the manager of the contract tracing and warning information system and the joint manager of the European Federation Gateway in Latvia.

[27 October 2020]

84.3 The following information shall be processed in the application:

84.3 1. the temporary archive of unique identifiers (hereinafter - the key) for the past 14 days that is related to each user of the application;

84.3 2. the unique keys of those users with whom there has been a contact during the past 14 days;

84.3 3. the keys from the back-end system of the infected users;

84.3 4. the contact telephone numbers provided on a voluntary basis.

[27 October 2020]

84.4 The following data shall be processed in the back-end system on the persons for whom the COVID-19 diagnosis has been confirmed in a laboratory or by clinical evidence or regarding whom, according to the algorithms embedded in the application, there is an epidemiological cause for suspicion that they have been exposed to an increased risk of infection:

84.4 1. the verification code of the infection case and acceptance of the code;

84.4 2. the date of falling ill;

84.4 3. the presence of symptoms;

84.4 4. the contact telephone numbers provided on a voluntary basis;

84.4 5. the keys referred to in Sub-paragraph 84.3 3 of this Regulation;

84.4 6. the countries of origin of the keys referred to in Sub-paragraph 84.3 3 of this Regulation;

84.4 7. the date, duration, signal strength, and risk assessment of each contact;

84.4 8. the information on whether the Centre has or has not recognised a person as a contact person.

[27 October 2020]

84.5 The data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 84.4 1, 84.4 4, 84.4 5, 84.4 6, 84.4 7, and 84.4 8 of this Regulation shall, using the European Federation Gateway, be voluntarily uploaded by the user of the application to the contact tracing and warning information system from the application or from mobile applications for warning of other European Union and European Economic Area countries.

[27 October 2020]

84.6 The Centre and the user of the application do not have access to the data referred to in Sub-paragraphs 84.3 1 and 84.3 2 of this Regulation.

[27 October 2020]

84.7 The Centre has the following obligations:

84.7 1. to introduce improvements to the contact tracing and warning information system, including in accordance with the epidemiological safety situation in the country and the European Union;

84.7 2. to determine requirements for the maintenance and security management of the contact tracing and warning information system, and to control the fulfilment of such requirements;

84.7 3. to ensure the users with the functions of a contact point;

84.7 4. to ensure the preparation and sending of a warning to persons regarding whom, according to the algorithms embedded in the application, there is an epidemiological cause for suspicion that they have been exposed to an increased risk of infection;

84.7 5. to provide for technical and organisational measures (including in order to prevent data breaches) in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the field of personal data protection;

84.7 6. to delete all the stored data 14 days after the termination of the operation of the contact tracing system;

84.7 7. to ensure data exchange with the European Federation Gateway.

[27 October 2020]

84.8 The Centre has the right to process the data referred to in Paragraph 84.4 of this Regulation in order to:

84.8 1. create the verification code of the infection case;

84.8 2. determine the persons who have been exposed to an increased risk of infection and to warn about potential contact with a person infected with COVID-19;

84.8 3. ensure cross-border exchange of the Minimum Set of Data in the European Federation Gateway with the national contact tracing and warning systems of other countries.

[27 October 2020]

84.9 The joint manager of the European Federation Gateway in Latvia has the following obligations:

84.9 1. to ensure information on the processing of the data included in the system in the European Federation Gateway for the purposes of interoperability of national applications;

84.9 2. to ensure the functions of a contact point for communication with the joint managers of the European Federation Gateway;

84.9 3. to ensure cooperation and information exchange with the joint managers of the European Federation Gateway in other countries, including to receive a request from a data subject which does not fall within the scope of activities of the joint manager in Latvia, and to forward it immediately to the relevant joint manager of the European Federation Gateway;

84.9 4. to ensure all the organisational, physical and logical safety measures for data protection in the system and to cooperate with the joint managers of the Federation Gateway in order to identify and address security incidents as well as data breaches related to the processing of data in the European Federation Gateway;

84.9 5. to ensure cross-border exchange of data in the European Federation Gateway among the national contact tracing and warning applications of other European Union and European Economic Area countries.

[27 October 2020]

84.10 The technical maintenance of the system shall be ensured by valsts akciju sabiedrība "Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centrs" [State joint stock company Latvian Radio and Television Centre] in accordance with the delegation of the manager of the contact tracing and warning information system.

[27 October 2020]

84.11 The data included in the back-end system shall be stored by the Centre for 14 days from the moment of receipt of information and shall be deleted immediately but not later than 24 hours after the end of their storage period.

[27 October 2020]

84.12 Anonymised statistical data shall be continuously stored in the contact tracing system.

[27 October 2020]

XIII. Closing Provisions

[6 October 2020]

85. The State Police and the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall store the confirmations that are at their disposal and have been submitted until 11 October 2020 for one month from the moment when the confirmation has been submitted and shall destroy them after the aforementioned period.

[6 October 2020]

86. The confirmations at the disposal of the State Border Guard:

86.1. that have been submitted until 11 October 2020 and from the moment of the submission of which a month has not elapsed shall be transferred thereby to:

86.1.1. the State Police if the relevant confirmations include the indication on the stay of the person in a country which is published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control as a country to which the special precautionary and restrictive measures are applicable;

86.1.2. the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control if the relevant confirmations include the indication on stay only in such country which is not subject to the special precautionary and restrictive measures;

86.2. which need not be transferred to the authorities referred to in Sub-paragraph 86.1 of this Regulation shall be destroyed thereby within a month from the moment of their submission.

[6 October 2020]

87. The requirement regarding the installation in a shopping centre of the electronic device for registering visitor flow referred to in Sub-paragraph 24.7 5 of this Regulation shall come into force on 15 February 2021.

[5 February 2021 / Paragraph shall come into force on 8 February 2021. See Paragraph 2 of Amendments]

88. Medical treatment institutions shall continue vaccination of groups of persons on the basis of vaccination priority groups that are determined as such by the Cabinet until 18 February 2021.

[18 February 2021]

89. [29 June 2021]

90. [29 June 2021]

91. Paragraphs 62.17, 62.18, 62.19, 62.20 and 62.22 are repealed from 19 April 2021.

[13 April 2021]

92. Chapter IX2 shall come into force on 19 April 2021.

[13 April 2021]

93. The framework provided for in Sub-paragraph 32.7 16 of this Regulation for the procedures by which summer camps for children may be organised on site shall be applicable from 14 June 2021.

[27 May 2021]

94. Paragraph 32.12 of this Regulation shall come into force on 01 June 2021.

[27 May 2021]

95. The issuance of the certificates referred to in Paragraph 38.11 of this Regulation shall be commenced on 1 June 2021.

[27 May 2021]

96. The medical treatment institutions referred to in Paragraph 38.20 of this Regulation shall, from 31 May 2021, provide the data referred to in Annex 6 to this Regulation in a structured way to the unified electronic information system of health sector or enter such data in the portal of the National Health Service in the format and according to classification specified by the National Health Service on all the positive SARS-CoV-2 virus RNS test results which have been confirmed from 1 December 2020 and on the remaining COVID-19 test results which have been confirmed from 28 May 2021.

[27 May 2021]

97. The requirements referred to in Sub-paragraph 38.34 2 of this Regulation regarding the certification on vaccination, recovery, or testing fact is not applied in respect of the providers of hairdresser, manicure, pedicure, and podologist services until 1 September 2021.

[22 June 2021]

98. Paragraphs 38.28, 38.29, and 38.30 of this Regulation shall come into force on 1 June 2021.

[27 May 2021]

99. Sub-paragraph 38.27 5 and Paragraph 38.31 of this Regulation shall come into force on 15 June 2021.

[27 May 2021]

100. The obligation of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control referred to in Sub-paragraph 32.7 3 of this Regulation to publish, once a week on Thursdays, in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis the list of the cities and municipalities according to the information posted on Wednesday on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control shall not be applied until 31 August 2021.

[1 June 2021]

101. The requirements laid down in Paragraph 66.8 of this Regulation shall be implemented by 1 August 2021.

[10 June 2021]

102. The requirements laid down in Chapter X.1 of this Regulation (except for Paragraph 66.8) shall be applied until 31 March 2022.

[10 June 2021]

103. In order to issue a printed copy of an interoperable vaccination certificate, test certificate or certificate of recovery to a person registered in the Population Register or a lawful representative thereof by 30 June 2021, a representative of a unified customer service centre of State and local governments or a customer service unit of local government shall log in and request such certificate on the website https://lab.covid19sertifikats.lv.

[15 June 2021]

104. The requirements laid down in Chapters V.1 and V.2 of this Regulation in relation to tests shall not apply to the children under the age of 12 years.

[17 August 2021]

105. [17 August 2021]

106. Prior to the start of the academic year 2021/2022, the educatees at the level of basic education and secondary education shall arrive to the educational institution between 23 August 2021 and 30 August 2021 and be tested for COVID-19, and such test shall be repeatedly carried out hereafter according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Educatees with an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery need not be tested for COVID-19. Educatees who are completing a special basic education programme for pupils with mental disorders or a special basic education programme for pupils with severe mental disorders or several severe developmental disorders at a special education institution or special education class may be tested between 23 August 2021 and 4 September 2021. Testing of educatees at a prison between 23 August 2021 and 30 August 2021 from the funds from the State budget shall be organised by the medical staff of the prison. Testing for COVID-19 of educatees at a prison shall be organised in cooperation with a laboratory testing for COVID-19.

[17 August 2021]

107. Educatees who have been independently tested for COVID-19 between 23 August 2021 and 30 August 2021 and the test result has been negative are entitled to participate in the learning process from 1 September 2021, presenting a confirmation (in paper or digital form) to the responsible person. Further participation of an educatee in the learning process shall take place by being tested in accordance with Sub-paragraph 40.5 4 of this Regulation according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

[17 August 2021]

108. The air monitoring specified in Sub-paragraph 40.5 3 of this Regulation shall be performed as soon as air quality meters are available at an educational institution.

[17 August 2021]

109. Until 10 October 2021 also persons with a confirmation (in paper or digital form) regarding negative COVID-19 test which has been performed within the last 48 hours according to the algorithm published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control may participate in implementation and completion of study programmes in colleges and higher education institutions.

[17 August 2021]

110. Until 31 August 2021 holding of entrance examinations shall take place on site (for not more than 10 persons) for enrolling in formal basic and secondary education programmes, and also in higher education study programmes where the entrance examination includes practical part and it is not possible to carry it out remotely. In the room where the entrance examination is held and outside of it, all persons present shall use mouth and nose covers and shall maintain the two-metre distance. The organiser of entrance examination shall ensure the persons who cannot participate in the entrance examination as they are in quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19 infection and they have documentary evidence thereon the opportunity to take the entrance examination in the specified additional time. In order to participate in the entrance examination on site, persons must have been tested for COVID-19 within the last 72 hours before the entrance examination and the test must be negative. A COVID-19 test need not be taken by persons who have documentary evidence that they have been infected with SARS CoV-2 within the last three months and do not cause the risk of infection for the surrounding people or have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 infection.

[17 August 2021]

111. Until 31 August 2021 implementation of pre-school education programmes in joint groups of up to 24 children from one educational establishment or local government shall be permitted in compliance with the epidemiological safety measures and ensuring that at least for one month the composition of educatees of the joint group is invariable.

[17 August 2021]

112. A person who provides a child supervision service is entitled, until 31 August 2021, to implement the abovementioned service without an interoperable vaccination certificate or certificate of recovery and without a confirmation regarding negative COVID-19 test result.

[17 August 2021]

113. Until 31 August 2021, in the acquisition of vocational education, the head of an educational institution may, upon assessing the situation and the specific nature of the relevant vocational education programme, by an order reduce the period of internship in vocational secondary education programmes and vocational training programmes by not more than 320 hours, in vocational basic education programmes - by not more than 240 hours, and in vocational further education programmes implemented in prisons - by not more than 200 hours if the following conditions are met:

113.1. internship is required for acquiring professional skills or qualifications by 31 August 2021;

113.2. according to the specific nature of profession, it is not possible to carry out internship remotely;

113.3. it is not possible to carry out internship on site individually or during internship it is not possible to maintain a two-metre distance and prevent contact with other educatees;

113.4. the specific educational programme is not a modular programme, except for vocational further education programmes implemented in prisons.

[17 August 2021]

114. Testing of educatees at prisons shall be organised according to the procedures stipulated by the Prisons Administration in cooperation with the laboratory testing for COVID-19.

[17 August 2021]

115. Until 31 August 2021, when additional learning activities, including for grades 10 and 11, are implemented in accordance with Paragraph 35 of Cabinet Regulation No. 591 of 13 October 2015, Procedures for Enrolling Students in and Discharging from General Educational Institutions and Special Pre-school Educational Groups, and also for Moving Them up into the Next Grade, the length of the additional learning activities shall not exceed three weeks. Additional learning activities may be organised on site for not more than 10 educatees per group, if mouth and nose covers are used and the two-metre distance is maintained, and also other epidemiological safety requirements referred to in this Regulation are complied with. Additional learning activities shall be implemented on site by performing weekly testing of the employees of the educational institution and educatees involved in such activities. Educatees shall not be tested if the number of educatees per group does not exceed five. COVID-19 test need not be taken by the persons referred to in Paragraph 38.27 of this Regulation. Additional learning activities outdoors may be organised for not more than 20 educatees per group, maintaining the two-metre distance.

[17 August 2021]

Prime Minister A. K. Kariņš

Minister for Health I. Viņķele


Annex 1
Cabinet Regulation No. 360
9 June 2020

[15 July 2020; 15 December 2020]

Notification of the COVID-19 Outcome in an Patient

Name of the medical treatment institution  


Given name, surname of the physician   Telephone        
1. Given name, surname of the patient

2. Personal identity number - or

date of birth   .  .    .

3. Sex: female male

age (years):

4. Actual place of residence

5. Admission date   .  .    .

6. Name of the institution
7. Admission diagnosis

8. If admitted to ICU, date   .  .    .

9. Discharge from ICU, date   .  .    .

10. Supporting therapy:

oxygen therapy

pulmonary artificial ventilation


11. Outcome:



12. Date of discharge or death:   .  .    .

13. Date of the laboratory determination of SARS-CoV-2:   .  .    .

14. Chronic illnesses and other risk factors:

yes (mark)


not known

cardiovascular disease

diabetes mellitus


oncological illness



pulmonary disease

immunosuppression, including HIV

liver disease

immunosuppression due to the use of medicinal products

renal disease


neurological or neuro-muscular disease

pregnancy (weeks)  


post-natal period up to 6 weeks


15. Complications:


bacterial pneumonia

acute renal deficiency


other secondary bacterial infection

heart failure



multiple organ failure


Kawasaki syndrome


16. Has patient has used any medicinal products before onset of the disease:

yes (mark)


not known

angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB)
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

17. Other agents have been determined for the patient in laboratory:

yes (mark)


not known

Clinical material

18. Vaccination against influenza and pneumococcal infection:

against influenza in this season:


not vaccinated

not known

against pneumococcal infection:


not vaccinated

not known

19. If the patient has died,

has an autopsy been performed:

yes (mark)


not known

Autopsy result

20. Cause of death in the medical certificate according to the ICD-10:

Part I     ,     ,     ,    

Part II     ,     ,     ,    

Part III     ,     ,     ,    

21. Additional information

Fill-in date*   .  .    .

Signature of the physician* _________________________


Note. * The details of the document "signature", "date", and "seal" shall not be completed if the electronic document has been drawn up in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding drawing up of electronic documents.

Minister for Health I. Viņķele


Annex 2
Cabinet Regulation No. 360
9 June 2020

Report on Immunisation and the Order of COVID-19 Vaccines

[2 February 2021]


Annex 3
Cabinet Regulation No. 360
9 June 2020

Vaccination Priority Groups

[18 February 2021; 4 March 2021; 24 March 2021; 8 April 2021; 13 April 2021; 20 April 2021; 27 April 2021; 29 April 2021; 31 August 2021]

Vaccination priority group Groups of persons to be vaccinated
Group I Health care professionals, including medical practitioners, medical treatment support persons, and employees who ensure care for COVID-19 patients, including employees of the State Emergency Medical Service; medical practitioners, medical treatment support persons, and employees working in hospitals and other medical treatment institutions, and also service providers of medical treatment institutions that ensure the continuity of health care services; general practitioners and general practices; outpatient care specialists and support persons; pharmacists, pharmacists' assistants who work in pharmacies, other employees of pharmacies and medicinal product wholesalers that ensure the distribution, logistics, and continuous availability of medicinal products, including vaccines; medical students (Rīga Stradiņš University, University of Latvia, colleges) who come into direct contact with patients in a medical treatment institution during studies; medical practitioners in educational institutions; inspectors of the Health Inspectorate who control the safety of services in social care centres and medical treatment institutions, including vaccination institutions, and also control the activities of pharmacies
After medical indications - patients for whom serious medical manipulations are necessary according to a decision of a physician, including high-cost or high-complexity surgeries (for example, oncology patients before or during chemotherapy, patients and donors before organ or stem cell transplantation, and patients who stay in inpatient medical treatment institution for long periods)
Group II Employees and clients of long-term social care centres (and other service providers having equivalent risks)
Officials the vaccination of which is required to ensure the continuity of national security and operation of State in accordance with the Cabinet decision
Group III Elderly who are more than 70 years old
Persons with chronic diseases and other physical and mental disorders associated with high risk health disorders caused by COVID-19 (according to the recommendations for organising vaccination for persons with chronic diseases that are published on the website of the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)
Persons who live in one household with children who have chronic diseases and immunodeficiency disorders
Persons who ensure home care for seriously ill persons
Group IV Persons at the age of 60-70 years
Teachers and employees of pre-school, special education institutions and of grades 1 to 6 who, during performance of work duties, come into close contact with children, and also teachers who are recommencing work on site
Participants of Tokyo (Japan) Olympic and Paralympic Games, candidates to such games, servicing sports employees, accredited Latvian mass media representatives who will cover the Tokyo Olympic Games, athletes of the Latvia men's national ice hockey team and servicing sports employees, and also the employees involved in the organisation of the 2021 IIHF Men's Ice Hockey World Championship
Critical employees involved in ensuring the local government elections on 5 June 2021
Group V Employees of educational institutions who, during performance of work duties, are in close contact with educatees (except for teachers and employees of pre-school, special education institutions and of grades 1 to 6 who, upon performing work duties, come into close contact with children)
Employees of operational services, including State Police and municipal police officers; Border Guard officers; SRS operational staff, customs officers; employees of the SFRS
Employees of the Prisons Administration/State Probation Service
Employees of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau
The National Armed Forces (including the National Guard)
Critical energy supply and information and communication technologies merchants
Critical employees of the Saeima
Critical employees of the Bank of Latvia
Employees of critical market surveillance institutions
Critical employees of the transport sector
Critical representatives of the field of culture and education
Critical employees in the field of environmental protection
Critical employees of Orphan's and Custody Courts, social services, and social care centres, an also psychologists who come into close contact with clients upon performing work duties
Critical employees of water management sector
Research workers who work with coronaviruses, other pathogenic viruses and experimental animals, and also who are developing new vaccines
Persons who are undertaking training in provision of first aid on site in accordance with the Cabinet Regulation No. 557 of 14 August 2012, Regulations Regarding Training in Provision of First Aid
Critical employees of the fur farming sector
Group VI Persons who stay in special institutions, including the clients of shelters, persons in prisons
Group VII [29 April 2021]
Group VIII [29 April 2021]
Group IX All other members of the society who have not yet received vaccination, including the groups of persons specified in Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the coordination of social security systems who have the right to receive health care services to the same extent as persons insured in Latvia, the persons who have been granted a temporary residence permit in Latvia, foreign students studying full-time in Latvia, and employees of foreign diplomatic and consular missions, international organisations and their representations who are accredited and residing in Latvia and their family members, refugees or persons to whom the alternative status has been granted, stateless persons to whom the status of the stateless person has been granted in the Republic of Latvia, asylum seekers, detained foreigners who have been detained in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Immigration Law or in other cases if the stay of the person in Latvia is associated with humanitarian considerations


Annex 4
Cabinet Regulation No. 360
9 June 2020

[4 March 2021]

Vaccination Consent Form

Institution performing vaccination
  (name and registration code)
Patient   personal identity number             -          
  (given name, surname)    

Please answer the following questions regarding your health condition (circle as appropriate):

1. Do you have an allergy to any of the components of the vaccine (polyethylene glycol (PEG) or other components containing pegylated molecules, lipids)? Yes No
2. Have you ever had anaphylactic reactions (severe allergic reaction) to any vaccine or an injectable medication? Yes No
3. Do you experience any symptoms of acute infection at the moment, do you have temperature or other complaints about well-being? Yes No
4. Do you use immunosuppressive agents, glucocorticoids, biological medicinal products, beta blockers? Yes No
5. Are you pregnant? Yes No
6. Are you breastfeeding? Yes No
7. Have you received any other vaccination in the last 14 days? Yes No
8. Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection in the last month? Yes No
9. Have you received COVID-19 treatment in the last 90 days? Yes No

The patient confirms that:

• all the questions are answered;

• he or she has received information on vaccination;

• information on vaccination is understandable, including information on possible adverse reactions and complications, their frequency, and actions if such will be observed after vaccination.

Patient (or his or her legal authorised representative)
  (signature and full name)

Date ______________________

Notes of the medical practitioner and the decision to allow or refuse vaccination

Medical practitioner performing vaccination
  (position, given name, surname)

Date ______________________


Annex 5
Cabinet Regulation No. 360
9 June 2020

[13 May 2021]



NAME, SURNAME ______________________________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH (dd/mm/yyyy) _______/_______/_____________

LV PERSONAL CODE _______________-______________

NAME OF VACCINE ________________________________

SERIAL NUMBER __________________



1. DEVA  
1st DOSE _______/_______/_____________  
2. DEVA (ja ir nepieciešama 2. deva)
2nd DOSE _______/_______/_____________ (when 2nd dose is required)

CERTIFICATE ISSUE DATE (dd/mm/yyyy) _______/_______/_____________

NAME OF HEALTHCARE INSTITUTION _____________________________________________

  (specialitāte, vārds, uzvārds)
(speciality, name, surname)

Ārstniecības iestāde var papildināt veidlapu ar citu nepieciešamo informāciju.

The healthcare institution may supplement the form with other necessary information.


Annex 6
Cabinet Regulation No. 360
9 June 2020

[27 May 2021]

COVID-19 Testing Report

1. Country of the person's identifier or issuing country of the presented identity document of the patient
2. If the issuing country of the document presented is Latvia, the personal identity number of the patient
3. If the issuing country of the document presented is not Latvia, the foreign personal identity number of the patient or personal registration number
4. Given name of the patient
5. Surname of the patient
6. Date of birth of the patient
7. Sex of the patient
8. Address of the place of stay in Latvia of the patient
9. Telephone number of the patient with an area code
10. E-mail of the patient
11. Contact persons of the patient (contact person type, contact details)
12. Person ordering the COVID-19 testing
13. If the COVID-19 testing is ordered by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control or Health Inspectorate, the name of the group to be tested (for example, name of the undertaking, school) and contact details
14. Information on the referral to COVID-19 testing:
14.1. payer for the COVID-19 testing
14.2. subject of the COVID-19 testing
14.3. type of the COVID-19 testing
14.4. name of the COVID-19 rapid antigen test
14.5. manufacturer of the COVID-19 rapid antigen test
15. Unique identifier of the sample
16. Sample type
17. Date and time of taking the sample
18. Medical practitioner who is responsible for the COVID-19 test result (given name and surname)
19. Identifier assigned by the Health Inspectorate to the medical practitioner who is responsible for the COVID-19 test result
20. Name, code, address, and telephone number of the medical treatment institution
21. Status of the COVID-19 test result
22. Date and time of the COVID-19 test result
23. COVID-19 test result
24. Information on the strain of virus to be identified

Translation © 2021 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)

Document information
Title: Epidemioloģiskās drošības pasākumi Covid-19 infekcijas izplatības ierobežošanai Status:
No longer in force
no longer in force
Issuer: Cabinet of Ministers Type: regulation Document number: 360Adoption: 09.06.2020.Entry into force: 10.06.2020.End of validity: 11.10.2021.Theme: COVID-19Publication: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 110B, 09.06.2020. OP number: 2020/110B.1
Related documents
  • Has ceased to be valid with
  • Amendments
  • Legal basis of
  • Issued pursuant to
  • Rulings of the Constitutional Court
  • Annotation / draft legal act
  • Explanations
  • Other related documents
{"selected":{"value":"23.09.2021","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.09.2021.-10.10.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},"data":[{"value":"23.09.2021","iso_value":"2021\/09\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.09.2021.-10.10.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"18.09.2021","iso_value":"2021\/09\/18","content":"<font class='s-1'>18.09.2021.-22.09.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.09.2021","iso_value":"2021\/09\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.09.2021.-17.09.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"04.09.2021","iso_value":"2021\/09\/04","content":"<font class='s-1'>04.09.2021.-09.09.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.09.2021","iso_value":"2021\/09\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.09.2021.-03.09.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"27.08.2021","iso_value":"2021\/08\/27","content":"<font class='s-1'>27.08.2021.-31.08.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"20.08.2021","iso_value":"2021\/08\/20","content":"<font class='s-1'>20.08.2021.-26.08.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.08.2021","iso_value":"2021\/08\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.08.2021.-19.08.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.07.2021","iso_value":"2021\/07\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.07.2021.-11.08.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.07.2021","iso_value":"2021\/07\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.07.2021.-20.07.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.07.2021","iso_value":"2021\/07\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.07.2021.-15.07.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.07.2021","iso_value":"2021\/07\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.07.2021.-11.07.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2021","iso_value":"2021\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2021.-08.07.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"23.06.2021","iso_value":"2021\/06\/23","content":"<font class='s-1'>23.06.2021.-30.06.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.06.2021","iso_value":"2021\/06\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.06.2021.-22.06.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.06.2021","iso_value":"2021\/06\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.06.2021.-15.06.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.06.2021","iso_value":"2021\/06\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.06.2021.-14.06.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"02.06.2021","iso_value":"2021\/06\/02","content":"<font class='s-1'>02.06.2021.-11.06.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.06.2021","iso_value":"2021\/06\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.06.2021.-01.06.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"29.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/29","content":"<font class='s-1'>29.05.2021.-31.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"20.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/20","content":"<font class='s-1'>20.05.2021.-28.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.05.2021.-19.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.05.2021.-14.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.05.2021.-06.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.05.2021.-05.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.05.2021","iso_value":"2021\/05\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.05.2021.-02.05.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"30.04.2021","iso_value":"2021\/04\/30","content":"<font class='s-1'>30.04.2021.-30.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"22.04.2021","iso_value":"2021\/04\/22","content":"<font class='s-1'>22.04.2021.-29.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"19.04.2021","iso_value":"2021\/04\/19","content":"<font class='s-1'>19.04.2021.-21.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.04.2021","iso_value":"2021\/04\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.04.2021.-18.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.04.2021","iso_value":"2021\/04\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.04.2021.-14.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.04.2021","iso_value":"2021\/04\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.04.2021.-09.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"27.03.2021","iso_value":"2021\/03\/27","content":"<font class='s-1'>27.03.2021.-06.04.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"19.03.2021","iso_value":"2021\/03\/19","content":"<font class='s-1'>19.03.2021.-26.03.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.03.2021","iso_value":"2021\/03\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.03.2021.-18.03.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"13.03.2021","iso_value":"2021\/03\/13","content":"<font class='s-1'>13.03.2021.-16.03.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.03.2021","iso_value":"2021\/03\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.03.2021.-12.03.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"27.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/27","content":"<font class='s-1'>27.02.2021.-08.03.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"25.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/25","content":"<font class='s-1'>25.02.2021.-26.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"20.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/20","content":"<font class='s-1'>20.02.2021.-24.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.02.2021.-19.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.02.2021.-14.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"08.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/08","content":"<font class='s-1'>08.02.2021.-11.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.02.2021.-07.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.02.2021","iso_value":"2021\/02\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.02.2021.-05.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"25.01.2021","iso_value":"2021\/01\/25","content":"<font class='s-1'>25.01.2021.-02.02.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"22.01.2021","iso_value":"2021\/01\/22","content":"<font class='s-1'>22.01.2021.-24.01.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"15.01.2021","iso_value":"2021\/01\/15","content":"<font class='s-1'>15.01.2021.-21.01.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.01.2021","iso_value":"2021\/01\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.01.2021.-14.01.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"02.01.2021","iso_value":"2021\/01\/02","content":"<font class='s-1'>02.01.2021.-05.01.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"22.12.2020","iso_value":"2020\/12\/22","content":"<font class='s-1'>22.12.2020.-01.01.2021.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.12.2020","iso_value":"2020\/12\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.12.2020.-21.12.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"09.12.2020","iso_value":"2020\/12\/09","content":"<font class='s-1'>09.12.2020.-20.12.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"02.12.2020","iso_value":"2020\/12\/02","content":"<font class='s-1'>02.12.2020.-08.12.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"19.11.2020","iso_value":"2020\/11\/19","content":"<font class='s-1'>19.11.2020.-01.12.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"07.11.2020","iso_value":"2020\/11\/07","content":"<font class='s-1'>07.11.2020.-18.11.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"04.11.2020","iso_value":"2020\/11\/04","content":"<font class='s-1'>04.11.2020.-06.11.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"30.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/30","content":"<font class='s-1'>30.10.2020.-03.11.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"28.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/28","content":"<font class='s-1'>28.10.2020.-29.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"26.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/26","content":"<font class='s-1'>26.10.2020.-27.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"24.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/24","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.10.2020.-25.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"21.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/21","content":"<font class='s-1'>21.10.2020.-23.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.10.2020.-20.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"14.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/14","content":"<font class='s-1'>14.10.2020.-16.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"12.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/12","content":"<font class='s-1'>12.10.2020.-13.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.10.2020.-11.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"06.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/06","content":"<font class='s-1'>06.10.2020.-09.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.10.2020","iso_value":"2020\/10\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.10.2020.-05.10.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"24.09.2020","iso_value":"2020\/09\/24","content":"<font class='s-1'>24.09.2020.-30.09.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.09.2020","iso_value":"2020\/09\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.09.2020.-23.09.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.09.2020","iso_value":"2020\/09\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.09.2020.-16.09.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"08.09.2020","iso_value":"2020\/09\/08","content":"<font class='s-1'>08.09.2020.-09.09.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"03.09.2020","iso_value":"2020\/09\/03","content":"<font class='s-1'>03.09.2020.-07.09.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"17.08.2020","iso_value":"2020\/08\/17","content":"<font class='s-1'>17.08.2020.-02.09.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.08.2020","iso_value":"2020\/08\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.08.2020.-16.08.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"16.07.2020","iso_value":"2020\/07\/16","content":"<font class='s-1'>16.07.2020.-31.07.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"11.07.2020","iso_value":"2020\/07\/11","content":"<font class='s-1'>11.07.2020.-15.07.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"01.07.2020","iso_value":"2020\/07\/01","content":"<font class='s-1'>01.07.2020.-10.07.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>V\u0113sturisk\u0101<\/font>"},{"value":"10.06.2020","iso_value":"2020\/06\/10","content":"<font class='s-1'>10.06.2020.-30.06.2020.<\/font> <font class='s-2'>Pamata<\/font>"}]}
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